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Save a life & a tree! To receive Pulse via email, go to the website listed below for your area. Click the newsletter sign-up button on the home page. SPRING ‘12 Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) is the only nonprofit blood center governed by Oklahomans for Oklahomans. OBI has been providing blood products for Oklahoma since 1977. Today, OBI provides every drop of blood needed by patients in 139 medical facilities across Oklahoma. The donor centers are located across the state in Ada, Ardmore, Enid, Lawton, Oklahoma City, Ponca City and Tulsa. Additional locations in the Oklahoma City area include Edmond, Midwest City and Norman. Texas Blood Institute, (TBI) an affiliate of OBI, has been the sole provider of all blood and blood products to north Texas since June 2004. A nonprofit, regional blood center, it serves all eight hospitals in Archer, Baylor, Clay, Foard, Hardeman, Wichita and Wilbarger counties. Its flagship donor center is conveniently located at 3709 Gregory Street in Wichita Falls. Donors with Arkansas Blood Institute (ABI) exclusively meet the blood needs of patients in 17 hospitals in western Arkansas. This includes Clark, Crawford, Franklin, Garland, Hot Spring, +PIOTPO-PHBO.POUHPNFSZ 1JLF1PML4DPUU4FCBTUJBOBOE Yell counties, as well as Adair, 4FRVPZBI)BTLFMM-BUJNFSBOE -F'MPSFJOFBTUFSO0LMBIPNB Donor centers are located in Fort Smith and Hot Springs. ABI is affiliated with OBI. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. FEEL RENEWED. GIVE BLOOD. As you enjoy the rebirth of nature this Spring, do your part to renew lives by giving blood. When you give now through May, you’ll receive a good-to-go travel tumbler in appreciation, OR you can choose to forgo the tumbler, and redirect its cost to support the American Heart Association through April, and local children’s hospitals in May. KOCO-TV Chief Meteorologist Rick Mitchell APRIL 13-14 - OKC Mathis Brothers Furniture, 3434 W. Reno; 2-7 p.m., promoted by KOCO-TV. In addition to other giveaways, donors will have a chance to win a $1,000 gift certificate from Mathis Brothers Furniture. MAY 24 - 25 - Pre-Memorial Day Drives, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., sponsored by Oklahoma Pork Council Oklahoma donor centers Free barbeque pork sandwiches and fixin’s plus a chance to win a catered barbeque pork picnic for 40. These radio stations across Oklahoma will join in: r Ada’s BOSS r"SENPSFT,539 r&OJET,0'. r-BXUPOT.BHJD r0LMBIPNB$JUZT,0." ,.(-,390,0,$ r1PODB$JUZT5FBN3BEJP r5VMTBT,700 Texas donor center Coupon for Golden Chick combo meal; ice cream from Oak Farms Dairy & Southwestern Ice Cream; sponsored by Wichita Falls’ BOB FM Open Arms Heal Hearts Now through April, you can support the American Heart Association (AHA) by forgoing the tumbler or T-shirt offered in appreciation for giving blood. In turn, our organization will make a monetary contribution of similar value to support the American Heart Association. Combine your gift of life-saving blood with a contribution to AHA by simply declining your appreciation item. Support education, research and treatments for heart disease. SPRING ‘12 Marrow Donor Touches Life ‘Down Under’ What began with a desire to help a friend resulted in hope for a family an ocean away. -JOEB4FYUPO/PSNBOSFHJTUFSFEthrough Oklahoma Blood Institute as a potential marrow donor in 1997. She was inspired when she learned a colleague was in need of a marrow transplant. Though she wasn’t a match for her friend, she was contacted in 2004. After thorough testing at OBI in collaboration with the international marrow registry, she was selected as the match for a 4 month old in Australia. 3IJBOOPO$BSTPOIBE been diagnosed with acute MZNQIPCMBTUJDMFVLFNJB"-- Linda with Rhiannon, 7. She was given less than a year to live. However, because of Linda’s decision seven years prior3IJBOOPOXPVMESFDFJWFUIFMJGFTBWJOH marrow she needed. -JOEBTNBSSPXEPOBUJPOXBTQFSGPSNFEBU06 .FEJDBM$FOUFSBOETFOUUP"VTUSBMJBXIFSF3IJBOOPO underwent her marrow transplant at 8 months old. Her recovery has been steady, and she has grown to be an active, bright and outgoing little girl. -JOEBXBTBMMPXFEUPGPSXBSEBUFEEZCFBSBOEDBSE UP3IJBOOPO#VUUIFDPNNVOJDBUJPOEJEOPUFOE UIFSF3IJBOOPOTQBSFOUTXBOUFEUPLOPXUIFQFSTPO who had helped their daughter. The two families were allowed to exchange names and became acquainted UISPVHIFNBJMTBOEQIPOFDPOWFSTBUJPOT-BTUGBMM Linda and her husband, John, traveled to Australia to meet Rhiannon and her family. “It’s humbling, to know she wouldn’t be alive today except for this type of medical intervention,” said -JOEBi8FSFGBNJMZOPX5IFSFTBDPOOFDUJPOUIFSF that won’t be broken.” You, too, can be a match. To learn more about registering as a marrow donor, contact our marrow program coordinator at 405-297-5593. PULSE — PAGE 2 — SPRING ‘12 Our 2011 Contributors In 2011, Oklahoma Blood Institute received several significant gifts to support our needs. We would like to recognize those major gifts and thank everyone who made a contribution of any amount. Your generosity helps us meet the needs of the communities we serve. tPriddy Foundation...................................$115,000 tKerr Foundation........................................$30,000 tJames McFarland Estate.........................$24,596 tHerman G. Kaiser Foundation.................$20,000 tJames N McCoy Foundation...................$20,000 tJ.S. Bridwell Foundation..........................$20,000 tBryant Edwards Foundation....................$20,000 tDr. Donald Halverstadt.............................$15,000 tFain Foundation........................................$10,000 8IFUIFSZPVDBOHJWFPSBMMEPOBUJPOT make a huge difference in helping us fulfill our mission. *GBMMPGPVSCMPPEEPOPSTDPOUSJCVUFEKVTUBZFBSXF would nearly triple the life-saving total listed above. We ask everyone who is inspired or touched by the miracle of blood transfusion to contribute. Contributions can be made online at,, or (click Financial Support) or by mail to Attn: Gary Lynch, Development, OBI, 1001 N. Lincoln Blvd., OKC, OK 73104. Contact Gary at or 405-297-5545. Hospital Inspires Employees to Give Thanks to our wonderful partners at Norman Regional Health System!&NQMPZFFTXIPHBWFCMPPEBUMFBTU GPVSUJNFTEVSJOHSFDFJWFEBOJ1PE4IVGáF Twenty-two employees qualified after giving during a pre-Christmas drive, held to help when most needed, just a few days before Christmas. David Whittaker, CEO of the Norman Regional Health System; Stacey Kuykendal, blood drive coordinator; and John Armitage, M.D., CEO & president of OBI. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. All On A Blood Bag When you or someone you love is receiving a blood The universal blood bag labeling system outlined transfusion, you can rest assured that blood delivered below ensures that recipients are getting the precise to the 158 hospitals we serve meets the highest type of blood needed. It also indicates that the blood FDA and industry standards. product has passed rigorous testing and screening. Donor Identification Number unique to each of our donors Barcode indicates the and the coding standard for CMPPEUZQFBOE3IGBDUPS blood centers worldwide Facility name, location, and FDA license and &ZFSFBEBCMFJOEJDBUPS registration numbers of blood type BOE3IGBDUPS Barcode form of the expiration date of the product Donor type and reference for product’s intended use &ZFSFBEBCMF expiration date of the product* Internationally utilized barcode to identify product type and description &ZFSFBEBCMFQSPEVDU type with product description *Barcodes found below the expiration date indicate any extra testing required to match recipient and donor Grateful Mom Seeks Out Son’s Donor Jaylen Glover, Oklahoma City, is an active toddler. But during the first months of his life, his health was in jeopardy. Jaylen suffered from repeated episodes of fever, spiking at 103 degrees. Several doctor visits yielded OPBOTXFST0OFEBZIJTNPUIFS-BUBTIB4UFWFOTPO found Jaylen looking “lifeless.” -BUBTIBSVTIFE+BZMFOUP5IF$IJMESFOT)PTQJUBMBU06 Medical Center, where he spent the next three days in the intensive care unit"DDPSEJOHUP-BUBTIB Jaylen’s hemoglobin count was dangerously low. He needed a blood transfusion. Though the reason behind Jaylen’s condition remains BNZTUFSZIFIBTGVMMZSFDPWFSFE-BUBTIBDSFEJUTUIF blood transfusion from our donors with saving Jaylen’s MJGF"TIFHSFX-BUBTIBXBOUFEUPUIBOLUIPTFXIPTF PULSE — PAGE 3 —SPRING ‘12 blood had been given to her son. 8JUI-BUBTIBTBQQSPWBMXFPCUBJOFENFEJDBM records and matched them to ours. Melody Foutty, a Geary resident, was identified as Jaylen’s donor. -BUBTIBBOE Jaylen were able to meet Melody in person and express their gratitude for Jaylen Glover, OKC blood recipient, with his Melody’s donor, Melody Foutty, Geary. life-saving gift. FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #527 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Oklahoma Blood Institute /-JODPMO#MWE 0LMBIPNB$JUZ0, Tulsa’s Latest Look Open Arms for Children If you haven’t seen Tulsa’s donor center lately, you’re in for a treat. During a recent remodel, the following areas were altered for donor comfort and convenience: rWaiting and refreshment areas were restructured with more comfortable seating, and a donor coffee bar was added. r3FTUSPPNTXFSF remodeled to include new fixtures and updated finishes. r1SJWBUFEPOPSQSPDFEVSFSPPNTXFSFBEEFEGPS medical and some therapeutic procedures. In May, donors who forgo the “go cup” offered when they give can assist in Children’s Miracle Network’s support of children’s hospitals in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Texas and Arkansas. Children’s Miracle Network is charged with making sure that if a child needs care, it can be provided close to home. The renovation also included the addition of five offices to allow for staff growth. Ada’s Appreciation In December, the Ada donor center held a dinner in honor of the donors and volunteers who made a difference in 2011. During this special evening, blood recipient, 15-year-old Ty Kiser, Sulphur, was able to meet some of the donors who saved his life. Ty was shot in a hunting accident last June. Doctors at 06.FEJDBM$FOUFSSFNPWFEPOFPG5ZTMVOHTUPTBWF his life. In the 24 hours immediately after his accident, he needed 68 units of life-saving blood in addition to the units received during surgery. Ty has made a full recovery, attends Sulphur High School and is a member of the football team. (l to r): Donor Sarah Rawlins, Moore; recipient Ty Kiser; donor Matthew Martin, Blair; and donor Jeff Potter, Moore. PULSE — PAGE 4 — SPRING ‘12 Toll Free: 877-340-8777 FEEL GOOD. GIVE BLOOD. t Headquarters/-JODPMO#MWE0LMBIPNB$JUZ0,
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found in the “Volunteer” link on the Blood Institute’s
website, or contact Stephanie Huston at
(918) 704-1597 or