Februory 2,1992 Deor Lorry, - Here`s o copy of the longer study of
Februory 2,1992 Deor Lorry, - Here`s o copy of the longer study of
Februory2,1992 Deor Lorry, Here'so copy of the longerstudy of Port 1 thot Cloudio ond I skinnied down to the thortgr versionyou receivedot the LosAngelesConference.As you moy determinefrom the introductory remorkswe'd originolly thought of this kind of study being used for public reoding;perhopsofter advertisingthot_reodings would be given of o tocit library r*airrg room. The ideo wos to hove o mole ond o femolereodersitting in front of the oudienceonl oltemote the reodingof eochporogroph. The oudience*os eipectedto be unfomilior with TheUrantiaBook.Forthot reosonI tried to pick porogrophswilhout Urontio-uniquewords or concepts. The problem wos thot in order to give o flovor for eoch Poperond to pick out the "best"poragrophsthe reoding endsup beinglongerthon ony semi-interested pbtsonwould sit still for. Thot's why we went for o self-studyond shorterversion. I still like the ideo of public reodingsof the Popersbut hoven't ony plons to do onything obout it right now. Whqt soundedevenbetterto me wos whot Ed iieoley in Son Diegodoes. You moy know him; he soid he'scolledthe beochpreocher. He'shqd theoter troining os well os solestroining qnd isn't ofroid of public confrontotionso he's memorized fesus'discourseson religion ond goesto the beoch or other public ploce ond gives the discourseos peoplepossby ond now and then reolly turns someoneon to the bo-ok. He's been doing this for o aumber of years. I'd like to heor him; he soid the words ore very pow_erful ond poeticwhen spokenthot woy. He'd be o goodpersonto hove speokbeforeo conference. Anywoy, here'sthe study. I've done the something for Port II ond stortedone for Port III but hoven't finishedit. On onother topic, Cloudiq ond I stoppedot Asilomor in PocificGroveon our wqy home to see if we could reservethe August 21 weekend in 7994 for o west coqst conference/celebrotion of fesus'200d-!birthdoy for 300-500porticiponts. The lody in the o{nc9wosn't very encourogingsinceit wos o weekenddote ond on August dote, both of which ore usuolly fully bookedby groupsthot return yeorly. Shedid leius fill out o form and soid they'd let us know if we'd beenselectedby the end of this summer. So,ofter some mo-rethought, Clor.rclio soid moybe on even nicer locqtion would be St. Mory's Collegein Lofoyette,ond we drove through their groundson our woy home. It's o very beoutiful locotion ond could be just the right ploce so we're drofting o letter to them io find out porticulors. Are you S. F. folks working on ony plons for then thot we should be coordinoting? Goodto seeyou in L.A. Lorry Wotkins/CloudiqAyers 3720El RiconWoy Socromento,CA 95864 STUDY -- Overview of part 1 Thank you for coming to this, the first of 4 overviews of The urantia Book. Since these sessionsare time resfricted' I'm asking that we keep discussion and questions for afterward. The intent of this overview of the first pariof The (Jrantia Eook is to give new readers a perspectiveof the subjectmatter encompassed by thesefrst 354 pagesof the book. Each of the 31 separatepapers and the Foreword are worthy of extended,in-dept itudy, which this overview will not do' But, hopefully, upon completion of this superficial iasting'new readers will have an appreciation for the scope of Part I and be able to pui it into p"rrp"Jtiu" of the whole. part 1 is concemed primarily with the spiritual administration of creation. Let's first look at the Table of Contents. As you can see from pages vii-xii, the various papers are atfributed to divine or angelic beings. There are no human uutt o., associatedwith any of the urantia papers; the only factual informition regarclinghow these papers were received and made into book form is found within the pagesof the book itself. rnis rauti of Contents, however, was prepared by Williarn Sadler, Jr. Other than that the book rests on its own merits as there are no other human personalities atffibuted to it. From the Table of Contents we see we will be overvievring the Central and Superuniverses and the aspectsof God, our Heavenly Father. Papers 1-5 are about God the Father. iup"r, 6 and 7 are devoted to the Eternal Son; papers 8 and 9, the Infinite Spirit. This is the Trinity aspect of God which paper 10 discusses.Paper11 discussesparadise-- the physicalcreation where the Trinity resides. Paper 12 gives an overview of all the createduniverse,-whilepapers 13-15 describehow this creation is materially organized. Papers16-31 describemany of the various orders of angels who oversee,administer and otherwise work in this material creation. Beginning on page xiii and continuing through page lxvi is a list of the section titles within each paper. As you can see,paper #1, The Universai Fattrer,is comprised of 7 section titles. If you think of The Urantia Book as a reference book as opposedto a novel or other kind of book you'd read from front to back, then you'll find these section titles helpful in redirecting you to specific topics you want to come back to. That's a quick look at the material we'll be overviewing for the next 90 minutes. So let,s begin with the Foreword. If you have a book pleaseturn to page l. Before we begin, let me explain that some of the most ihallenging reading in this book is found in the Foreword. Many people, starting at the Foreword and intenJin!to readitraight through, have becomediscouragedand disinterested;perhapsthe book was designeJjust this way purpor"ly. As a word of caution -- The Urant[a Book contains revelation -- n"* ideas,-thoughts, meaningsof religion and philosophy. This meansyou may hear conceptsin this reading that Jon't conform to your current beliefs. You will definitely hear new terminology. Does that-mean your beliefs are wrong? No, nor does it mean you are to give up your beliefs ind values for what you hear here. What you may want to do is to simply hear these words for what they are -- n"* concepts. Upon study, you will tind that the teachings in The [Jrantia Book augment and enhance religious belief and add-to rather than cleffact-fromyour beliefs and values. CoutC you expect less from true revelation? Though you may find it to be challenging please plan to stay though the complete overview reading of part l. STUDY_ OVERVIEWOF PART1 TITLE PAGE PPG BEGINS... Foreword 1A 16D T7A 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 2 In the minds It is exceedingly In the hope But in order Your world The seven In formulating Successive We are I 3 5 4 5 8 4 5 7 2 The UniversalFather The enlightenedworlds The UniversalFather The existenceof God When you are through The idea of the Somedegree The more completely God is spirit by [Presented 2 3 6 7 1 6 2 6 7 3 4 The natureof God In all our efforts The UniversalFather And all this In theseways How unreasonable The Father'slove In the physicaluniverse Intellectualself-consciousness The greatmistake The religiouschallenge Paper 1 - The Universal Father 2tB 22D 24F26D 28D 30c 32H* Paper 2 -- The Nature of God 338 34D 35A 39C 40A 42D 438 Paper3 -- The Attributesof God 448 46D 47D 518 53D 1 God is everywhere 6 Within the bounds 6 The planetarycreatures 4 The uncertaintiesof life Item #'s 1-9 7 God the Father l I STUDY _ OVERVIEW OF PART1 TITLE PAGE Paper 4 -- God's Relation to the Universe 571^ 59D 60A PPG 2 6 6 2 3 4 6 7 Paper 5 -- God's Revelationto the Individual 3 62C 3 638 648 678 6 2 3 4 4 5 BIGINS... Nature is the And natureis marred The consciousness One of the greatest The peopleof The barbarousidea The bestowalof But the inhabitants The inability of The mortals of Man is spiritually The Father Mortal man The greatGod All religionsteach The Hebrews Paper 6 -- The Eternal Son The EternalSon The EternalSon 73D 77A. Paper 7 -- Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe Like the malsrial gravity 6 82D The administation of 8 83D The Eternal Son cannot contact 3 86B Paper 8 -- The Infinite SPirit 90B 94D 95A 2 3 8 2 In the dawn We are now As the Sonsof God By this very Paper 9 -- Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe Becausethe third person 4 1038 Mind, on Urantia 5 Too often 6 STUDY -- OVERVIEWOF PART1 TITLE PAGE PPG BEGINS... Paper 10 -- The ParadiseTrinity I 10D Paper 11 -- The Eternal Isle of Paradise I 188 I25C L26D l27B Paper 12 -- The Universeof Universes 128B r29C 130D 134B 138B 139A Paper 13 -- The SacredSpheresofParadise t43B Notwithstanding there is 1 2 5 6 7 4 5 6 Paradiseis the The materialbeauty The inescapable pull Paradiseis unique Paradiseis the God's residenceis Paradiseis the 'After all, 2 3 7 5 3 4 4 1 The immensityof In principle, We are convinced The Grand Universe Althoughthe unaided Althoughyour But the greatest The Fatherhoodof God It is a mystery 1 2 Betweenthe central Thesethree I Paper 14 -- The Central and Divine Universe t52B I 2 153C 6 t548 4 7 158C 5 159D 6 7 160A I 163A 1 2 The perfectand divine This is the one On the outskirts Spirit beings None of the physical On Urantia Not only will you Love of adventure Curiosity Paradise The Cental Universe STUDY_ OVERVIEWOF PART1 TTTLE PAGE Paper 15 -- The SevenSuPeruniverses PPG BEGINS... As far as Early in On the vast body Within the limited We havelong 165A Urantiais Onlv the universal 167 lists in a numericalchart format the organizationof the sevensuperuniverses. Practicallyall 4 T67C The nucleusof 2 168A The paradise 2 1698 Irrespectiveof origin 3 1728 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. With the exception 4 In your Superuniverse 6 173D While eachSuperuniverse 1 174A. of The Superuniverse 5 T76D seven are There 7 18lD Orvonton,the seventh 2 182A As Orvontonis 4 Your wold is 5 Your planetis I 183A 164A Paper 16 -- The SevenMaster Spirits 184A 186A 189D 190D T92D 1938 196A I 2 3 4 1 2 6 1 1 3 8 6 7 5 6 7 J Paper17 -- The SevenSupremeSpirit Groups 1978 2018 4 J 4 The SevenMaster To the universe The SevenMaster Much of the Throughthis personal Intelligencealone When man fails Virtue is Man's choosing Jesusnot onlY The seven 1. 2. 3. The remainingfour 4. 5. 6. The ReflectiveSpirits The formal records STUDY _ OVERVIEWOF PART1 TTTLE PAGE PPG Paper 18 -- The SupremeTrinity Personalities 2078 1 2 3 4 2IAA I BEGINS... Supreme Trinity Thesebeings Throughoutthe grand A11Trinity In power Paper 19 -- The Co-ordinateTrinity-Origin Beings 2t4A 1 2 2t5B 3 222C 5 6 7 This Paradise Excepting Even in the study This completes Trinity-origin Through these Paper 20 -- The ParadiseSonsof God 223C All descendingSons 2 3 4 6 7 1. 2. 3. The remainingfour 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. BestowalMissions. Urantiahasnever Urantiamay yet Understanding more On a mortal-bestowal As Jesus When a bestowal When the bestowal When bestowal 1 3 2 6 4 6 2 8 9 The CreatorSons Theseprimary EachCreatorSon When a Creator A CreatorSonis given In settlingthe question It is of record Avonal bestowals Thoughtheseseven 4 225C 2278 7 2 3 2288 2294 a J Paper 21 -- The ParadiseCreator Sons 2344 2354 2378 2398 240A STUDY-_ OVERVIEWOF PART1 TITLE PAGE Paper 22 -- The Trinitized Sonsof God 2438 PPG 1 BEGTNS... There are three 245p^ I 8 247A 3 2538 254D 7 3 6 1. 2. 3. belong Mighty Messengers In the superuniverse SinceThosewithout Name You mortals On the mansion And this is 2 3 6 5 2 3 6 2 3 3 Immediatelyfollowing Mortals startout The confusionand 6. Ambassadors When it develops The universeis well Solitarymessengers It is wholly We incline The Solitary Messengers 258C 2604 26IA 263/| Paper 24 -- Higher Personalitiesof the Infinite Spirit 2 ThoseHigher 2648 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The CensusDirectors 266D 8 The CensusDirectorsare 267C 6 7 CensusDirectorsregister Paper 25 -- The MessageHosts of Space 273l' 277C 1 4 Ranking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The moment Paper 26 -- Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe Angelsare 2 2858 The mortal creature 2978 3 Paper 27 -- Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim 299r* 3 6 303D Restis of Worshipis STUDY _ OVERVIEW OF PART1 TITLE PAGE PPG BEGINS... Paper 28 -- Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses 3r5A 2 The mercyreflectors 3 16C 5 Service-6 The Universaleconomv Paper 29 -- The UniversePower Directors 319A Of all 1. 2. 3. 323C 326A Outside of Havona Of all Paper 30 -- Personalitiesof the Grand Universe 3308 1 The personalities 2 It is not Here,listed on the next 11 pages,are the personalities mentioned in the previous pape$ as well as others not discussed. This gives a broad overview of the spiritual administationof Creation. 340D 7 1. PlanetaryMortals. 3444 3 This narrative Paper 31 -- The Corps of Finality 348D 354B 6 5 6 8 We deem As we view Evolutionarymortals Thesethirty-one This concludesthe overviewof Part 1 of The UrantiqBook. Thankyou for attending.We will presenting be an overviewof Part 2, "The Local Universe"next week at this sametime and place. Pleasefeel free to bring a friend. You shouldfind Part 2 very interesting. Seeyou next week.
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