here - Association for Survey Computing
here - Association for Survey Computing
Association for Survey Computing Software Register – 2006 Association for Survey Computing Further information about the ASC is available from The ASC Administrator, PO Box 76, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, GL13 9WU, UK Phone: +44 (0) 1453 511 511 E-mail: Web site: Contents Introduction......................................................i About the ASC ................................................ iii Packages by Main Function ...............................1 Features of Packages .......................................2 Survey Design.................................................................... 3 Data Capture ...................................................................... 5 Data Management .............................................................. 7 Data Analysis ..................................................................... 9 Presentation...................................................................... 11 Internal Structure ............................................................. 13 Operating System............................................................. 14 Programming Language ................................................... 16 Input Formats ................................................................... 18 Output Formats ................................................................ 21 Index of Packages..........................................27 Listing of Packages.........................................30 Index of Organisations ...................................79 Listing of Organisations ..................................81 Withdrawn Packages .................................... 101 Notes .......................................................... 102 This version of the ASC Software register was prepared from the source database on 16 September 2010. Draft – The editorial sections of this version have not yet been updated to reflect changes during 2006. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A catalogue record for this serial is available from the British Library. ISSN: 1475-8121 This collection of information is © ASC 2005. All rights reserved. Association for Survey Computing Register of Software for Statistical and Social Survey Analysis – 2006 Introduction This year is the 32nd anniversary of the ASC software register, and this is the 17th paper version to be published. The first edition in 1973 contained 79 systems, and of these three have survived right through to today: BMDP, Genstat and SPSS. The first two editions were published in the SSRC Newsletter and later editions were produced in collaboration with “Computer Weekly”, the British Computer Society or the Market Research Society. Since 1995 (the 10th edition) we have published them ourselves. The tenth edition was the last to be published only on paper. In 1999 we completed the process of transferring the information to a database, accessible over the Internet. The ASC web site is now the primary medium for both the collection and dissemination of information for the register – we generally produce paper versions at the beginning of each year. The web version can be accessed from the main ASC web page at: where you can also find out more about the operation of the ASC and the events it promotes. This paper version of the register is produced for distribution to ASC members (and for sale to others), but does not contain as much detail as the web pages, which show detailed attributes with each package. The web version has search facilities, is updated frequently and also contains direct links to the software producers and distributors. This is the seventh year of the web-based version of the register, and at the time of writing we have 214 package entries (up from 207 in the 2005 edition), supplied by 145 organisations (up from 143). New material continues to arrive: 18 of the package entries are new to the register since the previous paper edition, and 13 new suppliers are included. Our current policy is to withdraw entries where the information has not been updated or confirmed within the last four years – 10 were withdrawn this time, and an additional entry was withdrawn by request. Both new entries and ones in danger of being withdrawn next time are indicated in the listing. Overall, the register is firmly established at the level of around 200 entries that it maintained during the 80’s and 90’s, when older mainframe packages were being phased out but many new PC ones were appearing. The numbers dropped sharply when we started the web version, because we also undertook a major cull of old entries at that point. Now the web is the driver for the current level, partly because entry is easier, but also because many of the new entries are about web-based data capture and analysis systems. About 45% of the current entries are new or have been confirmed or updated since the previous edition, and only 49 are more than 2 years old – we show the last time information was received. We solicit updates each year by e-mailing to all the contact addresses that we hold. Some of these bounce, and we suspect that an increasing number are being swallowed by spam filters, so we ask all readers to use their own contacts to encourage updates for old or missing entries. Most new entries are unsolicited, coming from suppliers who have been referred to the site or have found it while browsing. There are some obvious omissions, but we continue to hope that publication of this version will generate additional entries. Do keep an eye on the web site, where there is a list of recently updated information, and do chase missing package suppliers to make entries. Data is collected through a questionnaire page on the ASC web site. Respondents are asked to give a textual description of the main features of the package, and to classify the main function of the system. A i number of explicit features of packages are listed and the respondent indicates whether these apply to the package. It is relatively easy to update the questionnaire, so if you feel that important features are missing, please let us know (send a message to and we will consider additions. The first few pages of this register list the features requested and the packages that claim them. This is followed by an alphabetic list of the packages, with the textual descriptions, an indication of price and the number of sites using the package. Where we know about a web site dedicated to the package, that is also shown. The other major section of the register lists the organisations that have submitted information, with contact details and their (organisational) web addresses. This is not an exhaustive list of the suppliers of the listed packages. It is recommended that you visit the web site of the main developer of a package to find out about suppliers in your own area. We do include multiple suppliers for packages, not in any attempt to be exhaustive, but rather to indicate that a supplier handles a range of packages. The information presented within these pages has been supplied by the various organisations completing the register questionnaire. The ASC presents this information in good faith, but can give no undertaking as to its correctness or suitability for any purpose. Any errors or inconsistencies in the information presented here are the responsibility of the respondents, but may be reported to the Register Manager at Andrew Westlake ASC Software Register Manager December 2005 ii About the ASC The Association for Survey Computing (ASC), originally known as the Study Group on Computers in Survey Analysis (SGCSA), was formed in 1971 in order to improve knowledge of good practice in survey computing and to disseminate information on techniques and survey software. The ASC is a non-profit organisation, affiliated to the British Computer Society (BCS) and the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC). It has a wide-ranging membership at both individual and corporate levels, and has close working links with the Royal Statistical Society, the Social Research Association and the Market Research Society. Although based in the United Kingdom, it has a growing international membership. Today its aims are: • To act as a forum for the various disciplines within survey research and statistical computing • To inform members of the latest software packages and techniques • To organise regular conferences and workshops on key topics within the industry • To disseminate information via its web site and publications • To catalogue current software systems The Association tries to keep people up to date with the role of computers in all aspects of the survey research process. In the past this was largely limited to collecting and analysing survey data. Over the 30 years of the Association’s existence the role has widened into the design and formulation aspects of surveys and the presentation process. Now even more possibilities are emerging in the fields of integration, dissemination and communication of survey data and survey results. The Association supports a number of educational and development initiatives. These include funding limited numbers of assisted places for students at its own conferences or at selected training courses in our discipline, also funding a series of prizes to encourage high quality of presentation of technical material at conferences. Another area of support is in the development of open standards, where the Association has funded some expenses of promoting the Triple S Interchange Standard. An important ASC initiative, in co-operation with the Market Research Society, is the groundbreaking ‘MRS/ASC Award for Technological Effectiveness’, intended to foster innovation in the involvement of computers in the survey process, whether on a large or small scale, by both companies and individual professionals. The Award was first made in 2003 and has been presented annually since, at the autumn MRS Awards dinner held in London. Details of the finalists and winning entries can be found on the web site. The ASC organises four series of conferences: • Three day multi-stream international conferences that cover all aspects of survey computing. The first one was in Bristol in 1992, then London in 1996 and Edinburgh in 1999, and the latest was held at Warwick University in September 2003. • Two day single stream residential international conferences that have time to investigate the latest practices in survey computing. The first one was in Southampton in 1998 followed by Latimer in 2001. The third conference on this series was held at Newland Park, Bucks in September 2005. • For many years the ASC has organised one or more one-day conferences each year. These concentrate on a single topic, methodology or medium. These are usually held in London, and are sometimes arranged in cooperation with affiliated societies. • We have had an occasional series of more specialised workshops that contrast and compare solutions as offered by different practitioners. These have always been London based. The ASC has published the Proceedings of the International Conferences, as well as more specialised monographs based on one-day events – order forms are available on the web site. Presentations, abstracts and sometimes full papers from the various events are also available for download from the web site. Membership of the ASC is inexpensive, and members are entitled to a free copy of the Software Register and our newsletter, and a reduction on other publications such as collected conference papers. Non- iii members are required to join in order to attend conferences, but membership is open to all interested in the subject area. The activities of the ASC are organised by a committee of volunteers, supported by a part-time Administrator. The current ASC Committee is: President: Chair: Vice-Chair: Beverley Charles Rowe Laurance Gerrard Randy Banks Treasurer: Steve Elder Secretary: Andrew Westlake Administrator: Diana Elder Committee: Garj Basi, Timm Burrell, Hugh Gentleman, Raz Kahn, Tim Macer, Ed Ross, Stephen Taylor, Mike Trotman, Peter Wills Affiliates: Suzanne Evans (RSS), Wendy Sykes (SRA), Sue Trenhaile (MRS) The latest available information about ASC membership and all its activities, both past and future, is available on the ASC web site, at To take out membership or for other inquiries please contact the ASC Administrator ( Laurance Gerrard Chair, ASC iv Packages by Main Function This page lists the packages in the database by their main function. Respondents were asked to choose from one of the five categories shown below. Data capture/ survey design program (64 packages) AccessPoint,, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, CleverForm, Collect Data Now!, Converso, CustomView360, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Entryware, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Grader, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, IT, KeyPlan, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, Mobile Researcher, mrPaper, mrScan, mrTranslate, Online Surveys, Opinio, Origin Survey Manager, QDS, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Rostock Survey Tool, Self Coder, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Scanning Module, snap SurveyPaks, Sphinx, Survent, Survey Budgeting System, Survey Galaxy, Surveyor, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, TeleForm, TextGrab, TEXTPACK, TextQuest,, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Data analysis program (75 packages) Alpha+, AMOS, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Answertree, Asteroid, [B/D], BMDP, Ccount, Clementine, DataFriend, DataSet V, EasyFit, EquivTest, ESBStats, E-Tabs Interactive, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, gllamm, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, InSite, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MarketSight®, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, MIM, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, NetEpi, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, NVivo 7, PASS, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, Qualrus, Resampling stats, SAS/STAT, SC, Simstat, SOLAS, SPlus, SPSS Base and Modules, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatXP, StudyResult, StudySize, Survey Explorer, SYSTAT, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, Unistat, Vector, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XLMiner, XLStatistics, XploRe, XSight Data management system (12 packages) Ascribe, Atlas Planning Suite, Code Cogs, Community Express, MARSC, MERLIN TOOLKIT, OnTraq, Patient Profiles, REDATAM, Research Reporter, SIR, Winyaps Teaching package (1 packages) ESBPDF Analysis Integrated survey system (55 packages) ACE, Askia, auditHOST, Bellview® Fusion, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, Clicktools, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Easyresearch - online surveys, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, IRQuest, ISSA, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MRDCL, mrInterview, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Rogator G4, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, Team360, TSS - The Survey System, Video Survey Software Presentation and Dissemination System (18 packages) Beyond 20/20, Complete Report Automation, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, Instant Intelligence, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), mrStream, Nesstar, PerceptionStream, powerTABLE, Prospex, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Report Direct, SPSS WebApp, SuperSTAR, Tables Direct ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 1 Features of Packages As well as the overall function of the package, respondents were asked which of the following attributes applied to the package being described. Topic Attributes 1 Survey Design 2 Data Capture 3 Data Management 4 Data Analysis 5 Presentation 6 Internal Structure 7 Operating System 8 Programming Language 9 Input Formats 10 Output Formats Can generate data capture system from questionnaire, Can generate email surveys, Can generate paper based questionnaires, Can generate Web based questionnaires, Data Entry form design, Question Libraries, Questionnaire design, Routing, Sampling Batch data checking, CAPI, CATI, Email surveys, Interactive data checking, Key to disk, Palm, PDA and Phone entry, Sample case management, Scanning (OMR/OCR), Verification, Web interviewing Calibration Weighting, Data editing, Hierarchical data, Imputation, Missing values, Programmer's interface to data / metadata, Transformation / recoding Descriptive Statistics, Experimental design, Exploratory Data Analysis, Interactive (linked) graphics, Modelling, Multivariate statistical analysis, Qualitative and Textual analysis, Segmentation methods, Tabulations, Visualisation Camera-ready reporting, Charting, Cut-and-paste to other software, Graphical editing Access database (Jet), Flat text file, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Other Relational DataBase, Proprietary, Transposed file, xBase (ie dBase, FoxPro or similar), XML Client/Server to web browser, Linux, Macintosh, MS-Dos, OS/2, PalmOS, Unix, Windows 2000/XP, Windows 98ii/ME/NT, Windows for hand and pocket PCs, Windows Server 2003, Windows Tablet, Windows up to 98 (first edition) ASP, ASP.Net, Assembler, Basic, C#, C/C++, Delphi, Fortran, Hyperscript, Java, Java Script (and JScript), MS .Net Framework, Pascal, PHP, Visual Basic (VB, VBA, VBS), XML Transformations (XSLT) Delimited text, Fixed format text, MS Access, MS Excel, ODBC, OLE (Active-X component), OleDB, SAS, SPSS Dimensions Data Model DSC, SPSS Save File, Triple S, xBase, XML Delimited text, Fixed format text, HTML, MS Access, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, ODBC, OLE (Active-X component), OleDB, PDF, SAS, SPSS Dimensions Data Model DSC, SPSS Save File, Triple S, xBase, XML The following pages show which packages claimed each attribute. Page 2 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Survey Design Can generate data capture system from questionnaire (65) AccessPoint, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Collect Data Now!, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Globalpark, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, mrInterview, mrPaper, NIPO Interview System, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, Print & Scan, Procevo, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, SensorPro, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveySolutions, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Can generate email surveys (61) Askia, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, CleverForm, Clicktools, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Easyresearch - online surveys, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, Interviewer CATI, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, mrInterview, mrPaper, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Research Reporter, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, SNAP Internet module, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, Team360, TSS - The Survey System,, Video Survey Software, ViewSuite360, WARP-IT, WebMine Can generate paper based questionnaires (58) ACE, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Clicktools, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, Globalpark, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, Interviewer CATI, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, mrInterview, mrPaper, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Remark Office OMR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System,, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT Can generate Web based questionnaires (94) AccessPoint, ACE,, 2ask, Askia, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Easyresearch - online surveys, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Globalpark, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IRQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, Mobile Researcher, mrInterview, mrPaper, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, Rostock Survey Tool, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, SNAP Internet module, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System,, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 3 Data Entry form design (84) AccessPoint, ACE, 2ask, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Scan, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IRQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, mrInterview, mrPaper, NetEpi, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Rostock Survey Tool, SENATE-Survey, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System,, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine Question Libraries (71) AccessPoint, ACE, 2ask, Askia, Blaise, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, mrInterview, mrPaper, NIPO Interview System, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, polliscope, Print & Scan, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SensorPro, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, snap SurveyPaks, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Questionnaire design (99) AccessPoint, ACE,, 2ask, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Easyresearch - online surveys, Entryware, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IRQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, Mobile Researcher, mrInterview, mrPaper, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS, Remark Web Survey, Rogator G4, Rostock Survey Tool, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System,, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Page 4 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Routing (61) AccessPoint, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Blaise, CleverForm, Clicktools, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Globalpark, Hosted Survey, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MERLINPLUS, mrInterview, mrPaper, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Rogator G4, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, Survent, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TSS The Survey System, ViewsCount, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebMine Sampling (49) Bellview® CAPI , Brand2hand, Collect Data Now!, Confirmit, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, ESBStats, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MARSC, Mentor, mrInterview, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, PASS, polliscope, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, Resampling stats, SAS/STAT, SensorPro, Sphinx, S-Plus, Statistica, StatPac for Windows, Survent, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveySolutions, TSS - The Survey System, Video Survey Software, WARP-IT, XLMiner Data Capture Batch data checking (46) ACE, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Beyond Question, Blaise, Brand2hand, Community Express, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, iQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, Mentor, Microtab, mrPaper, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, Prospex, P-Stat, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Office OMR, SC, Self Coder, snap ProNet Edition, Stata, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Team360, TeleForm, TextGrab, TSS - The Survey System, WARP-IT, WebSTATISTICA CAPI (34) AccessPoint, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Blaise, Clicktools, Converso, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Grader, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, IRQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MERLINPLUS, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Self Coder, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, Sphinx, Survent, SurveyPro 3.0, WARP-IT CATI (37) Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Blaise, Brand2hand, Clicktools, Converso, CRM Qi+, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Grader, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, IRQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, mrInterview, NIPO Interview System, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Rostock Survey Tool, Self Coder, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Budgeting System, SurveyPro 3.0, SySurvey, TSS - The Survey System, WARP-IT ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 5 Email surveys (57) Askia, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, CleverForm, Clicktools, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Easyresearch - online surveys, Halogen eSurveyor, Inquisite, Interviewer CATI, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, mrInterview, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SySurvey, Team360, TSS - The Survey System, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, WARPIT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Interactive data checking (79) Askia, auditHOST, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Collect Data Now!, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, GenStat, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Ioxphere, iQuest, IRQuest, ISSA, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, KnowledgeWorx, Mentor, mrInterview, mrPaper, NSDstat, Opinio, Print & Scan, P-Stat, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Office OMR, SC, Self Coder, SENATE-Survey, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, Stata, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Surveyor, SurveySolutions, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, WARP-IT, WebSTATISTICA Key to disk (28) Askia, Bellview® CATI, Beyond Question, Blaise, Ccount, Community Express, CRM Qi+, CSPro, iQuest, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, Print & Scan, QPSMR, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, SurveyPro 3.0, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System AccessPoint, Askia, Clicktools, Converso, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Palm, PDA and Phone entry (18) Research Platform, Entryware, Grader, iQuest, Jambo, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, mrInterview, Procevo, QDS, Self Coder, Sphinx Sample case management (26), Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Converso, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, MARSC, mrInterview, NIPO Interview System, QPSMR, Sphinx, Statistica, Survent, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System Bellview® Scan, Beyond Question, Code Cogs, Dimensions - Survey Research Scanning (OMR/OCR) (17) Platform, Globalpark, Inquisite, Keypoint 4.0, mrPaper, mrScan, Print & Scan, Remark Office OMR, Self Coder, snap Scanning Module, Sphinx, SurveyPro 3.0, TeleForm, WebMine Verification (59) Page 6 Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Community Express, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, GenStat, Grader, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, IRQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, KnowledgeWorx, MARSC, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, mrInterview, NSDstat, Opinio, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, QPSMR, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, snap Keystation Edition, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Team360, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System, ViewsCount, WARPIT ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Web interviewing, 2ask, Askia, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Web, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Confirmit, (82) Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Globalpark, Grader, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IRQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, Mobile Researcher, mrInterview, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Web Survey, Rogator G4, Rostock Survey Tool, Self Coder, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System,, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSurveyor Data Management Calibration Weighting (8) Askia, Blaise, Ccount, CRM Q+, Hosted Survey, PulseEFM, Sphinx, Team360 Data editing (120) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, CustomView360, DataSet V, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, EquivTest, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Writer, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, NVivo 7, Opinio, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, polliscope, Print & Scan, Prospex, P-Stat, PulseEFM, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SensorPro, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, TeleForm, TextGrab, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, XSight Hierarchical data Answertree, Askia, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, Ccount, Clementine, CRM Q+, CSPro, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey (51) Research Platform, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, Jambo, KeyPlan, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, MRDCL, NVivo 7, OnTraq, Prospex, P-Stat, QPSMR, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, SAS/STAT, SIR, S-Plus, Statistica, SuperSTAR, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, TeleForm, TPL Tables, Unistat, WebMine, XSight ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 7 Imputation (40) Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Brand2hand, CRM Q+, CSPro, GenStat, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, iQuest, ISSA, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, Mentor, Merlin, MIM, MRDCL, NCSS, OnTraq, QPSMR, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Sphinx, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, SuperSTAR, Survent, SYSTAT, TeleForm, ViewsCount, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA Missing values (78) Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, Clementine, CleverForm, Clicktools, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Entryware, EquivTest, eStore, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, Globalpark, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, Mentor, Merlin, Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, NCSS, NetEpi, NSDstat, OnTraq, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, P-Stat, PulseEFM, QDS, QPSMR, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TSP 4.5, Unistat, ViewsCount, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA Programmer's interface to data / metadata (66) Askia, [B/D], Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Brand2hand, Ccount, Clementine, CleverForm, Code Cogs, Confirmit, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Fitter, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, Globalpark, Grader, Hosted Survey, Inquisite, iQuest, IRQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, Key Survey, Mentor, Microtab, MRDCL, Nesstar, NetEpi, Online Surveys, OnTraq, Opinio, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Resampling stats, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SIR, S-Plus, SPSS WebApp, Stata, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, Survent, SurveyPro 3.0, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TSS - The Survey System, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, XploRe Transformation / Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Brand2hand, Ccount, recoding (90) Clementine, Clicktools, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, ESBStats, GenStat, Grader, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, ISSA, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MIM, MRDCL, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, NVivo 7, OnTraq, Opinio, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survent, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, SYSTAT, Team360, TeleForm, TextGrab, TextQuest, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XploRe, XSight Page 8 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Data Analysis Descriptive Statistics (129), Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Askia, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, [B/D], Beyond 20/20, BMDP, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Dub Interviewer, EasyFit, EquivTest, ESBPDF Analysis, ESBStats, eStore, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, InSite, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MarketSight®, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, OnTraq, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, polliscope, powerTABLE, Print & Scan, Prospex, PStat, PulseEFM, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Rogator G4, Rostock Survey Tool, SAS/STAT, SC, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector, ViewsCount, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, XLStatistics, XploRe Experimental design (38) Alpha+, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Code Cogs, CRM Q+, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, GenStat, Globalpark, IdeaMap.NET, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MaceTech Options Analysis, Mentor, NCSS, Opinion Taker, PASS, PStat, SAS/STAT, SC, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StudySize, Survey Explorer, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, WebSTATISTICA, XLStatistics Exploratory Data Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, Beyond 20/20, BMDP, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Community Express, CRM Q+, DataFriend, DataSet V, Analysis (65) Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, EasyFit, EquivTest, eStore, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, Ioxphere, IT, IYCQ Manager, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MarketSight®, Mentor, MIM, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NSDstat, Opinion Taker, PerceptionStream, powerTABLE, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QuestionPro, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, SC, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StudyResult, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SYSTAT, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XLStatistics, XploRe ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 9 Interactive (linked) graphics (88) Asteroid, Beyond 20/20, BMDP, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, EasyFit, EquivTest, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MarketSight®, Mentor, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MIM, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NSDstat, Online Surveys, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Procevo, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Team360, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, XLStatistics, XploRe Modelling (49) AMOS, 2ask, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, [B/D], BMDP, Clementine, CRM Q+, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, EasyFit, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, gllamm, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IdeaMap.NET, InSite, iQuest, MaceTech Options Analysis, MIM, NCSS, NVivo 7, Opinion Taker, polliscope, Prospex, Qualrus, QuestionPro, SAS/STAT, SC, Simstat, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, Survey Explorer, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XLMiner Multivariate statistical analysis (63) Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Askia, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, [B/D], BMDP, Brand2hand, Clementine, Code Cogs, CRM Q+, DataFriend, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, ESBStats, E-Tabs Interactive, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, gllamm, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Ioxphere, iQuest, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, Merlin, MIM, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, PerceptionStream, polliscope, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, QuestionPro, SAS/STAT, SC, Simstat, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, Survey Explorer, SYSTAT, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, WebSTATISTICA, XLMiner, XploRe Qualitative and Textual analysis (27) Code Cogs, CRM Q+, CustomView360, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, eStore, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, iQuest, Key Survey, Nesstar, NVivo 7, OnTraq, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, QDA Miner, Qualrus, SAS/STAT, Simstat, Sphinx, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys, Stata, Survey Solutions, Team360, TSS - The Survey System, ViewSuite360, XSight Segmentation methods (54) Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Code Cogs, CRM Qi+, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, EasyFit, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, InSite, Instant Intelligence, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MARSC, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, NVivo 7, Opinion Taker, PerceptionStream, Prospex, P-Stat, QuestionPro, REDATAM, SAS/STAT, SC, SensorPro, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, Team360, TSS - The Survey System, WebSTATISTICA, XLMiner, XSight Page 10 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Tabulations (132) AccessPoint, ACE,, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Ccount, Clicktools, Community Express, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Entryware, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, GenStat, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, InSite, Instant Intelligence, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MarketSight®, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, Microtab, MRDCL, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, NVivo 7, OnTraq, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, powerTABLE, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDS, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SC, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector,, ViewsCount, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, XLStatistics Visualisation (90), Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Answertree, 2ask, Asteroid, auditHOST, [B/D], Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Brand2hand, Clementine, CleverForm, Clicktools, Complete Report Automation, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, EasyFit, ESBPDF Analysis, E-Tabs Enterprise, Fitter, GenStat, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, InSite, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MarketSight®, Mentor, MIM, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, NVivo 7, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Procevo, Prospex, QDA Miner, Qualrus, REDATAM, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SC, Simstat, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatXP, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, Team360, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, ViewsCount, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, XLMiner, XploRe Presentation Camera-ready reporting (45) Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Beyond 20/20, Clicktools, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MarketSight®, Microtab, mrTables, NetEpi, Opinion Taker, polliscope, P-Stat, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, SAS/STAT, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Stata, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survey Budgeting System, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, TPL Tables, Unistat, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, Winyaps, XLStatistics, XploRe ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 11 Charting (138) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Easyresearch - online surveys, Entryware, EquivTest, ESBPDF Analysis, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Instant Intelligence, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MarketSight®, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, MIM, mrStream, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, PASS, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Report Direct, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SC, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, SPlus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Team360, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector,, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Vitalnet, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, XLMiner, XLStatistics, XploRe Cut-and-paste to other software (138) ACE,, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, CustomView360, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dimensions - Survey Research Platform, Entryware, EquivTest, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, MIM, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, NVivo 7, Online Surveys, Opinio, Opinion Taker, PASS, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Report Direct, Resampling stats, SAS/STAT, SC, snap Campus Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, SPlus, SPSS Base and Modules, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, Survey Budgeting System, Survey Explorer, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Tables Direct, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat,, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, Winyaps, XLMiner, XLStatistics, XploRe, XSight Page 12 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Graphical editing Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Bellview® Web, Brand2hand, Clicktools, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, (68) Confirmit, CRM Q+, CustomView360, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader Professional / Lite, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, Ioxphere, iQuest, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, MarketSight®, Mentor, Microtab, mrStream, mTAB, Nesstar, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Print & Scan, Prospex, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, SC, Sphinx, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, SumQuest, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XLStatistics Internal Structure Access database Askia, Beyond Question, Complete Report Automation, Converso, DataSet V, Entryware, eStore, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GS+ Geostatistics for the (Jet) (19) Environmental Sciences, Inquisite, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, Print & Scan, Prospex, STAR®, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, TeleForm Flat text file (51) Alpha+, Asteroid, [B/D], Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, BMDP, Ccount, Complete Report Automation, CSPro, DataSet V, EquivTest, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Writer, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, IRQuest, ISSA, KnowledgeWorx, MERLINPLUS, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, QPSMR, Qualrus, Resampling stats, Rostock Survey Tool, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, STAR®, StatPac for Windows, Surveyor, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TextGrab, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, Visual QSL, Winsteps MS SQL Server (39) ACE, Atlas Planning Suite, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blue/Feedback, Collect Data Now!, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, Demographix, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, eStore, Grader, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Instant Intelligence, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Jambo, Key Survey, MarketSight®, MARSC, NIPO Interview System, Print & Scan, PulseEFM, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS, Research Reporter, Self Coder, SensorPro, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, Team360, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360 MySQL (17), 2ask, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Converso, eStore, Globalpark, iQuest, Jambo, Key Survey, mrStream, Nesstar, polliscope, Print & Scan, QEDML Web Server, Rogator G4, ViewsCount Oracle (5) AccessPoint, eStore, Jambo, Key Survey, ViewsCount Other Relational DataBase (9) Bellview® Web, DatStat Illume, iQuest, Jambo, Mobile Researcher, NetEpi, Survey Galaxy, Vector, ViewsCount ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 13 Proprietary (66) Bellview® Scan, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Ccount, EasyFit, Entryware, ESBPDF Analysis, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, gllamm, Grader, Inquisite, InSite, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, KeyPlan, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, mTAB, NCSS, NSDstat, OnTraq, PASS, powerTABLE, P-Stat, Pulsar, QDS, REDATAM, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatXP, StudyResult, StudySize, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, SurveyPro 3.0, TeleForm, TextQuest, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Visual QSL, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, Winyaps, XploRe Transposed file (11) Beyond Question, ISSA, REDATAM WEBSERVER, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, STAR®, TeleForm xBase (ie dBase, Beyond Question, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Opinio, QDA Miner, Questor, Simstat, SYSTAT, TeleForm FoxPro or similar) (8) XML (1) Ioxphere Operating System Client/Server to web browser (64) AccessPoint,, 2ask, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dub Interviewer, Easyresearch online surveys, eStore, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Globalpark, Grader, Halogen eSurveyor, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Instant Intelligence, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MarketSight®, Mobile Researcher, mrInterview, mrStream, mrTables, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, Online Surveys, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, PerceptionStream, polliscope, powerTABLE, Print & Scan, PulseEFM, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS, REDATAM, Self Coder, SENATE-Survey, Sphinx, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Survey Galaxy, Vector,, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, Vitalnet, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor Linux (4) [B/D], P-Stat, SC, Stata Macintosh (28) AccessPoint, 2ask, Brand2hand, eStore, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, gllamm, Grader, IRQuest, Key Survey, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, polliscope, QEDML Web Server, Questor, Resampling stats, SC, Self Coder, Stata, Statistica, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Video Survey Software, ViewSuite360, WARP-IT, XLStatistics MS-Dos (17) Alpha+, 2ask, Asteroid, CRM Qi+, E-Tabs Writer, Grader, ISSA, IT, KeyPlan, Mentor, Merlin, NetTeam.Survey, Self Coder, Survent, TextGrab, TSP 4.5, Vitalnet OS/2 (6) Brand2hand, IRQuest, Mentor, NetTeam.Survey, Survent, SurveySolutions PalmOS (11) AccessPoint, auditHOST, Brand2hand, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, Grader, Interviewer CAPI, KnowledgeWorx, Self Coder, Sphinx, SurveySolutions Page 14 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Unix (44) AccessPoint, Alpha+, 2ask, [B/D], Bellview® CATI, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, eStore, E-Tabs Writer, GenStat, gllamm, Grader, Inquisite, IRQuest, Key Survey, Mentor, mrStream, Nesstar, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, Opinio, polliscope, P-Stat, QEDML Web Server, Questor, Rostock Survey Tool, SAS/STAT, Self Coder, SIR, S-Plus, Stata, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, TextGrab, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, Vitalnet, WARP-IT Windows 2000/XP (175) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, auditHOST, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Beyond Question, Blaise, BMDP, Brand2hand, Ccount, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dub Interviewer, EasyFit, EquivTest, ESBPDF Analysis, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, gllamm, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, Inquisite, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MarketSight®, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrPaper, mrStream, mrTables, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, NVivo 7, OnTraq, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, PASS, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, QDA Miner, QDS, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Qualrus, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Report Direct, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SC, Self Coder, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, StudyResult, StudySize, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Tables Direct, Team360, TextGrab, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, Winyaps, XLMiner, XLStatistics, XploRe, XSight ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 15 AccessPoint, ACE, Alpha+, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Windows 98ii/ME/NT (152) Asteroid, auditHOST, [B/D], Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, Blaise, Brand2hand, Ccount, Converso, CRM Q+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, Dub Interviewer, EasyFit, ESBPDF Analysis, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, ETabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, gllamm, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, IDAMS, Inquisite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, IRQuest, IT, IYCQ Manager, IYSS, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, mrPaper, mrScan, mrTranslate, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, OnTraq, Opinio, Opinion Taker, PASS, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Print & Scan, Procevo, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, QDA Miner, QDS, Qualrus, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Report Direct, Resampling stats, Rogator G4, SC, Self Coder, SENATE-Survey, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, Sphinx, S-Plus, SPSS Base and Modules, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, StudyResult, StudySize, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Budgeting System, Survey Explorer, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Tables Direct, TeleForm, TextGrab, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, Winyaps, XLStatistics Windows for hand and pocket PCs (36) AccessPoint, Askia, Asteroid, auditHOST, Brand2hand, Converso, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, eStore, E-Tabs Interactive, gllamm, Grader, Interviewer CAPI, IT, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, Mentor, Mobile Researcher, MRDCL, NIPO Interview System, OnTraq, QDS, Raosoft EZSurvey, Report Direct, Self Coder, snap PDA Interviewer Module, Sphinx, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, Survey Solutions, SySurvey, Tables Direct, TSS - The Survey System, ViewSuite360, WebSTATISTICA Windows Server 2003 (2) Bellview® Fusion, Pulsar Web Windows Tablet (1) Bellview® CAPI Windows up to 98 (first edition) (48) AccessPoint, Alpha+, 2ask, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, [B/D], Brand2hand, Ccount, DataFriend, ESBPDF Analysis, eStore, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, ForexastX Wizard, gllamm, Grader, IT, Key Survey, Mentor, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, P-Stat, QDS, REDATAM, Report Direct, Rogator G4, Self Coder, SIR, S-Plus, Survent, Survey Solutions, SYSTAT, Tables Direct, TextGrab, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Video Survey Software, ViewSuite360, Vitalnet, Winsteps, XLStatistics Programming Language ASP, ASP.Net (12) Askia, Bellview® CATI, Blaise, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, Grader, Hosted Survey, Ioxphere, MarketSight®, PulseEFM, Survey Galaxy, Video Survey Software Assembler (1) Statistica Page 16 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Basic (2) KeyPlan, SYSTAT C# (3) Blue/Feedback, CRM Qi+, Instant Intelligence C/C++ (88) AccessPoint, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, auditHOST, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Blaise, Ccount, Code Cogs, Complete Report Automation, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, EasyFit, Entryware, EquivTest, eStore, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, InSite, ISSA, IT, KeyPlan, Mentor, Microtab, MRDCL, mTAB, Nesstar, NetEpi, NIPO Interview System, nQuery Advisor, NSDstat, OnTraq, P-Stat, Pulsar, QDS, QPSMR, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Resampling stats, SAS/STAT, SC, SensorPro, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, SuperSTAR, Survent, SurveyPro 3.0, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TextGrab, TextQuest, TPL Tables, Unistat, Visual QSL, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA, Winyaps, XLMiner, XploRe Delphi (17) Blaise, Entryware, ESBStats, eStore, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, IT, Keypoint 4.0, Procevo, QDA Miner, Qualrus, Simstat, StatXP, Survey Explorer Fortran (16) Alpha+, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, BMDP, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, Merlin, MERLIN TOOLKIT, P-Stat, SIR, S-Plus, SYSTAT, TEXTPACK, TSP 4.5, Winsteps Hyperscript (1) Bellview® Web Java (35) AccessPoint, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, auditHOST, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Web, Clicktools, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, eStore, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IRQuest, Jambo, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, mTAB, Nesstar, Opinio, polliscope, Print & Scan, QuestionPro, Questor, REDATAM WEBSERVER, SENATE-Survey, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, S-Plus, SuperSTAR, Survey Manager Encuestas Online, Team360, Video Survey Software, ViewsCount, XploRe Java Script (and JScript) (5) Community Express, Ioxphere, powerTABLE, Raosoft EZSurvey, Vitalnet MS .Net Framework (7) Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, CRM Qi+, Instant Intelligence, NVivo 7, Online Surveys, XSight Pascal (5) [B/D], ESBPDF Analysis, Inquisite, MIM, Statistix PHP (1) ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 17 Visual Basic (VB, Askia, auditHOST, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® Web, Blaise, Collect Data Now!, VBA, VBS) (55) Community Express, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataFriend, DataSet V, Demographix, Entryware, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, InSite, Ioxphere, IT, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, Mobile Researcher, NCSS, Opinion Taker, PASS, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, Print & Scan, Prospex, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Report Direct, StatPac for Windows, StudyResult, StudySize, SumQuest, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Surveyor, SurveySolutions, Survey Solutions, Tables Direct, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector,, ViewSuite360, Winsteps, XLStatistics Askia, Blaise XML Transformations (XSLT) (2) Input Formats Delimited text (134) Page 18 ACE,, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Asteroid, [B/D], Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataFriend, DataSet V, Dub Interviewer, EasyFit, Entryware, EquivTest, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, ETabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, GenStat, gllamm, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, Inquisite, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, NetEpi, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, NVivo 7, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Print & Scan, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rostock Survey Tool, SAS/STAT, SC, SENATE-Survey, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TextGrab, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS The Survey System, Unistat, ViewSuite360, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XLMiner, XploRe ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Fixed format text ACE, Alpha+, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, Asteroid, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Blaise, BMDP, (112) Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dub Interviewer, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, gllamm, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, Inquisite, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, MIM, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, NCSS, NetEpi, NSDstat, OnTraq, PerceptionStream, polliscope, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QPSMR, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SC, SIR, snap Campus Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, StatXP, Survey Explorer, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Survey Quick, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TEXTPACK, TextQuest, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, Winyaps, XploRe MS Access (54) Askia, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Brand2hand, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DataFriend, DataSet V, eStore, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, ForexastX Wizard, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, InSite, IT, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, Prospex, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, SAS/STAT, SENATE-Survey, Simstat, Sphinx, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SuperSTAR, SurveyPro 3.0, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Vector, WebSTATISTICA, XLMiner MS Excel (81) ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond Question, BMDP, Brand2hand, CleverForm, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, DataSet V, Dub Interviewer, EquivTest, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, IT, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, Microtab, mrStream, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, Opinion Taker, Patient Profiles, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, Prospex, QEDML Designer, REDATAM, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Report Direct, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SENATE-Survey, snap Campus Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, S-Plus, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survey Budgeting System, Survey Explorer, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Tables Direct, TeleForm, TSP 4.5, Unistat, Vector, Vitalnet, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, XLStatistics, XploRe ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 19 ODBC (61) ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, Atlas Planning Suite, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Clicktools, Complete Report Automation, Converso, CRM Qi+, DataSet V, eStore, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, Inquisite, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Mentor, MIM, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, Nesstar, NetEpi, Opinio, Origin Survey Manager, Patient Profiles, PerceptionStream, Prospex, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, Questor, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, Simstat, SIR, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Explorer, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, TeleForm, Unistat, Vector, WebSTATISTICA ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, CRM Qi+, OLE (Active-X component) (23) CustomView360, DataSet V, GenStat, InSite, IT, Keypoint 4.0, mrStream, PerceptionStream, Prospex, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SYSTAT, Unistat, ViewSuite360, WebSTATISTICA OleDB (5) Beyond 20/20, Blaise, CRM Qi+, MRDCL, SAS/STAT SAS (27) Asteroid, Beyond 20/20, BMDP, Complete Report Automation, CRM Qi+, DataFriend, EquivTest, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, MarketSight®, Microtab, MRDCL, mrStream, NCSS, Nesstar, OnTraq, Patient Profiles, PerceptionStream, SAS/STAT, SOLAS, S-Plus, STAR®, SuperSTAR, Survey Explorer, SYSTAT, Winsteps SPSS Dimensions Askia, Asteroid, CRM Qi+, Entryware, MarketSight®, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MRDCL, Data Model DSC mrTables, NSDstat, OnTraq, Pulsar Web, SAS/STAT, Sphinx (13) SPSS Save File (52) Ascribe, Askia, Asteroid, BMDP, Complete Report Automation, CRM Qi+, DataFriend, EquivTest, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, Instant Intelligence, Jambo, MarketSight®, Microtab, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, NCSS, Nesstar, NetTeam.Survey, NSDstat, OnTraq, Patient Profiles, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, SAS/STAT, Simstat, snap Campus Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, SOLAS, Sphinx, SPlus, STAR®, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatXP, Survey Explorer, SYSTAT, Vector, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps Triple S (36) Ascribe, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond Question, CRM Qi+, Instant Intelligence, Jambo, MARSC, Mentor, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, OnTraq, Print & Scan, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, Research Reporter, Simstat, snap Campus Edition, snap Keystation Edition, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, StatXP, Survey Explorer, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Vector xBase (37) Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Bellview® Fusion, BMDP, Community Express, CRM Qi+, ESBStats, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, IT, MRDCL, mrStream, mrTables, NCSS, NSDstat, OnTraq, PerceptionStream, QDA Miner, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Simstat, Sphinx, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, SYSTAT, TeleForm, Unistat, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA Page 20 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 XML (27) Community Express, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, E-Tabs Enterprise, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, iQuest, Jambo, KnowledgeWorx, MARSC, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), mrStream, mrTables, Nesstar, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Questor, Research Reporter, Self Coder, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Survey Solutions, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360 Output Formats Delimited text (159) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, Atlas Planning Suite, [B/D], Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Beyond 20/20, Beyond Question, Blaise, Blue/Feedback, BMDP, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CSPro, CustomView360, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dub Interviewer, EasyFit, Easyresearch - online surveys, Entryware, EquivTest, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, gllamm, Globalpark, Grader, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IDAMS, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, InSite, Instant Intelligence, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, Mobile Researcher, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NetTeam.Survey, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, NVivo 7, Online Surveys, OnTraq, Opinio, Opinion Taker, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, polliscope, Print & Scan, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, QDS, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, QPSMR, Qualrus, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS, REDATAM, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rostock Survey Tool, SAS/STAT, SC, SENATE-Survey, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, S-Plus, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Explorer, Survey Galaxy, Survey Manager Encuestas Online, Surveyor, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Team360, TeleForm, TextGrab, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, XLMiner, XploRe ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 21 Fixed format text Alpha+, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Beyond (113) Question, Blaise, Brand2hand, Ccount, Clicktools, Code Cogs, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, Converso, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, gllamm, Globalpark, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, IDAMS, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, ISSA, IT, Jambo, KeyPlan, Keypoint 4.0, MARSC, Mentor, Merlin, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MIM, Mobile Researcher, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, NIPO Interview System, NSDstat, Online Surveys, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, polliscope, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, QEDML Designer, QPSMR, Questor, REDATAM, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, SAS/STAT, SC, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, S-Plus, STAR®, Stata, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Galaxy, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Survey Quick, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TEXTPACK, TPL Tables, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vitalnet, WARP-IT, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, Winsteps, XploRe HTML (64) AccessPoint, Atlas Planning Suite, auditHOST, Beyond 20/20, Blue/Feedback, Ccount, Clicktools, Community Express, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, EasyFit, Entryware, eStore, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, Globalpark, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Key Survey, Microtab, mrInterview, mrStream, Nesstar, NetEpi, NSDstat, NVivo 7, Online Surveys, PerceptionStream, polliscope, powerTABLE, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Qualrus, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, SAS/STAT, Simstat, STAR®, StatXP, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Solutions, TextQuest, TPL Tables, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360, Vitalnet, XploRe MS Access (53) Askia, Atlas Planning Suite, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Beyond Question, Clicktools, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataSet V, Entryware, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Halogen eSurveyor, Inquisite, IT, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, NCSS, Nesstar, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, Patient Satisfaction Survey Database, Print & Scan, Prospex, QDS, QEDML Web Server, QPSMR, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, SENATE-Survey, Sphinx, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatPac for Windows, Survey Galaxy, SurveyPro 3.0, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, ViewSuite360, WebSTATISTICA, XLMiner Page 22 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 MS Excel (152) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Ascribe, 2ask, Askia, Asteroid, Atlas Planning Suite, auditHOST, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Beyond Question, Blue/Feedback, Brand2hand, Ccount, CleverForm, Clicktools, Collect Data Now!, Community Express, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DataFriend, DataSet V, DatStat Illume, Demographix, Dub Interviewer, Easyresearch - online surveys, Entryware, EquivTest, ESBStats, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, Fitter, ForexastX Wizard, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Hosted Survey, IdeaMap.NET, Inquisite, Instant Intelligence, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, Keypoint 4.0, Key Survey, KnowledgeWorx, MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis, MarketSight®, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, Mobile Researcher, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, NVivo 7, Online Surveys, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, polliscope, Print & Scan, Prospex, P-Stat, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, PulseEFM, QDA Miner, QDS, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, QPSMR, QuestionPro, REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Resampling stats, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SAS/STAT, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, Simstat, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, StatXP, SumQuest, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Budgeting System, Survey Explorer, Survey Galaxy, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager Encuestas Online, Survey Quick, Survey Solutions, SurveySolutions, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Tables Direct, TeleForm, TSP 4.5, TSS - The Survey System, Unistat, Vector,, ViewSuite360, Visual QSL, Vitalnet, WebMine, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps, Winyaps, XLMiner, XLStatistics, XploRe MS PowerPoint (12) Askia, Clicktools, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, DataFriend, E-Tabs Enterprise, Key Survey, MarketSight®, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), mrInterview, Sphinx, XSight MS Word (26) Askia, Clicktools, Community Express, Converso, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, Entryware, ETabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer, iQuest, Jambo, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP), Microtab, mrInterview, mrStream, Nesstar, NVivo 7, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Research Reporter, Simstat, Sphinx, SurveyGold Standard Edition, XSight ODBC (54) AccessPoint, ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Askia, Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Beyond Question, Blue/Feedback, Complete Report Automation, DataSet V, eStore, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, GenStat, Halogen eSurveyor, Inquisite, InSite, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, IT, Keypoint 4.0, Mentor, mrStream, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, Opinio, Origin Survey Manager, Prospex, Pulsar, QuestionPro, Questor, Raosoft EZSurvey, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, SENATE-Survey, SensorPro, SIR, S-Plus, STAR®, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, SuperSTAR, Survent, Survey Galaxy, Surveyor, Survey Quick, SYSTAT, TeleForm, WebSTATISTICA ACE, Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel, Bellview® Fusion, Beyond 20/20, Beyond OLE (Active-X component) (22) Question, Confirmit, CRM Qi+, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, InSite, IT, MRDCL, mrStream, OnTraq, Prospex, SAS/STAT, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatXP, Survey Quick, SYSTAT, WebSTATISTICA OleDB (2) Blaise, MarketSight® ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 23 PDF (18) Beyond 20/20, Clicktools, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, Entryware, eStore, Globalpark, iQuest, Jambo, Key Survey, MarketSight®, NetEpi, NVivo 7, SAS/STAT, Survey Solutions, ViewsCount, ViewSuite360 SAS (39) Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Complete Report Automation, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DatStat Illume, EquivTest, GenStat, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, ISSA, IT, Mentor, MERLIN TOOLKIT, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, Opinion Taker, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDS, QPSMR, SIR, SOLAS, S-Plus, STAR®, Survent, SYSTAT, TEXTPACK, Visual QSL, WebSurveyor SPSS Dimensions Askia, CRM Qi+, DatStat Illume, Entryware, Key Survey, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Data Model DSC polliscope, Sphinx (8) SPSS Save File (77) 2ask, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond 20/20, Beyond Question, CleverForm, Complete Report Automation, Confirmit, CRM Qi+, CSPro, DatStat Illume, Dub Interviewer, Entryware, EquivTest, FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions, Globalpark, Halogen eSurveyor, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, ISSA, IT, Jambo, Key Survey, Mentor, Microtab, mrStream, mTAB, NCSS, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, Opinion Taker, Origin Survey Manager, Print & Scan, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDS, QEDML Web Server, QPSMR, QuestionPro, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, Rogator G4, SIR, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, SOLAS, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, StatXP, Survent, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, SYSTAT, TeleForm, TEXTPACK, TSS - The Survey System, Visual QSL, WARP-IT, WebSTATISTICA, WebSurveyor, Winsteps Triple S (53) AccessPoint, Ascribe, Askia, Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Beyond Question, CleverForm, Converso, Dub Interviewer, Globalpark, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, IT, Jambo, MARSC, Mentor, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, Microtab, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, NIPO Interview System, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, Print & Scan, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, QDA Miner, QPSMR, Research Reporter, Simstat, snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, Sphinx, S-Plus, STAR®, Survent, SYSTAT, SySurvey, Visual QSL xBase (32) Bellview® Fusion, Beyond Question, ESBStats, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, GenStat, GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, IT, MRDCL, mrInterview, mrStream, NCSS, NSDstat, OnTraq, Opinion Taker, QDA Miner, REDATAM, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Simstat, Sphinx, S-Plus, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, Statistix, SurveyGold Standard Edition, SYSTAT, TeleForm, Vitalnet, WebSTATISTICA Page 24 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 XML (44) AccessPoint,, Beyond Question, Community Express, CRM Q+, CRM Qi+, CustomView360, DatStat Illume, Entryware, E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Writer, Globalpark, Grader, Hosted Survey, Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, Ioxphere, iQuest, IT, Jambo, KnowledgeWorx, MARSC, mrInterview, mrStream, Nesstar, NIPO Interview System, PerceptionStream, Print & Scan, QDA Miner, QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server, Questor, Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey, Research Reporter, Self Coder, Simstat, SuperSTAR, SurveyGold Standard Edition, Survey Manager - Encuestas Online, Survey Solutions, ViewsCount ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 25 Index of Packages AccessPoint : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................30 ACE : Integrated survey system ......................30 : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................30 Alpha+ : Data analysis program ......................30 AMOS : Data analysis program ........................30 Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel : Data analysis program.......................................................31 Answertree : Data analysis program ................31 Ascribe : Data management system ................31 2ask ..............................................................31 Askia : Integrated survey system ....................32 Asteroid : Data analysis program .....................32 Atlas Planning Suite : Data management system ...................................................................32 auditHOST : Integrated survey system ............32 [B/D] : Data analysis program .........................33 Bellview® CAPI : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................33 Bellview® CATI : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................33 Bellview® Fusion : Integrated survey system ...33 Bellview® Scan : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................33 Bellview® Web : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................33 Beyond 20/20 : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................33 Beyond Question : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................34 Blaise : Data capture/ survey design program ..34 Blue/Feedback : Integrated survey system .......34 BMDP : Data analysis program ........................34 Brand2hand : Integrated survey system ..........34 Ccount : Data analysis program.......................34 Clementine : Data analysis program ................34 CleverForm : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................35 Clicktools : Integrated survey system ..............35 Code Cogs : Data management system ...........35 Collect Data Now! : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................35 Community Express : Data management system ...................................................................36 Complete Report Automation : Presentation and Dissemination System ...................................36 Confirmit : Integrated survey system ...............36 Converso : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................................36 CRM Q+ : Integrated survey system ................37 CRM Qi+ : Integrated survey system ...............37 CSPro : Integrated survey system ...................37 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 CustomView360 : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 37 DataFriend : Data analysis program ................ 37 DataSet V : Data analysis program ................. 38 DatStat Illume : Integrated survey system ...... 38 Demographix : Integrated survey system ........ 38 Dimensions - Survey Research Platform : Data capture/ survey design program ................... 38 Dub Interviewer ............................................ 38 EasyFit : Data analysis program ...................... 39 Easyresearch - online surveys : Integrated survey system ........................................................ 39 Entryware : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 39 EquivTest : Data analysis program .................. 40 ESBPDF Analysis : Teaching package .............. 40 ESBStats : Data analysis program ................... 40 eStore : Presentation and Dissemination System .................................................................. 40 E-Tabs Enterprise : Presentation and Dissemination System .................................. 41 E-Tabs Interactive : Data analysis program ..... 41 E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite : Presentation and Dissemination System ............................ 41 E-Tabs Writer : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................ 42 Fitter : Data analysis program ........................ 42 ForexastX Wizard : Data analysis program....... 42 FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions : Data capture/ survey design program ................................. 42 GenStat : Data analysis program .................... 42 gllamm : Data analysis program ..................... 43 Globalpark : Integrated survey system ............ 43 Grader : Data capture/ survey design program 43 GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences : Data analysis program ............................... 43 Halogen eSurveyor : Integrated survey system 44 Hosted Survey : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 44 IDAMS : Data analysis program ...................... 44 IdeaMap.NET : Data analysis program ............ 44 Inquisite : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 45 InSite : Data analysis program ....................... 45 Instant Intelligence : Presentation and Dissemination System .................................. 45 Interviewer CAPI : Integrated survey system ... 45 Interviewer CATI : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 46 Interviewer VCC : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 46 Interviewer Web : Integrated survey system ... 46 Ioxphere : Integrated survey system .............. 46 iQuest ........................................................... 46 Page 27 IRQuest : Integrated survey system ................46 ISSA : Integrated survey system .....................46 IT : Data capture/ survey design program .......47 IYCQ Manager : Integrated survey system.......47 IYSS : Integrated survey system .....................47 Jambo : Integrated survey system ..................47 KeyPlan : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................................47 Keypoint 4.0 : Integrated survey system .........48 Key Survey : Data capture/ survey design program ......................................................48 KnowledgeWorx : Data capture/ survey design program ......................................................48 MaceTech Options Analysis : Data analysis program ......................................................48 MacTech Blockage Analysis : Data analysis program ......................................................48 MarketSight® : Data analysis program ............48 MARSC : Data management system ................49 Mentor : Data analysis program ......................49 Merlin : Data analysis program........................49 MERLIN FASTAB : Data analysis program ........49 MERLINPLUS : Data analysis program .............50 MERLIN TOOLKIT : Data management system .50 MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP) : Presentation and Dissemination System...................................51 Microtab : Data analysis program ....................51 MIM : Data analysis program ..........................51 Mobile Researcher : Data capture/ survey design program ......................................................51 MRDCL : Integrated survey system .................51 mrInterview : Integrated survey system ..........52 mrPaper : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................................52 mrScan : Data capture/ survey design program 52 mrStream : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................52 mrTables : Data analysis program ...................53 mrTranslate : Data capture/ survey design program ......................................................53 mTAB : Data analysis program ........................53 NCSS : Data analysis program.........................53 Nesstar : Presentation and Dissemination System ...................................................................53 NetEpi : Data analysis program .......................54 NetTeam.Survey : Integrated survey system....54 NIPO Interview System : Integrated survey system ........................................................54 nQuery Advisor : Data analysis program ..........54 NSDstat : Data analysis program .....................54 NVivo 7 : Data analysis program .....................54 Online Surveys : Data capture/ survey design program ......................................................55 OnTraq : Data management system ................55 Opinio : Data capture/ survey design program .55 Opinion Taker : Integrated survey system .......56 Page 28 Origin Survey Manager : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................56 PASS : Data analysis program .........................56 Patient Profiles : Data management system .....56 Patient Satisfaction Survey Database : Integrated survey system ..............................................56 PerceptionStream : Presentation and Dissemination System ...................................57 polliscope : Integrated survey system ..............57 powerTABLE : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................57 Print & Scan : Integrated survey system ..........57 Procevo : Integrated survey system .................57 Prospex : Presentation and Dissemination System ...................................................................57 P-Stat : Data analysis program ........................58 Pulsar : Data analysis program ........................58 Pulsar Web : Data analysis program ................59 PulseEFM : Integrated survey system ..............59 QDA Miner : Data analysis program .................59 QDS : Data capture/ survey design program ....59 QEDML Designer : Data capture/ survey design program .......................................................60 QEDML Web Server : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................60 QPSMR : Integrated survey system..................60 Qualrus : Data analysis program .....................61 QuestionPro : Integrated survey system ..........61 Questor : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................................61 Raosoft EZSurvey : Data capture/ survey design program .......................................................61 Raosoft EZSurvey SMS : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................62 REDATAM : Data management system ............62 REDATAM WEBSERVER : Presentation and Dissemination System ...................................62 Remark Office OMR : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................62 Remark Web Survey : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................62 Report Direct : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................62 Resampling stats : Data analysis program ........63 Research Reporter : Data management system 63 Rogator G4 : Integrated survey system............63 Rostock Survey Tool : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................63 SAS/STAT : Data analysis program ..................63 SC : Data analysis program .............................63 Self Coder : Data capture/ survey design program .......................................................64 SENATE-Survey : Integrated survey system .....64 SensorPro : Integrated survey system .............64 Simstat : Data analysis program ......................64 SIR : Data management system ......................64 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 snap Campus Edition : Integrated survey system ...................................................................64 SNAP Internet module : Integrated survey system .........................................................65 snap Keystation Edition : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................65 SNAP Network Interviewing module : Data capture/ survey design program ....................65 snap PDA Interviewer Module : Data capture/ survey design program .................................65 snap Professional Edition : Integrated survey system .........................................................65 snap ProNet Edition : Integrated survey system ...................................................................65 SNAP Results Edition : Integrated survey system ...................................................................65 snap Scanning Module : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................65 snap SurveyPaks : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................65 SOLAS : Data analysis program .......................66 Sphinx : Data capture/ survey design program .66 S-Plus : Data analysis program ........................66 SPSS Base and Modules : Data analysis program ...................................................................66 SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys : Data analysis program.......................................................66 SPSS WebApp : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................66 STAR® : Data analysis program ......................66 Stata : Data analysis program .........................67 Statistica : Data analysis program ...................67 STATISTICA Data Miner : Data analysis program ...................................................................67 STATISTICA QC Miner : Data analysis program 67 Statistix : Data analysis program .....................67 StatPac for Windows : Integrated survey system ...................................................................68 StatXP : Data analysis program .......................68 StudyResult : Data analysis program ...............68 StudySize : Data analysis program...................68 SumQuest : Integrated survey system .............68 SuperSTAR : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................68 Survent : Data capture/ survey design program69 Survey Budgeting System : Data capture/ survey design program ............................................69 Survey Explorer : Data analysis program..........69 Survey Galaxy : Data capture/ survey design program.......................................................69 SurveyGold Standard Edition : Integrated survey system .........................................................70 Survey Manager - Encuestas Online : Integrated survey system ..............................................70 Surveyor : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................................70 SurveyPro 3.0 : Integrated survey system........70 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Survey Quick : Integrated survey system ........ 70 Survey Solutions : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 71 SurveySolutions : Integrated survey system .... 71 SYSTAT : Data analysis program..................... 71 SySurvey : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 71 Tables Direct : Presentation and Dissemination System ........................................................ 72 Team360 : Integrated survey system .............. 72 TeleForm : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 72 TextGrab : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 72 TEXTPACK : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 72 TextQuest : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 73 TPL Tables : Data analysis program ................ 73 TSP 4.5 : Data analysis program ..................... 73 TSS - The Survey System : Integrated survey system ........................................................ 73 Unistat : Data analysis program ...................... 74 Vector : Data analysis program ....................... 74 : Data capture/ survey design program ........................................... 74 Video Survey Software : Integrated survey system ........................................................ 74 ViewsCount : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 75 ViewSuite360 : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 75 Visual QSL : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 75 Vitalnet : Data analysis program ..................... 76 WARP-IT : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 76 WebMine : Data capture/ survey design program .................................................................. 76 WebSTATISTICA : Data analysis program ....... 76 WebSurveyor : Data capture/ survey design program ...................................................... 76 Winsteps : Data analysis program ................... 76 Winyaps : Data management system .............. 76 XLMiner : Data analysis program .................... 77 XLStatistics : Data analysis program ............... 77 XploRe : Data analysis program ...................... 77 XSight : Data analysis program ....................... 78 Page 29 Listing of Packages This is an alphabetic list of the packages in the register, with the textual descriptions, and an indication of price and the number of sites using the package. Packages that have been added to the register in the last year have their names in italics. Many packages have a dedicated web site, but most suppliers also have sites that include information about the packages. Respondents were asked to give the price of single-user (commercial) version of the minimal useable configuration (i.e. without optional components) of the program. We assume that discounts are normally available for multiple licences and for academic use. Note that several packages are sold on the basis of an annual license fee, usually to include support. Packages for which we have received no information for more than three years have their change date shown in bold: they are likely to be removed from the next edition of the register if no further information is received, as the information will then be at least 4 years old. AccessPoint : Data capture/ survey design program Price: POA, Sites: 60, Last change: 21/6/2005 AccessPoint for MCAPI is a system to create, deploy and execute surveys on mobile PDA devices such as Palm, PPC or Tablet PC. Typically data is sent using wireless technology such as GPRS. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Global Bay ACE : Integrated survey system Price: NA in single user, Sites: 3, Last change: 4/11/2003 The world's most advanced curriculum assessment platform! Features include Survey Libraries, Question Libraries and an improved Survey Wizard interface. First implemented at Carnegie Mellon University and then at premier institutions such as Stevens Institute of Technology and Illinois Institute of Technology, this curriculum quality improvement application can help you go beyond mere faculty-course evaluations by including a variety of surveys such as Alumni Surveys, Coop Employer Surveys and more! Ideal for accreditation efforts such as ABET, AACSB, ACBSP and others. Mass Mailer, Scale Library, Incentives to winners of survey competition Web Site: – Supplier(s): Ascendus : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €31, Last change: 1/6/2006 is a web based software for drawing up and publishing internet questionnaires without any knowledge of programming languages. special features: - additional modules for inviting preferred respondents and for online data analysis (including a handling for closed-ended questions); - question types for conjoint analyses (profile method) special service offer: - adapting the standard version scripts to individual client's requests Web Site: – Supplier(s): Andreas Schroeder Alpha+ : Data analysis program Price: £250, Sites: 40, Last change: 29/11/2003 Generates randomized incomplete block designs for experiments with large numbers of treatments Supplier(s): BioSS AMOS : Data analysis program Last change: 2/12/2004 Employ Amos, powerful and easy-to-use structural equation modeling (SEM) software, to create more realistic models than if you used standard multivariate methods or regression alone. With Amos, you can quickly specify, build, and view your model using simple drawing tools. Then assess your model's fit, make any modifications, and print a publication-quality copy of your final model. The Amos path diagrams give you the ability to confirm the validity of claims such as “value drives loyalty” in minutes, not hours. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) Page 30 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel : Data analysis program Price: £ 90, $100, Sites: 10,000, Last change: 17/11/2003 Analyse-It Clinical Laboratory is a new clinical statistics software package for Microsoft® Excel. Specifically designed for medical researchers and clinical laboratories, Analyse-It lets researchers compare the analytical accuracy, precision and clinical performance of methods, either as part of the laboratory quality management procedure or during research & development. Procedures include Altman-Bland & NCCLS EP9-A bias plots, Deming, Passing-Bablok, and Kappa for comparing methods in terms of constant and systematic bias. The NCCLS EP5-T2 precision procedure is included for determining analytical precision (within-run, between-run, between-day, and long-term) over time, or over an analyte's reportable range. Reference ranges can be calculated using either the parametric or non-parametric IFCC procedure. And clinical performance can be examined in terms of sensitivity, specificity & predictive values, or plotted and compared using ROC curves. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Analyse-it Software, Ltd Answertree : Data analysis program Last change: 2/12/2004 AnswerTree empowers you to more efficiently target the right groups of people. Use scalable decision trees that reveal segments and predict how groups will respond to your promotions and programs. AnswerTree gives you four powerful algorithms—the widest choice of decision trees available—so you can choose the best fit for your data. AnswerTree displays models visually—so you can easily see the groups that matter. Unique, at-a-glance evaluation graphs enable you to act on results quickly. AnswerTree's unrivaled analytical power, scalability and impressive presentation features give you a smarter, more productive way to discover significant groups and create profiles. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) Ascribe : Data management system Price: Priced on a transaction basis., Sites: 50, Last change: 29/11/2004 Ascribe™ focuses on the processing, analysis, management and retrieval of verbatim data in ways that make this rich information more actionable than traditional methods, for your staff and your clients. Can be used as a web service (ASP) or can be outsourced as a complete data management service. Primarily an online verbatim mangament and coding application, includes features for closed end data, too. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Language Logic, LLC 2ask Price: € 200, Sites: 500, Last change: 15/6/2004 2ask is a web service to create and conduct online surveys. Results are analyzed graphically and data is also provided in SPSS as well as Excel format. Web Site: – Supplier(s): amundis Communications GmbH ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 31 Askia : Integrated survey system Last change: 6/12/2005 Askia Design: A powerful integrated Windows interface for the design of surveys for web, telephone and face to face interviewing. You use the same tool to design the questions, survey structure, filter logic, formatting of screens and printed questionnaires. There are built in features for logic and usability testing. Askia Face: Face to face multi-media interviewing with facilities for total customisation of the design of the survey screens. Askia Voice: Telephone interviewing and supervising in a Windows environment, with automatic, and simultaneous in and out bound calls. Full sample and quota management, together with integrated automatic dialling facilities. Askia Web: Online surveys with built in intelligence for open access or sample and quota controlled interviewing, over an intranet or the Internet. Askia Analyse: Integrated tables, graphics and all statistical tools required to analyse the results of the survey. Outputs tables, graphs, charts at the click of a button. Presentation of results, design of templates for repeat or multi-national surveys. Full statistical analysis and modelling. Askia Vista: Askia Vista is the solution for managing control, access and analysis of online data. Surveys can be composed of one or several sub-questionnaires. You control and define access & user rights, such as defining which questionnaires are available, and even the access to specific questions, sub-populations and weightings. Askia Vista enables you to access data originating from any type of fieldwork: CAPI, CATI, and CAWI. With a click of your mouse you can run simple counts or cross-tabs, you just select the questions, choose a table, and you have the results in seconds ready to be printed or exported. Save all your tables into an analysis portfolio which will be automatically updated when re-opened later. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Askia Asteroid : Data analysis program Sites: 300, Last change: 7/4/2005 ASTEROID is a software system which allows you to analyse consumer survey data (and some similar kinds of data) interactively. It uses unit record data, not aggregated figures and thus preserves the full detail of the data collected. The data is transformed into a unique database format which provides very high speed access, coupled with efficient compression and almost total flexibility of analysis. This means that very large data sets can be used. ASTEROID can also handle similar databases (e.g. Human Resources databases) where the intention is to provide statistical summaries rather than to access or update individual records ASTEROID will provide clients with a valuable tabulation software package to analyse any type of survey data from both tactical and strategic perspectives. Users can easily explore the relationships within the data and design simple and effective presentations based on being able to: - Identify relationships between key variables within the database - Build forecast and prediction models based on detailed profiles in order to target specific regions or groups. - Apply advanced statistical significance tests to ensure that the data is robust and reliable. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Roy Morgan International Atlas Planning Suite : Data management system Last change: 29/11/2004 Web Site: – Supplier(s): John Galt Solutions auditHOST : Integrated survey system Price: Tailored packages only, Sites: 10,000+, Last change: 9/12/2005 auditHOST is a New Concept in the field of Mystery Shopping and Corporate Inspection of retail outlets. auditHOST provides the complete auditing program infrastructure, assuring that inspections are conducted in the most consistent and professional manner possible. Using auditHOST as the platform to control the Mystery Shopping or Corporate Inspection allows the use of multiple agencies to carry out the actual task but with a common facility to guarantee consistency of the complete process. The resulting information can then be analysed using our mTAB/mTABWEB Analysis Tool to provide greater value and insight from the Mystery Shopping Program. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Gamma Associates Ltd Page 32 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary [B/D] : Data analysis program Price: poa, Last change: 9/11/2004 Bayes linear analysis programming language. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Durham Bellview® CAPI : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 35, Last change: 26/12/2005 Bellview® CAPI is an advanced multimedia personal interviewing system, designed to help automate the face-to-face data collection process. Part of Pulse Train's integrated range of data collection and analysis products, Bellview CAPI offers powerful interviewing features for your entire field force. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Bellview® CATI : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 160, Last change: 26/12/2005 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing software. Includes advanced sample and survey management, reporting and coding facilities. Incorporates database call logger system with supervisor web-based front-end. Real-time audio/visual monitoring of agents. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Bellview® Fusion : Integrated survey system Sites: 40, Last change: 26/12/2005 Bellview ® Fusion represents a new-generation CATI data collection system, designed from the ground up, but based on our 20 years of experience in CATI. It incorporates powerful new capabilities in the areas of sample management, scheduling and reporting. It encompasses new versions of the Bellview data collection software suite within a centralised management system based on open technologies. Fully integrated with our questionnaire design and analysis products, Bellview Fusion forms the core of the whole survey process, revolutionising workflow and access to survey information, and at the same time utilising the latest, and widely supported, Microsoft® technologies. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Bellview® Scan : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 30, Last change: 15/11/2004 An integrated package for processing paper questionnaires and other forms. Includes modules for administrating, designing, scanning, editing, verifying and coding paper questionnaires, with integrated coding . Scanning includes ICR for hand-printed characers, as well as OMR & OCR Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Bellview® Web : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 30, Last change: 4/12/2003 A Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) package. Includes online and real-time management and reporting facilities. Bellview Web surveys may be fully customised with mulitmedia files, complicated questionnaire logic and any desired language alternatives. Survey/data management via Pulse Train's Internet Management Kit (IMK) Online reporting with Pulsar Web for real-time data analysis. Fully customisable screen layout using HTML templates. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Beyond 20/20 : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: poa, Sites: 1000's, Last change: 9/12/2005 Beyond 20/20 is the world’s most widely used software for data dissemination and offers a unique feature set, outstanding speed and ease of use. The world's largest statistical agencies, including OECD, US Census Bureau, ONS, National Assembly for Wales, Local Government Data Unit, Department of Trade & Industry and HM Revenue & Customs, use Beyond 20/20 to process, disseminate and visualise data. The main functions of the package are data visualization and Web reporting Web Site: – Supplier(s): Beyond 20/20 Inc., Forvus (UK Distributor) ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 33 Beyond Question : Data capture/ survey design program Price: POA, Sites: 5, Last change: 13/4/2004 Beyond Question is a web based survey and form creation product that can be used by the non-sophisticated consumer. It has state-of-art functions such as creation of form using standard Excel workbooks, automatic creation of scanning templates, customizable web based data, along with all the things that you would expect from any form/survey creation package on the market today. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Data Liberation Ltd Blaise : Data capture/ survey design program Price: see Blaise website, Sites: 100+, Last change: 1/12/2004 Statistical data capture program. One data model, which incorporates the survey design, can be used in CAPI, CATI, CASI as well as in CAWI at the same time (multi mode). Highly adaptable package, capable of dealing with very large numbers of questions, complex routing and edit structures, and many respondents. Easy to program in Pascal-like language. Blaise is used world-wide for a variety of research studies. Blaise has been designed for use in official statistics (National Statistical Institutes and related scientific research institutes). Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistics Netherlands Blue/Feedback : Integrated survey system Price: $5,000, Sites: 78, Last change: 4/7/2006 Blue/Feedback is an enterprise-class web based survey software which empowers an organization to gather the data they need faster and easier. Blue/Feedback is a truly web-based enterprise-class survey software which integrates seamlessly into the IT infrastructure of an organization; hence complementing the organization’s knowledge base. Web Site: – Supplier(s): eXplorance BMDP : Data analysis program Price: €795, £540, Sites: >20,000, Last change: 23/11/2004 A comprehensive library of statistical routines from simple data description to advanced multivariate analysis, and is backed by extensive documentation. Each individual BMDP sub-program is based on the most competitive algorithms available and has been rigorously field-tested. The complete BMDP package consists of 44 modules in the areas of Descriptives, Regression, Survival, A8OVA, Multivatiate, Categorical Data Analysis and Time Series. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistical Solutions Ltd Brand2hand : Integrated survey system Price: £50 pm, Sites: 30+, Last change: 14/1/2003 All singing, all dancing text message communications system. Delivered directly to clients over the web in real time. See instant responses to text message surveys. Many features ideal for surveys and market research as well as direct brand communications. Direct live integration with GSM networks, live statistics and graphs in real time. One-on-one communication channels, proximity calculation etc. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Luno Networks Limited Ccount : Data analysis program Price: Freeware, Sites: 100, Last change: 14/9/2005 CCOUNT is a free software package for market research / marketing research data cleaning, data weighting, manipulation, cross tabulation and data analysis. Similar to, and uses the same syntax and data format as SPSS-MR "Quantum"*, a well known commercial package for processing market research data. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pan-Data Clementine : Data analysis program Last change: 3/12/2004 Clementine is a data mining workbench that enables you to quickly develop predictive models using business expertise and deploy them into business operations to improve decision making. Clementine supports the entire data mining process to shorten time-to-solution, and is designed around the de facto industry standard for data mining—CRISP-DM. CRISP-DM makes data mining a business process by focusing data mining technology solving on specific business problems. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) Page 34 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary CleverForm : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 150, Last change: 7/10/2003 CleverForm technology can be used for: - creation and deployment of sophisticated and visually attractive online surveys, - respondent profile building and management (including panel facilities), - direct marketing via personalised e-mail offers and e-mail-embedded surveys, and - comprehensive real-time analyses of results. CleverForm has several unique features, including cross-survey routing intelligence, automated respondent recognition and profile update, advanced filtering and target group segmentation, click&build survey creation tool (surveys can be edited even after deployment) etc. CleverForm can easily be integrated with any online system. Advanced features can easily be added using proprietary CF Script language and existing APIs/function libraries. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CleverForm Ltd Clicktools : Integrated survey system Price: £995, Sites: 100, Last change: 14/12/2005 Clicktools improves Customer Experience. Clicktools is a full strength Enterprise Feedback Management available at a price that everyone can afford. Clicktools is also the only partner with certified integration and included on the AppExchange. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Clicktools Code Cogs : Data management system Price: Most are free for non-profit. Commercial varies for each component., Sites: 1, Last change: 21/3/2005 Code Cogs - An Open Source Scientific Library / Database in C++ CodeCogs is a new website, which hosts a database of numerical C++ modules. The site is free to use with all software being open-source. CodeCogs is a scientific numerical repository of C/C++ code that has been created for mathematicians, scientists, engineers and financial workers. The site hosts a growing number of components with fully documented source code. It is a place to post questions or problems that you are having with your own numerical research, while also staying in touch with the latest C/C++ developments. Furthermore, you can request software that hasn't been added to the library, develop software for others, or simply post your own numerical solutions. All software can be easily browsed and searched, and if commercial licences are sold for your code then you will receive the royalties. The site has been designed in response to problems that its creators have had in finding a well-documented and easily-navigable database of numerical C/C++ code that is affordable. In particular they wanted high-quality software that can be used in both commercial environments (where it can be incorporated into proprietary software and is also commercially supported) and in open-source software systems. Furthermore, they wanted an 'automatic' system, that allowed them to license and download only the software they need - rather than an entire library. To aid research, academics may use most of the code completely free of charge (under the G8U General Public Licence). With the community's support, we aim to offer a very wide range of the most advanced methods for numerical computing. By preventing users from 'reinventing the wheel', we aim to save everyone time and resources, reduce development risks and help to increase the pace of innovation in general. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Code Cogs Collect Data Now! : Data capture/ survey design program Price: From $8.95 per month, Last change: 24/11/2003 Create custom web surveys with this very robust and flexible online survey administration tool, then view the results online. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Primal Egg Creations, Inc ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 35 Community Express : Data management system Price: AU$499, Sites: 6, Last change: 15/12/2005 Current version: Community Express 2.1 High-end application for (a) genealogical census, (b) maintaining a community register, or (c) creating a whole-of-population sampling frame. Community Express is for someone who wants to reconstruct an entire historical population, or for a community that needs to keep an accurate register of its own members. Data is collected for individuals. Individuals are assembled in families on browser-like pages. Any documenting media images, DOCs, PDFs, AVIs etc - can be dropped onto individuals. Community Express makes extensive use of MS Office to generate permanently storable reports, charts and statistical pivot tables. Parts of or a whole database can be replicated as web pages for distribution to community members. Community Express has strong editing features and a query manager to organise search queries in standard SQL. Basic version available free, Professional version charged. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pacific Social Mapping Complete Report Automation : Presentation and Dissemination Price: 2500, Sites: 25, Last change: 1/6/2003 System Automatically generate reports with graphs, tables, charts, maps, diagrams, and more. Automatically generate integrated text that describes your report and analysis. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Appian Analytics, Inc. Confirmit : Integrated survey system Sites: 200, Last change: 20/2/2003 Confirmit is a fully integrated package covering all aspects of the survey process online, from questionaire design, testing and deployment to data collection and report definition and distribution. Web Site: – Supplier(s): FIRM Converso : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £3000, Sites: 100+, Last change: 11/10/2006 CONVERSO is state-of-the-art multi-media software for CATI / CAPI. - written for the latest PC technology, but will run on lower spec PCs - multimedia option - a system you can grow into - simple - needs no technical person to run or control the system - easy to learn - excellent support - connectivity - links to other systems and applications - productivity features for designer and interviewer - powerful - will handle the most complex studies - voice / music recording and playback at no extra cost - sophisticated communications management software included - value - typically about half equivalent systems; lease or buy! - over 3,000 stations already installed Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd Page 36 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary CRM Q+ : Integrated survey system Price: Free, Sites: 10, Last change: 10/10/2005 A comprehensive survey application suite, powerful and user-friendly, enabling - Easy creation of questionnaires - Collection of feedback in real-time - Statistical Analysis - Report generation - Data simulation and visualization - Designing and publishing of surveys - Delivery of professional reports CRM Q+ is capable of performing in-depth statistical analysis using methods and tools such as Data Visualization, Descriptive Statistics, Cross Tab Analysis, Time-Series, and TURF Analysis in order to generate extensive and professional reports. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CRM Survey CRM Qi+ : Integrated survey system Price: $1,495, Sites: 100, Last change: 28/7/2006 This is the professional version of our popular Q+. This platform includes intelligent questionnaire design capabilities with an intuitive "drag & drop" programming interface. You dont require a programmer's help to design a variety of question types including "skip logic", piping, push forward/backward. It also includes several new realtime analytic components and import/export capability to SPCC and other popular formats. With our customized and programming services ($750 to $3,000), we help you conduct a variety of simple to complex types. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CRM Survey CSPro : Integrated survey system Price: Free, Sites: 1000, Last change: 14/11/2003 Census and Survey Processing System is a public-domain software package for entering, tabulating and mapping census and survey data. Web Site: – Supplier(s): IPC, ORC - Macro CustomView360 : Data capture/ survey design program Price: POA - dependent on needs, Last change: 9/11/2005 - flexible and easy to use on-line 360º feedback system - complete customised approach - takes existing competencies and questions and converts them into a web based questionnaire - administration and feedback reporting system, secure web system, fully automated, hosted and supported by ConsultingTools. - Data is collected on-line - reports available in PDF format once the deadline has passed. - Administrators have access to a real-time tracking system to monitor completion status. - single or dual rating scales - feedback possible from any number of client defined rater types - E-mail instruction and website text customisable - questionnaire and report can be designed to match your design guidelines incorporating your logos and colours. - standard report options or customisation Web Site: – Supplier(s): Consulting Tools Ltd DataFriend : Data analysis program Price: $2000, Sites: 5, Last change: 6/7/2005 Market & Media research software. Main features: - presents data in any cross-tabulation - market, segment or brand analysis - trend analysis - 2D and 3D brand mapping - corresponding analysis - cluster analysis - export tables and charts to Excel & Power Point - mediaplanning (using mix of different types of media) - evaluating effectiveness of multimedia advertising campaign - special prognosis tool to select optimal media - genetic optimization of the advertising campaign Web Site: – Supplier(s): COMCON ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 37 DataSet V : Data analysis program Price: $500-1500, Sites: 170, Last change: 21/6/2003 DataSet V provides solution to the four broad major tasks: - Matching: Batch-mode matching between data structures lacking common indexing. Automated batch-mode retrieval is followed by interactive, semi automatic ranking and confirmation process; Manual interactive verification and adjustments are provided for marginal candidates. - De-duplicating: Batch-mode identification of duplicate entities within data structure (i.e. multiple entries of clients, items, documents, etc.). Semi-automatic duplicate removal process; intelligent selection of best candidate; interactive verification and adjustment for marginal or inconclusive duplicates. - Data Mining & analysis: Generic, high-end, interactive, graphics-centric data mining and analysis. Integrated, built-in Graphical Statistical Analyzer. - Interactive Lookup: Generic, effective fuzzy record retriever. DataSet V can be linked as front end to your applications, enhancing their data retrieval capabilities. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Intercon Systems Inc DatStat Illume : Integrated survey system Price: $15,000, Sites: n/a, Last change: 27/12/2005 DatStat is a premier software provider for enterprise feedback management via online surveys, assessments, and data integration. Aimed at multi-user, enterprise-grade research, DatStat Illume offers cross-survey and cross-time capabilities that enable customers to make fact-based decisions more quickly and accurately than ever before. With flexible deployment options and a full suite of services; a great number of industry leaders in the academic, healthcare, education, government, and enterprise business arenas are realizing improvement in operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and assessment outcomes. Customers in USA and EMEA. Easy interface for creating data views across multiple unique surveys not just time period or cross tab. Web Site: – Supplier(s): DatStat Inc Demographix : Integrated survey system Price: £1000 per month for unlimited surveys or £500 per survey, Sites: 50, Last change: 9/12/2005 Online survey system enabling users to design, test, publish and analyse online surveys using just their web browser. Works on all major web browsers and on Windows and Macintosh. There is no limit on size of survey or any surcharge for number of responses. Images can be included and the system allows for conditional questions and pages. Multiple log-ins can be created giving colleagues and clients controlled access to specific surveys. Free trial available. Demographix is designed for those deploying high-volume surveys who need the ability to share the creation and analysis process with colleagues and external agencies. Multiple log-ins can be created, each with its own access privileges. Demographix is a web-based service and customers can use any modern browser on Macintosh or Windows-based PC to manage their surveys. As well as offering simple bar chart analysis of results, data can be filtered and/or cross tabulated. Raw response data can be exported to Excel or other packages. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Demographix Limited Dimensions - Survey Research Platform : Data capture/ survey design Last change: 2/12/2004 program Dimensions is a full-service technology platform that supports the entire survey research process, from questionnaire design to data collection and analysis to Web reporting. SPSS also offers services for hosting surveys online. A modular system built around an open data model, products include: mrInterview, mrInterview CATI, mrPaper, mrScan, mrTables, mrStudio and mrTranslate. All work seamlessly with SPSS Base and Modules, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys and export to Microsoft Powerpoint, Excel or Word, HTML, or any other preferred data format. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) Dub Interviewer Price: We price on the basis of Interviewing Hours, Sites: 40, Last change: 28/5/2004 Data Collection, via CATI, CAPI or Web or any combination of the above. Also Dub Knowledge is our integrated panel management system and knowledge base. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Nebu bv Page 38 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary EasyFit : Data analysis program Price: $299, Sites: N/A, Last change: 1/8/2006 EasyFit is a distribution fitting software designed to facilitate probability data analysis and best model selection. It allows to easily and quickly select the probability distribution which best fits to data. The integrated environment provided by EasyFit includes data management, data analysis, and reporting capabilities. BE8EFITS of EasyFit: Saves time: reduces your analysis times by 70-95% over manual methods; Saves money: prevents analysis errors and helps you make better decisions; Ensures the high quality of your projects; Requires only a basic knowledge of statistics. KEY FEATURES: Support for over 40 probability distributions; Powerful automated fitting mode; Flexible manual fitting capability; High-quality interactive graphs; Goodness of fit tests; Hypertext reports; Probability calculations; Easy to use interface. ADDITIO8AL FEATURES: Ability to view graphs of distributions without entering the data; Excel-like spreadsheet; Integrated random number generator; Descriptive statistics; Comprehensive Help system. SUPPORTED GRAPH TYPES: Probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), survival function, hazard function (failure rate), P-P plot, and others. Graphs can be exported to various formats or printed. SUPPORTED DISTRIBUTIO8S: Continuous: Beta, Cauchy, Chi-Squared, Erlang, Error Function, Exponential, F Distribution, Fatigue Life (Birnbaum-Saunders), Frechet, Gamma, Generalized Extreme Value, Generalized Logistic, Generalized Pareto, Gumbel Max, Gumbel Min, Inverse Gaussian, Johnson SB, Johnson SU, Laplace (Double Exponential), Logistic, Lognormal, 8ormal, Pareto, Pert, Phased Bi-Exponential, Phased Bi-Weibull, Power Function, Rayleigh, Student's t, Triangular, Uniform, Wakeby, Weibull. Discrete: Bernoulli, Binomial, Discrete Uniform, Geometric, Hypergeometric, Logarithmic, 8egative Binomial, Poisson. Web Site: – Supplier(s): MathWave Technologies Easyresearch - online surveys : Integrated survey system Last change: 2/9/2003 An online survey tool for surveys via email and the internet. Demo available. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Easyresearch Entryware : Data capture/ survey design program Price: Starts at $995 per year, Sites: 200, Last change: 2/11/2005 Entryware 5.0 software provides a complete solution for mobile survey automation. Working with Palm OS and Pocket PC devices, Entryware can be used to design and deploy sophisticated questionnaires. Entryware is a highly scalable software platform that can support very large, complex questionnaires in a multi-lingual setting. Using Entryware Server (hosted by Techneos or licensed by the Customer), it is possible to manage thousands of handheld users spanning a wide array of connectivity options -- ranging from direct cable-to-PC connection to wireless modes such as WiFi and GPRS. Entryware 5.0 is available in three versions: Small Business Edition, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition. Term licenses are available from 1 to 36 months in duration. Entryware is ideally suited to face-to-face interviewing (CAPI/MCAPI), diary studies (CASI/MCASI) and mobile survey kiosks. Question looping/rostering; Alarm/notification system for diary studies. Entryware Mobile (handheld software) supports on-the-fly localization to different languages. Localized databases currently available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Techneos Systems ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 39 EquivTest : Data analysis program Price: €675, £450, Sites: 700, Last change: 23/11/2004 Software for the statistical analysis of equivalence and bioavailability studies. The analysis of bioequivalence studies can be quick, easy and programming-free. All statistical methods required by the FDA and CPMP guide-lines are available in one easy to use package. Developed according to specifications by leading statisticians, EquivTest provides industry-accepted, validated equivalence procedures for reliable statistical analysis. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistical Solutions Ltd ESBPDF Analysis : Teaching package Price: 35, Last change: 10/11/2004 ESBPDF Analysis provides everything needed for using Discrete & Continuous Probability Distributions in a single application. Most Tables and supplied functions (such as in MS Excel) give P(X <= A) and using algebra other results can be found whereas ESBPDF Analysis handles all the Probability combinations for you. Features include Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Exponential, Student t, Chi Squared, F, Beta and Lognormal Distributions; Inverses of Normal, Student t, Chi Squared, F, Beta and Lognormal Distributions; Lists of Binomial Coefficients, Factorials and Permutations; Calculations of Gamma and Beta Functions; Printing of Standard Normal Tables & Critical t Values; Fully Customisable; Integrated Help System which includes a Tutorial. We also plan on adding many more Distributions and features. Also includes Graphing of Distributions, addition Info on Distributions and registered users also get Electronic Documentation and a PDF version of the docs designed for printing. Ideal for the Maths/Stats Student who wishes to understand Probability Distributions better, as well as the Maths Buff who wants a well designed calculating tool. Web Site: – Supplier(s): ESB Consultancy ESBStats : Data analysis program Price: $99, Last change: 15/11/2002 Basic Statistical Analysis & Inference for Win32 platforms with a customisable MS Office 97/2000 like interface Supplier(s): ESB Consultancy eStore : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £2995, Last change: 6/2/2005 Designed specifically to work with leading data capture packages, eStore for TELEForm provides an effective alternative to the manual filing, archiving, storage and retrieval of your paper and electronically submitted forms. Also providing the ability to store images of defined areas of a form for presentation as a report, ideal for presenting word for word reports of otherwise time consuming to capture 'other comments' type data. A totaly web based solution for ease of configuration, management and flexibility of access. Web Site: – Supplier(s): ePartner Consulting Page 40 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary E-Tabs Enterprise : Presentation and Dissemination System Last change: 4/10/2004 E-Tabs Enterprise is a software system designed specifically for reporting on continuous, tracking, or syndicated studies and ad-hoc projects with multi-level reporting. It automates the production of charts, graphs, diagrams, summary tables, maps and reports directly from the research data. It then facilitates the process of updating or extending them automatically for every wave, region or sub-category. The user can extract data from any source – tables, spreadsheets or databases; perform searches, calculations, and statistical tests, while E-Tabs Enterprise automatically gathers the relevant data for each report and populates data in decks of PowerPoint charts, Word reports, Excel sheets, etc. Background: Anyone working with continuous tracking or ad-hoc projects spanning several brands or regions will be aware of the time it takes to generate executive summaries and reports. It takes a huge effort to extract data from multiple sets of tables, collate, summarize and analyze the figures before inserting them into PowerPoint charts, Excel sheets or Word reports. Having then to reproduce many decks of similar (but not identical) slides for each market, region, brand or wave is time-consuming and error-prone. It diverts researchers from professional to administrative tasks, and restricts their creativity in report writing or chart styles. All this amounts to significant delays in report delivery, long after the data has been collected and analyzed. With E-Tabs Enterprise, researchers can automate all of these reporting processes. After some simple set-up procedures the system is ready to run. There is no need to sacrifice any special chart types as E Tabs Enterprise can use existing templates without any modification, and generate entire reports and presentations in seconds - even packaging them up for automatic email to the client. And when the next wave, brand or region is ready for reporting, E-Tabs Enterprise will facilitate the dynamic updating of previous or existing charts or summary tables, checking for data consistency, updating calculations, highlighting key findings and adjusting charts or graphs to accommodate the rolling data entries. Winner of MRS/ASC Joint Award for Technology Effectiveness 2004 Web Site: – Supplier(s): E-Tabs Ltd E-Tabs Interactive : Data analysis program Last change: 1/12/2003 E-Tabs Interactive puts cross tabulation and statistical testing directly in the hands of information users. Users can "slice and dice" results themselves, creating table banners and rows based upon questions and sample information they choose. Customized filters let them "drill down" to see findings for respondents who fit distinct profiles. Online charts present the information graphically, and axes can be switched with a single click. Taking input directly from tab packages such as Quantum, E-Tabs Interactive is very fast at tabulating large datasets over the web. With a web interface - and a parallel desktop/PC version - that offers easy and intuitive features such as filtering, export to excel and automatic charting, E-Tabs Interactive is an exciting new option for client intranets and other web applications. Web Site: – Supplier(s): E-Tabs Ltd E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite : Presentation and Price: £399, Sites: 10000, Last change: Dissemination System 4/12/2003 E-Tabs Reader - specialist software for the electronic delivery of market and survey research tabulations E-Tabs Professional Reader enables research firms and end-users to save time, increase productivity and improve efficiency by: - archiving, distributing and browsing research tables electronically - on PC, networks, CD, intranet, extranet, by email or over the web, rather than on paper - preparing summary reports directly from the electronic tables – producing charts or taking the figures straight into Excel, PowerPoint or Word - annotating data or pages with bookmarks, graphical mark-ups and notes - finding keywords from the electronic index - printing or distributing sub-sections, and attaching any associated project documents (such as questionnaires, show cards, reports) - minimising printing, binding, distribution and storage costs, and communicating information faster - adding true value to research services. E-Tabs Lite Reader is entry-level software for fast and efficient distribution of tables for browsing, searching, printing and exporting. The E-Tabs Lite Reader is easy to use, and free to download and distribute to clients from the E-Tabs web site. Web Site: – Supplier(s): E-Tabs Ltd ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 41 E-Tabs Writer : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £1800, Sites: 6000, Last change: 4/12/2003 E-Tabs Writer takes tabulation files from any tabs software packages and converts them to E-Tabs format for user-friendly viewing by research agencies and end-users in the E-Tabs Reader (Lite and Professional). E-Tabs Writer adds value to the original tables by: - compressing and encrypting data so that users cannot alter or damage the report - automatically generating tables of contents and cross-referenced index for fast location of questions, sections or keywords - adding pictures, documents and hyperlinks (to other files or websites), to create a complete report package - supporting industry standard tabulation software, including Quantum, SurveyCraft, SPSS, Mentor, Merlin, Microtab, Dash, Uncle, SAS, Snap, QPS, Star, etc. E-Tabs Writer is extremely fast and simple to use – converting 200 pages of typical report into E-Tabs format in under 1 minute. The E-Tabs Web Writer extends this by converting tabs into HTML for fast web browsing and intranet storage. Web Site: – Supplier(s): E-Tabs Ltd Fitter : Data analysis program Price: $299, Sites: 20, Last change: 9/11/2004 Fitter gives the following information: - parameter estimates, variances; - covariance matrix, correlation matrix; - spread in eigenvalues of F-matrix; - error variance calculated by fit and by population; - Student’s test for outliers; - test of series for residual correlation; - Bartlett’s test for homoscedastisity; - Fisher’s test for goodness of fit; - confidence intervals. Using FITTER VBA functions you can write procedures for background calculations. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Polycert ForexastX Wizard : Data analysis program Price: $595, Sites: 5,000, Last change: 17/11/2003 The forecastX Wizard is an Excel add-in tool that allows clients to take advantage of a strong forecasting and demand planning application while residing in Microsoft Excel. The Wizard offers over thirty different statistical algorithms and modeling techniques producing very strong business forecasts minutes after installation through its "Best-Fit Methodology". Web Site: – Supplier(s): John Galt Solutions FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions : Data capture/ Price: Web Delivered, World Wide License, Sites: ~15 major clients, Last change: 7/3/2003 survey design program The FUSE package is designed to plug in to existing online survey systems to improve respondent engagement through stimulus. You can drive any type of stimulus via choice models, at random or via sequential allocation. You can also incorporate any type of video seamlessly within your existing survey. The FUSE software currently works in conjunction of Confirmit and mrInterview, and more systems integrations are underway. Web Site: – Supplier(s): FUSE GenStat : Data analysis program Last change: 31/3/2003 Genstat is a general statistics system with a considerable range of statistical techniques including exploratory data analysis, regression analysis (linear, generalized linear and non-linear), time series analysis, geostatistics, survival analysis and multivariate techniques (principal components, canonical variates, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, Procrustes analysis and much more). Genstat cannot be beaten for its facilities for the design and analysis of designed experiments. All generally balanced designs can be handled by analysis of variance whilst REML and general linear model facilities cater for unbalanced designs or mixed models. Web Site: – Supplier(s): VSN International Ltd. Page 42 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary gllamm : Data analysis program Price: free, Sites: 200, Last change: 25/9/2003 gllamm estimates 'generalized linear latent and mixed models' including multilevel regression models, factor and item response models, latent class and finite mixture models and structural equation models. Many response types can be handled including continuous, dichotomous, ordinal, nominal or censored responses, counts and durations, and mixed responses. The program can also be used to predict latent variables, random effects or latent classes for a given model and to simulate responses from a model. Most of the data management, analysis and presentation features above are available in Stata Web Site: – Supplier(s): Rabe-Hesketh Globalpark : Integrated survey system Price: £1,380, Sites: 200, Last change: 21/12/2005 Surveycenter - a powerful online questionnaire generator with participant administration, quotas and reporting. OPST - a panel administration tool available as an extension to Surveycenter with integrated panel website, incentive management and functionalities to recruit, group and analyze panel members. LOFT - Fully customisable 360 degree survey module with powerful administration, automated reporting and integrated survey cockpit for feedback recipients. OCM - Adaptive conjoint module that integrates seamlessly with Surveycenter with full reporting, runs html or flash QUASIMETO - Tool to conduct online focus groups or set up bulletin boards PAPER/PENCIL - an add-on to Surveycenter for the creation of pdf questionnaires from existing online surveys. Also exports Readsoft scanner specification file for data scanning. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Globalpark Grader : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £15, Sites: 25, Last change: 16/12/2005 Social Grade (A, B C1, C2, D, E) classification software based on the Market Research Society's publication 'Occupational Groupings - A Job Dictionary'. Interviewers are directed to type the respondents occupation and prompted for more information to achieve the respondent's social grade. Grader intergrates with any software survey package, running on any platform (Windows or UNIX). Grader can run in self completion mode to intergrate with self completion web based surveys. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Fusion Software GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences : Data analysis program Price: $499., Sites: 2000, Last change: 12/11/2004 Geostatistics -- spatial analysis of geo-referenced data; spatial autocorrelation analysis includes variograms, Moran's I, fractal, and other measures; spatial interpolation includes nearest neighbor, kriging, cokriging, and conditional simulation; mapping includes both 2d and 3d representation; output compatible with GIS; highly intuitive package appropriate for beginner and expert. Outlier analysis Web Site: – Supplier(s): Gamma Design Software LLC ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 43 Halogen eSurveyor : Integrated survey system Price: $15,000 for 1000 licenses, Sites: 100, Last change: 17/4/2002 Halogen eSurveyor 3.3 Open simplicity, flexiability and comprehensive range of features all add up to one of the industry's most sophisicated and powerful web based survey system. Feature Highlights: - Design questionnaires with no prior technical web knowedge - no coding required - Use sample questions included or save your questions to the Question Library for future use - Included are several sample survey templates - Multiple question types - Automatic response validation functionality - Monitor respones in real-time - Allow for complex skip logic and piping so respondents only see questions that are applicable to them - Built in chechlist features to ensure the survey is functioning correctly - Bias elimination by randomization options for better qualitative data - Instand graphical reports (Summary or detailed) - using sophisicated query options and custom formating - Export to external packages - Design surveys with corporate look and feel - Get interactive with respondents with our notification and reminder options. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Halogen Software Hosted Survey : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 36, Last change: 7/8/2006 Hosted Survey is a fully web-hosted survey software application developed for researchers, evaluators and organizational improvement specialists. Use Hosted Survey to create electronic surveys, market research, 360 feedback reviews, questionnaires and other online forms for data collection, analysis and reporting. Online email invitations and automatic follow-ups Web Site: – Supplier(s): Hostedware Corporation IDAMS : Data analysis program Price: free-of-charge, Sites: 11,000, Last change: 15/12/2005 IDAMS (Internationally Developed Data Analysis and Management Software Package) is an evolving integrated collection of computer programs developed by UNESCO. New release 1.2 of WinIDAMS for 32-bit Windows operating system is available upon request since August 2004 in English, French and Spanish. WinIDAMS is a freeware software package for numerical information processing and statistical analysis. It provides a complete set of data manipulation and validation facilities and a wide range of classical and advanced statistical techniques, including interactive construction of multidimensional tables, graphical exploration of data and time series analysis. - reports in rtf format - interactive construction of multidimensional tables Web Site: – Supplier(s): UNESCO IdeaMap.NET : Data analysis program Last change: 9/11/2004 IdeaMap®.Net is a WEB "do-it-yourself" Conjoint tool based on the time-tested Ideamap® technology which has been used worldwide for more than 12 years. The system is designed for those who need small scale, focused on-line research that meets challenges instantly, and do not have a large budget. IdeaMap®.Net is suited for market researchers, marketing professionals, developers, ad agencies, etc. No expertise required for using the program. A self explanatory manual and training sessions are available. All you need is a PC and a WEB browser! Partial/Full Profile Conjoint; Selection of experimental designs (up to 36 elements); Different concepts for each respondent; Dummy Variable regression for each person allows true zero conditions; Easy to read: positive/negative scores by element; Real time reporting; Automatic segmentation and subgroups analysis; Output is clear and actionable Web Site: – Supplier(s): Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. Page 44 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Inquisite : Data capture/ survey design program Price: From $6,000, Sites: 1000, Last change: 11/1/2005 Inquisite Web Survey System Inquisite® survey software helps organizations rapidly gather the strategic intelligence they need to make better missioncritical decisions. Inquisite provides users with cost effective, easy-to-use technology to create, deploy and manage their own surveys. The Inquisite product suite includes a full product line of survey software along a variety of price points including a singleuser package, an online offering, and an enterprise application that can be installed at the customer site or hosted offsite. Whether conducting internal or external satisfaction surveys, performance reviews or market research, Inquisite offers companies a better way to make business decisions. The Inquisite Suite of Survey Products: 1. Inquisite Workstation – All inclusive single user version provides the ability to easily create and administer surveys and feedback forms. Surveys can be administered via Internet/intranet, email, corporate network, scannable paper forms or via a kiosk (walk up survey station). 2. Inquisite Workgroup – Includes high-end administration facilities and architecture to meet the needs of 3-5 survey administrators, typically licensed for multi-user departmental needs. All users login to a central intranet to access individual survey management sites (survey homepages). From the homepage, users can manage all survey processes including itemized survey statistics, survey history, response limits/shut off dates, interactive real time web-based reporting, publishing reports to public URL's, online system administration and security options. 3. Inquisite Corporate – This enterprise-wide application streamlines large-scale corporate surveys across departments, divisions, affiliates or subsidiaries. Using Inquisite’s core survey technology, the flag-ship version includes advanced administration abilities and architecture to meet the needs of 10-100 survey administrators and scales to an unlimited number of respondents. This version supports an SDK for customization, a multi-language kit, installation and branding to your company’s existing collateral and web site, centralized system administration, online survey administration, online reporting, and security features to control access to administrative functions, reports and survey data. 4. Inquisite Solutions – The Professional Services consultants provide further customization, including 360 employee reviews, survey invitation services, survey design, and survey integration with internal corporate systems. 5. InquisiteASP – InquisiteASP is a survey hosting service that provides everything you need to create, deploy, and manage enterprise-class web surveys. With InquisiteASP, we configure, host, and manage the Inquisite survey application from a centrally managed and secure third party hosting facility. The ASP option speeds implementation, minimizes the upfront expense of ownership, and overcomes a potential lack of in-house technical personnel. The InquisiteASP option is available for Corporate, Workgroup, and Workstation on an annual license basis and includes upgrade assurance and technical support. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Inquisite Inc InSite : Data analysis program Price: £4,500, Sites: 300, Last change: 17/8/2001 Software for spatial and statistical analysis of demographic and consumer information GIS Supplier(s): CACI Ltd Instant Intelligence : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £100 per user per month, Last change: 13/12/2005 Interact with your research data to gain maximum insight - and do it in an instant, with no hassle or hidden complications. The tables and charts you create in Instant Intelligence will give you the answers you need, whenever and wherever you want them. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Data Liberation Ltd Interviewer CAPI : Integrated survey system Sites: 20+, Last change: 9/11/2004 Interviewer CAPI offers mobile interviewers with a powerful solution, to tightly synchronize and maintain strict control over projects. Synchronize quotas and results in real-time, via Internet, Wi-Fi or GPRS, to optimise the deployment of field resources. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Voxco ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 45 Interviewer CATI : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 400+, Last change: 9/11/2004 Voxco Interviewer CATI provides simple but powerful tools for setting up a questionnaire, sample management and reporting in the call centre and Market Research companies. It will help those companies reduce turnaround time, obtain higher response rates and increase the satisfaction of customers. CATI projects can also benefit from Voxco’s Intelligent PRONTO Predictive Dialer, by increasing overall efficiency and improving client responsiveness. A Windows based GUI interface enables quick deployment of CATI scripts. The sripting and field management tools utilised for CATI software can be used for all other Voxco data-collection modes. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Voxco Interviewer VCC : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 5+, Last change: 9/11/2004 Interviewer VCC is a centrally managed surveying solution, which permits interviewers to conduct telephone interviews from PCs which are equipped with a browser and connected to the Internet. It’s a very interesting, practical and flexible solution for geographically dispersed interviewing operations, and an ASC award nominee in 2003. The VCC software package also integrates with Voxco's PRONTO Predictive dialler. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Voxco Interviewer Web : Integrated survey system Price: $1000, Sites: 60+, Last change: 9/11/2004 Interviewer Web allows companies to conduct advanced marketing research over the Web, in multiple languages with a high project turnover rate, and deliver up-to-the-minute results to customers, while ensuring highest data consistency. This product is available through ASP/hosting or rental/purchase of the Enterprise solution. Can embed Html, Xml and Java script into the survey design, expanding the survey possibilities. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Voxco Ioxphere : Integrated survey system Price: $350, Sites: 300+, Last change: 25/4/2002 Ioxphere is Xorbix's Web survey development tool, which allows users to quickly create, publish and distribute online surveys. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Xorbix Technologies, Inc. iQuest Sites: 15, Last change: 7/9/2006 iquest is a web-based questionnaire / survey processing and reporting system. Used for Mystery Shopping and Qualitative research. Reports are shown in either graphical scorecards, graphs, charts or league tables. There is also an MIS query module which allows virtually any cut of the data. Can be linked to other associated notes, documents, MP3s Web Site: – Supplier(s): Bridgewater Software IRQuest : Integrated survey system Price: volume dependant, Sites: ASP, Last change: 13/6/2001 Online survey server with support for mobile surveys (WML,UMTS), virtual call centers (with complete agent/project management), point of sale surveys and standard online surveys. Supplier(s): Interrogare GmbH ISSA : Integrated survey system Price: $325, Sites: 500, Last change: 16/11/2003 Integrated Survey Processing System Supplier(s): ORC - Macro Page 46 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary IT : Data capture/ survey design program Price: € 1500, Sites: 150, Last change: 6/9/2004 Generic software for on- and off-line data collecting and presentation. One questionnairebuilder for all the methods of data collecting (CAPI, CATI, CAWI and data-entry). Tabulation, Graphics and translations to all the popular packages is included. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Interview Technology IYCQ Manager : Integrated survey system Price: €250, Sites: 100, Last change: 18/11/2003 The IYCQ (It's Your Company Questionnaire) Manager is a product for measuring the true satisfaction of employees within an organisation. Based upon the DQE technology (patent pending) which amongst others guarantees: 1) to improve response rates 2) to filter out emotional responses 3) to provide benchmarkable results the IYCQ Manager allows companies to assess their employees' satisfaction quickly, easily and cost effectively using a survey of just 21 questions. The IYCQ Manager is responsible for distributing IYCQs wthin the organisation, collating the results and running a statistical analysis of the results obtained from within one, easy to use programme. The IYCQ is fully customisable, in that an organisation can define its own questions and segmentation within the DQE framework. Web Site: – Supplier(s): The Gosling Group IYSS : Integrated survey system Price: €250, Sites: 250, Last change: 18/11/2003 The IYSS (It's Your Supplier Survey) is a product for measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction Based upon the DQE technology (patent pending) which, amongst others guarantees: 1) to improve response rates 2) to filter out emotional responses 3) to provide benchmarkable results the IYSS allows companies to assess customer satisfaction quickly, easily and cost effectively using a survey of just 21 questions. The output from the IYSS allows corrective actions to be defined (where necessary) and implemented simply and quickly. The IYSS is a web-based survey programme and as such, can be set up quickly and constantly monitored remotely. The IYSS enables easy customer satisfaction benchmarking within and across industries. Web Site: – Supplier(s): The Gosling Group Jambo : Integrated survey system Price: License fees are pay-per-use based, Sites: 25, Last change: 13/12/2005 Jambo software is an all-in-one solution for multilingual mixed-mode survey-based data collection. It is a completely webbased distributed system with full support for CATI, CAWI, (M)CAPI and CADE modes, possibly combined within a single project or even for a single response and advanced real-time web reporting. The panel-oriented architecture makes it ideal for seamless tracking- and panel-based research. CAPI functionality allows mixed offline/online(UMTS/GPRS) operation to support delayed/real-time quota management. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Jambo software KeyPlan : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £605, Sites: 17, Last change: 9/12/2005 Keyed entry of survey data. Key depression statistics. Supplier(s): Microfarm ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 47 Keypoint 4.0 : Integrated survey system Price: £495, Sites: 2100, Last change: 8/11/2004 Surveys made easy. Keypoint software enables you to design and publish surveys on paper, web or email, collate responses, analyse results and present findings in one easy-to-use package. Presented in a modular form, clients can now seamlessly add survey hosting through Keypoint Surveyserver and scanning functionality with Keypoint Scanning (OMR, OCR and ICR) to either the Paper survey or Paper Web and Email survey base product. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Cambridge Software Publishing Key Survey : Data capture/ survey Price: Single user professional version $3,950. Work Group and Enterprise pricing upon request., Sites: > 100, Last change: 22/5/2006 Key Survey is an enterprise level survey software application that allows different groups in an organization to create and distribute web surveys and reports, with a centralized admin for total control. The solution is a full-featured data collection utility for large corporations and allows hundreds of simultaneous users and total data intercommunication design program Web Site: – Supplier(s): Survey Software Services KnowledgeWorx : Data capture/ survey design program Price: 149.95, Sites: 50, Last change: 31/5/2006 Easily create, administer, and share surveys on PDA devices (PocketPC and PalmOS), or via the web using standard web browsers (Firefox, Safari, IE, etc). An easy-to-use rule-based approach requires no programming, and allows the development of many types of intellectual capital, including: surveys, audits, quizzes, questionnaires and training kits. The exact same question sets can be used to generate surveys for any of the environments we support - PalmOS, PocketPC, Web/HTML, or paper. Web Site: – Supplier(s): X-Act! Software MaceTech Options Analysis : Data analysis program Price: Freeware, Last change: 13/12/2005 MaceTech Options Analysis V1.5 provides methods for analysis of preferences based on ratings obtained from surveys. Results show the changeability of preference shares based on rating distribution parameters. Calculates global appeal and appeal distribution parameter contributions to inter-option advantage, disadvantage and shares of choice. Handles non-linear effects of changes in appeal on choice shares. Share and advantage effects of varying selection set option composition can also be explored. Both descriptive and simulation procedures are included. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Corporate R & D Ltd MacTech Blockage Analysis : Data analysis program Price: Version 1 is Freeware, Sites: na, Last change: 9/7/2003 MaceTech Blockage Analysis is a freeware Excel Add-in. Blockage Analysis applies to survey data where selections cannot be made amongst options on account of unawareness, lack of knowledge, unavailability, inaccessibility, ineligibility, and so on. Methods are provided for analysis of both positive and negative impacts of blockage, and, the separate impacts of multiple blockages, across options in terms of shares of option choice. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Corporate R & D Ltd MarketSight® : Data analysis program Sites: 100, Last change: 11/1/2006 MarketSight is a web-based, interactive business application that enables marketers and marketing researchers to collaboratively explore research data. MarketSight makes it easy to test and iterate on hypotheses and to find breakthrough insights that lead to winning marketing strategies. With MarketSight, organizations shorten analysis time, reduce research costs, and improve marketing ROI. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Monitor Software Page 48 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary MARSC : Data management system Price: on application, Sites: 10, Last change: 16/12/2005 MARSC is a specialist sampling solution for managing panel or customer databases in market research. It provides a platform for the provision of sample for panel-based research projects including control mechanisms to manage frequency of contact with individuals and easy set up of a target matrix. MARSC can automate sample generation for regular eventdriven research and there is an optional web portal module for online applications. MARSC is primarily a sample/panel management system. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Centurion Marketing Systems Ltd Mentor : Data analysis program Price: $ 260 per month, Sites: >100, Last change: 25/6/2002 - Versatile data manipulation, data tabulation and reporting package. - New version allows creating HTML tables for hosting on the Internet. - Also allows interactive, graph/pie-chart and table creation over the internet on demand and in real-time. - Can also export data structure to varying competetive software packages like SPSS, SAS, Quantum, etc. 8o cut-and-paste, rather, export via key_words to other software packages is available in Mentor Web Site: – Supplier(s): CfMC Merlin : Data analysis program Price: £2500, Sites: 100+, Last change: 11/10/2006 MERLIN is a comprehensive software package for survey data processing. It has been developed for over 20 years, and is now one of the best-known and most widely-used packages of its kind. MERLIN is a language based product, aimed at the professional survey analyser. We recommend MERLIN for people who will spend at least 75% of their time using it, in order that they will be able to develop and retain skills in the use of this language; for those processing data on a less frequent basis, we recommend MERLINPLUS. - data entry - data editing and reporting - cross tabulation with full labelling - laser print features (boxing, shading, font sizes, etc) - full and partial table manipulation - many statistical functions including correlations and dependent t-tests - multi-stage weighting including rims and / or targets - export to Word and Excel - inputs / outputs ASCII or binary data - includes the "pre-processor" - a powerful macro system for handling any type of repetitive specification - processing of hierarchical data structures - merging dis-aggregated and / or aggregated data from different surveys - ability to re-run tables to change text and formatting, without re-reading the data - spellchecking - hundreds of formatting options - MERLIN Toolkit and MPE included free Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd MERLIN FASTAB : Data analysis program Price: POA, Sites: 80+, Last change: 11/10/2006 FASTAB is a data exploration package that allows end-users to easily analyse data held in MERLIN or MERLINPLUS databases (data from other packages can be imported using MERLIN TOOLKIT). Survey data is expensive to collect, yet can be an under-used source of valuable information unless you are able to explore the data quickly, when you want, at little or no cost - FASTAB gives you this facility. - Quick - provides answers in seconds. For example, a study with 1,000 records and 100 variables will produce an analysis almost instantly on a Pentium PC. - Easy - allows users to explore data and experiment with options at their leisure. There are graphical options built-in, and simple transfers to your favourite spreadsheet, charting or presentation package. - Flexible - very easy to learn - users get started within minutes and become familiar within an hour's practice. - Affordable - costs less than any comparable product, yet gives all the benefits described above, from a company renowned for excellent support and responsive development. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 49 MERLINPLUS : Data analysis program Price: £940, Sites: 100+, Last change: 11/10/2006 MERLINPLUS is a desktop survey processing system which guides you through the entire survey process. MERLINPLUS captures most of the power of the MERLIN language, but without the need to learn the language. MERLINPLUS is easy to use and requires no technicians, with a modular approach which integrates with other packages and applications in the survey process to eliminate duplication. Questionnaire Design: - easy and comprehensive design for all types of questions - automatic allocation of question numbers and data locations - easy to update and make changes - libraries of answer lists, questions, sections or entire projects - customisable output in Word - standard or customised reports Interviewing / Data Entry: - CAPI / CASI module with interview and edit modes - MPE included free for fast data entry / editing / verification - add-ons available for interviewing by palmtop, touchscreen, web Analysis / Tabulations: - powerful and flexible analysis options - many statistical options - rim or target weighting - table manipulation - range of professional presentation layouts - manages all types of surveys - output in Word, Excel or Lotus Imports / Exports: - MERLIN Toolkit included free - industry standards supported - triple-s, TabsML MERLI8PLUS key-to-disk Entry (MPE) is a fully-featured key-to-disk data entry package for ASCII or binary data. It is supplied free with MERLI8 or MERLI8PLUS, but can also be used as a standalone program. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd MERLIN TOOLKIT : Data management system Price: £420, Sites: 200+, Last change: 11/10/2006 MERLIN Toolkit is a utility program for bridging between different software packages. It is supplied free with MERLIN and MERLINPLUS, but can also be purchased as a standalone program. - From CATI / CAPI systems into analysis packages, across suppliers - Converso, Quancept, Bellview, Blaise, In2itive, Catalogue, own custom systems - Between survey analysis systems for conversion and links with suppliers and clients - MERLIN, Quantum, Star, Snap, SPSS, SAS - Into tools for reporting, graphics and further analysis - FASTAB, SPSS, SAS, Excel, Lotus, Access, Harvard, Freelance, ite, WINYAPS from ATP - Industry standards supported - Triple-s, TabsML Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd Page 50 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP) : Presentation and Dissemination Price: £550, Sites: 10, Last change: 11/10/2006 System MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP) automatically exports and updates Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from MERLIN(PLUS) tables. - imports tables from MERLIN or MERLINPLUS - uses standard PowerPoint template files - charts can be created from any cells in the table - full range of PowerPoint charts available - charts can be updated from new data while preserving all changes made within PowerPoint itself - chart figures can also be exported to Excel or other spreadsheets Related product MERLI8 to WORD (MTW) converts tables from plain text format to Word tables, giving the user complete control over formatting. - each page of the report is formatted as a Word table, with each figure and text item in a separate cell in the table - a Word template is used to attach a style to each cell, and the user can alter the template (and save it) in order to specify different fonts, colours etc for each style - MTW can be used to process reports generated by either MERLI8 or MERLI8PLUS - boxing can be easily added with a choice of single, double or bold styles - a logo can be added in a specified position on each page - Word output can be converted into an HTML file for uploading to a web page Web Site: – Supplier(s): Merlinco Ltd Microtab : Data analysis program Price: $999, Sites: >1500, Last change: 15/12/2005 Microtab Version 6 - Cross Tabulation Software. Complete charting capabilities (in batch mode or single one-at-a-time charts) added in Professional Edition. SPSS interface available as separate module. Unlimited cases and no limit on record length. Includes multivariate weighting, ability to seamlessly read in Triple S and SPSS data and the text for the questions and their answers, save cross tabulation reports as HTML, Word and Excel formats, and performs independent t-tests and Z-tests on already compiled tables with results annotated on the tables. 8o commands or special syntax to learn. 24/7 support included in the purchase price. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Microtab, Inc. MIM : Data analysis program Price: free - distributed under GNU open source licence, Sites: >300, Last change: 29/11/2004 MIM is designed to perform graphical modelling, a form of multivariate analysis that uses graphs to represent models. These enable concise representations of associational and causal relations between the variables under study. Web Site: – Supplier(s): HyperGraph Software Mobile Researcher : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £750 per published survey. Initial fee is for 5 surveys., Sites: 3, Last change: 22/9/2004 Mobile Researcher is a mobile/wireless solution that allows surveys to be authored on-line, and then published to the world wide web, Pocket PCs and mobile phones for completion. Once transmitted the results are available for instant analysis online. Application can be implemented in-house, or hosted by BlueTrail. Web Site: – Supplier(s): BlueTrail MRDCL : Integrated survey system Price: £3000 pa, Last change: 30/11/2004 MRDCL (formerly QPSMRCL) is a language driven program which contains a complete set of tools for handling research and commercial data, and for tabulating data. Its unique design means that it integrates well with a Microsoft office environment, such that lists can be fed into a QPS program or used to drive analyses and reports. Similarly output can be produced in Excel, Word or Access format. MRDCL may be used with OnTraq and Report Direct (see separate entries) which can automate data handling and report production. The software is used by some of the biggest research agencies in the world and is constantly improved. Web Site: – Supplier(s): MRDC ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 51 mrInterview : Integrated survey system Last change: 30/11/2004 mrInterview is a complete solution for fielding and managing large or small Web projects with maximum efficiency—all without sacrificing the sophistication that professional researchers rely on. It includes the security, access, permissions, and features you need to easily create and administer surveys -- online or by phone (CATI), with real-time results accessible via a Web browser. Built on SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions Survey Research Platform Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) mrPaper : Data capture/ survey design program Last change: 30/11/2004 With mrPaper, you can quickly create and format any type of paper questionnaire, whether for your own organization or for your clients, even under the tightest of deadlines. And you can customize the formatting to suit the purpose of the survey and the type of question being asked, resulting in consistently professional-looking questionnaires. mrPaper fits smoothly into your existing business processes, running as an extra menu in Microsoft® Word, to give you a familiar business tool interface that's tailored for survey research. Built on SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions Survey Research Platform. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) mrScan : Data capture/ survey design program Last change: 30/11/2004 mrScan automates the preparation of surveys for scanning, making it cost effective to scan not only large, continuous projects, but also small, ad hoc surveys. And the process protects and promotes information accuracy, too. The mrScan program works seamlessly with the popular ReadSoft® Eyes & Hands® FORMS scanning package. You simply format a questionnaire in mrPaper, transfer it using mrScan to the FORMS Manager Module, and begin scanning. Built on SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions Survey Research Platform Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) mrStream : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £6000 - Server edition, Sites: 7, Last change: 3/12/2004 This web publishing and content management software enables a complete novice to build a set of searchable web pages incorporating all kinds of research information in hours - not days. This means that a researcher who understands the context of research data and the actual and possible linkages between data can create and maintain a series of web pages with minimal training. Pages can be easily customised with the client or project look and feel without incurring cost and time involved in taking the site to a web designer to build. The categorisation of files in mrStream allows files to be assigned to topics, which can be emotions, or actions or anything you choose that will be insightful. The search mechanism in mrStream allows end users to search for emotional topics expressed in video or audio tracks as well as words of descriptions and topics. This goes beyond the type of search engines you will be familiar with and is specially designed by our development team to help manage unstructured emotionally rich content contained in video and audio as well as pictorial output of data mining and click stream analysis. The specialised search facility in mrStream makes it simple and fast - even for non web or database specialists to construct and maintain a secure database driven, searchable web channel for their consumer insight projects. The security control enables your Administrator to control who has access to what information. Web content managment and secure publishing system designed to be simple to use for non web developers. The very first mrStream project was designed to overcome many of the barriers inhibiting the distribution, collection and management of video rich Consumer & Social Insight using internet based technologies and communications services. Research conducted by MarketStream identified the need for specialised data and digital content management tools to support the needs of the research community - that could be deployed affordably for both ad-hoc and continuous research. Common "off the shelf software" wouldn't readily scale securely at an affordable price, or be usable by researchers wanting to have direct control over setting up and managing client web channels without specialist intervention. The MarketStream team designed the mrStream software based on open source software with the result that widespread secure deployment is affordable, for even small agencies and research departments. What is more, the resulting applications are designed specifically to fuse observational & behavioural including video, audio or web clickstreams - facilitating the processes of "Data Fusion". Web Site: – Supplier(s): MarketStream, SPSS Inc. (UK) Page 52 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary mrTables : Data analysis program Last change: 30/11/2004 mrTables enables you to share your research tables online with anyone, anywhere, via your Web browser. Create tables that analysts can immediately interact with online. Use data in different formats-and even different languages-without changing the user environment. Even publish your tables to Microsoft® Excel, Powerpoint and other popular reporting applications at the click of a mouse. Built on SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions Survey Research Platform Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) mrTranslate : Data capture/ survey design program Last change: 30/11/2004 mrTranslate allows you to create translated texts to be used at any stage of the survey process, from fielding surveys to analysis and publication. Any changes to question logic or routing will be automatically carried over to each language version. Built on SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions Survey Research Platform Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) mTAB : Data analysis program Price: from £1,000, Sites: 1000+, Last change: 9/12/2005 mTAB offers a universally applicable, “state of the art” analysis tool for surveys ranging in size from several hundred to several million respondents and with any degree of complexity. Unrivalled power and functionality allied to a user friendly interface has already made mTAB a world-wide standard for automotive research clients. The mSLICE add-on, when combined with the analytical power of mTAB databases, provides an easy to use means of extracting defined customer groups for more effective target marketing and also provides a “bridge” to complex statistical analysis packages such as SPSS & SAS. mTABWEB has all the benefits associated with mTAB but with the added flexibility of allowing the user to operate anywhere, any place, any time that Internet Access is available. This is a great asset for Analyst/Executives who are not desk bound and need to be able analyse data where ever their business takes them. There are many other benefits to be gained from using mTABWEB and one major consideration being there is no need to load software or databases on to your PC or Laptop. If a failure occurs the user can move to an alternative machine in minutes. mTABWEB is a truly High-End Analysis Tool capable of handing huge numbers of respondents and surveys of extreme complexity but with all this it is so easy to use with minimal training. mTAB's elegant method of handling continuous studies has made the software extremely popular with those involved in tracking surveys. The mSLICE add-on, when combined with the analytical power of mTAB databases, provides an easy to use means of extracting defined customer groups for more effective target marketing. Training, tailored to individual clients from basic to advanced level, is all part of the service Gamma provide. Technical Support, provided via telephone "hot-line", fax and e-mail, is provided 9:00am to 5.30pm every working day. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Gamma Associates Ltd NCSS : Data analysis program Price: $500, Sites: 10000, Last change: 26/3/2003 NCSS is a general purpose, easy-to-use statistical analysis package that includes graphics, regression, curve fitting, multivariate, analysis of variance, survival analysis, forecasting, t-tests, and many other routines. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Dataxiom Software Inc., NCSS Nesstar : Presentation and Dissemination System Last change: 18/10/2004 Nesstar is a fully distributed web-based data analysis, visualisation and dissemination tool. Nesstar software has been designed to enable publishers and users of survey and tabular data to exploit, share and profit from their data via the latest generation of web technologies. Nesstar provides powerful and advanced web-enabled data analysis and visualisation through a standard web browser, and is applicable to the power user or novice alike. Nesstar is both a data analysis and a data management system in one, and is highly cutomisable and integrates seamlessly with other services and technologies. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Nesstar Ltd ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 53 NetEpi : Data analysis program Price: Free, Sites: 10, Last change: 26/2/2005 Web-based epidemiological data collection system, with online point-and-click forms design, and both Web-based and programmatic exploratory data analysis facility. Able to handle missing values and weighted data. Can produce complex cross-tabulations. Future versions will handle variance estimation for complex survey sample designs. Free, open source software, integrated tightly with the very sophisticated R open source statistics environment. Web Site: – Supplier(s): New South Wales Department of Health NetTeam.Survey : Integrated survey system Last change: 16/11/2003 Allows easy management and creation of Survey using Lotus Notes and Web browsers across the Internet. Comes with built in Statistical Analysis module which can also make Survey comparisions. Instant feedback, instant results. Supplier(s): NetTeam NIPO Interview System : Integrated survey system Price: POA, Sites: 200+, Last change: 16/11/2004 Research software for data collection (CATI, CAWI, CAPI, Panel and Switch Mode) and analysis/reporting. Support of all character sets, language switching during the interview, conjoint measurement, calling external programs during the interview, updating and retrieving information in the sample database, omnibus facilities. Web Site: – Supplier(s): NIPO Software nQuery Advisor : Data analysis program Price: €995, £675, Sites: 5000, Last change: 23/11/2004 The industry standard for sample size and power calculation. Determination of the appropriate sample size is crucial part of study design. If we make a study too small we may produce inconclusive results. At the same time we cannot waste scarce resources on a study which is too large. nQuery Advisor helps you to find the most efficient sample size. This program is designed to estimate sample size and power calculations before experiments and surveys are begun. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistical Solutions Ltd NSDstat : Data analysis program Price: EUR 300, Sites: 2000, Last change: 30/11/2004 NSDstat Pro 1.3. An easy to use and powerful statistical package, suitable even for people with a random need for statistical computing. Includes a powerful data entry system, and handles both discrete and regional data. Regional data can be displayed in maps, all kinds of data can be displayed in graphs. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics. Frequencies, descriptive, multiresponse, multivariate tables, scatterplot, T-test, regression, correlation, extensive documentation. Documentation can be shown in external browser during data analysis. Web Site: – Supplier(s): NSD NVivo 7 : Data analysis program Price: AU $2085, Sites: Over 350,000 users, over 450 site licenses, Last change: 5/7/2006 If your challenge involves handling very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on both small and large volumes of data are required, then NVivo is your answer. You can combine subtle analysis with linking, shaping, searching and modeling. Regardless of the type of data or the language it is in, NVivo is also ideal for team projects and research involving multiple methods. NVivo is perfect for academic, government and commercial researchers who need to organize and analyze complex qualitative data. It can be used for a wide range of methods, including network and organizational analysis, action or evidence-based research, discourse analysis, grounded theory, conversation analysis, ethnography, literature reviews, phenomenology and mixed methods research. Code and retrieve, Query your data, Graphical modeling, Table building, Import and code documents containing tables and images, Display and analyze relationships between people, processes and concepts. Web Site: – Supplier(s): QSR International Page 54 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Online Surveys : Data capture/ survey design program Price: Typical $15-$45, Sites: Web Based, Last change: 6/10/2003 Build web based surveys and questionnaires with your web browser and send to your participates via email for their participation. Web Site: – Supplier(s): OnTraq : Data management system Price: £1500 pa, Last change: 30/11/2004 OnTraq allows users to specify tabulations in a friendly spreadsheet environment. A solution to maintain questionnaires and data information in worksheet. OnTraq aims to handle all data types and allows users to automatically generate analysis from Triple-S files, ASCII, binary and other standard data formats. OnTraq makes the analysis of tracking studies much simpler by keeping questionnaire and data differences from data waves of a study in an easy to use spreadsheet environment. Web Site: – Supplier(s): MRDC Opinio : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $600, Last change: 20/5/2003 Opinio is a comprehensive system to create, publish, analyze and maintain surveys. Ease of use and simple installation makes it suitable to any organisation. Major features include: 1) Flexible survey design. 2) Advanced reporting. 3) Plugin architecture. 4) Multilanguage support. 5) High scalability. 6) Simple installation. 7) Web based administration. 8) Conditional branching & skip patterns. 9) Invitation handling. 10) Import/export. 11) ...and much more. Opinio offers complete control of survey design. All common question types, like multiple choice, rating/scale, lists, matrix/table etc, are pre-made and ready-to-use. In addition, you can customize the look & feel and input types to suit your needs down to the last detail. In addition to regular surveys, Opinio can provide the technology for essay tests, user registration, job application form, support form, etc. You can add your own functionality by writing additional modules. Start with the included examples, and customize the plugin to provide you with the features you need. Web Site: – Supplier(s): ObjectPlanet Inc. ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 55 Opinion Taker : Integrated survey Price: Pricing is based on responses only, Sites: 30 sites since its inception in summer 2001, Last change: 16/1/2002 system Opinion Taker is an exceptionally easy to use, inexpensive, yet sophisticated in - house method for the automatic design, transmission, reporting and analysis of surveys and questionnaires. No computing expertise is required. Once a survey has been designed no manual input is required and responses and the required reports can be viewed on line as they accumulate. Any number of unique surveys can be designed and running simultaneously, each with its own format, style, design, colour etc. The system is automatic, multi user, and can be provided as an annual hosted service requiring no hardware, or as an in - house package. Surveys can be designed for transmission over the Internet, your Intranet, and attachment to Web Pages or any permutation or combination of the above. A stand alone version is being released which will allow the download of a survey to a stand alone machine or laptop for areas with no network capability. The results would be uploaded on floppy or C.D. on a regular basis to the main system. A variety of options of the product are available for different marketplaces. Local Authorities and public bodies, NHS, Quality Assessment, Student Course and Module evaluation. The system provides a basic reporting system as standard (bar charts, percentages) but also provides an automatic on line download capability to spreadsheets and sophisticated analysis tools such as SPSS. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Net Weaver Ltd Origin Survey Manager : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £6500, Sites: 5, Last change: 18/5/2004 An intuitive tool for creating online surveys. Combines an easy to use web-based interface plus advanced features such as rich content, conditional routing and e-mail invitation management. Multiple page surveys; Customisable look and feel; Survey template library; Rich content; Question copy and paste; Friendly URLs; Complex question types; Conditional routing; Response capping; Sampling intervals; Response memory; Input validation; E-mail invitations Web Site: – Supplier(s): Madgex PASS : Data analysis program Price: $749.95, Sites: 5000, Last change: 6/12/2005 PASS is the leading package for performing power analysis and sample size calculations. No other package power analyzes more statistical procedures. Besides being very easy to use, the package includes extension documentation and software validation information. This program is used before the data are obtained to determine how large a sample is needed. Web Site: – Supplier(s): NCSS Patient Profiles : Data management system Price: €675, £450, Sites: 200, Last change: 23/11/2004 Designed to display individual patient data in a graphical format without programming or extensive data manipulation to get the data into the right format. It generates one page reports for each patient, integrating, history, adverse events, medications, efficacy variables and labs. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistical Solutions Ltd Patient Satisfaction Survey Database : Integrated survey Price: £1700, Sites: 8, Last change: 21/7/2003 system Our Patient Satisfaction Survey Database is supplied populated with the GPAS survey. It has been developed to enable Primary Care Trusts and individual General Practices to undertake a patient satisfaction survey as cost effectively as possible. It has a user-friendly interface and automatically calculates results, charts, graphs and reports. It will enable PCT’s to fulfil performance management requirements and individual Practices to fulfil the requirements of the new GMS and PMS contracts. is populated with the GPAS survey. Socio-Demographic, ScaleScore and Report item reports. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Interkonect Services UK Ltd Page 56 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary PerceptionStream : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £500, Sites: 3, Last change: 8/3/2004 Interactive web based perceptual mapping, with -Better graphics - to bring behavioural groups to life -Ability to save maps to build into documents -More interaction and analytical capabilities - analysis by subgroups/segments -More useable for less expert users Much of the data manipulation required for producing perceptual maps is done by the product - leaving marketers and decision takers free to browse, understand and act on insight. Perceptual maps offer probably the best way of graphically representing output from survey and statistical output which describe one variable or relations among others. Web Site: – Supplier(s): MarketStream polliscope : Integrated survey system Price: € 69, Sites: 350, Last change: 9/11/2005 polliscope is an efficient web-service which guides user of different experience through their own poll easily. It helps you to create, to publish and to record the poll's data. The results are analyzed with the embedded reporting-tool via Excel or SPSS after exporting the data. Web Site: – Supplier(s): sconox werbeagentur powerTABLE : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: Free, Sites: None, Last change: 13/10/2004 powerTABLE is a sophisticated data dissemination tool, providing end-users with the ability to view and manipulate both simple and hierarchically-structured data tables. The powerTABLE end-user interface supports the following features: - dimension pivoting - dimension filtering - selection/deselection of individual categories - drill-down/consolidation of hierarchical categories - category reordering - measure variable selection - reporting of descriptive statistics Web Site: – Supplier(s): jnetIQ Print & Scan : Integrated survey system Price: £2990, Sites: 500, Last change: 17/11/2004 Windows based High Speed Data Capture and Analysis Software for surveys, assessments, examinations and monitoring. The system allows users to design and distribute questionnaires either electronically or on paper using either a free form design section or the multi layered question- bank facility. Data is then captured for analysis using the Internet, Networks, Optical Mark Reading, Image Scanning or a combination of any of these technologies which makes the system the first of its type in the world to allow five different technologies to utilise a common platform for designing, printing/generating, linking and processing surveys, assessments, tests and exams technology for either internal data manipulation and analysis or export into other systems. Analysis can either be carried out using the structured query format, including comprehensive graphical outputs, or exported other packages such as SPSS, Excel etc. using either the TripleS format or flat ASCII file data. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Trax Uk Ltd Procevo : Integrated survey system Price: £1500, Sites: 50, Last change: 18/8/2005 Software for the design and analysis of surveys. A broad range of data collection methods allows surveys to be run on the Internet, face to face, over the telephone or through postal surveys. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Evolutia design Ltd. Prospex : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: £4020, Sites: 30+, Last change: 6/6/2003 Prospex is Beacon Dodsworth's market analysis GIS. A mapping and data analysis tool that gives the ability to compare, contrast, analyse and display data. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Beacon Dodsworth ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 57 P-Stat : Data analysis program Price: $995, Sites: n/a, Last change: 15/12/2005 P-STAT Version 2.23 revision 3 (August, 2005) P-STAT features TURF Analysis, stub-and-banner crosstabulation (weighting, ranking, true nets, unlimited respondents, statistics including significance tests), report-writing, data/file management techniques, full-screen data entry, and statistical analysis. P-STAT's full power lies in the ability to combine these features with MACROS and PPL (the P-STAT Programming Language) into full featured and easy to use business applications. These applications can be run as background batch processes or interactively in response to user queries. TURF stands for Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency. TURF is included in the P-STAT software program and is available for Intel PCs running Windows or Linux, Sun Solaris, and other U8IX workstations. How TURF works: You would like to know which group of 8 programs was reached by the largest number of respondents. A respondent is "reached" by a given group of programs if they watched at least one of the programs in the group. TURF, to find the best group, evaluates each of the 76.9 million combinations of 8 items taken from a pool of 40, and writes a file identifying the 100 best combinations. This takes about a minute on a 2.4GHz pc. Weighting can be applied to the cases, or to the response values, or to the items. The "being reached" criterion of one response can be increased. Adding options affects speed. The above one-minute run takes 12 minutes if case weights are used, and would take about 30 minutes if the other options are used. Reach and frequency are different measurements in TURF. The REACH score for a combination is the number of cases that have at least n positive responses on the variables in that combination. 8 is the reach threshold in use, which has a default setting of one. The FREQ score for a combination is, for the reached cases, normally the total number of positive responses on the variables in the combination. The response.weights option causes the FREQ score to be the sum of the positive responses. If a case indeed watched all eight programs in a group, the frequency count for that group would be increased by 8, but the reach count would only be increased by 1. If the input were hours watched rather than just watched or not, the response.weights option would sum the response values and thereby measure the impact of the combination. Features of P-STAT's TURF Analysis: Allows up to 210 items (i.e., variables) - Allows combinations of items up to size 60 - Allows several combination sizes to be done in one run - Allows tens of thousands of cases - Allows weighting of cases - Allows weighting of items - Allows weighting of responses; this allows the intensity of a response to be utilized - Allows setting a reach threshold of more than one - Allows forcing designated items into every combination - Allows limits on how many of a group of items can be placed in the combinations to be analyzed. Writes a template file for use by the TURF.SCORES command - Writes (in TURF.SCORES) the reach score for each case. Takes 3.1 seconds for 1,000 cases on 40 items, 6 at a time on a 2.4 GHz PC. This evaluates 3.838 million groups. Runs so rapidly that billions of combinations can be done. Takes 18.5 minutes for 1,000 cases on 100 items, 6 at a time on a 2.4 GHz PC. This evaluates 1.192 billion groups. 8ote: using all options would take about 9 hours. Shows the percent of combinations already processed in a progress window - Writes a detailed report when the command finishes. Visit to learn more about P-STAT's TURF Analysis, and to download the demo program. Web Site: – Supplier(s): P-STAT Pulsar : Data analysis program Sites: 30, Last change: 19/11/2004 Pulsar brings interactive data analysis to your desktop. Simple “drag-and-drop” actions are used to create table definition, charts and reports quickly and very effectively. Each set of analysis is stored as a self-contained project by Pulsar. Users can view and create tables, charts, filters, weights and new variables from one central project window. Pulsar also includes a powerful graphics package, enabling users to quickly turn tables into charts for a clearer view of identified trends. Pulsar has an open and flexible approach to data, allowing just about any data type to be presented in multidimensional tables and charts. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Page 58 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Pulsar Web : Data analysis program Sites: 23, Last change: 3/1/2006 Pulsar Web is a Web-based analytical tool for publishing survey data and allowing users, wherever they may be located in the world, to interact with the output to perform exploratory and/or additional analysis. All that users require is a Web browser, Internet access and a password to give them access to their centralised Pulsar Web projects. Simple “drag-and-drop” actions are used to create table definition, charts and reports quickly and very effectively. Users can view and create tables, charts, filters, weights and new variables. Pulsar Web also includes a powerful graphics package, enabling users to quickly turn tables into charts for a clearer view of identified trends. Pulsar Web has an open and flexible approach to data, allowing just about any data type to be presented in multi-dimensional tables and charts. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd PulseEFM : Integrated survey Price: system Pay-per-response pricing structure. Unlimited user accounts. 37 cents US per response, Sites: 25, Last change: 15/6/2006 For a more comprehensive list of features see the website. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulseware QDA Miner : Data analysis program Price: $695, Sites: 300, Last change: 15/8/2006 QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding textual data, annotating, retrieving and reviewing coded data and documents. The program can manage complex projects involving large numbers of documents combined with numerical and categorical information. QDA Miner also provides a wide range of text and coding retrieval as well as exploratory tools to identify patterns in codings and relationships between assigned codes and other numerical or categorical properties. Documents are stored in Rich Text Format and support font and paragraph formatting, graphics and tables. Documents may be edited at any time without affecting the existing coding. QDA Miner provides a unique integration with an advanced quantitative content analysis and text-mining module (WordStat) and with a statistical analysis software (Simstat), providing easy combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Provalis Research QDS : Data capture/ survey design program Price: Components from $295, Sites: 400, Last change: 29/11/2004 NOVA’s QDS™ (Questionnaire Development System) software is highly regarded in the industry as a user-friendly, competitively-priced research tool that allows for the rapid design and creation of complex research surveys and clinical trial forms (for computer, handheld and/or paper/pencil administration) without the high cost and lengthy time associated with hiring computer programmers. Web Site: – Supplier(s): NOVA Research Company ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 59 QEDML Designer : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $1000 USD, Sites: 10, Last change: 18/3/2004 QEDML Designer is a software solution that enables professional market researchers, educators, web site administrators, and business professionals to easily create and deploy high quality survey questionnaires, curriculum assessment tests, and data collection forms in a wide variety of languages across all of the commonly used data capture methodologies and platforms. QEDML Designer allows the user to quickly and easily build professional surveys and questionnaires by simply combining "intelligent" survey component building blocks either from a standard template, or from a library of pre-existing questionnaires. Once built, QEDML Designer allows the user to automatically generate professional looking survey questionnaires in a variety of document output formats such a Microsoft WORD, Adobe PDF, and HTML. QEDML Designer can also automatically generate questionnaire script files that allow the questionnaire to be deployed using Webbased, CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing) or CAPI (Computer Aided Personal Interviewing) systems for data collection or analysis. QEDML Designer is a truly global solution - a single questionnaire design can be rendered in multiple languages including double byte languages such as Chinese and Japanese; with each language variant being able to share the same design framework and code. All of the design code and language translations are stored within a single document, that can be easily edited using the QEDML Translation Editor utility, or any Unicode compatible text editor. QEDML Designer is built-on the XML open system standard platform, allowing it to integrate with a variety of other questionnaire and data analysis tools, and enabling questionnaire developers to easily extend the environment. The native file format for QEDML Designer is QEDML (Questionnaire Editing and Deployment Markup Language), an XML application that encodes the questionnaire design as text using simple, human readable XML tags. As a result, QEDML documents can be understood, interpreted and edited using standard (off-theshelf) text editors and XML applications. QEDML Designer implements a "Design Once, Deploy Anywhere" architecture. QEDML documents can be transformed using standard XSLT applications into a variety of output document types, enabling a questionnaire design created in QEDML to be used to automatically generate export scripts in a wide variety of common survey questionnaire scripting formats. QEDML Designer ships with a large number of script translators that support the most commonly used questionnaire deployment; and knowledgeable end-users are able to create their own custom script translations by modifying one of the standard XSLT document definition templates. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Philology QEDML Web Server : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $1000 USD, Sites: 1, Last change: 18/3/2004 QEDML Web Server is a companion product to QEDML Designer. Using QEDML Web Server, you can deploy a questionnaire encoded in QEDML as an online survey, and collect and analyse the results of the survey on the host web site. QEDML Web Server features respondent management, and online reporting of results in real time, all accessible through a web browser interface. QEDML Web Designer also allows you to download the results file as a fully formatted SPSS data file, or encoded as a text file suitable for uploading into a reporting database such as Microsoft Access. QEDML Web Server is packaged and sold separately to the QEDML Designer software. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Philology QPSMR : Integrated survey system Price: £499 p.a (QPSMR Insight), Sites: 450, Last change: 16/12/2005 QPSMR is the complete Windows software suite for processing and analysing research information. QPSMR Solo - easy to use software for customers who wish to process non-complex paper based surveys. QPSMR Insight - the complete research and analysis program for paper, diskette, e-mail and CAPI surveys. QPSMR CATI - for telephone interviewing. QPSMR Input - for data entry (paper, diskette, e-mail, CAPI). QPSMR Reflect - the end-user analysis software. QPSMR Telin - for data collection by telephone interview. Features include – - Questionnaire design - Telephone interviewing (CATI) - Personal interviewing (CAPI) - Diskette and e-mail surveys - Paper questionnaire data entry - Verification and editing - Summary reports - Quality tables - Powerful Command Language - Extensive import and export facilities - Excellent support and bureau services Web Site: – Supplier(s): QPSMR Limited Page 60 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Qualrus : Data analysis program Price: $699, Last change: 17/11/2003 Qualrus is a qualitative data analysis software tool. Its application in the survey area is in analysis of open-ended responses which may be difficult to quantify otherwise. Qualrus's unique features include support for text, as well as multimedia data, several analysis tools which allow the user to look at the data from different perspectives, powerful scripting language which gives low-level access to the data, and intelligent suggestions to faciliate the coding process. Coding can be further automated through the use of scripting. Coded data can be exported to comma-delimited file for further analysis. There are no hard limits on the size of the dataset. An open-ended question analysis example project, included in the free demo version, could be of particular interest to survey researchers. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Idea Works, Inc. QuestionPro : Integrated survey system Price: $200 - $1500, Sites: 6, Last change: 30/6/2003 An Integrated online service for Building Surveys, Collecting Data, and Viewing Results in real time, including TURF and Conjoint. Includes TURF and Conjoint Analysis Modules Web Site: – Supplier(s): QuestionPro Inc. Questor : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €100.000, Sites: 1, Last change: 9/7/2003 Questor™ suite (version 2.5) enables integrated treatment of paper and electronic questionnaires, and also other types of documents, written in PDF format. This means that data collectors can deliver questionnaires automatically in either paper or electronic format, as desired. Whole process is meta-data driven. Questionnaires can be parametrically created on demand and the treatment, collection and processing of data is based on a full interface which is created to be intuitive, friendly and powerful. The suite automates creation (QReator™), mass-personalized distribution (/collection) (QForm™, QOnline™) and administration (QAdmin™) of electronic or paper questionnaires. This significantly improves the whole process for respondents and data collectors by speeding it up and making it more user friendly. Electronic means of data reporting are becoming the norm in the world yet not all companies will be equipped for this in the near future. The costs involved in creating, distributing and administering electronic and paper questionnaires are constantly increasing. Any tool aimed at providing a cost effective, future proof and universal means of electronic data reporting must be scalable, upgradeable, open, connectable, flexible and platform independent. It has to satisfy the ever evolving needs of research teams by helping them to concentrate on research and not on the methods and procedures with which questionnaires will be created, designed, printed etc. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Qollective d.o.o. Raosoft EZSurvey : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $400+, Sites: 1000, Last change: 12/11/2004 Raosoft ® EZSurvey for the Internet is powerful software to help you gather questionnaire and feedback responses over a computer network. You can quickly write a form and broadcast it over your company email system or post it on your web server. With an email survey, your colleagues can reply to your email message, making their answers directly on the email form you sent. With a web server, you can let anyone use your form on the Internet, then view their responses on your own computer. Your data is compiled into EZSurvey's database. And with the EZSurvey Professional version you can also collect your data in XML, ASCII, or ODBC databases. If you need to conduct a survey of 10,000 or more people with online reporting, consider using Raosoft InterForm. Includes a database system, statistical analysis, and charts. So you can browse, sort, and analyze your data, without having to learn how to use a database! EZSurvey for the Internet is based around form design. As a reviewer wrote, "The questionnaire editor is simplicity itself." To add a question to your form, you click on the "Add Question" button, then type in your question. EZSurvey has 12 generic types of questions (write-in, multiple choice, etc.), and you can keep commonly used types in libraries for your convenience. The form you create in EZSurvey is saved in XML, and can be converted to HTML, sent as email, or even printed on paper. You can save your template styles and reuse them. You can send the same form as a hybrid text and HTML message. Replies can go to your mailbox, or to a special account that you set up for surveys. EZSurvey actually reads the answers from each message that is sent back to you, saving them directly to your database. Optionally, you can ensure that each person answers your survey only once. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Raosoft ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 61 Raosoft EZSurvey SMS : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $1000, Last change: 10/11/2004 With EZSurvey SMS, you can create an interactive survey, conducted on cellular phones using the Short Message Service. Conducts surveys on mobile phones. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Raosoft REDATAM : Data management system Price: Free, Sites: 97, Last change: 17/11/2003 Information System for Hierarchical Database Creation, Processing and Mapping It is a friendly and fast computer system designed for the management, processing and cartographic display of large hierarchical databases, such as population censuses, household surveys, agricultural censuses and any other source of information structured in a similar hierarchical form. Allows the combination of various data sources, the hierarchical data processing and the identification and selection of any geographical area defined by the user for statistical processing. Allows promotion of data from different levels of the hierarchical structure. It permits database access control. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CELADE REDATAM WEBSERVER : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: free, Sites: 8, Last change: 29/11/2004 Internet application that allows census and other socio-demographic data to be queried and processed by users in an interactive and dynamic way through the use of this WebServer. Also, it allows the creation of national and regional systems of indicators which make use of census information as well as other sources. Allows the dissemination of sensitive data with different security modes. It works together with the REDATAM package for the creation of the database. Outputs can be mapped. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CELADE Remark Office OMR : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $895, Sites: 20,000, Last change: 15/12/2005 Collect survey data and analyze the results with Remark Office OMR. This forms-processing software works with nearly all desktop scanners to reduce or eliminate manual data entry surveys, evaluations and other multiple choice forms. Uses OMR (optical mark recognition) technology to collect data from filled in bubbles or checkboxes. Also recognizes barcodes; collates double-sided, multi-page forms; grades tests and tallies surveys; produces 3D graphs and charts; exports to any spreadsheet, database or statistical package; recognizes low-quality images; supports online error correction; facilitates manual entry of scanned, handwritten comments; and features a batch mode for unattended data entry. Generates all standard statistics and interfaces with various third-party survey analysis and testing software packages. Create and print your own forms. Your plain paper forms can be created in any word processing application or survey design package.. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Principia Products Remark Web Survey : Data capture/ survey Price: design program $499 Standard version, $950 Professional version, Sites: 1500, Last change: 15/12/2005 Create, host and administer your own web surveys or other online forms. No HTML knowledge is needed. User Friendly point and click interface for designing web forms. Host the forms on your own website. No limitations on the number of surveys you can create or the number of responses you can obtain. Include branching/skip patterns, pause buttons, session timeouts and confirmation pages in your online forms. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Principia Products Report Direct : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: from £2000 pa, Last change: 10/11/2004 Report Direct is an ideal software for chart production in PowerPoint. It allows users to create chart from tabulations created in most leading tabulation package. With Report Direct, you can link data from tabulations to charts. Thus, charts will automatically refresh when particular tabulations change because of more/different data. This will be true even if the output file of tables changes. You can output charts to the style of your choice in either Excel or PowerPoint format. Report Direct is excellent for tracking studies as well as to show rolling periods. It is simple to use and it automates chart for PowerPoint presentation. Web Site: – Supplier(s): MRDC Page 62 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Resampling stats : Data analysis program Price: $299, Sites: 4000, Last change: 17/11/2003 Resampling Stats is the only statistical analysis package designed specifically for the “new statistics” of resampling (including bootstrapping and permutation procedures). Resampling methods have revolutionized the field of statistics, becoming the “treatment of first choice” for confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and assessing errors in estimates -- all the procedures used to determine the reliability of conclusions drawn from small samples. Resampling Stats' easy-to-use programming language lets you design resampling procedures to meet the needs of your problems. Resampling Stats is also available as an Add-In for Excel, or as a library for MATLAB. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Resampling Stats, Inc Research Reporter : Data management system Price: US$35000 pa, Sites: 30, Last change: 20/9/2006 Research Reporter is designed to help corporate market researchers leverage the power of their marketing knowledge, and extract more from market research resources. Fully web-based and simply configured, Research Reporter is a low cost information management solution for research buyers that can be easily understood and accepted by internal management, your team, and external suppliers, resulting in greater use of marketing information, tighter control over confidential documents, and improved efficiency across all marketing research functions. A Research library, with project and resource management capabilities for MRD's. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Insight Marketing Systems Rogator G4 : Integrated survey system Price: €1,250, Sites: 150, Last change: 9/11/2004 The G4 is a new version of Rogator's well established online survey software G3. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Rogator Software AG Rostock Survey Tool : Data capture/ survey design program Price: free, Last change: 12/11/2004 Rostock Survey Tool helps in creating online surveys (Web surveys) and forms, and is offered free and with open source. It can also be used as a Data Entry and CATI tool. Both English and German versions available Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mainz Sociology SAS/STAT : Data analysis program Price: Dependent on license, Sites: n/a, Last change: 30/11/2004 SAS/STAT software provides capabilities for survey sampling and analysis that enable you to select statistically valid samples and analyze data from complex sample surveys. SAS/STAT provides features for probability-based sample selection; sampling complex multistage designs that include stratification and clustering; calculating means, totals, proportions, domain statistics, ratios, and confidence intervals; and performing linear and logistic regression. SAS/STAT software is fully integrated with the rest of the SAS System, so you can easily access data from any source, perform data management, carry out statistical analyses, and then present your findings in a variety of reports and graphs - all within a single software environment. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SAS Institute Inc SC : Data analysis program Price: £350, Sites: 110, Last change: 18/12/2005 Statistical Calculator v2.04 (SC) is a programmable and extensible environment for data-analysis. It is supplied with over 570 built-in routines, written in C, and over 1160 external routines (macros) written in SC's own C-like language. It supports many recent robust, exploratory, graphical, exact, distribution-free and re-randomization methods, as well as many classical methods. There is a very extensive help system, including on-line tutorials. SC runs under Windows and Unix. As it is programmable, SC allows users to change many aspects of its behaviour to suit their own needs or the demands of a particular user group or teaching. environment. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mole Software ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 63 Self Coder : Data capture/ survey design program Price: 10p per use, Sites: 5, Last change: 6/12/2005 Occupation look up software designed specifically for on-line surveys and registration pages. The product is a web service that uses a highly optimised search engine to query a SQL Server database of 40,000 occupations. Data returned includes: income (adjusted by age, sex, region), industry, three digit SOC2000 (used by the census), and much more. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Fusion Software SENATE-Survey : Integrated survey system Price: Annual licence $5,000, Sites: 4, Last change: 28/6/2002 Software ENgine for Assessment, Testing and elearning -SENATE- has various modules, one of which is a Online Survey Engine. This module helps the user design their survey instrument, deploy or publish it on the web through our managed hosting service, and do some primary data analysis. The service is a managed hosted solution for the survey engine. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Blueshift SensorPro : Integrated survey system Price: $14,000, Sites: 25, Last change: 14/4/2004 SensorPro is designed specifically for non-technical users and allows you to create professional surveys in minutes - right from your desktop - Create surveys with an unlimited number of questions - Use the full range of question types including radio, Likert, checkbox and allocation - Employ dynamic questioning - Create professional looking surveys with customisable help & finish pages - Receive granular reporting right down to individual contact level - Download results into MS Excel for further analysis - Deploy your survey on a webpage or entirely within an email Web Site: – Supplier(s): Narragansett Technologies Simstat : Data analysis program Price: $495, Sites: > 2000, Last change: 15/8/2006 Simstat is an easy-to-use statistical software offering a wide range of statistics, intuitive data and output management features as well as its own scripting language. Simstat data file supports not only numerical and categorical data, dates and short alphanumeric variable but also documents variables allowing one to store in the same project file, responses to open-ended questions, interview transcripts, and even full reports. This feature allows one to apply statistical analysis on numerical and categorical data as well as content analysis and text mining features on textual variables using the WordStat add-on module. Moreover, the coexistence of numerical, categorical and textual data in the same data file gives the ability to explore relationships between numerical and textual variables or compare content categories between subgroups of individuals. A multivariate analysis module is also available for clustering, correspondence analysis, principal component analysis, principaleetc. Simstat data files are 100% compatible with QDA Miner, a qualitative data analysis software. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Provalis Research SIR : Data management system Price: £1675, Sites: 250, Last change: 29/11/2004 Relational Database Management System and Application Development System. Includes full relational and hierarchical database structures, query language, reporting language, interactive and batch data entry facilities, 4GL, analytical procedures and graphical application development utilities. VisualPQL lets you define your own menus system and dialogs as well as analyse and modify your data. Over 250 functions plus predefined procedures for tabulations, reports, graphics and export files. Supplier(s): SIR Pty Ltd snap Campus Edition : Integrated survey system Price: £1,695, Sites: 100, Last change: 27/1/2003 Fully integrated software package for teaching questionnaire design, data entry and analysis. Includes 10 student licences, each with own manual. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator Page 64 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary SNAP Internet module : Integrated survey system Price: £995, Sites: 760, Last change: 27/1/2003 Price: £295, Sites: 520, Last change: 27/1/2003 Web and email surveys Module for use with snap Professional Edition Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap Keystation Edition : Data capture/ survey design program Data entry Edition for extra input stations Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator SNAP Network Interviewing module : Data capture/ survey Price: £1,495, Sites: 100, Last change: 27/1/2003 design program CATI Module for multiple workstations, including features for quota control, together with rotation and randomisation of questions. For use with snap Professional of snap ProNet. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap PDA Interviewer Module : Data capture/ survey design Price: £895, Sites: 200, Last change: 27/1/2003 program PDA data collection Module (Win CE, Pocket PC) for use with snap Professional or snap ProNet An add-on module to provide mobile data collection via PDA devices Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap Professional Edition : Integrated survey system Price: £1,295, Sites: 3220, Last change: 27/1/2003 Fully integrated software package for questionnaire design, data entry and analysis. Modules extend snap's functionality and permit multiple use. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap ProNet Edition : Integrated survey system Price: £1,995, Sites: 700, Last change: 27/1/2003 Fully integrated software package for questionnaire design, data entry and analysis of web, email and paper surveys. A combination of the S8AP Professional package with the additional Internet module included Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator SNAP Results Edition : Integrated survey system Price: £445, Sites: 400, Last change: 27/1/2003 Analysis of results from snap generated surveys in the form of tables, graphics and statistics. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap Scanning Module : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £2995, Sites: 140, Last change: 27/1/2003 Module for scanning data from returned questionnaires generated in snap Professional Edition. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator snap SurveyPaks : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £195, Sites: 3200, Last change: 27/1/2003 snap SurveyPaks provide libraries of questions which can be used with snap. SurveyPaks cover Lifestyles & Demographics, Local Government, Best Value Performance Indicators, Human Resources, Customer Satisfaction, Travel & Tourism, and Sport & Leisure. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Mercator ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 65 SOLAS : Data analysis program Price: €1295, £880, Sites: 1000, Last change: 23/11/2004 SOLAS 3.0 provides a choice of both multiple imputation and single imputation approaches designed to accommodate a range of missing data scenarios in both longitudinal and single-observation study designs. The incorrect analysis of incomplete data can lead to biased analysis and incorrect inferences. SOLAS 3.0 provides researchers with the range of imputation approaches in an easy to use, validated software package that includes principled, informed solutions to the problems presented by incomplete data sets. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Statistical Solutions Ltd Sphinx : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €1450, Sites: 20,000, Last change: 27/12/2005 Easy to use and friendly software to design questionnaires, collect responses, and analyse data (statistics, qualitative, quantitative, typology, content analysis, etc.). For paper, CATI, web, scanner, PDA, interviews. For surveys, marketing, HR, quality, production, sales, research, etc. Software in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Sphinx S-Plus : Data analysis program Price: £2200, Sites: 200.000, Last change: 16/11/2003 Software for data analysis, data mining, graphics and programming Excel Integration, Interactive Java Graphics, Trellis Graphics Web Site: – Supplier(s): Insightful Corporation SPSS Base and Modules : Data analysis program Last change: 2/12/2004 SPSS Base provides you with a broad range of capabilities for the entire analytical process. With SPSS, you can generate decision-making information quickly using powerful statistics, understand and effectively present your results with highquality tabular and graphical output, and share your results with others using a variety of reporting methods, including secure Web publishing. All this enables you to make smarter decisions more quickly by uncovering key facts, patterns and trends. Other modules work with SPSS to provide additional analytical power to meet your specific needs, such as: SPSS Advanced Analytics, SPSS Complex Samples, and more. Works seamlessly with SPSS Inc.'s open Dimensions survey research platform. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys : Data analysis program Last change: 2/12/2004 SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys uses a combination of linguistic technologies and manual techniques to categorize responses to open-ended questions -- turning textual information into quantitative data. Then you export data as categories or dichotomies for further analysis in SPSS or Microsoft® Excel. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) SPSS WebApp : Presentation and Dissemination System Last change: 2/12/2004 SPSS WebApp Framework is a platform for quickly deploying custom Web applications that are powered by SPSS analytics. These analytical applications help solve business problems by putting interactive business insight in the hands of decision makers. SPSS WebApp applications are true thin-client—all that users need is a Web browser and a connection to the Internet or their intranet. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SPSS Inc. (UK) STAR® : Data analysis program Sites: 40, Last change: 4/12/2003 STAR® is a comprehensive batch tabulation package for the DP professional. It includes modules for defining, processing, viewing, editing and printing tables, all instantly available from one simple, interactive menu. At the heart of STAR® is a highly productive engine for processing long batch runs. STAR's high capacity means that tables with hundreds or even thousands of analysis points across or down a page are a reality, and there is no limit to the number of tables you can specify in a run. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd Page 66 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Stata : Data analysis program Price: $1295, Last change: 21/7/2005 Stata is a fully integrated statistical package providing complete data analysis, data management, and graphics in a point-andclick environment and a consistent, programmable language. Stata's extensive statistical features are used in medical research, biostatistics, epidemiology, social sciences, econometrics, political science, sociology, psychology, financial analysis, business, science, and other disciplines. Web Site: – Supplier(s): StataCorp LP Statistica : Data analysis program Price: $1585, Last change: 22/11/2002 STATISTICA offers the largest selection of general and specialized statistical and graphical methods in a single software package. Analyses are fully integrated with a wide selection of presentation-quality graphics, providing unparalleled harmony between statistical and data visualization techniques. STATISTICA includes not only general-purpose statistical and graphical procedures but also features hundreds of advanced analytic procedures, including the most comprehensive selection of linear and nonlinear modeling tools available. Even more specialized analytical tools such as STATISTICA Neural Networks and STATISTICA Power Analysis are also available (as stand-alone or companion products). STATISTICA Industrial/SPC Solutions include STATISTICA Quality Control Charts, STATISTICA Process Analysis, and STATISTICA Design of Experiments, which form a comprehensive set of products for quality control and improvement applications, available as individual modules or a complete package. STATISTICA QC Charts (stand-alone or add-on) is a fully customizable quality control charting application that offers a complete set of QC tools, including prompts for causes/action, alarms notifications, analytic brushing, and various advanced methods of analysis (real-time gage and connectivity options available). STATISTICA Process Analysis (add-on) includes a comprehensive selection of procedures for computing process capability indices, gage repeatability and reproducibility, Weibull analysis, sampling plans and more. STATISTICA Design of Experiments (add-on) provides design and analysis of experimental designs (DOE) for industrial settings and the largest selection of DOE techniques available (2 k-p, response surface, mixtures, 3 k-p, optimal design, and many others). STATISTICA DOE includes a large selection of visualization and other analytic techniques including powerful desirability profilers, and extensive residual statistics. StatSoft also offers reliable, high performance, multi-user software systems -STATISTICA Enterprise-wide SPC System (SEWSS) and STATISTICA Enterprise-wide System (SENS). STATISTICA Enterprise Systems offer groupware functionality and efficient management of large amounts of data. Supplier(s): StatSoft Inc. STATISTICA Data Miner : Data analysis program Price: contact StatSoft, Last change: 20/11/2002 STATISTICA Data Miner offers the most comprehensive selection of data mining solutions on the market, with an iconbased, extremely easy-to-use user interface (optionally Web browser based via WebSTATISTICA) and a deployment engine. It features a selection of completely integrated, and automated, ready to deploy "as is" (but also easily customizable) specific data mining solutions for a wide variety of business applications. A designated SPC version (QC Miner) to mine/analyze large streams of QC data is also available. The product is offered optionally with deployment and on-site training services. Web Site: – Supplier(s): StatSoft Inc. STATISTICA QC Miner : Data analysis program Price: contact StatSoft, Last change: 20/11/2002 STATISTICA QC Miner is a powerful software solution designed to monitor processes, and identify and anticipate problems related to quality control and improvement with unmatched sensitivity and effectiveness. STATISTICA QC Miner integrates all quality control charts, process capability analyses, experimental design procedures, and Six Sigma methods with a comprehensive library of cutting-edge techniques for exploratory and predictive data mining. Web Site: – Supplier(s): StatSoft Inc. Statistix : Data analysis program Price: $695, Sites: 30,000, Last change: 9/11/2004 Statistix is an easy-to-use, inexpensive statistical analysis program designed for researchers. It offers regression, analysis of variance, nonparametric tests, time series, survival analysis, and SPC charts. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Analytical Software ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 67 StatPac for Windows : Integrated survey system Price: $495, Sites: 3,100, Last change: 29/11/2004 A professional survey and analysis package for marketing research. The software includes everything needed for processing questionnaires from start to finish, including survey design, sample selection, interviewing, data entry, CATI, internet surveys, email surveys, and basic statistics with outstanding crosstab and banner tables. The package also includes frequencies, descriptive statistics, t-tests, correlations, and automatic coding of open-ended responses. An advanced multivariate statistics module is available. Special options make it easy to customize the appearance of the reports to your needs including extended labeling for the variables. StatPac for Windows offers batch and interactive processing making it efficient for large and small projects. It comes with a complete tutorial so it's easy to learn and use. All reports are standard word processing documents so you can quickly exchange data and tables with other programs. Web survey module $495 Basic analyses/tabulation module $695 Advanced multivariate analyses module $495 A ten-user license that includes all three modules is $2495 Web Site: – Supplier(s): StatPac Inc StatXP : Data analysis program Price: £1240, Sites: 50+, Last change: 11/5/2004 Windows software for data analysis, cross-tabulation and statistics Web Site: – Supplier(s): Voxco StudyResult : Data analysis program Price: $ 69, Sites: 2, Last change: 3/5/2003 StudyResult 1.0 is a program for analysis of any parameter in the calculation of p-values or confidence intervals based on summary statistics. It can be used to calculate supplementary results and parameter estimates in publications. When the sample size has been determined for a study, the software calculates the result needed for a significant result. The calculated parameters are presented as a single value or in a table or graph grouped by the values of two other parameters. It includes the most common tests and statistical distributions. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CreoStat HB StudySize : Data analysis program Price: $79, Sites: 1, Last change: 6/4/2002 StudySize 1.0 is a program for statistical power and sample size calculation. It includes the most common tests, point estimates and confidence intervals. Any parameter may be calculated (not only power or sample size) and can be presented as a single value or in a table or graph grouped by the values of two other parameters. Multiple windows make it easy to compare sample size for different tests and/or confidence intervals. Includes group sequential designs, both based on p-values for tests and on the width of confidence intervals. Estimates of the actual significance level and power as well as the actual confidence level (coverage probability) and the probability of the width for confidence intervals can be calculated when large sample approximation formulas are not adequate. The program is a planning tool for sample size calculation when designing a trial. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CreoStat HB SumQuest : Integrated survey system Price: $495, Sites: 5,000, Last change: 28/6/2002 SumQuest Version 7.0 can fully process web, email, mail, telephone or personal interview surveys. It produces frequency distributions, crosstabulations and the CellSearch report. The CellSearch feature searches through hundreds of crosstabulations and reports only those observations that are statistically significant. SumQuest can import/export the questionnaire, response data and reports to spreadsheet, disk and word processors. The software is highly user-friendly and can be learned in one or two hours. Please visit for more information. Web Site: – Supplier(s): SumQuest Survey Software SuperSTAR : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: poa, Sites: 50, Last change: 15/8/2003 Advanced statistical tabulation, processing and analysis and Internet dissemination This is an advanced data manipulation and dissemination package used by leading statistical agencies Supplier(s): Space-Time Research Page 68 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Survent : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $380 per month, Sites: >200, Last change: 25/6/2002 Industry-standard setting phone sample management module combined with flexibility to facilitate the most complex requirements for any CATI job. Can be designed for use as validating, data-entry, coding, and other custom applications as well. Can automatically create variable definition files for various competetive packages like SPSS, SAS, Quantum, etc., should the user be using some other package for data analysis at the back-end. Web Site: – Supplier(s): CfMC Survey Budgeting System : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 2, Last change: 17/11/2003 The program calculates survey budgets based on certain factors input by the user. It allows the user to answer "what if" questions by changing the values of a set of survey design and data collection factors and assumptions. It incorporates survey design parameters (e.g. stratified sample sizes/sampling rates), CATI operational factors (e.g. incidence/hit rates, call throughput, etc.), and unit cost factors (e.g. pay rates for survey personnel, materials, eqpt, etc.). The output is a series of budget worksheets that can be broken down by month, year, cost heading, and individual items categories. This is a working prototype that works for CATI data collection methods. Future plans include: incorporating other data collection methods, and rewriting the system in a standard programming language. To the best of our knowledge, there is no commercially available survey budgeting software of this type. This is a sorely overlooked area of survey operations. Supplier(s): Brian James Survey Explorer : Data analysis program Sites: 1500, Last change: 13/6/2001 An interactive data analysis and presentation tool with the power to transform research data, historical data or customer satisfaction data into knowledge. Using Survey Explorer you will be able to turn that knowledge into understanding. Vast amounts of data can be summed up in an instant and presented to you with the clarity of a chart or a simple table. How can you take decisions about the future when you do not even know what it happening right now? Survey Explorer enables you to concentrate on the facts instead of relying on best guesses. Once you experience the insights gained from just a few simple mouse clicks in Survey Explorer, you will find it impossible to reach any important decision without using it to check your facts first. Organisations who have a need to analyse large amounts of data can, for the first time, deliver results in an interactive format specially tailored to their requirements. General - Accepts data with unlimited number of responses and questions or criteria - Calculate results instantly - Search question text to locate specific qestions - Calculate means and sums for numerical variables - Sort the responses numerically, by weight or alphabetically in ascending or descending order Charting and Tabulation - Produce Bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, compass (relative frequency) diagrams, area graphs, brand usage diagrams and box and whisker diagrams - Add or nest questions on rows or columns to produce tables with 3, 4, 5 or higher dimensions - Click and drag option to move row or column headers for table recalculation - Perform the Chi-square Test and the Test of - ProportionsCustomise chart appearance to your own preferences - Save views for future use - Print tables and charts - Cut and paste as pictures to Excel, Word or PowerPoint - Cut and paste live table data into Excel Supplier(s): Memphis International Ltd Survey Galaxy : Data capture/ survey design Price: Per survey price starting at £6+VAT, program Sites: N/a, Last change: 16/9/2004 Rapidly create professional looking surveys and questionnaires for deployment on the Internet. Fast and easy to use, no software to purchase or download. Detailed results information provided in downloadable format for input into other analysis programs. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Survey Galaxy Ltd ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 69 SurveyGold Standard Edition : Integrated survey system Price: $149, Sites: 4000+, Last change: 19/10/2003 A complete software system for building and then administering surveys and analyzing their results. It is ideal for individuals, academic institutions and organizations that need to quickly create and conduct exams or surveys over the web, over the phone or with a printed questionnaire form. It provides point-and-click features that make collecting and reviewing results quick and easy. Full support for automated test scoring is included. Newly introduced SurveyGold Professional Edition version 7.0 enables surveys to be authored by a Pro user and then distributed to other Pro or Standard edition users. Professionally formatted reporting is available via an automated interface to Microsoft Word. Reporting is also available in HTML format. Built-in spell-checker is provided. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Golden Hills Software Inc. Survey Manager - Encuestas Online : Integrated survey Price: ask for information, Sites: --, Last change: 24/11/2006 system Survey Manager v1.3 – Allows companies to create surveys, distribute them via e-mail, collect responses and analyze the results with web statistics. This software is distributed from Barcelona (Spain) and commercialized in Spanish, but the surveys can be published in several languages. We provide spanish companies with the most reliable software and services for b2b and in-company online market research. La aplicación Survey Manager de Netquest le permite utilizar internet para todas las fases de la investigación online, desde la programación del cuestionario al análisis de resultados. Survey Manager está instalado en servidores de alto rendimiento en un centro tecnológico de Barcelona, y lo utilizan empresas españolas para estudios de mercado, evaluaciones de calidad, encuestas internas, etc. Netquest también proporciona servicios de Panel Online desde España. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Netquest Surveyor : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $499, Sites: 200+, Last change: 28/6/2002 Surveyor is a fully web based survey application that enables you to produce and publish surveys and questionnaires on the Internet or your intranet in minutes using a regular web browser. Web Site: – Supplier(s): ObjectPlanet Inc. SurveyPro 3.0 : Integrated survey system Price: $1195 (base program), $595 Web plug-in, Sites: 11,000, Last change: 14/11/2003 Apian SurveyPro is a comprehensive software tool for designing and managing surveys. Quickly and easily design polished questionnaires using automated layout tools with pre-built scales - or create your own. Analyze responses with tools ranging from basic frequencies to complex cross-tabulations. Create professional reports with coloured tables, pie charts, bar graphs and more. Expand SurveyPro’s data collection capabilities with plug-ins for Web and electronic surveys. SurveyPro and its plug-ins 8etCollect (Web), DirectCollect (Kiosk/e-mail/phone), KeyCollect (volume data entry) let you create surveys for nearly every media. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Apian Software Survey Quick : Integrated survey system Sites: 1, Last change: 4/11/2003 The fastest survey tool on the web! Features include a Survey Wizard, SpreadSheet Reports and Mass Mails! Different types of questions like radio buttons, dropdown box, input text etc. Piecharts are available. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Ascendus Page 70 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary Survey Solutions : Data capture/ survey design program Price: POA, Last change: 14/11/2005 - process designed to improve the structure and flow of information feedback in an organisation. - It can be used on its own or as part of a larger project - several versions - also offer fully customised solutions - SWOT Survey available - Survey takes this traditional method to a new level by asking for the 'why' behind the rating: - An add-on questionnaire allows analysis of pre-set related areas - Demographic information allows analysis by respondent groupings - Rated questions yield quantitative measurable results - The participants give reasons for their ratings - open-ended answers are linked with ratings on three scales - on-line and paper-based methods - processed into a custom database; a range of analysis can then be performed Web Site: – Supplier(s): Consulting Tools Ltd SurveySolutions : Integrated survey system Price: from $995, Sites: 7000, Last change: 28/12/2005 SurveySolutions Product Family: - SurveySolutions Standard – Allows end-users to quickly create surveys, post them to the Web or distribute them via e-mail, collect responses automatically, analyze the results and produce effective and stylish presentations instantly. This awardwinning software utilizes a word processor for questionnaire design and stores survey results in an MS Access Database. - SurveySolutions Professional – Offers all the capabilities as SurveySolutions for the Web but adds the ability to conduct multi-page surveys with advanced branching, skipping and piping techniques. In addition to web and email surveys, also allows end-users to conduct personal, telephone, paper and disk-by-mail surveys. - SurveySolutions 6 Enterprise is the latest edition of the award-winning survey software used to conduct web-based surveys. SurveySolutions Enterprise includes all of the features of SurveySolutions Professional but adds the ability to leverage the strategic value of your survey results by enlisting the power of your organizations SQL server-side database. The ideal solution for organizations that require more control, security and information management capabilities. This software package offers the SurveySolutions Portal, an optional add-on feature allowing you to access, analyze and administer your surveys from anywhere. - MobileSurvey is a handheld survey application that enables the mobile collection and processing of information using a unique combination of handheld technology and real-time reporting and analysis. It is used by data collectors to streamline the process of gathering research from the field. Deployed on PocketPC or Palm OS compatible devices, it offers the speed of electronic collection in the convenient form factor of a handheld device, while offering the power of an online survey. SurveySolutions Enterprise Services – The Enterprise Service combines Perseus' award winning software and research experience to deliver a comprehensive integrated web-survey research solution. The Enterprise Service delivers a combined solution of desktop survey design tools, web-based analysis and reporting services, research consulting support, technical support services, and access to research information, resources and training. This is a customized service and is licensed on an annual subscription basis. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Perseus Development Corporation, Perseus Development Corporation UK SYSTAT : Data analysis program Price: £850, Sites: 100000, Last change: 24/6/2003 SYSTAT is a high value, integrated desktop statistics and graphics software package for Scientists, Engineers, and Statisticians that provides the most extensive selection of reliable statistics and high quality, interactive graphics at its price point, enabling customers to analyze their data, make meaningful discoveries, and present their results more efficiently than any other statistics or graphics tool. Spatial statistics, Mapping, HLM, Power analysis Web Site: – Supplier(s): Systat Software UK limited SySurvey : Data capture/ survey design program Price: Cost based on number of units used, Sites: Centrally hosted, Last change: 23/5/2002 This powerful suite of tools offers the user complete solutions for undertaking pop-up web-based online surveys, employee satisfaction questionnaires, retrieving marketing intelligence and feedback, recognising training requirements, deploying customer relationship management strategies, carrying out traditional research such as omnibus opinion polls, print and banner advertising pre-testing, and voting and elections. Action-based questions (where documents are automatically sent based upon a respondent's response) Pre-populated surveys Web Site: – Supplier(s): Syclick ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 71 Tables Direct : Presentation and Dissemination System Price: from £1000 pa, Last change: 10/11/2004 Tables Direct is a solution that delivers high quality formatted tables in Excel and other Office products. It allows users to customize and predefine their outputs such as use of colours/formatting/fonts to enhance their outputs. If there is a need to run the same report for the next 6 months with the same colour format for certain fields/headings/rows, Tables Direct is a solution. Customize and predefine outputs Web Site: – Supplier(s): MRDC Team360 : Integrated survey system Price: $3000, Sites: 15, Last change: 6/12/2005 The Enterprise version is the most comprehensive tool for learning and development. The software helps in leadership assessment, 360 degree feedback solution besides an integrated easy to use learning management system. The Student version of Team360 is the world's most flexible student team skills assessment platform. Using this product, faculty members can allow for student team peer evaluations. More importantly, student collaboration skills can be tracked across time periods and courses. Scale Library, Global Survey Library and Mass Mailer. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Ascendus TeleForm : Data capture/ survey design program Price: £5,700, Sites: 14,500, Last change: 17/1/2005 Automated Data Capture from Paper & Electronic forms using ICR/OCR/OMR technology. High volume Web and EDI versions also available. Supplier(s): ePartner Consulting TextGrab : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €500, Sites: 3, Last change: 14/12/2005 Textgrab is a program that grabs the text of a whole web site or parts of it and prepares the text for the processing with text analysis software like TextQuest. TextGrab saves you a lot of editing work, and it also removes HTML-tags if necessary. Text analysis software for downloading texts from websites Web Site: – Supplier(s): Social Science Consulting TEXTPACK : Data capture/ survey design program Price: € 100, Sites: 600, Last change: 19/11/2003 Text Analysis, Content Analysis, text exploration (e.g. word frequencies, KWIC lists, Word comparison, concordances, etc.) automatic coding based on a user defined dictionary, exporting codes for use in statistical systems (SPSS, SAS). Originally designed for the analysis of open ended questions in surveys, TEXTPACK has been extended over the years to cope with many aspects of computer aided text analysis and most of content analysis. The current version includes options to allow faster and easier analyses as well as validation and reliability studies. The majority of the procedures in TEXTPACK assist the user in exploring and editing texts; two procedures are designed for purely quantitative analysis. In the area of computer aided content analysis, TEXTPACK is suitable both for analysis with a strict dictionary approach and for empirical approaches. In addition, and as a major advantage, TEXTPACK contains special-purpose procedures which allow you to categorize/classify/tag any kind of text according to so called "content analytic dictionaries". The process of text classification is the goal of TEXTPACK and, thus, all other procedures function as service procedures which help to browse, to print a text file, to develop and validate a dictionary, and, most importantly, to help you to use the final numeric output, for example frequencies of categories, with statistical packages like SPSS or SAS for further quantitative or logical analyses. Of course, TEXTPACK can also be used simply for word frequencies, concordances, vocabulary comparison - without the goal of automatically categorizing the text. Web Site: – Supplier(s): ZUMA Page 72 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary TextQuest : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €400, Sites: more than 100 world wide, Last change: 14/12/2005 TextQuest (tm)2.0 is a program that is mainly used for computer aided content analysis and readability analysis using formulas. Version 2.0 was released in November 2005. Features are: - content analysis with interactive coding, negation detection, powerful definitions of search patterns (not just single words but word co-occurences), complete validity control using rapport files; 13 standardised category systems are included - readability analysis with currently 68 formulas for 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish). - word lists sorted by alphabet ascending or by frequency descending, also for phrases - KWIC (key word in context) with variable line length - style analysis using growth of TTR (type token ratio) TextQuest is currently available in English and German, version 1.9 also in Spanish. text analysis package Web Site: – Supplier(s): Social Science Consulting TPL Tables : Data analysis program Price: £800+, Sites: 150, Last change: 16/12/2005 Cross tabulations showing counts, standard and bespoke statistical functions, median, percentiles. Outstanding camera-ready presentation; colour and shading. Footnotes in labels and cells. GUI for table creation and output presentation. Table creation directly from relational Db (eg Access, Oracle..) via ODBC link. Any computable statistic (eg Std Error of median) can be included in tables. Handles repeating groups in data. Rows of a table can be ranked on the values in a column, to show top n rows, then "all the rest" grouped together. Web Site: – Supplier(s): STS TSP 4.5 : Data analysis program Price: $900, Sites: 2500, Last change: 14/11/2003 TSP is a complete language for the estimation and simulation of econometric models. It features easy-to-use, free-format command and data input, all the standard econometric estimation methods, such as OLS, Instrumental Variable, Non-linear Systems Estimation, Generalized Method of Moments, FIML, LIML, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Qualitative Dependent Variable Models, ARIMA, Kalman Filter, ARCH, and other time series techniques. The program has flexible data transformation with many built-in functions and matrix algebra. TSP is a world-wide standard for econometric estimation. Although TSP was originally and continues to be developed primarily by economists, there is nothing in its design limiting it to econometric time series (it can be cross section or panel). Any data consisting of repeated observations of the same variable for different units may be analyzed with TSP. Web Site: – Supplier(s): TSP International TSS - The Survey System : Integrated survey system Price: £450, Sites: 5,000 +, Last change: 9/12/2005 The Survey System is the pre-eminent software package for organisations who are conducting quantitative and qualitative surveys. The Survey System enables you to conduct web-surveys, paper based surveys, CATI and PDA surveys at affordable prices. The Survey System is a professional and advanced product which allows you to analyse the data collected at a high level. for a checklist please go to Web Site: – Supplier(s): Creative Research Systems, Danesoft ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 73 Unistat : Data analysis program Price: £700, Sites: 5000, Last change: 2/12/2003 A comprehensive stand-alone statistical package that can also be used as an Excel add-in. Unistat combines ease of use of Excel with a broad range of powerful data analysis procedures and presentation quality scientific graphics that have never been available to Excel users before. Statistics procedures include parametric and nonparametric tests, linear, nonlinear, logit, probit, logistic and Cox regressions, ANOVA, GLM, multivariate, time series, reliability, survival analyses and quality control. UNISTAT Light edition for Excel has all advanced 2D/3D scientific graphics features of the unlimited product. It also features the full suite of parametric, nonparametric and goodness of fit tests, ANOVA, general linear model, post-hoc tests, linear regression with model building facilities and sample size and power procedures. With these features, UNISTAT Light is probably still one of the most comprehensive statistics add-ins for MS Excel and offers exceptional value for money. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Unistat Ltd Vector : Data analysis program Price: £20,000 per server, Sites: 2, Last change: 19/1/2004 Vector is a sophisticated web analysis product. The "off the shelf" version gives you cross-tabulation and graphics. Through customising the compoenents we can build automated reporting systems and business specific report delivery in areas such as finance and automotive. Two- or three-dimensional tables Filtering, with easy visual definition Multiple or nested variables in breaks Weighted or unweighted tables Wide range of presentation options Summary and descriptive statistics Grid tables can present question grids as a single table Save definitions as queries and re-run on demand Batch mode for regular or scheduled reporting Customisable look and feel Web Site: – Supplier(s): Cobalt Sky Ltd : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: Online portal on membership basis, Last change: 15/11/2002 is an online survey and feedback services portal which enables businesses, consultants and individuals to obtain feedback in a structured format over the Internet from their targeted constituents. The user of this Internet service can create surveys and feedback questionnaires, make the surveys web enabled, monitor the progress of the survey on real time basis and finally download the data for further off line processing, if required. Instead of specially programming for user feedback, now you can use the functionality of to obtain feedback from your target audience quickly, efficiently and economically. The Basic Service is free and we can offer you economical & attractive prefrential rates for the use of the paid service. Web Site: – Supplier(s): InSync Software Video Survey Software : Integrated survey system Price: $850, Last change: 23/1/2006 Clipstream™ Video and Audio universal streaming software allows the delivery of secure, pre-release and sensitive survey content, reduce dropout rates and minimizing suspends. No Plug-in, no download, easy to prepare and even easier for web visitors to just “Click and Play”. Clipstream™ has powered many hundreds of online video surveys in the past 6 years for leading Market Research companies worldwide! Web Site: – Supplier(s): Clipstream Page 74 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary ViewsCount : Data capture/ survey design program Last change: 1/11/2006 ViewsCount is used across many sectors to support areas of market research, public consultation, for customer feedback, measuring employee satisfaction etc. As an online resource, ViewsCount is available 24 x 7. ViewsCount enables you to build your online survey, collect your responses and analyse survey results. Key Features include: • Unlimited surveys • Up to 100 questions per survey • Unlimited responses • Wizard-based administration facilities • web-based and easy to use - no programming skills required • Online reporting and analysis, with real time feedback • Wide range of configuration options – question types, layout and styling options • Free support - full access to telephone and e-mail • Free software upgrades • Full hosting and support service • Survey personalisation - use your survey results to personalise later questions • Share survey designs and results with colleagues • Choice of design templates available • Onscreen validation and preview Available for a free 30 day trial, Professional or Enterprise version. ViewsCount is licensed under a flexible per response pricing model, starting at 18 pence per response. ViewsCount is part of a range of web based software solutions and services provided by Scientia Solutions Limited. For further information on Scientia Solutions Limited - please see Web Site: – Supplier(s): Scientia Solutions Limited ViewSuite360 : Data capture/ survey design program Price: POA, Last change: 14/11/2005 - complementary suite of off-the-shelf 360º feedback assessment tools. - designed for individuals and teams at all levels within an organisation - ideal for running 360º feedback assessment projects in-house. - branded with your logo(s) regardless - no-set up or hosting fees, simply pay per participant that you put through. - innovative internet scoring system or in conjunction with our Windows® based software for hand entry. - we can handle the project for you through our support service or provide you with access to the on-line system and/or software. - Bar or Line graphs and Actual or Normed scores. - Reports highlight strengths and developments, provide development plans and coaching guides. - also allows feedback of results to individuals via software - facilitators providing feedback can have the software installed on a laptop and rather than show all data at once users have the ability to bring up results in a staged process. - EmotionalIntelligenceView360 - ExecutiveView360 - LeaderView360 - ManagerView360 - PerformanceView360 - TeamView360 Web Site: – Supplier(s): Consulting Tools Ltd Visual QSL : Data capture/ survey design program Sites: 200, Last change: 26/12/2005 Visual QSL is Pulse Train’s interactive, easy-to-use questionnaire design package. It allows the user to produce surveys for CATI, CAPI, paper and Web interviewing using Pulse Train's Bellview® data collection products. The package also includes built-in modules for testing and translating scripts. The product can be extneded to link to external tools using automation scripting. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Pulse Train Ltd ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 75 Vitalnet : Data analysis program Price: Depends on the population of the area, Sites: General web access for several US states, Last change: 29/11/2004 Vitalnet is a comprehensive, integrated system for linking and analyzing large, complex data sets. An agency or other data owner licenses Vitalnet to analyze and disseminate the data. Examples of data sets include birth, death, population, cancer registry, and inpatient. Web Site: – Supplier(s): EHDP WARP-IT : Data capture/ survey design program Price: €13000, Sites: 9, Last change: 14/4/2003 The WARP-IT (WEB AIDED RESEARCH PROCESS INTEGRATION TOOLS) system integrates three independent, but inter-connected integrated computer tools, which support and integrate research process: - WEB CATI: interviewing tool (CATI, CAWI, CAPI, PAPI) - WEB RECODE: tool for arranging (re-coding) verbatims of answers to open-ended questions - WEB TABLES: tool for tabular data-processing and distribution of research data over the Internet. Individual packages are also available. Web Site: – Supplier(s): RMplus d.o.o. WebMine : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $250 pm, Sites: 100+, Last change: 15/12/2005 XML-Based Architecture. Easy to build web-based surveys, with intuitive interface for branching. Facilitates team decision-making with an AHP pairwise comparison webtool. Builds a KANO survey which provides a means to better understand what will make your customers say WOW about your products. Proposal Generator for building auto-custom proposals on the fly. Numerous reports, including Dashboard reports. KJ Method affinity process, Filtering by any single or multiple survey response (great for HR to filter through capabilities); Multivariate assessments (great for internal Sarbanes-Oxley assessments and ISO assessments); KA8O wow factors; and AHP ranking. Web Site: – Supplier(s): IDEACore, LLC WebSTATISTICA : Data analysis program Last change: 20/11/2002 WebSTATISTICA is the ultimate enterprise system that offers the full Web enablement, including the ability to run STATISTICA interactively or in batch from a Web browser on any computer (including Linux, UNIX), offload time consuming tasks to the servers (using distributed processing), use multi-tier Client-Server architecture, manage projects over the Web, and collaborate "across the hall or across continents." Supplier(s): StatSoft Inc. WebSurveyor : Data capture/ survey design program Price: $449, Sites: 4000, Last change: 26/5/2004 As the leader in do-it-yourself online survey solutions, WebSurveyor helps organizations survey the people who matter most. WebSurveyor’s online survey tools, along with educational resources and a dedicated team of advisors help decision-makers survey their customers, prospects, and employees. Web Site: – Supplier(s): WebSurveyor Winsteps : Data analysis program Price: $195, Sites: 900, Last change: 9/12/2005 Construction of linear latent variables from ordinal (dichotomous and polytomous) observations by means of Rasch analysis. "Ministep" is the free student/evaluation version. The sister "Facets" program adjusts for rater leniency/severity. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Winyaps : Data management system Price: £1000, Sites: 50 Winyaps Pro sites. 2000+ Readers., Last change: 5/7/2004 Converts fixed font tables into presentation quality format for electronic storage and distribution. Offers many "reader" functions for browsing tables and a gateway to Word, HTML and Excel (including formatted Excel tables). Winyaps Pro converts the fixed font tables. Winyaps Reader is free and allows browsing of converted tables. Table formatting using proportional fonts to fit paper size. Web Site: – Supplier(s): Cobalt Sky Ltd Page 76 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register – Package Summary XLMiner : Data analysis program Price: $999, Sites: 230, Last change: 6/12/2005 Data mining in Excel: XLMiner is the only comprehensive data mining add-in for Excel, with neural nets, classification and regression trees, logistic regression, linear regression, Bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbors, discriminant analysis, association rules, clustering, principal components, more … Web Site: – Supplier(s): Resampling Stats, Inc XLStatistics : Data analysis program Price: A$30 (free full evaluation), Sites: 50, Last change: 22/1/2004 A set of Microsoft Excel workbooks for statistical analysis of data. The workbooks are designed to guide analyses by having separate workbooks for handling data with different numbers and types of variables. Features - Easy to use. To analyze data simply identify the type (numerical or categorical) of variables - there is a corresponding XLStatistics workbook that contains the appropriate analyses. - Good for fast exploratory work. Variable selection is easy and all calculations and charts are updated automatically; "dirty" data with blanks and/or comments is handled - Unlimited (up to what Excel allows) number of cases in data - On-line help - Easy data entry - copy or link to your data to the analysis workbook. - Can be run using a launch-pad or swap to XLStatistics menu (added to Excel's menu) - 8ot an add-in, so all working is visible. And makes no permanent changes to your system, including Excel. - Contains all the standard analyses plus many useful not-so-common analyses like: analyses using only summary data; analyses to select sample sizes; various nonparametric tests; cumulative probability plots; scatterplots with axes swapped; regression for straight lines with a possible break-point; fitting a smooth curve to data (moving average, running median, grouped data, LOWESS); non-linear regression; standard multiple regression analyses; many assumption-checking tests; analysis for model comparison; serial correlation correction; analysis for 2x2 tables; quality control charts. - An associated textbook called "Practical Statistics" is available. See Web Site: – Supplier(s): XLent works XploRe : Data analysis program Price: € 1600, Sites: 500, Last change: 13/12/2003 XploRe - statistical software environment Package for computational statistics and data analysis, including extensive set of both classical and modern methods (special emphasis to finance applications, non- and semi-parametric methods). Online help with a full documentation of all commands and functions. Detailed tutorials incl. many examples. Handbooks by Springer. Free introductory course online. High-level procedural programming language, dynamic linking programs in common languages such as C++/Fortran. Client/server architecture with Java interface or MS Excel add-in, easy web-based use of methods and data. Interactive examples and methods useful for teaching purposes. Basis for the interactive examples in many electronic books. Standalone versions: XploRe Trial Version - freely downloadable, limited to 3 months and 2000 observations, basic libraries XploRe Academic Edition - designed for teaching purposes, limited to 5000 observations, does not include all libraries, available via download XploRe Basic Version/Student version - full computational capacity, basic libraries XploRe Professional Edition - full version, 5 printed handbooks XploRe Xtended Package - full version, two handbook sets (10 books), free hotline (incl. customizing existing methods and programming new ones) XploRe Servers: Functionality equal to XploRe Professional Edition for Windows, Solaris, Linux and MAC OS X XploRe Clients: XploRe Quantlet Client - installed locally or browser based JAVA program MD*ReX - XploRe functionality integrated into MS Excel Web Site: – Supplier(s): MD*Tech ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 77 XSight : Data analysis program Price: AU $1875, Sites: Over 350,000 users and 450 site licenses, Last change: 5/7/2006 If you need to perform rapid analysis, or your research challenge involves advertising campaigns or packaging design, brand segmentation or projective techniques, then XSight is your solution. A user friendly product, XSight is the best partner to help you deliver results in record time. XSight provides a range of frameworks for inputting, analyzing and interpreting your findings that best suit researchers who have unique working styles and methodological approaches. Import project artifacts and mark up transcripts; Enter and analyze data at a detailed or summary level; Create your own frameworks to facilitate analysis; Simultaneously record articulations, verbatims and interpret data; Include visual images in the analysis; Query, filter and refine analysis; Create your own project templates; Merge projects; Create reports and presentations; Export outputs to MS Word and MS Powerpoint; Allow for key elements of a project to be stored together; Multi-language support. Web Site: – Supplier(s): QSR International Page 78 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Index of Organisations amundis Communications GmbH .....................81 Analyse-it Software, Ltd..................................81 Analytical Software .........................................81 Andreas Schroeder .........................................81 Apian Software...............................................81 Appian Analytics, Inc. .....................................81 Ascendus .......................................................81 Askia .............................................................82 Beacon Dodsworth .........................................82 Beyond 20/20 Inc...........................................82 BioSS.............................................................82 Blueshift ........................................................82 BlueTrail ........................................................82 Brian James ...................................................82 Bridgewater Software .....................................82 CACI Ltd ........................................................82 Cambridge Software Publishing .......................83 CELADE .........................................................83 Centurion Marketing Systems Ltd ....................83 CfMC .............................................................83 CleverForm Ltd...............................................83 Clicktools .......................................................83 Clipstream .....................................................83 Cobalt Sky Ltd................................................83 Code Cogs .....................................................84 COMCON .......................................................84 Consulting Tools Ltd .......................................84 Corporate R & D Ltd .......................................84 Creative Research Systems .............................84 CreoStat HB ...................................................84 CRM Survey ...................................................84 Danesoft........................................................85 Data Liberation Ltd.........................................85 Dataxiom Software Inc. ..................................85 DatStat Inc ....................................................85 Demographix Limited......................................85 Durham .........................................................85 Easyresearch..................................................85 EHDP.............................................................85 ePartner Consulting ........................................85 ESB Consultancy ............................................86 E-Tabs Ltd .....................................................86 Evolutia design Ltd. ........................................86 eXplorance.....................................................86 FIRM .............................................................86 Forvus ...........................................................86 FUSE .............................................................86 Fusion Software .............................................86 Gamma Associates Ltd....................................87 Gamma Design Software LLC ..........................87 Global Bay .....................................................87 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Globalpark..................................................... 87 Golden Hills Software Inc. .............................. 87 Halogen Software .......................................... 87 Hostedware Corporation................................. 87 HyperGraph Software..................................... 87 IDEACore, LLC............................................... 88 Idea Works, Inc............................................. 88 Inquisite Inc .................................................. 88 Insightful Corporation .................................... 88 Insight Marketing Systems ............................. 88 InSync Software ............................................ 88 Intercon Systems Inc ..................................... 88 Interkonect Services UK Ltd ........................... 88 Interrogare GmbH ......................................... 89 Interview Technology..................................... 89 IPC ............................................................... 89 Jambo software ............................................. 89 jnetIQ ........................................................... 89 John Galt Solutions ........................................ 89 Language Logic, LLC ...................................... 89 Luno Networks Limited................................... 89 Madgex......................................................... 89 Mainz Sociology ............................................. 90 MarketStream................................................ 90 MathWave Technologies................................. 90 MD*Tech ...................................................... 90 Memphis International Ltd.............................. 90 Mercator ....................................................... 90 Merlinco Ltd .................................................. 90 Microfarm...................................................... 91 Microtab, Inc. ................................................ 91 Mole Software ............................................... 91 Monitor Software ........................................... 91 Moskowitz Jacobs Inc..................................... 91 MRDC ........................................................... 91 Narragansett Technologies ............................. 91 NCSS ............................................................ 91 Nebu bv ........................................................ 91 Nesstar Ltd.................................................... 92 Netquest ....................................................... 92 NetTeam ....................................................... 92 Net Weaver Ltd ............................................. 92 New South Wales Department of Health.......... 92 NIPO Software............................................... 92 NOVA Research Company .............................. 92 NSD .............................................................. 92 ObjectPlanet Inc. ........................................... 93 ORC - Macro.................................................. 93 Pacific Social Mapping .................................... 93 Pan-Data....................................................... 93 Perseus Development Corporation .................. 93 Page 79 Perseus Development Corporation UK .............93 Philology........................................................93 Polycert .........................................................93 Primal Egg Creations, Inc ...............................93 Principia Products...........................................94 Provalis Research ...........................................94 P-STAT ..........................................................94 Pulse Train Ltd...............................................94 Pulseware......................................................94 Qollective d.o.o. .............................................94 QPSMR Limited ..............................................94 QSR International ..........................................94 QuestionPro Inc. ............................................95 Rabe-Hesketh ................................................95 Raosoft..........................................................95 Resampling Stats, Inc.....................................95 RMplus d.o.o..................................................95 Rogator Software AG......................................95 Roy Morgan International ...............................95 SAS Institute Inc ............................................95 Scientia Solutions Limited ...............................95 sconox werbeagentur .....................................96 SIR Pty Ltd ....................................................96 Social Science Consulting................................96 Space-Time Research .....................................96 Sphinx...........................................................96 SPSS Inc. (UK)...............................................96 StataCorp LP..................................................96 Statistical Solutions Ltd...................................96 Statistics Netherlands .....................................97 StatPac Inc ....................................................97 StatSoft Inc. ..................................................97 STS ...............................................................97 SumQuest Survey Software ............................97 Survey Galaxy Ltd ..........................................97 Survey Software Services................................97 Syclick ...........................................................97 Systat Software UK limited..............................97 Techneos Systems .........................................98 The Gosling Group .........................................98 Trax Uk Ltd....................................................98 TSP International ...........................................98 UNESCO ........................................................98 Unistat Ltd.....................................................98 Voxco ............................................................98 VSN International Ltd. ....................................98 .................................98 WebSurveyor .................................................99 ................................................99 X-Act! Software..............................................99 XLent works...................................................99 Xorbix Technologies, Inc.................................99 ZUMA ............................................................99 Page 80 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Listing of Organisations This final section of the register lists the organisations that supplied information to the register, with contact details and their (organisational) web addresses. This is not an exhaustive list of the suppliers of the listed packages. It is recommended that you visit the web site of the main developer of a package to find out about suppliers in your own area. We do include multiple suppliers for packages, not in any attempt to be exhaustive, but rather to indicate that a supplier handles a range of packages. Where the last update for an organisation is before January 2001 an asterisk (*) is appended to the change date, and these entries should be treated with care. The contact details may well be out of date, though the web addresses can generally be relied on. amundis Communications GmbH Blarerstr. 56, 78462 Konstanz, Germany Supplies 2ask Contact: Daniela Schneider Fax: +49 7531 45 707 - 17 Web: Analyse-it Software, Ltd PO Box 103, Leeds LS27 7WZ Phone: +49 180-5 45 70 70 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Analyse-it for Microsoft Excel Contact: James Huntington Fax: +44 (0)113 2298424 Web: Analytical Software PO Box 12185, Tallahassee FL 32317, USA Phone: +44 (0)113 2100708 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Statistix Contact: Gerard Nimis Fax: +1 850-894-1134 Web: Phone: +1 850-893-9371 Last change: 9/12/2005 Andreas Schroeder Supplies Vogelsangstr. 55, D-70197 Stuttgart, Germany Contact: Andreas Schroeder Fax: Web: Apian Software 400 N. 34th St., Suite 310, Seattle, WA 98103, USA Phone: Last change: 1/6/2006 Supplies SurveyPro 3.0 Contact: Suzanne Kitwin Fax: Web: Appian Analytics, Inc. 2000 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 300, San Ramon, CA 94583, USA Phone: +1 206.547.5321 x7213 Last change: 9/11/2004 Supplies Complete Report Automation Contact: Larry Morris Fax: +1-925-940-9566 Web: Ascendus Ascendus Technologies Inc., USX Towers, Suite 3055,, 600 Grant Street,, Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Phone: +1-877-757-7646 Last change: 1/12/2004 Supplies ACE, Survey Quick, Team360 Contact: Vikramaditya Narayan Ascendus Technologies helps Universities develop web-based survey software applications that meet their exact needs. USA (Eastern Office) Ascendus Technologies Inc., USX Towers, Suite 3055, 600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA. Phone: +1 415-545-4566 USA (Western Office) - Ascendus Technologies Inc., 11530 Griffith Road, Turlock, CA 95380, USA Fax: +91-80-23423746 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: 1-800-313-7159 Last change: 6/12/2005 Page 81 Askia Askia UK Ltd, Ground Floor, 58 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3QT Supplies Askia Contact: Nick Southwood Offices in France and UK Fax: +44 (0) 20 7689 5500 Web: Beacon Dodsworth Garth Mews, Sim Balk lane, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2UE, UK Phone: +44 (0) 20 7689 5492 Last change: 6/12/2005 Supplies Prospex Contact: Paul Ferron At the forefront of market analysis GIS since 1989, Beacon Dodsworth offer a range of services including internet mapping applications, bespoke software development, drive time simulation and bureau mapping. We develop software and geographical solutions with a unique blend of mature technical skills and market knowledge. Fax: +44 (0) 1904 102030 Web: Phone: +44 (0)1904 701020 Last change: 6/6/2003 Beyond 20/20 Inc. Supplies Beyond 20/20 265 Carling Avenue, Ste 502, Ottawa, Ontario, Contact: James Wing Canada K1S 2E1 Fax: +1 613 563-7233 Web: BioSS JCMB, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh EH93JZ Fax: 0131 650 4901 Web: Blueshift Blueshift India P. Ltd., 21 Abdul Razack St., Saidapet, Chennai 600015, India Phone: +1 613 563-3993 Last change: 23/10/2003 Supplies Alpha+ Contact: A.D. Mann Phone: 0131 650 4891 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies SENATE-Survey Contact: Dr. Sankaran P. Raghunathan US: Blueshift, Inc., 3550 Engineering Drive, # 140, Norcross, GA 30092. Phone: +1-770-368-1124 India: Phone: +91-44-431-3211, Fax: +91-44-431-3210 Fax: +1-770-368-0998 Web: BlueTrail BlueTrail Ltd, 73/75 Castle Street, Saffron Walden CB10 1BQ Fax: +44 (0)797 7995586 Web: Brian James 1235 Jeanette Ave , Union, NJ 07083 , USA Fax: 1 908-964-1967 Web: Bridgewater Software Audley House, Northbridge Road, Berkhamsted, HP4 1EH Fax: 01442 879993 Web: CACI Ltd CACI House, Avonmore Road, London W14 8TS Phone: +91-44-431-3219 Last change: 28/6/2002 Supplies Mobile Researcher Contact: Robert Flynn Phone: +44 (0)797 1818501 Last change: 22/9/2004 Supplies Survey Budgeting System Contact: Brian James Phone: 1 212-573-3544 (day) 1 908-964-1967 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies iQuest Contact: Chris Faulder Phone: 01442 870244 Last change: 7/9/2006 Supplies InSite Contact: Sheena Murchie Fax: +44 207 603 5862 Web: Phone: +44 207 602 6000 Page 82 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 29/11/2004 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Cambridge Software Publishing 124 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0ZS Supplies Keypoint 4.0 Contact: Robert Dear Fax: +44 1223 425349 Web: Phone: +44 01223 425558 ext 793 Last change: 8/11/2004 CELADE Supplies REDATAM, REDATAM WEBSERVER CELADE, Population Division, ECLAC, Contact: Alejandra Silva United Nations, Casilla 179-D, Santiago, Chile CELADE provides technical assistance, training and information on population to the countries of Latin America & the Caribbean. Carries out applied research in related subjects and works on the development of related computer systems and programs (REDATAM). Develops and promotes both conceptual frameworks and practical use of tools for analysis and decision-making in connection with planning and formulation of policies and programs which incorporate population factors or else utilize population information. Supports the countries of the region in the elaboration and utilization of their population censuses and surveys as well as in the development and improvement of demographic statistics addressed at obtaining inputs for social and economic planning and for policy formulation. Updates and disseminates databases and technology for the retrieval of information and documentation in connection with population and development. Provides training on population and development, and on demographic analysis. Fax: (56-2) 208 0196 Web: Centurion Marketing Systems Ltd Jayes Park Courtyard, Ockley, Dorking, Surrey RH5 5RR Phone: (56-2) 210 2008 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies MARSC Contact: Francesca Simpson Fax: +44 (0)1306 621597 Web: CfMC 23 Berkeley Square, London W1J 6HE, UK Phone: +44 (0)1306 621062 Last change: 17/12/2005 Supplies Mentor, Survent Contact: Stephen Hughes Fax: +44 (0)20 7665 6727 Web: CleverForm Ltd 100 New Kings Road, London SW6 4LX, United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0)20 7665 6627 Last change: 22/12/2004 Supplies CleverForm Contact: Dusko Delic Tel: (44) 207 0222 980, Fax: (44) 207 0222 980, E-mail: Fax: (44) 207 0222 980 Web: Clicktools Clarendon Enterprise Centre, Post Office Road, Bournemouth, BH1 1BL, Phone: (44) 207 0222 980, ext. #33 Last change: 7/10/2003 Supplies Clicktools Contact: Andrew Walker Fax: Web: Clipstream 1055 West Hastings St., Suite 1040, Vancouver, BC, V6E 2E9, Canada Phone: 01202 317755 Last change: 14/12/2005 Supplies Video Survey Software Contact: Ali Saedi Fax: Web: Cobalt Sky Ltd Roebuck House, 288 Upper Richmond Road West, London, SW14 7JG, UK Phone: +1-604-609-7736 ext. 242 Last change: 23/1/2006 Supplies Vector, Winyaps Contact: Raz Khan Fax: +44 (0) 20 8876 0439 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44 (0) 20 8878 4695 Last change: 5/7/2004 Page 83 Code Cogs Broadwood, Holford, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 1DU, UK Fax: Web: COMCON 4, Masterkova, Moscow, 115280, Russia Supplies Code Cogs Contact: Nick Owens Phone: +44 (0)845 123 5899 Last change: 21/3/2005 Supplies DataFriend Contact: Elena Khlyupova COMCON is the leading Russian research company that has been operating on Russian market since 1991 Fax: +7 095 502 9899 Web: Consulting Tools Ltd Consulting Tools Ltd, 20 Chishill Road, Heydon, Herts SG8 8PW Phone: +7 095 502 9898 (ext 217) Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies CustomView360, Survey Solutions, ViewSuite360 Contact: Kate Lewis ConsultingTools is a provider and developer of innovative, high-quality people and process solutions for consultants and business professionals working with individuals, teams and organisations. We provide a variety of customised and off the shelf products in the areas of 360-degree feedback, personality, career & stress assessment, survey solutions and on-line performance management systems, all customised and branded for the client and all of which are well-researched and validated to meet your needs. We seek to be involved with clients from the initial project inception, listening closely to requirements, then sharing our knowledge and expertise. By working together closely on a solution, using the most advanced technologies and innovative ideas, we can ensure your project runs smoothly. Our commitment to clients is to deliver a superior end product and a high quality support service. We encourage continued performance improvement and develop close client relationships that can be counted on for years to come. We work predominantly in the intermediary market serving a network of consulting organisations of all sizes, and working through strategic business partners internationally. Our mission is to supply ideas, tools and techniques to our clients and our clients' customers. Fax: +44 1763 836303 Web: Corporate R & D Ltd 50 Kapanui Road, Waikanae, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand Fax: Web: Creative Research Systems 411 B St. - Ste. 2, Petaluma, CA 94952, USA Fax: +1-707-765-1068 Web: CreoStat HB Enbarsv. 11, S-426 55 V.Frolunda, Sweden, Fax: Web: CRM Survey 1061 Main Street, North Hintingdon, PA 15642, USA Phone: 0845 3 700 235 Last change: 9/11/2005 Supplies MaceTech Options Analysis, MacTech Blockage Analysis Contact: Winston Gardner Phone: +64-4-904-8050 Last change: 13/12/2005 Supplies TSS - The Survey System Contact: Wm. G. Eaton Phone: +1-707-765-1001 Last change: 14/11/2003 Supplies StudyResult, StudySize Contact: Bertil Olofsson Phone: +46 31454532 Last change: 27/12/2005 Supplies CRM Q+, CRM Qi+ Contact: Anton Nayagan Fax: +1 724 864 9851 Web: Phone: +1 724 309 6633 Page 84 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 7/8/2006 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Danesoft Unit 87, 235 Earls Court Road, London SW5 9FE, UK Supplies TSS - The Survey System Contact: Christian Ingerslev Fax: Web: Phone: 0870 850 8588 Last change: 9/12/2005 Data Liberation Ltd Supplies Beyond Question, Instant Intelligence 3rd Floor, Integra House, 138 Alexandra Road, Contact: Chris Morgan London SW19 7JY Fax: 020 8971 6801 Web: Dataxiom Software Inc. 3700 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA Phone: 020 8971 6800 Last change: 27/12/2005 Supplies NCSS Contact: Jennfier Row Fax: +1 213-383-3542 Web: DatStat Inc 1000 N. Northlake Way, Suite C, Seattle, WA 98103, USA Phone: +1 213-383-9973 Last change: 3/4/2003 Supplies DatStat Illume Contact: Randy Olson Founded by Ph.D Social Scientist and Web Technologist in 1998. Fax: +1 206-526-8920 Web: Demographix Limited 57 Chestnut Road, London, SE27 9EZ, UK Phone: +1 206 526-9985X105 Last change: 28/12/2005 Supplies Demographix Contact: Derek Cohen Offers free technical support by Helpdesk, email and phone. Customisation and white-label versions available. Fax: Web: Durham Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Science Laboratories, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE Phone: +44 20 7112 5111 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies [B/D] Contact: David Wooff Fax: (+44) 191 374 7388 Web: Easyresearch Phone: (+44) 191 374 4531 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Easyresearch - online surveys Contact: Sweden Fax: +46 (0)8 23 38 81 Web: Phone: +46 (0)8 23 38 80 Last change: 2/9/2003 EHDP Supplies Vitalnet Expert Health Data Programming, Inc., 14313 Contact: Daniel Goldman 32nd Ave NE #B1, Seattle, WA 98125, US Fax: +1 206-365-0715 Web: ePartner Consulting ePartner Consulting Ltd, St Ann's House, Guildford Road, Lightwater, Surrey GU18 5RA Phone: +1 206-365-0715 Last change: 29/11/2004 Supplies eStore, TeleForm Contact: Alan Ingram Fax: +44 (0) 870 991 1003 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44 (0) 870 991 1002 Last change: 17/12/2005 Page 85 ESB Consultancy PO Box 2259, Boulder WA 6432, AUSTRALIA Supplies ESBPDF Analysis, ESBStats Contact: Glenn Crouch Fax: +61-8-9093-2220 Web: E-Tabs Ltd Heather House, Heather Gardens, London NW11 9HS Phone: +61-8-9093-2133 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies E-Tabs Enterprise, E-Tabs Interactive, E-Tabs Reader - Professional / Lite, E-Tabs Writer Contact: North American Sales Office: 927 Suzy Street, Sandwich, IL 60548, USA [1] 888 823 8227 - Contact: Tom Schlak Fax: +44 (0)20 8731 9591 Web: Evolutia design Ltd. Greenheys centre, Manchester science park, Manchester, M15 6JJ Fax: Web: eXplorance 1224 Stanley, Suite 205, Montreal, Quebec H3B 2S7, Canada Fax: +1.514.9385277 Web: Phone: +44 (0)20 8455 4665 Last change: 29/9/2006 Supplies Procevo Contact: Michael Byrne Phone: +44 (0) 161 868 0008 Last change: 18/8/2005 Supplies Blue/Feedback Contact: Samer Saab Phone: +1.514.9382111 Last change: 4/7/2006 FIRM Supplies Confirmit Future Information Research Management, 3rd Contact: Kjell Oksendal Floor, Alderman´s House, Alderman´s Walk, London, EC2M 3XR, UK Fax: +44 20 7648 8570 Web: Forvus Forvus House, 53 Clapham Common South Side, London SW4 9BX Fax: 020 7819 1010 Web: Phone: +44 20 7648 8560 Last change: 20/2/2003 Supplies Beyond 20/20 Contact: Steve Flack or Iona MacClellan Phone: 020 7819 1000 Last change: 9/12/2005 FUSE Supplies FUSE Enhanced Survey Solutions Level 4 - 257 Collins Street , Melbourne 3000, Contact: Marcus Ehreblad Victoria, Australia Fax: +61 3 9639 8255 Web: Phone: +61 3 8665 5255 Last change: 7/3/2003 Fusion Software Supplies Grader, Self Coder 51 Furze Platt Road , Maidenhead,, Berks, SL6 Contact: Simon Neve 7NF Fax: Web: Phone: 07876792656 Page 86 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 17/12/2005 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Gamma Associates Ltd Gamma Associates Ltd, The PAI-GAMMA Partnership, 4 Argent Court, Laindon, Essex, SS15 6TH, England Supplies auditHOST, mTAB Contact: Tony Andrews Training, tailored to individual clients from basic to advanced level, is all part of the complete service Gamma provide. Technical Support, provided via telephone hotline, email or fax, is provided from 9.00am to 5.30pm every working day. Fax: +44 (0)1268492233 Web: Gamma Design Software LLC P.O. Box 201, Plainwell, Michigan 49080, USA Phone: +44 (0)1268 492294 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies GS+ Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences Contact: Sales Fax: +1 269 685-0910 Web: Global Bay Global Bay Mobile Technologies Ltd, 43-45 Portman Square, London W1H 6HN Phone: +1 800 873 0690 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies AccessPoint Contact: Justin Coward Please call to set up a web demonstration of AccessPoint for MCAPI Fax: +44 (0) 870 445 1112 Web: Globalpark Globalpark UK Ltd, Cameo House, 11 Bear Street (off Leicester Square), London, WC2H 7AS Phone: +44 (0) 870 445 1111 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Globalpark Contact: Alex Wilke Fax: +49 (0)2233 7933-788 Web: Golden Hills Software Inc. 6512 Hawkeye Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80919-1811, USA Phone: +0044 (0)20 77665271 Last change: 21/12/2005 Supplies SurveyGold Standard Edition Contact: Chuck Boudreau Fax: +1 719-623-0317 Web: Halogen Software 17 Auriga Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7T9, Canada Phone: +1 719-660-6272 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Halogen eSurveyor Contact: Yvon Martel Fax: 613-744-4001 Web: Hostedware Corporation 16 Technology Dr, Ste 116, Irvine, CA 92618 Phone: 866-566-7778 Last change: 17/4/2002 Supplies Hosted Survey Contact: Dennis Frayne Toll Free (From within the USA): (800) 211-6967 Fax: +1 949-585-0050 Web: HyperGraph Software Bymarken 38, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Phone: +1 949-585-1500 Last change: 7/8/2006 Supplies MIM Contact: David Edwards Fax: +45 46 35 62 61 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +45 46 35 62 61 Last change: 29/11/2004 Page 87 IDEACore, LLC 725 South Adams Road, Suite L-70, Birmingham, Michigan 48009 , USA Supplies WebMine Contact: Thomas Lavigne or Joseph Craig Fax: +1 248-433-3384 Web: Idea Works, Inc. 100 West Briarwood, Columbia, Missouri 65203, USA Fax: +1 (573) 446-2199 Web: Inquisite Inc 3001 Bee Caves Road, Suite 300 , Austin, Texas 78746, USA Fax: +1 512-225-6690 Web: Insightful Corporation 5th Floor Network House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4HG, UK Fax: +44 1256 339839 Web: Insight Marketing Systems Insight Marketing Systems, 12/171 Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, Victoria, 3182, Australia Phone: +1 248-433-3380 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Qualrus Contact: Paul Slusarz Phone: +1 (573) 445-4554 Last change: 17/11/2003 Supplies Inquisite Contact: Jennifer Atkins Phone: +1 512-225-6800 Last change: 11/1/2005 Supplies S-Plus Contact: Eugene Marvel Phone: +44 1256 339800 Last change: 14/11/2003 Supplies Research Reporter Contact: Daryl Maloney McCall Time zone is 11.00 hours ahead of GMT --------------------European Office --------------------European Director: Jonathan Rabson 102 Leeside Crescent, London NW11 0LA, UK Email:, Tel: +44 (0)20 8458 5553 Fax: +61 3 9534 8311 Web: InSync Software T-17 Green Park Main, New Delhi - 110049, INDIA Fax: 11-6526319 Web: Intercon Systems Inc 790 Penllyn Pike, Suite 302, Blue Bell, Pa 19422, USA Fax: +1.215.628.2754 Web: Interkonect Services UK Ltd Interkonect Services UK Ltd., Boundary House, Main Street, Hoveringham, Nottingham NG14 7JR, UK Phone: +61 3 9534 5699 Last change: 20/9/2006 Supplies Contact: Pankaj Sahai Phone: 11-6568548 Last change: 7/10/2002 Supplies DataSet V Contact: Aviel Shatz Phone: +1.215.628.6610 Last change: 21/6/2003 Supplies Patient Satisfaction Survey Database Contact: Kris Leech Fax: Web: Phone: +44 (0)115 9663696 Page 88 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 21/7/2003 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Interrogare GmbH Meisenstr. 96, 33607 Bielefeld , Germany Supplies IRQuest Contact: Martin Kuehn Fax: +49 521 2997 3460 Web: Interview Technology Interview Technology, Po. Box 10288, 1001 EG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Phone: +49 521 2997 344 Last change: 12/12/2004 Supplies IT Contact: Andre Smit Fax: +31 20 6387 299 Web: Phone: +31 20 6201 589 Last change: 15/12/2005 IPC Supplies CSPro International Programs Center, U.S. Bureau of Contact: Diana Lopez-Meisel the Census, Washington, DC, USA The International Programs Center (IPC), part of the Population Division of the U.S. Bureau of the Census, conducts demographic and socioeconomic studies and strengthens statistical development around the world through technical assistance, training, and software products. Fax: +1 301-763-3033 Web: Jambo software St. Annastraat 198b, 6525 GX NIJMEGEN, THE NETHERLANDS Phone: +1 301-763-1444 Last change: 28/12/2005 Supplies Jambo Contact: Silvio Bierman Jambo software is a trademark for IDfix software BV Fax: +31 24 3559105 Web: jnetIQ Phone: +31 24 3554192 Last change: 13/12/2005 Supplies powerTABLE Contact: Nick Hill Fax: Web: John Galt Solutions 125 S. Clark St, Suite 1950, Chicago, IL 60603, USA Phone: Last change: 13/10/2004 Supplies Atlas Planning Suite, ForexastX Wizard Contact: George Christensen Fax: +1 312-701-9033 Web: Language Logic, LLC 617 Vine Street, Suite 1307, Cincinnati, OH 45202, USA Phone: +1 312-701-9026 Last change: 29/11/2004 Supplies Ascribe Contact: Rudy Bublitz Importantly, Language Logic offers Ascribe as an Application Service Provider (ASP), hosted on our own web servers, available to your staff and customer base anytime, anywhere via the Internet -- securely. If you prefer, Language Logic offers its Coding Network where you may outsource coding and management of your open-end data. Of course, you may use BOTH services in combination. Fax: +1 513 241 5833 Web: Luno Networks Limited Axe and Bottle Court, 70 Newcomen Street, London. SE1 1YT Phone: +1 513 241 9112 ext. 12 Last change: 29/11/2004 Supplies Brand2hand Contact: Jon Anderson Fax: 020 7378-0830 Web: Madgex 21-22 Old Steine, Brighton BN1 1EL, UK Phone: 020 7378-3412 Last change: 14/1/2003 Supplies Origin Survey Manager Contact: Mark Bedser Fax: +44 (0) 1273 648326 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44 (0) 1273 648324 Last change: 18/5/2004 Page 89 Supplies Rostock Survey Tool Mainz Sociology Dr. Kajetan Hinner, Institut für Soziologie, Contact: Kajetan Hinner Universität Mainz, Colonel-Kleinmann-Weg 2 (SB II), 55099 Mainz, Germany Fax: Web: MarketStream MarketStream Limited, PO Box 3075, Chiswick, London W4 4ZX Phone: +49 177 428 419 0 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies mrStream, PerceptionStream Contact: Tony Bowden Founded in March 2001, MarketStream Ltd. develops technologies that deliver consumer insight and business information for market research companies and the wider marketing & social research community. MarketStream delivers technology and services enabling a new generation of market research applications with the video quality of television, playback control of a video, the interactivity and familiarity of the internet and the data quality of market research. MarketStream: - Understands traditional survey research and streaming behavioural data - Delivers actionable intelligence to help its customers be more competitive - Has established a brand which stands for value, vision & innovation - Sells to both Research Agencies and Clients - Has partnerships that incorporate “Stream” into their business processes The Research community accepts that online data collection and publishing is the way forward. The major technology focus for all agencies and their clients is the central database with data fusion to create actionable intelligence. MarketStream Limited was founded by Tony Bowden with colleagues Patrick Heininger and Mike Woods in March 2001. In it's early stage, MarketStream was successful in being awarded substantial support by The European Space Agency. Fax: Web: MathWave Technologies Phone: +44 (0)208 995 3282 Last change: 8/3/2004 Supplies EasyFit Contact: Antony Drokin Fax: Web: Phone: +38 0567725728 Last change: 18/4/2006 MD*Tech Supplies XploRe MD*Tech Method and Data Technologies , Contact: Uwe Ziegenhagen Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Haerdle , Ahornweg 7 , 12587 Berlin Fax: +49(0)30-6409-0012 Web: Memphis International Ltd The Octagon, Exchange Tower, London E14 9GE Phone: +49(0)30-6409-0010 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Survey Explorer Contact: Ingi Thorsteinsson Main number: 0161 611 8000 Fax: 0161 611 8002 Web: Mercator Liberty House, 222 Regent Street, London W1B 5TR Fax: +44 (0)20 7297 2003 Web: Merlinco Ltd Tower Bridge Business Centre, 46-48 East Smithfield, London, E1W 1AW Phone: 0161 611 8003 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies snap Campus Edition, SNAP Internet module, snap Keystation Edition, SNAP Network Interviewing module, snap PDA Interviewer Module, snap Professional Edition, snap ProNet Edition, SNAP Results Edition, snap Scanning Module, snap SurveyPaks Contact: Marianne Witts Phone: +44 (0)20 7297 2003 Last change: 12/2/2003 Supplies Converso, Merlin, MERLIN FASTAB, MERLINPLUS, MERLIN TOOLKIT, MERLIN to PowerPoint (MTPP) Contact: Peter Jackling Fax: 0870 264 6328 Web: Phone: 0870 264 6329 Page 90 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 11/10/2006 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Microfarm The Old Farm House, Jasons Hill, Chesham, Bucks HP5 3QW, UK Supplies KeyPlan Contact: Steve Elder Fax: +44 1494 793033 Web: Phone: +44 1494 783915 Last change: 9/12/2005 Microtab, Inc. Supplies Microtab Microtab, Incorporated, 500 Sun Valley Drive, Contact: Laurence G. Hills, Jr. Suite D-2, Roswell, Georgia 30076, USA Fax: +1 770-664-9798 Web: Phone: +1 770-664-9244 Last change: 15/12/2005 Mole Software Supplies SC Dr. Anthony Dusoir, La Blache, 04230 Revest Contact: Dr. Tony Dusoir St. Martin, France Fax: +33 (0)4 92 75 87 04 Web: Monitor Software Two Canal Park, Cambridge, MA 02141, USA Phone: +33 (0)4 92 75 87 04 Last change: 18/12/2005 Supplies MarketSight® Contact: Michael DeNitto Fax: +1-617-252-2100 Web: Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. Phone: +1-617-582-3800 Last change: 11/1/2006 Supplies IdeaMap.NET Contact: Rachel Katz Fax: +1 914-428-8364 Web: MRDC 14 Tonbridge Chambers, Pembury Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2HZ Phone: +1 914-421-7444 Last change: 9/11/2004 Supplies MRDCL, OnTraq, Report Direct, Tables Direct Contact: Phil Hearn MRDC is a leading supplier of software for the market research industry for over 20 years. We provides intelligent software solutions for effective data analysis as well as consultancy/data analysis services to numerous high profile marketing companies. Our focus has remained on data delivery as well as offering the best tools available for analysis and reporting to our customers. Fax: +44 (0)1732 351135 Web: Narragansett Technologies National Technology Park, Plassey, Limerick, IRELAND Phone: +44 (0)1732 350035 Last change: 10/11/2004 Supplies SensorPro Contact: Rebecca Walsh Fax: 35361234550 Web: NCSS NCSS, 329 North 1000 East, Kaysville, UT 84037, USA Phone: 35361234500 Last change: 14/4/2004 Supplies NCSS, PASS Contact: Jerry Hintze Fax: +1 801-546-3907 Web: Nebu bv Assum 16a, , 1911ML Uitgeest, The Netherlands Phone: +1 801-546-0445 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Dub Interviewer Contact: Tariq Mirza Our CAPI and CATI software comes with full planning software and we also offer electronic time registration software. Fax: Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44 20 83617191 Last change: 28/5/2004 Page 91 Nesstar Ltd Nesstar Ltd, John Tabor House, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, CO4 3SQ Supplies Nesstar Contact: Clifford Dive Fax: +44 (0) 1206 873 516 Web: Netquest Jordi Girona 29, 08034 Barcelona, Spain Phone: + 44 (0)1206 873 292 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Survey Manager - Encuestas Online Contact: Raul Paramo Fax: Web: NetTeam NetTeam Management Systems Ltd, York House, 68 - 70 London Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 1LA, UK Phone: (+34) 93 2050063 Last change: 24/11/2006 Supplies NetTeam.Survey Contact: Bill Norman Fax: +44 (0)1635 569601 Web: Net Weaver Ltd Net Weaver Limited, Cheshire House, Parkway, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 7BA Phone: +44 (0)1635 569600 Last change: 16/11/2003 Supplies Opinion Taker Contact: Bill McCracken Net Weaver was set up in May 2001 to provide systems integration expertise and develop applications for the internet. As an organisation working in this very new environment we are always ready to incorporate any sensible application or technical requirement into the standard package if there is a real and proven need. Fax: 01477 537060 Web: New South Wales Department of Health Centre for Epidemiology and Research, NSW Department of Health, Locked mail Bag 961, North Sydney NSW 2059, AUSTRALIA Phone: 01477 544014 Last change: 17/1/2002 Supplies NetEpi Contact: Dr Tim Churches Fax: +61 2 9391 9232 Web: Phone: +61 2 9391 9193 Last change: 15/12/2005 NIPO Software Supplies NIPO Interview System Grote Bickersstraat 74 , 1013 KS Amsterdam , Contact: Mr. J. Noordman The Netherlands Fax: +31-20 5225 333 Web: NOVA Research Company 4600 East-West Highway, Suite 700, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, U.S.A. Phone: +31-20 5225 989 Last change: 16/11/2004 Supplies QDS Contact: Steve Kohn Fax: +1 301-986-4931 Web: NSD Hans Holmboesgt. 22, N-5007 BERGEN, NORWAY Phone: +1 301-986-1891, ext. 103 Last change: 29/11/2004 Supplies NSDstat Contact: Terje Maroy Organisation providing infrastructure and services for social sciences. Fax: 047 55 58 96 50 Web: Phone: +47 55 58 21 99 Page 92 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 30/11/2004 ASC Software Register –Suppliers ObjectPlanet Inc. Rosenkrantzgate 20, 0160 Oslo, Norway Supplies Opinio, Surveyor Contact: Torgeir Punnerud Fax: +47 2233 3361 Web: Phone: +47 2233 3360 Last change: 28/6/2002 ORC - Macro Supplies CSPro, ISSA 11785 Beltsville Drive, Calverton, MD 20705- Contact: Bridgette James 3119, USA Fax: +1 301 572 0993 Web: Pacific Social Mapping 12 Lilley Street, O'Connor , ACT 2602, Australia Phone: +1 301 572 0851 Last change: 16/11/2003 Supplies Community Express Contact: John Burton Fax: Web: Phone: +61 2 6161 0141 Last change: 15/12/2005 Pan-Data Supplies Ccount Lenzhahner Weg 36, D-65527 Niedernhausen, Contact: Volker Hoffmann Germany Fax: Web: Perseus Development Corporation 222 Forbes Road, Suite 208, Braintree, MA 02184, USA Phone: +49 (0) 6127 - 999 034 Last change: 14/9/2005 Supplies SurveySolutions Contact: Tracy McDonald Perseus Research Services – The research division works with your organization on a project-by-project basis. Our consultants are experts in designing effective Web surveys and will custom design your web survey research to meet your specific requirements, adapt your current survey to the special requirements of the Web or create an entirely new survey if necessary. Offers project planning, survey design, survey hosting, results collecting and full analysis and reporting of your survey data. Fax: +1 781-848-1978 Web: Phone: +1 781-848-8100 Last change: 28/12/2005 Perseus Development Corporation UK Supplies SurveySolutions Perseus UK LLP , 3, Chilterns Close, Contact: Peter Barnett Flackwell Heath, High Wycombe , Bucks HP10 9BB Fax: Web: Phone: +44 (0) 1628526799 Last change: 4/12/2005 Philology Supplies QEDML Designer, QEDML Web Server PO Box 242, Flinders Lane, Melbourne 8009, Contact: Philip Cookson Victoria, AUSTRALIA Alternate Contact: Jason Sobell Fax: +613 9 639 5392 Web: Polycert Polycert Ltd., Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, 4, Kosygin Str., 119991, Moscow, Russia Phone: +613 9 639 4735 Last change: 17/2/2004 Supplies Fitter Contact: Alexey L. Pomerantsev Fax: +7(095)9397483 Web: Primal Egg Creations, Inc P.O. Box 19333, Louisville,KY 40259, USA Phone: +7(095)9397483 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Collect Data Now! Contact: Matt Ronau Fax: Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +1 (502)449-7736 Last change: 24/11/2003 Page 93 Principia Products 301 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 100, Malvern, PA 19355-1758, USA Supplies Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey Contact: Sales Team Principia Products is a division of Gravic, Inc. Fax: +1.610.647.8771 Web: Provalis Research 2414 Bennett Ave, Montreal, QC, H1V 3S4, Canada Fax: +1 514-899-1750 Web: P-STAT P-STAT, Inc., 230 Lambertville-Hopewell Road, Hopewell, New Jersey 08525-2809, USA Fax: +1 609-466-1688 Web: Pulse Train Ltd Enigma House, 30 Alan Turing Road, Research Park, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7AA, UK Phone: +1.800.858.0860 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies QDA Miner, Simstat Contact: Normand Peladeau Phone: +1 514-899-1672 Last change: 15/8/2006 Supplies P-Stat Contact: Sebbie Buhler Phone: +1 609-466-9200 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Bellview® CAPI , Bellview® CATI, Bellview® Fusion, Bellview® Scan, Bellview® Web, Pulsar, Pulsar Web, STAR®, Visual QSL Contact: Richard Collins A leading international supplier of survey research software, Pulse Train provides a comprehensive range of uniquely innovative solutions covering all aspects of the survey process, from questionnaire design through to data collection (including mixed-mode), analysis and delivery. Bellview® Fusion and Pulsar® Web deliver cutting edge technology to capture data and provide high quality real-time online analytics and graphics, geared to the needs of the Market Research industry. Fax: +44 (0) 1483 302194 Web: Pulseware 2/24 Robinson St , Wollongong NSW , Australia 2500 Phone: +44 (0) 1483 300100 Last change: 26/12/2005 Supplies PulseEFM Contact: Michael Hodge (Australian Business Number) 58 110 054 245 Registered Business Name: MyPlaza Registered trading name: Pulseware Fax: na Web: Qollective d.o.o. Ulica Stare pravde 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: 0425289860 Last change: 15/6/2006 Supplies Questor Contact: Gorazd Norcic Fax: +386-1-230-64-56 Web: QPSMR Limited Thames Park, Lester Way, Hithercroft, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 9TA Fax: +44 (0) 1491 832376 Web: Phone: +386-1-230-64-52 Last change: 1/12/2004 Supplies QPSMR Contact: Ros Biggs Phone: +44 (0) 1491 825644 Last change: 16/12/2005 QSR International Supplies NVivo 7, XSight QSR International Pty Ltd, Second floor, 651 Contact: Doncaster Rd., Doncaster, Vic 3108, Australia Fax: +61 3 9840 1500 Web: Phone: +61 3 9840 1100 Page 94 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 23/7/2006 ASC Software Register –Suppliers QuestionPro Inc. 24206 SE 36th Place, Issaquah, WA, 98029, USA Supplies QuestionPro Contact: Kevin Battey Fax: +1 (206) 686-7070 Web: Rabe-Hesketh Phone: +1 (206) 686-7070 Last change: 30/6/2003 Supplies gllamm Contact: Sophia Rabe-Hesketh Fax: Web: Raosoft 6645 NE Windermere Road, Seattle WA 98115, USA Phone: +1 510 642 5287 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Raosoft EZSurvey, Raosoft EZSurvey SMS Contact: Catherine Rao Fax: +1 206-525-4947 Web: Resampling Stats, Inc 612 N. Jackson Street, Arlington, VA 22201, USA Phone: +1 206-525-4025 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Resampling stats, XLMiner Contact: Sales Fax: +1 703/522-5846 Web: RMplus d.o.o. Company for Market Research and Marketing Ltd., Svetozarevska 10, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Phone: +1 703/522-2713 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies WARP-IT Contact: Borut Jakovac GSM: +386 31 689240 Fax: +386 2 2523783 Web: Rogator Software AG Rogator Software AG, Pilotystrasse 3, 90408 Nuremberg, Germany Phone: +386 2 2342521 Last change: 7/4/2003 Supplies Rogator G4 Contact: Dr. Axel Theobald We supply online research software since 1996 and have a huge background of studies with major European companies Fax: +49-911-81005-70 Web: Roy Morgan International 34 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4JH, UK Phone: +49-911-81005-59 Last change: 9/11/2004 Supplies Asteroid Contact: Paul Dixon Fax: +44 207 430 0658 Web: SAS Institute Inc SAS Campus Dr., Cary, NC 27513, USA Phone: +44 207 242 6400 Last change: 7/4/2005 Supplies SAS/STAT Contact: Anthony An Fax: +1 (919) 677-4444 Web: Scientia Solutions Limited Cameron House, Metro Centre, Gateshead, NE11 9XW , United Kingdom Phone: +1 (919) 531-5879 Last change: 30/11/2004 Supplies ViewsCount Contact: Sean Robson Fax: +44 191 493 2111 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44 191 493 3600 Last change: 1/11/2006 Page 95 Supplies polliscope sconox werbeagentur sconox Werbeagentur, Binger Straße 9, 55262 Contact: Sebastian Schrinner Heidesheim, Germany business and marketing consultants - experienced since 1990 Fax: +49 6132 579186 Web: SIR Pty Ltd 312 Mona Vale Road, Terrey Hills, Sydney, NSW 2084, Australia Phone: +49 6132 579185 Last change: 9/11/2005 Supplies SIR Contact: Tony Reardon Fax: +61 2 9929 7498 Web: Phone: + 61 2 9929 7466 Last change: 15/12/2005 Social Science Consulting Supplies TextGrab, TextQuest Brückengasse 12, 07407 Rudolstadt, Germany Contact: Dr. Harald Klein In the near future all software will be transferred to a new website. Fax: +49 3672 488494 Web: Space-Time Research 1102 Toorak Road, Camberwell, VIC 3124, Australia Phone: +49 3672 488494 Last change: 14/12/2005 Supplies SuperSTAR Contact: John Ellenberger Fax: 61 3 9889 9420 Web: Sphinx Sphinx Développement, Parc Altaïs - 27 Rue Cassiopée, 74650 CHAVANOD, France Phone: 61 3 9805 3400 Last change: 31/8/2003 Supplies Sphinx Contact: Audrey Abbonen Fax: +33 (0) Web: SPSS Inc. (UK) 1st Floor, St Andrews House, West Street, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6EB Phone: +33.(0) Last change: 27/12/2005 Supplies AMOS, Answertree, Clementine, Dimensions Survey Research Platform, mrInterview, mrPaper, mrScan, mrStream, mrTables, mrTranslate, SPSS Base and Modules, SPSS Text Analysis for Surveys, SPSS WebApp Contact: SPSS Inc. (NASDAQ: SPSS) is a global provider of predictive analytics technology and services. The company’s predictive analytics technology connects data to effective action by drawing reliable conclusions about current conditions and future events. More than 250,000 commercial, academic and public sector customers rely on SPSS technology to help increase revenue, reduce costs, improve processes and detect and prevent fraud. Founded in 1968, SPSS is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Fax: +44 (0) 1483 719290 Web: StataCorp LP StataCorp LP, 4905 Lakeway Drive, College Station, Texas 77845, USA Fax: +1-979-696-4601 Web: Statistical Solutions Ltd 8 South Bank, Crosse's Green, Cork, Ireland Phone: +44 (0) 845 3450935 Last change: 3/12/2004 Supplies Stata Contact: Ryman Tiu Phone: +1-979-696-4600 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies BMDP, EquivTest, nQuery Advisor, Patient Profiles, SOLAS Contact: Helen Murphy We also have an office in Boston, USA which can be contacted at (781) 2317680. Email:- Fax: + 353 21 4319630 Web: Phone: + 353 21 4319629 Page 96 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 23/11/2004 ASC Software Register –Suppliers Statistics Netherlands P.O. Box 4481, 6401 CZ Heerlen, The Netherlands Supplies Blaise Contact: Fax: +31 45 5706244 Web: StatPac Inc 1200 First Street, Pepin, WI 54759, USA Phone: Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies StatPac for Windows Contact: Dr. David Walonick Fax: +1-715-442-2262 Web: StatSoft Inc. 2300 East 14th Street, Tulsa, OK 74104, USA Phone: +1-715-442-2261 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Statistica, STATISTICA Data Miner, STATISTICA QC Miner, WebSTATISTICA Contact: Susan Portrey Fax: +1 (918) 749-2217 Web: STS Statistical Tabling Services, The Bungalow, 1 Manor Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1YD Phone: +1 (918) 749-1119 x219 Last change: 11/8/2001 Supplies TPL Tables Contact: Tony Whitfield Fax: +44 (0)20 8241 3668 Web: SumQuest Survey Software Phone: +44 (0)20 8241 3668 Last change: 16/12/2005 Supplies SumQuest Contact: Fax: Web: Survey Galaxy Ltd Old Park House, Hampton Court Road, Hampton Court, KT8 9BY Phone: +1-800-779-7528 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Survey Galaxy Contact: Martin Day Fax: +44 20 8747 9961 Web: Survey Software Services Key Survey, Forbes Business Center, 194 Forbes Road, Suite 242, Braintree MA 02184, USA Phone: +44 20 8994 1409 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Key Survey Contact: Jim Hatcher, VP Sales Fax: +1 (781) 849 8133 Web: Syclick 16 Trade Winds Court, Asher Way, Tower Hill, London E1W 2JB Phone: +1 (781) 849 8118 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies SySurvey Contact: Jamie Furlong Fax: +44 (0) 8701 320 385 Web: Systat Software UK limited 23, Vista Center, 50. Salisbury Road, Hounslow TW4 6JQ, London, UK Phone: +44 (0) 20 7265 1881 Last change: 23/5/2002 Supplies SYSTAT Contact: Maqsood Khan Fax: +44-0-2085380273 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +44-0-2085380128 Last change: 9/12/2005 Page 97 Techneos Systems Techneos Systems Inc., 788 Beatty Street, Suite 209, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 2M1 Fax: +1.604.435.6037 Web: The Gosling Group Postfach 1326, 31550 Rodenberg, Germany Fax: +49 5723-9898254 Web: Trax Uk Ltd Suite 4b Christchurch House, Beaufort Court, Medway City Estate, Rochester, Kent ME2 4FX Fax: 01634 290524 Web: TSP International P.O. Box 61015, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA Fax: +1 (650) 493-2912 Web: UNESCO 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris Cedex, France Fax: +33-1 Web: Unistat Ltd 4 Shirland Mews, Maida Vale, London W9 3DY Fax: 020 8964 1140 Web: Voxco Voxco UK Ltd, 27 Hoe Lane, Nazeing, Essex EN9 2RQ Supplies Entryware Contact: Techneos Info Phone: +1.604.435.6007 Last change: 2/11/2005 Supplies IYCQ Manager, IYSS Contact: Martin Gosling Phone: +49 5723-9898253 Last change: 18/11/2003 Supplies Print & Scan Contact: Colin Woolhouse Phone: 01634 724724 Last change: 6/2/2006 Supplies TSP 4.5 Contact: Rossannah Reeves Phone: +1 (650) 326-1927 Last change: 14/11/2003 Supplies IDAMS Contact: Jean-Claude DAUPHIN Phone: +33-1 Last change: 12/11/2004 Supplies Unistat Contact: Dr. M.A. Toker Phone: 020 8964 1130 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies Interviewer CAPI, Interviewer CATI, Interviewer VCC, Interviewer Web, StatXP Contact: Ian Roberts VOXCO's Head Office is located in Montreal, CANADA. Other offices in Mannheim, GERMANY and Paris, FRANCE. Fax: Web: VSN International Ltd. 5 The Waterhouse, Waterhouse Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1ES Fax: +44 (0)870 1215653 Web: Phone: +44 (0)1992 892 684 Last change: 9/11/2004 Supplies GenStat Contact: Vicki Blythe Phone: +44 (0)1442 450233 Last change: 19/12/2004 Supplies Online Surveys Contact: Sarah Johnson Fax: +64 09 303-3876 Web: Phone: +64 09 303-3876 Page 98 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Last change: 9/12/2005 ASC Software Register –Suppliers WebSurveyor 505 Huntmar Park Drive, Ste. 225, Herndon, VA 20170, USA Supplies WebSurveyor Contact: Steve Murphy Fax: Web: P.O. Box 811322, Chicago IL 60681-1322, USA Phone: +1 703-481-9326 Last change: 6/6/2005 Supplies Winsteps Contact: John M. Linacre Fax: +1-312-264-2352 Web: X-Act! Software Londonderry, NH USA 03053 Phone: +1-312-264-2352 Last change: 9/12/2005 Supplies KnowledgeWorx Contact: Fax: Web: XLent works 14 McGhie Road, Allansford, Vic 3277, Australia Phone: Last change: 26/12/2005 Supplies XLStatistics Contact: Rodney Carr Fax: +61 03 55633320 Web: Xorbix Technologies, Inc. 759 N. Milwaukee Street, Suite 322, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA Phone: +61 03 55633458 Last change: 15/12/2005 Supplies Ioxphere Contact: Asif Bakar Fax: + 1 414 277 5046 Web: ZUMA PO Box 12 21 55, D-68072 Mannheim, Germany Phone: + 1 414 277 5044 Last change: 25/4/2002 Supplies TEXTPACK Contact: Cornelia Zuell Fax: +49 621 1246100 Web: ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Phone: +49 621 1246147 Last change: 9/12/2005 Page 99 ASC Software Register Withdrawn Packages The following packages had entries in the previous paper edition of the Register, but do not appear in the current edition. They were withdrawn because no information had been received since before 2002. ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 Page 101 Notes Page 102 ASC Software Register, prepared on 16 September 2010 ASC Software Register 2006 ISSN: 1475-8121 Association for Survey Computing, PO Box 76, Berkeley, Gloucestershire GL13 9HP, UK Phone: +44 (0) 1453 511 511 E-mail: Web site: