Sparkasse KoelnBonn
Sparkasse KoelnBonn
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CREDIT OPINION 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn Update following affirmation of ratings Update Summary Rating Rationale On 18 July, we affirmed Sparkasse KoelnBonn's (SKKB's) Aa3 long-term deposit ratings and the bank's A2 long-term debt ratings with a stable outlook. We also affirmed the bank's P-1 short-term deposit ratings, its Baa2 subordinated debt rating and its Aa3(cr)/P-1(cr) Counterparty Risk (CR) Assessments. At the same time, we upgraded SKKB’s baseline credit assessment (BCA) to ba1 from ba2, while we afffirmed the bank’s baa1 adjusted BCA. RATINGS Sparkasse KoelnBonn Domicile Koeln, Germany Long Term Debt A2 Type Senior Unsecured Dom Curr Outlook Stable Long Term Deposit Aa3 Type LT Bank Deposits - Fgn Curr Outlook Stable Please see the ratings section at the end of this report for more information. The ratings and outlook shown reflect information as of the publication date. SKKB's long-term debt and deposit ratings reflect: (1) the bank's upgraded ba1 BCA; (2) its affirmed baa1 Adjusted BCA, which incorporates unchanged very high affiliate support from Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (S-Finanzgruppe; Aa2 stable, a2)1 which results in three (previously four) notches of affiliate support; (3) the results of our Advanced Loss Given Failure (LGF) Analysis, which provides three notches of rating uplift for deposits and one notch for senior debt from the baa1 Adjusted BCA; and (4) our assumption of “moderate” government support, resulting in one notch of rating uplift for SKKB's debt and deposits. The upgrade of SKKB's standalone BCA by one notch to ba1 reflects the bank's improved capital, also considering increasing high-quality additional capital reserves allowed by German GAAP (§340f reserves) and a binding agreement reached earlier in 2016 that provides SKKB's management full discretion to convert silent participation instruments into new common equity. Analyst Contacts Bernhard Held, CFA 49-69-70730-973 VP – Senior Analyst Exhibit 1 Rating Scorecard - Key Financial Ratios Carola Schuler 49-69-70730-766 Managing Director Banking Alexander Hendricks, 49-69-70730-779 CFA Associate Managing Director - Banking Source: Moody's Financial Metrics FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Credit Strengths » Solid, deposit-based funding profile and sound liquidity » Improving asset quality supported by the bank's stable Macro Profile of Very Strong- » SKKB benefits from strong cross-sector support Credit Challenges » Planned hybrid capital conversion will improve SKKB's still weak capital structure » Operating profitability is subject to continued pressure in the low interest rate environment » Declining trend in senior and subordinated debt loss-absorption capacity Rating Outlook » The outlook on the bank's long-term debt and deposit ratings is stable, reflecting our expectation that the future strengthening of the bank's BCA, following a conversion of €500 million of silent participations into common equity, will be offset by a less favourable loss-given-failure for senior debt and deposits. Factors that Could Lead to an Upgrade » An upgrade of SKKB’s BCA would be subject to a conversion of the bank’s €500 million of silent participations into common equity. The BCA could further benefit from a recovery of the bank’s profitability beyond our current expectations after the conversion of these silent participations. » An upgrade of the BCA may not directly translate into an upgrade of SKKB’s long-term debt and deposit ratings, as indicated by the stable rating outlook, because we expect upward pressure on the BCA to be offset by an increase in the loss severity for these instruments under our Advanced LGF analysis. Factors that Could Lead to a Downgrade » A downgrade of SKKB’s BCA is currently unlikely, unless the bank experiences asset quality and/or profitability deterioration beyond our current expectations. » A future downgrade of SKKB’s BCA may not directly translate into a downgrade of SKKB’s long-term ratings, if our assumption of a very high support probability by S-Finanzgruppe’s IPS remains unchanged. » However, SKKB’s long-term ratings may be downgraded based on a stronger increase in loss-given-failure for SKKB’s individual debt classes than we currently anticipate. Such higher loss severities could result from a continued reduction in senior and subordinated debt volumes outstanding. This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page on for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history. 2 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Key Indicators Exhibit 2 Sparkasse KoelnBonn (Unconsolidated Financials) [1] Total Assets (EUR billion) Total Assets (USD billion) Tangible Common Equity (EUR billion) Tangible Common Equity (USD billion) Problem Loans / Gross Loans (%) Tangible Common Equity / Risk Weighted Assets (%) Problem Loans / (Tangible Common Equity + Loan Loss Reserve) (%) Net Interest Margin (%) PPI / Average RWA (%) Net Income / Tangible Assets (%) Cost / Income Ratio (%) Market Funds / Tangible Banking Assets (%) Liquid Banking Assets / Tangible Banking Assets (%) Gross loans / Due to customers (%) 12-152 12-142 12-133 12-123 12-113 Avg. 26.5 28.8 1.2 1.3 3.4 7.8 47.1 1.5 0.8 0.1 82.7 13.1 20.5 102.3 27.4 33.1 1.1 1.3 4.0 7.4 57.8 1.5 0.8 0.3 82.6 17.1 22.1 106.6 28.7 39.6 1.0 1.4 4.8 6.5 71.4 1.5 0.6 0.2 84.5 21.0 23.4 109.9 28.9 38.1 0.9 1.2 5.0 5.4 78.1 1.5 0.7 0.1 79.7 28.5 19.8 117.6 29.3 38.1 0.9 1.2 4.7 5.6 74.9 1.4 0.5 0.0 85.9 32.7 19.6 125.2 -2.54 -6.74 5.84 1.24 4.35 7.66 65.95 1.55 0.86 0.15 83.15 22.55 21.15 112.35 [1] All figures and ratios are adjusted using Moody's standard adjustments [2] Basel III - fully-loaded or transitional phase-in; LOCAL GAAP [3] Basel II; LOCAL GAAP [4] Compound Annual Growth Rate based on LOCAL GAAP reporting periods [5] LOCAL GAAP reporting periods have been used for average calculation [6] Basel III - fully-loaded or transitional phase-in & LOCAL GAAP reporting periods have been used for average calculation Source: Moody's Financial Metrics Detailed Rating Considerations SKKB is one of the largest German savings banks, with total assets of €26.5 billion as of December 2015. It is active in corporate and retail banking and is wholly owned by the Cities of Cologne (70%, unrated) and Bonn (30%, unrated). SKKB reports under local GAAP. Planned hybrid capital conversion will improve SKKB's Weak capital structure SKKB's modest capitalisation and weak capital structure remain a constraint for the BCA, despite our recent upgrade of the assigned Capital score to ba3 from b2. SKKB has entered into an agreement with its owners that allows the bank to convert €500 million of silent participations held by the owners into common equity. Until year-end 2017, these instruments are currently treated as Additional Tier 1 (AT1) for regulatory capital purposes. We expect that these will be converted by the bank into instruments eligible as regulatory Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) in 2017. The conversion right gives the bank access to additional committed equity sources, which leads us to assign a capital score of ba3, one notch above the b1 macro-adjusted capital score. Prior to this expected conversion, SKKB reported a weak regulatory CET1 ratio of 7.0% as of year-end 2015 (2014: 6.7%); the Tier 1 ratio that includes AT1 capital was 10.3%. While we expect that the structural weakness will be addressed, we expect only modest internal capital generation during 2016-19. We also note that SKKB's ability to maintain a sound total capital structure and ratios will require replacement of maturing subordinated instruments. SKKB's modest bottom-line profitability implies that economic setbacks and/or a further tightening of regulatory capital requirements cannot be swiftly addressed through earnings retention; we have assigned a b2 Profitability score. In addition, further capital measures to bolster Additional Tier 1 or Tier 2 capital will require prudent management of the bank's limited resources given the additional costs involved. That said, we expect that Tier 2 capital will be available at attractive rates. SKKB plans to issue subordinated capital in order to more comfortably meet the 10.5% minimum total capital ratio applicable from 2019, by which date some outstanding subordinated instruments will mature. Solid, increasingly deposit-based funding profile and sound liquidity SKKB's liquidity and funding profile benefits from a substantial amount of liquid assets, high and granular deposit levels, and diversified alternative funding sources, which together imply low funding risks. We expect that this profile will remain unchanged, underpinned by SKKB's retail-focused business model and high (and rising) levels of household savings. At the same time, the recent reduction of senior unsecured and subordinated funding may prospectively translate into higher loss-given-failure for institutional depositors and senior unsecured investors. 3 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS SKKB's refinancing needs are modest, given stable customer deposits of €16.3 billion (2014: €15.6 billion) against a loan book of €19.5 billion at year-end 2015 (2014: €19.8 billion). In addition, SKKB places parts of its securitised liabilities with its clients, including subordinated debt. The bank's funding strategy includes long-term funds from the issuance of mortgage and public-sector Pfandbriefe (covered bonds), which provide for diversification and easier market access. SKKB had adequate liquidity reserves as of year-end 2015 and reports that it is already in compliance with the new regulatory liquidity ratios under CRR/CRD IV, with a 199% Liquidity Coverage Ratio. Profitability benefits from improving asset quality, but is subject to pressure in the low rates environment We expect that SKKB's net income will remain at low levels in 2016-17, commensurate with our assigned profitability score of b2. Thereafter, the bank will benefit from the expiry of several expenses, including (1) an approximate €15 million annual provision (expiry expected in 2016) for potential losses of Erste Abwicklungsanstalt (EAA; Aa1 stable)2, the unwinding vehicle of the former WestLB (now Portigon, unrated), wholly owned by the Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen (Aa1 stable)3; and (2) close to €40 million in interest payments on its silent participations. We expect that the bank will only achieve significant additional improvements in results if interest rates pick up from their currently extended low levels. For 2015, SKKB reported a net profit of €25.8 million, down from a Moody's-adjusted net income of €75.4 million in 2014. The bank's 2015 results benefitted from the continued moderate level of specific loan loss provisioning of €21 million or 18% of pre-provision income. This reflects the continued improvement in asset quality, as expressed by a 3.4% problem loan ratio as of year-end 2015, down from 4.0% in December 2014. At the same time, the bank's net interest income declined to €382 million by €14 million, whereas the bank's cost-income ratio remained broadly unchanged at a high 82.7%. In addition, the bank's 2014 results had been supported by the sale of a 50% stake in real estate asset manager Corpus Sireo Holding (unrated). The bank's asset quality remains on an improving trend, driven by the favourable operating environment of Germany, as well as the bank's good progress in working out higher-risk legacy assets. At the same time, single-name concentrations in SKKB's corporate loan book and securities portfolio, whilst on a reducing trend, remain large in the context of the bank's capital. SKKB also continues to provide funding to commercial real-estate funds, some of which have been underperforming, which has triggered legal disputes with the funds' capital sponsors. We adjust the bank's score for Asset Risk down to ba1 from the ratio-implied baa1 score in order to duly reflect these risk concentrations, as well as the market risk (that is, the residual interest rate risk after hedges), which relates to the natural mismatch of the bank's short-term funding profile. SKKB's rating is supported by its Macro Profile of Very StrongThe vast majority of SKKB's assets are in Germany, resulting in a `Very Strong-' Macro Profile, in line with Germany's Macro Profile. 4 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Notching Considerations Affiliate Support SKKB benefits from an unchanged very high level of cross-sector support from Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Cross-sector support materially reduces the probability of default, as it would be available to stabilise a distressed member bank and not just compensate for losses in a resolution. Our assumptions result in three notches of rating uplift to SKKB's debt and deposit ratings, down by one notch compared to the situation before SKKB's BCA upgrade to ba1. As a result of the higher starting point of SKKB’s BCA, the unchanged support assumption now provides less notching benefit for SKKB’s Adjusted BCA. Loss Given Failure In our Advanced LGF analysis, we consider the risks faced by the different debt and deposit classes across the liability structure in a resolution. We assume residual tangible common equity (TCE) of 3% and losses post-failure of 8% of tangible banking assets, a 25% run-off in "junior" wholesale deposits and a 5% run-off in preferred deposits. In the case of SKKB our assumption is that only a small percentage (10%) of the bank's deposit base can actually be considered junior and qualify as bail-in-able under BRRD. These ratios are in line with our standard assumptions. In line with the new German insolvency legislation that will effectively subordinate senior bonds and notes to deposits in resolution from January 2017, we base our calculation on the assumption that deposits are preferred to most senior unsecured debt instruments. For deposits, our LGF analysis indicates an extremely low loss-given-failure, leading to a three-notch uplift from the bank's baa1 adjusted BCA. For SKKB's senior unsecured debt our LGF analysis indicates a low loss-given-failure, leading to a one-notch uplift from the bank's baa1 adjusted BCA. For SKKB's subordinated debt, rated Baa2, our LGF analysis indicates a high loss-given-failure, positioning this rating one notch below the baa1 adjusted BCA. Government Support German banks operate in an environment of materially weakened prospects for financial assistance from the government; we assume that the restrictions imposed under the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive to support SKKB in the event of its failure apply equally to the bank's public-sector owners. Nonetheless, we maintain one notch of rating uplift in our senior debt and deposit ratings for SKKB, reflecting assumptions of a modest support probability. Our government support assumptions reflect the size and high systemic relevance of S-Finanzgruppe of which SKKB is a member. About Moody's Bank Scorecard Our Scorecard is designed to capture, express and explain in summary form our Rating Committee's judgment. When read in conjunction with our research, a fulsome presentation of our judgment is expressed. As a result, the output of our Scorecard may materially differ from that suggested by raw data alone (though it has been calibrated to avoid the frequent need for strong divergence). The Scorecard output and the individual scores are discussed in rating committees and may be adjusted up or down to reflect conditions specific to each rated entity. 5 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Rating Methodology and Scorecard Factors Exhibit 3 Sparkasse KoelnBonn Macro Factors Weighted Macro Profile Very Strong - Financial Profile Factor Historic Macro Ratio Adjusted Score Credit Trend Assigned Score Key driver #1 Key driver #2 Solvency Asset Risk Problem Loans / Gross Loans 4.0% baa1 ←→ ba1 Sector concentration Interest rate risk Capital TCE / RWA 7.8% b1 ↑ ba3 Access to capital Nominal leverage Profitability Net Income / Tangible Assets 0.1% b2 ←→ b2 Expected trend Earnings quality Combined Solvency Score Liquidity Funding Structure Market Funds / Tangible Banking Assets 13.1% a1 ←→ a1 Market funding quality Liquid Resources Liquid Banking Assets / Tangible Banking Assets 20.5% baa1 ←→ baa2 Asset encumbrance Combined Liquidity Score Financial Profile Business Diversification Opacity and Complexity Corporate Behavior Total Qualitative Adjustments Sovereign or Affiliate constraint: Scorecard Calculated BCA range Assigned BCA Affiliate Support notching Adjusted BCA Balance Sheet Other liabilities Deposits Preferred deposits Junior Deposits Senior unsecured bank debt Dated subordinated bank debt Junior subordinated bank debt Preference shares (bank) Senior unsecured holding company debt Dated subordinated holding company debt Junior subordinated holding company debt Preference shares (holding company) Equity Total Tangible Banking Assets 6 100% 26 July 2016 ba2 ba3 a2 a3 ba1 0 0 0 0 Aaa baa3-ba2 ba1 3 baa1 in-scope (EUR) 6,867 16,245 14,621 1,625 1,570 318 224 500 % in-scope 25.9% 61.3% 55.1% 6.1% 5.9% 1.2% 0.8% 1.9% at-failure (EUR) 8,005 15,108 13,890 1,218 1,570 318 224 500 % at-failure 30.2% 57.0% 52.4% 4.6% 5.9% 1.2% 0.8% 1.9% 796 26,520 3.0% 100% 796 26,520 3.0% 100% Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Debt class Counterparty Risk Assessment Deposits Senior unsecured bank debt Dated subordinated bank debt Instrument Class Counterparty Risk Assessment Deposits Senior unsecured bank debt Dated subordinated bank debt De jure waterfall De facto waterfall Notching LGF Assigned Additional Preliminary LGF notching Rating Instrument Sub- Instrument SubDe jure De facto notching guidance notching Assessment volume + ordination volume + ordination versus subordination subordination BCA 17.4% 17.4% 17.4% 17.4% 3 3 3 3 0 a1 (cr) 17.4% 6.9% 17.4% 12.8% 2 3 3 3 0 a1 17.4% 6.9% 12.8% 6.9% 2 1 1 1 0 a3 6.9% 5.7% 6.9% 5.7% -1 -1 -1 -1 0 baa2 Loss Given Failure notching 3 3 1 -1 Additional Preliminary Rating notching Assessment 0 0 0 0 a1 (cr) a1 a3 baa2 Government Local Currency rating Foreign Support notching Currency rating 1 Aa3 (cr) -1 Aa3 Aa3 1 A2 -0 Baa2 -- Source: Moody's Financial Metrics Ratings Exhibit 4 Category SPARKASSE KOELNBONN Outlook Bank Deposits Baseline Credit Assessment Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment Counterparty Risk Assessment Senior Unsecured -Dom Curr Subordinate -Dom Curr Moody's Rating Stable Aa3/P-1 ba1 baa1 Aa3(cr)/P-1(cr) A2 Baa2 Source: Moody's Investors Service 7 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Endnotes 1 The ratings shown are S-Finanzgruppe's Corporate Family Rating and outlook and its BCA. 2 The rating shown is EAA's senior unsecured rating and outlook 3 The rating shown is Nordrhein-Westfalen's senior unsecured rating and outlook. 8 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS © 2016 Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S"). 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REPORT NUMBER 1031819 9 26 July 2016 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Analyst Contacts Christina Gerner Associate Analyst 10 26 July 2016 CLIENT SERVICES Camilla P Tenn Copy Editor Americas 1-212-553-1653 Asia Pacific 852-3551-3077 Japan 81-3-5408-4100 EMEA 44-20-7772-5454 Sparkasse KoelnBonn: Update following affirmation of ratings
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