April - Golden Empire Council


April - Golden Empire Council
On Tuesday March 29th, youth delegates from across California represented the Boy Scouts of
America (BSA) in Sacramento and presented the organization's Report to the State. They
highlighted the organization's achievements in 2015 as they delivered the report to key officials,
including Speaker of the Assembly, Anthony Rendon; Treasurer, John Chiang, the
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson and Governor Jerry Brown. The Report to
the State demonstrates Scouting's strength, and promotes the Spirit of Scouting.
Among the eight delegates, two were from the Golden Empire Council. Meghan, a Sea Scout
from Ship 777 and Dave, a Cub Scout from Pack 217 in Fair Oak, accompanied other youth from
several other councils. The BSA programs represented included: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts,
Venturing and Sea Scouts, and Exploring. Did you know that Governor Brown himself attained
the rank of Life Scout and staffed scout camp as a youth. He was also the Scouting for Food
Honorary Chair in 1999 for the San Francisco Area Bay Council.
The report presented, featured a recap of BSA accomplishments in California during the year,
such as the over 2.2 million hours of service Scouts provided to their communities which if these
volunteers we paid would exceed $50 million dollars. Of particular note, 4,911 Scouts earned the
rank of Eagle Scout in California. Golden Empire alone contributed 550 Eagle Scout which is over
11% of the total! In addition to the 21 life skills merit badges required to earn the Eagle Scout
rank, each Scout completed an extensive service project that he planned, organized, lead, and
managed, demonstrating proficiency in leadership, service, and outdoor skills at multiple levels.
The presentation of the report, daylong event, included a tour of the state capitol in addition to
meetings with the Speaker, Treasurer, Superintendent and Governor. Download the 2015
Report to the State and accompanying Info graphic located on the Golden Empire Council
For more pictures of the day, view the Facebook and Twitter feeds search #CAReport2State. Be
sure to follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gecbsa or Twitter: @gecbsa
Scouts in the News
Daniel From Troop 380 chosen as the 2 Millionth Rider on the
California Museum Railroad last Saturday, April 2nd
The California State RR Museum afforded the GEC the opportunity to
provide a Scout to be the 2,000,000 rider for the volunteer run
excursion railroad operated by the museum. Daniel was the lucky
Scout! The excursion is open from April through September. Many of
the docents are Railroad Merit Badge Counselors. If your son is
interested in trains, have him his ask his Scoutmaster about the
Railroad Merit Badge at his next meeting!
Check out the video
New Website & Event Registration System
Training, STEM events, High Adventure Training (HAT), new program opportunities: Cub
Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing and more! - Coming in April
Newsletter migration to Doubleknot will take place in the next few months too!
Improved E-mail confirmation and receipt of your transaction - Complete
Courtesy E-mail reminders when you have a payment due with online or mail-in payment
options still available. - Complete
Our Website address (URL) didn't change; Check it out! www.gec-bsa.org
The internet committee recommended switching to Doubleknot as it offered more flexible and a
wider range of tools. Over the past four months a huge effort by many people who have helped
move event and training registrations, calendar activities and summer camp registrations to the
Doubleknot service.
Thank you to all the volunteers that continue to help make this transition happen - especially
Johnie Pennington!
Navigation Hints -Finding what you're looking for is a Snap!
Hover over District label in the menu bar to
find your local events and training.
Hover the Activities label, a new feature,
to search for events by program focus.
Hover over the Training label to find
several of our fabulous training
opportunities for Youth and Adults
Need help logging in? Click Here
The 2016 Camp Card Sale
Have You Sold Twenty Cards Yet?
It's almost half way through our 2016 Camp Card sale and it
is going great! The new vendors, deals and partnerships are
helping our Scouts earn their way to camp this summer. Visit
our Camp Card Website, Camp Card Webpage for all of the
Our "I Sold 20" promotion is gaining steam with more than
200 Scouts registered for their FREE River Cats/Boy Scout
cap, game ticket and drawing entry for free camp.
Congratulations go to our first 3 winners, Jeremy N. from
Crew 119 in Galt; Ashton H. from Pack 41 in Redding and
Ashton M. from Troop 641 in Georgetown. These Scouts all sold their 20 and won a free week of
camp during our weekly drawings! Keep on selling and submit your Scout's name when he sells
his 20. There are still 5 more chances to win a week of camp! Remember that these drawings
are held every Monday morning at 9:00am so once you Scout has sold 20, register him online at
Click Here. You do not have to register every week and you can only register once.
Camp Card Webpage
New Opportunities
Earn the Canoeing Merit Badge this Summer!
Canoeing Merit Badge Classes
June 10-11, June 24-25, or August 5-6
Sponsored by the Golden Empire Council and Friends of the
Each class will include Friday evening instruction and swim
test in a pool, followed by a full day of instruction and practice
on the water at Lake Natomas, near Sacramento. Scouts who
successfully complete the class will receive blue cards for the
Canoeing merit badge at the end of the class. Scouting adult
leaders and Canoeing Merit Badge Instructors are encouraged
to take this class as well.
Estimated cost is $50. Registration is first come, first serve. Registration on the GEC Website.
See the Boy Scout Activities Webpage to register. Registration begins on April 8th.
Canoeing Merit Badge Flyer
American Red Cross
Adult & Child CPR and First Aid
Saturday, April 9, 2016
12:30 PM - 8 PM
LDS Building - 3001 Wisseman Drive, Sacramento, CA
A Scout is Thrifty. Therefore, please bring $15 per
person, cash or money order, on the day of the training.
If you would like to use a credit card the cost is $17.
Seating is limited. Reserve a seat or ask a question by
contacting Andy Cater at andrewcater@me.com
First Aid CPR Flyer
Trainer's Edge - May 7th - 8:00 AM - 4 PM
Register Now
Although this training is required for all Wood Badge and NYLT staff members, its excellent for
ANYONE that speaks in front of a group! Class is designed for 14+. District Training Chairs
and District Training team members are encouraged to attend. This training will meet the
requirements for Pack Trainers who want to complete their training. This course is also helpful to
any Scouter who is active in their scouting unit. Only $10 and it includes lunch.
The Trainer's Edge Flyer
Cub Scouts - Day and Twilight Camps
Day Camp Registration is On Line Now!
The district day camps are online and have planned a
great camp experience for your Cub Scout. This year's
theme is Cub Scout Investigators. This promises to be
a fun theme with lots of opportunities for STEM related
activities. Follow the link to find the camp near you:
On our new website, hover over Activities and then
select Cub Scout Activities or use the link below:
https://gec-bsa.doubleknot.com/activities/cub-scoutactivities/62738 to access ALL Cub Scout events for
both youth and adults including Day/Twilight Camp
Events and Cub Scout Leader Training.
The new registration system is to be easier to use than our old system. This system will
require a NEW login.
Remember: If the camp closest to you does not fit your schedule, you are welcome to
attend any of the camps offered. You can even attend more than one.
Boy Scouts - Coming Events
We now have openings for a
very special week at Camp Winton
In addition to our regular week at camp
we have additional events at
The Camp Winton State Fair, July 4-9
Your Troop or Venturing Crew will have opportunity to compete against others scouts in:
Lumber Jack Log Rolling
Pie Eating Contest
Pioneering Chariot Races
Bobbing for Apples
Night-Time Cats Eyes
Patrol Geocaching for prizes
Orienteering Three Legged Race
Glow in the Dark Camp Winton Patch
Special Flag Ceremony
Crazy Shirt Day
We haven't forgotten the Adult Leaders....
Pizza Dutch Oven Cook Off
Longest Golf Drive
Lumber Jack Log Rolling
We've also had some additional space open up at Camp Winton the weeks of July 17-23 and July
Camp Lassen Boy Scout weeks of June 20-25 and June 26-July 2.
Cub Scout weeks are full, but can still add a few more Scouts. Contact the Camping Desk via
Camping Webpage
District Camp-o-ree
A district Camp-o-ree is one of the highlights of the
Scouting year! Check out this link for the Boy Scout
Activities or Venturing Activities. on our new
website, Hover over Actvitiies select the option that
A Camp-o-ree is a great time to bond as a patrol by
participating in contest of skill, games, cooking and
eating together as a small groups. Saturday night is
full of fun, skits and song by a roaring camp fire... And
several young scouts could be called out to be in the
Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow.
You don't want to miss your District Camp-o-ree!
Be BSA Risk Ready
Dangerous Games
Camping season is upon us, so we need to reflect on
risks to our youth that are not necessarily a part of our
outdoor classroom yet may be present when they
gather. As pointed out in the American Camp
Association's recently published article entitled
"Dangerous 'Games' Every Camp Must Know About" , our
youth could be at risk to participating in unsafe games
that are being highlighted on social media sites-they
have been attracting youth in the age range we serve.
Along with those listed in the article, the Guide to Safe
Scouting also includes a listing of Unauthorized and
Restricted Activities, including this: "Water chugging and
related activities are not authorized for any program
The National Health and Safety Team and Committee
receive a couple of questions a year about these subjects
and other eating or drinking contests. Our interpretation
of these proposed events consistently puts the contests
into the "and related activities" category. They should not be a part of any Scouting
Thank you to the American Camp Association for allowing us to link to its content.
2017 National Jamboree &
GEC Jamboree Patch Set
Pre-orders on sale April 4 - June 12
Delivery expected September 2016
Start April 4th - Pre Order now:
Give your Special Scout a trip of a lifetime!
2017 National Jamboree in West Virginia!
Last chance to sign up without automatically moving to the waiting list.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity.
Tour Dates: July 14 - July 29, 2017 Jamboree Dates: July 17 - July 28, 2017
The National Scout Jamboree is the premier Scouting event (every four years) hosted by the Boy
Scouts of America at the Summit Bechtel National Scout Reserve in West Virginia.
Check out the Overview on the National Website
Check out the new Flyer
To learn how to join the Golden Empire contingent please review our 2017
National Jamboree webpage
Contact us if you have questions:
Venturing News
VLA Awards Night too!
Hey Venturers! Mark your calendars for May14th at
6:30 PM and Come enjoy yummy food AND have a
BLAST dancing at the masquerade dance at 515
Lincoln Ave., Woodland CA. at the Woodland Scout
Cabin! This fun event will consist of a potluck dinner
and a masquerade dance! Make sure to dress up in
semi-formal attire and wear your best masquerade
style mask! Invite all your friends and help spread the
word! This event is something you WON'T want to
miss!! There is a $5 suggested donation. Please bring
a side dish/ dessert/ drink/ etc to share! VLA awards will be presented, nominate someone
deserving now!
Want more ideas for your Crew? Venturing Webpage
Check out our NEW GEC Venturing Newsletter !!
River City Scout Shop
SAVE 25%**
Blast Through
Your Checklists
and Save!
Summer Campers: Get
the gear and know-how
you need on Saturday,
April 23rd from 10am till
4pm when you join us for
our annual GET READY
FOR CAMP DAY at your
local participating Scout
We're proud to host this
great gear-up opportunity,
so we've included a special 25% OFF REGULAR-PRICED CAMPING GEAR** available exclusively
during this in-store event. Plus, pick up some awesome how-to tips while you're here, including:
Fitting a Backpack, Packing for Camp, and Hiking Preparation.
**25% savings offer is only available for retail purchases on camp gear made in participating
Scout Shops during the day of the event. Excludes Wall Tents and Gift Cards. Does not apply to
unit purchases, phone orders, or wholesale orders. Not valid on previous purchases or orders;
may not be combined with any other offer or discount. Selection varies by location. Discount is
applied at time of purchase. Savings do not apply to shipping, handling, or taxes.
River City Scout Shop New Web Address
Training Information
GEC Powder Horn
Registration begins April 8th
Powder Horn 2016 is a long weekend course scheduled for August
10th-14th, 2016. We are going to have base camp located at
Camp Pollock in Sacramento, CA. We will be traveling to areas
around Sacramento to the different events for this course.
When: August 10 - 14, 2016
Check out our website
Consider using Powder Horn as a Wood Badge Ticket Item!
Questions? Contact Erik Carlson, Powder Horn Course Director advisorc808@gmail.com
Wilderness First Aid - Classes filling quickly!
This is definitely not your local Red Cross Basic First Aid
course! The goal of this course is to help the participants deal
with medical emergencies in a wilderness setting where
qualified medical assistance is more than a hour away and
you are the only available medical care for a while.
Participants will benefit more if they have completed a basic
first aid course.
9-10 - Flyer - Camp Pollock - Register Now (wait list)
Sept. 22 & 23 (6-9PM) and 24 (8am-5:30pm) Register Now
Consider using Wilderness First Aid as a Wood Badge Ticket Item!
Questions? Contact Bruce Somers, HAT Chair bruce.somers@sen.ca.gov
National Youth Leader Training
NYLT Summer Register Starts April 5th
The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what
a leader must BE, what they must KNOW, and what
they must DO. The key elements are then taught with
a clear focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive during
the week as the patrol goes on a Quest for the
Meaning of Leadership.
NYLT is a six-day course offered in 2 weekends.
Content is delivered in a troop and patrol outdoor
setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment.
Interconnecting concepts and work processes are introduced early, built upon, and aided
by the use of memory aids, which allows participants to understand and employ the
leadership skills much faster.
NYLT Webpage
Registration links will be available on NYLT Webpages 2016 NYLT Flyer
April 8-10 & 22-24 - Placerville - Registration closed - Wait list available
July 15-17 & 22-24 - Camp Nauvoo - Placerville
August 5-7 and 12-14 - Camp Lassen - Butte Meadow
Will your employer pay for Wood Badge?
Wood Badge is the highest and most advanced training course offered by the Boy Scouts of
America. While it is rich in scouting history and tradition, participants will spend 6 full days and
nights learning modern leadership theories from contemporary scholars such as Ken Blanchard
(author of the One Minute Manager series of books), Stephen R. Covey (author of The Seven
Habits of Highly Effective People and Principle-Centered Leadership), and Spencer Johnson
(author of Who Moved My Cheese). A complete set of references can be found at the end of this
document. Read More
Wood Badge 2 Courses in 2016!
April 28-30 and May 12-14
September 23-25 and October 7-9
View registration information on webpage
Wood Badge training was begun by Baden Powell in 1919 as a
way to assure that the leaders of Scout Troops were properly
trained. Since then, Wood Badge training has been held
worldwide providing advanced leader training to thousands of Scout Leaders.
Wood Badge is considered the premier leadership training course for Scout Leaders. Wood
Badge for the 21st Century is available to registered leaders of all levels of the Scouting
program - Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity and Venturing. It concentrates on providing
training on modern leadership skills needed in today's world for Scout leaders. Wood
Badge Training will not only make you a better Scout Leader, it will also assist you in
improving your personal and professional life as well.
Through Wood Badge you will gain valuable tools in listening, communicating, conflict
management, project planning and leading change. You will learn to better understand and
leverage diversity and the generational differences of society. You will learn to lead with a
vision. You will learn the skills that will make you a better Scout Leader to benefit the
youth we serve.
Every Scout deserves a well-trained leader. Are you that leader? Get Wood Badge trained
and you will be. In doing so, you will change not only your life but also the lives of all that
you touch. Click here for the Wood Badge flyer.
Wood Badge Reunion!!
Is there any Beavers in the House? This highly anticipated reunion finally has a date...
Please join us on
September 17, 2016
from 11am - 2PM
at the LDS Stake Center in Rocklin.
Early bird registration is now open: Click Here
Download the flyer today and tell all your Wood Badge
friends! Spread the word!
Training Opportunities
New webpage with all current training at
your finger tips!
Check it out now!
Local districts across the council provide classroom and
outdoor training to all leaders. Many courses are
available on-line, as well. Not sure what training you
Are you a Trained Leader?
Log into https://My.Scouting.org/
(Non mobile device using FireFox or Chrome work best)
Select the Home drop down.
Select My Dashboard
Across the top, select Requirements
Click on the Picture to download
current schedule
A training list with expiration dates is displayed.
To enroll in a District Training, Go to your District Page or Click Here.
If you have questions, please contact your District Training chair or District Executive.
Additional information is available on our Council Training Webpage
Last Month - Recap
Commissioner Conference - March 5, 2016
On March 5, more than 70 Commissioners from the Golden Empire
Council gathered at the Woodland Stake Center to get advanced training
on how to be more effective Commissioners at our annual Commissioner
Conference. Such courses included Serving Scouts with Special Needs,
Emphasizing Duty to God, Resolving Unit Conflicts and Counseling Skills.
The day began with breakfast and an introduction by our Scout
Executive Chuck Brasfeild. During lunch we had an emotional keynote
speech from our Council President Dave Ishikawa. Training culminates in
the awarding of degrees, much like a College or University, and a
renewed fervor to support and grow the Scouting program.
Commissioners are an integral part of Scouting. Their purpose is to help
Scouting units succeed. A Commissioner plays several roles, including
friend, representative, unit "doctor," teacher, and counselor.
They coach and consult with adult leaders of Cub Scout packs, Boy
Scout troops, and Venturing crews and help maintain the standards of
the Boy Scouts of America. To learn more learning more about being a
commissioner contact your District Commissioner or District Executive
for all the details! GEC Commissioner Webpage
GEC Commissioner Webpage
Council Calendar
at a glance
2016 PDF Calendar
Golden Empire Council | info@gec-bsa.org | 916.929.1417 | Website
See what's happening on our social sites:
Golden Empire Council, BSA,
251 Commerce Circle,
PO Box 13558, Sacramento, CA 95853-3558
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