February - The Police News
February - The Police News
Wanted Fugitives Pages 3 & 4 Subscribe to THE POLICE NEWS Sex Offenders Pages 20 & 21 Page 10 ON THE SCENE with The Police News THE POLICE NEWS VOLUME V, NUMBER 2 WWW.GULFCOASTPOLICENEWS.COM February 2008 The Husband Got Murdered A Confession to Murder The Boyfriend Got 55-Years Was It Fact, Or Fiction? By Marie Beth Jones T he caller reported a suspicious vehicle – a Chevrolet Suburban with the engine running, next to the Taco Shack at County Road 143 and County Road 50 in Pearland. The man inside was not moving, the caller said, and blood dripping from the vehicle’s passenger-side front door. Patrol deputies dispatched to the scene asked for a check of the vehicle registration, which came back as being owned by a Houston man. It had not been reported stolen. The date was Feb. 5, 2002, a day Brazoria County Sheriff’s Investigator Eddie Rogers recalls as a cold, wet day. “I was on call,” Rogers said, “when I heard the radio traffic, I headed to the scene.” Once he arrived it took only a glance for Rogers to realize that the information he had heard – including the blood at the scene – was no exaggeration. He saw a man seated in the front passenger seat of the Suburban, facing the vehicle’s driver’s side. Blood had pooled on the floorboard beneath the dead man, and was dripping out the door. Rogers could see more blood on the man’s hands, legs, and pants. Convinced the man inside was dead the officers removed his wallet from his pocket which contained a driver’s license issued to Arturo Zamarripa Macias, a 44-year-old Pearland resident. “When we checked the body we found defensive wounds on his hands, including one that had almost severed his thumb,” Rogers said. These were only the beginning of the man’s injuries, however. He also had wounds on the top of his head that had bled profusely. He had also suffered severe chest injuries. Other investigators, called to assist in locating witnesses, began interviewing people living along CR 50, Fidel Troncoso, killed hoping to find for another man's wife someone who had seen what happened. Their search was partially successful, turning up witnesses who noticed a couple of vehicles in the area at 10:30 or 10:45 p.m. on Feb. 4, about the time other individuals had spotted cars of the same description in that area. Just as then Investigator (now Captain) Chris Kincheloe and Rogers were wrapping up everything at the scene, a man named Victor Loya drove up and told them he was looking for Macias, who lived with Loya and his ex-wife Belia. Loya said he and Belia had tried all night to get Macias on his cell phone, but had been unable to contact him. The officers informed Loya that the man they had found dead at the scene had been tentatively identified as Macias, and asked for information about Macias’s relatives. They obtained the name and telephone number of Macias’s brother, and notified him of their suspicion that Macias had been murdered. Loya then led the investigators to an Alvin-area trucking company where Macias had worked, and the investigators talked with other employees of the company in an effort to find out more about the victim. Because most of the trucking company’s employees spoke little English, continued on pg. 8 (Husband/Boyfriend) By: Breck Porter Galveston, Texas Christmas Eve 1976 inston Martin, MD, was a psychiatrist in Galveston who practiced with the rather prestigious and powerful group called the Titus Harris Clinic. Winston was known by many close to him to have an alcohol problem. Prior to his disappearance, he was a frequenter of several Galveston bars, and there were those who admonished him that his bar hopping was not a safe practice. Apparently they were right, for on Christmas morning, 1977, Winston Martin drove away from the L’Oasis Club on Ferry Road in Galveston, never to be seen or heard from again. Martin went to the L’Oasis near midnight on Christmas Eve after he and wife Nancy had entertained friends at their home on Avenue O earlier in the evening. Bartender, Leola Rawlins, said she could tell Martin had been drinking before he arrived at the bar. He stayed until she closed a little before two o’clock on Christmas morning. He was the last customer to leave when Rawlins closed. She watched as he drove away believing he was on his way home. Dr. Martin was also known for his rather aggressive use of electroconvulsive treatment on his patients. Nevertheless, patients were frequently referred to him by other doctors, especially difficult cases and VIP’s, which is why he may have been given the case of a well-liked medical school student. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, John D. Son was attending the medical school at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, having gone there from a Fort Worth hospital where he was a pre-med student. W John was very well liked in medical school and was elected president of his class. However, he became intrigued with psychedelic Dr. Winston Martin drugs during this time. Far more intrigued than the social pot-smoking most of the class did. Rather, he was intent on exploring the psychedelic experience, similar to Timothy Leary. During his third year, Son became delusional, believing he was some religious messenger. He tied his name, Jon Son, with his mother’s who ironically was named Mary. Before long the Son of Mary thing got totally out of hand and he was proselytizing to patients and worrying everyone. He was hospitalized on one of the psychiatric units at UTMB, and Winston Martin was his psychiatrist. Son was re-hospitalized several times. On one occasion, he began to believe another doctor who was newly married, was having an affair with his wife. The doctor’s new wife had actually gone to high school with Son. She knew him and she knew his brother who had committed suicide while in high school. She was fearful of John Son. Son ended up in jail at least once, and his hospitalizations had become involuntary. Ultimately, after several attempts to reintegrate back into medical school, he was dropped from the rolls. He was incredibly bitter about this, forever blaming Winston Martin and other doctors for misunderstanding and mistreating him. He never admitted he had any psychiatric disorder. His wife divorced him and he drifted away from Galveston. contunued on page 5 (Confession) WEST END 24 hr. Service 409-737-1407 ELECTRIC The Right Repair – The Right Price – Right Now! 409-737-4142 281-316-0500 THE POLICE NEWS Police News Publishing Co. LLC P.O. Box 17213 Galveston, TX 77552-7213 Breck Porter – Editor & Publisher editor@thepolicenews.net Advertising Sales/Distribution 409-632-0082 sales@thepolicenews.net Writers Marie Beth Jones – Jes Garza Mark Timmers – Tom Kennedy Graphic Artist/Editor/Art Director R.A. McPeak rmcpeak@houston.rr.com Printing Mirror Publishers, Inc msblick@mirrorpub.com The Police News is published monthly in Galveston and Beaumont, Texas Copyright 2007 All rights reserved Galveston News Office: 409-762NEWS Business Office: 409-632-0042 Advertising/Distrubution: 409-6320082 Nationwide Toll Free: 1-888-7888967 Page 2 - Gulf Coast Police News Where to Find Us The Police News, Gulf Coast edition, is available at locations in these cities and towns: Brazoria County Alvin Angleton Clute Freeport Oyster Creek Pearland Rosharon Surfside Beach Galveston County Bacliff Crystal Beach Dickinson Friendswood Galveston Gilchrist Hitchcock Jamaica Beach Kemah La Marque League City Port Bolivar San Leon Santa Fe Texas City Visit www.thepolicenews.net for locations FUGITIVES WANTED GALVESTON COUNTY NW WI 4922 GRAVES RD. SANTA FE, TX. 77517 If you have information on any of these wanted fugitives call the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office 409-766-2322 or 1-866-248-8477 R E D Albert W. Winwood — — Melissa Kay Winwood P T U 409-925-2039 A Pgr. 409-643-0480 ARNETT, CHRISTINA MARIE WF-12/28/1974 5'09" - 160lbs - BRO - BRO TAT L SHOULDER, TAT BACK TAT LOWER LEFT LEG LKA;CLEAR LAKE SHORES Serving Galveston County and Surrounding Area CARMAN, JEFFREY MARTIN WM-12/12/1973 6'00" - 185lbs - BRO - BLU LKA-GALVESTON MTRP-AGG KIDNAPPING H & R Grocery & Meat Market WARRANT X 2 SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD E D 1428 35th St. Galveston A P T U R • Custom Meat Orders • Deer Processing • Italian Sausages • Black Angus Ribeyes • Marine & Restaurant C DEATON, BRENDA JEAN AKA HALL, BRENDA JEAN AKA PAISLEY, BRENDA JEAN WF-07/17/1957 5'07" - 180lbs - BRO - HAZ TAT LEFT SHOULDER LKA - LAMARQUE INJURY TO CHILD OR ELDERLY HERNANDEZ, EUDELIO WM-11/21/1958 5'06" - 180lbs - BRO - BRO SC RIGHT FINGER LKA - SANTA FE MTRP-ARSON Y TOWING • TRUCK & AUTO SALES C CARLOS, CELSO ARMANDO WM-12/30/1985 5'04" - 150lbs - BRO-BLK LKA - GALVESTON SEX ASSAULT CHILD BOND $160,000 OOD MOTOR COMPAN HANKS, DAMIAN MEMARIO BM-12/26/1979 6'01" - 197lbs - BLK - BRO LKA - GALVESTON MTRP X 3 ABANDON OR ENDANGER A CHILD HATCHER, LEARIA RENEE BF-12/30/1982 5'06" - 208lbs - BRO - BRO TAT UPPER LEFT ARM LKA - LEAGUE CITY ABANDON OR ENDANGER CHILD Open 7am to 8pm Mon. – Sat. 8am to 8pm Sunday Since 1984 409-762-4510 Meat Market 409-762-3765 GO WIRELESS COUNTERSURVEILLANCE MURILLO, BAUDELIO AKA: MAURILLO, BOBBY WM-09/23/1965 5'09" - 240lbs - BRO - BRO TAT BOTH ARMS TAT CHEST TAT LEFT HAND LKA; PORT BOLIVAR ABANDON / ENDANDER CHILD RIVERS, ANGELO CARL JR BM-07/21/1988 5'11" - 145lbs - BRO - BLK TAT LEFT ARM TAT L EFT WRIST DELIVERY CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE Featuring the latest in stadium-seating, comfortable high-back rocking seats and DTS digital sound Systems. — Lobby ATM — All major credit cards accepted All “R” rated Movies Require an ID – Visit us @ www.pccmovies.com FREE LARGE DRINK WITH PURCHASE OF A SMALL POPCORN Business’s • Homes • Vehicles • Ect. Peter Campbell 281-910-0764 Deem ★Realty FARM BUREAU INSURANCE Seawall at 89th street – Galveston M ov i e H o t l i n e : 4 0 9 - 74 1 - 170 0 We Detect Wire Taps Hidden Microphones Hidden Cameras Bumper Beepers Body Wires & Anything that TRANSMITS ® Auto • Home • Life Tesa Skipper Career Agent Your Agent for “Life” Call me today for a no-obligation review of all your insurance needs. 281-330-7630 401-C West FM 517—Dickinson TX 77539 Buying or Selling Contact Bill Office: 409-765-7773 Cell: – 409-939-7433 Fax: – 409-765-7371 123 Bill Tanner Realtor 1411 39th street Galveston, Tx. 77550 wtanner2@houston.rr.com Gulf Coast Police News - Page 3 USA Decon DECONTAMINATION & RESTORATION FUGITIVES WANTED SM of • Accidents • Homicide • Suicide • Human Decompositions • Gross Filth • Meth Labs BRAZORIA COUNTY If you have information on any of these wanted fugitives call the Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office (979) 864-2392 or Brazoria County Crime Stoppers – 1-800-460-2222 713-850-0555 1-877-627-7458 Fax: 281-412-3496 E-mail: usadecon@aol.com www.usadecon.com Chafin, Cody W/M DOB 07/18/1982 6’3”/270lbs BRO/BLU 802 E. New York, Brazoria, TX WRRT# 43978 Alias Capias MTAG/Burglary of Habitation Craft, Marcus B/M DOB 05/17/1975 6’1”/230lbs BLK/BRO 8010 Mistyvale Houston, TX WRRT# 51886 Alias Capias MTR/Poss CS Franklin, Shaunn B/M DOB 05/13/1988 6’1”/160lbs BRO/BRO 15602 CR 526 Rosharon, TX WRRT# 131479 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/Poss CS Gaddy, Clinton W/M DOB 12/27/1971 6’1”/155lbs BRO/BLU 115 Annette Court Angleton, TX WRRT# DJ010220 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/DWI Sur to Surr/Evading Arrest Howard, Charnell B/F DOB 11/21/1965 5’4”/170lbs BLK/BRO 5050 Sunflower #126 Houston, TX WRRT# 47987 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/MRP/Forgery Jaso, Alfonso W/M DOB 01/06/1988 5’6”/135lbsa BLK/BRO 6666 Myrtle Houston, TX WRRT# 53167 Alias Capias MTAG/UUMV Matthews, Damien B/M DOB 06/10/1978 5’10”/165lbs BLK/BRO 311 Coen Rd. Arcola, TX WRRT# 55395 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/Poss CS WRRT# 55399 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/Unlawful Poss of Firearm Lowe, Kandice W/F DOB 01/27/1974 5’6”/135lbs BLN/BLU 113 Stanford Lake Jackson, TX WRRT# 55569 Alias Capias Sur to Surr/Fraud Lovelace, James B/M DOB 01/30/1987 6’/145lbs BLK/BRO 813 W. Live Oak Angleton, TX WRRT# 53973 Alias Capias MTAG/Poss CS Financing Available AIR & HEAT Serving the Island & Surrounding Cities ESCO PEST CONTROL WDI Inspections Termites - Rodents Roaches - Ants - Fleas Birds - Trapping (409) 737-3200 Steve Spicer – Owner 9355 Jamaica Beach Galveston, TX 77554 www.escopestcontrolinc.com Page 4 - Gulf Coast Police News • • • • Sales / Installation / Service All Brands New Construction / Remodeling Residential & Commercial No Evening or Holiday Extra Charge Owner/Operator – Randy Allen Rheem • Frigidaire Free Second Opinion Office: 409-737-5701 Service Tech Response Cell: ING s ' TER A a l NT & C Voted Best Italian l e A B R Reataurant & Friendliest DLiIAN RESTAU Service in Galveston County I TA Closed Mondays Tues. – Fri.············Lunch Tues. – Thurs.······Dinner Fri. – Sat.·············Dinner Sunday··················Dinner 11 – 2 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. 5 – 11 p.m. 5 – 10 p.m. 409-682-7565 Yearly Maintenance Program Available Insured & Licensed •TACLB024601E See our Review at www.galvnews.com 31st & Avenue P Galveston (409) 763-9036 contunued from page 1 (Confession) In the ensuing years, he wandered around the country working odd jobs. There are many web postings by Son where he talks of living in the Vancouver area, the Pacific Northwest and in Mexico. During the investigation of the strange disappearance of Dr. Martin, a man’s leg with foot and shoe attached was discovered in a lake and taken to the Galveston County Morgue. Although the leg was never positively identified as being Martin’s, there was a general consensus around UTMB that it was his. There was also a consensus among the students that John Son had murdered Dr. Martin. In the 1980’s, Son’s claim that Martin, UTMB and Titus Harris Clinic had so seriously injured him with electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) that he was left injured and disabled, won him a $100,000 negotiated settlement. The Church of Scientology reportedly assisted Son in the lawsuit. Over the next twenty years some of John Son’s former classmates and associates had occasional unsolicited contacts from him. One said he would just show up at his office dirty and disheveled, asking for money. On one occasion he appeared at the office of a psychiatrist he knew from back in the old days at UTMB just wanting to talk. They went to a local coffee shop and with a sly smile on his face Son asked the former classmate if he thought that he, Son, had murdered Winston Martin. On another occasion he called a former UTMB classmate from a jail in Oklahoma where he had been arrested for threatening his neighbor with a gun. The classmate’s brother was a lawyer and Son was seeking to get legal help from him. About six years ago Son telephoned some of his friends and told them he had written a book that should be read by every medical student who attended UTMB with him. As usual he hit them up for money and he was trying to get a copy of the UTMB Alumni Association mailing list. A few weeks later, one of his old classmates received a copy of his book manuscript in the mail. It was a rambling document, about 100 pages long, accounting various escapades of his life. The last chapter was essentially what he had subsequently posted on the internet, describing his murder of Dr. Winston Martin. This shocking chapter of the ‘book’ took readers by surprise. They could not believe Son would actually document the crime. About a week later, a friend got a letter from Son. It underscored his second thoughts about what he had written. In it he qualified what he had written, saying he hoped the reader understood that although every other part of his autobiographical book was true, the part about the death of Dr. Winston Martin was fiction. Here is the excerpt from the manuscript written by John D. Son which he reportedly sold to a publisher and in which he describes how he and two others murder Dr. Winston Martin and disposed of his body over thirty years ago. “At least once a day, Bone and Salman would show up, Bone with his beer, pot and whiskey, Salman with his bottle of Port wine. We would sit around the fireplace telling the same old stories that had been told all summer long. “I was working real hard to get my medical and court records from Galveston. The authorities there knew there was nothing I could do short of going down there and the Galveston cops had already told me, if they caught me there again they would kill me. “It was about that time I got a crazy letter from Winston Martin (probably from him being pressured by my father) telling me I had obviously slipped back into the world of Schizophrenia and that my only hope was to let him teat me again. “By that time the Statute of Limitations had passed and there wasn’t much chance of me finding a lawyer to help me. I told Bone about what Winston was doing and what he had done to me and Bone said, “Let’s go kill the son of a bitch! You’ll get away with it.” And just like that (after being drunk and stoned of course) we threw some blankets in the back of his Chevrolet pickup and headed out I-40 toward Oklahoma where my grandfather lived. I knew I could borrow some money from him. When we got to Checotah, I told him I was going to Galveston to get my medical records so I could write a book about what happened to me in Galveston. He reached into his billfold, handed me seven one hundred dollar bills and said, ‘If I was forty years younger, ol hoss, I’d go with you.’ He also gave me an old picket knife and said, ‘Here, this belonged to my dad, you’ll need it.’ “I called Winston and told him he was right, that I was in need of some more shock treatments and was heading that way. ‘I want it to remain a secret though, so don’t tell anybody I’m coming.’ “Winston agreed and told me he’d check me into St. Mary’s Hospital under a fictitious name so as to keep it all a secret except from my dad, that he wouldn’t tell anyone that I was coming. “The trip from Checotah to Galveston was about ten hours. I called Winston from Huntsville about six o’clock in the evening and told him I was on my way. I told him I would be in Galveston between six and seven and told him I wanted to meet him somewhere outside the hospital and then would let him drive me to St. Mary’s. “It wasn’t’ really a surprise when he suggested that we meet at the Oasis, which was a bar on Ferry Road, not far from the medical school. I called Winston again from Houston. I could tell at that point he was drinking and I knew if I stood him up he would get drunk and I would catch him in a situation that was more favorable to me. “We got to Galveston about nine o’clock and went to the Oasis (correct name L’Oasis). Sure enough Winston’s car was in the parking lot. We parked across the street by an apartment complex in the development known as fish village beause all the streets are named after species of fish. “It was Christmas Eve and by 11:30 there wasn’t much traffic on the streets in Galveston. The temperature was about 40 degrees or so and there was a slight mist or fog in the air. “At 1:30 a woman came out the front door of the bar with Winston. When she paused to lock the door of the bar I knew she was closing up. Winston stumbled over to his car and got inside. The woman, probably the bartender, got into her car and drove away. “After a few minutes Winston started up his car, pulled across Ferry Road and headed back south, making a U-turn right in front of us. I immediately made a right hand turn behind him. There was a red light one block down. The light was red. Winston stopped. “I rammed his car from behind. Winston paid no attention and when the light turned green he started out again. I rammed him again. I guess that got his attention and he stopped. He got out of his car and as contunued on page 7 (Confession) LOAN COMPANY 2327 Broadway Galveston, Tx 77550 (409) 765-8410 815 W. Main St. League City, Tx 77573 (281) 338-4060 3307 Palmer Highway Texas City, Tx 409-941-9403 5401 Broadway 409-740-4276 Galveston, Tx 77551 5am – 6pm Chandara & Eric are not responsible for any COP jokes told in this donut house. Dear Tide: I am writing to say what an excellent product you have! I’ve used it all of my married life, as my Mom always told me, it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product. Well, gotta go, have to write to the Hefty bag people. Gulf Coast Police News - Page 5 The Mailbox Dear Editor; I would like to give a commendation to a Police Officer. On New Year’s Eve, we got a call from the Galveston Vet Clinic telling us that our 11-year old Dachshund had been found walking loose on the street and had been brought in to them by a policeman. Apparently the dog had gotten out of our fenced yard and the officer had found him walking along the street. Fortunately the dog was wearing his dog tag with his name (Twinkie) and our phone number and also the Galveston Vet Clinic rabies tag. The officer was kindhearted enough to take him to the Galveston Veterinary Clinic. We were out of town, but they called me on my cell phone. I had my mother pick him up from the Vet’s office. We can’t tell you enough how grateful we are for Officer Powers and his act of kindness. Twinkie is a member of our family. Without Officer Powers, we may have never found Twinkie. Thanks. Adele Leyva, Galveston. Editors Note: Officer Chad Powers is a K-9 Officer with the Galveston Police Department. Dear Editor, I was wondering why there was no mention on the website about an incident that occurred early 01-12-08 Saturday morning in Santa Fe. I was on my way home around 1:50am on Saturday morning when I came upon, what I presume to be a wreck, on FM 646 South between 28th and 32nd Streets, just in front of a small bar called the Rocking H (I think). There were many police cars and other emergency vehicles blocking the road and one officer told me to turn around and go a different way due to the fact that Lifeflight had been called in. In fact, Lifeflight was flying over our heads at the time. There was no mention of this in the Galveston Daily News either. We have no newspaper, per se, in Santa Fe, and as silly as it sounds, I partially depend on your organization for local information. Of course, I have no way of knowing how you gather your information, but this one seemed big enough that I really expected to see something about it on the site. I appreciate the time and effort you all put into this site and the newspaper that you print. Most of us regular citizens are fed garbage by the TV news, so it is very refreshing to hear the whole story, “Just The Facts Ma’am”, the way you present information. I love this Newsletter. website and the Thanks Again, Jodi Hendrix Santa Fe I’m a local police officer and I think you have a great website, keep it up! I believe in keeping the public informed about what’s going on locally.. What about doing a department by department police blotter, kind of like the one the PA News does? Unsigned in Port Arthur Dear Editor; San leon has loads of druggies and do-bads...why can’t you report for us.. I read your website every day, however theres nothing I find interesting about Beaumont and other counties.. Signed: A retired TDC lieutenant Dear Editor: I think the depth of coverage is a super quality. I also appreciate the timeliness of the articles. Any time there is a way for citizen’s to help locate a person, vehicle, etc., I appreciate your broadcasting that information. Most of us are willing to make a call to local authorities if we notice a person or vehicle that matches one of these descriptions. Please continue the quality of service you provide. Unsigned NOAH’S SERVICE CENTER & TIRES I feel you are doing a great service toward keeping the community safe from criminals. I like it all. I am really enjoying the quick emails when something big happens. You are doing a fantastic job, I even mail your newspaper to friends out of state . We would like more reporting on arrests made in north Galveston county more news of our county instead of beaumont etc.. we have to depend on our local free presses ( eagle point press, etc.) to find out our police news... can’t you find a source in the Galveston County Sheriffs Dept to give you news from north gal. cnty.area..we like to know who our druggies and do-bads are too. Love the Police News, keep it up. I particularily like the casual reporting style and the way the reporters add little comments of their own sometimes... the things we’re all thinking anyway. A reader in Galveston Would like to see articles and news from North Texas PDs, such as Fort Worth, Dallas, Dart and Arlington. If there is any way I can assist in distributing Police News to the North Texas PDs or at least to my department I would appreciate it. Unsigned in Arlington A-ALTERNATOR & STARTER REBUILDERS • Alternators • Starters • Generators • Auto • Truck • Industrial • Marine • Automotive Air Conditioning • Engine Diagnostics • Voltage Regulators Noah S. Rice Owner Your Satisfaction is our Pride 409-744-1314 7428 Stewart Road Galveston, Tx 77551 Rebuilt–Installed Exchange 900 Grand Ave. Bacliff Tx. 77518 Danny Hudson 281-339-9099 • Metal Building Erection Carlos W. Melgar – Owner • Property Clearing Over 13 Years in • Concrete Slabs Business in Conroe • Drilling Truck Service • “General Contractor” 1004 N. 8th St. • Conroe, TX Se Habla Español • Turnkey Jobs • Foundation Piers Commercial • Underground Systems Fax: 936-756-2438 Only • Driveways Cell: 936-697-0816 • Electrical Equipment & “Give us a blueprint of your Machinery Service 936-756-4587 dream, we’ll hand you the key” E-Mail: MelgarConstruction@yahoo.com Page 6 - Gulf Coast Police News contunued from page 5 (Confession) he had done the first time I met him in 1969, seven years earlier said, ‘Don’t you know who I am.’ I had my great grandfather’s pocket knife in my right hand and swung at him. It felt like it feels to hit a home run, like a baseball hitting the fat part of the bat. The broken off blade went into his neck and hit his spinal cord with a solid thud. The force of it lifted his feet off the ground, and he landed on the pavement and immediately went into a fetal position. I kicked him in the face just for the battle feel of it. He didn’t move, he didn’t struggle or make any attempt to get up. He just laid there. “By that time Bone was out of the truck. He got some fence wire out of the back and we hog-tied Winston’s arms and feet behind him and threw him into the back of Bone’s truck. “I jumped into Winston’s car, which was still running, and told Bone to follow me. I went down to the Strand, made a right hand turn, went down to the Holiday Inn parking lot. It was actually the road that runs next to the Holiday Inn down to the yacht basin. There was a metal building at the end of the road and several docks with boats moored at them. There were some large boulders there to keep people from running to the bay and for decorative pieces. “I parked Winston’s car and Bone parked behind me with Salman passed out inside. There were several cement blocks in the back of Bone’s car with Winston. We tied one in the middle of his back and another to his arms and legs and then carried him out on one of the docks and threw him in. He sunk immediately. “As we were walking back to the vehicles we saw car lights coming toward us. It was a police car. As he got beside us, the officer inside rolled down his window and asked, ‘Going to do some Christmas fishing, are you?’ ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘do you think they’ll be biting?’ ‘Oh yeah,’ he responded and drove off. I imagine he thought we were loading up our boat there at the yacht basin. “On our way from Oklahoma I had coached Bone several times how to get back to New Mexico. I had told him to stay on the road from Galveston to Dallas until he hit I-40, turn west until he got to Clines Corners, New Mexico, turn north toward Santa Fe and then home. I gave him three hundred dollars and told him under no circumstances was he to buy any alcohol until he got back to Espanola. “I got into Winston’s car which reeked of vomit and Bone followed me north to Houston. When we got to Houston, about four a.m., I got Bone on the road to Dallas and then I went southwest toward Corpus Christi. From Corpus I went to Laredo where I rented a motel room and tried to sleep some. “That evening I drove Winston’s car into Old Mexico. When I got across the border I asked some fellow there where the Boy’s Town was. Boy’s Town is the slang term for the whore houses there. He directed me out west of town where there was a group of 15-20 neon lit bars, all surrounded by a chain link fence. “There was several taxi cabs parked outside near the entrance to the compound. I parked Winton’s car in the dirt parking lot, walked over to the nearest cab and told the driver that I would trade the car for a ride back to Laredo and the bus station. He agreed. “When I got to the bus station I handed him the keys to Winston’s car. I caught a bus from Laredo to El Paso and then on to Albuquerque and then Espanola and the cabin I had rented there. “I didn’t get back to Espanola until the morning of the 27th. I didn’t see Bone and Salman until three days later when I went back out to the reservation. “1977 saw the inauguration of Jimmy Carter as President. I stayed in Espanola until March when I moved back out to San Juan. I made no effort to contact anyone in Galveston.” End of story. Then he adds this disclaimer later, after the story had been posted on the internet and some printed copies sent to friends, almost as an afterthought. “The previous is a fictional account of the disappearance and murder of Winston Martin MD from Galveston, Texas, 1976. Copyright Dr John D. Don, MD, ND, NMD” In researching John Son we discovered endless writings and postings on the internet, some under his real name others under fictitious names. In 2001 he wrote under his own name: “I spent most of my time there (San Juan Indian Reservation near Santa Fe, NM) almost a full year, next door at the home place of Soloman O’Guin (Salman) and his partner, a Brujho or medicine man named Bonifacio Viaponda. Everyone called him “Bone”. In 2004 under one of his fictitious names, he wrote: “Real heavy duty thing about this story is that I told Winston Martin (and a friend) that at some point in the future were going to come back and murder him. He stayed up all night that time and shocked me 13 times. It’s all in the hospital records. By this time, 20 years ago, I was getting my 30th ECT, just had 170 more ECT’s and 200 hours of insulin coma to go. And people say Christ suffered.” Another posting in 2005, he writes under a fictitious name: “I have to admit something children. I have to admit. I carry many burdens and sins with me but they were committed in innocence. “I AM A MURDERER my friends, I am a contunued on page 9 (Confession) Pilgrim Cleaners Voted Galvestons’ Number 1 Dry-Cleaner Four Convenient Locations WEST SIDE EAST SIDE 6222 Stewart Rd, 705 Holiday Dr. ALTERATIONS CENTER SERVICING UTMB RED’S TIRE SHOP & VEHICLE INSPECTION Fast Friendly Service • Computer Spin Balance • New & Used Tires $10.00 & UP • We Buy, Sell, Trade Used Wheels & Tires • We Fix All Types of Flats; $3.00 & UP 409-744-3327 409-762-9013 YOUR HOME MAIN PLANT or OFFICE FREE PICK-UP 1210 Tremont (23rd &L) & DELIVERY 409-354-6239 409-762-0644 ❝ Thirty Days Hath September, April, June, And the speed offender ❞ OPEN 7 DAYS a WEEK 281-559-1865 844 Grand Ave. Baycliff, Texas Se w i n g & Al t e r a t i o n s 10% DISCOUNT for FIRST RESPONDERS UNIFORMS THE POLICE NEWS 6610-B Stewart Road, Visit us on the Web Galveston www.thepolicenews.net 409-744-3632 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 7 continued from page 1 (Husband/Boyfriend) GALVESTON FLOORING & FURNITURE FLOORING: 409-762-5244 Since 1979 FURNITURE: 409-762-3213 Rugs Carpet Ceramic Tile Custom Windows Wood & Laminate Appliances Leather Sofas Recliners Accessories Mattresses 43rd & Broadway TOMMY HARRISON’S GROCERY DVD & Video Movies - 6,000 square feet of groceries 150 feet frozen or refrigerated food - Fresh fruit & Vegetables Full-service Meat Counter - Custom Cut Meats BBQ Brisket, Chicken, Sausage and Ribs CHEVRON GAS / DIESEL FUEL / KEG BEER ATM -- CREDIT CARDS -- COUPONS ACCEPTED LOTTO • LOTTERY • SOUVENIERS • GIFTS Serving West Galveston since 1963 1 mile west of Jamaica Beach 409-737-1152 Expires Feb 29, 2008 Page 8 - Gulf Coast Police News ✂ Mechanic on Duty Pete Gamboa of the Brazoria County District Attorney’s office conducted most of those interviews, Rogers said. “One of the workers told us that he had spoken with Macias’s sometimegirlfriend, who told him that Macias had called her the night before. She said that during that call Macias told her a man named Fidel Barroso Troncoso, 59, was following him,” Rogers said. This woman and Troncoso had previously lived together, Rogers said, but were not living together at the time of Macias’s death. “We got the woman’s name and address, and she confirmed that Macias had called her the night before, when he was parked outside her residence,” Rogers said. “She told us she looked out the window and saw a truck driving by that she knew belonged to Fidel Troncoso.” At this point in the investigation, the officers went to Troncoso’s nearby residence. Seeing the truck the woman had described parked in front of Troncoso’s home, the officers went to the front door. They were met at the front door by Troncosco. “We told him what we were doing, and he agreed to let us inside and to talk with us,” Rogers said. “Other people also lived in the house, and Kincheloe and Gamboa checked to make certain no one else was inside. When they looked in Troncoso’s bedroom, they noticed clothes that had red stains on them.” The investigators located two relatives who lived with Troncoso and brought them to the sheriff’s office for formal interviews and statements. Rogers and Investigator Russ Baker secured Troncoso’s residence while a search warrant was being obtained. When Kincheloe returned to the house with the warrant, the officers searched the house, locating several knives and a machete that had red stains. During a search of the home the officers found a set of brass knuckles which are prohibited by law. Troncoso was arrested for possession of a prohibited weapon and taken to the sheriff’s office. Clerks at Gene’s Country Store told officers they remembered seeing the vehicles driven by Macias and Troncoso pulling through the parking lot the night before, in a manner that indicated one of them was following the other. The next day, Feb. 6, Gamboa interviewed Troncoso, who confessed that he had hit Macias in the head with a machete and stabbed him with a boning knife – one having a long, thin blade. In this statement Troncoso claimed that Macias had threatened him, but during a second interview, in which Troncoso gave additional details, he indicated that jealousy over the woman who was Troncoso’s sometimes-girlfriend and Macias’s-sometimes wife, was the crux of the fight Rogers said. “Macias was hit in the head, likely by the machete, and knocked silly,” Rogers said. “Then he was stabbed 10 to 12 times with a knife in the heart area. Usually this type of injury with a number of wounds indicates that the victim and assailant knew each other.” Rogers described investigation of the case as “almost cut and dried, over in 24 hours.” Troncoso confessed the next afternoon, Rogers said, adding, “It was all over a woman neither one of them was living with.” In Troncoso’s trial, in January of 2003, in Judge Patrick Sebesta’s court, Troncoso pled not guilty. Assistant District Attorney Jon Hall prosecuted the case and said Troncoso cut off Macias’s vehicle in the parking lot, and when Macias got out of his SUV, Troncoso attacked him with a machete and a butcher knife. “He put the machete into the victim’s head three times and stabbed him 15 to 18 times,” Hall said. Troncoso testified in court that the woman who had been involved with he and Macias asked him to make Macias leave her alone. The woman did not testify at the trial. Troncoso also told the jury that he tried to talk to Macias and scare him off, but Macias came at him with a weapon. Assistant District Attorney Terri Holder, the assistant prosecutor the case, said that testimony conflicted with the videotaped confession he gave at the time of his arrest. Troncoso’s claim that Macias had a weapon “never came out until trial,” Holder told reporter Michael Wright, covering the trial for the Brazosport Facts newspaper. Holder said Troncoso also claimed at the trial that Macias kicked him and bruised him, but on his booking sheet at the county jail, which was viewed by the jurors, he told deputies he had no injuries. The jury found Troncoso guilty of murder, and assessed his punishment at 55 years prison. He is now serving his sentence in the Clements Unit of the Texas Prison System located in Amarillo, Texas. Marie Beth Jones is published author and freelance writer based in Angleton, Texas contunued from page 7 (Confession) Murderer. God Bless my soul, don’t blame my children, or I will forsake thee. “Dr. Winston Martin, Christmas eve, 1976, Galveston, was murdered and thrown into the waters behind the Galveston Yacht Club.” That is the saga of the eerie disappearance of Dr. Winston Leckey Martin and the detailed murder confession detailed in a book manuscript by his former friend, classmate and patient. A confession that details a murder within the timeline, evidence and witness testimony contained in the investigation reports of the Galveston Police Department. It was reported by those who read the manuscript that the repercussion Son got from them was so shocking he then amended it to claims that only that paragraph in his true to life biography was fiction. In the 40 pages of police investigative reports made available to us by the Galveston Police Department during our research of this story there was no mention of John D. Son. There was no mention of any reports concerning the Galveston Yacht Club. There was no mention that the leg at the county morgue was ever discussed with any member of Dr. Martin’s family to determine if the leg was his or if they could identify the shoe. Although Galveston detectives conducted an exhaustive investigation of the case, interviewing friends, associates, family members and at one point even dragging the waters around the Galveston ferry landing on a tip that Martin’s car may be there, they declared the case “Inactive” on February 2, 1977 and it has not been revisited since. Why would one include in an autobiography a confession to an actual murder so real and so believable, only the real killer could have known the details, then later recant and label it fictitious? Was John Son on another one of his psychedelic trips when he scribed the confession then with clear mind realize he had made a grave error for which he could be prosecuted and claimed it was fiction? We’ll leave that up to you to ponder, and the police to investigate. Galveston Officer Elected to Board o f S t atew id e O rgani z ation Captains Platter $11.99 FEBRUARY SPECIAL H W/Salad & Baked Potato “DICKINSON’S FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOD GROCER” Ziegler’s Foods 2308 FM-517 Road East, Dickinson Store Open 7am to 11pm, 7 Days a Week 281-337-1547 Full Service Courtesy Booth OPEN 8am — 9pm Daily Houston – Galveston Police Sergeant Annie Armendariz has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the Texas Police Athletic Federation. The orgnanization which began in 1977 is responsible for the organization of thirty sporting events. Armendariz will coordinate the Track and Field events and the 5K and 10K events. Armendariz becomes the first peace officer from Galveston County to serve on the Board of Directors. A-1 Bail Bonds Les French – Owner Montgomery County Bail Bond License #31 Conroe, TX – 936-788-2245 P Bikini Bail Bonds Mari van de Ven – Owner; Agent Galveston County Bail Bond License #990611 Galveston, TX – 409-740-2020 • Cash Discounts • Arrangements by Phone • Checks • Financing • 24 Hours a Day Gulf Coast Police News - Page 9 FULL SERVICE BAR NOW OPEN HAPPY HOUR 4 – 7 MON - FRI HORSESHOES VOLLEYBALL POOL DARTS SHUFFLEBOARD G R E AT J U K E B O X KARAOKE EVERY SATURDAY 9PM CRAZY OAKS Located Under the Massive Oak Trees 409-632-0026 12410 STEWART ROAD SUBSCRIBE TO GULF COAST POLICE NEWS ®YES - $30 a year. All subscriptions mailed First Class, 12 issues for Gulf Coast Police News Mail my Police News to: Name _____________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip ___________________ ✃ ® Check Enclosed ® Money Order ® Charge my credit card ® Visa ® Master Card ® American Express ® Discover Credit Card Billing Address: Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________State______Zip____________________ Expiration Date__________________________________ Card Number_________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable and mail to: < The Police News P.O. Box 5879 Galveston, TX 77554 Call: 409-762-6397 or Call Toll-Free: 1-888-788-8967 Or subscribe online at: www.thepolicenews.net To Pay by Phone Call 409-762-6397 Page 10 - Gulf Coast Police News > Police Humor Two businessmen in New York City are sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be opened new store. As yet, the store wasn’t ready . Only a few shelves are set up and nothing was yet on display. One says to the other, “I bet any minute now some tourist is going to walk by, look in the window, stick his face in the door and ask what we’re selling.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth when, sure enough, a curious Southern gentleman walks to the window, has a peek, sticks his head in the door and in a Southern drawl asks, “What’re y’all sellin’ here?” One of the men replies, “Oh! We’re selling assholes here.” Without skipping a beat, the Southerner says, “Well, I see y’all’re doing real good; you only got two left!” Across 1. Bumped off 5. Guitar legend Hendrix 9. Ghost costume, basically 14. Place to moor 15. Cooperstown’s Slaughter 16. D.C. Subway 17. Structure that forms Lake Mead 19. Give a keynote, say 20. Invited to dinner, perhaps 21. Iced down 22. Churchillian gesture 23. Gremlin automaker 24. Sculptures and oils 25. 1941 Gary Cooper movie 31. 36-Across parts 35. __ Solo of “Star Wars” 36. They may be lent or bent 37. Surface figure 38. The authority to act for another 40. Like __ out of hell 41. Cause of cold sweat 42. Suffix with chariot 43. Spiral-horned antelope 44. Writer with a nib 48. Caterer’s vessel 49. Purge 50. Indy 500 advertiser 53. Old phone company nickname 57. In one’s right mind 59. Illinois senator Barack 60. Sleep interrupter, maybe 61. Nigeria neighbor 62. Malaria symptom 63. Swedish furnishings chain 64. Roofing material 65. Max, Buddy or Bugs 66. “Guarding __” (1994 MacLaine movie) Down 1. Chilled soup served with sour cream 2. On the lam 3. Summon forth 4. “__ Only Just Begun” (Carpenters hit) 5. Composer Kern 6. Bring about 7. Castle protector 8. Doctrine suffix 9. Not at all bumpy 10. Long sandwich 11. List-ending abbr. 12. Art Deco master 13. Two-__ sloth 18. Wax-coated cheeses 21. Old buddy 24. Classic cleanser 26. Androcles’ extraction 27. “Hud” Oscar winner Patricia 28. “Aba __ Honeymoon” 29. Algerian port 30. Business sign abbr. 31. Gag response, a la “Variety” 32. Three-tiered cookie 33. Belle’s man 34. Bring home 38. Necklace unit 39. Trotter stopper 43. Break up, informally 45. New Orleans campus 46. Czech capital 47. One or the other 50. Plumber’s tool 51. Deductions from gross weight 52. “No lo contendere” and others 53. Unruly bunches 54. Genesis son 55. Eric of “Munich” 56. Give off 57. Latvia’s capital 58. Leave out 60. Catch red-handed Solution on page 22 Coupon must be presented on first visit. Exp: 02/29/08 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 11 FAIRWAY CHIROPRACTIC FREE EXAM (409) 765-7011 (includes X-Ray if necessary) HOURS: Dr. Ross A. Leago D.C. Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:30 pm We Treat Pinched Nerves • Same Day Response • Radio Dispatched Service Vans • Repair & Service on All Brand Names • CertifiedAir Balancing and System Diagnostics • Free Estimates on New and Replacement Systems • Residential Maintenance and Service Contracts Licensed, Insured and Bonded Member, Air Conditioning Contractors of America Page 12 - Gulf Coast Police News Major Insurance Accepted Auto Accident Work Injuries Headaches Neck & Back Pain Numbness & Tingling Gentle, Safe, Effective Treatment 1701 Fairway St. — Suite 2A Alvin, TX 77511 281-331-5000 Next Next to to Dish Dish Network Network & & Baytown Seafood Baytown Seafood GULF SIDE OVERHEAD DOOR INC. “Compare Our Prices … Before You Buy” NEW!! Garage Doors The Only Door With The Good Housekeeping Seal BROKEN SPRINGS & CABLES SECTIONS REPLACED SALES–SERVICE INSTALLATION LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED C. WAGNER RESIDENTIAL – COMMERCIAL STEEL • WINDLOAD 130 MPH • WOOD GARAGE DOOR OPENERS SPECIALIZING IN OPENER & DOOR REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES FAST FRIENDLY SERVICE 409-744-4393 409-925-2810 ISLAND STORE & SHOWROOM 5213 AVE.S, GALVESTON VGSFASHIONS VGS FASHIONS Joe Carpet Cleaning Men’s Urban Wear and Old School Players “We Clean • Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning • Stripping & Waxing • 24 Hour Water Extractions Bonded & Insured~Galveston’s Finest SHAMPOO & STEAM CLEANING LIVING ROOM, $59.95 FORDINNING & HALL Additional Rooms $12.95 ANGLETON - Former Manvel Junior High School social studies teacher Brian Edward Cody received a 12-year prison sentence after pleading guilty in January to aggravated sexual assault of a child. Cody, 31, of Port Lavaca also pleaded guilty to improper educator/student contact. The child involved was a seventh-grade boy at the school, and the plea deal saved the student from having to testify at trial, Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne said. (thepolicenews.net) Clarence Moore, Jr. went into a Texas City game room, asked for directions, then left. An hour later he came back asking for directions again, only this time another man came with him. The other man, still at large, announced it was a robbery. Moore whipped out his pistol and the duo fled with about $1700. Uh Oh! Clarence left behind a piece of paper upon which he had written the directions to the game room. The note bore his fingerprints. Moore is now in prison for 30-years. His accomplice got away, never to be seen again. (thepolicenews.net) CAPS • HATS • SHOES out of your carpet!” (409) 256-1569 POLICE NEWS UPDATES Delivered to your e-mail FREE www.ThePoliceNews.net 25% OFF Summer Stock 10% Off Sales of $50 or More (excluding sale items) • Coogl • Phat Farm • Sean John • The Point • Syllables • LRG • Ed Hardy • MisKeen • Enyce • Indigo 30 Size: Regular – Big & Tall – 6X Store Hours CAFE Open Monday – Saturday 6am - 2pm (409) 763-9289 413 24th Street – Galveston Mon – Thurs 12pm – 6pm Fri – Sat 12pm – 7pm Sunday – Closed 4605B Fort Crocket Blvd. Galveston Island, Texas 409-766-1941 409-392-7277 – Cell www.geocities.com/vgsfashions Jeff’s Cab Co. Service to all Houston Airports We accept most major credit cards 409-621- JEFF (5333) Let our family help your family The Galveston Catholic School cheerleaders teamed up with members of the Galveston Municipal Police Association to make the 2007 GMPA Christmas Parade the biggest and best yet. Parade entrants were required to donate at least one canned good as an entry fee. Over 500 canned goods were collected and donated to Gleanings From The Harvest, a charitable organization which distributes food to needy families. (Courtesy Photo) We Like to Say YES! In and out with cash in hand! Let us represent you Call the only mother & daughter team on Galveston Island to assist you in your buying and selling. Joe Tramonte West 1802 Broadway Galveston, Tx. 77550 5@# Peggy Winchester (409) 739-0055 Becki Winchester-Habib (409) 771-3826 Need Money Fast? We Have Loans Starting From $100.00 Thru $1080.00 Mon-Fri: 8:30am – 5:30pm Saturday: 8:30am – 12:00pm 429 This Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 979-480-9347 2028 Ninth Ave. N., Suite 100 Texas City, TX 77590 409-949-4421 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 13 WANTED RODRIGUEZ, EUGENIO Hispanic Male Date of Birth: 9-9-1951 5’ 8” , 172 LBS BLACK HAIR BROWN EYES LKA: 2553 CR 783 ALVIN, TX. 77511 Warrant No. D-043675 Sex Offender Absconder, Failure to Register Sexual Assault child Agg. Sexual Assault Child (2 Counts) Agg. Sexual Assault Agg. Kidnapping w/intent to violate 5 victims male & female ages 7-17 Risk Level: High MEXICAN CUISIN E FRESH Officer O. E. Evans Texas City Police Department End of Watch: Monday, February 13, 1928 Age: 43 Cause of Death: Gunfire Officer Evans was shot and killed after surprising two men who were robbing a grocery store. He was survived by his wife and daughter. insured ❝ Although Rember kiddo They don't pay you They pay your widow ❞ THE POLICE NEWS Visit us on the Web www.thepolicenews.net 15% Off For All First Responders & UTMB employees Ask About Our $1.99 Margaritas Come and Enjoy Our Fresh Cut Steaks and Fish Everyday Across From Churches Chicken COME AND ENJOY OUR FRESHLY PREPARED DAILY SPECIALS, ( LUNCH AND DINNER) 4901 BROADWAY — GALVESTON,TX 77551 409-762-6369 Page 14 - Gulf Coast Police News THE SUPREME MESSAGE I Guest Commentary by Jes Garza t was inevitable that the United States Supreme Court would come to the point in time to consider the burning question of Jes Garza what is cruel and unusual punishment. This question is a most interesting one, especially in view of the fact that when our country was in its infancy and just after the American Colonies had joined together to become individual states, they ratified the United States Constitution along with the Bill of Rights. Cruel and unusual was not specifically defined in the Bill of Rights, but most of our founding fathers were reasonable and prudent men who were also well educated. I presume that they believed that most citizens of average intelligence would use common sense to make that determination. We should also remember that during the late 1700’s and into the 1800’s public hangings for certain serious crimes was an acceptable punishment. I might add that this form of punishment was also a graphic deterrent to those crimes. The firing squad was also an accepted form of punishment by our military for certain very serious crimes against society and our country’s national security interests. Some persons would argue that death by a firing squad is most certainly cruel and unusual. Then others could make the argument that a bullet to the brain is quite expeditious and merciful! Again, remember that at the writing of our country’s constitution death by hanging and by firing squad was acceptable and was not challenged by any practicing attorney or advocacy group. And if I have overlooked any challenge on this issue during that time of our country’s history, I welcome a correction. In the arena of serious criminal conduct the typical violent perpetrator often uses cruel and barbaric acts that cause great pain and suffering during their violent attacks that leave their victim(s) seriously incapacitated, dead or dying. They certainly could care less that their aggressive violent behavior is cruel or unusual toward the person or persons they attack. What is sad or downright wrong is that too often the criminal suspect escapes justice when their attorney uses a legal technicality or loophole in the law to “get their client (the suspect) a walk” on the criminal charge(s). The question/challenge that has been made or brought through a law suit on behalf of two death row inmates is regarding the process of lethal injections. The plaintiffs in the law suit through their attorneys are claiming that death by lethal injection is cruel and unusual punishment. Oh, really? I don’t have the details of those inmates’ cases and what their violent behavior or aggressive acts were that resulted in the death(s) of their victim(s), but it is very probable that most law-abiding citizens would describe them as painful, cruel and/ or unusually gruesome. While thinking about this issue, it has occurred to me that of all the people who die on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, there are a small percentage of those who pass away in their sleep. I have thought at certain times in my life that people who die in their sleep die a peaceful death. I’d like to think that when someone suffers a massive heart attack or a stroke while sleeping that they did not experience any pain or suffering. I cannot imagine that it is a cruel and unusual way of passing from this life to the next. It would seem to me that death by lethal injection is a similar or same type of process. On the other hand, there are those folks who think that a hang nail is cruel and unusual situation. I think it highly likely these are the same people who think that individual responsibility for a person’s negative or anti-social actions do not merit any serious or life-changing consequences. This is especially true if there is even a slight possibility that someone else can be blamed for the person’s actions. In the absence of someone to blame, an organization, a group or a system will suffice for the responsibility that properly belongs to the perpetrator of the illegal act or the aggressive/ destructive behavior. I know that many persons come from single parent homes, broken families and poor neighborhoods. I came from a poor neighborhood in Alvin, Texas, in the late 1940’s. A very large percentage of those persons decide to rise above their challenges and circumstances, and they become productive citizens who Continued on page 18 (Supreme) E. R. Johnson Family Mortuary Eddie R. Johnson Owner/Funeral Director Cremation, Monuments, Pre Arrangements, Insurance and Notary Services “ Quality, Distinctive, Professional Service ” 3828 Avenue O/PO Box 5 Galveston, Tx.77550-6626 MR. ELECTRIC EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICE Phone: (409) 762-8470 Fax: (409) 762-8480 E-mail: erjfm@aol.com Dudley Moeller Owner License # TECL 21990 ® • Licensed • Bonded • Insured Office — 281-534-8881 P.O. 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Wengroff, MD 6409 Memorial Drive — Texas City, TX 77591 E-Mail: InkTwice@aol.com 1-888- INK-TWCE 465-8923 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 15 VISIT US ON the WEB at www.thepolicenews.net Fine Jewelry Since 1967 Jewelry Repair & Designers SAMUEL DIAZ DE LEON JEWELRY - 5:30 Mon.Sat.- -Fri.9:008:30- 1:00 • Heavy Duty A&A–D&P • Unlock Any Car WRECKER SERVICE • Jump Start • RV Towing 24 HOUR SERVICE • Off Road Service NO JOB TOO SMALL • Out of Town Towing or TOO FAR! • Emergency Auto Repair Operated by the Anderwalds (409) 740-0581 - (409) 740-1622 Toll Free: 866-740-1622 GALCO HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO, galco.doitbest.com TEXAS EXECUTIONS Scheduled Execution: February 21, 2008 Karl Eugene Chamberlain White Male Born June 20, 1970 Native of Oklahoma Education Level: 12th Grade “WE ARE THE PROBLEM SOLVERS” (409) 744-5127 (409) 925-6323 • (409) 925-4155 Fax 6506 Stewart Rd.–Galveston, Tx. 77551 12920 Hwy. 1764 • Santa Fe Rust & Dust Resale • Furniture •New Mattresses •Tools Collectibles • Home Decor • Electronics Thursday thru Saturday ✁ 10am to 5pm WE BUY • SELL • TRADE 1519 6th St. N. Texas City Apartments 2701 - 13th Avenue North / Texas City 409-945-5884 409-945-0135 20% Discount Nestled in the Neighborhood… Dedicated to the Community… Home is Just Around the Corner… With this Ad Not Valid with any other Offer — Expires Dec 31, 2007 INTERNATIONAL CAR CARE General Auto Repair American & Import Engines A/C Repair TONY JR Brakes Mufflers Tune-Ups Transmissions Oil Changes State Inspections UTMB Disc UTMB t Dealer Required Maintenance ount un Disco Monday thru Friday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Tuesday specials–Oil Change for $19.95–Emission Stickers on models ‘96 and newer’ for $35.00 409-763-1515 1328 Postoffice t" 6 fas 200 k a Bre 05 – t s 0 "Be – 2 4 0 20 4 Blocks from UTMB Family Owned and Operated Since 1999 Working Man’s Lunch OPEN 6am to 2pm Six Days a Week 〔 CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS 〕 Mom - Terri & Kerri THE DINER 1017 61st Street (409) 744-3223 Page 16 - Gulf Coast Police News BEST BREAKFAST 2006 (Three Years Running) by BEST OF CITYSEARCH Felicia Prechtl was murdered on August 2, 1991. That day, she had arranged for her brother and his girlfriend to babysit her young son so that she could go out with her friends in the evening. Around 6:00 p.m., Prechtl’s brother and his girlfriend departed with Prechtl’s son to go to the grocery store, leaving Prechtl to get ready. When they returned to Prechtl’s apartment, they noticed that the bathroom door was closed and that Prechtl’s clothes were still in the hallway. Eventually, Pretchl’s brother entered the bathroom and saw Prechtl lying face down, with her jeans and underwear pulled down to her knees, and her wrists and ankles bound by duct tape. She was otherwise wearing no clothing, and blood was pooled around her head. An autopsy determined the cause of death to be a gunshot wound to the head. The trajectory of the bullet was consistent with Pretchl sitting on the toilet or kneeling on the floor. A .30 caliber cartridge was recovered. A rape examination found sperm in Prechtl’s anal cavity, and a specimen was preserved as evidence. A roll of duct tape was also collected as evidence. Fingerprints from the duct tape were submitted for comparison with records in the police department’s database, but no matches materialized. Five years later, in 1996, the fingerprints were resubmitted for comparison, and several potential matches were identified, among them those of Karl Eugene Chamberlain. Chamberlain had lived in the same apartment complex as Prechtl at the time of the murder. On July 17, 1996, he was arrested. Dallas Police Detective Kenneth Penrod interviewed Chamberlain, and Chamberlain provided a written statement to the police that he had killed Prechtl. According to the statement, he had been drinking on the day of the murder and went to Prechtl’s apartment to borrow some sugar. He claimed that, when she answered the door, she was scantily dressed and that she gave him the sugar and told him to leave. He stated that, while preparing to take his dogs for a walk, he decided to return to Prechtl’s apartment and did so with duct tape and a rifle. He claimed that he had consensual anal intercourse with her but shot her after she threatened to tell his wife. He stated that, afterwards, he took his dogs for a walk. In the interview, Chamberlain alerted the police that the rifle could be found at his father’s house. Chamberlain also provided samples of blood that were used to match the DNA profile from the sperm collected. In 1997, a jury found Chamberlain guilty of capital murder and sentenced him to death. My Side of the Cat Killing at San Luis Pass By John Newland Editors Note In the January Gulf Coast Edition of The Police News, we published a story by Jim Stevenson, the man who was arrested, tried and acquitted of shooting and killing a cat at the San Luis Pass Bridge. Toll Booth worker John Newland called the police which brought about Stevenson’s arrest. There are at least two sides to every story. This is the other side which we have agreed to publish in the interest of being fair and balanced. Editor I have sat silent since the trial of Jim Stevenson, the man who admitted killing my cat at the San Luis Pass Bridge, but was acquitted of the animal cruelty charge in court by a split jury. At first I thought it would be best to just let things go away, however, it seems Jim Stevenson doesn’t want to do that. So I have decided to respond to all of the craziness that continues to appear in newspapers and magazines. During the trial I was not allowed inside the courtroom or even to talk about the trial, except when I was put on the stand to testify. Stevenson’s attorney kept him off the stand to be sure he didn’t further incriminate himself. While I was on the witness stand Stevenson’s attorney made it very clear that if I insisted that I owned the cats at the bridge I would be in violation of several city ordinances by letting my cats run free, for not having them all properly vaccinated and for not having them spayed or neutered. The defense for his whole case was that “Momma Cat”, the murdered, pregnant cat, was a feral cat with no owner. His attorney knew that I could not afford to pay fines or to take all of the cats to a veterinarian. It was all I could do to keep them fed, so my testimony was that I cared for and fed the cats, but I did not own them. I was warned that if I so much as mentioned any cat other than the cats that Stevenson was arrested for killing, there would be an immediate mistrial. His attorney told the jury a very touching story of how Stevenson struggled with his conscience before deciding the endangered ‘Piping Plover’ bird was more important than any feral cat, so he did the only thing he could do and shot the cat to death. If you believe that, then let me tell you the real truth that I was not allowed to tell in court. Ever since I came to work at the toll bridge five years ago I began to feed the cats. Every once in awhile I would find one of the cats shot to death. I would put the dead cat in a large feed sack and bury it beneath the bridge. These shootings began happening more often and I thought it was probably some hunter taking target practice or some kid with a new rifle. Over the years I have buried at least a dozen cats that were shot to death. Several cats simply disappeared. I figured they probably were shot and managed to crawl to their den where they died. One day I found one of my favorite solid black, long hair cat named Fluffy. He had been shot right off his feeder. Fluffy had been neutered just weeks before and clearly had his ear notched so anyone could tell. Fluffy was buried next to the other cats. I moved their feeders to the top of the bridge. I thought their chances of survival would be better with the traffic than with people shooting them. I still have a feeder, water, and beds beneath the bridge. A few days before Jim Stevenson murdered Momma Cat, two of the toll collectors were at work about 10:30 in the morning when they heard four gun shots. Then they saw a silver or gray, 4-door, compact car speed from under the bridge and race toward the beach. When I came to feed the cats I was horrified to find a mother cat and her two week old kittens shot to death in their bed. I also found a young male tabby shot to death while lying on the concrete pillars. After I buried the three cats I went up to the toll booth and talked to the workers. Finally after all of the murdered cats we had the description of a car to look for. That night while I was working Momma Cat came up to feed. She was limping badly and I could see blood on her foot. She was very skiddish but I eventually managed to get her to come to me. She had three B R O S Game Warden Captain, L.L. Fluitt in Galveston. Stevenson plea bargained on charges that he had in his possession Logger Head Turtle body parts. Charges were dismissed. However, he was found guilty on the other five charges, the most interesting of which was that he captured a Piping Plover. He was assessed a fine and court cost and placed on probation for 90 days. Fiction: In Jim Stevenson’s own bird tabloid, The Gull and Herron, 2007 winter edition, he writes of his triumph in court and says that only a small number of jurors failed to vote for his acquittal. Fact: Eight of the 12 jurors voted to convict him. The other four voted to acquit. Fiction: In the same issue of his tabloid Stevenson displays a photograph of a dead Piping Plover, with its head missing, lying in the area of the cat feeder, leading one to believe the bird had been killed by a cat. Fact: In the five years I have been feeding the cats, I have never found a bird carcass anywhere near the feeders. In fact, when an autopsy was performed on the bodies of Momma Cat and three others, the only thing found in their stomachs was cat food. Fiction: Stevenson admitted shooting at least a dozen cats on his own property, and he described how mercifully he executed them with a single, .22 caliber bullet fired behind the ear, execution style. Fact: Momma Cat was pregnant and shot in the spine and suffered for more than an hour as a helpful and compassionate police officer rushed her to an animal clinic in a effort to save her life. Fact: After Stevenson’s trial he claimed someone tried to shoot him as he stood on the porch of his home. Of course, he was the only one there so there was no witness. Police did continued on page 18 (Cat Killing) 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE TONY & toes shot off her left hind foot. The following week I was working the morning shift when I noticed a white, window van with Orthonological Society, and a phone number, in large letters on the side of it. I had seen this van many times before around San Luis Pass, usually carrying bird watchers. When the van disappeared beneath the bridge I really didn’t pay much attention. I didn’t connect it with the cat shootings because we were watching for a small, silver, 4door, compact car. Then we heard a rifle shot. I immediately ran out and saw the van parked. I screamed for him to stop shooting. The chase and arrest of Jim Stevenson became big news and was on all the TV news channels as well as in People Magazine, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Stevenson was stopped by police fleeing the scene and his rifle was recovered from his van. He was arrested and made bail, charged with Animal Cruelty for shooting and killing Momma Cat. Now, here are some of the things about this incident that I believe to fact and some that I believe to be fictitious. Fact: Jim Stevenson owns a 4door, silver, compact Chevy that was later identified by the two toll booth workers as the same car they saw speeding away from the scene when the three cats were murdered and Momma Cat had her toes shot off. Fiction: The convenient story Stevenson told about an injured cat, referring to Momma Cat, stalking a Piping Plover, an endangered bird. He commented, “You know how dangerous an injured predator can be.” So he searched his conscience before deciding that an endangered bird was worth more than an injured feral cat. Fact: As a matter of public record, Jim Stevenson was issued six citations by Texas Parks and Wildlife, WRECKER SERVICE & GARAGE Serving Galveston County Since 1933 • Request Us • Radio Dispatched • Complete Motor Repairs • Automatic Transmissions • Recovery Large or Small we Tow them All 5907 Broadway Galveston, Tx 744-4557 or 744-1024 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 17 CRUZ CORTEZ CLOTHIERS MONTHLY AUTO AUCTION IN HOUSTON AREA 100 + CARS MORE THEN JUST A TUXEDO STORE FOR FULL LISTINGS CALL OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE: 361-939-7749 www.drugseizure.com www.auto-title.com F Tremont (23rd) at Postoffice St. 409-763-9600 TUX RENTAL www.ezbreezy.biz F Texas Auto Title & Registration Consultants, Inc. Donald McClure TXE 12482 Courtney McClure TXE 15173 Jim Heald TXE 15171 FINANCIAL SUCCESS Community: Working together, helping each other, realizing goals, and reaching them. Serving our community’s financial needs with lower fees, great rates and personal service — all with people who make banking better. Galveston locations: 2302 Church Street, (409) 765-6067 2421 69th Street, (409) 741-9675 www.coastalcommunityfcu.org Join us today. Be a part of it. Page 18 - Gulf Coast Police News Continued from page 15 (Supreme) also take personal responsibility for themselves and what they do. They make positive choices that lead to a better life and they become important building blocks for our successful and viable society. We must all be part of the solution and hold each other accountable for the choices we make. It is too easy to make excuses or blame someone else for our mistakes. Juveniles learn very early in life to blame someone else for their mistakes or their lack of responsibility. Is it possible that some persons are more inclined to avoid personal responsibility? Is it possible that this character trait has more to do with genetics than learned behavior? Or is it also possible that some persons are pre-disposed to be irresponsible in their behavior whenever their early childhood rearing environment facilitates or reinforces the “blame others first” mentality? And so the question or the definition of what is cruel and unusual punishment against another person will once again be reviewed and decided continued from page 17 (Cat Killing) discover a bullet hole in the door but news reports said investigators were skeptical. Fact: There was a bullet hole in the door of his home, according to police, but, with all the shooting Stevenson has done around his house, who can know when and how that happened? Fiction: Death threats on Stevenson? The only evidence offered were emails. Are those serious death threats? Fiction: All the so-called statistics about birds being slaughtered by feral cats had no source. Where do these stats come from and who did this extensive research? What about housing developments encroaching on bird habitats? How about dirt bikes, and RV’s running all over the beaches and dunes destroying bird estuaries. What about other predators like the raccoon, opossum, coyote, or dog, and not to overlook predatory birds like owls, hawks and the Peregrine Falcon that Stevenson features in his paper attacking a helpless Piping Plover? Should he or anyone else be allowed to open fire on all these other forces that threaten the so-called endangered birds? Point: If these homeless feral cats are being fed and cared for, aren’t they less likely to be a threat to the bird population than other predator which kills birds for food? by a group of men and women in black robes. I don’t believe that collectively they have the wisdom that King Solomon possessed. Let us hope and pray that the United States of America Supreme Court Justices will ask God for the wisdom they need to make the high moral decisions that we, the people, need for them to make for us and for our posterity. The decisions of the United States Supreme Court are not infallible and throughout our country’s history some of the decisions have been reversed because they were improper or immoral. I believe we can all agree that their decisions have a serious impact on all of our citizens, and not just for the next election cycle but for generations! May the upcoming supreme message from our high court help save our nation, under God, with justice for all. Jes Garza is a retired Houston Police Officer and currently a Captain for the Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct One. He is a regular contributor to The Police News. Fiction: According to Stevenson, it is perfectly legal to murder feral cats wherever you find them. Fact: Jim Stevenson lives in a very upscale neighborhood on the west end of vGalveston Island and within the city limits, a neighborhood with many homes and people. He has admitted murdering at least one cat at the San Luis Pass Toll Bridge where there are countless fishermen and campers in a recreation area, plus vehicle traffic crossing the bridge. A .22 caliber rifle bullet can travel at least a mile. Isn’t there a law forbidding the discharge of firearms within the city limits? Yes! Fact: In Stevenson’s paper he features a photo of a Peregrine Falcon attacking a Piping Plover. Does he shoot Peregrine Falcons too? Point: It seems clear to me that a poor little Piping Plover has much more to fear from a Peregrine Falcon, or even Jim Stevenson himself, that from any of my cats. Editors Note: In January John Newland was summoned to Municipal Court in Galveston, charged by an Animal Control Officer with harboring cats, in violation of the city ordinance. In an agreed settlement between the city prosecutor and Newland’s attorney, the charges were dropped when the ordinance was determined to be flawed and unenforceable. Some of the artists of the 60’s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers. They include Herman’s Hermits --- Mrs.. Brown, You’ve Got a Lovely Walker. Ringo Starr --- I Get By With a Little Help From Depends. Bobby Darin --- Splish, Splash, I Was Havin’ a Flash. Roberta Flack --- The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face. Johnny Nash --- I Can’t See Clearly Now. The Commodores --- Once, Twice, Three Times to the Bathroom. Leo Sayer --- You Make Me Feel Like Napping. The Temptations --- Papa’s Got a Kidney Stone. Tony Orlando --- Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall. Helen Reddy --- I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore. Leslie Gore --- It’s My Procedure, and I’ll Cry If I Want To And my favorite: Willie Nelson --- On the Commode Again MOM & POP TOBACCO SHOP #1 NEXT TO KFC CHICKEN 3005 Palmer Hwy Texas City,TX 77590 409-941-0025 Cigarette Carton Pack Cigarette Classic $22.99 $2.49 Sport $24.99 $2.59 Golden Blend $22.99 $2.49 Kool Winston Camel – Carton – Pack $36.95 $3.85 $36.95 $3.85 $36.95 $3.85 COUPON COUPON COUPON Marlboro SKOAL or COPENHAGEN RED SEAL CARTON $32.49 $12.49 Expires 2/10/08 2 cans – $4.99 Roll Limit – 5 Rolls Expires 2/10/08 COUPON COUPON COUPON Grizzly & Husky Timber Wolf Supreme $32.99 Limit 5 Cartons. 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If you have information that any of these offenders are residing at an address other then the one shown, please contact the agency listed with the photo. MoreSex Offenders listed online at: thepolicenews.net 6831 Broadway Suite. F Pearland, Texas 77584 Owned & Operated by Ofr. Rick Fernandez Office: 281-412-7358 Fax: 281-412-7354 Mon-Fri 9am - 7pm Saturday 10am - 7pm www.copstop.net E-mail: copstop@sbcglobal.com Tropical Taxi & Galveston Island CONTRERAS, JOE LOPEZ Alias: Lopez & Rodriquez HM DOB: 07/29/1947 815 Ave B, South Houston, Tx 77587 Sexual Assault Victim: Female Age 31 Risk Level: HIGH (PAROLED) South Houston Police Dept DORIO, VICTOR CHARLES WM DOB 01/28/1961 220 Henrietta, Webster, Tx 77598 Sexual Assault- Carnal Abuse Victim: Female Age 7 Risk Level: MODERATE (PAROLED) Webster Police Dept. GRAHAM, TRI VAN WM DOB 01/07/1970 114 Travis, Webster, Tx 77598 Sexual Asslt Child Victim: Female Age 16 Risk Level: MODERATE (PAROLED) Webster Police Dept. HILL,THOMAS BRADLEY (2006 Prison Photo) WM DOB -1/24/1980 411 Halies, South Houston, Tx 77587 Indecency w/Child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female Age 8 Risk Level; HIGH South Houston Police Dept MEAUX, HUEY PURVIS WM DOB 03/10/1929 14750 FM 1663, Winnie, Tx Sexual Asslt Child 2 Counts Victim: Female Age 12 Poss/Promotion Child Porn Risk Level: HIGH (PAROLED) Chambers County Sheriff, Anahuac MOTES, DOYLE TUNNIE JR WM DOB 10/23/1949 2819 Mayflower Landing, Webster, Tx Indecency w/Child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female Age 13 Risk Level: NOT AVAILABLE (PRISON DISCHARGE) Harris County Sheriff PERRY,DEVIN JAMES (2005 Photo) WM DOB 06/10/1981 3300 Pebblebrook Apt 74, Seabrook, Tx 77586 Indecency w/Child - Sexual Exposure Victim: Female Age 9 Risk Level: HIGH (PAROLED) Seabrook Police Dept. VENTO,DAVID ALAN WM DOB 05/28/1962 14042 Shellhammer Rd. Lot 3, Winnie, Tx 77665 Indecency Exposure (Second Offense) Risk Level: HIGH (PAROLED) Victim: Female Age 20 Jefferson County Sheriff, Beaumont WOODARD,LELAND ZANE WM DOB 03/01/1956 3300 Peblebrook Apt 64, Seabrook, Tx 77586 Court/Board Ordered Registration (PAROLED) Risk Level: HIGH Seabrook Police Dept. (409) 621-4000 Clean, Full Sized Cars and 7 Passenger Vans 24 Hour a Day Service On the Island or Off the Islan O'D O N O H O E A LLSTATE A GENCY • AUTO • HOM EOWN ERS • LIFE • HEALTH • COMMERCIAL 5928 Stewart Road Galveston, TX 77551 409-744-1888 The Galveston Housing Authority is accepting applications for the Public Housing Program, Applications can be picked up at our main office located at 4700 Broadway, or printed on-line by visiting our Web site at www.Galvestonhousingauthority.org Public Housing offers many amenities for qualified applicants such as computer learning centers, on site laundry facilities, and Flat rents for qualified families. T Page 20 - Gulf Coast Police News Apply Now T { { CREATIONS UPHOLSTERY David Gillioz, Owner 409-927-2747 12531-1/2 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, Tx 77510 Boats - Motorcycles - Jeeps - Pickups - Convertibles Automotive - Commercial - Marine - Residential Come see us for all your Upholstery Needs! Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they will tell you it’s because they’re such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the wall. SEX OFFENDERS — Brazoria County Convicted Sex Offenders are required by Texas law to register with Law Enforcement in the city in which they reside These Sex Offenders are not wanted by the law…they are published for Community Awareness in cooperation with local Law Enforcement Agencies. If you have information that any of these offenders are residing at an address other then the one shown, please contact the listed agency. Brazoria County Sheriff’s Office (979) 864-2392 MoreSex Offenders listed online at: thepolicenews.net ROKA KENNEL Bob Coffman • Training • Boarding • In-home Petsitting 281-489-8024 AGUILAR, JOE ANTHONY W/M DOB 8-31-1965 4530 County Road 459C,Freeport Indecency with a Child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female Age 13 Risk level: MODERATE ANNIS, ROCKY JAMES W/M DOB 10-03-1979 16714 Glen Lane Pearland 77584 Indecency with a Child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female Age 15 Risk level: MODERATE CARPENTER, JOHNNIE RAY W/M DOB: 8-26-1951 1703 County Road 244C Brazoria 77422 Sexual Assault of a Child Victim: Female Age 14 Risk Level: NOT AVAILABLE 18119 Timothy — Pearland TX. 77584 Galveston Health & Racquet Club Galveston’s Finest & Only Family Fitness Center Offering POLICE FAMILY MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT CARTER, TIMOTHY A W/M DOB; 8-2-1961 212 FM 524 Sweeny 77480 Indecency with a child - Sexual Contact Victim: Female Age 14 Risk Level: NOT AVAILABLE FAIRFIELD, JOE ED II W/M DOB: 8-5-1958 7423 FM 1462 West, RoSharon, 77583 Prohibited Sexual Conduct - Incest Victim: Female Age 13 Risk Level: NOT AVAILABLE HARDY, RODNEY JOSEPH W/M DOB; 11-28-1940 6700 Meadowlark Drive, Alvin, Tx. Indecency with a child - Sexual contact Victim: Female Age 12 Risk Level: NOT AVAILABLE www.galvestonfitness.com (409) 744-3651 2318 83rd Street FREE Estimates ELECTRIC CO. LOPEZ, ANASTACIO JOEL W/M DOB; 3-31-1957 1177 CR 205 Angleton 77515 Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Victim: Female Age 4 Risk Level: MODERATE MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM ERNEST W/M DOB 08/0/1957 4096 CR-353 Brazoria 77422 Sexual Assault Child Victim: Female Age 13 Risk level: MODERATE STRATTON, THAD BENNETT W/M DOB: 12/03/1960 3955 County Road 227 Freeport Indecency with a Child - Sexual contact Victim: Male Age 14 Risk level: HIGH 24 Hour Service ÿ Residential ÿ Commercial ÿ New Construction ÿ Repair & Maintenance 409-762-5895 or 888-762-5510 or 281-317-1430 powerhouse.electric@yahoo.com Licensed & Insured – TECL #22987 McCoy’s Building Supply Center • Lumber • Plywood • Hardware • Electrical • Plumbing • Paint • Fencing • Garden Tools 7500 Broadway, Galv. Brad Claussen: Manager 30 Day Accounts Available ✮ 30 Day Accounts Available ✮ 744-3401 Contractor’s Line 741-8785 Jamaica Beach Food Store 737-2414 Lowest Gas Price 7 DAYS A WEEK BREAKFAST 7AM Open 7am - 9pm EVERYDAY Picnic/Beach Supplies Deli - Beer - LOTTO Groceries - Diesel Fuel ATM Pulse Machine Frozen Bait FRIENDLY SERVICE At The Traffic Light in Jamaica Beach Gulf Coast Police News - Page 21 ★Deem Realty Five Locations to Serve You •• Galveston-Main: 409-765-7773 •• Galveston-West: 409-737-4567 •• Texas City:...........409-949-4848 •• Dickinson:...........281-309-9797 •• League City:........281-332-8200 www.deemrealty.com Carnes Brothers FUNERAL HOME Where the family name on the outside is the same family on the inside. (409) 765-8080 1201 Tremont Galveston POLICE NEWS UPDATES Delivered to your e-mail FREE www.ThePoliceNews.net Fine Steaks and Seafood Telephone: (409) 744-0881 Fax: (409) 744-9623 11126 F.M. 3005 Galveston, Tx. 77554 POLICE OFFICER Applicants wishing to participate in the examination MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED. Registration is limited to the first 300 applicants. Register at City of League City, 300 W. Walker Street, League City, TX, beginning February 4 thru February 22, 2008, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon - Thurs. 8:00 a.m. to noon Fri., or register online beginning at 8:00 a.m. February 4, until noon February 22, 2008 at www.lcpd.com For more information contact recruiter@lcpd.com CITY OF LAKE JACKSON PATROL OFFICER POSITION The City of Lake Jackson Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Patrol Officer. Applicants must be 21 years of age, licensed peace officer in the state of Texas, high school graduate or GED. Starting salary ranges from $16.99/hr to $17.90/hr. Benefits include medical, dental, long-term disability, life insurance, paid sick leave, vacation and holidays. Full job description and application available on the City website at ci.lake-jackson. tx.us, or apply at City Hall, 25 Oak Drive, Lake Jackson, TX 77566, or call for more information 979 415-2440. CITY OF LAKE JACKSON DETECTIVE LIEUTENANT POSITION David Leining Sr. 3604 Ave. S & W 1764 Santa Fe, Texas 77510 409/927-4646 409/939-4081 Mobil 409/927-1986 Fax davidl01@aol.com Page 22 - Gulf Coast Police News WRITERS WANTED City of League City announces the administration of the Civil Service examination for entry-level police officer. Written examination will be administered Friday, February 29, 2008, with physical assessment Saturday, March 1, 2008. Starting salary ranges from $27.77/hr to $31.80/hr based on qualifications with paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, medical, dental, long-term disability and life insurance. Requires High School diploma or GED, 60 college semester hours in Specialized Criminal Investigation, Law enforcement or related field; five years continuous experience as a criminal investigator in a law enforcement agency, three of which were in a supervisory capacity. Requires a Texas Peace Officer’s license and Advanced Certificate from TCLEOSE. Applications and additional information available on City of Lake Jackson website – www.ci.lake-jackson.tx.us – or call Personnel at 979 415-2440. Hello! 911? A Man Took My Drug Money! An Orange, Texas man called police and reported that his drug money had been stolen. Duh! The 36-year-old man called 911 and told the dispatcher he had been robbed. He later told the officer at the scene he gave a man $10 for drugs and got no merchandise in return. After finding the suspect the officers discovered that in fact no drugs had been delivered, although payment was received. The suspect refunded the customer’s $10 and no charges were filed. But when police ran a routine check on the cheater, they discovered he was a parole violator with three felony warrants for his arrest. He was booked into the Orange County Jail on multiple charges, including promotion of prostitution. Since it is not illegal to be stupid, the “victim” was not arrested. Crossword Solution from page 11 A BETTER DEAL APPLIANCE SOURCE Sales – Parts – Repairs ALL MAJOR BRANDS Donuts • Bagels • Kolaches • Breakfast Burritos 3301 Broadway – Galveston — (409) 770-0880 OPEN @ 6:00 am — 7 Days a Week Discounts available for schools, churches, hotels and businesses. Wholesale products are available, Call770-0880 for moredetails. ✁ Refrigerators • Freezers • Ovens Ranges • Stoves • Washers & Dryers Dish Washers • Air Conditioning Serving Galveston County $10 OFF Servive Call W/Coupon Get your POLICE NEWS wherever you see these outdoor dispenser boxes. We’re Online! www.abetterdealappliance.com 409-935-1070 10921 FM 1764 – Santa Fe, TX TOM ESTEP WWW.THEPOLICENEWS.NET THE POLICE NEWS Late breaking local police news Concealed Handgun Training Photos & Fingerprints Included Ammo Available (409) 945-6636 Get late breaking local police news at POLICE NEWS UPDATES Cell Delivered to your e-mail FREE www.ThePoliceNews.net (281) 455-0846 PSA WWW.THEPOLICENEWS.NET DORECK & SONS PACKING COMPANY PUBLIC SERVICE APPAREL UNIFORMS • SUPPLIES • ACCESSORIES • EMBROIDERY • SCREENPRINTING • Retail Meats • Deer Processing • Smoked Sausage & Bar-B-Que POLICE • SECURITY • FIRE • EMS • MEDICAL 4101 Hwy 646, Santa Fe State Inspected All Feeder Components • Complete Feeders • Control Units • Funnels & Lids • Protein Feeders • Spin Plates DICKINSON FEED & SUPPLY Mon – Fri 8:30 am to 6:00 pm — Sat 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Gift Certificates Avaliable • All Feeder Components – Complete Feeders • Control Units – Funnels & Lids • Protein Feeders – Batteries & Timers • Scatter Plates – Deer Blinds • Solar Chargers – Planting Mixes WE ALSO CARRY DEER BLIND WINDOWS – TINTED OR CLEAR 281-534-3632 or 1-877-934-3632 3811 Deats Road – Dickinson, TX 77539 www.DickinsonFeedandSupply.com All Feeder Components • Complete Feeders • Control Units • Funnels & Lids • Protein Feeders • Spin Plates • Batteries & Timers • Stands • Stub Legs • Solar Chargers • Planting Mixes • • Batteries & Timers • Stands • Stub Legs • Solar Chargers • Planting Mixes • w — 409-925-6611 409.925.2900 Thomas Dendy — Owner Business Hours Monday — Friday 9:00am — 7:00pm Saturday 9:00am — 3:00pm Closed Sunday 12421 Hwy. 6 Santa Fe, Texas 77510 Gulf Coast Police News - Page 23