March 2016 - Northside Community Church


March 2016 - Northside Community Church
March 2016
Volume 14
Issue 3
The Newsletter of
Transformed: Student Ministries
Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor
If you’ve been at Northside recently, then you know we've been on a church wide
journey through Transformed: How God Changes Us. This journey has and will
continue to touch on different areas of our lives: physical, spiritual, mental, emotional,
relational, financial and vocational. As I write this, we're a little over halfway through
this 50 day movement. It's been so encouraging hearing stories of small group
discussions, individuals feeling God's presence during their devotional time and the
overall spirit on Sunday mornings. For many of us, this focus on how God can
transform us has come at the perfect time. As we’ve been on this journey as a church
community, it appears that we’re going to see transformation take place in a very
important ministry as well.
Many of you know that we began searching for a Pastor to Student Ministries in the fall of 2015. A team was put together
to craft a job description and review resumes for potential candidates. In late October, we identified two candidates that
we wanted to meet and formally interview. As we geared up for the for the interviews, I received a call from each
candidate on the same day, only a couple of hours apart informing me that they were withdrawing their
resume. Needless to say, it was a letdown. Knowing that there wouldn’t be much movement over the holidays, the team
decided that we would start the search process again in January.
We widened the search process and added some additional ministry sites that carried our posting. We received several
good resumes, but none of them seemed to stand out. I know for me, it was this constant wondering of, “what are we
missing?” “What are we not doing right?” And then a call came from a gentleman that many of us know well. A call that
changed the entire process.
It seems that all the while, God had been and was working on a much different plan and timetable than we were. I had
stayed in touch with Dan Thorpe, who served as our Minister to Children for over two years. Dan had taken a promotion
with the American Heart Association in Miami, FL, but was looking to move his family back to the Eastern Wake County
area. There was no definitive timetable for this move and honestly, I wasn't sure if it was going to happen. It seemed
more like a wish than anything else. In February, Dan began the process of pursuing a position with the American Heart
Association that would bring him back to Eastern Wake County. Along with that move was a desire from Dan to
reconnect to Northside to work with middle and high school students. Dan was at Northside on February 21st to share
his heart for student ministry as well as the journey the Lord has had his family on.
As a church, we're voting to call Dan Thorpe on Sunday, March 20th as our Pastor of Student Ministries. Needless to say,
it's something many of us never saw coming, but then again, the Psalmist reminds us: Great is our Lord, and abundant in
power; his understanding is beyond measure. Psalm 147:5
As we continue to experience transformation individually and corporately, I'm thankful for how God has and will bring
about the opportunity for our student ministry to experience transformation as well.
You’re Invited To Join Us
For Easter Weekend At
Easter is one of the most exciting times
of the year at Northside! And this year
we are asking you to help us make this
year’s Easter weekend extraordinary!
Easter weekend is that time of the year
when we focus on the last few hours Jesus Christ spent on the earth. From our Good Friday Service on Friday
Night to our celebration of the Resurrection on Sunday morning, Easter weekend at Northside is going to be an
amazing celebration of God’s display of love. Why is it such a big deal? Because, what Jesus accomplished on
the cross and through the Resurrection is the focal point of everything we’re about here at Northside.
Invite Your Friends/Neighbors! In the weeks leading up to Easter Weekend, we will be providing invite cards
for Northsiders. Please take as many as you can and give away. Invite your neighbors, friends, and coworkers to
Easter weekend!
Good Friday Service
We’ll be having a Good Friday Service at Northside on Friday, March 25th from 7:008:00 pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
This service is unlike any of our other services during the year and will help set the
stage for Easter Sunday. The service will provide us an opportunity to reflect on what
Jesus Christ has done for us.
Easter Egg Hunt & Kite Flying
Mark your calendar for our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 26th at 11:00
am at the church’s Buffaloe Road property (8521 Buffaloe Road). You can help by
bringing a side dish, chips or cookies. Hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Invite your
friends and neighbors. The egg hunt will be for children ages 10 and under.
Easter Sunday
Come join us at either 9:00 or 10:45 am as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
Christ. We recommend you get to church a little early in order to get a good seat and
to help us make room for others in our community that will be joining us. Be sure to
invite your friends, family and neighbors to join you on Easter Sunday.
Happening in March & April
Men’s Softball
Sign Up
Men’s softball will be
starting in mid-March.
The cost is $45.00 per
person. We will be
playing in the Wendell Church League with two games
each week, on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday nights.
Please connect with Ernie Bridgers at if you would like to play.
Northside will be having
an infant/child dedication
as part of the 10:45 am
service on Sunday, March
20th. If you would like to
present your child for
dedication, please connect with Pastor Adrian at
Discover Northside
Have you ever
considered joining
the church? We
make commitments
every day. Some of
those commitments
are short term while
others are meant to last a lifetime. We recognize that
committing to a church family is a big step for anyone.
Discover Northside is a session designed to give
individuals an idea of what it means to join the church.
This investment of time and commitment will be an
investment we believe you will not regret. Childcare is
provided. To RSVP, please sign up in the church lobby
or email Adrian at
Spring Church
Work Day
Come join us on Saturday,
April 16th at 8:00 am as we’ll
be doing some landscaping,
touch-up painting, cleaning
and general maintenance at
the church. There will be something for all ages and paces
to do. We’ll plan to be done by 12:00 noon. We could really
use your help, so please sign up in the lobby if you can
Eagle Scout Project @ Northside
On Saturday, March 5th, Andrew Barnhart and others from our local Boy Scout Troop gathered at Northside to work on
Andrew’s Eagle Scout project. The team installed a split-rail fence along the boundary line between the church and the
Mangum home. Since the Boy Scout Troop has started meeting at Northside, they’ve completed three Eagle Scout
projects on the church campus: a pergola along the brick walkway, two benches along the brick walkway and the split rail
fence. If you see members of the Boy Scout troop, please let them know that we’re grateful to have them at Northside!
March 2016
Check page 2 for small group times & locations
Cub Scouts /
Boy Scouts
6:30-8:00 pm
Girl Scouts
6:00—8:30 pm
Read & Feed
5:30-6:30 pm
NAMI Group
7:00-8:30 pm
Men’s Bible
Study 7:00 am
9:00 / 10:45 am
Cub Scouts /
Boy Scouts
6:30-8:00 pm
Worship Team
7:00 pm
Read & Feed
5:30-6:30 pm
NAMI Group
7:00-8:30 pm
Men’s Bible
Study 7:00 am
Middle / High
School Youth
5:00—6:30 pm
9:00 / 10:45 am
Cub Scouts /
Boy Scouts
6:30-8:00 pm
Girl Scouts
6:00—8:30 pm
Read & Feed
5:30-6:30 pm
NAMI Group
7:00-8:30 pm
Men’s Bible
Study 7:00 am
9:00 / 10:45 am
Cub Scouts /
Boy Scouts
6:30-8:00 pm
Worship Team
7:00 pm
Middle / High
School Youth
5:00—6:30 pm
9:00 / 10:45 am
Cub Scouts /
Boy Scouts
6:30-8:00 pm
Middle / High
School Youth
5:00—6:30 pm
Read & Feed
5:30-6:30 pm
NAMI Group
7:00-8:30 pm
Men’s Bible
Study 7:00 am
Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 am—1:00
Worship Team
7:00 pm
Middle / High
School Youth
5:00—6:30 pm
Daughter Dance
6:00—8:00 pm
Worship Team
7:00 pm
Read & Feed
5:30-6:30 pm
Good Friday
7:00 pm
Giving Stock To Northside
Church is now
partnered with the
National Christian
Foundation to
handle all
donations of stock,
mutual funds, restricted securities and other asset based
NCF is the largest Christian Community Foundation in the
country and facilitates all stock donations for Northside at
no cost. Giving stock to support Northside is now easier
than ever before!
Why Give Stock? By giving appreciated stocks or mutual
funds – instead of writing checks – you’ll pay less tax, give
more, improve your personal cash flow and have the
opportunity to re-balance your portfolio… tax free!
If you have questions about giving stock or would like to
make a stock donation to benefit the ministries of
Northside Community Church please connect with Pastor
Adrian Dixon at
February Stewardship
February 7
February 14
February 21
February 28
181 (84/97)
225 (100/125)
220 (105/115)
204 (102/102)
Average Weekly Attendance: 208
Total Amount of Tithes
Amount Needed Per Week
Average Weekly Tithes
YTD Budget Shortage
“The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to
fear the Lord your God.” (NLT)
Deuteronomy 14:23c
Congregational Support
Our Elders are available for any spiritual needs you
Our Deacons are available to assist you with your
physical needs. These individuals are able to assist
you this month.
March Elder
Jonathan May |
March Deacons
Tom Bodette |
Tara Johnson |
Need Prayer?
Email requests to:
March Birthdays
Amy Isaacs
David Wiggs
Micah Belvin
Jeannine Cholerton
Jason Kellhofer
Glenn Mitchell
Linda Baker
Amanda Mitchell
Liam Rose
Eli Swan
Addisen Bodette
Tim Sealey
Liz Watson
Kristin Andrew
Austin Ray
Randall Mathis
Heather Peterson
Leanne Daughtry
Jerry Allen
Bobby Freed
March 3rd
March 3rd
March 4th
March 9th
March 10th
March 13th
March 15th
March 15th
March 17th
March 17th
March 20th
March 20th
March 20th
March 21st
March 21st
March 25th
March 27th
March 28th
March 29th
March 30th
Did we miss yours? Please let us know.
Northside Community Church
Mission | Values
Our mission is to meet our community’s changing needs by living the unchanging Gospel of Christ.
Fidelity | We are committed to Biblical truth and prayer
Authenticity | We are committed to creating an environment where people can come as they are
Compassion | We are committed to heartfelt concern for the needs of others
Engagement | We are committed to intentionally pursuing involvement in our community
Adrian Dixon, Lead Pastor |
Eric Dixon, Pastor of Worship |
Dee Belvin, Minister to Children |
Leigh Ross, Minister of Discipleship & Small Groups |
PO Box 1139
Knightdale, NC 27545