Talanoa - International School Suva


Talanoa - International School Suva
Newsletter of International School Suva
The last day for our IB students
Ta l a n o
Do you remember
at school?
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a significant
IB examinations
of our
rember your
at school?
It isItsuch
a significant
yet yet
IB examinations
for for
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It It
05 September, 2014
Volume 6
25 May 2012
Electronic copy available at http://www.international.school.fj/docs/talanoa.pdf
Electronic copy available at http://www.international.school.fj/docs/talanoa.pdf
Volume 8
Inside This Issue:
* Principal’s Report
* Upcoming Events
* School Council Update
* Plugged-In 2014 Program
* Leadership Summit
* Counselors Corner
* Primary Perspective
* Bula Wear Competition
* Half-Marathon Sponsor Pledge Form
* Fijiwood Dance
* Service Club Target
* Hockey
* ISS Senior Basketball
* PTFA Article
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am delighted to inform you that Dan Shao has joined the staff at ISS and has started work in
the Middle School teaching year 6 and year 7 Chinese. Dan graduated in Chinese Language
and literature education from Shenyang University in 1999 and before taking up a post at
International School Suva was teaching Chinese at Yat Sen School in Suva. I take this
opportunity to thank Cynthia Chen and Carol Yao for teaching our middle school students of
Chinese from the beginning of term two, when their former teacher left unexpectedly, until
Mrs. Shao took over.
As many of you are aware earlier this year the school was visited by a committee from our
accrediting body, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The visit followed the self
study process which the school undertook during 2013 and 2014. The committee considers all
aspects of school life under four categories:
Organization for student learning,
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment,
Support for student personal and academic growth, and
Resource management and development
Following this visit the school was received further accreditation for six years and a
comprehensive report from the WASC visiting committee. The next step of the process is for the
school to develop the whole-school action plan from the information gathered in the self-study
and the findings of the visiting committee. The report was received by the school in August and
is currently being considered by both the staff and the School Council. A summary of the
findings of the report will be posted on the school website in the next few weeks.
As we look forward to the last two weeks of term I take this opportunity to invite you to the
second Plugged-In Battle of the Bands completion, with special guest Knox, which will take
place in the Multi-Purpose hall on Saturday 6th September from 6pm, and to view the year 5
PYP exhibition booths from 15th September. Finally, please be reminded that there will be no
school on 17th September due to the national elections taking place on that day.
Anna Marsden
Term 3 & 4
Term 3 Week 09
Term 4 Week 01
Term 4 Week 03
Monday, September 8
Literacy/Library Week
Monday, October 6 Teacher Only Day
Tuesday, October 7 All students return
Friday, October 10 Fiji Day public holiday
Wednesday, October 22 Science fair on MPH stage
Thursday, October 23 Diwali public holiday
Term 3 Week 10
Term 4 Week 02
Term 4 Week 04
Monday, 15 September
Monday, October 13
ISA Assessment (Year 3 – 8)
Science Fair exhibition
Thursday, October 30 4pm Marketing
Primary Halloween Social
Friday, October 31 Year 11 Social
Wednesday, 10 September
Young Writer's Day
Friday, 12 September
Assembly - Year 5
Movie Night
PYP Exhibition Opening Night
Tuesday, 16 September
Primary Student-led Conferences
PYP Exhibition school visits
Tuesday, October 14
ISA Assessment (Year 3 – 8)
Wednesday, September 17
Wednesday, October 15
ISA Assessment (Year 3 – 8)
Elections day - Public holiday
Friday, September 19
Peace Day Assembly
Thursday, October 16
4pm Finance
5pm Council
Friday, October 17
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From your Chair of Council
The School Council meets twice a term as a full council and Council Committees meet at least
once a term. In between these formal meetings, face-to-face, telephone and email conversations
are also taking place. All members of the ISS School Council volunteer their services and elections
take place at the school’s Annual General Meeting every March. Your current Council members
are: Christian Adams, Nicholas Barnes, Bole Digitaki, Mark Halabe, Anna Marsden, Indira Sharma
(Deputy Chair), Siobhan Sinclair, Lydia Sprankle, Kris Stice, Jacquelyn Terry (Chair), Neisau
Tuidraki, Rosi Uluiviti and Michael Valverde.
Update from Council Committees
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee continues to oversee the new building project and is working closely with
the Finance Committee to ensure the project remains within budget. In addition the committee is
working on plans for an access road running in front of the new building from Noko Noko Road to
Ratu Dovi Road and brainstorming ideas regarding future building plans at the school.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee continues to work with the Facilities Committee overseeing costs on the
new building. The internal budget setting process for 2015 has also started and will be completed
in the first few weeks of next term. In every meeting the Finance Committee scrutinizes the
financial accounts of the school.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee has been exploring Council evaluation procedures and looking at
ways to enhance the induction of new Council members. Furthermore, the Governance
Committee continues to review the Articles of Association and oversee policy review.
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee continues to review staffing needs and monitor staff
recruitment and turnover. Work has continued on the staff exit interview form and the Committee
will also be overseeing the revision of the opinion surveys.
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee has continued to develop the school brand and to roll this out to printed
material, the website and school merchandise. The Marketing Committee has also started working
on the whole-school marketing plan.
Jacquelyn Terry
Chair of Council
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Plugged-In 2014 Program
6 September
Competing Schools
Gospel High School
International School Suva
Latter Day Saints College
Marist Brothers High School
Rishikul Sanatan College
Suva Grammar School
Miri Turagabeci
Guest Performers
South Seas Music
South Tex Ltd.
Venue: International School Suva Auditorium
Lot 59 Siga Rd., Laucala Beach Estate, Suva
Igelese Ete
Lai Veikoso
Seru Serevi
Schedule of Events
6:00 PM
Opening ceremony and introductions.
6:15 PM
Round 1 — Bands each perform two numbers and receive feedback from the judges at the end of their
performance. Schools perform in alphabetical order.
7:30 PM
People’s Choice Award.
7:45 PM
Knox performs!
8:00 PM
Round 2 — Top three finalists each perform their last
song and receive feedback from the judges. Schools
perform in alphabetical order.
8:30 PM
Knox performs!
8:45 PM
Winners announced and final performance.
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Bula everyone… as term 3 comes to an end, it is certainly a
favourable time to reflect on what has taken place over the
course of the year and then to start working towards an even
better term 4. All our work, planning, decision making and
stressing, will ultimately lead towards a brighter 2015. For some, Term 4 will definitely be a stress filled
one. There will be students who are preparing for external examinations, those preparing for
transition- from primary to secondary, from middle school to high school and from high school to tertiary
studies. The list goes on... work experience preparation, catching up on assignments and assessment
tasks, preparation for internal examinations and just finding time to do the things that need to be done.
While the school holiday is a call for a well deserved break, think again, especially for students in the high
school. The excitement of just holidays can easily upset a student’s learning momentum and more
especially so for the Years’ 10 and 12 who are both preparing for external examinations. Ensure that your
student understands that keeping some focus on school work will help them in the long run. Below, a few
tips that may help in better managing your time and being good to yourself:
In the time leading up to exams, study and revision should be a priority. Other commitments should be
minimised (but not completely lost).
Develop a study timetable – the amount of time devoted to revision for each course will vary depending on
the course, the importance of the exam, and your ability in that course.
Find out your exam timetable as soon as it is available and plan your study accordingly. Make sure you
know everything about the exam possible (format, length, mark allocation, location, allowable
materials etc) and determine how long questions should take to answer.
Your time studying should be exactly that; not on face book or YouTube; not on your phone; not playing
games; not cleaning your room.
You still require adequate rest. If you do not get sufficient sleep you will not function at your best.
A solid preparation equals reduced anxiety (stress) and increased confidence. Prepare well
for exams.
It is never too early in a year to start revising. Leaving it all to the last couple of days or
weeks is not a solid preparation.
Maintain a balance in your life. You still need some time to socialise, relax, exercise and maintain your
other interests. But, considerable effort does need to be devoted to doing the best you can in your exams.
Eat well and sleep well. Stay away from foods that are not nutritious. Drink plenty of water.
Minimise / eliminate (preferable) alcohol and drug intake. This includes drinks like coffee and energy
Learn and practice ways of relaxing – meditation, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation etc.
Stay away from people that irritate or annoy you.
May we all have a safe and well deserved break and return refreshed for the new school term.
Advise for the next time you’re STRESSED:
Take a step back, inhale and laugh.
Remember who you are and why you’re here…
You’re never given anything in this world that you can’t handle,
Be strong, be flexible, love yourself and love others.
Always remember, just keep moving forward.
Fenella School Counsellor fdavid@international.school.fj
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Primary Perspective
With only two weeks left until our September break,
we have much to reflect on with regards to learning
in primary for Term 3.
In between camps, excursions, exhibition and assemblies, all classes have been busy in the classrooms with their units of inquiry in collaboration with
the specialist subject areas. This is where our
transdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning
comes into play. This approach refers to learning
that is authentic and relevant to the real world.
Teachers, when effectively using this approach do
not compartmentalize learning, but rather explore
content within the context of inquiry. Rather than
take a 40 minute lesson on data handling with tally
marks and graphs as a stand-alone lesson, children
in a PYP context would explore the same content
but within their theme, for example, ‘Who we are’,
students may notice that they all come from different countries. Teachers would then teach to that
moment and investigate data handling by helping
the students create a survey in order to observe,
collect and record data about the nationalities represented within their own classroom and school. Our
year ones are currently focusing on human rights
through the lens of multidisciplines, including PSPE
with Mr Waqa. Our Reception students are currently focusing on light and how it effects living
things and the environment with Ms. Chandra in
Hindi Studies, Mr Tim in Music and Mrs Stice in Visual Arts. The inquiry topics should always be meaningful and relevant to the student and have relevance across subject areas. Learning that transcends their confines and connects with the real
world! If you would like to know more about our
transdisciplinary learning and teaching, come and
see us. Ms Rosi, our PYP coordinator and I are
always willing to discuss curriculum with our parents
and caregivers.
Next week we celebrate literacy week once more,
this time with a focus on spelling. Everyone I am
sure has been busy learning their spellathon words
in readiness for next Friday’s challenge. This was
the chance for students to share with you all, how
they learn spelling at school. There are many literacy activities on during this week as sent home via
email last week to all parents and caregivers. You
are all very welcome to attend any of our sessions
at any time during the week. The book character
parade is always lots of fun and this year we have
including a pyjama Friday where students can
come to school in their PJ’s and bring along their
favourite bedtime story to share with their class.
The Year 5 PYP exhibition is also fast approaching.
It’s busy times in the year 5 classrooms as they
prepare for their exhibition night and week in the
final week of term. All Year 5 students have been
working hard to prepare their transdisciplinary inquiries for display. We wish them every success
for exhibition week!
Appreciation is our last focus attitude for Term 3.
Remember that “appreciation can make a day,
even change a life. Your willingness to put it into
words is all that is necessary!” (Margaret Cousins)
Keep an eye out in the last week of school for our
last edition of the Primary Press for Term 3.
Have a super fortnight!
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Fijiwood Dance Competition
Two weeks ago we had a successful group of senior students perform in the
Fijiwood Dance Competition at the National Gymnasium at Laucala Bay. The
students only worked collaboratively for 4 weeks on this item and should be praised
for their efforts. They were up against tough competition with schools competing
from Ba, Lautoka, Nadi, and Suva. There were 21 schools in the competition with
awards in a number of categories including Best Male and Female dancer.
Unfortunately, our school did not come away with an award but the students said
that the atmosphere out on stage was electric and the crowd was very supportive.
Nissan Pathfinder for Sale
2009 4.0 4WD TI - 7 Seats, Automatic
Good condition - Imported from
New Zealand in 2012
USD 25,000 – Duty not paid
If non-Diplomat, duty will be added to price
If interested please contact
Chris – 7776574 or cplus15@gmail.com
Vehicle is available mid-October
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Please donate goods to our donation box soon to be located at the secondary gate.
The Tuesday afternoon activity ‘Service Club’ has decided to fundraise for the SPCA.
We have targeted this organization as one in great need as it survives on donations
alone. This organization is taking responsibility for the abused and neglected animals of Fiji and as such is most worthy of our assistance.
On the 22nd of August we held a gold coin Mufti at school and then on the 30th
staged a Bake Sale at the Pure Fiji Factory Outlet. Thanks to all the people that
helped and supported us (including Pure Fiji) we have now raised $568.
Irava at the SPCA has given us a list of things that the SPCA is ALWAYS IN NEED of.
They include
Liquid bleach
Soap powder
Steel wool
and of course food (dog and cat)
We aim to find ways to make our hard earned dollars stretch as far as possible and
by contacting supply and wholesale companies, but you can also help by placing any
of these items in our donation box (at the secondary gate) at anytime.
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Our hockey season has come to an end with Marcellin Primary winning the league
In the U/8 Grade and TLC winning the U/12. Our teams competed well with our under 8
finishing second in the Super 6 Tournament while the under 12 were losing semi-finalist.
Despite these issues the players showed a lot of character, with two of our boys in the U/8 Toby
Fuji Bennet getting the certificate of the most improved player, and James Meurig-Evans getting
the most Valuable player.
Also in the U/12 Luke Meurig-Evans got the most Valuable player and Tristan Whitefield got the
most improved player. We look forward to bigger and better things next year.
Looking for a short-term Fiji Island living near Suva City for a minimum of 7 days?
Visit www.myfijihome.com for more information.
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ISS Senior Basketball
From the 25th to the 28th of August, ISS competed in the 2014 National Tuckers Basketball
Tournament. There were 21 schools from around Fiji competing, with over 700 student
ISS was represented by an Under 17 Girls’ team, captained by Emily Drakeford, as well as an
Under 19 Boys’ team, captained by Joshua Uluiviti. Both teams faced tough competition and
played very well.
The Girls’ team hustled well, winning 2 out of 3 of the pool games. Unfortunately, there was a 3
way tie for first place within their pool of 4 teams, and since it was based on points accumulated,
they finished 3rd, not progressing to finals.
The Boys’ team had an excellent run, showing determination and perseverance, thriving within
their pool of 4 different teams. They won all 3 of their pool games, being undefeated. The boys
then progressed through to the quarter finals where they faced Natabua. The game was very well
played from both sides, with a substantial catch up from the ISS boys in the last quarter, however,
unfortunately after a long and close match, ISS came short by only a few points.
Congratulations to both teams and all players! You should be proud!
Emily Drakeford
Year 11
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Talanoa Advertising Rates per 1/4 page:
ISS Members (Parents, Teachers & Students): $20
Non-ISS Members: $40
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