AGENDA October 6, 2015 LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS' CHAMBERS LAKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 1:00 p.m. Convene Agenda Meeting Clerk’s Correspondence Public Comments 1:05 p.m. County Administrator Matthew Huddleston 1:35 p.m. Commissioners’ Correspondence 2:05 p.m. Adjourn COMMISSIONERS’ CORRESPONDENCE October 6, 2015 # Name of Department, Entity, or Individual Type and Date Subject Category (Informational or Request for Board Action?) On Action Items List? 1. Two Harbors Ukulele Group (THUG) Letter dated September 16, 2015 Lake County Rec Board Funds Request for Donation 2. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Email dated September 18, 2015 Emergency Automotive Technologies Invoice Request for Board Action Yes 3. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Email dated September 18, 2015 Mactek Invoice: 911 recording update Request for Board Action Yes 4. Lake County Information Technology Department Memo dated September 21, 2015 Request for Spending Authorization: Model 30 InfiniVault Maintenance Request for Board Action Yes 5. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Memo dated September 18, 2015 Payment for purchase of office furniture for squad room Request for Board Action Yes 6. Lake County Forestry Department Memo received September 23, 2015 Approve Payment for Seedlings for MDHA tree planting project Request for Board Action Yes 7. Lake County Facilities Maintenance / Building & Plant Memo dated September 22, 2015 Purchase and install a new Fujitsu Split System Air Conditioner for the Jail Request for Board Action Yes 8. University of Minnesota Extension Regional Office Letter dated September 21, 2015 Lake County Extension Committee Member Appointment Request Request for Board Action Yes 9. Lake County Forestry Department Memo received September 29, 2015 Approv per diems/mileage for Standing Forestry Commission Members Request for Board Action Yes 10. Lake County Health and Human Services Department Memo received September 29, 2015 Contract Amendment Approval for the Follow Along Program Request for Board Action Yes 11. Lake County Forestry Department Memo received September 29, 2015 Additional road work payment Request for Board Action Yes 12. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Email dated September 30, 2015 Sales Order, State Contract Benefits Request for Board Action Yes 13. Lake County Highway Department Memo dated September 30, 2015 10/13/15 Road & Bridge Action Requests 13A. 10/13 Packet Update Request for Board Action Yes # Name of Department, Entity, or Individual Type and Date Subject Category (Informational or Request for Board Action?) On Action Items List? 14. Lake County Emergency Management Memo dated October 1, 2015 Metal Roof reimbursement – Costley Request for Board Action Yes 15. Lake County Human Resources Department Memo dated October 1, 2015 Request for Board Action on October 13, 2015. Request for Board Action Yes 15A. Personnel Committee memo, Re: Shop Helper 15B. Job Description 16. Lake County Auditor’s Office Email dated October 1, 2015 Liquor/wine license renewals Request for Board Action Yes 17. Lake County Planning Commission Date of Mailing: October 1, 2015 Renewal of exiting Interim Use Permit, I-15-006. Public Hearing: October 19, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the LEC Informational No 18. Lake County Planning Commission Date of Mailing: October 1, 2015 Renewal of exiting Interim Use Permit, I-15-007. Public Hearing: October 19, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. in the LEC Informational No 19. Lake County Facilities Maintenance / Building & Plant Memo dated September 16, 2015 (Received October 2, 2015) Exterior LED Light Wall Packs – LEC, Acquisition Request Request for Board Action Yes 20. Lake County Sheriff’s Office Email dated October 2, 2015 Lake View Memorial Hospital (LVMH) invoice Request for Board Action Yes September 16, 2015 Dale Moe Phone:218-349-6798 1409 gth Avenue Two Harbors, MN. 55616 Lake County Commissioners 601 Third Avenue Two Harbors, MN. 55616 RE: Lake County Rec Board Funds Dear Lake County Commissioners: I represent the Two Harbors Ukulele Group, aka THUG. On behalf ofTHUG I have successfully applied for and received funds from the Lake County Rec Board in 2013 and 2014. I was told that we were ineligible to apply a third year for these funds, so you did not receive an application from us in 2015. The funds we received have been used to defray the costs of our Silver Creek International Ukulele Carnival. This year was the fifth annual event and we had participants arriving in Two Harbors from nine states and two provinces with 108 ukulele players pre-registered for this three day event. Most of the participants stay in our motels, eat at our restaurants and shop in our gift shops. After our Saturday concert we brought 75 people to Dixie Saloon and the next morning 60 of us had breakfast at the Rustic Inn. Plus the Taco Box spent the entire Saturday serving food at the Silver Creek Town Hall. The THUGs do not charge admission for this three day event... we fund it entirely from donations accumulated from more than 25 concerts a year, plus funds received from entities such as the Lake County Rec Board. The 2015 event cost us close to $3,000.00 out of pocket. Ukulele clubs in' attendance have all told us they are returning ... and bringing more of their group, so we are outgrowing the facility. Next year we are planning on renting an event tent as we have outgrown the Silver Creek Town Hall, but would like to keep the event at this unique and quaint location. The tent lease will be approximately $3,000.00 ... doubling the cost of our event. Therefore, if you have funds available and THUG is deemed eligible for said funds, on behalf of the Two Harbors Ukulele Group I am requesting financial assistance with defraying the cost of our 2015 Carnival or help with paying for the 2016 Silver Creek International Ukulele Carnival.· We would gratefully accept any amount from $1.00 to $3,000.00 ... we are not hoggish ... simply THUG ish. s:r 1tl2015 r~ COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sharon Lind Friday, September 18, 2015 4:25PM Laurel Buchanan Steve Vankekerix; Chrissy Libal Emergency Automotive Tech invoice Emergency Automotive Technologies.pdf Laurel, Can you put the following on for the next Board action meeting: "Authorize payment in the amount of $5,409.88 to Emergency Automotive Technologies for 16 spotlights and two (2) lightbars for the squad cars." Thanks, 8hatr.on. J.i.n.d. Office Assistant Lake County Sheriffs Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-8440 This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information that may be confidential and/or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this e-mail or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. For persons with disabilities this information is available in other formats by contacting us at (218) 834-8385. 1 Venders Number Warrant Number ----------------------- Total$ Amount ------------------ Date Paid LAKE COUNTY, MINNESOTA Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Claimant's Name EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ----------------~----------~------------------------------------------ Address 2755 GENEVA AVENUE NORTH City OAKDALE, MN 55128 Date of Delivery 6/22/2015 6/25/2015 Itemize Fully AW062215-5 AW062215-5A $Amount $2,376.83 $3,033.05 I declare under penalties of perjury that I am (insert title of office and name of firm, if claim is by a firm) the claimant making the within claim; that I have examined said claim and the same is just and true; that the money therein charged was actually paid for the purposes therein stated; that the property therein charged was actually delivered or used for the purposes therein stated, the value therein charged; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and were of the value therein charged; that the fees therein charged are offical and such as are allowed by law; that no part of said claim has been paid; and said claim against LAKE COUNTY is for $ Date ~~------------------------ DEPARTMENT FUND 1 Signature of claimant PROGRAM SERVICE OBJECT 6630 201 $AMOUNT $5,409.88 I ~Q hhr~~ Approved by: this claim has been e~ed Date: 09-r6-J5 Md the go'tj 'sor servtrs~erein referred to, have been delivered or rendered, and the amount claimed is correct. This claim has been found to be orrect and ordered p aid by Resoluntion of the Count y Board committee on claims and accounts Chairman, Lake County Board of Commissioners Voice: Fax: I I EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2755 GENEVA AVE. N OAKDALE, MN 55128 USA Invoice Number: AW062215-5 Invoice Date: Jun 22,2015 Page: 1 Duplicate 651 765-2657 651 765-2660 !~~~iP~~~f; LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. 613 THIRD AVE. TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 USA LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. 613 THIRD AVE. ATTN: NATHAN TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 USA ·;~:Uil~l~1Ws~1¥f{f!i~l':?~~" NATHAN STADLER Net 30 Days ~~~~'t,1lt;i:'~;~i~I~B1ell1n~~Mlitta:ct~J~lt¥tt:ii'F~~ ~~ri:~~i~liJe~J2~ti~e1 FEDEX 6/22/15 WHELEN P46SLC- PAR 46 SUPER LED SPOTLIGHT- 12 VOLT- 2 DEGREE 147.32 2,357.12 BEAM 633378703837 Subtotal 2,357.12 Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amount Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied Invoices beyond due date are charged 1.5% monthly 18% annual 19.71 2,376.83 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2755GENEVAAVE. N OAKDALE, MN 55128 USA Voice: Fax: I I E Invoice Number: AW062215-5A Jun 25, 2015 Invoice Date: Page: 1 Duplicate 651 765-2657 651 765-2660 LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. 613 THIRD AVE. TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 USA LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. 613 THIRD AVE. ATTN: NATHAN TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 USA 2.00 1,495.00 2,990.00 LIGHTBAR WITH LED ALLEY AND TAKEDOWNS ·RED DRIVER, BLUE PASSENGER- NOT/A 2.00 STPKT93 WHELEN LIGHTBAR STRAP KIT FOR 2015+ GM SUVSTAHOE/SUBURBAN/YUKON/XL FEDEX TRACKING 625538137328, 625538137339 Subtotal Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amount Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied Invoices beyond due date are charged 1.5% monthly 18% annual 43.05 Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sharon Lind Friday, September 18, 2015 4:29 PM Laurel Buchanan Steve Vankekerix; Chrissy Libal Mactek invoice Mactek 911 recording upgrade.pdf Laurel, Can you out the following on for the next Board action meeting? "Authorize payment in the amount of $18,417.62 to MacTek Systems Inc. for upgrade to the 911 recording system." Thanks, (jh.a.'c.on. Office Assistant Lake County Sheriff's Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-8440 This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information that may be confidential and/or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this e-mail or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. For persons with disabilities this information is available in other formats by contacting us at (218) 834-8385. 1 Venders Number Warrant Number ----------------------- ------------------- Date Paid Total$ Amount LAKE COUNTY, MINNESOTA Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Claimant's Name MACTEK SYSTEMS INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address 13533 GLASGOW LANE City APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Date of Delivery 8/11/2015 Itemize Fully 1772 $Amount $18,417.62 I declare under penalties of perjury that I am (insert title of office and name of firm, if claim is by a firm) the claimant making the within claim; that I have examined said claim and the same is just and true; that the money therein charged was actually paid for the purposes therein stated; that the property therein charged was actually delivered or used for the purposes therein stated, the value therein charged; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and were of the value therein charged; that the fees therein charged are offical and such as are allowed by law; that no part of said claim has been paid; and said claim against LAKE COUNTY is for $ Date Signature of claimant ---------------------------FUND DEPARTMENT PROGRAM 211 1 ,QJ/ L /}/__ 911 SERVICE OBJECT 6345 $AMOUNT $18,417.62 ~- ri~ fa Appc,edby 1\( / Date this claim has been examined al<d-the giwpS\oi/servi7esll)erein referred to, have been dBJVered Jr rendd, and the amount claimed is correct. This claim has been found to be correct and ordered paid by Resoluntion of the County Board committee on claims and accounts Chairman, Lake County Board of Commissioners «~6Vo.AC1Eb~ MacTek Systems Inc 13533 Glasgow Lane Apple Valley, MN 55124 Date 8/11/2015 Invoice # 1772 Lake County Sheriffs Office 612 3rd Ave Two Harbors, MN 55616 ATTN: Steve Olson PO# S. Olson Terms Due upon receipt Date 8/11/2015 Tax ID # 27-0070449 Higher Ground Call Recording System-MacTek I HigherGround Hardware Refresh to Next Generation of Higher Ground Recorder, The proposed HigherGround Capture911 ™ solution includes: One 4U Recording Chassis with 850GB RAID 1 storage configured for 100% recording of: 16 Analog Ports Lake County Full Service Maintenance Agreement Current: $2,153.00 thur 2-'15-16 New: $2,535 9-29-15 thru 9-14-16 credit: 9-29-15 thru 2-15-16 $807.38 Net Due for FSMA $1,727.62 paid thru 9-29-16 HG 1,727.62 1,727.62 ~Terms 50% down and balance due at installation, or : customer may elect to pay in full --~---~-- __ [.... ___ _ : Subtotal Sales Tax (6.875%) :Total MacTek Systems Inc 952-431-5822 952-431-4457 Payments/Credits Balance Due $18,417.62 $0.00 $18,417.62 $0.00 $18,417.62 Information Technology Departmen Glen T. Backman, Interim Director 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 218.834.8392- 218.834.8479 Memorandum To: Commissioners and County Administrator Date: September 21, 2015 From: Glen T. Backman Re: Request for Spending Authorization: Model 30 lnfiniVault Maintenance Board Action Request to: Authorize the purchase of lnfiniVault Maintenance from Hybridge Imaging, LLC for a price not to exceed $4,226.55. Reason for Technology Expenditure: This is an annual, recurring expense for hardware and software maintenance for the county's lnfiniVault data storage system. Budget Implications: This annual expense was planned for in the IT Department's 2015 budget. Quotes attached. ~~brldQE? V Invoice IMAGINGac 831 Shoreview Heights Road Two Harbors, MN 55616 Hybridge Federal TD# 87-0753313 Date Invoice# 9/8/2015 1983 218-727-8804 mikc.stifT@hybridgeimagi ... Bill To Lake County- IT 601 Third Ave. Two Harbors, MN 55616 Quantity Ship Date S.O. No. 12/1/2015 25565 Description P.O. No. Net30 Amount Rate··· I Model 30 TS Support Serial 174 7563 Et1ective dates 12/0l/15-11/30/16 4,226.55 Invoice Total Payments/Credits Due Date 10/8/2015 Thanks for your buisness Terms Balance Due 4,226.55 $4,226.55 $0.00 $4,226.55 attachment with the descriptions of TS, TS24, and CS. Let me know if you have any questions! Thank you, Patrick *Please email all quote requests to* *Please email all order requests to OR fax 732-564-8280* MN LAKE COUNTY Inside Account Manager Glen Backman Patrick Widdoss 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN SS616 UNITED STATES Phone:218-834-8478 Fax: Email: 290 Davidson Ave Somerset, NJ 08873 Phone: 800-477-6479 Fax: 800-477-6479 Email: Qty Your Price Support- 1 Year Renewal Data Trust Solutionsrt#: 28623 Total $2,340.00 2 lnfiniVault ModelS TS24 Suppa - 1 Year Renewal DataTrust Solutions- Part#: MS 2 18 $3,127.00 $3,127.00 3 lnfiniVault ModelS CS Support- 1 Year R Data Trust Solutions- Part#: 28720 $4,638.00 $4,638.00 4 lnfiniVault Model30 TS Support -1 Year Renewal DataTrust Solutions- Part#: 2862S $4,733.00 $4,733.00 S lnfiniVault Model30 TS24 Support- 1 Ye Data Trust Solutions- Part#: M30 287 $6,202.00 $6,202.00 6 lnfiniVault Model 30 CS Su rt- 1 Year Renewal rt#:28724 $8,616.00 $8,616.00 7 lnfiniVault Mo 3S TS Support -1 Year Renewal Solutions - Part#: 28627 9 $S,42S.OO lnfiniVault Modei3S TS24 Support- 1 Year Renewal Data Trust Solutions- Part#: M3S 28726 $7,26S.OO .00 lnfiniVault Model 3S CS Support- 1 Year Renewal Data Trust Solutions- Part#: 28728 $9,S74.00 $9,S74.00 11 Total Support 24 for lnfiniVault Additional RDU- 1 Year Data Trust Solutions- Part#: RDU28449 $1,452.00 $1,452.00 12 Critical Support for lnfiniVault Additional RDU- 1 Year Data Trust Solutions- Part#: 28451 $1,898.00 $1,898.00 Total $56,386.00 Additional Comments Currently you are under TS support. I have included the Expansion RDU in this quote because you currently have that under support as well. Let me know if you have any questions. *Please note that the above is valid for the qty quoted. If your PO will not match the above please reach out to your inside rep to be re-quoted* *Please email all quote requests to* *Please email all order requests to OR fax 732-564-8280* Retrieve your quote: The Products offered under this proposal are subject to the SHI Return Policy, unless there is an existing agreement between SHI and the Customer. · Carey G. Johnson SHERIFF Steve Van Kekerix UNDERSHERIFF MEMO To: County Board From: Carey Johnson Date: September 18, 2016 Payment for purchase of office furniture for squad room Re: The Sheriff's Office is requesting approval for payment to Tri-State Business Systems, Inc. in the amount of$16,630.90 for purchase of office equipment to complete the squad roomsergeant office-interview room project. These funds will come from Capital Outlay. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT H~E JULY 09, 2015 LAKE CTY SHERIFFS DEPT. -1 A 'l?J r.~t I P~rt N11m Eart Oesc.dntinn ZPF ZPA6524 Acoustical Panel, 65H X 24W Skipped Option SJ<Jtmed Option_ --- ... ZPF ZPA6560 Acoustical Panel, 65H X 60W Skipped Option Skhmed Option ZPF ZWSSR60 Rectangular Worksurface 24 Square Edge, ... si<'ip.oeci option Skipped Option S~~g~ed Option Sk ped Op1lml_ ZPF ZOSFD60 Flipper Door Unit, Metal Door Finish, 60W X ... si<irmed oottQD_. ZPF ZOSOS60 Open Shelf, 60W X16H c~tF!CIQl'JL Q.f\1 L is.t 431.00 ~oil l=vt I l<>t 280.15 $ 2,586.00 PANEL 6 $ PANEL 4 $ . 710~00 ~461.50 $ 2,840.00 $ Ext St=!ll $ 1,680.90 ... - 1--- ·w $ 1,846.00 $ 1,118.00 ... .. -@~ ~----·- -- $---344.00 $ 223.60 $ 1,720.00 $ 753.00 $ 489.45 $ 2,259.00 $ 289.00 $ 187.85 $ 578.00 $ 375.70 $ 307.00 $ 199.55 $ 921.00 $ 598.65 STORAGE 5 $ 567.00 $ 368.55 $ 2,835.00 $ 1,842.75 STORAGE 5 $ 567.00 $ 368.55 $ 2,835.00 $ 1,842.75 ACCESSO 3 RY $ 79.00 $ 51.35 $ 237.00 $ 154.05 33.00 $ 21.45 $ 231.00 $ 150.15 118.95 $ 366.00 $ 237.9Cf 732.oo $ 475.80 WORKSU RFACE 5 ... ... ... ... '!JJ - ·~--- U• ... Sklnped Option .. ZPF ZWSSR54 Rectangular Worksurface 24 @~ Square Edge, ... Sk.ip·p·ed o"Ption Skipped Option =ped Option mill~ Option ZPF ZSFPBBF ZapfFioor Pedestal· 190 19 'VJ 8/B/F, 190 X 27H .skll2P_ed QQJ!Qn___ -· ZPF ZSFPFF1 ZapfFioor Pedestal· 19D 9 \lJ F/F, 19D X 27H Skinned Option 1ZPF ZDCMP54 Modesty Panel, 54WX 9H L {~J STORAGE 3 STORAGE WORKSU RFACE 2 -- 3 f.---~--- $ 1,468.35 ... ... ... ... -~!J.!ped Option Worksurface Brackets WORKSU RFACE 7' $ WORKSU RFACE 2 $ 183.00 $ "JJ SkiQlli'Jd Qillion ZPF ZWSSF24 Full Leg Support· 24D $ 183.00 $-118.95 '\II ZPF ZOCFL24 Full Leg 24 Deep ACCESSO 4 RY - ~· ZPF ZWSSB tll ,_ 1-- !-§l<Jimf2d__QJltlon .. Deb Kurtz -r Sklooed Ootion Tri-State Business Systems final JULY 09, 2015 LAKE CTY SHERIFFS DEPT. A </ I Cat. PArt Num PArt Oescri.nti~ Categ_orv Of\{. ZPF ZDMB09 Zapf Desking 1/3 ACCESSO 3 Bridge Bracket RY {!J - +-- ZPF ZC365 '/.l) - - .. ZPF ZCE65 ·w ... ·1)l Ext Sell 39.00 $ 25.35 $ 117.00 $ 76.05 Sklrmed Ootlon 3-Way Corner Connector, 65H PANEL $ 181.00 $ 117.65 $ 362.00 $ 235.30 Skinned Ontion Panel End Cap Connector, 65H PANEL -- ' 8 $ 68.00 $ 44---:20 $ 544.00 $ 353.60 $ 90.00 $ 58.50 $ 270.00 $ 175.50 $ 1,172... $ 761.80 $ 1,172.00 $ 761.80 $ 787.00 $ 511.55 $ 787.00 $ 511.55 $ 896.00 $ 582.40 $ 896.00 $ 582.40 $ 1,649... $ 2 Qkilloed Ontlon ZPF zc2as- 2-Way90 Deg PANEL 3 Corner Connector, 65H Sklooed OR.tlon MWTS720 Workstation FREESTA r:M 9 Table, Sq-Edged, NDING 72W X 300 X 29H TABLE Skipped Option Skipped Option Skipped Option Skipped Option Qkilloed Ontlon FREESTA 1 MM MWTS424 Workstation Table, Sq-Edged, NDING 9 42W X 240 X 29H TABLE Skipped Option ... Skipped Option Skipped Option Skipped Option Skinned Ontion ... FILE 1 MM MSFPBB Pedestal Floor Supported 27H CABINETS w F20R Box/Box/File ... 'iY l;xt List Sell $ '1' ...... ... ... w {jj ... ... ... '~J ... ~~~i)i)ea option S Inned Qim.Qll_ STORAGE 2 MM MFDU711 Flipper Door Unit, 71WX w 4 14.250 X 34H Skipped Option Skipped OPtion ... Grand Total ·& 1,071 ... $ 3,298.00 c---.:----$ 2,143.70 ... II Deb Kurtz $ 25,586.00 $ 16,630.90 I Tri-State Business Systems final LAKE COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT. 13'5 11 FOR THE SEPERATE OFFICE ~ n.. I~ I "I ~ N " [ -- 5o Light switc. -- Deb Kurtz, TRI-STATE BUSINESS SYSTEMS Scale: 1/4" = l' 0" July 09, 2015 Forestry Department Nathan D. Eide, Land Commissioner 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218.834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, October 06, 2015 Subject: Approve Payment for Seedlings for MDHA tree planting project. Background: MDHA applied for and received a CPL grand from the DNR to plant trees on the Reeves Road. This approval is to pay for the seedlings planted this fall. We will be reimbursed by MDHA. Resolution: Approve payment to MN Dept of Natural Resources for $2,805.00 for tree seedlings. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioner and County Administrator DATE: 9/22/2015 FROM: Grant Mjelde/Facilities Manager RE: Purchase and install a new Fujitsu Split System Air Conditioner for the Jail Kitchen. Board Action Request to: Approve the purchase and installation of a Fujitsu Split System, wall hung Air Conditioner for the LEC Jail Kitchen for $3,062.00 from Gartner Refrigeration. Reason for purchase of Air Conditioner: The heat load produced by the two Convection ovens, during cooking times has increased the temperature in the kitchen. Budget Implications: 01-111-100-0000-6620 Capital Outlay Equipment $5,000.00 Proposal GARTNER Refrigeration Company 2331 W. Superior Street Duluth, MN 55806 Phone Day or Night: (218) 722-4439 1-800-777-8515 Fax No: (218) 722-3422 Lake County Human Services CITY, STATE, AND ZIP CODE Date (218) 9/17/2015 Jail Kitchen I FAX (218) DATEOFPLANS Attn: Grant Mjelde PHONE JOB PHONE Scope of Work: Install air conditioning in the Jail Kitchen. 1) Hang indoor unit on wall where discussed. 2) Install wall mount bracket high on garage wall where discussed. 3) Run refrigeration line set & connect. 4) Run condensate line. 5) Start & test after it has been wired by an electrician. Price for Fujitsu system ............................ $ 3,062.00 (heat pump, heats & cools) Price for Mitsubishi system ........................ $ 3,258.00 (cooling only) Note: Electrical work by others. Included Included Not included Not included Freight ApplicAble Tax Pipe Insulation Electrical Wiring Product Joss warranty Auto Dial Alann System X [I X [I [l n 0 X D X fJ X Temperature Controls Pipe Sleeves &. Pitch Pocket$ Condensate Drains 90 Oay Service Warranty Delivery & Set up Providing Free & Clear Access into Bldg 0 0 0 u 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 (N/A- Not Applicable) We propose hereby to furnish material and labor- complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Dollars Payment to be made as follows: ,\ PROGRESS BILLING All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above spedfications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyond our controls. Owner to cany fire, tornado, and other necessary insurance. Our workers arc fully covered by Work!llen's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature: $ Rick Tourville Note: This propos a I may be withdrawn by us, if not accepted within days UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA University ofMinnesota Extension Regional Office, Cloquet 179 University Road Cloquet, MN 55720 Office: 218-726-6464 Toll Free: 888-241-0724 Fax: 218-879-0857 September 21, 2015 TO: Lake County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Mardi Harder, Regional Director RE: Lake County Extension Committee Member Appointment Request ~~ On behalf of the Lake County Extension Committee members, I am writing to request the appointment of Mr. Derrick Passe, 1302 Harbor Hills Lane, Two Harbors MN 55616, 763-2860570, for a three-year term to the Lake County Extension Committee. This appointment to the Lake County Extension Committee would be effective upon official County Board action for a three-year term (2015 -2018). Thank you for your consideration ofthis appointment request. Your continued support of University of Minnesota Extension in Lake County is greatly appreciated! Feel free to contact me for questions at 218.244.7980 or COMMISSION~RS OFriCE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE Driven to DiscoversH Forestry Department Nathan D. Eide, Land Commissioner 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218.834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: AKE ·uNTY OREJIRY.· LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Subject: Approve per diems/mileage for Standing Forestry Commission Members Background: The per diem/mileage payments were missed and the 90-day deadline for payments passed before we mailed the claim form to the members. The following members receive a per diem and mileage reimbursement for their participation at the Standing Forestry Commission meeting. John Bathke: $41.10 (Per diem $25.00/Mileage $16.10) Ed Gudowicz: $25.00 Per diem Kevin Kallinen: $65.71 (Per diem $25.00/Mileage $40.71) Resolution: Approve per diem and mileage payment to the following Standing Forestry Commission members: John Bathke: $41.10; Ed Gudowicz: $25.00; Kevin Kallinen: $65.71. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE LAKE COUNTY COURT HOUSE LAKE COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 616 Third Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone:218-834-8400 FAJ(:218-834-8412 Public Health Social Services Child Support Financial Assistance Vickie L. Thompson, Director DATE: September 29, 2015 TO: Lake County Board of Commissioners FROM: Vickie L. Thompson, Director SUBJECT: Contract Amendment Approval for the Follow Along Program Please consider approval of the following recommendation: 1. Approve and authorize the Lake County Board Chair and Lake County Health and Human Services Director Vickie L. Thompson to sign the Minnesota Department of Health Follow Along Program Grant Project Agreement Amendment for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. Comments: This Amendment is extending the time and funding of the Grant Project Agreement because the work of the grant agreement is on-going. Funds have been added to this amendment to allow LCHHS to perform their grant duties through June 30, 2017. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,, Minnesota Department of Health Follow Along Program Grant Project Agreement Amendment BETWEEN THE LOUIS COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARD AND LAKE COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CARLTON~COOK-LAKE-ST. July 1, 2015- June 30, 2017 This GRANT PROJECT AGREEMENT AMENDMENT is by and between Lake County Health and Human Services, address 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 (hereinafter "COUNTY") and the CarltonCook-Lake-St. Louis Community Health Board (CHB) 404 West Superior Street, Suite 220, Duluth, MN 55802. It is funded by the State ofMinnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Minnesota Department of Health (hereinafter "STATE" or "MDH") and passed through the CHB. Recitals 1. The CHB has a grant project agreement with the STATE ("Original Grant Project Agreement) to provide early childhood developmental and social-emotional outreach, screening and follow-up activities in the community- the Follow Along Program. 2. The purpose of this amendment is to extend the time and funding of the grant agreement from expiring on June 30, 2015 to expire on June 30, 2017. Time and funding need to be extended because the work of the grant agreements on-going. Funds have been added to this amendment to allow grantees to perfonn duties through June 30, 2017. 3. The CHB and the COUNTY are willing to amend the Original Grant Project Agreement and as stated below. Grant Project Agreement Amendment In this Amendment deleted grant project agreement tenns will be struck out and the added grant project agreement terms will be underlined. REVISION 1. Clause II COUNTY'S DUTIES is amended as follows: II. COUNTY'S DUTIES. COUNTY shall: 1. Actively offer families living within the COUNTY'S jurisdiction the opportunity to enroll in the Follow Along Program (hereinafter "FAP") (either through mail, phone, e-mail or in-person). Agencies are encouraged to, at a minimum, offer all families with a child identified on the birth certificate as being at high risk the opportunity to enroll in the FAP. 2. Provide program infonnation to local community partners, such as C&TC providers, WIC agencies and childcare resources, to encourage FAP enrollment for families who have children 0-36 months of age. 3. Periodically provide families information and resources about early childhood typical developmental milestones, as well as the availability oflocal early childhood programs/services available in the community. 4. If a developmental concern is identified, agencies will discuss referral options available to the family and directly initiate referrals when appropriate, specifically to Minnesota's Early Intervention System/Help Me Grow; to the child's primary health care provider; and to an early childhood mental health provider. ::>. Utter all tamll1es that have a chtld U-:Jo months ot age who have been reterred to Help Me Grow an<i, found "Not Eligible" for early intervention services the opportunity to enroll in or continue with the FAP. 6. Assure that all data reporting elements required for the invoicing process (Exhibit A) are entered into the FAP software system. Agencies will be are encouraged to incorporate the Minnesota FAP data standards. 7. Identification of Key Contact(s) and other COUNTY staff: 1. The COUNTY is expected to provide the CHB and STATE at least one Key Contact for the Follow Along Program (FAP) to act as the program liaison. It may be necessary to have two Key Contacts assigned to this program; one for data/reporting responsibilities and one for overall program comdination. The STATE will allow a maximum of2 Key Contacts per county. a. Key Contact Responsibilities i. Key Contacts will receive notifications ofMDH-initiated FAP referrals and are responsible for timely, initial outreach to families to assure appropriate enrollment information is collected and entered into the FAP data system. Key Contacts are responsible to assure families are connected to other COUNTY public health services, if appropriate. n. Key Contacts will receive an annual request from the CHB and STATE to provide FAP data export files and are responsible for assuring reports are submitted within two weeks of the request. 2. Contact Changes: The COUNTY is expected to update or submit any change of Key Contact or change in contact information for the Key Contact immediately. The CHB and STATE should be notified of changes in the Key Contact staff by contacting the CHB's authorized representative for this project agreement. 8. Training/Technical Assistance for Key Contact(s) and other COUNTY staff: 1. All One Key Contacts are per agency is expected to participate in at least ;2_ regional FAP me·etings per year (in person or by conference call when available offered) during this project agreement. REVISION 2. Clause III. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT is amended as follows: A. Consideration for all services perfonned by COUNTY pursuant to this project agreement shall be paid by the CHB as follows: Compensation: For each quarterly data report and invoice (Exhibit A and B) that document public awareness/outreach and child find activities that have been provided on behalf of Minnesota's Early Intervention System, the CHB shall pay $762.80 $483.25 per quarter for the time period of 7-l-15to 6-30-17. The total obligation of the CHB for all compensation and reimbursement to COUNTY shall not exceed $3,814.00$7,680. B. TERMS OF PAYMENT. The CHB shall make payment as follows: 1. All financial transactions will be on a reimbursement basis only. 2. Payments shall be made by the CHB promptly after COUNTY'S presentation of data reporting forms and invoices for services performed and acceptance of such services by the CHB'S Authorized Representative pursuant to Clause V, except that the CHB reserves the right not to honor invoices that are submitted after invoice due date specified below. 3. Invoices (Exhibit B) shall be submitted in a form prescribed by the CHB and according to the following schedule. Invoices must be accompanied by a completed data reporting (Exhibit A) form. tl Time Period 04/01/14- 06/30/14 07/01/14- 09/30/14 10/01/14- 12/31/14 01/01/15-03/31/15 04/01/15- 06/30/15 Invoice Due 07/15/14 10/15/14 01/15/15 04/15/15 07/15/15 Amendment Time Period 07/01/15- 09/30/15 10/01/15- 12/31/15 01/01/16 - 03/31/16 04/01/16- 06/30/16 07/01/16- 09/30/16 10/01/16- 12/31/16 01/01/17 - 03/31117 04/01/17- 06/30117 Invoice Due 10/5/15 01/5/16 04/5/16 07/5/16 10/5/16 01/5/17 04/5/17 07/5/17 4. Federal Funds: Payments for Follow Along Program activities completed under this grant contract will be made from federal funds obtained by the CHB from the STATE through Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (CFDA number 84.181A). The COUNTY is responsible for compliance with all federal requirements imposed on these funds and accepts full financial responsibility for any requirements imposed by the COUNTY's failure to comply with federal requirements. 5. Conditions of Payment: All services provided by the COUNTY under this contract must be performed to the CHB and STATE's satisfaction, as determined at the sole discretion ofthe CHB and STATE's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The COUNTY will not receive payment for work found by the CHB or STATE to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law. REVISION 3. Clause IV TERM OF AGREEMENT is amended as follows: This project agreement shall be effective on Aprill, 2014 and shall remain in effect until June 30, 2015 June 30, 2017 except for the invoicing requirements specified in this project agreement with completion dates which extend beyond the termination date specified in this sentence. V. CHB AND COUNTY'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. The CHB'S Authorized Representative for the purposes of administration of this project agreement is Louise Anderson, Director, or her successor. Such representative shall have final authority for acceptance of COUNTY'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory, shall so certify continuing payment as outlined in Clause III, B. COUNTY'S Authorized Representative for purposes of administration of this project agreement is Vickie Thompson, or successor. The COUNTY'S Authorized Representative shall have full authority to represent COUNTY in its fulfillment of the terms, conditions, and requirements of this project agreement. REVISION 4. Clause VI amended as follows: A. If the COUNTY fails to comply with the provisions of this project agreement, the CHB may terminate this project agreement without prejudice to the right of the CHB to recover any money previously paid. wrrmnanun snau oe euecnve 1wu ~L.) ousmess uays an:er me L.t1tl receives rrom;:, lf\.1.1:'. ana mails, by certified mail, retum receipt requested written notice of termination to the COUNTY at its last known address. liW B. The CHB or COUNTY may cancel this project agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. C. Should this project agreement be tenninated or canceled effective before June 30, ~. 2017, the COUNTY shall, within thirty (3 0) days of the date of effective termination or cancellation, refund to the CHB all remaining unexpended monies received from the CHB under this project agreement. D. The CHB shall pay the COUNTY for services satisfactorily performed pursuant to this project agreement before the effective date oftennination or cancellation. The Original Contract and any previous amendments are incorporated into this amendment by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this project agreement to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. LAKE COUNTY 2. CARLTON-COOK-LAKE-ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY HEALTH BOARD T11e COUNTY certifies that the appropriate persons(s) have executed the project agreement on behalfof the GRANTEE as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. Project Agreement approval and certification that STATEfimds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat.§§ 16A.I5 and 16C.05. By: By: MarvBodie Title: Title: Date: Date: By: Title: Date: Board Chair------------- --------~ Forestry Department Nathan D. Eide, Land Commissioner 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 PH:218.834.8340 ~ FX: 218.834.8346 Website: LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR COUNTY BOARD ACTION ON Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Subject: Additional road work payment Background: Additional work was required on the road after the beaver dam was removed. Resolution: Approve additional payment Phil Hegfors & Son Construction for $1,035.00 to do additional work on Egge Jr. road project at bid rates. .12. Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sharon Lind Wednesday, September 30, 2015 9:54AM Laurel Buchanan Carey Johnson; Steve Vankekerix; Glen Backman; Steve Olson Board action request Sales Order.pdf; State Contract Benefits.pdf Laurel, Can you put the following on for the next Board meeting: "Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign a 60 month technology rental and maintenance agreement for the Sheriff's Office Dispatch Center with Metro Sales, Inc. in the amount of $39.11 per month for a Ricoh MP301SPF printer/copier with fax and scanning ability, cents per copy additional cost." Please have the Sales Order signed by the Chair and return it to me. Thanks, cfh.a.'c.on J.i.n.a Office Assistant Lake County Sheriff's Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-8440 ~ - ,..;~'~· t Ct~l 1-N~ -~: -..., 0~ This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information that may be confidential and/or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this e-mail or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipienl- · Fo~ persons with disabilities this information is available in other formats by contacting us at (218) 834-8385. 1 METRO SALES INC. Fargo x Duluth Winona Hibbing Brainerd REP. NO. & NAME MAIN PHONE NO. 25sa26 218/353-7306 Sherriff Two Harbors MN 55616 SUPPLIES i CREDIT TERMS Discontinued Products: Metro Sales guarantees the lability of parts, labor, supplies and maintenance until ER'S AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE & TITLE s Sales Order and Security Agreement is Customer's legal agreement to all items specified terms on and the reverse, and in any schedules and addenda referenced herein (collectively, "Agreement"). Customer accepts this Agreement without modification. lmr"iifioc"tio1n by Customer is deemed rejected by Metro Sales, Inc. A fax signature by Customer shall be as binding as an original. If Customer faxes or returns only the Agreement to Metro Sales, Inc., Customer agrees that it is bound by the entire Agreement. CUSTOMER WARRANTS THAT THE EQUIPMENT IS FREE OF ANY LIENS, SECURITY INTERESTS & ENCUMBRANCES. SECURITY AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT ONLY This Machine Sales Order and Security Agreement is Customer's legally binding agreement to purchase the items specified on the front of this Agreement, and includes the following additional terms and conditions: THE CUSTOMER AND METRO SALES, INC. HEREBY WARRANT, REPRESENT AND AGREE THAT: 1. Metro Sales, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Metro Sales") agrees to extend credit to Customer or to otherwise arrange for the purchase of the items specified on the front of this Agreement (which items are hereinafter referred to as the "Equipment"), subject to the terms herein. 2. Customer will use the Equipment in a lawful manner consistent with this Agreement. 3. Customer will at any time or times hereafter execute such financing statements or other instruments and perform such acts as Metro Sales may request to establish and maintain a valid security interest in the Equipment. 4. Customer will not sell, lease, mortgage, conceal or otherwise transfer the Equipment without the written consent of Metro Sales at any time during which any part of the purchase price of the Equipment remains due and owing to Metro Sales and shall: (a) disclose to Metro Sales at its request the location of the Equipment and permit Metro Sales to inspect the Equipment at all reasonable times; (b) keep the Equipment in good repair; (c) keep the Equipment insured for its full value against loss by fire, theft, or other casualty or hazard; (d) permit all payments of loss under such insurance on the Equipment to be applied first to all indebtedness owed by Customer to Metro Sales; and for such purpose Customer does hereby assign all such payments to Metro Sales; (e) pay promptly when due all taxes on, and all bills for repairing, servicing, improving, insuring or storing the Equipment; and (f) prevent and avoid any attachment, garnishment of or seizure of the Equipment by others and (g) prevent any adjudication of bankruptcy by or against, or appointment of a receiver or other liquidator for, Customer. 5. Legal title to the Equipment shall remain in Metro Sales until all sums payable under this Agreement and any other Contracts (as defined in Section 7 below) are fully paid in cash, whereupon, said legal title shall pass to Customer. No obligation of Customer or any co-signer or guarantor shall be released by any transfer or extension of the time of payment of this Agreement or by any transfer, loss of or damage to the Equipment. 6. Customer shall be in default under this Agreement upon the happening of any of the following events: (a) nonpayment, when due, of any amount payable on any of Customer's payment obligations with respect to the Equipment, or failure to observe or perform any term hereof; (b) if any covenant, warranty or representation herein shall prove to be untrue in any material respect; (c) Customer becomes insolvent or unable to pay debts as they mature or makes an assignment for the benefit or creditors, or any proceeding is instituted by or against Customer alleging that such Customer is insolvent or unable to pay debts as they mature; (d) entry of any judgment against Customer; (e) dissolution, merger or consolidation, or transfer of a substantial part of the capital stock or property of a Customer which is a corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or other business entity; or (f) if Metro Sales deems itself insecure for any reason with respect to its ability to collect from Customer any indebtedness with respect to the Equipment, or to protect the Equipment at any time during which Customer is indebted to Metro Sales with respect to said Equipment. 7. In the event of a default by Customer, Metro Sales shall have the right, at its option and without demand or notice, to declare all or any part of Customer's payment obligations with respect to the Equipment immediately due and payable. In addition to the rights and remedies granted hereby, Metro Sales may also: (a) exercise all of the rights and remedies of a secured Party under the Uniform Commercial Code or any other applicable law; (b) take possession of the Equipment and for that purpose enter the premises where the Equipment may be, thereby terminating all of Customer's right in the Equipment; and (c) obtain all necessary insurance, pay the premiums thereon, and pay any taxes, liens and encumbrances on the Equipment, and any such payments made by Metro Sales with interest thereon at the highest legal allowed by law shall be repaid to Metro Sales by the Customer. In the event of Customer's default, Customer agrees to deliver and make the Equipment available to Metro Sales at a place or places acceptable to Metro Sales. Customer further agrees to pay all costs and expenses of Metro Sales, including attorneys' fees, incurred in the collection of any indebtedness of Customer with respect to the Equipment, or incurred in the repossession, transportation, storage or repair of the Equipment; and to pay any expenses or attorneys' fees otherwise incurred in the enforcement of any Metro Sales' rights hereunder, regardless of whether a lawsuit is commenced. Metro Sales shall not be liable to Customer for any damages or losses sustained by Customer as the result of the enforcement by Metro Sales of any of its rights or remedies hereunder, and Customer hereby waives all defenses to Metro Sales's enforcement of its rights hereunder. In any instance where Metro Sales and Customer have entered into more than one Machine Sales Order and Security Agreement (hereinafter, collectively, "Contract[s]"), Customer's default under any one such Contract shall constitute a default under all such Contracts and Metro Sales shall be entitled to enforce its remedies for Customer's default under this Agreement and under each such Contract. 8. If any notification of intended disposition of any of the Equipment is required by law, such notification shall be deemed reasonably and properly given if mailed at least ten (1 0) days before such disposition, postage prepaid, addressed to the Customer at its last known address. 9. Waiver of any default hereunder by Metro Sales shall not constitute a waiver of any other default or of the same or similar default on a later occasion. No delay or failure by Metro Sales to exercise any right or remedy shall be a waiver of such right or remedy, and no single or partial exercise by Metro Sales of any right or remedy shall preclude other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy at any other time. 10. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder, including matters of construction, validity and performance, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. If any part of this Agreement shall be adjudged invalid, the remainder shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law. 11. If more than one party signs this Agreement, the term "Customer" shall mean all signing parties and each of them, and all such parties shall be jointly and severally obligated hereunder. All rights of Metro Sales shall inure to the benefit of its successors and assigns, and all obligations of Customer shall bind Customer's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• No contracts necessary (purchase orders serve as agreement) Agreement is directly with Metro Sales and St MN (no third parties) Detailed summary billing prepared and billed locally Lease/Rental option allows for 90 Day evaluation period Upgrade or Downgrade at any point without penalty Loaner equipment available during break downs at no charge Non-Appropriation of Funds Clause No automatic renewals at end of term Competitively solicited for the entire State of MN No delivery, installation, or return charges Metro will move or relocate equipment at no charge No charge for ongoing networking support Hard Drive Security and DOSS Data Overwrite Security included ~ SALES INC. MANAGED PRINT SERVICES LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: SEPTEMBER 301 2015 CC: MATIHEW HUDDLESTON} COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR LAI<E COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I<RYSTEN FOSTER} HIGHWAY ENGINEER 10/13/15 ROAD & BRIDGE ACTION REQUESTS Dear Mr. Chair and Board Members: Herein please find supporting details in regards to the Highway Department's current action requests. Grader Agreement: See also 8/25/15 packet. At their September 1st meeting, the Town Board accepted Lake County's offer to sustain a grader at the Michael D. Forsman Public Works Facility with this payment. A portion of the underrun of last winter's salt expenses was transferred to cover this unexpected expense. Pine Rd. Fiscal Agent Agreement: This marks the first time (recently) that this type of agreement has been executed for a local project in Lake County. This provides for the up-front transfer of Pine Rd. paving funds to Fall Lake Township for their payment to Mesabi Bituminous pending satisfactory completion and County Engineer acceptance of the project in accordance with the terms of this State Park Road Account grant. Fall Lake Township holds the contract with their contractor to pave their road, and the township hired a qualified engineering consultant for design and construction administration services. Zion Lutheran Church Foundation Sand: The contractor agreed to Lake County's current royalty rates. At the time of this memorandum, their tentative hauling window is 7:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. beginning October 5, 2015 through October 8, 2015 (assuming Northland Constructors mobilizes to a different project thatsame week). The owner, owner's agent, or contractor is responsible for material quality testing for their project, and the Highway Department plans to monitor and invoice actual quantity hauled. 2015-2016 Road Salt: This is a slight increase from last year's unit prices (see 8/12/2014 minutes) but should not impact either the 2015 or proposed 2016 Road & Bridge budgets. Two Harbors Office/Engineering Color Printer-Copier-Scanner Replacement: Quotes were requested of four vendors, and Hybridge Imaging LLC and Metro Sales Inc. responded in addition to Sheldon. This lease is within budget this year as the prior lease expired this year. Thank you for your consideration. I'd be glad to answer any questions that may arise. Respectfully, LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834~8380 FAX (218) 834~8384 Road and Bridge Agenda 10/13/15 1. Approve Highway Department payment to Fall Lake Township for grader agreement termination in the amount of $23,815.00. Approve and authorize Board Chair to sign fiscal agent agreement with Fall Lake Township for SAP 038-600-016 (Pine Rd. Paving) including the transfer of $368,306.93 State Park Road Account funds to Fall Lake Township upon receipt from State of Minnesota. 3. Approve sale of up to 2,500 cubic yards of pit material (in accordance with the 2015 Fee Schedule) from Lake County's Nikula Pit for use between October 5, 2015 and October 8, 2015 for the Baptism River Community Church project. 4. Approve purchase of winter salt from Compass Minerals America Inc. (through State CPV Contract S-803(5)) in the amount of $68.09/ton to Two Harbors and $71.50/ton to Finland, payable upon each delivery through June 1, 2016. 5. Approve and authorize Board Chair to sign a sixty month lease agreement with ShelDon (through State CPV Contract C-1005(5)) in the amount of $119.94/month plus $70.00/month maintenance fee for Canon C3330i plus taxes and overage fees if applicable. 2. LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 August 31,2015 Fall Lake Town Board c/o Mr. Rod Gruba, Chair P.O. Box 599 Ely, Minnesota 55731 Re: Grader Agreement Termination Dear Super.visors, Treasurer, and Clerk: In accordance with our 2011 Agreement, the next step involves Lake County remitting onehalf of a mutually agreed upon estimate of the remaining value of the shared 1989 140G Caterpillar Motor Grader. Lake County needs to retain a grader in Section 30 for our county roads. Thus, we prefer to retain this grader instead of selling it. Our review of this equipment, which has approximately 13,500 operating hours, indicates that $47,630 is a fair estimate of its remaining value. Following Town Board acceptance, Lake County would remit $23,815 to the township and continue grading roads through October 8, 2015. The estimated bill for 2015 town road grading hours through mid-August is $783.15. In addition to consideration of the grader offer, please let me know if the Board of Supervisors prefers a different end date for shared grading services and whether to subtract the final bill from the settlement or invoice 2015 grading hours separately. Thank you for your cooperation over the past several years as records date back to the early 1980s regarding service sharing between Lake County's Highway Department and the Town of Fall Lake. Respectfully, ru cc: County Administrator Finland and Section 30 Foreman Highway Accountant Fall Lake Township Pine Road Paving SAP 038-600-016 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between the TOWN OF FALL LAKE, a municipal corporation of Lake County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the 'Township", and the COUNTY OF LAKE, a duly organized county within the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Township applied for a State Park Road Account (SPRA) grant through the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for construction along Township Road 60 (Pine Road) between CSAH 16 (Kawishiwi Trail) and approximately 1.05 miles southwest of CSAH 16, hereinafter referred to as the "Project," and, WHEREAS, the Township hired TKDA of Hermantown, Minnesota to prepare a professionally engineered plan and specifications for construction of the Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Plan," and, WHEREAS, the County is required to administer SPRA funds and submit payment requests through the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Office of State Aid in accordance with applicable rules and, WHEREAS, Mesabi Bituminous Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor," was declared the lowest responsible bidder for construction of the Project and ·the Township awarded a contract for construction of the Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Contract," to the Contractor, and, WHEREAS, the Township hired TKDA of Hermantown, Minnesota to supervise the construction of the Project according to the Plan and applicable MnDOT Office of State Aid guidelines and rules and, WHEREAS, up to one-hundred percent (1 00%) of eligible Project construction costs are eligible for SPRA funds up to an anticipated maximum of $398,600.00 and, WHEREAS, local funds for ineligible costs or the amount in excess of available grant funds may be required. THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD, with regard to the Project, the parties hereby agree to the following: 1. The Township shall obtain all necessary permits and environmental statements as required by law for completion of the Project, including but not limited to, permits and statements required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Natural Resources. The Township shall bear the cost of all permit fees. 2. The Township shall acquire and pay the cost for all right-of-way and construction Fall Lake Township Pine Road Paving SAP 038-600·016 easements required for construction in accordance with the Plan if applicable. 3. TKDA prepared the Plan for the Project on behalf of the Township in accordance with the current edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Construction" and the most current version of associated Electronic Proposal Documents available from the MnDOT Office of State Aid. 4. TKDA assisted the County in the preparation of bidding documents for the Plan acting through TKDA's separate agreement with the Township. 5. The Township and MnDOT's District State Aid Engineer approved the Plan prior to the County advertising for bids for the Project. 6. The County administered the bidding process, including but not limited to, publishing the advertisement for bids; making the bid package available to bidders; opening bids; and preparing and reviewing the abstract. 7. The Township awarded the Contract to the lowest responsible bidder, after review by the County and District State Aid Engineer. 8. The Township can receive up to ninety-five percent (95%) of the total cost of unit prices as contained in the successful contractor's bidding documents in order to afford to pay Mesabi Bituminous Inc. for eligible items of work satisfactorily completed in accordance with applicable specifications. 9. The County will request said ninety-five percent (95%) up-front payment from the State of Minnesota on behalf of the Township. 10. The Township shall perform the necessary construction administration and administer the terms of the Contract from award to the certification of final payment, including but not limited to, all necessary construction engineering and staking, material testing, record keeping, and on-site construction inspection. 11.Any observed deficiencies will be immediately reported to the County. 12. TKDA will assist the County with industry-standard documentation to support the Township's payment(s) to the Contractor and final Project documentation through TKDA's separate agreement with the Township. 13. Based on the bid price, the remaining five percent (5%) of grant funds become available upon satisfactory completion of final Project documentation. If the actual Project construction costs are less than the allowance provided by subpart 8, the Township will repay that difference to the County within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of written request. If the actual Project construction costs exceed the allowance provided by subpart 8 but do not exceed available grant funds, the County will transfer grant funds to the Township within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt from the State of Minnesota without interest. If the actual Project construction costs exceed available grant funds, the Township is Fall Lake Township Pine Road Paving SAP 038-600-016 responsible for the amount in excess of available grant funds. 14.1n the event that any portion of the grant does not become available, those funds shall be the responsibility of and paid for by the Township. Any portion of the Contract that is not covered by grant funds shall be the responsibility of and paid for by the Township. 15.1n the event that the Township cancels the Project, the Township shall reimburse the County, if requested by the County, for all direct and administration costs incurred by the County to that date. 16. The Township shall be responsible to provide maintenance on the completed project for its useful life so the facility can be used for its intended purpose and remain accessible to the general public. This maintenance obligation shall include reasonable snow removal efforts and may include periodic roadway restriping and sign replacements. 17. The Township agrees that it shall indemnify, save, and hold harmless the County and all of its employees and agents from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the Township's execution or performance of the work provided for herein. The Township further agrees to defend at its own cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatever character arising from the Township's execution or performance of the work provided for herein. IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that any and all employees of the County of Lake, while engaged in the performance of any work or service which the County is specifically required to perform under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the Township, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workers Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act of said employees, shall be the sole obligation of the County. IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that any and all representatives of the Township, while engaged in the performance of any work or service which the Township is specifically required to perform under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the Township only and not of the County, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Workers Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act, of said employees, shall be the sole obligation of the Township. Fall Lake Township Pine Road Paving SAP 038-600-016 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2015. TOWN OF FALL LAKE By_______________________ Chair By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Clerk COUNTY OF LAKE By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ County Board Chair By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Auditorrrreasurer By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ County Highway Engineer By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ County Attorney ~0."''~ ··· Lake County MINNESOTA LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1513 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 (218) 834~8380 FAX (218) 834~8384 Transmitted via email sherylhoff@yahoo. com, melissa@architectureadvantage. com September 23, 2015 Ms. Sheryl Hoff, Church President Ms. Melissa Graftaas, Architect Subj: Zion Lutheran Church I Baptism River Community Church Construction Fill Request Dear Ladies and Stakeholders: Lake County wants to contribute to this community project if it can work out for both the church's contractor and our Cramer Rd. project needs. We recognize that an opportunity for your contractor to haul from Nikula Pit, which is ordinarily unavailable for non~county projects, would directly benefit the church through reduced trucking costs. Upon the Highway Department's review, I find that the requested quantity is much larger than either the previously~donated fill quantity or the typical amount of material anticipated for a slab~on~grade building. Considering that this cooperation could impact the forecasted longevity of available sand for Finland~area county road improvements and because Lake County does not desire to compete with private pit business owners, our current (2015) royalty rate is $2.00 per cubic yard for pit~run materials. We cannot guarantee this scheduling window, but there may be the potential for Hoff Land Development to haul from this pit between the hours of 7:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. starting Monday, October 5, 2015 through Thursday, October 8, 2015 to fulfill the necessary quantity for the new church foundation. However, please be advised that weather or other unpredictable factors could affect Lake County's contractor's schedule between now and that time. As discussed, another potential option is hauling from Lake County's Lax Lake Pit on Bird Shot Road. In either case, Bruckelmyer Brothers would be expected to return the enclosed permit form for Highway Department consideration before next Monday, September 28, 2015. Lastly, I find there may be a risk of contamination as one boring identified a petroleum~like odor (below the elevation of the previously~donated fill) at the church site. If the contractor chooses to purchase material from Lake County's pit or haul excavated materials to Lake County property, the county needs documented assurance to indemnify our property from this risk. Please contact me after discussing these options with your contractor. The Highway Department will keep Architecture Advantage informed of any changes to our Cramer Rd. project schedule. Sincerely, Krysten S. Foster, P.E. County Highway Engineer cc: County Administrator · "'·DLake County .__- I. ' '.~ MINNESOTA ~· · :· ~~· .'i-1· · -~""""=-----:-~·~·····:,£>;,·· .. ~~~~\···~'' 1. Permittee/Owner 2. contractor(s) LAKE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PIT OPERATIONS PERMIT 1513 Hwy2, Two Harbors Minnesota 55616 PHONE (218) 834-8380 FAX (218) 834-8384 Zion Lutheran Church Bruckelmyer Brothers Construction, LLC s - - T- - R- - 3, Pit Location(s) 4. Pit Name(s) if s -- T- - R- - s - - T - - R- - Nikula Pit applicable S.A~cl~~dDumtion~Wo~_l_w_e_e_k_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Proposed Operations iL( 6. Excavation for a Public Purpose o 7. crushing (check all that apply for this request) 0 0 0 0 13, Requested Materials 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggregate Base (LV) Class(es) __ , __ Aggregate Base (CV) Class(es) __ , __ Shoulder Base Aggregate (LV} Class(es) __ , __ Shoulder Base Aggregate (CV) Class(es) __ , __ Topsoil (LV) Topsoil (CV) 0 Granular Borrow (LV) 0 Granular Borrow (CV) o Granular Borrow (EV) ~Select Granular Borrow (LV) 2500 SY maxljn um 1'1 Select Granular Borrow (CV) Maximum ?'?< p asslng ~Select Granular Borrow (EV) the #200 sle e, 0 0 0 0 0 Clay Bltuminous/Mrlllngs Rock Trees/Brush/Stumps/Vegetation Concrete Other (describe): Silty Sand, Silty Clayey Sand (maximum quantities in cubic yards) 14. Proposed Disposal (maximum quantities in cubic yards) 15. SWPPP 8. Temporary crushed/Excavated Material Storage 9. Bituminous Production 10. Concrete Production 11. overnight Equipment Parking ~ 12. Disposal 0 Enclosed ~ Not Warranted Enclose a copy of the contractor's safety plan. Permit.teejcontractor(s) are required to adhere to Lake County's current NPDES permit In addition to all applicable laws, regulations, rules, ordinances, codes, and special provisions. Lake County makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, about the quality or available quantity of pit materials. if applicable, testing Is the responsibility of the owner or contractor(s). SignatureofPermltterlY1·~=fj---~:IVJ"; ";r* Date Signature of Prime Contract/_ Date - 09.29.15 -------- ~· -----~ -~ 09.29.15 Lake County retains all rights to reject or immediately revoke permission upon written notice to permittee. Pit operations may require County Board approval. Permit evaluation may taf<e up to 30 days. Krysten Foster From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Marquette, Chris (ADM) [] Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:34 PM Marquette, Chris (ADM) State of MN Road Salt Contract S-803(5) - 1 of 2 - 6-28-15.doc; S-803(5) 2of2 Price Lists 6-28-15.xls; S-987(5) 1 of 2 6-28-15.doc; S-987(5) 2of2 Price Lists 6-28-15.xls; S-987 2014 Tech-MSDS lnfo.pdf The new Road Salt contracts were posted to our website last week- Contract Release S-803(5) for regular salt and Contract Release S-987(5) for treated salt. I'm attaching the new Contract Releases, with pricing and quantities, to this e-mail. Because we did an extension rather than a new bid this year, the price pages will look a little different than what you're used to. This will only be for this year. Next year we will bid it out and the Releases will look the same as they have in the past. Chris Marquette Materials Management Division 50 Sherburne Avenue- Room 112 St. Paul, MN 55155 651.201.2436- Phone- Please Note new Phone Number 651.297.3996- Fax chris.marquette@state.m n. us 1 Admin Minnesota Materials Management Division Room 112 Administration Bldg., 50 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul, MN 55155; Phone: 651.296.2600, Fax: 651.297.3996 Persons with a hearing or speech disability can contact us through the Minnesota Relay Service by dialing 711 or 1.800.627.3529. CONTRACT RELEASE: S-803(5) DATE: JUNE 28, 2015 PRODUCT/SERVICE: SALT- REGULAR ROAD- SODIUM CHLORIDE (ROAD SALT) FOR 2014-2015 SEASON REGULAR DELIVERY SCHEDULE- CPV MEMBERS AND OTHER STATE AGENCIES MnDOT- SEE S-763 CONTRACT PERIOD: JUNE 8, 2014, THROUGH JUNE 7, 2016 EXTENSION OPTIONS: UP TO 12 MONTHS ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST: CHRIS MARQUETTE PHONE: 651.201.2436 E-MAIL: WEB SITE: CONTRACT VENDOR CONTRACT NO. TERMS DELIVERY CARGILL, INC., DEICING TECHNOLOGY 24950 Country Club Blvd., Suite 450 North Olmstead, OH 44070 77774 NET30 AS REQUIRED VENDOR NO.: 211244-002 CONTACT: Customer Service Joshua PHONE: 800.600.7258 FAX: 800.467.3409 *QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES Tameka PHONE: 800.600.7258 -X2579 MORTON SALT 123 N. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606-1743 77775 VENDOR NO.: 383972 CONTACT: Michelle Staunton NET30 AS REQUIRED PHONE: 630.861.2722 or 855.665.4540 FAX: 630.861.2735 *QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES PHONE: 708.891.5847 Deb Jones- COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC. 1 9900 W. 109 h Street, Ste. 600 Overland Park, KS 66210 77776 VENDOR NO.: 0000212197 CONTACT: Vicky Long longv@compassm inerals. com PHONE: 800.323.1641 or 913.344.9325 FAX: 913.338.7945 *QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES PHONE: 913.344.9330 ________________ NET30 AS REQUIRED ~e~~i~r~ ! _____________ _ Contract Release S-803(5) CONTRACT USERS. This Contract is available to the Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) members and other State agencies listed in the Price Schedule. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) should see Contract Release S-763. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SCOPE. The purpose of the Contract is to provide a source for regular road salt, sodium chloride for the 2014-2015 road season. PRICES. All prices listed are firm for the term of the Contract. The price includes the cost of the product specified and all associated delivery costs. Contract prices do not includeMinnesota State Sales Tax. ggy,ty~t;M§E;RS'MUST ADVISE THE CONTRACT VENDOR OF'ITS TAX REQUIREMENTS AT tHE iti\IIE AN ORDER'is PLACEb. NOTE: At no time should the ordering entity pay more than the Contract price. Agencies must contact the AMS immediately and fill out a Vendor Performance Report if there is a discrepancy between the price on the invoice and the Contract price. FUEL SURCHARGES. Fuel surcharges will only be allowed if the price per gallon of diesel fuel INCREASES more than 25 percent from the diesel fuel prices posted on the day the Solicitation response was due- and may only be applied to the delivery cost per ton from the Contract Vendor's Minnesota depot to the Customer's location as offered on the Price Schedule, not the product cost and transportation cost to the Minnesota depot. The index used for the Contract will be the Weekly On-Highway Diesel Prices for the Midwest Region as posted each Monday by the Energy Information Agency at: Once the fuel price returns to 25 percent or less of the fuel price on the day the Solicitation response was due, surcharges may no longer be charged. All requests for fuel surcharges must be submitted and approved by the AMS of the Materials Management Division (Department of Administration) before they are put into effect. The State will determine the percent increase per ton that will be allowed on the delivery cost. No fuel surcharges will be effective until approved by the AMS. If fuel surcharges are authorized by the AMS, it must be indicated as a separate line item on the invoice. Fuel surcharges may only be applied to the freight portion of the total delivered price and may not be applied against the product cost. The Contract Vendor must show the original freight portion on the invoice so the Customer can calculate the percentage of surcharge that will be applied and confirm its accuracy. Because of the volatility of the oil industry at the time this Solicitation is being issued, if the price per gallon of diesel fuel DECREASES more than 25 percent from the diesel fuel prices posted on the day the Solicitation is due, the Contract Vendor must pass the savings on to the Customer at the same percentage rate as approved by the AMS. The decrease will be in the form of a credit per ton and may only be applied to the delivery cost per ton from the Contract Vendor's Minnesota depot to the Customer's location as offered on the Price Schedule, not the product cost and transportation cost to the Minnesota depot. The Contract Vendor must show the original freight portion on the invoice so the Customer can calculate the percentage of decrease that will be applied per ton and confirm its accuracy. INVOICES. The Contract Vendor will be required to submit invoices that have single line billing- the combined cost of the salt and the cost for delivery as submitted in the Price Schedule and as contracted, unless an adjustment is made for an increase or decrease in the diesel fuel rate. In no event, including a change in transportation charges, will the total price submitted on an invoice for payment exceed the price offered by the Contract Vendor. Failure to pay an invoice within 30 days due to pricing errors by the Contract Vendor will not require an agency to pay an interest charge for late payments. In all cases, any credits or debits for fuel surcharges, late deliveries, liquidated damages, etc., must be detailed and clearly shown on the invoice as a credit or debit, whichever is applicable, as a separate line item. TAXES. The Contract Vendor should verify State Tax requirements on all orders with CPV members and charge sales tax as directed by the CPV Member. Freight and delivery charges are subject to Minnesota State Sales Tax. Contract Release 15 (11/13} Page 2 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) SALT QUANTITIES. The amounts provided on the Price Schedules are estimates and represent the total anticipated tonnage required by CPV members for the 2014-2015 winter season. Regular salt delivery quantities will require the Contract Vendor to provide a minimum of 80 percent(%), and up to 120 percent(%) of the estimated rock salt quantities listed on the Price Schedule. The Contract Vendor may not substitute any other products, such as treated rock salt to meet its 120% quantity obligation of the Contract for regular rock salt unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Contract AMS and the CPV member representative. Any treated product that is offered must be on the MnDOT Winter Chemical Approved Products List available at: ice/. Any treated rock salt products that are substituted for contracted regular rock salt must be at the same price as contracted for the regular rock salt or lower. The quantities shown on the price schedules for CPV members reflect any shared salt the agency may have with other entities (city or local governments). The agency can demonstrate a historical practice of providing product to the entity. The entity may not have separate salt storage facilities, but instead relies on MnDOT or the CPV member for its salt storage and picks up salt at that facility for its use. The usage by that third party entity is considered by the CPV member in establishing its salt quantities. STATE GUARANTEE. This Solicitation will be for 80 percent(%) commitment to take the listed quantity by the customer and a commitment from the Contract Vendor to provide 120 percent(%) of the listed quantity. Salt delivered to MnOOT and CPV members shall be subject to the guarantees described herein: 11a. Regular Salt Delivery. 11a1. Not applicable to CPV Members 11 a2. Not applicable to CPV Members 11a3. Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) Members Guarantee: The CPV member guarantees the purchase of at least 80 percent of the total estimated quantity for the entity awarded to an individual Contract Vendor, and the Contract Vendor must guarantee to supply up to 120 percent of the estimated quantity to the CPV member. This shall apply to the estimated quantities of salt required for delivery or pick up as shown on the Price Schedule. If the agency has multiple delivery locations, the total is for the combined requirements for the CPV member- not by individual delivery location. Tonnage delivered to individual delivery locations, for a CPV member with multiple deliver locations, may fall outside these minimum and maximum percentage ranges as long as the total estimated CPV member tonnage remains unchanged. If a need occurs to modify individual delivery point estimated tonnage the Contract Vendor agrees to deliver the material to the alternate location at the contracted prices for the alternate location. If the Customer is unable to take the 80% required minimum, the product could be shipped to another location or customer at a price that is mutually agreed by the Contract Vendor and the receiving Customer. Any quantity shipped would apply against the original Customer's guarantee. It is the Contract Vendor's responsibility to monitor the status of orders under the Contract. If a Contract Vendor accepts an order from a MnDOT or CPV Customer over and above the 120% supply requirement for that Customer it must be at the Contract price. The additional product shipped does not relieve the Contract Vendor from satisfying all of Its salt requirement totals by customer location as contracted. Should a situation occur where any Customer requires more than 120% of the estimated tonnage awarded to a Contract Vendor under the Contract, the Customer may increase the quantity, if the Contract Vendor agrees, providing the terms and conditions remain unchanged and the price is the same or lower as originally contracted. If a need for additional product over and above the 120% supply requirement for a MnDOT or a CPV Customer arises, and any Contract Vendor agrees, it may be sold under the Contract at a mutually agreed price. The additional product shipped does not relieve the Contract Vendor from satisfying all of its salt requirement totals by customer location as contracted. Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 3 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) Any additional product shipped over and above the 120% supply requirement does not relieve the Contract Vendor from satisfying all of its salt requirement totals by customer location as contracted. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS. The Contract Vendor must submit a material safety data sheet with each delivery if requested by a CPV Member. QUALITY CONTROL AND SAFETY PROCEDURES. If requested, the Contract Vendor will provide the State a copy of its Quality Control and Safety Procedures as it relates to product production, handling, transportation and storage. There will be no additional cost to the State if this information is requested. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES. Unless the Contract Vendor receives written approval for an alternative delivery schedule from the customer, liquidated damages will be assessed as outlined in this section and per the requirements of Item 19, Regular Salt Delivery Requirements. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions are applicable: Truck Load The total tons of product delivered per truck load to the delivery location, i.e., estimated 20-25 tons per truck. Delivery Order The total tons ordered for a specific delivery date; i.e., 100 tons (five truckloads) due on _ _ _ _ _ _ (customer's due date). Foreign Material Product shall be free from any foreign material at the point of delivery. Residue from truck beds such as coke, grain, coal, gravel, etc., or other materials not germane to sodium chloride may be cause for rejection. Any residue materials used in the production of the product or any oversized materials found in the delivery order may be cause for rejection. Delivery Schedule For the purpose of determining day one of a purchase order, the following rule will apply: Purchase orders received on a specific day, the following day will be considered as the first working day of that order. Day Order Received First Working Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday If the Contract Vendor fails to deliver the order according to the delivery schedule on the purchase order from the customer, Liquidated Damages on the undelivered quantities of the order will be assessed. Liquidated damages will be of $2.50 per ton, per day, on the undelivered portion of the order. The customer will apply liquidated damages until the Contract Vendor has satisfied the purchase order. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS. Rock salt furnished under this Contract shall meet or exceed the requirements as outlined in the following specifications. REGULAR ROAD SALT- TYPE I, GRADE I, ASTM-D-632- MODIFIED PER MnDOT SPEC. 3910 as modified below: 3910.0 Scope. This Specification covers salt (sodium chloride) to be used for road purposes. 3910.1 Requirements. The quality and grading of the salt shall conform to ASTM-D-632 for Type 1, Grade 1 material. At the time of delivery to the Customer, the salt shall not contain more than 1.5 percent moisture, and it shall be free of lumps, aggregations, foreign matter and be free flowing. The salt shall Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 4 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) always maintain free flowing characteristics. The sodium chloride content shall be a minimum of 95.0%. 3910.2 Samples and Testing. A. Samples. The State or CPV Members reseNe the right to sample and inspect the salt at the Contract Vendor's unloading and storage facilities or at the point of delivery. Sampling shall be done according to ASTM 0 632 modified as described in MnDOT Laboratory Manual Section 2101.1 B. Testing. Moisture testing shall be done according to the Rock Salt Microwave Rapid Moisture Test, Rock Salt Moisture Balance Rapid Moisture Test or Rock Salt Oven Moisture Test (ASTM E 534 modified) as described in the MnDOT Laboratory Manual Sections 2101, 2102 or 2103 respectively. www. dot. state. m n. us/materials/labmanual. htm I Sieve Analysis shall be done according to the Rock Salt Gradation procedure as described in the MnDOT Laboratory Manual Section 2104. The chemical analysis for determination of sodium chloride content shall be made in accordance with the Sodium Chloride Content by Silver Nitrate Titration (AASHTO T-260-6 modified) as described in the MnDOT Laboratory Manual Section 2105. TESTING. At its discretion, CPV members may test and inspect material from the Contract Vendor's stockpile prior to delivery. CPV members may also test and inspect material at the Contract Vendor's stockpile when so requested by the Contract Vendor on material to be delivered to the various delivery points covered in this Solicitation. CPV members will make every practical effort to meet this request. If not practical, or if insufficient lead time prevents pre-inspection, the salt will be inspected at the delivery point. All salt delivered to the various delivery points is subject to final inspection, as delivered, at the discretion of the local agency field personnel. When inspected at the delivery point, the salt shall conform to the product specifications as outlined, subject to the following modifications: 1. When more than 20 tons are delivered to a specified location on a single purchase order, a tolerance in gradation of 5 percentage points will be permitted for sieves #4, #8, and #30 on the average gradation of the loads delivered. 2. Any delivered salt that fails to meet specification requirements may be rejected. If the urgency of circumstances makes it necessary, the State may accept the salt and make payment in accordance with the schedule of deductions listed below. 3. Salt that is rejected and not used shall be removed by the Contract Vendor and immediately replaced with product that conforms to specification at no additional cost to the Customer. 4. In the event salt is used that fails to meet specification requirements, a deduction will be made from the Contract price as follows: (1) Chemical Composition- For each 0.1 percentage point deficiency in sodium chloride content, a deduction of one percent (1 %) of the Contract price per ton will be made, except if the sodium chloride content is found to be less than 85 percent, at which time the salt may be rejected. Salt that is rejected and not used shall be removed by the Contract Vendor, at their expense, and immediately replaced with product that conforms to specification at no additional cost to the Customer. (2) Gradation -For each one (1) percentage point outside the limits permitted by the specification for each sieve size, a deduction of one percent (1 %) will be made from the Contract price. Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 5 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) (3) Condition - For salt received in a lumpy condition which requires reprocessing by the agency in order to make it usable, a deduction in payment will be made in an amount equal to the cost of reprocessing work done by the Customer in order to put the salt in usable condition. All actual costs will be itemized and submitted to the Contract Vendor for payment. (4) Moisture Content- For purposes of deductions, an allowance of 0.1% is added to the specified maximum of 1.5% moisture due to precision I bias found in moisture testing procedures. For salt received and accepted at the delivery location point containing 1. 7 percent and up to two percent (2%), a five percent (5%) deduction in Contract price will be made. An additional deduction of three percent (3%) in Contract price will be made for each 0.1 percent of moisture content in the salt in excess of 2.0 percent. Moisture Content Deduction 0-1.6 0% 1.7-2.0 5% 2.1 8% 2.2 11% 2.3 14% 2.4 17% 20% 2.5 2.6 23% 2.7 26% 2.8 29% 2.9 32% 3.0 35% 3.1 38% 3.2 41% 3.3 44% 3.4 47% 3.5 50% 3.6 53% 3.7 56% 3.8 59% 3.9 62% 4.0 65% 4.1 68% 4.2 71% 4.3 74% 4.4 77% 4.5 80% 4.6 83% 4.7 86% 4.8 89% 4.9 92% 5.0 95% If loads from a specific stockpile are being delivered to the Customer that consistently exceed moisture specification requirements, the Contract Vendor will devise alternate testing methods at the Customer's discretion (5) If the Contract Vendor makes three or more deliveries of salt with moisture contents exceeding 2.5 percent to a contracted maintenance area, that maintenance area may request the Department of Administration (Admin) to cancel the Contract Vendor's Contract award for the area. If Admin does cancel the Contract Vendor's award for that area, the next interested low responsive vendor will be awarded the Contract for the affected delivery points. If there are any cost differences for subsequent purchases (between the first and next interested low responder), the State will charge the full increase in cost and handling, if any, to the defaulting Contract Vendor. If product is ordered on the open market and there is a cost difference between the actual price and the defaulting Contract Vendor's price, the State will charge all actual costs, if any, to the defaulting Contract Vendor. Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 6 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) (6) All deductions will be made from payments due to the Contract Vendor. If there is an outstanding balance due from the Contract Vendor, and there are no open invoices available to make deductions from, the Contract Vendor will issue a check to the customer for the balance due. The Contract Vendor may be ineligible to receive awards on any future Solicitations until reimbursement and reconciliation has been completed for liquidated damages or other costs incurred by the State due to the Contract Vendor's non-performance. DELIVERY. All deliveries must be FOB Destination to the CPV member's storage facilities identified in the Price Schedule. All loads must be covered. The Contract Vendor must furnish covers on trucks of sufficient size, weight and good condition, to protect the load from moisture and loss of material in transit. Loads not covered may be rejected or subject to a 20 percent deduction to the Contract Price on the tonnage shipped if the ordering agency accepts the shipment. Conveyor Deliveries. In the event that the Contract Vendor does not use conveyor unloading for those sites requesting conveyor unloading, a deduction of 10 percent will be made from the Contract price. In addition, any costs incurred by the CPV member to move the salt to the storage facility will be charged back to the Contract Vendor. This will include, but is not limited to, any actual costs for equipment, labor, transportation charges and any applicable taxes. Will Call Deliveries. In the event that a CPV member desires to pick up the order, the Customer will be responsible for coordinating the time and place for pick up from the Contract Vendor. The cost of the product will be adjusted to reduce the total delivered price by the cost of delivery to the Customer. Delivery Errors. If the Contract Vendor delivers tlie product to the wrong location or does not use the delivery method required, i.e., end dump, belly dump, etc., at the delivery site, the Customer may reject the load. Within two (2) days of notification, the Contract Vendor must pick up the material and deliver it to the correct location or move the material as required, or, the Customer may make the correction and charge all actual labor hours and equipment time back to the Contract Vendor. REGULAR SALT DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. The Contract Vendor will provide not less than 80 percent and up to 120 percent of the estimated usage totals available for delivery or pick up, as shown on the price schedule between the dates of June 8th through June 7th of the Contract term. Deliveries to destinations requested by the Customer shall commence within 5 business days and be completed within 10 business days from the date agreed upon under Item 20.b and 20.c below, except as addressed in Item 19.c and 19.d below, unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing. If the Customer does not request the order in writing the Contract Vendor is under no obligation to meet the 10 day delivery window. a. Early Fill - Customers may request early fill orders and they are encouraged as a means to effectively manage delivery and salt quality. Early Fill orders must be submitted by August 14 of the contract term. Early Fill salt will be delivered to the destination by direct transfer from a ship, barge, or rail car and not from another storage facility or stockpile. Final delivery dates are at the discretion of the Contract Vendor with proper notice to the Customer (see Item 20.c) but 75% of the early fill delivery must be completed to each location by November 13 of the contract term and 100% of the early fill must be completed by December 41h of the contract term. The customer is obligated to accept delivery of early fill salt upon proper notification by contract vendor (see Item 20). b. Seasonal fill- Seasonal Fill salt may be delivered from a stockpile or from a ship, barge or rail car. Seasonal Fill orders are orders submitted from August 15 of the contract term to the end of the contract term. Delivery dates are at the request of the Customer per Item 19 and 20 of these provisions. c. From November 1st through April 15 of the Contract term, in the event of predicted or existing severe bad weather conditions, Contract Vendors must begin providing product and service with 24 hours notification, seven days a week, 24 hours per day. d. Holiday Schedule. In the event of predicted or existing severe bad weather conditions during an official State holiday -New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day- the Contract Vendor Contract Release 15 ( 11/13) Page 7 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) must provide product and service with 24 hours notification. The Contract Vendor will provide agencies with a list of emergency personnel that can be contacted and who will be responsible for coordinating deliveries during holidays. All deliveries shall be made to the destination requested by the Customer and in the sequence specified on the order between the hours of 8:00AM and 3:30P.M., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, unless other arrangements are agreed to, in writing, by authorized representatives of the Contract Vendor and Customer. Unless other arrangements are agreed to in writing by authorized representatives of the parties, deliveries, once begun at a given delivery location covered on a delivery request, shall be continuous at a rate averaging three trucks per hour with no more than 90 minutes between any two deliveries to that delivery location. Deliveries begun to a given location but not completed within one work day shall resume at a rate averaging three trucks per hour with no more than 90 minutes between any two deliveries the following work day(s) until completed. NO DELIVERIES MAY BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION TO THE CUSTOMER. The Contract Vendor must provide notice of intent to deliver the day prior to the actual delivery in order to ensure that staff is available to inspect and receive the load. Delivery dates and times must be confirmed prior to delivery. The total tonnage and number of trucks making the delivery MUST be mutually agreed by the Contract Vendor and the Customer. Deliveries must be made Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00a.m. and 3:30p.m. unless otherwise authorized. The total tonnage and number of trucks making the delivery will be mutually agreed by the Contract Vendor and the Customer. Some CPV Members have indicated that agency pickup of material will be required. Contract Vendors must have product available within 25 miles of the requesting agency locations except for the City of Maple Grove. ORDER PROCESSING. The Contract Vendor shall have one designated individual available during all salt shipments who has the authority to act on behalf of the Contract Vendor in any matter relating to delivery questions and material quality issued. a) All orders must be in writing and have an associated Purchase Order number included on the order. The Customer must include a copy of the Purchase Order upon request of the Contract Vendor. A Sodium Chloride Delivery Request and Confirmation Form (hereafter "Order Form") is recommended as a means to request and confirm orders. Contract Vendor written response to the receipt of a written order from Customer shall be followed by email confirmation within two days by both parties which may include the Order Form as documentation for reconciliation. The Customer may refuse delivery if the Contract Vendor fails to respond in writing. b) When placing an order, the Customer shall provide the Customer contacts for delivery coordination along with phone number and other contact method (fax, email, etc.) for the contact. The Customer will provide Contract Vendor a list of destinations with addresses in priority order for delivery, number of tons requested, preferred delivery dates and preferred time of day for each destination and the hours available for delivery to be made. The Contract Vendor must accept the requested delivery terms or negotiate alternative delivery terms and confirm the agreed upon terms within two days of receiving the request for delivery. Confirmation shall be by email to the contact person listed on the order. If the customer does not request an order in writing the contract vendor is under no obligation to meet the 10 day delivery window. c) Early fill order requests must be submitted by August 14 of the contract term. Salt ordered after August 14 of the contract term will be considered as Seasonal Fill and is not subject to the Early Fill delivery date deadlines outlined in Item 19. When intending to deliver early fill salt the Contract Vendor must arrange with the Customer to take delivery by giving the Customer a ten business day notice of intent to deliver. The Customer must acknowledge the notice in writing. The Contract Vendor must confirm delivery arrangements by email to the Customer's contact person in writing. Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 8 of 10 Contract Release S-803(5) d) If the delivery requested from the Customer is in compliance with the delivery provisions included in this Solicitation, the Contract Vendor must satisfy the delivery request. If the Contract Vendor cannot meet the requested delivery window, and the Contract Vendor and the Customer cannot agree on an alternative delivery schedule, the Customer reserves the right to cancel the order and purchase from the next low responsive vendor or on the open market from another source. The Contract Vendor must pay the difference in cost between the Contract price and the cost of the second vendor, if it is higher than the Contract price. This cost may be deducted from any invoice that the Customer has with the Contract Vendor. All costs will include, but are not limited to, the cost of the product, sales tax and transportation charges. If the Contract Vendor acknowledges and accepts the order and fails to meet the required delivery window, the Customer reserves the right to assess liquidated damages as outlined in the Solicitation. If the Contract Vendor cannot meet an established delivery window they must notify the MnDOT District or CPV Member at least 24 hours prior to the start of the established delivery window to attempt to establish an alternate delivery schedule SPECIAL SERVICES. If the Customer is unable to take its 80% of the required salt amount before the end of the Contract term, and if mutually agreed by the purchasing entity and the Contract Vendor, the Contract Vendor may store the salt at its depot after the Contract term has lapsed. The revised delivery date for the product and storage fee, if applicable, will be mutually agreed to by the purchasing entity and the Contract Vendor. The purchasing entity and the Contract Vendor will confirm its agreement in writing. No Contract amendment will be issued by the State. The State Customer will encumber funds to cover any additional expenses, if required, and will issue a separate purchase order for the service. The product delivered must meet all specifications called for in the original Contract. The Contract Vendor is not required to provide this special service. This provision does not negate the purchaser's responsibility to take 80% of the salt amount originally contracted. VENDOR STORAGE SITE. The Contract Vendor must store its product at a site that meets or exceeds all State of Minnesota requirements and regulations. WEIGH SCALE TICKETS. All salt delivered under this Contract shall be weighed by the Contract Vendor on an approved scale that meets all applicable specifications, tolerances and other requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7601. No Contract Vendor will be allowed to use a publicly owned scale or to substitute boxcar or barge weights for this requirement. The State reserves the right to have the loads re-weighed for verification of weight, at a certified scale. The site for reweighing shall be determined by the State. Weigh slips must be provided at the time of delivery. If requested, the Contract Vendor must submit a copy of the current scale calibration certification. LOAD SIZES. The Contract Vendor is advised that the legal weight limit allowed on State highways will be strictly enforced. In the event a load is shipped to a delivery point which exceeds the legal load limits, the State may notify the appropriate law enforcement personnel of the overweight load. CARRIER. The Contract Vendor must use a carrier that meets all federal and State laws as required by the appropriate interstate transportation authority. FOR OTHER STATE AGENCIES USE ONLY. UNSPSC CODE 46161506 SWIFT- Salt, Regular Road Rock Salt *** Fuel Surcharge - Contact AMS before paying any fuel surcharges. REVISIONS: 06/28/15 All contracts extended through June 7, 2016, at adjusted prices. The following terms of the contract have been revised; STATE GUARANTEE, TESTING, REGULAR SALT DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS, and ORDER PROCESSING. See above for revised terms North American Salt Company, A Compass Minerals Company has a name change to Compass Minerals America Inc. Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 9 of 10 Contract Release 8-803(5) 03/10/15 AMS changed to Chris Marquette. CPV Member Listing, Line 148a-Motley is correct to be Morton. 09/25/14 Contract 77775 with Morton Salt is amended to add the City of Motley. All other prices, terms and conditions remain unchanged. CLICK HERE FOR MSDS SHEETS FOR ALL PRODUCTS SEE BELOW FOR CONTRACT PRICES Contract Release 15 (11/13) Page 10 of 10 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON NORTH AMERICAN/COMPASS PRICE LIST -CONTRACT NO. 77776 Destination Customer 2016 Final Price Aitkin City Hwy Dept Aitkin CO-Mcgregor shop $69.91 Aitkin City Hwy Dept Aitkin CO-Airpark Dr. $72.64 Anoka Hennepin lsd #11· Metro Anoka Hennepin Jsd 11 $73.22 Baldwin Township BaldwinTwp Becker County Highway Dept Becker Chd MN St-Detroit Lakes $79.51 $84.33 Beltrami Chd-Bemidji Beltrami Chd $80.59 Benton County Highway Dept Benton Chd $76.05 Biwabik Township Biwabik Township $71.34 Cambridge Twp Cambridge Twp $73.19 Carlton CO Transportation Dept Carlton Chd-Barnum $67.47 Cass CO Hwy Dept Cass Chd MN DOT-Remer $71.38 City of Albany City of Albany $84.59 City of Albert Lea City of Albert Lea- MN St $81.99 City of Alexandria City of Alexandria $89.60 City of Andover- Metro Andover MN City of Metro $73.79 City of Annandale City of Annandale $77.88 City of Aurora City of Aurora City of Babbitt Babbitt MN City Babbitt $67.87 $73.62 City of Baxter City of Baxter City of Becker City of Becker $76.69 $76.86 City of Bemidji City of Bemidji $80.90 City of Big Lake City of Big Lake $76.42 City of Blaine- Metro City of Blaine MN- Metro $73.14 City of Blue Earth City of Blue Earth $86.58 City of Braham City of Braham $74.41 City of Breeze Point City of Breezy Point $76.15 City of Brooklyn Center-Metro Brooklyn Center MN City of $72.97 City of Buffalo City of Buffalo-PU $66.77 City of Calendonia City of Caledonia $72.85 City of Cannon Falls City of Cannon Falls $73.06 City of Carver MN City of Carver $74.22 City of Centerville City of Centerville $74.43 $73.43 City of Champlin - Metro Champlin MN City of City of Chatfield City of Chatfield City of Chisholm City of Chisholm City of Circle Pines City of Circle Pines City of Clearwater City of Clearwater $71.88 $78.25 City of Cloquet City of Cloquet Garage $65.22 City of Columbus MN Metro City of Columbus MN Metro $74.46 City of Corcoran City of Corcoran $73.28 City of Cottage Grove City of Cottage Grove MN ST $72.47 City of Cross Lake City of Crosslake $75.94 I I $75.75 $72.84 - - Page 3 of17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON $71.94 $73.55 $73.14 $78.05 $62.52 City of Crystal- Metro City of Crystal M N - Metro City of Dayton - Metro City of Dayton City of Deephaven- Metro Deephaven M N City of City of Dodge Center City of Dodge Center City of Duluth City of Duluth- E Superior Exp City of Duluth City of Duluth - Commonwealth Ave City of Duluth City of Duluth - Mesaba Ave City of Duluth City of Duluth- 40Th Ave City of East Bethel- Metro City of East Bethel MN- Metro City of Eveleth, MN City of Eveleth City of Faribault City of Faribault MN St City of Fergus Fa lis City of Fergus Falls City of Foley City of Foley- Benton County Storage City of Fridley- Metro City of Fridley- MN- Metro City of Glenwood City of Glenwood-Mn St City of Golden Valley- Metro City of Golden Valley MN- Metro City of Grand Rapids Grand Rapids, M N City of City of Ham Lake -Metro City Ham Lake- Garage City of Hopkins- Metro Hopkins MN City of City of Hugo - Metro Hugo MN Crty of City of Independence City of Independence- Metro City of International Falls City of International Falls City of Isanti City of Isanti City of Kenyon Kenyon M N City of City of Lake Elmo - Metro Lake Elmo MN City of City of Lanesboro City of Lanesboro City of Lexington City of Lexington- Metro City of Lino Lakes- Metro Lino Lakes MN City of City of Long Lake City of Long Lake City of Mabel MN- City of Mabel City of Mahtomedi- Metro City of Mahtomedi MN- Metro City of Maple Plain- Metro City of Maple Plain MN- Metro City of Maplewood - Metro Maplewood MN City of City of Medford MN City of Medford City of Melrose City of Mel rose City of Milaca City of Milaca City of Minnetrista- Metro City of Minnetrista City of Mound City CitY of Mound City City of New Brighton- Metro City of New Brighton Dpw City of Newport- Metro City of Newport MN Metro City of North Saint Paul- Metro NorthSt Paul MN City of City of Northfield City of Northfield City of Oak Grove- Metro Oak Grove MN City of- Metro City of Oakdale- Metro City of Oakdale MN Metro City of Onamia City of Onamia - - L. - $62.52 $62.14 $62.14 $76.31 $70.65 $76.25 $89.87 $76.05 $72.80 $89.49 $72.48 $72.41 $73.43 $73.07 $72.47 $74.41 $89.17 $77.77 $75.71 $71.22 $74.46 $71.88 $71.88 $75.09 $75.21 $71.90 $74.41 $70.65 $76.48 $79.78 $74.40 $73.36 $73.75 $71.89 $70.12 $71.22 $73.47 $74.19 $71.14 $76.17 Page4 of 17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON City of Orono City of Orono- Metro- MN ST City of Ortonville City of Ortonville City of Otsego City of Otsego City of Owatonna City of Owatonna Street Dept City of Paynesvllle City of Paynesville City of Pelican Rapids City of Pelican Rapids City of Pequot Lakes City of Pequot City of Pine City City of Pine City jCity of Plymouth City of Plymouth M N St City of Princeton City of Princeton MN St City of Proctor City of Proctor City of Ramsey - Metro Ramsey MN City of- Metro City of Red Wing City of Red Wing MN St Mndot Shed City of Robbinsdale- Metro City of Robbinsdale MN Metro City of Rochester City of Rochester- MN St City of Rogers Rogers M N - City of- Metro City of Roseville - Metro Roseville MN City of City of Rush City City of Rush City- Metro City of Sandstone City of Sandstone City of Sartell City of Sartell City of Sauk Centre City of Sauk Centre City of Sauk Rapids City of Sauk Rapids City of Scandia City of Scandia City of Shoreview-Metro Shoreview M N City of City of Silver Bay City of Silver Bay City of Sleepy Eye City of Sf eepy Eye-M n St City of St Francis- Metro City ofSt Francis MN- Metro City of St. Augusta City of St Augusta City of St. Louis Park- Metro StLouis Park MN City of- Metro City of St. Michael City of St. Michael City of St. Paul Park- Metro City of St. Paul Park MN Metro City of St. Peter City of St. Peter City of Staples City of Staples City of Stewartville City of Stewartville City of Stillwater- Metro Stillwater MN City of City of Thief River Falls City ofThief River Falls City of Vadnais Heights- Metro Saint Paul MN City of Vadnais Heights City of Victoria -Metro City of Victoria MN- Metro City of Waite Park City of Waite Park City of White Bear Lake- Metro City of White Bear Lake MN- Metro City of Willmar City of Willmar City of Woodbury MN St City of Woodbury- MN St City of Zumbrota City of Zumbrota Clearwater County Highway Department Clearwater Chd - Bagley Cook Chd Cook Chd Grand Marais $73.96 $95.24 $75-36 $77.95 $80.94 $90.27 $79.71 $69.27 $73.32 $78.60 $62.52 $73.55 $75.54 $71.86 $77.09 $74.41 $71.22 $70.51 $70.06 $81.88 $81.88 $78.72 $74.43 $72.35 $69.52 $84.80 $75.29 $78.77 $72.44 $75.00 $70.86 $78.40 $79.04 $77.60 $72.47 $96.36 $71.22 $73.42 $80.72 $71.97 $83.52 $71.35 $76.58 $84.91 $77.43 I I Page 5 of 17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON Corinna Township Corinna Township· Annandale, MN $77.43 Crow Wing County Crow Wing Chd-Brainerd $76.34 Crow Wing County Crow Wing CHD $76.34 Crow Wing County Crow Wing Chd-Crosslake $76.34 Crow Wing County Crow Wing Chd-Deerwood $74.89 Dodge Chd Dodge Chd- Dodge Ctr MN St $78.05 Douglas County Public Works Douglas CO-Evansville Tech Center $90.32 Douglas County Public Works Douglas CO- Alexandria Tech Center $87.63 Forest Lake City Forest Lake MN City of- Metro $73.01 Freeborn County Freeborn CO Shop $81.99 Glencoe 310 13th stW $85.67 Goodhue County Goodhue Chd MN St- Zumbrota $76.58 Goodhue County Goodhue Chd MN St ·Kenyon $75.97 Goodhue County Goodhue Chd MN St- Red Wing $75.10 Goodhue County Goodhue Chd M N St- Cannon Falls $73.74 Grant County Grant CO-Elbow Lake $91.85 Hastings, lsd 200 ·Metro Hastings lSD 200 MN ·Metro $71.88 Hubbard CO Hwy Dept Hubbard Chd Park Rapids $82.66 Hubbard CO Hwy Dept Hubbard CO Hwy-N Shop· Guthrie $81.18 Ideal Township Pequot Lakes, MN -Ideal Township $79.19 Isanti County Hwy Dept Isanti Chd-Mn St $76.17 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd- Max $76.51 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd MN St-Big Fork Garage $75.94 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd-Deer River $74.91 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd M N St-Arbo $74.91 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd MN St-Nashwauk $74.11 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd MN St-Balsam $73.27 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd -Togo $73.04 Itasca County Highway Department Itasca Chd -Grand Rapids $73.02 Kanabec CO Mora MN-Kanabec Chd $72.00 i $87.75 Kandiyohi Co. Highway Dept. Kandiyohi Chd Kittson County Highway Dept. Kittson CO Highway Department Koochiching Chd MN St Koochiching CO Garage- Littlefork Koochiching Chd MN St Koochiching Chd MN St-Big Falls $87.62 Koochiching Chd MN St Koochiching Chd Northome $85.86 Koochiching County Koochiching Chd MN St-lntl Falls $89.17 Lake County Hwy Dept Lake Chd-Finland $71.50 Lake County Hwy Dept Lake Chd-Two Harbors $68.09 Lake ofThe Woods County Lake of The Woods CO $89.96 Livonia Township Livonia Township $77.03 Mahnomen Chd Mahnomen Chd $89.37 Mahtomedi Public Schoollsd 832 Mahtomedi Public Schools lsd 832- Me $72.02 Mcleod County Mcleod Chd-Hutchinson $78.74 Mcleod County Mcleod CHD- Brownton $78.68 Mcleod County Mcleod CHD- Silver Lake $106.88 $89.17 '--- -- $77.49 Page 6 of17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON Mcleod County Mcleod CO -Glencoe $76.60 Meeker County MeekerChd-Litchfield $79.52 'Metropolitan Council Environmental Serv 1Military Affairs- Camp Ripley St Paul MN Metropolitan Council Envirc $70.65 Camp Ripley-Military Aff $81.32 Mille Lacs County Mille Lacs CO-Milaca $77.78 Mille Lacs County Mille Lacs CO Hwy- Wahkon $76.17 Minnesota Correctional Facility St Cloud MN Correctional Facility Mcf $83.64 Minnesota Sexual Offender Program Msop Msop - Moose Lake $68.87 Monticello Township Monticello Twp $76.42 Morrison County Morrison CO- Little Falls $80.59 MowerChd Dexter, MN Mower Chd $80.71 Norman CO Highway Department Norman Chd $92.63 Otter Tail County Otter Tail CO - Pelican Rapids $90.16 OtterTail County Otter Tail CO - Fergus Fall $89.37 Otter Tail County Ottertail CO MN St-Battle Lake $88.82 OtterTail County OtterTail Chd- Parkers Prairie $87.05 Otter Tail County Otter Tail County Highway- Perham $86.35 OtterTail County Ottertail CO Mnst-Ny Mills 20 $85.29 OtterTail County OtterTail CO -Henning $84.94 PineCHD Pine County@ Pine City Airport Rd $72.84 PineCHD Pine Chd-Sandstone $69.86 Pine Island Public Works City of Pine Island Public Works $76.53 Pipestone County Highway Dept. Pipestone Chd- Pipestone $96.10 Polk Chd Polk Chd M N DOT-Crookston $93.50 PolkChd Polk Chd- Fertile $91.95 PolkChd Polk Chd -Fosston Roseau County Highway Department Roseau Chd - Greenbush $103.43 Roseau County Highway Department Roseau Chd - Roseau $101.30 Roseau County Highway Department Roseau Chd- Warroad $98.43 Scott County Highway Department Belle Plaine, MN Scott Chd-Metro $75.98 Scott County Highway Department Jordan, MN Scott Chd $74.39 Sherburne Chd Sherburne Chd-Becker $76.86 Sherburne Chd Sherburne Chd-Zimmerman $76.34 Silver Creek Township Silver Creek Township- Monticello $76.02 South West Transit-See Notes South West Transit- Eden Prairie $72.75 St. Louis Co.- Jean Duluth Tool house St. Louis CO-Jean Duluth Toolhouse $65.71 St. Louis CO-Pike Lake Toolhouse Div 5 St Louis CO-Brookston $65.45 St. Louis County- Div4 Ely MN StLouis CO- Div4 $74.80 St. Louis County- Div 4 St. Louis CO- Tower- Div 4 $70.47 St. Louis County- Div 4 St. Louis CO- Embarrass- Div 4 $70.43 St. Louis County- Div 5 Duluth MN StLouis CO- Duluth Area Pi $66.31 St. Louis County- Div 7 St. Louis CO-Hibbing-Div 7 $71.99 St. Louis County- Div 7 St. Louis CO-Meadowlands-Div 7 $68.62 St. Louis County- Division 6 StLouis CO Aurora Town of White $71.22 St. Louis County- Division 6 St. Louis CO-Virginia-Div 6 $70.67 $89.81 Page 7 of17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON St. Louis County- Division 6 St. Louis CO- Brimson St. Louis County- Division 6 St. Louis CO·Cotton-Div 6 St. Louis County Public Works StLouis CO-Linden Grove-Div 3 Hwy l St. Louis County Public Works St Louis CO - Ashawa -Div 3 St. Louis County Public Works St. Louis CO Public Works-Floodwood St. Louis County Public Works St. Louis CO Public Works-Nopeming Sh St. Louis County Public Works 551 Crane Lake Rd. 23, Buyck St. Peter Regional Treatment Center St. Peter Regional Treatment Center Steams Chd Stearns Chd MN St- Belgrade Stearns Chd Stearns Chd MN St-Sauk Centre Stearns Chd Stearns Chd-Mn St-Albany Stearns Chd Stearns Chd MN St- Richmond Stearns Chd Stearns Chd-Waite Park Steele County Steele CO-Owatonna Sylvan Township SylvanTwp Todd County Public Works Todd CO-Long Prairie Todd County Public Works Todd CO- Staples- Public Works Town of Faya I Town of Fayal Univ of MN-Duluth Facilities Mgmt University of MN- Duluth University of Minnesota- Metro Minneapolis MN Univ of Minnesota Wabasha County Dept Wabasha Chd-Millville Wabasha County Dept Wabasha Chd- Mazeppa Wabasha County Dept Wabasha Chd-Lake City Wabasha County Dept Wabasha Chd-Piainview Waseca County Highway Dept. Waseca Chd White Bear Lake Schools #624 White Bear Lake Schools #624 Winona County Winona Chd - Utica Winona County Winona Chd-Mn St Winona State University Winona State University Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd- Anna dale Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd- Cokato Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd -Maple Lake Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd -Waverly Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd- Buffalo Wright County Highway Department Wright Chd - Otsego FOND DU LAC DEVELOPMENT CORP 1696 BIG LAKE RD CLOQUET MN South Washington County lSD 833 7362 E. Point Douglas Road South Shamrock TWP 49954 lake ave mcgregor mn 55760 -·-·····-- $68.62 $68.26 $74.13 $72.72 $68.86 $66.31 $76.34 $78.51 $83.01 $83.01 $81.66 $80.88 $80.72 $78.07 $74.79 $82.74 $79.78 $71.06 $61.26 $71.22 $78.45 $77.01 $76.55 $75.29 $78.72 $71.97 $72.24 $69.58 $70.26 $77.88 $77.88 $76.82 $76.42 $76.01 $74.96 $65.46 $71.95 $70.27 I -- - -- Page 8 of 17 STATE OF MINNESOTA- REQUEST FOR BID FOR REGULAR ROAD SALT FOR 2014-2015 SEASON 2015-2016 Quantities CPY MEMBERS - DISTRICT 1 DULUTH AREA ~----~~------~ Page 9 of17 Krysten Foster From: Sent: To: Subject: Marquette, Chris (ADM) [] Wednesday, August 26, 2015 8:51 AM Marquette, Chris (ADM) RE: State of MN Road Salt Contract- Incorrect Header I forgot to update the Header on the Spreadsheets I sent you. Please ignore the Header that states "2014-2015 Season." The Spreadsheets I sent you are for the 2015-2016 season. Chris Marquette Materials Management Division 50 Sherburne A venue - Room 112 St. Paul, MN 55155 651.201.2436- Phone- Please Note new Phone Number 651.297.3996 - Fax From: Marquette, Chris (ADM) Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 2:34 PM To: Marquette, Chris (ADM) <> Subject: State of MN Road Salt Contract The new Road Salt contracts were posted to our website last week- Contract Release S-803{5) for regular salt and Contract Release S-987(5) for treated salt. I'm attaching the new Contract Releases, with pricing and quantities, to this e-mail. Because we did an extension rather than a new bid this year, the price pages will look a little different than what you're used to. This will only be for this year. Next year we will bid it out and the Releases will look the same as they have in the past. Chris Marquette Materials Management Division 50 Sherburne Avenue- Room 112 St. Paul, MN 55155 651.201.2436- Phone- Please Note new Phone Number 651.297.3996- Fax chris.marquette@state.m n. us 1 Approve & authorize Board Chair to sign a 60 month lease agreement with ShelDon, per State Contract, in the amount of $119.94/month plus tax and $70/month plus tax maintenance fee for Canon C3330i. Approve overages at the rate of $0.0059/copy black and white, and $0.0758/copy color. Darbie Eschenbacher From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Angie Dickison Tuesday, January 13, 2015 1:43 PM Krysten Foster Darbie Fasteland RE: Canon Copier We typically get quotes from multiple vendors. Recently, we have rented copiers (off of state contract) from Metro Sales (Duluth) and Hybridge Imaging (Two Harbors)'. I'll add your department to the list for 2015 renewals. I plan to contact vendors for a few other departments later this month. Will keep you posted. From: Krysten Foster Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 2:58PM To: Angie Dickison Cc: Darbie Fasteland Subject: FW: Canon Copier Hi AngieDoes IT have any color copier-printer-scanner recommendations for Hwy? Sometime in the next few months, we'll have to decide whether to extend the current lease or lease/buy a new machine. The current lease is $162.43 per month from Canon Financial Services, and the proposed 2015 budget includes an amount up to $300/month (if necessary). Thanks in advance for your help. l<rysten Foster, P.E. Lake County Highway Department 1513 Hwy. 2 I Two Harbors, MN 55616 I Phone: 218.834.8380 I Fax: 218,834.8384 Email: I Web: From: Linda Libal Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 1:47PM To: Krysten Foster; Darble Fasteland Subject: Canon Copier Just a note for next year's calendar ... we extended the rental on the Canon until April 2015. You might want to think ab.out what you want to do- keep renting or look at something new. Either way, you will need Board approval. The current rental agreement is with Canon Financial Services. The File is inthe hanging rack under my phone. Thanks, Linda Linda Libal Lake County Highway Accountant (218) 834-8380 Ext #223 1 Shei~ on ~:,21 ~';;]9 Im age R U N N ER A D VA N C E lmageRUNNER ADVANCE C3330i Full Color Multifunctional System (New) Includes: • Speed· 30 Pages Per Minute Full Color and B&W e Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder (100 Sheet Capacity) e 160GB Hard Drive o 2.0 GB RAM • 4 x 550 Sheet Paper Trays & 100 Sheet Bypass (Up to 12" x 18") o Network Printer (UFR II, PCL 5e/6 & PS3) e. Network Scanner • External Finisher • Surge Protector o Installation, Training and Connection to Network o Connection to network includes: Installing Print/Scan Drivers ,t n st<\(~:BJIVIN i;.( :~a:Mhnih · i';i :;4~LII49nth',SK:J 6li'M6hth"'; '.': •· cont~aHPHc~ kil'rttalR~~~:.:,:: R~ri'tal:kat~\ ; R'~~t~iR~t~'\. imageRUNNER ADVANCE C3330i 8477B004AA Staple Finisher-U1 8473B001AA Surge Protector 6101AU61AA Total $ $ $ $ 4,347.00 1,644.30 128.18 6,119.48 $ $ $ $ 124.76 47.19 3.68 175.63 $ $ $ $ 103.89 39.30 3.06 146.25 $ $ $ $ 85.20 32.23 2.51 119.94 Maintenance Base # of Copies Allowed per Month Maintenance Type {B&W Copies Only) 5 000 Low Base High Base 7,500 e Choose Low Base or High Base Monthly Maintenance Base Charge $50.00 $70.00 B/W Overage 0.0067 0.0059 Color Overage 0.0758 0.0758 ET SALES REP. NO. & NAME Trent Beise of MN Contract #84340. 60 Month FMV Lease at $165.27 per month. Service and Supplies Contract billed Monthly at $0.011 Black and $0. 065 Color per print. J3REDIT TERMS~ CUSTOMER WARRANTS THAT THE EQUIPMENT IS FREE OF ANY LIENS, SECURITY INTERESTS & ENCUMBRANCES. ~ Fargo Duluth Winona Hibbing Brainerd MAIN PHONE NO. 25sa26 218/834-8380 831 Shoreview Heights Road Two Harbors, MN 55616 tel877-724-2344 September 14, 2015 Lake County Hiway Department 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Subject: Kyocera 3551ci Lease Item# .1 Description Lease Term EDP Code · Lease Price L9_~_35_51ci : AK-731 -·-· ·- .... .. -~--. DF-7700 FINISHER 1203NC2US3 .. -··--. l- 60 mo : ln~tallation and Tr.alni~glncluded $178.46 ! 60 Month Lease • Total Monthly Price 1 .L. '· ,. -· .. ~- .. -- -· -. - -. ' .. , .. Product Supply and Service Billed Quarterly: Base BIW 6000 prints per Qtr. @ $98 Plus overage x 0.0113 Three Tier Color Toner Zero Base Tier 1 10% 0.025 Tier 2 40% 0.0336 Tier 3 60% 0.0672 Quarterly meter count for overage charges Lease Term 60 months - FMV Prepared by Michael Stiff- Hybridge Imaging www. hybridgeimaging .com Admin Minnesota Materials Management Division Room 112 Administration Bldg., 50 Sherburne Ave., St. Paul, MN 55155; Phone: 651.296.2600, Fax: 651.297.3996 Persons with a hearing or speech disability can contact us through the Minnesota Relay Service by dialing 711 or 1.800.627.3529. CONTRACT RELEASE: C-1 005(5) DATE: AUGUST 28, 2015 PRODUCT/SERVICE: MULTI-FUNCTION DEVICE (COPIERS) EQUIPMENT RENTAL, PURCHASE & MAINTENANCE CONTRACT PERIOD: OCTOBER 16, 2014 THROUGH OCTOBER 30, 2016 EXTENSION OPTIONS: UP TO 36 MONTHS ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST/BUYER (AMS): MIKE BRICK PHONE: 651.201.2445 E-MAIL: CONTRACT VENDOR CANON RICOH TOSHIBA XEROX WEB SITE: SWIFT CONTRACT NO. 0000000000000000000084336 (84336) 0000000000000000000084340(84340) 0000000000000000000084342(84342) 0000000000000000000084346(84346) TERMS NET 30 NET 30 NET 30 NET 30 CONTRACT USERS. This Contract is available to the following entities as indicated by the checked boxes below ~ ~ 0 State agencies Cooperative Purchasing Venture (CPV) members Limited to the following entities only STATE AGENCY CONTRACT USE. This Contract must be used by State agencies unless a specific exception is granted in writing by the Acquisition Management Specialist (AMS) listed above. STATE AGENCY ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. Orders are to be placed directly with the Contract Vendor. State agencies should use a Contract release order (CRO) or a blanket purchase order (BPC). The person ordering should include his or her name and phone number. Orders may be submitted via fax. CONTRACT FEEDBACK. If these commodities or service can be better structured to help you with your business needs, let us know. We solicit your comments and suggestions to improve all of our contracts so that they may better serve your business needs. If you have a need for which no contract currently exists, or you would like to be able to use an existing state contract that is not available to your entity, whether a state agency or CPV), please contact us. If you have specific comments or suggestions about an individual contract you can submit those via the Contract Feedback Form. TERMINATION/CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT. There may be a cost associated with termination/cancellation of a Contract. Agencies and CPV members are STRONGLY ADVISED to review termination/cancellation clauses in the Contract in order to understand the potential risks and costs involved in termination/cancellation of a contract before a decision is made to terminate/cancel a contract. Termination/cancellation charges can be accessed through the link cited in the Comparison of Miscellaneous Contract Vendor Services/Rates below. If there are questions regarding termination/cancellation contact the AMS listed above. Contract Release 16 (08/14) Page 1 of 4 Contract Release: C-1 005(5) SERVICE CERTIFICATION FORM REQUIREMENTS. Pursuant to Minn. Stat.§ 16C.09, agencies must complete a "Service Contract Certification Form" prior to issuing an order for services offered from this Contract. CONTRACT VENDORS CANON U.S.A., INCORPORATED 100 Park Boulevard Itasca, IL 60143 CONTACT: Steve Johnson E-MAIL ADDRESS: CONTRACT NO.: 0000000000000000000084336 VENDOR NO.: 0000195734 PHONE: 763.463.9410 CELL: 612.578.3179 FAX: 630.250.7048 Canon Contact List of Reps/Resellers/Statewide Coverage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------~----·-CONTRACT NO.: 0000000000000000000084340 RICOH USA, INC. 70 Valley Stream Parkway Malvern, PA 19355 VENDOR NO.: 0000205972 CONTACT: Travis Massman E-MAIL: PHONE: 573.353.2559 FAX: 573.446.4777 Ricoh Contact List of Reps/Resellers/Statewide Coverage CONTRACT NO.: 0000000000000000000084342 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 960 Blue Gentian Road Eagan, MN 55121 VENDOR NO.: 0000388403 CONTACT: Jon Gaugler E-MAIL: PHONE: 651.994.7768 CELL: 651.328.7948 Toshiba Contact List of Reps/Resellers/Statewide Coverage CONTRACT NO.: 0000000000000000000084346 XEROX CORPORATION 3500 American Boulevard West Suite 400 Bloomington, MN 55435 VENDOR NO.: 0000209162 CONTACT: Tom Peske E-MAIL: PHONE: 312.849.1408 MOBILE: 773.459.8891 Xerox Contact List of Reps/Resellers/Statewide Coverage SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SCOPE. The purpose of these Contracts is to provide State agencies and CPV members with a method of purchasing, renting and procuring multifunction devices and maintenance for multi-function devices. Statewide distribution and service is provided. The Contract Vendor(s) is responsible for the timeliness and quality of all services provided by individual resellers/subcontractors. A reseller is defined as a subcontractor for the purposes of this contract. Delivery, support, warranty, and maintenance may be provided by the Contract Vendor(s) using resellers. Contract Vendor(s) and its resellers will be expected to assist agencies in their selection process by providing them with equipment demonstration, best practice information, managed print expertise, specifications, volume capabilities, and technical expertise, including system integration requirements when connecting to an existing network. Note: Although Managed Print Services was an optional program in this RFP, the State elected not to award it at this time. Print Assessments, if requested by an agency or CPV, are to be provided at no cost. Contract Release 16 (08/14) Page 2 of 4 Contract Release: C-1 005(5) PRICES. At no time should the ordering entity pay more than the Contract price. Agencies must contact the AMS immediately and fill out a Vendor Performance Report if there is a discrepancy between the price on the invoice and the Contract price. FOR PRICING SEE MN.IT WEBSITE: index.html Click on multi-function devices. MINIMUM ORDER. None. IT ACCESSIBILITY. When agencies are making purchasing decisions, the purchasing entities are responsible for evaluating the accessibility of IT products in accordance with the State of MN IT Accessibility standards that incorporate both Section 508 standards and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 level 'M' standards. This contract requires vendors to provide accessibility information, known as VPATs, for the products available through this contract. It is the purchasing agency's responsibility to request, collect, evaluate, and make a purchasing decision in compliance with these state laws. VPAT product information can be found on each vendor's website. ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS. To view current accessibility options available for each device by manufacturer click on the following link: Accessibility Options FREIGHT/SHIPPING TERMS SEVEN COUNTY METRO AND GREATER MINNESOTA AREA. All shipments are FOB Destination, with freight charges prepaid and allowed (the Contract Vendor is not allowed to invoice freight charges unless there are special "rigging fees" for unique circumstances and identified in the Contract Vendor's quote. See link to Miscellaneous Cost Comparison to see which Contract Vendors charge rigging fees. COMPARISON OF MISCELLANOUS CONTRACT VENDOR SERVICES/RATES. To view a comparison table of Contract Vendors' miscellaneous services and rates click the following link: Miscellaneous Cost Comparison CONTRACT VENDOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Canon, Ricoh and Toshiba accepted all of the solicitation terms and conditions. Xerox elected to negotiate some of the Event General Terms and Conditions. Agencies and CPV members should review these differences before placing an order with a Contract Vendor. It is suggested that agencies and CPV members review the terms and conditions in order to assess any potential risk to the agency or CPV member. To view Contract Vendor's Contract Award documents click the following links: Toshiba Note: Contract Award incorporates the RFP documents and Contract Vendor's Response into the Contract. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL DOCUMENT. For a copy of the Request for Proposal which includes the Special Terms, Conditions and Specifications click on the following link: RFP TOTAL COST OF OWNERSHIP. Agencies and CPV members are advised to calculate the Total Cost of Ownership when comparing devices. USE OF PREVIOUS MULTIFUNCTION CONTRACTS. Previous SWIFT contracts will remain open ONLY for maintenance orders for equipment purchased or rented prior to October 16, 2014. For reference here are the previous SWIFT contract numbers: Canon:23558 SWIFT Line Line 1 Une2 Line 3 Une4 Line 5 Contract Release 16 (08/14) Ricoh: 23596 Toshiba: 23628 Description Multifunction Device - Rental Multifunction Device - Purchase Repair and Maintenance Services Monthly Overage Charges Supplies: Use only if Maintenance Plan was not Purchased Xerox: 23657 Category 80161800 44101500 81112306 82121700 44101700 Page 3 of 4 Contract Release: C-1 005(5) SWIFT Line Line Line Descrj~ion Line 6 7 8 Software Licenses Software Maintenance and Support Monthly Copying Charges - Purchase Category 43230000 81112201 81112306 REVISIONS: 08/27/2015 Changed Ricoh name and address, revised Attachments F-H for Canon, Ricoh and Xerox. Added Swift Line 8. 08/05/2015 Updated contact information for Ricoh and Xerox. Updated reseller list for Canon and Xerox. 04/01/2015 Updated contact information for Canon and Xerox. Added IRS Security Requirements to all Contracts. 01/02/2015 Added OET Website BUY. IT link for pricing. Updated Ricoh Account Representatives, Reseller and Statewide Coverage Designation lists. Contract Release 16 (08/14) Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT H STATEWIDE COVERAGE DESIGNATION MANUFACTURER Canon U.S.A., Inc. county .. Aitkin Anoka Becker Beltrami Benton Big Stone Blue Earth Brown Carlton < Reseller Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler, Imaging Path, CSA, Marco, ABM, Reardons, Marco, ABM, Marco, Loffler County· · Martin McLeod Meeker Mille Lacs Morrison Mower Murray Nicollet Nobles Carver Marco Marco, River Bend Marco, River Bend Marco, Sheldon Marco, Loffler, Imaging Path, CSA, River Bend Norman Cass Marco, NCBP Olmsted Chippewa Chisago Clearwater Marco Marco, Loffler Marco, ABM, Marco, ABM, Reardons, Marco, Sheldon Marco, River Bend Otter Tail Pennington Pine Clay Cook Cottonwood Crow Wing Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Grant Hennepin Marco, Loffler, NCBP Marco, Loffler, lmagin_g Path, CSA, Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Loffler Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Tri-State, Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Tri-State Marco, Loffler, Reardons Marco, Loffler, Imaging Path, CSA, Pipestone Polk Pope Ramsey Red Lake Redwood Renville Rice Rock Roseau St. Louis Scott Sherburne C-1 005(5) Multifunction Devices · .. •. Resellec · >.... ·< Marco, River Bend Marco, Loffler, River Bend Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco Marco, River Bend Marco, River Bend Marco, ABM, Reardons Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Loffler, ABM, Reardons Marco, ABM, Marco, Sheldon Marco Marco, ABM, Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler, Imaging Path, CSA, Marco, ABM, Marco, Loffler, River Bend Marco, Loffler, River Bend Marco, Loffler, CSA, Tri-State Marco Marco Marco, Sheldon Marco, Loffler, Imaging Path, CSA, River Bend Marco, Loffler, lmaginQ Path, CSA, County Houston County Sibley Reseller Marco, River Bend Hubbard Reseller Marco, Tri-State, Marco, ABM, NCBP, Reardons Stearns Isanti Marco, Loffler, NCBP Steele Itasca Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Kitts on Stevens Swift Todd Traverse Wabasha Koochiching Marco, Sheldon Marco, River Bend Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler Marco Marco, NCBP, Sheldon Marco, Loffler Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Loffler, Reardons Marco, Loffler Marco, Loffler Marco, Reardons Marco, Tri-State Wadena Lac qui Parle Marco Waseca Lake Lake of the Woods Marco, Sheldon Marco Washington Watonwan Marco, NCBP Marco, River Bend, Tri-State Marco, Leffler, Imaging Path, CSA, Marco, River Bend Wilkin Winona Wright Marco, ABM, Reardons Marco, Tri-State Marco, Leffler, Yellow Medicine Marco, Leffler LeSueur Lincoln Lyon Mahnomen Marshall Marco, Loffler, River Bend, Tri-State Marco Marco, River Bend Marco, ABM, Reardons, Marco C-1 005(5) Multifunction Devices Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Krysten Foster Monday, October 05, 2015 12:26 PM Laurel Buchanan Matthew Huddleston 10/13 Packet Update Good afternoon, After looking at both pits this morning, the Finland church's subcontractor desired to change sources for said project. I request to update next week's action item: Current: Approve sale of up to 2,500 cubic yards of pit material (in accordance with the 2015 Fee Schedule) from Lake County's Nikula Pit for use between October 5, 2015 and October 8, 2015 for the Baptism River Community Church project. Proposed: Approve sale of up to 2,500 cubic yards of pit material (in accordance with the 2015 Fee Schedule) from Lake County's Lax Lake Pit for use in October 2015 for the Baptism River Community Church project. Since this pit does not conflict with Northland Constructors' operations for the Cramer Road project, the allowable hauling window can be extended past Thursday, October gth. Please let me know if any other questions. Thank you. Krysten Foster, P.E. Lake County Highway Department 1513 Hwy. 2 I Two Harbors, MN 55616 I Phone: 218.834.8380 I Fax: 218.834.8384 Email: I Web: 1 Emergency Management DATE: Oct. 1, 2015 Lake County Board of Commissioners TO: FROM: SUBJECT: BJ Kohlstedt, Emergency Management Director Metal Roof reimbursement- Costley Please consider approval of the following recommendation: "Approve payment of $7,500.00 to Mitch Costley for the homeowner portion of FEMA Fire Resistant Roofing Grant 1 installation, pending reimbursement to Lake County from FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program DR-1982.07." Comments: Installation of roofing was completed on parcel #20-6009-14770 at 10672 Mitawan Lake Rd, and all checklist documentation has been completed and reviewed. A copy of that checklist and the paid invoice to the licensed contractor is attached. These payments were approved by Board action on August 11, 2015 (see below), and will be reimbursed by FEMA DR-1982.77 grant funding. 8. Approve the reimbursement to qualified homeowners of their portion of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Fire Resistant Roofing Grant installations (70% up to $7,500), pending reimbursement to Lake County from FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs DR-1982.07 or DR-4113.11. ., Vendor Number Warrant Number Total$ Amount Date Paid LAKE COUNTY, MINNESOTA Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Claimant's Name Mitch Costley Address PO Box 340 City Two Harbors Date of Dellverv 10/1/2015 STATE MN ZIP 55616 Itemize Fullv Homowner portion of Fire Resistant Roofing installation 1(70% of materials and installation, up to $7,500 max/structure) to be reimbursed by FEMA DR-1982.07 (Metal Roofs 1) $Amount $ 7,500.00 I declare under penalties of perjury lhat I am (Insert title of office and name of firm, If claim is by a firm) the claimant making the within claim; that I have examined said claim and the same is just and true; that the money therein charged was actually paid for the purposes therein stated; that the property therein charged was actually delivered or used for the purposes therein stated, the value therein charged; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and were of the value therein charged; that the fees therein charged are official and are such as are allowed by law; that no part of said claim has been paid; and the said claim against LAKE COUNTY Is for $ _ _ __ .:;;D~a:.:..:te:..___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Signature of claimant) (The effect of this verification shall be the same as if subscribed and sworn to under oath) Fund Department Program Service Object 01 281 0000 6000 01 281 247 Metal Roofs 1 248 Metal Roofs 2 0000 6000 $Amount $ 7,500.00 ;;-..~.~/:..._/-..~./~I:..._J_._~-_ Date: _ _ This claim has been examined and the goods or services therein referred to, have been delivered or rendered, and the amount claimed is correct. This claim has been found to be correct and ordered paid by Resolution of the County Board. Committee on Claims & Accounts Chairman, Lake County Board of Commissioners Application Reimbursement Steps Date Completed 1. PROOF OF PRE-APPROVAL (HSEM participant list or letter from Lake June 1, 2014 County) .// 2. Building Plan Review and Inspection Fee paid to Lake County for · / processing and approval of installation plan per FEMA specifications. $60 per eligible structure. (Make Check out to Lake County Emergency Management) i>/ )~ / t} /l , / { . ,;· ·~ ( i . '. 1 I'- I ' J -::z_L 1 ;/-j~--;::t._ Jl // [//, 3. PROOF OF PURCHASE of qualified materials (paid invoice and documentation of UL Class A rating). Documentation must include an itemized list of authorized roofing materials and installation costs, and may NOT include items used to repair and/or enhance structural components. Authorized items include sheathing, Class A fire rated underlayment, fireretardant-treated battens, metal panels, shingles (for historic sturcutres), fascia and soffit work. Funding will not cover insulation, wooden framing materials, gutters or other materials not part of the Class A requirements. 4. Optional: Any additional quotes you received from other vendors will help Lake County with budget projections for future projects. ?·PROOF OF INSTALLATION (Submit itemized PAID invoice or receipt c · -< ) /i from qualified contractor. Include all invoices paid to contractor.) , 1,/1P/>·:'"- v . ( ·"'c/: ,. ') / f····;?! /1{ ( I' 6. Maintenance agreement and transfer of ownership declarant. (0ffiricgein)al signed form and receipt of $46 paid to Lake County ft1.~!~~· 0 1 1 _ 7. Copy of FireWise Level2 Assessment 8. Proof of approved inspection of installation by licensed lake County Building Inspector (Copy of signed inspection) 9. Proof of approved Inspection of defensible space by contracted inspector. (Copy of signed inspection) 10. Photos: See installer guidlines section "Installation and Inspection Requirements" item #3 for list of photos during installation. These will normally be provided by your installer. Photos of completed installation (all sides of completed structure, including indicator of structure address) will normally be provided by the Building Inspector. 11. Submit Reimbursement Application by January 31, 2017 to: Randall Walz, Metal Roof Project Coordinator Lake County Emergency Management 99 Edison Blvd Silver Bay, MN 55614 Email: Office: 503.449.7979 12, Application Review will be conducted by Lake County of all documentation submitted for reimbursement of roof installation (70% with a maximum of $7,500 per eligible structure). Review of each application and issue of reimbursement payment check may take up to ten weeks. 13. Defensible Space Review Lake County will provide free inspections of the defensible space every 10 years for 40 years, which is the life of the project. If the defensible is found to be unmaintained, Lake County will conduct or contract the clearing and charge the homeowner for the work. /9; 1cs ,__~-c;?_'f-_-:---.7--::s:-,_1_5~01 tl.J-J 1-1 :1/ 2-9J5- 'f 6; · 7) 10 tfrl -=-: ) '-/) l ( t, d t>J j a (f-'~·L(i-1, .{ = ElL~(~lt_. :3 g'f, I :s ~ Cos."·f-- 7t!J ~?o· k:Jc;/lbiPr:'..J..tjf1f!!t CLASSIC ROOFING SYSTEMS K.F. LOOSEN CONSTRUCTION CO. 4099 TWIN LAKES DRIVE CLOQUET MN 55720 PHONE: 218-879-0208 FINAL STATEMENT OF LABOR & MATERIAL INVOICE: FINAL DATE: AUGUST 31 2015 NAME: MITCH COSTLEY 609 FIRST AVE PO Box 340 TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 DESCRIPTION: AS PER CONTRACT DATED 05-28-15 INSTALLATION OF MET-TILE ROOFING SYSTEM CABIN & BUNKHOUSE 10672 MITIWAN RD, ISABELLA PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: CONTRACT AMOUNT AUGUST 28 2015 CABIN ~ GRAND TOTAL ALL WORK ·~- LESS PAYMENTS PAYMENT RECEIVED 10°/o BALANCE ON CONTRACT ADD FOR TITANIUM UDL SYNTHETIC FELT NOT IN ORIGINAL BXD DOCUMENTS LESS FOR GOODWILL SALES COMISSION DUE ON COMPLETION OF WORK 3375 SF @ $.25 SF $19,705.00 $2,974.00 $22,679.00 {$15,000.00} $7,679.00 $843.75 -$100.00 $8,422.75 HELLO MITCH- WE HAD TO ADD FOR THE SYNTHETIC FELT THAT WAS NOT IN OUR ORIGINAL BID OR FEMA BID INFORMATION RECEIVED. WE HAD TO ADD THE VALUE OF THIS WORK TO OUR FINAL AMOUNT DUE. I'VE INCLUDED A $100.00 DISCOUNT WHICH IS ALL WE CHARGED EXTRA TO DO THE NEIGHBOR'S SHINGLE WORK. I HOPE YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS WITH OUR GOODWILL. PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU'D LIKE TO TALK MORE ABOUT THIS. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION AND PAYMENT ACCORDING TO OUR CONTRACT TERMS. Upon receipt of your payment in full, this invoice will act as your final waiver of mechanic's lien rights as per MN Statutes EFF 980101. PLEASE CALL WITH ANY QUESTIONS. . ' \ fr•P-+ --e__Lc;yJiv ) - Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have made a examination of all records and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it Is true, correct and complete. Respectfully Submitted, B C~ NDA LOOSEN, GENERAL MANAGER SSIC ROOFING SYSTEMS K.F. LOOSEN CONSTRUCTION Co. lNC. rralsf b7M-R~eolpt and Waiver of Mochanlca' L.len. RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANICS' LIEN RIGHTS (Approved by Mlnnenpolfs Real Estate Board) N, B.-It Is Important that. the following directions bo clo.,el)· followed Bs otherwls\l lhc receipt WILL NOT BE 1. '\.19ffsT~OLEGAL lNSTROMENT a.nd must be executed accordingly by ol'rlcers ot corporation& c.nd by partners In co-partnerships, 2, lt Is Important tho.t ALL the blanks be completed o.n<l the AMOUNT PAID OE SHOWN. 3. u po.ymont Is not In tull to dato, so sto.te, SHOW UNPAID BALANCE. and strike out last three lines. 4. A receiPt similar to this or legal waiver ot lien rights will be requlrod tor all plumbing, heating and plaster· lnll' materials, etc. ~. NO ERASUtu:s OR ALTERATIONS MUST Blll MADE • ...................?.~.P..~.~m.~~.r.<Do.te) ... ~.1....?..9.~.?.........................., 1 [} ............... The unders~!fned aclcrwtvledgcs hauir~g receiued paynu:nb of .........................................................,................................,. .............. ....... .!.~.~.~.~.Y..J.~t~~.. Jbg.Y.~.?.n9 ... f.~.~.r.:...~.~D.~.r.~9 .. J~.~n.tY..::IW.9..J....?..?./9.Q..............DOLL.1RS, (Amount Paid) ($....?.~.,.1?.?..~.?..~.~.~., Fro1n .. .M.i.t.{;.b... J;,Q.$.t.].~Y................................................................................................................................................... in fu lt pay1ncn f. oI (Name of · Payo~) al~ .... J.~.R.Q.r... A.~~~gr.:)..g.J. . ..f9..r. ....i.n§.t.?.:lJ..~.t.i.9.D ... !?.f...f'1gt.:-:.I.1.J..~... B9.9.HD.9....$.Y..~:tgm ... !?.D. ...h.9.Y.~.~... !i!... !?.hi.D.~hg.Y.~.e • (Kind of Materie.l or Labor) by the undersigned deliueJ•ed or fr~rni.~lted to (or perfonnr.chtf.} ............................................................................................. 10642 Mitiwan Lake Rd, Isabella MN ................................................................................................?........................................................................................................................................................ . ...........................................................................................(.i:it;~~i:".idd~~~~"(;; "L'~·~~i"i)~;;;j·~;i·~;:;i·""""""'""'"'"'""'"'""'""""""""'"'"""'""'"""""'""'"' and for value recclued hereby wa.ives aLl rirlhts which may have baen aoqlbired by the u'TU.lersidned to file meohanio'8 lle-n a.J!ain.9t said preml.9e.s for labor, skiU or mq,terial f'!trnished to said premises prior to the date hmwf. Class1c Roo 1ng .Systems PLUMBING, HEATING~ PLASTERING contractors must sign statement on reverse hereof. ~~-?. ~~ . t·~·~.:t_l,~.".. .~.~.~~. . ~."..~.:. . . . . . . -·-··-" .." ...." ... .. ~. j ............2.........~~....~ ........................... (Title) A ddJ•ess ...... .4.Q~~....I.WJO..J.g.~~-~ ...!?.r.J.Y.~............................ Cloquet, MN 55720 218-879-0208 Human Resources Department Cammie B. Young Human Resources Administrator 601 Third Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: (218) 834-8394 ~ Fax: (218) 834-8482 Website: Therese Lorntson, Administrative Assistant DATE: TO: FROM: RE: October 1, 2015 Lake County Board of Commissioners Cammie Young Request for Board Action on October 13, 2015 The Department of Human Resources requests consideration for board action on the following: 1. Approve the change in employment status of Ross Hoffman, GIS Analyst, due to completion of probation effective September 30, 2015. 2. Approve the changes to the Shop Helper job description without comparable worth review. 3. Approve the recruitment for one full-time Shop Helper. An equal opportunity employer. Human Resources Cammie B. Young Human Resources Administrator 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 Phone: (218) 834-8394- Fax: (218) 834-8482 Website: Therese Lorntson, Administrative Assistant Date: October 1, 2015 To: Board of Commissioners From: Personnel Committee Re: Shop Helper The Personnel Committee met on September 5, 2015, with Krysten Foster regarding a request to reinstate a Shop Helper to the Highway Department. The estimated cost for this position is $64,000. She believes she could recoup about half of that by reduCing mechanics' overtime, eliminating the Finland cleaning contract, and not filling the temporary shop helper and one of the temporary laborers that have been filled in previous years. She anticipates further cost savings with this position assisting with improving equipment maintenance and inventory recordkeeping, reducing parts/repairs expenditures through more frequent vendor comparisons, increasing in-house attention to maintaining OSHA-compliant shops, and reducing the number of hours the operators spend assisting the mechanics. The Personnel Committee recommends approving the Shop Helper position. An equal opportunity employer. SHOP HELPER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CLASS: Under immediate supervision of the Two Harbors Highway Foreman, performs routine, repetitive, manual duties in assisting in the cleaning and custodial maintenance of mechanical equipment, vehicles, office and shop areas, lawn care and sidewalk maintenance according to applicable policies, procedures, and regulations. Work is performed in a garage and storage yard setting, inside or outside as assigned. Consequence of error could result in possible injury to self or others. SUPERVISORY CONTROLS: Position reports directly to the Two Harbors Highway General Foreman. Work is performed according to oral or written instructions. Assignments are checked arid performance is evaluated on adherence to instructions, established department standards and achievement of department head approved goals. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: (The following are illustrative only and are not intended to be all inclusive or restrictive.) Cleans and performs light maintenance of the exterior and interior of assigned work spaces including window washing, sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, and trash disposal. Washes, cleans, and vacuums interior and exterior areas of vehicles and equipment. Maintains equipment and custodial closets in clean and orderly condition. Maintains grounds including mowing grass and snow removal. Works with Mechanics to keep shop area in clean and orderly condition. Runs errands including vehicle shuttling, picks up supplies, and delivers the same. Works with colleagues to maintain related electronic and paper files. Performs related duties as assigned. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Knowledge of cleaning and custodial maintenance methods, materials, and equipment. Some knowledge of the standard tools, materials, methods, and practices of the mechanical trades. Knowledge of and ability to maintain safe work practices and methods. Skill in the safe operation of various types of motor vehicles. Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions. Ability to perform manual tasks involving the relocation of heavy equipment, tools, parts, and supplies. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers. Ability to use current computer systems. Ability to obtain Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 30-hour course completion card. Ability to work outdoors, in various weather and terrain. Ability to sit, stand, walk, climb, bend, reach, and crouch for extended periods of time and have vision corrected to 20/20. Ability to lift and carry up to 100 pounds. Ability to wear required personal protective equipment. Ability to maintain required Commercial Driver's License. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR WORK: Graduation from high school or GED equivalent. Possession and retention of a valid Minnesota Class "A" Driver's license. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: One (1) year of documented full-time paid experience in a mechanical/shop environment. County Board Resolution 96040904 Effective Date April 9, 1996 Last review /Revision date: October 13, 2015 Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Subject: Jodi Anderson Thursday, October 01, 2015 1:51 PM Laurel Buchanan Request for Board Action. Hi Laurel, Please add the following to the agenda for the next Board meeting. Approve the renewal of all current liquor/wine license holders for the calendar year 2016 contingent upon the approval of the County Attorney and Sheriff and payment of applicable fees. Thank you, Jodi Anderson Deputy Auditor Lake County 6013rd Ave Two Harbors, MN 55616 218-834-8318 1 LAKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616-1517 (218)834-8325 FAX 834-8365 PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR LAND USE ISSUES This notice is being sent to you because the County land ownership records show you as the owner of record of property near the proposed activity. Hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission to acquire information which might assist them in making land use decisions as provided by State Statute. If you have information which will aid them in the decision making process, you may attend the meeting, write a letter, or send a fax. Telephone calls cannot be accepted as there is no way to make them part of the record. The Commission is a decision making body and appeals to their decisions may be taken to District Court. It is their job to receive input, review the tests required by the Ordinance, and make a recommend-ation to the County Board for final decision. The purpose of the public meeting is not to determine popular vote, but to acquire information which must be evaluated within the framework of official controls. DATE OF MAILING: TO: RE: Submitted by: October 1, 2015 Adjoining Property Owner(s) and Parties in Interest Interim Use Application (1-15-006) (Parcel #28-631 0-1367 5) Jane Shallow 5418 Twin Lake Terrace North, Crystal, MN 55429 The above party has applied for renewal of the existing Interim Use Permit, 1-15-006, for property described as follows: S. 685.96 ft. of Gov. Lot 9, Section 13, Township 63, Range 10, 32.50 acres, zoned RR/Residential Recreational, one acre minimum, Fall Lake Township. This request, if approved, would renew the existing "Vacation Rental Home" Interim use permit at the above described property (on Triangle Lake) for up to five (5) years. As an owner of property within 1/4 mile or more of the affected area or as a party in interest, you and the public are invited to attend the public hearing for this case scheduled for October 19, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center of the Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. Written comments will be accepted in the Planning & Zoning Office, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 until October 15, 2015. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this notice, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of the hearing. Statute requires we notify the affected Town Board and any city within two (2) miles of this action. The following officials of the Town of Fall Lake have been sent a copy of this notice: Supervisor: Supervisor: Supervisor: Clerk: Rod Gruba, 13460 N. Pine Road, Ely, MN 55731 Mary Tome, 686 Point Drive, Ely, MN 55731 James A. Takvam, 13439 Black Bear Trail, Ely, MN 55731 Marlene Sku be, 13550 Thirteen Corners, Ely, MN 55731 For further information contact Lake County Planning & Zoning, Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616, Telephone 218.834.8325 Fax: 834.8365. .•.. D. SKiiTCH .: ..If ah_. interim us~ I$ req~fr~d,·- _.a odp{()(. that eketch may be att~ohed, ·. ::. -., ·.. ,. · ..... ,. -. ,. ..,., ·_ . ··. ';'. ,'_,; -,. The purpose of the sketch is to graphically illustrate the Information included in your application. Location of \.'i Location of Location of ~ Parking area with dimensions LAKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616-1517 (218)834-8325 FAX 834-8365 PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR LAND USE ISSUES This notice is being sent to you because the County land ownership records show you as the owner of record of property near the proposed activity. Hearings are conducted by the Planning Commission to acquire information which might assist them in making land use decisions as provided by State Statute. If you have information which will aid them in the decision making process, you may attend the meeting, write a letter, or send a fax. Telephone calls cannot be accepted as there is no way to make them part of the record. The Commission is a decision making body and appeals to their decisions may be taken to District Court. It is their job to receive input, review the tests required by the Ordinance, and make a recommendation to the County Board for final decision. The purpose of the public meeting is not to determine popular vote, but to acquire information which must be evaluated within the framework of official controls. DATE OF MAILING: TO: RE: Submitted by: Property Address: October 1, 2015 Adjoining Property Owner(s) and Parties with Interest Interim Use Application (1-15-007) (Parcel #27-5707-22560) Eric & Diane Lindberg 6536 Timberline Trail, Finland, MN 55603 5506 Little Marais Road, Finland, MN 55603 The above parties have applied to renew their existing Interim Use Permit, 1-15-007, for property described as follows: that part of NW 'X of SW 'X southwest of Co. Hwy, Section 22, Township 57, Range 7, 5 acres, zoned R-2/Residential five acre minimum, Crystal Bay Township. This request, if approved, would renew the existing Interim use permit for the "Vacation Rental Home" located at 5506 Little Marais Road, Finland, MN 55603 for up to five (5) years. As an owner of property within 1/4 mile or more of the affected area or as a party in interest, you and the public are invited to attend the public hearing for this case scheduled for October 19, 2015 at 6:30p.m. in the Law Enforcement Center of the Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616. Written comments will be accepted in the Planning & Zoning Office, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 until October 15, 2015. If you know of any interested property owner who, for any reason, has not received a copy of this notice, it would be greatly appreciated if you would inform them of the time and place of the hearing. Statute requires we notify the affected Town Board and any city within two (2) miles of this action. The following officials of Crystal Bay Township have been sent a copy of this notice: Supervisor: Supervisor: Supervisor: Clerk: Paul Hartshorn, PO Box 544, Finland, MN 55603 Roger C. Peterson, 5159 Silver Hill Drive, Finland, MN 55603 David Abazs, 5879 Nikolai Road, Finland, MN 55603 Debra Johansen, PO Box 572, Finland, MN 55603 For further information contact Lake County Planning & Zoning, Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616, Telephone 218.834.8325 Fax: 834.8365. The purpose of the sketch is to graphically illustrate the infonnation included in your application. Location of Location of D all structures & dimensions of D driveway D access road (labeled) Location of D property lines (size and shape of parcel) D well, septic & drain fields c-EJshoreline (if applicable) N 'Pr~lkw~ . pw~· 35' 'A ?5" lo5r 1 ·zz I D parking area & dimensions . MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioners and County Administrator DATE: 9/16/2015 FROM: Grant Mjelde/Facilities Manager RE: Exterior LED Light Wall Packs-LEC, Acquisition Request Board action Request to: Approve purchase and installation of new LED Light Packs, for outside the law Enforcement Center, from Silver Creek Electric for the amount of $4,991.00. Reason for purchase of new lights: Lighting technology has advanced dramatically since the construction of the law Enforcement Center in 1997. The current LEC light packs were installed during construction of the building. With the advanced technology of the maintenance free LED light, we can save energy and increase the life of the bulbs to 50,000 hours. Budget implications: The following expenses will be paid out of the maintenance budget: 01-111-100-0000-6610 Capital Outlay Building $5,000 Silver Creek Electric LLC Estimate 1742Hwy2 Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218)-409-4906 Date Estimate# 8/23/2015 451 Name I Address Lake County Grant Mjelde 601 3rd Ave. Two Harbors, MN 55616 Project Description Qty Total materials and labor estimation Electrical inspection tees. Equipment Rental costs Scope: Removal and disposal of twelve exterior wall packs and installation of 12 new LED wall packs on the exterior of the sherift's office. Thank you for considering Silver Creek Electric for your electrical project. Total Rate 3,730.00 40.00 300.00 Total 3,730.00 40.00 300.00 $4,070.00 Proposal: E-3406-1 Date: 09/10/2015 Division o£ Holden Electric Company Inc. 925 20th Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616- Phone: 218-834-9226 Fax: 218.834.6596 Email: Website: License #EA000866 Proposal Submitted To: Grant Mjelde Company: Lake County Name: Address: City/St/Zip: Two Harbors MN 55616 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Job or Location: Law Enforcement Bldg Name: Address: Citv/St/Zio: Two Harbors MN 55616 Brief Work Description: Exterior LED Light Wall Packs-Law Enforcement Bldg We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completion of: Replace 14 wall packs on exterior of Law Enforcement Building with 14 new Energy Solutions F-WPC200-P3H50 50 Watt LED 5000K wall packs. All material is guaranteed to be as specified, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of: Four thousand nine hundred ninety one dollars ($4,991.00) Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written order, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyond our control Respectfully submitted: Bill Anderson/Nick Musel Per_______________________________ ACCEPTANCE This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Signature"-----------------------Date___________________________ Laurel Buchanan From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sharon Lind Friday, October 02, 2015 12:56 PM Laurel Buchanan Steve Vankekerix; Chrissy Libal LVMH invoice LMVH inmate treatment 9-15-15.pdf Lauret Can you put this on for approval at the next Board meeting? The language to use is: "Authorize payment in the amount of $2,806.43 to Lake View Memorial Hospital for medical services provided to a Lake County Jail inmate." Thanks, cfh.a~t.on. Office Assistant Lake County Sheriff's Office 613 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-8440 This e-mail message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information that may be confidential and/or legally protected. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately delete this e-mail. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this e-mail by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this e-mail or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. For persons with disabilities this information is available in other formats by contacting us at (218) 834-8385. 1 Venders Number 534 Warrant Number ----------~~--------- Total$ Amount ------------------ Date Paid LAKE COUNTY, MINNESOTA Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616 Claimant's Name LAKE VIEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Address 325 11TH AVENUE City TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 Date of Delivery Itemize Fully 9/15/2015 $Amount inmate medical treatment $2,806.43 I declare under penalties of perjury that I am (insert title of office and name of firm, if claim Is by a firm) the claimant making the within claim; that I have examined said claim and the same is just and true; that the money therein charged was actually paid for the purposes therein stated; that the property therein charged was actually delivered or used for the purposes therein stated, the value therein charged; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and were of the value therein charged; that the fees therein charged are offical and such as are allowed by law; that no part of said claim has been paid; and said claim against LAKE COUNTY is for $ Date Signature of claimant ---------------------------FUND DEPARTMENT 1 Approved by: PROGRAM SERVICE OBJECT 202 :;1 fl ~f.-.::::-./- 6381 Date: $AMOUNT $2,806.43 K)-O G-{5 this claim has been examTiled an~tlw gooils orservicej t~ein referred to, have been delivered or rendered, and the amount claimed is correct. This claim has been found to be correct and ordered paid by Resoluntion of the County Board committee on claims and accounts Chairman, Lake County Board of Commissioners VIEW MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 325. ii'riiA.vE: TliO .HARBORS .MN 55616-1300 21883-4"7316 ATTN SHARON LIND 613 3RD AVENUE TWO HARBORS MN 55616 0259 0260 0272 0300 0300 0300 DRUGS/OTHER IV THERAPY STERILE SUPPLY LAB LAB LAB 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 7 1 1 1 0300 0300 LAB LAB 0350 CT SCAN EMERG ROOM 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 091515 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 091515 1 0450 0450 0450 0450 0636 0636 0730 0981 EMERG ROOM EMERG ROOM EMERG ROOM DRUG/DETAIL CODE DRUG/DETAIL CODE EKG/ECG PRO FEE/ER 25 1 31 ;oo 174 :so 203 :2o 27 :s1 265 ;12 262 :55 136 lOB 1201 433 188 174 682 ;95 ;?7 :97 :so ;oo :so :so 42 :oo 52 ;42 148 :oo 905 ;1o : :