BRMC Sunday School Children - Barker Road Methodist Church


BRMC Sunday School Children - Barker Road Methodist Church
A Publication By
Barker Road Methodist Church
April to
July 2013
BRMC to Shine Forth for Jesus
for the Sake of the World
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14NIV)
BRMC Sunday School Children
Front Page
BRMC as House of Prayer
BRMC Sunday School
26 27 30 32 4
BRMC 57th Anniversary and Newcomers’ Lunch
Holy Week @ BRMC
BRMC as House of Salvation
12 13 14 16 BRMC Preaching Point in Bukit Batok Update
BRMC Indonesian Congregation Life Skills Course
BRMC Missions Trip to Cambodia
BRMC Returning Missionaries, William & Patrena
Teo’s Reflections
BRMC LCEC Retreat 2013
BRMC Discipleship & Nurture Ministry Seminar
on “Biblical Principles of Money Management”
BRMC Small Group Report
BRMC Small Group Retreat 2013
BRMC CAM/SD & Young Adult Ministry
—“Hold My Hand”
Special Features
33 BRMC Upper Room Service 6th Anniversary
35 BRMC 84th Company Girls’ Brigade @SCGS
37 BRMCK Update
BRMC as House of Compassion
19 BRMC Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry
Coming Events
BRMC as House of Bread
21 BRMC Upper Room Service 2013 Retreat
Uphill & Beyond welcomes article contributions on all
aspects of church life at BRMC.
Publisher: Rev Malcolm T H Tan
Editor : Corinne Teo (LMS)
Editorial Support: Dr Jeanette Hui, Mrs Sally Tan, Mrs Lee Tan Lynn
Photographer: BRMC Volunteers
48 Barker Road Singapore 309917 • Tel: 6256 4298 • Fax 6255 4030 •
Do you have a passion for writing? BRMC needs you!
If you are keen to contribute, do contact: or sms/call 96211974
A Publication By
Barker Road Methodist Church
to July 2013
BRMC to Shine Forth for Jesus
for the Sake of the World
2 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
The Pastor Speaks
Rev Malcolm Tan
Rev David Wee BH
Rev Daniel Terence
Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li
Rev See Swee Fang
at Bukit Batok
Preaching Point
Dear Members and Friends of BRMC
Greetings in Jesus Precious Name.
As I look at the many pictures and reports of BRMC programmes in the past few months in this, Uphill & Beyond
(April to July 2013) edition, the community and fellowship aspect of our church comes out very strongly. Many
people think that the church is a building or that it is an organisation with programmes in the name of God. Rather,
the scriptures point us to the church as a Congregation and Community, always gathering together in Jesus Name;
“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20 NIV). If we are to be a
Congregation and Community of Jesus Christ, our Living Saviour, then the fellowship aspect of church life must never
be neglected or forgotten.
How many friends do we have in church? Do we know the experience of Christian friendship? May God help us to
learn to make friends and to be a friend especially to those in the family of God: “Then those who feared the Lord talked
with each other, and the Lord listened and heard” (Malachi 3:16NIV).
May the Lord enrich your life and the life of your family with many genuine friends who truly fear and love the Lord.
Enjoy yourself reading this edition of Uphill & Beyond.
Grace and Peace
Rev Malcolm Tan o.s.l
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 3
BRMC 57th Anniversary and Newcomers’ Lunch
We celebrated our 57th Anniversary on May 19, which was also Pentecost Sunday. Rev Edmund de Souza, our
District Superintendent for District West (TRAC) was invited by Rev Malcolm Tan to preach at all our Sanctuary
services from Acts 1:1-8. His sermon on the boldness to witness and minister for God captured our hearts and
caused ripples of faith to arise in our congregation that day. Many stood up from their pews with eyes fixed upon
the Lord in response to the challenge by Rev de Souza to receive healing from the Lord for pains in their body.
After his passionate plea on their behalf for the outpouring of healing from on high, a majority responded by
affirming that indeed there was a significant decrease in their pain and many went home jubilant. Some members
were brimming in the heart to serve God more faithfully and several members approached ministry staff for more
prayer. We praise God for His grace upon us that day!
BRMC’s 8.30 Choir, with conductor Josiah Poh leading our congregation at the 57th Anniversary.
Rev Edmund de Souza
(TRAC District Superintendent West )
4 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC 57th Anniversary and Newcomers’ Lunch
BRMC hosted a Newcomers’ Lunch after the 10.30am service at Oldham Hall Dining Hall. As usual, visitors and
friends who have been attending BRMC over the last six months and new members of the church were invited to
meet the Pastoral Team and leaders of the church as well as to find out more about BRMC. We thank the Witness
& Evangelism Ministry for organising it. Here are photos of the event.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 5
Palm Sunday@BRMC
Report By Corinne Teo (LMS) Photos By Cecil Lee
On Palm Sunday Service (March 24), Rev Malcolm Tan preached from John 12:12-37 and Rev 7:9-17. His sermon
was entitled “We will have Palm Sunday in Heaven!” That day we sang: “Into the city I’d follow the children’s band,
waving a branch of the palm tree, high in my hand; one of His heralds…” from UMH 227 “Tell me the stories of
Jesus.” Indeed the BRMC children did just that and we were able to capture them doing so at the 10.30am Sunday
School (SS). Truly we look forward to the Day when we will be among the multitude waving Palm Branches in
Heaven “...from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They
were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. 10 And they cried out in a loud voice:
“Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (Rev 7:10 NIV) Here are colourful
photos of our SS children in action.
6 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
Maundy Thursday@BRMC
Report By Corinne Teo (LMS) Photos By Mr Aric
Paul Lee
Maundy Thursday service was in the BRMC Sanctuary on the evening of March 27. Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li preached
from John 19:1-16, leading the congregation to recognize the moral dilemma within the heart of Pontius Pilate
almost setting Jesus free from His impending crucifixion (Matthew 27:20-25). Pastor Chiu then led us into a prayer
seeking God for help should we face such situations in our everyday life. We joined in the prayer for inner resolve
and spiritual stamina to always be able to tell apart what is true and have the moral courage to do what is just and
right in a way that truly reflects the gracious character of God.
Receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday
Mrs Ho Shi-Ane at the piano
Giving with glad hearts
Singing the Hymn of Preparation
On our feet to sing the Hymn of Promise
BRMC Choir with the choral response
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 7
Good Friday@BRMC
Report By Corinne Teo (LMS) Photos By Cecil Lee
On March 29, Good Friday, the BRMC congregation rose to their feet and prayed in unison the Prayer for Freedom
in Christ UMH 360: “Gracious God, make me sensitive to all the evidences of your goodness; and may I, trusting
in You, free myself of the terror of death, and feel free to live intensely and happily the life you have given me.
Amen.” Rev Malcolm Tan, our Pastor-In-Charge preached from Numbers 19:11-13 and Hebrews 13:11-13 pointing
to Jesus as our ‘disgraced’ sin-bearer. He concluded his sermon by reminding us of the vision of BRMC as a gospel
lighthouse pointing others to the oasis of healing that is available in Christ Jesus. O God, may BRMC be true to that
vision. May BRMC be that redeemed and transforming community for fallen people who will find in Jesus Christ
their hope for tomorrow.
BRMC Families worshipping together
BRMC Couples and their children at the service
10.30am Choir led by Mrs Lim Cheng Koy
8 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
Mrs Joy Balakrishnan at the keyboards
Praying together with the Pastoral Prayer
Greeting each other warmly
Good Friday@BRMC
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 9
Sunrise Service@BRMC
By May Oon
BRMC’s Easter Sunrise Service is a much anticipated event for members and visitors. At 6.30am on March 31,
it began with Rev David Wee BH preaching from Luke 24:11 and 33-35, retelling the much-loved story of God’s
salvation plan for all humanity: the Lord Jesus dying for our sins and rising on the third day, which we commemorate
as Resurrection Sunday. We revisited many Scriptural verses together with Rev Wee, including Romans 12:9 and
Romans 8:31-32 to remind us of our confession of faith and the special status accrued to us because we believe
Jesus Christ’s taking upon Himself our sins, past, present and future. We also looked at Ephesians 4:8-9, Hebrews
1:14 and 2 Corinthians 5:21 to be reminded that Jesus Christ is our advocate and intermediary with God the
Father, that His love for us is an act of reconciliation. His love is totally inclusive! We also looked at John 15:7, John
16:24 and 1 John 1:9 to help us reaffirm in our hearts the continuous availability of God’s presence in our earthly
lives. What a wondrous celebration at Easter Sunrise! Praise be to God! Here are some pictures of the happy
Arriving to meet with the Lord at the Sunrise Service
Our Pastors praying together before the Service began.
On our feet for the Hymn of Celebration
Boys from the 12th Coy Boys Brigade joining the Sunrise Service
Saying the Congregational Prayer for Easter Morning together
Sweetly Singing the Prayer Hymn ‘In the Garden.’
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Sunrise Service@BRMC
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 11
BRMC Preaching Point at Bukit Batok (BBPP)
The Journey Ahead
House of Salvation
Report By Hui Mei Ling, Photos By Moses Goh
19 March 2011
The leadership of BRMC’s BBPP, together with representatives from their faith community, came together on
January 5 2013 to take stock of all our existing programmes and activities, and to seek God’s desire for the
preaching point for the year ahead. It was a meaningful time of honest evaluation of where we were as a church,
and three areas of strategic focus emerged: (1) building a stronger close-knit community that draws people to
Christ, (2) equipping the laity to grow and serve, and (3) reviewing our community outreach events. New initiatives
were also developed to support the journey for the year ahead. Here is the report on the retreat.
BBPP faith community at our church day retreat 2012
We praise God that we are into our 7th year of church planting. The path of growth in the past years has been a
formidable challenge. Yet, over and over again, we experience God’s visible hand of grace in our faith community, bonding
and strengthening us as one in the body of Christ. However, like a 7-year old who is getting ready for the next level of
growth, we are embracing God’s call that this may be a time for harvest – to gather fruit and bear fruit. We had spent six
years laboring in the field, establishing and building rapport with non-believers in the local community through our outreach
programs like Praise Kidz, Parents Fellowship,Tuition, social outreach and other joint MCYC-Oasis events. God is now calling
us to gather fruit by bringing to Christ the people whom we have been reaching out to. He is also calling us to bear fruit as
individuals by cultivating a Christian life that glorifies God, bearing the fruit of the Spirit. Our theme for the preaching point
this year is: Grow in Christ-likeness, Bearing Fruit in the Spirit.
To gather fruit, we are holding our second Chinese Alpha programme this July. We plan to involve the whole preaching point
at large, with people playing various roles, to support this ministry effort. And to cap this year of harvesting, we are planning
to hold a Christmas evangelistic worship service to draw more to Christ.
We are also excited that the preaching point is holding its first-ever overnight church camp this August at the City
Beach Resort near Labrador Park. Our congregation adults and youths will be actively saving up to meet the costs of
accommodation and meals. At the retreat, we will continue to impart the focus of growing in Christ-likeness and encourage
our people to use their ministry gifts to serve one another and those outside the faith community.
May God show us favour as we focus on harvest – bearing fruit and gathering fruit that has been planted over the past
God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot
fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
12 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Indonesian Ministry
Reaching Out with the English Language
House of Salvation
Our Indonesian Congregation hopes to reach out to Indonesian workers in Singapore, bringing them to Christ
and equipping them for God’s mission back home.Worship is conducted every Sunday followed by fellowship. Holy
Communion is served every second Sunday and there is Bible Study each 4th Sunday. In addition, Life Skills training
is conducted every first, second and third Sunday after worship. Here is a report by Famajati Sastro on the first
Life Skills training session on the English Language.
It has been an exciting and joyous journey as the Indonesian Ministry embarked on life skills courses starting with English
course in May 2012. We ran the course for about nine months, ending in March 2013.
The English course was very well received and attracted many newcomers. Unexpectedly, as a “side effect” of running
the course, the Indonesian congregation size grew by a large percentage over the past one year, with more members
committing themselves to come regularly every Sunday to learn God’s word as well as the English language.
We had an average of 10-14 course participants every Sunday.The course has also been welcome by many employers, who
feel that it benefits the communication with their domestic helpers.
It is not easy for the trainers to commit Sunday after Sunday to teach English to the workers, for so many Sunday afternoons,
but thanks be to God who gives us the strength to be faithful and press on in spite of the inexperience of running such a
course. “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:2 NIV)
Seeing the smiles on our happy course participants at the end of each training session is a reward by itself, as we trust that
the Lord has touched their hearts with our love.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 13
BRMC Missions Ministry
Cambodia Missions Trip
House of Salvation
In May 2013, Barker Road Methodist Church sent a team of 28 people to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to conduct
two Medical clinics at Prek Toal Methodist Church (PTMC) and Boeungkak Methodist Church (BMC) as well as
to conduct health education & de-worming exercises at the Methodist School of Cambodia. We saw the Lord at
work especially in providing a sizeable medical team of 5 doctors and 22 other members to staff the three days
of intensive activities and ministry as part of the BRMC’s on-going partnership with the Methodist Churches in
Cambodia. To date, this may be the biggest medical team the Lord has raised for an April/May trip. Here is the
report by Justin Low.
Apart from our usual medical clinic at PTMC we also set up a full-day clinic at BMC for the first time. This church, in
comparison to PTMC, was much smaller which posed a few difficulties for the team such as, crowd control and safety
management, available space for children’s activity, the dispensary and the consultation counters. We were very concerned
for the safety of the crowd as there was no space within the church compound for the locals to wait in line since the church
gates opened directly out onto the busy main road. Our initial plan was to have them wait in a small alley across the road
and we would guide them across the road.
14 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Missions Ministry
Cambodia Missions Trip
House of Salvation
However, when the day came for us to conduct the medical clinic we saw God’s providence in the form of the new nextdoor neighbour who moved in just the day before. Seeing what we were doing for the community, he agreed to let us use
his compound as a waiting area and children’s activity corner, a marked improvement from our initial plan. During our earlier
recce trip, we had met the previous neighbour who was living there. He flatly refused to allow us to use his compound as a
waiting area. But we found out this neighbour moved out the day before our clinic started! We were really amazed at how
the Lord worked within a single day which made a difference in the smooth and safe running of the clinic! In total, we saw
about 600 over patients and ministered to them through our medical services and prayers.
Truly, Praise the God who provides and makes
a way when things appeared impossible! Moving
forward, we pray that He will continue to open
up more new doors of opportunities for ministry
in Phnom Penh!
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 15
BRMC Missions Ministry
Reflections of Returning Missionaries
House of Salvation
William and Patrena Teo were BRMC missionaries supported by the church to the
Philippines from August 2008 to January 2013.They served with Youth With A Mission
in the Family Ministries and their role was to conduct training, teaching and leading
outreaches. They were in the Philippines with their two children, Isaac who is now
17 years old and Chloe, now 11 years old. William and Patrena are currently staff
of YWAM Singapore since April 2013. Both are currently serving in the Ministry of
Development, Community, and Care at the base.
Here are William’s two-page reflection over his five year missionary stint in the field
with his family.
Where We Were
Our Mission base, Baguio Training Center/Youth With a Mission
(Philippines) was located in Baguio, Northern Luzon, the Philippines.
We were staff with the Family Ministries Philippines (FMP) team.
What God Has Done Through Us
Training – To disciple the Nations!
Part of our responsibility in the Family Ministries was being involved in training families of different nations through
the Family Ministries School (FMS).
We staffed and co-led the FMS in 2008 and in 2010, helping families to be restored and equipped; which they in
turn, return to their homelands to bring restoration to other families.
YWAM Training School
Outreach Location: Mt Province
Family Ministries School 2008 Family Ministries School 2010
Dental Mission
Outreach Commissioning 2011
We also helped trainees integrate previous classroom studies with two months of field assignments after the lecture
phase was over.
16 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Missions Ministry
Reflections of Returning Missionaries
House of Salvation
Community – God’s love for us compels us to reach out to others!
Apart from training others, we also sought to help rebuild communities through tangible acts of love so that needy
families whom God had surrounded us with could experience the love of Christ.
Feeding Program – Student Sponsorship Ministry (SSM)
Serving meals at fellowship
Families from Community Beneficiaries of SSM
The Student Sponsorship Ministry (SSM) provides tuition fees, uniforms, books, and school supplies to needy families
in the community. The children from these homes are cared for, receive food and clothes, and have the opportunity to
go to school. We see sponsoring as a way we can change the world of one child …. for a better future!
The High-School Ministry
God opened the door for us into a public school on a weekly basis to help
young people hear the gospel, to know God, and to grow to be who God
wants them to be and to do what God wants them to do.
We also partnered with YWAM Frontier Missions (Serving Neighbors
Network) who is reaching out to youths and children-at-risk with the gospel
and demonstrating God’s love among them in the city of Baguio.
Many are from very dysfunctional families and some have even grown up
living and working on the streets while their parents were working abroad.
Ministry to Youths and Children-at-Risk
Jesus Heals!
Prayer of Reconciliation
Youths and Children-at-Risk
We taught simple topics like Love Languages, Family Systems to these youths to help them understand their home
situations better.
With the frequent disasters such as floods, typhoons, earthquakes in this nation, we had also partnered with other
missionaries and believers to bring medical supplies and necessities for the crisis relief work in affected places.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 17
BRMC Missions Ministry
Reflections of Returning Missionaries
House of Salvation
Super Typhoon Pepeng 2010 – Atok, Benquet Province, Northern Luzon
Devastated by the storm
Debriefing affected families Delivering relief supplies
We conducted a weekly Marriage Seminar and a Singles’ Seminar in 2012 every Sunday after church for the mainland
Chinese believers.
Experiencing God in Your Marriage!
The Sacred Singleness!
How much God has done in us and for us
We have seen God at work many times in our lives: changing us, using us, training us,
empowering us along this journey of mission work the past seven years. God has been so
faithful and gracious to use us. We too, have grown in our marriage and also in our personal
walk with Him.
Looking back, our hearts are filled with praise and thanksgiving for the great adventure that
God has brought our family through.
We want to thank our church, Barker Road Methodist Church, Rev. Malcolm Tan, the pastors, the LCEC, the Mission
Committee, the Member-care team, prayer partners and friends, for standing with us in our call to make “disciples of
all nations.”
All of these reports have been made possible by your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement.
To God be the Glory!
18 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry (OSC)
Lives changed forever because of Jesus!
House of Compassion
This testimony was written in 2012 by Irene Chua, a beneficiary of our Outreach & Social Concerns (OSC)
Financial Assistance and Care-Giver Programme. While her family benefitted from this programme 27 years ago,
it changed her life forever.
1st row (from left): Ms
Chua’s brother, Ms Irene
Chua, Dr Irene Kwee
OSC), Ms Chua’s mother,
Mrs KK Chow (Ms
Chua’s Care-Giver from
OSC) and Ms Chua’s
2nd row (from left): Ms
Chua’s husband, Ms
Chua’s niece, Ms Chua’s
two sons, Ms Chua’s two
nephews and Ms Chua’s
two sisters-in-law
I was brought up in a Taoist family. I had many questions about the offerings they prepared but I received no answers.
In January 1986, my father was diagnosed with liver cancer. He was only 44 years old. He went through intensive medical
treatment but passed away four months later. We were devastated. Our sorrows were made worse when my grandmother
blamed us for our father’s cancer at such a young age. As a result we were cut off from any financial help from my father’s
10 siblings.
My father had run a warehousing business. When he was in hospital no-one was present to run the business. His business
collapsed and he was declared a bankrupt. It left us without any money.
My mother had no choice but to go back to work, leaving my elder brother in secondary 3, younger brother in primary
4 and I in secondary 1 pretty much alone. But it was by chance she was able to secure the job as a baby-sitter. She could
bring this cute baby to our home and keep an eye on us at the same time. However, her pay was low and we struggled to
make ends meet.
My younger brother’s class teacher, Mrs Jennifer Lim (Mr Lim Siong Guan’s wife), came to know about our situation. She
arranged for her church members to visit and help us. During that time, the word “church” invoked fear and a sense of
“better not get involved with these people.” Very soon Mrs Lim brought a group over comprising of Mr Cheong Seng
Hock who was the then chairman of OSC, his wife and Mrs KK Chow (my Care-Giver from OSC).They took care of us
with monthly financial assistance and groceries. Not only that, we were invited to their church for parties and we sang
many worship songs, received Christmas presents and free medical treatment. Our impression was, “Why are these church
people so nice to us? Why are they so sincere and so caring?”They were such a contrast from my father’s siblings.
My English teacher, Ms Soh Chor San approached me in school one day and invited me to join her in a three-day church
camp at Sentosa. Those three days were really special. I felt God’s presence and so loved by my camp-mates and teachers.
I started to know more about God, learnt to pray and talked to Him. I know my father has passed away but I will always
have my Heavenly Father by my side.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures for ever.”
(Psalm 118:1 NIV)
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 19
BRMC Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry (OSC)
Lives changed forever because of Jesus!
House of Compassion
After I finished my education, I worked for Mrs KK Chow’s husband’s medical clinic for eight years. I now run a Nutritional
Health business with my friends.
I met my husband, Kent, at the age of 21. Although I had several suitors, I settled down with him because he is a Christian.
During our difficult years, many people have helped us. In turn, I wish to spread the Gospel truth to others. I give thanks to
the Lord for His saving grace.
My grandparents have passed away but I have forgiven them including my aunts and uncles. I continue to pray for my
mother, aunts, uncles, brothers and their families to receive Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
“If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven—I f there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight
of Christ for your sake.” (2 Corinthians 2:10 NIV)
Irene Chua, her husband and children worship at Covenant Evangelical Free Church in Woodlands. The Church is near her
block of flats.
Check out the church website: for more
about how you can be used by Jesus to change lives with our
Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry @ BRMC!
BRMC OSC’s mission is to carry out gentle Christian Outreach by providing financial assistance to needy individuals
and families.
They provide monthly cheques to needy individuals; educational grants to needy students; financial, emotional and
spiritual support to a group of individuals with HIV; and weekly Christian messages to a group of individuals at
the St Luke’s Eldercare Whampoa Centre. Several events are organised during the year to share the message of
God’s grace.
BRMC’s Outreach & Social Concerns Ministry also make it a point to train new and existing care-givers twice a
year. They encourage all congregation members to participate in OSC ministry outreach events and activities.
20 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Upper Room Service
A Community Attractive to God
House of Bread
The 2013 Upper Room Service Retreat from March 8 to 9 saw 57 participants purposefully gathered for their
respective appointments with Father God. Each had chosen to set aside precious weekend time away from loved
ones, work and business, to soak in the presence of the Father. Every attendee came craving for more of the Father
in their lives. There was a buzz of excitement in the air, as hearts were beating expectantly in anticipation of what
the Father would do. Here is a report of the event interspersed with testimonies and photos.
Retreat Lead Joseph Chean guided the group through being still (“let drop”) in the soaking presence of the Lord in
extended worship. In a posture of true worship, we gazed upon God’s beauty and opened ourselves to allowing Him to
have His way with us. Could we, the temple of the Lord, hold the weight of His presence?
Going deeper in communion with the Lord, we each considered what we wanted more, the fulfilment of God’s promises/
blessings or His presence. Moses in Exo 33:15 chose having God’s presence over His promises and blessings. We then
reflected on what it meant to be a community on which God’s glory and pleasure rest. Do we honour and respect
each other, attributing value to each other as God would, starting from our home? God is drawn to a community whose
members truly love each other in thought, word and deed – but how aligned to this are we?
As the Retreat drew to a close, each participant had been personally touched by the Lord Jesus, having spent time
connecting with, gazing at the beauty of and worshipping the risen King of kings and Lord of lords. Each had learnt to be
more comfortable in His ways, His presence and His perspective, as we aligned individually and corporately, for His glory.
Encounter – Breakthrough – Restore – Refresh
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 21
BRMC Upper Room Service
A Community Attractive to God
House of Bread
Upper Room Service 2013 Retreat Reflections
“Through the URS Retreat, I was touched by the Lord’s love for
me. Just soaking in His love and being embraced by Abba Father’s
presence brought joy and tears. It was a time to wait on God, a
mountain-top experience, away from the routine of life. As God
enlarges, the things of this world diminish.”(HN)
“I had this word ‘RELATIONSHIPS’ when
Ps Joseph Chean asked us to reflect. God
wants us to have a loving community, free
of gossips, envy and hurts, to develop
more caring and sharing. Together, at the
Retreat, the Holy Spirit led us to reflect
on Ephesians 4: 1 - 32. Praise God for
directing us towards being an encouraging
and supportive fellowship.”(EO)
“I wondered why everyone else could
hear God except me. I thought perhaps I
should kneel down and pray but I was too
self-conscious. Then, a line in a worship
song said to get down on our knees to
enter into God’s presence. When I did
that, I wept and felt a presence upon me. “
“As a community attractive to God”, I
was personally challenged by the word,
“Comfort Zone”. To welcome Him, is to
welcome a stranger with open hands and
hearts….I was reminded of the teaching
Jesus taught on “the least you do unto
another brother, you do unto me”. I am
personally challenged to step out of my
comfort zone and include other people,
new or old as how Christ would embrace
us, that is how I will play my part to make
URS a community attractive to God.
Indeed it was a most anointed time. I had envisioned seeing myself as a broken piece of rotten wood, yet God counted
me worthy, and as the retreat progressed, God revealed that He really wanted us to come to Him as He dwelt with
us, imperfect as we are. He didn’t need us to come to him in a polished shiny perfection but just as we are, and that
He really loved us just like that! (DT)
22 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
LCEC Retreat 2013
House of Prayer
By Timothy Kho
The air was filled with anticipation as the leaders of BRMC gathered in Wesley Hall on March 16 2013 for the
LCEC retreat. After the session was opened by our LCEC Chairman Mr Michael Tan, Ms Alfrin Soh led us in a
Spirit–filled time of impassioned worship. The leaders were captivated as the speakers, Rev Barnabas Chong and
Dr Tan Gee Paw, shared with us respectively about listening to God and the need to engage Him. Dr David Ng
also shared that the prayer ministry had discerned the following matters or needs from their regular sessions of
a. a unified altar or an undivided heart for our people
b. the calling together of our people for prayer and intercession and
c. the river of the Spirit to flow in our church.
At the end of the day, our PIC the Rev Malcolm Tan closed the session as he took stock of and interpreted the
journey of BRMC. It was a truly meaningful day as the leaders departed tired but filled with joy as they knew
they had encountered our risen Lord that day. Here are photos of the event with a personal testimony by Nancy
Hearts united in worship
Hearts united in prayer
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 23
LCEC Retreat 2013
House of Prayer
Hearts united, ready to be transformed...
My Insight from the Retreat - By Nancy Khoo
At the Retreat, I was very ministered to by the worship sessions led by Alfrin Soh and Teo Tow Yong. I felt God’s presence,
softening my heart and urging me to repent and reconnect with God. I was filled with a sense of renewed hunger for
intimacy with God again.
Rev Barnabas Chong shared how we should be intentional about maintaining an intimate and loving relationship with God.
The ability to hear God correctly is to be cultivated so that we can receive divine guidance, comfort and peace in our
personal walk with God.
BRMC’s Prayer Chairman David Ng reminded us of the need to restore our Altar to God by returning to God as our first
love; giving our hearts to God as an act of worship and to stand in the gap and pray for healthier spiritual hearts in BRMC.
David shared about the Vision of “The Hands On The Wall” from Joel 2 : 15-17 and we felt the need to pray by faith in unity
to guard BRMC’s spiritual ground . David also shared about re-digging BRMC’s Spiritual Wells of fruitfulness and we asked
for a new move of the Holy Spirit to make “en-flesh” dry bones again.
Dr. Tan Gee Paw pointed us to the fact that spiritual leadership must reflect a constant hunger and desire to engage with
God: to know God, to hear God and to care for the poor and needy so that they too can know God.
Our Pastor-In-Charge Rev Malcolm Tan shared with us these heartfelt thoughts:
1. That BRMC is a Spiritual Building ; constantly building up God’s worshippers through the 4 visions of BRMC as House
of Prayer, House of Salvation, House of Compassion and House of Bread.
2. That Barker Road Hill on which our church stands is the bedrock of the revival in the 1970s & 1980s, and we desire
earnestly for another revival to come to us.
3. That people remain fruitful in good and in hard times, leaning on God as we journey together.
4. That we choose to walk on the road that God is leading us, so that God’s light can shine in and for us in the darkness
in the land.
5. That we pray for fresh anointings as we minister in the Holy Spirit.
24 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
LCEC Retreat 2013
House of Prayer
Hearts united as One Body….
Left to Right: Rev Barnabas Chong, Mr Choe Peng Sum, Mr Michael Tan and Rev Malcolm Tan
Left to Right: Mr Teo Tow Yong, Dr David Ng, Dr Tan Gee Paw and Mrs Alfrin Soh.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 25
BRMC Discipleship & Nurture Ministry (D&N)
Biblical Principles of Money Management
House of Prayer
On Saturday 11 May, 35 persons gathered for the “Biblical Principles of Money Management” Seminar organized
by BRMC’s Discipleship & Nurture Ministry. The invited speaker was Mrs Lillian Ng, a former banker and financial
journalist. Church member Cynthia Yap writes on what she learnt during the seminar.
The key areas related to money management are giving, work, saving, investment,
debt, inheritance, prosperity and wealth and training of future generations. We
learnt that God is interested about our attitude towards money, the source of
our money and our usage of money (Proverbs 10:22). Some other areas we
also looked at were:
GIVING: To receive, we must first give. We can give to the church, ministries,
members of our family in need and the poor. “Honour the Lord with your
wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops, then your barns will be overflowing,
and you vats will brim over with new wine.” (Proverbs 3:9,10 NIV)
WORK: “...If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10 NIV)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, and
not for men.” (Colossians 3:23 NIV) “But Remember the Lord your God, for
it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth…” (Deuteronomy 8:18)
“Keep the Sabbath holy.” (Exodus 20:9)
SAVING: Economic cycles go from boom to recession then back again to
boom. Save 20% regularly. In Genesis 41:34, Pharoah commissioned to take
one fifth of harvest. “...he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.”
(Proverbs 13:11)
INVESTMENT: We are to avoid “get rich quick” schemes and invest only
in what we understand and are good at. We should invest to protect and
preserve capital/principle. “Do not wear yourself out to get rich, have wisdom
to show restraint.” (Proverbs 23:4) Be content.
DEBT: “If you fully obey the Lord… You will lend to many nations but will
borrow from none.” (Deut 28:1, 12 )
INHERITANCE: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s
children….” (Proverbs 13:22)
PROSPERITY/WEALTH: “Command them to do good, to be rich in good
deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” (1 Tim 6:18)
TRAINING FUTURE GENERATIONS: If you will not teach your children, others, sexual predators, loan sharks, gang leaders,
will. Therefore, teach your children righteous values and honest ways so they will not be tempted or go astray. “Fix these
words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them
to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and
when you get up. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your
children may be many in the land the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above
the earth.” (Deuteronomy 11:18 - 21)
One of the attendees shared that : “Biblical Principles of Money Management is very important for us. With the right
knowledge, we can be better managers of our own family’s resources and also be a better church steward.”
26 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Small Group Ministry (SG)
How precious it is to be in a Small Group!
House of Prayer
By Betty Ong (LMS ) & Low Kee Hong (LMS)
A small group that started at BRMC in April 1980.
In the previous SG article of our last issue, we featured the youngest adult small group in BRMC. This issue,
we present to you one of the oldest small groups in BRMC. We learnt that both the groups have strong bonds
nurtured by their love for God and for each other, and how they learnt to apply God’s Word into their lives. Many
emphasized how important it has been for them as they maintained strict confidentiality within the group. May the
words shared below bring encouragement to you and demonstrate how valuable it is to be in a small group.
“I was actually anti-Christian and did not
know about God till I came to the group.
The group has strengthened my belief
and helped me to organize my thoughts
on doctrines and answers to questions in
life. It reenergized me spiritually.” (Hi Lin
& Seh Boo)
Dr Chang Li Lian’s SG in session - all eyes on the Word with open ears
“We have been with the group
for 26 years. Attending weekly
meetings helped me in my spiritual
journey as it forced me to read the
Bible and prepare for each lesson.
It is very stimulating to hear the
different perspectives from one
another, and the group has very
strong bonds, like a family…loving
and caring.” (Irene & Kenneth)
“I have been attending the small
group for the last 18 years without
fail, every week. I came to the
group because I wanted a personal
relationship with God. This is the
best thing in my life, it taught me
to live by the Word and to serve
God.” (Siew Eng)
“My husband and I have been
meeting with this group for over
30 years. What is so special and
personally helpful over the years
was our close fellowship nurtured
by the deep sharing and prayer. We
questioned and learnt together
what the Bible is saying to us.”
(Linda & Robert)
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 27
BRMC Small Group Ministry (SG)
How precious it is to be in a Small Group!
House of Prayer
“The group has a great impact on
our lives. There is time for serious
thinking as well as for laughter. The
discussions have become very
important for us, it has reinforced
our faith. The love and care from
the group is transforming our daily
lives. Having people in the group
pray and support one another
is very important.” (Helen &
the learning never ends
“This group has helped to deepen
our lives in the Word. We have
grown older together, holding one
another’s hands studying, playing,
supporting and praying for one
another. We listen to one another,
walk with each other through tough
times and are drawn closer to God
through each other.” (Evelyn &
“We had our doubts, but the
lessons and discussions have guided
our personal and family life. Our
Christian life started here in the
small group. Now we are able to
defend our faith to others.”(Irene
& Tat Hong)
Li Lian imparts as she continues leading the group after 33 years
28 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
“We are a closely knit group as we
support each other directly and
indirectly, in health and in sickness. I
have learnt a lot as we have taken
turns to present and facilitate over
the years. Through the group, I am
no longer a Sunday Christian and
God is no longer merely the God
between the pages of the Bible. He
has become the centre of our lives
and of every decision we make. I
pray that our children will one day
have the same relationship with
God.” (Irene & Edmund)
“The group has made a huge
difference in our lives. When you
take the Bible seriously, it does
something wonderful to you. Many
of the people who were with the
group in the earlier days have
moved on, and some have started
their own groups. A few continue
to meet in this group while they
lead other groups. So, by God’s
grace, there has been multiplication
and growth.”(Li Lian & Ming Yu)
BRMC Small Group Ministry (SG)
Authentic Faith: Living from the Centre
House of Prayer
Forty-five BRMC Parish Facilitators and SG Leaders met in the Gallery Hotel on March 22 and 23, 2013 for a
Retreat, meditating on the theme, “Authentic Faith: Living from the Centre.” Key note speaker the Rev. Dr. Chiu
Ming Li was ably assisted by our LMS Betty Ong and Low Kee Hong.We were greatly encouraged by the presence
of many YAM leaders this year. Photos of the event are featured here with a write up by Andrew Yap.
Rev Dr Chiu Ming-Li, our keynote speaker
Dialogue and sharing at different tables
Patrick helping with the powerpoint presentations
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 29
BRMC Small Group Ministry (SG)
Authentic Faith: Living from the Centre
House of Prayer
3 generations of Small Group Leaders having a meal
Pastor Chiu stressed that living from the centre requires us to live an authentic life which is not superficial. Since God knows
our heart and what dwells there: Our pride, jealousy, duplicity and selfishness, He wants to reach deep into us to heal &
restore us. Only then can we live in such a way that our relationships and actions will be deep and authentic to ourselves
and the people around us.
Our lively LMS Betty Ong leading us in a song to wake us up!
30 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Small Group Ministry (SG)
Authentic Faith: Living from the Centre
House of Prayer
Look at her smile as YiTing shared with the everyone
Denise, Swee Hong, Richard and Leanne sharing a light moment
LMS Low Kee Hong responding to questions
Listening as Jeanne shared
Grace and Patrick chewing over some
points over dinner
Francis and Josiah used smart devices for
quick access to good theological information
Raymond shared his small group
As Pastor Chiu rolled out the 5-year plan for SG development and ministry vision, “Redeemed for Christ, Living for Christ”
a lively discussion followed on how this could meaningfully implemented. He explained the five concentric circles beginning
with the central circle as self. The self must be transformed by humbly submitting to God, and once transformed, we would
then be able to impact and encourage our next circle of influence, i.e., our families; then progressing to the other circles, our
friends, then communities, and finally our society/the world.
We thank God for the love, nurture and care provided by the pastoral team. We believe that God will continue to uphold
and enrich our SG Ministry. We are grateful that God’s presence will surround every SG as we seek to live out our divine
purpose. Indeed, we are redeemed by Christ so that we can live a victorious life, pleasing and serving Him.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 31
Creative Arts/Scriptures In Dance Ministry(CAM/SD) and Young Adults Ministry (YAM)
“Hold My Hand”
House of Prayer
BRMC Creative Arts Ministry (CAM) was invited to present a dance item at the recent Outreach & Social
Concerns’ Easter Tea Party for Beneficiaries held at ACS Oldham Hall on April 6. Both dance teams in CAM Scriptures in Dance team & young adults dance team - jointly presented an expressive dance to the Hokkien
song “Hold my Hand” by Malaysian Pastor Lim Gee Tiong, reminding us to trust in God in all circumstances as
God’s hand will always be there to guide and lead us. Choreographers for the dance were Dr Theresa Toh and
Mrs Pamela Phua. It is the intent of the ministry to support all other BRMC ministries and we seek your prayers
as God continue to open doors for CAM involvement in this endeavour. Here are testimonies from the event as
well as photos.
Hold My Hand
(Hokkien song by Pastor Gee Tiong
English translation by John X Chan)
Hold my hand, O, my Lord, Please don’t
leave me! Tis’ road, I still must go on, I need
You to accompany me.
Hold my hand, O, my Lord, Please don’t
leave me! Sometimes I’m afraid, Sometimes
I can’t find the way, Sometimes it seems I
cannot hear Your voice at all.
Hold my hand, Please be my companion,
Make my footsteps stable and firm.
Approaching Your doorsteps, Hearing Your
voice, Saying to me, “Come in, My child!”
“I always love the Christian Hokkien song ‘Hold my hand.’ I felt very
blessed and privileged to be able to dance to this beautiful song on
3 separate CAM events. This is indeed God’s assurance and promise
to me that He will always hold my hand in different seasons of my
life. When I trust in Him, He will never leave not forsake me. I am
truly blessed and honoured to be able to bless others through our
expressive dance. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your love and
faithfulness.” (Jane Ng)
“Several church members told me that it was wonderful watching
Scriptures in Dance and young ladies from the Young Adult Ministry
dancing together, and so beautifully in our contemporary and
expressive dance, at OSC Easter Tea Party yesterday. Many thanks
and praise to God for anointing Pam and Theresa in choreography
and teaching.” (Yvonne Foo)
“When I first heard of this Christian Hokkien song, I felt so sad. I also used to cry every time I listened or sang this song
as it reminded me of my loved ones and friends who were sick, down and in despair. I was therefore hesitant when
asked to work with Theresa to choreograph dance steps for both SD ladies and our young adults, to jointly present
a dance at OSC Easter tea party. It was such an amazement that the expressive dance steps touched me and I felt
assured that with God holding my hand at all times, I do not need to fear and be sad. I was also happy to note that
many attending the tea party felt ministered by our dance. I thank God for inspiring Yvonne to have an inter-generation
dance with our young ladies partnering our matured SD ladies, dancing steadily unto the Lord.We truly enjoyed and
were much encouraged by our young ladies at our dance practices and presentation.” To God be the Glory!
(Pamela Phua)
32 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC Upper Room Service (URS)
We are 6 years old!
Special Feature
March 25 marked six wonderful years of God’s goodness and faithfulness
to us as an Upper Room Service congregation. We give thanks for how the
Lord has brought us together asa community to worship and seek Him in
the Upper Room; a place where God’s manifest presence is welcomed each
time we gather.Through worship, song, dance, testimonies, and the celebration
brunch, we rejoiced on this happy occasion. Here is a report of the event by
Valerie Wee with photos.
During the service,Rev Daniel Terence Yeo shared a powerful sermon entitled “Choosing Light or Darkness” based on 2
Timothy 3:1-5which warns of terrible times in the last days. However, he showed us that through the death of Christ on the
cross, our ‘old man’ was crucified with Him; so we can take comfort from Titus 2:11-14 which speaks of the grace of God
that offers salvation to all people. This enables us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled,
upright, and godly lives in this present age, as we wait for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our God and Saviour,
Jesus Christ.
It was a good reminder that despite the ever increasing evil we see around us, as individuals, we can still choose light instead
of darkness because of all that Christ has done for us on the cross.
Besides God’s faithfulness to us corporately as a congregation, there was also a time of sharing of personal testimonies from
our members testifying how God had protected some from being deceived and walking down the wrong path that could
have led them away from God.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 33
BRMC Upper Room Service (URS)
We are 6 years old!
Special Feature
What birthday party would be complete without a time of food,
fellowship, our URS Sunday School children performing, sheer fun with
games/quizzes, and of course,cutting the birthday cake? Our very own
URS emcees – Nicholas, Douglas, and Gayle took us down memory lane
over the last six years. We recognise clearly how His hand has been upon
our service, and as we give thanks for those who have been faithfully
serving and blessing our community.
The URS Committee preparing to cut the birthday cake!
Presenting…the many faces of URS …
Our Children
Our Adults
34 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
BRMC 84th Company Girls’ Brigade @ SCGS
84th Company
Special Feature
The Girls’ Brigade’s mission statement is ‘Every girl a Leader, Every Officer a Servant Leader.’ At The Singapore
Chinese Girls’ School, the 84th Company has many significant activities with learning and serving opportunities.
This year they were able to fly their company colours with the appointment of Ms Jayne Lim as Captain. We
continue to seek your prayers in thanksgiving to the Lord for opening the doors to the school, for bringing in the
girls as recruits and the officers and volunteers. May God keep the officers sustained and passionate in this ministry
for His glory and the girls continuing to grow and learn in GB!
From L to R Seated:
Ms Iris Sin (LMS), Ms Priscilla Tan, Ms Sally Tan, Mrs Evangeline Chong (Officer-In-Charge), Ms Jayne Lim (Captain), Rev David
Wee BH, Ms Shermaine Tang (Vice-Principal), Mrs Ivy Chia, Dr Wong Su-Ni, Ms Corinne Teo (LMS) and Ms Kon Mei Leen.
Receiving our company Colours at the GB Awards Ceremony.
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 35
BRMC 84th Company Girls’ Brigade @ SCGS
84th Company
Special Feature
Ms Euleen Goh, our Guest-of-honour inspecting the parade.
Marching in of the Colours at the Enrolment service.
The 84th Singapore Company Girls’ Brigade is pleased to announce that we have been awarded our very own Company
Colours at this year’s GB Awards Ceremony. Being awarded the Colours is a recognition of the maturity of the Company. In
addition, with wonderful support from the church and school, we received our second consecutive gold Company Award.
We flew our Colours proudly during our third Annual Enrolment Service and Parade on May 4. God’s faithfulness to us
through these past three years was certainly apparent to us as we enrolled 27 new recruits at this service, thus bringing
the total enrolment to 90 girls. Indeed, we praise and thank Him for his blessing over the company and look forward in
anticipation of more years of His goodness.
36 • uphill & beyond • April to July 2013
Barker Road Methodist Church Kindergarten
BRMCK Update
Special Feature
In the cover of our issue this quarter, we feature proudly our children from the 10.30am service Sunday School.
However here in this page we showcase pictures of our Kindergarten children participating in the many educational,
developmental and spiritual experiences organized by the team of passionate teachers and principal of BRMCK.
We invite you to pray for the children in the kindy, the teaching and support staff, that they may continue to
persevere in the good work God has called them to do!
BRMCK Easter Parade
BRMCK Fire Drill
BRMCK 1 Excursion to ‘Health Zone’
BRMCK 2 Excursion to ‘Bolly Veggie’
April to July 2013 • uphill & beyond • 37
18 April 2013
6 July 2013
Master Toh Kei Soong
13 July 2013
Master Dylan Chan Wai Jin
Ms Rachel Eng Kaining
Master Ryan Eng Kok Jun
Ms Mikaela Ong Kay Lin
Master Elkan Yap Juay Kiat
Ms Edith Yap Woon Jiat
14 July 2013
Master Samuel Ong Wei
Ms Kathleen Ong Hui Xin
21 July 2013
Mr & Mrs Cheong Chung Kin, Jason
Mr & Mrs Christopher John Furness
14 July 2013
Ms Tan Zhenying, Jessica
Ms Kang Soo May, Suzanna
Mr Lee Yaw Loong
Dr Tan Lian Tin, Lorraine
Mdm Lian Hin Fang
Mr Jason Cheong Chung Kin
Ms Woon Lai Har
Ms Karamjeet Kaur Sandhu
Ms Chua Whee Ching, Karin
Mr Lee U-Jin
Dr Lee Shu Jin
Drs David Ong Eng Hui
Ms Cheam Li-Shenn
Mr Eng Teng Suan, Nelson
Ms Maisy Kwan
Ms Cheam Li-Shenn
Mdm Wong Ping
Ms Yam Wen Xuan,
Ms Baldev Kaur Sandhu
Ms Zhang Jiang
Dr Bernard Lau
18 July 2013
Drs David Ong Eng Hui
Master Liew Tee-J
Ms Low Xinyu, Jordan
Ms Soo Ngit Wah
13 July 2013
Mr & Mrs Felix Chan Poh Lam
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Eng
Mr & Mrs Nicholas Eng
Drs Ong Kian Chung
Mr & Mrs Yap Wee Yeow
Mr & Mrs Yap Wee Yeow
Ms Cheong Mei Kei,
Victoria Kelly
Master Scott Ethan Furness
18 July 2013 Mdm Wong Ah Seem
Mr & Mrs Toh Yiu Kwong
Mr & Mrs Liew Jeh Pin
Mr & Mrs Low Ming Yang, Zachary
Dr David Ong Eng Hui
21 July 2013
Dr Marc Ong Weijie
Mdm Yip Yin Pheng, Eunice
Ms Kang Wanshi, Winny
Ms Li Xiang
Mr Khoo Hon Kiat, Timothy
Mdm Elsie Low
Mr Lim Keng Lian
Ms Tann Lay Kah
Mr Liew Jeh Pin
Mr Khoo Beng Hwee
(B) By Confirmation
7 April 2013
(A) By Baptism & Confirmation
20 April 2013
Ms Amanda Yap
Ms Foong Audrey
Ms Audrey Wong Yien Yi
28 July 2013
Mr Jason Cheong Chung Kin
Dr Tan Lian Tin, Lorraine
Dr Bernard Lau
Mr Eng Teng Suan, Nelson
Ms Tann Lay Kah
Ms Li Xiang
Mdm Elsie Low
Mdm Lian Hin Fang
Ms Wong Ping
Ms Kang Soo May, Suzanna
Ms Chua Whee Ching, Karin
Mr Liew Jeh Pin
Dr Marc Ong Weijie
Ms Kang Wanshi, Winny
Ms Ong Yin Xuan, Zeyz
28 July 2013
Ms Ng Pei Shiung, Jasmine
Ms Ellissa Easita Sayampanathan
Mr Anthony Chiam Hing Yan
Mr Yong Yuk Seong, Darren
Ms Chia Hui Juan, Myra
(C) By Transfer From Other Methodist Churches
Transferred from
Mrs Ong Kim Siong, Juliana
Wesley Methodist Church
Ms Ting Ai Nguek
Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church
Mr Jeffrey Kwek Tse Yong
Wesley Methodist Church
Ms Yap Foong Chan, Jaclyn
Aldersgate Methodist Church
Ms Baldev Kaur Sandhu
Ms Wong Man Chit
Ms Francine Chia Siew May
Mr Chua Christopher
Denis Jiehan
(D) By Transfer From Other Denominations
Ms Ong Shan Yi
Mr Leon Chua Kee Thye
Ms Clarissa Nah May Yen
Mr Reto Caviezel
Transferred from
St Hilda’s Church
Full Gospel Assembly
Full Gospel Assembly
St John’s - St Margaret’s Church
(E) By Transfer to Other Methodist Churches
Mrs Fam Oi Wah, Amy
Mrs Polly Hwang
Transferred to
Faith Methodist Church
Trinity Methodist Church
Enzo Wong Jen Kai
11 June 2013
Dr & Mrs Reuben Wong Yik Pern
Mr Brendan Ang Yit Beng & Ms Tiffany Tan Beizhen
Mr Joshua Tong Tien Sheng & Ms Shereen Yeo Hui Ling
Mr Lee Wei Kong & Ms Chen Xiaoli
Legend: *
S = Solemnisation
B = Blessing
 Frances Hwang & Tong Choon, Michelle & Benjamin, Bianca & Choon Hiong, Sara & Lambert, Jian Jia and their families on
the passing away of their mother/mother-in-law/grandmother/grandmother-in-law, Mrs Helen Hwang, on 28 March.
 Caesar, Jessie, Matthew and Mirabelle Tan on the passing away of their aunt/grandaunt, Ms Yeoh Siew Huah, on 31
 Mdm Ng Lee Hwa, Christina and Agnes Chang on the passing away of their husband/father, Mr Chang Tee Yang, on 4
 Mrs Pat Lau , Mr & Mrs Lau Chin Loong and family, Dr & Mrs Lau Chin Hoh, Mdm Lau Szu Min and Mr Tony Ng and
family on the passing away of their husband/father/father-in-law/grandfather, Mr Lau Kieng Hwee, on 24 April.
 Mr Look Yep Sang, Ms Look Ru Shin, Mr Wong Lien Chen on the passing away of their wife/mother/mother-in-law, Mdm
Ngo Chu Ghim, on 25 April.
 Ms Iris Sin on the passing away of her grandmother, Mdm Lim Kim Choo, on 5 May.
 Gracia Lim, Alvin Quek, Ansel, Alphus, Abner and Asriel on the passing away of their mother/mother-in-law/grandmother,
Mdm Wong Fong Kew, on 11 May.
 Mrs Irene Mah, Ms Mah Puay Boon, Ms Mah Puay Hong, Catherine & Kim Sen, Geoffrey & Geraldine and their families
on the passing away of their husband/brother/father/father-in-law, Dr Mah Guan Kong, on 24 May.
Upcoming Events
3, 10, 17, 24, 31
5, 12, 19
5, 6
6, 13, 20, 27
9, 16, 23, 30
13, 20
14, 21
BRMC Wednesday Mandarin Worship Service
BRMC Prayer & Praise
BRMC 24hr Prayer Watch
BRMC Saturday 5pm Service with Holy Communion
BRMC Mandarin Ministry Alpha Course begins
Creative Arts Ministry Meeting
New Small Group Leaders’ Training
GYM Bible Study & Handicraft
GYM Bible Study & Mellowtones
Positive People Ministry: Bible Study & Handicraft
Alpha Course Intro Lunch
BRMC Small Group Sunday
Ablaze –Hearts United God Exalted Worship
Alpha Course begins with Lesson 1
BRMCK Concert
GYM Get – Together
Positive People Ministry Monthly Lunch & Fellowship
2, 3
2, 16, 23
3, 10, 17, 24, 31
3, 10, 17
4, 18
6, 13, 20, 27
7, 14, 21, 28
BRMC 24Hr Prayer Watch
Prayer & Praise
BRMC Saturday 5pm Service with Holy Communion
GYM Bible Study & Handicraft
GYM Bible Study & Mellowtones
Creative Arts Ministry Meeting
BRMC Wednesday Mandarin Worship Service
BRMC Mandarin Ministry Alpha Course Weekend Retreat
Positive People Ministry: Bible Study & Handicraft
BRMC Indonesian Congregation National Day Evangelistic Service
GYM Get – Together
Positive People Ministry Monthly Lunch & Fellowship
Ablaze –Hearts United God Exalted Worship & Prayer
1, 15
3, 10, 17, 24
4, 11, 18, 25
6, 13, 20
6, 7
7, 8
7, 14, 21, 28
7, 14
GYM Bible Study & Mellowtones
Creative Arts Ministry Meeting
BRMC Wednesday Mandarin Worship Service
Prayer & Praise
BRMC 24hr Prayer Watch
BRMC W&E Alpha Weekend Away
BRMC Saturday 5pm Service with Holy Communion
GYM Bible Study & Handicraft
Positive People Ministry: Bible Study & Handicraft
GYM Get – Together
Positive People Ministry Monthly Lunch & Fellowship
Ablaze – Hearts United God Exalted Worship & Prayer
BRMC Indonesian Ministry Outing