Wheeling the A - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America


Wheeling the A - Wisconsin Chapter, Model A Ford Club of America
Wheeling the A
The official newsletter of the Wisconsin Chapter
Model A Ford Club of America
Volume LVI
Issue 2
PO Box 26006 Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006
February 2015
For more information log on to www.model-a-wis.com
Volunteers for 2015:
Board of Directors 2015:
President: Mike Quam
Editor: Sue Quam 414-491-3260
Webmaster: Carl Doro 414-259-9692
Vice President & Awards:
Randy Kind 262-308-6036
Club Property: Al Downs 414-762-3731
Tool Keeper: Bill Storey 262-338-0452
Secretary: Dave Huenink
Distribution: Marilyn Brojanac
262-252-4340 marilyn@rodrian.com
Treasurer: Steve Lewis
Distribution: Lorraine Schultz
Club Photographer: Jo Lene Jannsen,
Peter Stauber and Steve Cloyd
Indoor: Karry Kultgen
Video Librarian: Ron Smith
Outdoor: Neil Besougloff
Club Historians: Bob & Karen Schmiechen
Fashion Articles: Diane Smith
262-628-3688 beadqueen09@gmail.com
Please send all Wisconsin Chapter
Correspondence to:
WI Chapter MAFCA
PO Box 26006
Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006
Paid Advertising: Steve & Debbie Lewis
262-573-9821 steve-n-deb@charter.net
Swap Meet Committee: Dave Boucher,
Bob & Kitty Schaefer, Sue Quam
Sunshine: Julie Larson
615-521-6811 jule64bug@gmail.com
Roger & Jan Olsen 262-554-7058
Jeff Bezotte 262-552-7715
It is the intent of the Wisconsin Chapter to serve as a medium of exchange of ideas, information, and materials for admirers of the
Model A Ford and Model A era fashions; to help those admirers become better acquainted; and to maintain among its members
the spirit of good fellowship and sociality through sponsored activities including the use of the Model A and family participation.
Advanced Timing Scheduled Events for 2015
Feb. 8
Wide World of Trivia - Hosted by the Morgans
Feb. 19
Technical Seminar - At Mail Truck Model A
8509 S. Howell Avenue, Oak Creek.7:00 p.m.
Feb. 22
WI Chapter Swap Meet
March 8
Bee Keeping - Hosted by the Schaefers
March 19
Technical Seminar - At Mail Truck Model A
8509 S. Howell Avenue, Oak Creek 7:00 p.m.
April 19
Spring start up tour– NEED HOST
May 17
May Tour –Steve & Deb Lewis
Family Dentistry
Robert G. Saur, D.D.S., S.C.
12690 North Avenue
Brookfield, WI 53005
Fax 262-785-0282
May 23-25 Memorial Day Overnighter to Baraboo– Dave
& Donna Boucher and Mark Ackermann
May 25
Memorial Day Parade– Bob & Barb Sonnen
June 7
Sharon Model A Day– Bob & Sandi Davisson
June 14
June Tour-Ed Schultz & Mark Ackermann
July 4
Fourth of July Greendale Parade– Dave
July 19
July Tour– NEED HOST
Senior Discount
July 24-26 WI Rapids Reunion—Karry Kultgen
**November thru March all indoor meets
are at
St. Aloysius Church, 1414 S. 92nd St, West
Allis, WI in the Gonzaga Hall, unless
otherwise noted.
It’s the Wide World of Trivia on February 8th,
1:30 p.m.
at Gonzaga Hall.
Your general trivia knowledge will be put to the test.
So put on your thinking caps and lets have fun!
Hosted by The Morgans
Technical Seminar - Thursday, February 19, 2015
Mystery seminar possibilities; replacing a front axle, installing a high compression cylinder head or
do you have a project you would like us to work on? Call Roger before seminar date, let's talk.
Bring Your Chair and Come Around 7:00 p.m. to
Mail Truck Model A
8509 S. Howell Avenue
Oak Creek, WI 53154
Questions? Tony Baudo - 414-762-7288, Jeff Bezotte - 262-552-7715 or
Roger Olsen - 262-554-7058
Volunteers Needed for
helping at our 50th Annual Greater Milwaukee Indoor
Winter Swap Meet at Washington County Fair Grounds
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Midnight or earlier
Marking spaces
4:30 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.
Vendor gate security outside
4:30 a.m.— 7:30 a.m.
Direct vendors
4:45 a.m.— 7:00 a.m.
Helping vendors unload stuff
4:45 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.
East and west door security
7:30 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.
Collect admission fee or attach wrist band to customers
7:45 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.
Greeters– see all who enter have wrist bands
2:00 p.m.— 4:00 p.m.
Clean up
Select your volunteer choice and contact Bob or Kitty Schaefer at
414-483-6539 to sign up.
10:30 am
3146 S. 27th St
March 8th, 1:30 p.m. at Gonzaga Hall, St. Aloysius Church
Don't BEE afraid! Come to the March 8th indoor meeting for a HONEY of a time. Join Bethel Metz as she
presents a program on honey bees. Learn how bees
communicate with each other, how hives are built,
maintained and cared for. We've all seen the hives on our various
tours in the countryside. Now get the real inside story.
Hosted by Kitty and Bob Schaefer
Karry Kultgen is recovering from an attack of pancreatitis.
Sally Kaufman is in the hospital and requests NO visitors.
Please notify Julie Larson with all sunshine needs. Call 615-521-6811 or email
Mail Truck Model A
Providing all of your Model A needs
8509 S. Howell Ave
Oak Creek, Wi 53154
Owner—Tony Baudo
We now offer shipping and Model A Service
MAY 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2015
Hosted by Dave & Donna Boucher & Mark Ackermann
This year our overniter is to Baraboo, Wisconsin, staying at the Best Western 725 W. Pine St.
in Baraboo. You must register under the Model A Ford Club. The average rate is $82.49 plus
tax per night including hot continental breakfast. To register call 1-608-356-1100 by 5/10/15.
We will have a pizza party at the motel on Saturday night. The banquet dinner will be Sunday night at the Pump House Restaurant. The total cost for the pizza party and the banquet
is $20.00 per person. Mail your registration by 5/10/15 to:
Dave and Donna Boucher
S77 W22620 Sunset Glen Dr.
Big Bend, WI 53103
Make checks payable to Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA
There are a lot of things to see and do in the Baraboo area. More details next month. Any
questions call Dave or Donna @262-662-2273.
“A” Note from the President
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I know we did, its always more fun with a
grandchild around. With the holidays behind us it’s time to look ahead at the club calendar. We still need help with our club swap meet at the Washington county fairgrounds.
If you can help out please contact the Schaefers and let them know what you can do.
This is our clubs big fund raiser of the year so the more help we get the more we all
benefit as club members.
The new board of directors is now in place and we have two new members, Karry Kultgen is our new
indoor chairperson and Randy Kind is our new vice president. We are glad to have them serving on
the board with us this term. I would like to thank Dave Boucher and Paul Piotrowski for their time
served on the board. Our new treasurer is Steve Lewis taking over for Paul, Dave Huenink is our
club secretary and Neil Besougloff is our outdoor chairperson and I am the president. I look forward
to another good year for our club.
We have two more indoor events planned for this season, then we are on to the outdoor events for
the season. We still need a host for our April tour so if you want to host the kickoff tour of the year
please contact Neil and let him know. There are still some open dates for the summer season so if
you have an idea for a tour you still have time to sign up. Looking towards the fall indoor season we
have open dates for all activities November 2015 through March of 2016 so feel free to contact Karry
and sign up for an event.
I think that’s it for this month as always if you have any questions or concerns call me anytime.
Picture taken from a
Facebook page,
Ford Model A Panel Trucks
Someone didn’t have a good day!
MAFCA Wisconsin Chapter General Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2015
Board Members Present: Mike Quam, Steve
Lewis, Randy Kind, Dave Huenink, Neil Besougloff Absent: Karry Kultgen
Mike Quam called the meeting to order at
1:30 p.m.
President – Mike – Mike thanked everyone
for coming and introduced the new board of
directors. We received the reciprocating
newsletters. We received a thank you note
from GiGi’s Playhouse for our $500.00 donation. Sally Kaufman is in the hospital. She
doesn’t want any visitors.
Vice President – Randy – We have one new
member – Jim and Samantha Clark.
Secretary – Dave – A motion was made by
Dave Boucher and seconded by Steve Lewis
to accept the minutes as written from the
December 14th meeting. The motion was put
to a vote and it carried. The application for
club membership renewal is in “Wheeling the
A” and to date 169 members have renewed.
Treasurer – Steve – A report of the revenue
and expenses from last month was given.
No revenue or expenses were turned in by
the membership.
Indoor – The upcoming indoor events
were reviewed. Topics
are needed for the indoor events this fall.
84 people have signed up for the banquet. This year’s entertainment will be a
murder mystery. Art and Sue Blazek are
handling the auction this year and are
need of auction items.
Old Business – Mike thanked Dave B.
and Paul for their service on the board of
New Business – There are 19 spots available for the swap meet. 195 spots have
been sold to 95 vendors. Bob Schaefer
asked for volunteers to work at the swap
Dave Boucher made a motion to adjourn
the meeting and it was seconded by Deb
Lewis. The motion was put to a vote and
it carried. The meeting was adjourned at
1:43 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Huenink
MAFCA – Wisconsin Chapter Secretary
Outdoor – Neil – The outdoor events for 2015
where reviewed and a signup sheet was
passed around. Dave Boucher talked about
the Memorial Day weekend overnighter to
Baraboo and passed around a sign up sheet.
Silk Suits
To Wear in Town
Harper’s Bazaar, June 1930
By Diane Smith
Louiseboulanger’s flat crepe suit, brown, pebbled in white, from Verben. It has more than
finger-length jacket with a narrow belt. The draped collar and the long flowing lines are
thoroughly Grecian in feeling.
Jay-Thorpe imports a Vionnet ensemble in flat crepe, the dress blue, the sleeveless coat
black lined with blue. The dress is slit open at the waist in the front and the top bloused.
Sunburst tucking marks the frock.
A three-piece printed chiffon suit from Kaskel and Kaskel-Dunlap, yellow, brown, black
and white in a vague pattern, the blouse a pale yellow. The wide bakou hat is bound and
has a velvet ribbon and a plait on one side.
’A’ Trip Back to February 1993
President – Bob Heinrich
Vice President – Dennis Haag
Secretary – Don Reiff
Treasurer – David Dohmeyer
Feb 13 – Board meeting
Feb 14 – Indoor meeting/trivia contest, we will have questions to test your knowledge of Model ‘A’
history, and general info while competing for prizes.
Feb 18 – Technical meeting. Location is at Our Glass & Trim Service Inc., N86 W16200 Arthur Avenue Menomonee Falls. They are one of our advertisers and will demonstrate glass and upholstery
cutting and fitting.
Feb 20 – Rapids planning meeting, plans will be made for this summer’s Rapids Reunion at Service
Motors in Fond du Lac.
Feb 20 – Swap meet space marking. Volunteers are needed to meet at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday to
mark spaces.
Feb 21 – Swap Meet, State Fair Park, chairman is Dave Dohmeyer.
Mar 13 – St. Patrick’s Day parade. Cars are needed for radio and television personalities. Call chairman Don Schoenke if you can participate.
Sunshine Report – Bill Leiden has recently had knee surgery, Bill Gillen was hospitalized, and Karlene Stillman recently spent time in the hospital. The Wisconsin Chapter would like to extend its
sympathies to Jim Stegner at the loss of his father.
Comments from the Prez (1993, Bob Heinrich)
Congratulations to Dave Boucher, Tom Burgermeister, and Ed Schultz for being elected to
the board. Thanks to Gary Gillen and Dennis Haag for their time on the board and service to
the Wisconsin Chapter.
The car show/swap meet lost $50 instead of making money. The main reason being the rain
storm before the show started.
The ladies pages, by Burdella Miller, included recipes for ‘Be Mine Brownie Cake’, and ‘Hug Me
Fudge’. (if you are interested in a recipe, email me and I’ll gladly send it to you.) Household hints:
the yolks of eggs, left over when baking requires the whites only, if dropped into a pan of boiling and
salted water will cook and be ready for a salad. To banish the odor of fish from your hands, rub
them with a mixture of lemon juice and salt.
Continued on next page…………………...
From ‘Loose Lug Nuts’ –
“Shocking Developments:” A few months back we reported about electric vehicle development.
Wire we concerned about electric cars? Soon we’ll all have electric vehicles at ohm. We’re just trying to generate some interest over current events and spark a little conversation. Stop showing resistance, this shouldn’t
polarize our club because its watts going to happen in the future. Soon we’ll all have to switch.
Electric cars will be part of the show car circuit. Don’t worry, you’ll have ample time to plug in and
then you can light the way.
Historical Events for February 1993:
2nd - Frito Lay pays court ordered $2,500,000 to Tom Wait for using his song.
3rd - Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott suspended for 1 year due to racist comments.
3rd - General Hospital's Tristan Rogers convicted of drunk driving.
3rd - Federal trial of 4 police officers charged with civil rights violations in videotaped beating of
Rodney King begins in LA California.
4th - Russian space agency tests a 82-foot wide space mirror.
5th - Grenade explodes in Sarajevo, killing 63 & injuring 160.
6th - 44th NHL All-Star Game: Wales beat Campbell 16-6 at Montreal.
7th - NFL Pro Bowl: AFC beats NFC 23-20.
7th - Pebbles Flintstone & Bamm Bamm Rubble wed.
8th - GM sues NBC, alleging that "Dateline NBC" program had rigged 2 car-truck crashes to show
that 1973-87 GM pickups were prone to fires.
10th - US officially backs peace plan in Bosnia.
10th - "Michael Jackson Talks To Oprah Winfrey" airs on ABC & drew an astounding 39.3 rating/56
share, 90 million people.
11th - Howard Stern's radio show begins transmitting to Rochester NY (WRQI).
11th - Janet Reno selected by President Clinton as US Attorney General.
17th - Haitian ferry boat capsize in storm, 800-2,000 die.
21st - 43rd NBA All-Star Game: West beats East 135-132 (OT) at Salt Lake City.
24th - 35th Grammy Awards: Tears in Heaven, Eric Clapton wins.
26th - 2nd tallest building in world, NYC World Trade Center bombed, 7 die.
26th - 9th Soap Opera Digest Awards - Days of Our Lives wins.
28th - Gun battle erupts near Waco, Texas at Branch Davidian compound after FBI attempts a raid.
Looking Back in the Rearview Mirror………….
The 2015 Model A Ford Club Custard Social was a great success, however, not quite as well attended as last year due to those darn Green Bay Packers who managed to win their way into the
playoffs and right onto the same schedule as the custard social....GO PACK GO! Carol and I would
like to thank everyone who helped because without them, the custard social would not be possible.
Thank you Ron and Eleanor Schneider of Leon’s Frozen Custard at the corner of 27th St. and Oklahoma Ave. for generously donating the VERY BEST FROZEN CUSTARD you will find any where.
Leon’s also gave us the hot fudge, those delicious buttery-salted pecans, caramel, strawberries,
cherries, dishes, spoons, even official Leon,s hats! Thank you again for your generosity.......I could
sure go for a Leon’s hot fudge sundae with pecans right now!
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped us you guys are great, you make it fun!.
Mark Ackermann – Custard Coordinator and Scooper Extraordinaire.
Mary and Harold Powell – Custard Delivery Department.....They’re Freaky Fast and guaranteed on
Mike Yokofich – Audio Visual Specialist (Flat screen TV to watch the Packer playoff game!)
Sandy Yokofich – Caramel Sunday Specialist.....ooooooo so warm n yummy!
Debbie Lewis – B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Yup, if you want bananas in you boat, she’s your gal!
Donna Boucher – Set-up assistance.
Olivia Yokofich and Alexia Powell – Clean-up Crew......Clean is what they do!
“Thanks to all” from the custard social coordinators:
Mark’s “Assistant Scooper” Dave Rozman and Carol Rozman – “The Hot Fudgenator”.
Classified ads, such as the ones seen here are free. To place your ad please contact the editor,
Sue Quam at 414-491-3260 or by emailing your ad to: wheelingthea@yahoo.com
Ads run for one month unless notified to run them again. Ads are due by the 15th of the month.
FOR SALE: 1930-1931 new left front USA steel stamped fender $475.00, right front
$475.00, left rear 350.00 these fenders are from Ohio, still in the boxes never used. Call
Roy @414-687-9371.
Please remember:
To contact the club secretary if you have change of address, email address or phone number!
To submit an article before and after your event.
Deadline to submit articles and ads is the 15th of each month
Check out www.model-a-wis.com for more pictures of club events.
For help in running an event call:
Jim Kummer 262-895-2897
Stan Larson 262-251-1655
Dave Boucher 262-662-2273
Call our technical advisers :
Roger Olsen 262-554-7058
Mike Brojanac 262-252-4340
New Membership Application
Address________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
City___________________________________________ State______________________ Zip_______________________
Phone(_____)_____________________ E-Mail_____________________________________________________________
Model A’s___________________________________________________________________________________
Send my newsletter via email________ or US MAIL__________
Dues for 2015 for the Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA:
Receiving the newsletter & roster via the internet is $20.00
To receive the newsletter and the roster via the US Mail (first class)
the dues are $30.00 New member applications are approved at the
monthly Board of Directors meeting, which is the second
Saturday of the month. You will receive a welcome letter upon
approval. Dues include membership only in the
Wis. Chapter MAFCA until the end of the current calendar year.
Send To:
Randy Kind
Vice President/New Member Chairperson
Wisconsin Chapter, MAFCA
PO Box 26006
Wauwatosa, WI 53226-0006
** 2015 **
Wheeling the “A”
Wisconsin Chapter MAFCA
Marilyn Brojanac, Distribution
N61 W15975 Beechwood Dr.
Menomonee Falls. WI 53051
Address Service Requested
For more information log on to www.model-a-wis.com