Maj, 3 - St Ferdinand Church
Maj, 3 - St Ferdinand Church Page Two Fi h Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions MONDAY — May 4, 2015 8:00 AM – Albert Handschiegel rq. Family 12:00 PM - (Noon) – Judith Torees 7:00 PM – Mass in Polish TUESDAY — May 5, 2015 8:00 AM – Special Blessings for Mr. Torres rq. Crowin Family 12:00 PM (Noon) -Special Blessing for Family Members 7:00 PM – Mass in Polish WEDNESDAY — May 6, 2015 8:00 AM – Podgory Family rq. Family 12:00 PM (Noon) –Recovery of Health for Anthony R. Coco 7:00 PM – Mass in Polish THURSDAY — May 7, 2015 8:00 AM – Nicholas Cici 12:00 PM (Noon) – Recovery of Health for Dr. Cathy M. Helgaso rq. Crowing Family 7:00 PM – Mass in Polish FRIDAY — May 8, 2015 8:00 AM – Special Blessing for Miguel Duran 12:00 PM (Noon) – Alex Ladisa 15th Ann of his death 7:00 PM – Mass in Polish SATURDAY— May 9, 2015 7:00AM- Mass in Polish 8:00 AM – Teodora, Felicitas, Godofredo, Chino Ochotorea 5:00 PM – Deceased members of the Pesce Family rq. Family SUNDAY— May 10, 2015 — SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:00 AM – W intencji wszystkich Matek (żywych i zmarłych) 8:30 AM – All Mothers 10:00 AM – All Mothers 10:15 AM – W intencji wszystkich Matek (żywych i zmarłych) 12:30 PM – All Mothers 3:00 PM – W intencji wszystkich Matek (żywych i zmarłych) 5:00PM- All Mothers 7:00 PM- W intencji wszystkich Matek (żywych i zmarłych) May 3, 2015 The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for: Alex Ladisa Rose Marry Durak Marriage Banns Third: Piotr Bronlowski & Kazmi Shaheen Rest in Peace Please remember to pray for the souls of all our faithful departed, especially: Slawomira Lejthole Slavomir Turko Jolanta Stygan Anthoy M. Lo a We Welcome in Baptism April 19, 2015 Max Szuba son of Zbigiew and Quynh (Hoang) Szuba Andrew Maximillian Kut son of Dariusz and Malgorzata (Kownacka) Kut Jakub Stanislaw Surowiec son of Jausz and Reata (Wozniak) Surowiec Lea Wilczyski daughter of Zbigiew and Marta (Szreniawa) Wilczyski John Kaszteranda son of Pawel and Roksana (Lipiec) Kaszterada Natan Sopala son of Daniel and Monika (Twardowska) Sopala Anthoy Michael Kurczak son of Jozef and Joana (Wesolowska) Kurczak April 25, 2015 Lize e Alvarez daughter of Ariel and Le cia (Monarrez) Alvarez Alex Emmauel Naranjo son of Alex and Rose (Mar ez) Naranjo Jakso Joseph Mielikiewicz son of Jerry ad Kris n (Gracz) Mielikiewicz Francisco Cyrus Aquilar son of Gregory ad Melinda ( Wilkoszewski) Aquilar Hallaia Teresa Pa erson daughter of Arthur and Bridget ( Guzman) Pa erson May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Page Three Remember in Prayer Our Stewardship of Treasure As members of the parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering Irene Rowe Mary Ayello Anthony R. Coco Lo e Chrapla Violet Del Vacchio Edward Waytula Pat Ostrowski William Keleher Arlene Garcia Diana Krzyzanowski Nick Paolino Adam Shershen Jean Staniszewski Laura Schofield Calvin Upton Julie D’Agos no Luna Family Brianna Jurczykowski Susan Milostan Robert Malek Michael F. Coco Tish Vanoni Jodi Mack Geraldine Mack Agnes Coco Ester Baran Isabell Beyer Deadra Kusek Stanley Podgorny Marie a Falbo Laverne Greco Steve Johns Barbara Alderson Anna DeBold Kathleen Barr Lesley Barr Mary Hal n Virginia Starsiak Veena Bhat Pat Flynn Veronica Segovia Frances Skrabacz Marion Watermann Richard Behrendt Joseph Biancalana Sr. Steve Garorowski Grace Miceli Dolly D’Agos no Jerry Mack Joan Grzeskowiek Wiliam Reynen Christeen Gross Julia Szyelik Chris n Gross Jim Jezuit George Keehn Donald Trainor Henry Katnik Maureen Keith Dolly Aloisio Jozef Golonka Michael Spano Judy Fahey Lee Ready John Ready Gack Fahey Jadwiga Glowacz Chrys ne Gross Petronella Latuszek SUNDAY, April 19, 2015 Envelopes — $5,573.00 Loose — $3,418.00 TOTAL: $ 8,991.00 SUNDAY, April 26, 2015 Envelopes — $6,496.00 Loose — $2,905.00 TOTAL: $ 9,401.00 Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE” with St. Ferdinand Parish Bóg zapłać! PLEASE REMEMBER ST. FERDINAND PARISH IN YOUR WILL. CONVENT RENOVATION AND REMODELING PROJECT Total cost of the project: $27,050 Dona ons April 19 & 26: $5,337. Funds collected to date: $28,696 Funds needed to complete the project: COMPLETED! Addi onal work: Top floor windows replacement: Total cost: $7,982 Funds collected: $1,696 Thank you! Sincere THANK YOU to all who give their me to keep our church clean. Thank you for your faithfulness and dependability. Please know that your help is very much valued and appreciated. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES MASS TIME LECTOR EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SATURDAY, May 2 A Prayer for the Armed Forces Almighty God, stretch forth Your mighty arm to strengthen and protect the men and women of our Armed Forces. As they face the myriad of challenges and decisions that each day is des ned to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your presence and comforted by the knowledge that they are loved by You and by this community of faith. Grant that, mee ng danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of jus ce and peace to the honor of your holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SPC Jeffrey Foerster and SA Andrew Rios 5:00 PM J. Lohrmann E. Mele, E. DeLeon SUNDAY, May 3 8:30 AM Dr M. Starsiak 10:00 AM B. Koziol (chapel) 12:30 PM 5:00 PM J. Zarate H. Syodia L. Perz A. Vacarro; P. Macias M. Barnhart; R. Scrran; J. Banez; T. Anaya S. Kass M. Syodia J .Zarate, M. Madrano May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Page Four Page Five Fi h Sunday of Easter FORTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MASS Fr. Jim Kehoe who served in St. Ferdinand parish from 1984 to 1989 and again from 2005-2006 will be celebra ng a Thanksgiving Mass to mark his Forty-fi h Ordina on Anniversary on May 17, 2015 at 1:00pm. Mass will be offered in the Chapel of The Rev. James P. Kehoe Gymnasium, 653 W. 37th Street in Chicago. All past and present parishioners are most welcome! May 3, 2015 W e at St. Ferdinand are very lucky to be blessed with a compliment of seasoned and knowledgeable priests as well as young and enthusias c newly ordained priests with vision and foresight for the future. All of that is kept together very ghtly by our Pastor Fr. Jason Torba. Since Fr. Jason’s arrival at St. Ferdinand much has happened in terms of improvements, renova ons and upgrades. Methodically and consistently Fr. Jason moves forward with plans to provide for his parishioners Spiritual needs , pastoral services, educa onal excellence and environmental improvements. It is a pleasure to walk around the parish grounds and see the beau ful Gro o of our Blessed Mother, the wellkept gardens and the seasonal flowers and decoraons. Inside the Church and the Chapel he created a tranquil area for prayer and medita on for us and the parish community. Parish Halls are clean and unclu ered .The main hall (known as McManus Hall) was completely renovated from floor to ceiling making it the state of the art facility for all of us to enjoy. Much energy, effort, resourcefulness, hard work and crea ve financing on the part of Fr. Jason went into making this Hall what it is today. Parish Council of St. Ferdinand Church unanimously approved to rename the McManus Hall to Jason Torba Center .Giving the honor and credit to the man who made it happen. This was our Birthday Gi to Fr. Jason who deserves every bit of credit for not only this improvement, but the Convent, Church, Chapel, Rectory, School and the parish grounds. He can also be credited for bringing the cultures and the people of St. Ferdinand together. It is not a Polish or English Parish, it is St. Ferdinand Parish. Once the Convent is completely remodeled McManus Hall and Cortesi Hall will be housed there to honor our predecessors for what they did and how much they meant to the Parish. May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Page Six May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter FRANCIS CARDINAL GEORGE, O.M.I. 1937-2015 All are welcome to pay their respects to Cardinal George at his final res ng place. All Saints Cemetery (700 North River Road, in Des Plaines) is open seven days a week, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. HELP TO BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NEPAL Thousands of our Nepalese brothers and sisters are suffering death, displacement, and extreme loss due to the massive earthquake that has affected Nepal and neighboring countries. Please pray for their comfort and peace in the midst of this natural disaster. Please consider dona ng to Catholic Relief Services: www.ChicagoPeaceAndJus IRVING PARK CATHOLIC WOMAN’S CLUB will have their last Mee ng on TUESDAY, May 12, 2015 AT 10:30 a.m. There will be a short Mee ng and the May Crowning of the Blessed Mother. We will be serving Submarine sandwiches and ask everyone to pay $4.00 a person. Desert will be served also. We are also asking everyone to bring a $2.00 wrapped gi for the Robbers Dice game. We welcome anyone that would like to join us for a fun a ernoon. PLEASE REMEMBER OUR ADDRESS FOR THE MEETING IS: 5936 W. BARRY, CHICAGO. (THIS IS ST. FERDINAND’S CONVENT). EVERYONE IS WELCOME. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: ANN MARIE LANE - 773-685-6624 OUR NEXT MEETING WILL BE IN SEPTEMBER Catholic Chari es Collec on on Mother’s Day Daria had no income, and lived with her children in a condemned building. Catholic Chari es brought the family to one of our shelters. We helped her find work and permanent housing. She and her children were among the 991 individuals we sheltered last year. Please give to Catholic Chari es on Mother’s Day to help homeless families get back on their feet. Learn more at www.catholicchari MOTHER’S DAY CELEBRATIONS SUNDAY, May 10 Celebrate Mother's Day with the Mass for Expectant Mothers at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago, on Sunday, May 10, with Bishop Francis J. Kane, at 12:30 p.m. A Mass in Spanish with Bishop John R. Manz will take place at St. Joseph Parish, 4821 South Hermitage in Chicago, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Page Seven May Health Events for Area Residents Community First Medical Center, 5645 West Addison Street, Chicago, will offer the following health events in May. Kathleen Scarpulla, M.D., and staff will provide a free cataract and glaucoma screening Monday May 4, from 9a.m. to noon. Registra on is required by calling 773-794-8486. Please do not wear contacts lenses but bring your eyeglasses with you. A free Healthy Aging Program will be held Friday, May 8, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. This program is for individuals aged 55 and older and consists of social me, health topics and guests lectures. Mary Schli er, R.N., will discuss women’s heart health. Registra on is not required. Henry Govekar, M.D. will lecture on diver culi s Monday, May 11, at 6 p.m. in Centennial Conference room A. Registra on is required by calling 773-794-8486. Free with refreshments provided. Free blood pressure screenings will be offered Thursday, May 14, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., in the hospital’s main lobby. A health care professional will perform screenings and answer ques ons about blood pressure readings. Registra on is not required. Audiologist Marie Ve er, Au.D., will provide free hearing screenings Monday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to noon. This screening will be done in a sound proof booth, room 502, in the Professional Building across the street from the main hospital. Advanced registra on required by calling 773-794-8486. Maryville Crisis Nursery will present a paren ng session tled “Social and Emo onal Development: I am a Big Kid Now,” Tuesday, May 19, at 6 p.m. A free dinner and childcare service will be provided. Registra on is required by May 18, at 3 p.m., by calling 773-205-3637. The Arthri s Support Group will meet on Thursday, May 28, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. This session is free. Registra on is not required. May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter THE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at 2:45 PM, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois. Couples married in 1965 interested in a ending this celebra on should contact their parish to register. For further informa on, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Officeat 312.534.8351 or visit the website: SPECIAL MASS FOR THE MENTALLY ILL Queen of All Saints Basilica located at 6200 N. Sauganash Avenue, Chicago, IL 606046 will have a Special Mass for the Mentally Ill at 8:45 a.m. on May 15th, the feast of St. Dymphna. To honor the patron of the mentally ill, a relic of St. Dymphna will be venerated a er the Mass. She is also the patron saint for nervous disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and rape vic ms. All are invited to a end. Page Eight THIS WEEK AT SAINT FERDINAND PARISH Monday — May 4, 2015 10:00AM—Friendship Club (Convent) 6:00PM — Knights of Columbus (Canning Hall) 6:00PM — Ladies Auxiliary (Canning Hall) 6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — Troop #51 (McManus Hall) 8:00PM — Choir (Chapel) Tuesday — May 5, 2015 5:00PM — Radosc (Chapel) 6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel) Wednesday — May 6, 2015 2:30PM — Jr. Legion of St. Mary (Convent) 5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church) 6:00PM— Cub Scouts (Convent) 6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (McManus) 6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel) 6:00PM — Kropeczki (Convent) 6:30PM — Legion of Mary (Small Convent) 8:00PM — Choir (Chapel) Thursday — May 7, 2015 2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church) 6:00PM — Girl Scouts (Convent 1,2,3) 7:00PM — Filareci Choir (Chapel) 7:30PM — Parish Council Mee ng (Rectory) Friday — May 8, 2015 9:00AM — Legion of Mary (Convent) 5:00PM — NDHS Blue & White 6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent) Saturday — May 9, 2015 8:00AM — Polish Saturday School (All Halls) 1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent) 4:00PM — Polish School Dance (McManus) 6:00PM — AA Mee ng (Convent) 6:00PM—- Bap sm in English (Church) Sunday— May 10, 2015 8:30AM—School of Religion (School) 10:00AM — School Family Mass (Chapel) 11:00AM— Word of Life (Convent) 7:00PM — Mass in Inten on of Poland (Church) BULLETIN ARTICLES DEADLINE — The deadline for bulle n ar cles is 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday preceding the Sunday of publica on. All ar cles can be can emailed to: bulle n@sain or dropped off at the office. Thank you! Page Nine Fi h Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Radek Bobowski Angelika Bochenek Patryk Bogacz Lukasz Borucinski Jacob Bozek Ma hew Bozek Angelica Bucko Joanna Budzinska Patrycja Bychawska Karolina Cas llo Damian Chlon Mariusz Ciurus Aleksandra Czternastek Kamil Felker Michael Fita Mateusz Glodz Thomas Glodzik Rita Gondek Oscar Hamera Nicole Hanek Jakub Jalbrzykowski Olivia Jarosz Aleksandra Jelonkowska Natalia Kaczowka Daniel Kania Patryk Kaszuba Joanna Klecha Liwia Kiryk Marcin Klecha Dominika Kozanecka Nicole Koziol Sylwia Krzysztof Patrick Kubecki Page Ten Patrick Kundzicz Michael Kurowski Veronica Lesak Filip Maldonado Eryk Markiewicz Katarzyna Mikina Alexander Orlowski Jacob Pacer Natalia Pijanowski Kacper Platek Dominik Pudlo Kevin Piwowarski Victoria Pytka Alicja Ramotowska Monica Rochnowski Peter Rusak Claudia Sacha Mateusz Sawicki Justyna Sliwinska Natalia Sliwinska Patrick Sobus Julia Starzycka Konrad Stasik Damian Staszel Alexander Stec Michelle Szymczak Robert Szymczyk Alexander Tkaczyk Julia Tomczyk Oliwia Widla Emilia Wiecek Michal Wrobel Thomas Zelichowski May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter NABOŻEŃSTWA MAJOWE Zapraszamy na Nabożeństwa Majowe, które są odprawiane w naszym kościele od poniedziałku do piątku po Mszy św. o godz. 7:00 wieczorem, w sobotę o godz. 7:00 wieczorem pod figurką Matki Bożej na posesji parafialnej oraz w niedzielę o godz. 6:30 wieczorem. PREMIERA „DAMY”, FILMU O MARII KACZYŃSKIEJ Wychowana w katolickiej rodzinie, w duchu poszanowania tradycji i polskiej kultury. Śmiało kroczyła przez życie niosąca w sercu wartości zaszczepione w rodzinnym domu – troskę i poszanowanie dla drugiego człowieka, miłość do Ojczyzny. Otwartość, ciekawość świata, naturalna życzliwość pomagały Jej torować drogę do drugiego człowieka. Oddana rodzinie kochająca i wspierająca żona, ale i troskliwa, pełna ciepła i czułości matka. Z ogromnym zaangażowaniem i oddaniem wychowywała córkę - Martę przekazując wartości, które nosiła w sobie. Taka właśnie była Pani Prezydentowa – Maria Kaczyńska i taki Jej obraz w swoim nowym filmie „DAMA” przywołuje reżyserka Maria Dłużewska. Nieprzypadkowo, premiera filmu „Dama” (2015) odbędzie się w niedzielę 10 maja w Dniu Matki, kiedy to w sposób szczególny dziękujemy Mamom za serce, ciepło, troskę, cierpliwość, za wychowanie i otaczamy Je naszą miłością. Tego dnia będziemy też modlić się podczas uroczystej Mszy św. za Ojczyznę (odprawianej każdego 10 dnia miesiąca) za wszystkie ofiary katastrofy smoleńskiej, w tym Pana Prezydenta Lecha Kaczyńskiego i Panią Prezydentową – Marię Kaczyńską. Premiera filmu „DAMA” oraz spotkanie z reżyserką – Marią Dłużewską odbędą się W NIEDZIELĘ - 10 MAJA PO UROCZYSTEJ MSZY ŚW. ZA OJCZYZNĘ, KTÓRA ROZPOCZNIE SIĘ O GODZ. 7.00 PM w naszym kościele. Page Eleven W Dniu Matki - niedziela 10 maja będzie możliwość zakupienia ciast domowego wypieku. Dochód ze sprzedaży zostanie przekazny na fundusz remontu konwentu. Serdecznie zapraszamy! FIGURKA DOBREGO PASTERZA Dziękujemy Klubowi Dobrego Pasterza za złożenie daru Figurki Dobrego Pasterza, która zostala poświęcona w niedzielę 26 kwietnia, oraz za udział w procesji i wspólnej modlitwie Klubowi Podhalan i Miłośników Tatr, Kołom Różańca, Stowarzyszeniu Apostołów Bożego Miłosierdzia Faus num. Niech Pan Bóg obdarzy swoim błogosławieństwem i udzieli obfitych łask rodzicom dzieci przystępujących do I Komuni św. którzy zatroszczyli się o czystosć w naszym kościele oraz wynagrodzi za ofiarną pracę i poświęcony czas. May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Page Twelve Wybory Prezydenta RP w Chicago 9 maja, 2015 W ybory Prezydenta RP odbędą się na obszarze USA w sobotę, 9 maja 2015 r., (w Polsce 10 maja br.) zgodnie z art. 39 § 6 ustawy z 5 stycznia 2011 r. Kodeks Wyborczy (Dz.U. Nr 21, poz. 112 z późn. zm.) oraz wydane na jej podstawie przepisy wykonawcze. Obywatele polscy, przebywający w dniu wyborów za granicą, będą mogli wziąć udział w głosowaniu, jeżeli posiadają ważny polski paszport oraz zostaną wpisani – na podstawie osobistego zgłoszenia – do spisu wyborców sporządzonego przez konsula właściwego terytorialnie dla miejsca pobytu wyborcy. Dane teleadresowe Konsulatu Generalnego RP w Chicago to: 1530 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60610 Numery telefonów: 312 337-8166 wew.: 202, 203, 217, 257 Numery faksów: 312 337-7841; 312 337-7476; 312 337 4562 e-mail: Zgłoszenie powinno zawierać: nazwisko i imiona, imię ojca, datę urodzenia, numer ewidencyjny PESEL, adres zamieszkania lub pobytu wyborcy za granicą, adres zamieszkania wyborcy w kraju, tj. miejsce ujęcia w rejestrze wyborców (w odniesieniu do osób przebywających czasowo za granicą), numer ważnego polskiego paszportu oraz miejsce i datę jego wydania, numer i siedzibę komisji wyborczej, w której zamierza się oddać głos. Zgłoszenia można dokonać najpóźniej 3 dni przed dniem wyborów (tj. 7 maja 2015 r.). Niezwykle ważne jest, aby przed każdymi wyborami wyborca mieszkający za granicą dokonał zgłoszenia do spisu wyborców. W przeciwnym razie nie będzie mógł oddać głosu. Wyborca może być wpisany tylko do jednego spisu wyborców. GŁOSOWANIE OSOBISTE Głosowanie w obwodach głosowania utworzonych za granicą w wyborach Prezydenta RP, odbywa się w lokalu obwodowej komisji wyborczej w ciągu jednego dnia, bez przerwy, między godziną 7.00 a 21.00 czasu miejscowego (7 A.M– 9 P.M). Komisja nr 166 – Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago: 1530 N. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60610; Komisja nr 167 – Dom Podhalan ZPPA: 4808 S. Archer Avenue, Chicago, IL 60632; Komisja nr 168 – Związek Narodowy Polski: 6100 N. Cicero Avenue, Chicago IL 60646; Komisja nr 169 – Polska Szkoła im. Tadeusza Kościuszki: 5341 N Harlem Avenue, Chicago IL Komisja nr 170 – Zrzeszenie Nauczycieli Polskich w Ameryce: 6544 W. Higgins Ave., Chicago IL 60656. Komisja nr 171 – Bazylika św. Jacka: 3636 W. Wolfram St., Chicago IL 60618. Lokal Obwodowej Komisji Wyborczej nr 167 – Związek Podhalan: Dom Podhalan ZPPA: 4808 S. Archer Avenue, Chicago, IL 60632 jest dostosowany do potrzeb wyborców niepełnosprawnych. May 3, 2015 Fi h Sunday of Easter Page Thirteen ON AM, SIRIUS XM, AND JOEL OSTEEN Copyright 2015 by John B. Reynolds ( The AM radio in my car died several months ago. I didn’t listen to a lot of AM programming, but I enjoyed Relevant Radio on my drive to and from work some mes, and I always got quick traffic and weather updates from WLS and WBBM. So when my used (but-new -to-me) Volvo was due for some scheduled maintenance a few weeks a er the AM cold shoulder, I took it to Patrick Volvo in Schaumburg, IL and asked the service guys there how much it would cost me to get the radio fixed. A er hearing the details, they said that the car radio didn’t need to be fixed. They said it needed to be replaced. “OK,” I asked them. “How much to replace the radio?” They lost me at “several hundred dollars…” So now I’m strictly an FM guy. I know I can listen to Relevant Radio online through my smart phone, but I like cranking up the dial, you know? To that end, my daughter gave me six months of Sirius XM for Christmas. While this hasn’t kept me well-informed, it has kept me well-entertained. I’m par al to channels 31 and 32. Both feature acous c guitar music, and when the radio’s on, I’d say that 75% of the me, one of these two is coming at me. I’ve got bu ons keyed onto channel 7, as well (70s on 7), channel 49 (Soul Town), and channel 150 (Spanish music). And just recently I keyed a bu on onto a sta on I stumbled upon trying to find a local weather report. Channel 128: Joel Osteen. If you’re not familiar with the evangelical preacher from Texas, I’m sure you can read about him online. What I’ve learned thus far is that he did TV produc on for his father’s ministry years ago. Then his dad died, and when Joel moved--somewhat hesitantly --into pastoring, the flock responded. Osteen preaches a “prosperity gospel” as I’ve heard the term described (abundance here, abundance there, abundance, abundance everywhere) and I’m sure some Catholics and non-Catholic Chris ans alike take issue with it. S ll, the guy is upbeat, and--to my ears--sincere. He preaches that even when things are not going well for us, we need to be pa ent-and hopeful-- because each one of us is “a child of the most high God.” And indeed we are. I think of Joel Osteen and his preaching now as I consider today’s readings. For one thing, Osteen is quick to say God puts people in our lives that can help us fulfill our divine des nies. Look at the first reading. Where would the Apostle Paul be, if not for Barnabas? Osteen is quick to say also that we have to do our part-we have to remain in faith, never doub ng that God is for us--to allow God to work miracles in our lives. OK. Now look at St. John’s encouragement/direc on in the second reading: “Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence in God and receive from him whatever we ask.” And we hear more of the same in the Gospel from Jesus himself. “If you remain in me and my words remain in you,” he says, “ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you. By this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.” I don’t know what this sounds like to you, but it sounds like a prosperity gospel to me. And like Osteen, I embrace the message. St. Ferdinand Parish Support Staff Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Parish Secretary Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Administrative Assistant Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin Editor Mr. Kamil Duda, Website Designer/Editor Liturgical Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy, Lector & EM Coordinator Mr. Kamil Duda, Polish Music Director Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler Parish Council Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Irene Heidelbauer, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt, ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz , Sr. Anna Strycharz Parish Finance Committee Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Robert Groszek, Tadeusz Czosnyka, Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Irene Heidelbauer, Dr. Lucine Mastalerz Parish Organizations and Prayer Groups Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl, Coordinator Friendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, President Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator Knights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council: Mr. Edward Weyna, Grand Knight Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe Market Day: Ms. Pat DelBoccio, Coordinator Polish Altar Servers — Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator English Altar Servers: Fr. Marcin Zasada, Moderator Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President Polish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres. Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher Kropeczki: Sr. Anna Strycharz Polonia: Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555 St. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda Ward St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club: Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President St. Ferdinand School Board: Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President Teens of Our Church: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski —Youth Minister The Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lasak Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611 Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514 Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira Dziuk Notre Dame Athletics: Mrs. Linda Ward Notre Dame Board of Directors: Ms. Sue Miller & Ms. Noreen Musica St. Ferdinand Church 5900 W. Barry Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 St. Ferdinand Parish Phone: (773) 622-5900 Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor Rev. Michael Wyrzykowski, Associate Pastor Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor Rev. Raymond O’Connor, CMF — Weekend Help Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence Dcn. Pawel Adamus MASS TIMES ENGLISH Weekdays 8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon POLISH W ciągu tygodnia 7:00 PM Saturdays 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated) Sobota 7:00 AM Sundays 8:30 AM 10:00 AM (Chapel) 12:30 PM 5:00 PM Niedziela 7:00 AM 10:15 AM 3:00 PM 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION / SAKRAMENT SPOWIEDZI Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty 6:30 PM — 7:00 PM Saturday / Sobota 8:30 AM — 9:00 AM First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca 6:00 PM —7:30 PM St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022 Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal Notre Dame High School for Girls Office: 773-622-9494 Irene Heidelbauer— Principal Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352 Sr. Anna Strycharz—D.R.E. St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303 Sr. Genowefa Potaczała — Principal Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732 Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979 Sr. Anna Strycharz, Superior — Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Sr. Anna Gorska Sr. Genowefa Potaczała BAPTISM: For Children: a pre-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the 12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at 773/622-5900. For Adults: Classes are taught through the Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information. MARRIAGES: Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please call the rectory. CHURCH NAME AND NUMBER — St. Ferdinand #639 ADDRESS — 5900 Barry Avenue Chicago, Illinois. 60634 PHONE — 773-622-5900 CONTACT PERSON— Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska 630– 308-2609 SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pak 4 PRINTER — HP Photo Smart P1100 TRANSMISSION TIME— Wednesday, 7:00AM NUMBER OF PAGES SENT — Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15) Page 16 is church copy SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN — May 3, 2015 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS — Fifth Sunday of Easter
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