most promising multicultural students sponsor guide


most promising multicultural students sponsor guide
most promising
february 1–4, 2015
the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
sponsor guide
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
support the future
of advertising
The AAF’s Most Promising Multicultural Students program
connects the advertising industry with the nation’s top multiethnic
undergraduate seniors. This premier event provides opportunities
to recruit fresh talent, to further prepare advertising’s best young
prospects and to help the industry’s workforce better reflect the
diversity of today’s society. The program not only honors the
students, but enhances their knowledge and understanding of
the advertising industry by offering networking, interviewing,
leadership development and industry immersion opportunities
with key advertising professionals.
Key Dates
Program Ad Deadline: January 7, 2015
Guest List Deadline: January 16, 2015
Event Dates: February 1–4, 2015
Building Bridges Awards Luncheon: February 3, 2015
Most Promising Recruiters Expo: February 3, 2015
FCB Mosaic Career Fair: February 4, 2015
for more information visit 2
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
SPONSORSHIP opportunities
For more information regarding sponsorship, contact Kai Jones at (202) 898-0089 or via email at
Most Promising Platinum: $50,000
Most Promising Gold: $25,000
• Two premium VIP event tables of eight at the
Building Bridges for Our Future Awards Luncheon
plus four Most Promising students
• Preferred event table of eight at the Building Bridges
for Our Future Awards Luncheon plus two
Most Promising students
• Underwriter for one Most Promising
Multicultural Student Scholarship
• Promotional graphic displayed on-stage during Luncheon
• Promotional graphic displayed on-stage during Luncheon
• Exhibit at Most Promising Recruiters Expo
• Host an Industry Immersion segment
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Exhibit at Most Promising Recruiters Expo
• Logo identification in promotional materials and signage
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Complimentary Recruiter registration for the
FCB Mosaic Career Fair*
• Premium position, 4/C, full-page program ad
• Host an Industry Immersion segment
• Logo identification in promotional materials and signage
• Online ad on AAF’s general public website and
members-only website
• Complimentary Recruiter registration for the
FCB Mosaic Career Fair*
Most Promising Bronze: $10,000
• Event table of eight at the Building Bridges for Our Future
Awards Luncheon plus two Most Promising students
• 4/C, full-page program ad
• Exhibit at Most Promising Recruiters Expo
Most Promising SilveR: $15,000
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Event table of eight at the Building Bridges for Our Future
Awards Luncheon plus two Most Promising students
• Company listing in promotional materials and signage
• 4/C, full-page program ad
• Complimentary Recruiter registration for the
FCB Mosaic Career Fair*
• Host an Industry Immersion segment
• Exhibit at Most Promising Recruiters Expo
Most Promising Crystal: $7,000
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Event table of eight at the Building Bridges for Our Future
Awards Luncheon plus two Most Promising students
• Company listing in promotional materials and signage
• Complimentary Recruiter registration for the
FCB Mosaic Career Fair*
• B/W, full-page program ad
• Exhibit at Most Promising Recruiters Expo
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Company listing in promotional materials and signage
for more information visit 3
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
SPONSORSHIP opportunities
recruiter’s expo
Non-Member Recruiter: $4,500
Aaf Member Recruiter: $3,500
• On-site interviewing opportunities**
• Two tickets to Building Bridges for Our Future
Awards Luncheon
*PLEASE NOTE: The first 24 companies to confirm their
sponsorship will have the option to participate in the
FCB Mosaic Career Fair at the Roosevelt Hotel New York.
**PLEASE NOTE: Interviews can only be conducted
during the designated time period on the Most Promising
schedule and cannot be scheduled during MPMS
programming. Most Proming students are expected to attend all
Most Promising activities during the week.
individual table of 10
Non-Member Table: $4,250
Aaf Member Table: $3,500
program ads
4/C, Full-Page Program Ad: $2,000
B/W, Full-Page Program Ad: $1,500
individual tickets
Non-Member Ticket: $400
Aaf Member Ticket: $325
for more information visit 4
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
Please send completed form to Kai Jones at or fax to (202) 898-0159.
Contact information
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________
Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: _______________________
Program participation coordinator, if different from person making the reservation:
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________
Are you planning to participate in the February 3, 2015 Recruiters Expo?
 Yes
 No
Recruiter contact information, if different from person making the reservation:
Name: ________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________
Do you plan on participating in the FCB Mosaic Career Fair on February 4, 2015?
sponsorship levels
 Yes
 No
individual tickets
Most Promising Platinum
Non-Member: $400 x
(# of tickets) =
Most Promising Gold*
AAF Member: $325 x
(# of tickets) =
individual tables of 10
Most Promising Silver
Most Promising Bronze*
Non-Member Table
Most Promising Crystal*
AAF Member Table
recruiter’s expo
program ads
Non-Member Recruiter
4/C, Full-page Ad
AAF Member Recruiter
B/W, Full-page Ad
*All sponsorships come with full-page ads and
the opportunity to exhibit at the Recruiter’s Expo.
total amount due:
for more information visit 5
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
payment FORM
Send completed form to Kai Jones at, fax to (202)898-0159 or mail to AAF, Attn: MPMS, 1101 Vermont Ave.
NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. Payment must be received by January 19, 2015 to guarantee reservation.
company name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Payment information:
Total Amount Due: $___________________
 Check Enclosed (payable to the AAF)
 Visa
 MasterCard
 American Express
Card Number: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: ___________________________________________
Security Code: ________________________
Card Holder Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Card Holder Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip Code: ______________________
Card Holder Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date:_________________
Email Receipt to: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Cancellation Policy
Requests for cancellation of sponsorships must be made in writing and received by the AAF by January 19, 2015. A $250 cancellation
fee will be deducted from funds received and refunds will be made by the same payment method that was used to pay AAF. Sponsorship
cancellation requests received after January 19, 2015 will not be refunded.
for more information visit 6
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
luncheon guest List
Luncheon Date: february 3, 2015
Please provide us with your guests’ names no later than January 16, 2015. Send completed form to Kai Jones at or fax to (202)898-0159.
sponsoring company: ______________________________________________________
luncheon guests’ names:
Most Promising Student
Most Promising Student
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
for more information visit 7
most promising multicultural students / sponsor guide
february 1–4, 2015 / the roosevelt hotel / NEW YORK CITY
Ad Specifications
program book ad
A commemorative program book will be distributed to all attendees.
Full Page Bleed: 7.25”w x 10.25”h
Full Page Trim: 7”w x 10”h
Full Page Live Area: 6.5”w x 9.5”h
All ads should be submitted as a PDF (PDF-X/1a preferred) with the following specifications:
• High-resolution (300 dpi) with all fonts embedded and with printer’s marks and bleeds
• 4-color ads should be in CMYK; black & white ads should be in GRAYSCALE
• Please label the file with your [[company/client name]]_MPMS15.pdf
• A
dvertiser/agency accepts full responsibility for reproduction variations between the digital file
and the printed image for ads that do not conform to our specifications
deadline—january 7, 2015
Please send ads to Adrianne Lipscomb at
event graphic
Graphic will be displayed on-stage during the Building Bridges for Our Future Awards Luncheon. Platinum/Gold Sponsors only.
10”w x 7.5”h
Accepted File Formats & Sizes
PNG or JPG = 1MB
deadline—january 12, 2015
Please send ads to Adrianne Lipscomb at
online ad
Online ads run for 30 days on the AAF and/or the AAF members-only website on a date chosen between January and April 2015.
Platinum Sponsors: AAF Website: 211 x 281; Members-Only Website: 185 x 200
Gold Sponsors: Members-Only Website: 185 x 154
Accepted File Formats & Sizes
AAF Website: JPG or GIF = 50K; Members-Only Website: JPG or GIF = 20K
Deadline—january 7, 2015
Please send ad to Ciara Unger at
for more information visit 8