̪⚵┙ߡࠆ೨ߦߎߩ⺑ᦠࠍ⦟ߊ߅⺒ߺߦߥࠅචಽߦℂ⸃ߒߡߊߛߐޕ Before beginning assembly, please read these instructions thoroughly. R INSTRUCTION MANUAL THE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS ⚖⠪ะ For Advanced Flyers RADIO CONTROLLED ENGINE POWERED HELICOPTER ⚵┙㧛ขᛒ⺑ᦠ 30 ࠠࡖࡃ ⋡˴ᰴ˴INDEX ٨ࠠ࠶࠻ߩઁߦߘࠈ߃ࠆ‛˴REQUIRED FOR OPERATION ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩḰ˴RADIO PREPARATION ٨˴˴˴˴˴˴˴˴BEFORE YOU BEGIN ٨ᧄߩ⚵┙ߡ˴ASSEMBLY ٨˴˴˴˴˴˴˴OPERATING YOUR MODEL SAFELY ٨⺞ᢛ㘧ⴕ✵⠌ࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ˴SETTINGS ¥ FLIGHT LESSONS ¥ MAINTENANCE ٨ࡄ࠷ࠬ࠻˴PARTS LIST ٨ಽ⸃࿑˴EXPLODED VIEW ٨ࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ࠬ࠻˴SPARE & OPTIONAL PARTS 2 3~4 5~6 7 ~ 18 19 19 ~ 29 30 31 ~ 35 36 ~ 37 UNDER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 㧔ߎࠇߪߥߚߩ⽿છߢߔ㧕 ˴ߎߩή✢ᠲ❑ᮨဳߪౕߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ㧍 ٨㜞ㅦߢ࿁ォߔࠆࡠ࠲߇ઃߚෂ㒾ᕈߩࠆᯏ᪾ ˴ߢߔޔߡ┙⚵ޕ㘧ⴕ ႐ᚲޔ㔚ᵄޔὐᬌޔᢛߪߏ⥄り߇ ⽿છࠍ߽ߞߡⴕߞߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ዊߐㇱຠ߇ᄙߩߢߡ┙⚵ޔᬺߪޔᔅߕᐜఽߩ ˴ᚻ߇ߣߤ߆ߥᚲߢⴕߞߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ࡈࠗ࠻೨࠻ࠗࡈޔᓟߪᔅߕޔߺ✭ߩࠬࡆޔฦㇱ ˴ຠߩഠൻߥߤࠍὐᬌߒ⇣ޔᏱ߇ࠇ߫឵ୃℂ ˴⺞ᢛࠍⴕޔోࠍ⏕ߒߡ߆ࠄߏ↪ߊߛߐޕ ٨⚐ᱜㇱຠએᄖߩࡄ࠷ࠍ↪ߒߥߢߊߛߐޕ ˴߿ਇ⺞ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠆ߅ߘࠇ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ˴߹ߚ␠ޔᄖຠࠍ↪ߒߡߩ߿⎕៊╬ߦߟߡߪޔ ˴৻ಾ⽿છࠍ⽶߹ߖࠎߩߢߏੌᛚߊߛߐޕ ٨⚵┙ߡᓟߦ৻߁߽ޔᐲ⺑ᦠࠍ⋥ߒߡߊߛߐޕ ˴⺑ᦠߪߦ߁ࠃࠆࠇࠄ߽ߢߟޔᄢಾߦ▤ߒߡ ˴ߊߛߐޕ This radio control model is not a toy. ٨This is a kind of machine including a rotor which rotates with high speed and has a possibility to be dangerous. You are responsible for this model's assembly, safe operation (place to fly, frequency) check and adjustment of the model. ٨Assemble this kit only in places out of children's reach! ٨Take enough safety precaution before and after operation. After every flight, inspect screws and nuts for looseness, and parts for wear. Any damaged parts should be immediately replaced, repaired or adjusted for safe operation. ٨Use only Kyosho genuine parts for replacement. Failing to do so will result in accidents or malfunction of the model. Kyosho do not take responsibilities for the accidents and crashes if using the parts which are not Kyosho genuine ones. ٨Always keep this instruction manual ready at hand for quick reference, even after completing the assembly. ̪ຠᡷ⦟ߩߚ੍ޔ๔ߥߊ᭽ࠍᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ޕSPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. © 2002 KYOSHO CORPORATION㧛ήᢿォタⶄ No. 21135/21137 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩઁߦߘࠈ߃ࠆ‛㧔㧝㧕REQUIRED FOR OPERATION (1) ᵈᗧ 1 ⓨ↪㧔ࡋ↪㧕ߩࡊࡠࡐ࠶࠻ࠍᔅߕ ↪ߒߡߊߛߐޕ㧔ⓨ↪એᄖ↪ᱛ㧕 CAUTION: Only use a radio for R/C helicopters! (Any other radio is prohibited!) ↪ߢ߈ࠆࠨࡏࠨࠗ࠭ SUITABLE SERVOS ࠛࡦࠫࡦࡋ↪ή✢ᠲ❑ᯏ㧔ࡊࡠࡐ㧕 ߣ㔚ᳰ 33~38mm Radio for engine-powered R/C helicopters, and dry batteries 39~41mm ٨ߎߩࠠ࠶࠻ߦߪࠛࡦࠫࡦࡋ↪ ˴㧔ࠨࡏࠫࡖࠗࡠ㧕ߩࡊࡠࡐ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩขᛒߪߦࡐࡠࡊޔઃዻߩ⺑ᦠ ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ عන㧟ੇ㔚ᳰ㧔ㅍାᯏ↪㧕 AA-size Batteries (for transmitter) ٨This kit requires system radio for enginepowered R/C helicopters with 5 servos and 1 gyro. ٨For more information the radio, refer to the instruction manual supplied with the set. 2 ࠛࡦࠫࡦ 3 Engine ࡦࠫࡦࠛࠬࠢ↪ࡋع .30 size engine for helicopters 19~20mm AA AA ᧄ⺑ᦠߩࡊࡠࡐࠗࠬ࠻ߪ(ޔWVCDCขᛒ⺑ᦠࠃࠅォタߒ߹ߒߚޕ The illustration of the radio shown here is taken from Futaba instructions. ࠣࡠΆᢱޔΆᢱࡐࡦࡊ Glow Fuel and Fuel Pump ٨ᮨဳ↪ࠛࡦࠫࡦߪኾ↪ߩࠣࡠΆᢱ߇ᔅⷐߢߔ߿ࡦ࠰ࠟޕἮᴤߪ↪ߢ߈߹ߖࠎߩߢᵈᗧߒߡ ߊߛߐࡠࠣޔߚ߹ޕΆᢱߪើ⊒ᕈ߇㜞ߊᒁἫߒ߿ߔߩߢขᛒߦߪචಽᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐޕ ٨Engines for R/C models require glow fuel. Never use gasoline (petrol) or kerosene; both cannot be used! Also, be very careful when handling glow fuel, as it is highly flammable and explosive! ࡠࠣعΆᢱ Glow Fuel عΆᢱࡐࡦࡊ Fuel Pump ࠟ࠰ࡦ߿Ἦᴤߪ ↪ᱛ Glow Fuel ⼊๔ l gine fue ٨ No. 80701 Άᢱࡐࡦࡊ㧔㔚േ8㧕 ٨ No. 80702 Άᢱࡐࡦࡊ㧔ᚻേ㧕 ˴˴˴(WGN2WOR 'NGEVTKE8 ˴˴˴(WGN2WOR /CPWCN model en 4 ᆎേ↪ౕ Required for engine starting: ࠲࠲ࠬع Starter 5 ࠲ࡅࠣࡊع Plug Heater ធ⌕╬ Glues & Lubricants ࠬࠣع Grease ↪࠲࠲ࠬع8ࡃ࠶࠹ 12V Battery ࠢ࠶ࡠࠫࡀع Screw Locking Compound / Screw Cement / Threadlocker ٨ࡠ࠶ࠢ࠲ࠗ࠻ Loctite No. 94402 ਛᒝᐲ ٨No. 96506 ࡏ࡞࠺ࡈࠣࠬ Medium Strength ˴˴˴$CNN&KHH)TGCUG ٨No. 1791 ࡉ࠶࠷ࠬ࠲࠲ Blitz Starter Grease ٨No. 71481 ࠪ࡞࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ Sealed Battery (12V-6.5A) ٨No. Z8020 HP 6mm/ⷺ࠷࠙ࠛࠗࠬ࠲࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ HP 6mm Hexagon Reversible Starter Shaft 6 Loctite 㧔ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣߩߺߦ↪㧕 (For only one way bearings) ٨No. 96815 ࡢࡦ࠲࠶࠴ࡊࠣࡅ࠲ One-touch Plug Heater ࠻ࡈࡖࠪ࠲࠲ࠬع Starter Shaft WARNING: Gasoline or kerosene cannot be used! ߐࠄߦ↪ᗧߔࠆߣ⦟߽ߩ Useful Additional Equipment عΆᢱࡈࠖ࡞࠲ Fuel Filter ٨No. 39508 Άᢱࡈࠖ࡞࠲ Fuel Filter ࠠ࠶࠻ߩઁߦߘࠈ߃ࠆ‛㧔㧞㧕˴REQUIRED FOR OPERATION (2) 1 ̪↪ߔࠆᎿౕߩขᛒߦߪޔචಽᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐޕ Handle the tools carefully! ⚵┙ߡߦᔅⷐߥᎿౕ Tools required ࠠ࠶࠻ߦߞߡࠆᎿౕ ࡈࠗ࠽࠲࠶ࠞع Sharp Hobby Knife ع㧙࠼ࠗࡃ㧔ዊ㧕 Phillips Screwdriver (S) ࠴ࡦࡍࠝࠫع Needle Nose Pliers TOOLS INCLUDED ࠴ࡦⷺع㧔2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 6mm㧕 ࡄ࠶࠾ع Wire Cutters Hex Wrench ( 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 6mm) ࠴ࡦࠣࡊع ˴Glow Plug Wrench ࠢ࠶ࡠࡦ࠻ࠬࡇع ع㧗࠼ࠗࡃ㧔ᄢޔਛ㧕 Phillips Screwdriver (L, M) Piston Lock ࠴ࡦⷺع㧔3mm 㧕 Hex Wrench ( 3mm ) 2 ࠫࠥ࠴࠶ࡇع Pitch Gauge ࡊࡠࡐߩḰ˴RADIO PREPARATION ࡈ࠲ࡃߩ႐ว Futaba Radio ฃାᯏ Receiver CH1 ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo CH2 ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ 'NGXCVQT5GTXQ CH3 ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ 6JTQVVNG5GTXQ 1 2 3 UAL CDONVERSION 4 PULSE CODE MODULATION 9 CHANNEL RECEIVER 5 6 7 8 9/B DSC ࠾ࠞ࠼㔚ᳰ Ni-cd Battery ల㔚ญ Terminal to charge CH6 ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo AUX 3 ,4ߩ႐ว JR Radio ࠾ࠞ࠼㔚ᳰ Ni-cd Battery ల㔚ญ Terminal to charge ฃାᯏࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Receiver Switch CH4 ࠳ࠨࡏ Rudder Servo ฃାᯏࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Receiver Switch AUX 2 AUX 1 ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo GEAR ࠡࡗ BATT AUX 4 AUX 3AUX 2 AUX 1GEAR RUDD ELEV AILE THRO RUDD ࠳ࠨࡏ Rudder Servo ELEV ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ 'NGXCVQT5GTXQ ฃାᯏ Receiver AILE ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo THRO ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ 6JTQVVNG5GTXQ ࠫࡖࠗࡠ Gyro ࠫࡖࠗࡠ Gyro #8%5ಾᦧ #8%55YKVEJ ̌1((̍ߦ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Set to "OFF". ࠫࡖࠗࡠᣇะ )[TQ&KTGEVKQP ̌4'8̍ߦ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Set to "REV". ࠫࡖࠗࡠᗵᐲ )[TQ)CKP ߦ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Set to 75 3 'ع/5ᤨߩࡊࡠࡐೋᦼ⸳ቯqࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡕ࠼㧔⸳ቯฬߣหߓࡕ࠼ߦߔࠆޕ㧕 ࡈ࠲ࡃߩ႐ว Futaba Radio ,4ߩ႐ว JR Radio %* ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔThrottle %* ࡦࡠ࡞ࠛޔAileron %* ࠲ࡌࠛޔElevator %* ࠳ޔRudder %* ࠴࠶ࡇޔPitch %* ࡦࡠ࡞ࠛޔAileron %* ࠲ࡌࠛޔElevator %* ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔThrottle %* ࠳ޔRudder %* ࠴࠶ࡇޔPitch ࡊࡠࡐฬ ⸳ቯ㗄⋡ ⸳ቯฬ ࡊࡠࡐฬ ⸳ቯ㗄⋡ ⸳ቯฬ ((㨟 595* 595* /#:++ /+:%%2 10 ((㨟 2#4#/'6'4ψ6;2'*'.+ 54 5;56'/ψ59#5*6;2 5'4815 (( 2#4#/'6'4ψ6;2'*'.+ 54 2%/ࠪ࠭ 59#5*/+: 5'4815 ࠪ࠭ /&.ψ59*ψ59#5*6;2 54 ٨ฦ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ߩേᣇะߣേ㊂ ࡊࡠࡐฬ ((㨟 ٨ฦ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ߩേᣇะߣേ㊂ ⸳ቯ㗄⋡ ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ AILE -65 595* ((㨟 59#5* (( 59#5*#(4 ࠪ࠭ ࠛࡌ࠲ ELEV -65 ࡇ࠶࠴ PITCH 59*ψ59#5*6;2 ࡊࡠࡐฬ ⸳ቯ㗄⋡ /#:++ /+:%%2ψ%* 5YCUJ/KZ 2%/ࠪ࠭ 59#5*/+: ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ AILE -65 ࠛࡌ࠲ ELEV -65 ࡇ࠶࠴ PITCH +65 +65 ٨ࡃࠬࠬࠗ࠶࠴㧔ฦ␠ㅢ㧕 Reverse Switch ࡁࡑ࡞ ࡁࡑ࡞ ࡃࠬ ࡁࡑ࡞ ࡃࠬ ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ Aileron ࠛࡌ࠲ Elevator ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ Throttle ࠳ Rudder ࡇ࠶࠴ Pitch Normal Normal Reverse Normal ̪ Reverse 㧔̪,4)6)ޔ6╬ߪޕߔ߹ࠅߥߦࠬࡃޔ㧕 ع//5ᤨߩࡊࡠࡐೋᦼ⸳ቯ ٨ࡃࠬࠬࠗ࠶࠴㧔ฦ␠ㅢ㧕 Reverse Switch ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ Aileron ࠛࡌ࠲ Elevator ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ Throttle ࠳ Rudder ࡇ࠶࠴ Pitch ࡃࠬ ࡁࡑ࡞ ࡃࠬ ࡁࡑ࡞ ࡃࠬ Reverse Normal Reverse Normal ̪ Reverse ̪ ৻ㇱࠫࡖࠗࡠߦࠃߞߡߪ ࠫࡖࠗࡠᣇะߩಾࠅᦧ߃ ߦࠃߞߡࡐࡠࡊޔߩേ ᣇะࠍಾࠅᦧ߃ࠆᔅⷐ ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ 㧔JR.G410T,G460T╬㧕 Some transmitter also require Gyro Direction Setting. (JR G410T/G460T etc.) 㧔̪,4)6)ޔ6╬ߪޕߔ߹ࠅߥߦࠬࡃޔ㧕 ࠨࡏߩ࠾ࡘ̆࠻࡞⺞ᢛߩᚻ㗅 ٨ᆎࠆᤨ ฦࠨࡏ╬ࠍฃାᯏߦធ⛯ߔࠆޕ 1 Connect servos to the receiver. 2 ࠻ࡓࠍਛᄩߦ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 2 Set trims to center. (Transmitter) 3 4 ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 3 Switch on the transmitter. (Transmitter) ฦ⸳ቯ↹㕙ࠍ㐿ߊޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 4 Open the setting menu. (Transmitter) 5 ฦ⸳ቯࠍⴕ߁ޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 5 Set up the data. (Transmitter) 6 ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ㧔ฃାᯏ㧕 6 Switch on the receiver. (Receiver) 7 ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍേ߆ߒߡࠨࡏ߇േߡࠆ߆⏕ޕ 7 Make sure the servos move according to your transmitter inputs. ٨⚳ࠊࠆᤨ 4 ٨START 1 ٨FINISH 8 ㅍାᯏߩࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍਛ┙ߦߔࠆޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 8 Set transmitter sticks to neutral. (Transmitter) 9 ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ㧔ฃାᯏ㧕 9 Switch off the receiver. (Receiver) 10 ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 10 Switch off the transmitter. (Transmitter) 11 ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠍ❗ࠆޕ㧔ㅍାᯏ㧕 11 Retract the antenna. (Transmitter) ⚵┙ߡ೨ߩᵈᗧ㧔㧝㧕 BEFORE YOU BEGIN (1) 1 ⚵┙ߡࠆ೨ߦ⺑ᦠࠍ⦟ߊ⺒ࠎߢߩߘࠃ߅߅ޔ᭴ㅧࠍℂ⸃ߒߡ߆ࠄ⚵┙ߡߦߞߡߊߛߐޕ 2 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩౝኈࠍ߅⏕߆ߊߛߐ৻ਁޕਇ⦟ޔਇ⿷߇ࠅ߹ߒߚࠄ⾈߅ޔ᳞ߩ⽼ᄁᐫߦߏ⋧⺣ߚߛߊ߆ޔ ᒰ␠⺣⋧࡙ࠩޟቶߏߢ߹ޠㅪ⛊ߊߛߐޕ Read through the manual before you begin, so you will have an overall idea of what to do. Check all parts. If you find any defective or missing parts, contact your local dealer or our Kyosho Distributor. 3 ⺑ᦠߩ߆ߚ How to read the instruction manual: ާ⺑Exampleި 9 ࠹࡞ 6CKN HH-2 2.6 x 10mm ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 2 3 x 3mm ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 1 2.6mm ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut ⺑ᦠౝߢߪᄙߊߩࡑࠢ߇↪ ߐࠇߡ߹ߔߦࠢࡑޕᵈᗧߒߡ ⚵┙ߡࠍㅴߡߊߛߐޕ This instruction manual uses several symbols. Please note them during the entire assembly. 2.6mm 2 3 x 3mm ዊ‛ㇱຠߩฬ೨ޔේኸ࿑↪ޔᢙޕ Key Number, Part Name, True-to-scale Diagram, Quantity Used 4 2.6 x 10mm ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࠕ࠶ࡦࡉ Tail Rotor Assembly 92 ࠠ࠶࠻ౝߩㇱຠߪࠬࡆޔ㘃ࠍ㒰ߡࠠ 0Q߇ઃߌࠄࠇߡ߹ߔࠍ࠷ࡄࠕࡍࠬޕ ⾼ߔࠆᤨߪࠠ0Qࠍෳᾖߒߡߊߛߐޕ All parts except screws are identified by key numbers. For purchasing spare parts, find the key no. of the part needed in the spare part list and refer to the left column to look up the corresponding order no. ⺑ᦠߦࠊࠇߡࠆࡑࠢ Symbols used throughout the instruction manual, comprise: ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. ⇟ภߩ㗅ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble in the specified order. ᵈᗧߒߡ⚵┙ߡࠆᚲޕ Pay close attention here! ࠛࡐࠠࠪធ⌕ߢធ⌕ߔࠆޕ Apply epoxy glue. 㧞࠶࠻⚵┙ߡࠆ㧔㧕ޕ Assemble as many times as specified (here: twice). ⾼ຠ Must be purchased separately! x2 ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlock (screw cement). ේኸ࿑ True-to-scale diagram. ࠣࠬࠍႣࠆޕ Apply grease. OOߩⓣࠍߌࠆ㧔㧕ޕ Drill holes with the specified diameter (here: 2mm). 2mm ⍍㑆ធ⌕ߢធ⌕ߔࠆޕ Apply instant glue (CA glue, super glue). ˴˴˴ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. ᱛޕ Tempororarily tighten. 5 ⚵┙ߡ೨ߩᵈᗧ㧔㧞㧕 BEFORE YOU BEGIN (2) 5 ࠠ࠶࠻ౝߩㇱຠߩਛߦߪߡ┙⚵ޔᷣߺߩㇱຠ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ᔨߩߚࡆࠬ╬ߩࠁࠆߺ߇ή߆⏕ߒߡ߆ࠄޕߐߛߊߡߡ┙⚵ޔ CAUTION: Inside the kit, you will find assemblies, i.e. sections that are pre-assembled ᵈᗧ and hence consist of more than one part. To make sure these assemblies are safely assembled, check among others their screws for looseness. Only then, build in the assemblies. 6 ࠠ࠶࠻ߦߪޔᒻ߿㐳ߐ߇㆑߁ࡆࠬ߿ዊ‛ㇱຠ߇ᄙߊߞߡ߹ߔ⺑ޕᦠߦߪේኸ࿑߇ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ⏕ߒߡ߆ࠄ ⚵┙ߡߡߊߛߐࠬࡆޔߚ߹ޕ㘃ߪᄙߦߞߡࠆ߽ߩ߽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ੍ޔߣߒߡ߅ߊߛߐޕ This kit contains screws and hardware in different metric sizes and shapes. Before using them, check the screws on the true-to-scale diagrams on the left side in each assembly step. Some screws are extras. ٨ࡆࠬߩ⒳㘃 SCREWS ࡆࠬ Screw ٨ዊ‛ㇱຠߩࠨࠗ࠭ OTHER HARDWARE TPࡆࠬ Self-tapping (TP) Screw 3x12mm ࡆࠬ Screw 3mm ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ࠽࠶࠻ WasherNut 3mm ࠨࡆࠬ Flat Head (F/H) Screw TPࠨࡆࠬ TP F/H Screw 3mm 12mm 5x10mm ࡔ࠲࡞ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Metal BushingBearing 5mm E4 㧱ࡦࠣ E-ring ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 4mm 10mm 7 62ࡆࠬߪޔㇱຠߦࡀࠫࠍಾࠅߥ߇ࠄߒߟߌࠆࡆࠬߢߔ߇ߺߎߒޕ࿕႐ว߇ ࠅ߹ߔ߇ޔㇱຠ߇⏕ታߦ࿕ቯߐࠇࠆ߹ߢߒߎࠎߢߊߛߐߔߒޔߒߛߚޕ ߉ࠆߣࡀࠫ߇߈߆ߥߊߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔㇱຠ߇ᄌᒻߔࠆ߹ߢߒߥߢߊߛߐޕ Self-tapping (TP) screws cut threads into the parts when being tightened. Excessive force may permanently damage parts when tightening TP screws. It is recommended to stop tightening when Correct the part is attached or when some resistance is felt after the threaded portion enters the plastic. Wrong ߒߔ߉ Overtightened. 6 ࡆࠬ߇߈߆ߥ The threads are stripped. ٨ ߎߩ⚵┙ߡ⺑ᦠߪࠛࡦࠫࡦήߒඨቢᚑ㧔0Q㧕ࠛࡦࠫࡦઃ߈ඨቢᚑ㧔0Q㧕ㅢߩ⺑ᦠߢߔޕ ߅⾈ߍߚߛߚຠߦวࠊߖߡ⚵┙ߡߪਅ⸥ߩࠃ߁ߦⴕߞߡߊߛߐޕ No.21135= 1 ~ 23 No.21136= 5 ~ 23 This instruction is for both Pre Assembled without Engine (#21135) and Pre Assembled with Engine (#21136) version. Please follow right step as follows. No.21135= 1 ~ 23 No.21136= 5 ~ 23 1 952 ࠍࠛࡦࠫࡦߦขࠅઃߌࠆ㓙ޔ890 ࠍ৻ᣤ 952 ߦ࿕ቯߔࠆޕ㧔ࠛࡦࠫࡦᆎേᤨߦࠁࠆ ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠛࡦࠫࡦࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ Engine, Engine Mount 947 ߹ߥ᭽ߦߒߞ߆ࠅ✦ࠆޕ㧕 Tighten the fan securely with screws. 952 ㅒࡀࠫ Reversed Screw 886 967 ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖߪਇⷐ No need. 947 3x6mm ⷺࡦ࠴㧔6mm㧕 Hex Wrench (6mm) 966 890 947 3 x 15mm ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 3x15mm 3x6mm 4 947 ࠢࡠࠬࡔࡦࡃ Cross member ࠛࡦࠫࡦ࡙࠾࠶࠻ Engine Unit 3 ࡇࠬ࠻ࡦࡠ࠶ࠢ Piston Lock 3x15mm 2 ࠛࡦࠫࡦ Engine ᱜᏱᤨߩࠛࡦࠫࡦߣࡌ࡞࠻ߩ⟎ The right position of the belt and engine 1 973 ࡌ࡞࠻ Belt 2 890 ৻ᣤᄖߔޕ Unscrew temporarily. 710 887 710 10 x 19 x 5mm ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Ball Bearing 2 ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). 710 ⇟ภߩ㗅ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble in the specified order. ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! 7 3 ࠛࡦࠫࡦ Engine 3x6mm 3x14mm 890 3x6mm 3 x 6mm ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 2 3x14mm 3 x 14mm ࡆࠬ Screw 6 4 ࡑࡈࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ Muffler, Silicone Tube 3x28mm 635 ࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ㧔100mm㧕 Silicone Tube (100mm) 3x28mm 903 901 3 x 28mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2 ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). 8 635 ࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ㧔100mm㧕 Silicone Tube (100mm) 5 821A ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ Tail Rotor シߊേߊ᭽ߦ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ ะ߈ߦᵈᗧޕ Tighten the screws ensuring 821A can still move. Note the direction. 3mm 3x15mm 821A 3 x 15mm ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 2 3mm 3mm ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut 821A 2 821A 6 ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊ Tail Pipe ᵈᗧ 3 x 28mm ࡆࠬ Screw 4 3mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut ࡌ࡞࠻ߩߨߓࠆᣇะߦᵈᗧ CAUTION: Note the direction for twisting. 930 4 ࡌ࡞࠻ࠍ᛬ࠄߥࠃ߁ߦᵈᗧޕ Do not fold belt. 3mm ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊࠍシߊᒁߊ Pull Tail Pipe 3mm 3x28mm 3x28mm นേߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Ensure smooth, non-binding movement when assembling. ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). 9 7 ࠹࡞ࠨࡐ࠻ࡄࠗࡊ Tail Support Pipe 2 x 8mm ࡆࠬ Screw 4 3 x 10mm ࡆࠬ Screw 3x14mm 3x10mm 2 3 x 14mm ࡆࠬ Screw 3 3mm ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut 1 3x10mm 928 3mm 2x8mm 927 928 2x8mm 3x14mm 8 ࠫࡖࠗࡠฃାᯏࡃ࠶࠹ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ߩขઃ Installing Gyro, Receiver, Battery, Switch ࠫࡖࠗࡠࠕࡦࡊ Gyro Amp ࠫࡖࠗࡠ Gyro ࡃ࠶࠹ Battery ฃାᯏ Receiver ࠫࡖࠗࡠ Gyro ࡃ࠶࠹ Battery ਔ㕙࠹ࡊ Double-sided Tape ਔ㕙࠹ࡊ Double-sided Tape ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Switch 20~30mm ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Switch ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Switch ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ Antenna ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! 10 Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. 975 ࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࡄࠗࡊ Antenna Pipe ᵈᗧߒߡ⚵┙ߡࠆᚲޕ Pay close attention here! ฃାᯏ Receiver ࡊࡠࡐߩ⺑ᦠࠍෳ⠨ ߦᝄേኻ╷ࠍⴕ߁ޕ Refer Instruction Manual included radio set to prevent vibration. 9 ࠳ࠨࡏ Rudder Servo ࠨࡏߦวࠊߖߡขઃ⟎ࠍᄌ߃ࠆޕ Select the hole by servo size you use. 3mm 3mm 931 932 3x10mm a b ⍴႐ว In case of short b 㐳႐ว In case of long a 932 3x10mm 10~14mm 954 885 929 ࠳ࠨࡏ Rudder Control Servo 2 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 2x8mm 1 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 1 3 x 10mm ࡆࠬ Screw 3mm ⚂5mm approx. 5mm 2.6mm 2.6x10mm 2.6x10mm 2.6mm 4 929 885 ˴߇⌀⋥ߋήℂߥߊࠬࡓ࠭ߦേߊ᭽ߡߞࠃߦࡏࠨޔ 929 ࡦࠤࠫᣇᴺࠍㆬࠎߢߊߛߐޕ Choose by which servo you use for smooth linkage. ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 4 ߆ࠄߚ࿑ Top View 2.6 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊ Tail Pipe ߆ࠄߚ࿑ Top View ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊ Tail Pipe 4 2.6mm ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 4 10 ࠨࡏࡎࡦ Servo Horn ࠳ࠨࡏ࠹࡞ࡦࠤࠫࠟࠗ࠼ Rudder Servo, Tail Linkage Guide ࠨࡏࡎࡦ Servo Horn ࠼✢ߩ࿕ቯ Rudder Servo Code 2x8mm 2 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 2 2x8mm 933 933 ᱛޕ Tentatively tighten. ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). 11 11 ࠳ࠨࡏ࠹࡞ࡦࠤࠫࠟࠗ࠼ Rudder Servo, Tail Linkage Guide 933 ࠍ2x8mmTPࡆࠬࠍ✦ㄟߺ࿕ቯߔࠆޕ Tighten 2x8 TP screws of Rod guide in the directed position. 933 180mm 2x8mm 933 2x8mm 80mm 929 90 90 < ࠾ࡘ࠻࡞ > < Neutral > ߆ࠄߚ࿑ Top View ߎߩḴߦ˴ࠍㅢߔޕ 929 929 must be on the groove. 12 < ࠾ࡘ࠻࡞ > < Neutral > ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ Throttle Servo 2.6 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 4 2.6mm ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 4 2 x 8mm ࡆࠬ Screw 1 2mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 1 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 2.6mm 1 2.6x10mm 2x8mm 2.6x10mm 2.6mm 954 10~11mm ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ Throttle Control Servo 2mm ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. 12 ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! 13 ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ Throttle Servo 2 x 8mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 52mm 1 10~11mm 1 957 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔52mm㧕 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball Fixed Rod (52mm) 1 2mm 954 957 2x8mm ࡊࡠࡐࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢਛ┙ߩᤨ㧔ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠞࡉ50%ᤨ㧕 Move all sticks neutral (center) position. (When throttle curve 50%) A A' A A' A = A' ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ߩേ▸࿐ߦวࠊߖߡ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔ ࠨࡏߩേ▸࿐ࠍࡊࡠࡐߢ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Adjust the throttle servo operation range of a transmitter according to the range of operation of a carburetor. 13 //5ߩ႐วߪ2߳ 15 '/5ߩ႐ว 14 x3 ࡦࠤࠫ㧔EMS㧕 Linkage (EMS) 2 x 8mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ Elevator Control Servo ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo 2x8mm 954 ⚂10㨪mm approx. 10~11mm 3 For EMS (Move to P15 15 for MMS) ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo 2x8mm 2x8mm 954 954 2mm 2mm 2mm 3 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 3 2.6 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 18 2 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 5 3 x 14mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2.6x10mm 914 3x5x4mm ࠞ Collar 2 954 919 714 3x7x3mm ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Ball Bearing 4 919 5 956 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ 2x8mm TP 923 2 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 2x8mmTP 2.6x10mm 2.6x10mm 㧔32mm㧕 Fixed Rod (32mm) 954 ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo 3x6x0.5mm ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 2 954 2x8mm TP 921 3mm 714 ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ Elevator Control Servo ࡊࡠࡐࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢోߡਛ┙ 㧔ࡇ࠶࠴ࠞࡉ50%ᤨ㧕 Move all sticks neutral (center) position. (When pitch curve 50%) ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo 922 914 714 3x14mm 956 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔32mm㧕 32mm ᐔⴕ Parallel Fixed Rod (32mm) 959 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔72mm㧕 Fixed Rod (72mm) 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔128mm㧕 Fixed Rod (128mm) 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ 㧔128mm㧕 Fixed Rod (128mm) 72mm 959 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔72mm㧕 Fixed Rod (72mm) 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔128mm㧕 128mm ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. 14 ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! Fixed Rod (128mm) Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. x3 㧟࠶࠻⚵┙ߡࠆ㧔㧕ޕ Assemble as many times as specified. For MMS //5ߩ႐ว 15 ⚂10㨪mm approx. 10~11mm ࡦࠤࠫ㧔MMS㧕 Linkage (MMS) 2 x 8mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut x2 4 4 ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo 2x8mm 954 2mm ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ Elevator Control Servo 2x8mm 954 2x8mm 954 2mm 954 2x8mm 2mm ⚂20~22mm approx. 20~22mm 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 2mm x1 4 2.6 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 18 2.6x10mm 914 3x5x4mm ࠞ Collar 2 2x8mmTP ̪ MMSߪ 920 ߇೨ᓟߦ⒖േߒ߹ ߔߩߢߦ✢࠼ߩࡏࠨޔ ߪᔅߕࠍขߞߡߊߛߐޕ Note 920 is movable for MMS. Cord must be long enough. 954 2.6x10mm 919 2 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 5 714 3x7x3mm ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Ball Bearing 8 3 x 14mm ࡆࠬ Screw 2 919 ࡇ࠶࠴ࠨࡏ Pitch Servo 5 3x6x0.5mm ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 2 714 954 714 3mm 714 714 ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠨࡏ Aileron Servo ࠛࡌ࠲ࠨࡏ Elevator Control Servo 956 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔32mm㧕 Fixed Rod (32mm) 958 2.3 x 30mm ࠕࠫࡖࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ Adjust Rod 㧔32mm㧕 Fixed Rod (32mm) 954 920 32mm 956 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ 2x8mm TP 2.6x10mm 954 ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Linkage Ball 923 2x8mmTP 922 914 714 3x14mm ࡊࡠࡐࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢోߡਛ┙ 㧔ࡇ࠶࠴ࠞࡉ50%ᤨ㧕 Move all sticks neutral (center) position. (When pitch curve 50%) ᐔⴕ Parallel 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔128mm㧕 Fixed Rod (128mm) 1 959 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ 㧔72mm㧕 Fixed Rod (72mm) 958 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼ 18.5mm 958 㧔128mm㧕 Fixed Rod (128mm) 885 72mm 959 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔72mm㧕 Fixed Rod (72mm) 960 ࡈࠖࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠼㧔128mm㧕 128mm ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! Fixed Rod (128mm) Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. x2 㧞࠶࠻⚵┙ߡࠆ㧔㧕ޕ Assemble as many times as specified. 15 16 ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ࠍ᳓ᐔߦߥࠆࠃ߁ߦޔㅍାᯏߩࠨࡉ࠻ࡓࠍ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Make swash plate horizontal by adjust sub trims of the transmitter. ࡊࡠࡐߩࡇ࠶࠴ࠞࡉ Pitch Curve Adjustment ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ Swash plate ᳓ᐔ Horizontal < ࡇ࠶࠴ߩ᷹ቯ > < Adjustment of a pitch > ࡇ࠶࠴ⷺߩෳ⠨୯ Pitch reference table ೋߡߩᣇߪP16- 17 ࠍෳᾖߒߡߊߛߐޕ ̪ A beginner needs to refer to Page 16- 17 . ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡃࠍ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊߣᐔⴕߦߥࠆࠃ߁ᡰ߃ߥ߇ ࠄߦ࠲ࡠࡦࠗࡔޔขઃછᗧߩⷺᐲߦ⸳ቯߒߚࡇ࠶࠴ࠥࠫ ߩᐔ㕙߇ߣࡃࠩࠗࡆ࠲ࠬޔᐔⴕߦߥࠆࠃ߁⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Use a pitch gauge, supporting stabilizer bar so that it may become parallel to a tail pipe. ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࠍ᳓ᐔߦߒߚ⁁ᘒߦߡ᷹ቯߔࠆޕ ࡇ࠶࠴ࡠ࠶࠼ Pitch Rod Place Main Rotor horizontally. ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢ⟎ ࡠ ਛᄩ Stick Position Low Center ࡎࡃࡦࠣ✵⠌ 0° 6° Hovering ⓨ㘧ⴕ -2° 6° Normal Flight ࡞ࡊࡦ࠲࡞࠻ࠬޔ -3° 4° Loop / Stall Turns ࡠ࡞ -6° 2° Roll 3D㧔ࠕࠢࡠࡃ࠶࠻㧕ࡈࠗ࠻ -8° 0° 3D (Aerobatics) ࠝ࠻ࡠ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ -2~-3° 6° Autorotation 17 ࡇ࠶࠴ߩ⺞ᢛ Pitch curve adjustment ࡂࠗ High 10° ᐔⴕ Parallel 1.5mm 9° ᐔⴕ Parallel 9° 9° 9° 12° a a 1 < FRS > ⚵┙ᷣᮡḰ⟎ޕ < ࡒࠠࠪࡦࠣࡃߩ⸳ቯ > < Setting of the mixing lever > ቯᕈ㊀ⷞߩὑ߇ⷺⰬޔ㊰ᗵޕ 㧔⚻㛎⠪߇㘧ⴕߔࠆ႐วߪޔ ˴ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦߩ࠲ࡌࠛޔ ˴EXPࠍᢅᗵߦ⸳ቯߒޔD/R ˴ࠍ70%ߦߔࠆޕ㧕 Training mode with safety bar, insensitive increase stability. (If the experienced flyer fly with this mode, adjust Aileron and Elevator EXP to sensitive and 70% D/R.) 884 < ࠻࠾ࡦࠣࡈ࠹ࠖࡃࡕ࠼ > < Training mode with safety bar > 1 ࠻࠾ࡦࠣࡈ࠹ࠖࡃࠍ↪ߔࠆ႐วޔฝ⸥ ߩࠃ߁ߦᄌᦝߔࠆߎߣߢ⥄┙ቯᕈ߇ะߒ߹ߔޕ When using Safety bar, change the pivot hole as shown in the following figure, stability will increase. a < ࠻࠾ࡦࠣࡈ࠹ࠖࡃࡕ࠼ߩ႐ว > < Training mode with safety bar > ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞&ࡇ࠶࠴ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߣ 909 ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘ ࡊ࠻ߣ 911 ࠫࠕࠬࠕࡓߩೞශ߇ว߁ࠃ߁ ߦޔㅍାᯏࠍ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Adjust the throttle and pitch stick movement of transmitter so that the tail bar of swash plate and marking of radius arm may suit each point. 㧔ࡂࠗ㧕 (High) 㧔ࡎࡃࡦࠣ㧕 (Hovering) 㧔ࡠ㧕 (Low) 16 2 < RRS> ࡈ࠹ࠖࡃࡕ࠼ޕ ᠲᕈߣㆇേᕈ㊀ⷞޕ Normal position, quick response good for 3D. 878 2 ߎߩ⁁ᘒߢࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ ߦวࠊߖߡࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࡌࠛޔ ࠲ߩᦨᄢേ㊂ࠍ⺞ᢛߒ߹ߔޕ In this state adjust the amount of the maximum operation of aileron lever and elevator lever, unite with swash plate moving. ࡇ࠶࠴ⷺߩ⺞ᢛ Pitch Adjustment Hiࡇ࠶࠴ Hi Pitch ⚂10° approx. 10° ࡎࡃࡦࠣࡇ࠶࠴ ⚂6° Hovering Pitch approx. 6° Loࡇ࠶࠴ Lo Pitch ⚂0° approx. 0° 909 ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ Swash plate 911 ࠫࠕࠬࠕࡓ Radius arm ࡇ࠶࠴ࡠ࠶࠼ Pitch Rod 0mm 18 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 898 ⵣ㕙ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut away only inside. ࠬࠗ࠶࠴↪ߩⓣ⟎ޕ Position of Switch holes. 15mm 15mm 100mm 19 25mm ࿑ߩ⟎ߦ 1 ߆ࠄ㗅ߦ࠺ࠞ࡞ࠍߪࠆޕ Apply the decals to the positions indicated in numerical order. ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decals ࠞ࠶ࠦߩਛߪኻ↪ߩ࠺ࠞ࡞࠽ࡦࡃߢߔޕ The decal numbers between brackets are only for the opposite side. 25 23 ( 24 ) 21 ( 22 ) 26 1 ( 2 ) 3 ( 4 ) 16 ( 15 ) 17 ( 18 ) ߆ࠄߚ࿑ Top View 5 ( 6 ) 9 ( 10 ) ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. 11 ( 12 ) 7 ( 8 ) 13 ( 14 ) 15 ( 16 ) 19 ( 20 ) Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. 17 20 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 3 x 15mm ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 3 x 15mm ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 961 4 No.21137 961 ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Body Mount Washer 949 950 4 951 ࠣࡠࡔ࠶࠻ No.21135 951 ࠣࡠࡔ࠶࠻ Grommet Grommet 949 948 4 951 948 951 951 961 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 961 3 x 15mm No.21137 951 950 951 ࠣࡠࡔ࠶࠻ Grommet 21 ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ Main Rotor ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decal 805 ࠼࠶ࠣࡏ࡞࠻ Drag Bolt ࠣ࠶ࡊ Grip ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ Main Rotor ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊ Tracking Tape シߊേߊࠃ߁ߦ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Tighten the drag bolt ensuring main rotors can still move. 2 4mm ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊߩࠆᣇߦ࠺ࠞ࡞ࠍ⾍ࠆޕ 㧔ࡈࠗ࠻ࠦࡦ࠺࡚ࠖࠪࡦ⛽ᜬߩὑ࠲ࡠࡦࠗࡔޔ ˴ࠍᲤ࿁หߓࠣ࠶ࡊߦขઃߌࠆޕ㧕 Apply Decals on the same side of the tracking tape applied. (Attach Main Rotor on to the same side of Grip all the time.) 2 805 4mm 18 No.21135 805 4mm ขᛒߩᵈᗧ OPERATING YOUR MODEL SAFELY ᰴߩࠃ߁ߥᤨޔ႐ᚲߢߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥޕᕁࠊߧߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ WARNING: Do NOT operate the helicopter in the following places and situations: ⼊๔ (Non-observance may lead to accidents!) ٨ࡊࡠࡐ㑐ଥߩ㔚ᳰᱷ㊂ߪᏱߦ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߔࠆޕ ٨࿐ߦੱ߇ߥߊߡޔᐢోߥ႐ᚲߢ㧍 ㄭߊߦዊߐߥሶଏ߇ߚࠅߩੱޔᄙ႐ᚲߢߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥ ޕ㔚ᳰ߇ᷫߞߡߊࠆߣ㔚ᵄߩㅍฃା߇ᒙߊࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ ˴߇ߢ߈ߥߊߥࠅޔ⪭߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ᳃ኅߩㄭߊ߿ߥߤߢߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥޕ ቶౝ߿ߖ߹ߣߎࠈߢߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥޕޕ Always check the radio batteries! ᒝ㘑ᤨޔ㔎ᄤᤨߦߪ㘧ⴕߐߖߥޕ If the radio batteries get weaker, transmission and reception ̪ੱߦࠤࠟࠍߐߖࠆේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޔࠅߚߒࠊߎࠍ‛ޔߚ߹ޕ decrease. You may lose control of your model when operaઁੱߩㅅᖺߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ting it under such conditions. This may lead to accidents! Operate the helicopter in spacious areas with no people around! Do NOT operate it: 1. in places where children and many people gather! 2. in residential districts and parks! 3. indoors and in limited space! 4. when there is a strong wind or when it is raining! * Non-observance may account for personal injury and property damage! ٨ㄭߊߢή✢ᠲ❑ᮨဳࠍᭉߒࠎߢࠆੱ߇ࠆޕ หߓࡃࡦ࠼ߢߩหᤨ㘧ⴕߪߢ߈߹ߖࠎޕ㔚ᵄ߇ᷙାߒߡ ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞߇ߢ߈ߥߊߥࠅޔ⪭߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Keep in mind that people around you may also operate a radio control model! NEVER share the same frequency with somebody else at the same time! Signals will be mixed and you will lose control of your model. This may lead to accidents! ٨߳ࠅߩേ߈߇߅߆ߒ㧫㧫ߣ߈ޕ ߔߋߦ㘧ⴕࠍਛᱛߒߡ߅߆ߒේ࿃ࠍ⺞ߴࠆޔේ࿃ਇߩ߹߹ 㘧ⴕߐߖࠆߣޔᕁࠊߧ㓚߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ When the model behaves strangely . . .! Immediately stop the model and check the reason. As long as the problem is not cleared, do NOT operate it! This may lead to further trouble and unforeseen accidents! ߿ࠤࠟ╬ߩෂ㒾㒐ᱛߩߚޔᰴߩߎߣࠍᔅߕ߅ࠅߊߛߐޕ ⼊๔ WARNING: for preventing accidents and personal injury, be sure to observe the following: ٨㘧ⴕ೨ߦޕࠆߔࠢ࠶ࠚ࠴ࠍߺࠆࠁߩ╬ࠬࡆޔ ٨Άᢱߪޔᮨဳ↪ࠣࡠΆᢱࠍᔅߕ↪ߔࠆޕ ࡆࠬ㧝ᧄߩࠁࠆߺ߇ߦ ߟߥ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ࠟ࠰ࡦ߿Ἦᴤߩ↪ߪޔἫἴ╬ߩߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ONLY use glow fuel for radio control models! Before flying, ensure all screws are tight! Because the use of gasoline and kerosene in R/C models ac-counts for fires, do NOT use them! A single loose screw may account for accidents! ٨ΆᢱߪޔᒁἫᕈ߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ Ἣ᳇ߩࠆߣߎࠈ߿ቶౝߢߪ⛘ኻߦ↪ߒߥޕ ▤ߪޔߒࠅ߆ߞߒࠍࡊ࠶ࡖࠠޔᐜఽߩᚻߩዯ߆ߥ಄ᥧ ˴ᚲߦ⟎ߊߎߣޕ ↪ᓟߩⓨ➧ߪޔἫਛߦߪᛩߍࠇߥߩ⊒ޕේ࿃ߦߥࠅ ˴߹ߔޕ ٨ⵚ߿்ߩߟߚㇱຠߪޔᣂຠߣ឵ߔࠆޕ ⪭߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Replace all parts with defects or being cracked with new ones! Fuel is highly inflammable and high-explosive! Defect and cracked parts lead to accidents and crashs! 1. NEVER use fuel indoors or in places with open fires and sources of heat! 2. Store fuel ONLY in cool, dry and dark places out of children's reach! Tightly shut the cap! 3. Do NOT dispose of empty fuel cans into a fire! There is danger of explosion! ٨࿁ォߒߡࠆࡠ࠲ߦߪㄭߠ߆ߥޕ ធ⸅ࠍ㒐ߋߚߦޔ10mએᯏ߆ࠄ㔌ࠇࠆߎߣޕ NEVER approach a rotor spinning at high speed! 10m Stand at least 10m away from the rotor for injury prevention! ٨㘧ⴕ⋥ᓟߪࡈࡑޔࡦࠫࡦࠛޔㄝߪ㜞᷷ߦߥߞߡ ˴ࠆߩߢޕߥࠄࠊߐߪߦߋߔޔ ࡗࠤ࠼ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Right after use, do NOT touch the engine and muffler generating high temperatures! ٨Άᢱߪޔ㘶ࠎߛࠅޕߥߒࠅߚࠇߦ⋡ޔ ਁ৻ޔ߇߈ߚ႐วߪޔฯ߆ߖࠆޔᵞ⌒ߔࠆ╬ࠍߒߚᓟޔ ߔߋߦකᏧߩ⸻ኤࠍฃߌߡߊߛߐޕ NEITHER swallow fuel NOR let it into your eyes! When fuel is swallowed, in-duce vomit-ing. When fuel gets into eyes, rinse them and consult an You may get seriously burned touching the engine or muffler! ٨ቯࠄࠇߚࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬࠍ߅ߎߥ߁ޕ Observe the necessary maintenance! 19 ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩᠲߦࠃࠆࡋࠦࡊ࠲ߩേ߈ࠍలಽߦ ˴ℂ⸃ߒߡ߆ࠄ㘧ⴕࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ ˴Below are listed the reactions of the CALIBER 30 ˴according to your inputs. ࡊࡠࡐߩࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߩേ߈ߣࡋࠦࡊ࠲ߩㆇേ CALIBER 30 Control Reactions ࡋࠦࡊ࠲ߩേ߈˴HELICOPTER RESPONSE ࡊࡠࡐߩᠲ CONTROL STICK POSITION (MODE 1) ࡋࠦࡊ࠲ߩേ߈˴HELICOPTER RESPONSE ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ Throttle ࡂࠗ High ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩ࿁ォ߇߇ࠅࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡉ࠼ߩ ࡇ࠶࠴߇ᄢ߈ߊߥࠅߔࠆޕ Engine rpm and the main rotor pitch increase. As a result, the helicopter lifts up. ࡠ Low ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩ࿁ォ߇ਅ߇ࠅࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡉ࠼ߩ ࡇ࠶࠴߇ዋߥߊߥࠅਅ㒠ߔࠆޕ Engine rpm and the main rotor pitch decrease. As a result, the helicopter descends. ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ Aileron 2 1 Ꮐ߳⒖േޕ Moves left. Ꮐ Left 2 ฝ Right Ꮐ߳߆ߚߊޕ Tilts left. ฝ߳⒖േޕ Moves right. 1 ࠛࡌ࠲ Elevator 1 2 ฝ߳߆ߚߊޕ Tilts right. 2 1 ࠳࠙ࡦ Down 1 ˴೨ㅴ߹ߚߪ 2 ˴ࠬࡇ࠼߇ࠇ߫㒠ਅޕ 1 ˴Moves forward. 2 With airspeed, the helicopter descends. ˴ ࠕ࠶ࡊ Up 1 ᓟㅴ߹ߚߪࡉࠠ ˴ 2 ࠬࡇ࠼߇ࠇ߫ޕ ˴ 1 Loses airspeed or moves backward. ˴ 2 With airspeed, the helicopter lifts up. ˴ ࠳ Rudder Ꮐ Left ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ߩࡇ࠶࠴ࠍᄌ߃ࠆߎߣߢ ᯏ㚂ࠍᏀ߳ᝄࠄߖࠆޕ By changing the tail rotor pitch, the nose moves left. ฝ Right ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ߩࡇ࠶࠴ࠍᄌ߃ࠆߎߣߢ ᯏ㚂ࠍฝ߳ᝄࠄߖࠆޕ By changing the tail rotor pitch, the nose moves right. ⺞ᢛ㘧ⴕߐߖࠆ೨ߦ߆ߥࠄߕ߅⺒ߺߊߛߐ ޕPrior to adjusting & operating, observe the following: ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! ٨ή✢ᠲ❑ࡋࠦࡊ࠲߇ೋߡߣ߁ᣇߪޔᯏߩ⺞ᢛ╬ࠍ⚻㛎⠪ߩࠕ࠼ࡃࠗࠬࠍฃߌߥ߇ࠄ⏕ታߦ⚵┙ߡߡߊߛߐޕ ˴ਛㅜඨ┵ߥ⚵߇ࠅߩᯏࠍ㘧ⴕߐߖࠆߩߪޔᄢᄌෂ㒾ߢߔޕ Novice R/C helicopter pilots should always seek advice from experienced pilots for hints in assembly and pre-flight adjustments! Note that a badly assembled or insufficiently adjusted helicopter is a safety hazard! ٨ή✢ᠲ❑ࡋࠦࡊ࠲߇ೋߡߣ߁ᣇߦߪޔන⁛㘧ⴕߪߢ߈߹ߖࠎߩߢޔᔅߕ⚻㛎⠪ߩᜰዉࠍฃߌߡߊߛߐޕ In the beginning, novice R/C helicopter pilots should always be assisted by an experienced pilot and never fly alone! ٨ᯏߩ⎕៊╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚߩࠢ࠶ࠖ࠹ࠬ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔᠲߪࡠ߆ࠄዋߒߕߟߍߡߊߛߐޕ For injury prevention, move the throttle control stick only slowly from low to high! ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩ㔚Ḯࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆᤨߪߚ߹ޔಾࠆᤨߪᔅߕਅ⸥ߩ㗅⇟ࠍߞߡߊߛߐޕ When switching the radio ON or OFF, always proceed in the following order: ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆᤨ 1 ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍߜ߫ࠎਅ㧔ࡠ㧕߹ߢਅߍߡ߅ߊޕ 2 ㅍାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ 3 ฃାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ 㧔ࠫࡖࠗࡠߦࠃߞߡߪ࠾ࡘ࠻࡞߇ࠆ߹ߢᓙߟ㧕 4 ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠍᆎേߔࠆޕ ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆᤨ 1 2 3 20 ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠍᱛࠆޕ ฃାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ ㅍାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ When switching ON: 1 Position the throttle control stick (transmitter) entirely to low. 2 Switch on the transmitter. 3 Switch on the receiver. (Wait for neutral, depending on gyro.) 4 Start / Crank the engine. When switching OFF: 1 2 3 Stop the engine. Switch off the receiver. Switch off the transmitter. 㘧ⴕ೨ߩ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢ Checklist before flying ߢࡇ࠶࠴߇ዊߐߊߥࠆޕ ߢࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻߇ฝߦ߆ߚߊޕ With , the main rotor pitch becomes smaller. With , the main rotor pitch becomes bigger. ߢࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻߇Ꮐߦ߆ߚߊޕ With , the swashplate tilts right. With , the swashplate tilts left. With , the swashplate tilts back. With , the swashplate tilts fore. ߢࡇ࠶࠴߇ᄢ߈ߊߥࠆޕ ߢࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻߇ᓟࠈߦ߆ߚߊޕ ߢࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻߇೨ߦ߆ߚߊޕ ߢࠬࠗ࠼ࡦࠣ߇Ꮐߦ⒖േޕ With , the slide ring moves left. ߢࠬࠗ࠼ࡦࠣ߇ฝߦ⒖േޕ With , the slide ring moves right. ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩᆎേ㧔㧕 STARTING THE ENGINE (1) 1 㔚ᳰߩల㔚 ޕCharging radio batteries ࡊࡠࡐߩ㔚ᳰߪలಽߦల㔚ߒߡ߅ߊߎߣޕㅍାᯏߦੇ㔚ᳰࠍ ↪ߒߡࠆ႐วߪᣂຠߦࠇ߆߃ࠆߎߣޕ With rechargeable radio batteries, charge them to full capacity. With dry cells used in the transmitter, replace them with new ones. 2 ᯏߩ⏕ ޕChecking the helicopter ࡆࠬ㘃ߪ⏕ታߦߒ߹ߞߡࠆ߆৻߁߽ޔᐲ⏕ߔࠆߎߣޕ Ensure that all screws, nuts, etc. are securely tightened. 3 Άᢱ⛎ᴤ ޕRefuelling ⛎ᴤਛߪࠧࡒ߇ࠄߥࠃ߁ߦᵈᗧߔࠆߎߣޕ When filling up the tank, ensure that no dirt enters the tank as well. 4 ࠾࠼࡞⺞ᢛ ޕBasic Needle Setting ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩ࠾࠼࡞ࠍߞ߬߹ߢߒߡ߆ࠄޔᜰቯߐࠇߚ㊂ߛߌࠁࠆ ࠆޕ㧔ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩขᛒߪࡦࠫࡦࠛޔઃዻߩ⺑ᦠࠍ߅⺒ߺߊߛߐޕ㧕 Entirely tighten the needle, then unscrew it as many turns as specified in the engine instruction manual. 1 5 ࡊࡠࡐߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆ ޕRadio Activation ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߪߪࡓ࠻࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔߒߦࡠޔਛᄩߦ ߔࠆޕ Pull down the engine control stick and center the engine control trim. 2 3 ࠻ࡓࠍਛ┙ߦ Center the trim. 2 ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍਅߦ Pull down the engine control stick. ٨ࡊࡠࡐ߇⺋േߒߚࠅേ߆ߥ႐วߪޔේ࿃ࠍតߒޔ ⸃ߔࠆ߹ߢࠛࡦࠫࡦߪ⛘ኻߦᆎേߐߖߥޕ ⼊๔ WARNING: With radio glitches or a helicopter that will not ÒmoveÓ, find out the reason. Do not start the engine before finding and solving the problem! 1 ࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍ10 Switch on. 21 ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩᆎേ㧔㧕 STARTING THE ENGINE () ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᆎേߒߚᤨߦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒߥࠃ߁ߦޔ ࡠ࠲ࡋ࠶࠼ࠍᚻߢߒߞ߆ࠅ࿕ቯߔࠆޕ When the engine starts, take hold of the rotor head so the rotor blades will not rotate. 6 ࡊࠣࡅ࠻ޕ ࡊࠣࡅ࠲ߩ㔚ᳰߩᱷ㊂ߪᏱߦ࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߔࠆޕ Plug Heating Always check the dry batteries used in the plug heater. 7 ࠛࡦࠫࡦᆎേޕ ࠬ࠲࠲߇࿑ߩᣇะߦ࿁ォߔࠆ߆⏕ߔࠆޕ 㧔ㅒߦ࿁ォߔࠆ႐วߪ˴˴˴ࠍㅒߦߔࠆ㧕ޕ Engine Starting Ensure the engine starter is rotating into the direction illustrated. (If rotating into the opposite direction, reverse the ˴ and ˴ clips.) 8 ࠛࡦࠫࡦࠍᱛࠆᤨߪޕ ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢߣ࠻ࡓࠍ৻⇟ਅ߹ߢਅߍࠆޕ ߘࠇߢ߽ᱛ߹ࠄߥᤨߪޔΆᢱࡄࠗࡊࠍࠛࡦࠫࡦ߆ࠄߧߊޕ Engine Stopping Pull down the engine control stick and the trim. If the engine still does not stop, pull out the fuel pipe from the engine. ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ⺞ᢛ 6TCEMKPI#FLWUVOGPV ٨ Ꮐฝߩࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡉ࠼ߩࡇ࠶࠴ⷺࠍߘࠈ߃ࠆߎߣࠍ ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ⺞ᢛߣ߹ߔޕ The tracking adjustment consists in making the main rotor pitch on both blades equal. ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍዋߒߕߟߍᯏࠍ⌀ᮮ߆ࠄࠆޕ Slowly pull up the throttle control stick. Look at the blades directly from the side. ᨎߩࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇ޔ If both main rotor blades look like in: Oએ 10m away ߩࠃ߁ߦᨎߦ߃ࠇ߫1-ޕ (both blades travel in the same plane), no further adjusting is needed. ߩࠃ߁ߦᨎߦ߃ࠆᤨߪޔਅ⸥ߩ⺞ᢛࠍ߅ߎߥ߁ޕ (both blades track separately), further adjusting is needed. 445㧔࠻࠾ࡦࠣࡈ࠹ࠖࡃࡕ࠼㧕ߩ႐วޔ ࠺ࠞ࡞ࠍ⾍ߞߚࡠ࠲ࠍၮḰߦߒߡ৻߁߽ޔᣇߩࡠ࠲߇ޔ For RRS take the blade with the tracking tape as a base. ࡇ࠶࠴ࡠ࠶࠼ Pitch Rod ਅߦ߃ࠆᤨߪࠍ࠼ࡦࠛ࡞ࡏߩ࠼࠶ࡠ࠴࠶ࡇޔฝߦ࿁ォ࿁ߒ❗ࠆ㧔⍴ߊߔࠆ㧕ޕ If the other blade (without the tracking tape) tracks lower, rotate the ball end of the pitch rod half a turn right. ߦ߃ࠆᤨߪࠍ࠼ࡦࠛ࡞ࡏߩ࠼࠶ࡠ࠴࠶ࡇޔᏀߦ࿁ォ࿁ߒિ߫ߔ㧔㐳ߊߔࠆ㧕ޕ If the other blade (without the tracking tape) tracks higher, rotate ⷺᐲ߇ᷫࠆޕ the ball end of the pitch rod half a turn left. Main rotor pitch decreases. એߩ⺞ᢛࠍ˴ߩࠃ߁ߦߥࠆ߹ߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ Proceed the same way until both main rotor blades will travel in the same plane as in . ̪(45㧔Ꮏ႐⩄ᤨ㧕ߩ႐วޔേ߇ㅒߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Be sure that operation becomes reverse in FRS. ⷺᐲ߇Ⴧ߃ࠆޕ Main rotor pitch increases. ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ 22 ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! ࠻ࡓ⺞ᢛ Trim Adjustment ᵈᗧ ⺞ᢛ߿✵⠌㘧ⴕߪޔή㘑߹ߚߪᓸ㘑ߩᤨߦ߅ߎߥ߁ޕ NOTICE: Adjust and practice flying only when there is a weak wind or no wind. ٨ ᶋߔࠆᤨߩᯏߩ߈ߪ⺞ߢࡃࡓ࠻ޔᢛߒ߹ߔޕ Correct any yawing, rolling or pitching of the helicopter during take offs with the trims. ٨ ᯏ߇ᶋߒࠃ߁ߣߔࠆᤨޔਅ࿑ߩ˴㨪˴ߩࠃ߁ߦߊᤨߪޔ ㅍାᯏߩߘࠇߙࠇߩ࠻ࡓࡃࠍ˴㨪˴ߩᣇะߦ⺞ᢛߒ߹ߔޕ As the engine speed increases and the helicopter is close to taking off, the following tendencies may be noticed for the helicopter to yaw ( or ), to roll ( or ) or to pitch ( or ) instead of lifting straight up. If this happens, adjust the different trims on the transmitter so the helicopter lifts straight up. ࡎࡃࡦࠣ✵⠌㧔㧕 *QXGT.GUUQP 㘑˴Wind ٨ ࡎࡃࡦࠣ✵⠌ߩ೨ߦޔᰴߩߎߣࠍⷡ߃ߡ߅ߊߣޔ㆐߇ᣧߊ ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Observe the following basics before practicing the hover. It will make things a lot easier! ᯏߪޔ㘑ߦ߹ߞߔߋะߌࠆߎߣޕ Direct the helicopter into the wind. ᮮ㘑߿ޔㅊ㘑ߪޔᠲ❑߇㔍ߒߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕ With lateral and tail winds, operation becomes difficult. ࠹࡞ㇱߪߕߦޔᯏ㚂ࠍࠆߎߣޕ Do not watch the tail, watch the nose of the helicopter. ೨ᆫߢ⌕ߔࠆޕ ᓟࠈ߆ࠄ⌕ߔࠆߣ߇ࡓࡉ࡞࠹ޔ߿࠲ࡠࡦࠗࡔޔ⎕៊ߒ߿ ߔߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Nose-in when landing When landing, the helicopter should touch ground with the nose first. If touching ground with the tail first, the main rotor or tail boom may be damaged. ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! 23 ࡎࡃࡦࠣ✵⠌㧔2㧕 Hover-Lesson 2 㘑 Headwind ٨ ࡋࠦࡊ࠲ࠍࡎࡃࡦࠣߐߖࠆߦߪޔᏱߦᠲ❑ߒߡࠆ ߎߣ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕᠲ❑ߒߡࠆᜰ߇⥄ޔὼߦᔕߔࠆࠃ߁ߦޔ ᩮ᳇ࠃߊ✵⠌ߒߡߊߛߐޕ Hovering necessitates constant control. Repeat practicing the hover until your fingers get used to doing the controls on the transmitter. 10mએ 10m away ࡋࠦࡊ࠲ࠍ㘑ߦะߌߡ⟎߈ߩߘޔᓟᣇߦ┙ߟޕ ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍዋߒߕߟߍޔᯏ߇㨪EOߋࠄᶋ ߒߚࠄࠍࠢ࠶ࠖ࠹ࠬ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔዋߒߕߟਅߍ⌕㒽ߐߖࠆޕ Direct the helicopter into the wind. Stand behind the helicopter. Raise the throttle control stick a little, making the helicopter hover at a height of 5 ~ 10 cm. Then, decrease engine speed and safely land it. ߎߩ✵⠌ࠍ➅ࠅߒޔ㜞ᐲࠍዋߒߕߟߍߡߊޕ ᰴߦᶋߒߚࠄޔ೨ᣇߦ⌕ߔࠆࠃ߁ߦᠲ❑ߔࠆޕ Repeat this exercise and by increasing the altitude gradually. Next, try to land the helicopter a little ahead from where you lifted off. ᠲ❑ߦᘠࠇߚࠄޔⓨਛߢࡎࡃࡦࠣߢ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߦ✵⠌ߔࠆޕ ᯏ߇ᰴߦߤߩࠃ߁ߥേ߈ࠍߔࠆ߆ࠍ⠨߃ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢᠲࠍవ߳వ߳ ߣ߅ߎߥ߁ߣ⦟ޕ Once you master these basic controls, you can proceed to the hover at higher altitude. You must constantly anticipate into which direction the helicopter may drift and move the control sticks accordingly. ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! ᳓ᐔ⒖േ Horizontal Movement ࡎࡃࡦࠣ✵⠌㧔3㧕 Hover-Lesson 3 ٨ ࡎࡃࡦࠣߐߖࠆߎߣ߇ߢ߈ߚࠄޔᰴߦޔਅ⸥ߩ✵⠌ࠍߒߡߊߛ ߐޕⓨߢ㘧ⴕߐߖࠆᤨߦᔅⷐߥ✵⠌ߢߔޕ Once you have mastered the hover, proceed to the following exercises, proving indispensable for operating a helicopter at higher ೨ㅴ Forward altitude. ฝ Right Ꮐ Left 㕙ࡎࡃࡦࠣ Hover from the side ኻ㕙ࡎࡃࡦࠣ Hover from the front Oએ 10m away Oએ 10m away ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ 24 ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! ᓟㅌ Backward ⓨ㘧ⴕ High Altitude Flight ٨ ⓨᣓ࿁㘧ⴕࠍ✵⠌ߒ߹ߔޕೋߩ߁ߜߪޔᯏㅦ߇ㅦߊߥࠅߔ ߉ߥࠃ߁ߦᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐޕ In the beginning , do not fly too fast when practicing banking at high altitude. Oએ 10m away ฝᣓ࿁ߩ႐ว˴With right banking: ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦߢᯏࠍฝߦ߆ߚߌࠆޕ Tilt the helicopter to the right side using the aileron control stick. ࠛߴ࠲ࠍࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ࠳ޔฝޕ Pull up the elevator control stick and move the rudder control stick right. ᣓ࿁߇⚳ࠊߞߚࠄޔߒߦ࡞࠻ࡘ࠾ࠍ࠳ޔ࠲ࡌࠛޔ ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࠍᏀߦߒᯏࠍ᳓ᐔߦߔࠆޕ After finishing banking, move the elevator and rudder control sticks back to neutral and the aileron control stick left to bring the helicopter back into horizontal flight. Ꮐᣓ࿁ߩ႐วߪ߇࠳ࡦࡠ࡞ࠛޔㅒߦߥࠆޕ With left banks, move the aileron and rudder control sticks left. ฦ⥽ߩᄢ߈ߐߪޔㅦᐲ߇ᣧߊߥࠆ߶ߤᄢ߈ߊߥࠆޕ The higher the airspeed, the more important control movement becomes. 㘑ะ߈ߦࠃࠅ㜞ᐲ߇ᄌൻߔࠆߩߢߢ࡞ࡠ࠻ࡦࠦ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬޔ 㜞ᐲࠍ৻ቯߦߟࠃ߁ߦߔࠆޕ Use the throttle control stick to keep the helicopter at a constant altitude which is likely to change according to the wind and its direction. 㘑 Wind ࡄࡢዊ Low-throttle ࡄࡢᄢ High-throttle 㘑 Wind ⌕㒽 Landing ٨ ⌕㒽ߪޔᯏࠍ㘑ߦ߹ߞߔߋะߌߡ߅ߎߥ߹ߔޕ Land the helicopter into the wind. ٨ ၮᧄ⌕㒽 Basic Landing: ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢ ࠍዋߒߕߟਅߍࠆޕ Gradually lower the throttle control stick ٨ ࠝ࠻ࡠ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ⌕㒽 Autorotation Landing: ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍ৻⇟ ਅ߹ߢਅߍࠆޕ Bring the throttle control stick down to the lowest position. 㘑 Headwind ᯏࠍ᳓ᐔߦߟࠃ߁ߦᠲޕ Keep the helicopter in a horizontal flight position. ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍߍࠆޕ Pull up the throttle control stick slightly. ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍ৻⇟߹ߢߍޔ ࡎࡃࡦࠣߐߖࠆࠃ߁ߦ⌕㒽ޕ Pull the throttle control stick all the way up, make the helicopter momentarily hover and land it. ᯏㅦ߇ࠆᤨߪࡦࡃࡎߢࡊ࠶ࠕ࠲ࡌࠛޔ ࠣߐߖࠆࠃ߁ߦ⌕㒽ޕ If the heli has too much speed, pull up the elevator control stick to make it momentarily hover and land. ٨ ࠝ࠻ࡠ࠹࡚ࠪࡦ⌕㒽ߣߪޔⓨߢࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᱛ߹ߞߡ ߒ߹ߞߡ߽ޔᯏߩ៊்ࠍᦨዊ㒢ߦ߅ߐ߃ࠄࠇࠆ⌕㒽ᣇᴺߢߔޕ Autorotation is a way of safe landing even with engine failure. ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᱛ߹ߞߚᯏߪߦߋߔޔ㒠ਅߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ᄢ߈ߥჿߢޔ࿐ߩੱߦᵈᗧࠍਈ߃ߡߊߛߐޕ When the engine stops, the helicopter will immediately start its descent. Warn all people around you to prevent personal injuries. ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲߇࿁ォߒ߹ߔߩߢ⺞ޔᢛ㘧ⴕߪࠅߦੱ߇ߥደᄖߢ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: Always operate the helicopter outdoors out of people's reach as the main rotor rotates at high rpm! ⼊๔ ٨ᯏߩ⺞ᢛਛߪޔធ⸅╬ࠍ㒐ߋߚޔᔅߕᯏ߆ࠄOએ㔌ࠇߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: While adjusting, stand at least 10 meters apart from the helicopter! 25 ࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ˴MAINTENANCE ٨ ὐᬌ Daily Check 㧝ᣣߩ㘧ⴕ߇⚳ੌߒߚࠄޔᔅߕὐᬌߒߡߊߛߐޕ After flying, be certain to do the following checks! ٨ࡆࠬߩ✭ߺ߿ㇱຠߩ⇣Ᏹ߇ߥ߆࠴ࠚ࠶ࠢߒߡߊߛߐޕ⪭߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔ ˴⇣Ᏹߩࠆㇱຠߪᔅߕ឵ߒߡߊߛߐޕ ⼊๔ WARNING: Make sure that all screws are securely tightened and all parts are in best condition! Damaged parts should be immediately replaced by new ones and loose screws retightened. Failing to do so will inevitably result in accidents such as crashs! ᯏฦㇱߩᴤޔᳪࠇ╬ࠍ߈ߣࠅ߹ߔޕ Wipe off any dirt or oil deposits from your helicopter. ٨ ਥߥᶖ⠻ㇱຠ Wearing Parts ٨ᔅߕ੩⚐ᱜㇱຠߣ឵ߒߡߊߛߐޕ ⼊๔ WARNING: Please use only genuine Kyosho brand parts. ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼㧛ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ Ball End / Linkage Ball ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼߇ኈᤃߦᄖࠇߡߒ߹߁႐ว ߪࠍ࠼ࡦࠛ࡞ࡏޔ឵ߔࠆߦ࡞ࡏޕ ்╬߇ࠆ႐วߪࠍ࡞ࡏޔ឵ߔࠆޕ Replace ball ends if they come easily off. Replace balls with the first signs of scratches. ࡏ࡞ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Ball Bearing ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ Swashplate ౝㇱߩࡌࠕࡦࠣߦ⇣Ᏹ߇ࠆ႐วߪ ឵ߔࠆޕ೨ᓟᏀฝߩേ߈߇ᖡ႐วߪޔ ߏߺࠍขࠅޔਛᄩߩࡏ࡞ߦ⛎ᴤߔࠆޕ Replace the swashplate with defect ball bearings. Should the swashplate’s action not be smooth, clean it and oil the inner balls. ࠢ࠶࠴ Clutch ࠪ࡞࠼࠲ࠗࡊ ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣ Sealed-type One Way Bearing Ṗࠄ߆ߦ࿁ォߒߥ႐วߪ឵ߔࠆޕ ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣߪᶖ⠻ຠߢߔޕ ࠬࡌࠆ߇ࠢ࠶ࠢޔ႐วߪ឵ߔࠆޕ Replace ball bearings if their action has worsened. Replace one way bearing if it has a clack or slipping. ࠢ࠶࠴߇ಾࠇߥߊߥߞߚࠅ߇ߥߟޔ ࠆ࠲ࠗࡒࡦࠣ߇ૐ࿁ォߦߥߞߚ႐วߪޔ ࠗ࠾ࡦࠣߪࠍ࠴࠶ࠢޔ឵ߔࠆޕ Replace the clutch if it does not disen-gage or if it engages at low throttle. ࠡࡗ Gear ᱤ߇⠻ߒߡߚࠅޔᄌᒻߒߡࠆ႐ วߪ឵ߔࠆޕ Replace gears with stripped teeth. On this occasion, ensure correct gear meshing. Άᢱ࠴ࡘࡉ Fuel Tube ߭߮ഀࠇ㧛ᄌᒻ㧛ᄌ⾰ߒߡࠆ႐วߪ ឵ߔࠆޕ Replace with first signs of cracks, defor-mation or quality deterioration. ߘߩઁ Other Parts ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߽ߦࡠࠗࡖࠫޔࡏࠨޔ࠹࠶ࡃ࠼ࠞ࠾ޔኼ߇ࠅ߹ߔߩߢޔὐᬌ߇ᔅⷐߢߔޕ Since engines, Ni-Cd batteries, servos and gyros also wear down, they require a regular maintenance and eventually replacement. ٨ ࠝࡃࡎ࡞ Overhaul ⼊๔ ٨Ფࡈࠗ࠻ߏߣߩὐᬌߩઁߦ⚂࠲ࡦࠢࠍ⋡ߦోߡߩㇱຠߩࠝࡃࡎ࡞ࠍ߅ߎߥ⇣ޔᏱߩࠆ ㇱຠߪᣂߒ‛ߣ឵ߒߡߊߛߐޔߚ߹ޕᄢ߈ߥജߩടࠊࠆㇱຠ㧔ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲࠲ࡠࡦࠗࡔޔ ࡋ࠶࠼ㇱࡉࡂ࠲ࡦ࠲ࡠ࡞࠹ޔ㧕߿ޔ㚟േ♽ߪ․ߦᵈᗧߒߡὐᬌᢛࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ ⚵┙ߩ㓙ߪࠢ࠶ࡠࠫࡀޔࠍ↪ߒߡࡆࠬ߇✭߹ߥࠃ߁ߦ⏕ታߦ࿕ቯߒߡߊߛߐޕ WARNING: After about 50 tanks of flight, a thorough-going overhaul is necessary. Worn components must be replaced. Components being exposed to mechanical stress (main rotor, rotor head, tail rotor center hub) and the drive train must be overhauled in particular and be greased. When reassembling, use screw locking compound on all screws to prevent loosening. ٨ ⪭ߒߡߒ߹ߞߚߣ߈ߪޕ If your helicopter crashes ٨ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ߢ࠹࡞ࡉࡓࠍߚߚߡߒ߹ߞߚࠅޔ⪭ߒߡߒ߹ߞߚ႐วߪޔᯏߩฦㇱߦᄢ߈ߥജ ߇߆߆ߞߡ߹ߔߩߢޔలಽߥὐᬌᢛࠍ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ ⼊๔ 26 WARNING: A thorough-going check is also required if your helicopter crashed, the main rotor blades hit the tail boom and other components were exposed to any strong impact. ㇱຠߩ឵㧔㧕Parts Replacement (1) 5 3 8 2 1 4 7 1 6 ࠬࠗ࠼ࡉࡠ࠶ࠢߩ࿕ቯ⟎ The position which fixes the slide block 3 ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡉ࠼ߩ࿕ቯ Fix the stabilizer blade OO 2 ⋧ߩ⺞ᢛ Phase Adjustment 4x4mm ⚂71mm approx. 171mm 4x4mm < ᐔవ > 4x4mm < Parallel > ౝߣᄖߩࡏ࡞߇ߘࠈߞߚᤨߦࠬ࠲ ࡆࠗࠩࡃߣ㊀ߥࠆ᭽ߦߔࠆޕ Adjust the radius block phase to make stabilizer bar in line with the balls of swash inner and outer balls. ⚂71mm approx. 171mm 4x4mm < ᐔవ > 4x4mm < Parallel > ᐔⴕ Parallel ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). 27 ㇱຠߩ឵㧔㧕Parts Replacement (2) 4 ࡑࠬ࠻ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄߩ࿕ቯᣇᴺ Fix the mast stopper 7 ࠗ࠾ࡦࠣߩ឵ Clutch lining replacement 8 ࠬࡇࡦ࠼࡞ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ߩ឵ߣὐᬌ Check the Spindle shaft and replacement ਅߍࠆ ࡑࠬ࠻ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄࠍߍߡ ࡆࠬࠍ✦ࠆޕ Tighten the screw of mast stopper, raising mast stopper upwards while pressing down main rotor head by hand downward ࡑࠬ࠻ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄ Mast Stopper ߍࠆ 5 ࠬࠬ࠻ࡌࠕࡦࠣߩ឵ Thrust bearing replacement <ዊ> < Small > ․ߦᵈᗧ Caution !! <ᄢ> < Large > ˴ 870 ࠍ࿁ォߐߖޔ871 ߇േߊ႐วߪ឵ߒߡਅߐޕ Replacement spindle shaft, if main rotor grip dances like snake head when rotates spindle shaft. ౝᓘⓣߩᄢ߈ߐߦᵈᗧޕ Note the different hole sizes. ዊ Small ᄢ Large 871 0Q*)࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ࠣ ࠬࠍᔅߕ↪ߔࠆޕ Be certain to apply 96508 ball diff.grease 6 870 ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣߩ឵ One way bearing replacement 1 3x14mmࡆࠬࠍࠁࠆࠆޕ Loosen 3x14mm screw. 2 3x28mmࡆࠬࠍࠁࠆࠆޕ Loosen 3x28mm screws. ೞශ߇ࠆ߶߁߇ਅ Mark should be this way down 3 ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊࠍ೨ߦߕࠄߔޕ Thrusts the tail pipe forward. ᔅߕࡏ࡞࠺ࡈࠣࠬ 㧔No.96506㧕ࠍ↪ޕ ߘߩઁߩࠣࠬߪ⛘ኻ↪ᱛޕ Use Only #96506 Ball Dif Grease Do not use others. 4 4x4mm࠶࠻ࡆࠬࠍࠁࠆࠆޕ Loosen 4x4mm set screws. 5 ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ࠍߦᒁ߈ᛮߊޕ Pull out counter shaft. 5 2 1 3 4 ⾼ຠޕ Must be purchased separately! 28 ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢࠍႣࠆޕ Apply threadlocker (screw cement). ࠛࡐࠠࠪធ⌕ߢធ⌕ߔࠆ ޕಽ⎬ൻ࠲ࠗࡊ㧕 Apply epoxy glue. (30 minutes type) 㓚㧫ߣᕁ߁೨ߦ Troubleshooting ∝˴˴⁁ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᆎേߒߥޕ 㧔ࠬ࠲࠲߇ᱛ߹ߞߡߒ߹߁႐วޕ㧕 ේ˴˴࿃ ኻ˴˴╷ ࠬ࠲࠲ߩࡃ࠶࠹߇ᒙޕ ࠛࡦࠫࡦౝߦΆᢱ߇ࠅߔ߉ߡࠆޕ ˴㧔ࠝࡃ࠴࡚ࠢ㧕 ࠍ࠹࠶ࡃߩ࠲࠲ࠬغల㔚ߔࠆޕ ࠍࠣࡊغᄖߒߡߞࠍ࠲࠲ࠬޔ ˴ࠛࡦࠫࡦౝߩΆᢱࠍᄖ߳ߔޕ ࡊࠣࡅ࠲ߩࡃ࠶࠹߇ᒙޕ ࡊࠣߩഠൻޔᢿ✢ޕ Άᢱ࠴ࡘࡉߩ߹ࠅޕ ࠾࠼࡞߇㐿߆ࠇߡߥޕ ࠬ࠲࠲߇ㅒ࿁ォߒߡࠆޕ ࠍ࠹࠶ࡃߩ࠲ࡅࠣࡊغల㔚㧛឵ߔࠆ ࠍࠣࡊغ឵ޕ ޕࠆߔ⏕߆ߥߡߞ߹߇╬ߺߏغ ⺑ߩࡦࠫࡦࠛغᦠࠍ⺒ߺ⺞ޔᢛߔࠆޕ ߩߣ࠹࠶ࡃغធ⛯ࠍㅒߦߔࠆޕ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᱛ߹ߞߡߒ߹߁ޕ Άᢱ࠴ࡘࡉߩ߹ࠅޕ ࠛࡦࠫࡦߩ࿁ォ߇ૐߔ߉ࠆޕ ޕࠆߔ⏕߆ߥߡߞ߹߇╬ߺߏغ ࠍࠢ࠶ࠖ࠹ࠬ࡞࠻࠶ࡠࠬغዋߒߍࠆޕ ᶋߒߥޕ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡇ࠶࠴߇ዋߥޕ ࠾࠼࡞ߩ㐿߈ߔ߉ޕ ⺞ࠍ࠴࠶ࡇࠣࡦࡃࡎغᢛߔࠆޕ ⺑ߩࡦࠫࡦࠛغᦠࠍ⺒ߺ⺞ޔᢛߔࠆޕ ࡇ࠶࠴ⷺ߇วߞߡߥޕ ࡈࠚࠩࡦࠣࠪࡖࡈ࠻ߩᦛ߇ࠅޕ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊㇱߩ ˴ࠬࠬ࠻ࡌࠕࡦࠣߩഠൻޕ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡃࡦࠬ߇วߞߡ ˴ߥޕ ⺞ࠣࡦࠠ࠶࠻غᢛޕ ࠍ࠻ࡈࡖࠪࠣࡦࠩࠚࡈغ឵ޕ ࠍࠣࡦࠕࡌ࠻ࠬࠬغ឵ޕ ࡑࠬ࠻ߩᦛ߇ࠅޕ ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࠪࡖࡈ࠻ߩᦛ߇ࠅޕ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡃࡦࠬ߇วߞߡߥޕ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡃߩᏀฝߩ㐳ߐ߮ޔ ˴ⷺᐲߩ㆑ޕ ࠍ࠻ࠬࡑغ឵ޕ ࠍ࠻ࡈࡖࠪࡉࠗ࠼࡞࠹غ឵ޕ ⺞ࠬࡦࡃغᢛޕ ޕࠆ߃ࠈߘغ ࠕࠗ࠼ࡦࠣ࿁ォᢙ߇㜞ߔ߉ࠆޕ ࠾࠼࡞ߩ✭ߔ߉ޕ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࡇ࠶࠴߇ᄙޕ ⺑ߩࡐࡠࡊغᦠࠍ⺒ߺ⺞ޔᢛߔࠆޕ ⺑ߩࡦࠫࡦࠛغᦠࠍ⺒ߺ⺞ޔᢛߔࠆޕ ⺞ࠍ࠴࠶ࡇࠣࡦࡃࡎغᢛߔࠆޕ ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࡊߩ࠶࠻ࡆࠬߩ✭ߺޕ ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊߩะ߈߇ㅒޕ ࠫࡖࠗࡠߩേᣇะ߇ㅒޕ ޕࠆߒغ غะ߈ࠍ⏕ߔࠆޕ ⺑ߩࡐࡠࡊغᦠࠍ⺒ߺޕࠆߔ⏕ޔ ࠛࡦࠫࡦ߇ᆎേߒߥޕ 㧔ࠬ࠲࠲ߪ࿁ࠆ႐วޕ㧕 ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ߇วࠊߥޕ ᝄേ߇ᄢ߈ޕ ࠢ࠶࠴߇ಾࠇߥޕ ᷫࠅ߇ᣧޕ ࠳߇ല߆ߥޕ Problem Cause ⺞ࠬࡦࡃغᢛޕ Remedy Weak starter battery. Too much fuel inside engine. (It is “overchoked”!) غRecharge. غRemove plug. Using starter, eject excess fuel. Engine will not start though engine starter spins. Weak plug heater battery. Defect plug. Fuel line is obstruct. Needle not unscrewed. Starter spins in opposite direction. غRecharge or replace. غReplace. غClean fuel line. غAdjust as per engine explanations. غReverse battery connection. Engine stalls. Fuel line is obstructed. Engine rpm are too low. غClean fuel line. غRaise throttle control stick a little. Helicopter will not lift off. Low/Small main rotor pitch. Needle unscrewed too much. غAdjust hover pitch. غAdjust as per engine explanations. Main rotor blades will not track in same plane. Unequal main rotor pitch. Bent feathering shafts. Defect ball bearings in main rotor grips. Left and right blades weigh differently. غAdjust tracking. See . غReplace. غReplace. Strong vibration. Bent mast. Bent tail drive (system). Left and right blades weigh differently. غReplace. غReplace. غBalance out. See. Clutch will not disengage. Wears down quickly. Idle rpm too high. Needle too loose. Blade pitch too big. غAdjust as per radio explanations. غAdjust as per engine explanations. غAdjust. See. No rudder control. Loose screw on tail drive joint. Wrongly installed tail rotor grips. Loose screw on tail linkage joint. Reverse gyro operation / direction. غCheck with every flight. غCheck direction. See. غCheck. غCheck as per radio explanations. Engine will not start. Engine starter will not spin. غBalance out. See. 29 ࡄ࠷ࠬ࠻ ࠠNo. Key No. 635 710 886 887 890 901 902 903 904 905 906 952 16 104 105 108 110 124 125 126 127 128 710 713 714 805 818 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 878 879 880 881 882 883A 884 885 889 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 907 908 909A 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 924 925 926 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936A 937A 938A 939A 940A 941A 30 ㇱຠฬ ࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ㧔ᄥ100mm㧕 10x19x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࡢࡦࡇࠬࠢ࠶࠴ ࠢ࠶࠴ࡌ࡞㧔26Tࡊઃ㧕 ࠢࡦࠣࡈࠔࡦ ࡑࡈ A ࡑࡈ B ࡑࡈ࠾࠶ࡊ࡞ M4 ࡑࡈࡃ࠶ࡈ࡞ ࠗࡦ࠽ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ ࡑࡈOࡦࠣ ࠢ࠶࠴ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ 8x16x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࠹࡞ࠬࠗ࠼ࡉ࠶ࠪࡘ 6x10x3mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ᐔⴕࡇࡦ 2x8 5x10x4mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࠲ࡦࠢ࠙ࠛࠗ࠻ ࠲ࡦࠢ࠾࠶ࡊ࡞ ࠲ࡦࠢࠠࡖ࠶ࡊ ࠪ࡞ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ̆ ࠪ࡞࠽࠶࠻ 10x19x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 6x13x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 3x7x3mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 4x28mm࠼࠶ࠣࡏ࡞࠻ 6x12x4.5mmࠬࠬ࠻ࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࡦ࠲ࡂࡉ ࡛ࠢ ࠪ࠰ ࠬࡇࡦ࠼࡞ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊ ࠞ㧔6x10x1.0㧕 ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲㧔L=550㧕 ࡞࠻ࠛࡦ࠼ A ࡞࠻ࠛࡦ࠼ B ࠪ࠰࠳ࡦࡄ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡃ ࡅࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ࠕࡓ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡉ࠼ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࠗࡦࠨ࠻࠙ࠛࠗ࠻ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࠞ ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡉ࠼ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊ ࡒࠠࠪࡦࠣࠕࡓ ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼ M㧔4.8Ǿ㧕 ࠢ࠶࠴ࠗ࠾ࡦࠣ ࠬ࠲࠲ࠞ࠶ࡊࡦࠣ ࡔࠗࡦࠡࡗ㧔90T㧕 Άᢱ࠲ࡦࠢ ࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ ⚦㧔65mm㧕 ࡉࠬ ࠬࠠ࠶࠼ࡄࠗࡊ ࠬࠠ࠶࠼ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊ ࠕ࠶ࡄࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ A ࠕ࠶ࡄࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ B ࡠࠕࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࠗࡦ࠽ࡏ࡞ ࠫࠕࠬࡊ࠻ ࠬࠗ࠼ࡉࡠ࠶ࠢ A ࠙ࠝ࠶ࠪࡘࠕ࠙࠻ࠕࡓ ࠞ㧔3x5x4㧕 ᐔⴕࡇࡦ㧔2x12.0㧕 ࠙ࠜ࠶ࠪࡘࠕ࠙࠻ࠕࡓࡦࠢ ࠨࡏࡈࡓ L ࠨࡏࡈࡓ R ࠛࡌ࠲ࡃ ࠛࡌ࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ ࠹࡞ࡄࠗࡊ ࠹࡞ࡦࠤࠫࡠ࠶࠼ ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࡌ࡞࠻ ࠳ࠨࡏࡎ࡞࠳ A ࠳ࠨࡏࡎ࡞࠳ B ࠹࡞ࡠ࠶࠻ࠟࠗ࠼ ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࡊ㧔16T㧕 ࠹࡞ࡊࡎ࡞࠳ ࠹࡞ࡊࠤࠬ㧔L㧕 ࠹࡞ࡊࠤࠬ㧔R㧕 ࡎ࠱ࡦ࠲࡞ࡈࠖࡦ ࡎ࠱ࡦ࠲࡞ࡈࠖࡦࡎ࡞࠳ ࡃ࠴ࠞ࡞ࡈࠖࡦ A ࡃ࠴ࠞ࡞ࡈࠖࡦ B DESCRIPTION Silicone Tube 10x19x5mm Bearing One Peace Clutch Shoe Clutch Bell (26T Pulley) Cooling Fan Muffler A Muffler B Muffler Nipple Muffler Baffle Inner Shaft O-Ring (For Muffler) Clutch Shaft 8x16x5mm Bearing Tail Slide Bush 6x10x3mm Bearing 2x8mm Pin 5x10x4mm Bearing Tank Weight Tank Nipple Tank Cap Seal Washer Seal Nut 10x19x5mm Bearing 6x13x5mm Bearing 3x7x3mm Bearing 4x28mm Drag Bolt 6x12x4.5mm Bearing Center Hub Yoke Seesaw Spindle Shaft Rotor Grip Collar (6x10x1.0㧕 Main Blade (L=550㧕 Root Cover A Root Cover B Seesaw Damper Stabilizer Bar Hiller Control Arm Stabilizer Blade Stabilizer Insert Weight Stabilizer Collar Stabilizer Blade Cap Mixing Arm Ball End (4.8¿) Clutch Lining Starter Coupling Main Gear (90T) Fuel Tank Silicone Tube Brace Skid Skid Cap Swash Plate A (Upper) Swash Plate B (Upper) Swash Plate (Lower) Inner Ball (Swash) Radius Plate Slide Block A Wash-Out Arm Collar (3x5x4) 3x12mm Pin Wash-Out Arm Link Servo Frame Set Servo Frame Set Elevator Lever Elevator Shaft Tail Pipe Tail Linkage Rod Tail Drive Belt Rudder Servo Holder A Rudder Servo Holder B Tail Rod Guide Tail Drive Pulley (16T㧕 Tail Pulley Holder Tail Pulley Case (L) Tail Pulley Case (R) Horizontal Fin Horizontal Fin Holder Vertical Fin A Vertical Fin B ⴼNo. ↪ᢙ Bag No. Q'ty ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ً ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 13 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PARTS LIST ࠠNo. Key No. 942 943 944 945 946 947 953 954 955 956 957 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 106A 107A 111A 112A 260C 714 885 898 899 900 914 919 920 921 922 923 927 928 948 949 950 951 954 956 957 958 959 960 821A 929 961 ㇱຠฬ ࠹࡞ࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡃ ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡃࡇࡦ ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡦࠣ ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࠡࡗ㧔18T㧕 ࠢࡠࠬࡔࡦࡃ ࠞ㧔8x12x3.0㧕 PH ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ ࠕࠫࡖࠬ࠲ࡉ࡞ࡠ࠶࠼ 2.3x15mm ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 32mm ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 52mm ࠼ࠗࡉࡊ㧔50T㧕 ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣ 8x12mm 20x32x7mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࠼ࡓ ࡈࡦࠫ ࠛࡦࠫࡦࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ L ࠛࡦࠫࡦࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ R ࡔࠗࡦࡈࡓ L ࡔࠗࡦࡈࡓ R ࡔࠗࡦࡑࠬ࠻ ࡑࠬ࠻ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄ ࠬࠗ࠼ࡉࡠ࠶ࠢ B ࠼ࠗࡉࡌ࡞࠻ ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴࡛ࠢ ࠹࡞ࡠ࠶࠻ࠛࡦ࠼ ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊ A ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊ B ࠹࡞ࡦ࠲ࡂࡉ 3x7x3mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼ M㧔4.8Ǿ㧕 ࠠࡖࡃ30ࡏ࠺ࠖ ࠺ࠞ࡞㧔ࡏ࠺ࠖ/ࠠࡖࡃ30㧕 ࠺ࠞ࡞㧔ࠠࡖࡁࡇ/ࠠࡖࡃ30㧕 ࠞ㧔3x5x4㧕 ࠨࡏࡊ࠻ B ࠨࡏࡊ࠻㧔MMS㧕 ࠨࡏࡊ࠻㧔EMS㧕 ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࡃ L ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦࡃ R ࠹࡞ࠨࡐ࠻ࡄࠗࡊ ࠹࡞ࠨࡐ࠻ࠛࡦ࠼ ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻㧔F㧕 ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻㧔R㧕 ൻ♆ࡆࠬ 3x12mm ࠣࡠࡔ࠶࠻ PH ࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 32mm ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 52mm ࠕࠫࡖࠬ࠲ࡉ࡞ࡠ࠶࠼ 2.3x30mm ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 72mm ࡈࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ࠻ࡠ࠶࠻ 128mm ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࡉ࠼ ࠹࡞ࡦࠤࠫࡠ࠶࠼ ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ DESCRIPTION Tail Out Put Shaft Tail Pitch Lever Tail Pitch Lever Pin Tail Pitch Ring Set Counter Gear (18T) Cross Member Collar (8x12x3.0) PH Linkage Ball Adjustable Rod 2.3x15mm Fixed Rod 32mm Fixed Rod 52mm Drive Pulley (50T) One Way Bearing (8x12) 20x32x7mm Bearing Dome Flange Engine Mount Set Engine Mount Set Main Frame (L) Main Frame (R) Main Mast Mast Stopper Slide Block B Drive Belt Counter Shaft Tail Pitch Link Set Tail Rod End Tail Rotor Grip A Tail Rotor Grip B Tail Center Hub 3x7x3mm Bearing Ball End (4.8¿) Body (CALIBER 30) Decal (Body/CALIBER 30) Decal (Canopy/CALIBER 30) Collar (3x5x4) Servo Plate B Servo Plate (MMS) Servo Plate (EMS) Aileron Lever L Aileron Lever R Tail Support Pipe Tail Support End Body Mount (F) Body Mount (R) Makeup Screw 3x12mm Grommet PH Linkage Ball Fixed Rod 32mm Fixed Rod 52mm Adjustable Rod 2.3x30mm Fixed Rod 72mm Fixed Rod 128mm Tail Rotor Tail Linkage Rod Body Mount Washer ٨ߪ┙⚵ޔᷣߺޕ ٨ Pre-assembled. ًߪࡦࠫࡦࠛޔઃߩߺ⚵┙ᷣߺޕ ً Pre-assembled. (Only Engine Included Version) ٤ߪޕⴼޔ ٤ Parts in the bag. ⴼNo. ↪ᢙ Bag No. Q'ty ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ ٤ 1 1 2 1 1 14 1 11 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 8 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 4 4 13 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 4 < EXPLODED VIEW (1) > 874 CA3075 873 CA3075 874 CA3075 875 CA3075 CA3073 956 957 873 CA3075 CA3075 875 4x10mm 882 CA3011A 4x10mm 885 805 1192 955 871 CA3005 954 Z8017 96888 713 CA3073 3x6mm 2x8mmTP 96895 818 881 885 M4 954 Z8017 964 96888 713 868 CA3008 876 3x6mm 3x6mm 878 CA3009 3x6mm 3x6mm 883A 880 4x4mm 954 2x8mmTP 914 Z8017 884 913 915 3x6mm 3x6mm 869 CA3003 871 CA3005 M3 M4 3x10mm 4x10mm 4x10mm 872 M3 713 96888 954 Z8017 885 3x14mm 818 96895 2x8mm TP 955 CA3073 3x10mm 805 1192 713 96888 885 916 96894 714 872 CA3006 867 CA3001 CA3012 CA3042 CA3041 881 879 CA3010 876 CA3008 3x6mm 882 CA3011A-01 870 CA3004 3x6mm CA3011A-01 CA3009 878 CA3011A 714 96894 96894 714 CA3011A 883A 4x4mm CA3002 CA3006 872 CA3010 879 880 2x8mmTP 884 CA3012 CA3040 912 3x6mm Z8017 954 2x8mmTP 714 96894 2x8mmTP 2x8mmTP CA3036 907 3x6mm 954 Z8017 714 96894 96894 714 3x14mm CA3037A 909A CA3038 910 915 913 916 96695 963 3x6mm CA3042 914 CA3041 3x6mm 3x6mm 908 CA3036 31 < EXPLODED VIEW (2) > 3x14mm 954 Z8017 2x8mmTP 923 CA3046 954 Z8017 2x8mmTP CA3070 949 CA3076 2.6x10mmTP M3 M3 714 96894 969 CA3026 914 M3 M3 CA3071 714 96894 3x10mm 3x6mm 911 CA3039 E4 710 96891 110 16 BS16 96996 16 2.6x10mmTP 947 CA3069 BS16 Z8017 2x8mmTP 954 968 CA3025 3x28mm 3x28mm 3x28mm E4 3x10mm CA3070 948 CA3076 925 710 949 CA3070 CA3076 924 2x8mmTP CA3046 96894 96891 3x10mm E4 CA3047 E4 947 CA3069 947 947 947 947 3x10mm 947 CA3069 96996 947 CA3069 954 Z8017 Z8017 954 3x6mm 3x10mm 110 CA3069 CA3069 714 CA3071 3x28mm 914 3x10mm 922 CA3046 714 96894 2x8mm TP 3x10mm 3x14mm 3x10mm 3x10mm 948 CA3070 CA3076 956 CA3074 635 128 125 127 1790 CA3028-02 126 CA3028-02 894 124 CA3028 CA3028-02 (CA3028-01) CA3028 (CA3028-01) 635 1790 32 893 CA3028 < EXPLODED VIEW (3) > E7 965 CA3054 934 974 CA3021 971 CA3035 953 CA3072 2.6x8mm 16 BS16 3x20mm 962 96694 961 CA3023 890 CA3017 970 CA3020 16 BS16 946 CA3022 891 CA3018 3x6mm 3x6mm 3x14mm 4x4mm M3 892 CA3019 710 96891 3x14mm 887 973 CA3024 CA3016 889 3x20mm 967 CA3027 CA3016-01 3x14mm 710 96891 947 952 CA3069 CA3015 886 947 CA3014 CA3069 3x28mm 947 CA3069 966 CA3027 3x14mm 3x15mm CA3034-01 3x15mm 3x10mm 902 903 CA3034 906 904 905 3x10mm 901 CA3034 33 < EXPLODED VIEW (4) > 899 CA3032 CA3076 CA3070 951 CA3076 950 898 CA3031 961 CA3070 CA3076 900 CA3033 961 CA3076 CA3076 951 969 CA3026 CA3070 CA3076 950 CA3070 714 96894 714 96894 968 CA3025 714 96894 714 96894 920 CA3044 3x10mm 3x10mm 921 CA3045 2.6x10mmTP 919 CA3043 919 CA3043 2.6x10mmTP 918 947 CA3069 3x10mm CA3043 947 CA3069 917 947 CA3069 CA3074 885 897 CA3030 M3 CA3043 885 958 4x4mm M3 CA3074 959 960 957 CA3073 4x4mm 896 CA3030 M3 4x4mm M3 3x8mm 3x22mm 897 4x4mm 897 CA3030 895 3x8mm CA3029 896 CA3030 3x22mm 897 CA3030 34 895 CA3029 CA3030 < EXPLODED VIEW (5) > 3x15mm 111A CA3067 821A CA3068 2x8mm 112A CA3067 M3 2x8mm 954 M2 Z8017 2x8mmTP 3x15mm 3x6mm 260C CA3066 4x4mm 2x8mmTP 2x8mm M2 110 96996 110 110 108 107A 108 110 2x8mm CA3065 106A 107A 3x6mm 945 CA3064 3x15mm M2 3x15mm 954 105 H3048 105 H3048 3x6mm Z8017 942 CA3061 944 CA3063 821A M3 96894 3x6mm CA3068 CA3054 937A CA3057A 943 CA3062 M3 954 Z8017 714 M2 940A CA3060A 104 CA3064 110 96996 2.6x10mmTP 944 965 CA3063 2x8mmTP M3 110 96996 2.6x10mmTP 4x4mm 938A 2x8mmTP 2x8mmTP 926 CA3048 M3 935 CA3055 E7 CA3058A 933 931 CA3052 M3 930 CA3051 934 933 936A CA3056A 3x10mm 3x10mm CA3053 3x10mm 928 CA3049 932 CA3052 939A CA3059A 2x8mm 941A CA3060A 928 CA3049 3x10mm 3x14mm M3 3x10mm 3x10mm 2x8mm 932 CA3052 885 927 CA3049 2x8mm CA3013 927 CA3049 929 CA3050 3x14mm 928 2x8mm 3x14mm 928 CA3049 35 ࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ ຠ⇟ No. CA3001 CA3002 CA3003 CA3004 CA3005 CA3006 CA3008 CA3009 CA3010 CA3011A CA3011A -01 CA3012 CA3013 CA3014 CA3015 CA3016 CA3016 -01 CA3017 CA3018 CA3019 ࡄ࠷ฬ ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 Part Names Quantity ࡦ࠲ࡂࡉ 867 x 1 Center Hub ࡛ࠢ 868 964 x 1 Yoke ࠪ࠰ 869 x 1 Seesaw ࠬࡇࡦ࠼࡞ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ 870 x 1 Spindle Shaft ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊ 871 x 2 Main Rotor Grip ࠞ㧔6x10x1.0㧕 872 x 2 Collar (6x10x1.0) ࠪ࠰࠳ࡦࡄ 876 x 2 Seesaw Damper ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡃ 878 x 1 Stabilizer Bar ࡅࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞ࠕࡓ 879 x 1 Hiller Control Arm ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡉ࠼ 880 881 882 883A x 2 Stabilizer Blade ࠬ࠲ࡆࠗࠩࡉ࠼ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊ 883A x 2 Stabilizer Blade Cap ࡒࠠࠪࡦࠣࠕࡓ 884 x 2 Mixing Arm ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼M㧔4.8Ǿ㧕 885 x 10 Ball End (4.8¿) ࡢࡦࡇࠬࠢ࠶࠴ One Peace Clutch Shoe 886 x 1 ࠢ࠶࠴ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ 952 x 1 Clutch Shaft ࠢ࠶࠴ࡌ࡞㧔26Tࡊઃ㧕 Clutch Bell (26T Pulley) 887 889 x 1 ࠢ࠶࠴ࠗ࠾ࡦࠣ 889 x 2 Clutch Lining ࠢࡦࠣࡈࠔࡦ 890 x 1 Cooling Fan ࠬ࠲࠲ࠞ࠶ࡊࡦࠣ 891 x 1 Starter Coupling ࡔࠗࡦࠡࡗ㧔90T㧕 892 x 1 Main Gear (90T) ࡔࠗࡦࡑࠬ࠻ CA3020 Main Mast ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ CA3021 Counter Shaft ࠞ࠙ࡦ࠲ࠡࡗ㧔18T㧕 CA3022 Counter Gear (18T) ࠼ࠗࡉࡊ㧔50T㧕 CA3023 Drive Pulley (50T) ࠼ࠗࡉࡌ࡞࠻ CA3024 Drive Belt ࡔࠗࡦࡈࡓ㧔L㧕 CA3025 Main Frame (L) ࡔࠗࡦࡈࡓ㧔R㧕 CA3026 Main Frame (R) ࠛࡦࠫࡦࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻࠶࠻ CA3027 Engine Mount Set Άᢱ࠲ࡦࠢ CA3028 Fuel Tank CA3028-01Άᢱ࠲ࡦࠢ↪ࠣࡠࡔ࠶࠻ Grommet (For Fuel Tank) CA3028 Άᢱ࠲ࡦࠢ↪࠾࠶ࡊ࡞ -02 Nipple (For Fuel Tank) ࡉࠬ CA3029 Brace ࠬࠠ࠶࠼ CA3030 Skid ࠠࡖࡃ30ࡏ࠺ࠖ CA3031 Body (CALIBER 30) ࠺ࠞ࡞㧔ࡏ࠺ࠖ/ࠠࡖࡃ30㧕 CA3032 Decal (Body/CALIBER 30) ࠺ࠞ࡞㧔ࠠࡖࡁࡇ/ࠠࡖࡃ30㧕 CA3033 Decal (Canopy/CALIBER 30) ࡑࡈ CA3034 Muffler CA3034 ࡑࡈ↪Oࡦࠣ/ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ -01 O-Ring/Inner Shaft (For Muffler) ࡑࠬ࠻ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄ CA3035 Mast Stopper ࠕ࠶ࡄࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ CA3036 Swash Plate (Upper) ࡠࠕࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࡊ࠻ CA3037A Swash Plate (Lower) 36 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ ᚻᢙᢱ 2400 200 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 SPARE PARTS ຠ⇟ No. CA3038 400 CA3039 600 CA3040 600 CA3041 900 CA3042 200 CA3043 400 CA3044 500 CA3045 700 CA3046 1200 CA3047 250 CA3048 700 CA3049 450 CA3050 2000 CA3051 800 CA3052 1000 CA3053 300 CA3054 700 CA3055 1800 CA3056A 800 CA3057A 970 x 1 1000 CA3058A 974 x 1 900 CA3059A 946 x 1 1000 CA3060A 961 x 1 600 CA3061 973 x 1 1500 CA3062 968 x 1 1500 CA3063 969 x 1 1500 CA3064 966 967 x 1 1500 CA3065 126 893 894 x 1 800 CA3066 126 894 x 1 300 CA3067 124 125 127 128 x 1 700 CA3068 1000 CA3069 1000 CA3070 898 x 1 2600 CA3071 899 x 1 900 CA3072 900 x 1 600 CA3073 895 x 2 896 x 2 897 x 4 901 902 903 904 905 906 x 1 2500 CA3074 905 906 x 1 500 CA3075 971 x 1 600 CA3076 907 908 x 1 1000 909A x 1 1200 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names ࠬࡢ࠶ࠪࡘࠗࡦ࠽ࡏ࡞ Inner Ball (Swash) ࠫࠕࠬࡊ࠻ Radius Plate ࠬࠗ࠼ࡉࡠ࠶ࠢ Slide Block ࠙ࠝ࠶ࠪࡘࠕ࠙࠻ࠕࡓ Wash-Out Arm ࠙ࠜ࠶ࠪࡘࠕ࠙࠻ࠕࡓࡦࠢ Wash-Out Arm Link ࠨࡏࡈࡓ࠶࠻ Servo Frame Set ࠨࡏࡊ࠻㧔MMS㧕 Servo Plate (MMS) ࠨࡏࡊ࠻㧔EMS㧕 Servo Plate (EMS) ࠛ࡞ࡠࡦ/ࠛࡌ࠲ࡃ࠶࠻ Aileron/Elevator Lever Set ࠛࡌ࠲ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ Elevator Shaft ࠹࡞ࡉࡓ Tail Boom ࠹࡞ࠨࡐ࠻ࡄࠗࡊ Tail Support Pipe ࠹࡞ࡦࠤࠫࡠ࠶࠼ Tail Linkage Rod ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࡌ࡞࠻ Tail Drive Belt ࠳ࠨࡏࡎ࡞࠳ Rudder Servo Holder ࠹࡞ࡠ࠶࠼ࠟࠗ࠼ Tail Rod Guide ࠹࡞࠼ࠗࡉࡊ㧔16T㧕 Tail Drive Pulley (16T) ࠹࡞ࡊࡎ࡞࠳ Tail Pulley Holder ࠹࡞ࡊࠤࠬ㧔L㧕 Tail Pulley Case (L) ࠹࡞ࡊࠤࠬ㧔R㧕 Tail Pulley Case (R) ࡎ࠱ࡦ࠲࡞ࡈࠖࡦ Horizontal Fin ࡎ࠱ࡦ࠲࡞ࡈࠖࡦࡎ࡞࠳ Horizontal Fin Holder ࡃ࠴ࠞ࡞ࡈࠖࡦ࠶࠻ Vertical Fin Set ࠹࡞ࠕ࠙࠻ࡊ࠶࠻ࠪࡖࡈ࠻ Tail Output Shaft ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡃ Tail Pitch Lever ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡃࡇࡦ Tail Pitch Lever Pin ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡦࠣ࠶࠻ Tail Pitch Ring Set ࠹࡞ࡇ࠶࠴ࡦࠢ࠶࠻ Tail Pitch Link Set ࠹࡞ࡦ࠲ࡂࡉ Tail Center Hub ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ࠣ࠶ࡊ Tail Rotor Grip ࠹࡞ࡠ࠲ Tail Rotor ࠢࡠࠬࡔࡦࡃ Cross Member ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ Body Mount ࠞ㧔3x5x4㧕 Collar (3x5x4) ࠞ㧔8x12x3.0㧕 Collar (8x12x3.0) ࡋ࠶࠼ࡦࠤࠫ࠶࠻ Head Linkage Set ࠨࡏࡦࠤࠫ࠶࠻ Servo Linkage Set ࡂࠗࠣ࠼ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲㧔L=550㧕 High Grade Main Rotor (L=550) ࡏ࠺ࠖࡑ࠙ࡦ࠻ Body Mount ڎFOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ Quantity ᚻᢙᢱ 910 x 1 400 911 x 1 500 912 x 1 872 x 2 700 913 914 915 x 2 500 915 916 x 2 400 917 918 x 1 919 x 2 1500 920 x 1 600 921 x 1 600 922 923 924 x 1 1000 925 x 1 500 926 x 1 900 927 x 2 928 x 4 900 929 x 1 500 930 x 1 1400 931 x 1 932 x 2 600 933 x 2 300 934 965 x 2 500 935 x 1 500 936A x 1 400 937A x 1 400 938A x 1 400 939A x 1 300 940A 941A x 1 500 942 x 1 700 943 x 1 400 944 x 2 400 104 945 x 1 500 106A x 1 107A 108 x 2 500 260C x 1 800 111A 112A x 2 800 821A x 2 500 947 x 2 400 948 949 x 2 950 951 x 4 800 914 x 5 250 953 x 1 250 955 956 957 x 2 958 959 x 1 885 960 x 2 885 x 4 956 x 3 873 874 875 x 2 948 949 x 2 200 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 951 961 x 4 600 800 3800 800 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩㇱຠߩ৻ㇱߦߪࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ߣߒߡ⽼ᄁߒߡߥ‛߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ੩ߢߪࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ࠍ⽼ᄁߒߡ߹ߔߩߢ߅⾈᳞ߊߛߐޕ Some of the parts included are not available as spare parts. Purchase optional parts instead. ࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ ຠ⇟ No. BS16 H3048 Z8017 1192 1790 96694 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names 8x16x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 8x16x5mm Ball Bearing 6x10x3mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 6x10x3mm Ball Bearing PHࡦࠤࠫࡏ࡞ PH Linkage Ball 4x28mm࠼࠶ࠣࡏ࡞࠻ 4x28mm Drag Bolt ࠞࠪࠦࡦ࠴ࡘࡉ Color Silicone Tube ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣ㧔8x12㧕 One-way Bearing (8x12) ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ Quantity ᚻᢙᢱ SPARE PARTS ຠ⇟ No. 16 x 2 650 105 x 2 1000 96888 954 x 5 500 96891 805 x 2 300 96894 635 x 2 400 96895 962 x 1 700 96996 200 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 96695 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names ࡌࠕࡦࠣ㧔20x32x7.0㧕 Bearing (20x32x7.0) 6x13x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 6x13x5mm Ball Bearing 10x19x5mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 10x19x5mm Ball Bearing 3x7x3mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 3x7x3mm Ball Bearing 6x12x4.5mmࠬࠬ࠻ࡌࠕࡦࠣ 6x12x4.5mm Thrust Bearing 5x10x4mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 5x10x4mm Ball Bearing ڎFOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ Quantity ᚻᢙᢱ 963 x 1 700 713 x 2 700 710 x 2 1000 714 x 2 700 818 x 2 1600 110 x 4 1000 200 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩㇱຠߩ৻ㇱߦߪࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ߣߒߡ⽼ᄁߒߡߥ‛߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ੩ߢߪࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ࠍ⽼ᄁߒߡ߹ߔߩߢ߅⾈᳞ߊߛߐޕ Some of the parts included are not available as spare parts. Purchase optional parts instead. ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ ຠ⇟ No. H3220 Z8006 Z8020 1791 80216 39308 71481 72401A 80311 80441 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names ࠞ࠻࠶ࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊ Coloured Tracking Tape ᝄേๆࠪ࠻ Vibration Absorption Sheet HP6mm/ⷺ࠷࠙ࠚࠗࠪࡖࡈ࠻ HP6mm Hexagon Reversible Shaft ࡉ࠶࠷ࠬ࠲࠲ Blitz Starter ࡉ㧙࠼ࡃࡦࠨ Blade Balancer Άᢱࡈࠖ࡞࠲㧔M㧕 Fuel Filter (M) ࠪ࡞࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ Lead Acid Battery ࠪ࡞࠼ࡃ࠶࠹↪࠴ࡖ㧙ࠫࡖ Sealed Battery Charger ࠬࡍࠪࡖ࡞࠹ࡄ㧙ࡑ Special Taper Reamer ࠕ࡞ࡒ࠷࡞ BOX Aluminium Field Box ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ Quantity ᚻᢙᢱ 500 200 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 ࠨࠗ࠭ 5x45x145mm 1000 Size : 5x45x145mm ࡠ࠲ࡃࡦࠬขࠅᦨㆡ To Balance Rotors OPTIONAL PARTS ຠ⇟ No. 80541 80575 3600 80701 6800 80702 3800 94402 1000 94403 6000 96405 2900 96407 1800 96506 7000 96508 96627 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names ࠕ࡞ࡒࡠ࠲㧙ࠤࠬ Aluminium Rotor Case ࠪࡦࠢࡠࡔ࠲ Synchro Meter F࠴ࡖࠫࡖEPࡐࡦࡊ Electric Fuel Pump F࠴ࡖࠫࡖHPࡐࡦࡊ Hand Fuel Pump ࡠ࠶ࠢ࠲ࠗ࠻ਛᒝᐲ Loctite (Medium Strength) ࡠ࠶ࠢ࠲ࠗ࠻㜞ᒝᐲ Loctite (Hard Strength) ࡄࡢࠢ࠽ Power Cleaner ࡈࠔࠬ࠻ࠝࡦࠫ Fast Orange ࡏ࡞࠺ࡈࠣࠬ Ball Diff Grease HG࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ࠣࠬ HG Joint Grease ࠢࠗ࠶ࠢ࠲ࠗ࠻ GEL BOY Gel boy ڎFOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ⊒ڎㅍ ڎቯଔ Quantity ᚻᢙᢱ ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲▤↪ 200 8000 Aluminum Rotor Case. 㧔৻ᓞ㧕 ࡔࠗࡦࡠ࠲࿁ォ⸘ Rev. meter for Main Rotor. 12800 Άᢱߩ⛎ᴤߦᦨㆡ Use to fill Fuel Tank. ࡀࠫࡠ࠶ࠢ Thread Lock ࡌࠕࡦࠣߩ࿕ቯߦ To secure Ball Bearings ࡈࡓ╬ߩᵞᵺߦᦨㆡ For cleaning Main Frame ᴤᳪࠇߩᚻᵞߦᦨㆡ Perfect for washing greasy hands. ࡢࡦ࠙ࠚࠗࡌࠕࡦࠣ↪ Use on One Way Bearing. ࠬࠬ࠻ࡌࠕࡦࠣߦᦨㆡ Use on Thrust Bearing. 2200 2000 900 900 800 400 800 800 750 37 ࡆࠬ࠽࠶࠻㘃 SCREWNUT etc. ٨ FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ຠ⇟ No. 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 ࠨࠗ࠭㧔mm㧕 Size (mm) ࠽ࡌࡆࠬ Round Head Screw 2x62x82x102x15 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x43x63x83x103 x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x64x84x104x12 3x223x243x263x28 ࡃࠗࡦ࠼ࡆࠬ Bind Screw 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 2.6x42.6x62.6x82.6x12 3x43x63x83x103x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x64x84x104x12 3x223x253x283x30 4x154x184x204x22 ࠨࡆࠬ Flat Head Screw 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1168 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x63x83x103x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x84x104x154x20 3x223x243x263x28 3x303x323x343x35 4x12 ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1196 2x82x102x122x14 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 3x253x303x353x40 4x104x154x20 4x254x284x30 4x354x404x45 2.6x18 ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY ຠ⇟ No. 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 ٨200 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 10 each 1140 1141 1142 1143 1151 ຠ⇟ No. ᓘ mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 2.6x142.6x152.6x162.6x18 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 4x104x154x18 4x84x12 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 1171 1172 2mm2.6mm 3mm4mm 1174 1175 1147 1148 1149 1150 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 4x154x204x25 ࡈࡦࠫઃࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Flanged Cap Screw 1153 1154 ٨200 10 each 2x82x10 ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 ٨200 2 each 2 each 3x63x83x10 4x84x104x12 ࠨዊਣࡆࠬ Oval Head Screw 1157 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 3x63x123x143x16 3x33x43x53x10 4x44x54x84x12 5x45x55x6 5x305x40 3x203x25 4x8㧔ᐔవ㧕 ٨200 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 10 each ٨200 10 each 10 each 3mm 4mm 10 pcs 10 pcs ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut ٨200 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY ࡈࡦࠫઃ࠽࠶࠻ ٨200 Flanged Nut 1177 1178 1179 1181 1183 ࠨ࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Flat Head Self-Tapping Screw ٨200 ٨200 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 4 each 2x42x62x82x10 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 3x253x303x35 ࡃࠗࡦ࠼࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Bind Self-Tapping Screw ٨200 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY ࠽ࡌ࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Round Head Self-Tapping Screw ٨200 ٨200 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ࠨࠗ࠭㧔mm㧕 Size (mm) 2.6mm 3mm 4mm 5mm 3mm㧔⭯㧕 ٨200 5 pcs 5 pcs 5 pcs 4 pcs 5 pcs ࡈࡦࠫઃ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ ٨200 Flanged Nylon Nut 1180 4mm 5 pcs ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 1185 1186 2mm2.6mm3mm 4mm5mm Eࡦࠣ E-Clips 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1390 E1.5 E2.0 E2.5 E3.0 E4.0 E5.0 E6.0 E7.0 E10.0 ٨200 10 each 10 each ٨150 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 6 pcs 6 pcs ߎߎߦ⸥ߐࠇߚએᄖߩࡆࠬߪ╬࠻࠶࠽ޔ ⺣⋧࡙ࠩޡቶ߅ߦޢวࠊߖߊߛߐޕ R THE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS ੩ᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ243-0034 ᄹᎹ⋵ෘᧁᏒ⦁ሶ153 ࡔࠞᜰቯߩ⚐ᱜㇱຠࠍ↪ߒߡ ˴ ోߦ4%ࠍᭉߒߺ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 40 ٨࡙㧙ࠩ㧙⋧⺣ቶ⋥ㅢ 㔚 046-229-4115 ߅วࠊߖߪ㧦ᦐ㨪㊄ᦐ(⑂ᣣࠍ㒰ߊ) 10㧦00㨪18㧦00 60950206-3 PRINTED IN JAPAN
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