IN THE HIGHCOURTOF KERALAAT ERNAKULAM PRESENT: B.P.RAY MR.JUSTICE THE HONOURABLE t MONDAY. THE3RDDAYOF.iUNE2OI3/'I3THJYAISHTAI935 of 1999(E) OP.No.5503 PETTTTONER(S): TAJKERALAHOTELSAND RESORTSLTD., TAJRESIDENCYMARINEORtVE, COCHIN.lI, ERNAKULAM. BY ITSDIRECTOR, REPRESENTED MR.N.UMASANKAR. BYADV.SRI.E.K.NANDAKUMAFi RESPONDENT(S)l 1 . UNIONOF INDIA, BY ITSSECRqTARY' REPRESENTED MINISTRY OF FOODANDCIViI,SUPPLIES, (DEPARTMENT OF CIVILSUPILIES), KRISHIBHAVAN,NEWDELHI'\10 OO1. OJ: OF STANDARDS DIRECTOR WEIGHTSAND MEASURES, OF FOODANDCIV]LSUPPLIES), {MINISTRY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA,12./' NEWDEI'.iiJIIO OOI. HOUSE, JAMNAGAR OF LEGALMEl:TOLOGY CONTROLLER THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. \ SENIORINSPECTOR, LEGALMETROLOGY KAKKANAD,ERNAKULAM. R1 & R2 BYADV SRI.T.SANJAY{}GC R3 & R4 BY GOVT.PLEADER M]I,THOMASJOHN AMBOOKEN. THIS oRIGINAL PETITION HA14){GBEEN FINALLY HEARD DELIVEREDTHE oN 05/03/2012, THE COURTOfr C3-06-2013 FOLLOWING: rs. ' B.P,MY,J of 1999 O.P.No.5503 Dated3d June,2013 JUDGMENT Heard learned-counselfor the petitioner' The prayerin the writ petitionis as follows. "a) for an order and declarationof this Hon'ble court that the provisions of Standards and Weights and Measures 1976 and the Standardsof Weightsand Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, Lg77 and the Standards of Weights and Meiisures (Enforcement) Act, 1985do not applyto the petitioner; b) for an order and declarationof this Hon'ble Court that Section 33 of the Standardsand Weights and Measures (Enfo/cement)Act, 1985 is ultra vires of India and is void and ihe Cpnstitution liabls'tobe struckdown; c) for a writ of certiorari,or a writ in the nature of certiOrari,or any other appropriatewrit, order or direction of this Hon'bleCourtcallingfor the records of the caseand after perusingthe same, to quash and s:et aside all actions initiatedagainstthe petitionerincluding Ext.P4issuedby the 4threspondent. d) for a writ of mandamus,or a writ in the natureof mandamus,or any other appropriatewrit, order or directionof this Hon'ble Court restraining the respondents by themselves, their .officers, servantsi and agents, from againstthe takingany actionwhatsoever petitioner'shotels;pursuant to or in o.p.5503/1999 of of any of the provisions implementation the Standardsand Weightsand Measures of WeightsaDd. ..:,.1 Act, L976,the Standards Rule9,-. . Commodities) Measures(Packaged !977, and the Standardsof Weightsandi:f.'. Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1985 includingby launchingand/or initiating any legal proceedings,civil or criminal whatsoeveragainstthe petitioner'shotels or the Directorsor emPloYees. e) that pendingthe hearing and final disposalof the petitioner,the responclents be restrainedby an order and injunction of this Hon'ble ccurt from taking any action whatsoeveragainst the petitioner, in or hotels pursuant to its of of any of the provisions implementation the Standardsand Weightsand Measures Act, 1976, the Standardsof Weightsand Measures(PackagedCommodities)Rules, 1977 and the Standardsof Weights'and Measures (Enforcement) Act, l9B5 including by way of launchingafld/or ciVil or initiatingany legal proceedings, criminal, whatsoever against ' the petitioner, its hoiels or the Directors, officersor employees". 2. The short questionthat arisesfor consideration in this writ petitionis whetherthe star Hotelsrun by the petitionercan chargea pricein excessof the maximum retail price (MRP)from tlreir customers.The petitioner which is a joint venture company between the o.p.5503/1999 Government of Keralaandthe TataGrouprunsa ahain-of '|:' five star hotelsin the Stateof Kerala. The 4threspondent ..'.'' Legal MetrologyInspector had inspected Hotel' Taj Residency on 4.1.1999and seized24 bottlesof pepsicoa videExt.P5seizurememoalleging violation of the (herein after referredto as the Act) and the standardof Weights and Measures(Package ities)Rules, Commod L977 (hereinafterreferredto as the Rules), The specific allegationagainst the petitionerwas that PepsiCola which had a maximum retail price of Rs.8/- was being sold for Rs.35/-thereby violatingthe provisionscontainedin the Act and the Rules. 3. Section39 of the Act and Rules4 and 6 dealwith the declarationto be affixedon packagecommodities. Rule 2(i) definespre-packedcommodityand Rule 2(r) defines retail sale price and refers to maximum retail priceto be printedon the packages. 4. It is th€ specificcontentionof the petitionerthat the Act and the Rulescan haveno application to the Hotel industry.The petitionersubmitsthat what is beingsoldis o.p.5503/1999 4 ' ';'',. . not only a productbut also an experience rnl includingr thej e l' 'r luxury ambience of the hotel, exclusive service' an<i :' variousotherfacilitiesand amenitiesfor whichan arhount ,. in excessof the maximum retail price is collectedfrom the customer. The petitioneris fortifiedin this regardby a judgment of the Delhi High Court in The Federationof Hotelsand Restaurantsof Associationof India and others V. Unionof India and others reportedin AIR 2007(Delhi) 137. It was a case in which chargingpricesfor mineral water in excessof MRp printedon the packagingduring the service of customersin Hotelsand Restauranrswas found to be not violativeof any of the provisionsof the Standardsof Weightsand MeasuresAct, 1976. After referringto a ConstitutionBenchof the SupremeCourt in State of HP V. Associated Hotels of India (AIR 1972 SC 1131) and Northern India Caterers fndia Ltd V, Lt.Governorof Delhi (AIR 1978SC 1591)as well as the Constitution Benchof the SupremeCourtin K.Damodara Samy Naidu and Bros. V. State of T.N (2000) 1 SCC 521), the court held that there is no violationof the o.p.5503/1999 provisionsof the Act or the Rulesin charging a price In i. excess of the MRp for mineral water. The submitsthat the same reasoningis applicable to and circumstances of the presentcase. 5. In State of Hp Vs. Associated Hotels in fndia (AIR 1972 SC 1131) it was held by the ConstitutionEench that " the transactionbetweena Hotelier and visitor to his hotel is one essentiallyof service,,.In NorthernIndia CaterersIndia Ltd V. Lt.Governorof Delhi (AIR 1978 SC 1591)it was held that the supplyof food and drink to the customersin a hotel or a restaurantdid not partakethe cnaracterof sale of goods and the true essenceof the transactionis a service. 6. Anothercontentionraisedby the petitioner is that tne Act and the Ruleswouldapplyonly if the gooosare soldas packaged commodites.The goodslike soft drinks are providedby the petitionernot in the packagedform but after openingthe same.It is only when gooosare sold in a packagedform that the packaged commodity ruresare applicableto the same. Again the botflesare ,l o.p.5503/1999 6 openedand contentspouredby specially trainea Oeqreri. into crystal glassesand given to customers ufong *iii., exclusive cuflery after seating them on expensive upholsteredchaiis in air-conditionedluxury rooms and restaurants.The price chargedby the petitioner includes the cost of all the aforesaidamenities and not only the price of ordinary soft drink. Further Rules 4 and 6 themselvesmakes it clear that they are applicableto cases in which pre packed commodities are, or are intendedto be sold, distributed, deliveredor otherwise transferred by weight, measure or number. The petitioner'sHotelsare not sellingproducts by this criteria to attract the provisions of the Act and Rules. For exampte,nobodywalks into a Five Star Hotel to DUy homeone botHeof pepsi,one litre of milk or one packet of cigarettes while he may consume the aforesaid productsas part of a visit ta the hoteras part of his notel experience. 7. Learnedcounselfor the respondents, relyingon the DivisionBench decision of this court reported in Y./ l o.p.5503/1999 Union of fndia V. Godrej G E Applicances Ltd, (3) KLT 694) argued that since the validity of the rules have beenupheldby this court, no interference iscalled,r, for. It is further submltted that the Rule does not categorise any type of business organisactionin compliancewith the provisionsof the Rules. Whoever engagedin the sale of commodities, that is from the street vendorto Star Hotelare liable underthe provisions of the Rules. The standardof Weights and Measures(pC) Rules1977 has beenissuedby the CentralGovernmentin exerciseof the powersunder,Section 93 of the Standards of Weightsand Measureseci l9ZA. This rule is issuedto regulatethe transactionof the commodityin packaged form intendedto be sold or distributedin the courseof inter-statetrade or commerce as requiredby the Section 39 of the Standardsof Weights and MeasuresAct, 1976. By virtue of the Section33 of the Standardsof Weights and Measures(Enforcement)Act, 19g5 this rure is arso made applicableto inter_state trade or commerce,The rule prescribesthe detailedprocedure as regard ro the \a/ o.p.5503/1999 suchas the name' ' declarations making packing, of manner '" generic the commonor manufacturer' the of address and nameofthecommqdity'thenetquantityinterms'or standardunitofweightormeasure'monthandyearo packageand so on' packing,the retail sale priceof the violationsof the Act for penalities prescribes The rulealso or Rules. and I am L I have consideredthe rival contentions pricesfor soft drinks charging tnat view of the considered packaging'during the the on printed MRP of in excess restaurantsdoes not and notels in customers of service Swf, nct as this does violateany of the provisionsof the thes€ commoditiesby not constitutea sale or transferof its customers'The to restaurateur or hotelier the restaurantto makea customerdoesnot enter a hotelor a It may well be simplepurchaseof these commodities' a bottle of that a client would order nothing beyond purposein doing so water or a beverage,but his direct available would clearlytravel to enjoyingthe ambience of any articlefor therein and incidentallyto the ordering o.p.5503/1999 consumption, Althoughthe validityof the Rulehavebeen challenged,I do not find any necessityto answerthe challengein view of the DivisionBench decisionof,this court cited supra. Therefore,the impugnednoticesare quashed. Originalpetitionis disposedof with the aforesaid' directions. Nocosts. s4tB.P.RAY, JUDGE lgk OP.No.5603of 1999(E) APPENDIX PETITIONER'S EXHIBtTS:. EXT.P1 COPYOF TIIE INTERIMORDERPASSEDIN WRITPETITION MISC.PETITIONNO.21865'1994 PASSEDBYTHE ANDHRAPMDESHHIGHCOURT. EXT.P2 COPYOF THE INTERIMORDERIN WRITPETITIONMISC. PETITIONNO.2I866/1994 PASSEDBY THE HIGHCOURT OFANDHRAPRADESH. ExT,P3 COPYOF THE INTERIMORDERIN WRITPETITIONLODGING NO.II95/1994PASSEDBY?HE BOMBAYHIGHCOURT. EXT.P4 COPYOF THE INTERIMPTfiSEDIN C.M.P.2579I/1994 IN OP.NO.14701/1994 PASSEDBY THEBOMBAYHIGHCOURT. EXT.P5 COPYOF THE RECEIPTDATEDO4/OIlI999TSSUED BY THE 4TH RESPONDENT. EXT.P6 COPYOF THE LAWYERNOTICEDATED06/01/i999ISSUED TO THE PETITIONER. EXT.P7 COPYOF THE REPLYNOTICEDATED2ZO111999 TSSUED TO SRI.T.DEVADAS, ADVOCATE. RESPONDENT'S EXHtBITS:- NIL, //TRUECOPY// P.S.TO JUDGE.