M0110 RIDC - BROCHURE landscape


M0110 RIDC - BROCHURE landscape
Roscommon County Enterprise Board
Message from Louise Ward, Acting CEO
Roscommon County Enterprise Board is the statutory agency to develop micro business (less than 10 employees) at a local
level throughout the county. Since 1993, we have provided a range of flexible and innovative support services to small
businesses within Roscommon and are on hand to answer your queries regarding access to grant aid for both new and existing
We also run a diverse range of training programmes for both the start up entrepreneur and the more established business
person. Our website www.roscommon.ie publishes the details of courses on offer. Entrepreneurs should also take a look at our
business network, the Roscommon Business Network, which meets monthly and is a fantastic forum for promotion of your
In addition to working directly with businesses, we also work with schools to promote and facilitate the development of an
enterprise culture within the educational system.
To discuss your business idea, please contact the
Roscommon County Enterprise Board on 090 6626263
For further information about our enterprise supports
please visit www.roscommon.ie.
Roscommon LEADER Partnership
Message from Martina Earley, CEO
We are delighted to bring you a flavour of the enterprising projects that have availed of funding from Roscommon LEADER
Partnership and from our colleagues in Roscommon County Enterprise Board. These rural entrepreneurs are a leading example
of developing their businesses with the support of willing local funders. We hope they will act as an encouragement to you to
avail of the wealth of supports available. In business, now is the time to be brave if we can at all! At the time of writing there is
circa €6 million LEADER/Rural Development funding to be dispersed in Co. Roscommon between now and 2013. This is
excellent news if you are a small enterprise, a farm family or a community group with an idea.
The LEADER programme today is a flexible and responsive programme with a very strong focus on providing significant grant
aid to support enterprise, employment, quality of life and training. Are you engaging with this programme? If not, why not? In
offering support to your enterprise or business project, we can tailor the most appropriate and effective funding solution for your
circumstances. Partnership is key to our approach. We work in tandem with Roscommon County Enterprise Board, Roscommon
County Development Board, FAS, Roscommon VEC, and crucially with the private sector. We look forward to hearing from you.
To discuss your business idea, please contact the
Roscommon LEADER team on 090 6630252
For further information about the wider remit of our organisation
please visit our new website on www.rosleaderpartnership.ie.
Supporting innovative tourism businesses
Shannon River Adventure Centre
Roscommon Leader Partnership were of great
assistance to us, I would highly recommend
approaching them to any budding entrepreneur.
Tommy Gaffney, Rooskey, Co. Roscommon
Shannon River Adventure Centre offers a wide range of water &
land based outdoor activities suitable for both adults and children.
Activities include canoeing, kayaking, raft-building, pier jumping,
orienteering, eco tours and a range of team building activities
including archery, spider web games and barbeques.
Located on the banks of the Shannon at Bofin Lake close to
Rooskey, Co. Roscommon.
Snapshot of the Business
Kayaking is probably the most popular activity at Shannon River
Adventure Centre as it is a sport for all ages and abilities. Tommy’s
marketing strategy targets school groups, people with special
needs, hens and stags, companies for team building days and so
on. Shannon River Adventure Centre runs summer camps for
children in the months of July and August. All instructors are fully
qualified, and all activities are fully insured.
Tommy Gaffney came up with his business idea through his
involvement in watersports since his early childhood. He often
wondered if he could make a living from doing what he loved. His
first step was to acquire the skills and Tommy enrolled on a course
to become a qualified watersports instructor. In 2008 Tommy took
his first step into business by buying wooden kayaks and together
with borrowed wet suits he was ready to get his new adventure
business started in a very small way.
Seeking Support
Seeing the potential, Tommy prepared a business plan
considering the setting up a dedicated adventure centre on the
Shannon. But, like many new businesses, he was unsure if and
how he could get funding support. Contacting Roscommon
LEADER Partnership, Tommy obtained all the advice he needed
and was supported in preparing a funding application for his new
exciting project. The business was awarded capital grant aid for
50% of the eligible capital cost which covered building
renovations and equipment.
The building where Shannon River Adventure Centre is based was
an old school dating back to famine times. Now this Roscommon
man has restored the building into a hub of fun, nature and
outdoor education. When this project is fully complete Tommy will
have a games room, toilet and shower facilities, kitchen facilities
for groups and an equipment room & equipment.
Tommy’s Advice
Tommy would advise anyone thinking of approaching
Roscommon LEADER Partnership to “ really love what you are
hoping to do and research it well. The people in Roscommon
LEADER Partnership were of great assistance to him and would
recommend approaching them it to any budding entrepreneurs”.
New Plans
Tommy’s future is bright, his phone is ringing and he is hoping to
expand his project into a top class campsite.
How to apply for LEADER grant aid
for your innovative tourism business?
Roscommon LEADER Partnership offers funding supports
to a wide spectrum of tourism projects, both private and
community owned to fulfil their potential.
Typical projects would include:
• Development of tourism projects such as visitor
attractions, recreation businesses, crafts, ecotourism,
genealogy, archaeology etc.
• Support for tourism marketing.
• Support developing tourism facilities and amenities.
• Support for select tourism accommodation
(where gaps exist).
• Encouraging the use of ecommerce facilities for online
booking and information services.
• Development of forests for countryside recreation.
Shannon River Adventure Centre,
Kon-Tiki Road, Roosky, Co. Roscommon
Contact: Tommy Gaffney
Tel: 071 96 38300 Mob: 087 2077559
Email: info@shannonriveradventure.com
Web: www.shannonriveradventure.com
find us on facebook...
• Encouraging the transformation of disused
railway lines, canal towpaths, bog roads etc.
into heritage tourism use.
• Research and feasibility studies in the areas of tourism,
countryside recreation and infrastructural
needs in Co. Roscommon.
To discuss your tourism project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership may assist,
contact Claire Carty on 090 6630252
Supporting innovative agri diversification projects
Hillside Organic & Holistic Farm
Roscommon LEADER Partnership is a well run
operation and a great support to any small business.
Sean & Helen Butler, Brideswell, South Roscommon
Hillside Organic & Holistic Farm is a real hub of agri diversification.
The 80 acre farm, home to the Butler family for many generations,
was converted to organic in 2004. The farm has recently
diversified to include public allotments (encouraging people to
grow their own), delivering interesting training workshops (from
bee keeping to creating a herb garden), online sales of their
organic beef and lamb and opening a holistic centre. Their
website www.hillsidefarm.ie is beautifully presented and really
captures the ethos and commercial potential of their innovative
farm based business.
Brideswell, South Roscommon
Sean and Helen Butler are the promoters behind Hillside Organic
& Holistic Farm. The Butlers are very motivated by their
commitment to a local food ethos. Helen feels that people have
lost the understanding of where food has come from. They are
trying to bridge the gap by bringing people back to the land
allowing them to see where food is grown and how it is produced
and encouraging their customers to play their part in this process.
“There is great pleasure in knowing the meal that you produced
has predominately come from your own garden.”
Not only is Helen a busy farmer and holistic practitioner, she also
finds the time to chair RosWIN, the business women’s network in
Co. Roscommon.
Seeking Support
When the Butlers contemplated diversifying their farm to increase
their income generation, they researched if there were any grants
available to help them set up their new agri based business
venture. In this search, they came across Roscommon LEADER
Partnership’s assistance for agri diversification projects. Their
application was successful and funding was secured for allotment
fencing, a new parking area and other necessary works to give
public access to farm areas.
Without the assistance of Roscommon LEADER Partnership’s
Sean and Helen are clear that would not be able to fund the
project themselves. ‘It has been a wonderful aid in establishing our
business.’ The business also secured website development
funding from Roscommon County Enterprise Board which
supported their most important marketing tool www.hillsidefarm.ie.
The Butler’s Advice
In terms of advise the Butlers would give to any new business
venture thinking of applying for Roscommon LEADER Partnership
agri diversification grant assistance the couple recommend that
“you really look at what you want to do and plan it out. Go to
Roscommon LEADER Partnership and talk to one of the staff who
will go through your idea and share their knowledge. They will also
assist you in the Leader application which is quite extensive.
Roscommon LEADER Partnership are available to assist in any
way they can and are the local face of the LEADER project, it is a
well run operation and a great support to any small business.”
Hillside Organic and Holistic Farm
Co. Roscommon
How to apply for LEADER grant aid
for your innovative Agri
Diversification project?
Roscommon LEADER Partnership offers funding supports
to motivate farm families to create ‘on farm’ employment in
non agricultural businesses.
Typical projects would include:
• Provision of tourism facilities including the renovation of
farm buildings for tourism purposes, walking, cycling,
angling, pony trekking, bird watching etc.
• Development of niche tourism and educational services
such as open farms, arts and crafts, etc.
• Development of farm shops selling home/locally grown
produce and manufactured products.
• Establishment of renewable energy and environmental
To discuss your Agri Diversification project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership may assist,
contact Patsy Daly on 090 6630252
Contact: Sean & Helen Butler
Tel: 090 96 83708
Mob: 086 6021962
Email: info@hillsidefarm.ie
Web: www.hillsidefarm.ie
find us on facebook...
Funding for Community Group Training & Marketing
Boyle Chamber of Commerce
Getting LEADER funding in place was very important.
It is important to say that we were assisted in our
application every step of the way.
Ciaran O’Connor, Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Like many small towns in Co. Roscommon, Boyle and its
businesses have been challenged by the downturn. Recognising
the need for proactive measures, businesses and community
organisations came together with two key objectives:• Develop a group branding and marketing campaign to enhance
Boyle’s reputation as a centre of best practice for arts,
tourism and community Development, stimulate green
entrepreneurship and creative industries and gain national
recognition for the town that will drive sales and increase
revenue for the town.
• To upskill in a wide host of topics from getting to grips with
social media to environmental planning to improve their
Boyle Chamber of Commerce are also working closely with
Roscommon County Enterprise Board who are providing funding
support towards the development of a Green Enterprise Centre in
the town, opening late 2011.
Who and How?
Led by Boyle Chamber of Commerce, the ’Better Boyle’ project
was kick started by conducting research with all the businesses
and organisations in the area. A questionnaire was widely
circulated to ascertain what actions could be taken to build a
positive business outlook in the town and what were the key areas
that the community could address.
This consultation also involved a training needs analysis to
establish the skills gaps in the Boyle business community.
Seeking Support
Armed with their research findings, Boyle Chamber of Commerce
approached Roscommon LEADER Partnership for funding
guidance. Developing a costed project plan was the first step in
preparing two funding applications – one for training (funded at
100% of cost) and one for marketing (funded at 50% of cost).
Match funding has been raised through various fundraising
campaigns - Ciaran O’ Connor, Co President of the Chamber says
when the business community see the professionalism of the
marketing actions, they have been happy to come on board to
match fund the various marketing actions. “Getting this funding in
place was very important. It is important to say that we were
assisted in our application every step of the way. We are very
grateful to Roscommon LEADER Partnership for all their help and
we hope to build on this initial campaign with future plans! We
have only begun!”
Boyle Chamber’s Advice
One piece of advices Ciaran O’Connor would give to any
organisation looking for assistance from Roscommon LEADER
Partnership would be to “make sure you have a strong application
and get your tendering and paperwork in order from the outset.
Getting advice and support when preparing the application really
stood and made it easier for us to progress as a voluntary group.”
How to apply for LEADER grant aid
for your marketing project?
Marketing has never been more important to make an
impact for your project or business. Funding of up to 50%
is available for the costs incurred in marketing materials
such as:•
Printed Material (i.e. brochures, catalogues, fliers etc.)
Website development
Media advertising
To discuss your marketing project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership can assist please
contact Claire Carty on 096 6630252
For more information on
Better Boyle please contact :
The Boyle Chamber of Commerce,
Shopping Arcade,
Bridge St., Boyle, Co. Roscommon.
Tel: 086 3200915
Email: info@boylechamber.ie
Photos courtesy of Sean O'Dowd
How to apply for LEADER grant aid
for your training project?
Roscommon LEADER Partnership offers funding supports of
100% for the provision of training.
Applicants must prepare a Training Plan. There are no set
guidelines for this but the following is a brief outline of what
should be included:
• Who – Your background and proposed training course
outline; aims and objectives of the training course
• How – Methodology (e.g. workshops, practical training)
• How much – Cost of carrying out the training course,
• When – timeframe i.e. how long will the course run for
and when it will be held
• End Product – what result do you expect
To discuss your training project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership can assist,
please contact Claire Carty on 096 6630252
Funding for Business Creation & Development
Innovative Fitness Solutions Ltd
What impresses me is that Roscommon
LEADER Partnership were in a position to assist me
from the idea stage of my business.
Joe Whyte, Deerpark, Boyle Co. Roscommon
Joe Whyte is a young entrepreneur who has recently set up his
company Innovative Fitness Solutions Ltd in Boyle. The business
will originate, design and manufacture superior and next
generation fitness equipment utilizing smart design, superior
functionality and innovative technology. The core company
product is based on the principles of fitness pods fitted with a
vacuum pump, treadmill and custom built software.
Joe is a Roscommon graduate (Bachelor of Science (Honours) in
Design and Technology Education GMIT Letterfrack 2009/2010)
who saw the opportunity to use his technical and innovation
background to establish a new manufacturing business in the
county. The company has secured a manufacturing unit in Boyle
which will be used as the production and marketing base for the
Seeking Support
While Joe had done a considerable amount of market research
and initial product design work, he needed to acquire professional
assistance to guide the electronic and aesthetic design of the
product and develop a working and testable prototype.
Attending a Roscommon LEADER Partnership funding briefing,
Joe was delighted to hear that funding was available under
Technical Assistance to engage consultants to assist him with
product design and prototyping. Funding of up to 75% to a
maximum of €30,000 is available. Working with his contractors,
the prototype has now been completed and will act as a
production template; it has been rigorously tested and is almost
ready to go into production.
Following Innovative Fitness Solutions Ltd’s technical assistance
grant, Joe has recently applied for a capital and marketing grant
for the production establishment phase of the business.
Joe Whyte’s Advice
‘What impresses me is that Roscommon LEADER Partnership are
in a position to assist me from the very start of my business. The
technical assistance grant enabled me to employ the very best
designers and engineers to ensure my product will be world class.
That work completed, I was able to apply for capital grant aid to
get production equipment in place and get my marketing materials
ready (that funding is currently being assessed - fingers crossed!).
Importantly, I was provided with a free consultant who supported
me in completing my funding applications - this made the process
very straight forward’.
Innovative Fitness Solutions Ltd
Deerpark, Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Contact: Joe Whyte
T: 087 906 1454
E: Innovativefitnesssolutionsltd@gmail.com
Roscommon LEADER Partnership
offers funding supports of up to
75% for the provision of technical
To discuss your technical assistance project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership can assist please
contact Sheena O’Dowd on 096 6630252
Supports for Innovation
available from
Roscommon Innovation House
Easy access to free professional advice and support for
the development of new business ideas. Led by Roscommon
LEADER Partnership in conjunction with Roscommon County
Enterprise Board, this service offers timely, free advice and
support without the need to go through cumbersome and
time-consuming application procedures.
Anybody with new or existing business ideas that
would like the benefit of sound professional advice to assist
them should contact Roscommon LEADER Partnership or
Roscommon County Enterprise Board
for a positive and confidential consultation.
Roscommon LEADER Partnership
Roscommon County Enterprise Board
Funding for Business Creation & Development
Bikram Yoga Athlone
I can highly recommend approaching the LEADER
team to discuss your business idea. It certainly
put my new business on a firm footing.
Tricia Fleming, Monksland, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
Bikram Yoga Athlone is a newly opened, purpose-built Bikram
Yoga studio owned and run by Tricia Fleming. Bikram Yoga is an
uplifting, challenging and enjoyable posture series performed in a
heated studio. Centrally located in Monksland, Athlone, the main
studio is capable of accommodating up to 50 clients and features
a unique heating system which is specifically designed to keep
the temperature at the 38-40°C, the appropriate level for Bikram
Yoga. Practiced correctly, Bikram Yoga is proven to have a
profound healing power on the body and is known to considerably
reduce the possibility of injury and illness due to its systematic
working of the body, inside and out.
The aim of Bikram Yoga Athlone is to make yoga as accessible to
as many adults and children as possible, including the local
population and also as a tourism product. The class is for
everyone regardless of age, ability or fitness level. Tricia’s
website www.bikramyogaathlone.com (supported under LEADER
marketing grant aid) goes into a lot more detail about her
Tricia Fleming has over 8 years teaching as a Bikram Yoga teacher
and has taught in studios all over the world, including Bangkok,
Thailand and Johannesburg, South Africa. Returning back to
Ireland, she established classes in Athlone, Longford, Mullingar
and Roscommon. Tricia saw the opportunity to open a dedicated,
purpose built studio (the first outside Dublin and Cork). In addition
to running classes for adults and children, Tricia will encourage
students to develop an interest to train as teachers who in turn will
continue to contribute to the local economy.
Seeking Support
Tricia completed her business plan with the assistance of her
accountant and approached Roscommon LEADER Partnership
with her investment plan. Her dedicated studio required capital fit
out, purchase of equipment and marketing materials. Encouraged
by the LEADER team and supported by their consultant, Tricia
was assisted through the application process and her application
was successful. Tricia applied for funding in mid May and opened
her business, fully equipped in mid August. This was a woman in
a hurry & Roscommon LEADER Partnership was happy to assist!
Tricia Fleming’s Advice
“My experience of approaching Roscommon LEADER Partnership
has been nothing but positive. Yes, the paperwork is a tad
laborious but you are supported from start to finish and my
business is even stronger as a result. I can highly recommend
approaching the LEADER team to discuss your business idea. It
certainly put my new business on a firm footing”.
Bikram Yoga Athlone,
Unit 7D Ground Floor,
Monksland Retail Park,
Monksland, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
Contact: Patrica Fleming
Mob: 086 376 3363
Email: info@bikramyogaathlone.com
Web: www.bikramyogaathlone.com
To assist
promoters prepare
an application for
LEADER funding
(one to one assistance)
is now available
where the project
is eligible
find us on facebook...
See funding supports for business on page 14
To discuss your business project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership can assist please
contact Sheena O’Dowd on 096 6630252
Sheena O’Dowd on 096 6630252
Roscommon LEADER Partnership
Funding for Business Creation & Development
Irish Pallet Systems
The funding agencies in Co. Roscommon have been of
enormous benefit to our business through different phases
of investment, I can highly recommend them.
John Vesey, Ballyclare, Lanesboro, Co. Roscommon
Irish Pallet Systems Ltd is a family owned company established
in 1982 by Jim and Margaret Vesey. Today, the business is one of
Ireland’s leading pallet companies operating from a custom built
facility on a five acre site with 19,000 sq. feet of production /
storage area. The company is now run by Jim’s sons, John who
is in charge of production and Pat who looks after sales while Jim
and Margaret are still involved in the day to day running of the
business. They employ 8 full-time and 2 part-time people.
Irish Pallet Systems Ltd have invested significantly in recent years,
they have their own on site kiln and have the very latest
technology on the market for the production of pallets. They
supply pallets to the following sectors: Pharmaceutical,
Automotive, and Air transport, Agricultural, IT and Electronics
Ballyleague, Lanesboro, Co. Roscommon
Seeking Support
At different stages of their business and for different project
elements Irish Pallet Systems Ltd were the successful recipients
of funding from:
• Roscommon CEB who provided Refundable Capital grant-aid
to support this initiative which is assisting the economic
growth of Roscommon by providing extra job opportunities.
• Roscommon LEADER Partnership funding for capital
investment in equipment.
Irish Pallet Systems Ltd
Co. Roscommon
Contact: John Vesey
Tel: 043 33 21196
Email: irishpallets@eircom.net
Web: www.irishpallets.com
How to apply for
LEADER grant aid for
your business creation
or expansion project?
How to apply for
Roscommon CEB
grant aid for your business
creation or expansion project?
Roscommon LEADER Partnership offers funding supports of
up to 50% on eligible capital equipment to Start-up
enterprises and expanding existing enterprises.
The Financial Supports offered by Roscommon County
Enterprise Board can be summarised as follows:.
Typical projects would include:
• Funding towards the cost of equipment of innovative
products and activities.
• Select investment in upgrading or refurbishment of small
rural enterprise space. Provision of new build enterprise
space where the need can be proven.
• Adoption of new technologies to improve productivity.
• Support for business networks, collective marketing,
local branding initiatives.
• Funding towards the cost of marketing – branding,
design and print of marketing materials, signage, website
and media advertising.
• Technical assistance grants of up to €30,000 or 75% for
developing prototypes, conducting research and
professional technical assistance.
See funding rates on page 18
To discuss your tourism project idea and how
Roscommon LEADER Partnership may assist,
contact Sheena O’Dowd on 090 6630252
• Priming Grants (for businesses trading less than 18
months) of 50% of eligible investment cost up to
€80,000. Grants over €80,000 and up to €150,000 shall
be the exception and shall only apply in the case of
projects that clearly demonstrate a potential to graduate
to Enterprise Ireland and/or to export internationally.
• Business Expansion Grants (for businesses trading
more that 18 months) of 50% of eligible investment
costs up to €80,000. Grants over €80,000 and up to
€150,000 shall be the exception and shall only apply in
the case of projects that clearly demonstrate a potential
to graduate to Enterprise Ireland and /or export
• Feasibility/Innovation Grants (must not exceed 60% of
the investment or €20,000 whichever is the lesser) are
designed to assist the promoter with researching market
demand for a product or service and examining it`s
To discuss your enterprise idea and how
Roscommon County Enterprise Board can assist,
please contact Louise Ward on 090 662 6263
projects supported by Roscommon CEB
Hooker Brewery
Roscommon Town
Co. Roscommon
T: 087 7762823
E: info@galwayhooker.ie
W: www.galwayhooker.ie
Hooker Brewery was established in 2006 by first cousins Aidan
Murphy & Ronan Brennan. Based in Roscommon Town (and
manufacturing under the brand name of Galway Hooker), the
business is dedicated to the production of innovative, natural and
full flavoured craft beers – this is the real deal! Their award
winning products are available in over fifty pubs nationwide and
they have recently launched in off licences with a bottled product.
The primary markets for the new bottled product will be the UK,
US and continental Europe. The business currently employs three
staff. Hooker Brewery has already won several awards, including
being named ‘Best in Ireland’ by the Bridgestone Irish Food
Guide. The company brand is also very strong and the product is
marketed in a bold and mirthful manner in order to generate
maximum impact. The long term goal of the business is to be
Ireland’s premier craft beer producer, both at home and
Support Received The business received capital grant aid from
Roscommon County Enterprise Board to purchase equipment to
increase their production capacity and to modernise their plant.
Anchor Lifting
Services Ltd
Unit 1 Roscommon Business Park,
Racecourse Road, Roscommon
T: 0906 625679
E: anchorliftingservices@eircom.net
This business was set up in 2001 by Mike Cookland and Tom
Cummins. It has a number of specialisms - it supplies overhead
cranes, jib cranes, hoists and auxillary equipment associated with
cranes. It also inspects and tests these products and provides
training in fork trucks, M.E.W.P.’s, teleporters, rigging and
banksmans courses.
A key strength of the company is the technical skills and
experience of the promoters. Mike has a mechanical background
and over 30 years experience in the repair, testing and inspecting
of lifting equipment. Tom is from an industrial/electrical
background and has nearly 20 years relevant work experience.
The business is located in Roscommon town and currently
employs 5 full-time and 2 part-time staff.
Support Received
The business received capital grant aid from Roscommon County
Enterprise Board.
projects supported by Roscommon CEB
Gusclad Ltd
The Printworks
Boyle, Co. Roscommon
Deerpark, Boyle
Co. Roscommon
T: 071 9647035
E: gusclad@eircom.net
W: www.gusclad.ie
T: 071 966 4224
E: sales@theprintworks.ie
W: www.theprintworks.ie
Gusclad Ltd is a family run business based in Ballyfarnon Boyle
Co Roscommon. They have been involved in the steel industry for
over 30 years initially in the supply and erection of farm and
industrial buildings. In 2002, Ian Gunning sought to diversify the
business which is now a leading manufacturer of cladding
including Box Profile Cladding, Corrigated Cladding and Tile
Effect Cladding. It is also Ireland’s sole manufacturer of Slate
Effect Cladding. In addition, the company also markets a wide
range of flashings and accessories ensuring Gusclad Ltd is a one
stop shop for all roofing needs.
Raymond Latimer has a Certificate in Printing from Bolton Street
Institute of Technology. When the company he worked for closed
down in February 2007, he decided to purchase the ‘order book’,
goodwill and some equipment from the owner. He sourced a
3,000 sq ft premises in Boyle and established his new business.
Gusclad Ltd has been supported by Roscommon County
Enterprise Board at various stages of its development and invests
in innovation, market research and training as a key part of its
business strategy. Recent developments include guttering and
accessories specifically for new rainwater systems.
Support Received
The business received capital grant aid from Roscommon County
Enterprise Board.
The Printworks offers a wide range of print services including
brochure printing in full colour and large format outdoor posters;
also business cards, letterheads, docket books, magazines,
leaflets, bespoke wedding stationery, traditional hard back
binding and gold blocking, as well as a range of promotional
items. The business has gone from strength to strength and now
employs 4 full-time and 1 part-time employees including an inhouse graphic designer, who can advise customers about design
and print options, be it a new logo or a complete corporate
Support Received
The business received capital grant aid for the purchase of new
equipment from Roscommon County Enterprise Board. They also
received mentoring support.
✓ Priming Grants ✓
Business Expansion Grants ✓ Feasibility/Innovation Grants
For more information visit www.roscommon.ie
Grant Supports
• Priming Grants (for businesses trading less than 18 months) of 50% of eligible investment cost up to €80,000. Grants over
€80,000 and up to €150,000 shall be the exception and shall only apply in the case of projects that clearly demonstrate a
potential to graduate to Enterprise Ireland and/or to export internationally.
• Business Expansion Grants (for businesses trading more that 18 months) of 50% of eligible investment costs up to €80,000.
Grants over €80,000 and up to €150,000 shall be the exception and shall only apply in the case of projects that clearly
demonstrate a potential to graduate to Enterprise Ireland and /or export internationally.
• Feasibility/Innovation Grants (must not exceed 60% of the investment or €20,000 whichever is the lesser) are designed to assist
the promoter with researching market demand for a product or service and examining it`s sustainability.
Business supports
In addition to providing direct financial assistance, the Roscommon County Enterprise Board also provides a range of `back up`
supports to help you start, promote and grow your business, examples below:
• Management Development and `In Company` Business Training programmes
• Business Advisory Service
This free service and is geared towards those who are considering starting their own businesses, those who have
recently done so and existing start ups that are moving to stage two of their development.
• Mentoring Service `one to one`
✓ Feasibility Studies – Business Planning, Market Research, Prototyping etc.
✓ Purchase of Equipment ✓ Construction of premises ✓ Marketing ✓ Training
Maximum Rate Maximum Amount
Construction & Marketing
Equipment Private
Equipment Community
In exceptional cases the maximum grant amount may be increased to €200,000
and community flagship projects €500,000
Getting in touch is easy...
Roscommon LEADER Partnership
Unit 12 Tower B
Roscommon West Business Park
Golf Links Road
Co Roscommon
Roscommon County Enterprise Board
Government Offices
Ground Floor
Golf Links Road
Co Roscommon
090 6630252
Email: info@rosleaderpartnership.ie
Web: www.rosleaderpartnership.ie
090 6626263
Email: ceb@roscommon.ie
Web: www.roscommon.ie
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