M. Valente 1,2,* , F. Botta3, G. Pedroli3, P. Pérez2,4 CONICET, Buenos Aires; Argentina. FaMAF – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. 3 Medical Physics Department, European Institute of Oncology, Milan; Italy. 4 ANPCyT, Buenos Aires; Argentina. 1 2 * Email: Web site: Introduction: Nuclear medicine & DPK Materials & Methods: Radiation matter interaction & MC simulations Application & Results: 3D Energy deposition & sDPK for Monoenergetic & β- radionuclides Discussion & Conclusions Nowadays, there are interests as well as active investigations devoted to the study and application of radiolabeled molecules, able to selectively target and irradiate tumoral cells. Beta nuclides have proved to be appropriate for radioimmunotherapy. Dosimetric performance of each radionuclide has to be carefully investigated and characterized. One usual and practical dosimetric approach is the calculation of dose distribution about a unit point source of any radionuclide of interest, which is known as dose point kernel (DPK). Special requirements arise from complex spatial activity distribution with extremely non-uniform characteristics. Absorbed dose distribution results from the contribution of primary and scattering radiation. To develop a method capable of performing nuclear medicine dose distributions while separately computing primary and scattering contributions. Starting point: develop a system capable of computing 3D energy deposition(E(x,y,z)). Once E(x,y,z) is attained, scaled Dose Point Kernels become straightforward. Radionuclide sDPK can be obtained by means of the corresponding emission spectrum weights. Dedicated data handling and image processing subroutines (MatLab® supported)for calculation analysis. Due to intrinsic relevant differences between primary and scattering contributions, it may be considered that their separation may be provide a suitable mechanisms aimed to perform LET-dependent equivalent dose calculation. GOAL as end point: Improved (more realistic) TCP and NTCP distributions for nuclear medicine applications. Activity distribution may be determined by means of different modalities. Nowadays it is mainly measured using imaging techniques but otherwise it is also possible to infer it. This information is then incorporated in the treatment planning system in order to obtain an estimation of the dose distribution. The dose distribution about a unit point source of any radionuclide of interest - known as DPK - has proved to be a particularly useful tool for the dosimetric calculation. DPK by means of analytical methods: straightforward only for homogeneous media. A method suitable for DPK by means of Monte Carlo methods: capable of calculating for both homogeneous and heterogeneous media. D s = 1 S E s 4πρ Nuclear medicine radionuclide characterization. Irradiated media (phantom) definition. Radiation transport algorithm: full stochastic Boltzmann equation iterative resolution PENELOPE v. 2008 main code. For a monoenergetic source emitting electrons (E0), absorbed dose per source transformation (D) at a distance s that the electron has traveled from the point source as: 1 D= S E s 4 πρ E0 s≡ ∫ E s dE S E D s = 1 S E s 4πρ The specific absorbed fraction (Ф) at distance s from a monoenergetic point source is Ф (E0, s)=D(s)/E0. It is usually convenient to introduce the scaled DPK for beta particles (F) by: F s R CSDA δE ≡ s E0 δs R CSDA R E0 dE CSDA≡∫ S E 0 δs is shell thickness δE(s) is energy delivered in the shell between s and s + δs. D s = 1 S E s 4πρ Analytical approaches for presented model implicitly assume some approximations like straight-line motion and continuous energy loss for electron interactions. However, well known departures from continuous slowing down arise from multiple scattering and energy loss fluctuations, like delta-ray and Bremsstrahlung production. Contrary to analytical techniques, MC calculations of DPK are capable of more realistic approaches. MC are capable of handling multiple scattering as well as radiative energy losses. Therefore, taken into account that part of the energy loss straggling may be carried out to positions far away, even at distances grater than RCSDA. D s = 1 S E s 4πρ When considering radionuclides instead of monoenergetic sources, it becomes necessary to calculate scaled DPK by means of weighting the corresponding associated spectra, which is usually accomplished by means of decomposing the spectrum into M groups according to the branching probability bi and end-point energy Ei, as follows: M N E =∑ p i N i E i=1 where N indicates the channel intensity 1. CSDA Path model: 2. E S=∫E− ΔE dE =R E −R E− ΔE SE E g − ∫ 1 Angular Distribution: F L ω = ∑ ℓ P ℓ ω e E −ΔE 2 1 ℓ ≥0 g ℓ ≡1−∫ dω P ℓ ω p ω ; ω≡cosθ ; p ω PDF −1 3. Random Hinge: s A =ξs ; s B =s−s A dE ℓ λs Specific subroutine developed based on the PENELOPE v. 2008 main code [Salvat et al]. Calculation system capable of performing scaled DPK calculation in several (even heterogeneous) media for both monoenergetic and radionuclides sources. The developed subroutine can assess primary (dose due to particles emitted by the source) and scattering (due to all kind of dose components that carry out when scattered, like secondaries, etc. particles deposit energy within the shell) contributions. D(i,j,k) for I corresponding to a 15mm radious water-equivalente sphere 131 D(i,j,k) for 131 I corresponding to a 15mm radious water-equivalente sphere Electrons as primary particles: Interaction mechanisms for phase state change or secondary radiation generation: 1. Soft events (energy and angle variations lower than specific threshold values). Elastic collisions. Hard inelastic collisions. Bremsstrahlung emissions. Inner-shell (K, L and M) impact ionizations. Delta interactions. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scaled DPK simulation within 10cm radius waterequivalent sphere computing energy deposition in concentric shells of RCSDA/40 thickness. Applications & Results 1. 2. 3. 4. • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. After preliminary tests, the dedicated MC subroutine has been used for the calculation of in-water energy deposition of monoenergetic sources. A set of different monoenergetic sources: 1keV, 2keV, 5keV 10keV, 20keV, 50keV 100keV, 200keV, 500keV 1MeV, 2MeV, 5MeV Typical beta-minus radionuclides used in nuclear medicine treatments: 90 Y - Yttrium 177 Lu - Lutetium 131 I - Iodine 153 Sm - Samarium 89 Sr - Strontium Applications & Results: Monoenergetic (total) sDPK 10keV sDPK 20keV sDPK 100keV sDPK 200keV sDPK Applications & Results: Radionuclide (total) sDPK 131 Iodine total sDPK 153 Samarium total sDPK 177 Lutetium total sDPK Applications & Results: Primary/Scattering contributions 1MeV sDPK I sDPK 131 90 Y sDPK 177 Lu sDPK Applications & Results Final remarks & Conclusions ✔A dedicated calculation system has been proposed for scaled DPK assessment. ✔Specific Monte Carlo code has been adapted for 3D energy deposition and sDPK calculation. ✔Tensor & image data handling software toolkit has been developed for calculation analysis. ✔The separation of primary and scattering contributions to the total sDPK has been successfully accomplished. Furthermore, different kinds of scattering contribution were also identified. ✔The net effect of LET-weighted equivalent dose, TCP and NTCP calculations has shown to be significant for monoenergetic β- sources, whereas real radionuclides typically used in nuclear medicine present almost negligible differences. ✔However, the situation may be significantly different when considering α-emmitting radionuclides, due to the involved high LET values. ✔Therefore, the presented method may constitute a valuable tool in the precedent case. Thanks for your attention M. Valente , F. Botta3, G. Pedroli3, P. Pérez2,4 1,2,* CONICET, Buenos Aires; Argentina. FaMAF – Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. 3 Medical Physics Department, European Institute of Oncology, Milan; Italy. 4 ANPCyT, Buenos Aires; Argentina. 1 2 * Email: Web site: