IRSC`s Institutional Advancement Department and the
IRSC`s Institutional Advancement Department and the
INDTAN I Rrvnn Srnrn CoLLEcE nstitutional Adva ncement Department FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: April L3,2OL6 Gontact: Robert Lane,, 772-462-7506 IRSC TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN PROGRAM CONTINUES 20 YEARS OF SUCCESS 2OL6 TAKE STOCK IN CHILDREN SCHOLARSHIPS TO BE AWARDED AT MAY 9 PROGRAM Monday, May 9 at lndian River State College 44 deserving middle and high school students from St. Lucie, lndian River, Martin and Okeechobee counties will earn a valuable incentive for future achievement. Building on 20 years of success assisting and motivating students with academic promise, Take Stock ln Children four-year tuition scholarships for 201-6 will be awarded to Treasure Coast area students at a special recognition ceremony at IRSC. The awards ceremony will be held Monday, May 9 al7 p.m. in the McAlpin Fine Arts Center on the IRSC Main Campus at 3209 Virginia Avenue in Fort Pierce. ln addition to recognizing new recipients, the program will also acknowledge the accomplishments of 49 high school graduates and 29 IRSC graduates who participated in the program. the program's inception. Since 1996, 959 Take Stock in Children scholarships have been awarded by IRSC to students in the four IRSC has been a Take Stock partner almost since county area. The scholarship program is designed to motivate and assist students showing academic promise that might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend college. The program works by matching scholarship recipients with adult volunteer mentors from the community who provide guidance and encouragement. The scholarship recipients sign a contract agreeing to maintain good grades, stay out of trouble, stay away from drugs and alcohol and graduate from high school. Those who meet the challenge receive a scholarship to attend IRSC for two years, followed by two years at IRSC or another Florida public college or university. The Take Stock in Children program is coordinated locally by the IRSC Foundation and is offered in cooperation with the lndian River, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie County school districts. For more information, to donate scholarship funds or to volunteer as a mentor, visit or call (772) 462-4786. ### 3209 Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce, Florida 34981-5596 Fort Pierce . Okeechobee . Ph: t-866-792-4772. . Port St. Lucie . Stuaft . Vero Beach I i i Toke Stock in Children provides on educolionol polhwoy for deserving, low-income sfudenis. We hove o proven 2O-yeor hislory of helping over 26,000 ol-risk children sloy in school, groduole from high school, complele Toke Stock in Children' college, ond become producfive cilizens. This success is ochieved lhrough on innovqtive multi-yeor progrom model of menlorship, o college success cooch, occounlobililç college reodiness skills lroining, ond scholorships. Over 96o/o ol our sludenls groduote from high school ond96o/o go on lo pursue o posl-secondory educqlion, well over lhe nolionol qveroge. The Scholarts Prornlse ond go to college, They begin the progrom in middle ond eorly high school ond sign o controct, promising to ochieve both ocodemic ond personol gools, These include meeting with their mentor weekly, mointoining good grodes, remoining drug ond crime free, demonstroting good behovior ond otlendonce, ond porticipoting in college reodiness workshops, When Ihey reoch high school groduotion ond hove fulfilled these commitments, They ore qworded q scholorship to o Florido college, university, or vocotionolschool, Toke Stock in Children scholors promise to groduote from high school Take $toctr tn Chtldren's Prornlse odvococy, college reodiness services provided by college success cooches, ond o college tuition scholorship upon high school groduotion, Toke Stock in Children promises scholors the support of o coring menlor, in-school For more informotion, pleose visit r-Z"&tuZr/-t, t''4,e,4-td'-4-4' 6' or coll L888.322.HOPE /,ô/-- Our Results Scholar Dernographlcs Demonstrote Scolobility Across All Ethnic Groups High School B% I% Asion Other Grqduolion RR% Coucosion College* Enrollmenl College** Groduolion Non-TSIC Al-Rlsk Studenis Florido Averoge Toke Siock in Chlldren . 201 3 high school groduafion cohort '* high school cohorl of 2009 groduolion rote 27% Hisponic B% BB% Africon Americon/ Block Multirociol Doto Source:Toke Sfock in Children STAR Prograrn Model Toke Stock ln Children ochieves success through on innovotive multi-yeor progrom model of mentorship, college reodiness, occountobility, ond o college scholorship, ffi 6th - tth grade (i - 3 yeors) tfl ffi ffi gth - illth grade (4 - 7 yeors) . Students ond porents/guordions sign performonce controct . Students remoin olcohol, crime, ond drug-free . Students ogree lo get good grodes ond groduote high school 201 5 Accountobility Report nã MU College (8 - l2 yeors) Dofobose Scholarship Acquisitíon Providing Opportunities for Low-Incone, At-Risk Children the Lorgest Non-Profit Purchoser of Florido Prepoid Foundotion Scholorships With Assets Toke Stock in Children Our Privote Portners Plus Stote Motching Funds Help Us Serve More Studenls Totoling More Thon Sló5M $ló0M Middle/High School Students l;$ifiT,tiiitïi#r,ffi ¡c o es I I e Atte n d e es / G ro d u otes '9ó '97 I '98 I '99 I '00 Iiiü '01 Ili '02 fl:j '03 Ii!.tr,,:r*r '04 IfÌ,llir;li¡ì,i '05 Ilri¡:irii'ti,fl' '0ó '07 E¡ri*-it!llr:i,!{ri$rl¡ '08 4,478 5,862 [ú I '12 ji Ji ri,ïri r', if .1' : ièlrl:HiH#:}i l 1{ iirif lti-if iiiliirl'!¡l ;lrillr! l'lr:ilil¡iiirlf liil -nffii¡rilirïlri'!:i Source: Take Sfock in Children -ift4)1fììti$i,riiii STAR 8,380 r9,500 22,602 24,248 26,392 r r,'., ii], rr,, lllif'lÌi1ìTilì'Í'{i, ìir;lÌi1i.l*ilÌ1ir1¡!tìì '13 -.{tj1i1iäl;iliiir3itilil '14 -;jiÈJlå+lrdr '15 -,,;jl!.i'rîii,1i{Jilfiïifi.$ $40M 13,341 15,r 50 17,027 iËt!!i!¡*r,.1 iillirìl ii.j:i Ì $BOM 6,697 7,334 r0,038 I1,001 11,962 ,09 -;rfliliiilIilflilij 't sl20M 50 r,103 r,900 2,977 '10 is '9ó '97 '98 '99 '0Q '01 '02 '03 'M '05 '0ó '07 '08 '09 '10 'll '12 '13 '14 Cumulolive since 1995. Percenl growth represents averøge yeorly increoses' Source: Florida PrePaid dotobose -lrL'fi¡rili,rlirrir.iliir{tlil¡1ü1iii.-{'iii$.þ;liÏÌ1i;!¡..þ.Ti'ri!l!1 -li:rTl OPPAGA Mentoring StudY Results Toke Slock in Children students outperformed their peers in ollseven performonce oreos exomined. TlttrtilireE ffi EIMETtrrcEE l3o/o ffi Chronic Absences (21 or more doys) llTo Discipline lncidents 157" 23"/" Yes Reoding ot Grode Level(FCAT) S6T" 49"/" Yes Performing Moth ol Grode Level (FCAT) 867" 76"/" yes Grode Promotion 97%" 9j"/" Yes High School Completion 94V" Higher Educofion Porticipotion 697" 7l7o A5"/" Yes Yes yes Source: 201I OPPAGA Mentoring Study Reporf For nrore inforrnarion, ptease visit tO kestoCki nCh d ren. orO il l or catt 888, 3 22,HOPE Our Impact Across Elorida Toke Stock in providing scholorships, mentors, ond hope % lF?s -ËFt\r¡ 67 counties Florido 896 ! T Ch¡ldren' 45s,,:Ë',,oms w middle ond",' high schools r I 40 cotteges ond universities mentors I 261892 students since 1995 Formoreinformarion,pieasevisittokestockinchildren.orÇ lorcau888.322.HOPE Board of Directors Theodore Corler Choirmon of lhe Boord Donold Cloudio Dovonl Pemberlon, Ph.D. P. Portner Adoms Sl, Advocotes Director, UniversiTy of Florido Loslinger Center for Leorning Drew Weolherford Vice Choirmon, Toke Slock in Children Porlner, Weotherford Portners Doug Durond Vince Roig Deon Emeritus College of Business, Universily of Missouri Choirmon of the Boord Helios Educolion Foundotion Jilliqn Hosner Solvqdor terodos Kole Sonlolo Co-founder Toke Slock in Children Senior Vice President of US TrusI Bonk of Americo Weolth Monogement Presidenf ond CEO Toke Stock in Children Sontoro Life Skills Foundofion Moriq A. Soslre Ethon Fieldmon Founder ond President Study Ëdge Presideni & Chief OperoTing Officer Signolure Flighf Alon Florez Joe Zednik Richqrd A. Berkowilz Monoging Direclor Executive Vice Presidenf Brown & Brown of Florido, Inc. Choirmon lmmokolee Foundotion Tom Jocoby Eric Zeillin Berkowitz Pollock Bront Corporote Development Officer ond Choirmon Monoging DirecTor Tymphony Provenonce Weolth Advisors Mork Asofsky President Asofsky Fomily Foundotion Husein Cumber Chrisline Knepper Execulive Vice Presidenl, Corporole Developmenl Florido Eosf Coost lndusfries Monoger Slote Governmentol Aff oirs Florido Power & Lighf Ex-Olficio Rick Scott Florido Governor Fronk Brogon Former Choncellor Eduordo J. Podrón, Ph.D. Jored M. Torres Presidenl Miomi Dode College Toke Stock in Children Alumni President Allionce Modeline Pumoriego Choncellor Florido College System Stote University Syslem of Florido Emeritus Howord M. Jenkins Nothoniel Glover Chqirmqn of Executive Committee President Edword Woters College Publix Super Morkets, lnc. Mike Moroone Jim Home Former President & COO Former Commissioner of Educolion Florido Deportmenl of Educolion AutoNofion, lnc, Sponsors "'íðÍ6ífl ,H læãËEË I Väfi[t,." W tt AutoNBUq! .^. .tl (l:rrr, brigþthouse SOUIH ¡5Òrrc(FLORIDA ¡NsIJRÅN(ìC, Ø FFL e S¡- FLORIDA PREPAID JpMorsanchase {^¡ Flormon Fomily 201 5 ffi @omcost" ?2fffrfütr GIìAY IìOI]INSON Foundoiion Sontoro Lifeskills Foundolion Accountobility Report @ be€llçlnruo,^-" F¿ofdc" Blue6W @GreenbergTraurig *fi-ìOqÆ !r Microsoft O ryp XRB9"Fr Pubtix BankorAmer¡ca'>' &StateFarm Nat¡onal Phalanthrop¡c Trust \ Bromon Fomily berkowitz pollack brant Foundoiion @ FIORIDA fRYSTAIS Heli s' Ed@lion F@ndaliff Huizenso :IMFAMILY Foundolion (@Nortrrernnrrst Miami $ ==Tl.ilnPR$DqlNc DPNC ffi I mJ.lilu''rJt.i""" "''