SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - Branksome Hall Asia
SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - Branksome Hall Asia
Branksome Hall Asia SCHOOL NEWSLETTER THINKING, LEARNING & COMMUNICATING OCTOBER 2015 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS LEARNING DR. BEVERLEY VON ZIELONKA PRINCIPAL Dear Branksome Hall Asia Parents and Community Members, To ensure the best learning opportunities for our students and to help parents feel welcome, informed, and involved in the life of their children at Branksome Hall Asia, I take this opportunity to remind our families of a few key formal and informal opportunities for open and regular communication between school and home. In addition, I would like to thank all of our families who were able to join us during the Chuseok holiday for the Making Thinking Visible Parent Seminars. I close with a few highlights of our learning and thinking. Communication: The relaunch of the new Branksome Hall Asia website presents a wide range of important school news, information, and curricular and school life activity. The parent and student portals include daily classroom learning activities, news about school events, parent resources, photographs, The Weekly Bulletin with announcements and updates from the Heads of Schools, as well as a number of comprehensive Academic and Student Handbooks. The Handbooks include important curriculum information including course descriptions and grade level overviews as well as informs students and their parents about a variety of learning opportunities and expectations. Mr.John Gasparini, Head of School Administration Middle and Senior School, Dr. Cinde Lock, Head of Academics Middle and Senior School Middle and Senior School Student Affairs, please contact Mrs. Noeline Young, Head of Student Affairs Middle and Senior School, Residential life, please contact your daughter’s Head of House. Another school-home communication opportunity is our reporting system. Four reports will be sent home and two student-parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled during the school year. The first report will be sent home to families in October. Thinking and Learning: At Branksome Hall Asia as a community of inquirers and learners we ask, “Who do we wish our students to be as a result of their time with us? What does learning look like? What’s worth understanding today and tomorrow? What kind of thinking will be necessary to be successful in university and in life? How and where does learning thrive? How can classrooms and schools become rich cultures of thinking for learners, both students and teachers, and what difference does it make for their learning?” The answers to these questions are not simple. Successful and effective communication is a two way process and the faculty and administration welcome parent input. If you have information or questions regarding their child’s learning in a particular class, please contact the class teacher. The class teacher is likely to have the most information to answer your questions. If you have questions about your child’s progress in several classes, please contact your child’s advisor or homeroom teacher. They will help you schedule a team meeting with the appropriate group of teachers. If you have questions regarding Junior School programs and procedures, please contact Ms. Susan Tilney, Head of Junior School; Middle and Senior School programs and procedures, please contact I am very pleased to receive your questions related to Branksome Hall Asia or help you contact the appropriate teacher or administrator. Together our partnership and direct communication will ensure your child’s learning and living success at Branksome Hall Asia. Mark Church, co-author of Making Thinking Visible and our Making Thinking Visible Parent Seminar facilitator, shared that this question of creating a culture of thinking is not a simple one to answer. Thinking, by its very nature is invisible – it happens inside one’s mind. The idea of making thinking visible then helps make explicit what a thoughtful learning culture might look like through the use of routines, paying attention to language, creating opportunities for thinking etc. In schools and places of learning where teachers and parents strive to shift towards a more thoughtfully engaged culture, educators and parents ask of themselves: What kinds of thinking are students making use of in order to deepen understanding? Are there opportunities for my students and children to develop and explain their theories? What kind of creative solutions do my students and children construct? How do I invite students and children to debate the complexities of a plan or issue. When educators and parents focus on questions such as these about the learning environment they create, students are more likely to show commitment to their learning, find more meaningful connections between school and outside life and display the attitudes we want to see in our learners – open-mindedness, curiosity, appropriate skepticism, and a desire for wanting to understand. We thank our parents for joining this inquiry and for their participation in our Making Thinking Visible Parent Seminars. As we continue our Making Thinking Visible conversations, we look forward to sharing the stories of learning that develop and are achieved through our collaborative efforts to create a rich culture of thinking for our Branksome Hall Asia children. Sincerely yours, Dr. Beverley von Zielonka Principal 브랭섬홀 아시아 가족 및 학부모님께 브랭섬홀 아시아는 학생들에게 최고의 학습 환경을 제공하고, 항상 열려있는 학교를 표방하며, 학부모님이 자녀의 학교 생활에 적극적으로 참여하고, 의견을 나누고자 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 이번 지면을 빌어 공식적 혹은 비공식적인 통로를 통한 학교와 학부모간 개방적이고 정기적인 의사 소통 방법에 관하여 몇 가지 말씀을 드리고자 합니다. 또한 추석 연휴에 개최된 Making Thinking Visible 세미나에 참석해 주신 학부모님께 감사드리며 브랭섬홀 아시아가 추구하고 있는 ‘생각과 학습의 관계’에 대해 몇 가지 말씀드리고 이 글을 끝맺을까 합니다. 의사소통: 새롭게 업데이트된 웹사이트를 통해 학교의 중요한 소식은 물론이고, 각종 정보와 함께 학업 및 학교 생활에 대해서도 알아볼 수 있습니다. 학부모님과 학생 전용 포탈에는 학생들의 학업, 학교에서 일어나고 있는 이벤트에 관한 정보, 학부모님이 활용할 수 있는 자료, 사진, 각 스쿨의 교장 선생님이 발행하는 주간 소식지, 학업에 도움을 줄 수 있는 다양하고 복합적인 자료가 담긴 핸드북과 학생 핸드북이 업데이트 되어 있습니다. 또한 이 핸드북에는 교과목에 대한 설명 및 학년별 개요 등 교육과정에 대한 중요한 정보는 물론이고, 다양한 학습 기회와 학생들에게 요구되는 기대치를 담고 있습니다. 학교와 각 가정간 또다른 의사소통은 성적표 발송을 통해 이루어집니다. 학사년도 동안 4번의 성적표가 발행되고, 두 번의 학생학부모-교사 컨퍼런스의 자리가 마련될 예정입니다. 올해 첫번째 성적표는 10월 중 준비될 예정입니다. 성공적이고 효과적인 의사소통은 반드시 쌍방통행이어야하기에 전 교직원들은 학부모님들의 의견을 소중하게 생각합니다. 어느 한 과목에 관한 정보나 질문이라면 담당과목 교사에게 연락을 취하시기 바랍니다. 담당과목 교사야말로 학생에 관해 가장 많이 알고 있기 때문에 학부모님의 궁금증을 해소할 수 있는 최적의 인물이라 생각됩니다. 여러 과목의 학업성취도를 알고 싶다면 자녀의 어드바이저리 교사나 자녀의 담임교사에게 연락을 하시기 바랍니다. 관련 과목 교사들과 같이 할 수 있는 미팅 시간을 정하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 주니어 스쿨의 프로그램과 절차를 알고 싶다면 주니어 스쿨Susan Tilney 교장 선생님께 연락 주십시오. 미들 및 시니어 스쿨의 프로그램과 절차를 알고 싶다면Mr.John Gasparini 혹은 Dr. Cinde Lock께 연락을 주시면 됩니다. 미들 및 시니어 스쿨의 학생처와 관련된 내용이라면 Mrs. Noeline Young께 연락하면 됩니다. 기숙사 생활 관련이라면 각 기숙사 사감 선생님께 연락하면 됩니다. 저 역시 브랭섬홀 아시아의 전반적인 사항에 대한 질문에 답을 드릴 것이고, 적절한 교사나 교장진에게 연락을 취할 수 있도록 도울 것입니다. 직접적인 의사소통을 통해 모두 함께 한마음으로 파트너십을 다지도록 노력한다면, 학생들이 보다 안정적인 환경에서 공부할 수 있으리라 생각됩니다. 생각과 학습의 관계: 탐구하고 배우는 사람들로 가득찬 브랭섬홀 아시아라는 공동체에서 우리가 자주하는 질문들이 있습니다. “브랭섬홀 아시아에서 공부한 학생들은 자라서 어떤 사람이 될까?, 배움이란 어떤 것인가?, 이 시대와 미래를 얼마나 이해하고 있는가?, 대학에 진학하고 앞으로의 인생을 살아가는데 도움이 되려면 어떤 고민을 해야할까?, 어떻게 그리고 어디에서 뛰어난 배움이 이뤄지고 있을까?, 어떻게 하면 학교와 교실이 학생과 교사의 풍부한 사고력으로 넘쳐나는 그런 장소가 될 수 있을까?, 또 풍부한 사고력이 넘쳐나는 곳은 학생들의 학습에 어떤 영향을 주는가?” 이 모든 질문에 대한 답은 그리 간단하지가 않습니다. Making Thinking Visible의 공동저자이자 Making Thinking Visible 학부모 세미나의 초청강사인 Mark Church 또한 생각하는 문화를 창조하는 것은 결코 간단한 문제가 아님에 동감하고 있습니다. 다 아시다시피 ‘ 생각’이라고 하는 것은 머리속에서 일어나는 것이기 때문에 눈에 보이지 않습니다. 그렇지만 ‘생각을 눈으로 볼 수 있게 만든다’ 라는 아이디어를 기반으로, 정해진 일련의 과정을 반복적으로 거치고, 표현하는 언어에 좀 더 집중하면서 생각할 수 있는 계기를 만드는 등 여러가지 학습을 통해 생각을 말로 표현할 수 있는 방법을 찾고, 종국에는 ‘생각이 보이는 학습 문화’가 어떤 것인지 확실히 체험할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 생각이 보이는 학습 문화를 조성하기 위해 적극적으로 노력하는 학교의 교육자들과 학부모들은 다음과 같은 질문을 끊임없이 합니다. “주어진 주제나 현상을 더 잘 이해하기 위해 학생의 생각은 어떻게 전개되어 나가는가?, 내가 가르치고 있는 학생들은 본인의 생각을 계발하고 표현할 수 있는 기회를 충분히 갖고 있는가?, 학생들은 어떤 창의적인 결론에 도달하는가?, 어떤 계획이나 주제의 다양성에 대해 활발히 토론할 수 있도록 나는 어떻게 학생들을 유도하는가?” 교사나 학부모가 앞서 언급한 질문에 중점을 두고 학생들의 교육에 전념하면 이러한 환경에서 자라나고 공부한 학생들은 학업에 열정을 보이고, 학교와 일상생활 사이를 좀 더 의미있게 연결지을 뿐만 아니라 우리가 아이들에게 바라는 이상적인 사고방식 – 편견 없는 사고, 호기심, 적절한 의구심, 이해하려고 노력하는 의욕 – 을 보인다고 합니다. Making Thinking Visible 학부모 세미나에 참석해 주신 학부모님께 다시 한 번 감사드립니다. 앞으로도 지속적으로 이 세미나에서 배운 점들을 되새겨보며 브랭섬홀 아시아의 모든 구성원 역시 생각을 눈으로 볼 수 있는 학교 문화를 창조해 우리 학생들이 더욱더 풍족한 환경에서 공부할 수 있기를 간절히 바랍니다. 감사합니다. Dr. Beverley von Zielonka 총교장 LEARNING MS. SUSAN TILNEY HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL The International Baccalaureate Learner Profile identifies ten attributes that IB learners should strive to be. One of these attributes that has been highlighted through the Junior School CASE Junior programme is: Communicators …who understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Can you see Branksome Hall Asia communicators gathering information through questioning, Chinese, dance, music, gestures, actions, listening, scientific dialogue, mapping, illustration, written and oral language? Enjoy! Ms. Susan Tilney Head of Junior School IB Learner Profile은 IB 학생들이 갖추기 위해 노력해야 하는 10 가지 자질에 대해 규정하고 있습니다. 이러한 자질들 가운데 주니어스쿨 CASE 주니어 프로그램을 통해 강조되어온 한가지는: 소통하는 사람 …생각과 정보를 자신 있고 창의적으로 하나 이상의 언어와 다양한 의사소통의 방식으로 이해하고 표현할 수 있는 사람입니다. 질의, 중국어, 무용, 음악, 제스처, 액션, 듣기, 과학적인 대화, 매핑, 삽화, 쓰고 말하는 언어 등을 이용해 정보를 수집하는 브랭섬홀아시아의 커뮤니케이터들이 보이시나요? 감상해 주시기 바랍니다! 수잔 틸니 주니어스쿨교장 LEARNING MR. DAVID SECOMB DEPUTY HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL A knowledgeable student is able to conceptualize knowledge from simple to complex, from fragmented to connected and collaborative, from boundary-forming to boundary-blurring, from analysis to synthesis, from a singularity to an integrative process. These are the traits that your children are developing in the PYP and the accompanying IB programs. What does it mean to be a knowledgeable PYP student? The early initiators of the PYP faced difficulties when trying to decide on a specific body of knowledge that students should be introduced to. In essence, this can be best summarized by the question – ‘In an international framework, who’s history do we teach?’ What is important in one context may not necessarily be as important in another, certainly a challenging barrier to overcome. The solution for this was found in the identification of common elements that exist amongst the human population all over the world and through time. Designed by an educator named Ernst Boyer, these were termed the Core Commonalities and address what it means to be a ‘truly educated person’. Boyer’s purpose was to try to organize education in a way that would relate curriculum directly to students’ lives and, in turn, help them to understand not only who they are as individuals, but who we are as humans. The design team for the Primary Years Program grouped these core commonalities into what are now known as the Trans-Disciplinary themes: How the world works, Who we are, Sharing the Planet, Where we are in place and time, How we express ourselves and How we organize ourselves. Each theme is elaborated by a description that outlines the core theory that students will inquire into when exploring the theme. Each grade level focuses on a specific part of the theme and by the time a student has progressed through their entire Junior School years they will have explored every part of the six themes. ‘The Exhibition’, completed by our Grade Five students is the culminating experience of the PYP and draws elements from all of the six TransDisciplinary themes. References: Boyer, EL. 1995. The Basic School: A Community for Learning. Princeton, NJ. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. IB (International Baccalaureate). 2010 The PYP as a Model of Trans-Disciplinary Learning. Cardiff, UK. IB. IB (International Baccalaureate). 2009 Making the PYP Happen – A framework for International Education. Cardiff, UK. IB. LEARNING JK PREP is a powerful tool for extending our imaginations. In JK Prep, we are exploring the central idea, “Play is a powerful tool for extending our imaginations”. Throughout this unit, children will investigate a variety of play environments and materials, as well as the relationships that occur during play. The children have already begun to develop play preferences by investigating different types of play, both in the classroom and outdoor environments. They are beginning to ask questions about how materials can be used, and are using these materials for a variety of purposes. The children are also developing friendships with their peers, and making choices about who they engage with during play. Some children are demonstrating a preference for independent play, while others prefer to play in small or large groups. This inquiry will continue throughout the academic year, and creates a wonderful opportunity for children to engage in meaningful learning experiences through play. KEY TO IMAGES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dramatic Play Sensory Play Small World Play Creative Play Construction Play Fine-motor play Gross-motor play Independent Small group Large group LEARNING JS CHINESE CHINESE STUDENTS INQUIRY, ACTION & COMMUNICATION Mid-Autumn Festival, also called Moon Festival, is one of the important festivals in China. Our PYP students celebrated the festival before the holiday. Grade 3 students inquired into and researched different aspects of the festival in class. On Friday, September 25, a group of Chinese parents were invited to school to teach the children how to make ‘ice-skin’ moon cakes. All students experienced making moon cakes by themselves. They also tasted their own moon cakes afterwards. Moreover, we thought it would be a good chance for other classroom teachers to know more about Chinese culture. So our children made some moon cakes to share with them. They were amazed how delicious the moon cakes were. Everyone enjoyed it very much! Here is a story about Mid-Autumn Festival: Long ago, there were ten suns in the sky. They burnt all the plants on the earth. People were dying. One day, a hero whose name was Hou Yi used his bow and arrows to shoot down nine of them. All the people on the earth were saved. Later, the emperor rewarded Hou Yi with a magic pill that would let him live forever. His wife, Chang’e, discovered the magic pill and ate it. She then immediately felt as light as a bird and started to fly in the moon. She has been considered the Moon Lady ever since. LEARNING GRADE 5 In Grade Five we have been inquiring into “How the World Works”. We have learned how to think and act like scientists in order to research, experiment, and explore the scientific principles of light and sound. We had great fun following the scientific method to create questions, pose a hypothesis, undertake research, conduct experiments and then analyze our findings and draw conclusions. Along the way we have used many thinking routines to make our thinking ‘visible’. To demonstrate our understanding, we created written explanations, and digital science journals using our iPads. LEADING JS CASE Juyeon Choi Yeeun Shin Christine Kim Ellis Shon The Junior School’s Student Council at Branksome Hall Asia is a service opportunity to help students learn and apply leadership skills. They will certainly use inquiry, thinking and communication skills. This year the Student Council will work in three main areas:Student Life, Digital Life, and Services. Student Council Members will also have the chance to collaborate with the Middle/Senior School Councils throughout the year. The following students gave a speech and were elected by their peers. Congratulations to the 2015-2016 Junior School Student Council Members. Minnie Kim Heesung Tae Ara Ko Hanna Yoo One Book to Connect The World This month many students in the Junior School will participate in the Global Read Aloud. The projects’ objective is to connect children all around the world through literature. The Global Read Aloud celebrates readers and reading. Over the next six weeks teachers will be reading aloud to children; facilitating discussions and generating questions about the book/s. The childrens’ thinking will be shared through local and global connections. Our 24/7 Library The library team would like to remind parents of the online resources that are available to support reading through the library homepage. There are a variety of excellent resources that can provide a springboard for developing a passion for reading. LEARNING DR. CINDE LOCK HEAD OF ACADEMICS Thinking Communicating Inquiring Learning How to Learn The academic year has started off strongly and our girls have demonstrated great industry and determination. The first interim report is almost upon us. Within the context of our IB programs, the grade assigned for each subject in the report is a measure of student achievement and represents an early benchmark of student learning and growth. It is important that we take a minute to discuss and define exactly what we mean by student learning and the types of learning that we value at Branksome Hall Asia as we encourage our students to become thinkers, communicators, and inquirers. First, it is very important that our young IB learners acquire and grow their critical thinking skills. To this end, we focus on developing these directly through classroom experiences, assignments, group work, and questioning that asks students not only to understand and remember what they learn, but be able to analyze (break it into its component pieces), synthesize (draw learning from difference sources and put this learning together in unique ways), and evaluate their own learning. Why do this? Because memorizing large amounts is no longer important in our current world and will be even less important for our graduates when they enter the professional job market. Young professionals don’t get jobs anymore because of what they know. They are now hired on the basis of what they can do with their learning. Indeed, extensive facts about any subject are now available at the click of an IPhone. In order to fast track our older students in their understanding of learning and problem solving processes, our Grade 9 students are now in Canada at our Sister School in Toronto. Among other activities, they are attending an Ithink program. This experience is designed to provide direct instruction in methods that students can use to solve unique realworld problems. And, more importantly, it is designed to make students aware of their own problem solving processes and choices. This program aligns well with our goal at Branksome Hall Asia: to teach our girls to learn how to learn. While I applaud you for encouraging your daughters to work hard and develop strong work ethics, I do have some concerns about how our instructional learning culture is supported within the greater context of the BHA community. For example, I am aware that some of our students attend evening Hagwons or forms of additional tutoring. If these institutions are teaching memorization of facts for the purposes of test taking, that may be working against the culture of learning that we are establishing at BHA. I encourage you to take a close look at both what is being learned in these evening schools and how it is being learned, and to compare your findings against the IB learning model we have at our school. What are the characteristics of an inquirer? The staff and some parents at BHA have just completed a Harvard base “Making Thinking Visible” seminar and training. The purpose of this training is to help grow our community as a group of learners who build habits of inquiry and questioning for deeper learning. We want our students to pursue their learning for it’s own sake and to pursue deeper and more integrated answers to questions. For example, we don’t wish our students to simply learn about a theory, we wish them to compare any theory or learning to other theories and to present an integrated and evidence based opinion. This process takes learning well beyond lower forms of education that simply reward the recapitulation of memorized facts in exchange for a reward or grade. In addition to a focus on thinking and inquiry, we also want our students to be effective communicators. Branksome girls learn to communicate effectively in written, spoken, and digital forms of dialogue and collaboration. Growing our young women as leaders is also a very important part of helping them to become strong communicators. Some of our students (and especially those new to BHA) are in the process of acquiring higher levels of language competency in English. Students need to be thinking in English and reading English books and texts for leisure as well as for academic purposes. The goal is to ensure that all of our students are reading, writing, and speaking at an academic level here at BHA so that they will perform well in English speaking universities after graduation. I wish all the best to everyone in our learning community as we move ahead together this year. Like the three legs of a stool, parents, teachers, and students must work in tandem to achieve our learning goals. 생각, 소통,그리고 탐구’ 공부하는 방법을 배우기 이번 학사년도도 아주 순조롭게 출발하였고, 학생들 역시 근면성실하고, 학업에 대단한 열정을 보이고 있습니다. 첫번째 성적표 발송이 얼마 남지 않았습니다. 각 과목의 성적은 학생의 학업 성취도와 더불어 학생이 현재 단계에서 익혀야 할 학습 내용과 그 내용을 학생이 얼마만큼 이해했는지를 나타내는 지표라 할 수 있습니다. 성적표를 받았을 때, 먼저 학습 내용에 대해 잘 살펴보시고, 자녀가 공부하는 방법을 다시 한 번 확인해 볼 필요가 있을 듯합니다. 브랭섬홀 아시아가 생각하고, 소통하며, 탐구하는 학생상을 장려하는 점을 염두해 두고 자녀의 성적을 살펴보시기 바랍니다. IB 교육과정을 시작한 우리 어린 학생들에게 무엇보다 중요한 것은 탐구하고 비판적인 사고력을 기르는 것입니다. 이를 위해 본교는 수업과 과제, 그룹별 과제 수행에 중점을 둔 교육을 실행하고 있습니다. 무엇보다도 학생이 배우고 있는 주제에 대한 이해와 기억을 바탕으로 던지는 질문은 물론이고, 분석(부분별로 세분화)하고 종합(여러가지 다른 정보를 수집한 후, 독창적인 결론 도출)한 뒤, 나름의 평가를 내려 학생 본인이 질문을 이끌어 내는 것을 아주 중요하게 생각하고 있습니다. 그 이유가 뭐냐고 물으신다면, 지식을 무조건 암기만하는 학습은 이미 구시대적인 발상에 지나지 않고, 이 시대가가 원하는 이상적인 인재가 아니기 때문입니다. 아는 것이 많아서 채용이 되었던 시대는 이미 지났습니다. 이제는 아는 것을 어떻게 활용할 수 있는 지에 따라 채용이 되는 세상입니다. 사실, 방대한 양의 지식은 아이폰을 클릭만 하면 대부분 알아낼 수 있지 않습니까? 학업에 대한 이해력과 문제 해결 능력을 증진시키기 위해 9학년 학생들이 토론토로 교환 학생 프로그램 체험을 떠났습니다. 여러가지 활동이 계획되었는데 그 중 하나가Ithink 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 학생들이 실제 생활에서 직면할 수 있는 문제를 제시하고, 그 문제를 해결할 수 있는 직접적인 방법을 알려주면서 학생이 문제 해결을 할 수 있도록 고안되었습니다. 더욱 중요한 것은 본인이 선택한 문제 해결 과정과 자신이 내린 결정을 직접 관찰할 수 있다는 점입니다. 이 프로그램의 목적이 브랭섬홀 아시아의 목표인 ‘공부하는 방법을 배우기’와 일치한다는 점이Ithink 프로그램을 선택한 가장 큰 이유입니다. 학생들이 학업에 정진하고, 올바른 학업 윤리의식을 키워주기 위해 수고하시는 학부모님의 열정에 감사드리지만, 다소 염려스러운 점이 있어 조심스레 운을 뗍니다. 저녁에 학원을 다닌다거나 따로 과외를 하는 것을 말씀드리는 것입니다. 단지 시험을 대비하여 학생들에게 암기 위주의 학습을 시키는 학원이나 과외라면, 이는 브랭섬홀 아시아가 지향하는 교육의 방향과는 전혀 반대라는 것을 알려드리고자 합니다. 무엇을 배우고, 어떻게 배우고 있는지 다시 한 번 살펴 보시고, 본교가 제시하고 있는 IB 학습모형과 비교하여 보시기 바랍니다. 탐구하는 사람의 특성은 무엇일까요? 최근 본교의 교직원들과 학부모님께서는 하버드 대학이 주체가 되어 연구한 “Making Thinking Visible” 세미나에 참석했었습니다. 이번 세미나의 목적은 교직원과 학부모 모두가 공동체의 일원으로써 깊이있는 학습을 위해 탐구하고 질문하는 습관을 구축하여 서로 발전해 나갈 수 있도록 돕는데 있습니다. 학생들이 배우는 것 그 자체에 의미를 두고 공부를 하고, 더 깊이있는 해답을 찾고, 질문에 더욱더 부합하는 답을 찾으려 노력했으면 좋겠습니다. 예를 들어, 학생들이 단순히 어느 이론에 대해서 배우는 것에 그치는 것이 아니라 배운 이론을 다른 이론과 비교해 보거나, 또 다른 이론에 관심을 보이고, 궁극적으로는 공부한 이론에 기반을 둔 자신만의 의견을 도출할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 상을 받기 위해 혹은 높은 점수를 따기 위해 단순히 반복적으로 요약하고 외우기만 한 지식과는 비교도 할 수 없는 노력과 시간이 소요되는 과정이기는하나 결국은 학생들의 인생에 큰 도움이 될 것이라 믿습니다. 탐구하고 비판적인 사고력을 키우는 것 외에도 학생들이 효율적인 의사소통을 할 수 있기를 기대합니다. 브랭섬홀 아시아의 학생들은 효과적으로 쓰고 말하는 법을 배우고, 디지털 형태의 대화나 공동작업도 무난히 해낼 수 있는 능력이 있어야 할 것입니다. 좋은 리더로 성장하기 위해서는 좋은 의사 소통자가 되는게 아주 중요합니다. 소수의 학생들(특히 이번에 새로 입학한 학생들)이 학교의 수업을 따라갈 수 있는 영어 실력을 갖추기 위해 열심히 공부하고 있습니다. 학생들은 될 수 있으면 영어로 생각을 하고, 학교에서는 물론이고 여가를 위해서도 영어로 쓰인 책을 읽기를 권장합니다. 브랭섬홀 아시아에서는 모든 학생들이 영어로 읽고, 쓰고, 말할 수 있는 학업 능력을 갖춰 졸업후 영어권 대학에 진학해서도 원활한 생활을 계속할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 모두가 최선을 다해 노력하는 한 해가 되었으면 좋겠습니다. 등받이 없는 의자의 세 다리처럼 학부모, 교사, 학생이 서로 협력하여 우리 모두의 목표를 성취하는 해가 되기를 바랍니다. LEARNING LANGUAGES It’s only words! Ms Kassandra Rieck MYP/DP EAL co-ordinator Empowering tomorrow’s leading ladies means providing them with a voice, and this is no problem for our talented senior students. Our ladies are busily preparing for upcoming oral internal assessments for the DP, and enjoying the growing confidence they are gaining through the experience. Recently, the Language B Grade 12 students participated in debates on the rights of undocumented immigrants as part of their Global Issues studies. After deconstructing the genre and learning new vocabulary, the groups worked to plan arguments and research evidence to justify their stance on the issue. Their analysis of texts helped them to deepen their understanding of the concepts, while their debating helped improve their speaking abilities. The debating was so enthralling that I forgot to announce the winning teams! In Grade 11, students are preparing for an interactive oral activity. Currently, the students are studying about Health, and looking at the ways that the media and big business influence people’s perception of beauty. Through examining the elements of a roundtable discussion, and aided with sentence starters, students had a dry run by comparing and constructing two advertisements. By reflecting on their performance, students were able to successfully complete their summative assessment, which was a similar discussion using high level questioning on the controversial issue of plastic surgery. This was a student led activity incorporating analysis and argument. Our students are learning the ways to master the most difficult aspect of language learning. They are being challenged to think and reflect ‘on their feet’ to produce well-reasoned arguments. Each student understands the importance of English in becoming a competent bilingual speaker, but our ladies are going that extra mile. They are learning to be empowered women with voices expressing opinions and thoughts that need to be heard. Branksome Hall Asia Ms Kassandra Rieck MYP/DP EAL co-ordinator Over the past year, we have fine-tuned our Language Acquisition team and curriculum to provide students with a rigorous, but balanced approach to language learning. In this, we have streamlined our program to align with the material being studied in Language A to better prepare students with the skills they need to be critical thinkers and writers. Ms Katie Yu remains a key member of the Language Acquisition team. This year she is guiding Grades 7, 8 and 9 through their language-learning journey. Currently, her Grade 7 students are inquiring about what factors in the past, present and future shape their identity. Grade 8 students are exploring how the media and the fashion industry can affect the self-esteem of young women, while her Grade 9’s are learning to use persuasive language in essay writing to express their values and beliefs. Her dedication to the wellbeing of the students is a testament to her commitment to the BHA family. This year we welcome Ms Veronica Jansen and Mr Harrison Shulman to the team. Ms Jansen is a familiar face to BHA, where last year she worked as a teacher don supporting the senior students. Currently, Ms Veronica is working with the Grade 6 students to investigate how myths tell modern day people about the past. Mr Shulman comes to BHA with international teaching experience after living the last two years in Myanmar. Grade 9 students are currently enjoying his engaging lessons, while studying about the art of language; the ways to express and justify opinions. BHA is lucky to have such incredible talent, and both are proud to be here working with the leading ladies of tomorrow. Ms Kassandra, the MYP/DP EAL co-ordinator, is also teaching Grade 6 students alongside Ms Jansen as well as Grades 11 and 12 Language B. These senior courses focus on genres while encouraging students to extend their thinking and analytical skills. The programs also have a literary flavor where students study the themes, characters and language of ‘Maus’ and ‘The Joy Luck Club.’ This unique blend of language skills, deeper level thinking as well as literary critiquing prepares our ladies for their future studies at world-class universities. As a team, we work hard to support and care for your child. Their success in achieving their personal utmost, while maintaining a balance in their lives remains our continued focus. LEARNING LANGUAGES MYP CHINESE LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Do fairy tales have a place in our lives? They do in Ms Ren’s 7R Chinese class. This class is reading a range of traditional fairy tales. Through this reading, they are: analyzing the topic, interpreting the titles, predicting the narrative, observing the component parts of a story, as well as analyzing the conclusion, characterization, setting, the value of the themes and different interpretations of the meaning of the story. One of their tales is the “Monkey King,” which the students had been exposed to since their childhood. They are fascinated by the Monkey King’s bravery, his struggle with opposing forces, his leadership skills, his willingness to protect others and what he represents to Chinese society. In another fairy tale called “The Eyes of the Blue Whale,” a young man hunts for the blue eyes to give sight to a blind girl. However the consequences of his actions are devastating and only through his self-sacrifice, does he restore balance. Students are learning that, in wanting to help someone, we can only do so as long as it does not negatively affect others. What’s the true lesson? We need to care for each other. MYP ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE “Dictionaries are formal and educational because they are denotative, and unbiased. They allow us to explore language origins and different cultures which allow us to communicate with others.” Mr Young’s 9G English is fascinated by the power of the printed word and the opportunities that dictionaries offer them. They have been comparing different dictionaries to establish their authenticity and their relevance as compared to electronic dictionaries. Some of the words which have intrigued them range from “Big Bang, cyberspace, respective, chrysanthemum, exoplanet, platypus, euphonium, to “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” which is a lung disease caused by inhaling volcanic ash!! However, 9G is aware that not all dictionaries have 100% accuracy. They are a good source for learning words, however, they do not always explain cultural connotations. DP KOREAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE HL Have you ever been kissed by a Spider woman?? We have in Ms Choi’s grade 12 Korean Language and Literature Higher Level class. The study of an Argentinian fictional novel (called Kiss of the Spider Woman) could give us another understanding into a different cultural perspective about our relationships. Jookyung Park is analyzing the variety of film resources used by Manuel Puig to create an intensive discussion on the revolutionary forces which wracked Argentina in the 1970s. Her discussion focuses on the microcosm of a prison cell and how it reflects the greater society. Jeongyun Choi on the other hand is reviewing the film extracts and commenting on different cultural interpretations of human relationships and believes that love which is motivated by political forces does not always produce a trusting relationship. LEADING CREATIVITY. ACTION. SERVICE. ENRICHMENT 학생들에게는 훌륭한 교육과정, 좋은 교사들, 잠재력을 개발하기 위해 교실에서 보내는 시간 외에도 더 많은 것들이 필요합니다. 본교는 이 사실을 잘 알고 있고, 그래서 학생들에게 다양한 CASE 프로그램을 제공하기 위해 동분서주하고 있습니다. 브랭섬홀 아시아는 전인교육이야말로 최고의 교육이라 믿으며, 모든 교직원들은 학생들이 원하는 대학에 진학하는 것은 물론이고, 앞으로의 인생에서도 자기의 길을 잘 찾아갈 수 있도록 최선을 다해 노력하고 있습니다. 본교는 여러 CASE 프로그램을 통해 다양한 방과후 활동은 물론이고, 브랭섬홀 아시아와 같은 명문학교의 역사와 전통을 전승한다는 자부심도 학생들에게 심어주고 있습니다. 남다른 리더십 기회, 최고 수준의 스포츠 프로그램, 학생이 주도하는 봉사 프로그램, 다양한 종류의 예술 프로그램 등등 학생들의 교육을 더욱더 풍성하고 완전하게 만들어주는 여러가지 프로그램들이 준비되어 있습니다. CASE 프로그램은 학업과 병행하여 학생들의 열정과 흥미를 북돋아 줄 수 있도록 고안되었습니다. 학생들은 CASE 프로그램을 통해 자신의 아이디어를 실험해 보고, 새로운 영역에 첫발을 내딛는 기회를 갖게 될 것입니다. 전 세계적으로도 다양하고 우수한 CASE 프로그램의 중요성이 점점 더 부각되고 있는 실정입니다. 그 추세에 발 맞춰서 브랭섬홀 아시아 역시 학교생활의 중요한 한 부분을 차지하면서, 어쩌면 학생의 인생을 바꿀 수도 있을만큼 중요한 CASE 프로그램을 지속적으로 개발하고 제공할 것입니다. Mr. John Gasparini Head of Administration, Middle School & Senior School Students need more than a strong curriculum, good teachers, and time in the classroom to develop to their full potential. We understand this truth at Branksome Hall Asia and it is for this reason that we work so hard to offer your daughters an engaging CASE after school activities programme. We believe in educating the whole child. We not only want your daughter to find her way to University, but also to help her find her way in life. What we offer here at Branksome is a sense of self that comes through all of the intangibles that great schools like Branksome can offer. Through unique leadership opportunities, elite level sporting programs, through student initiated service programs, through a dedication to the arts in all of its forms, it is here that we start to add up the small parts of an education that can be missed at first glance. The CASE programme is designed to develop passions and interests in parallel with our academic program. It is built to allow our students to experiment with ideas and activities that they may never have thought they would do. A diverse and well-developed after school activities program such as CASE is an important part of the best schooling programs around the world. As we grow as a community together, Branksome’s CASE program will continue to be a major part of the engaging, life changing programs that will continue to emerge at our school. Creativity at Branksome Hall Asia has made a strong showing Term 1 of our school’s CASE Program. A few brave members of the BHA Symphony Orchestra extended themselves by learning scales, etudes and orchestral excerpts for the Honor Orchestra and Band Festival auditions. Auditions demand that musicians look beyond just pitch and rhythm as accuracy is only the basic requirement for success. Every note played is judged on the direction of melodic line, phrasing and expression. The auditions demand technical prowess. In Symphony Orchestra rehearsals, phrases are played over and over again in different styles and interpretations to create the most effective nuance of expression. The Wizard of Oz Production is on the way. Auditions this past September saw approximately 60 singers and actors vie for 20 lead singing and acting roles in the musical. In support of this major production, eighteen musicians will work in the pit orchestra, providing accompaniment to singers and actors. This invaluable training and experience will also extend the technical skills of the girls involved in the operation of the control room, back-stage management, set building, and costume making, and makeup design. In addition to Drama and music, new activities like Photography, Ribbon making and Broadcasting (Branksome TV) run weekly. We look forward to their work and presentations. Creativity at Branksome is off to a great start this first term! 이번 Term 1에도 브랭섬홀 아시아의 곳곳에서 CASE 프로그램을 매개체로 한 창의력이 발휘되고 있습니다. 용감한 몇몇 심포니 오케스트라 단원들은 아너 오케스트라와 관악제의 오디션에 도전하기 위해 음계와 연습곡을 배우고, 다른 오케스트라의 공연에서 발췌를 해 온 부분을 연습하고 있습니다. ‘정확도’는 모든 음악가들이 기본적으로 갖추어야 할 자질이기 때문에 단순히 음조나 리듬을 익히는 것만으로는 오디션에 합격하는 것이 어렵습니다. 오디션의 심사는 가락이 흘러가는 방향, 소리를 어떻게 표현하는지, 그리고 그 소리에 본인의 감정이 얼마나 녹아들어 있는지를 주요 잣대로 이루어집니다. 그렇다고 음악가의 기량을 경시하는 것은 아닙니다. 심포니 오케스트라의 경우, 기존의 곡을 다른 스타일로 바꿔가면서 연주하기도 하고, 재해석한 곡의 뉘앙스를 극대화할 수 있는 스타일로 연주를 하기도 하기 때문에 음악가의 기량 또한 뛰어나야 합니다. 오즈의 마법사 제작이 이루어지고 있습니다. 지난 9 월에 열린 오디션에서는 약 60여명의 지원자들이 20 개의 포지션(노래와 연기 부문)에 도전했습니다. 노래와 연기를 하는 출연자들 외에도 18명의 학생들이 무대 앞 오케스트라석에서 공연을 지원할 예정입니다. 이번 공연에는 기술적인 지원을 해 줄 조정실의 운영자를 비롯하여 무대 연출, 세트 디자인, 의상 및 메이크업 디자인 팀에 여러 학생들이 참여하고 있습니다. 드라마와 음악 외에도 사진, 리본 만들기, 방송반 (Branksome TV)이 매주 운영되고 있습니다. 학생들의 활약으로 어떤 결과물이 나올지 거는 기대가 큽니다. 이번 학기의 CASE 창의성 프로그램들이 아주 순조롭게 진행 중임을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. Ms. Mary Siew Head of Performing Arts, CASE Creativity Coordinator LEADING CREATIVITY. ACTION. SERVICE. ENRICHMENT 조성과 자기 계발에 중점을 둔 CASE 프로그램: A Focus on Inquiry in CASE Creativity & Enrichment: Ms. Leslie Stellwagen CASE Enrichment Coordinator CASE Enrichment has been developing over the past year and this term Enrichment has grown to 17 provided offerings. These engaging and diverse activities allow for both academic growth and to develop students’ love of learning. Through fun, hands-on activities, students explore math and science in Math Counts and STEM Club. Students develop new skills and become more confident in these areas through problems and challenges. Math Counts investigates math puzzles from CEMC (Center for Education for Math and Computing). In STEM Club, students construct engineering objects, such as paper bridges covering 3 meters and freestanding paper towers. Through challenging collaborations, students learn thinking critically and creatively. Students are furthering their language skills in CASE French, Spanish, Chinese, and Korean clubs. Language acquisition is also being expanded in a number of reading clubs including Chinese Reading Club, NERD (Never End Reading Diligently), Webtoon & Comic Book Club, and Korean Series Reading Club. Students engage in independent reading and truly develop an appreciation for the beauty of literature in all its forms. As students become more fluent in their language skills, they are also developing their ability to present and speak publicly. Grades 6 through 9 enrolled in Public Speaking are analyzing famous speeches and preparing to present a one-minute presentation. In Model United Nations, Grades 9 through 11 are putting their public speaking and research skills into application while preparing for a one-day mini-conference in November. Enrichment CASE also encourages students to gain new skills and interests that will last a lifetime. In Mac 101, students are learning necessary computer skills and how to creatively express themselves in iMovie. Through the Sustainability Garden, students are learning gardening, ecology, and horticulture while also designing and building a recycled greenhouse. Students in Chess Club are learning the basics of this 1500-year-old game and honing their skills while competing against one another. The Enrichment CASE program also builds leadership and community. As Peer Mentees, students in Grades 6 through 9 are provided support and encouragement from older students in the Peer Mentoring program. DP students are taking on a strong leadership role through their involvement in the CASE program. In NERD, Sieun Lee and Dohyun Im choose the texts for reading and facilitate the group discussions. Yuri Han organizes and chooses the problems for Math Counts. Through engaging collaboration, thoughtful challenges, and creative explorations, students are empowered to become leaders and life-long learners. CASE 자기 계발 프로그램은 지속적인 발전을 통해 올해에는 17가지의 프로그램을 제공하게 되었습니다. 이렇게 다양한 프로그램을 통해 학업은 물론이고, 학생들의 향학심을 북돋는데도 더욱더 보탬이 될 것이라 믿습니다. 수학과 과학의 세계를 탐사하고 체험의 묘미도 즐길 수 있는Math Counts와 STEM Club을 소개합니다. 학생들은 여러가지 문제와 도전과제를 해결해 나가면서 새로운 지식을 익히고, 자신감 또한 상승하는 효과를 체험할 것입니다. Math Counts 에서는 주로CEMC(Center for Education for Math and Computing 수학과 과학과목의 경시대회를 전문적으로 치루는 단체)에서 인용한 수학 퍼즐을 연구합니다. STEM Club에서는 3미터 남짓의 종이 다리 제작, 받침대 없이 서 있는 종이 타워 제작 등 공학 기술이 필요한 물체를 연구하고 직접 제작합니다. 학생들은 이런 협동을 통해 비판적이고 창의적인 사고 방식을 배우게 되리라 기대합니다. 학생들은 프랑스어, 스페인어, 중국어 그리고 한국어 클럽 활동을 통해 새로운 언어를 배울 수 있습니다. 새로운 언어를 접할 기회를 확대하기 위해 중국어 독서 클럽, NERD, 웹툰 & 만화책 클럽, 한국어 시리즈물 독서 클럽 등을 만들었습니다. 학생들은 도움없이 책을 읽는 습관을 기르고, 장르를 가리지 않고 문학의 매력에 빠져들 수 있을 것입니다. 학생들이 한 언어를 유창하게 구사할 수 있게 되면 대중을 상대로 발표나 연설을 하는 능력을 개발하는데 관심을 가질 수 있습니다. 6학년부터 9학년을 대상으로 한 Public Speaking반에서는 널리 알려진 연설을 분석하고 1분 연설을 준비해 발표하는 시간을 갖고 있습니다. 9 학년부터 11학년을 대상으로 한 모의UN 에서는 그동안 닦아온 발표 능력과 조사 및 연구 기술을 바탕으로 11월에 개최되는 하루 일정의 미니 컨퍼런스를 준비하고 있습니다. 학생들은 CASE 자기 계발 프로그램을 통해 앞으로 살아가면서 유용하게 사용할 수 있는 새로운 기술과 관심거리를 습득하고 있습니다. Mac 101에서는 중요한 컴퓨터 기술을 배우고, iMovie를 만드는 법을 배웁니다. 원예클럽인 Sustainability Garden에서는 조경술, 생태학 및 원예학에 대해 공부하고, 재활용품을 이용하여 온실을 디자인하고 설치했습니다. 체스 클럽의 학생들은 1500년 동안 이어져 내려오는 체스의 규칙을 배우고, 서로를 상대로 체스 게임을 하면서 기술을 연마하고 있습니다. CASE 자기 계발 프로그램은 리더십을 양성하고 공동체 형성에 기여하고 있습니다. 6학년부터 9학년 학생들은Peer Mentees 에 참가하여Peer Mentoring 프로그램에 참가하고 있는 시니어 학생들로부터 각종 조언과 지원을 받고 있습니다. 특히, DP 과정의 학생들은 CASE 프로그램을 통해 각종 리더십을 발휘할 기회를 갖고 있습니다. NERD에서는 이시은 학생과 임도현 학생이 지문을 선정하고 그룹토론을 이끄는 역할을 하고 있고, 한유리 학생은 Math Counts의 문제를 선정하는 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 학생들은 이렇게 서로 협동하고, 어려운 도전을 헤쳐나가면서 창의적인 모험을 통해 리더가 될 수 있는 원동력과 일생동안 배움을 추구하는 자세를 기를 수 있는 기반을 다지게 될 것입니다. LEADING Recognizing and instilling the value of social and emotional learning alongside the academic core is important to us at Branksome. We continue to move from an abstract understanding of “leading” and “service” to a new paradigm of leadership through service that values a sense of concern and the readiness to be social explorers. We continue to challenge minds, educate hearts and form compassionate and conscientious women leaders of tomorrow. In September 2015, world leaders came together to announce the UN ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. These global goals will help drive change in the next 15 years for the most critical issues that humanity faces today. As a community of engaged learners and contributors, we at Branksome are using these goals as a guiding set of values and framework for plans of action starting with Junior school and all the way up to the Middle/Senior School. Using a model that empowers students to discover, make choices and think creatively (Feel-Imagine-Do-Share), we are contributing to making the vision of these goals a reality. BHA Commitment to Goal #14 Heal the Bay: Initiated and organized by Branksome students and parents in partnership with, the NGO “Heal the Bay” we are committed to cleaning up Jeju beaches every third Saturday of the month. LEADING BHA Commitment to goal #16 UN Peace Day: The International Day of Peace is observed annually on 21st September. The theme for this year is “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All”. Last year, students and teachers participated in a “Peace Walk” through various sites in Jeju with a history of conflict and violence. This year we partnered with a local NGO to participate in a regional event supported and organized by the Korean Organizing Committee for UN International Day of Peace, Global Inner Peace (local NGO), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Jeju Provincial Government. Branksome middle/senior students collaborated with other international students on the island by setting up an informative booth emphasizing the efforts to promote peace and raise awareness. The effort continues on campus with the establishment of a student club called “Branksome Inner Peace”. Junior school students promoted and raised awareness about the ideals of peace through various activities on campus. LIVING Welcome to the new Branksome Hall Asia families and a reconnection with existing families. The recent Chuseok holiday reminds us that the start of the school year is a time for happiness and reconnecting as the Branksome family. We join together to share successes of the last academic year, look forward to the studies ahead and support each other during times of ‘hard work’. We are most fortunate to welcome Mrs Leigh Sale as Head of Ainslie House. Mrs Sale brings with her many years of experience in boarding schools. Over twenty Teacher Dons from Canada, Korea, China, Serbia, South Africa and USA will share their diverse cultural experiences with our students. The Residence Team will continue to build on the weekend residence program and a structured academic environment. We pride ourselves in being able to work in smaller groups of students to teacher, and the relationship that grows from these close interactions. This is the first year where students from the Junior residences moved into Sherborne and Shin Saimdang respectively. Our older students are enjoying the choices that are offered and the greater responsibility that comes with this. Reconnecting Mr James Caudle joins our Pastoral Team as Grade 9 and 10 Level Coordinator. His strong background in student support will be an invaluable asset. Advisory groups are well cared for by one teacher who takes the role of academic and emotional mentor. Advisors work alongside classroom teachers to ensure that student wellbeing is a priority. Grade 6, 7, 8 and 12 Camps and the Grade 9 Exchange all take place in October. The earlier timing will encourage new relationships to grow from shared experiences that challenge and take us outside of our comfort zones. Whether we are connecting or reconnecting with others, strong relationships provide us with social support. This in turn, leads us to have more fun and positive feelings about ourselves. Strong connections create a safe space so that we can explore and learn. I invite Parents to take an active role in collaborating with faculty in both the residence and day school. Your input is vital to completing the holistic picture of your daughter. Please do not hesitate to make contact with the relevant Head of House on residence matters and the Advisory teacher or Grade Level Coordinator with day school matters. Let us explore and learn together for your daughter’s future. Noeline Young Head of Student Affairs Middle and Senior School Ainslee House We have all enjoyed a busy first 6 weeks settling back into Residence and school life. First impressions gathered from Jieun Choi a new Grade 6 Ainslie student: How have you enjoyed being in Residence so far? “It is a lot of games and Teacher Dons are very kind and is very fun. We don’t get our electronics at night so that is a bit bad. It is a lot of homework at school. I love going to the gym and playing badminton and basketball and I like active games. Who is your favorite teacher? ‘I like Ms.Jansen, Mr.Peters is very many talking and a lot of this is very important,! I love it at BHA. Comments from two new Grade 8 girls, Zixuan and Jiacheng: “I like free time and Friday night activities but I don’t like book club and want to change to swimming or board games next time” said Zixaun. Jiacheng:”I like the general environment , it makes me feel comfortable living in Ainslie. I like the outside activities like going to the beach. I also want more free time to do my own music practice and homework. Our best subject is math and we like Mr. Bidder and Ms.Yu my English teacher. We are looking forward to next term. LIVING Shin Saimdang House Shin Saimdang House is buzzing with energy as the residents work towards Chuseok break getting assessments completed and continuing to build connections with each other. We’ve been out to Hyoepjae Beach, to family dinners and the local sites such as O’sullock Tea Museum. We’ve enjoyed games, bike rides, beautiful sunsets and even a shopping trip to Emart. The teacher dons and residents have forged great friendships and working relationships. Grade 9 is especially excited to be preparing for the Canada Exchange in early October. The house is full of joy and sweet music as students rehearse for the Installation Assembly and upcoming school musical. When we get back, Grade 10 will be straight into their Personal Projects and a Shin Saimdang House Leadership program of three weeks. Exciting things ahead! Wishing you a most lovely Chuseok holiday. May time spent with family and friends be joyous and peace-filled. Sherborne House Moving into residence and attending the first day of school at BHA is an exciting time. Though residence is seen as place to sleep and study while attending school, it is much more. The senior residence, Sherborne House, is a home away from home for girls in grades 11 and 12. Here, the girls are able to unwind, form study groups, meet up with friends, share a pizza, watch a movie together, practice their musical instruments, or have quiet study time in their own room. Sherborne is a where lifelong connections are formed. The girls come with a variety of talents and interests and live like a family. Friendships and connections built in Sherborne continue long after graduation. NEWS LATEST NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS Branksome Hall Asia Library Autumn Book Fair with What the Book October 22 - 23, 2015 / 8:00 am - 4:00 pm On the first floor of the Library Stay Connected The Branksome Hall Asia mobile app is now available as a free download for android users. The apple version will be available very soon. You can downlaod the app by clicking here Friends of the Library The library has supported the development of a parent volunteer group called, “Friends of the Library.” This wonderful group plays an essential role in supporting teaching and learning at BHA. In a short time they have become an invaluable part of the library community. The parent volunteers have been sorting and shelving books, helping to catalogue new books and assisting with special projects. Branksome Hall Asia Library Our 24/7 Library The library team would like to remind parents of the online resources that are available to support reading through the library homepage. There are a variety of excellent resources that can provide a springboard for developing a passion for reading. Branksome Hall Asia Admissions Office 234 Global Edu-ro, Daejeoung-eup Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Korea, 63644 37F ASEM Tower, Yeongdong-daero 517, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Korea 135-798 Telephone +82.64.902.5000 Fax +82.64.902.5481 Telephone +82.2.6001.3840 Email Website