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FIJIANA TIMES DECEMBER, 2010 VOLUME 1 w ISSUE 9 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION w FREE Fijiana Times goes GREEN. Now read this paper online at Visit and win prizes every month. This month win; $100 in cash, $25 Kash Fabric, $25 Vandana Sarees gift certificate and 5 free face/palm reading by Pandit Lakshmi Narayan. See page 6 for more details. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers and advertisers. What’s new inside and out: News from Fiji and around the world Kash Fabric having a Year End Sale Rules for the Contest and where to send the answers. See how you could take a group tour to India with Pandit Shastri ji. Horoscope. Dr Naleen Prasad, Fiji Hindi by Shwanika Narayan, Tax Tips by Ranjeeta Pal, Works of Palin by Ravi Singh. Tahals Grocery Outlet has holiday sale going on. Neelam Divya and Neelam Pacific Market advertise Sale prices. Fijin Idol and Hayward Jokes, Hindi song lyrics and Akbar Birbal Story. Community and Cultural Center Diwali Raj Travel goes mobile celebration photos. New ad for Mangal’s Market. Hari Om Mandir Articles by local writers: On Diabetics by organised a blood drive. %5,'$/6725( /$5*(676+2:5220,1%$<$5($ 'HVLJQHU6DUHHVZLWK'HVLJQHU5HDG\PDGH%ORXVH ([FOXVLYH6DOZDU.DPHHMz3XUH6LON6DUHHV :HGGLQJ/HKQJDV .LG·V:HDU &KXULGDDU_6DOZDU.DPHH]_/HKQJDV :HKDYHDSURIHVVLRQDOWDLORU IRUVWLWFKLQJ%ORXVHVDQG6DOZDU .DPHHM5HDG\LQMXVWGD\ Advertisers Directory AccurateAccounting Services Ammas Curry House AstrologerPt. Lakshmi Narayan Bayshore PropertiesBroker: Arif Khan Fijilve Fiji Freight System Intero Real EstateBroker: Raj Singh Kash Fabrics Maharaj Travels Mangal’s Market KASH FABRICS 29576 Mission Blvd., Hayward, CA 94544 Tel: (510) 538-1138 Narayan Law Firm Neelam Divya Neelam Pacific Market Pandit Shastri Prime Properties of CA Broker: Nick Khelawan Raj Travel Runnveer SinghIncome Tax Tahals Grocery Outlet Daniel Reality Group- Broker:Sama Singh Vandana Sarees -(:(/5< /$5*(676(/(&7,212)35(&,2866721(-(:(/5< 7+5($',1*6$/21 (\HEURZ6KDSLQJ +HQQD7DWWRRVXS +DLU6W\OHXS 0DNH8SXS Biggest Sale of the Year! <RXURQHVWRSVKRSIRU 1HFNODFH.XQGDQ6HW3RON\6HW $XVWUDOLDQ&OHDU&U\VWDO $OVR$YDLODEOH /DUJHVWVHOHFWLRQRI '9'·VDQG&'·VDYDLODEOH LQWKLVSUHVWLJLRXVVWRUH 25% - 50% off on all Designer Sarees, Wedding Lengha, Jewelery & Salwaar Kameez! Celebrating 25 Years In Business / 20-50% Off Select Items Page 2 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES December, 2010 www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 3 SHRI MUKAMBIKA JOYTHISH MANDIR WORLD FAMOUS INDIAN ASTROLOGER & PALM READER PANDIT LAKSHMI NARAYAN HE CAN FORECAST YOUR PAST, FUTURE & PRESENT HELP IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN EDUCATION,EMPLOYMENT, LOVE, MARRIAGE, CHILDREN, HEALTH, WEALTH, GRUHA VASTU, FAMILY PROBLEMS AND FOR BAD LUCK & BLACK MAGIC REMOVEABLE POOJA, DOSHA NIVARANA POOJA, BUSINESS & WORK IMPROVEMENT POOJA HAVE YOU ANY PROBLEM? PANDITJI GIVES SOLUTIONS FOR PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL MEETINGS MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY Call now: (510) 776-2816 or (510) 776-2908 28151 Ruus Road #8, Hayward, CA 94544 (Near Jyoti Supermarket) Page 4 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 0DQJDO·V0DUNHW&R//& 86$ Q L V W F V X W F G X R U G S R U G 3 H U G X R W R D I H D I H 6 I R U W R W D X H E 0 L U W G V L R G R ) H U W L H U W R U Y R D S ) P L \ W W V L O H D J X 4 / DU P X L P H U 3 I R U R W X E L U W V L ' :RUOG)DPRXV7RS U H W ,PSRU 6HOOLQJ&DQQHG0XWWRQ %HHI&DPS3LHV *OREH&RUQHG0XWWRQ 5HJXODU+DODO&URZQ &RUQHG0XWWRQ&RORQLDO &RUQHG0XWWRQ5HJXODU +DODO2[3DOP&RUQHG %HHI&URZQ&RUQHG%HHI 3DFLÀF&RUQHG%HHI ,VODQGHUV7DVWH+DODO &RUQHG%HHI*OREH6LWD &DPS3LHVHWF )URP1HZ=HDODQG$XVWUDOLD)UHVK)UR]HQ0HDWV 1HZ=HDODQGIDPRXV0$<),(/'6SULQJ/DPE&XWV$OOFXWVDQG ERQHOHVVWRR/DPE6DXVDJHV+RW0LOG$XVWUDOLDQ*RDW&XWV/HDQ +DODO,VODPLF&HUWLÀHGZLWK+DODO6ODXJKWHUHG&HUWLÀFDWHV 2XU0HDW3URGXFWVDUHZHOONQRZQDQGLQJUHDWGHPDQGQDWLRQZLGH 7KH\DUHSURFHVVHGLQRXU)HGHUDO86'$3ODQW :HHYHQVWRFNORFDOFKLFNHQGXFNVWRR 'LVWULEXWRURI0DUNHW/HDGLQJ 7RS6HOOLQJ&DQQHG 0DFNHUHO6DUGLQH)LVK ),-,2&($1%UDQG ,6/$1'(56&+2,&($QG ´µ%5$1'0$&.(5(/LQRLO DQGWRPDWRVDXFHDYDLODEOHDW 0DQJDO·V$OO)DPRXVDQG 3UHPLXP4XDOLW\&DQQHG)LVK DQG&RQVXPHUV)LUVW&KRLFH December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 5 &DQQHG)RRGV 6DXFHV 1HZ=HDODQG$XVWUDOLD :DWWLH·V+HLQ](QJOLVK %DNHG%HDQV6SDJKHWWL 6RXSV)UXLWV6DXFHV 3LFN0H8S6DXFH*RRG 4XDOLW\,VODQGHUV&KRLFH &RFRQXW0LON&UHDP\ DQG*RRG4XDOLW\&DQQHG *UHHQ-DFNIUXLW(WF$OO IDYRULWHVRIWKH3DFLÀF H U R W V \ U U D F K V D F Q D H O F U X R W D S &RPH6KR )UHVK%DNHG%LVFXLWV &UDFNHUV&RRNLHV )LML)0))LQH)DUH$XVW $UQRWW·VIDPRXVELVFXLWV1= *ULIÀQ·V'HOLFLRXV%LVFXLWV DQG)LML/HHV%LVFXLWV)0) )LML5RWL)ORXU$WWDWRR 'LUHFW,PSRUWHU'LVWULEXWRU:KROHVDOHU5HWDLOHU &DVK&DUU\:KROHVDOH3ULFHVWR3XEOLFRQ&DVH/RW3XUFKDVHV %X\'LUHFW)URPWKH,PSRUWHU /DUJH9DULHW\RI7RS4XDOLW\)DPRXV)RRG0HDWDQG6HDIRRG3URGXFWV IURP)LML,VODQGV$XVWUDOLD1HZ=HDODQG 2TRQLVLWRDHYROLWDND1D NDNDQDYDNDYLWLQDNHGDNDNDQDQDL WDXNHL2WDXNHLQLVLWRDHWXUDJDGDXORORPDH TDUDYLLUDYLQDNDQDWDPDWDNHLLUDQDLWDXNHL HUDGDXPDL9ROLYROL.LQD :HEZZZDQ]IMIRRGVFRP (PDLO$1=)RRG#DROFRP (WK6W6DQ/HDQGUR&$ 3KRQH)D[ Page 6 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Editorial In any business it is important to periodically analyze the existing system with a view to change the process to better serve the community and to ensure that the investors get good return on their investment. The investment does not necessarily mean to be weighed in monetary terms only. There are several other factors involved too. If as a publisher I find that I can better serve the Community and the advertisers by eliminating the need to produce the printed copy of the paper, it becomes my duty to let the advertisers know of the reasons and than let them decide if my proposition has merits. After carefully reviewing and monitoring the flow of ‘hits’ and ‘picks’ using our resources it was found that in the interest of all it would be beneficial to go GREEN and stay ONLINE and do away with the printed copy. I sincerely encourage all to visit my website “FIJIANATIMES.COM” , stay tuned to the latest and monthly news with extras available in the monthly publication, not forgetting to have fun and win prizes. Please feel free to send in your comments. I will be just too happy to find ways and means to meet your needs. www.FijianaTimes .com Process/Rules To win Monthy Prizes: • -No purchase necessary to enter the contest. • - Go to • - Read material of interest (optional) • - In this December 2010 issue , visit all advertisements. In some advertisement you will find at least one dollar amount within parentheses “( )” that does not relate in any way to the advertisement. Add all of them and send in your answer via Email or by a letter together with your name and telephone number on the day you added the amount as it may change daily. You must submit only one E-mail with the answer. Sending more than one E-mail in any one contest will disqualify you from the draw. • - For verification purposes you will need to respond and reply to our E-mail. Also note your E-mail address and phone number will remain with us and not sold or distributed to anyone outside of Fijiana Times. • - List of prizes to be won will be listed on First page of the paper for that month. • - If we receive more than ten correct answers, the name to determine winner or winners will be pulled out of hat in public. The place, date and time will be available on the website by 21st of that month. • - The deadline for contest will be 20th of each month and winner announced by the 25th. • - Prizes other than cash will need to be redeemed by the end of the month but not later than by the 10th of following month. • - Winners will be notified by E-mail or by phone. The names of winners will also be listed on the website during last week of that month under “HEADLINE”. • - We reserve the right to modify rules for future dates but not for the running contest. • - Call/E-mail us if you need clarification. • - Contest open to USA residents only. Not valid where prohibited by law. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 SEND ANSWERS TO: E-mail: or write to: Fijiana Times-Contest Box 343, Hayward, CA 94557 Disclaimer Fijiana Times advises that the views expressed in the articles published in this publication are those of the writers and the claims made in the advertisements are that of the advertisers. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of nor isendorsed by Fijiana Times. Publisher/Editor Mahen Prasad Mailing Address PO Box 343 Hayward, CA 94557 Ph: 510-270-5248 E-mail Contributing Writers James Lewis Ranuku Kamal Prasad Naleen Prasad D.P.M Ravi Singh Shirley Sakal-Kocourek Shwanika Narayan Graphic Designers Adi Draunidalo Amal Prasad Photographer Raj Nand December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES TSA Administrator John Pistole Issues Public Service Announcement ers, posters at airports and messages to the TSA workforce on how to carWASHINGTON TransportationSecurity ry out these procedures in Administration (TSA) the most professional and manner. Administrator John S. Pis- responsible tole today issued a public service announcement to Here is a transcript of thank the traveling public the public travel anfor their continued sup- nouncement/message: port and partnership and address new implemented “Hello. This is TSA Adprocedures. The message ministrator John Pistole. is being made available On behalf of the more to airports nationwide to than 50,000 Transportaplay on public announce- tion Security Officers ment systems during this across the country, thank holiday travel season you for being our partners in order to ensure pas- in security. For your safesengers are prepared for ty, we have instituted new screening when coming screening procedures at through airport security checkpoints. Please take a checkpoints. This public moment to read the mateservice announcement rials available about these is just one in a series of procedures and your steps by TSA to com- options as a passenger. We municate to the travel- appreciate your patience ing public, including a as we all work together video message to travel- to keep travel safe.” November 22, 2010 Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: www.FijianaTimes .com Tourism Fiji gets $23.5m November 26, 2010 line current procedures and conditions for tax inTourism Fiji will once centives relating to hotel again receive a grant of development. $23.5m in 2011. The acting Minister of Fi- “This includes the renance and Attorney Gen- moval of the requirement eral Aiyaz Sayed-Khai- to provide certified projyum said however it was ect plans for provisional imperative that the bud- approval of the 55 perget “is spent in a prudent cent Standard Allowance manner with maximized Incentive. In addition, utility and the targeting customs requirements on of new markets”. personal items which are declared at air and sea “New markets are essen- ports will be reviewed to tial to spread our risks avoid unnecessary inconand increase yields,” he venience to tourists when said. travelling to our shores. In other measures, to improve investment in the sector, both FIRCA and the Ministry of Finance will reassess and stream- “FIRCA will also no longer require hotel investors to submit approvals from Town and Country Planning for the purposes Page 7 of obtaining provisional approvals. This will expedite the approval process, provide certainty and will reduce additional financial burden on investors. Investors, given the provisional approvals, will need to implement their projects within one year of the grant of the approval.” The Income Tax Act will be amended to ensure that the capital expenditure allowable under refurbishment and renovation to hotels will now be available to locally registered cruise vessels providing accommodation for 3 nights or more. This amendment will remove the existing anomaly. Source: FijiliveA major boost to San Francisco Helicopter Tours by Maharaj Travel and Tours San Francisco 1799 Old Bayshore Hwy., Suite 125 Burlingame, CA 94010 Ph: 650-552-9330 Sacramento 9412 elk grove - florin road elk grove, ca 95624 PH: 916-714-2869 or 916-714-7701 for more information ($18) P President: M Mr. R Ramesh M Maharaj V.President: Mr. Aveen Maharaj Chief Admin: Bill Chenoweth Sacramento Manager: ann prasad Agents: Mr. Sealiimalietoa Sam Ripley Mrs. Orepa Feagiai Faoa CST#:2093472 Page 8 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Fiji: PM rounds up visit to China Nov 25 2010 The Prime Minister Commodore Bainimarama rounded up meetings with Chinese investors and interested parties in Shanghai over the last two days. He met with Officials from Shanghai Urban Construction Ltd on Tuesday November 23. Shanghai Urban is a construction company currently in a consortium with Templetec that is engaging in various construction and rehabilitation projects in Fiji. Today he also met with Officials from China Railway No.1 Construction who are currently dredging the Rewa river and have been awarded the contract to develop land for Housing Authority at the Tacirua Plains. The visit has been very successful and assurances by the Prime Minister to current and potential investors that Fiji remains a lucrative and safe destination for their investments have been warmly received. The visit is indicative of the growing interest of Chinese investors in Fiji and Fiji’s growing “investor confidence environment” which many interested parties are capitalizing on. He is due to return to Fiji on Friday 26 November 2010. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 The Multi Ethnic Affairs ministry- desolved Nov 26 2010 The Multi Ethnic Affairs ministry has been desolved and its functions shared out to other ministries as Government streamlines the work of the civil service by eradicating duplications in the system. Affairs to different and relevant ministries who are already performing in their responsibility,” he said. “The Ministry of Culture will now have responsibility of all cultural aspects. PSC will have the responsibility of scholarships and the ministry of provincial development will be responsible for rural advisory councils. The Multi Ethnic Affairs Scholarship program is now managed by the Public Service Commission and received an allocation of $5,500,000. The change is effective Janu- “Such devaluation and simulaary 1, 2011. tion will also assist in the removal of ethnic based developActing Minister for Finance ment and administration.” and Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said runs par- Permanent Secretary Provincial allel to the Strategic Frame- Development Manasa Vaniqi work for Change. who looks after the multi ethnic affairs portfolio applauded the “As part of the Strategic Frame- decision. work for Change and the need to rationalize functions and “I’m glad that is the decision of eradicate duplication, Govern- government now that it has been ment from January 1, 2011 moved to certain ministries that will farm out the functions of have similar responsibilities,” the Ministry of Multi-Ethnic he said. December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 9 TAHALS GROCERY outlet Your one stop shopping for ALL Indian and Island Groceries from Fiji, Australia and New Zealand Also supplier of Musical Instruments and Pooja items. Seasons Greetings!!!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our Valued Customers Family and Friends Sale Sale Sale Visit us for all your Xmas and New Year holiday shopping needs. We have a great Sale going on. Best kava and fresh meat available daily. KAVA Ship boxes and more to Fiji and to any where in the World Tahals New Service Sculptures of various Hindu deities and pooja items • Ganesha, Ram Darbaar • Shiva and Parvati • Lord Hanuman and more ($12) We are always open to receive your boxes and offer BEST RATES. Costs vary by box sizes. No hidden charges! Call for Prices Wedding Cards, Calling cards, CDs, DVDs also available DHOLAK, TABLA, TAMBURA, HARMONIAM and Other Instruments Repairs done to Dholak & Harmonium Fresh New Zealand, Australian lamb, goat meat at very reasonable prices 27937 Manon Avenue, HAYWARD, CA 94544 Phone: (510) 783-3509, Cell (510) 962-1817 TAHALS enterprises inc. Direct Importers of A grade KAVA from Fiji and TONGA. Wholesalers and Distributors of Groceries from Fiji, Australia and New Zealand Importers and distributors of wedding mandap, accessories, harmonium, dholak and other musical instruments. Contact Director: Joyti Kumar Phone: (510) 733-2270 Cell: (510) 209-9726 Fax: (510) 733-2766 E-mail: Web Site: Page 10 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Fiji: Locals to benefit from new telephone rates Nov 25 2010 The Commerce Commission chairman Dr Mahendra Reddy has announced an increase in the rate for incoming international calls. The current call rate is 20cents per unit. The commission has made changes with respect to incoming international calls so it can align rates closer to the international Cap. “What the commission has done is raise the incoming rate from 23cents to 30cents,” Dr Reddy said. Off that 30cents there is an information and communication technology levy of three cents, which each network operator will pay to Government for every international call coming into the country. “The other change is when a network operator receives an incoming international call meant for another operator then the commission has raised issues on how much the first operator will pay to terminate the call to the second operator’s net- work,” Dr Reddy said. Attorney General and Minister for Communications Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said Government was looking forward to seeing the changes. “Government is quite excited about the determination by the Commerce Commission in respect of the increase in the incoming international calls which has gone up by seven cents,” he said. www.FijianaTimes .com December, 2010 Envoy here to discuss MSG apology PM congratulates Nov 25 2010 Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) special envoy, Patterson Oti, is in Fiji to discuss the reconciliation ceremony scheduled for next month in Honiara. of the MSG reconciliation ceremony. The Solomon Islands Government will host the traditional reconciliation ceremony in Honiara on December 15. Sri Lankan President Nov 24 2010 Government has congratulated the President of Sri Lanka His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa who was sworn into office for Mr Oti met with the The ceremony is for a second term on NovemMinister for Foreign Vanuatu Prime Minis- ber 19, 2010. Affairs, Ratu Inoke ter, Mr Edward Natapei Kubuabola in Suva to- to offer his apology to In offering his compliments this week, the day. Fiji. Prime Minister Commo- The discussions surrounded Fiji’s stand on the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) meeting that is scheduled to be held in the “Out of those Solomon Islands from seven cents, December 15 to 17. three will go toward gov- Ratu Inoke said Mr. Oti e r n m e n t ’ s was in Fiji to meet and policy of in- discuss the finer details creasing the level of telecommunication penetration in Fiji.” Mr Sayed-Khaiyum added that Government had recently made a policy on broadband that would be announced in the near future. “And we will be using and utilising those funds towards enhancing ICT in Fiji,” he said. The commission also relooked at the interconnection rate to speed up a cost based on the interconnection rate. The commission reduced the mobile termination rate by one cent. This will allow more off net calls between operators, which is important if we want to deepen the telecommunication sector. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Mr Natapei, who was the MSG chairman, refused to attend July’s MSG summit in Fiji where he was to hand over the chairmanship position to Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama. dore Voreqe Bainimarama highlighted the close ties the two countries have shared. “On behalf of the people and the Government of the Republic of Fiji, I am pleased to offer my sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your reelection and inauguration This led to the cancella- as the 5th President of Democratic Socialist Retion of the summit. public of Sri Lanka and to wish you every success in the exercise of your mandate,” he said. If you liked what you saw in this Online Publication,please contact us to place your advertisement or your article, your story or your Birthday party photos “Fiji and Sri Lanka enjoy very close and cordial ties. “We have bilateral exchanges in human resources in the fields of legal and medical services and technical cooperation. “Under your able leadership, I believe that our two countries will continue to work closely to jointly address issues of common concerns. “I wish you every success as you lead the people of Sri Lanka toward further development and progress. “Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.” Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES December, 2010 www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: FIJI:Sixteen days of activism of this decree so that they celebrating this day as we ministry had organised Nov 25 2010 More than 400 women all need to work together training with police will march to the Suva City Council foreshore tomorrow to mark the official launching of the 16 Days of Activism on the elimination of violence against women and children. Minister for Social Welfare, Women and Poverty Alleviation Dr Jiko Luveni said she had seen alarming statistics of violence against women and children in the recent past and there needs to be a concerted effort to curb this. “The programme will be launched on November 25 and continue for 16 days. It will end with the Human Rights Day on December 10. The Ministry of Women is calling on people from all walks of life to join us in can assist women and children who suffer from domestic violence,” Mrs Radrodro said. We also want to encourage people to report cases of domestic violence so that perpetrators can be dealt with severely. The numbers to call are 919 and 917 and people should make use of these two numbers to help save a life.” In its efforts to eliminate violence against women and children, the ministry is declaring violence free communities in the country. officers to raise the level have already of awareness about the “We Domestic Violence and declared two violence free communities this year Child Welfare Decree. and they are Koroipita in Lautoka and Vatutavui. “As law enforcement Department of Women director, Mrs Salote officers, police need to be Next week another village Radrodro said the aware of the provisions in Ra, Namuimada will to eliminate violence in our society,” Dr Luveni said during a media briefing this afternoon . Page 11 be declared a violence free community and in the next few months, we will extensively advocate on zero tolerance of violence,” Dr Luveni added. The ministry has also organised poem and banner competitions to mark this event and non government organisations that advocate for women’s issues would display their products at the SCC foreshore. Meanwhile, the European Union has organised a gender drawing competition to mark the 16 days of activism against violence. Nine children from schools around Suva will showcase their artistic creation and a Gender banner will also be handed over to the EU tomorrow. 6DPD6LQJK /LFHQVH &HOO (PDLO6DPD#IURQWLHUQHWQHW +HUH·VKRZD6+2576$/(FDQKHOS<28 6HOO\RXUKRPHDW´0DUNHW9DOXHµ 6DYH\RXUFUHGLWIURPVKRZLQJ´)RUHFORVXUHµ 3RVWSRQHWKHIRUHFORVXUHGDWH JHW\RXUVKRUWVDOHDSSURYHGLQGD\V ($11) ´1R'HÀFLHQF\-XGJHPHQWµ 'RQRWSD\WKHDPRXQWGXH DIWHUVDOHRI\RXUKRXVH (;3(57,1 UHDOHVWDWH ORDQFRQVXOWLQJ VKRUWVDOH IRUHFORVXUH 7KH'DQLHO5HDOW\*URXS (6WRFNWRQ%OYG6WH (ON*URYH&$ )D[ stop foreclosure! do a short sale - stop foreclosure! do a short sale stop foreclosure! do a short sale - stop foreclosure! do a sho short ort s sale ale - s stop top f foreclosure! oreclosure! d do oas short hort s sale ale stop foreclosure! do a short sale - stop foreclosure! do a short sale stop foreclosure! do a short sale - stop foreclosure! do a short sale - stop foreclosure! do a short sale Page 12 Nov 25 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Fiji: Lands and Mineral Resources data collection designated into the cal data centre within Land Bank for the issu- the mineral resources The Ministry of Lands ing of long term leases department has been and Mineral Resources is using existing government structures of data collection to identify vacant land for use. Lands and Mineral Resources deputy secretary, Mr Pene Nonu Baleinabuli spoke on data collection at the opening of the 2010 Pacific Islands Geographic Information System/Remote Sensing Conference. (99 years) to guarantee identified as a priority He said the use of dif- commitments for good because of the threats ferent data sets from husbandry practices of Tsunami and earthdifferent organisations, with rewarding returns quakes that Fiji is ofministries and from for both tenants and ten faced with. existing state land ad- the landowners, Mr ministration databases Baleinabuli said. “The ministry is also were vital for the idenchallenged with the tification of vacant Additionally the estab- need to establish a land. “These lands are lishment of a geologi- geological data centre About Croz Walsh Croz Walsh Gender: Male Location: Horowhenua : New Zealand My links with Fiji and the Pacific go back to the late 1950s with masterate papers in Pacific History and Geography. My masters thesis was on Tonga where I taught in the 1960s. Apart from secondments to USP and UPNG, I researched and taught Pacific Geography from 1971 to 1988, and then Development Studies (19891993), at Massey University, where I was the founding director of the Centre for Development Studies. My doctoral thesis is on urban squatting in Fiji where I worked at USP in the 1970s. From 1994 until retirement in 1999 I was the founding director of USP’s Development Studies progamme. I have also worked at the UPNG and the University of Hawaii and conducted research and consultancies on development-related topics in several Pacific Island countries, for governmental, international and regional agencies. Hobbies: golf, gardening, hydroponics, reading,family genealogy (whakapapa). Interests: politics, race relations, development,social justice. within the mineral re- in a better position to sources department. manage our disaster and rehabilitation pro“The centre will facili- grammes.” tate the integration of all data for mineral in- Government for the vestigation and explo- last two years has apration, mining, geolog- proved provisions in ical survey and ground the Budget for recapwater assessments.” turing the whole Fiji Mr Baleinabuli said group via aerial phothe centre would play tography. a key role in the collating and dissemination This project underof tsunami, earthquake pins the urgent need and volcanic informa- to update topographic tion. maps and database for all mapping in Fiji. “This is a critical is- “Admittedly most data sue for our region, and information kept given the scenarios of at government ministhe past and of recent tries and departments tragedies in Tonga and known as Public SecSamoa,” he said. “I am tor Information or PSI sure that had we de- are stored and manveloped the facilities aged to support projand expertise to inter- ects and initiatives,” pret data we would be Mr Baleinabuli said. December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: www.FijianaTimes .com Page 13 ;YH]LSSPUN[V-PQP& :LUK`V\Y\UHJJVTWHUPLKIHNNHNL HUKJVSSLJ[MYVT:\]HVY3H\[VRH >L^PSSHZZPZ[`V\^P[OJ\Z[VTZJSLHYHUJLPU-PQP ( @V\WH`J\Z[VTZK\[`[H_LZPMHWWSPJHISL) :WLJPHS+LHS s_s_sIV_ VUS` *HSS\ZMVYZWLJPHSYH[LZVUHSSV[OLYZPaLIV_LZ >LJHUOLSW`V\ZOPW[V;VUNH:HTVH*HSSMVYKL[HPSZ +YVW6MM3VJH[PVUZ 5MK5F8 +5I85;5F+ID9FA5F?9H (<CB9 CF +57F5A9BHC BH=C7< &5H=CB5@FC79F=9G %=?9 (<CB9 CF (<CB9 =>=F9=;<H+MGH9AG (<CB9 CF V[OLYSVJH[PVUZJVTPUNZVVU >L^PSSTH[JOHU`VULqZWYPJL Page 14 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: $FFXUDWH$FFRXQWLQJ6HUYLFHV z z z z z %XVLQHVV,QFRUSRUDWLRQVHUYLFHV ²VWDUWLQJDQGGLVVROYLQJ 1RQSURÀWDSSOLFDWLRQV 0DLQWDLQLQJFRUSRUDWLRQELQGHUV %RRNNHHSLQJ 3D\UROO 5DQMHHWD3DO The early Private Alarm Monitoring system and fire-fighters quick response helped avert a major disaster in Suva today. The National Fire Authority was alerted through the PFA at 11:13 am which is connected to the control centre at the Suva fire station. The fire crew arrived at 11:19 am and found smoke billowing out of the building. The crew quickly made their way to the fire panel located on the ground floor to locate the area where the alarm was triggering from. The alarmed was being triggered from the second floor where the air conditioning unit ventilator was engulfed in flames. A dry powder extinguisher doused the fire and prevented a major fire disaster in the building. The second floor of the building housed the Registrar General’s office. The Suvavou building also houses the Attorney General’s office, Birth and Certificate office, Registrar General’s office and other Government department offices. NFA Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr Jone Koroi said: “the early alert via PFA system enabled the fire fighters to respond quickly to the scene and prevented a major fire disaster from occurring at the Suvavou house. “The fire alarm monitoring system received an instantaneous fire status signal detected by the building fire protection system which is installed in the Suvavou house. “The early alert through the fire alarm system and the quick response by NFA enabled the fire fighters to contain the fire to the point of origin and stopped it from spreading to the other office premises located in this building. This is a good example of the proactive approach by the building owners for installing a fire $FFRXQWDQW %UXFHYLOOH5RDG 6XLWH (ON*URYH&$ 3K 2IÀFH H)D[ USDO#DFFXUDWHDFFRXQWVFRP Fiji: Major fire in Suva averted Nov 25 2010 December, 2010 alarm system connect- ance is Government’s ed directly and moni- duty of care for its tored by the NFA.” people through the National Fire Author“We have seen such ity in order to protect incidents lead to ma- your business from jor disasters which can fires and therefore enimpact a lot of people hance Fiji’s economic through loss of income growth prospects.” or jobs if the fire had been allowed to take NFA recommends its destructive path that business owners, through the air condi- especially in the urtioning unit ventila- ban areas, have their tor. However, we are buildings connected grateful that this did to NFA’s Private Fire not eventuate – thanks Alarm monitoring systo the early alert via tem for early detection the fire alarm system. of fires. This is the reason for This will ensure that NFA’s proactive ap- the fire brigade is auproach towards fire tomatically alerted in safety compliance for the event of a fire. every business in the country”. NFA’s new fire alarm monitoring system “Compliance with fire is monitored 24hrs safety regulations will 7days/week from help minimize the im- its control centre in pact of fires on their Suva. property and that of their neighbours. It The new fire alarm will also help NFA ef- monitoring system reficiently and effective- ceives an almost inly mitigate the impact stantaneous fire status of these fires. These signal detected by the situations can be building fire protecavoided or minimized tion system. NFA will with proper fire safety immediately be alerted mitigating efforts by via the Alarm Signalall concerned. ling Equipment (ASE) control panel. “Fire safety compli- Source: Fijilive Tiger Woods is now on Twitter. Returning from a two-week trip to Asia and Australia, Woods posted his first tweet on Wednesday(Nov 17): “What’s up everyone. Finally decided to try out twitter!” The Twitter account actually was launched in June, the name “TigerWoods” - reserved about a year before that. The previous three tweets were to announce a new twitter page, website design and Facebook page. The first tweet from Woods came at 11:08 a.m. Woods had just over 90,000 followers then, and within an hour, he already had added some 10,000 more. December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 15 6723)RUHFORVXUH'RD6KRUW6DOH ,V\RXUKRPHZRUWKOHVVWKDQ\RXRZH" $UH\RXODWHRQ\RXUPRUWJDJHSD\PHQWV" ,VWKHEDQNQRWZLOOLQJWRPRGLI\\RXUORDQ" ,VWKHEDQNWKUHDWHQLQJWRIRUHFORVH" Ȁ ȋ͙͕͔Ȍ͙͙͛Ǧ͚͚͗͘ ͓͔͕͔͙͖͝͝͝ ,IVRWKHQKHUH·VKRZD6+2576$/(FDQKHOS\RX 6HOO\RXUKRPHDW´0DUNHW9DOXHµ 6 OO Hµ 6DYH\RXUFUHGLWIURPVKRZLQJ´)RUHFORVXUHµ 3RVWSRQHWKHIRUHFORVXUHGDWHJHW\RXUVKRUWVDOHDSSURYHGLQGD\V ´1R'HÀFLHQF\-XGJHPHQWµGRQRWSD\WKHDPRXQWGXHDIWHUVDOHRI\RXUKRXVH 3ULPH3URSHUWLHVRI&DOLIRUQLD ,QGXVWULDO%OYG6WH +D\ZDUG&$ (QTGENQUWTGCPF5JQTV5CNG'ZRGTVU )5((1R2EOLJDWLRQ6KRUW6DOH&RQVXOWDWLRQ Page 16 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Fiji: Hellenic Republic Non-resident Ambassador credentials Nov 25 2010 www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Fiji: Mrs Maria Luisa Beatriz Lopez Gargallo new non-resident Ambassador of Mexico His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau received the credentials of the nonresident Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic Dimitrios Anninos this morning. Ambassador Anninos was accompanied by family members to the ceremony at Government House. A law graduate, Ambassador Anninos’ diplomatic career dates back to 1981 when he was an attaché with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Athens. He also worked as the second secretary in Budapest, Hungary and was a consul in Nov 24, 2010 The new non-resident Ambassador of Mexico, Mrs Maria Luisa Beatriz Lopez Gargallo presented her credentials to His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau at Government House Turkey. this morning. Ambassador Anninos has spent foreign A career diplomat, relations stints in Croatia, the Middle East and Mrs Lopez Gargallo North Africa. He was the Consul General in has an extensive caMelbourne, Australia and in Shanghai, China. reer in foreign affairs. In accepting his credentials, the President wished Ambassador Anninos a successful tour of duty. The ambassador will be based out of Wellington. Since graduating with majors in International Relations from the Universidad de las Fiji: Municipalities to go solar Nov 25 2010 Government is committed to reducing fuel consumption by installing solar-powered street lights at local municipalities. Ministry of Local Government director, Mr Josese Rakuita says that Government has invited expressions of interest from reputable and 100x 100 x 4mmthick x experienced companies 6m long. for the supply and installation of these solar Expressions of interest streetlights of various close on November 29. capacities: a. 70 Watts Solar The solar system will be Streetlight b. 80 Watts installed in Tavua town as early as next year. c. 125 Watts The lights will either be mounted on FEA power poles or on anodized aluminum square posts “Tavua is the pilot project, so the first phase is to install solar lights along the streets of Tavua. We Americans, Mrs Lopez Gargallo joined her country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has had several foreign postings including Deputy Consul at the Mexican Consulate in Houston, Texas, Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Mexico to the Hellenic republic, Consul at Mexico’s Consulate in San Pedro Sula in Honduras, Consul in charge at the Mexican Consulate General in San Diego, California, Consulate General in El Paso, Texas and Vice-Consul at the Consulate in Denver, Colorado. She has also served as the coordinator of the Voluntary Repatriation Programmes of Mexican Migrant Workers from the United States. In accepting her credentials, His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau extended his well wishes to the people and government of Mexico. Mrs Lopez Gargallo will be based in Canberra, Australia. selected western town doing the job,” he said. because of its favorable weather conditions,” Mr “The installation will cost Rakuita said. around $7000 including power poles. The pilot Municipalities in the project will also determine western and northern our saving in terms of divisions will be the first fuel consumption. to be installed with solar street lights. “Fiji has been using a lot of fuel to generate “We have been receiving power, the use of solar applications from various power will reduce fuel companies interested in consumption.” December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page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ÀUPFRP Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES *URFHULHVDQG6SLFHV IURP)LML,QGLD3DNLVWDQ 7RQJDDQG6DPRD )UHVK,VODQG3URGXFH $YDLODEOHDW$OO7LPHV Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 /DUJH,QGLDQ*URFHU\2XWOHWLQ6$1%5812 6WRUHZLGH6DOH December Holiday Specials! Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES (YHU\GD\ Basmati B assmati matii R Rice $9.99 $ 9.9 9 99 ea. 9 or 2 bags for $18 FMF l k Flour 10kg 2 bags for $20 More M ore Groceries Specials! 5 FMF Noodles for $3 Page 19 3RRMD6HW0XUWLV 0XVLFDO,QVWUXPHQWV &'V'9'V&DVVHWWHV DQG0DQ\0DQ\0RUH $YDLODEOHLQ6WRUH Many In-Store Items!! Ghee, Powdered Milk, Dates, Dhal, Pops Cordial, Almond, Sultana (munakaa), Pop Varieties of Sweets! Dhal - all varieties V available! Diwali Pooja Samagry, Murtis av of God and Goddess all sizes!! Number One 100% Whole Wheat Flour! A Low-Fat Part of Your Heart-Healthy Diet! $3.99 a bag! Fresh Vegetables Available! Pressure Cooker Available! 1Kg Shan Mango Pickle $3.99 0XUWLV Largest variety of Gods’ statues Groceries and Frozen Items from Fiji! Ivi (Tahitian Chestnut) Jackfruit Breadfruit Bele & Rourou Dalo & Cassava All kinds of Meat and Many More!! Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: All varieties of Motifs, Gods and Goddesses $OVRDYDLODEOH Dholak 3K 2SHQV 6DQ0DWHR$YH 6$1%5812&$ 'DLO\ Tabla Harmonium and many more... 1$75$,17(51$7,21$/ ,PSRUWHUV'LVWULEXWRUV DQG:KROHVDOHUV Your best source for Religious items and all sizes of Murtis. Pooja water fountains are also available. &DOO0XNHVK 6 South Linden Ave., Suite 3, South San Francisco, CA 94080 E-mail: LewisDesigns: 415 571 7668 Page 18 Page 20 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES BOLLYWOOD:Salman www.FijianaTimes .com and John eye contact, John smiled. Noticing the discomfort in John’s eyes, Sallu went over and hugged hum. An eyewitness says, “Actually, they both took a few steps towards each other. However, the hug took everyone by surprise. Past that, there was a big celRecently, Salman ebration on the sets. made up with his Salman and John even long-time foe John had lunch together.” Abraham in Mehboob studios. These The reason why Saltwo actors were not man came on the sets on talking terms for of Desi Boyz, the more than four years source says, “Sallu now. came to meet Akshay Kumar and Sanjay The patch-up took Dutt who are acting in place on the sets of the film. Sanjay name Rohit Dhawan’s di- was recently added to rectorial debut Desi the cast for a cameo.” Boyz, which stars John Abraham, Ak- Ages ago, the differNov 22, 2010 The ability to forgive and success are interrelated. Success can make you happy, and when you are happy, you can forgive anyone easily. Currently, Salman Khan is exemplifying this state of mind. shay Kumar, Chitrangada Singh and Deepika Padukone in the leading role, which is being produced under Eros International banner. On chancing with Salman Khan on the sets, John wondered how Salman will react after seeing him. ences started increasing between Salman and John over payments at their Rockstar stage show in 2006. By the time they came together to work in Ravi Chopra’s Babul, the animosity had increased and it reflected on-screen as well. After this John continWhen they made an ued to work with Sal- man’s then girlfriend Katrina Kaif in Yash Raj Films’ New York. Meanwhile Salman refused to work with John’s girlfriend Bipasha Basu. The director duo AbbasMastn had decided to cast Bipasha and Salman together in a mega project, but the instant Salman came to know who the heroine was he turned down the offer. This June, Salman ended his cold war with Bipasha, though in this situation it was Bipasha who took the first step towards reconciliation. At the award ceremony in Sri Lanka, Bipasha walked over to Salman’s room and spoke to him at length. Since then the two have learnt to maintain a cordial relation with one another. Bipasha attended Salman’s Being Human fashion show as well. Ram Mirchandani who is the Chief Creative Officer of Eros International was also present on the sets. He confirmed saying, “Yes John and Salman met very warmly. Salman had some to visit Rohit, John, Akshay and Deepika.” Well, as it is said all is well that ends well. We wonder if Sallu is planning to forgive Vivek Oberoi. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Katrina Kaif and Barbara Mori Barbara Mori’s new Spanish film My Brother’s Wife will be releasing in India this month along with the titles A Beautiful Wife in English with Spanish beauty featuring in Hindi. The title of Barbara’s next is very similar with the Yash Raj Films new project. This movie stars Imran Khan and Katrina Kaif and it is titled as Mere Brother ki Dulhan. Sources have revealed that both the projects have similar story lines. My Brother’s Wife theme is adulterous, which deals with a women’s affair with her husband’s brother. However, Yash Raj Films has toned down the same version. Yash Raj has made a film on a guy (Imran) who falls for his brother’s (Ali Zafar) fiancee (Katrina). Mere Brother ki Dulhan is still under production, while Barbara’s movie is set to release in India soon. An industry insider says, “YRF does not consider Barbara’s film has a threat for their project. They feel its release will not affect the Katrina-Imran starrer, because YRF has given a more romantic tone than an adult one. Even though the basic premise is similar, the treatment will be different.” The distributors have considered the similarity in the title between Mere Brother ki Dulhan and My Brother’s Wife, the distributors have decided to name Mori’s film A Beautiful Wife. Dhaval Gada from Pen India is distributing this film and says, “We heard about the film Mere Brother ki Dulhan. The title did make us think that the theme of their film maybe similar to out movie, Spanish Beauty. However, we do not know their script or storyline. Anyway, we have tweaked the original story of Spanish Beauty to suit the Indian taste and the film will now reflect the triangular relationship between a husband, wife and the husband’s brother.” When asked the spokesperson of YRF he denied of any similarities between both the movies. He says, “It is not true. There is no similarity between the two stories whatsoever.” December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com What is a Diabetic Foot Ulcer? by Naleen Prasad A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in approximately 15 percent of patients with diabetes, and is commonly located on the bottom of the foot. Of those who develop a foot ulcer, six percent will be hospitalized due to infection or other ulcer-related complication. Diabetes is the leading cause of nontraumatic lower extremity amputations in the United States, and approximately 14 to 24 percent of patients with diabetes who develop a foot ulcer have an amputation. Research, however, has shown that the development of a foot ulcer is preventable. Who Can Get a Diabetic Foot Ulcer? Anyone who has diabetes can develop a foot ulcer. People who use insulin are at a higher risk of developing a foot ulcer, as are patients with diabetes-related kidney, eye, and heart disease. Being overweight and using alcohol and tobacco also play a role in the development of foot ulcers. How do Diabetic Foot Ulcers Form? Ulcers form due to a combination of factors, such as lack of feeling in the foot, poor circulation, foot deformities, irritation (such as friction or pressure), and trauma, as well as duration of diabetes. Patients who have diabetes for many years can develop neuropathy, a reduced or complete lack of ability to feel pain in the feet due to nerve damage caused by elevated blood glucose levels over time. The nerve damage often can occur without pain and one may not even be aware of the problem. Your podiatric physician can test feet for neuropathy with a simple and painless tool called a monofilament. Vascular disease can complicate a foot ulcer, reducing the body’s ability to heal and increasing the risk for an infection. Elevations in blood glucose can reduce the body’s ability to fight off a potential infection and also retard healing. What is the Value of Treating a Diabetic Foot Ulcer? Once an ulcer is noticed, seek podiatric medical care immediately. Foot ulcers in patients with diabetes should be treated for several reasons such as, reducing the risk of infection and amputation, improving function and quality of life, and reducing health care costs. How Should a Diabetic Foot Ulcer be Treated? The primary goal in the treatment of foot ulcers is to obtain healing as soon as possible. The faster the healing, the less chance for an infection. Not all ulcers are infected; however if your podiatric physician diagnoses an infection, a treatment program of antibiotics, wound care, and possibly hospitalization will be necessary. C o n t r o l l i n g Blood Glucose Tightly controlling blood glucose is of the utmost importance during the treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Working closely with a medical doctor or endocrinologist to accomplish this will enhance healing and reduce the risk of complications. Surgical Options A majority of noninfected foot ulcers are treated without surgery; however, when this fails, surgical management may be appropriate. Examples of surgical care to remove pressure on the affected area include shaving or excision of bone(s) and the correction of various deformities, such as hammertoes, bunions, or bony “bumps.” How Can a Foot Ulcer be Prevented? The best way to treat a diabetic foot ulcer is to prevent its development in the first place. Recommended guidelines include seeing a podiatrist on a regular basis. He or she can determine if you are at high risk for developing a foot ulcer and implement strategies for prevention. Reducing additional risk factors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, high cholesterol, and elevated blood glucose are important in the prevention and treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer. Wearing the appropriate shoes and socks will go a long way in reducing risks. Your podiatric physician can provide guidance in selecting the proper shoes. Learning how to check your feet is crucial in noticing a potential problem as early as possible. Inspect your feet every day—especially between the toes and the sole—for cuts, bruises, cracks, blisters, redness, ulcers, and any sign of abnormality. Each time you visit a health care provider, remove your shoes and socks so your feet can be examined. Any problems that are discovered should be reported to your podiatrist as soon as possible; no matter how “simple” it may seem to you. The old saying, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” was never as true as it is when preventing a diabetic foot ulcer. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Fiji Hindi Page 21 By: Shwanika Narayan Fiji’s Indian popula- for the most part these two tion has its own distinct version of Hindi. From the Indentured days through the years it has formed its own uniqueness. Majority of the Indian population in Fiji traces its ancestry back to North and Northeast India, primarily to the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Keeping in mind that the British allowed it, Fiji Indians have managed to retain their culture, religion, cuisine, their names and language despite having minimal contact with India. Fiji Hindi is not ‘ghetto Hindi or broken Hindi’ as described by most Fiji people. Recent studies by linguists show that Fiji Hindi “is a distinct dialect based on Hindi as spoken in India but with its own special grammar and vocabulary suited for Fiji.” The notion that Fiji Hindi is broken Hindi is quite common in the Fijian Indian community. Many are under the assumption that most Indians when they came from India spoke ‘shood’ or ‘pure and/or accurate’ Hindi and overtime it became crass and unruly almost ‘village like.’ One of my friends once provided an interesting analogy saying “It’s like an extremely ill mannered great grandchild of a very well respected man.” And that is exactly where the problem lies. Fiji Hindi is not a direct descendent of official Hindi (shood Hindi) as spoken in India. Rather, its origins are traced back to those two states where majority of Fiji Indian came from, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. The Fiji Hindi dialect is primarily a mixture of Bhojpuri, the language spoken in Bihar and Awadhi, a dialect in the Awadh district of Uttar Pradesh. There are numerous loan words from other languages as well but languages dominated in the formation of Fiji Hindi. Some common phonetic rules in Bhojpuri is the replacement of the sound ‘sh’ with ‘s’ for e.g. the Hindi word for wedding is ‘shaadi’ while in Bhojpuri it is pronounced ‘saadi.’ Also in Bhojpuri, reference to oneself is ‘hum’ as opposed to ‘mein’ in Hindi. And the most famous text written in Awadhi is the Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas. And the giveaway Indo-Fijian word ‘kounchi’ is derived from ‘koun chiz’ which literally means ‘from what.’ While Hindi is a genderized language, Fiji Hindi is not. For e.g. ‘tum kahaan geh raha? (where did you go) is a question that can be asked to both the male and the female. But in Hindi it would be ‘Aap kahaan gaye theh’ to the male and ‘Aap kahaan gayi thi’ to the female. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg, in it lies an amazing discovery of linguistics, its origins and its history which provides for an interesting read. Fiji Hindi is also known as ‘Hindustani.’ That is the more politically correct description of our language as it is vague and has room for interpretation. Personally for me one of the most annoying things with my friends from India is their confusion, and at times their hysterical reactions in hearing a person from Fiji speak. It’s just so funny they claim. And that is understandable, Fiji Indians themselves make fun of people from Labasa and their lingo, I can only imagine the riot India Indians have when they hear Fiji Hindi. While it may seem comical, it is not broken or ghetto or village like. It has its own grammar, structure and history, it’s just different. Page 22 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Are you still waiting for your tax refund check taxpayers are due more their addresses with WASHINGTON — The than one check. the “ Where’s My ReInternal Revenue Serfund?” tool on vice is looking to return The average dollar The tool also enables $164.6 million in unde- amount for returned re- taxpayers to check the livered refund checks. funds rose by just over status of their refunds. A total of 111,893 tax- 28 percent this year, A taxpayer must subpayers are due one or mit his or more refund checks her Social that could not be delivSecurity ered because of mailing n u m b e r, address errors. filing status and “We want to make sure amount taxpayers get the monof refund ey owed to them,” said shown on IRS Commissioner their 2009 Doug Shulman. “If you return. think you are missing a The tool refund, the sooner you will provide the status update your address in- possibly due to recent of their refund and, in formation, the quicker changes in tax law some cases, instrucyou can get your mon- which introduced new tions on how to resolve ey.” credits or expanded ex- delivery problems. A taxpayer only needs isting credits, such as to update his or her ad- the Earned Income Tax Taxpayers checking dress once for the IRS Credit. on a refund over the to send out all checks phone will receive indue. Undelivered refund If a refund check is re- structions on how to checks average $1,471 turned to the IRS as update their addresses. this year, compared to undelivered, taxpayers Taxpayers can access $1,148 last year. Some can generally update a telephone version of “Where’s My Refund?” by calling 1-800-8291954 begin_of_the_ skype_highlighting 1-800-829-1954 end_ of_the_skype_highlighting. November 25, 2010 cars,” Pant said. “You could have heard a pin drop – people were speechless. But what an amazing show of corporate generosity. ”It’s certainly not every day you see one man give away AUD10 million ($F17m) as part of a staff Christmas bonus.” Pant said the 750 family holidays, which represents at the very minimum at least 1500 visitors for Fiji represented a major boost for the destination’s tourism industry in coming months. More to the point, he Nov. 17, 2010 While only a small percentage of checks mailed out by the IRS are returned as undelivered, taxpayers can put an end to lost, stolen or undelivered checks by choosing direct deposit when they file either paper or electronic returns. Taxpayers can receive refunds directly into their bank, split a tax refund into two or three financial accounts or even buy a savings bond. The IRS also recommends that taxpayers file their tax returns electronically, because e-file eliminates the risk 750 Aussie families for $F17m Fiji holiday mas stockings with 750 Fiji In what represents family holithe biggest Christmas days. bonus ever seen in Australian corporate This massive history - and a major act of generosity is the work of billionaire Clive Palmer who donned his Santa hat last weekend to announce the bonus to 1500 Clive Palmer staff attending the Yabulu nickel reboost for Fiji tourism finery Christmas party from North Queen- in Townsville. Atsland - one of Aus- tending the party as a tralia’s largest mining special guest Tourism companies has filled Fiji Regional Director its workers’ Christ- Australia, Paresh Pant Yabulu Refinery said he literally saw jaws drop as Palmer announced he would be giving the 750 Fiji week-long holidays to staff as a reward for their efforts across 2010. “If that wasn’t enough, Palmer then proceeded to give away no less than 55 brand new Mercedes-Benz of lost paper returns. E-file also reduces errors on tax returns and speeds up refunds. Efile combined with direct deposit is the best option for taxpayers; it’s easy, fast and safe. The public should be aware that the IRS does not contact taxpayers by e-mail to alert them of pending refunds and that such messages are common identity theft scams. The agency urges taxpayers not to release any personal information, reply, open any attachments or click on any links to avoid malicious code that will infect their computers. The best way for an individual to verify if she or he has a pending refund is going directly to and using the “ Where’s My Refund?” tool. said, the word filtering back into the region as employees returned home from their Fiji holidays was bound to have a marked effect on future business from the North Queensland region which has always represented a solid opportunity for Fiji business. Pant paid tribute to his Australian-based advertising industry PMA Communications which he said had played a major role in convincing Mr. Palmer that a Fiji family holiday would make the perfect Christmas gift. Source: FijiLive December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 23 Page 24 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Horoscope December 2010 December, 2010 by Acharya Virendra Kumar Mishra ,professor of Spiritual Enlightenment, 12735 Cherokee Lane, Galt, CA 95632 Email: , Phone: (209) 748-2906 (209) 748-2906 completely rework your routines. You have life! You could be taking on a bigger work ARIES- MEKH , more energy than usual for work, projects, load at the same time. December is a banner You are very busy and anything that involves reorganizing month for finances, communications, and expanding your and restructuring. Taking care of details is learning. horizons, whether what’s on your mind now. The last week of Sagittarius -DHANU it’s through actual December brings intense energy to a part- Don’t be surprised if romantic opportunities travel or “armfind you easily and when you least expect nership or significant relationship. chair travel Work them—it’s just that kind of month Energy, is very rewarding verve, and confidence are with you this Leo-SINGH this month, yet The last week of December features a job of- month, until the last week of the month when you still manage fer or opportunity, possibly a work-at-home your life winds down, quite appropriately! to find ways to endeavor. The first three weeks of December Until then, its hustle and bustle, and matters break the routine. are exciting and stimulating for you, This is are definitely working in your favor. A love At times, you may a decidedly romantic and creative period for interest has your best interests at heart just come across as opinionated, but it’s more you. You have special magnetic appeal, extra now. A proposal involving money comes to likely enthusiasm for sharing your thoughts. energy, and a real yen for excitement now. you in the last week of December. Writers Romance is to be found when you are en- Creative Leos will be on a roll, producing and artists are especially inspired during this joying non-routine activities. December more than ever, and publishing opportuni- period. presents a nice balance of recognition and ties may be forthcoming. Don’t wait until Capricorn - MAKAR accomplishment, as well as recreation and the New Year to make resolutions regarding The last week of the month begins a power love. A stellar romantic opportunity occurs health and fitness—the time is now period that you take with you into the New on the 4-6, and professional rewards arrive Year. Issues revolving around your family in the last week. and the past capture much of your attention Virgo-KANYA An exciting proposal or opportunity regard- this month, While others are racing around Taurus-VRIKH ing love, recreation, and creativity comes you, preparing for the holidays, you are enIn the first three weeks of the month, you your way A scurry of activity in and around joying a sense of peace. Tremendous energy are thinking strategically, making plans, the home or with family is in store for you and initiative is with you as you embark on and watching others around you more than this month, You are busy with preparations, a journey of internal change and personal you are participating. Sharing, intimacy, fi- repairs, and re-organizing—and enjoying discovery. It feels like you can move mounnances, and power plays all figure strongly every minute of it! It’s a fabulous time to tains. The key to harnessing this energy is for you in December You stand to gain get your “nest” in order and functioning focus—a natural talent for you! much from your observations! The last smoothly. The last week of December is week of the month brings with it buzz of positively intense for romance and intimacy. Aquarius-KUMBH travel or educational opportunities, most The holidays for you in 2010 are likely to be December is ripe with opportunity for envilikely involving a partner, who has been especially magical and memorable. Love is sioning new projects and goals for your fugoing through a lot of changes recently. in the air! ture, Friends, acquaintances, and groups will Creative avenues open up on the job this certainly keep you busy. Romance, however, month, and your credibility soars. is mostly quiet until after the 7th, when VeLibra - TULA An especially busy—mostly pleasantly so— nus, the goddess of love, enters your sign Gemini - MITHUN period is in store for you in the first three and stays there into the New Year, bestowA loan or repayment is likely to make weeks of December, It can get a little hectic, ing beautiful energy for attracting what and headlines for you towards the end of De- with many errands to run, more ideas than who you want into your life. It’s a mostly cember. A personal project could bear fruit you can realistically implement, and plenty easy month, save for some impulsive energy around the Full Moon on the 12th, which of contact with friends, siblings, and neigh- mid-month, when overspending or speculaoccurs in your sign. Balancing your needs bors. It’s a time of networking, and you’re tion could be costly. with those of a significant other involves coming across very smoothly. The last week plenty of negotiating and back-and-forth of the month (and year!) is revealing and Pisces - MEEN before arriving at any conclusions this perhaps intense for family matters. From The 12-16 is especially fortunate for work month. Times like these require a certain the 7th forward, great energy for attraction, and financial matters. In most ways, Decemamount of tact and a need to let others take entertainment, and romance is with you. ber is a high profile month for you, except center stage for the time being. An intimate for on a romantic level, which is satisfyingly conversation with someone special can be Scorpio- BRASCHIK private. You may be put “in charge” of a privery revealing mid-month. If you’re waiting for money in the form of vate matter. Secrets are revealed—and rea loan or repayment of a debt to you, it’s vealing. Intense energy comes from a friend Cancer KARAK likely to arrive around the Full Moon on the in the last week of the month. It’s virtually The need for changes in your approach to 12th.In many ways, December is a “money impossible to escape professional attention a partnership becomes apparent now. You month” for you; You enjoy extra energy and this month. Your work is recognized and resimply can’t wait until the New Year to enthusiasm for increasing your income. It’s warded, you come across as especially combegin fulfilling your resolutions regarding an excellent opportunity period for a bonus petent, and you experience a professional health, fitness, and lifestyle changes, The or raise that truly makes a difference in your peak of sorts. time is now! You are raring to go, ready to December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES ($18) www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 25 Page 26 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Entertaiment: PLAIN,The Fiji Son. by Ravi Singh Plain, the Bay Area’s own Fiji Hip-Hop Artist. Plain’s music journey started as a member of group 591 (‘00 -’05). Plain released his 1st solo album “The Event” in 2006 and 2nd album “Pull My Finger” in 2008. He has performed all over Bay Area with many Fiji and Non-Fiji Artist’s and he is still in the motion. His latest single “Fiji Sonz” for Fiji Hip-Hop Movement is a Hit in Fiji Community. I know Plain since ‘06 but never interviewed him till now. First let’s go back to 591 days, where your music career started. What made you guys get in music business? What are other 2 members up to? Are you guys keeping in touch? We got into music in the beginning, just for the love of music itself!! Yeah we wanted to be rich and famous but it was more of just expressing ourselves and having fun rocking parties and getting that underground buzz. The other 2 members Fiji Born and 2 Slicc are doing great. We weren’t just a group, we are family. So yeah we still real solid with each other. We all are pushing our own line, trying to get money so I don’t see them as often as I’d like to. We all realize that it ain’t no love lost and would ride for each other at the drop of a dime. How old were you when you came to the US? When did you start writing lyrics and rapping? I came to California when I was 13 yrs old and started writing around the age of 14 influenced by Bone Thugs N Harmony, Eazy E, DR Dre and of course the greatest artist of all time Tupac. I’d mess around and record on the karaoke machine all the time with the reverb effect on every song. Thought I was a star already. Haaa Haa How is it different from the time you started and now, as an artist? I mean writing, recording, distributing, promoting and overall as an artist, did things got harder or easier from then and now? Things are very different from when I started to current times. Back then it was mostly fun. Now it’s all or nothing. Even though I still have fun with it, I take my music more seriously now. I try to strategist, and focus on power moves. My network game is a lot stronger now. I realize that a close mouth won’t get fed. So I’m out there pushing on the daily. I’ve come to realize this music industry is an uphill battle and I don’t ever expect things to get easier. My lyrics have more depth in it now. My lyrical content has more stings to it. My delivery is better and smoother now. I know what to say to get the crowd’s attention. Whether it’s a punch line or something really unexpected. I have started cross promoting with other artists a whole lot more now as I realize this is a quick and efficient way to expand my fan base. As an artist I consider myself to be a solidified figure in the Fiji community. I am more conscious of what I say and do now because I realize I’d be a failure as a father if I ended up dead or in jail? So I speak on lighter subjects now from partying, roccin out, stuntin and females. I still speak on deep subjects also, but I don’t just talk about head busting and violence only. Yes, that was a part of how I grew up in Hayward, Cali. But I’m trying to put that behind me for the most part and just focus on appreciating life and experiencing it to the fullest. What you think of music industry as an independent Indo Fiji artist? Well that has pros and cons. I’m a double threat in this industry because I can rhyme in English and Hindi. I’m capturing a fan base the regular artist can’t because of that. I am proud to be one of the main figures in the Fiji Hip Hop rap scene. And definitely love putting the Fiji Islands on the map. I love remixing and flipping out songs for the Fiji community. Like “Casay Hay, Humma Londi Bad and Teach Me How To Juggie” The cons could be things like. Sometimes as an Indo Fiji artist, I might have a whole lot more to prove to the general public. A lot of people judging me cause of my race, not my talent. Even people from our own Fiji community sometimes tend to take shots at me. Saying I’m trying to be like other nationalities. That never made sense to me because I have a big Bula tattoo right across my forearm. People have Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: to realize, your personality and character, can sometimes be determined, shaped and molded by the environment you grew up in. “If you put me in a cage with animals .... I’ll be a beast! If I’m around civilized beings, I’ll present myself as a gentlemen and act accordingly” How did you get name Plain? I used to originally call myself P.O.T (Plain Ol Thug). As I grew older I realized I was more than that. I had more character and personality than just being a thug. So I cut it down to Plain. This name was short, simple, and best describe my character. Cause I’m a down to earth person. I believe that we’re God’s children and that I am no greater than the next individual. We all shine, just in different ways What are your upcoming projects and plans? My plan is to keep pushing a hard line for myself and for the Fiji community. I am currently involved with releasing volumes of an underground mix tape called G.A.S (Global Alliances of Spittaz). We have featured artists on the mix tapes such as Snoop Dogg, Akon, Daz, Kurupt, E-40, & more. We’re getting ready to release volume 5 - Global Domination by Thanksgiving weekend. We press up 2,500 copies per volume so we’ll be sitting at 12,500 copies pressed up in the last year and a half. Not bad for the underground scene. I have also released a video called “Fiji Sonz” along with other artists which is doing really well on YouTube. I’m also working with local artist Big Lou and AR to release a collaborated album called “Respect My Shine”. We already shot the first video to the album called “808 December, 2010 Luv” which was shot in Hawaii (Waikiki, Oahu). This album will be more geared towards positivity and will be promoted and marketed on a bigger scale. What would you like to say to your fans before we end this interview? Thank you everybody for holding it down for Plain. The love is appreciated and never taken for granted. I hope our community can come together as one and support each other through the thick and thin. Let’s leave the negative aspects, situations and BS behind. We have to work together and grow together as a community. Let’s bridge the gap between the young and old generation. Instead of talking down on each other, why not take that same time and energy to find a solution to the problem? Lead by example. Stay humble and hungry but never mistake kindness for weakness. Treat the next individual with the same love and respect as you would like projected towards you. Respect, you got to give it to get it!! Now, that I’ve finished preaching, Shout out to the whole South Pacific Islands. Fiji Stand up!! Shout out to Pacifik, Kanabliss, Ash, my Big Bro Jaz Danz and the Hum Ek movement. Shout out to Akash “Epic” Kumar for all the dope video production. Money N Muscle Ent, B.A.M Bay Area Management and triple OG Tone for pushing a hard line for ya boy. The whole Hayward squad, y’all know who you are. And shout out to anybody that’s out there doing something with their lives. A little bit of something, is better than a whole lot of nothing!!! December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 27 ,QWURGXFLQJ)LML,GRO86$5D]DN.KDQ 1HZDUN&$ )ULGD\ 1RYHPEHU WK )LML$PHULFDQ1DWLRQDO $VVRFLDWLRQ )$1$ KHOG LWV DQQXDO )LML ,GRO 86$ FRPSHWL WLRQ DW &KDQGLQL 5HV WDXUDQW &ORVH WR SHRSOH DWWHQGHG WKH HYHQW HQWHUWDLQHG E\ FRQWHVWDQWV DV ZHOO DV SUHYLRXV \HDUV )LML ,GROFKDPSLRQ 7KHHYHQWVWDUWHG DW DURXQG SP ZKLFK ZDVEURDGFDVWOLYHRQ WKHLQWHUQHWFRXUWHV\RI )LMLDQD7LPHV6HYHUDO SHRSOH ZDWFKHG WKH HYHQWIURPDOORYHUWKH ZRUOGYLDWKH)LML)HV WLYDOZHEVLWH 7KH HYHQW KDG URXQGV RI VLQJLQJ EDW 6LQJK ZKLOH WKH ¿QDO URXQG WOH RYHU NDUDRNH PX VDZ 5D]DN .KDQ DQG VLF DQG WLH EUHDNHU 7KH¿UVWURXQGVZHUH .DXVKDO 6LQJK EHLQJ URXQG MXGJHG E\ E H W Z H H Q WKH SXEOLF WZRFRQWHV 9RWHV ZHUH WDQWV FDVW ZLWK 7 K H DQ ³$´ DQG FRQ ³%´ WLFNHW W H V W D Q W V VWXE IRU L Q F O X G H G HDFK FRQ .DXVK WHVWDQW DO 6LQJK $V LQ DQ\ 3UL\D %LU F R Q W H V W 'HQQLV WKHUH LV DO / X F N \ ZD\V RQO\ /DO 5D]DN RQHZLQQHU 5D]DN.KDQ)LML,GRO86$ SKRWRVE\%DO1DLGX . K D Q DQG WKLV 6KDP $OL \HDUV )LML $OIUHG JUDGHG E\ MXGJHV ,GROFKDPSLRQDVFKR +DNLP ZKLFK DGYDQFHG ¿ VHQ E\ WKH DXGLHQFH 6KHUHHQ %L9LMD\ 5D QDOLVWVWRWKHODVWURXQG ZDV 5D]DN .KDQ ZKR PDQ5DMHVK ZKLFK ZDV PRQLWRUHG DORQJZLWKPDQ\RWKHU .XPDUDQG3UDYHHQ. E\ QRPLQDWHG MXGJHV SUL]HV WRRN KRPH WKH URWDWLQJWURSK\ 3KRWRV LQFOXGHG LQ )LMLDQD 7LPHV DV ZHOO DV WKH )LML )HVWL YDOZHEVLWHZHUHWDNHQ DQG SURYLGHG IRU E\ %DO1DLGX 7R YLHZ PRUH SLFWXUHVRUWRYLHZWKH UHFRUGHG EURDGFDVW RI )LML ,GRO 86$ SOHDVHYLVLW¿MLIHVWLYDO FRP ,I \RX DWWHQGHG WKH VKRZ RU ZDWFKHG LW RQOLQH ZH ZRXOG ORYHWRKHDUIURP\RX 3OHDVHHPDLOXVDW LQIR#ILMLDQDWLPHV FRPDQGZHZLOOJODG O\ SRVW \RXU RSLQLRQ RQ RXU ZHEVLWH DQG SXEOLVK LW LQ WKH QH[W PRQWK¶VLVVXH Page 28 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Tonga: NZ$634,500 Donated to Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal 07 October 2010 hearts. With it comes quake. Prime Minister’s Office, our prayers and hopes Nuku’alofa, 6 October 2010: A total donation of NZ$634,500 was transferred last Friday, October 1st, to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal bank account in Christchurch, New Zealand. On the same day, the Coordinating Committee of the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Fund took out a fullpage advertisement in the Christchurch newspaper, The Press, with the headline, “’OFA ATU, CHRISTCHURCH!”, and the message addressed to the Lord Mayor and the People of Christchurch, which stated: that with God’s help, you will continue to rebuild and recover from the devastating earthquake.” The backdrop of the message was a full page colour photograph of a Tonga High School student holding a Christchurch Earthquake Appeal donation box accepting a donation from the occupants of a passing vehicle on Fatafehi Road during the first the radio-thon. The Prime Minister Dr. the Hon Feleti Vaka’uta Sevele also informed the Lord Mayor of Christchurch, Mr. Bob Parker of the donation during a brief visit to Christchurch last Friday. He also met with government and community leaders and toured some of the homes and buildings damaged by the earth- The donation that was transferred last Friday was equal to TOP$891,694. As of Tuesday, 5 October, the Coordinating Committee had TOP$4,500 in its bank account, and there were a few pledges outstanding. The balance together with any further donations will also be transferred to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake Appeal next week. The Coordinating Committee in its meeting on Tuesday also decided to close the bank accounts that were opened to receive donations with the ANZ Bank and the Tonga Development Bank. The only bank account that is still open is the one with the Westpac Bank of Tonga but that will also be closed on Friday, 8th October. Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 Tonga E-Government in World Top 20 13 October 2008 From the Office of the Prime Minister, Nuku’alofa, Tonga, Monday 13 October 2008: The Government of Tonga has been ranked in the top 20 E-Government studies by Brookings Institute from a total of 198 participating nations around the world in 2008. Prime Minister of Tonga Dr The Hon. Feleti Vaka’uta Sevele says “this is an outstanding achievement given that in 2007 the Government was ranked number 189 in the world which was almost the bottom of the pile.” The Digital Government: technology and public sector perfor“Please accept this mance study is an assmall gift from all the sessment of 1,167 People and the Govnational government ernment of the Kingwebsites for 198 nadom of Tonga. This tions around the gift is tiny and insigworld. It is a World nificant but it comes Bank supported anfrom the depths of our nual event, led by the Institute of Prime Minister of Tonga Launch Private Brookings the United States. The study analyses a range Sector Assessment of government sites 08 October 2008 momentum of priand bring prosperity developing a vibrant vate sector reform to the island-nation private sector in TonDr Paul Holden and in Tonga,” said Ton- by removing conga by improving the Chris Russell report gan Prime Minister straints on investment business environment authors Feleti Sevele. “This and entrepreneurship there,” said Winfried user-friendly publica- and suggests reforms Wicklein, ADB SeNUKU’ALOFA, TON- tion outlines ways in to achieve this goal,” nior Private Sector GA 8 October 2008 which Tonga may be said Eugene Zhukov, Spe– The Asian Develop- made a more attrac- Regional Director of Development cialist. ment Bank (ADB) and tive and profitable ADB’s Pacific Liaithe Government of country to invest in.” son and Coordination ADB is a leading Tonga today launched Office in Australia. donor to Tonga and ADB’s Private Sector “The publication aims provided $57.8 Assessment for Tonga. to assist Tongan Gov- “Transforming Tonga has million in loans and “The time is now ernment create jobs is a guide towards $15.4 million in right to increase the within each country to get a full sense for what is available in particular nations, with a focus on the Prime Ministers Office, Cabinet Offices, and Parliament. Prime Minister Dr The Hon. Feleti Vaka’uta Sevele says “this is an indication of an open and accessible Tongan Government.” The Prime Minister’s Office Website underwent a major revamp this year, with assistance from Pasefika Solutions, headed by Melino Maka. During the Coronation of King George Tupou V, the website received 2.2 million hits. The challenge for the Tongan Government will be to sustain it’s current success in future years. This is not easy for a tiny Kingdom in the Pacific but the Prime Minister is committed to building on this great momentum and working to ensure his Government maintains it’s current ranking. technical assistance grants since 1972. ADB’s programs in the 1970s and 1980s focused on infrastructure and outer-islands development. ADB changed its operational emphasis in 1992 toward a greater focus on macroeconomic policies, public sector performance, and improving the investment climate. December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES American Samoa: Gov. Togiola signs landmark bill – Smoke Free Environment Act (UTULEI: Thursday, October 21, 2010)- Governor Togiola Tulafono signed on Thursday, October 21, 2010 landmark legislation that bans smoking in restaurants, bars, taxis, buses and other public and private locations. Joined by representatives of the Department of Health and the Comprehensive Cancer Control Program, LBJ Medical Center, American Samoa Community Cancer Network, American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition, Department of Human and Social Services and American Samoa Chamber of Commerce at the signing ceremony, Governor Togiola said the signing of the Smoke Free Environment Act (H.B 31-48)will promote healthy living in American Samoa. The new law will go into effect in 90 days – January 22, 2011. Governor’s Remarks at signing ceremony for Smoke Free Environment Act “Today is a day where we join the movement of Smoke Free cities, states and countries by signing the act into law. This is a landmark piece of legislation that provides protection of residents from the exposure of second hand smoke, which causes an estimated 46,000 deaths from heart diseases and 3,400 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults within the United States. It is also responsible for triggering asthma in preschool aged children who have not already exhibited asthma symptoms. Another unique aspect of this legislation is that it is the first bill in Ameri- can Samoa that we are able to help reduce the public’s prevalence and mortality of chronic and non-communicable diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Both of which are two leading causes of death within our Territory. This, in turn, provides a more healthy Territory, leading to fewer residents needing to be put on a waiting list for the off-island medical referral program and making this Act one of the most cost effective health interventions in American Samoa. This bill should not be looked at as singling out smokers. If you smoke, that is your choice. But when you go inside a public place to smoke, you have made the choice for those who don’t smoke. And that is what we are trying to protect. I would like to thank the Fono and the many organizations and departments, and members of the community for their support of this very important legislation and especially for promoting healthy living.” www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 29 Gov. Togiola and First Lady Mary Ann launch six Boys & Girls Clubs; “Great Futures Start Here” (UTULEI: Friday, November 12, 2010) First Lady Mary Ann Tulafono today joined Governor Togiola Tulafono and students of Matatula Elementary School to launch the Boys & Girls Clubs of American Samoa afterschool mentoring program at the Tula school. tion and become a strong Girls Club is a place to be positive and you can leader for tomorrow.” really make a difference, The First Lady also said so enjoy yourself.” the afterschool program is part of Governor To- The official launch today giola’s vision to provide for the mentoring initiaa secure environment for tive afterschool program the youth of American at Matatula ElementaSamoa to enjoy produc- ry School was also the tive and healthy after- launch for the other five school activities with BGCAS schools - Alofau, Le’atele in Fagasa, Tatheir friends. As chairperson for the funa, Leone Midkiff and Boys & Girls Clubs of Governor Togiola told Alataualua/Taputapu in American SaNua and moa (BGSeetaga. CAS), First Lady Mary A comAnn Tulafono prehenexpressed her sive arexcitement ray of in telling the services young people will be of Matatula p r o that the club vided will provide a at each safe place for BGCAS young people clubof the Terrihouse of tory to learn the six and grow, and schools, will help to includdevelop them into caring, the students the Boys & ing tutoring and homeresponsible citizens. Girls Club programs and work help, skill-building services promote and en- for personal development “The slogan for Boys & hance the development and physical fitness. Girls Clubs of America of children by instilling Adult mentors have been is ‘Great Futures Start a sense of competence, recruited, trained and asHere’ and it is our hope usefulness, belonging signed to students (mentthat the mentoring initia- and positive influence. ees) at the schools. tive we are launching today will help ensure that “This is very exciting The launch was attended each of you, individually for you children because by the BGCAS Board of and collectively as a class not only will you have Directors, island comor student body, maintain fun with all the planned munity partners, which good health and receive a activities after school, include the Ta’ita’itama quality education,” said but also you will learn Prevent Underage DrinkFirst Lady Mary Ann. how to grow up eating ing program, Sodexo, the “We believe the trust and healthy and better food Football Federation of bonding that will develop and snacks, and get help American Samoa, Dethrough these mentoring with your homework, partments of Human and relationships will help but you will also get lots Social Services, Health, each of you build good of exercise while hav- and Education, and the character, develop a good ing fun,” said Governor American Samoa Comwork ethics, value educa- Togiola. “The Boys and munity College. Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Page 30 HUMOR Airline Rules Trip from USA to Fiji is pretty lengthy therefore keeping your blood circulation normal is important and exercise is one way of doing that. It is even more important now that the waiting time is getting longer and longer. address system saying, “We apologize for the inconvenience, but Air Pacific Flight 711 will board from Gate 41.” So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41. Not ten minutes later the public address voice To try out a new tech- told us that Flight 711 nique Air Pacific de- would in fact be boardcided to do a test ten ing from Gate 35. minutes before boarding time. Here is an ex- So, again, we gathered perience from one of our carry-on luggage the business class pas- and returned to the original gate. Just as we sengers: were settling down, the “At the airport for a public address voice Fiji trip, I settled down spoke again: “Thank to wait for the board- you for participating in ing announcement at Air Pacific’s physical Gate 35. Then I heard fitness program. We are the voice on the public ready to board now”. www.FijianaTimes .com Collection of fools names. Birbal prom- “How dare you put my The Emperor was very ised to bring the list affond of tall, handsome ter sometime. and agile horses. Once a merchant from Arabia After a week, Birbal called on came to sell his horses. the EmHe displayed a few very peror with impressive horses to a long list the king. The Emperor of fools liked those horses and and preordered for a good numsented the ber of similar horses. paper to He gave two lakh gold the Emcoins as an advance to peror. Akthe merchant. bar was happy that BirThe man was a fraud. bal had accomplished He disappeared with his job in a very little the money and did not time. However, when return. Time passed. he gazed on the paper, One day a unique whim he was raged to read his struck Akbar’s psyche. own name on the top of He said to Birbal he it. “What’s this Birbal?” wanted a list of all fools the Emperor roared. Movie: Bandini Flight Attendant: Pilot on intercom बचपन के तेरे मीत तेरे संग के सहारे ढूँढेंगे तुझे गली-गली सब ये ग़म के मारे पूछेगी हर निगाह कल तेरा ठिकाना ओ जानेवाले... behind will be distributed evenly among the “As you exit the plane, flight attendants. please make sure to gather all of your be- Please do not leave chillongings. Anything left dren or spouses.” “Thank you for flying the business as much as Air Pacific. We hope we enjoyed taking you you enjoyed giving us for a ride.” Troubleshooting tips when in a Bar SYMPTOM: Feet cold and wet. FAULT: Glass being held at incorrect angle. ACTION: Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling. SYMPTOM: Floor moving. FAULT: You are being carried out. ACTION: Find out if you are being taken to another bar. SYMPTOM: Floor blurred. FAULT: You are looking through bottom of empty glass. ACTION: Time to go home. SYMPTOM: Feet warm and wet. FAULT: Improper bladder control. ACTION: Stand next to nearest dog, complain about house training. December, 2010 AKBAR AUR BIRBAL ओ जानेवाले हो सके तो लौट के आना ये घाट तू ये बाट कहीं भूल न जाना Share what’s left behind in a Plane Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: है तेरा वहाँ कौन सभी लोग हैं पराए परदेस की गरदिश में कहीं तू भी खो ना जाए काँटों भरी डगर है तू दामन बचाना ओ जानेवाले... दे दे के ये आवाज़ कोई हर घड़ी बुलाए फिर जाए जो उस पार कभी लौट के न आए है भेद ये कैसा कोई कुछ तो बताना ओ जानेवाले... name in this category?” “I beg your pardon. Huzoor! You’re a justice loving person. Please judge your act regarding giving the advance to a stranger and then tell me, shouldn’t I keep you in this list?” asked Birbal with folded hands. The Emperor calmed down a little and argued, “Birbal, assume that the man comes with the horses. Then what will you do?” “I will immediately remove your name and put his name at your place.” promptly replied Birbal, the wittiest of all! Movie: Anaarkali Singer(s): Lata Mangeshkar Music Director: C Ramchandra Lyricist: Hasrat Jaipuri Actors/Actresses: Pradeep Kumar, Sulochana, Beena Roy, Mubarak, S L Puri, Kuldeep Kaur Year/Decade: 1953, 1950s ज़िन्दगी बेबस हुई है बेक़सी का साथ है एक हम हैं इस क़फ़स में या ख़ुदा की ज़ात है ओ आसमान वाले शिकवा है ज़िन्दगी का -२ सुन दास्तान ग़म की अफ़साना बेबसी का ( तू देखता रहे और दुनिया हमें सज़ा दे क्या जुर्म है मोहब्बत इतना ज़रा बता दे ) -२ मन्ज़िल पे क्यूँ लुटा है मन्ज़िल पे क्यूँ लुटा है हर कारवाँ ख़ुशी का ओ आसमान वाले शिकवा है ज़िन्दगी का सुन दास्तान ग़म की अफ़साना बेबसी का ( इतनी सी इल्तिजा है तुझसे मेरी दुआ की अल्लाह शर्म रखना दुनिया में तू वफ़ा की ) -२ होता है मौत ही तो होता है मौत ही तो अन्जाम ज़िन्दगी का ओ आसमान वाले शिकवा है ज़िन्दगी का सुन दास्तान ग़म की अफ़साना बेबसी का H0DJH)RWRV )RUSURIHVVLRQDOGLJLWDOSKRWRJUDSK\QHHGV :HGGLQJ5HFHSWLRQV3DUWLHV 3ULYDWH)XQFWLRQV3RUWUDLWVHWF &DOO5DM#RU HPDJHIRWRV#JPDLOFRP December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES Raj Travel goes Mobile Raj Travel unveiled the iphone app software, which can now allow travelers to make reservations, check on flight data, onetouch call to reservation agents and many more features through this new iphone App. The agency calls it a “personal concierge” service for our customers. “Those things that you need are built into the application as part of your journey,” including a “Book Now” feature, with immediate booking capabilities said Fameeza Singh, Vice President at Raj Travel. Raj Singh, president of Raj Travel spoke with Fijiana Times editor about the app and how Raj Travel is using technology in its operations as well as its compliance with the new travel tariffs. Here are edited excerpts of his comments. Talk about the development of the app. We started this iPhone app idea a few months ago. We decided to do the concept because our customers are mobile by definition. It took us more time to think through how people work and how they would use a mobile computer to augment or facilitate their travel experience. How is Raj Travel using technology to allow customers better service? We’re seeing conscious decision making well in advance, based on real-time information. In the past, we have created “Rewards Program” which was first of it’s kind to our valued customers. Recently, we upgraded our phone systems to Voice over IP, which now allows us to monitor our call trends, a better voice mail system which allows agents to capture all incoming calls, and HD quality voice quality. Our reservation system on the website now allows Mobile customers the same service on the run. This new technology will also be introduced at BIG Cinema Theaters across the Bay Area starting November. What are you doing with the company’s Raj website? I can tell you that we’re continually looking at ways to enhance our technology front to our customers. Stay tuned, we’ll change the look and feel, to make reservations faster www.FijianaTimes .com by Ranjeeta Pal Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: BABIES AND TAXES As I share e a c h day with my little Ranjeeta Pal b u n d l e of joy, I realize that not only is it tremendously rewarding but also challenging and requires lots of responsibility. Among these are the financial burdens of supporting and educating your child. For those new parents sharing my happiness, fortunately there are a number of tax benefits to ease the burden. The key to tax benefits is a Social Security number. You’ll need one for your child to claim him or her as a dependent on your tax return. Claiming your son or daughter as a dependent will shelter $3,650 of your income from tax in 2010. You get the full year’s exemption no matter when during the year the child was born. A new baby also gets a $1,000 child tax credit, every year until your dependent son or daughter turns 17. You also get the full $1,000 credit no matter when during the year the child was born. Because claiming an extra dependent will cut your tax bill, it also means you can cut back on tax withholding from your paychecks. File a new W-4 form with your employer to claim an additional withholding Page 31 but the earning and withdrawals when used for education If you are married, having a child will expenses are tax free. not affect your filing status. But if you’re As soon as your child single, having a child starts earning some may allow you to file money -- babysitting as a head of household. or delivering papers, example, or That would give you for helping out in the a bigger standard deduction and more family business -- he advantageous tax or she can open a Kids IRA. By employing brackets. your child in your Having a child pushes family business you earned income cut off can take a deduction to about $40,500 for for wages paid, while earned income credit. your child pays little With two children, or no taxes on his or you can earn more her earnings. than $45,000 and still qualify for this credit There are some though and with three or more child tax issues to keep children; you can earn in mind. The “kiddie about $48,300 and still tax” affects children’s income claim this valuable investment and the associated credit. tax. The intent is stop If you pay for child high-income parents care to allow you to from shifting earnings work and earn income, to a child’s lower tax then you can earn a bracket. child care credit worth Nanny Tax between $600 and The $1,050 for the care of applies when you hire one child under age 13. someone to come into You may have an even your home to help care better tax-friendly way for your new child and to pay your child-care you pay more than bills than this child $1,700 a year, you then care credit: A child- become responsible care reimbursement for paying Social account at work. Often Security, Medicare and known as flexible unemployment taxes spending account, for your caregiver, and money spent through reporting the wages to this account is pre-tax, the caregiver and to hence reduces your the IRS. taxable income. “allowance.” Do you have an article or a story for publication in this ONLINE paper? As you plan for your child’s future, you may have to consider saving for college. Contributions made to a Section 529 plan If so E-mail them and ESA, although today: are not tax deductible Page 32 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Fiji: Lottery tickets sale on final stretch November 25, 2010 By Torika Tokalau The sale of the Fiji Rugby Union lottery tickets for the 2011 Rugby World Cup is now on its last weeks before the fi- draw.” nal draw on December FRU today was handed 30. an extension to the sales permit of the lottery FRU chairman, Bill tickets by the Attorney Gavoka said the typical General’s office. laid back Fijian attitude to leave “We wanted to make things to the sure we validate the last minute can sales and the legal side be seen in the of matters was in place,” ticket sales. Gavoka said. “We have more response now than ever before now that we’re on the home stretch,” he said. “We have printed 20,000 tickets with 17,000 currently on distribution; home stretch and the re- the other 3000 will be sponse from the public distributed in the last is greater now into its three weeks before the The permit which validates sale from December 25th, 2009 took four days to approve cost the FRU $9000. “We just want to rest assure all those that bought tickets from August 1st, 2009 when sales started that it is still valid,” FRU lottery director Kenneth Zinck said. Source: Fijilive Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup. The U.S. Women’s National Team defeated Italy 1-0 in front of more than 9,000 fans in the second match of a two-leg playoff series to win 2-0 on aggregate and earn the sixteenth and final berth to the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup. The USA had won the first leg, 1-0, in Padova, Italy on Nov. 20 on a late goal from Alex Morgan. “(After the loss to Mexico in CONCACAF Qualifying), the locker room was disappointed and sad but it didn’t take long to be like ‘Ok, we need to take a different road to the World Cup’ and look at it in a positive way,” said U.S. head coach Pia Sundhage. It’s been a bumpy road, but we need to enjoy it and it will take us all the way to Germany.” The only goal of the game at Toyota Park came off the foot of Amy Rodriguez in the 40th minute after a nice build-up down the left wing. Megan Rapinoe created the scoring opportunity with a brilliant dribbling run, first cutting into the middle before faking a shot and cutting back in the penalty area. She then smacked an angled shot that Italian goalkeeper Anna Picarelli knocked down, but couldn’t hold. Rodriguez was first to the rolling ball, sliding bravely to pound it into the roof of the net from six yards. Is the fear of foreclosure making you feel ? 0\1DPHLV.+$1 'RQ¶WPDNHDZURQJWXUQ &DOOPHIRUDIUHHFRQVXOWDWLRQDQGGLVFRYHU\RXURSWLRQV ,KDYHSHUVRQDOO\VROGRYHUGLVWUHVVHGSURSHUWLHV RYHUWKHODVWIHZ\HDUVDQG,KDYHWKHSURYHQH[SHUWLVH WRKHOS\RXDVZHOO ¡ဠ£ª¤¦£¤¡£¡£ဓ ဣ¨¦£ª¤£¤¤¤¡£¦¤န ¡£¤ª¡¤¡¤¡£¦¡£¦¬ဤန ¡န¦ထ¦ထၺၸၹၸန Contact Arif Khan Real-estate Broker # 01252906 $ULI.KDQ 3UHVLGHQW %D\VKRUH3URSHUWLHV(DVW%D\ ,QGXVWULDO%OYG+D\ZDUG&$ (PDLODULI#ED\VKRUHSURFRP 'LUHFW[ &HOO )D[ %D\VKRUH3URSHUWLHV 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO5HDOHVWDWH &HUWLÀFDWLRQV $FFUHGLWHG5(2$JHQW 5(2'HIDXOW&HUWLÀHG3URIHVVLRQDO 5HDOHVWDWH$ZDUGV 3LQQDFOH$ZDUG*UDQG0DVWHU 5HDOHVWDWH$ZDUG December, 2010 S Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 33 Hari Om Mandir in San Mateo organized a successful blood drive on 21st November, 2010. upport your Community was the motto of Hari Om Mandir officials, Swami Indarvijay Narayan Maharaj and Salesh Chand. The mem- bers and residents of San Mateo were all energized to give back something to the community and in this instance in form of BLOOD. Salesh says “Here we are doing something that is going to benefit individuals of all races as the blood donated has no mark to differentiate color, race or religion”. After donating blood Salesh said “It feels good to be a part of helping to save lives” The event was sponsored by Ashwani K. Bhakhri of Law Offices of Ashwani K Bhakhri, a professional corporation whose office is in Burlingame. The blood collecting agency was Blood Cen- As a host they: ters of the Pacific. • Offered a suitable location Of many, some of the • Publicized the blood donors were prominent drive professionals of that • Organized a recruitarea namely, Attorney ment committee to recruit Bhakhri, Dr. Wison Lim donors within the organi(Dentist) of Daly City, zation Dr. Quddusa Doongelwa- • Scheduled donors for la (Psychologist). appointments where ever needed. Coordinating a blood drive involves dedica- The team from Blood tion and is a true team Centers of the Pacific effort. Swami Indarvijay with the experience beNarayan Maharaj and hind them had worked Salesh with the help of and tirelessly from 11am others completed the task till 3pm to accomplish without any problem. the task. Attorney Ashwani K. Bhakhri Mukesh Kumar Swami ji with Salesh Chand Mengal Punnal Dr Lim with Mengal and Gyan Wati of San Mateo Jogindar Malik , South SF Swami Indarvijay Narayan Maharaj Mobile Blood Bank More participants Space and Photos by: FIJIANA TIMES Read more at Page 34 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 *DQJ8S2Q0\)LML*DQJ ´:KHUH2OG6FKRODUV5HXQLWH3UHVHQW6WXGHQWV0HHWµ 9LVLWKWWS0<),-,*$1*),-,/,9(&20 &DWFKXSZLWK\RXUROGFUHZDQG VKDUHVFKRROPHPRULHVVFKRROFUXVKHV DQGVFKRROFRQIHVVLRQV -RLQJURXSVVFKRROVDQGVKDUH \RXUYLHZVRQ)RUXP 3OD\%XV6WDQG*DPHV RQOLQHE\9DNDML·Q.LFNLQ· 3LQFKLQ·&KRURLQ·+HDUWV3RNLQ /HOR·LQ<RXU*DQJ 2QO\RQ0\)LML*DQJ\RXHYHQKDYH WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRUDWHSURILOH SKRWRV6RZKDW DUH\RXZDLWLQJIRU" December, 2010 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: Page 35 Diwali Celebration by Hayward Community and Cultural Center on 30th October 2010. week all activities as It was a nice cool from the kitchen of the building where evening with slight shower but the hard working devotees and members of the HCCC made no mistake in placing all dots overs i’s and ending a days hard labor decorating the hall at Newark Pavilion when suddenly a bright light and heavy smoke erupted over 500 guests were expected to share the devotional moment and the Diwali celebration with dramas, kirtans and feast marking the return of Rama from 14 years in exile. The scene ended with no injuries and doors were closed. Jakhe Rakhe Saiyan Mar Sake Na Koi!!!! With that said the venue was quickly moved to Delaine Eastin Elementary School in Union City where after a planned took place ending with the much awaited songs by Asha Ram attributing to the memories of Late Pt. Vinod Chand Maharaj and concluded by songs by Vaneet Nand which made all leaving the venue to stay put till all ended. Over 400 quests participated. Page 36 Advertise your business online with FIJIANA TIMES www.FijianaTimes .com Call: 510-270-5248 or E-mail: December, 2010 ($12) “Come and Join Intero Real Estate in Hayward” Looking for motivated ted d agents to join a “winning” team. Excellent Training & at Compensation, Great Teamwork, and Outstanding Resultss Calll Brok Call Broker ker Raj Singh at (510) 755-0980 to make an appointment. 77 Jackson Street, Hayward, CA 94544. Ph: (510) 690-1700 Lic.# 01773436