March 2016 TeleTalk Newsletter
March 2016 TeleTalk Newsletter
PO Box 299 Council Grove, KS 66846 Tele-Talk A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FOR THE MEMBERS OF TCT. NEWSLETTER PO Box 299 1568 S 1000 Rd Council Grove, KS 66846 Now offering two Retail/Customer Service Loca ons to be er serve our customers! TCT SoluƟons Center 2016 Annual Meeting GROWING OUR COMMUNITIES 53rd Annual Meeting of The Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc. members Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Herington Community Building Meal at 6:00pm. Meeting at 7:00pm. 923 W Main Council Grove, KS 66846 620.767.5153800.362.2576 Hours: Monday–Friday 8am to 5pm TCT SoluƟons Center 120 NE 14th Abilene, KS 67410 785.479.5561800.362.2576 Hours: Monday–Friday 9am to 6pm Visit us on the Web! Official Notice of The Tri-County Telephone Association, Inc. Annual Meeting of Members The 53rd annual mee ng of Members of The Tri-County Telephone Associa on, Inc. will be held at the Herington Community Building, 810 South Broadway, Herington, Kansas, on Tuesday, March 29, 2016. Meal will be served beginning at 6pm followed by the video presenta on of the FRS Youth Tour and the recogni on of the TCT scholarship winners; the business mee ng starts at 7pm. Ballots for the vo ng of Directors will read as follows: District #1: Shawn Tiffany, Delavan C. Kay Hutchinson, Delavan District #3: Kenny Stroda, Ramona Chad Lorson, Hope District #4: Kelli Cox, Woodbine Monte Dibben, Junc on City Maria Foerschler, Junc on City Gerald (Jerry) Mason, Abilene District #5: Linda Wessel, Council Grove David Bayer, Council Grove Bob Collins, Council Grove The mee ng will be conducted by the President, Dan Reiff, and will consist of the following: • Meet, Greet and Dinner. • Founda on for Rural Services Youth Tour presenta on. • Recogni on of TCT Scholarship winner’s. • Report on number of members present to determine quorum. • Reading of No ce and Proof of mailing thereof. • Reading of unapproved minutes of previous Annual Mee ng and taking of necessary ac on, thereon. • Presenta on of Reports of Officers, Directors, and CEO. • Unfinished Business. • New Business. • Announcement of elec on results. • Announcement of door prize winners. • Adjournment. Please note that our offices will close at 3pm on March 29 to allow our employees time to regroup and travel to Herington for our Annual Meeting of Members. We hope to see you there! Treasure Corner... FOR SALE: 4- 17” GMC aluminum Denali wheels, like new with lug nuts, $150; Chrome WesƟn Bull Bar, $50 (don’t know what it fits, but it don’t fit my truck). Call 785-3666799. Used Canon L100 fax/copy machine, $100 OBO. New Oki Image Drum for 4400/B4500/B4600 mono printers, $150 OBO. Call 620-767-3039. Hedge posts $5-$15. Hedge or Hackberry firewood. 2- Wheel trailer, 81”x12”, lights, spare, ramps and treated floor, $950. 110 gallon fiberglass tank, $40. Call 785-598-2353. Old IH corn sheller; old John Deere one row culƟvator; old John Deere one row planter; old manure spreader; old 3-disc plow; several old doors and windows; several used Ɵres 14-20”; old steel wheel with low miles, most with Oliver 2-boƩom plow; and no wear at all. Call 785-482Dixon mowers. Contact 7853359, leave message. 983-4844 or 785-983-4421. CraŌsman 9hp snow blower, Fordson radiator, $200; Two electric start, self-propelled. round spoke rear wheels Call 620-767-5769. 28”x12” for McCormick FREE: W30, $200; Titan 11.2x38 Will pick up your old cars, rear tractor Ɵres; Round trucks, lawn mowers, spoke wheel for M&M stoves, old heaters, dump rake, $100. Call 785radiators, most heavy junk 983-4381 or 620-381-3446. within 25 miles of White “83” Chevy PU, blown engine, City. Call 785-349-2983, can lots of good parts, some leave message. The TCT Treasure Corner ads are unique to the members of the cooperative and its subsidiaries. If you have an item you would like to list in this section, please give us a call or send us an e-mail. All ads will be screened and listed as space is available. Ad deadline is the 10th of the previous month. Please mail items to: TCT, PO Box 299, Council Grove, KS 66846 620.767.5153 800.362.2576 r o t y s i i n H t e h c e n M e i aking r e p x E FRS Youth Tour 2016 June 4–8 + Washington, D.C. The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) Youth Tour will bring 100 high school students from rural America together for an exciting experience. TCT will sponsor an area student to attend the FRS Youth Tour. Students MUST be high school students age 16 or 17 at the time of the Youth Tour with parents or guardian who are members of the cooperative. Application deadline is April 1, 2016. For more for information please contact Angie Schwerdtfeger at 800.362.2576/ The FRS Youth Tour: Offers rural students an inside look at the telecommunications industry. Educates students about the legislative and governmental process. Gives students the opportunity to experience the nation’s capitol and visit famous historical sites including the Lincoln Memorial, the U.S. Capitol, Mount Vernon and Arlington National Cemetary Allows students to meet other youth from rural communities across the country and to form lasting friendships. Scope & Sequence WAC (Water Awareness Campaign) The Scope & Sequence WAC is a program that will bring in speakers or specialist in particular areas of the scope of water and our environment and provide an awareness to our local school population as well as surrounding community members. The event is scheduled for March 22. Activities will begin at 6pm with an evening meal. Starting at 7pm, presentations will begin covering the following topics. 1) Shawn Tiffany - Tiffany Cattle Co. - speaking about no-till farming and cover crops. 2) Larry Fischer - CG Lake Water Board - discussing a possible alternative source for drinking water consumption for the residents of Council Grove. 3) Travis Carmichael - Lyon Co. Master Gardener - discussing applications of gardening reducing water usage and cover crops to prevent water loss. 4) David Sampson - speaking about development of wind/solar pumping stations to be used in agricultural issues. 5) Susan Metzger - Assistant Sec. State Agricultural Dept. speaking about 50 year water vision or plan and complications we may be facing. 6) Ryan Armbrust - Kansas Forestry Service - discussion of Riparian Zone in maintaining watershed quality. Channel 2 What to Watch TCT’s Shop Local Weekly Movies Airing at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.daily* *Council Grove City Council Meetings will air Thursdays at 8p.m. February 29 - March 6 M-W-F: Prairie Pals- Vanadium ore puts Hank Stoner’s ranch at risk with theives. T-TH-SAT: Power Dive- Richard Arlen plays a test pilot who, with the help of his brother, create a new secret aircraft made out of plastic. March 7-13 M-W-F: +HOOÀUH$XVWLQ On the run, Ken must hide himself & his horse until race day. T-TH-SAT: Gambler’s Choice- Police lieutenant, Mike McGlennon, is determined to stop 2016 brings some exciting changes to TCT’s Shop Local Program. A new campaign will highlight businesses, served by TCT, for their dedication to excellent customer service. all gambling activites including his friend, Ross Hadley’s place. They both fall for the club’s singer. March 14-20 M-W-F: 3KDQWRP&RZER\Bill Collins and his look-alike, Phantom, try to stop a robbery Buck Houston has put into action. T-TH-SAT: /LWWOH0HQ Two con men plan to save the school house from foreclosure. March 21-27 M-W-F: 6RQJV6DGGOHV A foster son must help his dad keep his ranch when it is wanted to make a highway. T-TH-SAT: 7RXJKWR+DQGOH A young reporter’s grandfather won the lottery but only to ÀQGRXWWKHWLFNHWZDVSKRQ\+HWHDPVXSZLWKKLVEURWKHUWRÀQGWKHJDQJZKRPDGHWKHWLFNHW March 28 - April 2 M-W-F: Trail Riders- The sheriff is killed during a bank robbery in town. The Marshal sends the Range Busters (Dusty King, Davy Sharpe & Alibi Terhune) to restore the order in town. T-TH-SAT: %HORZWKH'HDGOLQH Out for revenge, Joe Hilton takes over his brother’s illegal operation after returning from the war. Can his sweetheart persuade him to change is mind? Nature Adventures Experience the outdoors with Terri and Todd from South Dakota. Nature Adventures will air M-F 9 a.m., 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. Saturdays at 1 p.m. & 6 p.m. March 2- 8 March 16-22 M-W-F: The Everglades T-TH-SAT: Sea Turtles M-W-F: 0RQWDQD0RXQWDLQV T-TH-SAT: 1RUWKHUQ,GDKR March 9-15 March 23 - 29 M-W-F: Cozumel Mexico T-TH-SAT: -XQJOHVRI WKH<XFDWDQ M-W-F: 3ODLQVRI WKH'DNRWDV T-TH-SAT: 7H[DV*XOI &RDVW March 30 - April 5 M-W-F: ([SORULQJ*UDQG7HWRQV T-TH-SAT: 2.7LJHU6DQFWXDU\ Patrons will nominate one business per month at the TCT Solutions Centers in Council Grove or Abilene. Each month, TCT will draw a name as the winner of a free shop local commercial, and the customer who nominated the winning business will also win a prize! Shop Local Business of the Month is... ReRun Consignments Want more information? Contact LuAnn Fuller, Ryan Becker or Mindy Andres at 620-767-8288! Special of the Month... If you’ve been thinking about adding Starz or Encore, now’s the me to order (and even if you haven’t, you should!). TCT TV Nu-Vision customers can save half off of STARZ and Encore for six months— regularly $14.95 per month. 2016 KATP Field School Announced The 2016 Kansas Archeology Training Program field school will be held at the Last Chance Store in Council Grove, Kansas, June 2-17, 2016. Sponsors of the project are the Kansas Historical Society (KSHS) and the Kansas Anthropological Associa on (KAA). This year marks the 41st anniversary of the KATP field school, which provides a hands-on opportunity for the public to work alongside professional and avoca onal archeologists in the field and in the laboratory. No experience is necessary, just a desire to learn. The primary goal of the excava ons will be to reveal more informa on about the brief mercan le period of the property during the Santa Fe Trail era. Further details are included in the registra on packet, which is posted at The KSHS and the KAA do not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or opera on of their programs. The KSHS requests prior no fica on to accommodate individuals with disabili es or special needs. For more informa on, contact Virginia Wul uhle at 785-272-8681, extension 266. Seriously. It’s pre y much the best deal ever. And, while you save, you’ll be watching movies you wished you had caught in the theater, shows everyone is talking about, plus all your favorites. Come in or give us a call! 800.362.2576 *Certain restrictions apply. Contact us for more details. (767-6587) Offer available 2.1.16–3.31.16. FIND US ON >>> IMPORTANT NOTICE Each year, TCT works very hard to get the best value for the programming we provide to our Nu-Vision television subscribers. Since November 2012, we have been able to absorb the cost of increases for programming and have not felt the need to raise the price for DVR, HD or the Premium Channels. Effective April 1, 2016 we will be increasing the price of our Nu-Vision Expanded Basic Package $6 within the bundle. For those with DVR the price will increase $2.50, HD Services will increase $2.55 and Lifestyle & Sports Pass will increase $4. Please feel free to contact us at 800-362-2576 if you have questions or concerns. Details of the increase are as follows: Programming Packages Was Nu-Vision Expanded Basic $69.95 Bundled $59.95 Local Basics $24.95 Lifestyle & Sports Pass $8.95 Cinemax $14.95 HBO $16.95 Hispanic $12.95 Show me $14.95 Starz $14.95 Whole Home DVR $5.00 Whole Home HD $9.95 Now $79.95 $65.95 $24.95 $12.95 $14.95 $16.95 $12.95 $14.95 $14.95 $7.50 $12.50 First Congrega onal United Church of Christ will host their annual Lenten Luncheons in Fellowship Hall at 400 W Main St, Council Grove. They are held each Thursday through March 17. Serving begins at Noon, is followed with a devo onal me from an area pastor and concludes by 1pm. The menu is a choice of two soups, dessert, relishes and drink. A list of speakers will be announced on TCTTV channel 2 and in the Council Grove Republican. There is a free-will offering that is used for local mission projects of the church. Everyone is welcome to a end. The Navarre Lions Club invites you to their Annual Pancake Feed on March 5 from 11am – 7pm at the Navarre Community Center (old schoolhouse). Come hungry for pancakes, eggs, sausage, and homemade desserts. Raising money for renova ons to the building and community projects. The Counci Grove First Congrega onal church is part of a mul -denomina onal group called the Flint Hill Rebuilders whose mission is to answer calls for help from folks who have home improvement issues they can’t tackle on their own. The groups first big undertaking come spring is a roofing project. In order to raise funds, a HUGE rummage sale is planned for March 5. If you have any items that are in good shape that you would like to donate to this amazing effort to rebuild within our community, contact Sandy Larson at 620-767-5908. Big or small, we’ll take any dona ons. (598-2020) Mark your calendars and kick off the garage sale season for a good cause! A Community Breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 12, at the White City Senior Ci zen Center. Serving starts at 7:30am. Come enjoy pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy, juice or coffee. All for a dona on. Proceeds stay in White City to help with White City Senior Ci zen Center. Tis that me of year again for the White City Public Library “Cookie Walk”. Join us Saturday, March 12, from 9am to noon for homemade cookies and candies. Small bags, $6, and large bags, $8. Come out and help support our library. The Council Grove Senior Center is sponsoring a trip to the Prairie Band Casino on March, 17. The cost is $23 per person with $10 playing money back and free buffet. The bus will depart from Herington and make stops in Council Grove and Alta Vista. Payment will be due by March 1; check payable to S&S Tours. For more informa on, please contact Beverly Kraus at 620-797-6190, leave message. St. Columbia Catholic Church in Elmo will be having their annual soup lunch on Sunday, March 20, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Serving homemade chicken noodle, chili, veggies, and homemade pies. Handicap accessible. Take outs available. Teams are now being formed for the Morris County Relay For Life, which will be held June 4, 2016 at Council Grove High School. This event celebrates people who have ba led cancer, remembers loved ones lost, and takes ac on to finish the fight. Visit or contact Connie Johnson at 785-983-4459 or Jamie Schmidt at 785-349-5506. We are pleased to serve our local communities and would like to include your Community Events in our newsletter. Submission for this section is the 10th of the previous month. Please mail items to: TCT, PO Box 299, Council Grove, KS 66846 620.767.5153 800.362.2576 NEW LISTINGS Barney Aaron & Brandi ....................... 785-965-2008 Bruce Jennifer .................................... 620-767-7019 Ken Novak .......................................... 785-965-7203 Kinderknecht J and K.......................... 620-767-5203 Krause Z & C ....................................... 785-479-2050 Laizure Brandon ................................. 620-767-5216 Martin Brad........................................ 620-767-5217 McCullough Sean ............................... 785-349-2044 Miller Drew A ..................................... 785-479-2053 Nunley Joey and Kelli ......................... 785-479-5001 Richardson Adam ............................... 620-767-7018 Staatz Emily ....................................... 785-965-2009 Svitak Damien .................................... 620-924-5008 Williams Joshua R .............................. 785-366-7036 Zajac Stephen & Michelle ................... 785-482-3011 Effective March 1, 2016 – Kansas Rural Telephone companies are directed by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) to change the rate for Kansas Universal Service Fund (KUSF) to 6.53%*. The KUSF rate is determined on an annual basis in order to ensure funds are available to pay for KUSF supported programs such as High-Cost Support, Lifeline and Kan-Ed. If you have any concerns, contact the KCC at 800.662.0027. * The KCC has changed the KUSF assessment method to a percentage assessment method. WINNERS CIRCLE Congrats to our February winner(s): Leanna Kreger Be sure to look through the newsle er for two phone numbers in parenthesis. If it’s your number call our office to claim your prize!
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