berean homeschool academy


berean homeschool academy
Offering Field Trips, Cooperative Classes, Ministry Opportunities, and Support for Homeschooling Families
arm Park
McDaniel F ge 2
A M I N I S T RY O F B E R E A N B A P T I S T C H U R C H , L I L B U R N , G E O R G I A
July 8, 2010 (9AM-3PM)
Used Curriculum Sale
July 15, 2010 (11AM)
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Monetary Museum Guided Tour
July 29-31, 2010
Southeast Homeschool Expo
August 2, 2010
Back-to-School Meeting
School Pictures
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been
assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child
thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto
salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:14–15
August 16, 2010
Atlanta History Center Open House
Homeschool Day: Free Admission
August 2010 (Vote for the Date)
Atlanta Braves Turner Field Tour
September 7, 2010
Berean Homeschool Academy
First Day of Class
Berean Homeschool Choir
BHA Used Curriculum Sale
The BHA is starting a Homeschool Choir
led by Suellen Stroup. Opportunities
include a Christmas Recital, a Year End
Concert, and participation in the High
School Festival at Bob Jones
University. Choir groups are:
• Elementary Music (K5-3rd)
• Youth Choir (4th-7th)
• Teen Choir (8th-12th)
Registration will begin in August.
September 14, 2010
July 8, 2010 (9AM - 3PM)
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
We will have tables for Mathematics, Science,
Atlanta History Center
Social Studies, Language Arts, Reading,
Homeschool Day: “Lincoln’s Life”
Literature, Electives, and Educational
Resources. To sell your curriculum, please
October 4, 2010
pick up the “Seller’s Info” flyer at the BHA
BHA History Fair
table. Invite area homeschoolers to attend.
Display Setup: October 3, 2010
Coordinator: Marty Payne.
BHA School Pictures
August 2, 2010
We will be taking student pictures at the
The BHA will be joining the Dalrymples in Back-to-School Meeting. List of packages
their music ministry at area nursing
and prices will be available at the BHA table
homes. Coordinator: Dania Darnell
after July 10. There is no sitting fee.
Coordinators: Mitch & Christine Jones.
Nursing Home Music Ministry
BHA Membership
If you are new to our church or have
homeschooling friends who would like to
find out more about joining the Berean
Homeschool Academy, please contact
Robin Mauck at
BHA Official Information
Senior Pastor: Pastor Dan Sweatt
Administrative Pastor: Pastor Randy Hurst
Director: Robin Mauck
Free Homeschool ID Cards
If you would like to get student ID cards, you
are welcome to use the school name of
Berean Homeschool Academy. Here’s a
web site where you can print ID cards:
Coming This Fall
• BHA Core and Elective Classes
• BHA Homeschool Library
• BHA Clothes Closet
October 13, 2010
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
Atlanta History Center
Homeschool Day: “Lincoln’s Legacy”
January 8, 2011
BHA Science Fair
Display Setup: January 7, 2011
BHA Park Days (1-3PM)
08/13/2010: Five Forks/Ronald Reagan
08/23/2010: Tribble Mill Park 09/10/2010: Playtown Suwanee
09/20/2010: Grayson Park 10/01/2010: Collins Hill Park
10/18/2010: Alexander Park
11/05/2010:Bay Creek Park
11/15/2010: Freemans Mill Park
12/03/2010:Mountain Park Park
12/17/2010: Grayson Park
01/14/2011: Game Day: Children’s Area
01/17/2011: Game Day: Children’s Area
Coordinator: Jennifer Scoggins
Berean Homeschool Academy July 2010 Newsletter Page 2
On Friday, June 11th, we took a self-guided tour of McDaniel Farm Park in Duluth. We were
able to go into an 1870s farmhouse once owned by twelve-year-old Archie McDaniel. He
became the man of the house when his dad died. Near the old house, there was an old
chicken coop, a smoke house, a big barn, and a well. Farther down the trail we saw a buggy
shed, a tractor, and other farm equipment. We also peeked inside a blacksmith shed. Along
another trail we saw a small tenant house with an outhouse behind it. It was fun seeing a part
of the past.
Charis Dwire
2nd Grade
Not only did we see old buildings at McDaniel
Farm Park, but we also saw a variety of plants
and animals. Corn, cucumbers, sunflowers, and
other flowers were planted in a large, fenced
garden. We were also allowed to go into an
orchard which had blackberry, grape, peach,
fig, and pear plants. In other areas of the park
we saw a lizard, a squirrel, a dragonfly, and
some birds. Along one trail, Daniel Hudson
even discovered a small bird's nest under a
tree! The most exciting time of the day was
when we spotted a black racer snake, which
was three to four feet long! McDaniel Farm Park
truly showed the beauty of God's creation.
Nathan Dwire
5th Grade
Atlanta Braves Baseball
Turner Field Guided Tour
August 2010 (Vote for the Date)
Minimum: 15 People
Adults: $7
Children (4 and up): $5
Tour stops include the Braves Museum & Hall
of Fame, Coca-Cola Sky Field, Scouts Alley,
Broadcast Booth, Luxury Suite, Press Box,
Clubhouse, The Plaza, and the Dugout.
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
Atlanta History Center Homeschool Days
September 14, 2010: Lincoln’s Life
October 13, 2010: Lincoln’s Legacy
Minimum: 10 People
Adults and Children (4 and up): $6.50
Rare Lincoln photographs, artifacts, and
documents from the Library of Congress will be
at the AHC for a limited time this fall. Special
Homeschool Days (1-4PM) will feature living
history performances, tours, activities, crafts,
and expert presentations. Our homeschool rate
includes guided tours of the Tullie Smith Farm
and Swan House, and admissions to AHC
Museum Collections (Urban History, Decorative
Arts, Material Culture, Textile & Social History,
Civil War & Military, Centennial Olympic
Games), Current Exhibitions (Native Lands,
Voices Across the Color Line), and six historic
gardens. If we have fewer than 10 people, we
will go individually at $7.50 per person. Doors
open at 10AM. Bring picnic lunches.
Principal Photographer: Joshua Dwire
Other Contributors:
Dwires, Hudsons, Thompsons
October 4, 2010
Grades 1-12
Participation Cost: Free
Our theme this year is “American History”
with an emphasis on the sovereignty of God
over our nation. Encourage your students to
spotlight a famous American, historic place,
invention, sports, event, or even a favorite
American food. This non-competitive exhibition
provides our homeschoolers an opportunity to
showcase their hard work in a public setting.
Invite your homeschooling friends to
participate. Reserve your topics now.
January 8, 2011
Grades 1-12
Participant: $5 (Maximum per Family: $15)
It’s not too early for your young scientists to
begin experiments or design inventions for the
Science Fair. BHA emphasis will be on how
students integrate Biblical truths into their
scientific research. Projects will be judged by
Christian science professionals. High school
students will need to comply with the Georgia
Science & Engineering Fair rules for first place
winner(s) to compete at the Gwinnett (or your
county) Science & Engineering Fair in February
2011, the precursor to the Georgia Science &
Engineering Fair in April 2011. Invite your
homeschooling friends to participate. More
details soon. Registration begins in August.
When we go forth to do
the work God calls us, it
may not turn out the way
we want.
When we go forth to do
God’s work in God’s way,
we always have God’s
power and God’s results.
From Pastor Dan Sweatt’s
Wednesday Night Bible Study
1 Chronicles 20-21 (May 12, 2010)
Summer Ministry Reports
The August and September BHA
Newsletters will be featuring
mission trips and ministry projects
that our BHA homeschoolers are
participating in this Summer. Please
email a brief summary of your trip
and several photographs to Jan
Thompson for inclusion in the
Special Acknowledgments
Field trip photographs in the June
2010 Newsletter were taken by the
Dwire, Colwell, Hudson, Mauck,
and Thompson families.