brochure - Roger Jones and Associates
brochure - Roger Jones and Associates
Man ual C rease I nterceptor Manual Grease Interceptors (MGl) are hydromechanical grease interceptors designed to intercept and collect large quantities of sewer clogging fats, oil, and grease (FOG) and oily food waste discharged from a food service establishment kitchen. They are usually installed indoors and connected to the drain lines of the pot washing sink and the the dishwasher pre-rinse sink. MGls are typically used where they can be connected to a sanitary sewer that does not mandate automatic grease recovery devices. Operation The operation of the MGI is simple. They retain wastewater long enough to allow FOG and oily food solids to separate out by gravity flotation and settling. Since grease is lighter than water, the grease floats to the surface of the interceptor. Conversely, solids settle to the bottom and accumulate at the sludge baffle. The accumulating grease can be scooped and disposed in a dumpster or recycled with other grease by a rendering firm. 26 Construction Options MGls are constructed of mild carbon . steel and coated with heavy duty polyurethane for superior corrosion resistance. Stainless steel or aluminum construction is also available. MGI's are available in many configurations to fit almost any require- . . ment. Large volume MGls are available for applications where gravity grease interceptors cannot be installed belowground due to high water conditions, bedrock, conflicting utilities, or prohibitive costs. They are designed to fit into tight interior spaces, even through a standard 35" door! Removable solids screen basket Interceotor extensions Ladders and platforms with handrails . Influent, effluent, or storage compartments . Electronic grease level gauging system . Complete alarm, control, and pumping systems . Insulation systems MGI's are available with three types of covers that allow for total access to interceptor for observation, main- tenance, and cleaning: . Removable galvanized steel lid with quick release stainless steel clamps. . Top deck plate covers for pedes- trian traffic or vehicle traffic. . Hinged hatch doors. MEMBER Bolt-on, Painted Carbon Steel Deck Plate Cover with Lifting Eyes. Flush to Grade Mount for Light Foot Traffic ONLY Vent Fittings let "No Hub" Model Flow Rate Gal/Min* MGt- 10 MGt- 15 MGr- 20 MGt- 25 MGr- 35 MGt- 50 MGt- 75 MGt- 100 MGr- 125 MGt - '150 MGr- 200 MGt- 250 MGt- 300 rMGt- 350 Static Grease Holding Water Gallons Capacity Pounds 10 20 't4 30 40 17 24 42 47 76 193 226 264 396 50 70 100 150 200 250 300 400 s00 500 700 800 Dimensions Length Width 20" 22" 22', 26" 29" 29" 34" 53" 56" 59" 68" 1,000 1,000 73" 75" 78" 82" 90" 8b" 1.018 777 500 500 132" tMGt- 1000-N 971 rMGl- 1250 "t,269 tMGt- 1500 1.513 rMGt- 1750 1,757 rMGl- 2000 2,002 rMGr- 2500 2,513 tMGl- 3000 3.003 2,000 2,500 3.000 3.500 4,000 5,000 6,000 rMGt - 400 500 580 625 815 rMGl- 500 rMGt- 500-N 864 tMGt- 750 rMGl- 750-N 506 98' 1 50" 104', 124" 144" 164" 164" 196" 14" 14" 14" 17" 22', 22', 24" 35', 36', 37', 42', 44', Inlet & Outlet Inlet & No-Hub,Sch.40 Outlet Height Diameter Height 15" 15" 2u 9.5" 2u 20" 20" 2u 3', 11.5" 14" 22" 24" 34" 34" 3u 16.5" 3', 18.5" 23.5" 26" 28" 30" 4u 4u 36', 4" 38" 4u 4u 4u 44', 48" 52" "14" 38" 4" 40" 52', 6', 56', 58' 6n 60" 58" 58" 6" 40" 44" 40" 43" 60" 34" 58" 58" 8', 34', 60" 60" 58" 8', 8', 47" 50" 60' 60' 60" 60" 60' 8u 60" 60" 50" 72" 8u 72', 8', 8', 8', 8" Covers 44" 44" 44" 51" 51" 51" 51" 63" 63" * lntermittent flow. t 6" and larger - companion flanged connection. Also available with 8" or 10" inlet or outlet. Note: Vent Connections are 2" or 3' NPI on outlet end of MGl. Series "N" units are designed to pass through a 36" wide door. Check and advise for local code requirements. 27 -z' J' /.a 1- -/ lnlelmillent Topped Stoli( Greosy Bottom to (enlel Flow lnlel ond Holding Sludge ol Inlet ol Oullet width Model GPIIJI 0uflel (opocity (opo(ity B C D G.7t0 5 1.5" I .7gol. ilb. 5.5' 7.s', 6.7s', 9.ts', G.t 012 I I 3.59ol. rzlb. 7.63', 9.63" 8.75' I G-[4r2 12 z', 5.3gol. r 8lb. 8.38" I 0.75" 10.7t' G.r 8t 5 l6 2' l0gol. 601b. ll" I 3.75" G'r820 20 z', I 7gol. /01b. t2' G-2420 30 3lgol. 901b. I G.2635 35 3" 40gol. r 201b. | G-2824 40 4'^ 54gol. r 801b. G.3050 50 4" 60gol. G.3224 60 + G-3475 75 G.3528 Overoll length Heiqht Length F- (ff| unil onlyl Shipping G Weight I' ll.t' 16.7 5', 421h. | 3.25" I 2.88" r 8.38" 581b. r0.7t' t9" I 5.88" 24', 801b. lt' 14.75' 20.75" | 25.7s', | 061b. 4.5" t7.88.' I f.i5" 25', 20.63" 32' | 651b. 6.5" 2t" | 8.75" 25', 25.13' 32', r8rh. 2l.t' 25.7s', 20.7s', 26.7s', 29.38" JO 2481b. 2201b. 21.5" 25.7s', 20.7s', 30" 29.88" 39', 2951b. 67gol. 2501b. 21.5" 25.7s', 20.7s" 33.t' 29.38" 40" 3r 8lb. 4', 80gol. 3001b. 22' 26.25', 23.25', 33.5" 30.5' 42', 3431b. 100 4', I I 0gol. 3501b. 22 26.25', 30.5' 36" JU.IJ 45' 4r8lb. G.23.10 l6 z', | 0gol. 651b. 6" 8.7t' 14.7s', 20.7s', I 0.63', 25.75' 801b. G.25.10 20 2 2l gol. 801b. 6.5' 10.2t' 20.7s', 26.75" I 3.63" 36" r 271b. G.30.lo 30 3nr 23gol. 90h. 6.5" | 0.25" 20.75' 30.75' r3.6y' 37.7s', | 631b. G-36.r0 J) lrr* 28gol. r 081b. 6.5' r0.25' 20.7s', 36.75' 1 3.63" 43.7s', r G.45.10 40 3tr* 37gol. 2001b. 6.7s', lt" 20.7s', 45" 16" 52', 2s7lh. G-50-10 50 3tr* 4lgol. 250h. 6.7 s', lt" 20.75', 50" I6" 57', 2581b. .5* toh 0.i5' 281b. 7.88" i0lb. Specilicatio,tt Greose seporufors sholl be Rockford Seporolors 0s monufodured by Rockford Sonitory Systems, Inc., Rockford, lllinois, ond 0s noled on plons. Seporotor Specifications: Furnish _Rockford for onthejloor (or porliolly recessed) ond oullet with ouflef venl conneclion Model instollolion, , G-_ oll-welded $eel seporotors g.p.m. intermittenf flow, topped inlet greosy sludge copocily, visible double-woll outside hup seol, non-removoble seporolor screen vvilh eosily removoble fiher screen, goskeled cover hond-lighlened lo body -lb. wift sofety-colch bolt osemblies, enomel cooting inside ond outside. 0ptionol teaturei, Epoxy cocling inside ond oulside. Sediment bosket. Filter medium. All stoinles sleel conslruclion. 5159 28fi Avenue . Rotkfor4 lt 6l | 09 o 815.229.5077 . tAX 815.229.5108 . www.rkfdseporotors.(om . rsem@inwcve.torn eilher direclion. Depth of inlet ond outlel vories. A compocl, one-piece sep0r010r with inlegrol exlension Refer lo dimensions on buih lo exocl requiremenls. The built-in strength of solid ' wolls eliminotes leoks coused bv vibrotion ond troffic in bohed down exlensions. (onstruded of oll-welded heovy gouge sleel with seled the sepurolor of the right size li pi .-rg order ocrordingly. Dimension I ond oirtight goskels, serured lo A is vorioble ond con be snerified to o fhe inlet opening is lower thon the outlet opening lo ossure a o removoble seporofor s(reen wet inlet ot alltines. ond flow-regulotor fiher screen, o stondord topped inlet ond outlel, ond proleclive seol NOTE: at soves spoce, lobor, pipe ond lf Point dimension (leoronce Needed to Remove Screens for (leoning fll I t4t2 1z', 8.25" r8r5 7', of exlension A (enler ol 0ullel 8.25" I 0.75' 8.25" 8.25 I 3.75' 7', t^ 15" 8" ll.5' 11.5" I 8" 11.5" il.5" 20.75', 0" l4 l4 25.7 5', 9 14" l4 25.7 s', 0" 14" t4 25.7s', t2' t4" l4 26.25" (Left Hond) /.88" t2' 14" l4' to.tJ 7', 7', 7'. 8.75 0" 9" 0" I 0.25' 9" 9' 9 r 36-tO 0" 9', 0" 45-tO 9" 0. 9" 0' 0" q" Specily lll '!::'1. j!; correct Bollom ol lJnil to R (Righl Hond) r820 50-t0 is not of 0rder, huih-on extensions ovailoble, prked on opplicotion. fittings. 0utlet lee con be lurned up lo 90 degrees in Model All seporolorswilh exlensions hove flush-withfl00r (overs. outlet. (onrrele reinforcing onchor rings ore oplionol. 23.t0 25-t0 30-t0 renrer I stoinles steel bolts, 3224 3475 3628 A from lhe of the outlet to lhe top of cover. ond froclion of on inch. the body of the unil with 3050 ond ropocily. Then determine the reouired dimension ,C heovy steel plole wilh leokproof 2420 263s 2824 .-t | 2. on o flush withJloor inslollotion, withjloor cover of (hoire of oullel locolion Poge. When on extension is needed 1o meel roughing-in --G=__)-E---=--\ \p seporolor feolures o removoble recessed - i r corrosion-resislonl cooling, lhe nonskid flush - 1':;, .r' 'iri GF Series 0.25" 10.25 ll" ll" (Ouflel opposife Inlef), L ([elt Hond Outlel), or R (Right Hond Ouflef) on your order (Reler to Poge.3). liJl-,Tr-I,1. iliili.rlr. : ;r,i:i. '.riti- .- '.. . riir 1 . Right Hond Shown 5l59 28th Avenue . Roddord lt 6l109 .815.229.5077 I FAX 815.229.5108. www.rkfdsep0rofors.(om o rrsem@inwove.tom