Getting the - British Aggregates Association
Getting the - British Aggregates Association
Getting the message across Richard Blrd ls ii my imoginotion or is our industry oi lost being recognised for whot ii is, on essentiol provider o{ rsw moierioh {or ihe noiion's infro$ruclure? Moybe it is the forthcoming London 0lympics thof hos helped to roise our indu$ryt profile; somebody musi hove reolised ihot you connot build stodiums ond othlete's villogel wifhout oggregotes. Un{ortunotely, oggregotes do not olwoys oppeor lust where you wqnt lhem ond so fhey hove io be fonsported in from ofor, porticulorly when it comes to supplies in the London oreo. Aporf{rom o {ew sond ond grovel quonies (ond ihey ore becoming rore), most noturol oggregotes used in London ore seo dredged, roiled in {rom Leicester ond the Mendips, or shipped in from the wesi coosl o{ Scoilond. The locol recycled oggregote industry will, of course, ploy o moior port ln providing moteriols for the 0lympics, ond London ond the South Eost is the leoding oreo in the country for the produdion o{ reqcled oggregoies. Neveriheless, ihe demond for quontiiies of oggregote required for the london Olympics should be felt in mony rurol quonies throughout the lond. Thot is good for rurol industry ond good for rurol iobs. We in the oggregote indusfi need to use fiis Olympic opporfunity to blow our trumpet ond counler some of the negotive publicity thol is so often oimed ol quorries. Ju$ the oher doy, I octuolly heord somebody {rom o government ogency describe oggregoles os the bockbone of society. Goshl Do I deieci o seo chonge or wos this iust o cose o{ pondering to lhe oudience? Like I soy, moybe ot lost the messoge is getting through. in Edinburgh, ihe Scollish Govemmeni hos recenily complebd o survey o{ oll fie consenled reserves o{ oggregotes throughout Scotlond. The results ore quite $odling. ln mony ports o{ Centrol Scotlond, there ore {ewer fhon ten yeors o{ reserves leit ond this in on oreo where the Ml4 ond ihe M80 ore io be extended, ond o new Forlh crossing obout to be built, notwith$onding the Commonweolth Gomes, which ore coming to Glosgow in 20,l 4. The Scoftish Government hove reolised thol, if they ore going to loke Scotlond {orword, then ihey need oggregoies lo develop lhe inirq$ructure. There is still o long woy to go, but in some oreos, Scotiish quorry operoiors ore beginning to {eel o betier reloiionship with locol outhorities, porticulorly in oreqs o{ minerqls plonning. Hopefully, this positive ottilude will spreod to other ouihorities ond govemment ogencies throughout the lond. I suppose we ore siill smorfing over the introduciion o{ the Aggregotes Levy ond ihe so-colled 'negotive effect' o{ quorrying put out to iustify ils introduction. [ven now, the Treosury continues to $ote thol the levy is ochieving ih oims, despite the {oct lirot the lonnoge of virgin oggregotes produced hos $eodily increosed since the levyt inhoduction. Added to $ot, we never were given exomples of lhe 'negotive ef{ect'. When one looks ot how Defro, the Depodment for Environment Food ond Rurol A{foirs, keeps creoming ofi the Aggregotes Levy Susfoinobility Fund for other purposes, one mu$ conclude thst there could noi hove been too mony negotives in the fir$ plocel Let us move owoy {rom }he negotives ond look to the brigh number o{ telephone colls we get from city onoly$s eoger b side. Judging by the find out whot our indu$ry Quorries need lo be pul more in fhe spotlighf to help foster public undersfonding of fheir role is up to, there ore some out fhere who mu$ like ihe quorrymon. They ore, o{ course, refening 1o ihe iokeovers of the moior British oggregoie componies by multinolionol cemeni componies ond lhe moves into the USA oggregotes business by o number o{ British quorry operoion. I like io think thot the recent moves by muliinofionols hos, iu$ like the 0lympic Gomes, pui us o bit more in the public spoilight. Everyone likes o winner ond we need to ioke this oppodunity to be positive ond moke il cleor to the mon in the $reet thot quorries ore noi lust hoies in the ground producing oggregotes {or concrete or rood works. Mony of these quonies go on lo be lhorpe Porks, Eden Projecis ond RSPB noture reserves. We need to exploin more to Deko ministers ihot recovered quonies reolly ore green ond the industry should be encouroged to turn ihem into community ossets rofher thon bury them in complex wo$e legisloiion, os is cunenily the cose. Meonwhile whilst oll this 'politicking' is going on, the rurol quorry operotor is doing whot he hos oiwoys done, keeping rurol indu$ry olive ond providing the oggregote producis to sustoin the rest o{ socreiy. Moybe we will gei the messoge ocross one doy, bui then life might gei too eosy, ond I did soy oi the beginning thot this new {eeling could be jusi in my imcginotion, jr.:. :i ?"***-l'. , pits hove become o woterski foke for bools ond o loke hosting o coble low Photogroph: