Performing transactions with Ingenico terminals


Performing transactions with Ingenico terminals
Getting Started
A Guide for New Elavon Customers
Ingenico Terminals
Thank You for Selecting Elavon as your Card Payment Processor.
We hope to serve you well, and be a trusted supplier for many years to come.
A Sound Choice: Elavon is one of the world’s largest providers of dedicated end-to-end card payment processing solutions, serving
the needs of more than one million customers across Europe and around the world. Our sole focus is on delivering the highest
quality and most secure payment solutions with additional value-added products and services to help your business succeed.
Benefits: You will benefit from having a 24/7, 365 days a year customer service hotline to resolve any payment issues, deliver
terminal solutions, implement changes and upgrades, manage reporting, and support fraud control – helping you to drive your
overall payment processing time and management costs down.
In addition, Elavon’s iMerchantConnect advanced web-based reporting tool offers consolidated reporting for all of your card
payment processing business. This can provide enormous time savings and significantly improve your control over payment
processing costs and funding. If you have not already registered for this FREE service it is very easy to do so, please see overleaf
for full details.
We have put together this guide to help you get started, however; we provide even more helpful information,
should you have any additional questions, in our online Resource Centre at Full information on how to contact a customer service representative is also
enclosed in the Contacts tab.
We are here to support and serve you and will always welcome feedback on how we are doing.
Your business is important to our business.
2 How to Use
Table of Contents
Carrying Out a Transaction ....................................................... 4
Processing Contactless Transactions ...................................... 11
Batching Your Terminal .............................................................. 12
Restaurant Functionality ............................................................ 13
Hotel Functionality ..................................................................... 16
Mail Order/Telephone Order (Cardholder-not-present)
Functionality ................................................................................ 19
Reprinting Additional Reports .................................................. 21
GPRS Network Selection – Quick Reference ........................... 23
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) .................................... 24
iMerchantConnect – Quick Reference .................................... 26
Carrying Out a Transaction
Retail Sale
1.Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select SALE and press ENTER
2.Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert into terminal chip reader)
or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
3.Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
4.If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is
present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
5.The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount – select ENTER or YES to confirm.
Select NO to re-key
6.Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
7.If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
8.Press ENTER
9.Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Retail Sale with Contactless Enabled
1.Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select SALE and press ENTER
2.Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
3.The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount. Press ENTER or YES to confirm or select NO to re-key the SALE amount
4.The terminal will prompt present, swipe, key or insert card
a. For Contactless Transactions request the cardholder to present their card to the Contactless reader (at PIN Pad where present, otherwise at terminal card reader). An audible beep will sound indicating that the transaction has been successful
Note: Depending on the transaction value, cardholder verification may be required (PIN or signature)
b. For chip and PIN transactions request the cardholder to insert their card into the PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert into the terminal device and press ENTER. Request the cardholder to enter their PIN into PIN Pad where present, otherwise enter into the terminal device and press ENTER
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
Section 2 | 4
Note: Contactless transactions are limited to a maximum transaction value which is set by the card issuer.
This value is set at country level on the POS device e.g. ¤15.00 Ireland and £20.00 UK.
DCC Retail Sale
1.Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select SALE and insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where
present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
2. Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
3. The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount – select ENTER or YES to
confirm. Select NO to re-key
4. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
5.For DCC, press ENTER (alternatively the cardholder must press enter on the PIN Pad)
6. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue without
DCC or CONVERT the transaction to DCC
7.If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is
present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
8. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
9. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
10. Press ENTER
11. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
Note: DCC will not be offered for Contactless transactions
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Section 2 | 5
1. If your terminal displays the referral screen to the right during
your sales transaction contact the AUTHORISATION CENTRE
2. You must telephone the authorisation centre to obtain an
authorisation approval code
3. The transaction will automatically cancel and the terminal
requires the user to select OK, after which they will be reverted
to the Main menu screen
CALL Auth Centre
MID: 123456789
Once you have received a voice authorisation and have the authorisation code,
repeat the transaction using the FORCE method.
Force Sale/Offline Mode
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, using the
Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens, select
the NEW TRANS menu option and press ENTER
2. Select FORCE and press ENTER
3. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in
the terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal.
If keying, you will be asked for the Card Expiry Date also
4. Enter the FORCE amount and press ENTER
5. The terminal will prompt to key in the AUTHORISATION CODE
received over the phone, and press ENTER
Note: press key stroke quickly to enter the alpha characters
6. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN
(where PIN Pad is present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
7. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
8. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on
the merchant copy
9. Press ENTER
10. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
Section 2 | 6
DCC Force Sale/Offline Mode
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the
menu screens, select the NEW TRANS menu option and press ENTER
2. Select FORCE and press ENTER
3. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY
the number into the terminal
4. Enter the FORCE amount and press ENTER
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
5. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
6. For DCC, press ENTER (alternatively the cardholder must press enter on the PIN Pad)
7. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue without DCC
or CONVERT the transaction to DCC
8. The terminal will prompt to key in an AUTHORISATION CODE received over the phone,
and press ENTER
Note: press key stroke quickly to enter the alpha characters
9. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is
present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
10. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
11. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
12. Press ENTER
13. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
Section 2 | 7
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens, select REFUND and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY
the number into the terminal
3. Enter the REFUND password (if applicable – the default password is 0000). If keying, you will be asked
for the Card Expiry Date also
4. Enter the REFUND amount and press ENTER
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
7. Press ENTER
8. Remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
DCC Refund
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll
through the menu screens, select REFUND and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal
chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
3. Enter the REFUND password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
If keying, you will be asked for the Card Expiry Date also
4. Confirm if the REFUND is a DCC REFUND (Yes/No)
Note: The refund must be completed in the same currency as the original sale transaction.
Also, the cardholder must select the rate of the day when processing a DCC Refund
5. Enter the REFUND amount and press ENTER
6. Does the cardholder wish to be refunded in their own currency?
(Yes/No/Print rate) Select according to the original sale transaction
7. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
8. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
9. Press ENTER
10. Remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
Section 2 | 8
Voiding a Transaction
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows
to scroll through the menu screens, select the VOID menu option and press ENTER
2. Enter your password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
3. Enter the Invoice Number of the original sale receipt and confirm the amount to be voided
4. Confirm if the reason for voiding the transaction is due to suspected fraud
(if activated on your terminal)
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6. Press ENTER
7. Remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
Section 2 | 9
Voiding a DCC Transaction
In the event that the cardholder was not given the choice and does not wish to proceed with the transaction in their
own currency, the DCC transaction should be reversed in the following way:
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens
- select the VOID menu option and press ENTER
2. Enter your password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
3. Enter the Invoice Number of the original sale receipt and confirm the amount to be voided
4. Confirm if the reason for voiding the transaction is due to suspected fraud (if activated on your terminal)
5.Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6.Press ENTER and the cardholder copy is printed and the transaction is voided
7. Remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
8. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip
reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal. Alternatively press the ‘F’ key
to start the payment application and select SALE
9. Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
10. The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount – press ENTER to confirm
the SALE amount. Select NO to re-key the SALE amount
11. Select NO when prompted for DCC (alternatively the cardholder must select
NO on the PIN Pad)
12. Complete the transaction
Terminal Report Types
The terminal can generate the following reports:
1. Summary Report
2. Audit Report
3. Server Report (if applicable)
4. Saved EOD Report
5. Shift Totals (if applicable)
Section 2 | 10
Processing Contactless Transactions
Step 1
Enter the TRANSACTION amount and press ENTER.
Since the amount is less than the Contactless transaction limit the customer is given the option of
paying using Contactless or chip and PIN.
Step 2
For a Contactless transaction the customer should hold their card to the Contactless reader.
Step 3
Once all four lights on the Contactless reader have illuminated and an audible beep is heard, the transaction is complete.
The terminal will now print receipts – confirming that the transaction has been successful and is complete.
All transactions above the Contactless limit should be completed as standard chip and PIN transactions.
For more information
please visit our Customer
Welcome Centre:
Section 2 | 11
Batching Your Terminal
Batch/End of Day
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows
to scroll through the menu screens, select BATCH and press ENTER
2. Select END OF DAY and press ENTER
3. Enter your user password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
4. Totals are displayed – press YES to confirm the sale and refund totals
5. The terminal prints a GBOK report on successful End of Day
If End of Day fails, please call Customer Service (refer to Section 4 – Contacts)
Section 2 | 12
Restaurant Functionality
Adding/Removing Servers/Cashiers
To add a server:
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to
scroll through the menu screens, select the SERVER menu option and press ENTER
2. Enter your user password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
3. Select ADD/RMV and press ENTER
4. Enter the Server/Cashier number and press ENTER
5. Enter the Server/Cashier name (if activated on your terminal) and press ENTER.
Press key stroke quickly to enter alpha characters
6. Enter a unique 4 digit password applicable only to that particular server (if activated
on your terminal) and press ENTER
7. Terminal will prompt for the password to be confirmed, enter this again and
press ENTER
8. Terminal will prompt Sign On? Press ENTER and select YES to activate the server
To remove a server:
1. Press the “F” key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to
scroll through the menu screens, select the SERVER menu option and press ENTER
2. Enter your user password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
3. Select ADD/RMV and press ENTER
4. Enter the Server Number you wish to remove
5. Enter the unique password applicable only to that particular server and press ENTER
6. Terminal will prompt Sign Off? Press ENTER and select YES to deactivate the server
Section 2 | 13
Restaurant Sale
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select SALE and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert into terminal chip reader)
or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
3. Enter Server Number and Table Number (if activated on your terminal)
4. Enter SALE amount and press ENTER
5. The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount – press ENTER or YES to confirm
the SALE amount. Select NO to re-key the SALE amount
6. Enter TIP amount (Yes/No) if activated on your terminal
Note: The cardholder now has the option to enter the tip and confirm the amount
7. Confirm TOTAL including TIP amount
8. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is
present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
9. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
10. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
11. Press ENTER
12. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Adding a TIP After Sale
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to
scroll through the menu screens, select ADJUST and press ENTER
2. Enter the Invoice Number from the original sale receipt
3. Enter the TOTAL amount of the transaction (base amount including the TIP amount as
indicated by the cardholder on the receipt)
4. Confirm the TOTAL, including TIP (Yes/No)
5. Tip receipt will print (if activated)
Section 2 | 14
DCC Restaurant Sale
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select SALE and insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where
present otherwise insert into terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
2. Enter Server Number and Table Number (if activated on your terminal)
3. Enter SALE amount and press ENTER
4. The terminal will prompt to confirm the SALE amount – press ENTER to confirm the SALE amount. Select NO
to re-key the SALE amount
5. Enter TIP amount (Yes/No) if activated on your terminal
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
6. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
7. For DCC, press ENTER (alternatively the cardholder must press enter on the PIN Pad)
8. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue without DCC or CONVERT the transaction to DCC
9. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
10. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
11. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
12. Press ENTER
13. Finally, a cardholder receipt is printed
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Adding a TIP After Sale (In the Cardholder’s Currency)
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to
scroll through the menu screens, select the ADJUST menu option and press ENTER
2. Enter the Invoice Number from the original sale receipt
3. Enter the TOTAL amount of the transaction (base amount including the TIP amount
as indicated by the cardholder on the receipt). If DCC was originally accepted by
the cardholder, the tip will be entered in the cardholder’s currency
4. Confirm the total, including TIP (Yes/No)
5. Tip receipt will print (if activated)
Section 2 | 15
Hotel Functionality
Pre-Authorisation/Check In
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select PRE-AUTH and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY
the number into the terminal
3. Enter PRE-AUTH amount and press ENTER
4. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy. If the cardholder is not present at check in, no space for signature will be provided
7. Press ENTER
8. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
Completion/Check Out
Note: The Host Reference Number is required from the original Pre-Auth transaction
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select COMPLETION and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader)
or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
3.Enter the COMPLETION amount and press ENTER
4. Enter the Host Reference Number and press ENTER
5. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is
present, request the cardholder to enter their PIN)
6. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
7. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
8. Press ENTER
9. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Section 2 | 16
DCC Pre-Authorisation/Check In
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select PRE-AUTH and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY
the number into the terminal
3. Enter PRE-AUTH amount and press ENTER
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
4. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
5. For DCC, press ENTER (alternatively the cardholder must press enter on the PIN Pad)
6. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue without DCC or CONVERT
the transaction to DCC
7. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is present, request
the cardholder to enter their PIN)
8. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
9. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy. If the cardholder is
not present at check in, no space for signature will be provided
10. Press ENTER
11.Finally, a cardholder receipt is printed
Section 2 | 17
DCC Completion/Check Out
Note: The Host Reference Number is required from the original Pre-Auth transaction
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select COMPLETION and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY
the number into the terminal
3. Enter the COMPLETION amount and press ENTER
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
4. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
5. For DCC, press ENTER (alternatively the cardholder must press enter on the PIN Pad)
6. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue without DCC or CONVERT the transaction to DCC
7. Enter the Host Reference Number and press ENTER
8. If a Chip Card, hand the terminal to the cardholder to enter their PIN (where PIN Pad is present, request the cardholder
to enter their PIN)
9. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
10. If required, OBTAIN and VERIFY the cardholder’s signature on the merchant copy
11. Press ENTER
12. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Pre-Authorisation Reversal
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select PRE-AUTH Reversal
and press ENTER
2. Insert Chip Card (into PIN Pad where present, otherwise insert in terminal
chip reader) or SWIPE/KEY the number into the terminal
3.Enter PRE-AUTH amount and press ENTER
4. Enter the Host Reference Number and press ENTER
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6.Press ENTER
7. Finally, a cardholder copy receipt is printed
Section 2 | 18
Mail Order/Telephone Order (Cardholder-Not-Present) Functionality
Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) Sale
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select MOTO SALE and enter the Card
Number into the terminal
2. Enter the Card Expiry Date and press ENTER
3. Indicate if the CVV2 number is:
a. Not Present – If selected terminal will prompt for AVS details
b. Present – Enter CVV2 and press ENTER. Then enter AVS details
c. Illegible – If selected, terminal will prompt for AVS details
d. Absent – If selected, terminal will prompt for AVS details
4. Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
5. Select ACCEPT or REJECT as prompted if AVS is displayed on screen
6. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
7. Press ENTER and remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) Refund
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select MOTO REFUND
and enter the Card Number into the terminal
2. Enter the Card Expiry Date and press ENTER
3. Enter the REFUND password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
4. Enter the REFUND amount and press ENTER
5. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
6. Press ENTER
7. Remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
Section 2 | 19
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application, select MOTO SALE and enter the Card Number into the terminal
2. Enter the Card Expiry Date and press ENTER
3. Indicate if the CVV2 number is:
a. Not Present – If selected, enter AVS details and press ENTER
b. Present – Enter CVV2 and press ENTER. Then enter AVS details
c. Illegible – If selected, terminal will prompt for AVS details
d. Absent – If selected, terminal will prompt for AVS details
4. Enter the SALE amount and press ENTER
Cardholder must be given the choice of accepting DCC or paying in the local currency
5. Does the cardholder wish to pay in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
6. For DCC, press ENTER
7. If DCC is declined, the option to convert is provided. Select YES to continue
without DCC or CONVERT the transaction to DCC
8. Select ACCEPT or REJECT as prompted if AVS is displayed on screen
9. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
10. Press ENTER and remove cardholder copy receipt by tearing
For referrals, see the ‘Referrals’ section
DCC (MOTO) Refund
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Select MOTO REFUND and
enter the Card Number into the terminal
2. Enter the Card Expiry Date and press ENTER
3. Enter the REFUND password (if applicable – the default password is 0000)
4. Confirm if the REFUND is a DCC REFUND (Yes/No)
Note: The refund must be completed in the same currency as the original sale transaction
5. Enter the REFUND amount and press ENTER
6. Does the cardholder wish to be refunded in their own currency? (Yes/No/Print rate)
7. Remove merchant copy receipt by tearing
8. Press ENTER and remove the cardholder copy receipt by tearing
Section 2 | 20
Reprinting Additional Reports
Reprint your last receipt
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens – select the REPORTS menu option and press ENTER
2.Select REPRINT
3.Enter USER Password (the default password is 0000)
4.Select LAST for the last receipt or BY INVOICE NUMBER
Reprint your last End of the Day report
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens – select the REPORTS menu option and press ENTER
2. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens – select the SAVED EOD menu option and press ENTER
3.Enter USER Password (the default password is 0000)
Reprint a summary of transactions from your terminal
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the menu screens – select the REPORTS menu option and press ENTER
2.Select AUDIT
3.Enter USER Password (the default password is 0000)
Section 2 | 21
Reprint a Shift Summary of transactions from your terminal
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the
menu screens – select the REPORTS menu option and press ENTER
2.Select AUDIT
3.Enter USER Password (the default password is 0000)
Reprint Servers logged on to your terminal
1. Press the ‘F’ key to start the payment application. Using the Up/Down arrows to scroll through the
menu screens – select SERVERS and press ENTER
2.Select REPORTS
3. Terminal will print all servers that are logged on
Section 2 | 22
GPRS Network Selection – Quick Reference
Elavon’s mobile terminals process payment transactions through multiple carriers in each country, e.g. Vodafone
and 02. We recognise that connecting to the strongest network doesn’t always mean that the network in question is
the best for your needs. Therefore we provide an option allowing you to choose which network you wish to connect to.
This reference guide provides details on how to configure the terminal to manually select a network carrier of your choice.
Step 1: Checking Current Network Carrier
Step 2: Changing Carrier (continued)
Step 2: Changing Carrier (continued)
1. The current network carrier in use can be seen at the
top menu bar on the main screen of the terminal:
2. Scroll down through the terminal menu and select TERMINAL CONFIG
5. The terminal will display the below information, select Edit to
switch to Manual Network selection
GPRS Network Provider
Acq. Param.
Network: 02 – IRL
Automatic: ON
3. You will now be presented with the “Profile Number”
screen shown below. Press Enter on the terminal
Step 2: Changing Carrier
The following steps should be taken to search for an
alternative network carrier:
1. Press ‘F’ to access the main menu, then scroll down
through the terminal menu and select TERMINAL
6.Select No on the GPRS Network Provider Screen shown below
GPRS Network Provider
Profile Number
Profile Number:
Automatic Registration
No Yes
New Trans
4.Select Yes on the GPRS Setup Screen shown below
7. The terminal will then create a provider list for all available
carrier networks. Select the carrier of choice
Select Provider
GPRS Setup
Network Registration
No Yes
Section 2 | 23
Dynamic Currency Conversion
Dynamic Currency Conversion, DCC, allows customers with overseas issued Visa & MasterCard credit
and debit cards to pay in their home currency at the point of purchase
Elavon’s DCC system operates within the requirements set by Visa & MasterCard
How Does DCC Work?
• Automatically – The card reader detects eligible cards and alerts you to that fact that
the transaction amount can be converted
• You must always remember to ask the customer if they would like to pay in their home
currency or in local currency
• Transparently – Each receipt shows:
– The amount in local currency
– The exchange rate applied
– The amount in the card holder’s currency
How to Offer DCC
• Insert your customer’s card into the card reader – it tells you if the card is eligible for DCC
• Ask the customer if they would like to pay in the local currency or in their home currency
• Tell the customer that the card machine can do the conversion right now at a competitive
exchange rate
• Customer says “YES” simply press accept on the card reader
Section 2 | 24
How to Offer DCC
Explain the benefits of DCC:
• Very competitive exchange rates backed by Elavon’s Best Rate Guarantee
• Cost certainty
• No hidden charges – the cardholder knows exactly what will appear on their bank statement
• Their card issuing bank should not apply any additional fees
Benefits to the Cardholder
• Instant conversion to prices they can understand – using that day’s exchange rate
• Very competitive exchange rates updated daily and a Best Rate Guarantee (see Best Rate Guarantee, below)
• No shocks when they receive their credit card bills. They know exactly how much was spent in their home currency
• There are no hidden foreign exchange commission charges for the cardholder
• Enables timely submission of expense reports for corporate travellers
Best Rate Guarantee
• If the customer returns home to find that their issuing bank offered a better
exchange rate on the day of purchase then they can make a claim to Elavon
to have the difference refunded
• To make a claim they just go to
Benefits for Your Business
• An excellent customer service
• No cost to you
• Rebates to your business
• Funds are settled in your local currency. The conversion rate is clearly indicated
in End of the Day or End of Shift Point-of-Sale reports – in both currencies
• Your monthly statement shows the DCC rebate you have earned
• Reduced risk of chargebacks – since the cardholder is not disputing an amount
that he/she does not recognise
Section 2 | 25
iMerchantConnect – Quick Reference
Your secure, easy-to-use, always available, online resource for account information.
iMerchantConnect is Elavon’s all-inclusive FREE online reporting and statement tool that allows
a customer to securely monitor their account at any time of the day.
System Requirements:
• Web browser- Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended)
• Adobe Reader & Adobe Flash Reader
• Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher
Logging on
In the address box of your Web browser, type the following:
If you are a new customer that has provided us with an email address, your user ID is sent
to you in a “Welcome to iMerchantConnect (Reporting Tool from ELAVON)” email.
A temporary password is sent to you in a separate email. When you log on for the first
time, the system prompts you to immediately change the temporary password to a
new personal password.
When you are changing your temporary password, it will require you to define
a Password Hint Question and Answer that are used to confirm your identity
if you forget your password and need to request a new one.
Change Your Password
Update your Password/Login Information
Your new password must meet the criteria listed at right:
Old Password *
New Password *
Confirm Your Password *
Password Hint Question * Select a Password Hint Question
Password Hint Answer *
Update Login Information
Section 2 | 26
Changing Your Password
Your new password must:
• Be at least eight characters in length
• Not contain the username or the word password
• Not be the same as any of the previous ten passwords
• Contain characters from three of the following four groups:
– English uppercase characters (A – Z)
– English lowercase characters (a – z)
– Digits (0 – 9)
– Special characters (! @ # $ % ?)
Site Organisation
iMerchantConnect is easy to use, incorporating standard Internet
navigation features including tabs, links and buttons.
These are the tabs you will see once you login to the website:
• Home: The first page you see after you successfully log on to the iMerchantConnect site. This tab will provide useful information like Frequently Asked Questions and Merchant News. In the Merchant News section, you can find details on PCI, Elavon’s consumables website and information like, How to Avoid Exception Fees.
• Reports & Statements: This is where you can generate your statement and run reports.
• Help, Documentation & Training: Provides links to the main help menu, user documentation such as quick reference guides and the iMerchantConnect Report Portfolio (PDF files), and interactive tutorial(s) that guide you through using the site for defining and generating your reports.
• My Account: Provides links to information related to managing your user account, such as changing your password and editing your reporting contact information.
Section 2 | 27
Statement Search
Once you are logged in, choose Proceed to Statements/Invoices shown on the home page, choose date
range for statement you are looking for and select Generate Report.
You will be presented with a blue spinning circle to advise that the statement is being requested. Once
the statement is returned in the bottom right hand section of the page, you will need to scroll down the
page and click on the date that is shown as a blue hyperlink to open the PDF Statement. You will then be
prompted with the options to Open, Save or Close.
How do I Print the Statement?
To print a statement you need to open it first in pdf format. To print, simply click on the printer icon.
Section 2 | 28
Payment Search – How do I Check What Has Been Paid into my Bank Account?
From the dropdown list of reports on the Reports & Statements tab, select Payments List.
The system will automatically set up Payment Date as the last 30 days, so you must change this to the date range you require.
Click on Generate Report and the report will return showing you information on when and how much has been paid into your bank account.
Payment Search – How do I Check From Which Batch my Monthly Fees Were Taken?
From the dropdown list of reports on the Reports & Statements tab, select Payments List.
Select Payment Date between last week of previous and first week of next month and click on Generate Report.
Click on the blue hyperlink with a Payment Reference Number. Please note that your monthly fees will be deducted from the first payment of the following month so make sure you choose the correct date.
Payment Details report will be displayed and you will see that Payment
Amount is smaller than Gross (Settlement) Amount. Amount of fees
deducted will appear in brackets as the last item under the Payment
Breakdown section.
A breakdown of applied fees is also visible on the monthly Statement.
Payment Search – How do I Check if Last/Previous Batch Went Through
on the Terminal?
From the dropdown list of reports on the Reports & Statements tab,
choose Batches Submitted report and pick a date range.
The system will automatically select Submission Date from the last 3
days. This can be changed to any date range you require. Select your search criteria by
choosing your hierarchy and your date ranges and click the “Generate Report” button.
Section 2 | 29
You will be presented with a blue spinning circle to advise that the data is being requested. Once the
data is returned in the bottom right hand section of the page, you will need to scroll down the page
and view the report output; this report will list all batches that have been sent in for processing.
Transaction Search by Date – How do I Check if a Transaction (Sale or Refund) Has Been Paid Out?
From the dropdown list of reports on the Reports & Statements tab, select Transactions Funded List.
The system will automatically set up the payment date as the previous day, so you must change this to the date range
you require. Once you select Generate Report the system will search and list all transactions processed and funded
within the provided date range.
Ensure to scroll across to see full transaction information like the payment reference number, submission date, transaction
date and time, amount and card details. You can click on any of the blue hyperlinks and it will expand the information.
Transaction Search by Card Number
From the dropdown list of reports on the Report & Statement tab,
select Transactions Funded List, if you want to check a paid
transaction; or select Transactions Submitted, if you want to check
a transaction which has been sent in but may not be paid yet.
You can specify your search by giving information like Card Number,
transaction amount or terminal ID. This can be used in cases where
you have the card details but you are not sure if, or when, a
transaction or refund was processed.
Section 2 | 30
To enter a full Card Number click on CCN box next to Card Number search option. Type in a card
number (masked or unmasked) and click OK. Once you press Generate Report the system will search
and list all transactions processed or funded within the provided date range for the Card Number entered.
Available Reports
The standard report set available to all customers includes the following reports:
• Statements: Provides your PDF billing or funding statement.
• Funding Reporting: displays paid information:
– Payments List: displays data for how much a customer was paid. If you run the report in html format, you can drill down
to further payment information in these reports: Payments Details’ report will give you a breakout of the final amount a customer is paid after all fees are deducted. CSV Download and Download Excel reports will provide a list of all transaction items that made up that total payment amount.
– Batches Funded List: displays a list of batches that have been paid.
If you run the report in html format, you can drill down to further
batch information in the ‘Batches Funded Details’ report.
– Transactions Funded List: displays a list of transactions from
within a specific batch sent by a customer that have been paid.
If you run the report in html format, you can drill down to
further transaction information in the ‘Transactions Funded
Details’ report.
– Merchant Detail My Summary: displays summary
performance data (payment and chargeback credits/debits).
It also includes the customer’s legal and ‘Doing Business As’
(DBA) address information, and associated business contacts.
Section 2 | 31
• Unfunded Reporting: displays unpaid information:
– Unpaid List: contains a list of batches that are waiting to be paid. If you run the report in html format, you can drill down to further unpaid batch information in the Unpaid Details report.
– Unpaid Transactions List: displays a list of transactions that are waiting to be paid. If you run the report in
html format, you can drill down to further unpaid transaction information in the Unpaid Transaction Details report.
• Submitted Reporting: displays batches and transactions sent for processing:
– Batches Submitted: provides a list of batches sent in for processing. This report can be used to reconcile against your Batch/End of Day from your POS terminal.
– Transactions Submitted: provides a list of paid and unpaid transactions from within a batch submitted by a customer.
This report can be used to reconcile against your Batch/End of Day from your POS terminal.
• Chargeback Reporting:
– Chargeback List: contains a list of chargeback transactions that
have a financial impact to your bank account. This includes debit
or credit posted chargeback activities, representments with
customer response and straight representments. If you run the
report in html format, you can drill down to further chargeback
information in the Retrieval Chargeback Details report.
– Retrieval List: contains a list of retrievals for a customer.
– Non-Financial Chargeback List: contains a list of arbitrations
and compliance chargeback transactions that have a
customer impact.
– Chargeback Summary per Reason Code: provides counts and
amounts of successfully defended chargebacks (where you
provided the necessary documentation) and unsuccessfully
defended chargebacks (where the amounts were debited
from your bank account).
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Additional Reports
Based on your business needs, you can request other reports to be added to your account, such as:
• Authorisations: provides a list of all transactions that have been authorised. The customer can see all transactions including approved, declined and referred transactions. For declined transactions, you will be able to see the issuer response of why it was declined.
• Billing Summary: provides a summary per Merchant ID of all the billed fees, these billed fees can include the merchant service charge per card plan, exception fees, activity fees, equipment fees and DCC rebate. The total charges including VAT will match exactly to what is shown on your billing statement/invoice.
• DCC Terminal Performance: provides the count and
volume of potential, actual and processed DCC
transactions, the estimated rebate received and lost
and the DCC take up percentage at terminal ID level.
• Payment Summary: displays the customer funded
amounts, along with the batch, chargeback,
representment, and adjustment amounts that make
up the funded amount.
• Exception Analysis: provides customer with details
related to exception surcharges and the level of
exception activity at their outlets.
Section 2 | 33
3 Security
Table of Contents
Understanding Cardholder Data Security .............................. 35
Guide to Safeguarding Card Transactions .............................. 37
Facts about Retrievals and Chargebacks ................................ 44
Understanding Cardholder Data Security
Accepting card payments requires you are PCI Compliant – PCI Compliance begins the moment
you become an Elavon customer!
Did you know that 90% of all breaches occur at small businesses just like yours each year? An average data breach
costs a customer £26000/€30000 in fines, fees and forensic costs. Are you doing all you can to protect your bottom
line and reputation?
Data security has become a primary consideration for every business that accepts
credit and debit cards for the payment of goods and/or services. To promote the
security of the credit and debit card systems, the major card brands established the
Payment Card Industry Council (PCI) to oversee its Data Security Standards (DSS).
Protecting Cardholder Data
Customers of all sizes must ensure that cardholder data is protected from a security
breach. A typical breach costs a small business £26000/€30000, but can run much
higher depending on the number of cards compromised. To protect cardholder data
and mitigate financial exposure, it is imperative that all customers validate and
maintain PCI-DSS compliance.
Point-Of-Sale Solutions
Elavon understands the way you accept payments varies greatly depending on your
business and point-of-sale (POS) configuration. That’s why we offer a wide variety
of debit/credit card payment solutions to meet the needs of business environments,
from bricks-and-mortar to mail-order/telephone-order and e-commerce. Whatever
your business needs, count on Elavon to deliver.
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Elavon’s PCI Program
Elavon realises the importance of cardholder data security and wants to help you avoid fines, fees and
other costs associated with a breach. Elavon’s PCI Compliance Program takes a comprehensive approach
to help your business securely manage cardholder data and ensure compliance, while protecting your
reputation and your bottom line.
Elavon’s program is focused on three key areas:
• Education: materials and information to help you understand
PCI-DSS compliance.
• Validation: tools to help you validate and demonstrate compliance
as required by PCI-DSS.
• Financial Protection: programs to limit your financial exposure should
a data breach occur.
Secure Your Business
To help protect your business, Elavon’s PCI Compliance Program makes
learning about PCI and validating compliance simple.
Through our PCI website, you gain valuable knowledge
and access to tools:
• Compliance education and tips on protecting cardholder data. You’ll find
an overview of PCI, a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions
and links to industry resources.
• Access an online portal to complete the required annual Self-Assessment
Questionnaire (SAQ) and POS/PMS system scanning that may be required.
• Learn more about PCI Breach Protection, Elavon’s financial coverage if a
breach does occur.
• Get assistance from PCI Compliance experts.
Section 3 | 36
Guide to Safeguarding Card Transactions
Your secure, easy-to-use, always available, online resource for account information.
It is important that your business minimises fraud risk, therefore; training and on-going education efforts are vital to ensure that
your employees understand and continue to follow appropriate card acceptance and data security procedures for all transactions.
1. It is important to thoroughly check the card details presented to you to help guard against card fraud.
2. It is important that you only accept and process cards that have been authorised by the cardholder’s issuing bank.
If you fail to comply with any verbal or written instructions from your bank, your submission may be rejected and individual
transactions may be charged back to your business. If your business is unfortunate and is targeted by fraudulent activity, your
account may suffer a financial loss. Ultimately your agreement may be terminated if it is deemed that you did not comply with
correct practice.
Remember, authorisation does not guarantee payment – it
does not prove that the legitimate cardholder is presenting
the card details. BE SAFE, BE VIGILANT!
Section 3 | 37
Card Acceptance
There are two main categories of card acceptance:
• Card Present Transactions: Where the cardholder presents their card at the point of sale for payment.
You are required to take all reasonable steps in order to ensure that the card, the cardholder, and the transaction are legitimate. A Chip and PIN verified sale is the safest method of accepting payment in a card present environment. If the card is not Chip and PIN enabled then it is acceptable to swipe the card through the terminal and obtain a signature, making sure the signature on the back of the card matches that on the receipt. There is an option to fall back to signature on a Chip Card (if there is an issue with the chip), however; by bypassing Chip and PIN, you may open yourself up to chargeback liability, so this should be implemented sparingly and only in situations when you know the customer.
If a card is swiped, please ensure that the card number on the printed receipt matches the number on the card, which
may be embossed.
• Card Not Present Transactions: Where the card or cardholder is not present when the transaction is being completed.
Card Not Present transactions represent the highest risk in payment processing; validation can be tricky and in all cases of chargebacks your business is 100% liable. The onus therefore is always on you/your staff to ensure that the transaction is genuine and the customers are who they claim to be.
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There are two main types of card not present processing:
• Mail Order/Telephone Orders (MO/TO)
– This is the riskiest area of card not present processing as there is virtually no way of 100% validating
that the customers are who they claim to be.
– The best way to explain the pitfalls of MO/TO is as follows: if a newly issued card has been intercepted in the post by a fraudster, they will have full Card Number & CVV2 number as well as the registered name and address. This information is sufficient to get past most security checks available. The sale appears genuine, but is fraudulent, and the genuine cardholder is entitled to their money back with your business footing the bill.
– While we would still advocate completing AVS (UK only) and CVV2 checks as well as ensuring the items are being delivered to the cardholders registered address, the risk is significant and orders should be properly assessed before proceeding.
MO/TO transactions should be taken in the knowledge that the sale cannot be validated easily and that ultimately
the liability lies with your business.
MO/TO Processing Tips
1. Be vigilant with orders, is there something strange about what the customer
is asking for? Fraudsters are looking to maximise profit from a stolen card so
are less likely to care about price or availability.
2. Question the contents of an order, does the quantity of items appear excessive
for one person?
3. With international orders, question whether the product they are ordering may
be available cheaper to the customer in the country they live. Customers always
look for the best price, and with international shipping, is it likely the product can be found in their own country.
4. Be very wary of customers who say they will send their own courier to collect goods.
5. Never take additional funds off a card to wire money to an account at the request
of the cardholder.
6. If an order seems too good to be true it usually is, look past the potential profit and
analyse the situation properly.
7. Be wary should a customer provide you with several card numbers at once.
Contact the Authorisation Centre and complete a Code 10.
Section 3 | 39
• Ecommerce (Trading via the internet)
– Ecommerce processing presents similar risks to your business as MO/TO.
– Website payment pages should request registered Name, Address and CVV2 as mandatory and only deliver to the registered address of the card.
– Velocity checks which are appropriate to your business should be implemented in order to control the possibility of a fraudulent attack with high volumes/values etc.
– There is one major advantage to this method of card processing – fraud prevention tools that significantly reduce
the risk in processing, namely Verified By Visa for Visa transactions and Secure Code for MasterCard transactions, both of which can be purchased via your Internet Payment Service Provider (IPSP).
– VBV/Secure Code require the customer to input their unique password (or random digits from the password in the case of Visa cards) in order to complete a sale. You/your staff receive information confirming the transaction is valid and proceed with the sale.
– Once set up and used correctly VBV/Secure Code will provide liability cover against the vast majority of transactions attempted (though it should be noted that not all card types are covered).
– IPSPs may also provide other tools (IP Address Checker/Fraud Scoring tools etc.) which will supplement
VBV/Secure Code and reduce the potential fraud close to zero.
It is against scheme rules to take card details via e-mail or a shopping cart and process them
through a physical terminal. This type of make-shift ecommerce processing is not PCI Compliant
and can result in significant fines for your business if it is discovered doing so.
Ecommerce Tips
1. 2. 3. 4.
It is essential you invest in your payment system. Spending money on a strong system that vets transactions properly will prevent you losing money down the line.
Keep in regular contact with your IPSP to ensure you are using the latest version of all software,
and are using the most up to date fraud tools available.
Ensure that the country of origin of the card is checked against the country of the billing/shipping address.
Ensure your website and servers are PCI Compliant at all times to avoid fines from the schemes,
and if possible outsource the handling of card data to a fully PCI compliant IPSP. This gives you
peace of mind in the instance your website is compromised as the hackers will not be able to
harvest cardholder details, and more importantly it protects you from PCI fines.
Section 3 | 40
If you wish to make a refund:
• The card transaction refund must be completed using the same card as was used for
the original sale.
• The refund should be equal to or less than the original sale.
• You must never make a refund to a card if the original sale was made by cash or cheque.
• You must never make a refund to a card where there has been no sale transaction.
You must never make a refund to your own, or a family member’s personal cards
through your business facility. Failure to observe this could lead to your funds being
withheld pending further investigation. You should sign the Terminal Sales Receipt
and make a note of the exchange and/or return of any items.
Elavon actively monitors refunds which have no corresponding debit sale(s) and when
necessary we reject refunds that contravene scheme rules. It could be a staff member
refunding their own card without the business owner’s knowledge, or it might be a
fraudster transferring funds from stolen cards. In light of these risks, Elavon operates
a zero tolerance policy on refunds-no-sales, and repeat offences may result in the
removal of the refund facility or termination of the account.
Section 3 | 41
Further Notes on Safer Processing
Force/Offline Sales
• From time to time you may receive a referral message on your terminal when attempting to process a transaction. While it may just be the issuing bank performing a random spot check on a customer’s card,
it may also be a suggestion that the card does not have enough funds available to complete the sale. If you take it upon yourself to use an invalid authorisation code, i.e. a code you made up and did not receive from
the issuing bank, you are opening yourself up to chargebacks. The issuing bank is no longer required to honour a sale (regardless if it is Chip and Pin verified) in this instance.
• It is essential that in these cases you call our authorisation line 0845 850 0197 (UK) or 1850 30 31 30 (IRL) where you can obtain a valid auth code from the issuing bank and therefore cover yourself from chargeback liability.
If you are unsure how to process a FORCE sale please contact our Customer Service Department who can organise training to guide you through the process.
Section 3 | 42
Processing Outside Setup
• All new businesses are boarded under the understanding that the information supplied in the
application form is an accurate representation of your business set up. Any variations between
your application figures and actual processing will require a review to be completed by our Credit
team. This may result in a change to your terms or in cases of increased risk it may result in termination
of the account. It is also against terms and conditions to use your terminal to process transactions in a
manner other than that approved by Elavon. For example, you cannot take payment for the sale of your
family car through your terminal.
• Particularly, any change of your business purpose requires you to inform Elavon immediately.
• It is against terms and conditions to use your terminal as a personal banking facility; you cannot fund
your business using your personal card through the terminal or pay yourself, or your staff, wages using
the refund facility.
In any of the cases mentioned above Elavon reserves the right to reject any
attempted transactions that are outside your set up parameters.
Third Party Processing
• If you are approached by another business to process transactions on their
behalf, you are in breach of your Terms of Service with Elavon. If transactions
are disputed; you, as Elavon’s customer will be held liable for these disputed
amounts regardless of the agreement held with the other business, and your
business could therefore suffer financial loss.
• If such an event occurs, there is normally a reason why they cannot avail of a
terminal themselves, therefore in order to protect your business from potential
financial loss and reputational damage decline the request – no matter
how attractive.
• Processing transactions on behalf of others may carry large fines.
Section 3 | 43
Facts about Retrievals and Chargebacks
A cardholder or bankcard issuer may dispute a card transaction for any number of reasons including a billing error,
a quality dispute, or for the non-receipt of goods or services. These disputes result in a Retrieval or Chargeback to you.
Card Association Definitions:
Hotel Bookings (No Shows)
The affected merchant can charge for one night stay only, the full amount cannot be charged
to the cardholder. The onus is on the merchant to prove the Terms and Conditions were
accepted by the Cardholder.
Card not Present (CNP) Transactions
Merchants are liable for all keyed/mail order and telephone transactions (MOTO) which are
also referred to as card not present transactions. Internet transaction liability will vary
depending on the transaction authentication from both the merchant and the Card Issuer
perspective when 3D secure (Verified by Visa/MasterCard Secure) is utilised.
Splitting Transactions
Processing more than one transaction for a single purchase in order to obtain
authorisation is not permitted under the Card Association rules and must not be done
under any circumstances (one transaction, one authorisation code).
A refund can only be processed on the card initially presented for payment. The refund
must be equal to or less than the value of the original debit sale. Under no circumstances
must a cardholder be given a refund by any other means e.g. cash or cheque.
Section 3 | 44
Merchants are required to obtain permission from the cardholder prior to charging the card. The onus is
on the merchant to prove permission was obtained. However, authorisation does not guarantee payment.
This refers to the documentary evidence which the merchant must present within the time frames in response to a
retrieval and chargeback notification presented to them by their acquirer. If the evidence is not provided as requested,
the acquirer will not be able to defend the chargeback.
The acquirer has the right to charge the compliance or arbitration
fee for each case that is filed with the Associations on the
merchant’s behalf.
Note: To ensure chargeback and retrieval cases are addressed
promptly, please ensure all requested documentation supplied
to the Elavon Chargeback Team is legible and sets out all
requested information. Merchants are contractually obliged to
retain transaction documentation for a minimum period of 13
months from processing date.
For more information
please visit our Customer
Welcome Centre:
Section 3 | 45
4 Contacts
Table of Contents
Customer Service ........................................................................ 47
Authorisation Centre .................................................................. 47
American Express (AMEX) Customer Service ...................... 47
American Express (AMEX) Authorisation Centre ................ 47
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) .................................... 48
PCI Compliance – Trustwave .................................................... 48
Fraud ............................................................................................. 49
Chargeback Customer Service ................................................. 49
Collections ................................................................................... 49
Consumables ............................................................................... 49
Card Rewards ............................................................................... 50
More Information and Elavon website ..................................... 51
Customer Service
UK: ......................... 0845 850 0195
Ireland: .................. 1850 20 2120
Authorisation Centre
UK: ........................ 0845 850 0197
Ireland: .................. 1850 30 31 30
American Express (AMEX) Customer Service
UK: ......................... 0208 551 1111
Ireland: .................. 1800 70 9909
American Express (AMEX) Authorisation Centre
UK: ......................... 0127 367 5533
Ireland: .................. 1800 62 6500
Section 4 | 47
Dynamic Currency Conversion
If you need to refresh your memory or train new staff check out our website:
Reporting: We recommend you monitor your DCC performance. DCC performance reports are available through
your iMerchantConnect account, Elavon’s all-inclusive FREE online reporting tool.
Any questions, please call one of our Customer Service Numbers:
UK: ........................ 0845 850 0195
Ireland: .................. 1850 20 2120
PCI Compliance – Trustwave
UK: ......................... 0800 917 8986
Ireland: .................. 1800 99 5020
Section 4 | 48
UK & Ireland: ........ + 353 402 25424
Fax (UK & Ireland):+ 353 402 26751
Email: .....................
Chargeback Customer Service
UK: ........................ 0845 850 0195 – select option 4 for Chargebacks
Ireland: .................. 1850 20 2120
UK: ........................ 0845 602 0147
Ireland: ................. 1850 81 2070
UK: ........................ 01698 843 866
Ireland: .................. 0818 270 952
Section 4 | 49
Card Rewards
If you receive a terminal response ‘Retain Card’ you should recover the card from the cardholder and send it
directly to Elavon. You or the person responsible for recovery of the card, will be rewarded with £50 or ¤70.
Why is a Message ‘Retain Card’ Displayed on a Terminal?
This communication means that the card has been reported by the bank as stolen, lost, or the bank simply
wants to recover the card due to settlement difficulties with the customer (cardholder).
Why You Have a Right to Retain the Card?
The bank is the owner of the card, not the person (cardholder name) embossed on the card. The bank that
issued the card has full right to make the decision whether a card needs to be retained or not.
To receive a reward, the following conditions must be met:
• The retained card is a VISA or MasterCard
• Card has been stopped due to terminal request
• Card has been valid at the time of recovery
• Card is sent to Elavon within 3 months from the ‘Retain Card’ message
• A card recovery form is attached to the recovered card
• The card recovery form is filled out with all required information
Section 4 | 50
How to Retain a Card
You should not retain a card in any situation where you determine your life or health may be at risk.
The card should be retained and cut before being sent to Elavon:
• Card without magnetic chip – cut horizontally just below the magnetic stripe in order not to damage the magnetic stripe, hologram and name embossed on the card
• Card with chip – punch a hole through the magnetic stripe or cut away a corner of the card at the opposite end to the chip
Card and reward form need to be posted to the address at the top of the form:
Elavon Merchant Services
Card Pick Ups Department
69-71 Clarendon Road
WD17 1DS
For more information
please visit our Customer
Welcome Centre:
Section 4 | 51