0lympics of Ancient Greece
0lympics of Ancient Greece
Punctuofion: Semicolons, Independent Clouses Nome Dote 0lympics of Ancient Greece A compo,nd senience is mqde up of rwo independent crouses. Use o semlcobn ( ; I between lwo independenf clouses in o *Tpqd senlencg when they ore notjoined by o oordinoling conjunclion. Er<omplesz Al firct lhe gomes incL# only runningi then nav evants, such os boxing and choriot rocing, were Use q senricolon b a&d. cornbine lhe hvo independent clouses inlo o compound senlence. l. The 9tyryt €pmes originoled in oncient Greece. They were held from 776 B.C. lo A.D. 3%. 2. ]h: Ofytpj:gomes were held orery fourth summer. The gomes were held ot Ofympio in horpr of Zeus. l 3. Women were forbidden tr compele in ond wokh the Otympics. They held lheir own gomes colled the Heroeo. $. The women's gomes were held every four yeors. There were ferrarer evenh. F F 5. The winners were crolvned with choplets of wild olive. Their home city-sfirtes olso oworded voluoble gifu ond privileges to the chompions. F I b 6. Discus throw wos o populor event with the oncient Greeks. The chompion wos considered the greolest othlele. 0-7424-1805-7 Building Grammar & Writing Skiils Writing: ToPic Sentences one moin ideo' A topic sentence A porogroph is o group of sentences thot tells obout teils the-moin ideo of o porog,.loph' topic sentence in the porogroph Mony topic sentences come first in the porogroph.,The whot the whore porogroph is obout? berow is underrined, Do you see now itiettr inJr"boer oro moke .You feel hoPPY to do things ond go Y?.lI5tJ:y^:T^,:'Xl5:3 your friend moves owoy-or decides eoch others, minds. But friendships con be sod when to be best friends with someone else' Pl(.l(/rtJ vYlll I yvvr porogroph below Direclions: Underline the topic sentence in the Our whole fomily ogreed on We hove two rules obout using the phone ot.our house. second rule is to toke good them.The flrst rule is not to tolt< lo;geitfi"n ]0 minutes,The rntttogo if you onswer the phone for someone else' o topic sentence for it' Direclions: After you reod the porogroph below'write ll,l,,,\t Foronething,youcouldoskyourneighborsiftheyneedonyhelp.Theymightbewilling gross orweeding their gorden' Moybe to poy you for wolking their dog "i.,..'o*ing their their chores,you orso could osk your order brotheis oisisters wouto pov voJ to do some of the house to moke money' your porents if hei.l, on extro joO voi could do oround eoch of these subjects' Direclions: Write o topic sentence for o porogroph on Homework: Television: Grode 4- ComPrehenstve Cunlculum Wriling: Story MoP you begin to A story mqp helps to orgonize your thoughts in o logicol sequence before write o storY or i rePort. Directions: poge 296, Use the following story mop to orronge your thoughts for the police report on .:. ,iri Sefling: (time, ploce) Chorqclers: - -11 ,iX : E rt -.---=r '{_: f: -+l'i+lii" . ::i = r::.:,:.,.aii :!:':':" ir!!l ..++ Problem: (whot needs to be fixed or solved) { ,.'i :ti ':. ; T .F: i $ ;i:r :t Gool: (whot chorocters wont to occomplish) it ]:: ! tr: =* Aclion: (events, reosons) Oulcome: (results of oction) grode 4- GomPrehenCve Cunlculum Review event in which someone your oge wos o hero Directions: write o police report obout on or heroine. Follow these stePs: sheet of poper. Whot hoppened? Who sow l . Write oll your ideos in ony o,1der on onother were the police colled? ihifil corr.o ir? why ir? who o,. them with the story mop on poge 295' 2, choose the ideos you wont to use ond orgonize *^Iii;'yJ, 3.Now,writeincompletesentencestotellwhothoppened.Combinesomeshortsentences period or sure oll your sentences end w*h o using ond, oui, oi, otter or whei. rvr"r.. question mork, importont focts? will your "commonding 4. you reove out ony Reod your sentences oroud. Did. om""i" know whot hoPPened? your report below' ony necessory chonges ond write 5, Moke 6, Reod Your report to someone' OFFICIAT POLICE REPORT Reporting officer: Dqte of occident: Grude 4. ComPrehenglve Cunlculum Time of occident: Writing: Porogrophs need to write Eoch porqgroph should hove one moin ideo,lf you hove o lot of ideos,you severol porogroPhs. Directions: Reod the ideos'b"lo* ond number them: l, lf the ideo tells obout Jill herself' 2, lf the ideo tells whot she did' 3, lf the ideo tells whY she did it' found o bird cought in o kite string ploys outside o lot in grode four of Center School knew the bird wos wild untongled the bird likes pets wouldn't wont to live in o coge gove the bird its freedom your or'vn PgPgf.if necessory'Write Now, use the ideos to write three porogrophs. Us9 porqgroph 3 obout porogroph I obout Jill, write pord-giop:n 2 obout whot she did. write why she did it. ! Orude t 4. ComPrehenslve Cunlculum Writing: Porogrophs When you hove mony good ideos obout o subject,you need to orgonize your writing into more thon one porogroph. lt is eosy to orgonize your thoughts obout o topic if you use o "cluster of ideos" chort Exomple: Delqils Deloils Detoils I Moin'Topic Detoils Detqils I Deloils The moin topic of your story is stoted in the middle circle. Detoils obout the moin listed in the outer circles. topic ore Study the following "cluster of ideos" ond note how the thoughts ore orgonized in porogroph form on the following poge. 5. l, Shoes: white sneokers, comfortoble,good for wolking ond stonding lntroduction: working in yord, outumn-cool 2. Ponls: blue jeons, weother old, cotton, good for yord work, I \ 4. Sweoler: red with Clothes for Soturdoy \ blue -" yellow ond designs, white buttons, wormth for cold doy, cotfon, long sleeves I 6, Closing: busy, 3, Shir* yellow, short-sleeved, mqtches slocks ond sweoter, not too hot but reody elodo { - Comprehenslve Cunlculum Writing: Porogrophs Once your ideos ore "clustered," go bock qnd decide which ideos should be the first, second, third, ond so on. These numbers will be the order of the porogroph in the finished story. Directions: Reod the story porogrophs below, Soturdoy, my fomily ond I will be working in the yord. We will be mowing gross, roking leoves ond pulling weeds.When I get up thot doy,l know lwill need to weor clothes thot will keep me worm in the outumn oir. My clothes will olso need to be ones thot will not be ruined if they get muddy or dirtY. The best choice of ponts for our busy doy will be my jeons.They ore nicely foded ond well worn, which meqns they ore quite comfortoble. They will be good for yord work since mud ond gross stoins wosh out of them eosily. My shirt will be my yellow golf shirt. lt will motch the blue of my jeons, Also,its short sleeves will be fine if the weother is worm. For wormth on Soturdoy, if the doy is cool,will be my yellow ond red sweoter. lt is mode from cotton ond hos long sleeves ond high buttons to keep out frosty oir. Yord work meons lots of wolking, so I will need comfortoble shoes. The best choice will be my white sneokers.They oren't too tight or too loose ond keep my feet strong, Soturdoy will be o busy doy,but l'll be reody! This When "Clothes for Soturdoy" wos written,the outhor odded both on introductory ond concluding porogroph.This helps the reoder with the flow of the story. Directions: Now, it's your turn. Select o topic from the list below or choose one of your own. Complete the "cluster of ideos" chort on poge 301 ond write o brief story. (You moy or moy not use ollthe clusters.) Topics: chores homework Grocle 4 - @mprehenslve Gurlculum holidoys fomily ollobout me sports pets vocotion
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