2013_01 - parker newcomers club
2013_01 - parker newcomers club
Parker Newcomers January, 2013 Fran Cronin Editor pncnewsletter@yahoo.com THE PARKER NEWCOMERS WEBSITE: www.parkernewcomersclub.com. Suggestions are welcome. Email Gail Berger at www.cogaberger.com President’s Message General Meeting DATE: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 TIME: Social: 11:30 am LUNCH: 12:00 noon PLACE: Augustine Grill 519 Wilcox Street Castle Rock, CO PRICE: $18 PROGRAM: Our January Luncheon is a White Elephant Gift or Regift. You need to package a gift, (NOT USED) in a beautiful, creative box. NO BAGS, Please! If you have to purchase a gift for this event please use the guide line of ten dollars. + or -. The fun is in the picking of the package! MENU: Buffet Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches Chicken breast, pineapple & pears tossed in a light lemon yogurt dressing Mini Ruebens Sliced pastrami, Swiss, Provolone & sauerkraut on marble rye with 1000 island Quiche Lorraine Ham & Swiss Vegetable Quiche Mushroom, spinach, tomato & onion Spinach Salad Baby spinach tossed in a honey Dijon vinaigrette with Goat cheese, tomatoes, spicy pecans & bacon (on the side) Petite Sweet Chocolate Truffle Beverages Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Tea, Coffee & Lemonade RSVP by: January 11 Make checks payable to PNC and mail to: Pat Witzel, 17807 Domingo Drive, Parker 80134 COME FOR SOME FUN! Gail Berger 720 851 5009 “Greetings from Gail” When considering making N Y Resolutions I defer to the old adage “later is better, and much later is best!” I hope all of you have enjoyed the holiday season and that you are ready for the start of 2013. Parker Newcomers has a wonderful season set for our members. Read your Newsletter and mark off the dates that you don’t want to miss, then call the chair person so you will be included. If you are interested in learning how to play Mah Jongg, I am trying to assemble a learners group, so call if you are interested. Should you misplace your newsletter go to our website for a printable copy. It is: www.parkernewcomersclub.com. Pictures from the December luncheon will be included and you can copy them if you desire. Cook Books are still available and can be purchased at the coffee or directly from me. They are still offered at the bargain price of $12.50 and that price will not be affected by the Obama Tax Package. Finally, wishing you all a Healthy, Happy and Joyous Year! January Coffee Tina Coakley Renee Welker 303 840 4639 720 379 5868 DATE: Time: Hostess: Address: Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:00 am Pat Witzel 17807Domingo Dr., Parker 80134 RSVP: January 2, 2013 303 841 5622 Directions: From Parker Road, go south to Stroh Rd. & take a right. Go right on Motsenbocher & left at Keyser Cr. (signal). Go 1 blk. & take right on Bolero and left on Arrezo. Go thru stop sign & dead end at green ranch house with the wishing well in front. Refreshments: Cheese Plate: Fruit Plate: Breakfast Treat: Linda Purkey Marti Acker Karen Ehrbar & Mary Ellen Godbey PARKER NEWCOMERS COFFEE, 1ST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH IS CANCELLED IF THE SCHOOLS IN DOUGLAS COUNTY ARE CLOSED Membership January Birthdays Kathy Diak 303 841 8017 As you catch your breath after all the holiday festivities, take time to relax and enjoy your special day. PNC Membership is 191! NEW MEMBERS who wish to join PNC, our dues are $20.00 per year. Please make your check payable to PNC and mail to Kathy Diak, 6141 Belmont Way, Parker, CO 80134. CHAIRLADIES check your PNC directory to see if those in your group are paid PNC members. If someone is new, then they are permitted two visits as a ‘guest’ before being required to pay yearly dues. PLEASE MAKE THESE CHANGES IN YOUR PNC 2012-2013 DIRECTORY! Deutsch Beverly (James) 303 841 3992 12540 N. 5th St. (Grandview Estates) 80134 E-mail: bevdrn@yahoo.com Hobbies: Reading, Traveling, Hiking B. Day: May 9 From: South Dakota, Minnesota Johnsen Fleta 303 781 5020 7874 Deertrail Drive (Ponderosa Hills) 80138 E-mail: Fleta_J@yahoo.com Hobbies: Volunteer Cancer League, Bridge, Golf, Tennis B. Day: August 17 From: California, New York Litvak JoAnn 303 796 0175 7470 S. Black Hawk Street Bldg. 14, Apt. 107 (Dove Valley/Windmill Creek) Englewood, CO 80112 E-mail: joannelitvak@gmail.com Hobbies: Arts, Cooking, Reading, Theater B. Day: November 21 From: Colorado (native) Peterson Wanda 602 695 0285 23399 Mill Valley Place (Canterberry) 80138 E-mail: rwanral@aol.com Hobbies: Reading, Scrabble, Grandchildren B. Day: October 8 From: Arizona, Iowa Woodman Michele 720 542 9955 7403 Windlawn Way (The Pinery) 80134 E-mail: michele.summers@hotmail.com Hobbies: Music, Singing, Skiing, Traveling B. Day: November 17 From: England (UK) PHONE & ADDRESS CHANGE: Fran Cronin 720 732 0391, PO Box 3125, Parker, CO 80134 NEW ADDRESS: Gail Brookhart 16549 E. Auburn Hills Drive (Auburn Hills) 80134 CORRECTION: Scrabble/Pat Kramer - not Monica Lam PLEASE ADD THE INFO ABOVE TO YOUR 2012-2013 DIRECTORY! 6. Mary Ellen Godbey 16. J. C. Childers Gwen Meserko 18. Wanda Clasen 30. Carolyn Eisenbrandt Sunshine and Shadows Mary Ellen Godbey 303 840 1330 mezflyn@gmail.com Larry Huber Larry Huber, beloved husband of Ursula, died after a long fight with cancer . We at Parker Newcomers extend our support and sympathy to the family and friends of Larry and Ursula. Our prayers go out to you at this difficult time. Compassion was a part of Larry’s final days. The Denver Hospice was responsible for a large part of this. In lieu of flowers, if you wish, please make a donation in Larry’s name to this wonderful organization. A donation to Denver hospice will be made by PNC. Carolyn Hedeen Carolyn loved life, and was determined to beat cancer, courageous to the end and we morn her passing on December 5, 2012. She was always that smiling, optimistic gal with a twinkle in her eye; a friend to everyone she met. You would often see her racing down the street in her little blue convertible off to something important. She loved being president of PNC so she could share her wonderful ideas. A challenge would fill her head with ideas and she definitely took command of the situation. She was an artist with a flair for expressing life around her. We will all miss this charming lady who called herself a “redneck from Missouri”. She has given us many memories to treasure. 2 Know Your Officers President: Gail Berger 720 851 5009 Immediate Past Pres: Liz Johnson 303 470 2880 1st Vice President: Peggy Hunter 720 544 7837 2nd Vice President: Marilyn Whitcomb 303 847 9601 3rd Vice President: Karen Vaughan 303 663 7093 Secretary: Tina Coakley 303 840 4639 Treasurer: Pat Witzel 303 841 5622 QUESTIONS? CALL US Treasurer’s Report Pat Witzel 303 841 5622 Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance Deposits Expenses Ending Balance 11/30/12 5,681.76 664.75 796.76 5,549.75 Advertising Business Card size $5 monthly Make check payable to PNC and mail with your ad to Fran Cronin, PO Box 3125, Parker, 80134 by the 5th of the preceding month. • Brochures • Newsletters • Stationery • Carbonless Forms • Flyers • Posters • Folders • Invitations • Postcards • Books • Magazines • Catalogues • Labels Local Family Owned Growing with Parker since 1986 11903 South Parker Road Near Parker Road & Lincoln 303-841-6701 The Mystery Book Club Gwen Stibbards, Chair 303 993 5654 We meet at the Parker Library at 10:00 am on the second Thursday of the month. You can bring something to drink with you. (We like to go out to lunch afterward). It is lots of fun. January 10th TRANSFER OF POWER by Vince Flynn. Kelly Pratt presents. Chicken Soup Committee Mary Ellen Godbey 303 840 1330 mezflyn@gmail.com A note: If you know of someone in PNC who is ill or has been hospitalized or just needs to know that we care about them, please contact me at my e-mail address or phone #, so that I can send them a card. This is the only way I have of knowing. Thank you. Chicken Soup Committee Book Buddies Chair: Barbara Noyes, 720 544 1308 or bnoyes9@ gmail.com Book: Dreams of Joy by Lisa See Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 Time: 1:00 pm Hostess: Joanna Miller 7006 South Malaya Way, Aurora Directions: North on Parker Road to Arapahoe then east on Arapahoe to Liverpool. Turn right (south) on Liverpool. Go left at rock that says Turnberry at Saddlerock then immediate right. Left at second road (no sign). No parking on the street – must park in spaces or in driveway. Alternate route: E470 to Gartrell. Left on Gartrell, left on Easter. Right just before Liverpool then immediate left. House is stucco with green shutters. RSVP to Joanna jjrhrellim@msn.com or 720 870 6693 Discussion Leader and author research: Pam Cassidy Reading Ahead: The February book is The Postmistress by Sarah Blake Lunch with the Ladies Lynn Eisenthal Chair 720 851 8161 January’s lunch will be Wednesday, January 30th at Chedders Restaurant. Meeting time is 11:00 am. The restaurant is located at the corner of Parker and Arapahoe Rd. Any questions, call Lynn. Coming in February, an evening out at White Fence Farm. Spouses invited. The date will be Feb 28th at 5:00 pm. Meet at the restaurant . If you need a ride let me know when you RSVP. Please RSVP no later than Monday Feb 25th. 3 Random PNC Activity Photos 1st Thurs Canasta 9:15 am Mel DeFellippie Deanna Loving 2nd Saturday Game Night 303 660 8786 303 805 7554 Jan Cadwell Date: January 3, 2013 Time: 9:15 am to play at 9:30 am Place: Firehouse #46, 19310 Stroh Road No information at printing deadline. Hostess: Please call Mel DeFellippie or Deanna Loving if you are interested in playing. Directions: South on Parker to Stroh Road, west .3 miles to firehouse on south side of street. The cost to play is $3. Please remember to RSVP your hostess by the Monday before the game and be on time. There will be no drinks provided, so please bring your own with a lid. 3rd Thurs Canasta 9:15 am Kathy Voight Donata Kirsch Hostess: Lou Ruthrauff 303 690 7717 Time: 9:15 am Place: Firehouse #46, 19310 Stroh Road Hostess: Kathy Voight Time: 6:30 to 10:00 pm Place: Firehouse #46, 19310 Stroh Road Let’s get together and have an enjoyable evening playing games and making new friends. Learn to play 3-13, a fun card game or hand and foot, a version of canasta. Bring $3.50 (14 quarters) and your own drink with a lid. Husbands are encouraged to come and enjoy the fun. Directions: South on Parker to Stroh Road, west .3 miles to firehouse on south side of street. RSVP: Jan Cadwell 303 771 31101 Wright Patterson book is used. Please call for information. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10 am Elizabeth Belisle 303 805 9134 303 688 8250 Directions: South on Parker to Stroh Road, west .3 miles to firehouse on south side of street. The cost to play is $3. Please RSVP your hostess by the Monday before the game, so we have enough tables setup. Everyone needs to bring their own beverage with lid. There is no smoking on the premises. 2nd Monday Scrabble Date: January 14, 2013 Time: 11:30 am Place: Paneras January 11, 2013 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 10 am Lynn Eisenthal 720 851 8161 January 17, 2013 303 471 5406 Date: Mah Jongg 303 688 8250 303 841 0595 Date: Pat Kramer 303 771 3101 I F T 1 American Mah Jongg card is used. Please call for information. 4th Thurs Canasta 9:15 am Pat Mitchell Betty Addison 303 841 6510 303 840 1249 Date: January 24, 2013 4 1 We meet at Panera at Dransfeldt and Twenty Mile in the wonderful town of Parker, on the second Monday of the month, at 11:30 am. Come join this fun group. We welcome new players…………. and we will teach you how to play if you have never tried this great brain-stimulating word game. Hostess: Pat Witzel, 303 841 5622 Time: Arrive 9:15 am Play 9:30 am Place: Fire Station 45. From Lincoln and Jordon, go north on Jordan and turn left at 2d light (Northgate Dr). Fire Station is on the right. Cost to play is $3.00. Please RSVP to your hostess by Monday before the game so that we have enough tables set up. It’s first come, first serve, so that we can play partners. 5 Bunko 1st Friday Pauline Soloman 303 617 3239 DATE: Friday, January 4, 2013 Time: Monday Bridge Sharlene Hass 303 841 9456 jnshass@msn.com January 14 Sheila Boone 720 851 0985 sfbmfb@comcast.net 9:30 am RSVP: Pauline Soloman 303 617 3239 Please RSVP by December 30, 2012. Directions: South on Parker to Stroh Road, west .3 miles to firestation on south side of street. Card Game 3-13 Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Friday, January 25, 2013 Time: 8:45 am to play at 9:00 am Place: Firehouse #46, 19310 Stroh Road RSVP: Peggy Hunter 720 544 7837 peghunter2002@comcast.net Cost: 14 quarters ($3.50 ) Please join us and learn this enjoyable card game. It’s easy, it’s fun and you can win money. Space is limited so call early to reserve your spot. Please bring your own drink with lid. Directions: South on Parker to Stroh Road, west .3 miles to firestation on south side of street. January 28 Pat Osley 303 690 5468 patosley@yahoo.com Time: 11 am to play at 11:30 am We meet at the Country Buffet. Please call Sharlene if you are interested in joining. BOARD CHANGE The board recommends the following change to the bylaws: Article IX, Section III, D change to the following: A Parker Library Memoriam or the family’s charity of choice, in the amount of $25, will be made for any member who has passed away. (adds family’s charity of choice) Thursday Bridge 10:00 am Ginny Green 303 841 4499 Date: January 10, 2013 January 24, 2013 Place: Thursday bridge meets at the Pradera club house on the 2nd and 4th Thurs from September through May at 10 am. We purchase lunch from the menu. If you would like to join our group, please call Ginny. 6 Out and About Please Join Us! January Potluck Lynn Eisenthal Chair 720 851 8161 You are welcome to bring your spouse or a friend to our evening Potluck. This is an informal opportunity to get to know other members. Each member brings a dish; call the hostess and see what she needs. Everyone is asked to bring their own beverage, so mark yours to avoid confusion. If your plans change for any reason and you are unable to attend, please call you hostess ASAP. DATE: January 19, 2013 Time: 6:30 pm Hosts: Susan and Tod Quirk Place: 11295 Mesa Verde Way, 80138 RSVP by Saturday January 12 720 842 1480 Chair: Tyke Tsiakals 720 389 5142 Sara Woods 303 840 1284 Join us in January for our lunch and movie date at Chili’s on Arapahoe and Parker Road. The movies are at the Chinese Theater in the Araphoe Crossing Shopping Center. A list of movies and times will be available. DATE: Wednesday, January 23rd. TIME: Meet at Chili’s for lunch at 11:30 am RSVP: Tyke Tsiakals 720 389 5142 or Sara Woods 303 840 1284 by Friday, January 18th so we can let Chili’s know how many are coming. DIRECTIONS: From Parker Rd. going North: take a right on Hess Rd. left onto Hilltop; right on Talman; left on Omaha Ave. and an immediate right onto Mesa Verde Way; house is at the very end of the street. 7 January, 2013 Sunday Monday 7 6 Tuesday Wednesday 1 Happy New Year 2 8 9 Mah Jongg 10 am Coffee 10 am 3-13 Cards 8:45 am 13 20 27 14 15 16 Thursday 3 4 Canasta 9:15 am Bunko 9:30 am 10 Bridge 10 am 11 17 Bridge 11:30 am Scrabble 11:30 am General Meeting 11.30 am Canasta 9:15am 21 22 23 24 28 29 Bridge 11:30 am Parker Newcomers Club 23912 Glenmoor Drive Parker, CO 80138 Out and About 30 Book Buddies 1 pm Lunch with the Ladies 11am Canasta 9:15am Bridge 10 am 31 Saturday 5 12 Game Night 6:30 pm Mystery Book Club 10 am Mah Jongg 10 am Mah Jongg 10 am Friday 18 25 3-13 Cards 8:45 am 19 Potluck 6:30 26
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