community - Winneshiek Medical Center


community - Winneshiek Medical Center
Gallbladder Symptoms and
Honor the Founders Centennial
Kick-Off Celebration
Opening the Ossian Clinic to
serve our patients’ needs
Mayo Clinic Cardiac Care at
Winneshiek Medical Center
Physician services by
A newsletter
h kM
d lC
Center FFoundation
2013 Annual Fund is in full swing
Clip and mail this form with your gift for the
Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation
901 Montgomery Street
Decorah, IA 52101
Renew the Pro
‰ Yes, I/we want to make a ONE TIME gift to the Foundation
City: ______________________ State:_____ Zip:_________
Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone:_____________
E-mail: ____________________________________________
‰ In HONOR of: ____________________________________
‰ In MEMORY of: __________________________________
Please choose the intended fund for your gift:
‰ The Annual Fund
‰ Renew the Promise 100 Year - Centennial Fund
‰ Matching Gifts ___________________________________
Enclosed is my tax-deductible gift.
‰ $5,000
‰ $750
‰ $150
(Amount below)
‰ $2,500
‰ $500
‰ $100
‰ $1,000
‰ $250
‰ $50
‰Check enclosed.
‰MasterCard ‰Visa
Exp. Date: ______/______
inneshiek Medical Center
traces its humble beginnings
back to the early 1900s to people
who believed in the promise and
opportunity local health care could
provide. Through the tireless efforts
of the Reverend Paul Koren, a
minister at Washington Prairie
Lutheran Church, and the generosity
of William Smith, a retired farmer,
Justin Gullekson
WMC Foundation
the dream of a community hospital
in Decorah began to take shape.
It took vision and perseverance to
raise up the original hospital, and
the Winneshiek Medical Center
Foundation’s vision is to continue
that commitment to our local medical center. All gifts
made to the Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation
2013 Annual Fund will go to work immediately for our
patients, staff and community members. This gift creates
opportunities to increase patient and staff education,
improve technology, and update medical equipment and
Thank you for helping us keep our vision of
community health care strong.
Best Regards,
Justin Gullekson
WMC Foundation President
Special thanks to Justin Gullekson and
Doug Nelson for nine years of service on the WMC
Foundation Board of Directors, and to Justin
for his extraordinary leadership as president of the
Foundation Board for the past two years.
Card # _____________________________________
Security Code:_______________________________
Signature: _______________________ Date:____________
Print name as it appears on credit card:
Thank you for making an investment into the future of our
health care. If you wish to remain anonymous, please contact
WMC Foundation
Board Directors
Amy Bruening
Dan Fretheim
Justin Gullekson
Arlene Houlihan
Dawn Muhlbauer
Doug Nelson
John Noel
Jerry Samuelson
Diane Tacke
Karl Jacobsen & Steve Hildebrand WMC Board of Trustees Liaisons
Winneshiek Medical Center
Board of Trustees
Rick Burras, President
Roger Huinker, Vice-President
Ben Wyatt, Sec./Treasurer
Clark Goltz
Sherry Gribble
Steve Hildebrand
Karl Jacobsen
Your Community Heartbeat
Centennial Kick-Off
Celebration at
Washington Prairie
Patients benefit from
Depot Outlet gift
The new
Ossian Clinic
Cardiac care
close to home and
Heart Healthy tips
Could it be your
he pain was so intense in her mid-section and around
to her back, Cheryl Lewison was sure she was having a
heart attack. But when the pain soon subsided and didn’t return
when I called her to share my symptoms, she instantly thought
it could be my gallbladder,” says Cheryl.
The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right
side of your abdomen, just beneath the liver. The gallbladder
hard deposits known as gallstones that might lodge in a bile
duct and cause a blockage. According to, signs
and symptoms of gallstones can be:
• Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the upper right
portion of your abdomen
• Sudden and rapidly intensifying pain in the center of your
abdomen, just below your breastbone
• Back pain between your shoulder blades
• Pain in your right shoulder
• Gallstone pain may last several minutes to a few hours.
Cheryl Lewison of Elgin worked with her Mayo Clinic Health
System primary care doctor, Brian Dougan, M.D., to diagnose
gallbladder disease. After successful surgery to remove her
The Community Heartbeat is published by Winneshiek
Medical Center Foundation. Questions and suggestions
may be submitted by contacting:
Winneshiek Medical Center Community Relations
901 Montgomery St., Decorah, IA 52101
563-382-2911 or
Winneshiek Medical Center does not exclude from
against any person on the basis of race, color, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin,
religion, or disability in admission to, participation in, or
activities or in employment. If assistive or communication
aids for impaired hearing, vision, speech, or manual
skills are needed, Winneshiek Medical Center will make
reasonable accommodations.
100-Year Kick-Off Celebration
Honor the Founders: A Program of Music and
Healing At Washington Prairie Lutheran Church
o you know your family’s heritage? Winneshiek
Medical Center traces its roots to humble
beginnings with Reverend Paul Koren, who in addition
to pastoral duties at Washington Prairie Lutheran
Church, recognized the need for a hospital to care for
the sick in Winneshiek County. Through his tireless
efforts, ups and downs, defeats and successes, Rev.
Koren gathered a group of community supporters
Decorah in 1914.
To begin celebrating our Centennial year,
Winneshiek Medical Center is holding
an Honor the Founders Program at
Washington Prairie Lutheran Church
on Sunday, January 19, 2014.
The Washington Prairie
congregation and guests are
invited to enjoy a special coffee
hour at 8:45am, serving
coffee and rolls.
WMC will serve a special luncheon 1:00pm in
the church social hall. Tickets for the luncheon
are limited, and will go on sale after Christmas.
The luncheon will also include a presentation on
the history of Winneshiek Medical Center and a
commemorative keepsake gift.
Following the ticketed luncheon, the public
is invited to attend a free Program of Music
and Healing to honor the calling felt
by our founders – a calling
that continues today in the work
that is done at Winneshiek
Medical Center. Come experience
how medicine and music weave together
to create peace and healing, and join in
the mission of the hospital as we
celebrate our beginnings.
Pictured right is Rev. Paul
Koren was the Washington
Prairie pastor and leader in
Renew the Pro
It’s a Facial Hair Frenzy at the ‘14 Winn. County Fair!
In honor of our 100-year
celebration, Winneshiek
Medical Center is
sponsoring a William Smith
Beard Look-Alike contest on
the Winneshiek County Fair
Grandstands on Tuesday,
July 8 at 6:00 pm.
William Smith was the
first donor to the hospital
in Decorah. “Based on
the portrait of William
Smith, his beard was really
something and we thought
this would be fun way for
WMC to connect with
people in our communities
by showcasing our chief
donor!” says Gretchen
Dahlen, chief administrative
officer, Winneshiek Medical
Area men may need to
get growing to compete in
the July event. The criteria
are based on how closely
the contestants can come
to looking like Mr. Smith.
Grand prize includes a
cash prize and more!
Competitors may register
online at www.winmedical.
org or prior to the event on
July 8, 2014.
Because of a previous diagnosis of Celiac disease,
Cheryl already had regular appointments scheduled
to manage her condition with her primary care doctor
at Winneshiek Medical Center: Mayo Clinic Health
System internal medicine physician, Brian Dougan,
M.D. At her next appointment, Cheryl brought up
the painful episode, and like Cheryl’s daughter, Dr.
effective treatment for gallstones is surgery to remove
the gallbladder. However, gallstones that do not
cause symptoms do not necessarily need treatment
and a patient can avoid surgery. In Cheryl’s case, we
decided to monitor the frequency and intensity of the
Over the next few months, Cheryl had a few minor
episodes, but they became less and less frequent.
were gone,” says Cheryl. That was until January 13.
me straight back to the doctor, only this time, Dr.
general surgeon instead,” says Cheryl.
Two Mayo Clinic Health System general surgeons
provide care at Winneshiek Medical Center: Steven
with Dr. Davis and had an ultrasound at WMC to
in surgery to have my gallbladder removed,” says
without any negative side-effects to the patient; bile
intestine, rather than being stored in your gallbladder.
Gallbladder removal is a safe and effective way to
relieve the painful symptoms of gallstones.”
Cheryl’s surgery did the trick, and she is back to
walk 2.5 miles each week (if the weather allows) and
eat fresh fruits, vegetable and meats to manage my
Celiac disease. I’m thankful the doctors were able
Winneshiek Medical Center.”
Close to home.
• Urology
• Gynecology
• Orthopedics
Ear • Nose • Throat
• Podiatry
• General
Experience Counts.
Last year more people chose to have their
surgery with Mayo Clinic Health System
surgeons than any other providers in Decorah.
These surgeons live and work in our community
so it’s comforting to know that when your
surgery is over, your doctor is still nearby if you
need more care. Ask to stay close to home for
surgery. Ask for Winneshiek Medical Center,
and count on us to provide the best possible
quality care to keep you and your family safe
and healthy.
Bridgette Hensley, Psy.D.
Dr. Hensley has expertise in treating
children, adolescents and adults with
disorders such as trauma, depression,
anxiety, and behavioral disturbances
(ADHD). She also provides suicide
assessment and prevention, family therapy,
and couples therapy.
Dr. Hensley earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and
Master of Science in Education from Eastern Illinois University
in Charleston, Illinois. She earned her Doctor of Psychology
in Clinical Psychology from Illinois School of Professional
Psychology in Chicago. She has extensive background in
clinical and educational settings, and has served as adjunct
faculty for four Wisconsin universities.
James Ott, M.D.
Dr. Ott practiced family medicine in
Decorah from 2002-2005, at which time he
moved on to Mayo Clinic Health System in
Albert Lea and began his training in treating
skin disorders and conditions with Mayo
Clinic dermatologists.
He has since provided medical skin care to patients in Albert
Lea, and in July, brought his expertise back to the Decorah
Dr. Ott received his medical degree from the Mayo Clinic
Graduate School of Medicine and completed his residency at
Mayo Clinic Family Practice Residency Program in Kasson,
Ashlee Holst, D.O.
Dr. Holst has expertise in caring for
adults with complex or multiple medical
needs and/or medications. She specializes
in comprehensive primary care for adults
and chronic disease management for
diseases such as type 2 diabetes, blood
disorders, asthma, and heart disease.
Dr. Holst earned her Bachelor of Science in Microbiology
from Iowa State University and her medical degree from A.T.
Still University-Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in
Kirksville, Missouri. She completed her residency in Internal
by the American Board of Internal Medicine.
Anna Ryan, M.D.
Dr. Ryan is an anatomic and clinical
pathologist who serves as Winneshiek
Medical Center’s Laboratory Medical
Director, as well as the Laboratory Medical
Director for Veterans Memorial Hospital in
Dr. Ryan received her Bachelor of
Science degree in microbiology from the
University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, and her medical
degree from the University of Illinois in Chicago. She
completed an internship in internal medicine at Lutheran General
Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois, and her residency in pathology
at Rush-Medical Center in Chicago. She comes to Winneshiek
Medical Center from a private pathology service in Ottumwa,
Paul Jakopin, M.D.
Dr. Jakopin is an emergency medicine
physician who provides care in Winneshiek
Medical Center’s 24-hour Emergency
Dr. Jakopin received his medical degree
from Indiana University in Indianapolis and
completed his residency in emergency
medicine at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois. Dr. Jakopin
has been practicing emergency medicine since 1995, and comes
to WMC from providing care and ER coverage in St. Joseph
and Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake, WI. Dr. Jakopin is
Chemotherapy and infusion patients
benefit from Depot Outlet gift
eraldine Bilidt communicates by texting. She
also bowls and golfs on the Nintento Wii.
Unremarkable on their own, Geraldine’s interests
become far more amazing when one learns she’s 86.
me to get a cell phone and showed me how to text, I
can’t imagine not doing it,” says Geraldine.
Geraldine receives chemotherapy at Winneshiek
Medical Center to treat liver cancer. Living in
Cresco, she was happy to learn that she would not
have to travel to Gundersen
The Depot Outlet
in La Crosse for weekly
exists to serve
area residents by
convenient for me to come to
offering affordable
Decorah, and the people here
clothing and
are… caring. It’s almost like
household items to
my family has made new
families, providing
friends,” says Geraldine.
opportunities for
To help pass the time and
residents to recycle
provide additional comforts
for patients, the Winneshiek
and work or
volunteer within the Medical Center Foundation
recently received a grant
recycling program,
and gifting proceeds from the Depot Outlet to
purchase iPads for cancer
of the recycling
efforts to community patients to use during
treatments. The iPads
and church
arrived, and Geraldine was
a nurse in the Same Day
Winneshiek County. Service department
In addition to iPads, the Foundation purchased a
portable DVD player and materials for personalized
cancer resource support binders for each patient.
DVDs, treatment tracking forms, and other helpful
Holly Kanengieter, coordinator of the WMC
be able to fund items and activities that improve the
patient experience at WMC. We truly appreciate
donations that allow us to help staff meet the needs
of our patients.”
Geraldine thinks the iPad games help pass the time
iPad out, anyone can!” she says with a smile.
For more information on cancer services at
Winneshiek Medical Center, or to learn more about
donation opportunities with the WMC Foundation,
call the medical
center at 563-3822911 or visit www.
where Geraldine
receives her chemotherapy treatments says,
and she took
right off!”
Geraldine Bilidt and Jackie Becker, RN, check out the
new iPad made available for chemotherapy patients
through a grant from the Depot Outlet.
Winneshiek Medical Center offers a positive and progressive work environment, as well as
competitive benefits, including health, dental, life, IPERS and generous paid time off.
To view job postings, visit our website:
If you are interested in applying for any positions, please contact: Human Resources
Phone 563-387-5240 e-mail:
Winneshiek Medical Center to
open a clinic in Ossian
in the city of Ossian.”
The Hugh and JaDene Wegner building, 112 East
Main Street, downtown Ossian, is the location of the
new clinic, and construction is already underway.
Nick Schwartzhoff, director of Engineering at
Winneshiek Medical Center and project lead for the
is ideal for a dual purpose clinic – essentially, one
side will be dedicated to full time family medicine
and the other to rehabilitation.
We look forward to providing a
modern and comfortable clinic
space for people in the southern
Winneshiek County townships
and nearby communities.”
An active group of Ossian
residents is leading the effort to
raise funds to support the initial
costs of opening a medical
clinic in their hometown: Pam
Buddenberg, Eileen Courtney,
Clark Goltz, Patty Kobriger,
Joe Kriener, Terry Linderbaum,
Mike Meyer, James Rothmeyer
medical clinic will help care for
families with young children,
employees of area businesses,
senior residents and urgent
care situations,” says Eileen
to helping Winneshiek Medical
Center make this clinic a reality,
and are asking for the support
of our families, friends and
To learn more about the new
WMC Ossian Clinic, or inquire
about ways to support the
project, the public can contact
any of the individuals on the
fund-raising committee or call
the Winneshiek Medical Center
Foundation at 563-382-2911.
he people of Ossian, southern Winneshiek
County townships and surrounding
primary care and rehab services.
In October, the Winneshiek Medical Center Board
of Trustees unanimously approved plans to begin a
family medicine and rehabilitation clinic in Ossian
of the People” last spring containing upwards of
Finding a voice
Lydia Dawley attends camp thanks to a scholarship from the Winneshiek
Medical Center Foundation Physical Therapy Committee
niversity of Wisconsin – Whitewater offers an Authentic Voices Camp for
individuals 13-21 years of age that use communication devices exclusively
to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings. The university has students from all
over the country attend the week-long camp in June, and learn how to enhance
their current devices, experiment and learn about new communication devices via
one-on-one meetings with speech pathologists and breakout sessions.
Lydia Dawley, from rural Decorah, learned about the camp from her speech
therapist at Decorah High School. The opportunity to attend the camp was
realized because of a camp scholarship provided by the Winneshiek Medical
Center Foundation Physical Therapy Fund.
this is my world.” For Lydia, it was a camp experience unlike any other, because
fellow campers had similar cognitive abilities and just needed the communication
devices to get their message heard.
Each year the WMC Foundation Physical Therapy Committee offers at
least two $800 camp scholarships to Winneshiek County residents to attend
an accredited camp. The scholarship application process begins early spring
of each year. Find out more information about the WMC Foundation and
funding priorities at our website: or contact WMC
Foundation Coordinator at 563-387-3129.
A season for remembering and honoring loved ones.
Light for Life
Medical Center’s windows this winter. You may choose to donate in memory or
Light for Life Snowflake Gifts
Given by:_____________________________________________________________
Please circle one:
Name: _______________________________________________________________
(Please print carefully)
in the windows of WMC in honor or memory of your special person.
Please attach a sheet of paper for additional gifts. Your contribution is tax deductible.
Please use your cancelled check as your receipt.
Mail completed form and check payable to the WMC Auxiliary, to:
Light for Life, WMC Auxiliary, 901 Montgomery Street, Decorah, IA 52101
Preventing heart disease
Which advice to follow?
Here are four things you can
the headlines and the advice seems to change
on a weekly basis,” says Martha Grogan,
do to lower your risk.
M.D., a Mayo Clinic cardiologist. Only one
headline is consistent:
Heat disease still the No. 1 killer of men
and women in the United States.
The truth?
overall death rate from heart disease has
decreased by more than 33 percent in the last
50 years. That’s a lot.”
And yet, heart disease still maintains
its position as the No. 1 killer of men and
women. So, clearly, there is still work to do.
The solution may not easy, but it is simple.
disease risk by 70 to 80 percent by doing just
than 2 percent of the population is doing all
Reprinted with permission from Mayo Clinic Health System
Hometown Health.
Eat a
balanced diet.
If yoou
moke, QUIT.
Get reggular
Maintain a
For more heart healthy information, visit
Mayo Clinic Cardiology Outreach in Decorah
Cardiology at Winneshiek Medical Center is
provided on an outreach basis by Rochester’s Mayo
Clinic cardiologists.
Physicians in Cardiology and Vascular Medicine
at Mayo Clinic are committed to providing the most
appropriate and highest quality of care to patients
with cardiovascular disease, which includes disorders
Roger Click, M.D.
David Foley, M.D.
of the heart, arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels.
These specialized physicians work together with your
local doctor to provide local, convenient care.
Appointments at Winneshiek Medical Center can
be made through a referral from your doctor. Call
563-382-2911 to learn more.
Todd Miller, M.D.
Peter Spittell, M.D.
Scott Wright, M.D.
Stress Reducers
From left, WMC Cardiac Rehab nurse,
Kim Wilmes, RN, Rick Edwards, and WMC
Cardiac Rahab Tech, Shirley Hubka.
inneshiek Medical
Center Cardiac Rehab
After a heart attack, negative thoughts and emotions can
become overwhelming. Will I have another heart attack?
Can I live a normal life? What can’t I do? What can I do?
Winneshiek Medical Center Cardiac Rehabilitation is here
to help calm your fears and reassure you that you can live a
normal life.
Cardiac rehabilitation is a monitored program of aerobic
and strengthening exercises designed to return cardiac
patients to optimal health following a major cardiac event,
such as bypass surgery, heart attack, stent placement and
valve replacement.
Kim Wilmes, RN, cardiac rehabilitation nurse at
safe exercise environment for patients who are recovering
from a heart attack or surgery. Patients can test their bodies
without the fear of another heart attack occurring – we are
constantly monitoring them and can quickly respond if
their heart is experiencing stress.”
Patients need a referral from their health care provider,
and cardiac rehab is covered by insurance for many
conditions – be sure to contact your insurance provider
For more information, call Winneshiek Medical Center
Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at 563-387-3031.
Get moving
Focus on the moment
Any kind of physical activity
relieves stress. Walking, gardening,
house cleaning, biking and other
everyday activities release
feel-good endorphins and help you
refocus your mind.
sessions during a hectic day can
make a difference. Close your
eyes, think about your inhales and
exhales, and focus on releasing
Let it out
way to express it, whether through
writing in a journal or sharing your
pent-up thoughts and feelings with
a trusted friend. Social interaction
also helps by providing support and
Catch some zzz’s
Sleep gives your body and mind a
chance to recharge. When you’re
stressed, make an extra effort to get
the sleep you need - that’s seven
to eight hours of sleep a night for
Get in touch with
Massage can reduce stress, pain
and muscle tension and boost
your immune system. Schedule a
Reprinted with permission from Mayo Clinic Health
System Hometown Health.
Remembering Helena
ormer Winneshiek Medical
Center volunteer, Helena
Naef, named the Winneshiek
Medical Center Foundation in
her will, leaving the Foundation
an unrestricted gift of more than
Helena and her husband
William (Bill) moved to
Decorah from California in
1993 after learning about the
community by subscribing to
the town newspaper. Former
neighbor, Bev Nichols, recalls
that the couple was very private, but had a strong desire
to give back to the community they lived in.
One of the ways Helena served her community was by
volunteering at Winneshiek Medical Center. She served
as treasurer of the Auxiliary Board from 1996-2002,
and after retiring from the board, she continued to serve
by regularly donating handmade, crocheted christening
gowns, bonnets and booties to the Auxiliary-run WMC
Gift Shop. Her detailed gowns were often purchased the
same day Helena brought them in. Helena also created
a WMC Auxiliary scholarship in her husband’s name to
be awarded each year to a local person pursuing a health
for Helena’s gift,” says Justin Gullekson, WMC
a person’s will or trust, is a simple yet effective way
of providing a lasting gift to the Winneshiek Medical
Center Foundation.” For more information on planned
giving options, contact the Winneshiek Medical Center
Foundation at 563-382-2911 or visit www.winmedical.
Honoring David W. Wright, M.D.
he donations listed below, made in
memory of Dr. Wright, have been
given to Winneshiek Medical Center. Dr.
Wright died on September 11, 2013. In
his role as chairman of the Winneshiek
County Board of Health for 18 years, Dr.
Wright was instrumental in helping found
the Smith Memorial Hospital.
With the opening of his Decorah medical
practice in 1954, Dr. Wright established the
foundation of what was to become Decorah
Medical Associates. Before his retirement
in 1990, he had taken six other doctors
David W. Wright, M.D.
Gifts received through
October 15, 2013
Dorothy & Norman Aldridge
Joan & Bud Amundson
Marvin & Marti Andera
Betty & Calvin Anderson
Jack Anundsen
Margaret & Stanley Arneson
Donna & Vernon Bahr
David & Kathy Bakken
Louisa Barrett
Donna & Daryl Bergan
Phyllis Bjerke
Alice Broderick
Karen & William Brown
Amy & Keith Bruening
Eileen & Duane Bruening
Dr. James & Jane Bullard
Brenda & David Carlson
Eric & Cynthia Carlson
Jean E. Carter
John & Sandra Carter
Pastor Owen & Linda
Doris Cole
Nanette Larson Dahlen
Daphne Davidson
Karen Davidson
Arlene & Dale Dougherty
Shirley Dynes
Rosie & Bob Eppens
Marcia & Dennis Fisher
Roberta, Ann & Scott Fjelstul
Lenora & Verdell Fossum
Foster Group Foster
Deb Rosheim Geske
Mavis & Darrell Grey
Diane & Larry Grimstad
into practice with him, a group that later
became part of Mayo Clinic Health System
at Winneshiek Medical Center in Decorah.
Through nearly 40 years, Dr. Wright
delivered hundreds of babies over three
generations in the Decorah area. Many
gifts made in memory of Dr. Wright have
been earmarked for the WMC Hospice
program, the WMC Foundation, and the
Winneshiek County Public Health Nursing
Services. Special memorial gifts designated
for use in the physical therapy department
are listed in italics.
Terri & Chuck Grosser
Justin Gullekson
Norma & Darvin Hacker
Jean & Paul Hardy
Mary & Jon Hart
Sarah Henning
Agnes Hjelle
James & Sandra Hoeg
Betty Hoff
Bonnie Holkesvik
Marilyn Holland
Janice Hotvedt
Arlene & Bob Houlihan
Roger & Pat Huinker
Arlene & Ronald Humpal
Linda, Brandt, Marilyn & Julie
Karl Jacobson
Mildred Jacobson
Helen James
Darrel & Mary Jensen
Jo Kaplan
Thela Lynne Kephart
Ed & Linda Klimesh
Maxine Klotzbach
Eileen Knipe
Karen & Knute Knutson
Judy & Ray Koshatka
WMC Foundation & Hospice Gifts
Gifts from January 1, 2013 thru October 15, 2013
‹Denotes a gift to the Community Mental Health Fund
Benefactor ($5,000 +)
In Memory or Honor of
Decorah Bank & Trust
Hanna Helena Naef-Naef Irrevocable Trust
Jacobsen, Mildred ................. Leonard Tietz
Paul & Leila Headington
Sherry Burgdorf
Associate ($2,500-$4,999)
Casterton, Charles & Mary ‹
Citizen’s Savings Bank ‹
Dahlen, Gretchen & Greg Thelen ‹
Depot Outlet ......................... Cancer Patient Resources
Gullekson, Justin & Jeanne
Hospice Riders...................... Hospice Riders
Johnson, Guy ........................ WMC Staff ‹
Klimesh, Ed & Linda............ All WMC Nursing Staff
Arland Emery
Nelson, Doug ‹
Orvis, Dr. Brad & Deb
Investor ($1,000-$2,499)
Bruening, Duane & Eileen ... Bonnie Huebner’s
Dan Huebner’s Birthday
Honor of Hospice Staff
Calmar Corvette Club ........... Diabetes Education
Houlihan, Robert & Arlene
Jennifer Kovarik
Ethel Kvammen
Anton & Marilyn Larson
Holly & Arnold Larson
Virginia & Gerald
Virginia & Jon Leyen
Elaine Lowery
Joan& John Lubke
Mary K. & Timothy
Judy McIntosh
Helen & James Meehan
Ken & Ruth Melby
Nancy Meyer
Dale & Dorthy Miller
Randal & Victoria Miller
Diane & Ken Munkel
Sally Naeseth
Ann & David Nelson
Betty Nelson
John & Arlene Nelson
Cheryl Novak
Julie & Joseph O’Donnell
Randy & Renee Olson
Coleen Orwoll
Carole Rambo
Rose & Ronald Rasmussen
JoMarie & Frank Riha
Cindy Rima Rima
Gary & Lois Roberts
Robert & Kathleen
Marion Rude
Joan Rulon
Kevin & Leslie Sand
Beverly & Richard
Karol Sersland
Peggy & Keith Sersland
Luann Smith
Paul & Carolyn Solberg
Rich & Linda Svenson
Mary Tekippe
JoAnn & Robert Thorsten
Michael P. Tone
Bob & Pat Usgaard
Kathy & Greg Vick
Joann Voltmer
Marilyn Wahlberg
Wanda & Erlin Walter
Norma & Linda
Barbara Welgos
Muriel & Roger
Don White
Donna Young
Patron ($500-$999)
Andersen, Sarah.................... Rev. Paul Andersen
Bradish Family Scholarship Fund
Bruening Rock Products, Inc
Wayne & Shirley ................ Gena Casterton
Foods of Iowa Corp-c
Gemini, Inc
Gentry, Dr. Tedd & Lois
Grimstad, Larry & Diane
Lawrence & Elaine ............... Hospice Program
Jacobsen, Karl
Lowry, Elaine
Olinger, Jeffrey & Heidi ....... Vern Mohlis
Oneota Valley Family Eye Care
Sims, Jim & Elaine
Tacke, James & Diane
Sponsor ($250-$499)
Anonymous........................... Curtis Flak
Dick Helgeson
Dolly Kirchner
Edna Thompson
Jack Duffy
Janet Thompson
Lavern Syverson
Obert Sacquitne
Tilman Ellingson
Beinborn, Dean
Bolson, Kathi
Brevig, Brandon & Nikki
Bulman, Tom & Laurie
Burras, Rick & Lori
Christen, Elliott & Beverly
Christensen, Keith & Dawn
Cresco Union Savings Bank
Dorothy Ellickson Estate ...... Dorothy Ellickson
Ernst, Diane
Floy, Irene ............................. Don Floy (WMC
Cardiac Rehab,
Respiratory Therapy,
Grimstad, Joe & Ann
Hacker, Nelson & Company, P.C.
Holthaus, Willard &
Mary Ellen .......................... Ron Holthaus
Willard & Mary Ellen
Holthaus Family Fund
Huinker, Roger & Pat ........... Betty Davis
Marcella Rooney
Raymond Anderson
Ron Holthaus
Lang, Susan
Darlene Bakken
Marquardt, Thomas, DPM
Muhlbauer, Todd & Dawn
Petersburg, Brian & Kathy ... LaVern Hohlis
Remington, William, MD ..... .DUO³.RRQH\´.REULJHU
Mark Henke
Rockwell Collins .................. Corrine Lensing
Hospice Program
Rockwell, Jay Kevin
Weidow, Cletus or Dahl, Kathy
Friend ($100-$249)
Aaker, Maynard & Minerva
Anderson, Jutta
Applied Land Analysis Inc. .. Mary M Soukup
Bachman, Sally ..................... Donis Whalen
Bahr, Vernon & Donna
Bakken, Dr. David & Kathy
Bergan, Michael & Carol ‹
Bergmann, Marvin & Janice
Brynsaas, Randall
& family.............................. Elaine Brynsaas
Buchheit, Ronald .................. Bernice Buchheit
Calmar Lutheran Church Women
Cooper, Marvin & Bernadine
Crowley, Margaret ................ Russel Nelson
Decorah Furniture Company ‹
Decorah Lutheran Church
Donhowe, Mark & Vicki
Duffy, Denise & Steve .......... Jack Duffy
Duffy, John & Steve ............. Jack Duffy
Eittreim, Marilyn
Emery, Neva
Erdman, Lindsay & Karla
Farwell, Elwin & Helen........ Marion Beatty
Frandsen Financial
Corporation - Paul Moen .... Dolly Kirchner
Fretheim, Emory and Elaine
Friest & Associates ............... Roy Kopriva
Fure, Delyle & Carolyn
Gabrielsen, Marion G. ........ John Gabrielsen
Gary Ballard
GEA Farm Technologies,
Inc. ...................................... Elaine Brynsaas
Grimstad, Ben & Padrin ....... Lavern Mohlis
Guinn, Michael & Betty ....... Lavern Mohlis
Haemker, Jim & Susan
Hageman, Dave & Kathy
Highland Ladies Aid
Holland, Vicki....................... Frank Holland
Holstad, Inez ......................... Charles & Fran
Cletus Weidow
Gerald & Pearl
Gilbertson 65th
Hazel Skaim
Helen Carolan
Iva Kelley
John Schnitzler
Margaret Ann Hovden
Olive Wohlford
Ron & Karen Fretheim
50th Anniversary
Hruska, James & Sonja......... Vern Mohlis
Kakos, George ...................... KJ Hovden,
Donna Hovden
Donna Vine
LaVern Syverson
Mary Lou Jacobson
Lynn Henningsgaard
Adam Christopherson
Kala, William & Dorothy ..... Fred & Marcella Kala
Klimesh, Peter & Theresa..... Christi Ann Klimesh
Helen MacMaster
Dawn Lechtenberg
Lavonne Bouska
McKinney, Spencer & Kathleen
Nasby, Barbara ................... Isabelle Nasby
Nichols, Paul & Beverly
Noack, David & Lynn
Olson, Renee and Randy ...... LaVern Mohlis
Roger Kratz
Reitan, Phillip & Ruth
Roe, Willard & Virginia........ Billy Roe
Rooney, David & Annette..... Marcella Rooney
Samuelson, Jerry & Tracy
Schluter Balik Funeral Home
Sender, Mary & Chuck
Shimek, Family of Jerome.... Jerome Shimek
Snell, David & Susan ........... Donna Hovden
Edna Thompson
John Peterson
Obert Sacquitne
Ossie Wohlford
Russel Nelson
Ted Schrandt
Stone, Terry & Joan
Strand, DeAnna
Linda Doyle
Street, Clista Joyce
Hospice Program
Tietz, Lavonne
Leonard Tietz
Wasta, Wayne & Phylis
Wermager, David or Lois Cecelia Dawley
Wiest, John & Pat
Wild, William and Kathi
William & Dorothy Kala
Fred & Marcella Kala
Wyatt, Ben and Dee ‹
Zaring, Alan & Laurie
Donor ($25-$99)
Abraham, Ronald and Leann Abraham - Father’s
Afseth, Zach & Mary Jane.... Nelda Knowlton
Albers, Mark & Cindy
Alpha Delta Master............... Joyce Johnson
Amundson, Hazel ................. Dick Helgeson
Dolly Kirchner
Amundson, Richard
& Barbara ........................... Dolly Kirchner
Anderson, Richard
& Elaine .............................. Leonard Tietz
$Q¿QVRQ*DU\.DUL ......... Russel L. Rustad
William M. Stenseth
Aschim, Karl & Sylvia ......... Sherry Burgdorf and
DHS Class of 1945
Ashbacher, Albert &
Donna ................................. Leonard Tietz
Baker, Jerry & MaryAnn ...... Roger Craft
Barta ,Rachel ........................ Raymond Anderson
Bergan, Karen & Dennis
Norden ................................ Vern Mohlis
Berge, Mark & Kristi ............ Dick Helgeson
Dolly Kirchner
Elaine Brynsaas
Hazel Styve
Kermit Mestad
Billiet, Grace......................... Roger Craft
Bischell, Roxanne ................. Russel Nelson
Bolson, Nicole ...................... Buel Swiggum
Bosworth, Ross &
Kimberly ............................. Dolly Kirchner
Broadbent, Donna ................. Kermit Mestad
Brown, William & Karen ..... Don Floy
Edna Thompson
Elaine Brynsaas
Katherine Kroshus
Leonard Tietz
Marilyn Bolson
Brown, William & Karen ..... Obert Sacquitne
Russel Nelson
Tilman Ellingson
Bruce, Gerald & Ruth ........... Donis Whalen
Bruner, Scott & Amy ............ Leonard Tietz
Brynsaas, Mae ...................... Kermit Mestad
Elaine Brynsaas
Bullerman,Tom, Carol,
Barb, Scott, Trina, Joyce,
Steve, AJ ............................. *HUDOG³-HUU\´
Burr Oak Lutheran Hope Circle
Busta, Jeffrey & Susan M ..... Marcella Rooney
Carlson, David and Brenda... Lavern Mohlis
Marilyn Larson’s
Casey, Kevin & Mary ........... Dolly Kirchner
Casterton, Bernard &
Martha................................. Roger Craft
Casterton, James &
Shirley................................. Donna Hovden
Kermit Mestad
Obert Sacquitne
Christensen, Sybil ................. Leonard Tietz
Christianson, J. Gordon
and Agnes ........................... Dolly Kirchner
Christopher, D Edward and
Sharon ................................... George Smith
DHS Class of 45 ................... Norbert Tierney
Sherry Burgdorf
Rosella Goettelman
Cook, L. and D. .................... Arland Emery
Courtney, Eileen ................... Donis Whalen
Magdalen Numedahl
Crawford, Gary & Beth ........ Kaitlyn Quandahl
Croatt, Kristine ..................... Dolly Kirchner
Dahl, Marilyn ....................... Jerry Dahl
Dawley, Daniel & Jill ........... Merlin Snell & Paul N
Deutsch, William & Martha ... Dolly Kirchner
Dickman, Norman &
Darlene ............................... Leonard Tietz
Donnelly, Roger.................... Darlene Bakken
Dotseth, Robert & Patricia ... Leonard Tietz
Dougherty, David &
Brenda................................. Leonard Tietz
Duder, Ann & George ........... Esther Hegg
Kaitlyn Quandahl
Eckheart, Douglas &
Georgiann ........................... Donis Whalen
Lynn Henningsgaard
Ellingson, Thelma................. Arla Lyon
Elsbernd, Gladys................... Roger E Elsbernd
Erion, Randy and Karen ....... Dolly Kirchner
Exey, Doug & Jan ................. Amy Engelhardt
Fagerholm, Robert, MD
Family of La Vern Syverson
Family & Friends of
Marcella Keefe ................... Marcella Keefe
Family of Betty Davis .......... Betty Davis
Family of La Vern
Syverson ............................. LaVern Syverson
Fencl, Victor & Sharla .......... Dawn Lechtenberg
Fenstermann, Marlene &
Duane.................................. Donis Whalen
Finholt, Iona ......................... Dorothy & Telford
Liz Sanden
Tilman Ellingson
Fisher, Erlene ........................ Donna Hovden
Obert Sacquitne
Palmer Ruffridge
Family of Curtis Flak............ Curtis Flak
Forde, Wesley & Bette.......... Duane Shanks
LaVern Syverson
Marlene Taylor
Fox, Ron & Carole ............... Lavern Mohlis
Frana, Sandra ........................ Robert Frana
Franzen, Dean & JoAnn ....... Leonard Tietz
Franzen, Kevin & Mary........ Leonard Tietz
Frye, Gary & Geraldine ........ Darlene Hackman
Fulsaas, Joanne ..................... Ted Schrandt
Fye, Victor & Dianne ........... Colleen Askelson
Roger Craft
Dick Helgeson
John Peterson
Obert Sacquitne
Palmer Ruffridge
Gehling, Nick & Linda ......... Short, Klimesh & Stika
Gesing, Rebecca & Merlin
Grimes, Elaine .................... Jack Grimes
Grimes, Jan ........................... Hazel Skaim
Grouws, David &
Jennifer ............................... Lavern Mohlis
Gunther, Robert &
Brenda................................. Lavern Mohlis
Haberichter, Tom & Nancy
Hackman, Mel and Mary Lou
Hageman, Bill & Jennifer
Hagen, Dean & LaRue ......... Lavern Mohlis
Hall, Dale & Mary Lou ........ Dorothy & Telford
Hall, Gary & Norma ............. Hazel Styve
Hall, Orbell ........................... Colleen Askelson
Dorothy & Telford
Edna Thompson
Hazel Styve
Liz Sanden
Palmer Ruffridge
Halse, Earl & Virginia .......... Dick Helgeson
Kaitlyn Quandahl
Halverson, Dale &
Virginia ............................... Elaine Brynsaas
Hanneman, Beatrice &
Sladky, Janet ....................... Colleen Askelson
Hansen, Mary & James......... Dolly Kirchner
Harris, Randal & Maureen ......Leonard Tietz
Headington, Florence ........... Obert Sacquitne
Headington, Larry
& Dianne ............................ Adam Christopherson
Colleen Askelson
Ruth Lucille Tollefsrud
Angie Loesch
Elaine Brynsaas
Bernard Wanless
Edith Naley
Bill Smith
Dick Ruffridge
John Schnitzler
Lori Kutchera
Clarissa Jevne
Kenny Flatland
Obert Sacquitine
Arland Emery
Donna Hovden
Madonna Vine
Olive Wohlford
Headington, Marilyn
Heffern, Herb & Beverly ...... John Peterson
Henning, Tom & Lois
Huhe, Galen & Linda ........... Darwin Chrisopther
Sally Sampson
Huinker, Arlene .................... Magdalen Numedahl
Inglett, Lowell & Elaine ....... Russel Nelson
Ingvalson, Larry & Lynn ...... Donis Whalen
Irvin, Jean
Johnson, Irma
Jurs, William & Joan ............ Leonard Tietz
Kach, Scott & Sarah
Kanengieter, Holly
Kern, Rita
Cletus Weidow
Hazel Styve
Leonard Tietz
Roman Hageman
Kittleson, Elsie ..................... Vern Mohlis
Klotzbach, Ardis ................... Elaine Brynsaas
Klotzbach, Maxine
Knoke, Earl & Marian .......... Donna Hovden
Hazel Styve
KJ Hovden
Leonard Tietz
Palmer Ruffridge
Russel Nelson
Knutson, Diane ..................... Obert Sacquitne
Kratz, Dave & Kris ............... Don Floy
Kratz, Roger & Patricia ........ Donis Whalen
Joyce Johnson PT Fund
Kriener, James & Danna ....... Dick Helgeson
Krivachek, Carmen
Kroshus, Gerald .................... Leonard Tietz
Kuehner, Duane & Katie ...... Dorothy Kuennen
Kuennen, Clarence &
Geneva ................................ Ethel Luzum
Kvammen, Ethel ................... Arla Lyon
Lansing, Carroll & Anita ...... Olive Wohlford
Larkin, Charles & Gayle....... Harlan Herman
Richard Sandy Parkinson Group
Mike Regan
Larson, Anton & Marilyn ..... Dolly Kirchner
LaVern Mohlis
Tilman Ellingson
Larson, Dean & Caryl........... LaVern Syverson
Lynn Henningsgaard
Larson, Robert & Marilyn .... Dolly Kirchner
Lea, Tony & Mary
Lien,Sylvia............................ Donis Whalen
Lillegraven, John &
Wanda ................................. Hazel Styve
Little, Thomas....................... Arla Lyon
LaVern Syverson
Magdalen Numedahl
Littlejohn, Bill & Martha...... Arland Emery
Locke, Kevin & Mini ........... Irvin Flage
Lorch, Sandy......................... Maurice Dahl
Losen, Alton ......................... Kermit Mestad
Losen, Violette ...................... Georgia Larson
Lovelace, Lavane &
Patricia ................................ Lavern Mohlis
Lynch, Tim & Mary Kay ...... Leonard Tietz
McCormick, Donald &
Patricia ................................ Dolly Kirchner
McIntosh, Howard and
Judy..................................... Ervin Wangsness
Madonna Vine
Meyer, Agnes ........................ Ted Meyer
Mikkelsen, Judith ................. Lavern Mohlis
Mikkelson, Carolyn .............. Colleen Askelson
Dolly Kirchner
Donna Hovden
KJ Hovden
Mikkelson, Carolyn .............. Roger Craft
Mikota, Kenneth & Nancy ......Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Miller, Dale & Dorothy ........ Donis Whalen
Miller, Jeannie ...................... Darlene Bakken
Milligan, Tim & Dawn ......... Arland Emery
Darwin Christopher
Mohlis, Julie Ann.................. Lavern Mohlis
Mohlis, Vern & Dora
Nelson, Milfred & Joan ........ Norbert Tierney
Ness, George & Paula
Nesteby, James & Phyllis ..... Leonard Tietz
Northeast Iowa Community
College................................. Ambulance Service
Orvella, Willard & Eloise ..... Hazel Skaim
Roger Darrington
Rosella Goettelman
Evelyn Anderson
Orwoll, Coleen ..................... O Dean Orwoll
Ostergaard, Mark &
Dolly Kirchner
Parker, David & Amy ........... Dolly Kirchner
Peace Lutheran Church WELCA
Peter, Joan
Petersburg, Shirley A. ........... Colleen Askelson
Roger Craft
Vern Mohlis
Obert Sacquitne
Pettit, Richard & Jodie ......... Don Floy
Ramsey, LaVerne .................. Agnes Christianson
Colleen Askelson
Elaine Brynsaas
Donna Nagel
Riehle, Ron & Leah .............. Darlene Bakken
Rima, Tom & Cindy ............. Ethel Luzum
Rose, Betty E. ....................... Donis Whalen
Rosendahl, Robert &
Leona .................................. Leonard Tietz
Rovang-Rude, Marian .......... Donna Hovden
Janet Thompson
Leonard Tietz
Maurice Dahl
Rucker, Verda ....................... Doris Whalen
Roger Craft
Rude, Marion
Rulon, Russell & Joan
Russett, Renee ...................... Leonard Tietz
Sacquitne, Obert &
Virginia ................................. Hazel Styve
Salzano, Shirley .................... Margaret Hovden
Sande, Lorna ......................... Dolly Kirchner
Ron Holthaus
Schnitzler, Evelyn................. John Schnitzler
Schroeder, Anna.................... Bill Roe
Skauge, Audrey..................... Karen & Alma Solberg
Smith, Lila ............................ Hazel Skaim
Smith, Luann ........................ Norm Smith
Soland, Ernest & Julia .......... Ernest Soland
Sorenson, Lester & Gerry ..... Dolly Kirchner
Spilde, Bill & Nancy ............ Elaine Brynsaas
Spilde, Vernon & Kathryn .... Colleen Askelson
Dan Hart
Darlene Bakken
Leonard Tietz
Obert Sacquitne
Palmer Ruffridge
Stambaugh, Regina ............... Ethel Luzum
Stavanger Women of the ELCA
Steine, Sylvia & Clair ........... Don Floy
Leonard Tietz
Stoen, Harold & Celia .......... Kermit &
MarilynNordheim 60th
Sunday, Dorothy ................... Donis Whalen
Svenson, David & Donna ..... Colleen Askelson
Svenson, Richard & Linda ... Donis Whalen
Donna Hovden
Janet Thompson
Svihra, Matthew and Katy .... Elaine Brynsaas
Swiggum, Eunice.................. Ardith Koenig
Rev. Paul Andersen
Teslow, Walter &
Lorraine ................................ Hazel Styve
Tilman Ellingson
Thompson, Edna
Thompson, Gerald &
Elaine .................................. Amy Engelhardt,
Charles Lembe, Don
Thompson, James &
Jeanette ................................. Colleen Askelson
Marlene Taylor
Roger Craft
Thompson, Margaret ............ John Bernatz
Thornton, Glen & Deloris..... Colleen Askelson
Donna Hovden
Tieskoetter, James &
Sally .................................... Irvin Flage
Tollefsrud, Bernell &
Kathy .................................. Arland Emery
John Perkins
Mike Keck
Velva Lovstuen
Gerry Young
Dale Schluter
Mildred Grady
Kenny Flatland
John Schnitzler
Elaine Brynsaas
Ron Holthaus
Leona Roher
Olive Wohlford
Usgaard, Margaret ................ Ardith Koenig
Palmer Ruffridge
Tilman Ellingson
Voltmer, JoAnn ..................... Janet Thompson
Wangsness, Lorraine
M. and family ..................... Ervin Wangsness
Wanless, Dalen ..................... Bernard Wanless
Watson, Jan ........................... Vern Mohlis
Westra, Cheryl ...................... Leona Roher
Wheeler, Jeanne .................... .Norman Wheeler
Whitehill, Troy &
Michelle .............................. Dolly Kirchner
Wilson, Myrna ...................... LaVern Syverson
Winkie, Darrell & Joylene .... Ardith Koenig
Dan Hart
Don Flog
Esther Hegg
Marshall Pierce
Obert Sacquitne
Penny Allen
Russel Nelson
Tilman Ellingson
Winneshiek Mutual Insurance
Association ......................... Leonard Tietz
Winter, Delano & Harriet ..... Dolly Kirchner
WMC Staff ........................... Raymond Anderson
LaVonne Bouska
Womeldorf, Cynthia
Zehr, Jean & Cecil ................ Don Floy
Winneshiek Medical Center Foundation
901 Montgomery St.
h,, IA
IA 52101
Is It Time
For A
Monitor your health
Sports physicals for teens
Reduced rate athletic sports physicals are
available year-round. Download forms
from and schedule an
appointment 563-382-2911.
Annual physicals for
Taking care of yourself is as important as
taking care of your family. Be sure you
schedule your annual exams and bring a
list of all your medications to your exam.
Prevention and
Parkinson’s Support
Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
Free for patients, caregivers,
family & friends. Last
Wednesday of each month.
1:30 p.m. Conf. Room B.
Call WMC Nutrition Department for
dates & class times 563-387-3158.
Prepared Childbirth Classes
Call Carol Voss, RN, BSN, OB nurse
coordinator for dates and times 563387-5361.
Grief Support Group
Free support group to anyone
who has experienced the loss
of a loved one. Group size
is limited; pre-registration is
required. Call 563-387-3024.
Walk-In Wellness Lab Testing
Free Car Seat Checks
Lab tests available without a physician’s
order. Must be 18 years of age or older.
Registration in Main Entrance, cash only.
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Available the second Thursday everyother-month at WMC East Entrance.
For dates and more information,
call Carol Voss, CPS Tech,
Diabetes Support Group
Second Tuesday of each
month. 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
Conf. Room B. Call for
information 563-387-3158.
Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Offered monthly 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Call for schedule: 563-382-2911 or visit
Healthy Living Classes
Pilates Classes
Choose from a.m. or p.m. classes
for beginners, advanced or athletes.
Call for times & registration 563-3873031.
Aqua-cise Classes
Weekly on Tuesday and Thursday
Aqua-cise for Arthritis OR
Aqua-cise Water Aerobics
For information on either program,
call 563-387-3131.
not too late to
3 It’s
get your flu shot!
Runner’s Analysis
Assessment of strength, flexibility, and
per person. for
an appointment
call Winneshiek
Medical Center at 563-382-2911.