high performance innovation in firefighting
high performance innovation in firefighting
PHYSICAL PHYSICALPROPERTIES PROPERTIES FireFive®Encapsulator FireFive®Encapsulatorwetting wettingagent agent Mixing Mixingratio ratio Freezing FreezingPoint Point Nunnari•Rochira©2014 Nunnari•Rochira©2014 0,1 0,1%%÷÷0,3 0,3%%for forclass classAA 11%%÷÷3% 3%for forclass classBB -30 -30°C°C Kinematic Kinematicviscosity viscosityatat2020°C°C ≤≤5050mm mm2/s2/s Boiling Boilingtemperature temperature HIGH PERFORMANCE INNOVATION IN FIREFIGHTING 100 100°C°C STORAGE STORAGEAND ANDPACKAGING PACKAGING FireFive® FireFive®can canbe bestored storedwithin withinthe theoriginal originalsealed sealed containers containersatataatemperature temperaturerange rangebetween between––30°C 30°C and and++50°C. 50°C. AVAILABILITY AVAILABILITYIN INTHE THEFOLLOWING FOLLOWINGPACKAGES: PACKAGES: FireFive® FireFive®Encapsulator, Encapsulator,the thefifire reprotection protectionsolution solution that thatrespects respectsthe theenvironment environment •• 25 25ltltcan can •• 200 200ltltdrum drum •• 1000 1000ltlttank tank USABLE USABLEWITH: WITH: •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Fire Fireextinguishers extinguishersand andmobile mobileequipments equipments Deluge Delugefifirerefifighting ghtingsystem system Water Watermist mistlow lowand andmedium mediumpressure pressure Sprinkler Sprinklersystems systemswith withthe theuse useofofdynamic dynamicmixers mixers Cooling Coolingsystem system Hydrants Hydrantsfifirereextinguishing extinguishingsystems systems Fixed Fixedinstallations installations(monitor (monitorand andspears) spears) Distribuited Distribuitedby byZelig ZeligHI-TECH HI-TECHSrl Srl P.zza P.zzaFontana, Fontana,46 46• •74123 74123Taranto Taranto- -Italy Italy Tel./fax: Tel./fax:+39 +39099 0994532889 4532889• •Tel.: Tel.:+39 +39099 0994646452 4646452 E-mail: E-mail:zeligsicurezza@libero.it zeligsicurezza@libero.it VISIT VISITOUR OURWEBSITE WEBSITEFOR FORMORE MOREINFORMATION INFORMATION OR ORCONTACT CONTACTYOUR YOURNEAREST NEARESTDEALER DEALER www.fi www.firefi refive.eu ve.eu Eff Effective ectiveup upto to-30°C -30°C The Thenext nextgeneration generationwetting wettingagent agenttechnology technology designed designedtotoprotect protectPeople, People,Property Propertyand andEnvironment Environment FIVE PRODUCTS IN ONE 1 2 3 4 5 Micelle Encapsulator Heat controller Toxic and explosive gases controller Multi-purpose agent for class A - B fires Suitable for extreme weather conditions -30 °C Chemical, Oil and Petrochemical Industry • • • • • Protection of oil tanks Protection of structures and process equipment Protection of semi-finished and finished products warehouses Protection of power plant Protection of loading bay Metallurgical industry One product to extinguish multiple classifications of fire FireFive® is a new generation high technology wetting agent, composed by surfactant components and characterized by a high versatility of use in fire safety field. FireFive® embodies several properties that make it able to combine the wetting agents advantages (as defined by NFPA18 standard) with the advantages of a refined chemical interaction on the dynamics that are at the base of the fire combustion and propagation. Mixed with water in very small percentages, FireFive® • determines a considerable reduction of the boiling temperature of the water; • maximizes the production of steam, causing a rapid heat reduction from the fire source and a high speed fire suppression. FireFive® offers the simplicity of using one product to extinguish multiple classifications of fire, attacking all aspects of the fire tetrahedron. Benefits • Non-toxic • Water saving up to 50% • No environmental impact • Increase in visibility • Effective up to -30°C • It reduces release of toxic vapors and smoke • Shorter mixing ratio • Multi-use fire suppression agent for class A - B fires • In compliance with REACH regulation HOW FIREFIVE® WORKS APPLICATIONS • • • • Protection of coal warehouses and silos Protection of conveyor belts Protection of process systems Protection of explosion dust suppression systems Naval • • • • Protection of machinery spaces Protection of flight deck Protection of bilge Protection of life spaces (water mist low and medium pressure) Manufacturing industry • Protection of storage and production areas of textile, cotton, paper, plastic, wood and wood chips, tires. Forest • Extinguishing of forest fire • Forest fire retardant The innovative dynamics of FireFive® give the product high extinguishing performances that differ significantly from the common products of both class A and class B. 1 Reduction of water surface tension 2 Rapidity of cooling and heat reduction The water surface tension is reduced by approximately 3 times when additived with the FireFive® encapsulator. The reduction of the forces of molecular cohesion produces an immediate decrease of the water surface tension, giving rise to the fragmentation of the single drops into droplets of smaller size, which tend to lose their spherical shape, smearing on the surface with consequent increase of the wettability. FireFive® generates molecules able to quickly transfer heat to the surrounding water droplets that immediately vaporize, obtaining a high cooling effect. The vapor produced, in contact with the surrounding water, it cools and condenses, triggering a cyclical phenomenon of evaporation and condensation which absorbs a large amount of thermal energy. The rapid heat reduction prevents the spontaneous re-ignition, the temperature is lower than that of auto-ignition, favoring consequently times of fire extinction. 3 Encapsulation and neutralization of the hydrocarbons molecules FireFive® is capable to encapsulate and neutralize hydrocarbons molecules through the formation and maintenance of micelles. The non-polar ends protruding from the water drop, attract the hydrocarbon molecules surrounding them completely and creating some chemical enclosures containing inside the hydrocarbon molecule. These chemical enclosures are called micelles and having the same charge repel each other. The water that surrounds them, however, has positive charge. In this way it is obtained the consequent separation and neutralization of the hydrocarbon molecules that cease to emit flammable vapors in both liquid state and vapor state. 4 Interruption of free radicals chain reaction FireFive® inhibits the free radicals chain reaction by absorbing the energy released during collisions transferring it to the water. Therefore the energy of the system decreases and the interruption of the combustion process is achieved. The collisions of free radicals give rise to the formation of abundant black smoke, full of unburnt products extremely toxic. The interruption of the reaction involves, moreover, the reduction of smoke and toxic products of combustion. This leads to a significant increase in visibility and operational safety for fire brigades.