security at EuRO 2008 Kaba at the Olympic games in pR


security at EuRO 2008 Kaba at the Olympic games in pR
No. 37 Edition 1/2008
security at EuRO 2008
Kaba at the Olympic games in pR China
Art theft with a happy ending
from page 4
4 “Expect emotions”
Rudolf Weber in conversation with Martin Jäggi, Project Manager for Security at EURO 2008
from page 8
Higher, faster, longer — and more secure:
Kaba at the 2008 Olympic Games in PR China
Art theft with a happy ending
1 1 Nespresso. What else?
Kuala Lumpur: sensor barriers keep offices secure
1 3
Cencon security for the Baltic Tigers
1 4
The luxury of peace and quiet
Cement and concrete for Africa’s growth
1 6
1 8
Case Studies
from page 10
from page 23
Case studies
Water, water everywhere ... Camera, sound!
1 9
High-tech holiday paradise
The latest door technology at Merck Serono
Treasure chamber of the Czars
Kaba technology for the EU Council of Ministers 22
“Security is a long-term growth trend” Solutions
from page 25
Better and brighter
Perfectly attuned to customer needs
Premium solutions for the mass market 26
Safe locks with network capability
Returning badges safely
Pioneering solution in access management
Compact and multifunctional
Automated, long-lasting and stable
No way back
from page 30
meet & see — a great success
Kaba as a magnet for the crowds
Safe(ly) to the summit
Trade shows
Cover Photo: Kaba at the 2008 Olympic Games in the People’s Republic of China | Sculpture in front of the Olympic Center Stadium in Tianjin. Opened in March 2007, the football stadium was dubbed the “Water Drop” because of its particular shape. 54 Kaba tripod barriers provide secure access for 80,000 spectators. Turn to pages 8 and 9 to find out how and where Kaba’s access technology is being used at China’s other Olympic sites.
Portada: Kaba en los Juegos Olímpicos de 2008 en China | Escultura en la plaza delante del Estadio Olímpico de Tianjin. El estadio, inaugurado en marzo de 2007, es conocido con el nombre de “Gota de Agua” debido a su particular diseño. 54 torniquetes Kaba regulan el acceso de los 80.000 espectadores al estadio. En las páginas 8 y 9 encontrará más información sobre dónde y cómo Kaba regula el acceso a los campeonatos olímpicos.
2 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
With this slogan, football’s 2008 European Championship
kicks off at 6 p.m. on June 7. The anticipation is already
mounting. And for 23 days football will be everything — not
just in the two host countries Austria and Switzerland, but for millions of fans across Europe. With security high on the
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini,
Chief Communications
agenda, Rudolf Weber discussed the issue with EURO 2008
security project manager Martin Jäggi. Read about the “Emociones en vivo” | Con este lema, el
challenges he faces and how much security is required for this major
7 de junio a las 18.00 horas, un silbato anun­
event on pages 4 to 7.
ciará el comienzo del Campeonato Europeo
de Fútbol de 2008. Y entonces retornará el
entusiasmo. Durante 23 días, todo girará
en torno al fútbol — no sólo en los dos países
anfi­triones, Austria y Suiza, sino también
para millones de aficionados en toda Europa.
Como el tema seguridad es fundamental en
este contexto, Rudolf Weber ha tenido un
encuentro para dialogar con Martin Jäggi,
director del área de seguridad en el EURO
2008. Para saber qué retos hay que afrontar
y qué nivel de seguridad precisa un aconte­
cimiento de este calibre, lea el artículo en las
páginas 4 a 7.
El deporte une — nosotros facilitamos a los
aficionados el acceso a ese espectáculo
que les apasiona. En los últimos años, Kaba
ha conseguido establecerse con éxito en el
mercado de equipamiento para estadios.
Tanto el Stade de Suisse Wankdorf, lugar de
celebración del EURO 2008, como los esta­
dios de Berlín, Frankfurt o Hanover confían
en los equipos Kaba para el control de acceso.
Pero Kaba está en primera línea del deporte
no solamente en Europa: cuando se encienda
la llama olímpica en Peking el próximo 8 de
agosto, 91.000 espectadores estarán presen­
tes en el Estadio Olímpico. Para acceder al
estadio, todos habrán pasado por uno de los
138 torniquetes Kaba. Este reportaje se en­
cuentra en las páginas 8 y 9.
También en el mundo de las finanzas la segu­
ridad es un tema de gran actualidad. Hemos
invitado a los directores de fondos de segu­
ridad de Credit Suisse y del Banco Pictet a un
coloquio. Es la seguridad un mercado clave
en el futuro? Más información en la sección
de tendencias, páginas 23 y 24.
Sport brings people together — we provide the fans with access to their shared passion. In recent years, Kaba has successfully established
itself as a provider for sports stadiums. Thus, the Stade de Suisse
Wankdorf in Berne, one of the EURO 2008 venues, relies on Kaba ac­cess
systems, as do stadiums in Berlin, Frankfurt and Hanover. But Kaba’s
front line position at sporting events is not confined to Europe. When
the Olympic flame is lit on August 8 in the National Stadium in Beijing,
91,000 spectators will be present to witness it. They will have passed
through 138 tripod barriers from Kaba to gain access to the stadium.
Turn to pages 8 and 9 for more details.
Security is also a hot topic in the financial world. We invited the managers of the security funds at Credit Suisse and Pictet for a round- table discussion. Is this a key market for the future? Learn more in the Trends article on pages 23 and 24.
I wish you an enjoyable read.
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 3
“We want to organize a party, not build a fortress”
Football’s 2008 European Championship kicks off on 7 June 2008. Rudolf Weber meets up with Martin Jäggi, Project Manager for Security at EURO 2008. Their conversation centers on the issue of how much security a major sporting event needs as well as on personal challenges involved. Martin Jäggi (MJ) At a major event like
attack, we have to be as well-prepared not a straightforward task. Visitors should
EURO 2008 — the third largest sport­- as possible so that we can help immedi-
not have the feeling that the stadium is a
ing event in the world after the Olympic
ately and protect people if anything fortress, but they still need to feel safe.
Games and the FIFA World Cup — good does happen. We are creating security
security is absolutely vital. But at the
discreetly but effectively.
MJ It’s a real paradox — but it’s also a that we are organizing a party, not RW As secure as possible, and at the
world of security. You can, for example,
building a fortress.
same time as indiscernible as possible —
make your house absolutely secure, but
fact of life we encounter all the time in the
same time we have vowed to remember
“Kaba plays in the
premier league
that’s exactly what is required of our then it would take you a quarter of an
Rudolf Weber (RW) Sounds like a bit security installations, too. People want hour to get in every time. You always have
of a tightrope walk ...
to feel safe but not constrained. For in-
to give up a little freedom to ensure stance, we have equipped three stadiums
MJ It is indeed. The challenges are enor-
in China with turnstiles and tripod barri-
mous: from pickpockets and forged tick-
ers for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
RW With a stadium, this means that visi-
ets to hooliganism and terrorism, right
These installations had to be integrated
tors should be able to enjoy the game
through to outright disaster — we have to
into the overall architecture as discreetly
without having to worry about security.
think about everything in advance. Even if
as possible. However, with an architec- Here, I believe, it is crucial to filter out
we can’t completely eliminate the possi-
t­ural jewel like the National Stadium, the troublemakers before they can get
bility of certain events, such as a terrorist
designed by Herzog & de Meuron, this is
into the stadium. And that has to be done
as subtly as possible so that the event
doesn’t become a police event. What
measures have been planned for EURO
2008? How are you going to keep the
thugs and the hooligans away from the
and the stadiums themselves on the MJ Well, we are working with four differ-
look-out for known troublemakers. Conse-
ent filters. Filter number one is related to
quently we can be almost certain that the ticket sale: details of known hooligans
no hooliganism will take place within the
are stored in the national databases of
stadiums. And should the odd individual
participating countries, and these people
manage to make it through all four filters,
simply won’t be able to buy tickets in they will at least be isolated rather than
advance from UEFA. As a second meas-
part of a mob.
“We create security,
discreetly but
ure, we have asked participating countries to prevent their known hooligans
RW Impressive arrangements. Does
from travelling. The third filter is Switzer-
UEFA lay down specific security stand-
land’s border guard corps, who also holds
data on registered troublemakers and Rudolf Weber, CEO of Kaba Group,
in conversation with Martin Jäggi,
Project Manager for Security at
EURO 2008.
4 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
is responsible for stopping them coming
MJ Security is like a jigsaw puzzle, and
into Switzerland. Another important filter
cooperation helps all the pieces to fall into
— number four — comes with so called
place. A lot of people are helping to make
spotters of the foreign police. These everything secure. In the stadiums, for
go on patrol with our specialists round
example, the highest priority is ef­fective
the stations, the public viewing areas access control. Further, UEFA stipulates
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 5
tons; and as the police are controlled by
the cantons, we have 26 different policing
laws in the country. On top of this there is
the federal government with its various
responsibilities, medical and rescue ser­
vices, border police, army, private security firms ... Having all these people in the
same boat and trying to navigate a way
for us all towards the same goal is a big
challenge. I’m helped by the national
secu­rity concept, which contains guidelines for all these different parties. But
what about you? What are your big challenges as the head of a security group
like Kaba?
RW Leading the company successfully in good and bad times so that our em­
ployees have secure jobs and our shareholders are satisfied. That’s the biggest
challenge for me. In a global company you
are confronted with new challenges every
“You always have
to give up a little
freedom to
ensure security.”
that there should be no standing room day. One has to be very alert and very MJ The best team will become Champi-
at EURO 2008. No more than four tickets
fle­x­ible. At the moment, for example, we ons of Europe, as long as they have a can be purchased per person, alcohol is
are seeing a trend away from mechanics
little luck, too. It would of course be great
banned in the stadiums — and so on. There
and towards mechatronics — a real change
if Switzerland made it to the final.
are secure perimeters with controlled
in technology that we have to master.
RW Why shouldn’t Switzerland win? entry points around all the stadiums. At
these points, people are check­ed to en-
MJ What does Kaba actually mean?
ons get into the stadium or its immedi­- RW The name Kaba comes from the
ate vicinity. In public spac­es, meanwhile, company’s founder Franz Bauer, who orig-
it is up to the police to ensure security.
inally made cash boxes. This made him a “KAssenBAuer” — German for cashbox
RW Being head of security for an event
maker — hence KABA. When Kaba was
like EURO 2008 puts a lot of respon­- founded in Zurich 146 years ago, it manu-
si­bility on your shoulders. What is your
factured cashboxes and safes. Today this
biggest challenge?
is just a small part of what we do. Over the
years, our Swiss company has become 6 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
With the home crowd as an extra player,
anything is possible!
sure that no dangerous objects or weap-
MJ It is a fundamental principle with us
a global player in the security industry and
that everything that happens should is now very much in the premier league
happen within the approved structures.
internationally. Let’s finish with a look And these structures are relatively com-
in the crystal ball. Who do you think will
plicated in Switzerland. We have 26 can-
make it to the final this summer?
“Queremos organizar una fiesta, no construir una fortaleza” | El 7 de junio de 2008
se inicia el Campeonato de Europeo de Fút­
bol. Rudolf Weber conversa con el director
de seguridad del EURO 2008, Martin Jäggi.
Entre otros temas hablan sobre la cuestión
del nivel de seguridad necesario para un acon­
tecimiento deportivo de masas. La se­guridad
es un requisito indispensable, pero a la vez —
indica Jäggi — el objetivo es organizar una
fiesta, no construir una fortaleza.
Hay que conseguir que la seguridad se note
lo menos posible: la gente quiere sentirse se­
gura, pero no limitada. Esos son los requisitos
que cumplen también los equipos de segu­
ridad, añade Weber. Tienen que ofrecer la ma­
yor seguridad posible y a la vez pasar des­
apercibidos. Al preguntarle sobre el desafío
de su función como CEO, Weber responde
que es necesario estar muy atento y tener
flexibilidad. Actualmente el reto que hay que
superar es el cam­bio tecnológico de la mecá­
nica a la me­catrónica.
Martin Jäggi was born in Solothurn,
Switzerland, in 1944. As an engineering
graduate he spent several years as a
train­ing officer in the Swiss Army. In 1978,
he joined the Canton Solothurn Pol­ice
Force, where he has been Com­mander since
1984. He was a Colonel on the General Staff
of the Swiss Army where he was most recently assigned to Operational Training. In
2005, the Conference of Cantonal Justice
and Police Directorates appointed him
as Project Manager for Security at EURO
2008. Martin Jäggi is married with two
grown-up children.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 7
Higher, faster, longer – and more secure
It all starts on 08-08-08 when the Olympic flame is lit in Beijing’s National Stadium. There are seats for 91,000 guests at the opening ceremony, and each of these guests will enter the “Birds Nest” through Kaba’s tripod barriers.
1 National Olympic Stadium, Beijing
ArchitectsHerzog & de Meuron with the China Architecture
Design Institute
91,000 seats
Over EUR 300 million
Football, athletics
Entry control 138 Kaba TPB-E01 tripod barriers, 18 Kaba HSD-E01 swing doors
2 Q
inhuangdao Olympic Sports Center
Architects­Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (BIAD)
33,500 seats
Entry control 17 Kaba TPB-E01 tripod barriers, 10 Kaba FTS-L01 and 4 FTS-E01 turnstiles
First sight of the Olympic stadium Maximum security
3 Tianjin Olympic Center Stadium
AXS Satow Inc. (Japan)
60,000 seats/total of 80,000 spectators
Entry control 54 Kaba TPB-E01 tripod barriers
Tripod barriers for secure entry
Other competitions are taking place
in Beijing simply takes your breath away.
While the architecture gives an im-
Kaba tripod barriers are used to The central venue for the 2008 Summer
pression of lightness and transparency,
control physical access. “Security and
dao, a coastal city in the northern prov-
in the Olympic Sports Centre in Qin­­huan­g­
Games, designed by top Swiss-based access to the stadium is strictly chan-
functionality were the key factors in ince of Hebei. Already opened in 2005,
architects Herzog & de Meuron, looks like
neled and controlled. Games on this scale
our choice,” explains Xue Yong. “We this football stadium has been refitted to
something from another planet. The
demand the highest levels of security.
did, of course, look at other providers, meet Olympic Committee requirements
monumental network of intertwined steel
Xue Yong, project manager at construc-
but it became clear that Kaba could and brought up to the latest technolo­
supports seems to stretch out in all direc-
tion firm CITIC International Contracting
offer us the best technical support, gical standards.
tions across the huge site. The effect is
Inc., fills us in: “In terms of security, the
being an extremely reliable and inter­
Also, in these two major cities, and
stunning. The whole building looks like an
People’s Republic of China is focusing nationally highly respected company.”
therefore in three of the four main ven-
enormous bird’s nest. And despite its primarily on international terrorism and
official name being the National Stadium,
secondly on the so-called inner security
302 competitions, 28 different sports
the “Bird’s Nest” is precisely what most
ring, i. e. access to the stadium and to Some of the 28 field events will people around the world call it. 42,000
the arena.” On this second point he adds,
take place in other locations, including tonnes of steel were used to build the
“You will only be let into the National in the port city of Tianjin. Again, the
spectacular new landmark of the Chinese
Stadium once you have successfully
shape of the Olympic Centre Stadium
capital. It measures 70 meters in height
passe­d through a series of controls.
there has given rise to a popular alter­
and 320 meters across. At various stages
These are based on a personalized entry
native name: the “Water Drop”. It was
of the construction process, between
card and a face recognition system; opened in March 2007.
10,000 and 40,000 people were working
the transaction data is compared with on the stadium at any one time.
information stored in a database.”
8 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
ues of Olympic Summer Games, Kaba tripod barriers and turnstiles will ensure
secure access to the stadiums.
Más alto, más lejos, más rápido — más seguro | El 08–08–2008 es el día señalado: en el Estadio
Olímpico de Peking se encenderá la llama olímpica. Este estadio, diseñado por los prestigiosos
arquitectos Herzog & de Meuron, será la sede principal de los Juegos Olímpicos de 2008. Su
forma recuerda a un nido de pájaros, por lo que todo el mundo lo conoce por el nombre de “Bird’s
Nest”. Del control físico de acceso al estadio se encargarán los torniquetes de Kaba. También
en Tianjin y Qinhuangdao, otras dos sedes de los Juegos Olímpicos, los torniquetes y molinetes
de Kaba regularán la entrada de los espectadores a los estadios.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 9
Art theft with a happy ending
Nespresso. What else?
A few years ago, the world’s most famous salt cellar, the Saliera by Cellini, was brazenly stolen from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna — an event not to be repeated. A new security solution keeps guard of the important collections at the museum. Nestlé has twice revolutionized the international coffee market. First it was instant coffee — Nescafé rapidly became a household name — then Nespresso. And because Nespresso lovers like to enjoy their coffee in peace and quiet, Kaba opens the doors to the Nespresso world automatically and silently. which is every bit as good as the Italian
noise of everyday life are kept outside by
going on a trip to Italy and falling in love
original. Whether the inten­se aroma and
Kaba’s automatic sliding doors, which
with the unmistakable aroma and unique
the splendidly nuanced taste were en-
open and close silently — thus giving cus-
taste of real Italian espresso. Inspired by
joyed in the office, at home or in a coffee
tomers the peace and quiet in which to
this, the Nestlé research team decided to
bar — the Nespresso capsules swiftly choose from the many different types of
look for the secret of a perfect espresso.
conquered the world. The exclusive coffee, savor a Grand Cru or pick out The idea was to produce coffee as served
boutiques are also part of the package,
accessories for their elegantly designed
up in a traditional espresso bar with its
with 1 1 7 of them in different locations
Nespresso machines.
huge coffee machines and its baristas,
around the world. Created and designed
but one which could be enjoyed without
by French architect Francis Krempp, further ado at home or in the office. they convey the unmistakable Nespresso
It started with a Nestlé employee That was three decades ago. The efforts of the research team paid off:
The Saliera was made by the Florentine artist Benvenuto Cellini between
solution entailed the use of a mecha­tro­
nic locking system in combination with later found its way as a gift into the
existing security systems.
Habsburg collections. On 13 May 2003,
Around 400 Kaba elolegic cylin­- this unique work of art, with an insured
ders have since been installed in the main
value of 50 million euros, was purloined.
building on the Ringstrasse and in the
After three years of investigative work,
buildings of the Museum of Ethnology,
the Austrian police succeeded in clear­ing
the Neue Burg and the Schatzkammer —
up the biggest art theft in the country’s
some of them being incorporated into
history. Today, the legendary salt cellar protected historical doors and portals. As
is back in its rightful place among the an essential element in the overall con-
museum’s many treasures.
cept, the over 500 Kaba Legic keys used
The Kunsthistorisches Museum must not leave the building under any is one of the largest and most important
circumstances. This is achieved by the
museums of its kind. Since 1891, it has
use of six key depots, which are con­
housed the imperial art collections of the
trolled using Kaba exos with inter­faces
Habsburgs. Following the theft of the to the existing systems.
Saliera, experts were called in to develop
10 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
But who wants to be disturbed while
Nestlé Nespresso S.A. developed its own,
enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee? This
patented system to prepare an espresso
has been thought of, too. The stress and
cultural asset; among other things, this
1540 and 1543 for the French king and
a lasting security solution for this unique
In safe hands: after the theft of the Saliera
(picture above), the Kunsthistorisches
Museum in Vienna had to rethink its security set-up. A sophisticated solution from
Kaba was the result.
Robo con final feliz | El Museo Histórico
de Arte de Viena custodia las colecciones
artísticas de la familia Habsburgo, entre
otras obras el más conocido salero del mun­
do, la “Saliera” de Cellini. Esta obra de arte,
asegurada por un valor de 50 millones de
euros, fue robada en 2003 y por suerte pudo
ser recuperada posteriormente. Un sistema
de cierre mecatrónico con más de 400 cilin­
dros elolegic de Kaba y depósitos de llaves
integrados se encarga de custodiar el edificio
y evitar que vuelva a repetirse un robo de
este tipo.
A quiet coffee break: automatic doors from
Kaba keep noise and stress outside. Connoisseurs like George Clooney like to drink their
Nespresso in peace.
Nespresso. What else? | Nespresso, el expre­
so con ese aroma intenso y auténtico del café
en cápsulas, ha conquistado el mundo de la
noche a la mañana y ya forma parte de nues­
tra vida diaria. Nespresso representa además
un estilo de vida y está disponible en 117 tien­
das en todo el mundo. Pero a nadie le gusta
que le interrumpan mientras disfruta su café.
Los problemas cotidianos y el estrés se que­
dan afuera, detrás de las puertas correderas
automáticas de Kaba, que se abren y cierran
silenciosamente ...
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 11
Kuala Lumpur: sensor barriers keep offices secure
Cencon security for the Baltic Tigers
Prestigious property development company United Overseas Australia Ltd. (UOA) always takes great care to offer its tenants the best possible security. Which is precisely why in 2007 it fitted four office buildings
with the first Kaba half-height sensor barriers to be seen in Malaysia. Further installations are planned.
With their rapidly growing economies, the Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been dubbed the “Baltic Tigers” — a reference to the “tiger economies” of South-East Asia. Hansabankas, one of the leading banks in the Baltic, is using Cencon locks to provide security for its cash dispensers. United Overseas Australia Ltd.
were looking for a security system that
(UOA) is a public listed company in both
met international standards. Kaba im-
Australia and Singapore, based in Malay-
pressed us with its local presence, its sia. It specializes in residential and com-
experienced project team and — last but
mercial development, construction and
not least — the product it was offering,”
investment projects in the mid and upper
says David Khor, Senior General Manager
segments of the real estate market.
of UOA. Richard Bryant, General Manager
Known for the exclusivity of its develop-
for Kaba Malaysia, tells us more about
ments, UOA currently has a total of
why Kaba appealed to UOA: “The cus-
316,149 m2 of saleable or lettable proper-
tomer liked the half-height barriers be-
ty under development in Kuala Lumpur
cause they provide the right combination
alone; another 761,516 m2 is being held of convenience and security. At the same
for future development.
time, their sleek, modern styling fits in
The company’s security strategy
stipulates that access to its buildings
very well with UOA’s various buildings.”
Last year the sensor barriers were
must be restricted to the tenants installed in a total of 31 lanes in four
and owners and to authorized visitors.
buildings. David Khor is pleased: “We Alongside monitoring and visitor man-
are very happy with the service and will agement systems, part of this concept certainly be considering the product involves access control using integrat­- for our future projects.” Currently, ed sensor barriers.
there are plans to install Kaba’s products
“Because a lot of our tenants and
owners are active all over the world, we
Kuala Lumpur: Pasillos controlados por
sensores protegen edificios de oficinas | La
conocida empresa constructora United Over­
seas Australia Ltd. (UOA) da gran im­portancia
al tema de la seguridad para los inquilinos de
sus exclusivos locales para oficinas. Por este
motivo, en 2007 se equiparon cuatro edificios
de oficinas con los primeros pasillos contro­
lados por sensores que se han insta­lado en
Malasia. Kaba ganó el proyecto al ofrecer pre­
sencia in situ, un equipo con experiencia y
por el producto y su diseño. Hoy en día UOA
dispone en Kuala Lumpur de una superficie
de 316.149 m2 para vender o alquilar.
Checking, registering, receipting: by the
end of 2008, Kaba will have fitted around
1,100 Hansabankas ATMs in the Baltic
states with Cencon locks.
in 26 lanes in two more buildings.
Safe and efficient: half-height barriers
provide effective access control in four
exclusive properties in Kuala Lumpur.
Since gaining independence from
constantly changing one-time code and
an Union, the Baltic countries Estonia,
checks, registers and receipts every Latvia and Lithuania have seen impres-
instance of access — and it does all this
sive levels of economic growth. Direct without the need for a wired-up con­
access to the European markets and very
low taxation have contributed to this.
Impressed by the ease of handling
Whilst exports were the driving force and the proven technology offered by
initially, the domestic market is now con-
Cencon locks, the bank decided to use tributing ever increasingly to overall
the system for all its ATMs in the three
growth. High demand for consumer
countries. The locks are managed central-
goods means there is a growing need for
ly from one location. For the first time,
cash. Thus, the number of cash dispens-
new software developed by the security
ers in these three countries has increased
group G4S has also been used. This en­
One of the leading banks in the Bal-
12 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
security for ATMs, this system uses a the Soviet Union and joining the Europe-
Cencon protege al tigre del Báltico | Hansa­
bankas, uno de los bancos líderes de la región
báltica, apuesta por las cerraduras Cencon a
la hora de asegurar sus cajeros automáticos.
Hasta finales de 2008, todos sus cajeros au­
tomáticos en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania (en
total 1.100) estarán equipados con este siste­
ma. Funciona con un código que se utiliza una
sola vez y que cambia con cada operación,
a la vez que comprueba, registra y confirma
cada acceso a la cerradura, todo ello de for­
ma inalámbrica. Una central única se encarga
de dirigir los movimientos de todas las cerra­
ables the one-time code to be sent by SMS direct to the cash-in-transit operator.
tic is Hansabankas. It has the largest
Kaba is working on this project in
branch network and operates around
collaboration with Hansab, the Baltic’s
1,100 ATMs in Estonia, Latvia and Lithua-
leading supplier of bank technology. The
nia. More than half of these cash ma-
last of the 1,100 Cencon locks are expect-
chines are already fitted with a Cencon
ed to be in use by the end of 2008.
lock. Developed specially to provide
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 13
The luxury of peace and quiet
Cement and concrete for Africa’s growth
A little bit of space to relax in: Kaba technology is used in Yotel cabin hotels to keep transit passengers safe and secure while they rest and freshen up between flights.
AfriSam is a leading supplier of cement, concrete and building materials in southern Africa and employs
more than 2,500 staff. Swicon and Kaba helped the Holcim subsidiary optimize its business processes.
AfriSam specializes in the production
of cement, concrete, dry mortar and related chemical products. With a view to
simplifying its internal business processes
and making them more efficient — particularly in human resources, time recording
and access control — the company turned
to the leading SAP consultancy provider
Swicon South Africa.
Working in conjunction with its partner Kaba, Swicon proposed a solution
which fitted the bill perfectly. Today, all
AfriSam production sites in South Africa,
Swaziland, Lesotho and Namibia are
equipped with Kaba Benzing B-Net 93 20
terminals and are connected up online
with the central SAP server in Johannesburg. “The quality of the Kaba Benzing
terminals is outstanding,” says Günter
Nerlich, Director for Marketing & Business
Development at Swicon. “Despite the
harsh environmental conditions in southern Africa, not a single terminal has It was previously a Japanese phenomenon, which has now expanded into
ogy Lodging Access System, is used to
Europe. Yotels provide comfortable cab-
manage the individual locks.
ins for travelers wishing to enjoy a nap
due to the simplicity and efficiency of These sound-proof and luxuriously fitted-
the whole system,” explains Yotel’s Oper-
out cabins can be reserved by the hour ations Director Nigel Buchanan. The sys-
or overnight.
tem is, indeed, straightforward in terms
tions, both inside and outside. The functions offered by the B-Net 93 20 are put
Relax in safety: travelers wishing to make
good use of their time between flights can
retire to their Yotel cabin and relax.
opened its 46 cabin doors in the summer in its management. The ATLAS system
provides a web-based interface that Gatwick, followed in December by 32 allows for simple and easy programming cabins at Heathrow’s Terminal 4. It is in
of all guest room doors; they can be spring 2008, that the first Yotel on managed from a single central point. the other side of the English Channel is
Buchanan adds: “Installation in the Yotel
expected to open at Schiphol Airport,
Gatwick was a complete success and the
Amsterdam. In all Yotels, security is of
access control system for guests has
paramount importance; after all, you can
proved extremely efficient. So it was ob-
only sleep well if you feel safe and sec­ure. vious that we should continue our col­
Every cabin door at both Gatwick and
laboration with Kaba at Heathrow.”
Heathrow is fitted with a Solitaire 710-11
to very good use: at the entrances to
what, in some cases, are huge sites, the
terminals provide staff access control; at their posts, staff use the terminals to
of installation and extremely efficient of 2007 in the South Terminal at London
14 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
There are currently more than 150
terminals installed at the various loca-
“Kaba was specified for this project
while they wait for their connecting flight.
The first Yotel on European soil
yet failed.”
lock. ATLAS, Kaba’s Advanced Technol­
Descanso de lujo | Algo que hasta ahora
sólo se conocía en Japón ha llegado ya a los
aeropuertos londinenses de Gatwick y Hea­
throw, y estará pronto también disponible en
Amsterdam-Schiphol. Yotels ofrece a los pa­
sajeros en tránsito que quieran descansar
cómodamente, mientras esperan su conexión,
cabinas para dormir. La seguridad es funda­
mental, ya que sólo quien se siente seguro
puede dormir bien. Para ello se han instalado
cerraduras Kaba Solitaire 710-11 gestionadas
a través de ATLAS, el Advanced Technology
Lodging Access System de Kaba.
enter their hours. The Legic RFID sys­tem
is used for data entry. With the new solution, time recording and access control
were integrated seamlessly into the existing SAP processes. The company’s goal
was achieved: business processes were
made simpler and more efficient.
Practically failsafe: using terminals from
Kaba, access to AfriSam’s production sites
in South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland and
Lesotho is centrally controlled.
Cemento y hormigón para el desarrollo de
África | AfriSam es una empresa líder en el
suministro de cemento y hormigón en África
del Sur. A través de Swicon South Africa,
Kaba logró optimizar los procesos empresa­
riales de AfriSam. Actualmente todas las plan­
tas productoras de AfriSam en Sudáfrica, Sua­zi­landia, Lesotho y Namibia están equipadas
con terminales Kaba Benzing B-Net 93 20 y
conectadas en línea con el servidor central de
SAP en Johanesburgo. Gracias a la nueva so­
lución se han podido integrar la gestión hora­
ria y el control de acceso en los procesos SAP
ya existentes en la empresa.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 15
Water, water everywhere …
For three months, Expo Zaragoza 2008 is devoting itself to water and the sustainable management of this precious resource. Organizers expect to welcome huge numbers of visitors from all over the world. Kaba has developed a sophisticated access control system to help them cope.
Futuristic: the Bridge Pavilion, the work
of Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, is already
regarded as an architectural pièce de
résistance. It forms one of the main entrances to Expo Zaragoza 2008.
The universal exposition Expo
Zaragoza 2008 runs from 14 June to Expo as crowd puller
In 2005, 22 million people visited teers. The sheer number of different ID types makes access control highly
14 September in Zaragoza, the capital the Expo in Japan. On the most popular
of the Aragón region in eastern Spain. single day, an incredible 172,000 people
The Expo site lies on the Ebro, Spain’s
were on site. The organizers in Zaragoza
type of day ticket, but several: those that
most voluminous river. Architectural high-
hope to attract similar numbers, so they
are bought in advance look different to
lights include a drop-shaped water tower
are putting in place a simple and efficient
the ones bought online, or at a bank ATM,
and a bridge pavilion over the Ebro de-
solution to control visitor access. This or at the entrance to the Expo. What they
signed by celebrated Iraqi architect Zaha
is being provided by Informática El Corte
all have in common, however, is a bar-
Hadid. During the Expo, around 100 na-
Inglés and Kaba.
code. Anyone needing a season pass will
tions and organizations will be showing
how carefully and responsibly we have to manage water to ensure that there is
Variety of tickets and passes
These two partners have worked What is more, there is not just one
Forward-looking: in order to handle the millions
of visitors expected, Kaba and Informática El
Corte Inglés have developed a tailored access
get an ISO-RFID card, like the ones issued
ment system based on the Exos-AMC
to journalists, service providers and platform and is operated via an integrat-
volunteers. These regulate precisely
ed touch-screen that will not reflect enough of this unique resource to go
together on other projects: the America’s
when and for how long a person can be even in direct sunlight. The fixed installa-
Cup in Valencia, Warner Bros Park in in particular places on site.
tions are supplemented by PDA-based
The organizers’ ambitious goal was
to make the environmental impact of this
Madrid and Port Aventura in Tarragona.
But nothing has been this challenging:
readers for mobile control.
Intelligent system
The solution developed by Informáti-
For Juan Andrés Arias, Kaba Project
major event practically zero. For exam-
over 93 days, millions of people will be
ple, the energy needed to cool the pavil-
wanting to enter the exposition site using
ca El Corte Inglés and Kaba controls ac-
“The central theme is sustainability, ions comes from renewable sources various tickets and passes. Some will
cess simply but reliably. Intelligent Kaba
which exactly matches our corporate
(solar and wind power), while most of the
have day tickets; some will have season
tripod barriers stand at the entrances,
promotional material is biodegradable.
tickets for the daytime or evening. There
equipped with barcode and RFID readers
Expo Zaragoza 2008 is setting interna-
will be accredited jour­nalists, on-site that can interpret most common RFID
tional standards in this area.
service providers and countless volun-
standards. Each unit also has a manage-
16 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
Agua — un tema que nos afecta a todos | En
la Expo Zaragoza 2008, que se celebra de
mediados de junio a septiembre, todo gira en
torno al agua y a su uso sostenible. Los orga­
nizadores cuentan con cuatro millones de
visitantes de todo el mundo. Por ello, Informá­
tica El Corte Inglés y Kaba (dos empresas que
ya han realizado diversos proyectos conjun­
tos, como la Americas’s Cup en Valencia) han
desarrollado una sofisticada solución para
el control de acceso. Las entradas válidas
para un día tienen un código de barras, mien­
tras que los pases permanentes para perio­
distas, empresas de servicios y ayudantes
voluntarios funcionan con ISO-RFID que ges­
tiona exactamente cuándo y durante qué
periodo de tiempo tienen acceso a determi­
nadas zonas. Un problema de gran compleji­
dad resuelto de forma sencilla y segura:
torniquetes inteligentes con lectores de códi­
go de barras y RFID protegen las entradas,
ayudados por lectores basados en PDA para
aplicaciones móviles.
Manager, the Expo is a special project:
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 17
Camera, sound!
High-tech holiday paradise
It is twelve years since HSE24, Germany’s first TV shopping channel, started broadcasting. The Munichbased company provides both TV and Internet shopping and now reaches over 40 million households in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. CardLink ensures security at its broadcasting center. Turquoise water, endless beaches and unadulterated enjoyment — that is Hawaii. But even in paradise security is an important issue. Hilton Waikoloa Village has always relied on Saflok.
Hilton Waikoloa Village extends
and magnetic strip keycards as a stand-
along 25 hectares of the beautiful Kohala
ard feature. It also has an integrated log-
Coast on Hawaii’s Big Island. The idyllic
book that can record up to 5,900 trans­
location and local culture combine with actions — more than any other lock.
a commitment to luxury to create an exclusive tropical vacation paradise.
Saflok has been responsible for six weeks. They followed a meticulously
for the past 10 years. When the resort
prepared plan so that the new locks could
was first built, it was fitted out with
be integrated into the existing system
SL2500 locks, at that time the most ad-
without compromising security. The sys-
vanced hotel locks in the world. With tem was kept online and fully functional
security requirements increasing con­
during the entire operation.
ous praise. “With their professional ap-
upgrade to the very latest technology.
proach, Saflok’s workers exceeded our Once again they decided that a Saflok
expectations,” said Rudy Habelt, Director
product was the best option, this time of Property Operations at Hilton Waiko­-
the MT lock.
loa Village. “We are very happy that we
ket that offers multitechnology functionown home at a time which suits you, but
still with the benefit of expertise advice —
CardLink fulfilled these requirements,
live for 16 hours a day, 365 days a year. A
combining as it does both stand-alone
call center takes orders round the clock.
and online components. “We were im-
“Secure access control is an absolute must
pressed with the proposal — all the more
for a live broadcast operation,” stresses
so as we had already been very pleased
Wolfgang Pfeifer, Head of the five-strong
with the work of the system supplier Facility Management Team.
Bavaria Zeitsysteme.” Around 300 doors
Top performance: with its MT locks,
Saflok brought access control at
Hilton Waikoloa Village up to the latest
technological standard in no time.
Everything under control: using CardLink,
HSE24 manages access rights for around
500 staff as well as numerous freelancers
and visitors simply and effectively.
to offices and technical and storage rooms
ous freelancers and other visitors re­-
were fitted with Kaba elolegic c-lever with
quire access to the complex in Ismaning/
integrated electronic reader, while glass
Munich. This access is now provided by doors were equipped with digital cylin-
a Kaba system. “We wanted a solution
ders. All access points are centrally man-
whic­h would use a single medium that
aged — without the need to wire the doors
would provide online access control, rec­
up to the system. “We now have a system
ord time and attendance and be used which will last well into the future, which
to open the actual doors, as well as allow-
can be extended at will, and which saves
ing drinks and meals to be paid for in both expense and a great deal of time,”
the canteen,” Pfeifer explains. In other
Pfeifer concludes.
words, an integrated system which would
18 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
chose Saflok as our partner.”
Kaba exos 9300 together with
that is the philosophy. HSE24 broadcasts
Around 500 staff as well as numer-
ality, reading smart cards, memory cards
also as inexpensive as possible.
The installation team earned gener-
decided that the time had come to The MT is the only lock on the marbe flexible, efficient, user-friendly and Saflok’s specialists did the job in just access control at Hilton Waikoloa Village
tinuously, the resort’s managers recently
Shopping from the comfort of your
Locks were replaced on 1,240 hotel
doors and on 200 doors in staff areas.
Tecnología de punta en un paraíso de tu­ris­
mo | El Hilton Waikoloa Village en Hawai
ocupa una superficie de 25 hectáreas a lo
largo de la exclusiva costa Kohala. Desde
hace más de diez años, Saflok se encarga del
control de acceso. El sistema, que en su
día era lo más avanzado del momento — la
serie electrónica SL2500 —, ha sido ahora
adaptado a la tecnología actual: en sólo seis
semanas, los especialistas instalaron un total
de 1.440 cerrojos de hotel tipo Saflok MT, el
único sistema disponible en el merca­do que
ofrece funcionalidad para múltiples tecno­
logías y que permite rastrear hasta 5.900 ac­
ciones. El sistema existente se mantuvo
en línea sin inter­rup­ciones, no presentando
ningún problema operativo.
¡Luzes, cámara, acción! | Hace ahora 12 años
comenzó a emitir en Alemania el primer
proveedor de ventas por internet y televisión:
HSE24. En el edificio donde se encuentran
los estudios es imprescindible disponer de un
control de acceso fiable. Para ello se han equi­
pado unas 300 puertas con manillas provis­
tas de lectores electrónicos Kaba elolegic
c-lever y las puertas de cristal con cilindros
digitales. Todos los accesos se gestionan
de forma centralizada — sin necesidad de que
las puertas estén cableadas electrónica­
mente. Todo es posible gracias a CardLink.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 19
The latest door technology at Merck Serono
Merck Serono’s new headquarters complex in Geneva impresses both visitors and passers-by with its airy,
light-filled spaces. Long-standing structures combine harmoniously with modern materials and technical refinement to form a very pleasing whole.
Merck Serono is the division for inno-
The most conspicuous symbol of the
successful acquisition is the headquarters
tion. In the entrance, half-height turn-
ticals of Merck, a global pharmaceutical
in Geneva; the eye is drawn immediately
stiles were installed with additional swing
and chemical company. Merck Serono
to the glass surfaces of the light and airy
doors. However, the auditorium with its
was established following the acquisition
modern complex. Here, close to the Alps
specially developed swing doors is partic-
of Serono and the integration of its and Lake Geneva, the company’s global
ularly impressive — the doors provide
business with the former Merck Ethicals
dimensions find visual expression. The
both sound-proofing and protection in
division. Headquartered in Geneva, new complex, designed by Chicago archi-
the event of fire (see article on page 25).
Merck Serono employs about 16,000 staff
tects Murphy/Jahn, integrates harmo­
Standing 1 1 meters high, they are a around the world. Its research and prod-
niously with the existing historic architec-
very tangible demonstration of the pre-
ucts are focused on helping patients ture around it.
The latest in door technology is also
Together with Red Square, the Kremlin forms the historical and geographical heart of Moscow. Amongst the sights to be found in the Grand Kremlin Palace complex, which UNESCO declared a World
Heritage Site in 1990, is the Armory Chamber with its collection of Czarist treasures. Kaba provides controlled access to the famous collection. some of them with integrated fire protec-
vative small molecules and biopharmaceu-
with unmet medical needs for example Treasure chamber of the Czars
cise attention Kaba pays to the specific requirements of its customers and in the areas of oncology, endocrinology
much in evidence: the building is outfit-
of a spectacular realization of those and neurodegenerative diseases.
ted with various automatic sliding doors,
“Above Moscow stands only the
Kremlin, and above the Kremlin there is
only God,” was a popular sentiment in
20 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
Modern and aesthetically pleasing: Kaba
door technology fits seamlessly into
the architecture of Merck Serono’s headquarters.
able wealth of the country’s old rulers.
Over 4,000 valuable items make this
times gone by. Once the center of the
one of the world’s largest collections of
Czarist court, later the seat of Soviet
treasures, and they require a correspond-
Government, and now the residence of
ing level of protection. In the entrance the Russian president: since 1 1 56, when
to the museum, Kaba tripod barriers pro-
the first walls and towers were built by
vide controlled visitor access. The ticket-
the River Moskva, the Kremlin has been
ing system has stood the test: visitors the center and symbol of Russian power.
are issued with entrance tickets bearing a
The word Kremlin derives from an
Última tecnología en puertas para Merck Serono | Impresionante y luminosa, con una acertada
combinación de antiguo edificio señorial y materiales modernos — así es la nueva sede central
de Merck Serono, la división biofarmacéutica para pequeñas moléculas innovadoras del grupo
Merck, en Ginebra. Acorde con el edificio es también la tecnología de Kaba en las puertas: ade­
más de los torniquetes de media altura y las puertas pivotantes a la entrada, así como diversas
puertas correderas automáticas, en parte con función integrada contra incendios, destaca sobre
todo el auditorio: puertas con hojas de 11 metros de altura garantizan la insonorización y la pro­
tección contra incendios.
did robes bear witness to the immeasur­
barcode, whilst employees have to use
Old Slavonic word referring to enclo-
their own staff ID cards. Why were Kaba
sures: and the palaces, the government
products chosen? Firstly, because, in East-
buildings and the cathedrals with their
ern Europe as elsewhere, the Kaba brand
eye-catching golden cupolas are indeed
stands for guaranteed security; and, sec-
surrounded by a large red wall. The 19th-
ondly, because Kaba’s local partner RTCKG
century citadel houses the Armory Cham-
has successfully established itself in the
ber containing treasures from the time business of installing and main­taining
of the Czars: weapons, suits of armor,
Kaba security systems.
gold and silver jewelry, crowns and splen-
Protection for the Czars’ treasure: the
exquisite items on display can only
be admired once visitors have passed
through Kaba tripod barriers.
La cámara del tesoro de los zares | Junto
con la Plaza Roja, el Kremlin, con sus cúpulas
doradas, es el centro histórico y geográfico
de Moscú. Hoy en día la ciudadela del siglo
XIX alberga la armería, donde se encuentra el
tesoro de los zares. Esta colección, que mues­
tra la inmensa riqueza de los antiguos sobe­
ranos, precisa protección especial: la entrada
de visitantes al museo está regulada por
torniquetes Kaba. El sistema de billetaje ha
demostrado su eficacia: código de barras
para los visitantes y acreditaciones para los
empleados del museo.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 21
Kaba technology for the EU Council of Ministers
The EU Council of Ministers — the European Union’s most important decision-making body — is putting its trust in the latest technology. Since 2007, more than 400 Kaba elolegic digital cylinders have provided security for the Council headquarters in Brussels. There are plans to extend the solution.
“Security is a long-term growth trend”
How have perceptions on the subject of security changed in recent years? Is security a key market for the
future? Patrick Kolb, Fund Manager for the Global Security Fund at Credit Suisse, and Denis Schmidli, Senior
Product Specialist for the Security Fund at Pictet, talk to Security Update.
In the fall of 2006, Credit Suisse and
are excluded from our investment DS Similarly at Pictet, we recommend an
Pictet launched a security fund. How
investment horizon of at least seven
did the idea come about?
DS About 200 years ago, the German
years for clients wishing to invest in an
Patrick Kolb (PK) It was a response to a
philosopher and statesman Wilhelm equity fund like the Security Fund.
very clear need.
von Humboldt said: “There is no freedom
Denis Schmidli (DS) Security is a key
without security.” Only if an adequate Is Kaba included in your funds?
market for the future, as the demand for
degree of security is ensured can society
DS Yes, at the end of December 2007
protection in personal, commercial and
as a whole prosper on a lasting basis.
Kaba had a weighting of 2.2 % in our
public settings is growing rapidly.
Exclusive access: in the Council head­quarters — built by the architects Jasper
Eyers/CDG & Partners — EU ministers
make policy. Security technology from
Kaba controls access to their offices.
The Justus Lipsius Building, also
access control system for the offices
lines and its impressive glass front. The
which would work offline — i. e. without
ministers of the EU member states — having to wire the doors up — and would
now numbering 27 — have been meeting
thereby permit flexible but secure access
in the building since 1995 to make the management. Kaba digital cylinders big decisions of European policy. No won-
combined with a Kaba elolegic software
der security is a key priority.
solution were the perfect answer. More
installed in the building; the installation was commissioned to bring the security
of another 600 is planned in the next
technology used in the Consilium up four years.
Access to the offices in the Consil-
wanted a flexible, high-quality and cost-
ium is now managed from a central point.
ef­fective solution,” explains Dirk Dalu-
The multifunctional system enables ac-
wein. The Operations Manager for Kaba
cess rights to be granted for a precisely
Belgium thus points out that it was a defined period, using badges. Thus, matter not just of security, but also of
who has access to what and when can flexibility. “One of the deciding factors be controlled at all times.
in this major contract going to us was
without doubt the fact that the new Kaba
cylinders can be fitted very easily and
Kaba is its focused approach and its clear
reflect the trend. In the past, security
of the two funds proved true?
business model. Our predictions for was associated almost exclusively with
PK Our high expectations have been
the Group are very positive, particularly
defense equipment. This has changed
met, and this was also reflected in the
in comparison with its direct competitors.
radically in recent years: we are now in-
performance achieved in 2007. However,
PK We regard Kaba as a very promising
vesting in companies which operate in
investors need to be aware that this is company that is very well positioned.
crime prevention, IT security, health pro-
a very volatile product, requiring a long-
Which is why its shares form part of our
tection, transport and environmental term investment horizon. Security is a
Global Security Fund.
security. Producers of arms or munitions
long-term growth trend and this trend is
set to continue in the coming years.
than 400 digital cylinders have now been
of the European Parliamentary building —
to the latest standard. “The customer
Have your predictions since the launch
What was required was an intelligent
called Consilium, is known for its clear
In May 2007, Kaba — also an outfitter
portfolio. What we particularly like about
PK Double-digit growth rates in this area
Tecnología Kaba para el Consejo de Ministros
de la Unión Europea | Desde 2007, más de
400 cilindros digitales Kaba elolegic protegen
el edificio del Consejo de Europa en Bruse­las. Un puesto central gestiona todas las ofici­
nas y despachos. Este sistema multifuncional
permite conceder, mediante acreditaciones,
una autorización de acceso para un espacio
de tiempo definido exactamente. Esto permi­
te un control permanente sobre quién tiene
autorización en cada momento concreto para
acceder a determinadas zonas del edificio.
Denis Schmidli (left), Senior Product Specialist for the Security Fund at Pictet, and
Patrick Kolb (right), Fund Manager for the
Global Security Fund at Credit Suisse, talk
to Security Update.
without the need for additional drilling.”
22 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 23
Better and brighter
Perfectly attuned to customer needs
How do you see the growth potential
To what extent have perceptions on
for security funds?
the subject of security changed in
PK The growth potential is very attrac-
recent years?
molecules and biopharmaceuticals of Merck, is now fitted with
tive in our view. Firstly, because we see a
PK The terror attacks which have taken
large swing doors which open and close automatically. Standing growing need for security, whether on
place since 2001 have shown that securi-
1 1 meters high and weighing 4.5 tons, they provide sound-proofing
the part of consumers, industry and the
ty is a fragile asset which most people —
for the auditorium and also fulfill a fire protection role. Three
service sector, or the state. Secondly,
consciously, or unconsciously as I believe
doors each seal the room on either side, allowing meetings and
more stringent government require-
— place a great deal of value on. Thus, presentations to be held without disturbance from external noise.
ments and new standards are additional
for instance, people rarely complain about
The drive systems were specially developed and produced accord-
drivers of growth.
the long queues at airport security ing to the wishes of Merck Serono.
DS In the security market, the prognosis
check-in. People accept that thorough
is excellent. Over the long term, we ex-
checks are in all our interests.
pect this market to outperform the global
DS At the same time, events in recent
equities market.
years have also had a major influence on
Soundproof, but also flexible: the auditorium at the Geneva
headquarters of Merck Serono, the divison for innovative small
the way we approach the subject as investors. One of the consequences is that,
for ethical reasons, we do not invest in companies in the military sector. Popularity amongst investors indicates that
this policy is appreciated.
What does security mean for you?
PK Well, being able to stroll round the
grated light frame as well as improved functional and mechanical
properties. Because Legic advant RFID technology is used, the
subterminal’s potential range of applications has widened significantly over its predecessor, the Bedanet 91 05. Thus, the new access control terminal can read not only Legic prime and advant
fear is quality of life for me. I think data carriers, but also special unique numbers used for ISO 14443
se­curity is also a business location advan-
or ISO 15693 media. In addition, it can write on Legic data carrier
tage for our country. Quite a lot of for-
using a corresponding driver. This is particularly important in view
eign firms seek out Switzerland for their
of the growing number of virtually networked systems in which
European base, and that is partly because
more secure than elsewhere.
DS I am a realist. There is no such thing
as absolute security. And yet: security is an everyday need, sometimes even of
life-saving importance, whether it is at
home, while you’re traveling or at work.
Wherever we are, hardware and procedures help to ensure that we do not need
to be forever concerned for our personal
safety. The providers of security solutions
work constantly to ensure this peace of
24 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
The B-Net 91 05 subterminal comes with a bright new look.
No larger than a light switch, it boasts both an eye-catching inte-
streets of Zurich in the evening without
the risks are lower here and people feel
“Our high expec­
tations have been
“Security is a
key market
for the future.”
¿Cómo ha variado la percepción del tema
seguridad en los últimos años? | Según
Patrick Kolb, Fund Manager de Global Securi­
ty Fund en Credit Suisse, este tema responde
claramente a una necesidad general, lo que se
refleja en índices de crecimiento de dos ci­
fras. Denis Schmidli, Senior Product Specia­
list de Security Fund en el Banco Pictet, con­
sidera la seguridad como mercado clave en el
futuro y prevé e a largo plazo una actividad
por encima del promedio en comparación con
los mercados mundiales de acciones. Kaba
está representada en ambos fondos.
access rights are brought to unwired electronic door components
using a badge.
Una brillante actuación | La nueva subterminal B-Net 91 05 equipada
con un anillo luminoso, presenta características mecánicas y funciona­
les muy ventajosas. Gracias a la tecnología Legic advant RFID, es ca­
paz de leer no solamente soportes de datos Legic prime, sino también
números únicos de medios ISO 14443 ó 15693. Además es capaz de
grabar soportes de datos Legic mediante el controlador correspon­
A la medida de las demandas del cliente | El auditorio del consorcio
de Merck Serono, situado en su sede central en Ginebra, está equipado
con puertas automáticas de batientes. Dos hojas de 1 1 m de altura y
4,5 toneladas de peso a cada lado de la sala garantizan a la vez inso­
norización y protección contra incendios. Los sistemas motrices se
diseñaron a la medida de las demandas del cliente.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 25
Premium solutions for the mass market
Safe locks with network capability
Returning badges safely
Pioneering solution in access management
The launch of the 790 RFID lock sees Kaba Ilco raising the
Kaba has added an innovative new product to its range of
After successfully combining mechatronics and the online
bar for high quality technology at an affordable price. This new
safe locks: the Axessor. In its basic form, it is a high-performance
world — in the CardLink concept — Kaba has taken the next logical
hotel lock combines maximum security with operational efficien-
stand-alone lock. Adding the eB@x option turns it into a net-
step: doors with purely mechanical security can now also be in­
cy. With its ergonomic design it allows hotel guests to access their
worked lock which can be centrally programmed and monitored.
tegrated into the Kaba exos 9300 access management system. This makes it possible to manage safe locks in different locations
A pioneering solution for Kaba’s customers.
rooms very easily by presenting their RFID keycard or token.
Staff keycards can be programmed to carry audit informa-
from a central point, thus rendering administration easier, speed-
The extended functionality allows doors with mechanical
tion from the locks. For emergencies, the 790 RFID comes stand-
ing up operating time switchovers and enhancing security. The ex-
locks to be managed by the central system. The administrator ard with a mechanical key override. The lock is available with var-
tendable nature of the system also ensures protection for the cus-
enjoys a constant overview of all access authorization in the ious locking options and it is compatible with ATLAS, the web-­based
tomer’s investment, whereby customers — mainly in the financial
building, irrespective of whether doors are wired up, equipped
Advanced Technology Lodging Access System, as well as with
and retail sectors — benefit from a long product life.
with electronic stand-alone locks or have a mechanical security Kaba Ilco’s Front Desk Unit (FDU) operating system.
This family of products also includes the Questor safe lock
solution. Practical functions such as key deposit administration,
which provides one-time code validity for a defined period, and
printing of receipts and key return reminders make key manage-
the stand-alone safe lock SL 525.
ment easier. And because reliable log-keeping is also provided,
it is easy to keep track of who was in possession of which key and when.
Los cerrojos de cajas fuertes se conectan a la red | Kaba amplia su
gama de cerrojos para caja fuerte con un producto de gran eficacia:
gracias al nuevo cerrojo conectado a red Axessor, que incorpora eB@x,
será posible programar, gestionar y controlar de forma centralizada
cerrojos de cajas fuertes aplicados en lugares diferentes. A la misma
familia de productos pertenecen también el cerrojo de caja fuerte
Questor, que funciona con un código válido para un único uso y con
tiempo limitado, y el cerrojo stand alone SL 525.
A Card Collector can be useful to simplify the return of visitor passes: visitors place their day pass (including the protective
cover and clip) in the slot when they leave the building, and the
Card Collector then reads and checks the badge. The new weather­
proof model CRP-M02 with a rain cover and inclined user interface is just the right height to be used from a car window when
visitors leave the premises. For those leaving on foot, the stand
can also be integrated very easily into Kerberos tripod barriers.
The CRP-M03 provides a higher stand, also with a built-in
reader unit. This makes it easy for van and truck drivers to return
their day pass.
Tecnología de primera clase para el mercado de masas | Con el lan­za­
miento de la cerradura 790 RFID, Kaba Ilco coloca muy alto el listón
de excelente calidad a precio asequible. La nueva cerradura para hote­
les, que en caso de emergencia también se puede abrir mecáni­camente
con una llave, combina máxima seguridad y eficacia. Está disponible en
diversas variantes y es compatible con ATLAS (Advanced Technology
Lodging Access System) y con los sistemas operativos FDU de Kaba Ilco.
26 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
Cómo devolver las acreditaciones de forma segura | El Card Collector
facilita la devolución de acreditaciones de visitantes, recogiendo, le­
yendo y comprobando las tarjetas, que se introducen en la ranura junto
con el clip de sujeción y el protector plástico. El nuevo modelo CRP-M02
está provisto de una cubierta como protección a la intem­perie y tiene
la altura adecuada para ser utilizado desde el coche a la salida de
un aparcamiento, aunque también se puede integrar en un torniquete
Solución pionera en gestión de acceso | Kaba se presenta una vez
más como pionero en el mercado: ahora ya es posible gestionar puertas
con protección únicamente mecánica mediante el sistema de control
de accesos Kaba exos 9300. El administrador tiene en todo momento
una visión conjunta sobre todas las autorizaciones en el edificio, inde­
pendientemente de que los accesos estén equipados con una cerradura
ele­ctrónica stand alone o con una puerta de protección mecánica.
Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 27
No way back
Compact and multifunctional
Automated, long-lasting and stable
The perfect solution: wherever there are plans for a new fold-
Thousands of air passengers pass through Kaba One-way interlocks every day. These special barriers guard the sensitive boundary between the airside and landside areas of airports while still allowing an effi cient fl ow of people from one side to the other. But what happens if someone tries to go through in the wrong direction? Airports all contain a very special ing wing door, the DBXT-FF drive unit provides ideal auto matic boundary: the one that separates the se-
functioning. This high-performance drive unit is tailored to indi-
cure airside area from the publicly acces-
vidual needs, providing unhindered passage in a variety of appli-
sible landside area. Landside is where you cations. Even heavy doors and gates can be opened effort lessly. fi nd ticket and check-in counters, while This means that traffi c and transportation in and out can run airside is where the heavily controlled smoothly and quickly, whilst optimum security is ensured. The fl ight operations take place. Consequent-
drive unit is particularly well-suited to situations where there is ly, the crossing point between one zone a high level of through-traffi c and where stability and durability and the other is always very sensitive. are therefore required, for example in fi re service buildings, ga-
Many European airports, including rages and warehouses, workshops and rail depots. Frankfurt, Geneva, Copenhagen and Man-
chester, use Orthos PIL-M02 One-way interlocks to control the fl ow of passengers, ensuring that incoming guests can only pass from airside to landside, but not the other way. The sensor system Kaba exos 9300 can now be integrated even more easily into a modern corporate IT environment: the new Legic access man-
built into the interlocks immediately rec-
ager Kaba exos iDML2 is hooked up directly to the company’s net-
ognizes if someone is going in the wrong work using an Ethernet connection. The fact that there is no need direction and triggers a sound alarm. for separate wiring is a huge advantage for a network of branch At the same time, the interlock doors lock offi ces or of far-fl ung locations. The device is truly multifunc-
automati cally. “Kaba’s sophisticated sen-
tional: not only does it provide control for one or two doors of sor system creates a very effective bar-
different types (sliding doors or turnstiles as well as conventional rier,” says Prod uct Manager Andreas offi ce doors), it also makes the access decision autonomously. Nöltner. “It stops unauthorised people going airside.” The access manager is based on the latest Legic advant technology and can read both Legic and other RFID badges compliant Camino sin retorno | En los aeropuertos existe una frontera muy particular: la que separa la
zona de seguridad o de aire de la zona de tierra, accesible para cualquier persona. En muchos
aeropuertos europeos, los pasillos anti­retorno Orthos PIL­M02 de Kaba supervisan el flujo de
pasajeros que acaban de aterrizar, garantizando que éstos se dirijan de la zona de aire a la de
tierra. El sistema integrado de sensores detecta inmediatamente si alguien avanza en la direc­
ción contraria, activando una alarma acústica y accionando el cierre de las puertas del pasillo.
with ISO 14443A and 15693 standards. This new product will be on the market in spring 2008. One-way interlocks: tailor-made security
Kaba works with three different recognition technologies. Depending on the requirements, the standard solution can be expanded into options 1 or 2. Whichever system is used, the interlock reacts in the same way: any unauthorised entry triggers a sound alarm and the doors are immediately automatically locked.
multitalento compacto | En breve el Kaba exos 9300 será aún más
fácil de integrar en el entorno informático de una empresa moderna: el
nuevo administrador de acceso Kaba exos iDML2 estará directamente
conectado con la red de la empresa mediante una conexión Ethernet.
Al no necesitar cableado por separado, el sistema aporta una gran ven­
taja, en especial para una red de sucursales o diversos centros de
producción, incluso si se encuentran a gran distancia unos de otros.
Este producto novedad saldrá al mercado en primavera de 2008.
28 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
Automatizada, duradera y eficaz | Dondequiera que esté previsto ins­
talar una puerta de hojas plegables, el mando DBXT­FF ofrece la solu­
ción perfecta de automatización. Además de ser eficaz, estable y de
larga duración, este mando permite un acceso libre de obstáculos,
siendo especialmente adecuado para lugares con alta frecuencia de
paso (estaciones de bomberos, almacenes, etc.).
standard solution — mDR (microwave Direction
Recognition) The standard solution is based on a radar system that cannot on its own guarantee absolutely secure detection. In theory, a very large passenger could obscure the detection area while another person passes unnoticed in the opposite direction.
Extension option 1 — sOR (simple Optical
Recognition) This technology, which is new to the market, uses thermal imaging to support the radar system. Security is enhanced by infrared sensors fi xed to the ceiling of the unit. These optical sensors are sensitive to the direction of movement and can tell when a person crosses the virtual security threshold in the wrong direction.
Extension option 2 — EOR (Extended Optical
Recognition) This solution adds video technology to the basic radar system. The direction-sensitive optical sensor enables the most secure recognition yet of airline passengers. This technology allows the operator to choose the detection area. A matrix is used to defi ne the direction. Security Update no. 37—1/2008 | KABA | 29
Kaba as a magnet for the crowds
meet & see – a great success
At the Trade Fair for Safety and Se-
Safe(ly) to the summit
In August 2007, Russia’s biggest
curity in Zurich (13 to 16 November 2007),
manufacturer of safes, Promet, embarked
Kaba’s stand was devoted to the Total on an unusual adventure: in a nine-day
Access concept, displaying some of the
expedition sponsored by suppliers, a
systems and product innovations which
team of climbers ascended Mount Elbrus,
enable Kaba to provide all-encompassing
at 5,642 m the highest mountain in the
solutions from a single source. The 272
Caucasus. And with them they took a square meter booth demonstrated the
14 kg (30.9 lb) safe. The built-in electronic
Group’s market leadership in Switzerland
Code-Combi K lock by Kaba Mauer was
and the readiness to chart new techno-
put through its final functional test at
logical territory. Visitors were able to try
4,600 m, and it worked perfectly. Even
out the new CardLink technology at spe-
though it was not made specifically for
cially installed doors. Around 10,000 visi-
use in such conditions, a Kaba product
tors came to the trade fair, where 270 yet again proved its quality in the snow
exhibitors from eight countries displayed
and the cold.
The whole expedition hit the heights ...
instance, the Federal Chancellery, the
current trends and developments in the
meet & see has become a fixed date in the
German Historical Museum, DZ Bank, the
security industry.
not only by reaching the majestic peak calendar at Kaba Gallenschütz — not least
Sony Center and the Olympic Stadium
of Mount Elbrus, but also in terms of the
Within the space of three years,
because the event is a very enjoyable
have in common: security solutions from
camaraderie and team spirit that made
combination of specialist information, cul-
Kaba tailored to the specific needs of the expedition a unique experience for
ture and conviviality. After a series of talks
the customer.
everyone who took part.
on the first day, the second day provides
After the positive reception which
the opportunity to take a closer look at
meet & see has enjoyed, there are plans
key customer projects.
to extend the concept to other major Berlin has proved an ideal location for
will be held in Madrid for the first time.
such a concentration of Kaba projects in
Visitors will doubtless be as eager important buildings. Through meet & see,
to meet & see there as they have been more than 150 international visitors have
in Berlin.
been able to see for themselves what, for
meet & see — una idea con éxito | En solamen­
te tres años meet & see de Kaba Gallenschütz
se ha convertido en una cita imprescindible en
el calendario de eventos. Berlín ofrece la po­
sibilidad de conocer las soluciones Kaba en
materia de seguridad hechas a la medida para
edificios tan conocidos como la Cancillería, el
Museo Histórico Alemán o el Estadio Olímpi­
co. Pero meet & see no se limita a Berlín: en
abril de 2008, las jornadas tendrán lugar por
primera vez en Madrid.
30 | KABA | Security Update no. 37—1/2008
4. 3. — 9. 3. 2008
Security Show 2008
4. 3. — 7. 3. 2008
9. 4. — 10. 4. 2008
OAUG-Collaborate 2008
13. 4. — 17. 4. 2008
Passenger Terminal Expo 2008
15. 4. — 17. 4. 2008
Personal Swiss
22. 4. — 23. 4. 2008
12. 5. — 15. 5. 2008
The 10th Asian International
Security, Safety and Fire Protection
Show & Conference
4. 6. — 6. 6. 2008
Hong Kong
European cities. In April 2008, the event
the event. Nowhere else in Europe is there
Trade shows
Ferias profesionales
Stadia & Arena
11. 6. — 12. 6. 2008
ALOA Security Expo
15. 6. — 22. 6. 2008
Kaba atrae al público | En la feria profesional
Sicherheit de Zurich, celebrada en noviembre
de 2007, Kaba presentó con gran éxito sus
soluciones y nuevos productos bajo el lema
“Kaba Total Access — soluciones integrales de
un sólo proveedor”. El llamativo stand fue
una muestra de la disposición del grupo Kaba
para abrir nuevos caminos tecnológicos.
Una caja fuerte conquista las alturas | En
agosto de 2007, la empresa Promet, el ma­
yor fabricante ruso de cajas fuertes, partió
rumbo a una aventura extraordinaria: en una
expedición, un equipo de montañeros debería
llegar a la cima del Elbrus — llevando una
caja fuerte de 14 kilos. Incluso a 4.600 metros
de altitud, el cerrojo Code-Combi K de Kaba
Mauer funcionó a la perfección, demostrando
así su calidad en condiciones extremas.
16. 6. — 19. 6. 2008
2. 7. — 3. 7. 2008
26. 8. — 28. 8. 2008
Security Update is published in spring
and fall in English (16,000 copies) and
German (19,000 copies).
19th year
Kaba Management + Consulting AG
8153 Rümlang, Switzerland
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Chief Communications Officer
Volker Bachmann
Simone Fischer
Anita Giger
Sophie Knecht
Werner Kühnlein
Carole Leubler
Jürg Nyffenegger
Joachim Schmidt
Daniela Schöchlin
Reader Service
Corporate Communications
Phone +41 44 818 92 01
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8404 Winterthur, Switzerland
Publishing system
Multimedia Solutions AG, Zurich
© Klaus Andorfer (page 4—7, 23 and 24)
© Nestlé Nespresso S.A. (page 11)
© Expo Zaragoza 2008 (page 16 and 17)
© Corbis, Getty Images, Prisma
Reproduction is subject to permission
from the Chief Communications Officer.
Kaba®, Axessor®, B-Net®, Com-ID®, Ilco®,
LA GARD®, LEGIC®, Paxos®, Saflok®,
Silca®, SAP® etc. are registered trademarks,
CardLinkTM, IntelliboltTM etc. trademarks
of the Kaba Group.
Due to country-specific constraints or
marketing considerations, some of the
Kaba Group products and systems may
not be available in every market.