the calculating machine of blaise pascal
the calculating machine of blaise pascal
PHILIPS 102 TECHNICAL British THE CALCULATING VOLUME REVIEW MACHINE Crown Copyright, OF BLAISE Science Museum, 24 London PASCAL 681.14(091) The digital electronic computer PASCAL in Philips Computing Centre has been given this name in honour of the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal I), who in 1642, at the age of eighteen, designed a calculating machine at Rouen. His obj eet with this machine, which became known as the Pascaline, was to ease the burden on his father who, as a tax official, had a great deal of figure work to do. Although in the later years of his short life (Pascal died in 1662, almost exactly three hundred years ago) he was mainly concerned with other matters, he nevertheless had more than 50 models made of his machine 2), each being an improvement on the preceding ones. In 1645 he presented one to Chancellor Pierre Séguier, through whose good offices he obtained in 1649 a royal privilege on his invention; in 1647 he showed one to Descartes; in 1652 he finally arrived at a form that satisfied him; he sent one machine to Queen Christin a of Sweden, and another he demonstrated personally to a distinguished gathering in Paris successfully, to judge from the poetic effusion of a contemporary 3). 1) W. Nijenhuis, The PASCAL, 2) a fast digital electronic computer for the Philips Computing Centre, Philips tech. Rev. 23, 1-18, 1961/62 (No. 1). -It should be mentioned that according to some, the name is an acronym derived from Philips Automatic Sequence CALculator. P. Humbert, L'oeuvre scientifique de Blaise Pascal, Albin Michel, Paris 1947, p. 56. One model of the Pascaline dating from 1652 has been well preserved and is to be seen at the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris. The title photograph is of a replica in the Science Museum in London. The Paris Conservatoire has three other machines; all four bear the arms of the Pascal family (see fis. 1). Various mechanical aids to arithmetical work, such as the time-honoured abacus and the graduated rods invented by Napier in 1617 (Napier's "bones"), were already in use before Pascal's machine. But Pascal went an essential step further, in that his machine contained a discontinuous mech- 3) Muse historique, Loret, of 14th April, quoted in footnote 2), page 57). 1652 (see the book "Je me rencontrai l'autre jour Dedans le petit Luxembourg, Au que! beau lieu que Dieu bënie Se trouva grande compagnie, Tant duchesses que cordons bleus, Pour voir les effets merveilleux D'un ouvrage d'arithmétique, Autrement de mathématique, Oil, par un talent sans égal Un auteur qn'on nornme Pascal, Fit voir une spéculative Si claire et si persuasive, Touchant Ie calcul et Ie jet, Qu'on admira Ie grand projet. 11 fit encor sur les fontaines Des démonstrations si pleines D'esprit et de subtilité, Que Pon vit hien, en véri té, Qu'un très beau génie il possède Et qu'on le traita d'Archimède." 1962/63, No. 4/5 CALCULATING MACHINE anism - the "sautoir" - for automatically carrying over tens, etc., in adding operations (fip,. 2). This is the basis of all digital techniques and the logical consequence of the digital or positional system of writing numbers. Pascal's contemporaries were aware of the potentialities of his idea. Speaking of the "machine arithmétique" his sister Gilberte expressed it thus 4): "This accomplishment has been regarded as something new in nature, to have reduced to a machine a science that belongs entirely to the mind, and to have found the means of performing all operations with complete certainty, without the need for reasoning". People felt a kind of uneasiness or amazement about the Pascaline, such as many of 4) Pascal, Pensées Hachette, Paris et Opuscules, 1945 (p. 10). éd. par L. Brunschvicg, OF BLAISE PASCAL 103 us feel today about automation, which seems capable, through the use of electronic computers, of taking over our whole function of logical thought. Gilberte Pascal, incidentally, went on to say: "This effort tired him very much, not because of the brainwork or of the mechanism, which he found without any trouble, but because of the difficulty of making the workers understand all these things". Indeed one may assume that the realization of Pascal's invention was seriously hampered by the fact that the schooling and probably the equipment of the instrument makers at that time were inadequate for making such intricate devices with the necessary precision. No model of the Pascaline seems to have worked for long without faults, and the manufacture of calculating machines on a commercial scale had to await the perfecting of the mechanism and a general improvement in the standard of engineering. a b Photo Fig. 1. One of the four models of Pascal's calculating machine preserved in the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, Paris. This model, like various others, was designed for the addition of money up to 1 million livres. For this purpose six decimal places are available, plus a seventh place with 20 units for the sous and an eighth with 12 units for the deniers. (The same division, into pounds, shillings and pence, has persisted in Great Britain up to the present day.) The divisions can clearly be seen, on the removed cover (b), on the eight selector discs which serve for setting the digits to an amount to be added. It is worth noting that even the earliest calculating machines demonstrate in this way that digital compnting is not tied to the decimal system. The binary system 1) employed in electronic compnters is just another variant. Conservatoire des A rts et Métiers, Paris The machine is operated by inserting a peg in each of the eight selector dials and turning the dial through successive stops. The number thus set, and the result of the addition when the next number is set, appear in the sight holes in the cover, below which rotate the figure wheels seen in (a). The carry-over of the tens (and the twelves and twenties) is auurmatic, Subtraction is done by pushing down the bar above the sight holes which carries the eight "register" wheels, thus exposing the top halves of the sight holes, in which there now appear the figures in the reverse sequence (the complements respectively of 10, 12 or 20). A number is set and subtracted by turning the selector dial in the same direction as for addition. Pascal devised this method because his automatic carrying device, the "sautoir", worked only in one direction (see fig. 2). 104 PHILlPS TECHNICAL }Y./I. Photo Science VOLUME REVIEW Museum, London Fig. 2. Mechanism for automatic carry-over in Pascal's calculating machine. The drawing is reproduced from the Diderot and d'Alembert Encyclopedia, Paris 1752-1777. We have added the letters printed in red, for denoting components. The mechanism (the "sautoir") works roughly as follows. The drawing in the middle shows all components for one digit; the selector dial is seen on the cover, at the right, and the figure wheel. or drum is on the left, under the cover. The movement of the dial is transmitted by two pairs of gear wheels (pin wheels) via the shaft A to the figure wheel. The middle pin wheel B on this shaft serves for carrying over the tens. In the top drawing can be seen the pin wheel Bl for one digit and the pin wheel B2 for the next higher digit. Towards the end of a full revolution of BI the two pins Cl engage the two teeth of the doubly-bent lever Dl turning about the spindle A2 and lift the lever. When Bl has completed a full revolution (i.e. completing a ten) the pins Cl release the teeth of DI' tbe lever drops and a pawl El on the lever pushes the pin-wheel B2 one step further. This is made clear by the bottom drawing, which shows the components from the other side. The arm of pawl El hinges on the spindle FI and is lifted by the leaf spring Gp so that when Dl drops, the pawl can engage a pin on B2 whereas during the lifting of Dl (and also when B2 is turned independently) the pins are free to slide off along the arm of El' A catch H2 prevents B2 from being dragged in the wrong direction when Dl is lifted. 24 Some stages in this further development of calculating machines may usefully be mentioned. In Britain, in 1666, Morland built a calculating machine (two examples of which are preserved in London) which, compared with the Pascaline, represented a step backwards. The machine worked on the same principle - the adding of figures by successive rotations of a kind of selector dial through discrete angles but there was no automatic carrying device. In 1672 Leibniz began work in Hanover, and later In Paris, on a calculating machine based on a new idea, the "stepped gear", which could also perform multiplication and division. He worked on this for many years helped by various instrument makers. It was not until 1694.that his first machine was completed, and even then seems never to have been reliable in operation. This machine is still at Hanover, and a replica is in the Deutsches Museum in Munich. In Padua in 1709 Poleni utilized the same principle as Leibniz and a novel, highly effective conceived mechanism for the automatic carryover - virtually the same construction is still used in mechanical counting mechanisms today, such as mileometers, gas and electricity meters, etc. A wooden model of his machine so disappointed Poleni, however, that he destroyed it. A machine built in 1727 by Antonius Braun fared better. Embodying a device similar to that used by Leibniz and Poleni 5), this machine (jig. 3) was put together with great care and precision - Braun was apparently both inventor and craftsman and gives the impression of having worked well although it does not appear to have been easy to operate. After numerous other intermediate stages the first calculating machine to be manufactured on a commercial scale appeared in 1820; this machine was designed by Charles Xavier Thomas of Colmar and remained on the market, with few modifications, for almost 100 years. 5) J. Nagler, Beschreibung des Antonius Braun, geschichte, No. 22, Vienna 1960. der Rechenmaschine Blätter für Technikpp. 81-87, Springer, 1962/63, No. 4/5 CALCULATING MACHINE OF BLAISE PASCAL 105 Fig. 3. Calculating machine made by Antonius Braun in 1727. It was intended as an aid to surveying work, and could add, subtract, multiply and divide. Whether it worked satisfactorily is not known. The photo shows the machine without the cylindrical side panel that protects the mechanism from dust. The top plate, with the setting levers and figure dials, bears a Latin inscription in which the maker ("Opticus Et Mathematicus") humbly dedicates the instrument to the Emperor Charles VI. The instrument can be seen in the Technisches Museum für Industrie und Gewerbe at Vienna 5). Photo Fig. 4. Sketch of W. Schickard's calculating machine, taken from his letter to Kepler of 25.2.1624. The text referring to the machine reads (translated from the Latin): "I shall outline the arithmetic apparatns in more detail another time; being in haste the following must suffice: aaa are the top ends of vertical cylinders, on which are written the multiplications of the figures, and those [multiplications] which are necessary can be seen through the sliding windows bbb. Fixed on the inside to ddd are gear wheels with 10 teeth, that mesh with one another such that if any wheel on the right turns round ten times, the wheel to the left of it turns round once; or if the first-mentioned wheel makes a hundred turns, the third wheel turns once, etc. To wit, [they all do this] in the same direction, for which purpose an ~ ~ identical intermediate wheel It was necessary. ??i: Any inte~med~ate wheel. s.ets all to .the \V left of It 111 motion, In the requisrte proportion; but none to the right of it, which called for special measures. The number on these wheels is visible through the holes eee in the centre ledge. Finally, the letters e on the bottom ledge denote rotary knobs and the letters f are again holes through which figures used when working can he seen." ~ D Teelmisehes Museum, Vicnna This account of the earliest history of the calculating machine cannot be closed without mentioning that a few years ago Hammer and v. Freytag-Löringhoff 6) discovered a predecessor of the Pascaline: the hebraist, astronomer and mathematician Wilhelm Schickard at Tübingen had already constructed in 1623, i.e. 20 years before Pascal, a calculating machine with automatic carry-over of tens which could apparently add and subtract (even alternately, which was not possible with the Pascaline) and which, moreover, had a device that facilitated multiplication and division. In two letters to Kepler, dated 20.9.1623 and 25.2.1624, Schickard reports and describes his invention (fig. 4), and on the basis of this description and a sketch found in the papers Schickard left behind, a reconstruction has been made of the machine. Unlike Pascal however, Schickard evidently did not arouse the interest of his contemporaries in his machine. A second, improved model which he had designed was destroyed by fire before completion, and probably also because of the war at the time and his death soon after (he and his whole family died of the plague in 1635), his invention was immediately forgotten. S. GRADSTEIN 6) B. v. Freytag-Löringhoff, *). Wiederentdeckung und Rekonstruktion der ältesten neuzeitlichen Rechenmaschine, VDINachrichten 14, No. 39, 21st December 1960 (p. 4). *) Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven.