Remedial Action Plan - 2 Christina Road, Villawood, NSW Figures AECOM AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information Site Location PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 14 04 2010 0 Site Location 600m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F1 Rev A Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 1 A4 Size care No. store 20 Tank farm 2 AREA G area Bip 1 yri Herbicide plant l ta Pack nk Raw ing s tore N far rials o. 5 m Sub stn No. 1 En gin Of fic R14 Store AREA E ing Pilo labora t tory Hut Cooling pond Drum Hut store Buildin No. 2 g 73 I.H.P.T process building Pilot lab. Store No. 10 Scrubber AREA H eer e Switch room Fo st rme po atic r nd Drum sto (flam re No. 8 mable ) Stormwater reservoir Pla Grassed area nt Efflue treatm nt en plant t AREA B Solid s store mate S No tore .3 05 Pack agin store g dy Drum (flam store mable ) Plant AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information 17 Q.A. Tank farm 1 Store Former equipment graveyard Crop Former empty drum storage area Trade waste Plant 5 Flammable drum store Production offices Store AREA F Crop care finished goods warehouse Store Former Tetramisole plant Store No. 2 33 No. 2 34 Store AREA I AREA A Carpark No. 2 Change room Pump house Canteen Workshop igloo Store Laboratory Garage Main substation No.9 Social club AREA C R & D building Adm inistr OH&S building Vic centre Sales ation Edrich centre AREA D Temporary site offices Carpark No. 1 Pharmaceutical Site CHRISTINA ROAD PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 14 04 2010 0 LEGEND Site boundary Area boundary Remaining above ground structures 50m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F2 Rev A Current and Historical Site Infrastructure Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 2 A3 Size AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information Crop Care Site Pharmaceutical Site PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 14 04 2010 LEGEND Aerial Photograph: May 2000 0 Site boundary Approximate stormwater alignment Water - potable Contaminated Trade Waste Sewer - current/closed 80m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F3 Rev A Site Layout and Historic/Existing Drains and Trade Waste Lines Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 3 A3 Size AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information ISZ 5 BTP7 BTP3 BTS8 TP61 BTP2 TP51 TP57 BTS1 TP53 TP60 TP58 BTS7 BTP6 BTP4 AREA B BTS9 TP62 TP59 TP56 TP55 TP52 TP39 BTS10 TP37 TP63 CSB24 CSB23 CSB18 CSB13 ISZ 4 TP64 BTS5 BSB11 BTP5 ASB06 ASB4 A4 ASB10 ASB17 TP54 BTS11 TP36 TP42 TP38 TP35 BTP1 BTS6 TP65 AREA A CSB14 ASB07 TP66 ASB08 CSB2 CSS2 CSB11 TP68 PBSB18 CSB3 ASB16 CSB20 A3-COMP CSB10 DSB6 DSB1 CSB4 CSB22 CSB25 CSB16 ISZ 10 TP72 GSB11 ESB13 ESB14 FSB22 ESB4 GSB8 GSB24 GSB5 TP27 GSB30 GSB3 AREA F TP29 FSB20 FSB19 FSB24 FSB18 TP28 FSB28 FSB12 TP34 HSB18 TP15 TP81 HSB3 GSB25 HSB17 FSB23 HSB10 HSB27 TP80 HSB4 GSB6 HSB9 TP19 HSB11 HSB26 HSB29 TP20 HSB24 TP79 HSB20 HSB14 HSB25 HSB19 HSB13 GSB4 GSB36 ESB8 AREA E HSB15 GSB28 ESB3 AREA H GSB2 GSB9 GSB7 GSB23 HSB7 TP18 TP16 HSB12 HSB28 TP17 TP82 TP14 TP13 HSB6 HSB5 FSB15 FSB11 TP78 FSB27 FSB29 HSB16 FSB26 TP90FSB14 HSB1 TP23 TP92 ESB7 HSB2 FSB16 ITF02 FSB13 FSB30 TP91 FSB10 FSB5 TP31 ITF01 FSB31 TP89 TP83 TP30 HSB30 TP11 FSB8 FSB6 FSB7 FSB25 FSB9 TP32B TP84 ISB27 TP10 TP12 TP32A TP32C TP73 ISB24 TP86 FSB4 FSB3 FSB1 Store No.233 ISB35 TP87 FSB2 ISB23 TP33 ISB9 ISB34Store ISB21 No.234 ISB28 ISB36 TP9 TP69 TP8 TP74 TP85 ISB10 ISB22 ISB25 DSB8 TP88 ISB26 ISB20 TP7 ITI02 TP75 DSB9 TP76 ISB29 TP77 ISB16 ISB15 ISB7 AREA D ISB12 TP6 ISB8 TP5 TP70 DSB4 ISB30 ISB14 ISB6 DSB2 ISB19 ISB13 TP3 DSB3 ISB11 TP1 ISB5 DSB5 TP4 TP2 ITI01 DSB7 ISB18 ISB4 TP71 ISB3 ISB17 ISB2 ISB31 ESB6 CSB7 CSB15 CSS1 A-SGB ASB14 GSB12 GSB22 TP22 HSB23 TP21 HTP01 TP25 HSB22 TP26 HSB21 GSB1 GSP01 GSB10 TP44 ESB2 ESB12 GSB34 AREA G GSB13 ISZ 7 GSB35 GSB33 GSB32 GSB29 ESB5 CSB9 CSB8 PBSB10 PBSB14 CSB19 A2-VBF ASB15 ASB13 TP45 TP67 ESB10 CSB6 ASB3 ASB2 ESB1 GSB15 GSB20 GSB21 ESB9 ASB1 A1-VBP TP48 GSB14 ISZ 9 GSB16 GSB17 GSB19 ITG02 TP46 TP43 CSB17 AREA C ASB09 TP41 ESB11 CSB12 ASB5 GSB18 TP40 BTP10 CSB5 ITG01 GSB27 GSB31 BTS3 CSB1 ASB12 ASB11 TP47 GSB26 BTS2 BTS4 BTP9 TP49 BTS12 BTP8 TP29 ISZ 1a and 8 FSB17 AREA I ISB32 TP24 ISZ 1b ISB1 ISB33 ISZ 6 PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 09 02 2011 0 ISZ 3 LEGEND Site boundary Area boundary Impacted Soil Zone CH2MHill investigation trench (2005) CH2MHill Soil bore locations 100m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F4 Rev D URS Soil sampling locations CH2M Hill Soil sampling locations HLA Test pit location (2005) HLA Test pit location (2006) ISZ 2 Historic and HLA Soil Sampling Locations and Impacted Soil Zones Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 4 A3 Size MW217 AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information MW47 MW39 MW48 MW38 MW78 BP105 MW49 MW50 MW51 MW15 MW77 MW40 MW37 MW18 OS07A/B MW28 MW23 MW46A-C BP216 MW304 MW24 MW29 MW30 BP213 MW21 MW36 MW45 MW35 MW25 MW26 MW33 MW27 MW303 MW31 MW31/41/42 MW22 MW52 BP209 MW20 BP114 OS06A/B/C MW53A-C BP211 BP208 MW16 BP103 MW19 MW34 MW44A-C MW43A-C BP206 BP207 BP204 BP104 BP212 MW13 BP201 BP210 BP102 MW14 BP205 BP106 BP101 OS05A MW17 OS04A OS03A/B OS10A OS02A/B OS01A/B OS09A/B MW302 MW301 OS08 BP108 BP215 BP214 BP202 BP113 BP112 BP109 PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 14 04 2010 BP107 BP111 LEGEND Historic and AECOM Groundwater Sampling Locations Site boundary CH2MHill Off-Site monitoring well location CH2MHill On-Site monitoring well location URS monitoring well location HLA shallow/deep monitoring well location HLA bundled piezometer location BP110 0 50m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F5 Rev A BP203 Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 5 A3 Size 20 19 21 22 23 24 18 MW217 AECOM does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information displayed in this map and any person using it does so at their own risk. AECOM shall bear no responsibility or liability for any errors, faults, defects, or omissions in the information 17 18.873 19.526 16 19.75 MW47 MW39 MW48 MW49 MW38 MW78 19.803 18.055 BP105 MW50 MW51 MW15 MW77 18.575 MW40 MW37 16.635 MW28 MW23 17.246 MW304 MW18 24.835 OS07A/B BP216 19.28 MW29 MW24 BP213 MW30 19.215 19.60 MW45 17.256 19.48 BP114 MW53A-C BP211 MW35 16.687 19.124 MW21 MW36 MW46A-C 19.175 BP209 MW20 MW22 MW52 MW25 BP206 BP207 19.134 MW16 24.518 BP103 19.15 OS06A/B/C BP208 16.066 MW26 16.235 15.048 17.705 17.95 MW27 MW303 MW33 18.35 MW44A-C 18.525 MW31 MW43A-C MW31/41/42 18.34 MW19 MW34 19.125 BP104 BP212 19.185 MW13 BP204 BP201 19.029 BP210 BP102 MW14 BP205 BP106 BP101 OS05A 18.918 OS04A MW17 18.585 OS03A/B 17.32 OS10A OS02A/B 17.79 OS01A/B OS09A/B 19.56 MW302 19.465 MW301 OS08 BP108 BP215 BP214 BP202 BP113 BP112 BP109 PROJECT ID: S4149701 CREATED BY: TO LAST MODIFIED: TO 14 04 2010 0 BP107 BP111 LEGEND Site boundary Groundwater contour (mAHD) H2MHill Off-Site monitoring well location CH2MHill On-Site monitoring well location URS monitoring well location HLA shallow/deep monitoring well location HLA bundled piezometer location 19.465 Standing water level (mAHD) 50m Map Document: G:\Projects\S4\S41400_S41499\S41497 Orica Villawood RAP\S4149701 RAP\S4149701 F6 Rev A BP203 Shallow Groundwater Potentiometric Surface (Round 1 GME) BP110 Orica Australia Pty Ltd Remedial Action Plan 2 Christina Road Villawood NSW 2163 Figure 6 A3 Size
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