W R I T I N G S K I T T SC H E C K T I S T PL A N N I N G E Useclearheadings e Sometimesyou need headingsto help organizeyour writing, e.g.a report, an article, for instructions: Beforeyou start to write, plan the content, organization, headings,and the kind of languageyou are goingto use. A * e e a * Brainstormthecontent it. Think aboutthe topic,and,ifnecessar¡research Remember/ revisethe topic vocabulary. Discussyour ideaswith a partneror in groups. List the main points beforeyou start writing. Think of examplesto back up eachpoint. B Organizetheparagraphs * Decidehow manyparagraphs you need. * Decideon the contentof eachparagraphand list the main points: An article: The(Italians):whatwearereallylike 1:thestereotype ofpeoplefrom my Paragraph singoperaall üe country(noisy,like spaghetti, time,etc.) Paragraph2: what'strue/ what'snot trueaboutthe (True:noisy,Iíkespaghetti/ Not true: stereotype not everyone likesopera(or singsit!)) Instructions aboutyour house / flat: Beforeyou leavethe flat Make sureyou alwayslock the door beforeyou go out. Always put the answerphoneon ... Living room andkitchen The instructions for the TV and video arein the drawer. The remote controls areon the coffeetable ... Plantsand sarden The indoor plants haveto be watered every day ... W RITINC When you write your text, try to make it clear, vivid andimaginative. A Makeyour language more vivid 6 Use adverbs and adjectives to make a text'come alive'. They will make it more enjoyable to read. Why is 2 more vivid than 1? I It was raining. A man waswalking along the pavement.He looked round and sawthat a woman was following him. 2 It was raining heavily. A tall middle-aged man was walking quickly along the wet pavement.Suddenly he looked round and sawthat an attractivedarkhaired woman wasfollowing him. e Useconnectorsto link your ideas. However,PersonallyI think, etc. FirstlyI Secondly, C Usetherighttenses s Beforeyou start writing, decidewhich tense(s)you needfor the text type.What tense(s)would you useto write the following? 1 a story 2 describingthe plot of a film / book 'My ideal house' 3 an article: 4 adiary entry D Usethe right style and expressions s Beforeyou start writing decidewhat styleto use: Formal for a letter or email complainingto an airline, for a'for and against'composition,for a report about customsin your country Informal: for a letter or email to a friend, for a letter 'chat'programme or email to a TV I radio s Rememberthe key aspectsof eachstyle: Formal: no contractions,no colloquial expressions, e.g.Tosum up, etc. more formal expressions, Informal usecontractionsand colloquial expressions, e.g.anyway,That'sall for now, etc. w List usefulexpressions for the kind oftext: An emailto a TV showgivingyour opinion: Personallyl think... / In my opinion..., ...,Second(ly)..., First(ly) because ... Forexample / Forinstance B Use a wide range of vocabulary * The more varied vocabulary you use, the more interesting your writing will be. How can you make this sentencemore vivid? Shewqsweoringo niceskirt. I Use a wide selection of nouns, adjectives, and verbs. E.g.for physical appearance: Adjectives: e.g.overweight,medium height, bald, middle-aged Nouns: e.g.fringe, beard, moustache,eyelashes Verbs: e.g.looks (younger than his age),lookslike (her mother), is wearing/ carrying... C Writingdialogue You maywant to write dialogue as part of a story. * Use avariety of speaking verbs: suggested,insisted,told, asked(not just said ) & Use an adverb to show how someone is speaking: slowly, quietly, angrily, etc. * Remember the correct punctuation for dialogue is inverted commas around the spoken words, and a comma at the end of the spoken words ('...,'). 'l'd loveto 'but l'm come,'shesoid, busy.' CHE CK I N G When you are happywith the content of your text, check it for mistakes,e.g.spelling, grammar, vocabulary, andpunctuation. Make a checklist of your own t¡rical mistakes and memorize it. That wayyou'll find it easierto spot and correct them. c Checkyourpunctuation w Make sureyou know the right punctuation syrnbols, and when to usethem. Completethe ruleswith the correctnames. brackets capital letters colon comma full stop hyphen inverted commas question mark exclamationmark apostrophe A Checkyourspelling & Englishspellingis very irregula¡ so it is very easyto makemistakes.Improve your spellingby: - readingin English - usinga dictionaryto checkthe spellingof words - making a list of words that you often misspell Sometimesthereis a spellingrule that can help you. Look at the spellingrules for the -ing | -ed forms. Symbol Use Doublingconsoncints isdoubledbefore-ingond -ed in: Thefinolconsonont 'l verbswhichhoveone syllobleond end in consonont, (sfop- sfopped, gel- geftingl. vowel,consonont 3E A 2d (etc.). (P.J.Proby) ondqbbreviotions showsoshortpouse 4 . e.g.o portsof o sentence, thotseporoies 4lu ond superlotive ¡\ fhe ruleis thesomefor comporotive odjectiveslbig, biggerl. 2 verbswhichhovemoreihononesylloblebuthovethe vowel, stress on thelostsyllobleond end in consonont, consononI Ipermil- permittíng, p refer- p referredl. 5 E showstheend of o ond is olsousedofteriniiiols sentence. relotiveclouseor wordsin o list. non-defining showwordsthotore Theyore olsoused spoken(directspeech). oroundtiilesof booksor films,or o nicknome. showextro informoiion whichis notconsidered or on explonotion essentiol. is usedwhentwo An a , wordsore controcted,ond to showpossession, E e.o. h'sJone's. = € o! : fuelnopped ¡[ Exception 3 verbswhichend in -lofteronevowel(concel- concelled, travel- trovellingl. 7 E Otherchonges I verbswhichend in -e losethefinol -e beforeodding-ing lcome- coming,bíte- bítingl. 8E ¡[ Exception:oge- ageíng 2 Verbsendingin -íechongethe -ieto o ybefore odding the -ing (die- dying,líe- lyingl. B Check your grammar and vocabulary w Typicalgrammar mistakes: - verb agreement(e.g.a plural verb with a plural noun:peopleare Nor peoplris, etc.) - word order (with adverbs,adjectives, questions,etc.) - useof tenses(presentsimpleinsteadof present perfect,etc.) - irregularverbs(e.g.He lay down.Nor fffi . .. ) - gerundsand infinitives * \pical vocabularymistakes: - verbswhich areoften confuse d (e.g.meetandknow) - using a formal word wherethe styleis informal (e.g.therefore insteadof so,etc.) - 'falsefriends'i.e.wordswhich aresimilarin your languagebut havea different meaning - usingthe wrong preposition '! two wordsore ioinedtogether,e.g. some o o nouns. compound isusedtoshow An :E E ond surprise.lt comesof theendof o sentence ó isoftenusedin diologue. ( o t t h e e n d o f t h e A . .e showsthoto directquestionis sentence) ,E o e.g. beingosked.lt is olsousedin requests, o o Couldyoubringme ...? o = tellsyouthot A . E o is comingnexl,for exompleo list. something ore usedfor thefirst € E letterof o nome,o counfry,notionolityor monlhs. of the week, longuoge,doys ,.H 9 E D Check GB / US English Notice the differencesbetweenGB and US English. Write the British spellingof the words.What arethe differences? q& BritishEnglish USEnglish conceled meler cenfer color fovor license defense cotolog