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the soundpost - ReviseMySite
T HE SOUNDPOST T SOUNDPOST CALIFORNIA CHAPTER, INC., of the AMERICAN STRING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION FALL 2015 2012HE California State Solo Competition Winners Recital in Fresno February 23 2012 California State Solo Competition Winners Recital in Fresno February 23 Left to right: Minji Kim, viola; Melody Chang, violin; Leah Hanson, cello; Alexandra Simpson, viola; Left toviolin; right: Minji Kim, viola; Melody violin; Leah cello; Alexandra Simpson, Hao Zhou, Ashwin Krishna, guitar;Chang, and Kimberly ColeHanson, Feeney, ASTA California State viola; President. Hao Zhou, violin; Ashwin Krishna, guitar; and Kimberly Cole Feeney, ASTA California State President. These six young artists performed a gala concert during the California All-State Music Education Conference These sixinyoung artists galacash concert duringpresented the California All-State Feeney, Music Education Conference (CASMEC) Fresno andperformed received atheir awards by President on February 24, 2013. (CASMEC) in Fresno and received their cash awards presented by President Feeney, on February 24, 2013. CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED California Chapter, 10711 Ashworth Circle Inc. of ASTA 10711 Ashworth Circle Cerritos, CA 90703-2600 Cerritos, CA 90703-2600 ! ! Newsletter of the California Chapter, Inc. of ASTA The Soundpost Newsletter of the The Soundpost LONG BEACH, LONG BEACH, CA CA PERMIT No. 368 PERMIT No. 368 PAID PAID PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE U.S. POSTAGE PRSRT STD 2 | THE SOUNDPOST 13 16 36 2 15 6 35 31 22 23 18 Fresno Report 21 Los Angeles Report Sacramento Left to right: Minji 24 Kim, viola; Melody Chang, violin;Report Leah Hanson, cello; Alexandra Simpson, viola; Hao Zhou, violin; Ashwin guitar;Diego and Kimberly Cole Feeney, ASTA California State President. 24 Krishna,San Report These six young artists performed a gala concert during the California All-State Music Education Conference Francisco Report (CASMEC) in Fresno 25 and received San their cash awards presented by President Feeney, on February 24, 2013. 27 Stockton Report 28 29 31 32 CODA Report String Project Reports Stand Up 4 Music Report ASTACAP Reports 34 Retrospective: Lucie Landen The Soundpost 19 Newsletter of the 30 CalASTA Leadership Directory President’s Message ASTA Membership Application CalASTA State Board Meeting Minutes Treasurer’s Report 2015 CalASTA Awards CASMEC 2015 ! 22 4 5 7 8 10 11 17 PAID 20 2012 California State Solo Competition Winners Recital in Fresno February 23 CONTENTS PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE 9 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.+ Benning Violins Connolly Music Company/ Thomastik-Infeld+ Foster’s Violin Shop Fresno Pacific University Fresno State University Morey’s Music Inc. Potter Violin Company Robert Cauer Robertson & Sons+ Saga Musical Instruments Scott Cao Violins SHAR Music+ University of Pacific M. & R. Weisshaar & Son Yamaha Corporation of America+ SPRING 2013 FALL 2015 California Chapter, Inc. of ASTA 9 CALIFORNIA CHAPTER, INC., of the AMERICAN STRING TEACHERS ASSOCIATION LONG BEACH, CA PERMIT No. 368 ADVERTISERS INDEX T HE SOUNDPOST 10711 Ashworth Circle Cerritos, CA 90703-2600 When you patronize these businesses, please mention that you appreciate their ads in THE SOUNDPOST + Indicates member of the String Industry Council (SIC) CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED OUR SINCERE THANKS TO OUR ADVERTISERS Moved? Not getting email notices? Send your new address, phone, e-mail address to: CIRCULATION ASTA Members in California President, Editors, Advertisers, Colleges & Universities TOTAL CIRCULATION 1040 360 1400 Cover: CalASTA 2014 State Competition Winners Haley Schricker, Cara Pogossian, and Kristi Kim FALL 2015 | 3 CalASTA LEADERSHIP PRESIDENT Thomas Tatton DMA 2776 Indigo Circle Morro Bay, CA 93442 209-470-9369 SECTION PRESIDENTS LOS ANGELES SECTION Dr. Thomas Loewenheim 559-278-7547 FRESNO SECTION Dr. Janine Riveire 213-598-6235 LOS ANGELES SECTION SAN FRANCISCO SECTION Gay Currier 2591 Ione Street Sacramento, CA 95821 916-971-3677 SACRAMENTO SECTION Carina Voly 2182 Gill Village Way# 604 San Diego, CA 92108 619-594-1669 SAN DIEGO SECTION SAN FRANCISCO SECTION Cybele D’Ambrosio 683 Vincente Avenue Berkeley, CA 94704 510-626-8595 SACRAMENTO SECTION Myriam Cottin-Rack 209-401-0202 STOCKTON SECTION PRESIDENT-ELECT Loretta McNulty 510-847-8432 PAST-PRESIDENT Kimberly Cole Feeney P.O. Box 342 Davis, CA 95617 530-757-5300x271 SACRAMENTO SECTION INTERIM-SECRETARY Kyle Champion 3417 Camero Avenue La Verne, CA 91750 909-593-9374 LOS ANGELES SECTION TREASURER Michael Feeney P.O. Box 342 Davis, CA 95617 916-928-9996 SAN FRANCISCO SECTION National ASTA Eclectic Styles Committee Chair Renata Bratt SAN FRANCISCO SECTION CODA Representative Donna Harrison STOCKTON SECTION SOUNDPOST EDITOR Lawrence Huang 925-979-5539 SAN FRANCISCO SECTION ASSISTANT SOUNDPOST EDITOR Dr. Jonathan Thomson LOS ANGELES SECTION MEMBER-AT-LARGE/ASSISTANT WEBMASTER Yu-Ting Wang SAN FRANCISCO SECTION MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Ariel Witbeck 925-482-0999 4 | THE SOUNDPOST ASTACAP NORTH COORDINATOR MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Multicultural Specialist Sofia Fojas SAN FRANCISCO SECTION Stephanie Railsback 6244 Outlook Avenue Oakland, CA 94605 510-638-0852 SAN FRANCISCO SECTION ASTACAP SOUTH COORDINATOR Kay Pech 10711 Ashworth Circle Cerritos, CA 90703 562-804-2725 LOS ANGELES SECTION WEBMASTER/CMEA LIAISON Kimberly Cole Feeney P.O. Box 342 Davis, CA 95617 530-757-5300x271 SACRAMENTO SECTION HISTORIAN/INSURANCE REPRESENTATIVE Gayane Korkmazian 289 South Armstrong Avenue Fresno, CA 93727 559-255-5803 FRESNO SECTION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dr. Tom Tatton, President BRAVO CALIFORNIA National ASTA Awarded CalASTA the MOST IMPROVED CHAPTER, 2015 Past Presidents This is a list of those elected to the office of the President, California ASTA. 1948-1954 Stefan Krayk 1954-1965 Lucie Landon 1965-1970 Phyllis Glass 1970-1974 Grace T. Robinson 1974-1977 Kenneth Fiske 1977-1979 Phyllis Magnuson Dunn 1979-1980 Anne Mischakoff 1981-1983 Gene Eaves Through the leadership of Thomas Tatton and Kimberly Cole Feeney the California Chapter of the American String Teachers Association has made great strides in improving communication, creating opportunities and defining our mission, vision and purposes for our 1000+ constituents and state leadership. Over the past two years, working with the entire leadership team, we have: • • • • • • • • 1983-1986 Thomas Tatton 1986-1988 Michael Pappone 1988-1990 James Kjelland 1990-1992 Victor Sazer 1992-1994 Owen Dunsford 1994-1996 Elizabeth Ivanoff Holborn 1996-1998 Richard Naill 1998-2000 Michael Allard 2000-2002 Priscella Hawkins 2002-2003 Eleonore Schoenfeld 2003-2006 Judy Bossuat-Gallic 2006-2008 Gayane Korkmazian 2008-2010 Manon Robertshaw 2010-2012 Bongshin Ko 2012-2014 Kimberly Cole Feeney • • • Created an Award Winning Website Designed, tested and implemented an E-Voting System Reworked and updated our CalASTA Bylaws Defined the Mission and Purpose of CalASTA Invigorated and energized flagging sections Reviewed and redirected our CalASTA insurance commitment Started a comprehensive review of our biennial State Solo Competition Worked cooperatively with other organizations - most importantly with California MEA and CODA (California Orchestra Directors Association) Participated in ongoing statewide legislative initiatives with other music advocacy organizations in a committee titled Stand Up 4 Music Created CalASTA Awards; a system to publically recognize our star teachers and outstanding state leaders Transitioned to our new editor, Lawrence Huang, for our state journal – The Soundpost. Improvements include: o Added the Presidential succession list o Reorganized the publication timetable to coincide with the opening of school semesters o Included an ASTA enrollment form o Adjusted the CalASTA leadership list to more accurately reflect actual leadership roles o Encouraged each separate entity (sections, ASTACAP programs, String Projects) to provide interesting and informative reports o Included articles and features that chronicle and honor CalASTA’s past o Created a Soundpost team led by Lawrence Huang which includes Jonathan Thomson, Yu-Ting Wang and Loretta McNulty, our CalASTA President-Elect FALL 2015 |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rof. Affiliation]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] !"',-"0/1+&'2-./3#2+&/ $H*(""'+(* $\,-PH*(""'+(* 1%,4%"&5'6/7-*%8#"0 H&#+B$,-*3$,-#6$>;#"$)('2$(--;(**36$J(%#"$+;44#-%$%&4,;:&$W;-#$ON<$@NFG6 $R4,=#""',-(*666666666666666666666666666666666666666$?FFF $0#-',4$X(:#$_@$,4$,9#4Y 666666666666 ?`F K;**P%'8#$0%;2#-%a66666666666666666666666666666 ?GG >;(*aa 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ?FGE 6+,''0&'0&05))74-.#&5(3#,8,/35/4#&1453#(4&14/451&,#95-,#3 R*#("#$#L+*;2#$8#$=4,8C R4#=#44#2$8#%&,2$,=$+,-%(+%C$$ 66+)#/1#&$'.+)#4#&1#$'(3&0',.&0',&'4"#,&:5/)&.#.;#, $b-*'-#$D#87#4"&')$>'4#+%,43 $D('*'-:$c(7#*" $/01/$T8('*$/--,;-+#8#-%" $/**$D('*'-:" T8('*$$$$$$$$$$ K(L$$$$$$$$$$ D('*$$$$$$$$$$ >,$3,;$)(4%'+')(%#$,4$;"#$%&#$/01/H/R$)4,:4(8$d$$$ e#"$$$$$$$$$$$ \, !"#$%&&'#( R4'8(43 9+%&/)(&*-..,%(*/!.-( e#"f$R*#("#$#-4,**$8#$'-$%&#$>;#"$ g-"%(**8#-%$R*(-$7("#2$,-$83$ )4#=#4#-+#"$7#*,56$K,4$8,4#$ '-=,48(%',-$,-$'-"%(**8#-%$)*(-$ )(38#-%$,)%',-"<$)*#("#$9'"'%$ ("%(5#76+,8<$,4$+(**$ANOP@AQP@FFO6$ >#*%?/1%,4%"&/*-@'(8/-AB-(*-8%/ #$/*5'&/#6*'#(/-.&#/='../4%/%("#..%A/ '(/*5%/:+*#;<%(%=-./!"#8"-,C/ /--;(**3 0#8'P/--;(**3 h;(4%#4*3 D,-%&*3 D#*'(8/E(.'(% g$:'9#$83$+,-"#-%$%,$)(4%'+')(%#$'-$ #*#+%4,-'+$9,%'-:$(-2$4#+#'9#$#*#+%',-$ 8(%#4'(*"$9'($#8('*6 e#"$ $\,$ e#"<$g$5,;*2$*'B#$%,$4#+#'9#$($)4'-%#2$ +,)3$,=$%&#$<4,-(8&=#1#/,$"&>'5,(/)$(%$ <4,-(8&=#1#/,$"&>'5,(/) <4,-(8&=#1#/,$"&>'5,(/)$(%$ ?@E6QG$)#4$'"";#6$1&#$<=>$'"$)4'-%#2$ ,-+#$)#4$3#(46$ 0#+,-2(43 F#*-.&G!-0,%(* S':$T2;+(%',- M',*'- UPF@$*#9#*" M',*( S':&$0+&,,* H#**, D'22*#VW46$S':&$0+&,,* >,;7*#$I("" D#87#4"&')$>;#" K,4#':-$R,"%(:# $$$X?G$H(-(2(<$?FN$(**$,%"Y D#87#4"&')$c()#*$R'-<$?A Membership Certificate, $10 /01/$H,-%4'7;%',<4,-(8&=#1#/,$"&>'5,(/) $$0;7"+4')%',-$$X?@E6QGY T*#8#-%(43$0+&,,* Z;'%(4 H<:>9/FEF:I/ 0+&,,*$XD;*%'*#9#*Y S(4) R4'9(%#$0%;2', I4("" R#4=,48#4 R'(-, H,-2;+%,4 R#4+;""',- J#%'4#2 [,,25'-2 !"#$%&'()*&!"#&+,-./,*&+,'0#11-'(2 !"#$%&/(*&1#$'(3/,-#1&4"/4&/++)*2 D;"'+$/28'-'"%4(%,4 R4'8(43 e#"f$g$5(-%$%,$#-4,**$'-$%&#$(;%,8(%'+$ 2;#"$4#-#5(*$)4,:4(86$g$;-2#4"%(-2$ g$8(3$+(-+#*$)(4%'+')(%',-$'-$%&'"$ )4,:4(8$(%$(-3$%'8#6 $%&'"()*#+#,&-.)/!0&",1 \,-# )(&*"+,%(* 0#+,-2(43 9+%&/:+*#;<%(%=-./!"#8"-, !"#$%&'()*&!"#&+,-./,*&-(14,5.#(42 !"#$%&/(*&1#$'(3/,-#1&4"/4&/++)*2 ?$]]]]]] J/KKKKKK ?$]]]]]] ?$]]]]]] $ ______ ?$]]]]]] ?$]]]]]] !-0,%(*/)($#",-*'#( $$H&#+B$)(3(7*#$%,$/01/ $$$$$$H&#+B$\,6$ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] $$M'"($ $$DH$$ $$/DTi H(42$\,6 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 0%4'-:$T-%&;"'("% TL)6$>(%# ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 0%;2#-% 0':-(%;4# ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 1,$(9,'2$2#*(3$'-$)4,+#""'-:$3,;4$())*'+(%',-<$)*#("#$+,8)*#%#$(**$"#+%',-"$,=$%&'"$=,486$>;#"$(4#$-,-%4(-"=#4(7*#$(-2$-,-4#=;-2(7*#6$ 1#$'"$($?@A$+&(4:#$=,4$(**$'%#8"$4#%;4-#2$=4,8$%&#$7(-B6$0;78'%$())*'+(%',-"$%,C$ /01/$D#87#4"&')$>#)(4%8#-%<$EFGG$H&('-$I4'2:#$J,(2$•$K('4=(L<$M/$@@NON<$ANOP@AQP@FFO<$K(L$ANOP@AQP@FFE /01/$D#87#4"&')$>#)(4%8#-%<$EFGG$H&('-$I4'2:#$J,(2$ $K('4=(L<$M/$@@NON<$ANOP@AQP@FFO<$K(L$ANOP@AQP@FFE CalASTA STATE BOARD MEETING California Chapter, American String Teachers Association Minutes recorded by Bonnie Lockrem on February 21, 2015 in Fresno. Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm The Guest of Honor was National ASTA President, Dr. Stephen Benham CalASTA Board members present: Mark Davila, Stockton Representative; Kimberly Cole Feeney, Sacramento Representative, Past President, Web Master, CMEA Liaison; Michael Feeney, Treasurer; Katheryn Hewatt, San Francisco Representative; Gayane Korkmazian, Insurance Rep., Historian, Host, CalASTA Stefen Krayk Award Winner; Bonnie Lockrem, Secretary; Dr. Thomas Loewenheim, Fresno Section President, Host; Loretta, McNulty, President Elect; Dr. Janine Riviere, Los Angeles Section President; Cynthia Stuart, Host; Dr. Thomas Tatton, President; Dr. Jonathan Thomson, Soundpost Assistant Editor; Yu-Ting Wang, Member-at-Large Guests at this meeting: Angelica Grishaw, wife of Donald Grishaw; Donald Grishaw, CalASTA Lucie Landon Award Winner; Frank Korkmazian, husband of Gayane Korkmazian—CalASTA Stefan Krayk Award Winner; Steven Ravaglioli, husband of Bonnie Lockrem; Polly Tatton, wife of Tom Tatton Beginning students of Accent on Access Violin Program, under the auspices of Youth Orchestras of Fresno, presented a ten-minute concert, directed by Julia Copeland. Tom Tatton described our new CalASTA Awards program. The 2015 winners were: Stefen Krayk Founders Award - Gayane Korkmazian (present) Victor Sazer Service Award – William Pordon (Posthumously) Schoenfeld Artist/Teacher Awards went to: • Violin – Michael Tseitlin • Viola – Donald McInnes • Cello -Lynn Harrell • String Bass – Barry Green • Harp – JoAnn Turovsky • Guitar – Scott Cmiel P.J. McMasters Award: Susan Pascale Lucie Landen Award: Donald Grishaw (present) Award plaques were presented to Donald Grishaw and Gayane Korkmazian. The other awardees were called and their plaques will be posted with a congratulatory letter from President Tom Tatton. "In order to allow time for our National ASTA President, Dr. Stephen Benham, to address the board and hold a Q & A oral presentations of the minutes, treasurer’s report, section reports and CalASTA initiatives were put off until the next meeting of the board in August. Instead, folders were prepared for each board member that included section reports, a SU4M report, liability insurance information, a Checklist for Soundpost Articles and Reports document, and a Soundpost report. (continued on following page) 8 | THE SOUNDPOST on February 2015 Board Meeting Minutes (continued from page 8) The remarks by Dr. Benham included: • • • • • • • An overview of the National ASTA Conference in Salt Lake City A brief description of the 2016 National Conference in Tampa, FL National ASTA has a $2 million budget; there is currently a New Director search ongoing ASTACAP position of national ASTA – they plan on waiting to see how the new initiatives settle out A Solo Competition review with a follow-up discussion of the effects of decoupling state recommendations for national participation. Dr. Benham will review that policy with the appropriate board members and committee The Eclectic String Orchestra was cancelled at this year’s national conference due to lack of enrollment. Dr. Benham’s comments included the fact that while there is a solid 10% constituency for this style of string playing, that constituency has not grown Renata Bratt, CalASTA member, was singled out for doing great work as Chair of the National Eclectic Styles Committee “The students can’t get enough of it! The feedback I receive is a lot of happy parents.” —JOHN MONTGOMERY, HOLLAND, MI “I’m seeing my students become more confident in themselves.” —JANET HODEK, ST. GEORGE, UT Our next meeting is August 16, 2015 at Alejo’s Italian Restaurant near LAX. Scan this code or visit for a preview copy! The meeting was adjourned just before 10:00 p.m. NEW NEW NEW wo 23830 TREASURER’S REPORT Michael Feeney, Treasurer ASTA Accounting Worksheet California Chapter August 16, 2015 January 1, 2015 Bank Balance $6,311.17 INCOME Rebates/Grants Soundpost Advertising FTB Tax Issue Refund Misc Income Total Income $12,300.93 $340.00 $11,619.24 $125.00 $24,385.17 EXPENSES State Solo Competition Rebates to Sections Meeting Expenses ASTA National Conference Coalition Membership & Lobbying Expenses Website Support Recognition Awards Total Expenses $3,070.99 $6,665.32 $1,091.26 $1,475.29 $34.00 $491.88 $246.21 $13,074.95 ACCOUNT SUMMARY January 1, 2015 Balance Plus Income Total Minus Expenses Calculated June 30, 2015 Balance Outstanding Checks as of 06/30/2015 Outstanding Deposits as of 06/30/2015 Adjusted June 30, 2015 Bank Balance 10 | THE SOUNDPOST $6,311.17 $24,385.17 $13,074.95 $17,621.39 $1,206.33 $18,827.72 2015 CalASTA AWARDS It is with great pleasure that we announce the honorees of the first statewide CalASTA awards. The carefully chosen categories and honorees include: The Stefan Krayk Award Stefan Krayk organized California into a state chapter of ASTA and served as its first president from 1948 until 1954. This award is given for Distinguished Contributions to the Mission of CalASTA. The 2015 Honoree is Gayane Korkmazian – Fresno Section GAYANE KORKMAZIAN Gayane Korkmazian is a former instrumental music instructor with Fresno Unified School District. She is a past violist with the Fresno Philharmonic Orchestra, a counselor for several music camps, librarian and chaperone of the National High School Honors Orchestra, Executive Officer of the California Orchestra Directors Association and the CMEA All State Honor Orchestra as well as the CMEA Central Section Festival Coordinator. Her various affiliations include NAfME, CMEA, CMEA Central Section, Fresno-Madera Music Educators Association and Mu Phi Epsilon International Music Fraternity. In addition, Gayane has served CalASTA as President, Secretary and currently serves as Historian and Insurance Representative. All that time she has maintained a constant presence with the Fresno Section of ASTA including President (twice) and Secretary. Gayane Korkmazian defines the word “service”. She currently maintains a private studio of twenty-three violinists ranging in age from five to fifteen. The Victor Sazer Award Victor Sazer served as CalASTA president from 1990 until 1992. He helped shape the direction of CalASTA for several years. This award is given for Distinguished Service to CalASTA. The 2015 Honoree is William Pordon (deceased) – San Diego Section WILLIAM PORDON William P. Pordon was the past president of the Massachusetts String Teachers Association and the San Diego String Teachers Association. A published arranger and composer, he enjoyed not only composing original string pieces, but also arranging jazz classics for string quartets and student orchestras. Following his retirement in 1985, he moved to San Diego, California, where he was a member of a string quartet and taught strings privately, continuing to inspire others through music. In 2004, at the age of 77, he acted as Master Teacher at the Point Loma Nazarene University String Project with Philip Tyler, a lab school for string majors learning to teach strings to children. He continued to actively teach privately until his death in 2009, delighting in the energy of his young students and engaging them with humor and empathy. FALL 2015 | 11 The Schoenfeld Artist & Teacher Award The Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld sisters represent the quintessential essence of string teaching and performance in California; both taught at U.S.C. Eleonore served as CalASTA president from 2002 until 2003. The award is given for each of the six instruments represented by ASTA: violin, viola, cello, string bass, harp and guitar. This award is given for Excellence in String Teaching and Performance. The 2015 Honorees are: Violin: Michael Tseitlin – San Diego Section Viola: Donald McInnes – Los Angeles Section Cello: Lynn Harrell – Los Angeles Section String Bass: Barry Green – San Diego Section Harp: JoAnn Turovsky – Los Angeles Section Guitar: Scott Cmiel – San Francisco Section MICHAEL TSEITLIN Michael Tseitlin founded the California Institute of Music (formerly named the Fairbanks School of Performing Arts) in San Diego, California, where he has been teaching violin and viola, as well as coaching chamber music groups and conducting chamber orchestras, in addition to supervising many excellent professional musicians in their teaching careers. Under his directorship are 22 faculty members and around 200 students. California Institute of Music is considered to be one of the leading music schools in the United States. DONALD MCINNES Donald McInnes recently retired as Professor of Viola from the USC Thornton School of Music having taught there since 1985. In addition, he retired this year as Viola Professor Emeritus from the Music Academy of the West having taught there since 1982. His career included appearances with the New York Philharmonic, the Boston Symphony, and l’Orchestre National de France, among others, and for many years was a resident member of Camerata Pacifica. His career includes collaborations with many of the world’s major artists, including Leonard Bernstein, Yehudi Menuhin, Lynn Harrell, and Yo-Yo Ma. LYNN HARRELL Lynn Harrell’s presence is felt throughout the musical world. A consummate soloist, chamber musician, recitalist, conductor and teacher, his work throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia has placed him in the highest echelon of today’s performing artists. Lynn Harrell’s experience as an educator is wide and varied. From 1985-93 he held the International Chair for Cello Studies at the Royal Academy in London. Concurrently, from 1988-92, he was Artistic Director of the orchestra, chamber music and conductor-training program at the L.A. Philharmonic Institute. In 1993, he became head of the Royal Academy in London, a post he held through 1995. He has also given master classes at the Verbier and Aspen festivals and in major metropolitan areas throughout the world. 12 | THE SOUNDPOST (562) 420-9532 s&INE3TRING)NSTRUMENTS s%XPERT2EPAIR s,ARGE3HEET-USIC3ELECTION 3PECIAL0HONE/RDERS s!LL3TRING!CCESSORIES AT'REATPRICES s%XPERT"OW2EHAIRING s3ALESAND2ENTALS s"RASSAND7OODWINDS Check Out Our Pages! 7OODRUFF!VEAT$EL!MO,AKEWOOD#! FALL 2015 | 13 BARRY GREEN Barry Green is an internationally known orchestral and solo double bass player and teacher. He currently teaches at the University of California Santa Cruz. He was the principal bassist for the Cincinnati Symphony. A contemporary of people such as Gary Karr, he has developed and publicized his own method for double bass. He has published three instructional books, The Inner Game of Music, The Mastery of Music: Ten Pathways to True Artistry, and Bringing Music to Life. JOANN TUROVSKY JoAnn Turovsky is principal harpist with the Los Angeles Opera Orchestra, the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, and the Los Angeles Master Chorale Orchestra. She also serves as a professor of harp at the USC Thornton School of Music, the Colburn Conservatory, and the Colburn School of Performing Arts. Ms. Turovsky appears frequently as a soloist with musical organizations throughout California and is busy in the motion picture and television industry. John Williams recently wrote a solo piece for harp that she performed on the Angela’s Ashes soundtrack. SCOTT CMIEL Scott Cmiel is director of the guitar program at the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts and a member of the guitar faculty at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music where he served as chair of the guitar department and chair of the musicianship department for over twenty years. His students have won many local, regional and national awards including the American String Teachers Association National Soloist Competition Grand Prize and the Guitar Foundation of America International Youth Competition Award. They have been featured on national radio and television including on the NPR program From the Top and the televised GRAMMY Awards. The P. J. McMasters Award P. J. McMasters served CalASTA with distinction for greater than three decades as Member at Large, Secretary and Treasurer. She helped organize the first state solo competition in 1983. P. J. McMasters taught strings in Downey School District. This award is given for Excellence in School and Orchestra Teaching in southern California. The 2015 Honoree is Susan Pascale – Los Angeles Section SUSAN PASCALE Susan Pascale is the director of the Pascale Music Institute and the Los Angeles Children’s Orchestra. She launched her program in 2001 after moving from New York to South Pasadena. She began offering free violin lessons because there was no local program and within a few months she had an all-violin orchestra. Today Pascale’s programs serves children as young as 5 through high school. Her students routinely win top honors at festivals and competitions, and appear on local and national television. 14 | THE SOUNDPOST When Quality, Tone and Playability Matter, Choose Cremona! F or over 30 years, Cremona has been a leading supplier of high-quality string instruments by consistently exceeding the expectations of parents, teachers, and students alike. Our expertly cra crafted instruments not only sound amazing, but are also easy to play—assuring that the learning process will be fun and rewarding. SV-500 SV-500_ASTA_Ad_Aug15.indd 1 Discover the Artist in You! Cremona SV-500 Outfit So visit your local retailer today to discover Value like no other and ex experience Quality, Tone and Playability that sets Cremona string instrument apart from all the rest. • Best tone quality for the advanced student • Solid hand-carved tonewoods with a varnish finish • Quality ebony fittings and fingerboard with lightweight composite tailpiece for easy tuning • Outfit includes deluxe Brazilwood bow and oblong case • Set-up to educational standards with Aubert bridge and Prelude strings To learn more about Cremona Violins, visit So. San Francisco, California Connect with us on 8/13/15 1:43 PM The Lucie Landen Award Miss Lucie Landen was the second CalASTA president after Stefan Krayk; she served from 1954 until 1965. She organized much of what we recognize as the structure of CalASTA – the Sections, 501 (C)(3) tax-exempt status and the Summer Institute program. Miss Lucie taught strings in the Menlo Park School District. This award is given for Excellence in School and Orchestra Teaching in northern California. The 2015 Honoree is Donald Grishaw – Stockton Section DONALD GRISHAW Donald Grishaw has been teaching in the Turlock Unified School District for over 30 years. His current assignment is at Pitman High School where he teaches Concert Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra as well as Spanish 2 and AP Spanish Literature. With the opening of Pitman High School in 2002, Mr. Grishaw founded the Pitman High School Orchestra, which now includes over 100 students, and has received accolades both locally and in Southern California where they perform each year while on tour. Mr. Grishaw performs regularly throughout the surrounding communities on the violin, the viola, and the piano. He is a longstanding member of the violin section of the Modesto Symphony Orchestra and also freelances with other local orchestras and string quartets. !"#!$%&'(")*$+),"-#$"-+),&./-)+$$ 01,$2&,3!'+/$'-4$,/-) 5"4/$+/(/3)"1-$10$$ '33/++1,"/+6$715+6$3'+/+6$'-4$+!//)$.&+"3 4/)'"(/4$"-+),&./-)$.'"-)/-'-3/ /83/2)"1-'($3&+)1./,$3',/ ! "# $ % &' #" " % $ ! ( ) # *) + ! &, # . . .& ' # " " % $ ! ( ) # * ) + ! & , # - 9:;<=>?<@:@:$A$B::<9;@<CD>? D@:=$!"#!('-4$'E/-&/$A$7/)!/+4'6$.',*('-4$?:B;D +2/3"'($100/,+$'-4$)"2+$1-$0'3/711F$'-4$)5"))/, CASMEC 2015 California All-State Music Education Conference Fresno, February 19-22 This is the most important music education conference in California and is always replete with string sessions of interest to all string teachers. This report is an insight to the string-related events happening at this conference. Thursday included: • 1:00 pm: Dr. Stephen Benham, our National ASTA President, opened with an session titled “Cello and Bass Pedagogy and Teaching Tips” • CalASTA set up our Booth in the Exhibit Hall Friday was very full: • 9:30 am: Dr. Thomas Loewenheim, our Fresno Section President, directed the Fresno State Symphony Orchestra, Choir and vocal soloists (excerpts from Carmen) in a concert. • 10:30 am: Don Grishaw, our 2015 Lucie Landen Award winner, and his Pitman High School Orchestra performed/read the annual New Music Reading Session. • 11:30 am: Dr. Benham gave a valuable session titled Tone Development for Middle School and High School String Orchestra and Full Orchestras. The Pitman orchestra was the demonstration group. • 1:30 pm: Terry Shade, the co-author of String Basics, a beginning method published by Kjos led an energetic session she called “Back to Basics: Steps to establish Solid Rhythm, Intonation and Tone From the Beginning” A small ensemble from Pitman was the demonstration group. • 3:30 pm: included the effervescent Dr. Cindy Moyer talk about “Left Hand Technique for Violin and Viola.” Saturday was a very important day for CalASTA: • 11:30 am: Dr. Benham once again held forth with a session designed for our band colleagues called “Bowing Basics for Band Directors” At the same time a large Strolling Strings program from the Panama Buena Vista school district in nearby Bakersfield gave a concert/demonstration. • 2:30 pm: Dr. Janine Riviere, our Los Angeles Section President, offered a session titled “Instrument Triage, or Should Someone Fix That?” • 3:30 pm: Dr. Riviere led another packed session this time centering in on “Choosing Repertoire for the 21st Century.” • 5:30 pm: The CalASTA Solo Competition Winners—Haley Schricker, Cara Pogossian, and Kristi Kim—performed in recital to a large and most appreciative audience. • 8:00 pm: The All-State High School Orchestra, directed by Steven Amundson from St. Olaf College performed. Sunday afternoon • 1:00 pm: The All-State Junior High Orchestra, under the direction of E. Daniel Long from Ann Arbor School for the Performing Arts, performed for a large audience. FINE FALL 2015 | 17 FRESNO REPORT Dear CalASTA members: Greetings from Fresno. I am the recently elected President of the Fresno Section. It is a great honor to be chosen to help with the leadership of string players in our section. I look forward to collaborating with Cynthia Stuart and Gayane Korkmazian both of whom have organized our annual ASTA activities including the solo competitions, student recitals and chamber music workshops all with incredible energy and always with success! In addition to our ASTA activities, our Fresno section enjoys several fine school orchestra programs, a youth orchestra program that involves almost 300 students in three orchestras, and orchestra and string/orchestra programs in our areas universities and colleges. The Youth Orchestras of Fresno has already presented several programs this year. Included were works by Richard Strauss, Hindemith, Salieri, Borodin, Tchaikovsky and John William’s Star Wars Suite – much fun as this included a light sabre fight on stage with Fresno Philharmonic’s Maestro Theodore Kuchar. For the final concert in May the theme was water-bringing attention to California’s drought. Works included: Wagner’s Flying Dutchman Overture, Bernstein’s On The Waterfront and Handel’s Water Music plus a newly composed piece by Fresno State faculty member Dr. Benjamin Boone titled Waterless Music. The orchestral program at Fresno State has also grown substantially. The Fresno State Symphony Orchestra was selected to perform at the 2015 CASMEC Conference where they were joined by the university choir and opera program students to present selections from Bizet’s opera Carmen and then the orchestra performed the Belinsky Suite by Shostakovich. This past June the Youth Orchestras of Fresno and Fresno State collaborated for the third year to present the Fresno Opera and Orchestra Academy (FOOSA). A prestigious international faculty was gathered and engaged students in a large symphony orchestra, daily private lessons, and a concerto competition all-culminating with a performance at the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. More information can be found at: For the 2015-2016 season exciting programs for all of Fresno’s ASTA members and their students have being planned. Included along with the annual ASTA activities will be FRESNO CELLO, an International Cello Festival is Co-sponsored by 18 | THE SOUNDPOST !"#$%&'"(&)*+)',-./) $01234536)789):;<542=)2>7<)78>?;68)) 90;4275?3@)4?::;357A)936269:937@) 2>75<754)4>9275?3)230)B9>C?>:2349D)) -&%.(E)+$/,F&GH) ) !%D)&I*'$-)F*"J"(I".') !"##$%&'(%)*+,"-.*&% ) !%D)F.'*%)&*%"(K.''"%'$() /0$#0'%&'(%/0$#&% ) #%*+D)L%,/")L%$(-LG) 12"-.%3*.0-.%4"&+,"*%5$26#"%7&--% ) MMMDC>9<3?<7279D90;N:;<54) FALL 2015 | 19 Fresno Section Report to Order, (continuedNewmaking from page 18) Sales and Repairs Violins - Violas CelliFresno - Bows Fresno ASTA along- with State- Accessories Saturday SymphonyTuesday and Youththrough Orchestras of Fresno from October 8-11. Please contact me for 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. more information: I very much look forward to getting to know more about our ASTA colleagues around the state and hope to highlight our Fresno Section. I also am looking forward to working with you and our many Fresno Section ASTA members. This is an exciting time for our string teachers and for their students. With best wishes, M.Thomas andLoewenheim R. Weisshaar & Son Violin Shop, Inc. 1763 Orange Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92627 949-548-1287 Violinmakers 20 | THE SOUNDPOST THE SOUNDPOST • Spring 2013 17 LOS ANGELES REPORT ASTA-GLAS President’s report, 6/12/15 for Soundpost Greater Los Angeles Section of California’s chapter of ASTA In Los Angeles, we have been busy and actually struggling a little with the geographic enormity of the section. Our activities have been: A series of Meet & Greet social/professional development events: o Jan 11: Presented the world premier of Mitsumoto’s 2nd Cello concerto at the San Gabriel Auditorium. It was performed by Cal State LA/ Olympia Youth Orchestra concert, conducted by Fung Ho. o March 20: Organized the CAL-ASTA meetup at ASTA national conference in Salt Lake City. This was an opportunity for members to make new connections while reinforcing old ones. o April 25: Organized a Central Coast meet & greet in Buellton that has led to discussions about reviving the section that once existed for members from Ventura to Paso Robles. o May 17: Presented young bassists in recital at the Colburn School. Grant Program We awarded the second year of grants to member applicants. Awards were granted to Chamber Music Institute of Southern California, Elemental Strings in Santa Monica, Harp Camp at University of Redlands, and the Harmony Project. Total awarded=$3550. Recital Competition We are undergoing a self-assessment of the program this year to determine consistency between the areas, and to see what works or doesn’t work in each area. We have received funding once again this year to underwrite the additional cost of competing in the finals, able to give $100 to students participating in the finals from a $5000 grant from the Hennings-Fischer Foundation. Also, once again this year there will be a special prize of performing in concert with the Olympia Youth Orchestra, conducted by Fung Ho. Chamber Music Festival Lightly attended at two venues on two dates in February, we are unsure whether two locations is practical; but, we have already set one definite location: Feb 6 at El Camino College for the 2016 festival! ASTA-CAP Over 100 students of 19 ASTA teachers successfully completed evaluations in March, April and May 2015. There were 6 different locations this year. We owe many thanks to Kay Pech for her marvelous attention to detail and ceaseless energy in administering this program. BYLAWS We will be reviewing our bylaws to be sure they are aligned with the updated state bylaws, and if changes are needed we will make those changes during 2015. FALL 2015 | 21 Los Angeles Section Report (continued form page 21) STRING-ALONG String-Along Editor Wendy Velasco is always eager to receive articles from our membership. Contact her at 32 CHALLENGES 1. Elections and nominations: we are having difficulty identifying good candidates for office who are not already involved at some level in ASTA or currently serving as officers in other organizations. We will have an election in the fall to fill current Pres-Elect vacancy, and will have our regular election in May 2016 as scheduled. 2. The sheer geographic size of the section. We are working with members in the Santa Barbara-San Luis Obispo area to see if the section we used to have in that area might be revived. Respectfully Submitted, Janine Riveire L.A. Board Seeks To Expand Opportunity The L.A. Board, under the leadership of Dr. Janine Riveire, is seeking to expand opportunity for several ASTA members while improving and focusing on ASTA programs more central to the Los Angeles area by exploring the creation a new section to be called The Central Coast Section. The L.A. Section boundary includes communities as far north and west as Paso Robles. As hard as your board has worked to include ASTA members in communities such as Camarillo, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles, it has proven to be a difficult task. Newmaking to Order, Sales and Repairs Violins - Violas - Celli - Bows - Accessories Tuesday through Saturday 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. For those who will remember, CalASTA once included a section titled the Channel Island Section organized by Stephen Krayk and continued by Phyllis Dunn and others. The L.A. Section took over the responsibilities for providing opportunities when the Channel Island Section faltered. This Central Coast Section, if formed, now has about 25 active ASTA members with the potential to very quickly triple that number. ASTA member Mark Kovacs, from Arroyo Grande, has agreed to lead the local organizational effort and the state has pledged fiscal, logistical and organizational support. This effort, if successful, will allow ASTA members in these western coastal communities the opportunity to design and implement programs that are compatible with their local string programs and teachers while allowing the L.A. Section to concentrate more fully on programs and activities that are closer in to Los Angeles. 22 | THE SOUNDPOST M. and R. Weisshaar & Son Violin Shop, Inc. 1763 Orange Avenue Costa Mesa, California 92627 949-548-1287 Violinmakers Look Forward To Practice! You spend so much time practicing, you should enjoy it. That’s why Yamaha created the new SV-150 Silent Practice Plus violin. This comfortable, lightweight and stylish instrument includes a controller with a unique MP3/ AAC/WAV/MIDI player; it can speed or slow any song’s tempo by up to 25% without changing pitch, so you can practice at your own pace. The controller also offers a chromatic tuner, a metronome and 24 high quality Yamaha digital effects – from concert hall reverb to distortion – to make everyday practice sound extraordinary. Visit today to learn more and find an SV-150 dealer near you. Practice will never be dull again. Save your favorite MP3, WAV, AAC and MIDI files on an SD disk, put it in the controller, then play along. Adjust the tempo of songs by up to 50% without affecting pitch to practice at your own pace. FALL 2015 | 23 SACRAMENTO REPORT Our Spring Recital, held in May at one of our favorite retirement homes, was a resounding success, with many enthusiastic participants. We included a raffle this time that brought in over $600.00, helping keep us in the black. Later in May we held a Solo Competition at UCD, which attracted a good number of talented participants. There were four winners and three students recommended. We intend to work harder to attract violists, bassists and harpists to this Competition. We plan to hold another Chamber Music Workshop in the near future. May 21 was Stand Up 4 Music advocacy day at the State Capitol where representatives from twelve music education organizations visited legislative offices to discuss the importance of public school music education. Music groups from all over the state performed throughout the day, beginning at 9:00 a.m. with a performance of the Davis All-City Elementary String Orchestra directed by Kim Cole Feeney. We held our first Meet & Greet in June. Of our section’s 73 members, 21 do not live in Sacramento or Yolo County and we were hoping for a large turnout so we could get acquainted. That didn’t happen, but those who came liked the idea and said they would attend our next effort. At our next meeting, we will discuss ways to interest the membership in investigating ASTACAP. Singing its praises in the newsletter has not been enough. But, hope springs eternal! Fifty-four elementary school students attended a three-week ASTA-sponsored Summer Strings/Theory Workshop in Davis from June 22 - July 10. The class was held weekdays from 8:30-10:30 a.m. and included an hour of orchestra instruction and an hour of history/theory instruction complete with movies, games and reading/composing activities. It was a wonderful opportunity for students in public or private school programs to keep up their skills during the summer months. The program concluded with a daytime concert for parents and a party to celebrate these young dedicated instrumentalists’ hard work! Submitted by Gay Currier, President SAN DIEGO REPORT Minutes from ASTA San Diego Section: In the last few months, we have been busy trying to set up access to the bank account in the Musician’s Interguild Credit Union, which is in Los Angeles. The San Diego Section is not sure of who or why this bank was chosen; it took a trip in person (a three hour trip each way) to settle access to the account for President Carina Voly and Treasurer Travis Maril. After one month, we still don’t have checks or statements – we hope this issue gets resolved without a new trip to Los Angeles. We are still working on it. On the formerly mentioned trip to Los Angeles, we were able to deposit the money paid by the students for the September competition. The total income from this competition was $365, the cost for rental of the hall and payment to one judge was $270 ($120 for the hall and $150 for the judge). Isaac Allen, our Secretary, donated his judging time for the competition. The $600 that Dr. Tatton allowed on loan to the San Diego chapter in August 2014 in case there were not enough funds for the September competition were not needed, so the check was not deposited and it will be returned to the Treasurer shortly. President Carina Voly has been busy recruiting new members. The short-term plan is to build a stronger community of ASTA members and create activities that will benefit both the ASTA community as well as the San Diego string community at large – possibly for future recruitment as well. In May, we setup two special activities—one with violin pedagogue Bonnie Greene from One World Strings, and one with Physical Therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner John Horne—to address injury prevention and efficiency of movement. Respectfully submitted by: Carina Voly, President; Travis Maril, Treasurer; Isaac Allen, Secretary 24 | THE SOUNDPOST SAN FRANCISCO REPORT August 16, 2015 On Saturday, June 17, members of the ASTA San Francisco board met at the home of Sara Usher in Oakland. We reviewed our activities of the past six months, discussed upcoming programs, and explored additional ways to serve our local string teaching community. In January 2015, ASTA San Francisco offered three $500 grants to the following organizations: 1. Home of United String Ensembles - H.O.U.S.E. held three inspirational Musicianship Workshops on improvisation by Katie Wreede, Zach Pitt Smith, and the Out of Bounds String Quartet for Middle School students in the Oakland Unified School Districts. 2. Composing Together - CT director Katie Wreede (viola), Sarah Zaharako (violin), and Moses Sedler (cello) performed for incarcerated boys and girls at the San Francisco County Juvenile Justice Probation Center. The kids were encouraged to imagine what each composer wanted to say to them, to listen carefully to their own emotional responses and then observe how musicians communicate and cooperate with each other to make it happen. They also learned guided breathing exercises to delve deeper into their own feelings and the music. 3. Point Richmond Jazz offered a series of concerts and masterclasses this year by eminent Jazz violinists to educate string players to the possibilities inherent in creative improvisation and to cultivate an understanding of the long history and contributions string players have made in this genre. We are proud of the wonderful accomplishments and contributions these organizations made and wish them success in their future endeavors. We are currently reviewing our section’s financial status to determine if we can offer grants again in 2016. More information will be available by mid-September. Mark the following dates on your calendar! ASTACAP and Teacher Symposium Schedule ASTACAP Berkeley March 12, 2016 ASTACAP San Francisco April 3, 2016 ASTACAP Walnut Creek TBD 2015-2016 Teacher Symposium Schedule 1501 Walnut St., Berkeley Friday, Sept. 18, 2015 Friday, Oct. 9, 2015 Friday, Nov. 20, 2015 Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 Friday, April 8, 2016 In March 2015, we held ASTACAP exams in Berkeley, Walnut Creek and San Francisco. There were 73 bowed string students, 18 teachers, and 9 examiners. Next year’s exams will take place on March 12, 2016 in Berkeley, April 3, 2016 in San Francisco and in late March in Walnut Creek. More details will be available soon at On Saturday, August 22, 2015 Kristal Schwartz held her Harp ASTACAP exams at the Angelic Harp Academy in San Jose. On Friday, April 17, we partnered with the Suzuki Association of Northern California (SANC) for a Teacher Symposium which was presented by Katheryn Hewatt. Attendees were invited to submit short video clips of themselves teaching a technique related to the right arm. An open and supportive discussion followed with the objective of helping these teachers improve and refine their pedagogical skills in a very hands-on and practical way. The discussions we had were very helpful. We had about 12 participants who all enthusiastically stated that they would love to attend more of these “practicum” style symposiums. FALL 2015 | 25 San Francisco Section Report (continued from page 25) We have a total of five symposiums scheduled for this next year in Berkeley - four of them will be “practicums” led by Katheryn Hewatt and one on Eurhythmics in the Private Lesson by Jennifer Ellis. They will be held on Fridays this year from 10-11:30am at 1501 Walnut Street, Berkeley on the following dates: Sep. 18th - Practicum (Katheryn Hewatt) Oct. 9th - Practicum (Katheryn Hewatt) Nov. 20th - Eurhythmics in the Private Lesson (Jennifer Ellis) Feb. 19th - Practicum (Katheryn Hewatt) April 8th - Practicum (Katheryn Hewatt) ASTA San Francisco’s 2015 Solo Competition was held on Sunday, May 10 at the San Francisco Conservatory where 21 junior participants performed for judges Michael Goldberg (guitar), Michelle Sell (harp) and Dana Rudin (cello). The first place winner was cellist Elena Ariza, age 16, student of Eric Sung. John James Ahn, cellist, age 16 (student of Eric Sung), and Vincent Lin, cellist, age 15 (student of Jonathan Koh) tied for 2nd place and Hannah Ewell, harpist, age 12 (student of Kristal Schwartz Barlaan) placed 3rd. The judges recommend nine participants to advance to the CalASTA State Solo Competition in 2016. Although we have not yet secured a date for our next solo competition, we may introduce some changes including a video audition preliminary round. ASTA San Francisco partnered with two string programs this summer: Cello Camp headed by Cathy Allen and Glenview Strings led by Sara Usher. Please contact me if you have ideas that you would like to share on how we can make your membership in ASTA San Francisco more meaningful. If you have suggestions for workshops or if you would like to volunteer as a monitor at our ASTACAP exams or Solo Competition please write to me at Yours truly, Cybèle D’Ambrosio President, ASTA San Francisco 26 | THE SOUNDPOST COMPOSING TOGETHER New String Trio Music for Incarcerated Kids Thanks to a grant from ASTA San Francisco, Composing Together's Katie Wreede (CT director and viola), Sarah Zaharako (violin), and Moses Sedler (cello) performed their own compositions for incarcerated boys and girls at the San Francisco County Juvenile Justice Probation Center this past January. Partnering with City Youth Now and troubled teen therapist, Jan Sells, they helped kids experience live, original string trio music for the first time, asking them to imagine what each composer wanted to say to them, to listen carefully to their own emotional responses and then to watch how musicians communicate and cooperate with each other to make it happen. Later, they learned guided breathing exercises to go deeper into their own feelings and the music. One of the most popular parts of the program was improv “conversation” duets, where students suggested the mood for each instrument and what musical effects might make that mood (fast and loud for angry, slow and low for sad, etc.). The youth response was very positive, with some surprisingly insightful comments, like: “what I liked best was how different the violin sounds when it’s played differently.” The staff response, which is just as important in a facility like this, was also complimentary and positive, both for enjoying the concert and because they noticed an extended behavioral effect on the kids. This included being more willing to cooperate and avoiding confrontation, which keeps everyone safer and happier. One of the incarcerated girls said that she had heard visiting string quartets at other facilities, and it was her favorite kind of music because it made her “chill." She was getting out in a couple weeks and wanted to know where she could go for free to hear more music like that. She was musically literate and liked contemporary new music because of all the different sounds. Her conversation with us was especially touching because she was still seeking beauty after so many bad things happened in her young life. The end result of this experience is that we musicians are all eager to do more, and the City Youth Now staff is working on finding regular funding to have the program come back once a month for at least the next year! ASTA San Francisco has helped launch an important service to neglected youth and created another venue for new music, too. Katrina Wreede STOCKTON REPORT July 31st, 2015 ASTA Stockton had its board meeting on May 4th. It has been a season of firsts for ASTA Stockton, and we are learning from it. We had our first special evening last November with luthier Gary Vessel. We held the event both in Stockton (at UoP) and in Modesto (at Gary Vessel’s shop). It was informative, interesting and appreciated by those who attended and we wish to have more teachers and students next time! We had a great turnout at our first chamber music workshop on February 28th. Students played in small groups and were coached by ASTA teachers. We ended the day with an informal concert and were joined by a UoP students’ string quartet. Based on our experience from this year’s event, we hope to make this an annual workshop with next year already scheduled for February 27th. We are looking forward to our events next fall and winter. After a two-year hiatus, we are planning an ASTA recital on November 14th, in Manteca, a location more central than usual for everyone. Our section is full of committed and involved teachers. Don Grishaw, orchestra director at John H. Pitman High school in Turlock, received the CalASTA Lucie Landen Award for excellence in String and Orchestra teaching. Among his many accomplishments the Pitman High School Chamber Orchestra performed at the CASMEC Conference in Fresno in February 2015, and 15 members of this orchestra were accepted into the Stanislaus County High School Honor Orchestra in January 2015. Don Grishaw is also the Director of the Concert Division of the Modesto Symphony Youth Orchestra beginning in the 2014-2015 season and he was selected as Director of the Stanislaus County Junior High School Honor Orchestra in January 2015. Additionally, our member Donna Harrison is now president of CODA. Finally, please know that the Central Valley Youth Orchestra will hold its auditions August 25-27, in Stockton. You can find more information on their website Musically yours, Myriam Cottin-Rack ASTA Stockton, President Students and coaches at chamber music workshop on February 28th, 2015. FALL 2015 | 27 CODA REPORT I am excited to report many events taking place to benefit string players in grades 7-12 and their teachers. First of all, I want to encourage you to join CODA. It is very easy and FREE! Visit our new website at and fill out the on-line membership application. You will become connected to a community of orchestra directors and other music teachers that want to promote school orchestras in California. Many of the ways CODA accomplishes this is by providing honor orchestra experiences for your students. Our first event of the school year is the December 4-5, 2015 CODA Festival at San Jose State University. The CODA Honor String Orchestra will be directed by Doris Fukawa from the Crowden Music Center and the CODA Honor Symphony Orchestra will be directed by Dr. Robert Taylor from the University of British Columbia. These orchestras are for students in grades 9-12, and the application and auditions are located on the CODA website- All forms, fees, and auditions need to be received by the CODA office by September 25, 2015. CODA members are welcome to observe rehearsals, 1 pm concert on Saturday, and to attend the CODA membership meeting December 5, 2015 at 10 am in the San Jose State University Music Complex (look for the signs). The next big event is the CASMEC Conference in San Jose, February 11-14, 2015. CODA will be presenting three All-State Orchestra opportunities for students in grades 7-12: the All-State Jr. High Orchestra will be directed by Bill Bitter from Gilbert, AZ; the All-State High School String Orchestra will be directed by Soo Han from Carmel, IN; and the All-State High School Symphony Orchestra will be directed by Jung-Ho Pak from the World Youth Symphony Orchestra and Cape Symphony. Your students will certainly be inspired as they perform in these outstanding ensembles and work with these amazing conductors. All rehearsals are open for your observation. The audition information is also on the CODA website and the deadline is December 1, 2015. An expanded offering of Clinic Sessions and Performances representing orchestra are being planned for your professional development and enlightenment. Here are some highlights: • “Accompaniment Styles for Cellists” by Renata Bratt. This will be a hands-on clinic, so bring your cello. • Lynbrook High School Orchestra Performance under the direction of Michael Pakaluk. • CODA General Session presented by Donna Harrison and the CODA Leadership. Attend this session to hear more about CODA and what it has to offer. This session will double as our General Membership Meeting. • “The 'Bassics' From 20 Feet Away” by Dr. Janine Riveire. Dr. Riveire returns to give direction on helping your bass players during orchestra rehearsals. • “What If Your Students Are Doing Everything Wrong?” by David Motto. Helpful ways to get the most out of your individual practice. • Orchestra Music Reading Session presented by J.W. Pepper and the Dougherty Valley Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Patty Drury • “Conversations with Dr. Tom” by Dr. Thomas Tatton. He will discuss and demonstrate string pedagogy with the focus on recent CMEA Magazine articles written by him. • Simply Three is a crossover string group equally at home with today's greatest hits and the classics. These exciting performers will present a clinic session in addition to their headliner concert at CASMEC. • Scott Krijnen will present two sessions: “Efficient, Effective and Engaged: Rehearsal Techniques for a String Orchestra” and “String Techniques for Band Directors.” Both sessions sound like must-sees. • Dr. Lucy Lewis will present a session on the "A,B,and C’s of Chamber Music". • Mark Kovacs will present a session on "The First Ten Minutes: Warm-ups That Teach". I hope to see you and your students at some of these CODA events this year and I hope to see you on the CODA membership list. Donna Harrison, President of California Orchestra Directors Association 28 | THE SOUNDPOST STRING PROJECT REPORTS SACRAMENTO STATE STRING PROJECT Andrew Luchansky, Director Judy Bossuat-Gallic and Timothy Stanley, Master Teachers Sacramento State String Project Starts Another Year! The second floor of Capistrano Hall is bustling on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Congratulations to our May 2015 SP teacher graduates Josiah Catalan and Cody Alves. One of the hallmarks of SP is our graduation rate. Almost 100% of the students involved for 4 semesters or more in the SP finish their degree. This program, under the umbrella of the National String Project Consortium, helps college students get practical string teaching experience with children from the community. Costs are low for the children and the college students earn a small stipend. Grants this year were obtained from the Sac State Associated Students and private donations. Of course, the project could not be done without the help of the Sac State Music Department. Ten college students have stepped forward to teach the children. Returning teachers Kirsten Ebert, Zachary McGee, Mica Phan and Sapphire Valdivia have been joined by Aaron Davis, Joanna Dvek, Ardalan Gharachorloo, Daniella Kalinyuk, Zach Louchi, Anna Lyubezhanina and Jina Park. Example teaching and supervision are provided by the Master Teachers Bossuat-Gallic and Stanley. Professor Bossuat-Gallic worked intensively with the student teachers on Sunday and Monday August 30 and 31. This is the first time the semester has been “front-loaded” with 10 hours of pedagogy and insures that the new SP teachers will start the semester with confidence. New this year is a satellite teaching location at the Taylor Street School in the Robla School District. After years of bussing all their String Project students twice a week to Sacramento State, we are experimenting with bussing the 20 Intermediates only on Mondays and conducting their second class in their neighborhood on Saturday morning. 40 Robla beginners will also have their classes Saturday in both large and small groups. The Robla Educational Foundation helps to subsidize instruments and transportation for these students. This exemplary collaboration offers children an opportunity they might never otherwise have. SP alumni Cody Alves has agreed to teach on this new project. In 2014-15 a full-time violin position was added at Sacramento State. To the delight of students and faculty alike, Anna Presler has become a champion of the String Project assisting Professor Luchansky in the organization and promotion of this wonderful program. We are thrilled to have her help, enthusiasm and acumen. Please join us for our free concert in the Concert Recital Hall in Capistrano (near parking structure 1) on Monday, December 14th at 7pm. FALL 2015 | 29 UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS STRING PROJECT The Univ. of Redlands String Project begins its 5th year with 4 levels of group classes and, new this year, private lessons will be made available at a discounted fee for local area students. Taught by our University of Redlands Apprentice Teachers, this will further enhance the development of string students in our local community. Additionally, "graduates" of our program are beginning to advance to the University sponsored Youth Orchestras and bolster the level of playing in those groups. We look forward to another marvelous year working with young string students in the Redlands community! Kyle Champion POINT LOMA STRING PROJECT The Point Loma String Project is entering its twelfth year of providing teaching experience for PLNU string students and of creating new string talent in San Diego. Former string project students have excelled in local youth orchestras and some have pursued string playing into their college years and beyond. The PLNU University/Community orchestra also has benefited with the addition of string players who started out in the string project. Former teacher apprentices have entered the string teaching profession in San Diego, and other locations around the country, including one former teacher apprentice who has become the director of a college prep department. As a planned addition to our offerings this year, a note-reading class will be offered separately from the beginning strings class to create greater focus during each class period. We also are initiating a new student-manager position for the project. Philip Tyler, Project Director !"#$%& '()*+", -./0!12340-56.748 000000975:74034;0975:3 -./0-76<6.0=1:>?5.2< 000000975:54@6::5034; -51A:6A322 !!!"#$%&$'()*#!+,,&$-.)/-/#01 !2)/3#$0/-4!5-$/)6!7.($-#!8.0/*(!"(*/%/*(!9($&:.#!+$*;#0-$( !!!!!!!!!!!!!8.0/*!%$&'!-;#!9($&:.#!-;$&.6; !!!!!!!!!!!!!-;#!<=0-!>#)-.$4 !<.74802@?5:3.2?7B203.603C37:3A:60<50D127@0D3E5.2034;0454FD127@0D3E5.2 STAND UP 4 MUSIC Stand Up 4 Music California Music Education Advocacy Day at the State Capitol Thursday, May 21, 2015 This was a very special day where a coalition of music educators from various parts of California came together to lobby our legislators to support SB725. This bill would require that there be an adoption of new state standards for the arts as soon as possible but no later than 6/30/17. The State’s Visual & Performing Arts Standards have not been updated since 2000. We had a breakfast meeting at the Citizen’s Hotel where were given information as to who to meet, what to say, etc. We were also given printed materials that we could leave with people. All of us had some appointments with representatives of our home area. However, we were encouraged to pop in & visit others as well. I had appointments with aids for Senator Pan & Representative McCarty, as they are my representatives. Another coalition member & I visited three others. Most were enthusiastically supportive. There were approximately 15 -20 people present for the morning meeting who then went to the Capitol to lobby. At our wrapup meeting, most of us reported meeting with aids or interns. However, a couple of people did get to actually meet with the legislators themselves. I’m sorry to say, I was not thinking of this report at the time & did not note exactly who. On the north steps of the Capitol building, various musical student groups performed from 9:00 – 12:00. Literature was also being handed out to people as they walked by or stopped to listen concerning our quest and the needs of the arts. It was an enjoyable day of meeting other music people, talking to mostly interns and listening to outstanding ensembles from throughout the state. Most of us were pretty much done by about 12:30. The leadership people including Michael Stone, our state president, Scott Hedgecock, our president elect as well as Lynne Faulks, our consultant had appointments to meet with others after lunch. I believe there may have been one or two others as well. We need to continue to remind our colleagues to remind our legislators to get this bill passed! Respectfully submitted, Nina Vigil, ASTA/CMEA member !"#"$%&'()*+,-.+/"&%01 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ String Faculty ++ Ann Miller, violin Igor Veligan, viola Nina Flyer, cello Tom Derthick, bass *High School Students* Join us for a performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. 1! 209.946.2418 Details on Facebook: “Mahler at Pacific” 230 music majors and minors studying: Music Therapy * Performance * Music History * Jazz Studies Music Management * Composition * Music Education FALL 2015 | 31 ASTACAP REPORTS NORTHERN CALIFORNIA In March 2015, SF ASTA took advantage of increasing interest in ASTACAP and expanded to three locations, making it easier for bowed string students outside the East Bay to attend. A total of 71 violin, viola, and cello students and 11 teachers participated. The number of students per teacher varied from 1 to 14. Everyone I talked to, teachers and students alike, agreed that the demanding preparation and the opportunity to perform for a supportive adjudicator and get comments was a valuable experience that helped them grow musically. In August 2015, ASTACAP exams for harp were held in San Jose organized by Kristal Barlaan. 20 of Kristal's harp students participated. All harp teachers from the SF Branch are welcome to have their students participate next year. Many thanks to Kristal for all her hard work! In Spring 2016, we will once again hold ASTACAP exams for violin, viola and cello in 3 locations: Berkeley--Saturday, March 12 San Francisco --Sunday, April 3 Walnut Creek TBD If you are not familiar with the ASTACAP, I invite you to take a look at the ASTACAP handbook, which is available at Feel free to contact me with any questions. Stephanie Railsback, SF ASTACAP coordinator 2015 ASTACAP Northern California Report Walnut Creek, March 8, 2015 18 students -- 3 teachers Berkeley, March 14, 2015 35 students -- 6 teachers San Francisco, March 15, 2015 18 students -- 3 teachers San Jose, August 22, 2015 20 students -- 1 teacher SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA The Board of the ASTA-Los Angeles Section offered seven dates and locations with only one evaluation room at each, starting with March 15 in Pasadena, April 12 in Fullerton, April 18 in Bellflower, April 26 in Woodland Hills, May 2 in Santa Barbara and ending with May 9 in San Clemente. We had 16 violin, 4 viola and 3 cello teachers enroll 105 students for these seven evaluation days. The levels ranged from Foundation through Level 10. I appreciate the generosity of Dr. Charles Baker and Joyce Osborn in offering their studios and Dr. Cheryl Scheidemantle provided a free place at her Pasadena Polytechnic School. We rented space in churches in San Clemente and Santa Barbara, as well as a music school in Bellflower. I hired the eight evaluators to hear the students at these seven events. They are experienced teachers, highly regarded string players who know the standards these students needed to reach and they provided excellent written comments for each student. I personally was at each location and handled the orientation using the Evaluation Guidelines provided in the Handbook by our National ASTACAP committee. I was also available throughout the schedule to handle any questions that arose from the evaluators during the evaluation day. 32 | THE SOUNDPOST ASTACAP Reports: Southern California (continued from page 32) The hardest working evaluator was Dr. Tom Tatton, who worked for 9.5 hours at the Woodland Hills studio. Each teacher is provided with the Evaluation Guidelines a month before the evaluation, and we have now had 8 years of no complaints from any teacher about how the evaluations are handled. A special touch we provide: as each student leaves we hand them a cookie and small bottle of water with a smile and “congratulations!” We are now setting up dates and locations for 2016 and invite you to plan for the following dates: March 12 Fullerton (cello, violin and viola) April 16 Bellflower (violin and viola) April 23 San Clemente (cello and violin) April 23 Woodland Hills (cello) April 24 Woodland Hills (violin and viola) more to be announced for Pasadena & Santa Barbara To learn more about ASTACAP go to Respectfully submitted, Kay Pech !"#!$%&'#()(%!#&$!*+!,%&-&,#$.'/0'!!*-!7/)Certificate Advancement Program (ASTACAP)).#89/)/+:;#(+/)"#'/:$#)'(;)'&.%#<#),$#'+#$)98'3%(,)'2%8%+%#/)'(;) continue their music study with enthusiasm. Advancing successfully through the levels motivates students to practice. ASTA has developed a carefully graded 11-level curriculum for <%08%(=)<%08'=)Ͱ=);0:28#)2'//)'(;).'$9. Each level is a professionally designed pedagogical progression offering both study materials and adjudication/feedback. Using these guidelines for scales, etudes and solos, the teacher prepares the student for each level’s evaluation. Successful completion of each level is recognized by ASTA with a Certificate of Achievement. This national award validates the teacher and student’s work, and bears proof of a well-rounded system of instruction. ASTACAP evaluations can be taken In Person or with an Online Examination: '/%&,-0*/ • A live performing experience, ,0(-+/,08!%,8#1!*$&/,08 • Multiple locations and dates, 3&*,$%!.6!%1&1$ • An opportunity to network with )1#$*!%1+/$01%!&0/!1$&(#$*% To apply for an online examination: !!!"#$%#!&'"()*+#$%#(#, 1%2234'/+'5#26&0" !"#$%"&#'"()% *++,-. • "#$!%&'$!()*$!(+**,(+-+'!.&%$/!)0!0&1,)0&-!%1&0/&*/% • 20/,3,/+&-,4$/!%$-$(1,)0!)5!%1+/6!'&1$*,&-% • 7)1,3&1,)0!5)*!%1+/$01%!&0/!(-$&*!8)&-%!5)*!1$&(#$*% • Adjudicated by trained and certified professionals • Non-competitive, excellent training for auditions and recitals • Graded and comments-only options • A Certificate of Achievement for passing a level • 9)0)*%!(&0!.$!&:&*/$/!.6!&/;+/,(&1)*%!5)*!&/3&0($/!%1+/$01% • The 2015 Handbook- the complete guide to repertoire, policies, &0/!8+,/$-,0$% "/12/, 34562/572*/ • Same online recording process +%$/!.6!'+%,(!%(#))-%!&0/! ()--$8$% • Can submit exams three times annually: January, April, and June • A convenient option when a live $3$01!(&00)1!.$!&11$0/$/ For more information contact your state ASTACAP representative or state ASTA board. The ASTACAP handbook can be found online at (free for ASTA members.) !"#$%&'()*+$%(,)-#'&.#$/)!//0&%'+%0( 4155 Chain Bridge Road ● Fairfax VA 22030 ● 703-896-0774 FALL 2015 | 33 RETROSPECTIVE Miss Lucie Landen, 1903-1990 By all accounts, Miss Lucie Landen was a plucky lady with a pithy personality, astringent wit, and a positive, forthright attitude! From 1952 until 1996, she taught and then became Head of String Instruction for what was then called the Menlo Park School District. Although she didn’t seek the presidency of CalASTA, she assumed that office in 1956. At the time, there were only 103 members, most of whom lived in the Bay Area, which Miss Lucie helped organize and she had been president. In the Spring 1966 issue of The Soundpost, Miss Lucie described her first efforts at running the state unit: “I set out to do the best I could.” Apparently the best she could do was enough to accomplish a great deal. Miss Lucie, during her tenure: 1. Published the first (of several) state directories/membership lists by which she hoped to facilitate dialogue and communication amongst string teachers across the state. 2. Inaugurated The Soundpost – Opus 1, Number 1 in 1956; written, duplicated, stamped and posted by Miss Lucie Landon. She proclaimed it was our duty as string teachers to spread the good news about string teaching, and to become a voice in the fabric of the California education system. 3. Organized the state unit into five regional sections: according to Opus 1, No.1 of The Soundpost the sections were Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Oroville-Chico and Pasadena. Each section elected its own officers and created independent programs and activities. Miss Lucie hoped to encourage membership growth through a multitude of regional activities across the state. 4. Initiated active cooperation and participation in CMEA and the then MENC – now NAfME 5. Started the Summer String Workshops and Clinics in 1966, hoping to encourage continuing education for string teachers. 6. In 1966, she completed the long and arduous task of Incorporation for the California State Unit of ASTA as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Can you imagine accomplishing all this with a rotary phone, a Royal Typewriter and the United States Post Office? The CalASTA unit organized in 1948 by Stefan Krayk, now under the leadership of Miss Lucie, prospered and grew into the largest state unit with many of her ideas, programs and activities still in place – astounding! At the 1967 ASTA Banquet held during the MENC Western Division Convention, Miss Lucie was honored with a citation for “Outstanding Service and leadership.” Miss Lucie had given CalASTA her best! This article was put together from information found in early CalASTA journals—most particularly the article written by P. J. McMasters, February 1991. Gayane Korkmazian, Historian Thomas Tatton DMA, President CalASTA 34 | THE SOUNDPOST Robert Cauer Violin Makers and Dealers Rare and Contemporary Stringed Instruments and Bows Bought, Sold and Rented. Expert Repairs and Service. For a complete Instrument Care Guide visit our web site at You will find tips on: •Selecting an instrument or bow •Travel with your instrument •Adjustments •Tuning problems •Stopping buzzes •Humidity problems Also find the Southern California Cauer Calendar of Classical Music Events 2242 Cahuenga Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90068 By appointment only. (323) 460-6815
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