5 Rothman-A Welcome Mat for Lesian and Gay Customers
5 Rothman-A Welcome Mat for Lesian and Gay Customers
This se]eclion begins with o New York Tlmes orticle f rc]m August 2AAl in whichCliff Rothmon, who writes for ct vcniety of newspopers ond mogozines os well os solon.com, drscusses the shiftingodvertisjng procijces of oulomokers os th-^y torgel Jesbions ctnd goy men. We ore olso includlng the Suboru od thot rctn with the orilc1e' os weJJ o's lwo ods thot rctn in magctzines ond newspopers Ior ihe Jesbion ctnd gcty community Study lhese ods, ond osk yourself wh ot, if onything, oppeors to be speciljco lly lesbion or goy obout them. * 1i" .iri. ,- .', 'i ;lr,n r.I :* l-rlil.tr. a CLIFT ROTHMAN _'J: A Weicome Mot for Lesbion Goy Customers CInd :': r :l:-i -:lar" I H tr 'i fter decades of treating gay consumers as the oflen were, automakers are courling them directly, often with messages that wave the rainbow barrner of gay acceptance. This year, Jaguar, Volkswagen and \lc1vo began advertising in narional gay publications. joining three companies-Saab, Saturn and Subaru had signed on earlier. -that And the commitment often runs deeper than a few srrateqic ads. Carmakers u.. .pon.oring goy events, awards and causes. Last year. DaimlerChrysler, Ford and Ceneral Molors were sponsors ofthe annual show of the Lambda Car CIub. a group of nearly 2.000 gay collectors. For two years, Jaguar has sponsored media awards given by 42 the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. In Bennett, director marketing June, Volvo provided cars for the Los Angeles gay pride parade. ganized by an advocacy group. the Human Rights Campaign. was founding sponsor of the Rainbow Card an affinity a credit card program- co-founded by Martina Navra- tilova-that has raised more than $1 million for gay causes. Subaru gives discounts ofup to $3,000 to cardholders. "We're clear that we suppofl the health and civicmindedness of the gay and lesbian community," said Tim national Subaru. ,.W'e to offer domestic partnership benefits. We,re not just here to sell you a car as an exploited segment." Saab was the first to advertise in the national gay press, rn I994. Sarurn dipped its toes in the water a year later, then retreated, but returned in 1999. Although it only recently joined the party. Volvo seems intent on having fun. Last month, it ran an ad in Genre. a gay Iilesryle magazine, that showed a man,s Subaru, whose cars have long sold well among gay men and lesbians, has taken an increasingly prominent role. It sponsors the Los Angeles gay pride festival and events or- It for were the f,rst of bare upper torso and an 560 sedan. The tagline read: .,Lust and logic. Don't they make a s lovely couple?" Subaru, which began gayspecific adverrising in 1997, is probably the most visible, and daring. Typical of ils sassy tone l I -- i)-' .=-- : :3J-:. :_:.: I .l _- - u - i];: -..na ma,: r-- -: : . .il ne\\ ar:,: i ry ,.L;,-- - .- uith " -:r hous:::-: : Reader: r: propen>:r, CarS. tt- ::-- \-et.:.:;; gay pe!-: . tomaker: :r numdru5 --,- Cllff Roihmon: AWelcome Mot for Lesbron ctnd Gov Cuslomers --: :r-rtles ._-_;: was a recent ad with the tagline, "Get out. And stay out," a sly wordplay on leaving the closetand exploring the great outdoors. ,aroc- l::: -itn :-,'tcm group that in many ways wants to remain hidden?" asked Bret Scott. a C.\4. engineer who is cochairman of G.M. P1us, an advocacy group for the company's gay "It says, 'We acknowledge you as a consumer; this is the language that you speak,"'said John Nash, president and lesbian employees. "And how do you advertise to a group that is really a sub-set of a lot of of Moon Ci{, Productions, the New York com- other groups of peopie?" pany lhar created the campaign. \n nestic E not 3-i an The change came after Big Three employees jointly peti- and lesbians," Mr. Bennett said. Research also determined "It's been 1 divlsion. i l served" said Tom Eise, senior vice president ofPublicis & Ha1 funey, which does Saturn ad- under- Iy99. Liberation Publications Inc., whiclr owns Out, a lifeslyle Et 0n E ran xt] ie I3EI1 S s60 -Lust lLe a magazine, and The Advocctte, a newsmagazine, the publications' average reader is a 39-year-old white-collar professional man with a college degree and a household income of $95,000. Readers also have a strong propensity to buy European cars, the survey found. rl i, md BtrNi 'last diversity program, the company is channeling its marketing energies toward thJee groups. ss- u1 Ies tn oiaed manager for BMW. "The com- munity already purchases our cars without having to target began offering employee benefits to same-sex partners, under a joint agreement with the United Automobile Workers. vertising. National gay publications offer prized demographics to advertisers. According to the most recent survey commissioned by rir er- Relations belween lhe in- buyers. "There were educators, health-care professionals, tech- Yet, however visible many gay people have become, automakers face a marketing conumdrum. "Hor.v do you reach a year tioned the companies, and the that the gay community was a good market for Saturn, a G.M. -\\'e said Karen Vonder Meulen, marketing and events cornmunications warmed considerabiy dividualists-man vs. nature types-and then gay men and dr.na] to the gay community," dustry and many gay people when the Dehoit automakers ro union, on the issue. "The recognition ofgays and lesbians as car consumers is something that has been put on the radar screen of the Big Three companies by their employee resource groups," said Cindy Clardy of Ford Globe, a gay employee group. "We also told Ford not to try and consider direct marketing to gay and 1es- bian consumers until they had their internal policies in p1ace. You run the risk of being seen as, 'You just want to take our money but you don't care about your gay employees."' Throughout the car industry, diversity consultants are popping up. 'Al1 the leading companies are taking initiatives to do diversity marketing," said Javel)n Ibarra Baldwin, cu1- fura1 marketing manager for Jaguar. "They are realizing that they can no longer ignore, or do 43 marketing or advertising, without having a consideration of all the groups that exist." Sti11, most companies do not advertise in the gay press. "We don't do any specific targeting 1994, Subaru identif,ed gays as one of its five core groups of nical professionals, rugged in- t tr them individuaily..' Though Mazda has a new African-Americans. Hispanics Asians-that showed more marketing potential, said Jyoti Bates, a media and diversity marketing specialist for Mazda. But indushy executives are also sensitive to the possibitity a bacldash lrom the of major- iq, of their customers. "They worry that reaching out to gays with a pafticular model can then affect the rest ofthe lineup," a senior advenising executive said adding that the companies aimed their promotions where only gays were likeiy to see them. "They may view it as a po- litical nightmare to be strongly associated in the market." But Vr. Bennen of Subaru is pragmatic about his company's explicit stance: "Look, we know that our ou,ner base and our consumers are extremely well educated, and they celebrate diversity. A person who would be by oul oft'ended advertising probably would not have bought our car anyway." t, Chopter Lcrngruoge laks 't'+# $asner Arqument lie ysur friends. or ju$t tBke ysure€ii. ysilr Fsw $rhar$ wir g*t foil Eut end doirg rhE ihings !o{ kcor:r inoosevoJ'pd$Dn il,r,be.teLor,onaad..arg,r.tryottn6!,nrouBFo,esdrlTa€.uggedae!s ot,rrOIbrL\.I ehr.,Jrf:rstspo',.Jrrt,rvE.,for?OrrnedIourdr.vr.gpr.,,oncl:o{r.eb-ardaes lu'Do.her9Ld. ?2, *o'"o**n. 1. orer6 WqX- E6.r lei.ures o, proutF, Iut. rmL Atr.lA,hee, D.N:ag Srd^rD fo, maxifiu+ tadi$n ?dd FedsreAncr: And 6no ;s sila6 ihe eBy yqu b1, 1ive. Jg 10 {it tes drive one ef e*r iarylJy of 16$, stsp :,+ur *eeresr $ri6+.* rie*ter, catt :r$O$-!runl;l-ArJf* or vi$it oi. Web$h* al !@w.*qb*ru.r#r, , Cliff Rothmon:AWelcomeMcifor Lesbron ctndGoy Cuslomers At Delta, we tak€ greal pride maks us what we are ii lhe diversrty 0i the people who - a eompany ol many culturos, lan" guages, backgrounds and experiences, These differences serue t0 brin! us together, make us str0nger and give us a uniqre underslanding and sensitlvlty t0 the nesds 0f 0ur cusl0mers and thg 0ommunities w€ serve, However, Ilke the most dedicated gatdener, 1,lreie nevet satisiied with how our garden gr0!rrs. We c0nsiantly strive to burld on our achievements to make Delta feftile ground for our employees, padners ard suppliers around the globe. Delk - sawing the seeds lar success wa*lwirle, naturally. tr 45 46 o Chop-ter i: Longuoge os Argument l,hlDtr! :,4 _ $trai$ht talk --*o '.-.-. _.-.'. -.** -ffi , T -: :,Iltl Wo want to make our posilion perfectly clear' on This election year, there! a lot of natioflal debate tt ut" i*portant to the GLBT communirl'' including "i N"nligeAmendment And, as apolitical -. ii* iuirirr p.tu cinrs has expressed his personal position this "rna[*i", or init'it*". Coors Brewing Company's Plsition-on Kiely Guu Oiiter" ttom pete Coors', Coors CEo Leo follows: outtines $e company's ofliciat position as i*r"t .We do not supporl discrirnination against the GLBT community-via legislalion or otherwise'' * Let's be clear" W€ donl support amending the Constituti0n. 1978' That atlitude is in keepinq wilh our aciions since nondiscdmination policy that rmoonizea tn; riqhts ot GLBT applicants and employees we tloot anottrerlmportant step lorward in 1988 and oior-iAJ coipo,afe support to important GLBT community *e're proud to back the eflorts of the Irorrt. -e foiuv, ilnc, r-nno,'cpnC and numerous AIDS organizations' *t *" r.;UopuU .n incluiive & t & only a befier And we've conlinu€d o$ eflorts to be not More citir"n, but a betler place to work as well' "or*ratl uso, we created our Lesbian and Gay in"ilo i*otoud" Reso-urce Council (LAGER) to provide an our senlor emolovee support nelwork and regulady advise made hrstory in 1995' when Coors *"l",ia*a"i.'w" "venbrewery in America to otiel Oecarie lfre first maior same-sex partnel health benelits' ,""" eftorts Manv oeoDle have responded positively to these Righls tn iooi,'we'receiveo the Colorado Human highest score bamoarqn nwarO nnd we iust received the oosLte"trom rne numan Bights Campaign's corporate perlect' we're Eoirurlw rna"r-roo. So, while we're not cleatly workiftg hard to be a betler company' It's simple. At Coors, we believe suppoding lhe rights of the GLBT community is good for our customers and our ernployees. And, above all, it's lhe right thing 10 do. Thanks for lislening. Give us your loedback: strStalk@mergamadiagroup'com t{owkthetims' =:1. : a:u ::{ Clif{ Rothmon AWelcome Mctt for lesbjon ond Goy Customers about the texts l. Whot qre the potentiol odvontoges ond dis_ odvontoges for crutomokers o{ ods thot tor_ get lesbion ond goy consumers? Why might these consumers be seen os on ottroctive torget oudience? 2. Are there ospects of these ods thot you do not understqnd? Do you {ind them interest_ ing ond oppeoling os ods? Why (or why you respond il these ods oppeored in o publicotion torgeted crt the generol public? Why? not)? How might on nguage use 3. Study ccrrefuliy the 1onguoge used in these ods. Which specific uses of long,uoge, im_ oges, metophors, or wordpioy might oppeol to the lesbion or goy reoder? Why? qrticle notes, mojor industries hove only recently begun using od com_ poigns thot torget lesbion or g,oy communi_ ties. Find such on od in o public spoce, o 4. As Rothmons rE{ l. llore t -tg*lr rCoo*s I !6fts. Itco{e EEE !b mogozine or newspqper, or on o television prog'rom. How does the od oppeol to its tor_ gret oudience? How effective is it? a 47 for wri 5. Choose two mogozines torgeted ot verv dif_ Ierent oudiences (Mctxim ond Good House_ keeping, for exompie), ond exomine the odvertisements for o specific consumer product-cors, clothing, cologne, etc. Write on essqy comporingr crnd controsting the woys in which the ods oppeol to their respective reoders. 6. Choose o group in Americon society_on ethnic group or some other identiliotle group (e.g., skoteboorders, qeeks)_ond look ot how it is represented (or not repre_ sented) in the ods of severol issues of o spe_ cific mogozine. Conslder boih ods thot might oppeol to members o{ the group ond those thcrt might represent them poo.iy o. inoccuroteiy. Write on essoy onolyzing whot you find, being sure to ottoch coples o1 the ods you discuss. If you find no represento_ tions of the group, write obout why certorn gr-oups do not oppeor in the mogozines you exomine. .th": <#ordsconheol.org> words conHeoJ js cr nonprofit notionol orgonization founded in 2a0l and endorsed by Tom mony ociors, pojiticions, and clergy, including Tom Ctuise, Goldie Hown' Senolor gooJ is lis others. omang Schul./eI, Daschle, Senoior /ohn Kerry, ond the Reverend Robert proctice of ethicol "to volue ond plomote the "to reduce verbol violence ond Erossip" ond in our speech in order to improve our democrocy, bui)d mutual respect, honor and dignity its organization, the obout more country." Go to <wwnorton.comlwrilellonErugroEre> to leorn to ioke' visitors its cho.lienEres gools, ond jts melhods. Be.iow is the pledge thc:t the l4leb siie #iiS;'.i.rre8"ei!il jiiir$d,iiw-lk-t$iF{Wi,t*k8, S{eS6e: , pl*.r{? ttrlhlnk m{.s slred tka Btort , I *Hl t.y t& rqQ tsB {ln.ilp he*$ $at$l*, t*d{{ilBg fryie}t, 6{i, ssr& to ellekr&e tl trc* *rt llte, w'll I'y to Bpldn wodr thdt hu( wtlh woda tl,r! eDC€ilroqe, enqaqu ood I saaicrr. *lu a01 lralwe dlgGssr&qed *hss I rrnrn&blslo rhs&$€ Botl1! Pe*g*{l& r &€egu6s soldeg th6 t ot d n tistter pl6s is h€rd $nrk, furt t d{l plsdqis!! ls ds thrtJ 6ea ftntd {t I tls6. rt;i*t 48 sn6 *iildiiii itiliirs*'t*:ih*il$ah44iR".,!slRry. u: :frit I wordsconhecl.org about the text l. Erplor.ih. Web site for Words Con Heol. sec cy or ]en: fts;oo/ is st s:iicol m:1- ln our rv.llion, iis ]ls :c toke. Whcrt ossumpiions do members of the orgonizotion mcrke crbout the relotionship between the woy we use longuoge in our dcrily lives ond the noture ol the society we live in? 2. Recrd corefully the press releose on thls book's Web site. Whot specilic events motlvcrted the creotion of this orgonizcrtion? Do you believe orgonizotions like this one do crny good? For whom? WhY or whY not? 3. The press releose mentioned in question 2 implies thcrt there ore problems in Americon schools. Whot ore these problems? Whot crre their consequences? How do the creotors of the orgonizotion hope to respond to the problems? on language use video for the Words Con Hecrl compoign ond study the ods for print medicr on this book's Web site. Which ol these oppecrls to you most? Lecrst? WhY? 4. Wotch the 5. How con we see the ossumptions of the or- whv? for writin which you evoluote the possible benefits of Words Con Hecrl. Study the Web site in detoil ond exomine the hondbook ond kits, whlch you con find at links on the moin site. Consider whot this progrom is likely to crccomplish, whot it ossumes, how volid those ossumptions might be, whom thls progrom will likely help, ond who will most likely pcrrticipote. 7. A theme of this chopter, ond indeed ihis book, is thot words lunction crs orguments becouse they crrticulote certcrin ossumptions thcri not everyone outomoticclly occepts ln whot woys does Words Con Heol illustrote this theme? Write on essoy in which you explore how everydoy longuoge proctices (including e{forts to ovoid certoln longuclge) support the clcrim thot words {unction os 6. Wrlte on essoy in crrguments. fu zu+ed hr Ke','lh v\h,l{.ers Q M;abia,i 49 gcrnizotion's creotors ond members reflected in the ods for the initicrl compcrign? Do you think the ods iorget speciflc groups? Whot kinds of people do you thlnk might find the crds most crppeoling? Leost oppeoling? dhtfr.{ongu.ry-ffiT7 \ u)ilx tt! tr B"& Nc,ur tJ,ooL, W,$r. f,)oe*on, 7J58