ArutETrco PHYSICAT TIIERAPY CONCUSSION INFORMATION SHEET Whoi is o concussion? A concussion is defined os troumotic biomechonicol forces. o complex pothophysiologicol process otfecting the broin, induced by Concussion Siqns ond Svmploms: a o n n n a a a o n n o Heodoche Blurred Vision Nouseo/Vomiting Loss of oppetite Fotigue/Sleepiness lnitobility/Emotionol ** lf ony signs/symptoms worsen, toke your child to the ** Symptoms moy linger for severol doys. ER Difficulty folling osleep Difficultyfocusing/concentroting Feeling like your in o "fog" Ringing in the eors Sensitivity io light or noises Temporory loss of memory immediotely. Concussion Focls: l. 2. 3. Symptoms con be subtle, such os o heodoche or feeling sluggish. Some symptoms moy not surfoce until 48 to 72 hours ofter the injury. Recovery is differen't from person to person who susioins o concussion, thus recovery time connoi ond should not be pre-defermined until ofier medicol evoluotion ond post-concussion evoluotion by o medicol professionol. Concussion Mvths: l. 2. You hove to hove loss of consciousness to hove sustoined o concussion. Studies show thot less thon 10% of concussions result in loss of consciousness. Concussions ore only o result of o direct blow to lhe heod. A concussion con be sustoined by o sudden, violent movement of the heod coused by on 3. You need to woke someone every 20 minutes. 4. . . un-expected externol force io ihe body. . Although it is imporlont to check on someone periodicolly, it does not hove io be every 20 minutes. Once every 2-3 hours is sufficient. You need io check pupils with o flosh lighi to see if they ore diloted or un-even. There is no need to do this when someone is conscious due to they would not hove diloted or unequol pupils ond be oble to speck with you. . Monoqement of o Concussion: When o concussion is suspecied, ii should be brought to the ottenlion of on othletic troiner ond/or o physicion for further evoluotion. Further tests moy be recommended by your physicion to rule out ony intro-croniol bleeding. Whot to ovoid ond do when o concussion is suspected: Things thot should be considered so recovery is not deloyed: Avoid ony loud noises ( Music, TV, Bond proctices, or listening to on lpOD) Avoid texting, reoding, video gomes, typing, or inter net use. All of these octivities couse on increose in cognitive function which puts o stroin on the broin Avoid ony over-the-counter medicoiions (Advil, Motrin, lbuprofin, Aleve) lf studying is needed to be done for o quiz or test the next doy or thot week, ihe school nurse, othleiic director, . . . . . odministrotor ond/or guidonce counseior should be contocted ond mode owore thot o concussion is suspected ond postponement of ony quizes or exoms moy be needed. Stoying home from school moy be recommended if concussed individuol wokes up or begins to experience heodoches right owoy. Return to Porticipotion: ** lt is recommended ihot your child be checked by o physicion ond/or oihleiic troiner prior to their relurn lo sport porticipotion. Even ofter o medicol releose, posi concussion testing must be done with on othletic troiner to see if ony symploms ore re-produced. Athlele moy feel fine ot rest, but symptoms moy be exocerboted with physicol octiviiy. Other tests moy include o neuro-cognitive test, which uses computer soltwore to test cognitive functioning, or bqlonce testing. AT Siqnolure: Doie: AT Conloel lnfo: This guideline is for information purposes only ond does nof consfffufe medicol odyice.
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