Greenland PDF - Egypt Panorama Tours
Greenland PDF - Egypt Panorama Tours
A L?,t ltt T0 Greenland is the largest island in the world. Although it has an area of 2.2 million square km, only 410,000 square km is not ice-covered. ln fact, the Greenland ice sheet is the second largest in the world. The average ice thickness is 1,500 meters, and the ice sheet constitutes 10o/o of the world's fresh water: lf Greenland's ice cap were to melt, sea level would rise by seven meters! By TED COOKSON i:1:r6t:s5gilF@ /- t7 reenlond's first Stone Age his expedition, his orrivol ushered in j:",t q coloniol ero thot losted some two il y?' " "x,"TJ:.';".. 5,000 yeors ogo. The Thule, who were closely reloled to the lnuit, qrrived loter in qbout 900 A. D., ond lnuit migrotion continued until the lote nineteenth century. Norse settlemenis were begun in 985 A. D. ond losied until the middle of the fifteenth century. Europeon wholers visiied Greenlond from the sixteenth century onword, ond Norwegion priest settled ihere 1721. Becouse the priest o in hod received officiol Donish support {or ond o hol{ ceniuries. A 1953 constitution gronted Greenlond home ru le u nder Do n ish sovereignty. Essentiolly Greenlond then become o province of Denmork. Approximoiely 56,000 people live in Greenlond. Of this totol, some 49,000 were born there. Over 75% of the populotion lives in towns, of which Nuuk on Greenlond's west coost is the lorgest. The cenirol portion o{ western Greenlond is ihe most 50 densely populoted. There 60% of the people swell in ihe six lorgest iowns. The remoinder lives o rurol exisience in obout 120 troding posts ond sheep stotions. Sheep {orming is procticed in the South. Fishing, however, is the moior industry; ond the cold-woier prown is the most imporlont fishing product. Greenlond holibut is olso signi{icont. Prowns constitute 64% o{ Greenlond's exports. Holibut, crob ond cod moke up most o{ the remoinder. ln Augusi 2003 I soiled on Hollond Americo Lines' MS squore. Rotterdom {rom Rotterdom the New York Ciiy vio Greenlond. The Rotterdom soiled through beoutiful Prins Chrisiion Sund (Prince Christion Sound) ond then colled ot the lown of Qoqortoq on Greenlond's soulhwest coost. ln southern Greenlond there is o neiwork of chonnels ond {iords streiching 450 km. Prins Christion Sund, one o{ ihese chonnels, is ABOUT TED COOKSON: Egypt's most widely-troveled trovel ogenl, Ted hos been 1o every country in ihe worldl He hos olso visited gOZ of the 317 destinotions on the list of the Trovelers'Century Club (visit ond refer to World Trovel Club). A trovel ogent in o fulltoiro since I986, Ted monoges EGYPT PANORAMA TOURS, .l0, the neor 9 ond (between Roods service irovel ogency, ot 4 Rood 79 "El Moqdi" metro stotion) in Moodi. Coniocl Egypt Ponorqmo Tours (open 7 doys o week 9 AM-5 PM) ot: Tels. 359-0200, 358-5880, 359-l 30.l. Fox 359-l I 99' E-moil: Web siie:' (Possword {or residents: epicool) novigoble only {rom the middle o{ summer until lote outumn. This remote oreo o{fers spectoculor scenery. G lo cie rs, wote rf o lls, 'l 400-meter-high groniie peoks ond icebergs cqn oll be seen. Prins Christion Sund is 58 km long ond only 480 meters wide ot its norrowest point. By comPorison, the length o{ ihe Rotterdom is 237 meters. Qoqortog, lhe lorgesi town southern Greenlond with is o populotion of 3,600, is situoted in the oreo where Norsemen settled in ihe tenth century. ls is uncleor why Norse setilement in Greenlond foiled by the fifteenth century. However, Norse ruins con siill be seen todoy 15 km from town. A Norwegion troder founded Qoqorioq in 1775. The town wos originolly nomed Junionehob ofter Donish Queen Juliono Morie. Julionehob become the lorgest troding post in southern Greenlond, ond it mointoins thot distinction iodoy. The oldest stonding house wos built in 1797 . As is the cose with oll towns in Greenlond, Qoqortoq hos no rood conneciions with ony other citY. cenier of Qoqortoq where severol wooden ond stone houses dote bock to the nineteenth century. A ogo l8 Scondinovion sculptors creoted works of ort on solid rock {oces ond on boulders lying oround town. Iodoy 24 sculptures exist. Too, Qoqorloq boosts Greenlond's only fountoin. .l928, this sits in o town Built in squore. Finolly, there is o smoll decode museum. lnsteod, the inhobitonts o{ Qoqortoq use {erries ond helicopters public for tronsportotion. Becouse the horbor in Qoqortoq is smoll, the Rotterdom sot ot onchor ond possengers were token oshore by ihe ship's tenders. Qoqortoq is on ocodemic center, with both o vocotionol school ond o commerciol college which interestingly, offers o course in tourism. ln oddition, o neorby ogriculturol reseorch stotion troins sheep {ormers ond operotes on experimentol form. h wos interesting to wolk in the 51