to read the complaint.
to read the complaint.
8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 1 of 6 - Page ID # 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA ALEX SCHUTZENHOFER, ) ) Petitioner, CASE NO. 8:13-cv-6 ) ) v ) COMPLAINT ) THE UNITED STATES, ) ) Respondent. ) ) ORIGINAL COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES ERAL TORT C Alex Schutzenhofer, Petitioner, by and through his attorney, Steve Delaney, now come before this Court and complain of the United States Government, as follows: I. DICTION VENUE 1. Petitioner at all the times mentioned was and now is a citizen of the United States, domiciled and residing at l9I4 Ralston Road, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, 68048, Cass Count5r, which is in the District of Nebraska. 2. The claims here are brought against the United States pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C.92671, et seq.l artd 28 U.S.C. SS1346(b)(1), for money damages as compensation for damage of 8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 2 of 6 - Page ID # 2 property that were caused by the negligent and wrongful acts and omissions of employees of the United States Government while acting within the scope of their offices and employment, under circumstances where the United States, if a private person, would be liable to the Petitioner in accordance \ ¡ith the laws of the State of Nebraska. 3. The jurisdiction of this court is based on the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. SS2671 to 2680, and on 28 U.S.C. S1346(b). 4. Venue is proper in that all of the acts and omissions forming the basis of these claims occurred in the District of Nebraska, specifically Cass County, Nebraska. 5. In April of 2O L2, Petittoner presented a claim for property damage to the United States Postal Service, the appropriate federal agency, which finally denied the claim in writing and sent by certified mail to Petitioner, therefore Petitioner has fully complied with the provisions of 28 U.S.C. 92675 of the Federal Tort Claims Act. 6. This suit has been timely filed, in that Petitioner timely served notice of their claim on the United States Postal Service in April, 2OL2. The United States Postal Service refused to accept legal liability for the damages and fully denied the claim on July LO,2Ol2. 8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 3 of 6 - Page ID # 3 il EVENTS FORMING THE RASTS OF'THE CÏ.AIMS 7. Alex Schutzenhofer, received a package via the United States Postal Service on or about April 14,2OL2. 8. On or about April L4, 2OL2, defendant's employee was negligent in that they negligently placed Petitioner's package between the screen door and the main door of Petitioner's residence, leaving the screen door propped open by the package. 9. \Minds were in excess of 30 m.p.h. on April 14,2012 and as a result, the wind ripped the screen door off of the house. 10. The claims of Alex Schutzenhofer are based upon the acts and events set forth below, all of which actions were taken (and events were caused) by an employee of the United States Government while acting within the scope of their employment. a. The conduct and actions giving rise to these claims arose from and \Mere based Lrpon the negligent actions of a United States Postal Service employee on or about April L4,2OI2. b. The United States Government's employee negligently placed the package between the main door and the screen door of the 8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 4 of 6 - Page ID # 4 Petitioner's residence, leaving the screen door propped open in wind of excess of 30 m.p.h. c. The screen door was ripped from the house and damaged by the 30 m.p.h. winds, which was proximately caused by the door being left propped open by the United States Government employee. ru. DAMAGES 11. Petitioner incorporates by reference herein all allegations set forth above. 12. As a direct and proxímate result of defendant's employee, Petitioner has suffered damages to his propert5r, specifically to his screen door of his residence, for which he seeks full compensation under the law. V. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHERFORE, the Petitioner is entitled to damages from the United States and Petitioner demands judgment against defendant, United States of America, in the sum of $1,80O.00, together with costs of suit, and any other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. 8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 5 of 6 - Page ID # 5 Dated this day of Januar5r, 2013. ALEX SCHUTZENHOFER, Petitioner. FY Steven M. Delaney, #L8776 REAGAN, MELTON, & DELANEY, L.L, P 9826 Giles Road, Suite B La Vista, NE 68128 {4AÊ, 932-9+:e4 (4021932-2050 fax Attorneg for Petítioner 8:13-cv-00006-LSC-FG3 Doc # 1 Filed: 01/07/13 Page 6 of 6 - Page ID # 6 ) SS: COLINTY OF ) ALEX being first duly g'fforn on oatho sfates'that he is the cnntents Petitioner inthe above-entitled action, that hehas read the Complaint and knows thereof and that the statements are true as ho SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to be ore rn" E}¡ERÀI M.MONR|SON tn*Éday of NOTARYPI-IBLIC 20]3-.