Spring Newsletter 2013 - Animal Adoption Foundation


Spring Newsletter 2013 - Animal Adoption Foundation
“The Pet Pulse”
Spring 2013
The Price Is Right!
AAF Spay/Neuter Up & Running!
Ask anyone on the street as to what Bob Barker’s famous catch
phrase is and you’re likely to hear “Please spay and neuter your
pets!” These few, simple and iconic words mean so much to the
animal rescue community. The number one reason that there is
such a problem with pet overpopulation, particularly in cats, is the
lack of spaying or neutering of not only companion pets but of stray
animals as well. While all of the pets adopted from the AAF have
been altered, we always wanted to do more for the community in
respects to helping control pet overpopulation. Thanks to a lot of
hard work and years of preparation, the AAF can now help people
make a difference.
Thanks in large part to a grant issued in 2012 by the Joanie
Bernard Foundation, construction was completed last October on
what we are calling the AAF’s most significant accomplishment since
opening our new facility in 2005...the completion of our onsite
Spay/Neuter Clinic. Small, but functional and efficient, the 476
square foot clinic now resides where an open-air patio once existed.
Dr. Brady Hall performs just one of over 100 cat
surgeries already completed in our new clinic.
The clinic consists of two rooms, the surgery suite and the holding/recovery room. Construction of the clinic began back
in 2011, long before we received the grant money to complete the project. Once the grant was awarded, the funding
enabled us to complete the project. This was in large part due to the hard work of AAF volunteers David and Leslie
Markesbery. Mr. Markesbery lent his years of carpentry and contracting knowledge to the project. AAF volunteer Gary
Higgs also played a major role in in getting things done on the front end of the project. AAF Board member and volunteer
Dr. Jodi Duff, DVM, played a major role in coordinating things on the surgical end. The grant from the Joanie Bernard
Foundation not only allowed us to finish construction of the clinic, but also to furnish it with all of the latest state-of-theart equipment like the anesthesia machine, the autoclave, the pulse-oximeter and all of the surgical supplies.
One of the unique aspects of our clinic is that all of the surgeries are performed by local veterinarians who volunteer their
time on their off days. We want to thank Dr. Brady Hall, Dr. Stephen Sawdai, Dr. Hillary Voris and Dr. Jodi Duff for their
generosity and helping the local community do their part to put a stop to pet overpopulation. The grant allows the AAF to
charge the community just $10 for a spay or neuter for cats which also includes a rabies vaccine...and that is why we say
the price is right! At this time we are only performing surgeries on cats, but we are hoping in time that we can also help
out with dogs as well. Our focus is to help those who care for stray cats and maintain feral cat colonies but the program is
also available for those with companion cats. The clinic offers other services including FeLV/FIV testing, micro-chipping,
flea prevention and more. With the clinic only having been open for a few months, we have already spayed or neutered
over 100 cats for the public. Believe it or not that number prevents over 42,000,000 possible homeless cats over a seven
year period!!! Wow! More good news...we recently applied for another grant through the Joanie Bernard Foundation in
order to continue to offer this wonderful program to the community and we are happy to say that they awarded the AAF
another $80,000 to do just that.
We want to thank everyone for their hard work in getting the AAF to this point, as it wasn’t all that long ago that we were
operating out of an old pole-barn where adoptions were few and far between and programs like our clinic were just a
dream...and oh my how dreams come true!
A Special thanks to the Joanie Bernard Foundation!
It’s that Easy!
A few simple ways you can help the shelter!
We have a partnership with ABITIBI Paper Recycling to help raise money for the AAF!
There are two dumpster-style receptacles located in our parking lot just waiting for you
to load all of your used: copy paper, junk mail, magazines and shredded documents.
Please no phone books or cardboard!
GoodSearch.com is a search engine that donates money to non-profit organizations. All you have to do is go to the
website, select Animal Adoption Foundation as your charity and start searching! For every search you do a penny will be
donated to the shelter. It may not seem like much, but if we can get a lot of people to use it the money will start adding
up. Please use this website honestly. Any fraudulent behavior, such as searching the same thing 50 times, may cause the
shelter to be de-listed. Make sure to tell all of your family and friends!
You read that right! You CAN adopt a shelter and we hope that you adopt the Animal
Adoption Foundation. It’s another easy way to raise funds for the AAF if you shop online.
Here is how it works:
1. Go to www.adoptashelter.com and choose Animal Adoption Foundation to adopt
2. Shop Online. Shop Amazon, Office Depot, iTunes, Expedia, Petsmart, Target (over Top
400 retailers)
3. Every time you shop using adoptashelter.com, you financially support your favorite animal
charity at no extra cost to you. It’s easy, it’s free and your every purchase helps
Attention Kroger Community Rewards Card holders!
In order to keep
helping the AAF each and every time you shop at Kroger using your Kroger Plus
card, you must go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com during the month of
April to re-enroll your card. It's a quick and easy process and should only take you
a couple of minutes. If haven't already designated the Animal Adoption Foundation
as your favorite charity for your Kroger Plus card, please consider doing so. Kroger will donate 4% of what you spend
to the AAF...how easy is that? Thank you for your ongoing support!
And Because You Care
The simple things in life like those above can help us...
...continue to treat homeless pets like Rupert and Tillie who came to
the AAF and tested positive for heartworms. The treatment for this
deadly disease is over $500 per dog. By taking just a few minutes
to do the things listed above, you will be helping these and other
wonderful pets in need. By the way, Rupert and Tillie are doing
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“The Pet Pulse”
2013 Waggin’ Tails Auction Recap
Cheers to all of those who supported the AAF
at this years’ charity auction!
The 9th Annual Waggin’ Tails Charity Auction was another
big success and we have many to thank for such a
memorable evening. The annual benefit that raises funds
for the AAF was held on Saturday, March 2nd at Receptions
in Fairfield. Over 350 animal lovers showed up for the
extravaganza and did not go home disappointed. Between
all of the sports memorabilia, the hand-crafted dog feeding
station, all of the wonderful pet-related items and much,
much more, over $39,000 was raised for the homeless pets
at the AAF. We want to thank all of those on the auction
committee for doing such a great job of bringing it all
together. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of preparation
go into this event every year and we couldn’t have done it
without you! We also want to thank Chris Geisen from 92.5
The Fox for entertaining everyone throughout the night and
David Markesbery for providing the music and sound. And
finally we want to thank all of those who attended and all of
those who donated items...your generosity is always
appreciated! We look forward to seeing everyone at next
years’ event on Saturday, March 1st!
You Big Lug!
An oversize dog finds love just
when he needed it most.
While all of us at the AAF love the shelter pets equally...there are still
those who tug on your heartstrings more than others. Case in point,
Toby. This magnificent dog hasn’t had things go his way in life and we
are so happy to report that he now has what we hope is his forever
home. Toby was originally adopted from the AAF as a young puppy only
to be given up by his adopters and Toby ended up living on the end of a
six-foot chain anchored to a barn...not the kind of life we or he had
envisioned. He spent over two years on that chain and because of the
lack of socialization, Toby wasn’t exactly your model companion dog.
Toby is so thankful for another chance at happiness.
After learning about Toby’s situation, the AAF rescued him from life on a chain and brought
him back to the shelter. Thanks to a lot of training and a lot of TLC by AAF volunteers, Toby
slowly began to learn that life wasn’t supposed to be what he had grown accustomed to and
quickly became a volunteer favorite. He was eventually adopted only to be returned for
reasons directly associated with having lived his life on a chain. More training and more love
was put into this 110 lb. softy and it has paid off. The Johnson Family of Hamilton fell in love
with Toby and took him home on a trial basis and now can’t imagine life without him. Toby is
one of many examples of why we never give up on a four-legged friend and we hold firm the
belief that there is truly a home for all of them though some may wait longer than others.
Please remember that life on a chain is no life for a pet. If you know of someone keeping a dog
on a chain for an extended period of time, please visit www.dogsdeservebetter.org.
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“The Pet Pulse”
Letters From Home!
We love it when folks send us updates and photos of pets they have adopted from the AAF! Here are a few to share with
you. If you have made one of our pets a part of your family and would like to show them off, we encourage you to send
us a picture and story to aafpets@yahoo.com or post on Facebook at www.facebook.com/animaladoptionfoundation.
“I've had Zoey for about a year and
Colt for about 9 months and this is
the first time they have been in the
snow. Zoey decided to make a
snow dog angel and Colt was
content to run around. I know I
have said it before, but I cannot
thank you all enough for what you
Heather Glass
“Jax in his handsome Christmas
Mandy Schauer
“Just wanted to share and let you
know Cupid is doing great! He loves
hanging out with his new buddy
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“The Pet Pulse”
“Thank you for all the hard work your
organization does; Zuri, aka, Miss Purr
Purr and Ike (Simon) might not have
captured our hearts without you!”
Wayne Tucker
“Lovin' my little Ziggy (formerly Marlin). Thanks,
AAF, for this beautiful little boy!”
Ellen Norcott
“About 3 weeks ago my family & I
adopted these 2 kittens, Cheddar
and Smoky (formerly Tory) from
AAF and we are in love with them.
They turned out to be really sweet,
fun, and playful."
Michele Metzler
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Cheyanne. Forever In Our Hearts.
On September 10, 2012 during our Meow Mingle Program, the AAF volunteers were socializing with the cats.
Sara Shope and Karyn Vanderburg noticed that Louie, one of our cute black kitties, was looking intently
outside. Sara, Karyn, and Jennifer Karpanty, the Assistant Director, investigated further because of Louie’s
intensity. Louie had his attention focused on an emaciated and sickly looking cat that was hiding in the
bushes outside the enclosed cat porch. They went out outside and saw the sweet and pathetic looking cat in
bad shape staring at them with sad but hopeful and soulful brown eyes. The homeless kitty let Jennifer
pick her up immediately and was so grateful to be rescued.
The staff and volunteers were concerned about this new cat they named Cheyanne and asked Kay Walsh, a
Meow Mingler and Board Member, to take her directly to Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital in Fairfield. Dr.
Steve Sawdai estimated that Cheyanne was between 14-16 years old. She had a tumor on her back and
mouth. Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital did a sick cat profile and later removed the tumors. The
veterinarian said that she could live comfortably, but at some point the tumors would come back.
Kay Walsh had grown attached to Cheyanne. Cheyanne had her own cat room and was well cared for by the
staff and volunteers, but we wanted more of a quality of life for this poor girl. Everyone loved her. She
purred the minute you stepped near her and was so grateful for any ounce of attention. Kay opened up her
home and heart and offered to foster Cheyanne so she would get more one on one attention. Volunteers
Ashley Goebel and Amanda Roy stepped up to foster when Kay went out of town.
We knew that because of Cheyanne’s age and prognosis that she would not be with us for a long time. We
all wanted to make her last days ones in which she knew she was cherished and loved. Kay warmed her
baby food, took her to vet visits, and even brought her and held her during AAF Board Meetings. It was
heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Cheyanne lost her battle in February 2013. We all miss
her but it was especially hard on Kay who loved Cheyanne as her own.
We asked Kay what she wanted AAF supporters to know about Cheyanne. In Kay’s own words: “My only
comment would be it was an honor to foster Cheyanne for her last few months - she purred right till
the last day, never complained about any medicine she took, was a lady at all times using her litter
box even when it was hard to walk due to her tumors. There is no excuse for what she suffered
before she came to AAF but thanks to all the volunteers we made her last days full of cuddling and
caring. I can only hope others will consider fostering- it is indeed a most rewarding experience.”
Cheyanne left her pawprint on the hearts of all of those that met her. She was very loved and cared for at
the Animal Adoption Foundation and we will cherish her in our memory forever.
Nothing is Impossible! My name is Reese.
Hello Friends of Animals,
My name is Reese and I was born in July of 2004. I was one of a litter of kittens that was at the original shelter
on Chapel Road before the facility in Ross Township opened in 2005. Eric Johnson, the Executive Director, met
me when I was a baby and never thought a story like this would ever have to be written about such a
wonderful cat. The staff and volunteers thought I would get a home pretty quickly, but I kept waiting and
waiting and no one ever picked me. I’ve been a good boy at AAF for nine whole years. Nine years, you ask? You
read that right. Nine whole years. I’m happy to report my family finally found me!
I’ve been a good boy since I was a baby. I followed the rules and was friends with all of my roommates in my cat
room that came and went over the years. I thought someone would have picked me a lot sooner because I’m a
cuddler, a charmer, and one of the sweetest boys around. I even have cute paws that make it look like I have
thumbs! The nice folks at AAF often told me that good things come to those that wait and they were right.
My special day came on April 3rd. I always had access to a screened in porch where I loved to watch the birds
and lay in the sun. I also enjoyed climbing on the cat trees or laying on the cozy cat beds in my favorite nooks.
April 3rd was different though. AAF Volunteer, Taylor Buttelwerth, put me and my friends in cat carriers in the
lobby so she could clean and straighten my room. I was looking around and saw two ladies walk by. I got good
vibes from them so I frantically started waving my paw trying to get their attention. It worked. They came over
to me and talked to me. I kept waving my paw and making cute faces and rubbing against the front of the
carrier. One of the workers at the AAF told these ladies my story and asked if they wanted to meet me. They
said yes! I mean, I’m cute and friendly. I spent one on one time with them in the Volunteer Room. It didn’t take
long before I overheard them telling the staff they wanted to adopt me. The staff was so happy they were
cheering and smiling from ear to ear.
The phone in my new home rang the other day and I heard my new mom talking to one of the ladies from the
Animal Adoption Foundation calling to see how I was doing. My mom told the Assistant Director that I was doing
great and that I was already running the household. My mom told her that I love to take turns sleeping in
different beds in my house. I also love my new cat friend and having my own special family. I just want all of
you to know that nothing is impossible and there is always hope. I also want to say “hi” to my second family at
AAF and thank you for caring for me and loving me for nine years. Thank you to all that support the AAF and
continue to care for my friends. I hope that more people choose adoption because great cats like me are waiting
for you.
I hope you liked my story.
“There are few things in life more
heartwarming than to be welcomed by a cat.”
-Tay Hohoff
Stay Connected with Pet Connection.
You can tune into 88.3 FM every Wednesday from 4-5pm to listen to
the radio program Pet Connection, founded by AAF volunteers Greg
Thompson and Joby Wesolowski. Pet Connection on WAIF focuses on
the no-kill movement in animal shelters, and they engage weekly in a
topic pertinent to no-kill animal shelters and getting as many dogs
and cats into their forever homes. Guest speakers from shelters
throughout the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky region, as well as,
other groups involved with animal welfare have attended. According
to Mr. Thompson, “Helping homeless animals is the most important
part of my life. Everyone must find their niche, where they fit in and
the Pet Connection is one way to get these awesome organizations the
exposure they need.”
Both Eric Johnson, Executive Director, and Jennifer Karpanty,
Assistant Director, have spoken as guests on behalf of the Animal
Adoption Foundation. We want to thank WAIF for providing the AAF
a stage to help spread awareness about the pets in need that cannot
help themselves.
AAF Shelter Cam
Some cute and funny moments at the shelter!
Cheeseburgers in Paradise?
Pretty maids all in a row!
Good Karma!
Thank you to our Sponsors...
Our corporate sponsors are very important to the AAF! Whether big or small, each of the following businesses
helps us with our mission. Please take the time to visit them and say thank you!
MoonDoggies Grooming & Design
Duke Energy
The Tenderle Foundation
The Whistle Stop
WCPO-Channel 9
The Grooming Gals
Ross Hardware
The Kroger Company
Animal Ark Pet Resort
Circle Storage of Colerain
Amy’s Lawn Care, Inc.
The Hamilton Eagle Riders
BP Gas of Ross
Compuaide of Ross
Cincinnati Pet Pages
RMA Fleet, Inc. Storage Trailers
Training Tracks
Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital
Butler Rural Electric Cooperative
Wendy’s in Ross
West Side Animal Clinic
Best In Show Dog Grooming
The Joanie Bernard Foundation
Okeana Veterinary Clinic
Redefining Dogs
Oxford Veterinary Hospital
Magnet Signs of Ross
Animal Care Clinic, Oxford
First Financial Bank
Village West Framing, Oxford
Page 8
...Thank You To All!
Leadership Level ($1000)
Protectors ($100)
Protectors ($100)
Patrons ($50)
David & Leslie Markesbery
Dan Miller Auctions
Robert & Linda Rice
Marjorie Fugate
Elizabeth Rogers
Marjorie Davidson
Maria Ritter
Michael & Teresa Gagnon
The Joanie Bernard Foundation
Jaci Defelice
Sherry Robbins
Jeffrey Gearhart
Joseph Marcum
Doti Lackey
Mary Ruehl
Gary Glaab
Lori Foster and Friends
Lanny Hargraves
Stacy Rullman
Maggie Gonzales
Cindy & Ernie Pendergrass
Mary Durning
Paul & Judith Schiller
Binney Gray
Benefactors ($500)
Richard & Regina Eldridge
Lauren Schwab
Joanne Grogan
Roger Kolloff
Faith Lutheran Church
John Sheehan
Elisabeth Haley
Bonnie Kolloff
The Fatika Family
Sarah Siegle
Joanne & Michael Handley
Denis Mutter
Sharon Fernandez
Gail Stark
Paul Hemmings
Robert & Claudia O’Meara
First Ameritas
Cincinnati Mine Machinery
David Hippe
Michael & Karen Pierson
Mary Flory
Dianna Thompson
Phyllis Hollenbaugh
Susan Riley
Thomas Gardner
Valcom Enterprises, Inc.
John Hubbard
Benjamin Stegemoller
Janet Gorman
Lauren Walsh
Bertha Jackson
Rose Sweeney
Nancy Griffiths
The Waters Family
Irene Kleiman
Supporters ($250)
Jack & Susan Grove
Jamie & Gina Ward
Deborah Kuhlmann
Brady & Teresa Hall
Barbara Wells
Lane Public Library
Peggy Hall
Shirley Ziegler
Vicki Lape
Robert & Bonnie Hauser
Patrons ($50)
Janet Ludlow
Jayne Haverkos
Michael & Amy Abrams
Ronald Mangus
Shirley Hicks
Sandy Allen
The Mays Family
Tina Hollenbeck
Joseph & Mike Arcaro
Betty McAdams
Carol Ann Johnson
Steve & Carol Archdeacon
Lowell & Sandra McGuffey
Charles Jones
Nancy Axmacher
Guy & Barbara McMickle
Brandan Jones
Jean Baker
Gary McPhail
Carolyn & Jay Kahn
Andrea Bakker
Jon & Karen Montan
Debbie Kern
Jacqueline Sue Baldrick
Glenn Mundstock
Ryan Bell
Thelma Becker
James Neal
J.E. & Jo-Jean Kleinfeld
Angie Beeber
Sharon Ollinger
Jennifer Kokos
David Blevens
Mieko Ono
Dennis Lynch
Martha Borkosky
Nancy Padgett
Diane Mastin
Robert Bowen
Lynne Piepmeyer
Judith Matre
Clyde & Gayle Brown
Matt Pittinger
Peggy McCoy, M.D.
Kim Capehart
Richard Reed
Robert & Helen Meinerding
Vanessa Cavens
Bill & Teddi Spade
Nancy Mohr
Peggy Chandler
Charles Sazavsky
Jenny Mor
Garry Clawson
Ryan & Lori Schisler
Janet Clegg
Kenneth Schwartz
Cincinnati VA Med Center
Robert Collier
Phyllis Schwartz
Lauren Osborne
Debbie Cook
Karen Baker
Linda Owens
Ken & Lisa Crawford
Leslie Mucha
Tom & Sandra Patton
Kellene Doty
Kimberly Scott
Pet People
Nancy Douglas
Barbara Seipel
The Peterka Family
Rebecca Evans
Motorists Insurance
William & Brenda Philpot
Becky Flick
Michael & Therese Brenner
Kathleen Bunnell
Errol & Joanne Byers
Jennifer Chesnut
Joan Fisher
Barb Hurley
Robert Lambert
Heather Marsh
McAuley High School
Pat Miceli
Linda Mulock
Deborah Pawling
Ellis & Debbie Pullins
Ann Regan
Ival & Becky Watson
Protectors ($100)
Karen Auffinger
Jeanette Berning
Brown Enterprises Inc.
Ray Boyle
Ruth Brown
Mary Brower
Barbara Buckner
Michael Burns
Candace Bottoms
Amy Carr
Robert & Treasure Chesnut
Carol Couto
Page 9
...Thank You To All!
Patrons ($50)
Friends ($25)
Honorable Mention
Beverly Thompson
Maureen Fitzgerald
Kevin & Mary Lackman
Mary Tryon
Glenn Grothaus
Lynn Locke
Gregory & Kelly Turner
Melanie Hanson
Michelle Martin-Dienno
Peggy Vanderwaag
Daniel & Rae Hoetker
Jaime Martinez
Village West Framing & Gallery
Joe & Lisa Kuykendall
Constance Megison
Larry & Lindy Waters
Sharon Mahoney
Helen Paff
Ellen Weisman
Sam & Linda Maxfield
Mike & Jenny Peters
Peter Wendt
Frances McClure
Mary Lou Plank
Kenneth & Jennifer Wilson
Kenneth McDowell
Haley Pratt
Thomas Wissing
Dale & Ruth McKee
Susan Reich
Family ($30)
Kathy McRoberts
Bonnie Rettig
Hank & Lynn Berens
John & Kathy Mumper
Krista Roth
Georgia Dreyer
Pat Ossenschmidt
Lindsay Rowley
William Stenger
William & Gail Phelps
Robert & Marlene Sandlin
Amy Eldridge
M. Quick
Tara Scarborough
Dorothy Fitzgerald
Missy Rechel
Barbara Scheibling
Terrance Gittinger
Josie Burton
Frank & Betty Schneider
Karen Groene
James & Jeanette Rednour
Dolly Tucker
William & Kathleen Hoenninger
Laura Scheffler
Gregory Williams
Peggy Hofling
Sarah Schellenger
Lacee Justice
Amy Schiewetz
Kenneth & Kelli Lackman
Robert & Alice Schuette
Debbie Lutkenhoff
The Schuetz Family
James & Laura McGrath
Harold & Clelia Simpson
Gayla Medley
Don Stadler
Maria Metz
Ginny Thiell
Roberta Milinski
Kathy Vinje
MoonDoggies Grooming
Victoria Wolpert
& Design
Honorable Mention
C.K. Nichelson
Tina Abner
Peter Williams
First-Hand Authentication
Kathleen Snyder
Karen Banfield
Karen Womack
Dorothy Behrens
Friends ($25)
Amanda Cahoon
Lori Allen
Martha Campbell
Nelson Baker
David & Julie Churchman
Denise Baldrick
Emily Clark
Brian & Leslie Black
Julie Cohen
The Burcham Family
Meredith Epperson
Melissa Bussey
Al & Linda Fenzel
The Clevenger Family
Heidi Glick
Robert Crist
Amy Hamlin
Mary Day
James Squance
Jason Carr Electric
Kathleen Duffy
Puppy Love! Sapphire (on left) loves
her new sister.
Sapphire was found on a busy
highway, tiny and all alone.
Your donations made sure she
found her forever home!
Thank You!
Page 10
In Memoriam
Tina Abner in memory of Sammie Elsaesser
Carolyn & Jay Kahn in memory of “Kami”
James & Jeanette Rednour in memory of Sammie Elsaesser
Jennifer Kokos in memory of Reba Silver
Robert & Marlene Sandlin in memory of Sammie Elsaesser
Dale & Ruth McKee in memory of Ronald Wilson
Michael & Amy Abrams in memory of Donald Retherford
Susan Reich in memory of Ronald Wilson
Tina Hollenbeck in memory of Donald Retherford
Robert Meinerding in memory of “Max”
Motorists Insurance Group in memory of Donald Retherford
Patricia Miceli in memory of “Elmo” and Doris Malblanc
The Mays Family in memory of Donald Retherford
Jon & Karen Montan in memory of “Solomon”
Jean Baker in memory of Valerie Baker
MoonDoggies Grooming & Design in memory of “Buster”
Denise Baldrick in memory of Jacqueline Baldrick
MoonDoggies Grooming & Design in memory of “Maxi Taxi” Keeney
Cincinnati VA Medical Center in memory of Jacqueline Baldrick
Cynthia Pendergrass in memory of “Visitor”
Karen Banfield in memory of Shirley Pittinger
William & Brenda Philpot in memory of Cheryl Kilwy
The Clevenger Family in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Ann Regan in memory of Kevin R. Regan
Heidi Glick in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Ann Regan in memory of Robert T. Regan
Karen Groene in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Tara Scarborough in memory of Anne Marie
Glenn Grothaus in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Gail Stark in memory of Helen Grammel
Ken & Kelli Lackman in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Rose Sweeney in memory of “Lady”
Kevin & Mary Lackman in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Ginny Thiell in memory of “Cinco”
Sharon Mahoney in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Peggy Vanderwaag in memory of Bea Smith
Sam & Linda Maxfield in memory of Shirley Pittinger
The Waters Family in memory of Agnes Ashbrook
John & Kathy Mumper in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Victoria Wolpert in memory of Nancy Nunamaker
MSD/WWC/SMU in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Sharon Ollinger in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Robert & Claudia O’Meara in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Helen Paff in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Tom & Sandra Patton in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Mike & Jenny Peters in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Matt Pittinger in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Frank & Betty Schneider in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Diane Mastin in memory of Shirley Pittinger
Jeanette Berning in memory of “Miss Kitty Collete”
The Burcham Family in memory of Gayle Stewart
Greg & Kelly Turner in memory of Gayle Stewart
Valcom Enterprises Inc. in memory of Gayle Stewart
Martha Campbell in memory of Jerry Quick
In Honor Of...
Joseph & Mike Arcaro in honor of Christine D’Andrea
Ruth Brown in honor of Connie & Skip Wyatt
Faith Lutheran Church in honor of Barbara Wells
Mary Flory in honor of Sarah, Shasta & Laura
Lacee Justice in honor of Belinda Koehler
Dennis Lynch in honor of Gary Hesse
Linda Mulock in honor of Lori Foster
Pet People in honor of Michael Bowman
Ann Regan in honor of Rick & Candace Weppler
Lauren Walsh in honor of “Ella”
Larry & Lindy Waters in honor of David & Liz Dietrich
Peggy Chandler in memory of Al Kuhr
Robert & Treasure Chesnut in memory of Timothy Chesnut
Shirley Hicks in memory of Tim Chesnut
Julie Cohen in memory of Bobby Louis
Elisabeth Haley in memory of Donna Curtis
Mieko Ono in memory of Donna Curtis
Peggy Hall in memory of Christopher Case
John Hubbard in memory of Christopher Case
Peggy McCoy, MD in memory of Christopher Case
Brady and Teresa Hall in memory of Christopher Case
Page 11
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Hamilton, OH
Permit No.
P.O. Box 13119
Hamilton, OH 45013
Shelter Location:
2480 Millville-Ross Rd.
Hamilton, OH 45013
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The AAF is solely funded by donations, with no government aid. Please don’t forget about the many pets
anxiously awaiting new homes at the AAF. The Animal Adoption Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
organization. Please give generously. We need you. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated!
Yes, please let me help the animals!
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The Animal Adoption Foundation
P.O. Box 13119
Phone Number/Email ___________________________________________________
Hamilton, OH 45013