the soundpost - California Chapter of the American String Teacher`s
the soundpost - California Chapter of the American String Teacher`s
THE SOUNDPOST CALIFORNIA CHAPTER, INC., of the AMERICAN STRING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION SPRING 2014 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CIRCULATION President’s Message……………………….….…….5 Cal-ASTA State Board Officers & Members…..….6 Secretary’s Minutes of State Board Meeting 7 to 7-3 Treasurer’s Report and Membership Report..……..8 ASTA Members in California…………………..……...…..…1040 President, Editors, Advertisers, Colleges/Universities……………………..360 TOTAL CIRCULATION……………….……..…1400 Fresno Section Report………………………….…..10 Los Angeles Section Report…….……………..…..11 Moved? Not getting email notices? ASTA CAP…………………………...…………….12 String Project Reports (Sacramento)…………...….13 Send your new address, phone, e-mail address to String Project Reports (Redlands and San Diego)..14 Sacramento and Stockton Section Reports…….….15 San Francisco Section Report……………..……16-17 International Cello Festival………………………19 CODA Section Report…………………..……...….23 OUR SINCERE THANKS TO OUR ADVERTISERS When you patronize these businesses, please mention that you appreciate their ads in THE SOUNDPOST + Indicates member of the String Industry Council (SIC) ADVERTISERS INDEX ADVERTISER PAGE WEB-SITE ++Alfred Music Publishing Co., Inc…………...…………21………….… Benning Fine Violins……………………………….….…22……… Scott Cao Violins, Inc……………………………..……..18………… Robert Cauer – Violin Maker………………………..….BC…………………… +Connolly Music Co, Inc. [Thomastik-Infeld]…………22……….… Foster’s Violin Shop…………………………………..….21……… Fresno Pacific University……………………………..…..9…………………… Fresno State University…………………………………..20……..………… Morey’s Music……………………………………………..4…………… +Potter Violin Company………………………………….9…………… +Antonio Rizzo – Violins……………………….……….21…………….…… +Shar Products Co. …………………………………....IBC………..……… M. & R. Weisshaar & Son…………………………..…..22………… +Yamaha Corporation of America……………………IFC………………...… THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 3 3 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 4 Dear California ASTA Members, I am pleased to announce the addition of two new Calasta board members. Lawrence Huang has accepted the Soundpost editor position. Mr. Huang is a member of the San Francisco Section and was also recently elected to the board of the California Orchestra Director’s Association (CODA). He is currently a violin lecturer at Diablo Valley College and serves as the concertmaster for the DVC Philharmonic. Our second new addition is Gayane Korkmazian. She has agreed to serve as Historian, a position that has been vacant for many years. Gayane is a member of the Fresno Section and has held many Calasta positions in past including State President 2006-2008. She is also currently serving as our Insurance Liaison. The new Calasta website is up and running! As before, the website will serve as the central information center for all California ASTA members and other visitors. One of the newest features is an interactive color-coded map, which will direct all newcomers to each section by county. Other features include three social networks, section Google calendars, photos and evote. Please come visit us at Congratulations to the 16 California students who were invited to participate in the 2014 National High School Honors Orchestra in Louisville, Kentucky, March 5-7! They are as follows: Violin: Viola: Cello: BJ Kim; Irvine, CA Irene Kim; Diamond Bar, CA Rachel Koh; Redlands, CA Kotaro Tsutsumi; Irvine, CA Peter Min; Irvine, CA Thomas Seo; Irvine, CA Eileen Wang; Irvine, CA Albert Tung; Irvine, CA Sangmin Song; Irvine, CA Flute: Oboe: French Horn: Sarah Ohanian; Santa Monica, CA Ryan Roberts; Santa Monica, CA Josh Maccoby; Santa Monica, CA Trombone: Trumpet: Piano: Liam Glendening; Redlands, CA Chris Armstrong: Malibu, CA Kevin Huang; Irvine, CA Darrell Lumbres: Exeter, CA For a complete list of all invitees, please visit Don’t forget to mark your calendars! March 5-8, 2014 ASTA National Conference Louisville, Kentucky National Conference* Exhibits* National Orchestra Festival* National High School Honors Orchestra* THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 5 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 6 Minutes of the State Board Meeting in Redland, CA – August 18, 2013 California Chapter, American String Teachers Association State Board Meeting August 18, 2013 Minutes CALL TO ORDER- Kim The meeting was called to order at 11:12 AM at the home of Kyle Champion. Members in attendance were Kim Cole, Tom Tatton, Michael Feeney, Kyle Champion, Bonnie Lockrem, Lubo Velickovic, Lawrence Huang, and Gay Currier. INTRODUCTIONS – Kim Each member introduced themselves and spoke of how they are affiliated with ASTA. MINUTES - Bonnie The minutes were moved to be approved by Kyle and seconded by Gay. TREASURERʼS REPORT - MIchael Opening Balance - $27,722.73. Total expenses - $15,793.86. Total income - $9,756.66. Balance as of August 18, 2013 - $21,685.53. Sponsorship tiles are available for purchase on website – several are pending PRESIDENTʼS REPORT- Kim New Calasta website serves as the central information center for all members and interested visitors. It includes an interactive, color-coded map and unlimited space to hold all newsletters, announcements, photos and videos. Each section President has access to their own section Google Calendar and can independently input dates and times for upcoming events. Send all documents (except calendar info) in “word” or “pdf” format and photos in “jpeg” format to new webmaster, Kim Cole. This website has been nominated for “Best ASTA” Website award. Working on possibility of e-voting on new website for upcoming election in spring of 2014 for President–Elect. All section Presidents are asked to find out how many of their section members do not have email access. THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 7 Welcome to new Soundpost Editor, Lawrence Huang, violin lecturer at Diablo College, Concertmaster for the DVS Philharmonic and a recently elected member of the CODA board. Gayanne Korkmazian is our new Historian. Tom will speak with Dieter about keeping historical files at Fresno Pacific University. Susan Lamb Cook and Kim Cole will work together to co-chair the upcoming State Solo Competition in Northern California, October 2014. The competition will be held in So. Cal in 2016. All are encouraged to attend the next National ASTA Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, March 5-8, 2014. SECTION REPORTS Fresno - David No report Los Angeles – Kyle COMPETITIONS: Bowed Strings – 77 students, 6 areas; 34 to Regionalʼs; Guitar – 19 students, 4 divisions; Harp – no data. ASTA CAP – 5 locations: 88 students representing 13 vln/vla and 4 cello teachers. WORKSHOPS - University of Redlands Harp Clinic in July offered by Dr. Noa Kageyama; AWARDS – Peter Marsh (Studio Teacher of the year); Andrew Osman (String Educator of the Year), Lonie Bosserman (Service to the String Community). Awardees were recognized at Greater LA ASTA Finals, CSU Fullerton in May. GRANTS: ASTA LA board will offer grants to worthwhile string projects. Guidelines were codified and will be distributed to members, thanks to Wendy Velasco, among others. One grant was given to the Harp Society for guest violist to perform at convention. “MEET and GREET” opportunities to be held around the region to help build sense of community. Sacramento - Gay Spring recital was held at Monroe Manor. Inaugural Chamber Music Workshop was held April 28 at UCD, co-chaired by Christina Dolanc and Gay Currier. It featured 4 quartets and 4 coaches. Upcoming: Fall recital in Davis; Spring recital in Sacramento with a raffle and silent auction. Next Chamber Music Workshop will be in March, 2014 and Solo Competition in May, with Prizes of $75 for each instrument. San Diego – Isaac - no report - Tom will contact Isaac San Francisco – Kim (reporting for Cybele) Monthly Teacher Symposiums - 2nd Saturday of each month at 4:00pm through May 2014 Berkeley School of Strings and Improvisation (1336 Carleton St., Berkeley) On September 12, Tristanne Talarico led us in a discussion of Paul Rollandʼs contributions to string pedagogy and discussed some of his specific techniques for teaching vibrato. On October 12, Cookie Segelstein presented "Integrating Folk Styles into your Lessons" and shared with us some fascinating insights into her specialty, klesmer fiddling. Our next symposium will be on November 9. Grant Proposals and Contributions - January 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 7-1 Grant Proposals and Contributions - January 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014 ASTA San Francisco will award grants in November to musical organizations that initiate and promote activities that advance the art of string playing through special projects or the purchase of equipment. These grants will be funded by our local section and private donations. Click on the "Grant Program Guidelines" on the top left of this page for more details. Donations may be sent to our treasurer, Cookie Segelstein. Contact her at for payment details. Chamber Music Festival - Saturday, October 26, 2013, 10am-2pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1501 Walnut Street, Berkeley) Students of all ages and levels are invited to play chamber music for a few hours, receive coaching and put on an impromptu performance. We also welcome advanced students who would like to participate as coaches-in-training. Admission is free but we will accept donations for our Special Grants Fund. Halloween costumes are welcome. Winnersʼ Recital - ASTA SF Solo Competition 2013 Saturday, November 2 at 4:00pm Piedmont Center for the Arts (801 Magnolia Ave., Piedmont) ASTA CAP 2014 Sunday, March 16, 2014 Crowden Music Center (1475 Rose St., Berkeley) 2014 Solo Competition Sunday, April 27, 2014 San Francisco Conservatory of Music (50 Oak St., San Francisco) Stockton – Lubo Velickovic (reporting for Ann Miller) Stockton ASTA presented its annual Spring Recital on May 5th, 2012 at St. Johnʼs the Evangelist. Eleven students performed, representing the studios of five ASTA teachers. Stockton ASTA held its annual fall meeting on August 29th, during which time we scheduled our 2014 Honor Recital and Spring Recital. We will also discussed ways to engage more students from local school string programs and the Harmony Stockton program. Several Stockton ASTA members, including Rita Wilcox and Jackie Lew, are participating in the Valley Community Orchestra's second season. SOUNDPOST EDITOR AND MEMBERSHIP – Lawrence Huang Last Soundpost, submitted by Richard Anshutz, will be put on-line, in color, for viewing. Tom proposed we have both on-line and hard copy available (pdf)- Seconded by Kyle. Approved by board unanimously. UPCOMING ELECTION - Emails will be sent to leaders of each section in search of interested parties to run for President–Elect. Next newsletter will include option for voting preference. Each Section President will send out survey for voting preference those who does not have internet access will receive hard copy ballots. THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 7-2 BY LAWS - Tom distributed Packet of Documents: 2007 Constitution, Proposed bylaws, State Elections summary, Webmaster description, Ann Millerʼs suggestions for bylaws. NEW BUSINESS – Kyle is new membership chair, replacing Richard Anshutz. Tom will contact Gayanne about proposed housing for honor groups at University. Tom is communicating with Russ Sperling re: ASTA with CMEA. Michael Boitz is Orchestra Rep with CODA NEXT MEETING - The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 6 11:00 a.m. in Sacramento, location to be announced at a later date ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 12:54 p.m. PLEASE CHECK OUT WWW.CALASTA.ORG FOR FEBRUARY UP COMING ELECTION THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 7-3 ASTA California Chapter August 18, 2013 February 23, 2013 Bank Balance Outstanding Checks as of 02/23/2013 Outstanding Deposits as of 02/23/2013 Adjusted Opening Balance INCOME Rebates/Grants Soundpost Advertising Website Sponsorships Total Income: EXPENSES Newsletters Rebates to Sections Meeting Expenses Competition Awards Competition Accompanist Website Development Website Hosting Service Plaques Total Expenses: February 23, 2013 Adjusted Balance Plus Income Total Minus Expenses August 18, 2013 Bank Balance 27,722.73 27,722.73 8,506.66 650.00 600.00 9,756.66 2,283.44 4,253.28 1,258.25 5,700.00 300.00 1,500.00 283.65 215.24 15,793.86 27,722.73 9,756.66 15,793.86 21,685.53 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 8 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 9 On Saturday, September 14, 2013 the Fresno ASTA Section held its annual competition on the campus of Fresno Pacific University. The adjudicators were Dr. Rob Hodges and Judith Robinson. The Fresno Section offers a Novice Division in addition to the traditional Junior and Senior Divisions. The Novice Division gives young students a first opportunity to gain competition experience. Cellist Olivia Lin (student of Dr. Thomas Loewenheim) won the Novice Division which had a total of four competitors. The Junior Division had the largest number of competitors with eight entries. There were two winners in that age division: Joanne Chen and Derek Zheng, violin (students of Thi Nguyen). Harpist Erin Kim (student of Laura Porter) was awarded an Honorable Mention. Cellist Aimee Dockum (student of Dr. Thomas Loewenheim) won the Senior Division. The teachers represented by student entrants were Arthur Howansky, Laura Porter, Dr. Valerie Walden, Dr. Thomas Loewenheim, Thi Nguyen, and Dr. Limor TorenImmerman Dr. Dieter Wulfhorst was the site host, supported by Gayane Korkmazian. The seventeenth annual chamber music workshop for young students will take place on Saturday, February 1, 2014 at Alta Sierra Middle School in Clovis, California. Respectfully submitted Dieter Wulfhorst THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 10 Greetings to ASTA members throughout the great state of California. We’re pleased to share some very exciting news about happenings in and around the Los Angeles Section. Our annual competition involved close to 100 students in bowed strings, guitar, and harp. Our hard working volunteers in each area are to be commended, with special acknowledgement of the role Gloria Liu Traulle plays in organizing the LA Regional finals. ASTA Certificate Advancement Program (ASTA CAP) has exploded in our Section. From a handful of students participating a couple of years ago to the nearly 90 representing 17 teachers around the region, we’ve grown into a wonderful program to give students recognition and motivation as they practice and prepare throughout the academic year. Thanks go to Kay Pech for her tireless efforts to get this program flying high in the Los Angeles Section. ASTA member and harpist Mary Dropkin held her annual Harp Clinic at the University of Redlands this past summer, and special guest clinician Dr. Noa Kageyama (the Bulletproof Musician) was featured in 3 sessions over the course of the week. Attendance at this was made available to LA area ASTA members for a reduced fee. What a great opportunity for our local members to experience the insight of this fascinating individual. Because of the healthy financial position our section enjoys, we have begun offering grants to local members or organizations that have terrific ideas of furthering string education in our region. We’re currently in the review and approval stage of this program. Thanks to Wendy Velasco for her work in getting this program up and running smoothly. Finally, we recently held our first Meet and Greet reception in Woodland Hills. We met with several local members to snack, chat and explore the avenues our Los Angeles Section should explore as we expand our offerings to all our members. We expect to hold more of these receptions throughout our “service area” to better reach out to our members around the region. Check the State Website or our Facebook page (ASTA Los Angeles) for current information on all our happenings! THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 11 Southern California ASTA CAP plans are shaping up. We will be adding more dates and locations, but at the present we have the following available in 2014: Saturday, April 26 in Woodland Hills Studio Saturday, May 3 in Bellflower Music School Saturday, May 17 in San Clemente church Saturday, May 24 in Fullerton Music Studio Application forms will be posted in early January for registration for each of these dates. Teachers are encouraged to download the free syllabus, which includes the list of literature, etudes and scales to prepare at each level of development. The deadlines for registration are one month prior to the evaluation date. For more information, contact the ASTA CAP Los Angeles Chair, Kay Pech at THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 12 Sacramento State String Project News Flash! Thanks go out to Sacramento State’s Music Department! With over 50 new 4th to 8th grade beginners added to the returning students, use of the complete 2nd floor of Capistrano Hall is necessary to accommodate our 5 different instruction rooms Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:45. In addition to the children brought to campus by their parents, a full bus of children arrives from the Robla School District. Congratulations Mr. Stanley for the great recruiting assemblies! Thank goodness many of the Sacramento State student teachers on the project are returning and have experience directing classrooms! The two beginning rooms are taught by violin/violists Paul Sikes and Sandro Ladu, assisted by Phylicia Morris, Sapphire Valdivia, Sean Metcalfe and Jun Zhu. The 15 beginning cellists are taught by Elizabeth Kirstin, assisted by Luis Lugo. The intermediate room of violinists and cellists is co-led by Emily Shepard and Cody Alves, both violinists with cello experience. The orchestra room is conducted by Shannon Houston, violin and Andrew Mearns, cello/bass. Please check out our website and the “Project Teachers” page to see their pictures and read their biographies. This is an exciting group of talented musicians and the children are benefitting from their guidance. Many children are taking advantage of the additional individual lessons during the 5:45-6:35 hour. These classes are offered on a first come-first serve basis for an additional fee and allow the teachers to gain lesson experience. Currently the apprentice teachers are working with Professors Bossuat-Gallic and Stanley on teaching steps, organizing classes, creating materials and concert program selection. We are looking forward to our December concert. For the Spring Semester, continuing and returning students will be accepted as well as students with some experience on a stringed instrument (accepted by simple audition). Many children in the Sacramento area are profiting from the String Project to gain experience on strings or to supplement their private lessons or school programs in the Sacramento area. CONCERT: Monday, December 16, 2013 7:00-8:00pm. FREE. Recital Concert Hall - Capistrano Hall next to parking structure I THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 13 University of Redlands String Project Point Loma String Project The University of Redlands String Project is thrilled to share news from its third year of existence. Master Teacher Becky Long, Director Kyle Champion and all our UR apprentice teachers are enthusiastically working with over 60 4-8th graders from the Redlands Unified School District as well as other local string students. We offer 2 beginning, one intermediate and one third year class twice weekly on the University of Redlands campus. Word of mouth has spread far and wide, and our students are becoming the “rock stars” of the RUSD string program. This is exactly the intent of developing our program – to enhance the local school string programs. In addition, our University apprentice teachers are gaining valuable experience in classroom skills, which will greatly boost their ability to be hired as they move out into the world of string education. Special thanks go to Dr. Andrew Glendening and the staff of the School of Music office for all their support. Point Loma String Project, entering its eleventh year, currently serves 45 string students with four Teacher Apprentices. String classes at three levels bring young string players through the first stages of learning on their instruments. Each level comes twice-aweek to prepare for concerts and to improve Typically, a student will participate in Point Loma String Project for 3-5 years, continuing in whatever school string program available to them, and then will proceed to one of the fine youth orchestras in San Diego. For the first time, a student who started in Point Loma String Project has followed that route and come full circle. She now attends Point Loma Nazarene University on a cello scholarship. This is a gratifying development. Another gratifying development is the work of our former Teacher Apprentices as they have taught strings in San Diego, Northern California, Phoenix, and Boston. I am pleased that Point Loma String Project continues to contribute new string players and new string teachers in our nation’s struggle against a coarsening culture. THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 14 Our Spring Recital was very enjoyable, and the facility we used, Monroe Manor, a retirement home, was ideal. We’d like to return there next year. Stockton ASTA presented its annual Spring Recital on May 5th, 2012 at St. John’s the Evangelist. Eleven students performed, representing the studios of five ASTA teachers. The Board decided to let the apparent lack of our membership’s curiosity about ASTACAP alone for the time being in the hopes that repetitive articles about it in the newsletter will spark some interest. (So far, only two member have expressed interest.) Stockton ASTA held its annual fall meeting on August 29th, during which time we scheduled our 2014 Honor Recital and Spring Recital. We will also discussed ways to engage more students from local school string programs and the Harmony Stockton program. We did not hold a Solo Competition this year due to financial constraints. Instead, we held our inaugural Chamber Music Workshop April 28 at UC Davis, which was a marvelous success. The Workshop was co-chaired by Christina Dolanc and Gay Currier. Registration was held from 11:30-noon, with coaching from 12-4 p.m. (with a snack break). The 4 p.m. recital featured four quartets: two elementary level, one junior high and one high school. There were four coaches. Fees were $30 for students of non-members and $25 for students of members. Suggested improvements for next year included: staff an administrator to welcome, organize, handle details etc.; and, move the groups rather than coaches from room to room. Next year, we should be able to offer a stipend to each coach; Board members who coach are welcome to donate their services. Several Stockton ASTA members, including Rita Wilcox and Jackie Lew, are participating in the Valley Community Orchestra's second season. We are planning a Fall recital in Davis and a Spring recital in Sacramento as well as the Solo Competition. The Spring recital will feature a raffle and silent auction that will include a collectable piece of music-themed ceramic art donated by the highly talented Davis ceramicist and ASTA supporter, Heidi Bekebrede. THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 15 What a fantastic year we have had as Bay Area ASTA members. It has been a year of growth and learning for students and teachers alike as we attended the National Conference in Rhode Island, met at Teacher Symposiums in Berkeley, and prepared our students for both the ASTA Certification Advancement Placement exams and Solo Competition. These next few months promise even more opportunities for us to come together as string teachers through monthly Teacher Symposiums, a new Special Grants Program, and Chamber Music Festivities in October. There will also be a recital for our 2013 Solo Competition winners in November, ASTACAP exams in March and August, and our 2014 ASTA San Francisco Solo Competition in April. More information about each of these events is available online at, and at It has been an inspiration for me to witness first hand the great work you are all doing as string teachers, musicians and artists. Keep up the great work! THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 16 Monthly Teacher Symposiums - 2nd Saturday of each month at 4:00pm through May 2014 Berkeley School of Strings and Improvisation (1336 Carleton St., Berkeley) On September 12, Tristanne Talarico led us in a discussion of Paul Rolland’s contributions to string pedagogy and discussed some of his specific techniques for teaching vibrato. On October 12, Cookie Segelstein presented "Integrating Folk Styles into your Lessons" and shared with us some fascinating insights into her specialty, klesmer fiddling. Our next symposium will be on November 9, 2013 Grant Proposals and Contributions - January 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014 ASTA San Francisco will award grants in November to musical organizations, which initiate and promote activities that advance the art of string playing through special projects or the purchase of equipment. These grants will be funded by our local section and private donations. Details are available at Donations may be sent to our treasurer, Cookie Segelstein. Please contact her at for details. Chamber Music Festival - Saturday, October 26, 2013, 10am-2pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1501 Walnut Street, Berkeley) Students of all ages and levels are invited to play chamber music for a few hours, receive coaching and put on an impromptu performance. We also welcome advanced students who would like to participate as coaches-in-training. Admission is free but we will accept donations for our Special Grants Fund. Halloween costumes are welcome. Winners’ Recital - ASTA SF Solo Competition 2013 Saturday, November 2 at 4:00pm Piedmont Center for the Arts (801 Magnolia Ave., Piedmont) ASTACAP 2014 Sunday, March 16, 2014 Crowden Music Center (1475 Rose St., Berkeley) 2014 Solo Competiton Sunday, April 27, 2014 San Francisco Conservatory of Music (50 Oak St., San Francisco) THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 17 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 18 Every Fall semester for the past six years Fresno State has been hosting an annual cello festival. This year's event, however, was the first ever CELLO│FRESNO – International Cello Festival. Eight distinguished faculty members and nearly one-hundred cello students from Fresno, other cities in California, Arizona, Indiana, Nevada, and Oklahoma, as well as several international students from Argentina, China, Germany, Korea, and Mexico, gathered for an intense weekend of master-classes, cello ensemble rehearsals, two fantastic concerts, a lecture by the string company D'Addario, and a panel discussion about teaching. I had the dream of an international cello festival in Fresno since my first day at Fresno State. With the help of my dear friend Emilio Colón, cello professor at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, we were able to make this dream become a reality. Both Emilio and I were students of the great cellist Janos Starker, who passed away last April, and have always shared the passion for cello gatherings in which we get to celebrate the instrument and the music written for it. For this first festival, internationally renowned cellist Lynn Harrell was invited as special guest artist. Other distinguished faculty included Jesús Castro-Balbi from Texan Christian University, Cara Colón from Indiana, Tom Landschoot from Arizona State University, Jonathan Ruck from Oklahoma University, and Brian Schuldt from the Felici Piano Trio. In addition to daily master-classes and large cello ensemble rehearsals, the festival also included two gala concerts. The first, titled Masters of the Cello, featured the Fresno State Symphony Orchestra. The program included Rossini’s William Tell Overture, Klengel’s and Vivaldi’s Double Cello Concertos, and Saint-Saëns’ Cello Concerto No.1 with Lynn Harrell as soloist. The concert concluded with a performance of Popper’s Requiem for Three Cellos and Orchestra, performed in memory of Janos Starker. The second concert, titled The Cello Ascending, included a recital of works for two, three, four, and twelve cellists, as well as two large cello ensembles, one for college and one for pre-college students. The evening concluded with a special reception hosted by the Dean of the College of Arts and Humanity, Dr. Vida Samiian, in honor of Mr. Harrell’s upcoming 70th birthday. It was very exciting to see so many advanced as well as younger cellists come to Fresno from all around the world to share their passion for the cello. Equally exciting was to see both concerts sell out and witness the excitement from the enthusiastic audience members. The festival, which was free to all attending students, was an inspiration to all who attended, and overall a huge success. I very much look forward to future events, and hope we can have even more cellists and music lovers from around the state to join us for the next CELLO│FRESNO festival. Lynn Harrell, Emilio Colón, and Thomas Landschoot perform David Popper’s Requiem for Three Cellos and Orchestra, Op. 66 with the Fresno State Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Thomas Loewenheim at the CELLO│FRESNO festival. Dr. Thomas Loewenheim California State University, Fresno THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 19 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 20 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 21 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 22 Greetings! I hope your school year is off to a great start, as we are almost half way through the year!!! I am very excited about my Junior High Beginning Orchestra this year. I love teaching beginning orchestra because it gives me a chance to try out new string pedagogy. This year I started the bow much earlier than in the past. The jury is still out on this decision. On a completely different note CODA is preparing for its annual December Honors String & Symphony Orchestras. This year the CODA Honor Orchestras will take place at University of Redlands and I would like to take a moment to thank Andrew Glendening, Dean of the School of Muisc at University of Redlands, for hosting the 2013 CODA Honor Orchestras. Ann Krinitsky from the San Dominico School will conduct the CODA Strings Orchestra and Johannes Mulker-Stosch, from Cal State Long Beach will direct the Honors Symphony Orchestra. I am looking forward to wonderful music making. Also around the corner is the CASMEC Conference, February 20-23, in Fresno. Please find audition music for the Junior High and High School All State Orchestras at Richard Meyer, composer, teacher and conductor will lead the Junior High Orchestra and Kenneth Keisler, from the University of Michigan will lead the High School Orchestra. It will be 4 days packed with great concerts and clinics! Enjoy the rest of your semester! THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 22 THE SOUNDPOST – SPRING 2014 23
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