Volume 25, Number 1, June 2015
Volume 25, Number 1, June 2015
Volume 25, Number 1, June 2015 The Sue Smith Project –Lakes Region, Island X-4 Laconia, New Hampshire, LTR, Master-At-Arms Ken Green, Vice Commander Woody Freeman, Sue Smith and Commander Ray Vercoe. Not Shown is Secretary Roger LeBlanc who also help with the project. (Complete story is on page 5) CAN DO is published for members of the Navy Seabee Veterans of America four times each year—in March, June, September, and December. DISTRICT COMMANDERS Navy Seabee Veterans of America 2015-2016 National Officers Northeast John A. Cubit, 113 Kislingbury St. Rochester, NY 14613-1611, Tel: (585) 647-9294, email: jcubit@frontiernet.net NATIONAL COMMANDER National Commander: David J. Buchanan, Island X-23, Crystal River, FL 8491 Desertrose Terr., Crystal River, FL 34428-8612 (352) 564-0378 DBuchanan@centurylink.net VICE-COMMANDER-AT-LARGE National Vice Commander At Large Jon S. Scott, Island X-1, Gulfport, MS 23416 Meaut Rd., Pass Christian, MS 39571-9479 (228) 669-6858 jon.scott61@yahoo.com Southeast – Donnie Douglas, 3205 Trogdan Dr., Fayetteville, NC 28306-8335, Tel: (910) 425-0392 dondouglas2001@aol.com North Central –Michael L. Scott, 1106 Millbrook Sq. NE, Bolivar, OH 44612-9760,303) 313-4982, miscpo@aol.com South Central – Troy F. Branch, 222 Watkins Chapel Rd., Morristown, TN 37813-3024, Tel: (423) 584-0230 Cell- (865 -924-9023. SECRETARY Northwest – Ralph Bean, 4930 W. Hoffman Pl., Spokane, WA 99205-1920, Tel: (509) 326-2038 Email: porkinbaking@comcast.net Mel Ramige, 555 Fairview Avenue, Creve Coeur, IL 616103237, Tel: 309-699-7344, FAX: 309-699-1201 (call before sending) SEABEE-5 or (800) 732-2335 navysvasecy@att.net Southwest – Kenneth Ward, 5717 E. Calle Aurora, Tucson, AZ, Tel: (520) 790-6084 jward43@cox.net Secretary, National Island-at-Large, Mel Ramige (Interim), 555 Fairview Ave, Creve Coeur, IL 61610-3237 Navy Seabee Veterans of America Auxiliary President - Nancy Staples, Crystal River, FL, (352) 697-5565 Vice President—Amy Bradley Secretary - Sharon Landcastle, Treasurer - Linda Schmuck 1-800-SEABEE-5, NavySVAsecy@att.net TREASURER Gerald Schmuck, 12192 Charlotte Drive, Gulfport, MS 39503-5704 (228) 832-8491 jschmuck@cableone.net NATIONAL PUBLICITY DEADLINE FOR September 2015 CAN DO August 15,2015 Interim Editor, Andy Anderson, 235 Coachman Way, Sanford, NC 27332 - svacando@gmail.com, 919-4789453. CAN DO Navy Seabee Veterans of America Webmaster Jon S. Scott, Island X-1, Gulfport, MS 23416 Meaut Rd., Pass Christian, MS 39571-9479 (228) 669-6858 jon.scott61@yahoo.com NavySVA Membership Danny W. West, 1147 N. Perry Dr., Warsaw, IN 46580-8339 (574) 267-3872, Email: dwest@kcaccess.com. PAGE 2 JUNE 2015 From the Commander of the NSVA—David Buchanan CAN DO PAGE 3 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 4 JUNE 2015 The Sue Smith Project by Lakes Region Navy Seabee Veterans Island X-4, Laconia, NH Approximately 1-1/2 yrs ago, Island X-4 decided to do a “hand on” project to help someone in need and to Inspire new membership into our Island. This mission became a reality when Sue Smith of Laconia, NH, a double amputee, needed help in retrofitting her home for her disability, in order that she might stay in her home. Sue’s husband served in the Navy and had passed away, making it more difficult for Sue to lead a normal life. Sue’s need came to the Island through Tom Tessier of Veterans Count, based in Nashua, NH and Dan Marcek of Vetflix, based in Brookline, NH. These are two nonprofit organizations whose mission, in part, is to help veterans and their families. Once the work began for Sue, the Seabees formed a Helping Hands account to support the cost of the renovation, and through local newspapers telling our story, thousands of dollars ere raised. Veterans Count started the ball rolling with a very generous financial gift. Members of Island X-4 were able to build an addition for the vertical lift from the driveway to the main floor of the house, with ramps and railing included. Also, a chair lift to the second floor was installed along with new fixtures in the bathrooms. In addition new roof shingles were applied and the basement ceiling was insulated in order to make here home more energy efficient. Much more was accomplished such as painting and flooring, and Sue is now better able to stay in her home. As we worked on the project, there was an outpouring of community support. Retailers gave discounts on materials, and people all over the nation sent funds and notes of appreciation for our efforts. In the end, Island X-4 did pick up new members and old “Bees” from World War II on were satisfied that they could still do the job! Mission Accomplished! Ray Vercoe, Commander Lakes Region - Island X-4 Laconia, New Hampshire CAN DO PAGE 5 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 6 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 7 JUNE 2015 X-23's float was recognized in the past as the BEST FLOAT in the 2013 Veteran's Day Parade and BEST THEME in the 2014 Veteran's Day Parade. The 2014 theme recognized WWII veterans and X-23 honored their Chaplain Henry Embach. This picture of their float was the only float pictured in the Citrus County Chronicle. Picture was taken by Steve Lasko for the Citrus County Chronicle. Nancy Staples, National SVAS Auxiliary President. CAN DO PAGE 8 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 9 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 10 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 11 JUNE 2015 Continue next page CAN DO PAGE 12 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 13 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 14 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 15 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 16 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 17 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 18 JUNE 2015 CONGRATULATIONS! To Island X-11 for a great Auxiliary support team. CAN DO PAGE 19 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 20 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 21 JUNE 2015 Island X-6, Fayetteville, NC participated in the Hope Mills, NC Veterans Wreath laying Ceremony. Jimmy Campbell Commander X-6, Donnie Douglas SE Commander and Richard Hoffman, Secretary/Treasurer X-6. CAN DO PAGE 22 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 23 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 24 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 25 JUNE 2015 LM # 6446 LAST NAME FINN 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 GOOLSBY SHUTTS JR. WOOTEN MORGAN GALLAGHER RODRIGUEZ JOAQUIN FRIGON WHALEN RAMAY CAN DO FIRST NAME MI DELBERT CHRISTOPHER D. CALVIN RICHARD E. MICHAEL A. ROBERT GLENN R. JERRY JOSEPH R. PHILIP E. BOB ISLAND# CITY X-7 MID COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON X-4 X-7 X-4 X-5 X-3 X-2 X-3 X-1 X-3 X-3 OHIO CALIFORNIA INDIANA MISSOURI ARIZONA VIRGINIA ARIZONA RHODE ISLAND MARYLAND GEORGIA TOLEDO PORT HUENEME NEW CASTLE CAPE GIRARDEAU TUCSON VIRGINIA BEACH TUCSON DAVISVILLE CUMBERLAND BLAIRSVILLE PAGE 26 JUNE 2015 Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association (SMSA) to provide scholarships for the children of Seabees and CEC Officers. CAN DO PAGE 27 JUNE 2015 Fallen Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association to provide scholarships for the children of Fallen Seabees and CEC Officers. CAN DO PAGE 28 JUNE 2015 Fallen Seabee Memorial Scholarship Association to provide scholarships for the children of Fallen Seabees and CEC Officers. CAN DO PAGE 29 JUNE 2015 CAN DO PAGE 30 JUNE 2015
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