term 2 calendar - James Fallon High School
term 2 calendar - James Fallon High School
From the Principal Anzac Day All students attended an Anzac Day memorial presentation at school which focused on the experiences of nurses at Gallipoli. This very moving and informative presentation was coordinated by Amy Murphy with Year 10 and 11 students presenting. I would like to thank everyone involved as the student audiences were very interested and respectful. These kinds of presentations keep our history alive and meaningful for our younger generations. The Anzac Day march saw a very large contingent of James Fallon High School students walk proudly down Dean Street. I heard a lot of observers comment that it was one of the biggest marches in recent years and I was once again proud of our students’ willing involvement. Staff Development Day All staff were involved in interesting and informative professional development day activities on the first day back this term. Jenny Parrett as part of her role as Deputy Principal Curriculum organised a stimulating program that focuses on our teachers leading workshops in their areas of expertise. Some of the topics presented included: behaviour management, interactive whiteboard lessons and strategies, using blogED as an educational tool, working with the Transitional Education class and strategies for teaching and engaging gifted and talented students. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) We have had some interesting presentations on PBL from District Office staff and we have decided to form a team to be trained and then to lead the implementation of it in our school. You will hear a lot more about this as we need to explain, discuss and plan for PBL with all students and parents. Basically it involves us deciding on what our core values are and then having a common language and understanding of what these mean in practice. The most important aspect of this is the focus in on positive behaviour and ultimately, how this results in improved learning outcomes for all students. Thank you to those who completed the online survey. A team of six teachers participated in training in Wagga on 21 and 22 May. Regular updates will be posted on the school web site. Nick Grace-Wenzel is the leader of this team so if you have any questions, please ask him. School Musical Anni Gifford wrote and directed Love Will Tear Us Apart and the students have been very enthusiastic in preparing and performing for their four night season. The involvement of so many students and teachers over a long period of time is commendable. Often when a person reflects back on their memorable times at school, it is the plays and musicals that they remember most fondly and I’m sure it will be so for this large group of students. I would like to particularly thank: Anni Gifford, Mikhaila Williams, Kate Dixon, John Skillington, Tara Wenzel, Nicky Hagan, Katrina Joss, Jo Skillington, Brendon Finn and Deanna Fletcher for their dedication and hours of extra work that they put into this production so that the students could have such a wonderful experience. The students involved on stage, behind the scenes and in all the technical areas deserve our praise and recognition for their commitment, passion and outstanding behaviour throughout the process. These students certainly make the most of the opportunities provided by our talented and dedicated teachers. Stephen Jones and Abby Iverson very successfully and professionally played the demanding main roles. Captains’ Sydney Trip Mollie Smith and Stephen Jones travelled with the captains from Albury, Murray and Corowa High Schools to parliament house and the governor’s residence on Friday 27 April. They were very impressed with all that they saw and were warmly welcomed by both Greg Aplin and Marie Bashir. This is an annual excursion which provides the captains at all of our public high schools the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills and to form new friendships. Athletics Carnival We had perfect weather for the school athletics carnival on Thursday 10 May. All the students were very enthusiastic in their participation in a wide variety of activities including traditional and tug of war events. The seniors led the way by dressing up and having a go at everything – well done to them. The JFHS Gift was a crowd pleaser with the whole school lining the track in absolute silence until the race began. It was a very exciting race because of the excellent handicapping by John Stead, but Trayvon Lawrence was, for the second year in a row, able to blitz the field. We will hear more of this talented young man in years to come. Congratulations to all the students for their excellent participation and behaviour on the day and to Pam Lockley, Carissa Furze and all the staff for their support and work. Anne-Marie Gill TERM 2 CALENDAR Tues May 29th Zone Athletics Mon June 11th Long Weekend Fri June 15th Riverina cross country Wed June 20th Yr 8 and 9 Parent/teacher night Fri June 22nd Yr12 Trial exams begin Tues June 26th Yr 7 Immunisation Fri June 29th Last day of Term 2 A MESSAGE TO FAMILIES The following message has a number of items I wish to mention. This report is the shortest I have produced for some time – to match the shortness of our cold days and the winter that is about to hit us. I am pleased to see so many in uniform in spite of the cold, and encourage our students out of uniform to keep wearing our uniform. It is for safety, equity and comfort that our P& C endorses our uniform and we support the practice of wearing it. Firstly, it was a genuine pleasure to be part of the audience of our recent musical, “Love will Tear Us Apart and Eat our Brains”. I laughed from start to finish. Every student looked as if they were having a great time. I believe that these moments are to be celebrated, and I appreciate all that Anni Gifford and her team have done for our students. It was so very James Fallon High School – warm, funny, personal, with lots of talent and diversity. Secondly, reports are due to families at various times this term. This gives students and their families a chance to assess progress and gain feedback on learning. Please read carefully and contact the school with any questions or concerns. Thunder Cup 2012 2012 witnessed the re-entry of James Fallon into the interschool rugby league competition known as ‘The Thunder Cup’. Our entry into the competition was solely due to the offer of assistance to coach both the junior and senior boys rugby league teams by two parents of our school, Mark Daly (father of Molly and Abe) and Geoff Wilson (father of Jack and Darcy). Both Mark and Geoff volunteered many hours of their time both early in the morning, during lunchtimes and after school to coach our teams as well as Wednesday nights to coach them through their games. The boys greatly appreciated Mark and Geoff’s breadth of knowledge and coaching ability throughout the competition and look forward to their continued assistance in the coming season. The junior rugby league team faced some very competitive teams throughout the competition; facing Xavier HS, Albury HS and Murray HS. Unfortunately the junior boys did not win a game, however their improvement over each round was evident in their increased communication and their hard work to come up as a line and complete set plays. They are to be congratulated for their strength of character and determination to give their all despite losing a number of players due to injuries. A number of our junior players will step up into the senior team next year for which they will need to prepare and their absence will allow some more of our younger juniors to stamp their authority in a game that they love. Well done to all of the team: Jack Wilson, Tom McGibbony, Darcy Wilson, Jahred Harrison, Isaiah Edwards, Matt Rodwell, Zac Gray, Tom Eastick, Chad Liwaken, Aidan Baxter, Daniel Waipauri, Dylan Hartin, Zac Smith, Zeke Wighton, Jaidyn Hampton, Tristan Barby-Privett, Austin Franks, Jai Smith, Kade Benham, Luke Gerecke, Codie Robbins and Brady Pearson. The senior boys started their games with a draw against Xavier which provided them with a boost of enthusiasm and keen to face their next rivals Albury HS. Unfortunately Albury HS forfeited and so were made to wait a long time between rounds to finally face Murray HS in the last round. A loss against Murray still found us in the finals…against Murray HS. After an extremely hard fought game, James Fallon lost against a well drilled outfit. Well done boys: Lachlan Hampton, Jordan Dent, Tom Donaldson, Bronson Dyball, Aaron Bauerle, Brody Smith, Daniel Kipp, Scott Gerecke, Brodie Morunga, Billie Nicholls, Hayden Wyllie, Trayvon Lawrence, Josh Groch, Brenden Curry-Johnson, Josh Jackson-Hope, Adam Stagg, Tye Waters, Luke Anstee, Jesse Harris, Alec Sullivan, Steven McPherson, Matt Bainbridge, Jimmy Paul and Lonnie Hampton. This year our girls had the opportunity to take part through the junior and senior league tag teams. Again both teams faced Xavier HS, Albury HS and Murray HS. Our junior girls proved a team full of surprises with an attacking style and turn of speed that left many teams in their wake. They demolished Xavier HS convincingly, Albury HS proved a little more competitive, and once again our nemesis school Murray HS proved to test our defensive line time and time again. With three wins under our belt we found ourselves undefeated and in the final against Murray HS. The girls worked extremely hard throughout the game and at times scared us in their defence, but on the final siren and up on the big screen, James Fallon were victors and junior league tag winners for 2012!!! All girls played their hearts out week in and week out and they deserved their success. Well done girls: Rem (Emily) Evans, Emaleigh Kerr, Molly Daly, Caz (Carolyn) Taylor, Sara Jackson-Edwards, Courtney Franks, Samantha Gardam, Abbey Coquillon, Brooke Woods, Ruby Leslie, Sophie Clarke, Eliza Jackson-Hope and Kaela Sullivan. Our senior girls combined to play some impressive league tag as they faced Xavier HS, Albury HS and Murray HS. They were successful in beating Murray HS during the last round of the competition and should be extremely proud of their efforts to compete each round, sometimes with minimal substitutions. Well done girls: Tiarna Spiteri, Georgia Hallows, Karissa Quayle, Elaine Bates, Amber Higginson, Stevie-Lee Pertzel, Carlee Lowe, Brooke Rodwell, Jasmine Morunga, Jess Madew, Kelsy Keatings and Rhian Sklenar. I would like to also thank the support of the staff of James Fallon HS who came to cheer our teams on: Mrs Lockley, Mr Duffy, Mr Baker, Mrs Fardy, Mrs Elder, Miss Williams, Miss Ciaparra, Mrs Thurling, Ms Lysons, Mr Skillington, Mr Kirkwood, Mr Stead, Mrs Duck and Ms Steel. ATHLETICS 2012. The Athletics Carnival was held at Alexandra Park in fantastic weather and can best be described as fun, fantastic,fast ,furious and FLINDERS. Congratulations to all competitors on the day and the Carnival was a colorful and entertaining event enjoyed by staff and students. The results were as follows: Flinders Cook Tasman Bass 1227 points 1197 points 996 points 909 points. The Age Champions were : 12 years Phoenix le Breton 13 years Emma King 14 years Ahlana Hofer 15 years Carolyn Taylor 16 years Emmaleigh Kerr 17 years Xanthe Barker Jagger Polkinhorne Marc Honeyman Cameron Evans Aidan Mc Millan Brendan Curry –Johnson Ethan Hutchinison There were some outstanding performances and three individual records were broken on the day: They were by Trayvon Lawrence Trayvon Lawrence Lachlan Freund 16 years male 100 metres 10.76 secs (previous record 11.16 ( 1998) 16 years male 200 metres 22.94 secs (previous record 24.94 ( 1989) 13 years male 800metres 2 min 23.00 (previous record 2 min 26.00) In addition the 17 years girls broke the relay record that had been set in 2007 The highlight of the carnival was once again the James Fallon High School Gift. An outstanding field of athletes had come through heats and semi finals in the week before the carnival to become the finalists in this very prestigious race. Mr Stead again did a fantastic job with the handicapping for the race and the final result was Trayvon Lawrence winning from scratch in a very close finish. This is the second year that he has won the gift from the scratch mark and his time was a very quick 11.00 secs. The fast finishing Matt Rodwell ( 11.13) and Aidan Mc Millan( 11.16) will be keen to challenge for the title in 2013. Congratulations to all the gift finalists for a truly memorable finish. Girls Open Soccer 2012 Last Thursday 29th March, our open girls soccer team headed to Alexandra Park to participate in the CHS Knockout Competition. After a cool start to the morning the day developed into a sunny autumn’s day, perfect for soccer. As the open boys teams were competing during the same day, our first duty was to support them in their game against Murray High (which they won) and then we entered the field on the completion of their game. The draw saw us come up against Murray High and it proved to be a challenging game from the outset as we attempted to penetrate their strong defensive line. Our girls played an attacking style of play in the first half and were able to slip through with some breakaway runs from Tiarna Spiteri and Tori Stevenson. Murray High were equipped with some very good soccer players and outnumbered us with their breadth of experience and skill from players who represent our local area. Despite this obvious inequality our girls played competitively and maintained a determined approach throughout the second half where our closest opportunity arrived off the boot of Jess McKenzie, only to skim past the right of the goal mouth. Georgie Pearson played an unenviable position in goals and prevented some persistent attempts by Murray High to place the ball into the back of the net. Our two local area soccer players Tahlia Webster and Georgia Hallows were run off their feet in attack and defence and along with the entire team are to be congratulated on their tireless efforts under the hot sun attempting to rein in Murray High’s lead. Well done girls: Tahlia Webster, Georgia Hallows, Tiarna Spiteri, Tori Stevenson, Meg Smith, Jesse Rand, Jess McKenzie, Emma Campbell, Georgie Pearson, Amy Sutcliffe, Kelly Soydara, Rhian Sklenar, Carolyn Taylor, Jasmine Morunga, and Taylah Howard; and thank you to our linesmen for the day Daniel Kipp and Jake Annetts. "Thanks to our friends at Regent Cinemas for sponsoring the “do the right thing put your rubbish in the bin” School Cleanliness And Beautification Draw with a Double Pass to Regent Cinemas in Albury. Think of Regent Cinemas when you wish to take that special person out for a relaxing evening or just when there is a GREAT Movie on that you wish to see. So Remember visit: www.regentcinemas.com.au A very important reminder to all parents who drive their children to James Fallon High or pick them up after school. We have established separate entrances for all pedestrians, and this especially applies to students to ensure their safety arriving and leaving school each day. Unfortunately some parents are putting their own children at risk by dropping them off in car movement areas. The main carpark and driveways are used each morning and afternoon by delivery and service vehicles, special taxis transporting our special needs students, school visitors, disabled students, cyclists and staff vehicles. Stopping a car and picking up or dropping a child off in the school driveway or carpark areas is very dangerous for the child during school opening and closing times, and may also cause a car accident which your car insurance may not cover. We have requested many times that children are not dropped off or picked up in the car park or on driveways at the start or end of school. Once again we request, for the safety of our students and your own children, all parents to use the parking and crossing areas in Fallon and Glenly Streets, and not to enter the school carpark/driveways to drop off or pick up students unless there are special health circumstances requiring this. Thank you for supporting student safety in our school. Please direct any special requests to our Principal. Change of details - where are you @? Dear Families, if you change your contact details can you please contact the school so you can continue to receive your school newsletter and other important school information regarding your child. Thank you . Please contact James Fallon High School on 60251688 or jamesfallo-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Riverina Hockey Congratulations to Adam Walker for his selection in the Riverina Boys Hockey team to compete at the Inter-Area Carnival at Tamworth in term two. Congratulations also to Mikaela Pontt, who joined Mrs Brown at the girls Inter-Area Hockey Carnival in Sydney early in May. Both these students have represented Riverina previously and are developing into strong, committed hockey players. All the students who attended the trial days displayed skill, determination and sportsmanship. The mainly young contingent must be commended for representing the school in a positive manner, and suggest a bright future for hockey at James Fallon in the coming years. JFHS ENGLISH/HISTORY FACULTIES Since our last newsletter report, students from across the school have participated in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and challenges offered by their English and History teachers. Many of these endeavours have involved speaking, presenting and debating, pursuits which enable our students to develop their clear-thinking skills and refine their oral expression in a supportive environment. Anzac Day As a prelude to what is a sacred occasion on the national calendar for many and to commemorate those who served, Breanne Shaw and Josh Steele from Year 10 acted as narrators in a presentation in the hall on 24th April. They related the stories of the Australian nurses who served in World War I. Year 11 girls from the Drama class stood at various times during their presentation to deliver the words of particular nurses. The experiences and selflessness displayed by ordinary Australian women tending to wounded and dying Australian men were retold in this way to the entire student body in the hall. The use of powerful imagery and first-hand accounts made this a worthy tribute to a generation of sometimes-forgotten participants who served in vital ways and roles in that brutal and terrible conflict. Life lessons In something slightly different, on May 8th, the English faculty had a visit from Albury Fire and Rescue Squad members, arranged by Miss Murphy. The squad members gave a persuasive talk to a large group of Year 10 students about the impact on individuals, families and communities when young people make poor choices in cars. A very timely lesson and the visit by the squad, greatly appreciated by students and Miss Murphy, flowed directly from the Year 10 study of the novel, Coming Back. Public Speaking Earlier this term Breanne Shaw was again commendably involved when she gave a powerful address to an audience from various schools in the Sydney Morning Herald public speaking competition. Her speech was very well received. Breanne should be proud of her performance and the way in which she represented James Fallon. Debating The NSW Premier’s Debating challenge has featured heavily in English faculty activity beyond the classroom lately. The Year 7 and 8 students, ably coached by Miss Murphy and Mrs Alvey, have a debate pending against Corowa High School. Good luck to Curtis Iverson, Courtney McKenna, Ellen Paterson, Kaytlin Yeo, Paris Rawaqa, Lachlan McMillan, Thomas Keatings and Samantha Van Dorssen. A strong squad! In Year 9 and 10 debating, Mrs Johnson is coaching a squad consisting of Jaidyn Sparkes, Alana Cameron, Robert Anderson, Ben Walther, Anna Buchorn and Bianca Boyd. There has been one debate so far, against Corowa Reds, James Fallon hosting. The visitors were made to feel very welcome. The debate was about the benefits of home schooling which our team argued against. Thanks to tight teamwork from Alana, Robert and Jaidyn and the team adviser, Anna, we won the debate. Well done team! The team’s next challenge is against Albury High Reds and again, James Fallon will host the debate. The senior debating team, variously comprising Emmanuelle Gatchessi, Darby Quinlivan, Amber Tanner, Ryan Milgate, Abby Iverson and Lachlan McIntyre, has competed three times under the guidance of their coach, Ms Dixon. The first round was a loss to Albury High School. Round 2 was a win, and a particularly praiseworthy one at that, coming as it did against Wagga High, traditionally a strong debating school. The final round was a loss to Billabong High School in a hard-fought and close argument. Ms Dixon has been impressed by the way the team has conducted itself in all three rounds, greeting success and failure ‘just the same’. Well done, senior debaters! Beechworth field trip – Year 7J History As part of a detailed source study of local and national icon, Ned Kelly, the 7J Extension class went on a field trip to Beechworth. The guide for the day, Keith, knew the Kelly story inside out but he was surprised at how knowledgeable Mrs Johnson’s students were about the topic. The students did a walking tour of the town, were briefly imprisoned in the lock-up where Ned’s mother and baby sister spent two months, re-enacted Ned’s trial at the Beechworth Court House and learned about the telegraph communication system that brought the Kelly gang undone. Mrs Johnson was very proud of how interested and polite all of her students were on what was clearly a fabulous ‘living history’ excursion. Q & A panel at CSU James Fallon English teachers Mrs Vigar, Mrs Alvey and Miss Baldock attended Charles Sturt University on the afternoon of Tuesday, 22nd May. There they responded to a wide range of questions from third year education students, sharing their experiences and insights into the challenges and rewards of teaching high school English. Their willingness to assist the next generation of teachers and expertise were greatly appreciated by the attentive audience. Extension 2 English – Open Mike night On Monday, 4th June from 6.00 pm at Charles Sturt University, Katelyn Cameron, Blair Duncan and Saasha McMillan, the three James Fallon Year 12 students who are tackling the very significant and rewarding challenges of Extension 2 English, will present a segment of their Major Work to an audience of friends and supporters. Students from other schools undertaking the course will also present that evening. The Open Mike event has been organized by Mr Paul Grover, former JFHS English head teacher now coordinating the evening as part of his new role at the university. In addition to their family and friends, our three students will be supported by their teacher Mr Keenan, a range of other teachers from our faculty and an enthusiastic band of Year 11 Extension English students who are contemplating the course for the 2013 HSC. The evening is a terrific opportunity for Saasha, Blair and Katelyn to receive constructive written feedback and to see and hear their work in a new way. Microstory 2012 – ‘Senses’ This week the faculty launched the umpteenth version of the annual and very popular James Fallon High School Microstory competition. 100 words only. Not one more. Not one less. The theme for stories in 2012 is ‘Senses’. As in, one of the five senses. The first line of every story entered on the official entry form must be: The _________ was unbearable. Students need to insert one of the senses in the space provided: smell, taste, sound, feel or sight. Then, write 96 more words! Finally, give it to an English teacher. A Dymocks voucher to the value of $50 is the prize for the story judged to be the best in each year level at James Fallon. Year 5 and 6 students in our Northern Spirit Learning Community schools will again be participating in the competition this year and we both appreciate and welcome their involvement. Prizes for each winner in Year 5 and Year 6 in those six schools will also be awarded. Many James Fallon students will be tackling the stories in their English classes over coming weeks. The closing date for all such very short stories is the shortest day of the year: 22nd June. Bring on the yarns! Junior Girls AFL On Friday May 18th a number of very enthusiastic girls coached by Mr Johnson represented James Fallon at the annual Junior Girls AFL carnival at Sarvaas Park. Our first game was against Scots and the score line reflected what a difficult game this was for our girls but some highlights were Brooke Woods’ tackling, Molly Daly’s constant pressure on the opponents and Emma King’s solid defence. Our second game was against Wodonga Catholic College and in this game our girls really settled down and played some fantastic football. Everyone in the team was committed and contributed to our improved result. In particular, Molly kicked two great points, Sam Gardam showed her resilience in recovering quickly after a solid tackle, Ruby Leslie continued to play good tough footy, Amy Heather was always in the mix and Brooke McKenzie did some fantastic kicks. Skye Morley worked well in the ruck and took two good marks, Abbey Coquillan applied constant pressure, Anna McGown showed she has great potential and Trixie Parcon was very determined. Sara Jackson-Edwards started to fire up and was one of our best players on the day. Next we played Murray High School and this was a hard slog. In this game Jasmin Clifton and Bre Guy really started to shine and our powerhouse players, Ruby, Abbey, Molly, Brooke and Sara had to work hard to keep the score in check. Zoe Bowling and Erin Head both played well in this game as did Jane Rafael who was great in attack. Our final game was against Trinity the highlight of this game was a great goal scored by Trixie. Brianna Sinclair and Paris Rawaqa both contributed well in this game as did Zoe, Sam and Sara. The girls should be congratulated on their team spirit and sportsmanship demonstrated during the day. I would also like to thank Ash Hay, Tyler Harris and Jayden Garth who assisted during the day. These boys were of enormous help and did a great job. Mrs Amanda Elder Team Manager ADFA Education Award (application window - 1st May 2012 to 28th February 2013) The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Education Award is presented each year to 120 Year 12 students who are considered the most suitable applicants of those applying for entry to ADFA. The award includes a laptop computer and a certificate. There is no obligation to accept an offer to attend ADFA if you are an award winner. Application only opens to Year 11 students. What if your Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) doesn't meet ADFA entry standard? Below are the minimum requirements to enrol in ADFA. Be at least 16 years old to apply for ADF Be at least 17 years of age on your date of entry to the Academy Be an Australian citizen or hold permanent residency Have completed Year 12 with an entrance rank that will qualify you for entry into UNSW The entrance rank required falls in the range of 70 to 85, depending on the course you are applying for. Generally speaking, Bachelor of Arts courses require the lowest rank, while Bachelor of Engineering courses require the highest rank. If your ATAR doesn't meet the minimum standard, below is a bonus point scheme that may help. BONUS POINTS TO ATAR You can have a maximum of 5 bonus points added to ATAR from the following achievements: 1. Academic Subject & Grade Business Studies (above band 4) Economics (above band 4) English Adv (above band 4) English Ext1 or Ext2 (above E2) Mathematics (above band 4) Mathematics Ext1 or Ext2 (above E2) 2. Extra Curricula Sporting Scouts/Military Cadets Music Debating Australian Olympiad Team and other recognised International Competition Marie Cornish Shield – Girls Cricket 2012 An overcast day greeted our girls’ cricket team on the morning of their first round in the Marie Cornish Shield for 2012 competition. All twelve girls were keen and ready to give their all against local rivals Albury High school. We went into bat first and took a while to warm up with our first three wickets falling in the first five overs. We finally settled into some rhythm with Georgie Pearson scoring our teams highest run total of 21, and our team batting for the full 30 overs to achieve a total of 7 out for 71 runs. After a brief lunch break Albury High went into bat and we began our bowling onslaught, opening with our gun bowlers Hannah Knight and Pam Freire. With three out in the first four overs we looked on target to go through to the next round, however there was one main hurdle in front of us. They say one player does not make a team, but in Albury High School’s case one player does. Their fourth batter proved to dictate the game and stayed on to boost their team to 55 runs until Pam Freire clean bowled her. Playing on through pouring rain, our girls continued to take wickets and narrowed the game down to the last wicket, with one run being needed by Albury High. Unfortunately their one run was achieved before we were able to take their last wicket and Albury High went on to win with 9 out for 73 runs. Our girls played a great match, with our professional, positive approach and never say die attitude, we definitely were unfortunate to have lost on the day. The only problem now is that we have to wait another year to compete again. Some stats include: Pam Freire 3 wickets for 8 runs off 36 balls Hannah Knight Tori Stevenson Tiarna Spiteri Georgie Pearson 2 wickets for 18 runs of 36 balls 2 wickets for 10 runs of 24 balls 1 wicket for 5 runs off 12 balls highest run scorer on 21 runs Congratulations to all of the girls: Hannah Knight, Pam Freire, Amber Higginson, Tori Stevenson, Georgie Pearson, Tiarna Spiteri, Monika Devi, Mikaela Pontt, Rhian Sklenar, Carlee Lowe, Jaime McKenna and Emily Brown; as well as Tyler Harris for his expert scoring. Positive Behaviour For Learning Positive Behaviour for Learning is an exciting program that seeks to identify and build upon the values in the school to enhance our learning and teaching environment. There will be lots of involvement from the school community as we talk about the strengths of James Fallon High School and how to build on those strengths. A recent example of this community involvement was the online survey completed by students, families and staff. We will be updating you as the program develops. If you have any particular queries please contact the program coordinator Nick GraceWenzel. Musical 2012 Congratulations to all who participated in the Musical. If you would like to purchase a DVD of the event it will be available to order from the front office for the bargain price of $10. Both Friday May 11th and Saturday May 12th performances will be available for purchase. DVD’s can only be pre-purchased as they are being made to order.