January 2015 - Inland Valley Hope Partners
January 2015 - Inland Valley Hope Partners
Feeding the Hungry and Sheltering the Homeless since 1968 Volume 29 Issue 1 A monthly publication January 2015 Adopt-a-Family Program Blesses Local Children and Their Families We are very excited to announce that this year 146 families were adopted for the Adopt-a-Family program. It was an amazing experience at the Inland Valley Hope Partners administration office this December. Our office was full of holiday spirit as presents came in to the office. The adopted families were overjoyed by the kindness of everyone and many broke in to tears as they received their gifts. Families left with a sense of hope that things will get better and several said, “It is great to know that there are people out there who care for families like mine. This has truly made my year. I wouldn't have anything for my children if it wasn't for these generous people.” Additionally, we wanted to share one more word of gratitude from a seven year old girl who was blessed to participate in this year’s Adopt a Family program. We hope her words, written to Santa, aka her adopters, touch your heart like they did ours. She writes: “Thank you for giving me presents, Santa. I hope you have some more for other people. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Eve.” Thank you to everyone who made this possible for families like Isabella’s! A complete list of this year’s Adopt-a-Family donors can be found on page 3. Calendar of Events/Activities Volunteer Orientation…………………….……January 31, 2015 Constantine Garden……………………….…...February 7, 2015 Newsletter Mailing…………………………....February 10, 2015 Volunteer Orientation……………………..…February 11, 2015 Volunteer Orientation………………..………February 28, 2015 Golf Tournament………………………………………May 14, 2015 Walk for the Hungry…………………………...October 11, 2015 call or email office for bold events (need volunteers)! 909.622.3806, #108; vcoordinator@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org www.inlandvalleyhopepartners.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Board Chair Sharonda White Board Vice Chair Rosalio Ulloa Secretary Stephanie Bustamante Treasurer Rev. Mike Fronk Immediate Past Chair Mike Light Members Blanca Arellano Adams Stacy Cantón Tim Constantine Rev. Frank Hamilton Richard Owen Mercy Pedraza Derry Seaton Alfreda Smith Rev. Bob Stebe INLAND VALLEY HOPE PARTNERS 1753 N. Park Avenue, Pomona, Ca 91768 909.622.3806 FAX 909.622.0484 info@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org www.InlandValleyHopePartners.org ADMINISTRATION/HOUSING OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm President/CEO Wytske G. Visser, x101 wytskev@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Fiscal Office Administrator Yvonne West, x102 Who We Are ... Celebrating 45 years of commitment, Inland Valley Hope Partners serves over 80,000 men, women and children each year through “Our House” family residential shelter; BETA, SOVA, Claremont and San Dimas food pantries; and the Pomona Farmers Market throughout 13 communities including Chino, Chino Hills, Claremont, Diamond Bar, La Verne, Montclair, Mt. Baldy, Ontario, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, San Dimas, Upland, and Walnut. The shelter houses eight families for up to 90 days. The food pantries distribute five days worth of food per person to no and low income families. Clients may come once every 30 days. The Farmers Market operates every Saturday morning and accepts WIC and EBT cards. Begun in 1968 as the Pomona Council of Churches, today the non-profit is a collaboration of faith communities, businesses, community groups, and individuals who care about their neighbors. Blessings …… We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We were abundantly blessed this past year and are excited about what’s to come in 2015. In December, 146 families were adopted through our Adopt-aFamily holiday program. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, 423 children and their families were provided with presents and other items to make their holiday joyful. We would also like to thank the individuals, businesses, churches and organizations who helped feed local children and their families for the holidays and throughout 2014. As we begin the new year, we look forward to some fun events just around the corner. The Souper Bowl of Caring, a nation-wide fundraiser for hunger relief supported by seven NFL teams, takes place on February 1st—Super Bowl Sunday. Participating is as easy as sitting down to watch the big game! Simply hold a collection and ask those you know to donate $1 in support of Hope Partners’ efforts to feed the hungry in our community. For more information, visit souperbowl.org (note the spelling) or give us a call. This little bit of effort goes a long way toward filling our food pantries, so let us know how you’d like to be involved! yvonnew@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Fiscal Office Assistant Marianne Vander Meulen, x103 mariannev@ inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Director of Development & Communication Kami Newman x105 kamin@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Development Assoc./Faith Relations Coordinator Maria Zuleta, x104 mariaz@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Case Manager/Program Assistant Other upcoming events include our annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon to be held sometime in April, and the 19th Annual Golf Classic set for Thursday May 14th. For more information on the tournament, visit the golf tournament page on our website, www.inlandvalleyhopepartners.org. And don’t forget to save the date for our 42nd Annual Walk for the Hungry at the Claremont Consortium on Sunday, October 11th. Again, thank you for a great year and let’s make 2015 even better! Blessings for the New Year! Wytske G. Visser Karen Abram x 106 karenh@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Emergency Housing Coordinator Claudia Nieto, x107 claudiay@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Food Security Program Manager Isaac Vega, 909.622.3806 x201 isaacv@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Food Security Program Associate Claudia Nieto, x301 claudiay@inlandvalleyhopepartners.org Farmer’s Market Manager (contract) Harry Brown-Hiegel, 310-621-0336 In Remembrance: Elizabeth Palmer Elizabeth Palmer was a long time volunteer at Hope Partners’ Beta Center and passed away in late 2014 at the age of 101. Elizabeth’s dedication to our mission and the people we serve spanned over 20 plus years! During this time she organized residents from Pilgrim Place to come and volunteer at the Beta Center twice a week. She also oversaw the organization of the annual Thanksgiving Dinner which provided a hot meal to homeless and low income individuals and families on Thanksgiving Day. Elizabeth was an amazing person whose service, greatly benefited the local community. She will be dearly missed. Food Program Hours of Operation & Locations Know an individual or family in need of emergency food assistance? Please share the following information for Hope Partners’ Food Security Sites: Beta Program Center: Sova Program Center: Claremont Center: San Dimas Center: Urban Mission Outreach: Monday–Thursday 9:00 am–3:00 pm Monday–Thursday 9:00 am–3:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30 pm–4:30 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:00 pm–4:00 pm 4th Thursday of the Month 5:00 pm–7:00 pm 209 W. Pearl Ste 103. Pomona, CA 91768 904 E. California Street. Ontario, CA 91761 660 N. Mountain Ave. Claremont, CA 91711 110 E. Third Street. San Dimas, CA 91773 810 South White . Pomona, CA 91768 For more information, call 909-622-3806, or visit www.InlandValleyHopePartners.org Shelter Success Story Destiny – One of our favorite Our House recent successes is Destiny. A single mother of two children, Destiny came to the shelter this past August after finally obtaining sobriety from a long-term drug addiction and being reunited with her children. When we met her, Destiny confessed she had never worked before and had only a 9th grade education. But she made maintaining her sobriety, working to complete her education and finding a job her top priorities. Destiny worked hard to accomplish these goals and even managed to score a second, better paying job during her three months in residence with Hope Partners and became this year’s first resident to save over $2,500 during her time in the shelter! Destiny applied for and was approved for an Affordable Housing Program through the County funded First 5 Program and moved into an apartment of her own this December. For the first time in Destiny’s life, she is proud of her sobriety, her parenting and her ability to provide for her children. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU Destiny! Thank You to the Adopt-a-Family and Our House Shelter Holiday Program Donors! *Al & Pam Herrlinger * Alba DeLaVega *Alfreda Smith *Amanda Payne-Recall *Andrew Lujan *Angela Hall *AnneMarie Albornoz *Ariane Marie Mitchell *Barbara Kramarz *Becky Morgan *Betty & Bill Sheldon *Bill and Carol Wiese *Bill Daub and Sandy Hollenberg *Bill Wheeler *Blanca Arellano Adams *Bob and Peggy Perry *Bobbie & Katherine Hyde *Carmen Brown and Daniel Villanueva *Celeste Kelley *Charles Carpenter *Chris and Blair Aldworth *Christine and Ginger Elliot *Christopher Ebbe *Christy Ayala *Cibaria-Intl-Charlotte Murphy & Kathy Griset *Claremont Pack 408-Manny Paiva *Claremont United Methodist Church-Susan Hume* Claremont Catholic Charities–Rita Yotti *CEVA Logistics-Mira Loma-Darlene Mendoza *David and Sandra Escoto *Temple Beth Israel (TBI Sisterhood)-Deborah Kummerman *Denise Solis *Dennis & Cynthia Smith *Dennis Spiker *Diane Alvarez *Claremont UCC-Donna Bernard *Luv2Teach-Drew & Monica Supina *Elizabeth (Buff) Wright *Ontario Rotary-Emily Treitler *Eva Ramirez *Farley and Ann Olander *Francine Harper *Frank & Victoria Glavan *Frank Tambe *Giles Family *Greg and Shirley Jones *Gus and Martha Boesch *Harold Richenberger *Herb Rosenzweig *Ina Haugen *ADP-Irma Garcia *Isabel Carrera *Jack Mills and Susan Lominska *Jack Schuster *Claremont Center for Spiritual Living-Jackie Dorst *Jackson and Reese *La Verne Church of the Brethren-Janet Ober *Linda Jurewitz *Student Alumni Association/ Cal Poly Pomona-Janeth Rodriguez *Janice Wheeler *Jasmine Grady *Jeanne Fitzgerald and Family *HDL Companies-Jennifer Pierce *Pomona College-Jessica Stanford *Jim & Fran Lehman *Joe Moreno and Denise Spooner *John & Naomi Howland *John Lofy *PVHMC-Julie Franco *Katherine Garrett *Kathy Burns & Friends *Kathy Kerecman *Kenny Beckley *Kirby and Susan Palmer *La Verne Community Church-Tracy Kiernan* La Verne United Methodist Church-Barb Jackson *Landmark Medical Center-Connie Picha *Signs by Susan-Lew and Susan Herndon *Lillian Bass * SCELinda Crespo *La Verne Bunco Group-Linda Huson *Siemens Industry-Lisa Diffine *Claremont University Consortium-Student Health Services-Louise Haas *Mann Family *Margaret Sims *Marie Dominguez and Family *Mark & Debbie Evans *Mary Anne and Robert Ardito *Ramona Avenue Christian Church-La Verne Parent Participation Preschool-Mary Lou Clifton*Mel and Beth Boynton *Melissa Edwards-Munoz *Merrill Lynch *Metropolitan Water District of Southern California-Jose Sanchez, Jr. *Michael & Marie Flannery *Michael Leidelmeyer *Monte Vista Unitarian Universalist-Amy Randall *Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grammier *Christ Church of the Valley San Dimas-Nancy Gorey *Nancy Todd *Natalie& Matthew Boneka *Vand Bakke Ski Club-Neala Baiseri *Nona & Jason Tirre *Northminster Presbyterian Church-Patty Hedrick and the Mission Committee *Paul and Kay Held *Penny Gene *Lady Elks, Ontario Lodge #1419-Penny Riccardi * Perrera Construction *Pomona College-Office of Admissions-Alaina C. Dunn *Pomona College-Office of Campus Life-Frank Bedoya *PVHMC CBO Department-Debra King & Gerties Benemie* Pomona Fellowship of Brethren Women Afgans *R.E.F Industries-Melissa Edwards-Munoz *Randy & Rhonda Prout *Ray and Linda Martinez *Recall Sales Team *Rich & Fran Laughton *Rick and Mary Beth Rogers *Rikki Medak *Rita Kent *Rita Shaw *Sam & Barbara Mowbray *Claremont Rotary *San Dimas United Church of ChristChristina Held *Marywood Community-Sandi Sarnicola *Shanon Conte *Insperity-Sharonda White *Shri Sathya Sai Center of Upland-Shanta *Sondra Blades & Family *St. Ambrose Episcopal Church-Carole Wilhelm *St. Johns Episcopal Church-Kathleen Head *Human Resources Revolt TV-Staci Smith *First Christian Church Ontario-Stephanie Boon *Steve and Amy Duncan *Sue & Tom Downey *Sylvia Garcia *The Tremper Family *Tim & Lauri Harrison *Claremont UCC-Tim and Peggy Constantine *Scripps College of Admissions-Tina Brooks *Tom & Barbara Shelley *Tom Jung *Trevor Field *United Methodist Church Of La Verne- Janice Stearn *Velasco Family *Diamond Bar UCC-Vicki Hoffner *Vince & Kathy Conway *Webb School for Boys *Bank of America-Wendy Medina *Wescom No ve m be r & De c e m be r Do n o rs 9,000+ The Economy Shop, Inc. 5,000+ First Christian Church Ontario Kaiser Permanente Financial Services Los Angeles Clippers Foundation 2,500+ Stater Bros. Markets Claremont Presbyterian Church Sempra Energy Foundation 1,000+ Rotary Club of Claremont St. Anthony's Church Cleanroom Synergy Kiwanis Club, Upland Nancy & Ken Brock Haskell Fund Marcus Leh Michele W Moehring Safelite AutoGlass Foundation Mary Westlake 500+ Claremont Interfaith Council Jane L. White Kenneth and Marian Brown Claremont United Church of Christ Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Lincoln Ave Community Church Upland Christian Church Northkirk Presbyterian Church Pomona Fellowship Church of the Brethren La Verne Church of the Brethren Steve and Amy Duncan Claremont United Methodist Church Charlotte Banta Robert & Karen Dalton Betty Ehrle Emy Frederick Robert and Margaret Hamilton Glenn & Sharon Hueckel Inter Valley Health Plan Richard & Luann Jensen Dr. Brian & Elizabeth Johnson Tressa Kentner Michael & Deborah Klein Alfred Kwok Dieter & Monika Lodder Morley Builders Chris Lopez Pilgrim Congregational Church Marilyn N Spears Thrivent, East San Gabriel Chp Ted and Wytske Visser Charles Wittlinger II 200+ Jim & Marcia Flock David T Bloye Michael & Emily Fay Michael & Agnes McGaha Inland Empire Singles Linda & Robert Liebing Susan Cave Laurel Dunlap First United Methodist Women Richard Haskell Joanne Mc Candless Frederick Roth Laura Mulroy Sean R Gallagher Jolanthe Schretlen Women's Club of Claremont Claremont High School Daniel & Lissa Petersen William and Patricia Reed Richard & Harriet Archibald-Woodward Mark Bailey Consecrated Bible Church Gerald & Berkley Davis First Presbyterian Church Frank and Victoria Glavan Paul & Kay Held Kathy Hemlock John & Linda Jurewitz George & Alice Kerner Jeralyn Klasik La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church Robert Lang Karen Logue Eleanor Martindale John and Mary Ellen Montgomery Bruce Mount Joan Schell Victor & Anna Marie Walker Janice & Raymond L Wheeler 100+ Frank & Marsha Cookingham Ted Powl Ms. Ceslaus Carvalho Ms. Julia Scalise Dennis & Cynthia Smith Paul & Opal Wilkinson Suzanne Wojcik Theodora Warner Thrivent Choice Keck Graduate Institute Scott Aldworth Thomas & Donna Ambrogi Curtis Annett Eileen Ansari Jerry and Laura Baldonado Teresa Bennett Christine Blair Donna Butler Charles Cable Henry Chavin Church Women United Clinebell Institute Gregory & Shirley Conner Tim and Peggy Constantine Glenn & Anne Davenport John & Judith Davis John and Maxine Denham Mary Dickinson John & Kathleen Dourley Dale & Sharon Eazell Jim & Marcia Ellison Ardell Gahre Barbara Gentry Stephen & Sandra Glass Teresita Gomez John and Barbara Hodde Artha Hooker Patricia Hynds John Jackson Noreen Kistner Doug & Judy Lewis Michael Light Stan & Elizabeth Moore Sam & Barbara Mowbray Noel & Irma Nazareno Richard & Elaine Newton Cynthia Parenti Mark V. Mc Namara Sandra Reeves Larry & Jeanine Robertson Barbara Royalty Andreas & Colleen Salomon San Antonio Heights Citizens Patrol Jack and Diane Schuster Frances Shorrock Leon & Peggy Silberberger Morgan and Connie Sly Milton & Adolene Spielman Emily Starr Joan N. Stock B.E. & Joanne Thorne Bob & Michele Thunell Richard & Cindy Trubey Brad & Lauren Umansky Ms. Nancy Waldman Walnut United Methodist Women 00 Joyce Waters Michael Witmer Other Giving Rock of the Foothills Lutheran Church David & Betty Jamieson Insperity George Izaguirre Beverly Doucette The United Methodist Church United Way Inland Empire Mary Barnes Dorothy & Albert Goodman Deborah Grimsley Nove mbe r & De c e mbe r Donors Continue d Hans and Jane Hehnke Pomona Host Lions Charities, Inc. Robin A Rhodes Clayton & Frieda Simpson Laureate Kappa Rho-Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Pilgrim Congregational Church Women's Auxiliary Unity Church of Truth Rizek & Alice Abusharr William and Barbara Alwin Arlene Andrew Erwin & Augustine Anhaeuser William & Nancy Arce Robert & Elaine Beliveau John Crowe Victoria & Jason Dauer Mary Jo Dell-Imagine Deirdre Dowens Scott and Maria Duncan Rebecca Feeney Magdalena Felix Barbara & Jerry D. Gaynor Helen & Richard George James Gross Marceline Hanawalt Mary Heyl Nicholas D Hjorth Lucille Terry Hobart Elaine Hughes Kate Jackson John & Helen Kaufman Buie E Kindle Mark and Beth Koslin Patrick & Judith Little George and Barbara Mac Kenzie Elise Monroe Barbara Nelson Patricia Newton Bill & Renee Noble Dr. Stuart Oskamp Marie Petrissans Benjamin Prince Joann & Allen Renning Susan Rhodes Michael Riggs Marilee Scaff Susan Seymour Marjorie Stoddard Marian Thompson John & Sandra Thurbon United Way- California Capital Region Rosita Cantu George & Janice Spicer Zora Tebeau Robert Ainsworth Louise Bell Bryan & Susan Boyer Tony & Elenore Goritz Margaret Mathies Edward Copeland Jim & Jeanne Miles Rebecca Platt Ed & Betty Scheenstra Mary Straub Joan Anderson Robert & Helene Austin Sandra Baldonado Raymond & Suzanne Brown Jose & Susan Cano II Jane Clemens First Presbyterian Church Women's Association Dr. Michael Flores Joan Fujii Helaine Goldwater Betty & David Groendyke Lindsey Hagelberg Frank & Jeanne Hatfield Rev. Butch & Rosemary Henderson John & Nancy Hendon Phyllis & Richard Huss Camille Jersey Alice Oglesby Col. Joseph & Sara O'Toole Margaret D Redman Nancy Rice Rev. Richard & Nancy Rice Robert & Diann Ring III Mary Romero Donald & Deanna Smith Linda Troyer Crystal Wafer-Porter Karen Warren Pete & Ellen Wiersma Christine Williams Kenneth Hougland Sabine R. Arp Myrtle Bodinar Edris Boyll-Kuzia Marilyn Brunger Patricia Chang Marilyn Dale Dawson Company Phyllis Eller Eugenia Elliott Joan B Forsberg Mary Goldkamp Doris Hannan Sue & Jim Keith Cliff & Janice Marticorena Margaret M Osborn Rhonda Prout Mrs. Ethelwyn Russell Suzan Smith Lisa Donner Strom Cynthia Sullivan Marshall & Ellen Taylor Elisabeth Walker Rita Wodinsky Maria Zuleta Lois Harris Kenneth & Susan Normington Northminster Presbyterian Church Philip Mann Goodshop Kathleen Black Evelyn & George Campbell Nancy Crabtree Mary E Gindhart Howard & Grace Goh Carol Billings Harris Uno Kasperson David & Penelope Mann Richard Mazon Sue Rector Lois F Williams Ward & Lois McAfee Lorain A Yocky In Honor Of: Blair & Chris Aldworth By: Joann & Allen Renning See Memo By: Dennis & Cynthia Smith Chris and Blair Aldworth By: Scott Aldworth In Memory Of: Julie Annett By: Curtis Annett Mary Ball By: Elisabeth Walker Bonnie & Sandy Barnes By: Linda & Robert Liebing Steve Duncan By: Steve and Amy Duncan Elizabeth Palmer By: Duane Welsch Jim & Marci Ellison By: Jim & Marcia Ellison Al & Anna Rollman By: John & Sandra Thurbon Jim & Madge Gaynor & Family By: Barbara & Jerry Gaynor Ethel and David Steinberger By: Jack and Diane Schuster Doris Hannan By: Susan Rhodes Marjorie Stoddard By: William & Nancy Arce Sharon Hightower By: Arlene Andrew Sandra Baldonado Lois Harris Rev. Butch & Rosemary Henderson Sue & Jim Keith Alice Oglesby Daniel & Lissa Petersen Suzan Smith Cynthia Sullivan Marshall & Ellen Taylor Harry Brunger By: Marilyn Brunger & Sandra Reeves Patricia Hynds By: Patricia Hynds Ernesto Cantu By: Rosita Cantu Patrick Jackson By: John Jackson & Kate Jackson Betty and Bill Clements By: Thomas & Donna Ambrogi Thesla Drew By: Laurel Dunlap Lucia Miltenberger By: Patrick & Judith Little Richard Haskell Nancy Hamlett By: Richard Haskell Other Clever Ways to Give... Do you designate your grocery store rewards? Please consider designating them to Inland Valley Hope Partners. That way you can help us feed the hungry by buying your own groceries! Want an easy way to help? Go to goodsearch.com and set up your browser’s search engine with Goodsearch. Designate us as your charity of choice and we’ll receive 1¢ for every search you make. Easy. Also, their Goodshop feature donates a percentage back for online purchases through major retailers and GoodDining does the same for restaurants! Have a car in the driveway you don’t use, or a boat? Put it to use! Donate it to us through Cars 4 Causes and turn that eyesore into emergency food or shelter for clients in our community. Please keep and send us a copy of the receipt! If you’re not doing so already, follow us on Facebook (Inland Valley Hope Partners) and Twitter (@HopePartners). We will keep you informed about our latest efforts and current volunteer opportunities. Anne Stokes By: Marilee Scaff Mary Sullivan By: Cliff & Janice Marticorena Anna Dell White By: Jane White Have you remembered to include Inland Valley Hope Partners in your will? Consider leaving a legacy that will feed the hungry and shelter the homeless for years to come. FRANTZ CLEANERS 622-2513 • 1490 N. Garey Signs by Susan 22853 Rio Lobos Rd. Diamond Bar Same Day Service ALL DRY-CLEANING DONE ON PREMISES Alterations • Drapery Cleaning Wedding Gown Specialist 10% Discount with Coupon 909-860-4072 Fax 909-348-8801 signsbysusan@hotmail.com www.signsbysusan.com Computer & Networking Specialist Tim C. Tipping - President 951.315.7572 tim@lodestarsystems.com $1000 REGULAR MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL One time $1000 Initiation Fee to become a full Regular Member of Sierra La Verne Country Club Please call Evelyn Hernandez at (909) 596-2100 ext. 10 or membership@sierralavernecc.com Pomona Valley Memorial Park Pomona Cemetery and Mausoleum Pre-Need Arrangements • Witness Cremation 502 E. Franklin Ave. • Pomona, CA 91766 909-622-2029 www.pomonacemetery.com INLAND VALLEY HOPE PARTNERS / 103 www.cmpublications.com Established 1876 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 134 San Dimas, CA 91773 1753 N. Park Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768 Voice: 909.622.3806 * Fax: 909.622.0484 E-mail: info@InlandValleyHopePartners.org Website: www.InlandValleyHopePartners.org Return Service Requested Sova Adrian Gonzalez Albertsons Bob & Linda Liebing Cardenas Markets City Employees Condit Elementrary Cub Scouts pack 408 Daniela Rivera Danielle Armijo Donna Chadwick ELK Ladies Evangelical Free Church of Diamond Bar First Lutheran Church First Presbyterian Church of Upland First United Methodist Church Upland Golden State Water Co. Mary Wiese Our Lady of the Assumption Renee Harris St. George Church Stater Bros Temple Beth Israel Westminster Presbyterian Church Beta Cal Poly Pomona City of Claremont Claremont First Baptist Church Claremont Presbyterian Church Claremont United Methodist Church Diamond Bar Ranch High School Diamond Bar United Church of Christ HDL Companies La Verne Church of the Brethern Mt. San Antonio College My Delight Cupcakery Northminster Presbyterian Church Our Lady of the Assumption Pilgrim Place Pomona Fellowship Church of the Brethren Pomona First Baptist Pomona Unified School District Rochelle Ronketty Rodriquez Family Rossell Family St Ambrose Church Claremont Alexa Tisapules Amy's Farm Carol Painter Catholic Worship City of Claremont Claremont Place Claremont Kiwanis Club Claremont Police Claremont Move On Claremont Friends Meeting Floy Biggs Harold Shimmin Keck Institue Kristina Waugh Linda Gunter Mountain View School Mt. San Antonio Gardens Mussatto Family Nancy Geer Nicole Hernandez P. Norin Pam Hawkes Robert Kern St. Johns Episcopal Tammy Phan Rock of the Foothills Lutheran San Dimas Senior Citizen Club San Dimas United Church of Christ San Dimas United Methodist Church St. John’s Episcopal Steve Monell Suzanne Welch The Gleason Family The Justice Family San Dimas Boot Barn Boyscout 411/Marcia Townsend Chama Dress Shop Constantine Family Garden Dolores Lewis Donna Mieux Faith Lutheran Church Gomm's Storehouse Irene G Jennifer Divine Kay Held Kevin Kelly La Verne Community Church La Verne Heights Presbyterian Church La Verne United Methodist Church M Heidi New Spirit Naturals Nolan & Carolyn Gomm Peggy Snyder Administration/ Office Donna Chadwick First Christian Church Pomona Form & Function Physical Therapy Giselle Hernandez Holy Name of Mary - Double Bag Ministry I Care Ministry Victorious Living Christian Center La Verne United Methodist Church Leslie Knighs Linda & Bob Liebing Linda Jurewitz Lynne Kay Sutterfield Mark Mr. Hernandez & Ms. Hutt Pomona Fellowship of the Brethren Rock of the Foothills Lutheran Sandra Taylor Thank You All! (In-Kind Donations for November & December)
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