Stefano Berti - parentesiquadre
Stefano Berti - parentesiquadre
Stefano Berti nato a Roma il 21.11.1985 via Cassia 603 00189 Roma t. 320 0627112 Esperienze Lavorative Conoscenze informatiche Studi Mag 2009 - Ora Lavora nell’ufficio marketing di Biomedical Technologies come Art Director occupandosi della comunicazione visiva (pubblicazioni, stand, siti web, newsletter) di tutti i congressi e gli eventi che la società organizza. Sistemi Mac e Windows Attualmente iscritto al corso di laurea triennale in Scienze della Comunicazione presso l’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma. Attività da Freelance per la creazione di siti e supporto marketing. Apr 2009 - Mag 2009 Graphic & Web designer presso Adhoc Solution occupandosi di grafica web e immagine coordinata. Gen 2009 Collaborazione con Editoriale Pantheon progettando le copertine per alcuni libri. Gen 2008 - Apr 2009 Graphic Designer presso Hill & Knowlton Gaia. Ott 2007 - Dic 2007 Ammesso a seguito di selezione, lavora come Graphic & Web Designer presso la sede americana di Iperdesign (Philadelphia). Giu 2007 Collaborazione con FEFE magazine per il volume in allegato al numero 3 Software Ottima conoscenza di Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver. Conoscenza e uso di Xpress, Sony Vegas e Final cut. Conseguimento del “ECDL“ CMS Utilizzo e creazione di temi per Wordpress Programmazione web Html 4 Html 5 parziale Css 2 Css3 PHP Conoscenza parziale di Mysql e ASP Feb 2007 Partecipa, tramite l’Istituto Europeo di Design, ad un concorso per la realizzazione di un calendario per Antalis Gen 2006 Vince un concorso tra scuole di design di 12 paesi in tutto il mondo -fra cui il Chelsea College of Art & Design di Londra, l’ESDI di Rio de Janeiro, il New York’s school of visual arts- indetto da Sony BMG America realizzando la copertina del cd “Miles Davis Cool and Collected”. Stefano Berti | graphic designer | | Giu 2007 Diploma in grafica rilasciato dall’Istituto Europeo di Design (fra le principali materie di corso: immagine coordinata, logo design, progettazione editoriale, lettering) Lug 2004 Maturità Classica conseguita presso il “Liceo Classico G. De Sanctis” di Roma. Voto di maturità: 98/100 Lingue Inglese Conseguimento del diploma di “First Certificate in English” rilasciato dall’università di Cambridge Conseguimento del diploma “Preliminary English test” rilasciato dall’università di Cambridge Esperienze di studio all’estero durante il periodo estivo negli anni 1999, 2001, 2003. Frequenza del corso annuale di inglese presso la “British School” 1 lavori selezionati - immagine coordinata 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology Roma 10–13 September 2009 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology Roma 10–13 September 2009 Scientific Information Computer projection Computer projection is provided in all conference rooms via direct link with the preview room. No projection through own computers is allowed. Kindly bring your presentation on a multimedia support (CD-Rom, Pen Drive) as a PowerPoint file. Please remember that the first slide of your presentation has to show your photo along with the name underneath. No other software is accepted. No Slide Projector is provided. Preview Rooms There are two Preview Rooms: the first one (for the Hall Lancisi, the Hall Alessandrina and the Hall Teatro Santo Spirito) is located behind the Hall Lancisi, in the Santo Spirito Complex; the other one (for the Hall Pio X and the Hall Pio X-2) is located in the Pio X Palace. Speakers are kindly requested to hand over their PowerPoint presentation at the Preview room at least one hour before their session. Speakers presenting in the early morning sessions should ensure that they have handed over their slides during the previous afternoon. KEy NOTE Kindly remember to always use your Access Code to enter the Congress On-line The following contents will be available: Plenary Lectures Plenary Sessions Sponsored Symposia Click on the access banner from the following web sites: Poster Session Posters must be set up in the morning of September 11th, and dismantled not before Sunday September 13th. Poster Boards are available for the selected posters. The size of the boards is 220 (height) x 100 (width) cm. Participants have the opportunity to study all the selected posters during the Congress Days. The Special Poster Session will take place on Friday, September 11 from 17.00 to 19.00. During the Special Poster Session, Poster Authors should stand by their Posters for presentation and discussion. The Poster Area is open according to the schedule of the scientific sessions The organizers cannot be held responsible for posters not removed on time. Format of the congress Wednesday, september 9 th, 2009 12.00 Registration 16.00 - 19.00 ESG Executive Board Meeting thursday, september 10 th, 2009 08.30 Registration 09.30 Opening Exhibition area 09.30 - 11.00 Opening Ceremony, Opening Lecture and “Alice and Albert Netter” Award Plenary Sessions, Plenary Lectures Symposia Oral Presentations Welcome Reception 11.00 - 19.00 19.00 - 21.00 9 Scientific Information Scientific Information 8 Congress on-line The 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology is available in multimedia format. It consists in recorded presentations of the Congress enjoyable through the web with any internet connection, starting from normal 56Kb analogical connection. Typing in your personal password, that will be given to you at the moment of the on-line registration, you can access all the recorded scientific sessions and view the sequence of the slides of the presentations while hearing the speaker’s voice. Friday, september 11 th, 2009 08.30 - 17.00 Plenary Sessions, Plenary Lectures Symposia Oral Presentations 17.00 - 19.00 Poster Session with Roman Cocktail 19.00 - 20.30 ESG General Assembly saturday, september 12 th, 2009 08.30 - 19.00 Plenary Sessions, Plenary Lectures Symposia Oral Presentations Educational Course (in Italian Language) Oral Presentations Oral Presentations will last about 5 minutes each plus 2 minutes discussion. The presenters are kindly requested to respect the time allotted for each presentation. sunday, september 13 th, 2009 08.30-13.00 Plenary Sessions, Plenary Lectures Symposia Oral Presentations 13.00 Closing Ceremony FINAL PROGRAMME PROGRAMME FINAL 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology Roma 10–13 September 2009 8th Congress of the European Society of Gynecology Roma 10–13 September 2009 General Information Slide Center Entrances F Secretariat A The Secretariat is located on the ground floor in the Tiburio Hall (Santo Spirito Complex) 10 Thursday September 13.00 – 14.00 n of Bayer Schering With the contributio Ticket DéjeunerLunch Ticket Jeudi 10 Septembre 12th Saturday ring 13.00 – 14.00 n de Baye r ScheSeptember 13.00 – 14.00 Avec la contributio With the contribution of Lilly Ticket Déjeuner Samedi 12 Septembre 13.00 – 14.00 Avec la contribution de Lilly lli H B Dedicated Rooms Bayer Schering Courtesy Room G Hall Lancisiana A C Exhibition Area D Exhibits are located on the ground floor, in Hall Baglivi. They are open according to the schedule of the scientific sessions. D Lu ng I Via della Conciliazione th Official Languages English and French are the official languages of the Congress. Simultaneous translation in English, French and Italian will be provided as well. Via Scossacava Conference Halls Inside the Santo Spirito Complex B Hall Lancisi C Hall Alessandrina E Poster Area F Hall Teatro Santo Spirito Inside the Pio X Palace H Hall Pio X I Hall Pio X-2 ot ev ere E Via S. Pio X Castel S.Angelo Vit ele nu ma oE tori nte Po Lunches On Thursday September 10th, Friday September 11th and Saturday September 12th, lunch boxes will be provided at the end of the sessions at the exit of the conference rooms. Coffee Coffee machines are available in various points of the Congress Area. G Borgo S. Spirito Lunch Ticket General Information 10 Piazza S. Pietro Insurance The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for personal injuries, loss or damage to property belonging to Congress delegates (or their accompanying persons), either during or as a result of the Congress or during their stay in Rome. It is therefore recommended that delegates arrange their own personal health, accident and travel insurance. Certificate of Attendance You will find your certificate of attendance together with your badge. Please check it and in case you need any change come from Friday 11th 2.00pm to the “New Registrations Desk”. Customer Satisfaction Inside your congress’ bag you will find the Customer Satisfaction Form. Please do not ignore it. It is a Compulsory Service as Biomedical Technologies is Quality Certified and moreover you help us to improve our services. Please hand it back to the same desk where you collected your bag or at the CME Certificates Desk upon receiving your UEMS Certificate. Personal Data Projection Law no. 196/2003 Personal data collected directly and/or through third parties by controller and processor Biomedical Technologies. Main Office in Cagliari Via Cugia 1, are processed in printed, computing and telematic form for fulfilling contractual and lawful obligations as well as for the effective handing of business relations. The email addresses provided may be used by Biomedical Technologies to send advertising materials on events similar to those subject of the present business relations. The non-submittal of data, where no compulsory, will be evaluated from case to case by the controller and the resulting decisions to be made will take into account the importance of the required data in respect of the business relations, management. Data may be disclosed in Italy and/or abroad, strictly in accordance with the above-mentioned purposes, and consequently processed, only in relation to the mentioned purpose, by other persons: professionals and consultants as well as by persons allowed to access to your personal data according to National or Community regulations. If necessary, for the above-mentioned reasons, your data may be disclosed to third parties. For the same reasons, our partners and/or employees may process your data in their capacity of executors or processors. The persons concerned may exercise all the rights set forth in art. 7 of L. n. 196/2003 (including the rights of data access, corrections, updating, objects to data processing and cancellation). The processor “pro tempore” is the legal representative of the company. 11 General Information Congress Venue Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia Borgo Santo Spirito, 1 00193 Rome, Italy Tel +39 0668352433 Badges All registrants including registered accompanying persons will receive a badge. Your personal badge allows you access to all Session, Exhibition Area and Social Events. Please remember to always wear your badge, also during the social events. If you have lost your badge, a new one can be purchased at the Congress Secretariat. II lavori selezionati - manifesti Buy your tickets today at or 866-468-7619. Wednesday, November 7 at 7pm $12 members $14 general admission The hapless and aging Faust sells his soul to Mephistopheles for renewed youth as well as wealth and power in this classic, silent masterpiece by F.W. Murnau. The Willem Breuker Kollektief adds vibrancy with their live performance of new music composed for this film. Square Meeting Centre, Bruxelles 19/23 Sept 2013 Secrétariat Scientifique Scientific Secretariat Marc Robbiano Département de Gynécologie Obstétrique CHR Citadelle 1 boulevard du XIIème de Ligne 4000 Liège - Belgique T. +32 4 225 61 11 F. +32 4 226 47 47 3701 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 3 7 0 1 C h e s t n u t S t r e e t * P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA * U S A * 1 9 1 0 4 Stefano Berti | graphic designer | | Secrétariat du Congrès - Organizing secretariat Biomedical Technologies srl T. +39 070340293 F. +39 070307727 Hébergement - Hotel Booking S'il vous plaît visitez www. pour une liste des hôtels conventionné. Si vous êtes un groupe contactez Please visit to check a complete list of affiliated hotels. For group enquires please contact 2 Auguri, a nchè sia fantastico sotto ogni punto di vista. lavori selezionati - web lavori selezionati - editoria The Congress will be organized in Plenary Lectures, Debates, Meet the Expert and Plenary Sessions. Each session will include four or five speakers each presenting his scientific research in approximately 20 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion. Moreover, Special Sessions on Last Minute Hot Topics, Sponsored Symposia, Round Tables, Oral Presentations and Poster Sessions will be available. Symposia Proposal Abstract submission Venice Members and Scientific Societies operating in the field of human reproduction may propose an entire symposium at their own cost, suggesting titles, presentations, speakers and chairmen. The Scientific Committee will examine the proposals for inclusion in the scientific programme with the possibility to include one extra speaker or a chairman of its choice. The deadline for submission is November 16th 2012. All plenary, oral and poster presentations of the Congress will be made available on-line. • Deadline for abstract submission is November 30th 2012 • Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author: one oral presentation and one poster or, alternatively, two posters. There is no limit to the number of abstracts submitted as co-author; • Presenting authors will be notified whether their abstracts are accepted by January 11th 2013. Further details on the schedule and instructions for oral and poster presentations will be available on the website; • The Scientific Programme of the Congress will be available on the website by January 21st 2013; • Authors whose abstracts have been accepted must register for the Congress and pay the registration fee by January 18th 2013. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the programme and the Book of Abstracts; • Abstracts can only be submitted using the online form. Abstracts submitted via email or fax will not be accepted. Venice is an extraordinarily beautiful city. Venice represents an urban landscape so rich in its lavishness that it can be overwhelming. It seems as if at each step you will encounter some aspect of the city worth admiring. The major sights like the basilica and piazza of San Marco are perhaps the city’s most famous. The Piazza San Marco is the hub of most activity, signaled from most parts of the city by the Campanile, which began life as a lighthouse in the ninth century. Venice’s lavishness and fantasy, the result not just of its remarkable buildings but of the very fact that Venice is a city built on water but a city created more than 1,000 years ago by men who dared defy the sea, implanting their splendid palaces and churches on mud banks in a swampy and treacherous lagoon. It is a treasure from the artistic and architectural point of view. Byzantine, Gothic and Renaissance are the principal reference points for the artistic development of Venice. C THE CONGRESS Poster Session with Cocktail The Poster Session will take place on March 13th from 18.00. Poster Authors should stand by their Posters for presentation and discussion. A cocktail will be served during this Session. 4 CME Accreditation Official Language Official Invitation The SEG 2013 scientific programme will be submitted for accreditation by UEMS English is the official language of the Congress. The Official Letter of Invitation can be printed from your personal area in the congress website. This invitation implies no obligation, financial or otherwise, by the Congress. V THE CONGRESS VENUE VENICE F FEES Registration Fees Registration fees* 21% VAT INCLUDED Until 26/10/2012 Until 18/01/2013 After 28/01/2013 Delegate € 500,00 € 650,00 € 750,00 Delegate (from Developing Countries WHO list) € 400,00 € 550,00 € 650,00 Residents, nurses and technicians (status to be certified) € 300,00 € 400,00 € 500,00 Accompanying person € 150,00 € 150,00 € 150,00 Registration Fee for the Delegate includes: Registration Fee for accompanying persons includes: • • • • • • • • • • • Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception Closing Ceremony Access to all sessions and exhibition area Congress kit Abstract Book/CD CME credits Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception Closing Ceremony Access to the exhibition area Social events participation Half-day Venice City Tour How to register Group registration Registration is only possible online filling out the registration form on the website If you are interested in a group registration (10 persons or more), please email the Congress Secretariat at for further information. Please note that no registration will be made without full personal contact details for each participant. Blank registrations are not allowed. R REGISTRATIONS *Cancellation policy for registration Insurance Refunds (less € 25,00 for taxes and administrative expenses) will be granted to delegates unable to attend. A written notice must be received by the Organizing Secretariat before January 15th, 2013. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after January 15th, 2013. All refunds will be issued after the Congress. The Congress Organizers will not accept any liability for personal injury, or loss/damage to property, belongings of meeting participants or accompanying persons, either during or as a result of the Congress or during their stay in Venice. It is, therefore, recommended that participants arrange their own personal health, accident and travel insurance. A The Hilton Molino Stucky The Hilton Molino Stucky is without doubt one of Venezia’s most impressive hotels. Originally built as a flour mill in the 19th century, the building has recently been restored and now boasts a spectacular rooftop pool and spa, the largest Congress Centre in Venezia and five contemporary restaurants and bars. The major attractions of Venezia are all easily accessible from Hilton Molino Stucky. It is only a few minutes by shuttle boat from the hotel to Piazza San Marco, the Basilica di San Marco, and the Doge’s Palace, and from here a short walk takes you to the Grand Canal, the Guggenheim Museum, and the Teatro La Fenice. The Rialto Bridge, halfway along the Grand Canal, is historically regarded as the heart of Venezia. From Hilton Molino Stucky you can easily reach the other islands of the Venezia lagoon. ACCOMMODATION Accommodation For your convenience, the Congress Organizers have reserved hotel rooms at various price levels and a great selection of standards. If you book the hotel through our system you can choose from the best hotels in Venice close to the Congress Venue carefully selected by our Organization. By booking one of our hotels you can have: • Breakfast included • Discounted and guaranteed rates; • Custom Payment methods choosing between booking by deposit or by full payment; • Payment by credit card through safe connection system. • Whether in case of “force majeure” the congress is moved to later date, your reservation will be guaranteed by the Organization; Rialto Peggy Guggenheim Museum Hilton Molino Stucky 5 10 Stefano Berti | graphic designer | | pza S. Marco 11 3
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