Life of our Church in - Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church


Life of our Church in - Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church
Life of our Church in
- Jesus (John 4:14)
1. Dynamic, Inclusive Worship
2. Christian Education
for All Ages
3. Fellowship
Pitching In As Partners
Neighborly and Inviting
Youth and Family
Building and Grounds
We believe in ONE TRUE GOD, who in his steadfast and faithful love, reveals his power, presence and promises through his son Jesus Christ.
We believe in GOD’S PROMISE for the forgiveness of sins, salvation, and
eternal life, all freely given, not as a result of human action or virtue, but by
God’s love, mercy and grace through the death and resurrection of his Son,
Jesus Christ.
We believe in A LIVING RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD that is strengthened
by the Holy Spirit, guided by scripture, and sustained through the waters of
our baptism and in the body and blood through Holy Communion.
We believe in PRAYER to draw closer to God, especially at times of crisis,
thanksgiving and joy, for comfort, guidance and praise.
We believe in THE DISCIPLESHIP OF BELIEVERS, that we respond to
God’s infinite love and mercy by loving and serving others and by sharing
the hope we have through the good news of Jesus Christ.
Borrowing from a book title: It takes a church to raise a family.
PVLC not only holds this as a core belief, we embrace it! Literally.
Children find a welcoming smile and lap in the next pew; they enjoy
sermons especially targeted to them (as well as older listening ears.)
Our teens congregate in the kitchen like it was their second home.
Individuals, couples and families find opportunities for education,
service and recreation.
We create a new family – in Christ – nurtured in an atmosphere
of Christian fellowship and community, striving to be a place of acceptance, growth and renewal. One which not only brings joy, but
also sustains us through times of trial and sorrow, as we cling to the
promise that “where two or more of you are gathered in my name, I
am there among them.” Matthew 18: 20.
Mary LaHood-Burns
Cindy Miller is a lifelong Black Hills
area resident who has an undiagnosed
progressive neuromuscular condition.
Unable to work at her therapy job,
which she loved and misses, and in
the long process of applying for disability, her friends and family are having a fundraiser to help stave off
mounting medical bills. Cindy and
Dan are devoted parents to 3 children.
She has always been a hard working
and dedicated person, who is willing
to go the extra mile for anyone.
Cindy is a member of the Piedmont
Park Board and they are members of
the Piedmont Lutheran Church. You
can follow her journey and blog at and type in
cindymiller (no spaces or capital letters). On behalf of the Miller family:
Dan, Cindy, Zach, Austin and Hannah; we thank you for your thoughtful
donation. Contact: Carmen Elrod
(sister) at 605-787-6990 or 605-2093715 OR Karen Plymate (friend) 605719-9277. The fundraiser will include: an auction, a kids carnival, and
a freewill potluck. All proceeds will
go to Cindy and her family. Sponsored by: Golden Living Center Prairie Hills. Hosted by: Family and
friends of Cindy Miller. Date/Time:
August 22nd, 2009 beginning at
1:00 p.m. Location: The BarnPiedmont, SD (signs will be posted).
Supplemental funds will be provided
by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans,
Meade County Chapter.
HILLS offers Taize prayer every first
Sunday of the month from 7-8:00 p.m.
For more information regarding the
schedule, please see poster in Sign-Up
The Black Hawk Kiwanis are hosting the 10th Annual Rally Pancake
Breakfast on August 1st thru August 8th from 7:00 a.m. to noon
everyday at Our Lady of the
Black Hills. Cost: $6.00 per adult;
Kids under 12: $3:00. Proceeds will
be used to help children in the Piedmont Valley area by: Black Hawk
Kiwanis bought 80 new coats and
82 pairs of shoes for kids in need
last year. The Giving Tree program
in Piedmont Valley. Help Girl
Scouts go to camp and Boy Scouts
with Eagle projects. Give money to
Black Hawk & Piedmont/Stagebarn
Schools to use as they need. Students of these schools are also recognized in the “BUG” program
when they Bring Up Grades. 3rd
graders at Black Hawk, Stagebarn,
Francis Case & Zion Lutheran are
each given a new dictionary every
year. School supplies are given to
Stagebarn school. Basketball jerseys were purchased for the Stagebarn girls team. Kiwanis raised
funds, built and maintains the sidewalk along Peaceful Pines Road.
With the help of the Yellow Bike
Man, reconditioned used bikes are
given to kids who wouldn’t otherwise have a bike. Kiwanis helps the
Black Hawk Fire Auxiliary with the
Easter Egg hunt. Sponsors a girl
from Piedmont Valley for Girls
State. Gives new children’s library
books to the Piedmont Library.
PLEASE join this Rally and help
raise money for kids in the Piedmont Valley!
Remember: It takes a village to
raise a child!
We welcome back those who attended the National Youth Gathering July 22-26th
in New Orleans. Throughout the month of August and September, the youth and
adults attending will be sharing their stories in the worship bulletins and the newsletters. In addition, they will share photo’s and music from the event during worship on Sunday, September 27th. We look forward to this time of sharing about
this church wide event.
Children are welcome in worship. In
order to help with the welcoming, the
worship committee, along with the
assistance of some volunteers, have
prepared WORSHIP BAGS for the
children. Three different bags are
available. As you enter the worship
area take a bag and explore the quiet
resources within. The bags will contain: small books, coloring
pads/sheets, crayons, Bible games and
more. The bags serve as a replacement of the resources that were in the
nursery area. COME AND WORSHIP!
The New Directory will be coming
in August! If you have any additions/changes in the last month or will
in the next few weeks please let the
office know! Thanks!
The following are a few highlights of
what’s happening with the Youth.
For more information, see the orange insert.
Mentorship: There will be NO
Mentorship for the summer
months. Mentorship will resume in
the fall.
TEKOA Meeting: Tekoa (Youth
and Adult Leaders) Wednesday,
August 5th at 6:00 p.m.
Youth Meeting: Wednesday, August 12th at 7:00 p.m.
Youth and Family Event: Sunday, August 16th—Watiki Water
Park—All are welcome! For a ride,
meet at the church at 11:00 a.m. and
returning at 4:30 p.m.
August 3rd-7th: Youth (with adult
supervision) will sell ice water at the
Summerset/Haggar’s carwash from
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 13th: Summer
Nights-youth and adults will host and
supervise activities set up for children
at Rapid City’s Summer Nights event.
PLEASE SIGN UP for the Watiki
Water Park and the Fundraisers!
Please join us for this special concert event as Heavenly Harp performs “Summer
Serenity”. This unique concert features peaceful harp, flute and vocal music performed by the mother-daughter duo Karin and Joy Gunderson. Concert dates are:
Tuesday, August 18th, at 7:00 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church, 5311 Sheridan
Lake Road and Wednesday, August 19th, at 7:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church,
402 Kansas City St. in Rapid City. All are welcome to this FREE concert event!
For more information, please see poster at Sign-Up City II.
In the community cont. on pg. 15
Philippians 2:1-8
“If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any
consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit,
any compassion and sympathy, 2make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord
and of one mind. 3Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in
humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4Let each of you look
not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. 5Let the same
mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the
form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, 7but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in
human likeness. And being found in human form, 8he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross.”
Living and serving with the mind of Christ
As I write, 37,000 thousand young people, adult advisors and volunteers are converging on the city of New Orleans. Among them are 24
“disciples” from Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church. They are sent- and
they will return (by the time you get this newsletter, they will be back!)
I share with you the following excerpt from the Jesus Justice
Jazz website:
“Led by its youth, the servant community of the ELCA will learn to
listen to the Spirit of Christ as they enter New Orleans compassionate
about serving as Christ served. It is entering without intent to fix or
make better, but to be made open to new ideas about our environment,
our experiences and our lens for living biblically. "Let each of you look
not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same
mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus." (see above) Our baptismal vocation gives us courage to enter New Orleans with all its challenges. We
will know that we are grounded in our baptismal worth in order to move
outside ourselves and do God’s work with our hands. Such courage
helps us when we return to our communities with new experiences,
practices, awareness and deepened biblical insight. Together we will
seek to live and serve with this mind of Christ!”
The theme biblical text from Philippians, which serves as the theme
for the gathering, is incredibly powerful and it speaks to all of us. It is
indeed through “Our baptismal vocation” that we are given courage to
enter wherever we are in our daily life and serve in Christ’s name. May
we, as a church and congregation, continue to gather together in Christ;
and be guided by the Holy Spirit to continue to live out our lives as
Christians and be open to being sent to reach, teach, nurture and serve“with the mind of Christ!”
Pastor Carol
“Gathered Together in Christ; sent to reach, teach, nurture and serve”
The summer months get hectic with activities, travel and outings. These can
interrupt your usual pattern of worship. Our giving of self, time and possessions
continues as disciples of Christ. Worship regularly and as you are able this summer; remembering that your offering is part of your worship life. Thank you for
your gracious hearts toward ministry and mission at Piedmont Valley Lutheran
Church and the church in the world.
Chapter One: “Ask, Thank, Tell” by Charles R. Lane.
Summary statement: “Focus on the giver’s need to give, not on the church’s
need to receive.”
Summary: When we focus on the giver’s need to give, we will:
 help God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus through their use
of time, talents, and finances that God has entrusted to them.
 focus on the language of discipleship, not the language of membership.
 find in God’s word an invaluable wealth of resources to enrich our
 guide each other to ask the right question- instead of “How much does the
church need?” as the discipleship question: “How is calling me to respond to God’s presence in my life?”
(“Ask, Thank, Tell” Charles R. Lane,
Augsburg Fortress Minneapolis, MN 2006)
will meet the second Wednesday of the
month (August 12th) at 6:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed providing that extra
hand in setting up (5:00 p.m.) and grilling burgers (5:15-5:30 p.m.) YOUR
HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED: If you haven’t volunteered latelyplease help out by signing up on the Friendship Café poster which is posted by
the kitchen window. PLEASE NOTE: Friendship Café will resume it’s normal schedule of meeting every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. starting in September.
Just a note of reminder regarding hospital visits:
Privacy policies prevent the release of information about patients who are in the hospital without their authorization. If you or
a member of your family are hospitalized at Rapid City Regional or another
area (or distant) medical facility and would like a visit, please: +Call the church
office at 787-5588. +Designate that you are Lutheran and a member of PVLC
on your patient information form. Please let us know, too, if you wish to be
included on the prayer list in the bulletin and added to the PVLC prayer chain.
Thank you: Pastor Carol
Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church Website
Check it out!
Sunday, August 2 nd:
The Praise Team leads us in worship
this morning. This worship is festive
and more contemporary but blends the
sound with our tradition. We celebrate
The meal of Holy Communion on this
first Sunday of the month.
Sunday, August 9th:
We gather, we pray, we sing, we hear
the Word; sharing in fellowship
through a service of Word and Prayer.
Come and worship!
Sunday, August 16th:
On this third Sunday of the month we
celebrate Holy Communion; worshiping with setting three in the ELW.
Come and hear, taste, and feel the
Good News!
Sunday, August 23rd:
the Lord’s and the fullness thereof!”
Today we worship in the outdoor setting with pasture and horses, hills and
prairie providing us with a natural
sanctuary. Keyboard and guitars will
lead us in music, prayer and the Word
will be preached. Come and join usbring a friend!
Sunday, August 30th:
The month offers us a fifth Sunday for
worship and the Praise Team leads us
as we gather to worship on this morning. The musical and speaking gifts of
the lay leadership is shared on this day.
Shout, Sing and Share the Good News!
Sunday, August 2nd: Lead Worship. Wednesday, August 26th: 6:45 p.m. Practice
Sunday, August 30th: Lead Worship
June 7
June 14
June 21
June 28
Simply Giving is an automated giving program from Thrivent Financial designed
for you, as a congregation member, to help you conveniently and consistently contribute to the congregation’s mission and ministry. For more information contact
Bonnie Miller, Tim Nold or Pastor Carol. Thanks for considering this simple and
reliable method of stewardship.
will NOT meet in August.
L.A.M.B.S. will meet on Tuesday, September 22nd, 6:30 p.m. at the Piedmont Library. The book to study will be announced.
A Retreat for ALL Confirmed Women of
the ELCA Bear Butte Conference, will be held at Outlaw Ranch on Sept. 11th & 12th.
Registration is on Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the retreat closes around
3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Do you want to get away and fill your bucket for 24 hours?
Here’s your chance! The women of Faith Lutheran Church in Rapid City are hosting
this year’s retreat. Speakers will include Margaret Norton of Rapid City who has
published two quilting Bible study books and State Senator Stan Adelstein who will
talk to us about the “Contrast and Importance of the Woman’s Role in Jewish Faith.”
So, let’s go and be enlightened and take 24 hours to enjoy our friendships and enjoy
the wonderful food that the cooks at Outlaw Ranch always provide! Flyers with all
the information and registration forms will be included in August 9th’s bulletin. The
information is also posted at Sign-Up City. (Remember, to register early if you would
like to bunk in the lodge or the barn retreat center.) For carpooling possibilities (and/
or lunch at the Alpine Inn on Friday), please signup at Sign-Up City also. If you have
any questions, contact Connie Rathert at 787-6194.
LIKE KIDS? LIKE TO SHOP? Volunteers are needed to shop for Clothe-a-Kid
recipients. Thanks to the INCREDIBLE GENEROSITY of PVLC members, we are
able to clothe 14 ELEMENTARY-AGED Kids for the upcoming school year! If
anyone is interested in helping us SHOP before August 14th…. PLEASE get in touch
with any member of the CIS Committee as soon as possible. We’ll be happy to give
you ALL the details… AND the money to go shopping with!! CIS Members: Wayne
& Debbie Johnson, Curt & Pam Johnson, Cassie Morava, Jerry Behnke, Dave Dreyer,
Cherrie Cloos, Mike & Diane Cordray, Deb Schultz & Judy Darling.
THANK YOU for all your prayers and support during this time of difficulty. I do appreciate being surrounded by my supportive church family.............. Traci Fitting
Reece Beck
Sheila Nold
Stephanie Mulvehill
Mary Buckley
Denise Cayton
Myrna Westby
Garrett Medley
Shirley Raile
Curtis Westby
Donna WrightDupret
Jackson Wenger
Rubye Smith
11. Kyle Baker
12. Brody Wenger
14. Kelli McFarland
Kenneth McFarland
15. Cherrie Dyck
17. Dyllan Rathert
19. Amber Roling
20. Luke Smith
24. Gary Garner
25. Beverly LeCates
27. Linda Hemmah
Seth Mulvehill
29. Jerry Behnke
Bill & Sandy Wood
Todd & Debra Schultz
Delvin & Kathleen Schuh
Loren & Kathy Opstedahl
Rick & Connie Rathert
If you would like to have flowers
placed on the altar for Sunday worship, please sign up on the calendar
the date, your name and the occasion/
event and contact Donna Edwards @
721-6683. A donation of
$30 can be made via check
(memo: flower fund) or
cash and placed in offering
on Sunday.
Piedmont Valley Lutheran
Church is hosting a Blood Drive
on Monday, August 13th from
3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Time is
running today (787-5588)
to schedule your appointment to give the gift of life!
Starting Thursday, Sept. 10th, at 6:30 p.m. we will
delve into one more of Beth Moore’s Bible studies. We
will be studying “Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit”
which is a DVD-based study accompanied by a workbook. The aim of this
study is to equip believers to better understand the freedom of a life filled with
the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control Gal. 5:22-23.) We will be challenged to pursue the only route to developing these godly character traits: maintaining an
intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. We will meet every Thursday evening for 11 weeks and finish just before Thanksgiving. Each participant is required to purchase a workbook for about $15.50 (help is available for purchasing if needed!) I will need to know how many workbooks to order. A signup sheet is posted at Sign-Up City and I will need this information by August 30th. The workbooks can be paid for the first night of class. The only
other requirements are your Bible and a heart for God! We’ll take 45 minutes to
discuss the workbook assignment for the week, have a 10-minute break, and
then watch a 45-minute video of Beth leading us in an introduction of the next
week’s lessons. We try to be done around 8:30 p.m. Connie Rathert will be the
facilitator. If you haven’t taken one of Beth’s classes in the past, please consider
joining me for this study. Beth’s studies are so down to earth, understandable,
and always bring us to a better understanding of what God is saying to us. We
have lots of “ah-hah” moments in these classes! If you have any questions,
please call me at 787-6194.
Sunday, September 13th
Worship at 9:00 a.m.
Coffee Fellowship 10:00 a.m.
June 21st-25th, Hannah Aker and Trent Opstedahl attended Peer Ministry Camp at
Outlaw Ranch near Custer. This is a leadership camp with training provided
through SD Synod and The Youth and Family Institute in Minneapolis. The morning sessions were focused on life skills and peer relationships; afternoons and
evenings worship and group building activities.
“The first day at camp, we went on a hike in the morning, learned about stereotyping, and hiked back. That was really tiring. But after dinner, we went canoeing,
which was incredibly awesome, and we saw so much wildlife, like really cute marmots, cute baby ducks, and some deer too. Bad part was that the guys found a dead
fish, and we (the girls) do not like dead fish, so that's all that need be said about that.
Then while we were putting away the canoes the pastor, that was doing this camp
with us, called our counselor 'Mom' and that stuck, so we all called her Mom, and
the pastor became 'Grandpa' but, we called him PD since he was Pastor Dwight. And
then after that we taught the guy's counselor, Wilfredo, who is Columbian, how to
play spoons. He cheated, so we started calling him 'Papa Bad', and that was so
funny. Then we slept.
Next day, we decided to go paddle boating at a different lake, but that didn't
work out, so instead we took a walk around the lake, which turned into a spontaneous 2.8 mile long hike. We thought the trail looked fun, didn't read the sign saying
how long it was. We had a lesson in decision making from the pastor that day. The
hike was still nice though. Then, that night, we had campfire worship, and sang a
ton of songs, and had lots of fun dancing to them. After that we roasted marshmallows, and discovered that Papa Bad is really good with anything musical, and he
played 'Amazing Grace' on the harmonica for us. And then we went to sleep.
Last day, we didn't do any hikes, but we had a really intense session with the pastor
about suicide. Then we went to walk through a cave, which wasn't really eventful,
but I did hit my head really hard on the rocks, which we weren't supposed to touch.
Ouch! Then we lazed around until dinner, and after that, we went to Mount Rushmore and pretended to be tourists, even though we were all local, so then we stayed
and ate ice cream and watched the lighting ceremony. That was so fun, and we all
felt really patriotic. And then we slept for the last time in our cabins.” Hannah Aker
CONFIRMATION YOUTH (Tenth Graders) AFFIRMATION OF BAPTISM RETREAT: Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. at the
Aker’s home. Brunch will be served and you are asked to bring a sack lunch for
later in the afternoon. This is a required event as we prepare stoles and work on
faith statement preparations. Your Faith Statements will be shared during worship
services in September and October, as you prepare for the rite of Affirmation of
Baptism on October 25th. Don’t forget to bring: your bible, writing pad/paper,
symbol choices for your stole, your personal scripture verse, that you have chosen, fabric (there will be some on hand as well) for your stole symbols- and don’t
forget your Lutheran Handbook as well as the responses to the reflection questions
you received in the mail. If you need a ride to Aker’s, meet at the church Saturday morning at 8:45 a.m.
As the fall approaches and confirmation and adult
learning opportunities are offered, Bibles will be ordered. Some will serve as
replacements in the Sunday School classroom as well as designation for those
students entering the seventh grade confirmation class (these are being gifted
through memorials.) If YOU are interested in purchasing a new study Bible,
your order can be placed when we order for the church. There are a couple of
choices for you on display at Sign-Up City. They are: The Lutheran Study
Bible: (New Revised Standard Version) published in 2009, this is a readerfriendly Bible with study notes, articles, discussion questions, theological and
catechetical insights. A good tool, for both one familiar with the Bible as well
as new to studying scripture. Cost: Hardcover; $34.99 (If we get 10 orders:
$24.50). Soft-cover; $18.75 (discount included). The HarperCollins Study
Bible: (New Revised Standard Version) a new edition (updated and revised) in
2006. This is a more scholarly Bible with more in-depth study notes and good
introductions for each book of the Bible. (*The sample copy at Sign-Up City is
leather-bond, but gives you an idea of the contents and notes). Softcover;
$30.00. Hardcover; $33.75. PLEASE SIGN-UP and include a check or cash
in the envelope provided. Place your order in the box and the order will go in
on Monday, August 17th.
Evangelism is hospitality, and a
welcoming message that we do indeed hold families and youngsters
as a CORE VALUE at Piedmont
Valley Lutheran. This is an invitation and a call for volunteers: All
interested adults- especially parents of
pre-schoolers and elementary age
kids- assistance is requested in coming together to pray, pick, plan and
place new playground equipment at
Piedmont Valley Lutheran Church.
The resources are available- we just
need YOU! Please contact Tim Nold
or Pastor Carol.
Old Testament
(Core Course)
By Dr. Richard Bowman
Saturday September 19th, 2009
10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT
Sunday September 20th, 2009
9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CT
McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls
Northern State University, Aberdeen
Rapid City Regional Hospital
For more information and registration, please see brochures located
on the counter in Sign-Up City.
Watiki Water Park: All are welcome! PLEASE SIGN-UP so the number of
tickets can be secured!!! This is a family event, so please do not bring and drop
off kids who are 12 years old and younger- for those older make sure they are
connected with family or another adult. The water fun starts at the Park at 11:30
a.m. bring your own lunch and/or money for food. Cost: $7.50 per person . If
you need a ride, indicate that on the sign-up and meet at church at 11:00 a.m.
returning at: 4:30 p.m.