Untitled - Quintessence


Untitled - Quintessence
Cell phones that ring during the performance will be tossed into de profundo lacu.
“Summer” from The Four Seasons, RV 315
Allegro non molto
Adagio e piano – presto e forte
Roberta Arruda, violinist
Joel Becktell, cellist; Frederick Frahm, organist
Antonio Vivaldi
Two Pieces for Cello and Piano
“Après un rêve,” Op. 7 No. 1
Sicilienne, Opus 78
Gabriel Fauré
Joel Becktell, cellist; Frederick Frahm, organist
Concerto in C (Triosonate)
Allegro (BWV 525)
Largo (BWV 1032)
Allegro (BWV 525)
J.S. Bach, arr. Diethard Hellman
Roberta Arruda, violinist; Joel Becktell, cellist; Frederick Frahm, organist
Requiem in D Minor, Op. 48
Gabriel Fauré
The Quintessence Festival Chorus
Ashley Morgan, soprano
Michael Hix, baritone
Matthew Greer, conductor
A reception will follow the performance. Please head down the hall and make three right-hand turns
to find yourself in the Family Life Center. Friendly volunteers will direct you.
The Quintessence Choral Festival is funded by a generous grant from the Music Guild of New Mexico.
Matthew Greer will be hearing auditions for altos, tenors and basses to join the ensemble for the
upcoming season. Singers must be able to sight-read and to learn challenging music on their own.
To schedule an audition, please contact Executive Director April Ueland at april.ueland@gmail.com.
Please put the words “Q Auditions” in the subject line.
Quintessence is an Ensemble‐in‐Residence at St. John's United Methodist Church. Thanks to the
pastors and staff for their support.
Requiem Text and Translation
Introit and Kyrie
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
and let perpetual light shine on them.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
You are praised, God, in Zion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.
and homage will be paid to you in Jerusalem.
Exaudi orationem meam,
Hear my prayer,
ad te omnis caro veniet.
to you all flesh will come.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
and let perpetual light shine on them.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Chorus and Baritone
Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae,
Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory,
libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum
liberate the souls of the faithful departed
de poenis inferni
from the pains of hell
et de profundo lacu.
and from the bottomless pit.
Libera eas de ore leonis,
Deliver them from the lion's mouth,
ne absorbeat eas tartarus,
lest hell swallow them up,
ne cadant in obscurum.
lest they fall into darkness.
Sed signifer sanctus Michael
Let the standard-bearer, holy Michael,
repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam.
bring them into holy light.
Quam olim Abrahae promisisti et semini ejus.
which was promised to Abraham and his descendants.
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth!
Holy, holy, holy
Lord God of Hosts!
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua!
Heaven and earth are full of your glory!
Osanna in excelsis!
Hosanna in the highest!
Pie Jesu
Pie Jesu Domine,
dona eis requiem.
gentle Lord Jesus,
grant them eternal rest.
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem.
grant them rest.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem.
grant them rest.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
dona eis requiem sempiternam.
grant them eternal rest.
Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,
Let eternal light shine on them, Lord,
cum sanctis tuis in aeternum,
as with your saints in eternity,
quia pius es.
because you are merciful.
Requiem aeternum dona eis, Domine,
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis,
and let perpetual light shine on them,
cum sanctus tuis in aeternum,
as with your saints in eternity,
quia pius es.
because you are merciful.
Libera me
Libera me, Domine,
de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda:
Baritone and Chorus
Deliver me, O Lord,
from death eternal on that fearful day,
quando coeli movendi sunt et terra.
when the heavens and earth shall be moved.
Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem.
when you shall come to judge the world by fire.
Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo,
I am made to tremble, and I fear,
dum discussio venerit,
until the judgement be upon us,
atque ventura ira,
and the coming wrath,
quando coeli movendi sunt et terra.
when the heavens and earth shall be moved.
Dies illa, dies irae,
That day, day of wrath,
calamitatis et miseriae,
calamity and misery,
dies magna et amara valde,
day of great and exceeding bitterness,
Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem.
when you shall come to judge the world by fire.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
and let light perpetual shine upon them.
In paradisum
In paradisum deducant te angeli,
in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres,
May angels lead you into paradise,
may the martyrs receive you at your coming
et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
and lead you to the holy city of Jerusalem.
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat,
May a choir of angels receive you,
et cum Lazaro quondam paupere
and with Lazarus, who once was poor,
habeas requiem.
may you have eternal rest.
The Orchestra
Roberta Arruda, violinist
Christine Rancier, Lisa DiCarlo-Finch, Iris MacDowell, Andrea Rutan, violists
Joel Becktell, Dana Winograd, Lisa Collins, Lisa Donald, cellists
Jean-Luc Matton, bassist
Debra Fialek and Robert Buss, hornists
Lynn Gorman DeVelder, harpist
Frederick Frahm, organist
The Quintessence Festival Chorus
*Anita Amstutz
Carol Wynne Benson
Jane Bowes
Jody Brannan
Paulette Brannan
Carolyn Callaway
Laura L. Carlson
Joyce Carlson-Leavitt
Mary Anne Demaree
Linda Downum
Edie Henderson
Johanna Jimenez
Arana K. Kalwaic
Jenna Kuchar
Louise Loomis
Ann Lutz
Suzanne Lutz
Jessica Mackey
Karen Lumm Martinez
*Ashley A. Morgan
Megan Mosier DeCenzo
*Checky Okun
Tina Petersen
Judy Romero-Oak
Diana Segara
Kay Sirco
Kathryn Smock
*Kris Stichman
Lisa Donaghe
*Suzi Dressler
Josephine Drummond
Norma Dye
Marene Evans
Jean Fish-Enclade
Marjo Garlach
Avery Hendrickson
*Pauleta Hendrickson
*Trish Henning
Molly Hopkins
Yolanda Knight
Cynthia Lashley
Margaret Mcguinn
Gretchen York Mosier
Lori Nash
Betty Newman
Kelsey O’Herron
Karen Oligher
Wendy Orley
Frances Ricciardi
Pat Rosenak
Mary L. Russell
*Karen Schlue
Julie Smith
Julie Tierney
Yvonne Venti
Julianna Westcott
Pat Wooster
Leslie Alperin
Jill Aubrey
Kathleen Austin
Sra Cornell
Bea Daniel
Daniela Deuel
*Bryan Butler
*Tom Crow
*Lucien Daigle
John Daniel
Douglas Hendry
Edward Hillsman
William Hoffman
*Denotes Member of
Steven Krenz
Jonathan Leavitt
Lynn Loomis
David Martinez
Ken McDonald
*David McGuire
Gene Oak
*Thien Pham
Richard Rand
Darryl Starkes
Matt Stebleton
Ed Baker
*Alfredo Beltran
*Martin Doviak
Fred Downum
Greg Flynn
*James Graham
Hank Happ
Charlie Hawkins
Paul Isaacson
*Alex Charles Klebenow
Dale L. Lange
Jeffrey Lawrence
*Dwayne Moseley
Michael Mosier
George Mozurkewich
Ray Oligher
Walt Polt
Bob Rosenak
Sigurd Stocking
Chorus Manager
Ashley Morgan
Rehearsal Pianists
Jui-Ling Hsu
MacKenzie Reed
Quintessence Board of Directors & Staff
President– Dominic Kollasch Vice‐President – Dwayne L. Knirk
Treasurer– Jerry Spurlin
Secretary – Bill Cox
Choir President– Martin Doviak
Directors– Elizabeth Drotning Hartwell, Tom Crow, Allison Davis, Lora Zommer
Artistic Director– Matthew Greer
Executive Director– April Ueland
We are deeply grateful to count many individual donors, as well as local businesses like
Elixir Boutique Chocolates and Scalo Northern Italian Grill among our supporters. Special thanks to the
Music Guild of New Mexico for the grant which made this event possible.
Visit our website www.quintessence‐abq.com Like us on Facebook. Connect with us on LinkedIn.
We promise you'll be glad you did!
Selected Bios
Soprano Ashley Morgan is from Telford, Pennsylvania. She is a graduate student at UNM, pursuing
degrees in both choral conducting and vocal performance. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Music
Education from Messiah College. At UNM, she is an active member of the Concert Choir, the Recital Choir
and the Opera Studio. She also assists with the UNM Children’s Chorus and the UNM University Chorus.
Ashley is also a member of Quintessence: Choral Artists of the Southwest.
Baritone Michael Hix has been praised by critics for his "expressive voice" and "commanding stage
presence." Dr. Hix’s career highlights include performances at Tanglewood Music Center, a solo
appearance with the Boston Pops in “Bernstein on Broadway,” and his Carnegie Hall debut as the
baritone soloist in Rutter’s Mass of the Children. Recent European performances include the bass solos
in Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass and Heligmesse at the International Haydn Festival in Vienna, Austria. A
frequently sought after concert soloist his repertoire includes over 20 oratorios. His upcoming
engagements include performances in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and Germany. Dr. Hix is an
Assistant Professor of Vocal Studies at the University of New Mexico.
Violinist Roberta Arruda recently joined the 2012 Grammy winning string quartet La Catrina, currently
in residence at New Mexico State University. As second violinist of the sought-after quartet she has
performed in series such as the prestigious University of Washington's World Series and in many other
venues throughout the country during their busy concert touring schedule. Roberta received her
master's degree in violin performance from the University of New Mexico. Previously, she obtained an
artist diploma from the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Budapest, where she spent two years under full
scholarship from the prestigious Vitae foundation. As a freelance chamber musician, she has performed
extensively. Roberta has appeared as a soloist with several orchestras in Brazil, in the US and Romania,
having recently performed the Saint-Saens Concerto Nr. 3 in Los Alamos and Mozart's Concerto in A
Major in Gallup, NM.
Frederick Frahm is a composer, organist, and parish musician. He graduated from Pacific Lutheran
University and since 2006 has served as the Director of Music for St. Luke Lutheran Church in
Albuquerque. He is presently the Dean of the Albuquerque Chapter American Guild of Organists. For
more information, visit www.frederickfrahm.com.
Joel Becktell received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees with honors from the Cleveland Institute
of Music. He has recorded for the Marquis Classics, Revel Records, and Blue Griffin labels. His 2-CD set of
Bach Cello Suites performed on both baroque and modern cellos is scheduled for release this fall.
Matthew Greer was appointed Artistic Director of Quintessence in 2009. He also serves as Director of
Music and Worship Arts at St. John's United Methodist Church in Albuquerque, where he directs several
ensembles and oversees a comprehensive music program. At St. John's, he founded the "Music at St.
John's" concert series, and "Thursday Evening Musicales," an annual series of benefit concerts for
Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless. In recent years, he has served as a guest conductor for the
UNM Concert Choir and the New Mexico Philharmonic. In 2012, he was among the recipients of Creative
Albuquerque's Bravo Awards, honoring artistic innovation, entrepreneurship, and community impact. A
native of Kansas City, Greer holds degrees in Music and Theology from Trinity University and Boston
University, and his teachers have included Ann Howard Jones, Jane Marshall, Daniel Moe and Alice
Parker. In his spare time, he enjoys crossword puzzles, feline reflexology, and writing about himself in
the third person.
The Board of Directors and Singers of Quintessence would like to offer their sincerest appreciation for financial support
from all the brilliant and generous people listed below. We could not exist without your help. If you don’t see your name
listed below, please visit our website to make your tax-deductible contribution, or drop in a basket on your way out
today. Please join the Quintessence family and help us share the joy of great music for years and years to come.
Quintessence Annual Fund for our 2012-2013 Season through July 2013
Director’s Circle - $1,000 and above
The Singers of Quintessence
Messiah Sing 2012 Participants
Crow Financial Advisors,
Tom and Vicki Crow**
John M. & Brenda Y. DeLaurentis
Elixir Boutique Chocolates,
Larry Todd & Tim McNamara
Sean & Pauleta Hendrickson**
in memory of Bill & Kathy Hegdale
Dr. Estella Gahala-Lange &
Dr. Dale Lange
Linda K. Lewis
Dwayne Knirk & Beverly Caplis
Dr. Aroop Mangalik
to my patients
Neal D. Shinn & Jerome Jim
Waddie Schertz Fertig
John and Kristine Stichman**
Benefactors - $500-$999
David & Barbara Cappel
Pamela Hodge-Miller
Rita Leard
Kay S. McMann
Sponsors - $250 - $499
Anonymous (2)
Henry and Jennifer Bohnhoff
Jan Bowers
Carlton and Mary-Ellin Brooks**
M. Susan Corley
William Cox
Allison Davis
Bob & Frances Fosnaugh
Matt & Amy Greer
in honor of the singers
of Quintessence
Sponsors – cont.
Seth Hartwell &
Elizabeth Drotning Hartwell
Dominic & Karla Kollasch
Steve and Julie Kongs
George C. & Mary Novotny, Jr.
Arnel Oczon & Amy Tarnower
in memory of Gerald Tarnower
Richard L. and Susan Perry**
Beverly A. Rogoff
in honor of Mary-Ellin Brooks
Jerry and Marjorie Spurlin
Scott Wilkinson
Linda Wolcott
Patrons – cont.
Emily D. Moore
Leslie Nelson Shultis
John Sitler**
Don and Gail Taylor
Margaret A. Weinbar
Dan & Jane Wright
Lora Zommer
Patrons - $100 - $249
Pam and Jerry Algood
Anonymous (2)
The Singers of Quintessence
in memory of loved ones who
have left us
Robert Beardsell
M. Susan Boswell
in memory of Shadow
Steve & Renee C Brodeur
John and Sandra Brown
Hugh & Kathleen Church
Boris A. De Denko
Wona A. & Dr. Jerone N. Deverman
Carol S. & Dan Dolan
William and Christine Drotning
E. Josephine Drummond
Hilario C. Gonzalez,
in memory of Sue S. Gonzalez
Jeffrey F. and Julia Church Hoffman
Alf Houkom
Jerry Matthews &
Lawrence P. Horowitt, D.C.
Donors - $50 - $99
Carla Beauchamp
Regina Carlow
Merrie Courtright
Martin Doviak
Larry J. & Julianne Littlefield
in memory of
George Novotny’s Mother
Joseph E. & Helen J. McCanna III
Arthur L & Carole H Wintheiser
Friends - $1-$49
Anonymous (2)
Randall W. & Esther Mae Moses
Ginny Boman
Edwin A. & Teresa S. Bryce
Camille Carstens
Andrew Clouse
James A. Creason
Margot E. Edwards
Mary Glazier
Deborah J Ham & John J. Vittal
Gail C. & Tom Hartman
William A. & Marlene G. Kline
Kelli Lee
Wendy Orley
Karen K. Schmiege
Carol Trelease
Frances J. Wright
Quintessence Endowment Fund
Director’s Circle - $1,000 and above
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hopkins
Roy and Elizabeth Morgan
Benefactors – $500 - $999
Dr. and Mrs. Jerone N. Deverman*
Patrons – $100 - $250
In Loving Memory of Jean J. Sherlin*
Tesa Mae Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Gephart
The Quintessence Endowment Fund (established 2000) was created to help
ensure a future for Quintessence, and for fine choral arts everywhere.
* foundational contributors
** contributions made via United Way – Designate “Quintessence Choral Artists of the SW”
Quintessence Choral Artists of the Southwest, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization and gratefully accept gifts of cash, stocks, bonds,
mutual fund shares, real estate or other tangible personal property. Quintessence may also be named the beneficiary of a life insurance
policy or charitable trust. All or part of your donation may be tax-deductible. Please contact Tom Crow at 505.243.2281 or
tom@crowfa.com for further information.