THENOR`WESTER - Olympic Peninsula Region
THENOR`WESTER - Olympic Peninsula Region
THE NOR’WESTER Newsletter of the Olympic Peninsula Region / Porsche Club of America Sept/Oct 2013 PCA Olympic Peninsula Region 2013 Event Calendar Event/Social Chair: Pete Fischer e-mail: or (360) 275-8811 January 2013 9th – 6:30P/7P – Dinner/Member & Board Meeting at Bremerton Airport Diner 25th – 7P Dinner at Massimo Italian Bar and Grill in Gig Harbor – Pete Fischer February 2013 13th –6P/7P – Member & Board Meeting/Dinner at Wig Wam Pub in Gorst th 15 – March/April Nor’Wester Deadline 16th – 9A – Tour & Griot’s Garage Tech Session – Bill Elwell 23rd – 7P – Movie Night at Brownsville Yacht Club March 2013 10th – 2P – 9th Annual Chili Cookoff at Elwell’s in Gig Harbor th 16 – 2:30P Tour/ St Patrick’s Day Beer Pairings Dinner at Alderbrook Resort 23rd – 5:00P – Dinner/Member & Board Meeting at 7 Cedars Restaurant in Sequim 24th – Arrive & Drive – Brian Forde TBD – Porsche Parade 2013 Registration Opens April 2013 10th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member & Board Meeting 15th – May/June Nor’Wester Deadline 20th- Social Dinner – Cosmos – Debbie Raphael 21st – Arrive & Drive – Brian Forde 27th – LeMay America’s Car Museum Tour – John James May 2013 4th-Tour/Tech Session- Roger Jobs Porsche- Bellingham 5th – Arrive & Drive – Brian Forde 7:30A Belfair 8th – 6P/7:00P – BBQ/Member Meeting – Wigwam Pub 18th – 8A – Armed Forces Day Parade/Lunch at MAXRPM, Bremerton. 31st-June 2nd – Long Weekend Tour to Oregon Coast – Kevin Strilcov & Judy Berrian. June 2013 12th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member Meeting 15th – July/August Nor’Wester Deadline 23rd – Arrive & Drive – Brian Forde 23-29th PCA Parade in Traverse City, MI 29th – Tour to Sully’s in Suquamish for Lunch – Brett Burroughs July 2013 5th-7th – 9A – SOVREN Pacific NW Historics Races & Sat. Car Corral 21st – Sunday Drive – Brian Forde 7:30A Poulsbo McDonald’s 27th – 6P – Dinner/Member Meeting in Port Angeles – David Meyers 28th – 11A – Porsches on the Pier in Port Angeles Cecil White August 2013 11th – 8:30A – Cruz Port Orchard Car Show 14th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member Meeting 15th – September/October Nor’Wester Deadline 18th – Sunday Drive – Brian Forde 7:30A Gig Harbor McDonald’s 24th – 3P Tour 5P Dinner Lennardks Boathouse Allyn waterfront Pete Fischer September 2013 7th – 9A – Bremerton Blackberry Festival Car Show 11th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member Meeting at Airport Diner 15th – Rally/Lunch – Bill/Maryann Elwell 21st – 10A – Brownsville Appreciation Day Car Show 22nd – Final 2013 Sunday Drive – Brian Forde 7:30A Port Townsend McDonald’s to Port Ludlow. October 2013 12th –5P/7:00P – Dinner/ Annual Membership Meeting at 7 Cedar’s Double Eagle Restaurant in Sequim. 12th – 2013 Board/Chair Nominations Due 15th – November/December Nor’Wester Deadline th 20th - 5:00P/6:00P OPR 10 Anniversary Party at Bay Street Bistro - Pete Fischer 31st – Holiday Party Payment Due November 2013 9th – 7P Social Dinner in Poulsbo 13th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member Meeting at Bremerton Airport Diner on Hwy 3 27th – 6P/7P – Dinner/2013 Calendar Planning Meeting 30th – 2013 Election Ballots Due December 2013 1st – Silent Auction Donation Responses Due 7th – 6:00P/7:00P – Cocktail Hour/Holiday Party at Manresa Castle in Port Townsend. 15th – January/February Nor’Wester Deadline Board of Directors Committee Chairs *President: Jon Wyman *Vice President: Brooks Hanford *Secretary: Linda Wyman *Treasurer: Maryann Elwell *Member @ Large: John James *Past President: Brian Forde *PCA Zone 6 Rep: Dave Cooley *Membership: Kip Sparber *Social Events: Pete Fischer *Webmaster: Brian Forde *Newsletter: Brian Forde *Goodie Store: Neil Green *Technical: Alex Raphael *Speed Events: Jeff Smith Nor’Wester is the official newsletter of the Olympic Peninsula Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published bimonthly in Bremerton, WA. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute opinions of the Porsche Club of America, Olympic Peninsula Region, the Board of Directors, or the Nor’Wester Editor. Articles and photographs by OPR members are encouraged and should be submitted to the Nor’Wester Editor, Brian Forde at no later than the 15th of the month prior to publication. Classifieds (Auto Platz) are free for Olympic Peninsula Region members, must be Porsche related and typically run for two months. Please send submissions to the Nor’Wester Editor. $20.00 fee for non-members. OPR Website can be viewed at Articles, photos, and classified ads are gladly accepted by Webmaster, Brian Forde at Commercial advertising is accepted at the following yearly rates, paid in advance. Rates will be pro-rated based on six newsletter issues per year. Checks should be made payable to “OPR-PCA” and mailed to P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Ads may be submitted electronically (jpg, gif, tif, pdf) to editor. If your ad is larger than 10MB in size, then it must be submitted in printed format or on CD-ROM. Ad Size Back Cover ¾ page Front/Back Inside Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Business Card In This Issue From the President……………………5 From the Treasurer ……………….5 RSvP………….…………………………..6 PCA………………..…....……….…...……8 FarSiders….……….……………………...10 Sullys …..………………………………...11 POP……………..…………………….…...12 Manresa..………….……………………....18 Tech… …………….……….……….…....19 Color $570 $630 N/A $360 $180 $90 B/W N/A N/A $318 $222 $126 $78 ON THE COVER: Board ….……………………………......20 What it………………………...……........21 Sovern………………….……………......22 Minutes…..……………………………...24 Auto Platz………….……………...........26 An overhead view of Bill and Maryann Elwell’s Ultimate Garage. 4 From the President – Jon Wyman It has been a great summer! By all reports the Oregon Coast Tour was great fun, we had 30+ cars at our charity event Porsches on the Pier this year, and, great attendance at our dinner the previous night at the Bushwacker Restaurant. At the end of June I attended Porsche Parade in Traverse City, Michigan for one day. There were 1700 PCA attendees, nearly 800 cars, and 200 Porsches entered in the Concours. Next year Parade will be in Monterey, CA. I’m certain there will be a large contingent from OPR attending. My purpose in attending the first day of this year’s Parade was to present our club’s bid for ESCAPE 2015. For those of you unfamiliar with this event, there are two national PCA events every year. The first is Parade, which is a weeklong gathering of the Porsche faithful, with concours, autocross, tours, etc. The club alternates between east and west each year to allow more attendees the chance to participate. ESCAPE is a more relaxed gathering, with none of the competition. There are some tours, golf, and a chance for folks to socialize. It usually is a four day weekend event, starting on Thursday and ending on Sunday. This year ESCAPE will be held in Los Angeles. Our bid to hold the event in 2015 was for Bremerton, with tours on the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas, local golf, a show and shine, etc. My presentation was to the 13 National Zone Reps that oversee groups of PCA regions. Unfortunately, our region was not chosen to host this event in 2015. The Nord Stern Region will be hosting it in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Congratulations to them! This is the 10th anniversary of our region. At our last board meeting and member dinner on August 14th it was decided that we would have a special celebration of our tenth anniversary in conjunction with a tour and dinner to be planned by our social chair, Pete Fisher. Watch your email for more information. With only a couple of months more of planned tours and drives we hope you will join us in the coming months. There is nothing like a spirited drive in your Porsche to put things back in perspective! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Treasurer – Maryann Elwell Thanks to the generous donations of our members and the Porsches on the Pier Charity Car Show participants, we raised $1200 for the Captain Joseph House Foundation. Receipts for your tax deductible donation will be mailed to those who provided donations at Porsches on the Pier or if it is on your donation check. The organization’s founder and Joseph’s mother, Betsy Reed Schultz, and Darwin Geary who nominated the charity wanted to thank everyone who helped make our event a success. Betsy stated that our donation will go a long way in helping them reach their goal to complete the project. Captain Joseph House Foundation provides a unique service, extending the continuum of care for military families who have lost a loved one and made the ultimate sacrifice. Founded to provide respite and educational support to the families of the Fallen, Captain Joseph House Foundation is a 501(C)(3) charitable organization. In addition to providing a respite/retreat opportunity for families to heal and rebuild, Captain Joseph House Foundation will offer a modest scholarship program to assist children of the Fallen with post-high school educational expenses. Applications will be available from the Foundation office once the Captain Joseph House is operational. Anyone wishing to make a donation can mail in a check to the Captain Joseph House Foundation at 1108 South Oak St., Port Angeles, WA 98362 or on-line at and click on “Make a Donation”. Any questions can be directed to Board Member Kathy Charlton at (360) 808-0206. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! THAT WILL REALLY HELP THIS IMPORTANT PROJECT MOVE AHEAD TO COMPLETION. I REALLY APPRECIATE OPR PCA's GENEROSITY, AND THANK EVERY OLYMPIC PENINSULA REGION PORSCHE CLUB MEMBER WHO PARTICIPATED AND MADE THIS HAPPEN!! I AM VERY PROUD OF OUR CLUB!!!! - DARWIN GEAREY 5 RSvP - Ready Sett Participate by Pete Fischer OPR Social/Event Chair e-mail Pete at or (360) 275-8811 September 2013 11th – 6P/7P - Monthly Member Meeting and Dinner – at The Airport Diner. 14th – VIP Party – at MAXRPM shop located at 2320 6th St, Bremerton, WA 98312. 15th – 9:30A/noon - Rally/Lunch – The Elwell’s are putting on a fun gimmick rally around the Gig Harbor Peninsula. Meet at Sedgwick McDonalds (just off WA SR 16 - 233 Bravo Terrace SE, Port Orchard) at 9:30A for a drivers meeting. We’ll end around noon at the newly remodeled Moctezuma’s Mexican Restaurant & Tequila Bar at 4628 Pt. Fosdick Dr. NW in Gig Harbor for lunch. For more information and menus go to RSVP by 9/10/13 to Maryann Elwell at or (253) 8534003. 22nd – Final 2013 Sunday Drive – 7:30 am Port Townsend McDonalds to the Fireside Restaurant at Port Ludlow. October 2013 12th – 5:00P/6:00P – Dinner/Annual Membership Meeting at 7 Cedar’s Double Eagle Steak & Seafood restaurant in Sequim. Located at 1965 Woodcock Rd., Sequim, WA 98382, just west of downtown Sequim (not located at the casino). RSvP for dinner to Pete Fischer by 10/1/13 at or call (360) 275-8811. th 12 – 2014 Board & Chair Nominations Due – The following board positions are up for election: Vice President, Secretary, and Member at Large. To nominate yourself or another member for a Board position, please notify our President, Jon Wyman, at or (440) 463-1978 and Brett Burroughs our Election Committee Chair at or (360) 697-6309, so that ballots can be prepared and sent out. th 20 – 5:00P/6:00P OPR 10th Anniversary Party at Bay Street Bistro in downtown Port Orchard. Cocktail hour and appetizers at 5P with dinner around 6P. We will have lots of awesome raffle prizes! The owner has agreed to reserve the entire restaurant for us, but we are limited to 50 people for dinner. Must RSvP for dinner to Pete Fischer by 10/1/13 at or call (360) 275-8811. If you have any photos you would like to share for the event, please provide to Maryann Elwell at or (253) 853-4003. st 31 – Silent Auction Items Wanted – Each year our club raises fund for a local charity at our Holiday Party via a Silent Auction. We are now seeking donations and request interested parties to contact Debbie Raphael by 10/31/12 at or phone (360) 340-1583. st 31 – Payment/RSVPs Due for Holiday Party – See Dec 7th for details on location and hotel reservations. Must send in payment of $49 per person for dinner including tax & tip and $9 per person if you want dessert to OPR-PCA at P.O. Box 3572, Silverdale, WA 98383-3572. Also provide meal choice (Prime Rib; Chicken Marsala; or Grilled Wild Salmon Piccata) for each person and if ordering dessert, include dessert choice (Carrot Cake, NY Cheesecake, or Chocolate Decadence Cake) to Maryann Elwell at or (253) 853-4003. 6 November 2013 9th – 7P Social Dinner in Poulsbo 13th – 6P/7P – Dinner/Member Meeting at Bremerton Airport Diner on Hwy 3 27th – 6P/7P – Dinner/2013 Calendar Planning Meeting 30th – 2013 Election Ballots Due – Be sure to cast your vote and turn in your election ballot to Brett Burroughs. Can alternatively e-mail him at or mail to him at 17024 Scandia Ct. NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370. December 2013 7th – 6:00P/7:00P – Cocktail Hour/Holiday Party at Manresa Castle in Port Townsend. We will have a sit down dinner at $49/person plus optional dessert at $9/person, including tax & tip. See details under Oct 31st for meal choices and payment due. Our party is in a private banquet room with a no host bar and parking on site. We will have a silent auction to raise money for the club’s charity and of course present the member participation awards and to announce the 2014 Board of Directors. Back by popular demand is our famous gift exchange. If you wish to participate, men should bring a gift for a man and women should bring a gift for woman priced around $15-$20 and mark if for a Man or Woman. To book rooms at the Manresa Castle call (800) 732-1281 or (360) 385-5750. Be sure to mention that you are with the Porsche Club to get your $50 discount. Regular rates are listed at A few rooms have a bathroom across the hall, although it is assigned just to that room, you’ll have robes in your room, and you’ll need your room key to unlock the door. If you want a room with and ensuite bathroom, be sure to mention that. th 15 – January/February Nor’Wester Deadline – Please get ads, articles and photos to Brian Forde at 7 As we begin to celebrate our region’s 10th anniversary, a bit of history of PCA and our own OPR--Editor A History of the Porsche Club of America - Courtesy PCA.ORG Bill Sholar was a commercial artist in the Washington, D.C. area in the early 1950s. He also was an admirer of well-designed automobiles, and thus purchased his first Porsche, a 1953 356 Coupe. As time passed, Bill met other Porsches on the road, always blinking his headlights in silent greeting. Those in attendance at that first meeting were Bill Sholar, Karl Grimm, Peter Pearman, Ken Twigg, Frank Beckett, Gamble Mann, Fred Schulenburg, Bob Flick, Bob Elliott, Ray Pitts, Harvey Brown, and Don Carr. Sholar was elected President and a press release was sent to the factory magazine, Christophorus, introducing the Porsche Club of America to other Porsche enthusiasts. Word spread, and the 189 Porsche drivers who joined by January 31, 1956 were designated as “charter members” of the Porsche Club of America. As more and more members joined outside the Washington, D.C. area, Regions were formed in other communities. The original Washington, D.C. group eventually became Potomac Region, which remained the hub of activities. First appearing in December 1955, the Club's monthly magazine Porsche Panorama, kept all members, nearby and remote, appraised of the latest technical information, factory news and events planned. By late 1954, Bill was convinced that a more personal meeting would be appropriate with other Porsche owners to discuss the positive and, the well, ah, not-so-positive aspects of driving the infrequently encountered marque. Following a first gathering February 8, 1955 at the Sholar house, several Porsche owners occasionally got together that spring and summer to share knowledge about the unique cars they drove. Eventually they decided to start a club. A brief paragraph in the August 1955 issue of Sports Car Illustrated informed readers that a Porsche club was being formed in the United States; all inquiries were directed to Bill Sholar's attention. Additionally, the Porsche factory was petitioned for recognition of the proposed club. Unofficially referring to themselves as “the gripe group”, they officially titled the new organization the Porsche Club of America, and held their first business meeting on September 13, 1955, at Blackie's Grille in Washington, D.C. Thirteen prospective members showed up, but one had to reluctantly be asked to leave when she revealed that she owned not a Porsche, but a Volkswagen, which didn't qualify under the Club Bylaws, which remain in effect today. Early in 1956, Potomac Region arranged the first “Porsche Parade” as a gathering of all PCA members, and a blanket invitation was extended to all PCAers. Held at the Washingtonian Motel in Gaithersburg, Maryland from August 29 through September 1, 1956, this first national convention drew 64 PCA members. Apart from a rally, a gymkhana and technical tips from the factory service reps present, there was plenty of time for socializing and pit talk. Living up to its name, this Parade (and several others later) featured an actual parade of Porsches through local streets. Thus, the name “Parade” became the name for this annual convention of PCA members. By the time of the second Parade, there were 550 members in 21 Regions, mostly in the eastern U.S. Besides including a Concours d'Elegance for the first time, this 1957 Parade saw the first national officers elected from outside the founding Region, starting a trend that developed the club into a truly nationwide and, later, international organization. These early days always saw a group of PCA members at local and national sports car races. Many PCAers who spent weekends racing their Porsches came out as winners; Such drivers as Art Bunker, Bob Holbert, Lake Underwood and Charlie Wallace were beginning to develop Porsche's “giant killer” reputation in this country. With Max Bunnell as President, the 1958 Parade moved to New York State. That year also saw Sholar come up with something new for PCA members: a trip to the Porsche factory in Stuttgart. Eighty-one members made that first “Treffen” (the German word for “meeting”) aboard a prop-driven Lufthansa Super Constellation, arriving to a welcome from not only the factory, but also many of the German Porsche Clubs. The Treffen® presented the attractive option of taking delivery of a new Porsche at the factory, a tradition that is still available today. In October of that same year, Sholar was appointed PCA's Executive Secretary, a job he held until 1962, running the day-to-day operations of the Club with the help of a part-time secretary. The Parade moved west for the first time when Rocky Mountain Region hosted the 1960 Parade in Aspen, Colorado. This event featured Dr. Ferry Porsche's first appearance at a Parade. Early in 1961 PCA appointed its first committee chairman to develop the Club's activities even further and to coordinate activities at the Parade. This proved to be a great asset to the club, as over 250 PCAers attended the Sixth Parade. After only six years, PCA had earned the reputation as one of the best sports car clubs in the world. In 1963 Sholar moved to a new position with Porsche of America Corporation, the U. S. importer. Before he did so, PCA's founder recommended his secretary, Jane Nestlerode, as his replacement as Executive Secretary. Until her retirement in 1980, Jane became synonymous with PCA National, running the office out of her home and serving the needs of a membership that grew over 800% during her tenure. Charter PCAer Ken Twigg was elected President in 1963 and PCA membership reached 2000 for the first time. The 1963 Treffen saw 40 PCAers take delivery of a car at the factory. Through the mid-1960s PCA racers continued to provide Porsche with SCCA victories, as Bruce Jennings, charter PCAer Don Wester, Bert Everett, Joe Buzzetta and others carried the Porsche banner into winners' circles across America in cars ranging from the evercompetitive Speedster to the more exotic Spyders, 904, and 906. Regions were not confined to the continental U.S. as Hawaii Region formed in 1959, and Germany Region in 1963. In 1980, Jane Nestlerode transferred the Executive Secretary position to her assistant, Ruth Harte, who continued to run the Club superbly from the basement of her Alexandria, Virginia home, until a year before her retirement, when PCA relocated to a business address in Springfield, Virginia. Although each Region held a wide variety of events and meetings, the Parade became the pinnacle of PCA activity and the focal point for friendships among farflung Porsche enthusiasts. By the late 1960s, a typical Porsche Parade kept 500 entrants busy for an entire week, not to mention time spent in preparation and travel. Classes in speed events and Concours were expanded as the Club's focus shifted to include new Porsche types such as the 911 and its many derivatives. The Parade rally offered classes for both equipped and unequipped cars. PCA has experienced an unparalleled growth, not only in members, but in the quality of its events and services. Today PCA serves more than 58,000 families, with over 100,000 members, in 139 local Regions, making it the largest single marque club in the world. PCA Concours standards are second to none. Multiple national committees help members with technical problems, insurance valuations, event safety, public relations and Region newsletters. Activities today range from autocrossing, rallying, Concours, and socializing, to growing interests in touring, restoration, Porsche history, and PCA Club Racing. A revised “Treffen” now allows a PCA member to visit the factory, the new Porsche Museum, and areas around Stuttgart or Leipzig, Germany, and the R&D units at Weissach. The Club functions like a finely-tuned Porsche. One of the objectives stated in PCA's Bylaws is to promote the enjoyment and sharing of goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche. As the saying goes, “It's not the cars, it's the people…” . The Far Siders – Bill Elwell (OPR-PCA.ORG) Where did this bunch of folks we call the Olympic Peninsula Region (OPR) Porsche Club come from? The obvious answer is that this group split from within the Pacific Northwest Region Porsche Club. But if the answer were that simple then there wouldn't be much use in creating this page would there? Most of us are familiar with the geographic layout of Puget Sound region. One way to look at it is to divide the region into two parts. The eastern part would include Everett, Kirkland, Bellevue, Seattle, Renton, Federal Way, Tacoma, ... You get the picture, all the stuff on the east side of the Puget Sound. The western part would include the area from Port Angeles and Port Townsend down through Bremerton all the way to Gig Harbor. Pretty simple right? The Pacific Northwest Region (PNWR) Porsche Club originally included members in both the eastern and western parts of the sound. Knowing the area as I'm sure you do, you know that driving from one side of the Sound to the other involves either a ferry ride, a trip across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, or a long trek down to Olympia. The majority of PNWR's members live on the east side and it makes sense that the majority of the club events are held there as well. But back in the 2003 an interesting thing was happening. There was a group of 10 - 15 families that lived on the west side of the sound and they seemed to show up at nearly all of the PNWR events. I'm told that this group became known as "The Far Siders". By now, you can see where this is going. The Far Siders had to make a trip of an hour or more each way to get to events. Take the length of time for the event and tack on a couple hours of commute and you have a long day. The Far Siders started organizing events of their own on the west side of the sound. (you could say, the better half...) As the Far Siders grew in number it became clear that there were a sizable number of Porsche owners on the west side. This was what initiated the process of forming a new region in the Porsche Club of America. Thanks to the efforts of Alex Raphael, Randy Baisden, Gary Hoskins, Gloria Mellon, Brett Burroughs, and others, a new region of the Porsche Club of America was formed. Our little region grows stronger every day. As more people move to the west side of the sound the number of Porsche owners grows and our club grows too. We've experienced the growing pains that I'm sure all clubs go through. But slowly with the help of charter members and new faces as well, we are growing the size of the club and the base of experience required to keep an operation like this in business. So let's wrap this up with a request: *If you're reading this and you aren't a member already, come join the Porsche Club of America. *If you're a member of the Pacific Northwest region but you live on the west side of the sound and you want to join the fun over here, drop a line to our membership chair who can help you get on the right track. *Finally, if you're already a member of the Olympic Peninsula Region, we would love to see you at our next event. Thanks for reading and we'll see you out on the road . The Road to Sully’s – Brian Forde Our warm June sunshine brought out an eclectic group of Porsche club members for a tour to Sully’s Bistro in Suquamish where indoor and outdoor dining made for a great time. Our tour began in Poulsbo and we weaved our way over the Hood Canal Bridge and along the Coyle/Thorndyke roads towards Quilcene and back across the Hood Canal to thread along some of the best roads in North Kitsap to Sully’s Bistro in Suquamish for lunch. Afterwards a number of us meandered the few blocks to visit Bruce Goodrich and his wife at their scenic nearby home to see to progress made to their 356 coupe. A special Thanks goes to Brett Burroughs for making this day a slice of Porsche heaven. 11 Porsches on the Pier 2013 – Brian Forde This annual July event is the cornerstone of the car show season for the Olympic Peninsula Region and Cecil White is a visionary, but more on him later. This year’s Porsche on the Pier event was not only in support of the Port Angeles Rotary event Arts in Action, but was also a charity fundraiser for the Captain Joseph House Foundation of Port Angeles. This charity is a living memorial to Captain Joseph William Shultz who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011. It is working to become a place where those who have lost loved ones to military action can find a needed respite, education and support during this painful period. The foundation is a 501(c)(3) and as a result of our fundraising we were able to contribute $1200 dollars to support their efforts and provide a venue for their booth to increase local community awareness. If you would like to contribute, just call (360) 460-7848 or go to The weather was ideal and the vendors provided plenty of food and crafts to browse. There was live music playing throughout the weekend and the sandcastles were amazing. We turned out some 30 Porsches for the car show which seems to attract larger crowds each year. This year I asked my step son Sean to bring his photographic eye to the event and take photos and Addrianne Loser also contributed photos as well. A special Thank you to Dave and Patty Meyers for organizing the dinner for Saturday Night and the ice cream social that followed the car show, at their exquisite home overlooking the Stait of Juan de Fuca. Now about Cecil White, not only does he have the forethought to have us meet up at the Daily Grind for morning coffee before driving to the pier, but also has us meeting up next to an auto parts store that is open on Sundays. The significance of the parts store came into play when the 914 June and I drove decided not to start for any given reason. An hour of diagnosis found nothing specific wrong, but a parking lot tune-up did hearken back to the good old days with my friends as we would have to perform some kind of maintenance now and again along the side of the road, but I digress. Tony Adamski was in constant contact and it was not until the cavalry came in the form of Cecil White, Terry Greenwood and Bill Elwell who took the time to come back to provide assistance to an ailing Porsche Club brother, that the car fired and ran hesitantly before catching its breath. We made it the show and had a great time and when it came time to leave, once my car was running, I did not turn it off until we were in the driveway. 12 16 The OPR-PCA Goodie Store is Open OPR Glasses -----------------------$5.00 Coffee Mugs -----------------------$7.15 Travels Mugs ---------------------$13.75 Golf Shirts --------Mens $21.00 2XL $22.00 3XL $23.00 Womens $21.00 Trave Hats ----------------------------$15.00 Travel Duffel Bags $20.50 OPR- $22.50 Porsche logo For a complete list of items available or to place orders: Contact Neil Green at or Phone (360) 45-3987 Grille Badge $30.00 – Belt Buckle $35.00 17 Manresa Castle -A History - Courtesy This year’s holiday party will be taking place in Port Townsend, so here is a little history of our historic venue. - Editor The Castle was completed in 1892 as the home of Charles and Kate Eisenbeis. Mr. Eisenbeis was a prominent member of the early Port Townsend business community. His business interests were diverse including a bakery, brick works, lumber mill, brewery, bank and a hotel. In 1878, when Port Townsend became the first incorporated city in Jefferson County, its citizens elected Eisenbeis as the first mayor. In keeping with his status in the community, Eisenbeis built what was the largest private residence ever built in Port Townsend, consisting of 30 rooms. Locals referred to the building as the "Eisenbeis Castle;" its design was reminiscent of some of the castles in Eisenbeis' native Prussia. The walls were 12 inches thick, made with bricks from Eisenbeis' own brick works and the roof was slate. Tiled fireplaces and finely crafted woodwork were installed by German artisans. Charles died in 1902 and Kate remarried a few years later. The Castle was left empty for almost 20 years except for a caretaker. In 1925, a Seattle attorney bought the Castle as a vacation place for nuns teaching in Seattle schools. This plan did not work out well and in 1927 the Jesuit priests purchased the building for use as a training college. The priests spent their sixteenth and final year of training here studying ascetic theology. In 1928, the Jesuits added a large wing housing a chapel and sleeping rooms. They also installed the elevator (an Otis) at a cost of $3,400 -- a substantial sum in those days. When their addition was complete, the Jesuits stuccoed over the bricks of the original portion to give the building a more uniform look. They named the complex "Manresa Hall" after the town in Spain where Ignatius Loyola founded the order. The Jesuits left in 1968 and the building was converted into a hotel. The elements "Manresa" and "Castle" were taken from the two previous owners to create the current name. The three different owners since 1968 have all done their part to lovingly renovate the building to modern standards while maintaining its Victorian elegance. For example, there were only 3 bathrooms when the Jesuits left - today we have 43. 18 Technology on the Road – Perchlorate – Bill Elwell I feel that I should warn you up front that this article has no direct relation to Porsches and only the slightest relationship to cars in general. The story was actually inspired by the owner’s manual of a Ford Fusion. I’m fully prepared to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune for admitting to being inspired by some part of a Ford Fusion. The story starts in Butler County, PA which is just north of Pittsburgh in western Pennsylvania. You see, my wife Maryann is a member of the Pyrotechnics Guild International (PGI). The PGI is an organization of folks who enjoy making and shooting fireworks either as a profession or as a hobby. Their 2013 convention was held in Butler County, PA. I like to keep my distance from explosives but I enjoy a good fireworks show. There are typically two or three of the best fireworks shows you’ll ever see at each year’s PGI convention. So if Maryann attends a PGI convention, I try to attend the last night for the final show if I can. And that’s how this whole story starts. Like any other industry convention, the PGI convention has classes to take and vendor showcase areas where you can see and buy the latest technology. You might be asking yourself, what kind of classes could there be at a fireworks convention. Well, here are some examples: Principles of Pyrotechnic Chemistry – When I graduated I didn’t think I’d ever have to worry about chemistry again. Exploding Party Hat – Not all pyro has to go BOOM! Here’s the PGI description of the class. “This stunningly stylish, re-usable party hat will be the hit of your celebrations. Manually activate a friction explosive on this indoor mine and a plume of confetti envelops the wearer. This device is legal anywhere.” Cremora Fireballs 101 – Yup, Cremora (non-dairy creamer) is flammable. Don’t believe me? Go to YouTube and search on “Mythbusters Creamer Cannon”. That video will give you an idea what we’re dealing with here. Gasoline Fireballs – Think “Cremora Fireballs” but with gasoline. Explosives Engineering 101 – This seems appropriate for a fireworks convention. Materials for this course were from the Explosives Engineering program at the University of Missouri. Introduction to Hazardous Energetic Formulations – More chemistry! “Introduction to basic formulations, deflagration, detonation and sensitivity with primary focus on flash compositions. Discussion will detail solid state vs. molecular chemical reactivity with emphasis on chlorate and perchlorate oxidizers …” Ahh, there’s that magic word, “perchlorate”. Edible Cake Mine – Again, the PGI class description beats anything I can write about it. “This fascinating indoor party-favor is re-usable and edible. Each person will build a take home mine and will load it into a real freshly made edible cake. After frosting the cake and loading the mine, discharge the mine and a burst of edible colorful glitter showers into the air: the fallout decorates the cake! Is this having your cake and eating it too? Legal anywhere.“ Just for the record, don’t try any of this stuff at home. These folks are serious. The people teaching the classes have been in the explosives business for most of their lives. Safety is the #1 consideration and everything is compliant with all applicable laws. But I came for the fireworks. The closing show on Friday night was off the hook! Ever wonder what the National Anthem would be like with a killer fireworks display behind it? Go to YouTube and search “2013 PGI Convention National Anthem”. Want to see 2 million firecrackers lit off? Search YouTube for “PGI 2013 Show Megastring”. That stuff was just the beginning of the night’s activities. The first part of the main show was a display created entirely from shells constructed on site during the convention by the best club members. This was a great show and a demonstration of how good the club members are at what they do. Part two of the evening’s show was done by Bixler Pyrotechnics, based in Ashland, PA. The closing was done by John Sagaria. John is well known in the fireworks business and had done many PGI closing shows over the years. John’s portion of the show alone ran 44 minutes! You can catch bits and pieces of the shows on YouTube by searching “PGI 2013 Convention”. It’s easy to fill the sky with light, smoke, and noise. What makes these shows special is the ability of their creators to tell a story with light and music. So Maryann and I were driving to the convention site in our rental Ford Fusion when she felt the need to look something up in the owner’s manual. In the section of the manual with the safety warnings, she came across a disclaimer that read, “Your vehicle has components that may contain perchlorate. These components may include airbag, seat belt pretensioners …” In unison we both said, “Perchlorate? Explosives?” OK, I know that airbags use explosive charges but I never saw it called out in a manual before. I think I’ve written about airbags before but just to be thorough I’ll give a quick recap. Airbags were originally developed in the mid ‘50’s but the technology to effectively implement them didn’t come along until the mid ‘80’s. 19 Today, airbags are a required supplemental restraint feature in all new cars. The idea is pretty simple. In an accident, your body will hit some portion of the interior of the car. In a front end collision, the most likely thing you will hit is the steering wheel. All the forces of the impact will be concentrated across the small area of the wheel. Imagine inserting a partially inflated bag between you and the steering wheel to soften the force of the impact. That’s the basics of airbags. The trick is to have the airbag fully inflated and starting to deflate before your body hits it. A computer and sensors in the car tell the airbag when to inflate. Inside many airbags is a mixture of NaN3, KNO3, and SiO2. When triggered, these chemicals undergo a series of chemical reactions that produce a lot of nitrogen gas. That’s the gas that fills the airbag. The reaction is very fast and very violent… explosive if you like. Some manufacturers use a different formulation in the airbag that uses perchlorate. I’ve not written about belt pretensioners before. The idea behind them is to take up any slack in the seat belt before the impact of an accident. The device is controlled by the same computer system that controls the airbags. The pretensioner mechanism uses a small explosive change. It would appear that the pretensioner uses the same sort of gas generating chemistry that is used in airbags. But there’s something bugging me about the perchlorate warning in the owner’s manual. What’s it there for? It’s most likely the result of some federal legislation passed in 2011 regarding perchlorates. Perchlorates are toxic so if it was a warning telling me not to eat the airbag, that would at least make sense. But there was no warning, just a statement that the materials are there. I’m hoping that the perchlorate legislation does more than force auto makers to put statements like these into owner’s manuals. Let me give you a quick update on my garage project that I wrote about in the last issue. The Baldhead cabinets are beautiful. I finally rolled the cars in and parked them inside for the first time. The project has turned out better than I imagined. There still stuff to be done. There is a lot of trim and detail work left. I still need to go through all the stuff I have and organize it in the cabinets better. To me, the biggest challenge is turning out to be figuring out how best to use all the new space I have. Thanks for reading. I always welcome suggestions for future articles. You can write me at 2014 Board Member Positions The Olympic Peninsula Region of the Porsche Club of America is accepting nominations for the 2014 calendar year. The Board of Director positions available are Vice President, Secretary and Member at Large. Please take a few minutes to look these available positions over. If something interests you, please contact our President, Jon Wyman at or (440) 463-1978 and Brett Burroughs, our Election Committee Chair, at either or (360) 697-6309, so that ballots can be prepared and sent out. The OPR Board and supporting members are responsible for the smooth operation of our club. All members are encouraged to take an active role and a personal interest. Nominations are due by October 12 th, 2013 at the OPR-PCA Annual Membership Meeting.. Vice President: The Vice President is responsible for requesting Insurance coverage for all moving car events (tours, rally’s tech sessions, etc.) and completing Observer’s Reports for these events and providing to National PCA office. In the absence of the President, presides over meetings; prepares the agenda and directs the discussion thereof., assuring that the new President of the Region has signed this report acknowledging receipt of this Manual and other Region property. Two year position. One of five Board members. Vice President is required to attend the monthly Board/Membership meetings on a regular basis and Annual Membership meeting. The current Vice President is Brooks Hanford if you have any questions. Secretary: Keeps and preserves the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and membership, to include the Annual Meeting and provides a copy to Newsletter Editor and Web Master for publishing. Two year position. One of five Board members. Secretary is required to attend the monthly Board/Membership meetings on a regular basis and Annual Membership meeting. The current Secretary is Linda Wyman if you have any questions. Member at Large: If you cannot decide which of the above positions you would like best, perhaps the Member at Large is for you. The Member at Large fills in where he/she is needed, either through direct tasking, or through his/her own initiative. Best described as "A Helper", the Member at Large assists with special events, understaffed boards, and over tasked editors. One of five Board Members. You will be required to attend the monthly Board meetings on a regular basis. One year position. The current Member at Large is John James if you have any questions. 20 What's it Tahuya? - Pete Fischer Well to me it's my favorite local place to drive the twisties....but in actuality Tahuya State Forest is a 23,000-acre working forest located on the southeastern portion of the Hood Canal west of Belfair in Mason County. The first Saturday in July marks the annual Tahuya Day celebration, which includes a parade, food booths and vendors, and their world famous "what's it to ya" sorry, I mean to type "What's it Tahuya" T-Shirt ... According to the official tourism website for the county locals largely recognize Tahuya Day as a celebration of the quirky place that residents live in "by choice". On Saturday August 17, six cars met at the Gold Mt. Golf Course, not to drive golf balls but to drive our well tuned Porsches thru the paved back roads of the Tahuya forest. After 88 glorious miles and one pit stop we arrived at Trophy Lake Golf Course for the 19th hole. We dined outside on their terrace under warm sunshine. If you missed this tour....I'll have more of this one next year June Moore Serving all of Kitsap County 4235 SE Mile Hill Dr. Port Orchard, WA 98366 - (360) 871-2332 21 2013 Sovern Historics – Darwin Geary On Saturday July 6th, under warm, mostly sunny skies, a group of OPR members attended the 50th anniversary celebration of the Porsche 911 at Pacific Raceways in Kent Washington, which took place during the annual Sovren Historics, vintage sports car races. Among those attending this classic event were Alex Raphael, urrent club President John Wyman, current club VP Brooks Hanford, Brett Burroughs, OPR Treasurer Maryann Elwell, as well as noted Sovren racer and Past President John James and a host of others. The highpoint of the 3 day event for many, were the Saturday "Parade Laps" by various clubs participating in the Sovren Historics car corral. Several hundred cars were allowed to drive this legendary race track for 3 laps, between the morning and afternoon scheduled vintage races. I had never done this event before and it was an exciting way to clean spark plugs, while learning my way around this challenging track. No passing was allowed and parade lap safety rules were in place... Driving this track for the first time was a steep learning curve, literally, but my co-pilot was an experienced BMW and Porsche S.I.R. "track days" veteran, and by yelling at me all the way around the course, he made sure I followed the fastest line around the track... after all, what are friends for.... Apparently his track instructor had done the same thing to him, so this was some kind of "rite of passage" for a newbie like me.....tucking in very close to the grandstand wall while accelerating onto the main straight is something I will never forget, it is definitely the fastest line through that section, but it gets your attention. Now I know why those f-1 guys like their sequential finger tip shifters!!!! After that exciting, but all too brief track session, we explored the car corrals and looked at an extraordinary collection of vintage British, Italian, and German sports cars. a British car owner told me that the British equivalent of an "Italian tune up" was to "wipe the oil off the under carriage and find a fresh parking spot"!!! There were some very nice vintage Lotuses, Jaguars, MG's, BMW's and Ferraris, but the biggest turnout was a large and excellent PCA member collection of 911's, 912's and 356's, including Brett's awesome supercharged 993, with some very nice water cooled models, including some GT3's, and Alex's highly tweaked black 928. It was a spectacular collection of Porsches. One 1970's vintage 930 sported some vintage early turbo memorabilia in its open trunk, including a bumper sticker that said "Doctor Killer", which harks back to that cars reputation for being "a real handfull", especially for the uninitiated, what with the turbo lag and the not lifting in the corners. That said, it is a safe car in the hands of an experienced PCA owner. It was, by far the World’s Fastest production car in the late 1970's.... One special race that was staged that Saturday: was a "911 only" race in honor of the 911's 50th anniversary. A great variety of vintage and newer 911's were entered, a green and white entry ran away from the pack and made a very impressive showing, as both car and driver reminded us why we like 911's. The horizontal white- green -white paint scheme of that 911, exactly mimicked the color scheme of German Police cars, which are sometimes referred to as "cucumber sandwiches". Also featured at this event was a major part of the privately owned McCaw car collection, spectacular rare 911's were featured, including a rare 959 from 1989 that looked like it was going 200 mph just sitting there. A timeless aerodynamic shape wrapped around ultra exotic technology, it was without a doubt, the most exotic production car sold in the last century. 22 After viewing these exotic and rare 911's, we proceeded to the pit area to admire all of the beautiful and rare historic racers being prepped for the next races. There were really nice cobras, an entire team of beautifully prepared (and very fast) BMW 2002's and a cornucopia of nice Lotuses, Triumphs, Jags, MG's and even an original Ford GT-40. The legendary old Porsche powered Cooper racer, known as a "Pooper", was also in the pits. But the car we were in search of, was something very special and we found it in the far end of the pits, with veteran le mans driver Brian Redmond in a silvery Nomex racing suit, supervising the final details of the race preparation, for the legendary Porsche 917k he would be demonstrating in a one car "tour de force", as part of the Porsche 911 50th anniversary celebration. The ultra powerful 917k developed by Porsche family member Ferdinand Piech during the 1970's, is the short tail version of the most powerful, most legendary Porsche race car in racing history. When Brian gave the signal, the starter and ignition systems were externally powered up, the fuel pumps were turned on, the 1000+ horsepower, hand built, Hans Mezger designed, flat 12 cylinder engine came to life with a deafening roar. It shook the ground as small debris and dust were kicked up around the paddock and the engine was given a good warm up to get the oil temp circulating at the right temperature for high revs, and then shut down. We headed for the grandstands because the scheduled time for the 917k's demonstration laps was rapidly approaching. I positioned myself at the far end of the grand stand wall, looking directly down at the track, at the start of the straightaway, exactly where I had passed just inches away from the wall, two hours earlier. The track announcer informed us Brian Redmond was heading for the track, we could hear the 917k shake the entire facility as it headed from the pits to the track. My heart rate went up, it would be the first time I had ever seen a 917k driven in anger, and Brian Redmond holds the absolute track record at Pacific Raceways.... We could hear him enter the track at the hot pit lane along the straight and could hear the unearthly scream of the flat 12 as he entered the track and immediately dropped the hammer. He disappeared down the straight and we could hear the car absolutely tear up the track, as he went through the hills and woods on the south side of the circuit. When he next appeared, going into the hairpin before the straight, he was still travelling at a ferocious speed under heavy braking before exploding onto the straightaway at an absolutely astounding rate of acceleration, missing the track wall by mere inches, in a precise drift, and obviously keeping a precise perfect line throughout the course. This is the most impressive car, and the most impressive driver, I have ever seen. I was looking directly down at the velocity stacks as the 917k passed 10 only feet beneath me at maximum power, it shook the earth all around the grandstands as he blasted by, a shockwave of noise, seemingly equaled only by U.S supersonic military jet displays and top fuel dragsters. It was a pretty hard act to follow, he shut the car down after 2 laps of a 3 lap demonstration, and returned to the pits. Apparently some kind of problem was detected. I hope the car is ok, and I'm glad we got to see those 2 extremely hot 917 laps, ..... Watching John James drive a very skillful race in his beautifully tuned vintage triumph, at the end of the day was the icing on the cake...... it was a perfect, OPR kind of day. (917 photo courtesy of Todd Femming) 23 OLYMPIC PENINSULA REGION-PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA Meeting Minutes July 27, 2013 President Jon Wyman called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. at The Bush Whacker Restaurant, Port Angeles WA. Board Members Present: President: Jon Wyman, Vice President: Brooks Hanford, Secretary: Linda Wyman, Member at Large: John James, Past President: Brian Forde. Members Present: Gene & Parry Stahl, Lori Schneider, Chuck Leber, Darwin Garvey, Jeanne Martin, Corby Somerville, Barbara Hanford, Carol Gearey, Fred and Christy Mitchell, Cecil & Maria White, David and Patty Meyers, John and Susi James, Joshua Crabtree, Toni Goralski, Don and Mary K Conner, Janis Putnam, June Moore, Judy Berrian, Kevin Strilcov, Jeff Bennett. Jon Wyman presented the minutes from the June 2013 meeting and the June 12, 2013 Special Board Meeting. A motion was made to approve minutes by John James. Mary K Conner made a second to the motion. BOARD MEMBER AND CHAIR REPORTS President: Jon Wyman: Review of Porsche Escape presentation and subsequent board meeting in Traverse City, MI. Vice President: Brooks Hanford: Nothing to report. Secretary: Linda Wyman: The current secretary’s term will expire at the end of this year and a search for a replacement is in progress. Anyone interested in serving on the board as secretary in 2014 is requested to contact any board member, or, speak up at the next event or meeting. Treasurer: Maryann Elwell: Beginning balance: $7650.17, Ending balance: $9,021.33. Membership: Kip Sparber: Not present. Maryann Elwell on his behalf: 146 Primary Members, 116 Affiliate Members – total club members 262. Past President: Brian Forde: nothing to report Advertising Chair: Pete Bonfrisco – not present Newsletter Editor: Brian Forde: Newsletter has been expanded and will contain additional pages in full color Website: Brian Forde: nothing to report. Member at Large: John James. Nothing to report. Technical/Speed: Alex Raphael: Not present. Goodie Store: Neil Green: Not present. OLD BUSINESS: Jon Wyman: Deposit has been made for Holiday Party: Manresa Castle, Port Townsend, WA, to be held Saturday, the 7th of December. NEW BUSINESS: John James discussed the Porsche event at the Skamania Lodge, Stevenson WA, commemorating 50 years of the Porsche 911. This event will be held September 6-8, 2013. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m. with a motion made by John James. Mary K Conner made a second to the motion. Respectfully submitted: Linda Wyman, Secretary NEXT MEETING WILL BE Wednesday, August 14th at The Airport Diner, Bremerton, WA. 24 OLYMPIC PENINSULA REGION-PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA Meeting Minutes August 14, 2013 President Jon Wyman called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. at The Airport Diner, Bremerton, WA. Board Members Present: President: Jon Wyman, Vice President: Brooks Hanford, Secretary: Linda Wyman, Past President: Brian Forde, Members Present: Ed Scheid, Brian Forde, Jim Egan, Pete Fischer, Susan Smith, Alex and Debbie Raphael, Barbara Hanford Janis Putnam, Brett Burroughs, Bob Becken, Neil Green, Pete Bonfrisco, Don Knievel, Dave and Adrianne Loser, Terri Peterson. Jon Wyman presented the minutes from the July 27th meeting. A motion was made to approve the July minutes by Brooks Hanford. Neil Green made a second to the motion. BOARD MEMBER AND CHAIR REPORTS President: Jon Wyman: nothing to report Vice President: Brooks Hanford: Improvement needed for communication/correspondence when changes are made in club tour events. We have to have insurance for some events and the dates and other details must be correct when filing for insurance with PCA. Secretary: Linda Wyman: The current secretary’s term will expire at the end of this year and a search for a replacement is in progress. Anyone interested in serving on the board as secretary in 2014 is requested to contact any board member, or, speak up at the next event or meeting. Treasurer: Maryann Elwell: not present. Jon Wyman: Beginning month balance: $9021.33, Ending month balance: $7590.88. The Porsches on the Pier event raised $1067.95 for the Captain Joseph House. It was suggested that the club donate an additional $132.05 from the general fund, which would bring the total donation to an even $1200. A vote was taken among club members present, and the additional contribution from the general fund was approved. Brooks Hanford moved to approve this vote, while Brett Burroughs seconded the motion. Membership: Kip Sparber: Not present. Jon Wyman reported that we have added four new members in the past month: Ronald Burleson, Gig Harbor; Rob Connelley, Bainbridge Island; Debra Enneking, Gig Harbor; Al Alegre, Bremerton. Past President: Brian Forde: nothing to report Advertising Chair: Pete Bonfrisco – nothing to report. Newsletter Editor: Brian Forde: The next Nor’Wester club newsletter deadline Thursday, August 15 th. Website: Brian Forde: nothing to report. Member at Large: John James. Not present. Social Chair: Pete Fischer: Reviewed upcoming tours and events. October 4, 2013, will be the club’s ten-year anniversary. The club decided that the anniversary would be recognized and celebrated during Pete Fischer’s October tour and dinner at the Bay Street Bistro in Port Orchard. The Bay Street Bistro will give us the entire restaurant if there are 40 attendees. Technical/Speed: Alex Raphael: Current projects are highlighted on page for Max RPM. Goodie Store: Neil Green: Discussed Goodie Store items available for purchase. OLD BUSINESS: Debbie Raphael reviewed the details of December 7, 2013, holiday party at the Manresa Castle in Port Townsend. NEW BUSINESS: nothing to report Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. with a motion made by Bob Becken . Brooks Hanford made a second to the motion. Respectfully submitted: Linda Wyman, Secretary NEXT MEETING WILL BE Wednesday, September 11 th at 6 p.m. at location TBD. 25 Welcome New Members! Ronald Burleson Rob Connelley Debra Enneking Al Alegre Dave Miller Gig Harbor Bainbridge Island Gig Harbor Bremerton Port Angeles Auto Platz (Classifieds) FOR SALE: 2007 Boxster 11,100 Miles, Arctic Silver/Stone Grey Top and Interior, Leather, Heated Sport Seats Sport Chrono Package w/out PCM,18" Boxster S Wheels, Clear Corners. 20 year PCA member original owner $27,000 - Brent Kish @ FOR SALE: Contact Info: Pete at 1. Porsche Steering Wheel with AirBag - $600 or any reasonable offer. 2. 2009-2012 Porsche Boxster S/Cayman S stock Exhaust with ~5000 miles - $600 or any reasonable offer 3. 2009-2012 Porsche Boxster S/Cayman S Borla Exhaust - $800 or any reasonable offer To submit an ad for the Auto Platz, please send information to OPR-BRIAN@LIVE.COM. 26 Olympic Peninsula Region/Porsche Club of America P.O. Box 3572 Silverdale, WA 98383