Elena Demetriou


Elena Demetriou
November 2015
Issue 2
Editor’s Message
Dear all,
I hope you all enjoyed our 1st Issue of the PASCAL Herald and am very excited about presenting issue
number 2 to you.
Inside this issue:
Our Staff
Expert Advice
House Captains,
Central Pupils
Council & Library
Our Prefects
School Play Cast
School News
My Story
The Sport Review
Boarding School
This issue is dedicated to the people behind the scenes and aims to introduce important members of the
school, pupils with posts of responsibility and teachers, in light of the upcoming parents-teacher
meeting. Countless selfless, devoted, creative and gifted teachers invest limitless time and energy in
designing and implementing lessons to meet the unique learning needs of our pupils so for all those
parents who may not have met their child’s teacher yet, we have “put a face to the name” for you!
As we are now in the mid-semester phase it is important that teachers and parents work together and
show mutual understanding in order to make our children better and productive citizens as we are the
most important people for our children’s education. This issue will offer advice on how parents and
teachers can help each in an effort to give our children their own share of world. And later on, let’s celebrate their achievements together.
School life is not only about learning and teaching. In this issue you will see that many things exciting
events have taken place, enriching our school experience and keeping all of us alert and full of enthusiasm. School elections, Houses elections, school clubs, trips, events and happenings have given us the
opportunity to relax and enjoy other aspects of our school life. We are all most grateful to all those who
spent so many hours in preparation of these events and congratulate them all for the excellent outcomes. Let’s not forget that “People rarely succeed, unless they have fun in what they are doing”. In the
pages of this issue I am sure that you will see how much our pupil and staff enjoy their school life!
Elena Demetriou
School Publications Coordinator
20 November
Hidden Talents’ Semi-Final Evening
7:30pm @European University
21 November
Parents-Teachers Meeting
03 December
2nd PSHE/ Club Session
11 December
Last Day of Lessons
Last Day of Sports Section Training
14-23 December
First Semester Exams
24 December-6 January
Christmas Holidays
7 January
Back to School
Issue 2
Page 2
“put a face to the name”
The Management Team
Mrs Ariana Milutinovic
Principal, Educational Adviser &
International Baccalaureate
Diploma Coordinator
TOK Teacher
Mrs Nectraria Hadjisergis
Senior Mistress
responsible for Extracurricular
Clubs & IB CAS Coordinator
English Teacher
Mrs Chrystalla Constantinou
English Teacher
Mrs Christiana Efthymiou
Senior Mistress responsible for
Upper School
Head of Sciences Department
Mrs Caroline Yenovkian
Senior Mistress
Boarding School Liaison, Alumni
Representative, IB Assistant
Mathematics Teacher
Mr. Petros Kyprianou
Senior Master
responsible for examinations &
optional subjects
Science Teacher
Mrs Maria Vassiliou
Senior Mistress responsible for
Lower School and All Day School
English Teacher
Mr. Marios Kalapodas
Senior Master
responsible for the Athletic Section
Ηead of P.E Department
Issue 2
Page 3
Computing Department
Mr. Panayiotis Kafkarkou
Head of Computing Department
Mrs Elena Demetriou
School Publications Coordinator,
IB CAS Advisor
Mrs Louiza Michael
Ελληνική Σχολή ΠΑΣΚΑΛ Houses
Mrs Constantina Agrotou
Physical Education Department
Mrs Alexia Skouridou
Assistant Head of P.E. Department
Athletic Psychologist
Mrs Eleni Papaconstantiou
Head of Year Λυκείου
Ελληνική Σχολή ΠΑΣΚΑΛ
Mr. Antonis Antonopoulos
Head of Year Γυμνασίου
Ελληνική Σχολή ΠΑΣΚΑΛ
Sciences Department
Mrs Sophia Michaelidou
Assistant Head of Sciences Department
Mr. Chrysanthos Chrysanthou
Mr. Loukas Ierides
Mrs Andrea Aletra
Mrs Androniki Kloni
Mrs Nadia Ioannou
Mrs Photini Karamani
Head of Years 1 & 2
Issue 2
Page 4
Languages Department
Mrs Marina Spyrou
Head of Languages Department
English Teacher
Mrs Rebecca Apostolidou
Apollo House Mistress
School Play Producer
English Teacher
Mrs Aphrodite Eliopoullos
Head of Year 4
French Teacher
Mrs Louiza Loizou
Assistant Head of Languages
English Teacher
Mr. Nikolas Hadjiyiannakos
Senior Master
Ελληνική Σχολή ΠΑΣΚΑΛ
Greek As Second Language Teacher
Mrs Donna Demou
House & CAS Coordinator
French Teacher
Mr. Pantelis Charalambous
English Teacher
Mrs Maria Botonaki
English Teacher
Mrs Effie Archontides
English Teacher
Mrs Andria A. Bowen
English Teacher
Issue 2
Page 5
Mathematics Department
Mrs Poppy Demetriou
Head of Mathematics Department
Mrs Andrea-Maria Pagdati
Mrs Constantina Constantinou
Assistant Head of Mathematics
Artemis House Mistress
Mr. Andreas L. Andreou
Mr. Christos Charalambous
Mr. Antonis Antoniou
Mrs Maria Vriki
Demetra House Mistress
Arts Department
Mr. Andy Metaxas
Head of Year 5
Apollo House Master
Art Teacher
Mrs Eleni Skoulia
Head of Arts Department
Art Teacher
Mrs Eleni Papadopoulou
Music Teacher
Issue 2
Page 6
Social Sciences Department
Mrs Stella Kaissidou
Head of Social Sciences Department
Economics Teacher
Mrs Emmelia Constantinou
Demetra House Mistress
History Teacher
Mr. Panayiotis Kkailas
Economics Teacher
Mr. Andreas Kallouris
Accounting Teacher
Modern Greek & Classical Studies Department
Mrs Marina Constantinou
Head of Modern Greek & Classical
Studies Department
Mrs Maria Ioannou Zapiti
Head of Year 3
Mr. Thomas Papathomas
Head of Year 6
Poseidon House Master
R.K .Teacher
Mrs Yiannoula Kattirtzi
Mrs Andri Papageorgiou
R.K .Teacher
Mrs Maria Pantziari
& Mrs Skevi Mesimeri
Issue 2
Page 7
Expert Advice
Article: Parents & Teachers
“Partners in Crime”
Parents and teachers share the same goals of helping pupils learn, develop, and function in a healthy way academically, socially
and emotionally. Research findings have proven that when home and school work together, everybody reaps benefits from this
collaboration: pupils achieve higher grades and perform better in every activity that they get involved in, complain less about their
homework, attend school more regularly, and as a result parents feel more involved and informed about their children’s wellbeing
and performance, and argue less with them about studying (e.g. Schoon, 2015). At the same time, teachers have more positive
attitudes toward themselves and towards school life, are more willing to get involved in all the school’s activities and develop a
real close relationship with their pupils.
In order for a parent-teacher partnership to be established effort on both sides is required in order to develop a relationship of
trust and equality. Note that the biggest barrier in this relationship is the power struggle; each and every member has a lot to
offer as the teachers are the experts in the science, and the parents are the experts in how to “fine-tune” and tailor the school’s
work in their home, with their children.
Establishing parents and teachers partnership
Tips for teachers:
Have a record for each child’s effort and performance. This will help you have a clear understanding of each child’s needs,
when at the same time this record will be your evidence for your specific concerns. This record has a clear use, to ensure both
parents and teachers are seeking ways to help their children.
Give parents the opportunity to know about classroom activities, exams, assignments or other more creative activities like
school performance and fun activities. Do not hesitate to call a parent to inform him/her about something you have noticed
or something you want to suggest. This gives parents a sense of familiarization and an opportunity to seek more information
about their child’s performance.
“Be ready to collaborate, not attack or defend!” In general teachers have a reputation for being the “bad news bearer” in
order to help pupils do better; this is perceived by parents as a way to place the blame on them or their child. Start with the
good news, what the child can do well, what the child can achieve and what his/her most important barriers are.
Issue 2
Page 8
Expert Advice cont.
Article: Parents and teachers:
“Partners in crime”
Tips for parents:
Introduce yourself. Use every opportunity given by the school to introduce yourself and how each of your child’s teachers can
reach you. Give your child’s teachers the freedom to contact you and share what they are thinking about your child’s school
Ask! Prepare a list of questions you want to ask your child’s teachers based on his/her performance and wellbeing. Ask about
how to meet learning and behavioral expectations, how to complete effectively homework assignments, how to develop
basic learning skills and improve his/her performance.
Volunteer. Volunteering in your child’s school can take many forms based on your abilities, knowledge and free time. Provide
your support to the school in every way possible, from taking part in a fun activity to getting involved in decisions about the
school policy.
“Be ready to collaborate, not attack or defend!” Offer a compliment or a thank-you to your child’s teachers; it is really important for them to know that you appreciate the effort made for your child’s development. Always remember, you are partners “in crime”, and your purpose is not to focus on your child’s difficulties and feel that the blame is on you, but to find,
through collaboration, a way to help your child get the most of the school experience.
Chara A. Demetriou
Licensed School Psychologist (#230/270),
PhD Student, Clinical Psychology,
University of Cyprus
Canter, A. (2014). NASP Toolkit: Practical Resources at your fingertips.
Clark, L. (1996). SOS: Help for Parents (2nd Ed.). Parents Press.
Curwin, R. (2013). Parents and teachers: The possibility of a dream team. Retrieved from: www.edutopia.org
Schoon, I. (2015). Let’s work together: Towards interdisciplinary collaboration. Research in Human Development, 12(3-4), 350-355.
Issue 2
Page 9
Meet the pupils
House Captains
Following the House elections held on Wednesday 30th
September 2015, the House Captains for the academic year 2015
-2016 are the following pupils: for the House of Demetra Louiza
Paraskevaidou 6A and Andreas Constantinides 6C, for the House
of Poseidon Christina Ioannou 6C and Michalis Achilleos 6A, for
the House of Apollo Antrea Ttofalla 6C and Constantinos
Christodoulou 6B, and for the House of Artemis Korina
Neophytou 6A and Philip Efthymiou 6A.
Congratulations are in order to the new House Captains. We are
all excited to see the great work you will do this year for your
Mrs Donna Demou
PES House Coordinator
Our library
It was created in the academic year 2005-2006. A
Central Pupil Council 2015/16
significant number of students and teachers have visited
the library since then.
The library contains a wide
Thomas Gennias 6B
selection of documents in printed and electronic format.
Vice-President :
Katerina Kourouklari 6IB
This collection has been available on-line since
Christodoulos Savva 6C
Chrystallo Andreou 6IB
Assistant Treasurer:
Nikolas Sourkounis 5IB
Panos Miltiadous 1A
Emmanouel Demosthenous 2B
Judy Naisseh 3A
Christos Constantinou 4B
Maria Demosthenous 5A
Stelios Kiliaris 6B
Anna Hadjinikolaou 6B
November 2008. [http://libweb.lib.pascal.ac.cy/]. This
year’s assistants are:
Thekla Lambri -3A
Andreas Koulermos -5C
Andriani Shoupashi -6A
Mrs Constantia Kamberi
School Librarian
Issue 2
Page 10
Meet the pupils
Prefects Year 5 - 2015/16
Afxentiou Irene 5B
Manoli Georgia 5B
Christoudia Myroulla 5B
Mavri Gavriella 5B
Constantinidou Emmanouella 5IB
Pantelides Nikolaos 5B
Demetriou Myria 5IB
Pilava Andrea 5B
Fasouliotis Constantinos 5A
Pitsothanasi Eva 5B
Ioannide Freideriki 5B
Shakalli Elina 5A
Koupepidou Rafailia 5IB
Sourkounis Nikolas 5IB
Koursari Nikoletta 5IB
Stephanou Anna 5IB
Prefects Year 6 - 2015/16
Andreou Chrystallo 6IB
Kallis Evripides 6B
Psaltis Vlasis 6B
Artaka Evita 6A
Kenti Michalia 6B
Psara Despina 6C
Athanasiou Mikaella 6B
Kiliaris Stylianos 6B
Sergiou Demosthenis 6A
Christodoulou Con/nos 6B
Koullapis Kyriakos 6IB
Skordou Christina 6IB
Diakourti Constantina 6B
Kourouklari Ekaterini 6IB
Solomou Alexis 6IB
Efthimiou Philippos 6A
Kourouklaris Constantinos 6IB
Soupashi Andreani 6A
Gavriel Eleana 6C
Kouroushis Stephanos 6IB
Spanos Daniel 6B
Hadjicharalambous Eleni 6IB
Louca Demetris 6C
Tserioti Styliani 6C
Hadjimichael Antonis 6B
Onoufriou Evi 6C
Ttofalla Antrea 6C
Hadjinicolaou Anna 6B
Panayis Andreas 6C
Tzika Eleni 6IB
Ioannou Maria 6IB
Papacharalambous Andrea 6IB
Varellas Leonidas 6B
Janjic Jovana 6A
Paraskevaidou Louiza 6A
Issue 2
Page 11
Miss Bell
Antonia Kattou 4A
Miss Sherman
Irene Kattou 4A
Carmen Diaz
Alexandra Bjornstad 3A
Iris Kelly
Anna Stephanou 5IB
Serena Katz
Eleana Gavriel 6C
Nick Piazza
Philip Efthymiou 6A
Schlomo Metzenbaum Nikolas Sourkounis 5IB
Tyrone Jackson
“The Boys”:
“The Girls” /
Stephanos Gavrielides 4B
“At the New York School for
Performing Arts, a group of teens
and young adults audition and embark on a journey to achieve their
goal of 'fame'…”
Myrona Mus 4A
Michalia Kenti 6B
Mark Aiupov 6A
Maria Ioannou 6IB
Vasilia Kizouridou 3B
Antonis Hadjimichael 6B
Kristie Xenopoulou 5A
Jovana Janic 6A
Constantinos Christodoulou 6B
Theodosia Italou 6C
Judy Naisseh 3A
Savvas Savva 6A
Styliana Tserioti 6C
Kristi Sanchez 3A
Solonas Georgiou 5IB
Panayiota Papaioannou 6B
Chryso Pitsillide 5B
FAME Chorus:
Make up:
Antigoni Soteriou 5IB
Depsina Psara 6C
Corina Neophytou 6A
Eleni Demosthenous 5B
Nikoletta Koursari 5IB
Elena Lyssandrou 4B
Andriana Charalambous 1B
Irene Afxentiou 5B
Corina Pitta 6A
Nassos Thalassinos 6A
Loucas Alexandrides 6A
Alexia Aspri 1A
Christie Toumazou 1B
Demetris Louca 6A
Myria Demetriou 5IB
Daniel Spanos 6B
Kyriacos Koullapis 6IB
Maria Mitsinga 5A
Evripides Kallis 6B
PASCAL School Play Team:
Director: Mrs Rebecca Apostolidou
Scenography: Mrs Eleni Skoulia
Producers: Mrs Marina Spyrou & Mrs Louiza
Thank you to ALL who showed an interest in this year’s production!
Issue 2
Page 12
1st Clubs Session 20/10/15
Lots of delicious treats produced by the
pupils in the Cuisine & Healthy Eating
Club. 
The 5IB Nicosia Dog Shelter Collection Week (26-30 October)
was extremely successful. Lots of goodies for pupils and staff
and their dogs were on sale. Well done everyone! 
A glimpse of what was going on in our
Sports Clubs: Racquet and Tennis, Sports,
Football and Water Polo. 
On October 28th, PASCAL English School Lefkosia proudly participated in the parade commemorating Oxi Day, the anniversary of General Ioannis Metaxas' flat denial to the Italians' request
for free passage to invade Greece. 
Year 5 pupils and teachers enjoying their school trip
in the picturesque village of Kakopetria. 
Year 6 pupils and teachers on their school
trip relaxing in Limassol Marina. 
Years 3 & 4 pupils on their school trip enjoying a stroll along the Finikoudes beach in
Larnaka with their teachers. 
Issue 2
Page 13
Lots of talent on display at the Hidden Talents' Semi Final auditions held on Thursday 5th November 2015!
The following pupils have passed on to
The HIDDEN TALENTS Evening Semi-Finals:
 Xenia Demetriou-2A
 Anastasia Kalli-2B
 Styliana Georgiadou, Marita Chira, Danae Finiri-2B, 2A
 Alexandra Bjornstad-3A
 Mirona Mus- 4A
 Melissa Menelaou, Chryso Pitsilide-5A, 5B
 Irene Afxentiou, Frideriki Ioannide-5B
 Philip Efthymiou, Eleni Tzika, Christina Skordou-6A, 6IB
 Ekaterina Stefanova-6A
 Styliana Tserioti, Constantinos Christodoulou, Maria Ioannou-6C, 6B, 6IB
 Thoma Gennas-6B
Semi-Finals will be held on the 20th November at 19:30
at the European University Cultural Center
Happy Hour!
Happy Faces!
PASCAL Education
Lefkosia teachers and
staff night out. 
Issue 2
Page 14
Thank you to everyone who attended our BBQ on
the 16th October and helped make it such a success!
Many thanks to all those who helped in the organisation, our schools' Parents and Guardians Associations and all the sponsors. The event was a great
success full of entertainment, food and drink for all
and it was clear that all those who attended had a
great time. The money raised will be donated to the
Institute of Genetics and Neurology in memory of
Judith Toufexis.
Issue 2
Page 15
The Road to the BBQ
Since the very beginning of August, a hopeful group of students began thinking about what the school’s annual BBQ (formerly
known as Fun Day) would be like this year, since this responsibility falls on the graduates of our school, the Year 6 pupils.
Needless to say that throughout the 3 months of preparation for the event, a lot of incidents occurred. What we had to face,
amongst other things, was endless hours of designing posters, along with ‘angry’ teachers whose lessons we skipped, finding
sponsors to cover the costs of the event, working on and painting all the décor for the event and organizing the games and
activities, along with so much more behind-the-scenes drama. By September, the tasks and responsibilities were timeconsuming and demanding, but we managed to work together as a team, and everything started falling into place. Every single student from our year group took on a task, and of course many of the teachers assisted and guided us throughout the
entire process.
Finally, by October, everything was almost ready, and with only a few hours to go before the event, we saw all of the past
months’ hard work taking shape right before our eyes in our central school yard. Together, the year 6 students and the amazing teachers who took part in this journey with us were overcome with satisfaction, joy and pride. With a record turnout of
over 1000+ attendees, our hard work had paid off, and an incredible amount of money was raised for charity. It is definitely an
experience I will never forget!
Phillip Efthymiou
Issue 2
Page 16
On the 8th of October our athletes- basketball players, football players, swimmers,
water polo players and track and field pupils
attended a lecture given by the school Nutritionist Mrs Nicoleta Michaelidou. 
Dr. Costas Schizas visited our school on the 12th
October to talk to our Athletic Section pupils regarding supplementation & doping issues. 
Well done to all the IB pupils and year 4,5 & 6
pupils who took part in the Running for Hope
Race on the 4th October! Very proud of our
IB pupil Solonas Kyprianou who came in 2nd
out of over 200 runners! 
The Athletic Section of
Lefkosia PASCAL schools
ΑPOEL welcome on its
campus the UEFA Europa
League Trophy! Pupils of
the football athletic section had a chance to have
their photo taken with the
trophy! 
Constantinos Christodoulou (6B) was awarded the
fittest boy award 2015-16
following the fitness competition that took place on
Sports Day. Every year the
name of the fittest boy &
fittest girl is engraved on a
shield. 
Our Sports Day took place on the 15th October. Many students
were involved in a variety of activities making this day very interesting. Congratulations to all students and of course to the P.E.
Department for organizing such a great day. 
Issue 2
Page 17
Our boarders at the museum on the 31st October! Thank
you Mrs Maria Zapiti, Head of Year 3 for the inspiring time 
Boarders in paintball action! 
Breakfast in the school’s cafeteria. 
Our boarders' active participation in Sports Day! 
Muffins baking time! 
School’s BBQ night! 
An afternoon meeting at the boarding facility with the Principal and the Senior Mistress
in charge of boarding pupils’ affairs. Great
exchange of ideas and useful feedback! 
PA S CA L E ng l i sh S c h o o l L ef ko s i a
177, Kopegchagis Street
2306 Lakatamia
Tel: +357 22509000
Fax: +357 22509090
Email: info@pascal.ac.cy
URL: www.pascal.ac.cy
We are on the web:
Facebook Page:
PASCAL English School Lefkosia
You Tube Channel Link:
PASCAL Schools
Please feel free to offer any
suggestions for the improvement of PASCAL Herald.
Send us your comments at