69th annual national convention and reunion navy seabee veterans
69th annual national convention and reunion navy seabee veterans
69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION AND REUNION NAVY SEABEE VETERANS OF AMERICA AT GRAND PLAZA HOTEL BRANSON,MO SEPTEMBER 17-19,2015 MINUTES: 1. PRE CONVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 2. CONVENTION BUSINESS MEETING 3. POST CONVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 4. OFFICERS' WRITTEN REPORTS DAVID J. BUCHANAN National Commander MELRAMIGE National Secretary NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. 691h National Convention and Reunion 17 September 2015 Grand Plaza Hotel Branson, MO PRE-CONVENTION NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The meeting was CALLED TO ORDER by Commander David J. BUCHANAN at 2:00 PM. The COLORS were previously POSTED by Nick MARSCHHAUSER, National Master at Arms. PLEGDE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Commander David J. BUCHANAN. The OPENING PRAYER was given by Chaplain Jim PEDONE. The PREAMBLE was recited by Mike GENTZ. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS by SECRETARY Mel RAMIGE, indicating a quorum is present. A quorum shall exist at a National Convention when ten percent (10%) or more of the total votes entitled to be cast in the Convention are represented by accredited Delegates, provided at least Fifty One Percent (51%) of the Departments are represented. A quorum, once established, shall be and continue to be in effect throughout the National Convention. The roll call and sign in sheet are attached to these Minutes Commander David J. BUCHANAN indicated: "A quorum is present and the body assembled is authorized to transact any business that may come before it in accordance with the Constitution, By-laws and Standing Rules." MASTER AT ARMS Nick MAUSCHHAUSER unlocked doors and admitted late comers. Self-introduction of Guests at this Meeting: Bill SRAVER, Commander, Island X-5 Cape Fear, NC P. W. KURRE, Island X-5, Cape Girardeau, MO Dave KURRE, Island X-1, St. Louis, MO Jim FUREY, Island X-2, Huntington, NY Commander David J. BUCHANAN welcomed them all to this Meeting. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERJCA. Inc. 10 15 Convention and Reunion Branson, MO. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was pointed out by a member that there was not a Quorum present at the Mid-year meeting therefor no business could be transacted. Below is a concmrence of the NOTES that were generated from the gathering. Vice Cmdr. Jon SCOTT suggest removing National Executive Committee's recommendations from Resolutions and not presenting notes as MINUTES. All concurred._ The "NOTES" of the 2015 Mid-Year "GATHERING", held on March 6, 2015 in ArJington. VA were emailed and/or mailed to all Officers, Departments, and Islands. There was a Motion by Jim PEDONE and seconded by Joe MILLETTE that we concur with the "NOTES" presented from the 2015 March "GATHERING", held in Crystal City, Virginia. By voice vote ALL ayes and NO nays. This motion to concur was approved. Commander David J. BUCHANAN gave an oral COMMANDER 'S REPORT, with a written report. Vice Commander at Large Jon SCOTT gave an oral REPORT stating the website is doing well and has studied the Constitution and By-laws and has been in contact with the South Central District Commander Troy BRANCH working to form an Island in Memphis , TN; written report to be submitted. Secretary Mel RAMIGE gave an oral NATIONAL SECRETARY REPORT with a more in depth report for the Convention, written report is submitted. Annual Transmittals taking more time. Life Memberships are working better with Joe SCOTT's help. Donations to SMSA are down, halfway through funding the 25th SchoJarship as the Marvin SIDELDS campaign is diverting the donations. 1-800 phone calls are down (1-800 line will be cut off as of 19 September 2015. Mel has paid the fee for the land line since its inception. Membership is down for lOth straight year. We need to get the members transferred from ALL deactivated Islands and Departments and the NIAL. Treasurer Jerry SCHMUCK summarized theNATIONAL TREASURER REPORT with a more in depth report to be given at the Convention. This is the first year in 6 years the NSVA budget has ended up with income exceeding the expenses. His written report is submitted. APPOINTMENT OF CONVENTION COMMITTEES by Commander David J. BUCHANAN RULES: This Committee traditionally has the National Parliamentarian as Chairman; Chairperson Charlie COFFIN. CREDENTIALS: This Committee is only for the duration of the Convention and Reunion and looks over the Secretary's spreadsheets to verify documented (Paid) Delegates. Chairman Ralph Bean Member Jim FUREY AUDITING: This Committee is usually the National Trustees who only function at the Convention and Reunion and Mid-Year Executive Meeting or as needed by the National Commander. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERJCA. Inc. 20 15 Convention and Reunion Branson. MO. ~ Co-Chairperson Joe MILLETTE Co-Chairperson Phil JUSTIN MEMBERSHIP: This Committee is only for the duration of the Convention and has the responsibility of determining total membership (Annual & LM), the winner of the Plaque for the Battalion or Unit with the most members present and registered, and for the awards for the Departments and Islands with the highest increase in membership. Chairman, Joe SCOTT TIME & PLACE: This Committee is only for the duration of the Convention and Reunion for the purpose of scheduling three (3) future Convention and Reunion sites. Chairperson Joe SCOTT Member Charlie COFFIN Member Nick MARSCHHAUSER NOMINATING: This Committee is comprised ofthe 3 mostrecentPNC's attending the Convention and Reunion with the most recent PNC being the Chairperson. Chairperson Jerry LANDCASTLE PNC Carl BARRETT CORRESPONDENCE: 1. E-mail dated April 12, 2015 from Island X-1, St. Louis, MO promulgating a press release of the Admiral Ben MOREELL Memorial planned for St. Louis Soldiers Memorial. Action: We will hear more on this subject during the Banquet 2. E-mail dated August 8, 2015 requesting to post a message from Rear Admiral Katherine GREGORY, NAVFAC, about SEABEE reduction in foree. Action: This e-mail was received by many in the National Executive Committee and was posted on the NSVA.org website by Internet Chairman Jon SCOTT for all to 1·ead. 3. Correspondence from Secretary of State of California regarding a past due corporation tax return for California Island X-1 SEABEE Veterans of America. Action: Once again it was decided it was better to ignore this issue rather than opening it up with refilings. 4. E-mail dated August 16, 2015 from Tom MARONE requesting a change in the voting on resolutions that took place at the National Convention. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, lnc. 2015 Convention and Reunion Branson, MO. 3 Action: The March meeting in Washington, DC was designated as a "Gathering" of the National Executive Committee members and NO recommendations will be presented to the General Membership on any Resolutions submitted. 5. E-mail dated August 20, 2015 from Ken WARD, SW District Commander, requesting that he be excused from attencling because of medical reasons. His Officer's report is included. Action: Ken WARD was excused from this meeting and his report will become part of the MINUTES 6. E-mail dated September 4, 2015 as notification of the retirement of Mel RAMIGE as National Secretary as of September 19, 2015. Action: Mel's retirement was reluctantly accepted with deep appreciation for 26 years of exemplary service to the Navy SEABEE Veterans of America, Inc. and a standing rotmd of applause and best wishes for all of his future endeavors. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1 . Status of the recommendation to eliminate the 1-800-SEABEE-5 phone and institute a dedicated cell phone for the Membership Committee Chairman or the Publicity Chairman. Action: This will be acted upon at the Convention floor with a Motion to ELIMINATE the 1-800 phone line. 2. Update on the progress of the Deactivation of Departments and Islands. Action: This is an ongoing process that is going to get guidance on the Convention floor. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Review of the RESOLUTIONS acted upon at the Mid-Year Meeting. Action: All Resolutions were reviewed. 2. Request by Sharon LANDCASTLE, Secretary of SV A Auxiliary, for approval of the revised SVAA By-laws. Action: This request was referred to the National Constitution and By-laws Chairman Charlie COFFIN for review and finding nothing in their request that would conflict with the National Constitution and By-Laws recommends approval. A Motion by Jerry SCHMUCK and seconded by Jon SCOTT to allow the SVAA to revise their By-Laws as they deem necessary to conduct their business. By a voice vote ALL ayes and NO nays. This motion was approved. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AM ERIC' A. Inc. 20 15 Convention and Reunion Branson. MO. t..t 3. Report from the VDNC representative Adam MITTMAN of the planning for the upcoming 2015 Veterans Day activity. Commander David J. BUCHANAN addressed the issue of non-participation at the Veterans Day Ceremony in DC, the $150.00 dues fee, $500.00 fee for two wreaths and the cost involved in getting to and from DC. J.C. HAMPTON mentioned that when he and his wife, Sherron HAMPTON, carried the flags they were required to be at a rehearsal the week before. Action: Decision was made to withdraw from the Veterans Day National Ceremony as an Associate member after this year's ceremony as the dues have already been paid. There was a Motion made for the good of the Organization by Carl BARRETT and seconded by Jon SCOTT that we withdraw our membership in the VDNC after 2015. By a voice vote ALL ayes and NO nays. This motion was approved. Jim PEDONE, National Chaplain volunteered to attend the Whitehouse Breakfast for 2015. Nick MARSCHHAUSER volunteered to carry one of the .flags into the Rotunda. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: 1. Jon SCOTT has some Ship's Store's, uniform items, from Island X-1, Gulfport, MS. 2. Danny WEST spoke about a Webinar web based conference process. Danny will get more information for the Mid-Year Meeting such as availability, cost, & etc. 3. Joe MILLETTE suggested regional meetings. 4. Carl BARRETT informed everyone about Island X-2, Lakeland, FL having problems with Wells Fargo banking. The Island was charged for a phone call and Wells Fargo would not work with them. 5. Ralph BEAN informed everyone about the NW District Commander's new e-mail address as porkinbakin55@gmail.com The CLOSING PRAYER was given by Jim PEDONE. Commander David J. BUCHANAN requested that all remain Standing and Salute the Flag. There being no further business to be brought up at this time the meeting is ADJOURNED at 3:45 pm. (Approximate time) NOTES: NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERJCA, 2015 Convention and Relmion Branson. MO. 5 ltt~. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS OF AMERICA OFFICERS ROLL CALL- 2015 PRE CONVENTION *************************************************** OFFICER NAME ********************************************************************* DAVID BUCHANAN JON SCOTT MELRAMIGE JERRY SCHMUCK Present Present Present Present JOHN CUBIT MTKESCOTT TROY BRANCH RALPH BEAN DONNIE DOUGLAS KENWARD Present Absent Absent Present Present JERRY LANDCASTLE CARL BARRETT BEAR HOLLAND DAVID J. BUCHANAN JIM WHITE ED JONES NORM HILL DON CLAY DrCK GROVE JACK WRIGHT Present Present Absent Present Absenl Ahscnt Absenr Absent Absent Absent NATIONAL TRUSTEES 2YR 2YR 1 YR I YR. 1 YR SECRETARY, NIAL. CHAPLAIN BOBMAGfC BURTON MOLLOHAN PffiLJUSTIN JOSEPH MILLETTE NORMAND 0. DUPUIS MEL RAMIGE, INTERIM JlMPEDONE Absent .\bscnt Present Present SERVICE OFFICER DAVE PHILLIPS Absent HISTORIAN NATIONAL COUNSELORS RANDY JUDD JOHN DEVER Absent Absent PARLIAMENTARIAN 2015 NAT'L. CONVENTION CHAIRMAN JOHN HILLYER ill ROGER MINER CHARLES COFFIN DONNIE DOUGLAS Present Absent Present Present NATIONAL COMMANDER NAT'L VICE CMDR. AT LARGE NATIONAL SECRETARY NATIONAL TREASURER DISTRICT COMMANDERS NEDISTRlCT NCDISTRTCT SC DISTRICT NWDfSTRICT SEDfSTRJCT SW DISTRICT PAST NATIONAL COMMANDERS 2012-2014 2010-2012 2008-2010 2006-2008 2004-2006 Ab~eot Excused Absent Present Present Excused STANDING COMMITTEES LlFE MEMBERSHIP PUBLICATIONS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS NATIONAL PUBLICITY RESOLUTIONS INTERNET FINANCE MEMBERSHIP MASTER-AT-ARMS REGISTERED AGENT DEPT. EXE. COMMITTEEMEN FLORIDA iLLINOIS fNDIANA MASSACHUSETTS MISSJSSfPPI NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA OHIO WASHINGTON JOE SCOTT ROBERT GERMINSKY CHARLES COFFIN JOE LEAHY JOHN CUBIT JON SCOTT JERRY SCHMUCK DANNY WEST NICHOLAS MARSCBHAUSER DAVE RUDOLPH BOB MAGIC TED BRODT DANNY WEST JOE MILLETTE JOE SCOTT JOHN CUBIT JAMES C. HAMPTON PATLEUIER GEORGE DODGE Present Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Ahs.ent 31 present l Excused NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. 69n-t ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza Hotel Branson, MO September 17-19,2015 MINUTES Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN called the meeting to Order 9:45 am. "As National Commander of the Navy SEABEE Veterans of America, I call this the 69'11 Annual National Convention and Reunion to order." Dispense with the Invocation by the Chaplain since we are returning from the Joint Opening session. At this time, out of sequence, Dan MILLER, Chief Development Officer of the SMSA was introduced and gave a presentation on the partnership between the SMSA and the Navy SEABEE Veterans of America, Inc. Dan also informed the membership that a scholarship recipient will be at the banquet to describe the benefit the SVA Scholarship has meant to her. The $3 million dollar campaign has ended and a $5 million dollar campaign has begun. The SMSA has started a new Scholarship to Honor SEABEE recipients of a Purple Heart. There is an October SMSA meeting coming up. Jeny SCHMUCK mentioned his granddaughter was a recipient of one of the scholarships and graduated last year. Tim ROBISON asked about Scholarships for spouses. Not possible at this time except for a fully funded named Scholarship. Charlie COFFIN asked if everyone has signed the sign-in sheet. Vice Commander Jon SCOTT asked all to silence any electrical devices they might have. Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN introduced the members at the head table in the order they were seated. Jim PEDONE--------------------National Chaplain, 13 yrs. continuous service. Charlie COFFIN---------------- National Parliamentarian, first year in office. Jerry SCHMUCK--------------- National Treasw·er, 6 yrs. continuous service. Jon SCOTT---------------------National V. Commander first year in office. 26 yrs. continuous service. Mel RAMIGE-------------------National Secretary David J. BUCHANAN----------National Commander second year in office. The Roll Call of Officers was called by National Secretary Mel RAMIGE. Sheet is attached Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN Declare a Quorum stating; "As National Commander, I declare a quorum present and this National Convention of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America is duly authorized, in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and National Constitution, to transact any business that may come before the Convention in Session". 69w ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. Septe,er 17-19 NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICAt Inc. First Order ofBusiness: remaining appointment of Committees. (Any other Delegate who wishes to do so may at th.is time get up and say their name to volunteer to serve on a Committee. See Pre Convention Executive Committee Agenda for existing Committee Members). Pre-Convention Agenda Excerpt; RULES: (ParUamentarian) This Committee traditionally has the National Parliamentarian as Chairman. The parliamentarian serves at the pleasure of the Commander. Charlie COFFIN, Chairman DEPT. ISLAND NY X-14, Hudson Falls Parliamentarian COFFIN read the "RULES OF ORDER" of the Convention. CREDENTIALS: This Committee is only for the duration of the Convention and Reunion and looks over the Secretary' s spreadsheets to verify documented (Paid) Delegates. Ralph BEAN, Chairman Jim FUREY, Member DEPT. WA. NY ISLAND X-6. Spokane X-2, Huntington AUDITING (National Trustees): This Committee is usually the National Trustees who only function at the Convention and Reunion and Mid-Year Executive Meeting or as needed by the National Commander. DEPT. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 1 Yr. 2 Yr. 2 Yr. Norman DUPUIS FL Phil JUSTIN RI Joe MILLETTE MA FL Bob MAGIC Burt MOLLOHON ISLAND X-4, Orlando X-1, Davisville X-6. Wilmington X-5, Fort Lauderdale MCB 7 at Large Joe MILLETTE and Phil JUSTIN were the only Trustees in attendance. Joe MILLETTE acted as Chairman of the Committee and reported that the books as presented were reviewed and found to be accurate. MEMBERSHIP; This Committee is responsible for tabulating the numbers of registered guest from the Secretary's spreadsheet and is in Office for the duration of this Convention. Joe SCOTT, Chaitman DEPT ISLAND MS X-1 Gulfport Chairman, Joe SCOTT, reported that there were 4,710 members of the SVA. N011h Carolina received the award for the largest numerical increase m membership m a Department. (2 members) North Carolina received the award for the largest percentage increase in membership in a Department. (2.74%) X-1, Torrington, CT received an award for the largest numerical increase in membership in an Island not within a Department. (13 members) Island X-14 Manitowoc, WI received an award for the largest percentage increase in membership in an Island not within a Department. (30.77%) 69TH ANNUAl. NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17-1 9 'l NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. TIME AND PLACE: This Committee is formed for the duration of the Convention to help the National Commander set Convention sites for the next 3 years. DEPT. ISLAND MS X-I, Gulfport Joe SCOTT, Chairman NY X-14, Hudson Falls N ick MARSCHHAUSER Charlie COFFIN NY X-14, Hudson Falls Joe SCOTT, Chairman reported that one Island has bid for Hosting the 2016 Convention being Island X-14 Hudson Fall, NY. There were no further bids for the coming years. Jerry LANDCASTLE questioning the activities for the 75th Anniversary Convention. Jon SCOTT invited SEABEE' s to join SVA to celebrate the 75th anniversary. Dan MILLER, SMSA, agrees in getting everyone active and together. Phil JUSTIN, Rhode Island, Island X-1, Davisville, RI, would be the logical place to hold the celebration but can get no support in that area from his Island. Jim PEDONE, when is the last time we were in Port Huneme? We have never been invited and no one has ever bid to host a Convention. Any SEABEE or Delegate desiring to be a working member of any of the above Comm ittees can contact the National Secretary and/or Appointed Committee Chairman. National Commander Report: Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN gave a synopsis of his report that he gave at the Pre-Convention meeting and included a short report on the Monument project in his written report to the Secretary. It is attached to the minutes. Convention Committee Reports: (In Order) Charlie COFFIN, Chairman ofthe Rules Committee read the "RULES of the CONVENTION" earlier. Credentials Committee Chairman Ralph BEAN reported that the Credential I Delegate forms as presented were correct. It was pointed out that the only time the forms are needed will be in a Roll Call Vote. Chairman Ralph BEAN concurs with the spreadsheet report of the Delegate forms provided by National Secretary Mel RAMlGE. There were 430 possible Delegate votes from Departments, Islands and National Officers, with only 229 Delegates being paid for. The Minutes of the previous National Convention held in Fort Lauderdale, FL. on August 15, 2014 were previously mailed to all Officers, Departments, & Islands. A Motion was made by Joe SCOTT and seconded by Jerry LANDCASTLE to approve the Minutes of the 2014 C onvention and Reunion held in Fort Lauderdale, FL. By a voice vote ALL ayes. This motion was approved. The Minutes ofthe Executive Committee Post-Convention meeting that was held in Fort Lauderdale, FL. on August 15, 2014 and were included with National Convention Minutes previously mailed. A Motion was made by Donnie DOUGLAS and seconded by Phil JUSTIN to approve the Post Convention Minutes ofthe 2014 Convention and reunion held in Fort Lauderdale, FL. By a voice vote ALL ayes. This motion was approved. 69,. ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza. Branson, MO. September 17-19 IO NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, I nc. The Mid-Year Executive Committee "GATHERING" held March 6, 2015 at Arlington, Va (Previously mailed to all National Officers, Departments, and Islands). No motion was required to accept Gathering Notes. Report of remaining Officers: PAST NATIONAL COMMANDERS 12-14 Jerry LANDCASTLE----gave an oral repmt 10-12 Carl BARRETT-------- gave an oral report and submitted his report 08-10 Bear HOLLAND----------not in attendance submitted no report 06-08 David J. BUCHANAN--- Submitted his report 04-06 Jim WIDTE---------------- not in attendance submitted no report 96-98 Ed JONES----------------- not in attendance submitted no report 90-92 Norm HILL--------------- not in attendance submitted no repmt Don CLAY---------------- not in attendance submitted no report 89-90 76-77 Dick GROVE------------ -not in attendance submitted no report 75-76 Jack WRIGHT- -------- not in attendance submitted no report National Vice Cmdr. at Large Jon SCOTT gave a brief oral report. He "Did his job" to established the Website for the Organization. Read about his report on the Website. Secretary Mel RAMIGE gave an oral NATIONAL SECRETARY REPORT in depth report for the Convention, written repott is submitted. Processing Annual Transmittals taking more time due to lack of correct information. Life Memberships are working better with Joe SCOTT's help. Donations to SMSA are down, half way through funding the 25th Scholarship as the Marvin SHIELDS campaign are diverting the donations. Letter of acknowledgement to relatives who have donated to the SMSA. I -800 phone calls are down and the 1-800 line will be ELIMINATED as of 19 September 2015. Mel has paid fee for the land line since its inception. Has worked as the National Island at Large Secretary writing dun Jetters to annual members. Membership is down for 1Ot11 straight year. We need to get the members transferred from ALL deactivated Islands and Deprutments and the NIAL. Mel stated his health is deteriorating and has retired at the end of the 2015 Convention and Reunion. All information from this Convention should be sent to Mel as he will be producing the Minute. National Treasurer - Jerry SCHMUCK gave an oral report in depth stating in 6 years this is the first time the NSVA has more income than expenses and submitted his annual report. Requesting to round up the $3866.18 (gain) by $133.82 to $4000.00 and deposit it into the Edward Jones Account. Jerry made available paper copies to any member who wanted one. District Commanders: NORTH EAST-------- John CUBIT, indicated he would be submitting his report to the Secretary. NORTH CENTRAL---Mike SCOTT, was not in attendance and submitted no report. NORTH WEST-------- Ralph BEAN, gave an oral report, Dept. of Washington is alive and well. Trying to revitalize Islands in Washington State. SOUTH EAST--------- Donnie DOUGLAS, has submitted his written report. SOUTH CENTRAL---Troy BRANCH, was in attendance with no report. 69-rn ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. septemfrr 17-19 NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. SOUTH WEST-------Ken WARD, was not in attendance but sent a report that 4 Islands in the South West are thinking of deactivating. Department Executive Committeeman Reports; Florida------------------Bob MAGIC was not in attendance with no report on the Dept. of FL. With Bob Magic's resignation as Dept. of FL. Committeeman, from now on the Department Executive Committeeman will be the Department of Florida Commander. Jolm HILLYER, III is the 2015-2016 Dept. ofFL Commander. Helped in forming Island X-3, Blairsville, GA. Took the lead role in placing a Monument in Sarasota National Cemetery. Island X-11 is sponsoring a boat in the Dragon Boat race in Tampa. Island X-23 is gaining members. Island X-9 Jacksonville is trying to reform. lllinois -----------------Ted BRODT was in attendance and submitted no report. Indiana---------------- Danny WEST Island X-3 is doing well. Island X-4 is doing a great Job in New Castle, working to revitalize other Islands in Indiana. Massachusetts---------Jim PEDONE stated he had made visits to the VA and written many letters. Dept. of MA has lost 3 Islands this past year. No participation at meetings Mississippi-------------Joe SCOTT stated that South MS is alive and well. Have placed 2 of the 3 Monument honoring SEABEEs Island X-1 , Gulfport bas purchased to donate to the VA National Cemetery system. New York--------------John CUBIT was in attendance and submitted report. Computer locked up could not print up a rep01t. There are several groups of SEABEEs throughout New York. North Carolina--------J. C. HAMPTON was not in attendance and submitted no report. The Dept. ofNC has a member, Jerry SMITH, who just celebrated his 102"<1 Birthday. Happy Birthday SEABEE Jerry SMITH. The Dept. of NC has placed 2 Monuments, one in Salisbury National Cemetery and J.C. and Sherron HAMPTON personally funded a Monument for Sandhill Veterans Cemetery in NC. J. C. aJso wanted everyone to know it was 12:00 noon! Mike GENTZ, Island X-4, Orlando announced that there were tours forming to go back to Viet Nam and left a flier for infmmation. Jon SCOTT announced he has Uniform items from Island X-1 , Gulfport for sale. Recessed for lunch at about 12:10 pm to return at 1:30pm. Reconvene at 1:40PM Ohio--------------------Pat LEIBER was in attendance and submitted no report. Washington -----------George DODGE was not in attendance and submitted no repmt. National Trustees: 1 YR- Burt Mollohon was not in attendance and no report required. 1 YR - Bob MAGIC was not in attendance and no report required. 2 YR - Joe MILLETTE gave an oral report for the trustees. 2 YR- Phil JUSTIN was in attendance and concurred with the Committee's actions. 2 YR - Nonnan 0. DUPUIS was not in attendance and no report required. National Chaplain: Jim PEDONE gave a brief oral report. 69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza. Branson. MO. September 17-1 9 (2. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. National Counselors: John DEVER had a conflict with MCB Reunion and asked to be relieved as National Counselor as of this meeting. Roger MINER was not in attendance and submitted no report. John HILLYER, III was in attendance and reported received no assignments National Service Officer: Dave PHILLIPS was not in attendance and submitted no report. National Historian: Randy JUDD was not in attendance and submitted no report. After the Elections position of National Historian will be Mel RAMJGE. National Parliamentarian: Charlie COFFIN was not back from lunch yet. Master-at Arms: Nick MARSCHBAUSER had no report STANDING COMMITTEES: Acting Constitution & By-Laws Chairman, Charlie Coffin was not back from lunch yet. Acting Finance Chairman Jen-y SCHMUCK gave a brief oral report giving the projected income and expenses for the 2015-20 16 fiscal year. Copies of his repmt were made available. Internet Chairman Jon SCOTT gave an oral report in conjunction with his Vice Commander report. Life Membership Chairman Joe SCOTT gave an oral report. Received and processed 99 applications with fees of$14,555.00 dollars. Expenses of office (cards and mailings) to be reimbursed were $314.26 dollars. Life Membership fund is $361,137.92. National Publicity Chairman Joe LEAHY was out of the Country. Publications Chairman Clinton (Andy) ANDERSON was not in attendance and submitted no report and is still helping us out as Editor even though be retired last year. Robert GERMINSKY at this time is still in training by Andy. Resolutions Chairman John CUBIT reported there were lO resolutions to present to the General membership. Membership Chairman Danny WEST has I ,000 names ofSEABEEs in his computer waiting to be contacted. Danny urges everyone to sign up one new member. Registered Agent Dave RUDOLPH was not in attendance and submitted his report via the National Secretary. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. E-mail dated April 12, 2015 from Island X-1 , MO promulgating a press release of the Admiral Ben MOREELL Memorial planned for St. Louis Soldiers Memorial. Action: Terry SHOFNER and Jim SHELTON are raising funds to place a plaque at the St. Louis Soldier·s Memorial in Honor of Ben MOREELL and will give a short presentation at the Banquet. They are hoping to raise $5,000.00 dollars for this project. 2. E-mail dated August 8, 2015 requesting to post a message from Rear Admiral Katherine GREGORY NAVF AC HQ, about a SEABEE reduction in force. 69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17·19 1"3 NAVY SEABEE VETER ANS of AMERICA, Inc. Action: This E-mail was received by many in the National Executive Committee and was posted on the NSVA.org website by Internet Chairman, Jon SCOTT, for all to read stating there is NO reduction in force for the SEABEEs at this time. 3. Correspondence from Secretary of State of California regarding a past due Corporation tax return for California Island X-1 SEABEE Veterans of America. Action: Once again it was decided it was better to ignore this issue rather than opening it up with re-filings. 4. E-mail dated august 16, 2015 from Tom MARONE requesting a change in the voting on resolutions that took place at the National Executive Meeting (Mid-year). Action: The March meeting in Washington, DC was designated as a "Gathering" of the National Executive Committee members and NO recommendations will be presented to the General Membership on any Resolutions submitted. 5. E-mail dated August 20, 2015 from Ken WARD, SW District Commander, requesting that he be excused from attending because of medical reasons. His Officer's report is included. Action: KenWARD was excused from this meeting and his report will become part of the MINUTES. 6. E-mail dated September 4, 2015 as notification of the retirement ofMel RAMlGE as National Secretary as of September 19, 2015. Action: Mel's retirement was reluctantly accepted with deep appreciation for 26 years of exemplary service to the Navy SEABEE Veterans ofAmerica, Inc. and a standing round of applause and best wishes for aU of his future endeavors. Preliminary report of Nominating Committee: Chairman Jerry LANDCASTLE stated that nominations are still open. Donnie DOUGLAS stood at this time and resigned as S.E. District Commander due to family commitments. Commander BUCHANAN thanked Donnie for his contributions to the Navy Seabee Veterans of America. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES: There were no "Special Committees" formed for this Convention and Reunion. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Status of the recommendation to eliminate tbe 1-800-SEABEE-5 phone and institute a dedicated celJ phone for the Membership Committee Chairman or the Publicity Chainnan. Discussion: Can phone number be transferred? It is thought that you can not transfer an 800 number. Action: The 1-800 Phone number is OFFICIALLY eliminated and the incoming Secretary will publish a new phone number where he can be contacted. 2. Update on the progress of the Deactivation of Departments and Islands. Discussion: Paul PATTERSON questioned where Islands should send their money upon deactivation. 69111 ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17-1 9 l'-\ NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. Should it go to the Department? No, Islands are in control of their own fmances unless they are inactive for a period oftime with no leadership to designate what is supposed to happen to the funds. With no guidance from the Island, the Department should retrieve the funds and property. Action: This is an ongoing process that the Life Membership Chairman, Joe SCOTT and the Vice Commander, Jon SCOTT will work to get all Life members completely transferred via USPS informing them they are transferred. Approximate cost of $150.00 dollars. The Committee will also give a member the option to choose an Island and retrieve any and all NSVA property. 3. Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN gave a summary of the Monuments that are in place at this time. There are 25 National Cemeteries and 3 State Veterans Cemeteries. Donations are still being raised and we are looking for volunteers to help place Monuments. Report attached. 4. The ongoing campaign to increase the value of the #2 SVA Marvin SlllELDS Scholarship from $7,000 dollars to $50,000 dollars oftoday's scholarships. The Campaign is at about $38,000 dollars today. Jerry LANDCASTLE updated this project. 5. All Annual members need to be completely transferred from deactivated fslands as well as Life members. Carl BARRETT explained how he transferred members out of Florida Islands. Secretary Mel RAMIGE explained the way a transfer is officially handled. 6. Jerry SCHMUCK requesting someone take over the sales and possession of the Navy SEABEE Veterans of America, Inc. challenge Coins. 454 coins are left to sell. Danny WEST asked if he can sell coins to anybody and how are they to be reported. Danny has volunteered to take over the management of the coins sales. Coins are to be sent to Membership Chairman, Danny WEST, and the money from sales is to be sent to the National Treasurer. Current price is $10.00 each or $8.00 in lots of 10 coins to Islands. A full accounting report will be given at the March Mid-year meeting and at the National Convention by Danny WEST. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Finalize the 2015-2016 Fiscal Budget. JeiTy SCHMUCK itemized the budget. Sheet attached. A Motion was made by Jon SCOTT and seconded by Joe MILLETTE to suspend adoption of the Budget until after the Resolutions have been read acted upon. By a voice vote ALL ayes and No nays. This motion was approved. After the Resolutions were acted upon the 2015-20 16 Budget was amended to reflect the changes the Resolutions created. A MOTION was made by Jim PEDONE and a seconded by Danny WEST to accept tbe 2015-2016 Budget as amended. By a voice vote (2) nays and the remainder yeas. This motion was approved. A MOTION was made by Jon SCOTT who then amended tbe motion was seconded by Joe SCOTT that all decisions made at the National Convention and Reunion be made effective immediately and be retroactive to the start of the fiscal year, 1 July 2015 unless otherwise dated. By a voice vote ALL ayes and n nays. This motion was approved. 69rn ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. Septcmb~r J7-19 NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. Jerry LANDCASTLE asked about the VDNC and Charlie COFFIN, Parliamentarian, clarified for Jerry LANDCASTLE that his concern had nothing to do with the Motion on the floor. 2. Request by Sharon LANDCASTLE, Secretary of SVA Auxiliary, for approval of the revised SVAA By-Laws. Action: This request was referred to the National Constitution and By-laws Chairman Charlie COFFIN for review and finding nothing in their request that wou1d conflict with the National Constitution and By-Laws recommends approval. The general membership concurs with the recommendation of the Chairman of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee Charlie COFFIN to let the NSV AA revise their By-Laws that do not conflict with the National Constitution and By-Laws. A 10 minute break was asked for at this time. 3. RESOLUTIONS; Action: All Resolutions were reviewed by the Resolution Chairman. Resolutions to be presented: John CUBIT, Resolution Chairman, presented each Resolution to the General Membership with the Committees recommendation. A-2015 submitted by Tom MARONE, RE; contradictions in the structure of Island/Department. This Resolution was read by John CUBIT, Resolution Chairman and discussed. There was a MOTION made by Jerry SCHMUCK and seconded by Jim PEDONE to approve this Resolution as presented and direct the Constitution and By-laws Chairman to place it in a proper form By a voice vote, no nays, remainder ayes. This motion was approved, and a change will be made. B-2015 submitted by Norman DUPUIS, RE: Charitable Assistance Committee. This Resolution was read by John CUBIT, Resolution Chairman and discussed. There was a MOTION made by William SRAVER and seconded by John LOWE that this Resolution be rejected. By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved. Normand DUPUIS will be appointed Chairman of a Feasibility Study Committee, soliciting the Committee members in a number he thinks adequate up to five (5) and bring to the National Convention and Reunion as an in depth report on the manpower, materials, financial availability, successes and problems of any other similar programs, and any other pertinent information needed to implement this program. A letter will be sent to Normand DUPUIS who bas already been made aware of this decision. It was deemed that a Motion was not necessary for this as it was considered to be a recommendation. A MOTION was made by Jon SCOTT and seconded Charlie COFFIN to authorize a Committee. Jon SCOTT withdrew his Motion as it was deemed no Resolution was necessary for this directive. A Resolution will be require if this is resubmitted in thoughts of it becoming a Standing Committee. 69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17-19 le. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. C-2015 submitted by Joe SCOTT, RE: use ofLM Funds. This resolution was read by John CUBIT, Resolution Chairman and discussed in depth. The author of this Resolution, Joe SCOTT asked if it would be proper to change his Resolution to read as stated below or should an Emergency Resolution be presented. EMERGENCY RESOLUTION; "All new Life Membership application fees and interest generated from the Edward Jones fund be deposited directly into the General Treasury. All Life Membership per capita will be paid out by early October and if there was a surplus at the end of the fiscal year that overage would be sent to the Life Membership fund. At no time will the corpus of the Life Membership fi.md be used for anything other than its intended purpose. There was a MOTION by William SRAVER and seconded by Jon SCOTT to approve this amended Resolution as presented. By a voice vote ( l) nay and the remainder were ayes tllis motion was approved. D#l-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Change to Membership Dues. This Resolution was read by Jolm CUBIT, Resolution Chairman and discussed in depth. Ralph BEAN stated Spokane, WA, charges $200.00 for all Life Memberships, National gets the mandated amount from the Island. There was a MOTION made by John LOWE and seconded Phil JUSTIN that this Resolution be disapproved as there just was a new Life Membership fee schedule authorized. By a voice vote ALL ayes and no nays. This motion was approved, no changes will be made. D#2-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Requirement for PO Boxes for aU Islands. This Resolution was read by John CUBIT, Resolution Chairman then discussed in depth and it was Committee' s decision that we cannot and should not mandate how Islands handle their mailings. There was a MOTION made by Donnie DOUGLAS and seconded John LOWE that this Resolution be disapprove. By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays. This motion was approved, no changes will be made. D#3-2015 submitted by Frank STULIC, RE: Islands to look for more permanent meeting place. This Resolution was read by the Resolution Chairman, John CUBIT and discussed in depth and the Committee recommended this resolution not be approved since the Island should determine the place for their meetings. There was a MOTION made by John LOWE and seconded by Phil JUSTIN that this Resolution be disapproved. By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved, no changes will be made. All three (3) Resolutions were deemed to be good suggestions but were not workable Resolutions. l)gTH ANNUAL NATI ONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17-19 V'1 NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. E--2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: NavySVA to SVA This Resolution was read by the Resolution Chairman, John CUBIT and discussed in depth and the Committee recommended this resolution be approved to change to "Standardize" the Constitution, By-laws and Standing Rules documents. There was a MOTION made by Charlie COFFIN and seconded Jim PEDONE that this Resolution be approved. By a voice vote, mostly ayes and (2) nays, this motion was approved. F----2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Establish Resolution Response Jon SCOTT withdrew his Resolution. G----2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Comprehensive Duties of Office This Resolution was read by the Resolution Chairman, John CUBIT and discussed in depth and the Committee recommendation was to approve this resolution. This Resolution is intended to make the Chairman of the respective Offices of the National Executive Committee take responsibiJjty for the Office they were elected or appointed to and not having the National Secretary or someone else take up the task left undone. There was a MOTION made by Charlie COFFIN and seconded Jim PEDONE that this Resolution be approved as written. By a voice vote, ALL ayes and no nays, this motion was approved. H----2015 submitted by Jon SCOTT, RE: Elimination ofNIAL This Resolution was read by the Resolution Chairman, John CUBIT and discussed in depth and the Committee recommendation was to approve this resolution to transfer members from NTAL to Islands nearest their address on record with out of Country members being sent to P01t Hueneme on the West Coast and members living in the East would be sent to an East Coast Island. After much discussion there was a MOTION made by William SRAVER and seconded by Ralph BEAN that this Resolution to eliminate the NIAL and all parts of it be approved. By a voice vote (3) nays and the remainder ayes. Trus motion was approved and the change will be made. 4. Report from the VDNC representative Adam MITTMAN of the planning for the upcoming 2015 Veterans Day activity. Commander David J. BUCHANAN addressed the issue of non-participation at the Veterans Day Ceremony in DC, the $150.00 dues fee, $500.00 fee for two wreaths and the cost involved in getting to and from DC. J. C. HAMPTON mentioned that when he and his wife, Sherron HAMPTON, carried the flags they were required to be at a rehearsal the week before. Action: Decision was made to withdraw from the Veterans Day National Ceremony as an Associate member after this year's Ceremony as the dues have already been paid. There was a MOTION made for the good of the Organization by Carl BARRETT and seconded by Jon SCOTT that we withdraw our membership in the VDNC after 2015. By a voice vote ALL ayes and NO nays. This motion was approved. 69™ANN UAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Grand Plaza, Branson, MO. Septembt~7-1 9 NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. Standing Committees National Constitution and By-Laws Chairman---------------Charlie COFFIN, acting National Finance Chairman ---------Jerry SCHMUCK, acting National Internet Chairman -----------Jon SCOTT Nat'l Life Membership Chairman - -----Joe SCOTT National Membership Chairman-----Danny WEST, acting National Publicity Chairman ---------Joe LEAHY National Publications Chairman ----Clinton "Andy" ANDERSON I Robert GERMINSKY National Resolution Chairman ------John CUBIT DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMAN all selected by their respective Departments. FLORIDA John HaLYER, III ILLINOIS Ted BRODT INDIANADannyWEST MASSACHUSETTS Jim PEDONE MISSISSIPPI Joe SCOTT NEW YORK John CUBIT NORTH CAROLINAJ. C. HAMPTON OHJO PatLEIHER WASHINGTON George DODGE The ELECTION OF OFFICERS for year 2015-16 was held. PNC and Nomination Committee Chairman, Jerry LANDCASTLE, asked if there were any further nominations from the Floor. A MOTION was made by Nick MARSCHHAUSER and seconded by Joe SCOTT to close the nominations and cast one (1) vote by acclamation for the slate as presented. By a voice vote, all ayes and no nays. This motion was approved. Installation to be held at the Banquet on Saturday night. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: 1. Jon SCOTT has some Ship's Store's~ uniform items, from Island X-1, Gulfport, MS. 2. Danny WEST spoke about a Webinar web based conference process. Dru.my will get more infmmation for the Mid-year as availability, cost, etc. 3. Joe MILLETTE suggested Regional meetings. 4. Carl BARRETT informed everyone about Island X-2, Lakeland, FL's problem with Wells Fargo banking. The Island was charged for a phone call and Wells Fargo would not work with them. S. Ralph BEAN informed everyone about the NW District Commander' s new e-mail address as porki nbakinSS(a)gmail.com 6. The National SEABEE Memorial Service will be held Saturday morning. Commander David J. BUCHANAN call all to stand for a hand salute A Closing Prayer was given by Chaplain Jim PEDONE. Commander David J. BUCHANAN adjourned the meeting at 5:45pm. Notes by David J. BUCHANAN, submitted by Mel RAMIGE, National Secretary 69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION Gmnd Plaza, Branson, MO. September 17-19 <-O NAVYSEABEEVETERANSOFAMEruCA OFFICERS ROLL CALL- 2015 CONVENTION GENERAL SESSION ************************************************************* OFFICER NAME ************************************************ ************************** COMMANDER VICE COMMANDER-AT-LARGE SECRETARY TREASURER NORTH EAST DISTRICT COMMANDER NORTH CENTRAL DlST. COMMANDER NORTH WEST DISTRICT COMMANDER SOUTH EAST DISTRiCT COMMANDER SOUTH CENTRAL DIST. COMMANDER SOUTH WEST DISTRICT COMMANDER DA VTD BUCHANAN JON SCOTT MELRAMIGE JERRY SCHMUCK JOHN CUBIT MTKESCOTT RALPH BEAN DONNIE DOUGLAS JON SCOTT KEN WARD PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PAST NATIONAL COMMANDERS: ,12-14 10-12 08-10 06-08 2004-06 96-98 90-92 89-90 76-77 75-76 JERRY LANDCASTLE CARL BARRETT BEAR HOLLAND DAVE BUCHANAN JIM WHJTE ED JONES NORM HILL DON CLAY DICK GROVE JACK R. WRIGHT PRESENT PRESENT o\BSENT PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT NATIONAL TRUSTEES: 2 YEAR BURT MOLLOHAN BOB MAGIC JOE MILLETTE PHILIP JUSTIN NORMAN 0. DUPUIS ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT SECRETARY, NATIONAL fSLAND MEL RAMIGE, (Interim) PRESENT NATIONAL TRUSTEES: l YEAR 'L\ Excused Excused STANDING COMMITTEES: CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS FINANCE INTERNET LIFE MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP NATIONAL PUBLICITY PUBLICATIONS CHARLIE COFFIN JERRY SCHMUCK (Acting) JON SCOTT JOE SCOTT DANNY WEST JOE LEAHY CLINTON"ANDY"ANDERSON Robert Germinsky JOHN CUBIT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT REGlSTERED AGENT SERVICE OFFICER CHARLIE COFFIN JIM PEDONE RANDY JUDD NICK MARSCHHAUSER JOHN DEVER TIM ROBISON DAVE RUDOLPH DA VlD PHILLIPS DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMAN: FLORIDA fLLTNOIS INDrANA MASSACHUSETIS MISSISSIPPI NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA OHIO WASHINGTON NATIONAL CONVENTION CHAIRMAN BOB MAGIC TED BRODT DANNY WEST JIM PEDONE JOE SCOTT JOHN CUBIT J. C. HAMPTON PAT LEIHER GEORGE DODGE JOE SCOTT ARSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT RESOLUTIONS APPOINTED POSITIONS PARLIAMENTARIAN CHAPLAIN HISTORIAN MASTER-AT-ARMS NA TfONAL COUNSELORS: z:z.. PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT Excused NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA MINUTES POST CONVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING 19 SEPTEMBER2015 BRANSON.MO This meeting was CALLED TO ORDER by Cmdr. David J. Buchanan at 1:00pm. The OPENING PRAYER was waived as we just held the Memorial Service. The PLEDGE OF ALLIEGENCE was waived as we just held the Memorial Service. The PREAMBLE RECITAL was waived as we just held the Memorial Service. The ROLL CALL of OFFICERS was called by Secretary Mel RAMIGE. (Roll Call sheet attached) Cmdr. David J. BUCHANAN DECLARED "a quorum was present and the body assembled is authorized to transact any business that may come before it in accordance with the Constitution, By-laws and Standing Rules. " APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS not present at Convention: (Pending written notification and acceptance) SE District Cmdr ---------------------------------------Troy BRANCH 1 year Trustee------------------------Bob MAGIC 1 year Trustee---------------------------------------------Bwt MOLLOHAN 2 year Trustee---------------------------------------------Norman DUPUIS Publication Chairperson-------------------------------Clinton "Andy" ANDERSON, acting Robert GERMINSKY Publicity Chairperson------------------------------------Joe LEAHY APPOINTMENTS by Commander David J. BUCHANAN Pari iamentarian-------------------------------------------Walter MULLER Chap1ain--------------------------- ------------------------Jim PEDONE Counselors---------------------------------------------Donnie DOUGLAS RogerMlNER John HILLYER, ID Service Officer------------------------------------------David PHD..LIPS Historian---------------------------------------------------Mel RA.MlGE Master at arms---------------------------------------------Nick MARSCHHAUSER Registered Agent------------------------------------------David RUDOLPH Department Executive Committeeperson (Sent to the NEC by their Departments) FIori da------------------------------------------------------Jolm BILLYER, m Illinois----------------------------------------------------Ted BRODT Indiana-----------------------------------------------------Danny WEST Massachusetts---------------------------------------------Joe MILLETT Mississippi------------------------------------------------Joe SCOTT New York-----------------------------------------------John CUBIT N ortb Carolina------------------------------------------J.C. HAMPTON Ohio-------------------------------------------------------Pat LEIBER Washington--------------------------------------------George DODGE 2016National Convention Host Island: C. COFFIN I N. MARSCHHAUSER, Island X-14 Hudson Falls, NY. There was a Motion by John HILLYE~ ill and was seconded by Joe SCOTT to have the Secretary cast one vote in acclamation for all Officers as appointed, pending verbaJ I written acceptance. Discussion: No discussion was needed for this motion. By voice vote ALL ayes NO nays. This motion was approved. NEW BUSINESS: A Motion was made by John IfiLLYER and seconded by Jerry LANDCASTLE to issue funds in the amount of$2,500.00 dollars from the National Treasury to fund the Mel RAMJGE Memorial Plaque witb reimbursement to be made from donations received. PNC Jerry Landcastle asked for a "Friendly" amendment to this motion to include that any additional funds that are collected above the $2500.00 borrowed from the National Treasw·y will be credited toward the SVA #2 Marvin SIDELDS Memorial Scholarship. There was a Motion made by John HILLYER, Ill and seconded by Jeny LAND CASTLE to approve the "Friendly" Amendment. By a voice vote I nay the remainder Ayes this motion was approved in botb parts. UNFINISHED BUSINESS No unfinished Business. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: 1. Due to a special circumstance we will have the 2016 Mid-Year Meeting in Washington, DC to be held in conjunction with the placing of the Plaque honoring Mel RAMIGE instead of Illinois. There was a Motion made by NickMARSCHHAUSER and seconded by Jim PEDONE to hold the 2016 Mid-Year National Executive Comm ittee meeting in Washington, DC. By a voice vote ALL ayes and no Nays. This motion was approved. 2. John CUBIT would like to have a standardized RESOLUTION form to be used by all Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc. members. He will produce a fonn and present it to the National Executive Committee for approval and placed on the WEB site for all to copy. 3. Danny WEST requested a complete roster for the Membership Committee, Secretary COFFIN will send one to him. 4. Jim PEDONE asked if it is possible to archive the CAN DO's on the WEB site. Jon SCOTT will be contacted to see if it is possible. The CLOSING PRAYER was waived. Members stood and SALUTED the FLAG. Commander David J. BUCHANAN adjourned the meeting at 1:45 pm. National Secretary, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERJCA NAVYSEABEEVETERANSOFAMERICA OFFICERS ROLL CALL - 2015 POST CONVENTION *************************************************** OFFICER NAME *******************************************'******************************** COMMANDER VlCE COMMANDER-AT-LARGE SECRETARY TREASURER NORTH EAST DlSTRICT COMMANDER NORTH CENTRAL DIST. COMMANDER NORTH WEST DISTRICT COMMANDER SOUTH EAST DISTRICT COMMANDER SOUTH CENTRAL DIST. COMMANDER SOUTH WEST DISTRICT COMMANDER PAST NATIONAL COMMANDERS: ,12-14 10-12 08-10 06-08 2004-06 96-98 90-92 89-90 76-77 75-76 NATIONAL TRUSTEES: 1 YEAR NATIONAL TRUSTEES: 2 YEAR NIAL STANDING COMMITTEES: LIFE MEMBERSHIP PUBLICATIONS CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS NATIONAL PUBLICITY RESOLUTIONS INTERNET FINANCE MEMBERSHIP PARLIAMENTARIAN CHAPLAIN SERVICE OFFICER NATIONAL COUNSELORS: HlSTORIAN MASTER-AT-ARMS REGISTERED AGENT ************ DA VlD BUCHANAN JON SCOTT CHARLIE COFFIN JERRY SCHMUCK JOHNCUBTT DANNY WEST, acting RALPH BEAN JOHN HILLYER,Jll TROY BRANCH KENWARD PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT JERRY LANDCASTLE CARL BARRETT BEAR HOLLAND DAVE BUCHANAN JTM WHITE ED JONES NORMHlLL DON CLAY DICK GROVE JACK R. WRIGHT BOB MAGIC BURT MOLLOHAN JOE MILLETTE PHILIP JUSTIN NORMAN DUPUIS PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT AHSE.NT ABSE 1 ABSF.NT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT 1\BSENT AB~ENT ·r FLIMINATE009171 5 JOE SCOTT CLINTON "ANDY" ANDERSON ROBI:.RT GERMINSK\ CHARLiE COFFIN, acting JOE LEAHY JOHN CUBIT JON SCOTT JERRY SCHMUCK, acting DANNY WEST WALTER MULLER JIM PEDONE DAVTD PHILLIPS DONNlE DOUGLAS ROGER M INER JOHN HILLYER,III MELRAMJGE NlCK MARSCHHAUSER DAVE RUDOLPH EXCUSIW PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT ACSEN1 PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT ABSENT ABSENT ABSENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT F.XCUSED DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMAN: JOHN HILL YER,ID FLORIDA TED BRODT LLLINOlS DANNY WEST fNDlANA JOE MILLETTE MASSACHUSETTS JOE SCOTT MlSSISSIJ>PI JOHN CUBIT NEW YORK J. C. HAMPTON NORTH CAROLINA PAT LELHER omo WASmNGTON GEORGE DODGE 70TH NA TTONAL CONVENTION CHAIRMAN C. COFFIN I N. MARSCHHAUSER Island X-14, Hudson falls, NY 52 OFFICES PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT AU~FNT llSE~T PRESENT 3LPRESENT 21 AB~ENT 2015-16 SLATE OF OFFICERS DAVID BUCHANAN JON SCOTT CHARLIE COFFIN JERRY SCHMUCK Elected at Convention Elected at Convention Elected at Convention Elected at Convention JOHN CUBIT JOHN HILLYER, UI DANNY WEST TROY BRANCH RALPH BEAN KENWARD caucused for by District caucused for by District caucused for by District letter of acceptance caucused for by District letter of acceptance JERRY LANDCASTLE CARL BARRETT BEAR BOLLAND DAVID J. BUCHANAN JIM WHITE ED JONES NORM BILL DON CLAY DICK GROVE JACK WRIGHT Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC Automatic members ofNEC 1 YR BOB MAGIC BURTON MOLLOHAN PillL JUSTIN JOSEPH MILLETTE NORMAND 0. DUPUIS letter of acceptance letter of acceptance Elected at Convention Elected at Convention letter of acceptance CHAPLAIN JIM PEDONE Appointed at Post-Convention HlSTORlAN MELRAMIGE Letter to Randy Judd MASTER-AT-ARMS relieving bim as Historian NICHOLAS MARSCBHAUSEJ Appointed at Post-Convention NATIONAL COUNSELORS DONNTE DOUGLAS Appointed at Post-Convention JOHN BILLYER ill, Appointed at Post-Convention ROGER MINER WALTER MULLER letter of acceptance Appointed at Post-Convention NATIONAL COMMANDER NAT'L VlCE CMDR. AT LARGE NATIONAL SECRETARY NATIONAL TREASURER DISTRICT COMMANDERS NEDISTRICT SE DISTRICT NC DISTRICT SC DISTRICT NW DISTRICT SW DISTRICT PAST NATIONAL COMMANDERS 2012-2014 2010-2012 2008-2010 2006-2008 2004-2006 NATIONAL TRUSTEES 2YR 2YR I YR I YR. PARLIAMENTARIAN DAVE PHILLIPS SERVICE OFFICER letter of acceptance REGISTERED AGENT DAVE RUDOLPH letter of acceptance 2016 NAT'L. CONVEN. CHAIRMAN COFFINIMARSCHHAUSER Volunteered at Convention '2-l STANDING COMMITTEES CHARLES COFFIN, acting CONST. AND BY-LAWS JERRY SCHMUCK, acting FINANCE JON SCOTT INTERNET JOE SCOTT LIFE MEMBERSHIP PUBLICATIONS ANDERSON/GERMINSKY JOE LEAHY PUBLICITY JOHN CUBIT RESOLUTIONS MEMBERSIDP DANNY WEST, acting DEPTARTMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMEN FLORIDA JOHNHILLYER, ill ILLINOIS TED BRODT DANNY WEST INDIANA JOE MILLETTE MASSACHUSETTS JOE SCOTT MISSISSIPPI JOHN CUBIT NEW YORK JAMES C. HAMPTON NORTH CAROLINA PAT LEIBER omo GEORGE DODGE WASI-UNGTON Elected at Convention Elected at Convention Elected at Convention Elected at Convention letter of acceptance letter of acceptance Elected at Convention E lected at Convention Selected by Departments Selected by Departments Selected by Depattments Selected by Departments Selected by Departments Selected by Departments Selected by Departments Selected by Departments Selected by Departments NavySVA AGENDA - BANQUET 69TH ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION & REUNION BRANSON, MO Department Convention Chairman Joe SCOTT called the Banquet to order at 7:00pm. Joe SCOTT welcomed all to this 69th National Convention and Reunion Banquet and hoped everyone was having a good time. The Color Guard consisting of Nick Marschhauser and Donnie Douglas posted the Colors. Pledge of Allegiance was recited by everyone in the room. Vice Commander Jon SCOTT did a great job in honoring the POW/MIA table. (See www.powmiaff.org/missmg men ceremony.html ) Chaplain Jim PEDONE gave the Invocation. SMSA introductions: Dan Miller, SMSA Cruef Development Officer was introduced and gave a brief synopsis of what is happening at the SMSA and then he introduced Scholarship recipient Ashley Stevens, Class of2017. Ashley is a rising junior at University of Missow·i in Columbia, MO and her Dad is a SEABEE The meal was served close to 7:30pm. Commander David J. BUCHANAN addressed the Banquet stating the SVA is alive and headed in the right direction, and asked every SEABEE present to recruit members to make the Navy Seabee Veterans of America a stronger organization. Commander David J. BUCHANAN asked Past National Secretary MELVIN D. RAMIGE to come to the podiLUn and thanked him for his 26 Years of service as Secretary and the many other positions he had worked in, and then presented him with a representation of a plaque that the SVA is having made to be placed in the SEABEE section of the Naval Memorial in Washington, DC. Mel RAMIGE addressed the gathering thanking everyone for their support over the years, He loved the work he was doing and he bas accepted the position as National Historian to keep active in the SVA. The Auxiliary presented Rosemary RAMIGE a corsage for her suppozt of Mel and the SVAA. Commander David J. BUCHANAN asked everyone to stand and let their food settle and while that was happening, the group sang the SEABEE song. The key Officers of the 2014-2015 year were introduced. All officers of the National Executive Committee are 'key" officers. Commander BUCHANAN called the new Officers for the 2015-2016 year to the front of the room and PNC Jerry LANDCASTLE gave the oath of Office. Introduction ofSVA OFFICERS for2015-2016 CO~DER DAVEBUCHANAN V. COMMANDER AT LARGE JON SCOTT SECRETARY CHARLIE COFFIN TREASURER JERRY SCHMUCK N. E. DlSTRlCT CDR JOHN CUBIT S. E. DISTRICT CDR JOHN BILLYER, III N.C. DISTRICT CDR DANNY WEST S. C. DISTRICT CDR TROY BRANCH not in attendance N. W. DISTRICT CDR RALPH BEAN S. W. DISTRICT CDR KENWARD not jn attendance Introduction of Past National Commanders who are present: 12-14 JERRY LANDCASTLE 10-12 CARL BARRETT 06-08 DAVE BUCHANAN M/C Joe SCOTT introduced Nancy STAPLES, President of the SVA Auxiliary. (Introduction of newly elected Officers for 2015-2016) (Annual Awards presentations- donation to the SMSA Scholarship Fund) President STAPLES and SVA Auxiliary Treasurer Linda SCHMUCK presented a check to Dan MILLER for the Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association. President STAPLES and SVA Auxiliary Treasurer Linda SCHMUCK presented a check to David J. BUCHANAN for the SEABEE MONUMENT in every NATIONAL CEMETERY program. Commander David J. BUCHANAN announced the winners of the awards for increases in membership: Streamers- 2014-15 Membership Awards (Departments) Percentage Gain Department of North Carolina, William SRAVER, Commander Numerical Gain Department of North Carolina, William SRAVER, Commander Streamers - 2014-15 Membership Awards (Islands not in Departments) Percentage Gain Island X-14, Manitowoc, WI Numerical Gain Island X-1, Torrington, CT Commander David J. BUCHANAN presented the AWARDS for the Youngest and Oldest SEABEE in attendance in Memory of Bill EDWARDS and the 126m Battalion and honored both with an American Flag. Mel RAMIGE recited the 126th SEABEE Benediction. William STRAVER (90) award for OLDEST SEABEE in attendance. Charlie Coffm (49) award for YOUNGEST SEABEE in attendance. There was a ceremonial cake cutting and pictures taken. Emcee Joe Scott introduced Jim SHELTON to speak to the group about a project to place a Bronze Plaque in St. Louis honoring ADM. Ben MOREELL, the first KING BEE. INTRODUCTION BY COMMANDER OF HIS KEY OFFICERS FOR 2015-16 COMMANDER David J. BUCHANAN VICE COMMANDER AT LARGE Jon SCOTT SECRETARY Charlie COFFIN new for 2015-2016 TREASURER JenySC~CK N. E. DISTRICT CDR John CUBIT S. E. DISTRICT CDR John HILLYER, III new for 2015-2016 N.C. DISTRICT CDR Danny WEST new for 2015-2016 S. C. DISTRICT CDR Troy BRANCH N. W. DISTRICT CDR Ralph BEAN S. W. DISTRICT CDR Ken WARD The NSV A Auxiliary presented a very nice raffle and 50150 drawing and Joe SCOTT concluded the evening thanking ALL for their participation and wishing ALL safe travels going home. 30 Navy SEABEE Veterans of Ametica, Inc. Commander's Report for 2015 National Convention and Reunion I have attended meetings and have appointed NavySV A members to be our liaison to meetings I could not attend. Adam Mittman is our Veterans Day National Ceremony (VDNC) liaison and has attended the meetings and made arrangements for us at the November Veterans Day ceremony in DC. Thank you Adam for your continued support of the NavySVA and me. Another Committee the NavySVA has been invited to participate on is the SEABEE Museum Advisory Council (SMAC) held in Port Huneme, CA. James Parker, Commander of Island X-7 Pt. Huneme accepted an appointment as the NavySVA liaison to that committee which makes suggestions and decisions on how things progress at the Navy Museums. Jim Parker is very active at the Musewn in Pt. Hueneme and I appreciate his help. The SMSA and Historical Foundation are still consideting a merger but not anytime soon. There was a meeting in August in DC that I was not able to attend but received a report for the Historical Foundation that the Munshine group who do the fund raising for the Historical Foundation have started a new campaign for a 3 month trial being September through November2015. I have asked Board member Jim Farley to cany the NavySVA "Proxy" to this meeting and wish to thank Jim for all of this efforts at the SMSA. After talking to Km1 Sission I felt that Jim Farley and the NavySVA share the same views toward a merger of the two Organizations and asked that he vote, the NavySVA vote, against any merger at this time. The campaign to raise funds for the Marvin Sheilds SVA #2 Scholarship has been ongoing for the past several months and is nearing the $40,000 dollar mark ofthe $50,000 dollars needed to make it a fully funded scholarship at today's value. The SEABEE MONUMENT in every NATIONAL CEMETERY project has slowed a bit in donations but there is still interest form Islands and individuals to place a Monument. The NSV A Auxiliary donated a Monument for the Sarasota National Cemetery in Sarasota, FL. and a dedication is being planned for this October and we will get information out as soon as possible. We have also set Monuments in San Diego, CA. at Miramar National Cemetery, Fort McPherson National Cemetery in Nebraska and the Missouri State Veterans Cemetery in Bloomington, MO. I have attended and participated in too many funerals and Memorial Services these past months. One such Memorial service sticks in my mind and that was for one of our fust female SEABEE members and SE District Commander for many years Sherron Hampton. Sherron was also a National Trustee as well as holding several positions at the Department of North Carolina and Island X-1 Selma, NC. We will all miss her. )\ As a reminder every Island must file with the IRS a form 990n and now is the time to do it. Please do not let this linger in your files as it makes the National Secretary's job harder as the deadline ofNovember nears. I hope everyone is RECUITING every chance they get so we can become a stronger NavySVA. Annual memberships have also been due since July 1 so please renew your annual dues and keep your Islands healthy. We are working very hard to bring the CAN DO back to what it used to be and thanks to Past Editor Andy Anderson ofNC. we did make the May/June issue. There are several openings in the National Executive Committee this year so please volunteer and get involved to make a positive difference in the NavySVA. David J. Buchanan NA Vl" SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA. Juc. Seabee Monument in every National Cemetery Project David J. Buchanan, administrator 8491 N. Desertrose Terrace Crystal River, Fl. 34428 Ph: 352-564-0378 Date: 0910 15 To: Membersl1ip of the NavySVA Subject: Monument Update The SEABEE Monument in every National Cemetery program has been doing well. As of this 2015 Convention we have placed Monuments in the following National Cemeteries: CEMETRY Great Lakes National Cemetery, Ft. Custer National Cemetery, Dayton National Cemetery, Western Reserve National Cemetety, Alleghenies National Cemetery, Woods National Cemetery, Camp Nelson National Cemetery, LOCATION Holly, Michigan Augusta, Michigan Dayton, Ohio Rittman, Ohio BridgeviUe, Pennsylvania Milwaukee, Wisconsin Nicholasville, Kentucky 12. Danville National Cemetety Sandhill Veterans Cemetety Sacramento Valley National Cemetery Camp Butler National Cemetery Grafton National Cemetery Danville, Kentucky Fayetteville, North Carolina Sacramento, CA. Springfield, IL. Grafton, WV A. 13. l4. 15. Veterans Memorial Park Lal<e Baldwin Veterans Park [ndiantown Gap National Cemetery Adel, Iowa Lake Baldwin, FL. Annville, PA. 16. Biloxi National Cemetery, Bakersfield National Cemetery Corinth National Cemetery Natchez National Cemetery Jefferson Banacks Jefferson City Missouri State Veterans Cemetery Springfield National Cemetery Biloxi, Mississippi Bakersfield, CA. Corinth, MS. Natchez, MS. Mo. Mo. Bloomfield, Mo. Mo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. "33 SPONSORED BY Monument Fund Monument Fund Monument Fund Monument Fund Monument Fund Monument Fund CliffHardstat and KY. area SEABEE's Island X-1 Cincin11ati J.C. and ShetTOn Hampton Island X-1 Sacramento Island X-4 Peoria, IL. Dept. Of Ohio, Island X-3 Pittsburgh, personal donations from Warren and MaryJane Cintron and Navy SVA member Dave Clem, who coordinated the project. John McCurdy and area SEABEEs Island X-4 Orlando SEABEEs. George Bips and SEABEEs ofisland X-5 Landcaster, PA. Island X-I Gulfport, MS. Jsland X-1 Gulfport, Ms. Island X-1 Gulfport, Ms. Island X-I St. Louis, Mo. Island X-I St. Louis, Mo. Island X-5 St. Louis, Mo. Island X-1 St. Louis, Mo. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28 Salisbury National Cemetery Ft. McPherson National Cemetery South Florida National Cemetery Indiana National Cemetery Miramar National Cemetery Salisbury, NC. NE. Sarasota FL. Marion, IN. San Diego,CA. Island X-1 Selma. NC. Island X -1 Kearney NSV A Auxiliary Islands X-3 and X-4, IN. Island X-3 San Diego SEABEEs have been inquiring about National Cemetery' s across the country and applications have been sent to Tennessee, New York and Florida for placement ofthe Monument. Monuments with our design have also been placed at the following: I. 2. 3. 4. SEABEES in western Florida have placed a Monument in Bay Pines National Cemetery in St. Petersburg, Fla. SEABEEs from Island X-24 Battalion at Large have placed a similar Monument in the Chattanooga National Cemetery in Chattanooga, TN. SEABEEs from Islands X-4 and X-5 in Arizona have placed a Monument in the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona. SEABEEs of Island X-2 Shakopee have placed a Monument in Fort Snelling, MN. This is a very satisf)ring list of accomplishments for the SEABEES to be honored in so many National and Veterans Cemeteries today. As you heard, it is not uncommon for several people or Islands to come together, pool their resources and place a SEABEE Monument in a National Cemetery close to them. And it is a Jot more affordable with the very generous donation from ABF Freight Lines, to transport the Monuments across the country at no cost to the Veterans. We are looking for SEABEEs in the area of the National Cemeteries to help in the fund raising and placement of the Monuments. The SEABEEs or volunteers would pour a pad to the National Cemetery's specifications (38" x 24" x4") then pick up the Monument at the ABF terminal nearest the National Cemetery and transport it to the cemetery and place it on the pad and then prepare a Dedication Ceremony to donate the Monument to the National Cemetery. We are very pleased to announce that the newly formed Auxiliary has chosen to sponsor the SEABEE MONUMENT in every NATIONAL CEMETERY program as one of their most worthy causes. We have hopes they will be able to place Monuments annually in conjunction with our NavySV A National Convention. Donations can be made any time in any amount by sending them to the address at the top of the page. Thanks to the cooperation of the NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA'S Islands, this program is realizing our goal of placing a SEABEE Monument in every National Cemetery, one cemetery at a time. In the CAN DO spirit David J. Buchanan, volunteer administrator NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, Inc. NAVY SEABEE VETERANS OF AMERICA INC. FINANCIAL REPORT 1 JULY 2014 - 30 JUNE 2015 Assetts 1 July 2014 Edward Jones Investments $361,137.92 $23,584.60 NFCU Checking Account Total $384, 722.S2 STATUS OF FUNDS Expenses: Income: Annual Membership $11,787.90 National Cdr Life membership Dues $13,800.00 National Vice Cdr Life Membership Interest Convention Delegate Fees $492.68 Nat'l Secretary $9,925.00 $990.00 Expense of Office Convention Registration Fees $167.50 Per Capita Checking Acct. Dividend $12.94 $800.00 CEC/ CB Historical Society Donation Island X-1 GPT Website Development Donat ion $100.00 Exec. Bd. Donation to support DOFL Conv. Ad $110.00 $125.00 SMSA Donation NIAL Expense of Office Korean War Vets Wreath Donation $185.SO Small Store Sales 2015 Convention Registration $555.00 $491.96 Life Membership Expense of Office $341.26 2013 Disbursem ent $3,208.58 SMSA Donation $1,586.11 $18,741.59 Can Do Membership/Publicity Committee $0.00 Veteran's Day Ceremony $605.83 Seabee Birthday Ceremony 2015 M id-year mtg $220.00 Bond Renewal $679.73 $462.27 Registered Agent Fee $0.00 2015 National Convention: Trophies & Plaques $154.20 $35.00 Navy SVAA Delegate Fees $80.00 DOFL Convention Ad Vet's day Nat'I Committee Dues $125.00 2014 Nat'l Convention Del. Fee Refund $5.00 $39,852.25 Total Expenses: Respectfully Subm itted Asserts 30 June 2015 Edward Jones Investments $360,847.15 $27,450.78 NFCU Checking Account Total $388,297.93 Q' $3,600.00 Excel Phone Bill $43,718.43 \.J) $225.00 Internet/Website $38.00 TOTAL INCOME: $0.00 $39.53 Regional Cdr $2,121.59 Pub. Comm. Coin Sales $777.87 $6,862.50 Treasurer $3,000.00 Donation for SM SA IHO Darlene Hod an $1,118.14 Gain/(loss) -$290.77 Gain/(Loss) $3,866.18 Gerald Schmuck $3,575.41 Treasurer NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, INC. FISCAL YEAR 14- 15 EOY BUDGET REPORT % of INCOME Estimated Actual DUES, ANNUAL MEMBERS $13,000.00 s 11,787.90 DUES, LIFE MEMBERS $16,000.00 $ 13,800.00 86.25% LIFE M EM BERSHIP INVESTMENT INTEREST $10,770.00 $ 9,925.00 92.15% 77.17% 33.33% FEES $1,500.00 $ 1,157.50 VET'S DAY & SEABEE B-DAY MEMORIAL DONATIONS $2,400.00 $ 800.00 Budget 90.68% Publicity Comm. Coin Sales $ 2,121.59 Island X-1 GPT Website Donation $ 3,000.00 $ 1,126.44 112.64% $ 43,718.43 97.87% MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL INCOM E EXPENSES $1,000.00 $44,670.00 Estimated Actual % of Budget NATIONAL COMMANDER $4,000.00 $ 492.68 12.32% NATIONAL VICE COMMANDER $1,000.00 1,118.14 111.81% NATIONAL SECRETARY PER CAPITA $7,500.00 $ $ 6,862.50 91.50% NIAL SECRETARY PER CAPITA NATIONAL SECRETARY EXP. OF OFF. TREASURER DISTRICT COMMANDERS LIFE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN EXP. OF OFF. LIFE MEMBERSHIP DISBURSEMENT MID-YEAR EXEC. BOARD MEETING CAN DO PUBLICATION 1-800 PHONE s s 777.87 38.89% $100.00 $ 39.53 39.53% $3,000.00 $ 491.96 16.40% $500.00 $2,000.00 0.00% $500.00 $ 341.26 68.25% $4,308.00 $ 3,208.58 74.48% $500.00 $ 220.00 44.00% $24,000.00 $ 18,741.59 78.09% $1,600.00 $ 1,586.11 99.13% $75.00 $ 35.00 46.67% $700.00 $ 679.73 97.10% $10.00 $ A WARDS/PLAQUES/FLOWERS $200.00 $ 154.20 77.10% VDNC DUES $125.00 $ 125.00 100.00% $1,000.00 $ NSVAA DELEGATE FEES BOND INSURANCE REGISTERED AGENT FEE VDNC Rep 0.00% 0.00% $ $ VET'S DAY & SEABEE B-DAY MEMORIALS $800.00 $ 1,068.10 133.51% WEB $750.00 $ 3,600.00 480.00% $0 .00 $ 85.00 NATIONAL PUBLICITY/MEMBERSHIP Misc. Epenses Not Budgeted TOTAL EXPENSES $55,168.00 Delta -$10,498.00 225.00 45.00% $500.00 $2,000.00 SMSA 0 .00% $ 39,852.25 $3,866.18 72.24% NAVY SEABEE VETERANS of AMERICA, INC. FISCAL YEAR 15-16 BUDGET PROPOSAL % of Budget INCOME Estimated DUES, ANNUAL MEMBERS $12,000.00 0.00% DUES, LIFE MEMBERS $14,000.00 0.00% LIFE MEMBERSHIP INVESTMENT INTEREST $10,500.00 0.00% $750.00 0.00% $1,000.00 0 .00% Convention Registration MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES $38,250.00 Actual 0.00% $ Estimated Actual % of Budget NATIONAL COMMANDER $4,000.{)0 0.00% NATIONAL VICE COMMANDER $2,000.00 0.00% NATIONAL SECRETARY PER CAPITA $7,500.00 0.00% $100.00 0.00% $3,000.00 0.00% $500.00 0 .00% LIFE MEMBERSHIP DISBURSEMENT $4,200.00 0.00% Edward Jones Investment $4,000.00 0 .00% $500.00 0.00% $12,000.00 0.00% $350.00 0.00% $50.00 0.00% $700.00 0.00% $10.00 0.00% AWARDS/PLAQUES/FLOWERS $200.00 0.00% SMSA $500.00 0.00% $2,000.00 0.00% TREASURER DISTRICT COMMANDERS LIFE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN EXP. OF OFF. MID-YEAR EXEC. BOARD MEETING CAN DO PUBLICATION 1-800 PHONE NSVAA DELEGATE FEES BOND INSURANCE REGISTERED AGENT FEE NATIONAL PUBLICITY/MEM BERSHIP VET'S DAY & SEABEE B-DAY MEMORIALS $800.00 0.00% WEB $750.00 0.00% $1,000.00 0.00% Misc. Epenses Not Budgeted TOTAL EXPENSES Delta $44,160.00 -$5,910.00 $ 0.00% NAVY SEABEE VETRANS of AMERICA, Inc. South East District Donnie G. Douglas, Commander September 1, 2015 To: Navy SVA National Executive Committee From: Donnie G. Douglas Subject: SE District Annual Report • Attended several Department of North Carolina SVA Board of Directors meetings. • Department of North Carolina Islands provided socks to 4 Veterans Homes in North Carolina during the Christmas Season. • Attended Department of North Carolina Annual Seabee Ball. • Participated in Wreath Laying Ceremony on Memorial Day at the Hope Mills Veterans Park in Hope Mills, North Carolina. • I worked with the Seabee Veterans in Island X-6 who hosted a pancake breakfast to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project. • Continue to have contact with Seabee Veterans in Greenville, Tennessee in support of their island and ongoing projects. • I have attended monthly meetings with Department of North Carolina Islands. • Have corresponded with the Department of Florida on reassigning members in islands that have been declared inactive and reassigned to the Department of NC, West Virginia and Tennessee. • Corresponded with respective new members in regards to forming new Islands in our district . • Attended several funerals for deceased Sea bees in the South East District. • Participated in Parades in surrounding communities promoting Seabees and the NSVA. • Attended Korean War Remembrance Ceremony at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum. Respectfully Submitted, s~ LJ s~._,_/ Donnie G. Douglas SE District Commander l'\avy Seabee Veterans of America Life Membership Chairman 23416 Meaut Road Pass Christian, MS 39571-9479 228-669-8335 elevenoaks58@cableone.net July 1, 2015 Life Membership 2014 - 2015 Report Please fmd the following report inclusive of the Life Membership Chairman's actions commencing 1 July, 2014 and concluding 30 June, 2015. Life Membership Applications received and processed- 99 Life Membership Fees received and forwarded to the National Treasurer- $14,555.00 Printing of Membership Cards, postage and miscellaneous office supplies - $341.26 Balances of Life Membership Fund Accounts can be found in the National Treasurers Report. Respectfully, Joe Scott 4o NAVY SEABEE VETERANS OF AMERICA, INC. DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA 9 September 2015 From: Commander and PNC 2010-2012 To: NSVA National Commander Via: NSVA National Secretary Subj: Report 2014-15 1. What an honor it was to attend the Veterans Day 2014 White House Breakfast which was located in the East Room. Awesome history from Abe Lincoln 's fireplace to the cut glass chandeliers presented to the White House in the 1800's. We also had a greeting line and met Vice President Joe Biden, Nice guy. Saw the Joint Chief and the Sec. Defense and sat with the senior enlisted Sgt. Of the Marine Corps. 2. Have the Florida website www.florida-seabees.com on line and doing great with our Department Webmaster Chuck Douge' who has recently assumed the duties to keep the communication tool operating within the Department of Florida. 3. The DOFL State Convention scheduled for 24-26 April, 2015 at Largo, Fl. Went very well. We had an excellent location provided by Host Island X-11. The Members completed a survey after in 2014 and complained the Convention was taking to long . They also voted at the previous Convention voted to have all business completed in one day. This was a extreme task and did not work well at all. John Hillyer Ill was voted in as the Department of Florida Commander with Michael Gentz as the Vice Commander and yours truly as Secretary for 2015-16. 4. I now serve as Department Secretary at present and am still learning to dot the l's and cross the "T's. ". 4t 5. Many Island within the DOFL are adopting the Seabee Freedom Rose (SFR) program and have geared up for distribution at the various events for veterans throughout the State. Island X-2 has found out that the Rose program in our local area has been a bust! Roses handed out brought very little donations due to the large amount of Legion and VFW's in the area. 6. I continue to volunteer my service at "Give Kids the World Village" located in Kissimmee, FL. And also serve as usher in my local church and also prepare communion products for our community Sunday evening worship services. 7 Will be participating with the Florida Chief Petty Officers Association (FLCPOA) again this fall in Melbourne, FL which is known as "The Fall Fling." The Flings are held twice annually (Spring & Fall) somewhere within the Sunshine State. There is also a National Organization which will joining with FLCPOA this year. Sincerely, C2ud4~~ Carl Barrett