CFM Board Chairman Resignation and New Appointment
CFM Board Chairman Resignation and New Appointment
i Stotementlo fhe South Pqcific Stock Exchonge CFM BOARDCHAIRMANRESIGNATION AND NEWAPPOINTMENT Februory15,2012 The diversifiedcommerciol rodio r^onrrlomarniaCommunicotionsFrji Limited(cFM) hos oppointed o new choirmonfollowingthe resignotionof ffiPU,6 Mr H o riP u n j o . To conformwith crossmedio ownershiprequirements of the Medio lndustry @f&rrus DevelopmentDecree, Mr Punjo hod to sell his Hori punjo ond SonsLtd (HPSL) shoresin CFM.Hisresignotion os choirmoniseffectivefrom todoy. Mr Mo tt Wi l so nh o sb e e n o ppoiniedby the Boor dto succeedM r punio. On beholf of the Boord,shoreholders ond stoff,Mr Wilsonpoid tributeto Mr Punjofor his27 yearsof leodershipin CFM,ond his mony contributions to Communications Fiji Limited parent company of: Fiji:FM96, Legend, Navtarang, RadioSargam, VlTlFM, TotalEventCompany & PNG:NauFM& YumiFM SUVA HEAD OFFICE 231Waimanu Rd, Suva,Fiji. Private MailBag,Suva (679)3314766 Telephone: Fax (679)3303748 Website: LAUTOKA GrndFll SugarCaneGrowers Council Bldg,Drasa Avefiue Lautoka, Fiji (679)6664966 Telephone: Fax (679)6664996 LABASA 10Rosawa Street Labasa, Fiji Tefephone:(679) 8812791 Fax (679)8812177 th e co mp o n y'sg ro w th.The compony,he soid,will missM r punjo' sobi r i ty ond experience. Mr Wilsoniso foundingDirectorond shoreholder of Communicotions FijiLtd, olong with MqnogingDirectorMr williomPorkinson, ond Mr punjo.He is on o cti ve B o o rdme mb e rond hosocted os choir m onon monv occosionsH. e is o speciolistin corporotecommunicotions ond strotegyond hos ployed o key rolein ihe growthof CFM. In o p p o i n ti n gMr Wi l so n, the CFMBoor dwos conscious of ihe impor tonc eof felt thqi Mr Wilsonwould continueto providethe stondordof l e o d e rsh ith p o t C F Mh o d become occustom edto of Boor dlevel. - Fiji's Homeon the World WideWeb Mr Wilsonsoid CommunicotionsFijiLtd hqd come o long woy qnd its future wos bright os the compony continuesto exploreinnovotivewoys to delivervolue to its shoreholders. For more informotionor clorificotion,pleose contqct WilliomPorkinsonon phone 33r \7 66 or WII.IIAMPARKINSON JYOTISOTANKI Monoging Direclor Compony Secrelory